
PSAP Directory By County Baker County

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PSAP Directory By County Baker County
PSAP Directory By County
Baker County
Primary PSAP
Baker County Consolidated 9-1-1 Dispatch
3410 K. St.
Baker City, OR 97814
Tel: 541-523-6415
Fax: 541-523-9531
24 hr: 541-523-6415
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Hope Lindsey, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-523-6415
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.baker911.org
Primary PSAP
Benton County
Corvallis Regional Communications Center
180 NW 5th St
Corvallis, OR 97330
Tel: 541-766-6911
Fax: 541-766-6991
24 hr: 541-766-6911
Jim Zessin, Captain
Tel: 541-766-6735
Email: [email protected]
Scott Haberkorn, AIC 9-1-1 Manager
Tel: 541-766-6919
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ci.corvallis.or.us/index.php?option=
Secondary PSAP
Department of Public Safety & Oregon State
University Police
200 Cascade Hall, OSU
Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel: 541-737-3010
Fax: 541-737-0468
24 hr: 541-737-3010
Denson Chatfield, DPS Director
Tel: 541-737-3010 ext. 8321
Email: [email protected]
Lt. Chuck Yutzie, DPS Manager
Tel: 541-737-3010 ext. 2358
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/security/
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Clackamas County
Clackamas County Communications
2200 Kaen Rd
Oregon City, OR 97045
Tel: 503-655-8211
Fax: 503-655-8250
24 hr: 503-655-8911
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Cozzie, Director
Tel: 503-723-4875
Email: [email protected]
Cheryl Bledsoe, Tech Manager
Tel: 503-722-6708
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Mark Spross, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-655-8882
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.clackamas911.org
Lake Oswego Communications
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Tel: 503-635-0250
Fax: 503-636-4357
24 hr: 503-635-0238
Leslie Taylor, Communications Manager
Tel: 503-635-0252
Email: [email protected]
LOCOM Supervisors, General Contact
Tel: 503-636-3564
Emergency only,
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/police/lake-oswegocommunications-locom
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Clatsop County
Astoria 9-1-1
555 30th St.
Astoria, OR 97103
Tel: 503-325-4411
Fax: 503-325-4897
24 hr: 503-325-4411
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Jeff Rusiecki, Emergency Communications
Tel: 503-298-2550
Email: [email protected]
Brad Johnston, Astoria Chief of Police
Tel: 503-338-6411
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.astoriadispatch.com
South Clatsop County Communications c/o Seaside
Police Department
1091 S Holladay
Seaside, OR 97138
Tel: 503-738-6311
Fax: 503-738-6554
24 hr: 503-738-6311
Stacey Brown, Communications Manager
Tel: 503-738-6311
Email: [email protected]
Mitch Brown, Telecommunicator
Tel: 503-738-6311
Email: [email protected]
Dave Ham, Chief of Police
Tel: 503-738-6311
Email: [email protected]
Heidi Schneider, Telecommunicator
Tel: 503-738-6311
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.police.cityofseaside.us
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Columbia County
Columbia 9-1-1 Communications District
PO Box 998
St Helens, OR 97051
Tel: 503-397-7255
Fax: 503-366-7196
24 hr: 503-397-1521
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Steve Watson, Executive Director
Tel: 503-366-6971
Email: [email protected]
