Enterprises Forge Ahead with Hybrid Cloud Plans Market Pulse
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Enterprises Forge Ahead with Hybrid Cloud Plans Market Pulse
WH IT E PA P E R Enterprises Forge Ahead with Hybrid Cloud Plans Market Pulse As digital business initiatives rise, IT organizations seek low-cost, low-risk opportunities to increase agility. IT organizations have budgeted major spending increases for cloud projects this year, according to a Computerworld 2015 Forecast Study, and IDC predicts that more than 65% of enterprise IT organizations will commit to hybrid cloud before 2016.1 Quest for Business Agility Faced with new digital business initiatives, IT organizations are looking for low-cost, low-risk opportunities to increase agility. In the IDG Hybrid Cloud survey, 64% of organizations said that cost efficiencies gained from consolidating IT systems and infrastructure are a key driver for cloud deployments, while 57% cited speed of deployment and improved agility as most important. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a With hybrid cloud, businesses seek to deliver additional systems integration and engineering firm had an agile develop- value from the investments they’ve made in their on-premises ment environment, but needed an agile IT delivery platform data center architectures by extending them to the public to go along with it. With its new hybrid cloud, “We have a cloud. IT organizations say they would like one set of adminis- mechanism to very rapidly migrate workloads and data sets trative tools, policies and controls to manage all on-premises from private cloud to public cloud and back again with very and off-premises assets. They also want assurances that minimal engineering and administration interaction from our IT cloud services can meet their performance, uptime, security team,” says Coby Holloway, vice president, cloud computing and compliance requirements before they’re willing to move and business transformation. forward with extending large-scale and tier-one applications to SAIC is part of a wave of enterprises moving toward hybrid the cloud. cloud. In a 2015 IDG Hybrid Cloud research study sponsored by EMC and VMware, 75% of companies with 1,000 or more What’s Driving Adoption employees said that they either had integrated or wanted to This new phase of cloud adoption is driven by the need to integrate public cloud services with their on-premises data respond faster and with more agility in an effort to increase center resources. bottom-line efficiency. Although just 30% of workloads are cloud-based today, IT managers expect that number to rise to more than 50% within two years. And IT services delivered on a hybrid cloud platform will quadruple over the same period, from 16% today to 44% in 2017, according to a 2015 IDG Research survey sponsored by EMC and VMware. But IT doesn’t want to reinvent the wheel to get there: 1 IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2015 Predictions Report, Doc. #23456, December, 2014 2 Market Pulse HYBRID CLOUD 3 Market Pulse H Y BR I D C L OU D Evolving technologies, changing attitudes Drivers of Cloud Implementation 64% Larger organizations Speed of deployment/faster time-to-market 57% (10,000+ employees) are more likely than smaller organizations (66% vs 45% respectively) to report Improved agility/ responsiveness to LOB requests 57% speed of deployment as a top driver 50% are more likely than vs 40%, respectively) to 50% report back up/disaster recovery as a top driver SOURCE: IDG RESEARCH SERVICES, MARCH 2015 System performance areas of security, availability, performance and support, and may lack confidence in some hybrid cloud offerings. While IT executives have been willing to move some lower-tier applications into the cloud, they’ve held back on mission-critical applications and large-scale, data intensive workloads. While 42% of organizations say they would like to deploy a Smaller organizations larger organizations (64% Replacing outdated systems/modernization cloud services that add complexity to IT environments. As a hybrid cloud, they are concerned about the maturity of some management tools, as well as about having the right environment and tools for developers. Of the 16% of respondents who have already deployed a hybrid cloud, nearly half (44%) say that 75% Security and data privacy, or ability to meet compliance standards, policies and processes 55% Location The biggest concern among large enterprises is security and compliance. “Security and interoperability are our biggest infrastructure management tools is an important criterion challenges,” says Cathy Spence, principal engineer for cloud Strongly agree 37% 25% 55% 35% 30% Somewhat agree 95% 3% 92% 7% 2% 90% 31% Neither agree or disagree 12% 7% 1% 81% 3% 79% 22% 46% 19% 4% 1% 17% 43% resources as a single pool fell short of expectations. 