Online Four-Week Professional Development
Online Four-Week Professional Development Modules Develop Skills & Strategies for Working Effectively with Gifted Students Essentials of Differentiation Using Technology Tools to Differentiate Week 1: Rationale for Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Week 2: Strategies for ReadinessBased Differentiation Week 3: Strategies for Interestand Choice-Based Differentiation Week 4: Assessing Differentiated Project-Based Experiences Week 1: Overview of Technology in Differentiation and Personalization Week 2: Using Technology to Differentiate Group and CenterBased Activities Week 3: Using Technology to Support “Twice Exceptional” Students Week 4: Differentiating with Game-Based Learning Fall session: Weeks of Oct 19, 26, November 2, 16 (no class Nov. 9) Instructor: Eric Calvert Winter session: January 11 – February 5 Instructor: Eric Calvert Effective Identification & Program Developm ent Spring session: April 4 – 29 Instructor: Susan Corwith Week 1: Aligning Identification with Programs and Services Week 2: Assessment Tools and Uses Week 3: Using Data to Develop Appropriate Programming Week 4: Inclusive Identification of Underserved Populations Details Time commitment: 2 – 4 hours/week for 4 weeks; all online/flexible Cost: $449/participant; $400 if 3 or more participants from one district; $250 for CTD teachers Maximum enrollment per session: 20 participants Professional Development Credits: Available