Trish Hilsinger, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-366-6973
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://columbia911.com
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PSAP Directory By County
Coos County
Primary PSAP
Coos Bay Police Department
500 Central Ave
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Tel: 541-269-8911
Fax: 541-266-9501
24 hr: 541-269-8911
Secondary PSAP
Bay Cities Ambulance
3505 SE Ocean Blvd.
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Tel: 541-269-1155
Fax: 541-267-0831
24 hr: 541-269-1155
Jenn Ford, Dispatch Manager
Tessa Cupp, Telecommunications Supervisor
Tel: 541-269-1155
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-269-8911 Ext. 2263
Email: [email protected]
Chris Chapanar, Administrative Captain
Tel: 541-269-8911 Ext. 2268
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.coosbay.org/police/index.html
Coos County Sheriff's Office
250 N Baxter St
Coquille, OR 97423
Tel: 541-396-7830
Fax: 541-396-4290
24 hr: 541-396-2106
Website: http://www.baycitiesambulance.com/
North Bend Police Department
PO Box 8
North Bend, OR 97459
Tel: 541-756-3161
Fax: 541-756-0142
24 hr: 541-756-3161
Robert Kappelman, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-756-3161
Email: [email protected]
JoAnne Beck, Communications Supervisor
Tel: 541-396-7832
Email: [email protected]
Sgt Pat Downing,
Tel: 541-396-7811
Email: [email protected]
Dede Clements, Dispatch Supervisor
Tel: 541-808-4061
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.northbendcity.org/
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Website: http://www.co.coos.or.us/Departments/
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Primary PSAP
Crook County
Prineville Police Department
400 NE Third St
Prineville, OR 97754
Tel: 541-447-4168
Fax: 541-447-8619
24 hr: 541-416-0853
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Tobie Reynolds, Communications Director
Tel: 541-447-8324
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofprineville.com/police/
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Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Curry County
Primary PSAP
Brookings Police Department
898 Elk Dr.
Brookings, OR 97415
Tel: 541-469-3118
Fax: 541-412-0253
24 hr: 541-469-1165
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Lt. Donny Dotson, Lieutenant
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-469-3118
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.brookings.or.us/police%20department/
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Curry County Sheriff's Office
94235 Moore Street, Suite 311
Gold Beach, OR 97444
Tel: 541-247-3242
Fax: 541-247-6893
24 hr: 541-247-6661
Sgt. Joel Hensley, 911 Dispatch Supervisor
Tel: 541-247-3320
Email: [email protected]
Lt. Mike Espinoza, 911 Supervisor
Tel: 541-247-3243
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.co.curry.or.us
Primary PSAP
Deschutes County
Deschutes County 9-1-1
20355 Poe Sholes Dr Ste 300
Bend, OR 97701
Tel: 541-388-0185
Fax: 541-382-5767
24 hr: 541-693-7911
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Steve Reinke, Director
Tel: 541-322-6101
Email: [email protected]
Rick Silbaugh, Technical Services Manager
Tel: 510-322-6100
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://deschutes.org/911
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Douglas County
Douglas County Emergency Communications 9-1-1
1036 SE Douglas St, Rm 112
Roseburg, OR 97470
Tel: 541-440-6111
Fax: 541-957-7785
24 hr: 541-440-4471
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Laurie Jackson, Operations Manager
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-440-6111
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.co.douglas.or.us/departments.asp
Primary PSAP
Gilliam County
Frontier Regional 911 Center
PO Box 297
Condon, OR 97823
Tel: 541-384-2080
Fax: 541-384-2081
24 hr: 541-384-2080
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
April Stream, Director
Tel: 541-815-0107
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Renee Heidy, Operations Supervisor
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Tel: 541-384-2080
Email: [email protected]
Website: #Type!
Primary PSAP
Grant County
John Day Emergency Communications Center
450 E Main St
John Day, OR 97845
Tel: 541-575-0030
Fax: 541-575-1721
24 hr: 541-575-0030
Valerie Luttrell, Dispatch Manager
Tel: 541-575-0030
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofjohnday.com/citystaff/dispatch/
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Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Harney County
Primary PSAP
Harney County Sheriff's Office
485 N Court Ave
Burns, OR 97720-1524
Tel: 541-573-6156
Fax: 541-573-8383
24 hr: 541-573-6028
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Missy Ousley, 9-1-1 Communications Supervisor
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-573-5961
Email: [email protected]
David Ward, Sheriff
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Tel: 541-573-6153
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.co.harney.or.us/911%20Dispatch.html
Primary PSAP
Hood River County
Hood River County Dispatch Center
601 State St
Hood River, OR 97031
Tel: 541-386-2711
Fax: 541-387-5585
24 hr: 541-386-2711
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Erica Stolhand, 911 Commander
Tel: 541-387-4070
Email: [email protected]
Eva Zerfing, 9-1-1 Supervisor
Tel: 541-386-2098
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Michelle Renault, 9-1-1 Supervisor
Tel: 541-387-4337
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.hoodriversheriff.com/
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Jackson County
Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon
400 Pech Rd
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-776-7206
Fax: 541-772-1817
24 hr: 541-776-7206
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Margie Moulin, Director
Tel: 541-774-5061
Email: [email protected]
Kevin Harris, Operations Manager
Tel: 541-774-5063
Email: [email protected]
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Jody Hathaway, HR Finance Manager
Tel: 541-774-5062
Email: [email protected]
Johnna Pellam, Performance Manager
Tel: 541-774-5064
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ecso911.com
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Jefferson County
Frontier Regional 911 Center
PO Box 297
Condon, OR 97823
Tel: 541-384-2080
Fax: 541-384-2081
24 hr: 541-384-2080
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
April Stream, Director
Tel: 541-815-0107
Email: [email protected]
Renee Heidy, Operations Supervisor
Tel: 541-384-2080
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: #Type!