98% 8% 5% 35% 44% The ability to host existing application Application deployment or development operations tools The ability to provide proper environments and tools for development teams Compatibility with existing IT infrastructure management tools 20% 83% A clear and predictable cost model 2% 30% 68% SLAs for performance, system resiliency or uptime the promised ability to manage off-premises and on-premises 76% of organizations surveyed say compatibility with existing % Strongly/ Somewhat Agree An Important Factor when Evaluating Cloud Service Providers is: result, some enterprises have had to make compromises in the Cost efficiencies from consolidation IT systems/ infrastructure Back up/disaster recovery/ business continuity Many organizations today have a mix of incompatible public 15% 33% Somewhat disagree 78% 9% 16% 76% 2% 50% Strongly disagree SOURCE: IDG RESEARCH SERVICES, MARCH 2015 when selecting a cloud service provider, and they would rather computing at Intel Corp. The chipmaker has extensive security “It takes us longer internally to raise the purchase order than not rewrite applications for a hybrid cloud environment. policies for its private cloud infrastructure. Some security to provision the service,” he says. frameworks they have, and even their Active Directory single Executive Summary: Coming to Terms with Cloud Terminology sign-on services across their hybrid public/private cloud environments. That means having both on-premises and off- IT executives want to extend their policies, the security To find a hybrid solution that meets enterprise which leaves the cultural challenge: learning to trust a public, needs, IT should drill down in five areas: Security, Public Cloud – A multi-tenant environment hosted multi-tenant cloud with more strategic workloads. “That manageability, compatibility and support. The right by a third party service provider that delivers scal- trust is being built,” says Kerravala. “It just takes time.” platform should offer security capabilities that meet premises cloud infrastructure connected through a common able and elastic resources such as software and platform and management tool set that is capable of running infrastructure to customers. both new and existing applications in the same way. Among large enterprises, cost savings is the primary driver controls have come a long way, Spence acknowledges, Private Cloud – A firewall-protected computing Overall, however, most organizations feel that cloud business requirements, offer a consistent tool set that service providers meet their requirements in the areas of delivers seamless interoperability between private and performance, availability, and pricing, although perceptions public cloud components, and provide service levels of customer support lag behind. guarantees and support that scale up to meet the behind cloud deployment, with speed and agility close behind. environment in which resources such as software While private cloud allows faster deployment of resources than and infrastructure are delivered to a single customer maturity when it comes to handling enterprise workloads. traditional data center designs, the demand on the underlying or organization. A private cloud can be implemented Security, performance, compatibility and support are market, it’s tempting to focus on price. But IT organizations infrastructure can still exceed maximum capacity during peak on premises or externally hosted for exclusive use by key areas that can vary between service offerings, that make price a top selection criterion for an enterprise- the client. and not all can scale to meet all the requirements of class cloud service may live to regret it, says Kerravala. large enterprises. “You get what you pay for. Do you really want to buy from periods. Extending applications into external cloud platforms lets organizations expand available resources almost instantly, eliminating the need to deploy additional data center infrastructure. Cloud offerings also differ in terms of the level of Hybrid Cloud – A composition of two or more requirements of a large enterprise. With so many low-cost cloud service offerings on the the lowest cost vendor or from one that costs a little delivery models (typically as off-premises public Moving Forward more that provides better service? Many bad decisions prises, and the top consideration for small and mid-sized firms. cloud and on-premises private cloud) that remain Intel’s hybrid cloud push is still in the proof of concept stage have been made purely on price.” As more organizations “Most companies are experts at backing things up, but they unique entities but are bound together via policy or – it has yet to settle on a hybrid cloud strategy. But SAIC move to and become more comfortable with hybrid cloud, are not good at restoring,” says Zeus Kerravala, principal at ZK coordinated service provisioning. The goal of hybrid has moved forward with the VMware vCloud® Air™ hybrid service and support will become the key differentiators, he Research. “The cloud lets you do that more easily.” Organiza- cloud is to integrate multiple delivery models in such cloud platform. “This enables us to rapidly deliver unique says. The key is to start with your business requirements tions also use off-premises cloud services as a failover and a way that programs and data can migrate seam- solutions and offerings to our customers.” Holloway says. and work backwards: Make sure you’re buying what you recovery site alternative that’s much easier to host and maintain lessly from one environment to another. Business continuity is another key factor for large enter- than building and operating a secondary or tertiary data center. For James Butler, CEO at Cloud Business, a UK-based IT consultancy, the move to cloud is about faster cycle times. need in terms of features, performance levels, security, and support to run your business effectively. 