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Proven Infrastructure Guide
VMware Horizon with View and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
This Proven Infrastructure Guide describes how to design an EMC® VSPEX® end-user
computing solution for VMware Horizon with View. EMC ScaleIO® and VMware
vSphere provide the storage and virtualization platforms.
June 2015
Copyright © 2015 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.
Published June 2015
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EMC VSPEX End-User Computing
VMware Horizon with View and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Part Number H14264
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1
Executive Summary
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 10
Purpose of this guide................................................................................................ 11
Business value ......................................................................................................... 12
Audience .................................................................................................................. 13
Terminology.............................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 2
Solution Architecture Overview
Overview .................................................................................................................. 15
Solution architecture ................................................................................................ 15
High-level architecture ......................................................................................... 15
Logical architecture ............................................................................................. 16
Key components ....................................................................................................... 17
Desktop virtualization broker ................................................................................... 18
Overview.............................................................................................................. 18
Virtualization layer ................................................................................................... 22
Overview.............................................................................................................. 22
Configuration guidelines...................................................................................... 23
High availability and failover................................................................................ 26
Compute layer .......................................................................................................... 26
Overview.............................................................................................................. 26
Configuration guidelines...................................................................................... 26
High availability and failover................................................................................ 28
Network layer ........................................................................................................... 29
Overview.............................................................................................................. 29
Configuration guidelines...................................................................................... 29
High availability and failover................................................................................ 31
Storage layer ............................................................................................................ 32
Overview.............................................................................................................. 32
Configuration guidelines...................................................................................... 36
High availability and failover................................................................................ 38
Security layer............................................................................................................ 41
Overview.............................................................................................................. 41
VSPEX for VMware Horizon Workspace solution ........................................................ 41
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Overview.............................................................................................................. 41
Chapter 3
Sizing the Solution
Overview .................................................................................................................. 47
Reference workload .................................................................................................. 47
Scaling out ............................................................................................................... 48
VSPEX building blocks .............................................................................................. 48
Building block approach ...................................................................................... 48
Validated building blocks .................................................................................... 49
Planning for high availability .................................................................................... 49
Sizing guideline ........................................................................................................ 49
Introduction to the Customer Sizing Worksheet ................................................... 49
Using the Customer Sizing Worksheet.................................................................. 49
Customizing the building block............................................................................ 52
Calculating the building block requirement.......................................................... 55
Fine-tuning hardware resources ........................................................................... 57
Summary ............................................................................................................. 58
Chapter 4
Solution Implementation
Overview .................................................................................................................. 60
Setting up the network ............................................................................................. 61
Configuring the infrastructure network ................................................................. 61
Configuring the VLANs ......................................................................................... 61
Completing the network cabling........................................................................... 61
Installing and configuring the vSphere hosts ............................................................ 62
Installing and configuring the SQL Server database .................................................. 62
Deploying VMware vCenter Server ............................................................................ 64
Preparing and configuring the storage ...................................................................... 65
Preparing the ScaleIO environment ...................................................................... 65
Registering the ScaleIO plug-in ............................................................................ 66
Uploading the OVA template ................................................................................ 67
Accessing the ScaleIO plug-in .............................................................................. 68
Installing SDC on ESXi.......................................................................................... 68
Deploying ScaleIO ............................................................................................... 69
Creating volumes ................................................................................................. 77
Creating datastores ............................................................................................. 78
Installing the GUI ................................................................................................. 79
Setting up VMware View Connection Server .............................................................. 79
Installing the VMware View Connection Server ..................................................... 80
Configuring the View event log database connection ........................................... 80
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Adding a replica View Connection Server instance ............................................... 80
Configuring the View Composer ODBC connection ............................................... 80
Installing View Composer..................................................................................... 80
Connecting VMware Horizon View to vCenter and View Composer........................ 81
Preparing a master virtual machine ...................................................................... 81
Configuring View Persona Management group policies ........................................ 81
Configuring View PCoIP group policies ................................................................. 82
Provisioning virtual desktops ................................................................................... 82
Setting up VMware vShield Endpoint ........................................................................ 84
Verifying desktop vShield Endpoint driver installation ......................................... 85
Deploying the vShield Manager appliance ........................................................... 85
Installing the vShield Endpoint service ................................................................ 85
Deploying an antivirus solution management server ............................................ 85
Deploying vSphere security virtual machines ....................................................... 85
Verifying vShield Endpoint functionality............................................................... 85
Setting up VMware vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon View ............................ 86
Chapter 5
Solution Verification
Overview .................................................................................................................. 89
Verifying installation with post-installation checklist ................................................ 89
Deploying and testing a single virtual desktop ......................................................... 90
Verifying the redundancy of the solution components .............................................. 90
Chapter 6
Reference Documentation
EMC documentation ................................................................................................. 92
Other documentation ............................................................................................... 92
Appendix A Customer Sizing Worksheet
Customer Sizing Worksheet for end-user computing ................................................. 95
Printing the worksheet ......................................................................................... 96
Appendix B Configuration Worksheet
Customer Configuration Worksheet .......................................................................... 98
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Figure 1.
VSPEX Proven Infrastructures .............................................................. 11
Figure 2.
Logical architecture ............................................................................. 16
Figure 3.
Virtual machine memory settings ........................................................ 25
Figure 4.
High availability at the virtualization layer ........................................... 26
Figure 5.
Redundant power supplies .................................................................. 28
Figure 6.
Highly-available network design example ............................................ 30
Figure 7.
Required networks .............................................................................. 31
Figure 8.
Network layer high availability ............................................................. 31
Figure 9.
ScaleIO active GUI ............................................................................... 34
Figure 10.
ScaleIO enterprise features ................................................................. 36
Figure 11.
VMware virtual disk types .................................................................... 38
Figure 12.
Automatic rebalancing when disks are added...................................... 39
Figure 13.
Automatic rebalancing when disks are removed .................................. 39
Figure 14.
Protection domains ............................................................................. 40
Figure 15.
Horizon Workspace architecture layout................................................ 42
Figure 16.
VSPEX for Horizon Workspace solution: logical architecture ................ 44
Figure 17.
Required resources from the reference virtual machine pool................ 52
Figure 18.
Maximum number of virtual desktops per baseline building block ...... 54
Figure 19.
Maximum number of virtual desktops per customized building block .. 55
Figure 20.
EMC ScaleIO plug-in in vSphere Web Client ......................................... 68
Figure 21.
Select hosts to install SDC on ESXi ...................................................... 69
Figure 22.
Add ESX host to cluster ....................................................................... 70
Figure 23.
Select management components ........................................................ 70
Figure 24.
Create a new storage pool in the ScaleIO system (optional) ................. 71
Figure 25.
Add SDS .............................................................................................. 72
Figure 26.
Assign ESXi host devices to ScaleIO SDS components ......................... 72
Figure 27.
Select devices for SDS ......................................................................... 73
Figure 28.
Add SDC .............................................................................................. 74
Figure 29.
Configure ScaleIO Gateway .................................................................. 74
Figure 30.
Select OVA template ............................................................................ 75
Figure 31.
Configure networks ............................................................................. 75
Figure 32.
Create new data network ..................................................................... 76
Figure 33.
Create volume ..................................................................................... 77
Figure 34.
Create volume ..................................................................................... 78
Figure 35.
View Composer Disks window ............................................................. 83
Figure 36.
Printable customer sizing worksheet ................................................... 96
Figure 37.
Open attachments in a PDF file ............................................................ 98
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Table 1.
Terminology......................................................................................... 13
Table 2.
Solution components .......................................................................... 17
Table 3.
Horizon with View platform characteristics .......................................... 21
Table 4.
Antivirus platform characteristics ........................................................ 23
Table 5.
Server hardware .................................................................................. 28
Table 6.
Recommended 10 Gb switched Ethernet network layer ........................ 29
Table 7.
System requirements for ScaleIOVM .................................................... 38
Table 8.
OVA virtual appliances ........................................................................ 43
Table 9.
Minimum hardware resources for Horizon Workspace ......................... 44
Table 10.
Recommended VNX storage for Horizon Workspace NFS shares .......... 45
Table 11.
VSPEX end-user computing: Design process ........................................ 47
Table 12.
Reference virtual desktop characteristics ............................................ 47
Table 13.
Building block node configuration ....................................................... 49
Table 14.
Customer Sizing Worksheet example ................................................... 50
Table 15.
Reference virtual desktop resources .................................................... 51
Table 16.
Maximum number of virtual desktop per node..................................... 53
Table 17.
Baseline node sizing example ............................................................. 54
Table 18.
Custom building block node configuration example ............................ 54
Table 19.
Custom node sizing example ............................................................... 55
Table 20.
Node scaling example ......................................................................... 56
Table 21.
Server resource component totals ....................................................... 57
Table 22.
Implementation process overview ....................................................... 60
Table 23.
Tasks for switch and network configuration ......................................... 61
Table 24.
Tasks for server installation ................................................................. 62
Table 25.
Tasks for SQL Server database setup ................................................... 63
Table 26.
Tasks for vCenter configuration ........................................................... 64
Table 27.
Tasks for storage configuration............................................................ 65
Table 28.
Tasks for VMware Horizon View Connection Server setup .................... 79
Table 29.
Tasks required to install and configure vShield Endpoint..................... 84
Table 30.
Tasks required to install and configure vCenter Operations Manager ... 86
Table 31.
Tasks for testing the installation .......................................................... 89
Table 32.
Customer sizing worksheet .................................................................. 95
Table 33.
Common server information ................................................................ 99
Table 34.
vSphere Server information ................................................................. 99
Table 35.
Array information................................................................................. 99
Table 36.
Network infrastructure information ....................................................100
Table 37.
VLAN information ..............................................................................100
Table 38.
Service accounts ...............................................................................100
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Chapter 1
Executive Summary
This chapter presents the following topics:
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 10
Purpose of this guide ............................................................................................... 11
Business value .........................................................................................................12
Audience .................................................................................................................. 13
Terminology ............................................................................................................. 13
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
EMC has joined forces with the industry-leading providers of IT infrastructure to create
a complete virtualization solution that accelerates the deployment of the private
cloud and VMware Horizon with View virtual desktops. VSPEX enables customers to
accelerate their IT transformation with faster deployment, greater simplicity and
choice, higher efficiency, and lower risk, compared to the challenges and complexity
of building an IT infrastructure themselves.
VSPEX validation by EMC ensures predictable performance and enables customers to
select technology that uses their existing or newly acquired IT infrastructure while
eliminating planning, sizing, and configuration burdens. VSPEX provides a virtual
infrastructure for customers who want the simplicity characteristic of truly converged
infrastructures, with more choice in individual stack components.
VSPEX Proven Infrastructures, as shown in Figure 1, are modular, virtualized
infrastructures validated by EMC and delivered by EMC VSPEX partners. They include
virtualization, server, network, and storage layers. Partners can choose the
virtualization, server, and network technologies that best fit a customer’s
environment, while the server local disks with elastic EMC ScaleIO® software provide
the storage.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Figure 1.
VSPEX Proven Infrastructures
Purpose of this guide
The EMC® VSPEX® End-User Computing architecture provides the customer with a
modern system capable of hosting a large number of virtual desktops at a consistent
performance level. This VSPEX end-user computing solution for VMware Horizon with
View runs on a VMware vSphere virtualization layer backed by EMC ScaleIO®, which
provides the storage. In this solution the desktop virtualization infrastructure
components are layered on a VSPEX Private Cloud for VMware vSphere Proven
Infrastructure, while the desktops are hosted on dedicated resources.
The compute and network components, which are defined by VSPEX partners, are
designed to be redundant and sufficiently powerful to handle the processing and
data needs of a large virtual machine environment.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
This VSPEX End-User Computing solution is validated to support up to 500 virtual
desktops. The validated configurations are based on a reference desktop workload
and form the basis for creating cost-effective, custom solutions for individual
An end-user computing or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a complex system
offering. This Proven Infrastructure Guide describes how to design an end-user
computing solution for VMware Horizon with View according to best practices and
how to size the solution to fit the customer's needs by using the EMC VSPEX Sizing
Tool or the Customer Sizing Worksheet, refer to Appendix A.
Business value
Employees are more mobile than ever, and they expect access to business-critical
data and applications from any location and any device. They want the flexibility to
bring their own devices to work, which means IT departments are increasingly
investigating and supporting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives. This adds
layers of complexity to safeguarding sensitive information. Deploying a virtual
desktop project is one way to do this.
Implementing large-scale virtual desktop environments presents many challenges,
however. Administrators must rapidly roll out persistent or non-persistent desktops
for all users—task workers, knowledge workers, and power users—while offering an
outstanding user experience that outperforms physical desktops.
In addition to performance, a virtual desktop solution must be simple to deploy,
manage, and scale, with substantial cost savings over physical desktops. Storage is
also a critical component of an effective virtual desktop solution.
EMC VSPEX Proven Infrastructures are designed to help you address the most serious
IT challenges by creating solutions that are simple, efficient, and flexible. In this
solution, they enable you to take advantage of the many possibilities that VSPEX with
ScaleIO offers.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
This guide is intended for internal EMC personnel and qualified EMC VSPEX Partners.
The guide assumes that VSPEX partners who intend to deploy this VSPEX Proven
Infrastructure for VMware Horizon with View have the necessary training and
background to install and configure an end-user computing solution based on
Horizon with View and using vSphere as the hypervisor, ScaleIO storage, and
associated infrastructure.
Readers should also be familiar with the infrastructure and database security policies
of the customer installation.
This guide provides external references where applicable. EMC recommends that
partners implementing this solution are familiar with these documents. For details,
refer to Chapter 6: Reference Documentation.
Table 1 lists the terminology used in this guide.
Table 1.
End-user computing
End-user computing decouples the desktop from the physical
machine. In an end-user computing environment, the desktop
operating system (OS) and applications reside inside a virtual
machine running on a host computer, with data residing on shared
storage. Users access their virtual desktop from any computer or
mobile device over a private network or internet connection.
Full clones
Desktops provisioned as full clones from a master desktop
template and which then use traditional vSphere customization
specifications and Microsoft Sysprep utility to customize each
Linked clones
Desktops provisioned as linked clones share a common base
image within a desktop pool and therefore have a minimal storage
A validated architecture that supports this VSPEX end-usercomputing solution at a particular point of scale.