Warm Springs Police Department
PO Box 1589
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Tel: 541-553-3272
Fax: 541-553-1376
24 hr: 541-553-1171
April Stream, Director
Tel: 541-384-2080
Email: [email protected]
Stan Suenaga, General Manager, Public Safety
Tel: 541-553-2283
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://warmsprings-nsn.gov/tribal-programs/
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Josephine County
Josephine County 9-1-1 Agency
101 NW 'A' St - City Hall
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Tel: 541-472-1911
Fax: 541-476-8527
24 hr: 541-479-3311
Secondary PSAP
Josephine County Sheriff's Communications
601 NW 5th St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Tel: 541-474-5115
Fax: 541-474-5121
24 hr: 541-474-5111
Kristen Guenther, Administrator
Dave Daniel, Sheriff
Tel: 541-450-6282
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-474-5117
Email: [email protected]
Marci Haack, 911 Administrator
Tel: 541-472-1911
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.co.josephine.or.us/SectionIndex.asp?
Website: http://www.grantspassoregon.gov/index.aspx?page=
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Primary PSAP
Klamath County
Klamath 9-1-1 Emergency Communications District
2543 Shasta Way
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Tel: 541-884-4876
Fax: 541-884-5026
24 hr: 541-884-2152
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Keith Endacott, Executive Director
Tel: 541-884-4876 Ext. 1
Email: [email protected]
Amanda Hawkins, Operations Manager
Tel: 541-884-4876 Ext. 2
Email: [email protected]
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.klamath911.com/index.html
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Lake County
Lake Emergency Telephone System 9-1-1 c/o Lakeview
911 Fire Department
245 North 'F' St
Lakeview, OR 97630
Tel: 541-947-2504
Fax: 541-947-5373
24 hr: 541-947-2345
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Scott Utley, Captain / 9-1-1 Director
Tel: 541-947-2504
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://lakevieworegon.org/lets911.html
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Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Lane County
Central Lane Communications
1735 W 2nd Ave
Eugene, OR 97402
Tel: 541-344-2211
Fax: 541-682-2770
24 hr: 541-344-2211
Secondary PSAP
Junction City Police
672 Greenwood St.
Junction City, OR 97448
Tel: 541-998-1245
Fax: 541-998-3598
24 hr: 541-998-1245
Brandy Smyth, Lead Dispatch
Pam Collett, Director
Tel: 541-682-2766
Email: [email protected]
Cindi Harper, Operations Manager
Tel: 541-682-2754
Email: [email protected]
Rob Poirier, 9-1-1 Program Manager
Tel: 541-682-2767
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.eugene-or.gov/index.aspx?NID=993
South Lane 9-1-1 / Cottage Grove Police Department
400 Main St
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Tel: 541-942-9145
Fax: 541-942-7705
24 hr: 541-942-9145
Scott Shepherd, Interim Chief
Tel: 541-942-9145 Ext. 141
Email: [email protected]
Conrad Gagner, Commander- Support Services
Tel: 541-942-9145 Ext. 139
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cgpolice.org/911.htm
West Lane 9-1-1 / Florence Police Department
900 Greenwood St
Florence, OR 97439
Tel: 541-997-3515
Fax: 541-997-4104
24 hr: 541-997-3515
Tel: 541-998-1245 Ext. 330
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.junctioncityoregon.gov/index.asp?Type=
Lane County Sheriff's Office
125 E. 8th St.
Eugene, OR 97401
Tel: 541-682-4150
Fax: 541-682-2366
24 hr: 541-682-4141
Jonna Hill, Support Services Manager
Tel: 541-682-6689
Email: [email protected]
Laura Hartman,
Communications/Records Supervisor
Tel: 541-682-4224
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.co.lane.or.us/Departments/Sheriff/