2 Market Pulse HYBRID CLOUD 3 Market Pulse H Y BR I D C L OU D Evolving technologies, changing attitudes Drivers of Cloud Implementation 64% Larger organizations Speed of deployment/faster time-to-market 57% (10,000+ employees) are more likely than smaller organizations (66% vs 45% respectively) to report Improved agility/ responsiveness to LOB requests 57% speed of deployment as a top driver 50% are more likely than vs 40%, respectively) to 50% report back up/disaster recovery as a top driver SOURCE: IDG RESEARCH SERVICES, MARCH 2015 System performance areas of security, availability, performance and support, and may lack confidence in some hybrid cloud offerings. While IT executives have been willing to move some lower-tier applications into the cloud, they’ve held back on mission-critical applications and large-scale, data intensive workloads. While 42% of organizations say they would like to deploy a Smaller organizations larger organizations (64% Replacing outdated systems/modernization cloud services that add complexity to IT environments. As a hybrid cloud, they are concerned about the maturity of some management tools, as well as about having the right environment and tools for developers. Of the 16% of respondents who have already deployed a hybrid cloud, nearly half (44%) say that 75% Security and data privacy, or ability to meet compliance standards, policies and processes 55% Location The biggest concern among large enterprises is security and compliance. “Security and interoperability are our biggest infrastructure management tools is an important criterion challenges,” says Cathy Spence, principal engineer for cloud Strongly agree 37% 25% 55% 35% 30% Somewhat agree 95% 3% 92% 7% 2% 90% 31% Neither agree or disagree 12% 7% 1% 81% 3% 79% 22% 46% 19% 4% 1% 17% 43% resources as a single pool fell short of expectations. 98% 8% 5% 35% 44% The ability to host existing application Application deployment or development operations tools The ability to provide proper environments and tools for development teams Compatibility with existing IT infrastructure management tools 20% 83% A clear and predictable cost model 2% 30% 68% SLAs for performance, system resiliency or uptime the promised ability to manage off-premises and on-premises 76% of organizations surveyed say compatibility with existing % Strongly/ Somewhat Agree An Important Factor when Evaluating Cloud Service Providers is: result, some enterprises have had to make compromises in the Cost efficiencies from consolidation IT systems/ infrastructure Back up/disaster recovery/ business continuity Many organizations today have a mix of incompatible public 15% 33% Somewhat disagree 78% 9% 16% 76% 2% 50% Strongly disagree SOURCE: IDG RESEARCH SERVICES, MARCH 2015 when selecting a cloud service provider, and they would rather computing at Intel Corp. The chipmaker has extensive security “It takes us longer internally to raise the purchase order than not rewrite applications for a hybrid cloud environment. policies for its private cloud infrastructure. Some security to provision the service,” he says. frameworks they have, and even their Active Directory single Executive Summary: Coming to Terms with Cloud Terminology sign-on services across their hybrid public/private cloud environments. That means having both on-premises and off- IT executives want to extend their policies, the security To find a hybrid solution that meets enterprise which leaves the cultural challenge: learning to trust a public, needs, IT should drill down in five areas: Security, Public Cloud – A multi-tenant environment hosted multi-tenant cloud with more strategic workloads. “That manageability, compatibility and support. The right by a third party service provider that delivers scal- trust is being built,” says Kerravala. “It just takes time.” platform should offer security capabilities that meet premises cloud infrastructure connected through a common able and elastic resources such as software and platform and management tool set that is capable of running infrastructure to customers. both new and existing applications in the same way. Among large enterprises, cost savings is the primary driver controls have come a long way, Spence acknowledges, Private Cloud – A firewall-protected computing Overall, however, most organizations feel that cloud business requirements, offer a consistent tool set that service providers meet their requirements in the areas of delivers seamless interoperability between private and performance, availability, and pricing, although perceptions public cloud components, and provide service levels of customer support lag behind. guarantees and support that scale up to meet the behind cloud deployment, with speed and agility close behind. environment in which resources such as software While private cloud allows faster deployment of resources than and infrastructure are delivered to a single customer maturity when it comes to handling enterprise workloads. traditional data center designs, the demand on the underlying or organization. A private cloud can be implemented Security, performance, compatibility and support are market, it’s tempting to focus on price. But IT organizations infrastructure can still exceed maximum capacity during peak on premises or externally hosted for exclusive use by key areas that can vary between service offerings, that make price a top selection criterion for an enterprise- the client. and not all can scale to meet all the requirements of class cloud service may live to regret it, says Kerravala. large enterprises. “You get what you pay for. Do you really want to buy from periods. Extending applications into external cloud platforms lets organizations expand available resources almost instantly, eliminating the need