Reference workload
For VSPEX end-user computing solutions, the reference workload
is defined as a single virtual desktop—the reference virtual
desktop—with the workload characteristics listed in Table 12 on
page 47. By comparing the customer’s actual usage to this
reference workload, you can extrapolate which reference
architecture to choose as the basis for the customer’s VSPEX
Refer to Reference workload for details.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Chapter 2
Solution Architecture Overview
This chapter presents the following topics:
Overview .................................................................................................................. 15
Solution architecture ............................................................................................... 15
Key components ......................................................................................................17
Desktop virtualization broker ................................................................................... 18
Virtualization layer...................................................................................................22
Compute layer ..........................................................................................................26
Network layer ...........................................................................................................29
Storage layer ...........................................................................................................32
Security layer ...........................................................................................................41
VSPEX for VMware Horizon Workspace solution ....................................................... 41
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
This chapter provides an architectural overview of the EMC VSPEX end-user
computing solution for VMware Horizon with View on VMware vSphere and the key
technologies used in the solution. EMC has designed and proven this solution to
provide the desktop virtualization, server, network, and storage resources to support
your customers’ virtual desktop deployment.
The desktop virtualization infrastructure components of the solution are designed to
be layered on a VSPEX Private Cloud for VMware vSphere Proven Infrastructure.
However, the reference architectures do not include configuration details for the
underlying infrastructure. Refer to the EMC VSPEX Private Cloud: VMware vSphere and
EMC ScaleIO Proven Infrastructure Guide for information on configuring the required
infrastructure components.
Solution architecture
The EMC VSPEX end-user computing for VMware Horizon with View solution provides
a complete system architecture capable of supporting up to 500 virtual desktops.
The solution uses server local disk with EMC ScaleIO software and VMware vSphere
to provide the storage and virtualization platforms for a VMware Horizon with View
environment of Microsoft Windows 7 virtual desktops provisioned by VMware Horizon
with View Composer.
The desktop virtualization infrastructure components of the solution are designed to
be layered on a VSPEX Private Cloud for VMware vSphere Proven Infrastructure,
backed by the elastic EMC ScaleIO software, which provides the storage. The
infrastructure services for the solution, as shown in Figure 2, can be provided by
existing infrastructure at the customer site, by the VSPEX Private Cloud, or by
deploying them as dedicated resources as part of the solution.
Planning and designing the storage infrastructure for a Horizon with View
environment is critical because the shared storage must be able to absorb large
bursts of I/O that occur during a day. These bursts can lead to periods of erratic and
unpredictable virtual desktop performance. Users can adapt to slow performance, but
unpredictable performance frustrates them and reduces efficiency.
To provide predictable performance for end-user computing solutions, the storage
system must be able to handle the peak I/O load from the clients while keeping
response time to a minimum. In this solution, we1 used EMC ScaleIO software to build
the storage system with high performance and scalability using the servers’ local
In this document, “we” refers to the EMC Solutions engineering team that validated the
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Figure 2 shows the logical architecture of this solution.
Figure 2.
Logical architecture
Note: The infrastructure servers for the solution, as shown in the diagram, can be provided
by existing infrastructure at the customer site or by a VSPEX Private Cloud solution.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Key components
Table 2 summarizes the configuration of the various components of the solution
Table 2.
Solution components
Desktop virtualization broker
Manages the provisioning, allocation, maintenance, and
eventual removal of the virtual desktop images that are
provided to users of the system. This software is critical
to enable on-demand creation of desktop images, allow
maintenance to the image without affecting user
productivity, and prevent the environment from growing
in an unconstrained way.
The desktop broker in this solution is VMware Horizon
with View.
Virtualization layer
Allows the physical implementation of resources to be
decoupled from the applications that use them. In other
words, the application’s view of the resources available
is no longer directly tied to the hardware. This enables
many key features in the end-user computing concept.
This solution uses VMware vSphere for the virtualization
Compute layer
Provides memory and processing resources for the
virtualization layer software as well as for the
applications running in the infrastructure. The VSPEX
program defines the minimum amount of compute layer
resources required but allows the customer to
implement the requirements using any server hardware
that meets these requirements.
Network layer
Connects the users of the environment to the resources
they need and connects the storage layer to the
compute layer. The VSPEX program defines the
minimum number of network ports required for the
solution and provides general guidance on network
architecture, but allows the customer to implement the
requirements using any network hardware that meets
these requirements.
Storage layer
A critical resource for the implementation of the enduser computing environment, the storage layer must be
able to absorb large bursts of activity as they occur
without unduly affecting the user experience.
This solution uses EMC ScaleIO software with servers’
local disks to handle this workload efficiently.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Security layer
An optional solution component that provides
consumers with additional options to control access to
the environment and ensure that only authorized users
are permitted to use the system.
This solution uses RSA SecurID to provide secure user
VSPEX for VMware Horizon
Workspace solution
Optional support for VMware Horizon Workspace
Desktop virtualization broker
Desktop virtualization encapsulates and hosts desktop services on centralized
computing resources at remote data centers. This enables end users to connect to
their virtual desktops from different types of devices across a network connection.
Devices can include desktops, laptops, thin clients, zero clients, smartphones, and
In this solution, we used VMware Horizon with View to provision, manage, broker,
and monitor the desktop virtualization environment.
VMware Horizon with View
VMware Horizon with View is a leading desktop virtualization solution that delivers
desktop services from the cloud to end users. VMware Horizon with View integrates
effectively with vSphere to provide:
Performance optimization and tiered storage support
View Composer optimizes storage utilization and performance by reducing the
footprint of virtual desktops. It also supports the use of different tiers of storage
to maximize performance and reduce cost.
Thin provisioning support
Horizon with View enables efficient allocation of storage resources when virtual
desktops are provisioned. This results in better use of the storage infrastructure
and reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX).
Desktop virtual machine space reclamation
Horizon with View can reclaim disk space that has been freed up within
Windows 7 desktops. This ensures that the storage space required for linked
clone desktops is kept to a minimum throughout the desktop lifecycle.
The Horizon with View release introduces the following user experience
A virtualized graphics processing unit (GPU) to support hardware-accelerated
3D graphics
Desktop access through HTML5 as well as the iOS and Android applications
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Support for Microsoft Windows 8
The Release Notes for VMware Horizon with View document provides more details.
VMware Horizon with View comes as a bundled solution that includes VMware
vSphere Desktop and VMware vCenter Desktop or as an add-on to a new or existing
vSphere infrastructure. For solution validation, we deployed the bundled solution,
which includes vSphere Desktop, View Manager, View Composer, View Persona
Management, vShield Endpoint, VMware ThinApp, and VMware View Client with Local
Linked clones
A linked clone is a copy of a virtual machine that shares virtual disks with the parent
virtual machine in an ongoing manner. This conserves disk space and allows multiple
virtual machines to use the same software installation. Linked clones lower the
barriers to creating new virtual machines, so you can create a unique virtual machine
for each task swiftly and easily.
VMware View Composer 6.0
VMware View Composer 6.0 works directly with vCenter Server to deploy, customize,
and maintain the state of the virtual desktops when linked clones are used. Desktops
provisioned as linked clones share a common base image within a desktop pool and
therefore have a minimal storage footprint.
View Composer 6.0 also provides the following capabilities:
Tiered storage support to enable the use of dedicated storage resources for the
placement of both the read-only replica and linked-clone disk images
An optional standalone View Composer server to minimize the effect of virtual
desktop provisioning and maintenance operations on the vCenter server
Full clone
VMware Horizon with View supports the use of full-clone desktops for virtual desktop
deployments. View uses traditional vSphere customization specifications and the
Microsoft Sysprep utility to customize each desktop after cloning it from a master
desktop template.
VMware View Persona Management
VMware View Persona Management preserves user profiles and dynamically
synchronizes them with a remote profile repository. View Persona Management does
not require the configuration of Windows roaming profiles, eliminating the need to
use Active Directory to manage Horizon with View user profiles.
View Persona Management provides the following benefits over traditional Windows
roaming profiles:
Horizon with View dynamically downloads a user’s remote profile when the user
logs in to a Horizon with View desktop—that is, only when the user needs it.
During login, Horizon with View downloads only the files that Windows
requires, such as user registry files. It then copies other files to the local
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
desktop when the user or an application opens them from the local profile
Horizon with View copies recent changes in the local profile to the remote
repository at a configurable interval.
During logout, Horizon with View copies only the files that the user updated
since the last replication to the remote repository.
You can configure View Persona Management to store user profiles in a secure,
centralized repository.
VMware View Storage Accelerator
VMware View Storage Accelerator reduces the storage load associated with virtual
desktops by caching the common blocks of desktop images into local vSphere host
memory. For this, Storage Accelerator uses Content Based Read Cache (CBRC), which
is implemented inside the vSphere hypervisor.
When enabled for the Horizon with View virtual desktop pools, the host hypervisor
scans the storage disk blocks to generate digests of the block contents. When these
blocks are read into the hypervisor, they are cached in the host-based CBRC.
Subsequent reads of blocks with the same digest are served from the in-memory
cache directly. This significantly improves the performance of the virtual desktops,
especially during boot storms, user login storms, or antivirus scanning storms, when
a large number of blocks with identical content are read.
VMware vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon with View
VMware vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon with View provides end-to-end
visibility into the health, performance, and efficiency of virtual desktop infrastructure
environments. It enables desktop administrators to proactively ensure the best enduser experience, avert incidents, and eliminate bottlenecks. Designed for VMware
Horizon with View, this optimized version of vCenter Operations Manager improves IT
productivity and lowers the cost of owning and operating VDI environments.
Key features include:
Patented self-learning analytics that adapt to your environment and
continuously analyze thousands of metrics for server, storage, networking, and
end-user performance
Comprehensive dashboards that simplify monitoring of health and
performance, identify bottlenecks, and improve the infrastructure efficiency of
your entire Horizon with View environment
Dynamic thresholds and smart alerts that notify administrators early in the
process and provide more specific information about impending performance
Automated root-cause analysis, session lookup, and event correlation for faster
troubleshooting of end-user problems
Integrated approach to performance, capacity, and configuration management
that supports holistic management of VDI operations
Design and optimizations specifically for VMware Horizon with View
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Availability as a virtual appliance for faster time-to-value
Platform characteristics
Table 3 shows how we sized the solution stack based on the VMware vCenter
Operations Manager for Horizon with View platform requirements.
Table 3.
Horizon with View platform characteristics
Platform component
Technical information
vCenter Operations Manager
The vApp consists of a UI virtual appliance and an
Analytics virtual appliance.
For fewer than 500 virtual desktops:
 UI appliance requirements: 2 vCPU, 5 GB RAM, 50
GB hard disk space
 Analytics appliance requirements: 2 vCPU, 7 GB
RAM, 300 GB hard disk space
For 500 to 1,000 virtual desktops:
 UI appliance requirements: 2 vCPU, 7 GB RAM, 75
GB hard disk space.
 Analytics appliance requirements: 2 vCPU, 9 GB
RAM, 600 GB hard disk space.
vCenter Operations Manager for
Horizon with View Adapter
The vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon with View
Adapter enables integration between vCenter
Operations Manager and VMware Horizon with View
and requires a virtual machine running Microsoft
Windows 2008 R2. The adapter gathers View-related
status information and statistical data.
Server requirements:
 2 vCPU, 6 GB RAM, and 30 GB hard disk space.
vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon with View architecture
The individual components of vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon with View
have specific CPU, RAM, and disk space requirements. The resource requirements
vary, based on the number of desktops being monitored.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Virtualization layer
VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere is the leading virtualization platform in the industry. It provides
flexibility and cost savings by enabling the consolidation of large, inefficient server
farms into nimble, reliable infrastructures. The core VMware vSphere components are
the VMware vSphere hypervisor and VMware vCenter Server for system management.
This solution uses VMware vSphere Desktop Edition, which is intended for customers
who want to purchase vSphere licenses for desktop virtualization only. vSphere
Desktop provides the full range of features and functionalities of the vSphere
Enterprise Plus edition, enabling customers to achieve scalability, high availability,
and optimal performance for all their desktop workloads. vSphere Desktop also
comes with unlimited vRAM entitlement.
VMware vCenter Server
VMware vCenter Server is a centralized platform for managing vSphere environments.
It provides administrators with a single interface for all aspects of monitoring,
managing, and maintaining the virtual infrastructure and can be accessed from
multiple devices.
vCenter is also responsible for managing advanced features such as vSphere High
Availability (HA), vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), vSphere vMotion,
and vSphere Update Manager.
VMware vSphere High Availability
VMware vSphere High Availability (HA) provides uniform, cost-effective failover
protection against hardware and OS outages:
If the virtual machine OS has an error, the virtual machine can be automatically
restarted on the same hardware.
If the physical hardware has an error, the affected virtual machines can be
automatically restarted on other servers in the cluster.
VMware vShield Endpoint
VMware vShield Endpoint offloads virtual desktop antivirus and antimalware
scanning operations to a dedicated secure virtual appliance delivered by VMware
partners. Offloading scanning operations improves desktop consolidation ratios and
performance by eliminating antivirus storms, streamlining antivirus and antimalware
deployment, and monitoring and satisfying compliance and audit requirements
through detailed logging of antivirus and antimalware activities.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Platform characteristics
Table 4 shows how we sized the solution based on the VMware vShield Endpoint
platform requirements.
Table 4.
Antivirus platform characteristics
Platform component
Technical information
VMware vShield Manager
Manages the vShield Endpoint service installed on each
vSphere host
1 vCPU, 3 GB RAM, and 8 GB hard disk space
VMware vShield Endpoint
Installed on each desktop vSphere host. The service uses
up to 512 MB of RAM on the vSphere host.
VMware Tools vShield
Endpoint component
A component of the VMware tools suite that enables
integration with the vSphere host vShield Endpoint service.
The vShield Endpoint component of VMware tools is
installed as an optional component of the VMware tools
software package and should be installed on the master
virtual desktop image.
vShield Endpoint thirdparty security plug-in
A third party plug-in and associated components are
required to complete the vShield Endpoint solution.
Requirements vary based on individual vendor
specifications. Refer to the vendor documentation for
vShield architecture
The individual components of the VMware vShield Endpoint platform and the vShield
partner security plug-ins each have specific CPU, RAM, and disk space requirements.
The resource requirements vary based on factors such as the number of events being
logged, log retention needs, the number of desktops being monitored, and the
number of desktops present on each vSphere host.
VMware vSphere has a number of advanced features that help optimize performance
and overall use of resources. This section describes the key features for memory
management and considerations for using them with your VSPEX solution.
Memory virtualization techniques allow the vSphere hypervisor to abstract physical
host resources, such as memory, to provide resource isolation across multiple virtual
machines while avoiding resource exhaustion. In cases where advanced processors
(such as Intel processors with EPT support) are deployed, memory abstraction takes
place within the CPU. Otherwise, it occurs within the hypervisor itself using a feature
known as shadow page tables.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
vSphere provides the following memory management techniques:
Memory over-commitment
Memory over-commitment occurs when more memory is allocated to virtual
machines than is physically present in a VMware vSphere host. Using
sophisticated techniques such as ballooning and transparent page sharing,
vSphere is able to handle memory over-commitment without any performance
degradation. However, if more memory is being actively used than is present on
the server, vSphere might resort to swapping portions of a virtual machine's
Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
vSphere uses a NUMA load-balancer to assign a home node to a virtual
machine. Memory access is local and provides the best performance possible
because memory for the virtual machine is allocated from the home node.