Springfield Police Department
344 A St.
Springfield, OR 97477
Tel: 541-726-3729
Fax: 541-726-3640
24 hr: 541-726-3714
Jerry Smith, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-726-3729
Tom Turner, Chief of Police
Website: http://www.ci.springfield.or.us/dept_pol.htm
Tel: 541-997-3515
Email: [email protected]
Kim Greenwood, Communications Supervisor
Tel: 541-997-3515
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ci.florence.or.us/police
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PSAP Directory By County
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Lincoln County
Lincoln City Police Department
1503 SE East Devils Lake Rd
Lincoln City, OR 97367
Tel: 541-994-3636
Fax: 541-996-1250
24 hr: 541-994-3636
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Jerry Palmer, Lieutenant/ 9-1-1 manager
Tel: 541-994-3636 Ext.1466
Email: [email protected]
Paul Compton, Dispatch Lead
Tel: 541-994-3636 ext 1441
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Keith Kilian, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-994-1453
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://police.lincolncity.org/
Toledo Police Department
250 W Hwy 20
Toledo, OR 97391
Tel: 541-336-5555
Fax: 541-336-2123
24 hr: 541-336-5555
Cassie Griffith, Communications Supervisor
Tel: 541-336-5555
Email: [email protected]
David Enyeart, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-336-5555
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityoftoledo.org/?page_id=51
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PSAP Directory By County
Willamette Valley Communications Center
595 Cottage ST NE, Salem OR 97301
Salem, OR 97301-3503
Tel: 503-378-1911
Fax: 503-585-8914
24 hr: 503-585-8910
Mark Buchholz, Director
Tel: 503-763-3333
Email: [email protected]
Tony Collins, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-763-3330
Email: [email protected]
Darren Rice, Project Manager
Tel: 503-763-3337
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofsalem.net/Departments/Police/
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Linn County
Linn County Sheriff's Office
1115 Jackson St SE
Albany, OR 97322
Tel: 541-967-3911
Fax: 541-967-8169
24 hr: 541-967-3911
Secondary PSAP
Sweet Home Police Department
1950 Main St.
Sweet Home, OR 97386
Tel: 541-367-5181
Fax: 541-367-5235
24 hr: 541-367-6177
Cathy Orcutt, Communications/MSAG Manager
Tel: 541-917-6660
Email: [email protected]
Don Messick, Captain of Support Services
Tel: 541-967-3950 ext 209
Jim Yon, Undersheriff
Tel: 541-967-3812
Email: [email protected]
Micah Smith, Support Services Staff Sgt
Tel: 541-967-3950 ext 232
Website: http://www.linnsheriff.org/support.html
Penny LeLand, Communications
Tel: 541-367-5181
Email: [email protected]
Jeff Lynn, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-367-5181
Website: http://www.sweet-home.or.us/index.aspx?nid=80
Lebanon Police Department
40 N. 2nd St. Ste 100
Lebanon, OR 97355
Tel: 541-451-1751
Fax: 541-451-1716
24 hr: 541-451-1751
Frank Stevenson, Chief of Police
Tel: 541-258-4356
Email: [email protected]
Greg Burroughs, Captain
Tel: 541-258-4356
Email: [email protected]
Scott Bressler, Lieutenant
Tel: 541-258-4356
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ci.lebanon.or.us
Albany Police Department
1117 Jackson St. SE
Albany, OR 97322
Tel: 541-917-7680
Fax: 541-928-6692
24 hr: 541-967-4357
Carrie Hjertstedt, Communications
Tel: 541-917-7680
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofalbany.net/police/
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PSAP Directory By County
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Primary PSAP
Malheur County
Malheur County Sheriff's Office
151 'B' St West
Vale, OR 97918
Tel: 541-473-5125
Fax: 541-473-5136
24 hr: 541-473-5125
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Tom Braniff, Sergeant
Tel: 541-473-5125
Email: [email protected]
Brian E. Wolfe, Malheur County Sheriff
Tel: 541-473-5125
Email: [email protected]
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Travis Johnson, Undersheriff
Tel: 541-473-5126 ext. 5129
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.malheurco.org/sheriff
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Marion County
Marion Area Multi Agency Emergency
1060 Mt Hood Ave
Woodburn, OR 97071
Tel: 503-982-2340
Fax: 503-982-2375
24 hr: 503-982-2340
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Gina Audritsh, Director of Communications
Tel: 503-982-2344
Email: [email protected]
Louise Funk, Operations Supervisor
Tel: 503-982-2346
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
John Thompson, Operations Supervisor
Tel: 503-982-2378
Email: [email protected]
Wendy Patterson, Business Manager
Tel: 503-982-2349
Email: [email protected]
Brad Johnson, Communications Technician
Tel: 503-982-2351
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.metcom911.com
Willamette Valley Communications Center
595 Cottage ST NE, Salem OR 97301
Salem, OR 97301-3503
Tel: 503-378-1911
Fax: 503-585-8914
24 hr: 503-585-8910
Mark Buchholz, Director
Tel: 503-763-3333
Email: [email protected]
Tony Collins, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-763-3330
Email: [email protected]
Darren Rice, Project Manager
Tel: 503-763-3337
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofsalem.net/Departments/Police/
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PSAP Directory By County
Morrow County
Primary PSAP
Morrow County Sheriff's Office
PO Box 159, 325 Willowview Dr.