to deploy additional data center infrastructure. Cloud offerings also differ in terms of the level of Hybrid Cloud – A composition of two or more requirements of a large enterprise. With so many low-cost cloud service offerings on the the lowest cost vendor or from one that costs a little delivery models (typically as off-premises public Moving Forward more that provides better service? Many bad decisions prises, and the top consideration for small and mid-sized firms. cloud and on-premises private cloud) that remain Intel’s hybrid cloud push is still in the proof of concept stage have been made purely on price.” As more organizations “Most companies are experts at backing things up, but they unique entities but are bound together via policy or – it has yet to settle on a hybrid cloud strategy. But SAIC move to and become more comfortable with hybrid cloud, are not good at restoring,” says Zeus Kerravala, principal at ZK coordinated service provisioning. The goal of hybrid has moved forward with the VMware vCloud® Air™ hybrid service and support will become the key differentiators, he Research. “The cloud lets you do that more easily.” Organiza- cloud is to integrate multiple delivery models in such cloud platform. “This enables us to rapidly deliver unique says. The key is to start with your business requirements tions also use off-premises cloud services as a failover and a way that programs and data can migrate seam- solutions and offerings to our customers.” Holloway says. and work backwards: Make sure you’re buying what you recovery site alternative that’s much easier to host and maintain lessly from one environment to another. Business continuity is another key factor for large enter- than building and operating a secondary or tertiary data center. For James Butler, CEO at Cloud Business, a UK-based IT consultancy, the move to cloud is about faster cycle times. need in terms of features, performance levels, security, and support to run your business effectively. 4 Market Pulse HYBRID CLOUD vCloud Air: Delivering Hybrid Cloud for the Enterprise VMware vCloud Air delivers a fully integrated, scalable ment environment to balance and optimize application hybrid cloud solution that meets or exceeds enterprise workload on- or off-premises,” Say notes. requirements for security, manageability, compatibility and support. Here’s how: Compatibility – vCloud Air simplifies the process of extending your existing applications or integrating your Security – vCloud Air adheres to strict compliance mobile or Web applications with on-premises systems and security standards and meets all major IT, busi- and data stores. If you have virtualized your on-prem- ness, and industry guidelines, including ISO/IEC 27001 ises data center with VMware, you can scale application Certification, HIPAA/HITECH, SOC 2 Type 2 and SOC 1 capacity faster, extend existing applications more easily, Type 2, and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Consensus and build new applications without having to design Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ). VMware against two different infrastructure technologies. “With also provides networking services that simplify the vCloud Air, you can scale your private cloud architecture task of creating secure network architectures between out to the public cloud without reconfiguring applica- on-premises data centers and public cloud services. tions or other infrastructure,” Say points out. “To meet heightened customer expectations for IT security and compliance, vCloud Air adheres to strict compliance standards,” says Philip Say, senior director, cloud services marketing at VMware. “And the technologies we have implemented make the design and deployment of complex network architectures easier to administer.” Support – With EMC and VMware, IT receives enterprise-level support it can trust. “Enterprise-level support has always been the expectation of our customers,” explains Say. Customers have one number to call for all support, training and professional services needs for both on-premises data center and public cloud services. “Our consultants understand that enterprise- Manageability – VMware offers one set of tools that scale design considerations are more complicated work across private and public cloud resources to than those for smaller companies, and know how to assure a consistent application of security policies and integrate a heterogeneous mix of private and public controls and support existing applications without code cloud architectures.” changes. “By unifying the control between private and public cloud resources, we provide a common manage- To learn more about VMware vCloud Air, visit Conclusion Most organizations are motivated by the potential cost savings, Enterprise IT leaders plan to make major investments in as well as improvements in performance, speed and agility that cloud technology this year. Fifty-two percent say cloud only a hybrid cloud can deliver. computing is one of their top priorities for 2015, and 42% VMware with vCloud® Air™ and EMC are uniquely plan to increase their budgets for cloud investments, positioned to deliver value by providing complete interoperability according to the Computerworld 2015 Forecast Study. between on-premises private cloud and off-premises public cloud services, a mature management tool set that works seamlessly across domains, and the ability to meet even the most stringent security and compliance requirements. For more information, please go to: VCLOUD.VMWARE.COM