Applications that do not directly support NUMA also benefit from this feature.
Transparent page sharing
Virtual machines running similar operating systems and applications typically
have identical sets of memory content. Page sharing allows the hypervisor to
reclaim the redundant copies and return them to the host’s free memory pool
for reuse.
Memory compression
vSphere uses memory compression to store pages that would otherwise be
swapped out to disk through host swapping, in a compression cache located in
the main memory.
Memory ballooning
This relieves host resource exhaustion by allocating free pages from the virtual
machine to the host for reuse, with little to no effect on the application’s
Hypervisor swapping
This causes the host to force arbitrary virtual machine pages out to disk.
For further information, refer to the VMware white paper Understanding Memory
Resource Management in VMware vSphere 5.0.
Memory configuration guidelines
Proper sizing and configuration of the solution requires care when configuring server
memory. This section provides guidelines for allocating memory to virtual machines
and takes into account vSphere overhead and the virtual machine memory settings.
vSphere memory overhead
There is some memory space overhead associated with virtualizing memory
resources. This has two components:
The system overhead for the VMkernel
Additional overhead for each virtual machine
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
The overhead for the VMkernel is fixed, whereas the amount of additional memory for
each virtual machine depends on the number of virtual CPUs and the amount of
memory configured for the guest OS.
Virtual machine memory settings
Figure 3 shows the memory settings parameters in a virtual machine, including:
Configured memory—Physical memory allocated to the virtual machine at the
time of creation
Reserved memory—Memory that is guaranteed to the virtual machine
Touched memory—Memory that is active or in use by the virtual machine
Swappable—Memory that can be de-allocated from the virtual machine if the
host is under memory pressure from other virtual machines using ballooning,
compression, or swapping.
Figure 3.
Virtual machine memory settings
EMC recommends that you follow these best practices for virtual machine memory
Do not disable the default memory reclamation techniques. These lightweight
processes provide flexibility with minimal effect on workloads.
Intelligently size memory allocation for virtual machines.
Over-allocation wastes resources, while under-allocation causes performance
impacts that can affect other virtual machines’ sharing resources. Overcommitting can lead to resource exhaustion if the hypervisor cannot procure
memory resources. In severe cases, when hypervisor swapping occurs, virtual
machine performance might be adversely affected.
Having performance baselines of your virtual machine workloads assists in this
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Allocating memory to virtual machines
Server capacity is required for two purposes in the solution:
To support the required infrastructure services such as authentication/
authorization, DNS, and database.
For further details on the hosting requirements for these infrastructure services,
refer to the EMC VSPEX Private Cloud: VMware vSphere and EMC ScaleIO Proven
Infrastructure Guide.
To support the virtualized desktop infrastructure.
In this solution, each virtual desktop is assigned 2 GB of memory, as defined in
Table 12 on page 47. The solution was validated with statically assigned
memory and no over-commitment of memory resources. If memory overcommitment is used in a real-world environment, regularly monitor the system
memory utilization and associated page file I/O activity to ensure that a
memory shortfall does not cause unexpected results.
High availability
and failover
EMC recommends configuring high availability in the virtualization layer and
automatically allowing the hypervisor to restart virtual machines that fail. Figure 4
illustrates the hypervisor layer responding to a failure in the compute layer.
Figure 4.
High availability at the virtualization layer
By implementing high availability at the virtualization layer, the infrastructure
attempts to keep as many services running as possible, even in the event of a
hardware failure.
Compute layer
VSPEX solutions are designed to run on a wide variety of server platforms. EMC
ScaleIO can run on any server. VSPEX defines the minimum CPU, memory, and disk
resources required, and the customer can use any server platform that meets or
exceeds the minimum requirements.
The ScaleIO environment is designed to work with a minimum of three physical server
nodes. The physical server node provides all the hardware resources for the system.
With the EMC ScaleIO software, all the compute and storage resources on the
physical servers are converged in the single layer architecture, aggregating capacity
and performance and simplifying management.
The choice of a server platform is not only based on the technical requirements of the
environment, but also on the supportability of the platform, existing relationships
with the server provider, advanced performance and management features, and many
other factors. For example:
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
From a virtualization perspective, if a system’s workload is well understood,
features such as memory ballooning and transparent page sharing can reduce
the aggregate memory requirement.
If the virtual machine pool does not have a high level of peak or concurrent
usage, you can reduce the number of vCPUs. Conversely, if the applications
being deployed are highly computational, you might need to increase the
number of CPUs and the amount of memory.
At a minimum, the server infrastructure must meet the following requirements:
Sufficient CPU cores, memory, and disks to support the required number and
types of virtual machines
Sufficient network connections to enable redundant connectivity to the system
Sufficient excess capacity to enable the environment to withstand a server
failure and failover
Server best practices
For this solution, consider these best practices for the server layer:
Use identical server units
Use identical or at least compatible servers. VSPEX implements highavailability technologies at the hypervisor level that may require similar
instruction sets on the underlying physical hardware. By implementing VSPEX
on identical server units, you can minimize compatibility problems in this area.
Use recent processor technologies
For new deployments, use recent revisions of common processor technologies.
It is assumed that these will perform as well as, or better than, the systems
used to validate the solution.
Implement high availability to accommodate single server failures
Implement the high-availability features available in the virtualization layer to
ensure that the compute layer has sufficient resources to accommodate at least
single server failures. This will also allow you to implement minimal-downtime
upgrades. High availability and failover provides further details.
Note: When implementing hypervisor layer high availability, the largest virtual
machine you can create is constrained by the smallest physical server in the
Monitor resource utilization and adapt as needed
In any running system, monitor the utilization of resources and adapt as
For example, the reference virtual desktop and required hardware resources in
this solution assume that there are no more than six virtual CPUs for each
physical processor core (6:1 ratio). In most cases, this provides an appropriate
level of resources for the hosted virtual desktops; however, this ratio may not
be appropriate in all cases. EMC recommends monitoring CPU utilization at the
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
hypervisor layer to determine if more resources are required and then adding as
Validated server hardware
Table 5 identifies the server hardware and the configurations validated in this
Table 5.
Server hardware
Servers for virtual desktops
1 vCPU per desktop (6 desktops per core)
2 GB RAM per virtual machine
 2 x 1 GbE NICs per server for management network
 2 x 10 GbE NICs per server for data network
High availability
and failover
The 6:1 vCPU to physical core ratio applies to the reference workload defined in this
guide. When deploying VMware vShield Endpoint, add CPU and RAM as needed for
components that are CPU or RAM intensive. Refer to the relevant product documentation
for information on vShield Endpoint and Avamar resource requirements.
The infrastructure requires one additional server to support VMware vSphere high
availability (HA) in addition to the minimum requirement in Table 5.
While the choice of servers to implement in the compute layer is flexible, it is best to
use the enterprise class servers designed for data centers. This type of server has
redundant power supplies, as shown in Figure 5. You should connect these to
separate Power Distribution Units (PDUs) in accordance with your server vendor’s
best practices.
Figure 5.
Redundant power supplies
We also recommend that you configure high availability in the virtualization layer.
This means that you must configure the compute layer with enough resources to
ensure that the total number of available resources meets the needs of the
environment, even with a server failure.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Network layer
The infrastructure network requires redundant network links for each vSphere host.
This configuration provides both redundancy and additional network bandwidth. This
is required regardless of whether the network infrastructure for the solution already
exists or you are deploying it alongside other components of the solution.
This section provides guidelines for setting up a redundant, highly available network
configuration. The guidelines consider VLANs, the ESXi server, and the ScaleIO layer.
ScaleIO network
The ScaleIO network creates a Redundant Array of Independent Nodes (RAIN)
topology between the server nodes. In practice, this means that the system
distributes data so that the loss of a single node will not affect data availability. This,
in turn, requires that the ScaleIO nodes send data to other nodes to maintain
consistency. A high-speed, low-latency IP network is required for this to work
correctly. We created the test environment with redundant 10 Gb Ethernet networks.
During testing, at small points of scale, the network was not heavily used. For that
reason, at small points of scale you can implement the solution using 1 Gb
networking. We recommend a 10 GbE IP network designed for high availability, as
shown in Table 6.
Table 6.
Recommended 10 Gb switched Ethernet network layer
10 Gb switched Ethernet
1 Gb switched Ethernet
Not recommended
Network redundancy
The infrastructure network requires redundant network links for each vSphere host,
the storage array, the switch interconnect ports, and the switch uplink ports. This
configuration provides both redundancy and additional network bandwidth. It is also
required regardless of whether the network infrastructure for the solution already
exists or is deployed with other solution components. Figure 6 provides an example
of a highly available network topology.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Figure 6.
Highly-available network design example
Link aggregation
Link aggregation enables multiple active Ethernet connections to appear as a single
link with a single MAC address and potentially multiple IP addresses2.
In this solution, we configured the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on the
vSphere hosts to combine multiple Ethernet ports into a single virtual device. If a link
is lost in the Ethernet port, it fails over to another port. We distributed all network
traffic across the active links.
Traffic isolation
This solution uses virtual local area networks (VLANs) to segregate network traffic of
various types to improve throughput, manageability, application separation, high
availability, and security.
VLANs segregate network traffic to enable traffic of different types to move over
isolated networks. In some cases, physical isolation may be required for regulatory or
policy compliance reasons; in many cases, logical isolation using VLANs is sufficient.
This solution calls for a minimum of three VLANs:
Client access
Figure 7 shows the design of these VLANs.
A link aggregation resembles an Ethernet channel but uses the LACP IEEE 802.3ad standard.
This standard supports link aggregations with two or more ports. All ports in the aggregation
must have the same speed and be full duplex.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Figure 7.
Required networks
The client access network is for users of the system, or clients, to communicate with
the infrastructure. The storage network is used for communication between the
compute layer and the storage layer. The management network provides
administrators with dedicated access to the management connections on the storage
array, network switches, and hosts. The management network is also used for
vMotion traffic.
ScaleIO recommends using at least three networks with one management network
and two independent data networks. In this solution, we used two 1 GbE network for
management (in consideration of redundancy) and two independent 10 GbE networks
for the ScaleIO data network.
High availability
and failover
Each vSphere host has multiple connections to guard against link failures, as shown
in Figure 8. Spread these connections across multiple Ethernet switches to guard
against component failure in the network.
Figure 8.
Network layer high availability
Having no single points of failure in the network layer ensures that the compute layer
will be able to access storage and communicate with users even if a component fails.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Storage layer
Since data and application access is essential to a positive end user experience,
storage is the core of end-user computing. Initially, end-user computing deployments
can start small but grow quickly, so scale-out storage support for VDI is important,
especially for growing organizations. Successful end-user computing
implementations require continuous maintenance and management of complex
administrative tasks to keep the dynamic user community productive and happy.
ScaleIO is a software-only solution that uses existing hosts’ local disks and LAN to
realize a virtual SAN that has all the benefits of external storage at a fraction of the
cost and the complexity. ScaleIO turns existing local internal storage into shared
block storage that is comparable to, or better than, the more expensive external
shared block storage. The lightweight ScaleIO software components are installed in
the application hosts (vSphere hosts for this solution) and inter-communicate using a
standard LAN to handle the application I/O requests sent to ScaleIO block volumes.
An extremely efficient decentralized block I/O flow combined with a distributed,
sliced volume layout results in a massively parallel I/O system that can scale to
hundreds and thousands of nodes.
ScaleIO was designed and implemented with enterprise-grade resilience as an
essential attribute. Furthermore, the software features efficient distributed autohealing processes that overcome media and node failures without requiring
administrator involvement. Dynamic and elastic, ScaleIO enables administrators to
add or remove nodes and capacity “on the fly.” The software immediately responds to
the changes, rebalancing the storage distribution and achieving a layout that
optimally suits the new configuration.
Software components
The ScaleIO Data Client (SDC) is a lightweight device driver situated in each host
whose applications or file system requires access to the ScaleIO virtual SAN block
devices. The SDC exposes block devices representing the ScaleIO volumes that are
currently mapped to that host.
The ScaleIO Data Server (SDS) is a lightweight software component that is situated in
each host that contributes local storage to the central ScaleIO virtual SAN.
Convergence of storage and compute
ScaleIO converges the storage and application layers. The hosts that run applications
can also be used to realize shared storage, yielding a wall-to-wall, single layer of
hosts. Because the same hosts run applications and provide storage for the virtual
SAN, an SDC and SDS are typically both installed in each of the participating hosts.
Carefully designed and implemented to consume the minimum computing resources
required for operation, the ScaleIO software components have a negligible effect on
the applications running in the hosts.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Pure block storage implementation
ScaleIO implements a pure block storage layout. Its entire architecture and data path
are optimized for block storage access needs. For example, when an application
submits a read I/O request to its SDC, the SDC instantly deduces which SDS is
responsible for the specified volume address and then interacts directly with the
relevant SDS. The SDS reads the data (by issuing a single read I/O request to its local
storage or by fetching the data from the cache in a cache-hit scenario), and returns
the result to the SDC. The SDC provides the read data to the application.
This flow is simple, consuming as few resources as necessary. The data moves over
the network exactly once, and a maximum of only one I/O request is sent to the SDS
storage. The write I/O flow is similarly simple and efficient. Unlike some block storage
systems that run on top of a file system or object storage that runs on top of a local
file system, ScaleIO offers optimal I/O efficiency.
Massively parallel, scale-out I/O architecture
ScaleIO can scale to a large number of nodes, thus breaking the traditional scalability
barrier of block storage. Because the SDCs propagate the I/O requests directly to the
pertinent SDSs, there is no central point through which the requests move, and thus a
potential bottleneck is avoided. This decentralized data flow is crucial to the linearly
scalable performance of ScaleIO. Therefore, a large ScaleIO configuration results in a
massively parallel system. The more servers or disks the system has, the greater the
number of parallel channels that will be available for I/O traffic and the higher the
aggregated I/O bandwidth and IOPS will be.
Mix-and-match nodes
The vast majority of traditional scale-out systems are based on a “symmetric brick”
architecture. Unfortunately, data centers cannot be standardized on exactly the same
bricks for a prolonged period, because hardware configurations and capabilities
change over time. Therefore, such symmetric scale-out architectures are bound to run
in small islands. ScaleIO was designed from the ground up to support a mix of new
and old nodes with dissimilar configurations.
Hardware agnostic
ScaleIO works with existing underlying hardware resources on any platform. Besides
its compatibility with various types of disks, networks, and hosts, it can take
advantage of the write buffer of existing local RAID controller cards, and can also run
in servers that do not have a local RAID controller card.