Heppner, OR 97836
Tel: 541-676-5317
Fax: 541-676-5577
24 hr: 541-676-5317
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Kristen Bowles, Sergeant / 911 Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-676-5317
Email: [email protected]
Sarah Smith, Sergeant / 911 Assistant Director
Tel: 541-676-5317
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.morrowcountyoregon.com/sheriff/index.
Primary PSAP
Multnomah County
Bureau of Emergency Communications
PO Box 1927
Portland, OR 97207
Tel: 503-823-0911
Fax: 503-823-4630
24 hr: 503-760-6911
Secondary PSAP
Port of Portland
7000 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97218
Tel: 503-460-4747
Fax: 503-460-4021
24 hr: 503-460-4000
Lisa Turley, 911 Director
Tel: 503-823-4621
Email: [email protected]
Laura Wolfe, Bureau Liaison
Tel: 503-823-4762
Email: [email protected]
Lisa St.Helen, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-823-4601
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.portlandonline.com/911/
D.T. Donaldson, Emergency
Communications Manager
Tel: 503-460-4437
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.flypdx.com/PDX/PoliceDepartment?
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Polk County
Primary PSAP
Willamette Valley Communications Center
595 Cottage ST NE, Salem OR 97301
Salem, OR 97301-3503
Tel: 503-378-1911
Fax: 503-585-8914
24 hr: 503-585-8910
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Mark Buchholz, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 503-763-3333
Email: [email protected]
Tony Collins, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-763-3330
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Darren Rice, Project Manager
Tel: 503-763-3337
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cityofsalem.net/Departments/Police/
Primary PSAP
Sherman County
Frontier Regional 911 Center
PO Box 297
Condon, OR 97823
Tel: 541-384-2080
Fax: 541-384-2081
24 hr: 541-384-2080
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
April Stream, Director
Tel: 541-815-0107
Email: [email protected]
Renee Heidy, Operations Supervisor
Tel: 541-384-2080
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: #Type!
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Tillamook County
Tillamook County Emergency Communications District
PO Box 911
Tillamook, OR 97141
Tel: 503-842-3446
Fax: 503-842-8805
24 hr: 503-815-1911
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Doug Kettner, Administrator
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 503-815-3549
Email: [email protected]
Tiffany Miller, Operations Manager
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Tel: 503-815-2912
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.tillamook911.com
Primary PSAP
Umatilla County
Milton-Freewater Police Department
PO Box 6
Milton-Freewater, OR 97862
Tel: 541-938-5511
Fax: 541-938-6909
24 hr: 541-938-5511
Secondary PSAP
Umatilla Police Department
PO Box 408
Umatilla, OR 97882
Tel: 541-922-3789
Fax: 541-922-5694
24 hr: 541-567-5519
Luz Garcia, Lead ECS
Tel: 541-938-5511
Email: [email protected]
Debra Stack, Lead ECS Asst
Tel: 541-938-5511
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mfcity.com/police
Umatilla County Sheriff's Office
4700 NW Pioneer Pl
Pendleton, OR 97801
Tel: 541-966-3651
Fax: 541-276-2540
24 hr: 541-276-0855
Terry Rowan, Umatilla County Sheriff
Tel: 541-966-3651
Email: [email protected]
Kylie Baker, Dispatch Supervisor
Tel: 541-922-3789
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://umatilla.bobcop.com/
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Kathy Lieuallen, Captain/ Communications
Tel: 541-966-3608
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.co.umatilla.or.us/Sheriff/
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Union County
Union County Communications
1109 K Avenue
La Grande, OR 97850
Tel: 541-963-1017
Fax: 541-963-3558
24 hr: 541-963-5112
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Lola Lathrop, Communications Manager
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-963-1017
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.cityoflagrande.org/
Primary PSAP
Wallowa County
Wallowa County Sheriff's Office
104 W Greenwood, Suite A
Enterprise, OR 97828
Tel: 541-426-3131
Fax: 541-426-4685