For the local storage of an SDS, you can use internal disks, directly attached external
disks, virtual disks exposed by an internal RAID controller, partitions within such
disks, and more. Partitions can be useful to combine system boot partitions with
ScaleIO capacity on the same raw disks. If the system already has a large, mostly
unused partition, ScaleIO does not require repartitioning of the disk, as the SDS can
actually use a file within that partition as its storage space.
Volume mapping and volume sharing
The volumes that ScaleIO exposes to the application clients can be mapped to one or
more clients running in different hosts. Mapping can be changed dynamically if
necessary. In other words, ScaleIO volumes can be used by applications that expect
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
shared-everything block access and by applications that expect shared-nothing or
shared-nothing-with-failover access.
Clustered, striped volume layout
A ScaleIO volume is a block device that is exposed to one or more hosts. It is the
equivalent of a logical unit in the SCSI world. ScaleIO breaks each volume into a large
number of data chunks, which are scattered across the SDS cluster’s nodes and disks
in a fully balanced manner. This layout practically eliminates hot spots across the
cluster and allows for the scaling of the overall I/O performance of the system
through the addition of nodes or disks. Furthermore, this layout enables a single
application that is accessing a single volume to use the full IOPS of all the cluster’s
disks. This flexible, dynamic allocation of shared performance resources is one of the
major advantages of converged scale-out storage.
Management and monitoring
ScaleIO provides several tools to manage and monitor the system, including a
command line interface (CLI), an active GUI, and representational state transfer
(REST) management application program interface (API) commands. The CLI gives
administrators direct platform access to perform backend configuration actions and
obtain monitoring information.
The active GUI, shown in Figure 9, provides system dashboards for capacity,
throughput, bandwidth statistics, access to system alerts, and the ability to provision
backend devices. The REST management API allows users to execute the same
management and monitoring commands available with the CLI using a nextgeneration, cloud-based interface.
Figure 9.
ScaleIO active GUI
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
ScaleIO is integrated with VMware and OpenStack to provide customers with greater
flexibility in deploying ScaleIO with existing environments. The VMware plug-in
facilitates the provisioning of a ScaleIO system in ESX and runs from within the
vSphere web interface. Administrators can accomplish basic and advanced
administrative tasks quickly and easily in vSphere with the ScaleIO plug-in.
The OpenStack integration (“Cinder” support) allows customers to use commodity
hardware with ScaleIO, providing a software-defined block volume solution in an
OpenStack environment.
Additionally, ScaleIO software can be packaged with EMC ViPR® to provide block data
services for commodity and EMC ECS™ hardware platforms.
Enterprise features
Whether you are a service provider delivering hosted infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
or your IT department delivers IaaS to functional units within your organization,
ScaleIO offers a set of features that gives you complete control over performance,
capacity, and data location. For both private cloud data centers and service providers,
these features enhance system control and manageability, ensuring that quality of
service is met. With ScaleIO, you can limit the amount of performance, IOPS or
bandwidth—that selected customers can consume. The limiter allows you to impose
and regulate resource distribution to prevent application “hogging” scenarios. You
can apply data masking to provide added security for sensitive customer data.
ScaleIO offers instantaneous, writeable snapshots for data backups.
For improved read performance, DRAM caching enables you to improve read-access
by using SDS server RAM. Fault sets, a group of SDSs that are likely to go down
together, can be defined to ensure data mirroring occurs outside the group,
improving business continuity. You can create volumes with thin provisioning,
providing on-demand storage as well as faster setup and startup times.
Finally, tight integration with other EMC products is possible. You can use ScaleIO
with EMC XtremCache™ for flash cache auto tiering to accelerate application
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Figure 10 shows the ScaleIO enterprise features.
Figure 10. ScaleIO enterprise features
ScaleIO 1.32
ScaleIO 1.32 includes the following new features and functionality:
Release of the ScaleIO ‘Free and Frictionless’ download, a free download of
ScaleIO for non-production environments with no time, function, or capacity
Support for VMware ESX 6.0 (VMware certified)
Support for SLES 12
Installation Manager enhancements
Additional flexibility during the configuration process
Enhanced background scanning and remediation of data
Larger SDS support
There are several layers to consider when designing the storage layouts. Specifically,
the ScaleIO system has a collection of disks that are assigned to a storage pool. From
that pool, you can create volumes to be provisioned as datastores to the VMware
vSphere Cluster. Each layer has a specific configuration that is defined for the
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
It is generally acceptable to replace drive types with a type with the same
performance characteristic and more capacity or with types that have higher
performance characteristics and the same capacity.
Where there is a need to deviate from the proposed number and type of drives
specified, ensure that the target layout delivers the same or greater resources to the
Validated storage configuration
ScaleIO exposes its volumes as iSCSI targets to connect to vSphere as the storage for
virtual desktops. Chapter 3 shows how to size the solutions to determine the number
of servers and SAS drives needed to support the number of virtual desktops the
customer requires.
The optional storage for infrastructure and vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon
with View are not included in the storage configurations, but these components can
be layered on a VSPEX Private Cloud solution for VMware vSphere. Refer to the EMC
VSPEX Private Cloud: VMware vSphere and EMC ScaleIO Proven Infrastructure Guide
for the storage sizing.
The optional storage for user data and user profile should be CIFS shares. Use
existing CIFS shares or create new shares from supported storage arrays. We
recommend that you use EMC VNX or VNXe unified storage to create the CIFS shares
for user data and user profile.
vSphere storage virtualization
This section provides guidelines for setting up the storage layer of the solution to
provide high availability and the expected level of performance.
VMware vSphere provides host-level storage virtualization. It virtualizes the physical
storage and presents the virtualized storage to the virtual machine.
A virtual machine stores its OS and all other files related to the virtual machine
activities in a virtual disk. The virtual disk can be one file or multiple files. VMware
uses a virtual SCSI controller to present the virtual disk to the guest OS running inside
the virtual machine.
The virtual disk resides in either a VMware Virtual Machine File system (VMFS)
datastore or an NFS datastore. An additional option, raw device mapping (RDM),
allows the virtual infrastructure to connect a physical device directly to a virtual
machine. Since ScaleIO is used to build a virtual SAN, this solution does not use an
NFS datastore.
Figure 11 shows the various VMware virtual disk types in ScaleIO solution, including:
VMFS—A cluster file system that provides storage virtualization optimized for
virtual machines. It can be deployed over any SCSI-based local or network
Raw device mapping —This uses a iSCSI protocol and allows a virtual machine
direct access to a volume on the physical storage.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Figure 11. VMware virtual disk types
ScaleIO virtual machine
ScaleIO virtual machine (ScaleIOVM) must be deployed in a VMware environment to
install the ScaleIO software components, including MDM, SDS, and SDC. Use
ScaleIOVM Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) to deploy ScaleIOVM on each VMware
vSphere host. Table 7 shows the system requirements for ScaleIOVM.
Table 7.
High availability
and failover
System requirements for ScaleIOVM
2 vCPU
3 GB
Disk space
8 GB
10 GbE
Redundancy scheme and rebuild process
ScaleIO uses a mirroring scheme to protect data against disk and node failures. The
ScaleIO architecture supports a distributed two-copy redundancy scheme. When an
SDS node or SDS disk fails, applications can continue to access ScaleIO volumes;
their data is still available through the remaining mirrors. ScaleIO immediately starts
a seamless rebuild process whose goal is to create another mirror for the data chunks
that were lost in the failure. In the rebuild process, those data chunks are copied to
free areas across the SDS cluster, so it is not necessary to add any capacity to the
system. All the surviving SDS cluster nodes together carry out the rebuild process by
using the aggregated disk and network bandwidth of the cluster. As a result, the
process is dramatically faster, resulting in a shorter exposure time and less
application-performance degradation. On the completion of the rebuild, all the data
is fully mirrored and healthy again. If a failed node rejoins the cluster before the
rebuild process has been completed, ScaleIO dynamically uses the rejoined node’s
data to further minimize the exposure time and the use of resources. This capability is
particularly important for overcoming short outages efficiently.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Elasticity and rebalancing
Unlike many other systems, a ScaleIO cluster is extremely elastic. Administrators can
add and remove capacity and nodes “on the fly” during I/O operations. When a
cluster is expanded with new capacity (such as new SDSs or new disks added to
existing SDSs), ScaleIO immediately responds to the event and rebalances the
storage by seamlessly migrating data chunks from the existing SDSs to the new SDSs
or disks. Such a migration does not affect the applications, which continue to access
the data stored in the migrating chunks. By the end of the rebalancing process, all the
ScaleIO volumes have been spread across all the SDSs and disks, including the
newly added ones, in an optimally balanced manner, as shown in Figure 12. Thus,
adding SDSs or disks not only increases the available capacity but also increases the
performance of the applications as they access their volumes.
Figure 12. Automatic rebalancing when disks are added
When an administrator decreases capacity (for example, by removing SDSs or
removing disks from SDSs), ScaleIO performs a seamless migration that rebalances
the data across the remaining SDSs and disks in the cluster, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Automatic rebalancing when disks are removed
Note that in all types of rebalancing, ScaleIO migrates the least amount of data
possible. Furthermore, ScaleIO is flexible enough to accept new requests to add or
remove capacity while still rebalancing previous capacity additions and removals.
Software-only—but as resilient as a hardware array
Traditional storage systems typically combine system software with commodity
hardware, which is comparable to application servers’ hardware, to provide
enterprise-grade resilience. With its contemporary architecture, ScaleIO provides
similar enterprise-grade, no-compromise resilience by running the storage software
directly on the application servers. Designed for extensive fault tolerance and high
availability, ScaleIO handles all types of failures, including failures of media,
connectivity, and nodes, software interruptions, and more. No single point of failure
can interrupt the ScaleIO I/O service. In many cases, ScaleIO can overcome multiple
points of failure as well.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Managing clusters of nodes
Many storage cluster designs use tightly coupled techniques that may be adequate
for a small number of nodes but begin to break when the cluster is bigger than a few
dozen nodes. The loosely coupled clustering management schemes of ScaleIO
provide exceptionally reliable, yet lightweight failure and failover handling in both
small and large clusters.
Most clustering environments assume exclusive ownership of the cluster nodes and
may even physically fence or shut down malfunctioning nodes. ScaleIO uses
application hosts. The ScaleIO clustering algorithms are designed to work efficiently
and reliably without interfering with the applications with which ScaleIO coexists.
ScaleIO will never disconnect or invoke IPMI shutdowns of malfunctioning nodes,
because they may still be running healthy applications.
Protection domains
A large ScaleIO storage pool can be divided into multiple protection domains, as
Figure 14 shows, each of which contains a set of SDSs. ScaleIO volumes are assigned
to specific protection domains. Protection domains are useful for mitigating the risk
of a dual point of failure in a two-copy scheme or a triple point of failure in a threecopy scheme.
Figure 14. Protection domains
For example, if two SDSs in different protection domains fail simultaneously, no data
will become unavailable. Just as incumbent storage systems can overcome a large
number of simultaneous disk failures as long as they do not occur within the same
shelf, ScaleIO can overcome a large number of simultaneous disk or node failures as
long as they do not occur within the same protection domain.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Security layer
RSA SecurID two-factor authentication can provide enhanced security for the VSPEX
end-user computing environment by requiring the user to authenticate with two
pieces of information, collectively called a passphrase. SecurID functionality is
managed through RSA Authentication Manager, which also controls administrative
functions such as token assignment to users, user management, and high
The Securing EMC VSPEX End-User Computing with RSA SecurID: VMware Horizon
View 5.2 and VMware vSphere 5.1 for up to 2,000 Virtual Desktops Design Guide
provides details for planning the security layer.
VSPEX for VMware Horizon Workspace solution
VMware Horizon Workspace combines applications and data into a single,
aggregated workspace, and provides the flexibility for employees to access the
workspace on any device, no matter where they are located. Horizon Workspace
reduces the complexity of administration by enabling IT to centrally deliver, manage,
and secure these assets across devices.
With some added infrastructure, the VSPEX end-user computing for VMware Horizon
with View solution supports Horizon Workspace deployments. The solution is
designed and validated to support the Horizon Files service, which enables Horizon
Workspace users to share files and folders. It requires Active Directory (AD) and
Domain Name Resolution (DNS).
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Key Horizon Workspace components
Horizon Workspace is a vApp, distributed as an Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file,
which can be deployed through vCenter. The OVA file contains the virtual appliances
(VAs) shown in the basic Horizon Workspace architecture in Figure 15.
Figure 15.
Horizon Workspace architecture layout
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Table 8 describes the function of each virtual appliance.
Table 8.
OVA virtual appliances
Virtual appliance
Configurator (configurator-va)
The Configurator appliance provides the central wizard UI
and distributes settings across all other appliances in
the vApp. It provides central control of network, gateway,
vCenter, and SMTP settings.
Connector (connector-va)
The Connector appliance provides user authentication
services; it can also bind with an Active Directory and
synchronize according to a defined schedule.
Manager (service-va)
The Manager appliance provides the web-based Horizon
Workspace administrator user interface, which controls
the application catalog, user entitlements, workspace
groups, and reporting service.
Data (data-va)
The Data appliance provides the service that enables you
to store and share user files. It includes a web-based
interface for previewing and performing functions on the
user files.
Gateway (gateway-va)
The Gateway appliance enables single user-facing
domain access to Horizon Workspace. As the central
aggregation point for all user connections, the Gateway
routes requests to the appropriate destination and
proxies requests on behalf of user connections.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
VSPEX for Horizon Workspace architecture
Figure 16 shows the logical architecture of the VSPEX for Horizon Workspace solution.
Figure 16. VSPEX for Horizon Workspace solution: logical architecture
The customer can select any server and networking hardware that meets or exceeds
the minimum requirements, while the recommended storage delivers a highly
available architecture for a Horizon Workspace deployment.
Server requirements
Table 9 details the minimum supported hardware requirements for each virtual
appliance in the Horizon Workspace vApp.
Table 9.
Minimum hardware resources for Horizon Workspace
Memory (GB)
Disk space (GB)
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 2: Solution Architecture Overview
Note: For high availability during failure scenarios, it may be necessary to restart virtual
machines on different hardware; those physical servers will need to have resources
available. Follow the specific recommendations to enable this functionality.
Networking requirements
The networking components can be implemented using 1 Gb or 10 Gb IP networks,
provided that bandwidth and redundancy are sufficient to meet the minimum
requirements of the solution.
Storage requirements
Horizon Workspace can use file or block storage to provide data services. In this
solution, we provide each user with 10 GB of private storage space. Refer to EMC
VSPEX Private Cloud solutions for the sizing of storage to provide 10 GB private
storage space per user.