24 hr: 541-426-8206
Secondary PSAP
Southern Command Center (OSP)
4500 Rogue Valley Hwy, Suite A
Central Point, OR 97502
Tel: 541-664-4600
Fax: 541-664-5287
24 hr: 541-664-4600
Rebecca Esplin, Director
Ava Skillings, 911 Director
Tel: 541-426-3131 Ext. 0
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 541-618-7991
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.co.wallowa.or.us/public_safety/
Primary PSAP
Wasco County
Wasco County Communications
511 Washington St. Ste. 102
The Dalles, OR 97058
Tel: 541-298-5507
Fax: 541-298-1913
24 hr: 541-298-5508
Joe Davitt, 9-1-1 Manager
Tel: 541-506-2760
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://co.wasco.or.us/county/dept_sheriff_911.cfm
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Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Washington County
Washington County Consolidated Communications
17911 NW Evergreen Pkwy
Beaverton, OR 97006
Tel: 503-690-4911
Fax: 503-531-0186
24 hr: 503-629-0111
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Kelly Dutra, Director
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 205
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Jennifer Reese, Assistant Director
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 255
Email: [email protected]
Mark Chandler, Performance Manager
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 209
Email: [email protected]
Joe Kuran, Stategic Systems Architect
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 267
Email: [email protected]
Gina Hensley, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 217
Email: [email protected]
Ron Polluconi, Radio Services Manager
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 266
Email: [email protected]
Mike Fletcher, Data Services Supervisor
Tel: 503-690-4911 Ext. 239
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.wccca.com
Primary PSAP
Wheeler County
Frontier Regional 911 Center
PO Box 297
Condon, OR 97823
Tel: 541-384-2080
Fax: 541-384-2081
24 hr: 541-384-2080
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
April Stream, Director
Tel: 541-815-0107
Email: [email protected]
Renee Heidy, Operations Supervisor
Tel: 541-384-2080
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: #Type!
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PSAP Directory By County
Primary PSAP
Yamhill County
Newberg / Dundee Communications
PO Box 970
Newberg, OR 97132
Tel: 503-538-8321
Fax: 503-538-5393
24 hr: 503-538-8321
Secondary PSAP
Northern Command Center (OSP)
PO Box 14360
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: 503-375-3555
Fax: 503-585-6635
24 hr: 503-375-3555
Mary Newell, Support Services Manager
Tel: 503-537-1221
Email: [email protected]
Laurie Steinbeck, Dispatch Supervisor
Tel: 503-554-7720
Email: [email protected]
Bob Rector, Director
Tel: 503-378-8754
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/osp/osp_dispatch_centers.
Website: http://www.newbergoregon.gov/911/about-newbergdundee-9-1-1-center
Yamhill Communications
121 SW Adams St
McMinnville, OR 97128
Tel: 503-434-6500
Fax: 503-472-5314
24 hr: 503-434-6500
Patti Sauers, Executive Director
Tel: 503-435-5680
Email: [email protected]
Rita Baker, Operations Manager
Tel: 503-435-5684
Email: [email protected]
Ross Warner, Data Services Manager
Tel: 503-435-5682
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ycom911.org
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PSAP Directory By County
Oregon Emergency Management 911 Staff
To report updates and/or changes to
9-1-1 PSAP list, contact:
Kelsey Hutchinson
9-1-1 Program Staff
Oregon Emergency Mangement
PO Box 14370
Salem, OR 97309-2911
Office Phone: 503-378-2911
Fax Number: 503-373-7833
Email: [email protected]
9-1-1 Program Staff
Mark Tennyson, Technology and Response Director
[email protected], Ext 22265
Gillien Duvall, 9-1-1 Program Lead
[email protected], Ext 22250
Pat Lustig, Ext 22245
[email protected]
Gordon Tiemeyer, Ext 22282
[email protected]
Michael Gurley, Ext 22284
[email protected]
Toni Sexton, Ext 22230
[email protected]
Jeanie Stark, Ext 22224
[email protected]
Kelsey Hutchinson, Ext 22274
[email protected]
This directory is availale online @ http://www.oregon.gov/OMD/OEM/OR911/docs/psap_directory.pdf
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