Table 10 shows an example of the storage requirement when a user chooses to use
EMC VNX storage for Horizon Workspace NFS shares.
Table 10.
Recommended VNX storage for Horizon Workspace NFS shares
NFS shares for
500 users
 Two Data Movers (active/standby file variant
Provided each
user has 10 GB of
private storage
 Eight 2 TB, 7,200 rpm 3.5-inch NL-SAS disks
(6+2 RAID 6)
1,000 users
 Two Data Movers (active/standby file variant
Sixteen 2 TB, 7,200 rpm 3.5-inch NL-SAS disks
(6+2 RAID 6)
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Chapter 3
Sizing the Solution
This chapter presents the following topics:
Overview .................................................................................................................. 47
Reference workload..................................................................................................47
Scaling out ............................................................................................................... 48
VSPEX building blocks ............................................................................................. 48
Planning for high availability ................................................................................... 49
Sizing guideline .......................................................................................................49
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
This chapter describes how to design a VSPEX end-user computing for VMware
Horizon with View solution and size it to fit the customer’s needs. It introduces the
concepts of a reference workload, building blocks, and validated end-user computing
maximums, and describes how to use these to design your solution.
Table 11 outlines the high-level steps you need to complete when sizing the solution.
Table 11.
VSPEX end-user computing: Design process
Use the Customer Sizing Worksheet in Appendix A to collect the customer
requirements for the end-user computing environment.
Use the EMC VSPEX Sizing Tool to determine the recommended VSPEX reference
architecture for your end-user computing solution, based on the customer
requirements collected in Step 1.
Note: If the Sizing Tool is not available, you can manually size the end-user
computing solution using the guidelines in this chapter.
Reference workload
VSPEX defines a reference workload to represent a unit of measure for quantifying the
resources in the solution reference architectures. By comparing the customer’s actual
usage to this reference workload, you can extrapolate which reference architecture to
choose as the basis for the customer’s VSPEX deployment.
For VSPEX end-user computing solutions, the reference workload is defined as a
single virtual desktop—the reference virtual desktop—with the workload
characteristics indicated in Table 12.
The equivalent number of reference virtual desktops for a particular resource
requirement is determined by translating the resource requirement to the number of
reference virtual desktops needed to meet that requirement.
Table 12.
Reference virtual desktop characteristics
Virtual desktop OS
Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition
(32-bit) SP1
Virtual processors per virtual desktop
RAM per virtual desktop
2 GB
Average IOPS per virtual desktop at steady
*We used LoginVSI medium workload to validate the solution.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
This desktop definition is based on user data that resides on shared storage. The I/O
profile is defined by using a test framework that runs all desktops concurrently with a
steady load generated by the constant use of office-based applications such as
browsers and office productivity software.
Scaling out
ScaleIO is designed to scale from three to a large number of nodes. This solution
validated various configurations of up to eight nodes with up to eight spindles each.
Unlike most traditional storage systems, as the number of servers grows, so do
capacity, throughputs and IOPS. The scalability of performance is linear with regard to
the growth of the deployment. Whenever the need arises, additional storage and
compute resources (that is, additional servers and drives) can be added modularly.
Storage and compute resources grow together so the balance between them is
Note: We used the same server configuration of each node for sizing in this solution, but
ScaleIO supports nodes with different configurations.
VSPEX building blocks
Building block
Sizing the system to meet the virtual server application requirement can be a
complicated process. When applications generate an I/O operation, server
components, such as server CPU, server dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
cache, and disks, serve that I/O. Customers must consider various factors when
planning and scaling their storage system to balance capacity, performance, and cost
for their applications.
VSPEX uses a building block approach using ScaleIO to linearly scale out and reduce
complexity. A building block is a server with pre-defined CPU, memory, and disk
spindles that can support a specific number of virtual desktops. Each building block
combines the CPU, memory, and disk spindles as one ScaleIO node to support the
needs of the end-user computing environment. Both SDS and SDC are installed on
each building block node to assign the server local disk to the ScaleIO storage pool
and expose ScaleIO shared block volumes to run the virtual desktops.
The building blocks for the solution are in addition to the node required by the VSPEX
private cloud that supports the solution’s infrastructure services. For more
information about the VSPEX private cloud node sizing, refer to the EMC VSPEX
Private Cloud: VMware vSphere and EMC ScaleIO Proven Infrastructure Guide.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Validated building
The configuration of a building block includes the physical CPU core number, memory
size, and disk spindle number for a server.
Table 13 lists a sample baseline server configuration for one node that is validated
and provides a flexible solution for VSPEX sizing. With this configuration, up to 60
virtual desktops can be supported by one building block for both linked-cloned and
full-cloned virtual desktops. Customizing the building block provides information
about customizing this baseline configuration.
Table 13.
Building block node configuration
Physical CPU cores
Memory (GB)
10K SAS drives
SAS capacity (GB)
Note: When sizing the node requirement, reserve at least one node for high availability.
Planning for high availability
Because of the scale-out multi-node architecture of ScaleIO, you should consider the
possibility of the loss of a system node. ScaleIO is designed to keep copies of data on
multiple nodes to protect against just such an occurrence. Any node loss affects the
virtual machines running on that node, but you need to ensure that it does not affect
the other users of the ScaleIO environment.
EMC recommends that you plan for one node more than the workload dictates to
ensure that you can support the environment during a service interruption or system
maintenance. In the Sizing guideline section, we reserve one extra node to ensure
high availability.
Sizing guideline
Introduction to the
Customer Sizing
To choose the appropriate reference architecture for a customer environment,
determine the resource requirements of the environment and then translate these
requirements to an equivalent number of reference virtual desktops with the
characteristics defined in Table 12. This section describes how to use the Customer
Sizing Worksheet to simplify the sizing calculations and factors you should take into
consideration when deciding which architecture to deploy.
Using the
Customer Sizing
The Customer Sizing Worksheet helps you to assess the customer environment and
calculate the sizing requirements of the environment.
Table 14 shows a completed worksheet for a sample customer environment.
Appendix A provides a blank Customer Sizing Worksheet that you can print out and
use to help size the solution for a customer.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Table 14.
User type
Customer Sizing Worksheet example
Equivalent reference
virtual desktops
Total reference
8 GB
reference virtual
4 GB
reference virtual
2 GB
reference virtual
To complete the Customer Sizing Worksheet:
Identify the user types planned for migration into the VSPEX end-user
computing environment and the number of users of each type.
For each user type, determine the compute resource requirements in terms of
vCPUs, memory (GB), storage performance (IOPS), and storage capacity.
For each resource type and user type, determine the equivalent reference
virtual desktops requirements—that is, the number of reference virtual
desktops required to meet the specified resource requirements.
Determine the total number of reference desktops needed from the resource
pool for the customer environment.
Determining the resource requirements
Consider the following factors when determining resource requirements.
The reference virtual desktop outlined in Table 12 assumes that most desktop
applications are optimized for a single CPU. If one type of user requires a desktop
with multiple virtual CPUs, modify the proposed virtual desktop count to account for
the additional resources. For example, if you virtualize 100 desktops, but 20 users
require two CPUs instead of one, your pool must provide 120 virtual desktops of
Memory plays a key role in ensuring application functionality and performance. Each
group of desktops will have different targets for the amount of available memory that
is considered acceptable. Like the CPU calculation, if a group of users requires
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
additional memory resources, simply adjust the number of planned desktops to
accommodate the additional resource requirements.
For example, if there are 100 desktops to be virtualized, but each one needs 4 GB of
memory instead of the 2 GB that the reference virtual desktop provides, plan for 200
reference virtual desktops.
The storage performance requirements for desktops are usually the least understood
aspect of performance. The reference virtual desktop uses a workload generated by
an industry-recognized tool to run a wide variety of office productivity applications
that should be representative of the majority of virtual desktop implementations.
Storage capacity
The storage capacity requirement for a desktop can vary widely depending on the
type of provisioning, the types of applications in use and specific customer policies.
The virtual desktops in this solution rely on additional shared storage for user profile
data and user documents. This requirement is an optional component that can be
met by the addition of specific storage hardware defined in the solution. It can also
be met by using existing file shares in the environment.
Determining the equivalent reference virtual desktops
When all of the resources have been defined, determine the number of equivalent
reference virtual desktops by using the relationships listed in Table 15. Round up all
values to the closest whole number.
Table 15.
Reference virtual desktop resources
Value for reference
virtual desktop
Relationship between requirements and
equivalent reference virtual desktops
Equivalent reference virtual desktops =
Resource requirements
Equivalent reference virtual desktops =
Resource requirements/2
Equivalent reference virtual desktops =
Resource requirements/10
For example, the heavy user type in Table 14 requires two virtual CPUs, 12 IOPS, and
8 GB of memory for each desktop. This translates to two reference virtual desktops of
CPU, four reference virtual desktops of memory, and two reference virtual desktops of
IOPS. As shown in Figure 17, the example requires four virtual machines.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Figure 17. Required resources from the reference virtual machine pool
The number of reference virtual desktops required for each user type then equals the
maximum required for an individual resource. For example, the number of equivalent
reference virtual desktops for the heavy user type in Table 14 is four, as this number
will meet the all resource requirements for IOPS, vCPU, and memory.
To calculate the total number of reference desktops for a user type, multiply the
number of equivalent reference virtual desktops for that user type by the number of
Determining the total reference virtual desktops
After the worksheet is completed for each user type that the user wants to migrate
into the virtual infrastructure, compute the total number of reference virtual desktops
required in the resource pool by calculating the sum of the total reference virtual
desktops for all user types. In the example in Table 14, the total is 400 virtual
Customizing the
building block
The node configuration shown in Table 13 defined the CPU, memory and disk
configuration for one server. However, ScaleIO can run on any server. This VSPEX
solution also provides more options for the building block node configuration. The
user can re-define our building block with different configurations, but bear in mind
that this also changes the number of virtual desktops that the building block can
To calculate the virtual desktops that the new building block can support, we have to
consider several components.
CPU capability
The VSPEX recommendations for CPU are a maximum of six virtual CPUs for each
physical core in a virtual desktop environment. For example, a server node with 16
physical cores can support up to 96 virtual desktops.
Memory capability
When sizing the memory for a server node, the ScaleIO virtual machine and
hypervisor use should be taken into consideration. The ScaleIO virtual machine
consumes 3 GB of RAM and reserves 2 GB RAM for the Hypervisor. We do not
recommend using memory over commitment in this environment.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Note: ScaleIO 1.3 introduces the new RAM cache feature, which uses the SDS server RAM. By
default, the size of the ScaleIO virtual machine is set to 3 GB of RAM, 128 MB of which are
used as SDS server RAM cache. Add to the 3 GB of RAM on the ScaleIO virtual machine if
more RAM cache is needed.
Disk capacity
ScaleIO uses a Redundant Array of Independent Nodes (RAIN) topology to ensure
data availability. In general, the capacity available is a function of the capacity per
node (formatted capacity) and the number of nodes available.
Assuming N nodes and C TB of capacity per server, the storage available, S, is:
(𝑁 − 1) ∗ 𝐶
This formula accounts for two copies of data and the ability to survive a single node
When using full-cloned virtual desktops, the customer should consider the capacity
needed to support the specific number of virtual desktops.
Note: Capacity for linked-cloned virtual desktops is not a concern in this solution.
The primary method for adding IOPS capability to a node without considering cache
technologies is to increase either the number of disk units or the speed of those
units. Table 16 shows the number of virtual desktops supported with four, six, or
eight SAS drives per node.
Table 16.
Maximum number of virtual desktop per node
10K SAS drives
Number of desktops
Note: The values in Table 16 assume that the CPU and memory resource of each node are
Determining the maximum virtual desktop number of building block
With the entire configuration defined for the building block node, we calculate the
number of virtual desktops that each component can support to find out how many
the building block node can support.
These two examples determine the maximum number of virtual desktops for a
building block:
Example 1: Baseline configuration
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Example 2: User customized configuration
Example 1: Baseline configuration
As shown in Table 13, we defined the baseline building block with 10 physical CPU
cores, 128 GB memory, and six 10K 600 GB SAS drives.
Apply the calculations in Table 17 to the new supported desktops for this node.
Table 17.
Baseline node sizing example
Physical attribute
Virtual machines
CPU cores: 10
10 cores * 6 desktops per core = 60 virtual
RAM: 128 GB
(128 GB total RAM – 2 GB (hypervisor reserved) – 3
GB (ScaleIO virtual machines)) / 2 = 61.5
Refer to Table 11
Figure 18 shows how to determine the maximum number of virtual desktops that the
baseline building block configuration can support.
Figure 18. Maximum number of virtual desktops per baseline building block
For example, if the customer uses eight baseline building blocks to build a ScaleIO
system, the system should support 420 virtual desktops (7 x 60, with one building
block reserved for high availability).
Example 2: User-customized configuration
The customer can customize a larger building block configuration, as shown in Table
Table 18.
Custom building block node configuration example
Physical CPU cores
Memory (GB)
10K SAS drives
Note: When sizing the node requirement, reserve at least one node for high availability.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Apply the calculations in Figure 18 to the new supported desktops for this node.
Table 19.
Custom node sizing example
Physical attribute
Virtual machines
CPU cores: 16
16 cores * 6 desktops per core = 96 virtual
RAM: 192 GB
(192 GB total RAM – 2 GB (hypervisor reserved) – 3
GB (ScaleIO virtual machine)) / 2 = 93.5
See Table 11
Therefore, the final number that this building block node can support is 80—the
minimum number for the CPU, memory, and SAS drives, according to the calculation
results. Figure 19 shows how to determine the maximum number of virtual machines
that a customer redefined building block configuration can support.
Figure 19. Maximum number of virtual desktops per customized building block
For example, if the customer uses eight baseline building blocks to build a ScaleIO
system, the system should support 560 virtual desktops (7 x 80, with one building
block node reserved for high availability).
Calculating the
building block
The VSPEX ScaleIO end-user computing building block defines discrete server node
sizes—for example, a node defined in Table 13 supports 60 reference virtual
desktops. The total number of reference virtual desktops from the completed
worksheet indicates which reference architecture would be adequate for the
customer requirements. In the example in Table 14, the customer requires 400 virtual
desktops of capability from the pool. Therefore, eight baseline building blocks (7+1,
reserve one building block for high availability) or six custom building blocks (5+1,
reserve one building block for high availability), as defined in Table 13, provide
sufficient resources for current needs and room for growth.
Table 20 shows the example of scaling for the baseline configuration nodes.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
Table 20.
Node scaling example
Node number
Maximum number of virtual
desktops on baseline building
block node configuration
Maximum number of virtual
desktops on custom building
block node configuration
Customers have several choices on the number of nodes using different node
configurations. For example, with the requirement of 400 virtual desktops:
7+1 building blocks are needed when using the baseline configuration shown
in Example 1: Baseline configuration.
5+1 building blocks are needed when using the configuration shown in
Example 2: User-customized configuration.
In addition to the validated desktop numbers, consider the following factors when
deciding which reference architecture to deploy:
Concurrency—The reference workload used to validate this solution assumes
that all desktop users will be active at all times. We tested the reference
architecture with 200 desktops, all generating workload in parallel, all booted
at the same time, and so on. If the customer expects to have 400 users, but
only 50 percent of them will be logged on at any given time due to time zone
differences or alternate shifts, the 200 active users out of the total 400 users
can be supported by the 200-desktop architecture.
Heavier desktop workloads—The reference workload is considered a typical
office worker load. However, some users might have a more active profile.
If a company has 135 users and, due to custom corporate applications, each
user generates 14 IOPS as compared to the 10 IOPS used in the reference
workload, the customer will need 1,890 IOPS (135 users x 14 IOPS per
desktop). In this example, the four building blocks (3+1, reserve one building
block for high availability) configuration would be underpowered because it
has been rated to 1,800 IOPS (3 nodes x 60 desktops per node x 10 IOPS per
desktop). The customer should consider using five building blocks (4+1,
reserve one building block for high availability) solution.
Full-cloned virtual desktops—The system should meet the capacity
requirement when using full-cloned virtual desktops. If a company needs 200
full-cloned virtual desktops with 10 IOPS and 30 GB per desktop, they should
consider not only CPU, RAM, and disk IOPS resources, but also the disk
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
For 200 virtual desktops with 40 GB per desktop, 8,000 GB capacity is needed.
When using the building block configuration shown in Table 13, each node has
six SAS drives with 600 GB capacity. Five building blocks (4+1, reserve one
building block for high availability), as defined in Table 13 provide sufficient
CPU, RAM and disk IOPS resources to support 200 virtual desktops. However,
according to the formula in Disk capacity, seven building blocks are needed to
meet the capacity requirement (N = 2 x s/c + 1, which is 2 x 8000/(6 x 540) + 1
= 5.94).
Note: The usable capacity for one 600 GB SAS drive is less than 600. We used 540 for
the calculation. Refer to the SAS drive vendor’s documents for the usable capacity of
the physical SAS drives.
In most cases, the Customer Sizing Worksheet suggests a reference architecture
adequate for the customer‘s needs. In other cases, you might want to further
customize the hardware resources. A complete description of the system architecture
is beyond the scope of this document.
Storage resources
In some applications, there is a need to separate certain storage workloads from
other workloads. The node configuration for the reference architectures assigned all
the virtual desktops to a single resource pool. To achieve workload separation,
deploy additional disk drives for each group that needs workload isolation and add
them to a dedicated pool.
It is not appropriate to reduce the number of disks per node to support isolation or to
reduce the capability of the pool without additional guidance beyond what this
document provides. We designed the node configuration for the solution to balance
many different factors, including high availability, performance, and data protection.
Changing the components of the node can have significant and difficult-to-predict
effects on other areas of the system.
Compute resources
For the server resources in the solution, it is possible to customize the hardware
resources more effectively. To do this, first total the resource requirements for the
server components, as shown in Table 21.
Table 21.
Server resource component totals
User types
of users
Total CPU
Total memory
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 3: Sizing the Solution
The example in Table 21 requires 360 virtual CPUs and 800 GB of memory. As the
reference architectures assume six desktops per physical processor core and no
memory over-provisioning, this translates to 60 physical processor cores and 800 GB
of memory. In contrast, the 8 building block nodes (7+1, reserve one building block
for high availability) defined in Table 13 provide 70 physical cores and 896 GB
memory. This means the eight-building-block node solution can be implemented
effectively with fewer server resources.
Note: Keep high availability requirements in mind when customizing the resource pool
The requirements stated in the solution are what EMC considers the minimum set of
resources to handle the workloads based on the stated definition of a reference
virtual desktop. In any customer implementation, the load of a system varies over
time as users interact with the system. If the customer virtual desktops differ
significantly from the reference definition and vary in the same resource group, you
may need to add more of that resource to the system.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Chapter 4
Solution Implementation
This chapter presents the following topics:
Overview .................................................................................................................. 60
Setting up the network............................................................................................. 61
Installing and configuring the vSphere hosts........................................................... 62
Installing and configuring the SQL Server database ................................................ 62
Deploying VMware vCenter Server ...........................................................................64
Preparing and configuring the storage .....................................................................65
Setting up VMware View Connection Server ............................................................. 79
Provisioning virtual desktops .................................................................................. 82
Setting up VMware vShield Endpoint .......................................................................84
Setting up VMware vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon View .......................... 86
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
This chapter describes how to implement the reference architectures of the end-user
computing solution. If you already have a VSPEX Proven Infrastructure environment,
you can skip the sections for the implementation steps that were previously
Table 22 lists the main stages in the solution implementation process, with links to
the relevant sections in the chapter.
Table 22.
Implementation process overview
Configure the switches and
networks and connect to the
customer network.
Setting up the network
Install and configure the vSphere
hosts and infrastructure servers.
Installing and configuring the vSphere
Set up SQL Server (used by vCenter
and Horizon View).
Installing and configuring the SQL
Server database
Configure the vCenter Server.
Deploying VMware vCenter Server
Configure the ScaleIO environment.
Preparing and configuring the storage
Set up View Connection Server.
Setting up VMware View Connection
Provision virtual desktops.
Provisioning virtual desktops
Set up vShield Endpoint.
Setting up VMware vShield Endpoint
Set up VMware vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon with View.
Setting up VMware vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon View
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Setting up the network
This section describes the requirements for preparing the network infrastructure
required to support this solution. Table 23 summarizes the tasks to be completed,
and provides references for further relevant information.
Table 23.
Tasks for switch and network configuration
Configure the
Configure the vSphere host
infrastructure networking.
Configuring the
infrastructure network
Configure the VLANs
Configure private and public VLANs
as required.
 Configuring the VLANs
Connect the switch interconnect
ports, and vSphere server ports.
Completing the network
Complete the
network cabling
Configuring the
 Vendor’s switch
configuration guide
The infrastructure network requires redundant network links for each vSphere host,
switch interconnect ports, and switch uplink ports. This configuration provides both
redundancy and additional network bandwidth.
This configuration is required regardless of whether the network infrastructure for the
solution already exists or is being deployed with other components of the solution.
ScaleIO recommends using at least three networks: one management network and
two independent data networks. In this solution, we used two 1 GbE networks for
management (for redundancy) and two independent 10 GbE networks for data.
Configuring the
Completing the
network cabling
Ensure that there are adequate switch ports for the storage array and vSphere hosts.
EMC recommends that you configure the vSphere hosts with a minimum of three
Client access network: Virtual machine networking and CIFS traffic (customerfacing networks, which can be separated if needed)
Storage network: ScaleIO data networking (private network)
Management network: vSphere management and VMware vMotion (private
Ensure that all solution servers, switch interconnects, and switch uplinks have
redundant connections and are plugged into separate switching infrastructures.
Ensure that there is a complete connection to the existing customer network.
Note: At this point, the new equipment is connected to the existing customer network.
Ensure that unforeseen interactions do not cause service issues on the customer network.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Installing and configuring the vSphere hosts
This section provides information about installing and configuring the vSphere hosts
and infrastructure servers required to support the architecture. Table 24 describes the
tasks to be completed.
Table 24.
Tasks for server installation
Install vSphere
Install the vSphere hypervisor
on the physical servers
deployed for the solution.
vSphere Installation and Setup
Configure vSphere
Configure vSphere networking
including network interface
card (NIC) trunking, VMkernel
ports, and virtual machine
port groups.
vSphere Networking
Connect VMware
Connect the VMware
datastores to the vSphere
hosts deployed for the
vSphere Storage Guide
Installing and configuring the SQL Server database
Table 25 describes the tasks for setting up and configuring a Microsoft SQL Server
database for the solution. When the tasks are complete, SQL Server is set up on a
virtual machine, with the all databases required by vCenter, Update Manager, Horizon
View, and View Composer configured for use.
Note: EMC recommends that you put the OS volume for the SQL Server virtual machine into
the VSPEX Private Cloud pool. The recommended values for CPU and memory are 2 vCPU and
6 GB respectively.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Table 25.
Tasks for SQL Server database setup
Create a virtual
machine for
Microsoft SQL
Create a virtual machine to host
SQL Server on one of the vSphere
servers designated for
infrastructure virtual machines,
and use the datastore designated
for the shared infrastructure.
vSphere Virtual Machine
Verify that the virtual server meets
the hardware and software
Install Microsoft
Windows on the
virtual machine
Install Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 Standard Edition on the
virtual machine.
Installing Windows Server
2008 R2
Install Microsoft
SQL Server
Install Microsoft SQL Server on the
virtual machine.
SQL Server Installation (SQL
Server 2008 R2)
Configure the
database for
VMware vCenter
Create the database required for
vCenter Server on the appropriate
Preparing vCenter Server
Configure the
database for
VMware Horizon
View Composer
Create the database required for
Horizon View Composer on the
appropriate datastore.
VMware Horizon View
Configure the
database for
VMware Horizon
View Manager
Create the database required for
Horizon View Manager event logs
on the appropriate datastore.
VMware Horizon View
Configure the
VMware Horizon
View and View
Configure the database server with
appropriate permissions for the
Horizon View and Horizon View
Composer databases.
VMware Horizon View
Configure VMware
vCenter database
Configure the database server with
appropriate permissions for
Preparing vCenter Server
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Deploying VMware vCenter Server
Table 26 describes the tasks to be completed to configure VMware vCenter Server for
the solution.
Note: EMC recommends that you put the OS volume for the vCenter Server virtual machine
into the VSPEX private cloud pool. The recommended values for CPU and memory are 4 vCPU
and 8 GB respectively.
Table 26.
Tasks for vCenter configuration
Create the vCenter
host virtual machine
Create a virtual machine for
vCenter Server.
vSphere Virtual Machine
Install the vCenter
guest OS
Install Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard Edition on the vCenter
host virtual machine.
VMware vSphere
Update the virtual
Install VMware Tools, enable
hardware acceleration, and
allow remote console access.
vSphere Virtual Machine
Create vCenter ODBC
Create the 64-bit vCenter and
32-bit vCenter Update Manager
ODBC connections.
 vSphere Installation and
 Installing and Administering
VMware vSphere Update
Install vCenter
Install the vCenter Server
Install Web Client
Install the vCenter Server Web
Client software.
Install PowerCLI
Install the PowerCLI software on
the vCenter Server.
vSphere Installation and Setup
Create a virtual data
Create a virtual data center.
vCenter Server and Host
Apply vSphere
license keys
Type the vSphere license keys
in the vCenter licensing menu.
vSphere Installation and Setup
Add vSphere Hosts
Connect the vCenter server to
the vSphere hosts.
vCenter Server and Host
Configure vSphere
Create a vSphere cluster and
move the vSphere hosts into it.
vSphere Resource Management
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Preparing and configuring the storage
Table 27 describes the tasks to be completed to configure the storage for the
Table 27.
Preparing the
Tasks for storage configuration
Prepare the ScaleIO
Configure each ESX host as
vSphere Networking
Register the ScaleIO
Register the ScaleIO plug-in to
the vSphere Web Client.
Upload the OVA
Upload the OVA template to the
ESX host.
Access the plug-in
Using the vSphere Web Client to
access the ScaleIO plug-in
Deploy ScaleIO
Deploy the ScaleIO system from
vSphere Web Client.
Create volumes
Create volumes with required
capacity from the ScaleIO
system and map the volumes to
the ESX hosts.
Create datastores
Scan the ScaleIO LUN from ESX
hosts and create datastores.
vSphere Storage Guide
Install the GUI
Install the ScaleIO GUI to
manage the system
EMC ScaleIO User Guide
EMC ScaleIO User Guide
You can deploy ScaleIO components in two ways in the VMware environment:
The ScaleIO components —Meta Data Manager (MDM), ScaleIO Data Server
(SDS), and ScaleIO Data Client (SDC)—as well as an iSCSI target, are installed
on dedicated ScaleIO virtual machines (SVMs). The SDS adds the ESXi
physical devices to the ScaleIO to be used for storage, thus enabling the
creation of volumes.
Using iSCSI targets, the volumes are exposed to ESXi, via an iSCSI adapter.
ScaleIO volumes must be mapped both to the SDC and to iSCSI initiators. This
ensures that only authorized ESXi hosts can see the targets. Enabling
multipathing, either automatically or manually, enhances reliability. The
ScaleIO vSphere VMware deployment wizard enables you to complete these
activities in a simple, efficient manner, over all the machines in a vCenter.
The MDM and SDS ScaleIO components are installed on a dedicated SVM.
The SDC is installed directly on the ESXi server. This eliminates the need for
iSCSI. This is the recommended method of deployment, and this option can
be implemented on ESXi version 5.5 or higher.
Note: Installing the SDC on the ESXi host requires a restart of the ESXi server.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Before starting to deploy ScaleIO, ensure that the following prerequisites are
Registering the
ScaleIO plug-in
The management network and Virtual Machine Port Group on all the ESX hosts
that are part of the ScaleIO system have been configured.
Devices that are to be added to SDS are free of partitions.
A datastore is created from one of the local devices for all the ESX hosts. This
datastore is needed when SVMs are deployed.
The ScaleIO plug-in is registered on the vCenter Server so that users can use the
vSphere Web Client to install and manage the ScaleIO system. The plug-in is provided
as a ZIP file that can be downloaded by the vSphere web client servers in your
environment. The ZIP file can be downloaded directly from EMC Online Support, or
from a file server if the web servers do not have internet access.
If you are uploading the ZIP file to an HTTP server, follow these steps:
On the computer where the vSphere Web Client is installed, locate the
webclient.properties file.
Windows 2003:
%ALLUSERPROFILE%Application Data\VMware\vSphere Web Client
Windows 2008:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\vSphere Web Client
Windows 2012:
C:\ProgramData\VMware\vSphere Web Client
Add this line to the file:
Restart the VMware vSphere Web Client service.
Using PowerCLI for VMware select Run as administrator, then run
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Close PowerCLI, reopen it, and select Run as administrator.
Extract this file: EMC-ScaleIO-vSphere-plugin-installer-1.32.XXX.X.zip
Use cd to locate the proper directory, run the ScaleIOPluginSetup1.32.XXX.X.ps1 script in interactive mode, and type the required information:
Type the vCenter name or IP address, user name, and password.
Choose Option 1 to register the ScaleIO plug-in.
Choose Standard for Select Registration Mode.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Note: You can use the Advanced option from Select Registration Mode to
install the plug-in using a ScaleIO Gateway from a previous installation or
using your own web service. In either case, you must place this version’s
plugin.zip file (EMC-ScaleIO-vSphere-web-plugin-1.31.XXX.X.zip) in your
resources folder before running the installation. To use a previous ScaleIO
Gateway, the resource folder is ScaleIO Gateway installation
Log out and log back in to the vSphere web client to load the ScaleIO plug-in.
Uploading the OVA ScaleIO uses a PowerShell script to upload the OVA template to the vCenter Server,
the procedure is as follows:
Save ScaleIOVM_1.32.xxx.x.ova on the local computer.
Run PowerCLI and navigate to the location of the extracted file, EMC-ScaleIOvSphere-web-plugin-package-1.32.xxx.x.zip.
Run the ScaleIOPluginSetup-1.32.XXX.X.ps1 script.
Type the vCenter name or IP address, user name, and password.
Choose Option 3 to create the SVM template.
The CLI wizard requires the following additional parameters:
data center name
path to the OVA template
datastore names
For faster deployment in large-scale environments, you can upload the OVA to as
many as eight datastores. To do so, type the datastore names, and when you are
done, leave the next line blank.
This example shows how to enter two datastores:
datastores[0]: datastore1
datastores[1]: datastore2
The upload procedure can take several minutes. When it is complete, this message
appears: Your new EMC ScaleIO Templates are ready to use.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Accessing the
ScaleIO plug-in
After you register the ScaleIO plug-in on the vCenter Server, the EMC ScaleIO icon
appears in the vSphere Web Client home tab, as shown in Figure 20. Click the icon to
show the EMC ScaleIO screen.
Figure 20. EMC ScaleIO plug-in in vSphere Web Client
Installing SDC on
ScaleIO 1.32 provides the option to install SDC directly to the ESXi server. This option
is available for ESXi version 5.5 and above. Complete these steps to install SDC on
the ESXi host:
From the EMC ScaleIO screen, under Basic tasks, click Install SDC on ESX.
Select the ESX (ESXi) hosts to be installed on SDC.
Type the root password, as shown in Figure 21.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Figure 21. Select hosts to install SDC on ESXi
Deploying ScaleIO
Click Install. The status appears in the dialog box.
Click Finished.
Restart each ESXi host.
ScaleIO provides a wizard to deploy ScaleIO using vSphere Web Client.
From the EMC ScaleIO screen, click Deploy ScaleIO Environment.
Review and approve the license terms and click Next.
Note: The deployment wizard assumes that you are using the provided ScaleIO OVA
template to create the ScaleIO virtual machines.
In the Select Installation screen, select Create a new ScaleIO system and click
In the Create New System screen, type the following inputs:
System Name—Type a unique name for this system.
Admin Password—Type a password for the ScaleIO admin user. The
password must meet the following criteria:
Between 6 and 31 characters
Include at least three of the following groups: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], special
characters (!@#$...)
No white spaces
Click Next.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
In the Add ESX Hosts to Cluster screen, shown in Figure 22, select the vCenter
on which to deploy the ScaleIO system. Select the ESX hosts to add to the
ScaleIO system and click Next.
Figure 22. Add ESX host to cluster
Note: To configure ScaleIO, you must select a minimum of three ESX hosts.
In the Select management Components screen, shown in Figure 23, match the
ScaleIO management components to ESX hosts, and then click Next.
Figure 23. Select management components
In the Configure call home screen, select Configure Call Home, type the email
settings, and select a minimum severity level for call home events.
Type the details to configure the DNS servers. Click Next.
10. In the Configure Protection Domains screen, type the Protection Domain (PD)
name and RAM read cache size per SDS. Click Add to create a PD.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
11. Click Next. A default storage pool (SP) is automatically created under the PD
in the Configure Storage Pools screen, as shown in Figure 24. You can use
this default SP or create a new SP by clicking Add.
Figure 24.
Create a new storage pool in the ScaleIO system (optional)
12. Click Next. The Create Fault Sets screen appears. Optionally, you can create
the fault sets first and then click Next.
13. In the Add SDSs screen, as shown in Figure 25, select one of the following
values for each ESXi host/SVM and then click Next:
If the SVM is an SDS, select a PD (required) and fault set (optional).
If the SDS has flash devices, select Optimize for Flash to optimize
ScaleIO efficiency for the flash devices.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Figure 25. Add SDS
14. Under Assign ESX host devices to ScaleIO SDS components, as shown in
Figure 11, complete these steps:
Click Select devices and select storage devices to add a single SDS.
Click Replicate selection and select devices for other SDSs by replicating
the selections made in the Select devices screen. This is useful if the
ESXi hosts have identical attached devices.
Under the Information tab, as shown in Figure 26, select an ESXi host
under the cluster and click Select devices.
Figure 26. Assign ESXi host devices to ScaleIO SDS components
15. Select Add Device and choose a storage pool, as shown in Figure 27.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Figure 27.
Select devices for SDS
Refer to Chapter 3 to calculate the number of disks to add to the ScaleIO
system for each ESXi host.
In almost all cases, raw device mapping (RDM) is the preferred method to add
physical devices. Use the Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK) method only in the
following instances:
 If the physical device does not support RDM
 If the device already has a datastore and is not being fully utilized. The
excess capacity that is not being used will be added as the ScaleIO device
Note: In this case, one device contains a datastore from which to deploy the SVM.
Use VMDK for this device only and use RDM for all the other devices.
16. Repeat Step 15 to add devices for each ESXi host. Click Next.
17. In the Add SDCs screen, as shown in Figure 28, select one of the following
values for each ESXi host/SVM and then click Next:
If installing SDC to the SVM, set the SDC mode to SVM. If installing SDC
directly to the ESX server, set the SDC mode to ESX and specify the ESXi
server root password.
Choose whether to enable or disable the LUN comparison for ESXi hosts.
Note: Before selecting this setting, consult your environment administrator.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Figure 28.
18. In the Configure ScaleIO Gateway screen, as shown in Figure 29, set the
following values and then click Next:
 ESXi host for the ScaleIO gateway virtual machine
 Admin password for the gateway
 Lightweight Installation Agent (LIA) password
Figure 29.
Configure ScaleIO Gateway
19. In the Select OVA Template screen, shown in Figure 30, complete the
following steps and then click Next:
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Select the template to use to create the SVMs. EMC ScaleIO SVM
Template is the default template. If you uploaded a template to multiple
datastores, select them all for faster deployment.
Type a new password for all SVMs that you will create.
Figure 30.
Select OVA template
20. In the Configure networks screen, shown in Figure 31, choose either a single
network or separate networks for management and data transfer.
Figure 31.
Configure networks
Note: The selected network must have communication with all of the system nodes.
In some cases, while the wizard does verify that the network names match, this
does not guarantee communication, as the VLAN IDs may have been manually
EMC recommends using separate networks for security and increased
efficiency. We used two data networks in this solution for high availability.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
The management network, which is used to connect and manage the SVMs, is
usually connected to the client management network, a 1 GbE network. The
data network is internal, enabling communication between the ScaleIO
components, and is generally a 10 GbE network.
21. Select a management network label and then configure the data network by
clicking Create new network, as shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32.
Create new data network
22. In the Create New Data Network screen, type the following information:
 Network name—Type the name of the VMware network.
 VMkernel name—Type the name of the VMkernel.
 VLAN ID—Type the network ID.
 For each listed ESXi host, select a Data NIC, a VMkernel IP, and a VMkernel
Subnet Mask.
23. Click OK. The data network is created. The wizard automatically configures
the following information for the data network:
 vSwitch
 VMkernel port
 Virtual Machine Port Group
 iSCSI Software adapter
 VMkernel Port Binding
24. Repeat Step 22 and Step 23 to configure the second data network. Click Next.
Note: For best results, use the plug-in to create the data networks, as shown in the
preceding steps, rather than creating them manually.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
25. In the Configure SVM network screen, type the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway for each SVM. You have the option to select the datastore to
host the SVM or select the automatic setting to enable the system to choose a
datastore. Click Next.
Note: Because you are configuring two data networks, you need three IP addresses
for each SVM: one for management and the other two for data transfer. You must
separate these networks in three different subnets.
26. In the Review Summary screen, review the configuration and click Finish to
begin deployment.
27. Click Refresh in the browser to view the deployment progress on the ScaleIO
screen. During the deployment process you can view progress, stop the
deployment, and view logs.
28. Click Finish when the deployment is complete.
Creating volumes
This section describes how to use the plug-in to create volumes in the VMware
environment. You can map volumes to SDCs in the same step. Volumes are created
from devices in a storage pool.
From the Storage Pools screen, click Actions > Create volume, as shown in
Figure 33.
Figure 33. Create volume
In the Create Volume dialog box, shown in Figure 34, type the following
Volume name—Type a name for the new volume.
Number of volumes to create
Volume size—Type the size of the volume.
Note: Use the maximum capacity of the storage pool when the volume is used
for provisioning the full-cloned virtual desktops.
Volume provisioning—Select thick.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Use RAM Read Cache – Accept the default setting.
Obfuscation—Accept the default setting.
Figure 34. Create volume
Complete the following steps to map the volume to SDCs:
Select Map volume to SDCs/ESXi hosts.
Under Select SDCs/ESXI hosts, select the clusters or SDCs to which this
volume should be mapped.
Select Manually configure LUN identifier and specify the LUN identify
number to manually configure the LUN identifier.
Type the identifier ID.
Click OK.
Type the password for the ScaleIO admin user.
Repeat this procedure to create the required number of volumes.
Rescan the iSCSI software adapter to discover the ScaleIO LUNs on the appropriate
ESXi hosts. Create datastores for these LUNs.
The vSphere Storage Guide provides instructions on how to create the VMware
datastores on the ESXi host.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Installing the GUI
This section describes how to install the ScaleIO GUI. You can do this on a Windows
or Linux workstation.
To install the GUI, run one of the following commands:
For Windows: EMC-ScaleIO-gui-1.32.0.xxx.msi
For RHEL: rpm -U scaleio-gui-1.32.0-xxx.noarch.rpm
For Debian: sudo dpkg -i scaleio-gui-1.32.0.xxx.deb
Setting up VMware View Connection Server
This section provides information on how to set up and configure VMware View
Connection Server for the solution. For a new installation of Horizon View, VMware
recommends that you complete the tasks in the order shown in Table 28.
Note: EMC recommends that you put the OS volumes for the View Connection Server virtual
machines into the VSPEX Private Cloud pool. The recommended values for CPU and memory
are 2 GB and 5 GB respectively.
Table 28.
Tasks for VMware Horizon View Connection Server setup
Create virtual machines for
VMware View Connection
Create two virtual machines in
vSphere Client. These virtual
machines are used as View
Connection Server hosts.
VMware Horizon View
Install Windows Server 2008 R2
as the guest OS for the servers.
Install VMware View
Connection Server
Install View Connection Server
software on one of the previously
prepared virtual machines.
VMware Horizon View
Type the View license key in the
View Manager web console.
Configure the View event
log database connection
Configure the View event log
database settings using the
appropriate database information
and login credentials.
Add a replica View
Connection Server instance
Install View Connection Server
software on the second server.
Configure the View
Composer ODBC connection
On either the vCenter server or a
dedicated Windows Server 2008
R2 server, configure an ODBC
connection for the previously
configured View Composer
Install View Composer
Install View Composer on the
server used in the previous step.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Connect VMware Horizon
View to vCenter and View
Use the View Manager web
interface to connect Horizon View
to the vCenter server and View
VMware Horizon View
Administration Guide
Prepare a master virtual
Create a master virtual machine as
the base image for the virtual
Configure View Persona
Management group policies
Configure Active Directory group
policies to enable View Persona
Configure folder redirection
group policies for EMC
Configure Active Directory group
policies to enable folder
redirection for Avamar.
Configure View PCoIP group
Configure Active Directory group
policies for PCoIP protocol
Installing the
VMware View
Connection Server
Install the View Connection Server software using the instructions in the VMware
Horizon View Installation Guide. Select Standard when prompted for the View
Connection Server type. Type the View license key in the View Manager web console.
Configuring the
View event log
Configure the View event log database connection using the database server name,
database name, and database login credentials. Review the VMware Horizon View
Installation Guide for specific instructions on how to configure the event log.
Adding a replica
View Connection
Server instance
Repeat the View Connection Server installation process on the second target virtual
machine. When prompted for the connection server type, specify Replica, and then
provide the VMware Horizon View administrator credentials to replicate the View
configuration data from the first View Connection Server instance.
Configuring the
View Composer
ODBC connection
On the server that will host the View Composer service, create an ODBC connection
for the previously configured View Composer database. Review the VMware Horizon
View Installation Guide for specific instructions on how to configure the ODBC
Installing View
On the server that will host the View Composer service, install the View Composer
software. Specify the previously configured ODBC connection when prompted during
the installation process. Review the VMware Horizon View Guide for specific
instructions on how to configure the ODBC connection.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
VMware Horizon
View to vCenter
and View
Using the Horizon View Manager web console, create the connection between
Horizon View and both vCenter server and View Composer. Review the VMware
Horizon View Administration Guide for specific instructions on how to create the
connections. When presented with the option, enable vSphere host caching (also
known as View Storage Accelerator or Content Based Read Cache) and set the cache
amount to 2 GB, which is the maximum amount supported.
You can also enable Reclaim VM disk space. This feature is currently supported only
with Windows 7 desktops. If you enable Reclaim VM disk space, you must specify a
blackout period that controls the times that the operation should not process. As the
operation should not execute during periods of heavy use, include those times in the
blackout period. By default, space reclamation only runs when there is 1 GB of space
or more to reclaim. You can specify a different value when implementing your desktop
Preparing a master Complete the following steps to prepare the master virtual machine:
virtual machine
Using the vSphere Web Client, create a virtual machine using the VMware
version 9 hardware specification. You cannot create version 9 virtual
machines with the software client; you must use the web client.
Install the Windows 7 guest OS.
Install appropriate integration tools such as VMware Tools.
Optimize the OS settings to avoid unnecessary background services
generating extraneous I/O operations that adversely affect the overall
performance of the storage array. Refer to the following white papers for
details: Deploying Microsoft Windows 7 Virtual Desktops with VMware
Horizon View —Applied Best Practices and VMware Horizon View Optimization
Guide for Windows 7.
Install the third-party tools or applications, such as Microsoft Office, relevant
to your environment.
Install the Horizon View agent.
Note: If you use the View Persona Management feature, install the Persona
Management component of the VMware Horizon View agent at this time. Ensure that
the Persona Management option is selected during the installation of the Horizon
View agent.
Configuring View
group policies
View Persona Management is enabled using Active Directory group policies that are
applied to the organizational unit (OU) that contains the virtual desktop computer
accounts. The View Group Policy templates are ADM or ADMX files. All ADM and ADMX
files that provide group policy settings for View are now available in one bundled ZIP
file. You can download the VMware-Horizon-View-GPO-Bundle-<version>-<build>.zip
file from the VMware Horizon (with View) download site at
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Configuring View
PCoIP group
Control View PCoIP protocol settings by using Active Directory group policies that are
applied to the OU that contains the View Connection servers. The View Group Policy
templates are ADM or ADMX files. All ADM and ADMX files that provide group policy
settings for View are now available in one bundled ZIP file. You can download the
VMware-Horizon-View-GPO-Bundle-<version>-<build>.zip file from the VMware Horizon
(with View) download site at http://www.vmware.com/go/downloadview.
Use the group policy template pcoip.adm in the bundled ZIP file to specify these
PCoIP protocol settings:
Maximum Initial Image Quality value: 70
Maximum Frame Rate value: 24
Note: Higher PCoIP session frame rates and image qualities can adversely affect server
Provisioning virtual desktops
Use View Composer in the Horizon View console to deploy your virtual desktops as
Create an automated desktop pool.
Specify the preferred User Assignment:
Dedicated—Users receive the same desktop every time they log in to the
Floating—Users receive desktops picked randomly from the pool each
time they log in.
Specify View Composer linked clones.
Specify a value for the Pool Identification.
Configure Pool Settings as required.
Configure Provisioning Settings as required.
Accept the default values for View Composer Disks or edit as required.
If View Persona Management is used, select Do not redirect Windows profile
under Persistent Disk, as shown in Figure 35.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Figure 35. View Composer Disks window
Configure the Active Directory group policy for View Persona Management.
Select Select separate datastores for replica and OS disk.
10. Select the appropriate parent virtual machine, virtual machine snapshot,
folder, vSphere hosts or clusters, vSphere resource pool, and linked clone
and replica disk datastores.
11. Enable host caching for the desktop pool and specify cache regeneration
blackout times.
12. Specify image customization options as required.
13. Complete the pool creation process to initiate the creation of the virtual
desktop pool.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Setting up VMware vShield Endpoint
This section provides information on how to set up and configure the components of
vShield Endpoint. Table 29 describes the tasks to be completed.
Note: EMC recommends that you put the OS volume for VMware vShield Endpoint into the
VSPEX private cloud pool. Refer to the vShield Quick Start Guide for the recommended CPU
and memory configuration.
Table 29.
Tasks required to install and configure vShield Endpoint
Verify desktop
vShield Endpoint
driver installation
Verify that the vShield Endpoint
driver component of VMware
Tools has been installed on the
virtual desktop master image.
Deploy the vShield
Deploy and configure the
vShield Manager appliance.
Register the
vShield Manager
Register the vShield Manager
plug-in with the vSphere Client.
Apply vShield
Endpoint licenses
Apply the vShield Endpoint
license keys using the vCenter
license utility.
Install the vShield
Endpoint service
Install the vShield Endpoint
service on the desktop vSphere
Deploy an
antivirus solution
Deploy and configure an
antivirus solution management
Deploy vSphere
security virtual
Deploy and configure security
virtual machines (SVMs) on
each desktop vSphere host.
Verify vShield
Verify the functionality of the
vShield Endpoint components
using the virtual desktop
master image.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
vShield Quick Start Guide
vShield Quick Start Guide
Note: vShield Endpoint partners
provide antivirus management server
software and security virtual
machines. Consult the vendor
documentation for specific details on
installation and configuration.
Note: Consult the vendor
documentation for specific details on
how to verify vShield Endpoint
integration and functionality.
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Verifying desktop
vShield Endpoint
driver installation
The vShield Endpoint driver is a subcomponent of the VMware Tools software
package that is installed on the virtual desktop master image. The driver is installed
using one of two methods:
Select Complete during VMware Tools installation.
Select Custom during VMware Tools installation. From the VMware Device
Drivers list box, select VMCI Driver, and then select vShield Driver.
To install the vShield Endpoint driver on a virtual machine that already has VMware
Tools installed, initiate the VMware Tools installation and select the appropriate
Deploying the
vShield Manager
The vShield Manager appliance is provided by VMware as an OVA file that is imported
through the vShield client using File – Deploy OVF template. The vShield Manager
appliance is preconfigured with all required components.
Installing the
vShield Endpoint
The vShield Endpoint service must be installed on all vSphere virtual desktop hosts.
This is done by the vShield Manager appliance. The vShield Manager web console is
used to initiate the vShield Endpoint service installation and to verify that the
installation is successful.
Deploying an
antivirus solution
The antivirus solution management server is used to manage the antivirus solution
and is provided by vShield Endpoint partners. The management server and
associated components are a required component of the vShield Endpoint platform.
Deploying vSphere The vSphere security virtual machines are provided by the vShield Endpoint partners
and are installed on each vSphere virtual desktop host. The security virtual machines
security virtual
perform security-related operations for all virtual desktops that reside on their
vSphere host. The security virtual machines and associated components are required
components of the vShield Endpoint platform.
Verifying vShield
After all required components of the vShield Endpoint platform have been installed
and configured, verify the functionality of the platform before deploying the virtual
Using the documentation provided by the vShield Endpoint partner, verify the
functionality of the vShield Endpoint platform with the virtual desktop master image.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Setting up VMware vCenter Operations Manager for Horizon View
This section provides information on how to set up and configure VMware vCenter
Operations Manager for Horizon with View. Table 30 describes the tasks that must be
Note: EMC recommends that you put the OS volume for the VMware vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon with View server into the VSPEX Private Cloud pool. Refer to
Deployment and Configuration Guide: vCenter Operations Manager 5 for the recommended
CPU and memory configuration.
Table 30.
Tasks required to install and configure vCenter Operations Manager
Create a vSphere IP
pool for vCenter
Operations Manager
Create an IP pool with two available
IPs for use by the vCenter Operations
Manager analytics and user interface
virtual machines
Deploy the vCenter
Operations Manager
vSphere Application
Deploy and configure the vCenter
Operations Manager vApp.
Specify the vCenter
server to monitor
From the vCenter Operations Manager
main web interface, specify the name
of the vCenter server that manages the
virtual desktops.
Assign the vCenter
Operations Manager
Apply the vCenter Operations Manager
for Horizon with View license keys
using the vCenter license utility.
Configure SNMP and
SMTP settings
From the vCenter Operations Manager
main web interface, configure any
required SNMP or SMTP settings for
monitoring purposes.
Update the virtual
desktop settings
Update the virtual desktop firewall
policies and services to support
vCenter Operations Manager for
Horizon with View desktop-specific
metrics gathering.
Create the virtual
machine for the
vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon
with View Adapter
Adjust the specifications of the two
virtual servers that comprise the
vCenter Operations Manager vApp
based on the number of virtual
machines being monitored.
Create a virtual machine in the
vSphere Client to be used as the
vCenter Operations Manager for
Horizon with View Adapter server.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Deployment and
Configuration Guide –
vCenter Operations
Manager 5
vCenter Operations
Manager for View
Integration Guide
Chapter 4: Solution Implementation
Install the guest OS
for the vCenter
Operations Manager
for Horizon with View
Adapter server
Install Windows Server 2008 R2 as the
guest OS for the vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon with View
Adapter server.
Install the vCenter
Operations Manager
for Horizon with View
Adapter software
Deploy and configure the vCenter
Operations Manager for Horizon with
View Adapter software.
Import the vCenter
Operations Manager
for Horizon with View
PAK file
Import the vCenter Operations
Manager for Horizon with View
Adapter PAK file using the vCenter
Operations Manager main web
Verify vCenter
Operations Manager
for Horizon with View
Verify the functionality of vCenter
Operations Manager for Horizon with
View using the virtual desktop master
vCenter Operations
Manager for View
Integration Guide
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 5: Solution Verification
Chapter 5
Solution Verification
This chapter presents the following topics:
Overview .................................................................................................................. 89
Verifying installation with post-installation checklist .............................................. 89
Deploying and testing a single virtual desktop ........................................................ 90
Verifying the redundancy of the solution components ............................................. 90
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 5: Solution Verification
After you configure the solution, complete the tasks in Table 31 to verify the
configuration and functionality of specific aspects of the solution and ensure that the
configuration supports core availability requirements.
Table 31.
Tasks for testing the installation
with post
Verify that adequate virtual ports exist
on each vSphere host virtual switch.
vSphere Networking
Verify that each vSphere host has
access to the required datastores and
 vSphere Storage Guide
Verify that the vMotion interfaces are
configured correctly on all vSphere
Deploy and
test a single
redundancy of
the solution
Deploy a single virtual machine from
the vSphere interface by using the
customization specification.
 vSphere Networking
vSphere Networking
 vCenter Server and Host
 vSphere Virtual Machine
Verify the data protection of ScaleIO
Verify the redundancy of switches.
Vendor documentation
Verify the virtual machine vMotion.
vCenter Server and Host
Provision desktops using View
Composer linked clones.
VMware Horizon View
Verifying installation with post-installation checklist
The following configuration items are critical to the functionality of the solution and
should be verified prior to deployment into production. On each vSphere server used
as part of this solution, verify that:
The vSwitches hosting the client VLANs are configured with sufficient ports to
accommodate the maximum number of virtual machines a host can
All the required virtual machine port groups are configured and each server has
access to the required VMware datastores.
The interface is configured correctly for vMotion. Refer to vSphere Networking
for details.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 5: Solution Verification
Deploying and testing a single virtual desktop
Deploy a single virtual machine to verify the operation of the solution. Ensure that the
virtual machine has been joined to the applicable domain, has access to the
expected networks, and that it is possible to log in.
Verifying the redundancy of the solution components
To ensure that the various components of the solution maintain availability
requirements, test the following scenarios relating to maintenance or hardware
Power off one ScaleIO node and ensure that the data access of ScaleIO LUNs is
maintained and that the data rebuild process is running properly.
Disable each of the redundant switches in turn and verify that the vSphere host
virtual machine remains intact.
On a vSphere host that contains at least one virtual machine, enable
maintenance mode and verify that the virtual machine can successfully migrate
to an alternate host.
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 6: Reference Documentation
Chapter 6
Reference Documentation
This chapter presents the following topics:
EMC documentation .................................................................................................92
Other documentation ............................................................................................... 92
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 6: Reference Documentation
EMC documentation
The following documents, available on the EMC Online Support or EMC.com websites
provide additional and relevant information. If you do not have access to a document,
contact your EMC representative.
Deploying Microsoft Windows 7 Virtual Desktops with VMware View —Applied
Best Practices White Paper
EMC ScaleIO User Guide
Other documentation
The following documents, available on the VMware website, provide additional and
relevant information:
Deployment and Configuration Guide: vCenter Operations Manager 5
Preparing vCenter Server Databases
Understanding Memory Resource Management in VMware vSphere 5.0
vCenter Server and Host Management
VMware Horizon Administration Guide
VMware Horizon Architecture Planning Guide
VMware Horizon Installation Guide
VMware Horizon Integration Guide
VMware Horizon Profile Migration Guide
VMware Horizon Security Guide
VMware Horizon Upgrade Guide
Release Notes for VMware Horizon with View
VMware vCenter Operations Manager Administration Guide
VMware vCenter Operations Manager for View Installation Guide
VMware vCenter Operations Manager Installation Guide
VMware Horizon View Optimization Guide for Windows 7
vShield Administration Guide
vShield Quick Start Guide
vSphere Installation and Setup Guide
vSphere Networking
vSphere Resource Management
vSphere Storage Guide
vSphere Virtual Machine Administration
vSphere Virtual Machine Management
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Chapter 6: Reference Documentation
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix A: Customer Sizing Worksheet
Appendix A
Customer Sizing Worksheet
This appendix presents the following topic:
Customer Sizing Worksheet for end-user computing ............................................... 95
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix A: Customer Sizing Worksheet
Customer Sizing Worksheet for end-user computing
Before selecting a reference architecture on which to base a customer solution,
use the Customer Sizing Worksheet to gather information about the customer’s
business requirements and to calculate the required resources.
Table 32 shows a blank worksheet. To enable you to print it with ease, a
standalone copy of the worksheet is attached to this guide in Microsoft Office
Word format.
Table 32.
User Type
Customer sizing worksheet
Equivalent reference
virtual desktops
No. of
Total reference
reference virtual
reference virtual
reference virtual
reference virtual
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix A: Customer Sizing Worksheet
Printing the
To view and print the worksheet:
In Adobe Reader, open the Attachments panel as follows:
Select View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Attachments
Click the Attachments icon, as shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36.
Printable customer sizing worksheet
Under Attachments, double-click the attached file to open and print the
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix B: Configuration Worksheet
Appendix B
Configuration Worksheet
This appendix presents the following topic:
Customer Configuration Worksheet .........................................................................98
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix B: Configuration Worksheet
Customer Configuration Worksheet
Before configuring the solution, you need to gather some customer-specific
configuration information such as IP addresses, hostnames, and so on. You can
use the tables in this appendix as a worksheet to record the information. You can
also print the worksheet and give it to the customer for future reference.
A standalone copy of the worksheet is attached to this document in Microsoft
Office Word format. To view and print the worksheet:
In Adobe Reader, open the Attachments panel, as follows:
Select View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Attachments.
Click the Attachments icon, as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37.
Open attachments in a PDF file
Under Attachments, double-click the attached file to open and print the
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix B: Configuration Worksheet
To confirm the customer information, cross-reference with the relevant array
configuration worksheet: VNX Block Configuration Worksheet or VNX Installation
Assistant for File/Unified Worksheet.
Table 33.
Common server information
Server name
Primary IP
Domain Controller
DNS Primary
DNS Secondary
VMware vCenter Console
VMware View Connection Servers
Microsoft SQL Server
VMware vShield Manager
Antivirus solution management server
vCenter Operations Manager for
Horizon with View Adapter server
Table 34.
vSphere Server information
Server Name
Primary IP
Private Net
VMkernel IP
vMotion IP
vSphere Host 1
vSphere Host 2
Table 35.
Array information
Array name
Admin account
Management IP
Storage pool name
Datastore name
NFS Server IP
EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Appendix B: Configuration Worksheet
Table 36.
Network infrastructure information
Subnet mask
Default gateway
switch 1
switch 2
Table 37.
VLAN information
Network purpose
Allowed subnets
Client access network
Storage network
Management network
Table 38.
Service accounts
Windows Server administrator
vSphere root
Array root
Array administrator
VMware vCenter administrator
VMware Horizon with View
SQL Server administrator
VMware vCenter Operations
Manager administrator
VMware vShield Manager
100 EMC VSPEX End-User Computing: VMware Horizon with View
and VMware vSphere with EMC ScaleIO
Proven Infrastructure Guide
Password (optional, secure
Fly UP