Error Msg Data Nmbr
Michigan Department of Community Health Pharmacy Encounters - NCPDP Data Element Errors by Error Number Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field 25000 25052 25053 25054 25901 99999 File contains unreadable characters. Encounter already exists and was submitted as B1 (Billing). No encounter exists to replace and submitted as B3 (Rebill). No encounter exists to void and submitted as B2 (Reversal). This record was superseded by another input record. This is the last message of your batch transmission. RB RE RE RE RE IO General Edits General Edits General Edits General Edits General Edits General Edits 25001 25002 25003 25004 25010 25011 25012 25015 25016 25017 Sender ID (Submitter or Service Bureau ID) is missing. Sender ID (Submitter or Service Bureau ID) is not a valid Sender ID. Type of run in Batch Header (P/T) does not match file type The file number in the Batch Header is not 5477 Batch Number is missing. Batch Number is not an numeric value. Batch Number has already been used on a prior batch. Creation Date is missing. Creation Date - Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. Creation Date is not less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header Batch Transaction Header 880-K1 SENDER ID 880-K1 SENDER ID 702-MC FILE TYPE 806-52 806-52 806-52 880-K2 880-K2 880-K2 BATCH NUMBER BATCH NUMBER BATCH NUMBER CREATION DATE CREATION DATE CREATION DATE 25050 25051 25055 25056 Transaction Reference Number is missing. Transaction Reference Number is not an alphanumeric value. Transaction Reference Number has been used on multiple batch details. Multiple transactions submitted and one or more are for a compound. RE RE RE RE Batch Detail Batch Detail Batch Detail Batch Detail 880-K5 880-K5 880-K5 880-K5 TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER 25018 Release Number does not equal "D0". RE Transaction Header 102-A2 VERSION/RELEASE NO. 25019 Transaction Code does not equal "B1", "B2", or "B3". RE Transaction Header 103-A3 TRANSACTION CODE 25067 Service Provider ID is missing or Service Provider ID Qualifier is missing. RE Transaction Header 25068 25069 25070 25071 25072 RE RE RE RE RE Transaction Header Transaction Header Transaction Header Transaction Header Transaction Header 201-B1, 202-B2 201-B1, 202-B2 401-D1 401-D1 401-D1 RE Insurance 302-C2 CARDHOLDER ID Service Provider NPI is missing. Service Provider ID Qualifier is not equal to "01". Date of Service is missing. Date of Service - Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. Date of Service is not less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. 25100 Cardholder ID is missing. Page 1 of 21 SERVICE PROVIDER ID, SERVICE PROVIDER ID QUALIFIER SERVICE PROVIDER ID SERVICE PROVIDER ID QUALIFIER DATE OF SERVICE DATE OF SERVICE DATE OF SERVICE Comments Added to error listing 8/20/2013 Added to error listing 8/20/2013 Rejectable edit as of 1/1/2012; Changed to Reject Encounter on 1/13/2012 Rejectable edit as of 1/1/2012; Changed to Reject Encounter on 1/13/2012 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field 25101 Cardholder ID (Medicaid ID) does not exist in the Medicaid eligibility file and encounter Group ID not MICHILD. 25102 Cardholder ID (Child Identification Number) does not exist in the MIChild eligibility file and encounter Group ID equals "MICHILD". 25105 Group ID is missing. 25106 Group ID is not equal to "MIMEDICAID", "ABWI" or "MICHILD". RE Insurance 302-C2 CARDHOLDER ID RE Insurance 302-C2 CARDHOLDER ID IO IO Insurance Insurance 301-C1 GROUP ID 301-C1 GROUP ID 25150 Prescription/Service Reference Number is missing or the Prescription Service Reference Number Qualifier is not equal to "1". 25155 Product/Service ID is missing or the Product Service ID Qualifier is not equal to 03. 25156 Product/Service ID is not a valid NDC value 25157 Product/Service ID is a NDC psychotropic drug 25158 Compound Code indicates that the Product/Service ID is a compound (i.e., value of 2) but the Product/Service ID is not all zeros. 25160 Quantity Dispensed is missing. 25161 Quantity Dispensed is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25165 Fill Number is missing. 25166 Fill Number is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25170 Days Supply missing. 25172 Days Supply is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25175 Compound Code is not a valid NCPDP value. 25180 Dispense as Written is missing. 25181 Dispense as Written is not a valid NCPDP value. 25185 Date Prescription Written is missing. 25186 Date Prescription Written - Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. 25187 Date Prescription Written is not less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. 25190 Number of Refills Authorized is missing. 25191 Number of Refills Authorized is less than 0 or not numeric. 25192 Submission Clarification Code is not a valid NCPDP value. 25193 A valid Prescription Origina Code must be reported. 25195 Quantity Prescribed is missing. 25196 Quantity Prescribed is less than 0 or not numeric. 25197 Other Coverage Code is missing. 25198 Other Coverage Code is not a valid NCPDP value. 25199 Unit Dose Indicator is not a valid NCPDP value. 25201 Unit of Measure is missing. 25202 Unit of Measure is not a valid NCPDP value. 25205 Level of Service is missing. 25206 Level of Service is not a valid NCPDP value. 25207 Originally Prescribed Product is not a valid NDC code. RE Claim 402-D2 PRESCRIPTION/ SERVICE REFERENCE NUMBER RE Claim 407-D7 PRODUCT/SERVICE ID RE RE IO Claim Claim Claim 407-D7 PRODUCT/SERVICE ID 407-D7 PRODUCT/SERVICE ID 407-D7 PRODUCT/SERVICE ID RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE IO IO Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim 442-E7 442-E7 403-D3 403-D3 405-D5 405-D5 406-D6 408-D8 408-D8 414-DE 414-DE IO Claim 414-DE DATE PRESCRIPTION WRITTEN IO IO IO RE IO IO IO IO IO RE RE IO IO IO Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim Claim 415-DF 415-DF 420-DK 419-DJ 460-ET 460-ET 308-C8 308-C8 429-DT 600-28 600-28 418-DI 418-DI 445-EA Page 2 of 21 QUANTITY DISPENSED QUANTITY DISPENSED FILL NUMBER FILL NUMBER DAYS SUPPLY DAYS SUPPLY COMPOUND CODE DISPENSE AS WRITTEN (DAW)/PRODUCT SELECTION DISPENSE AS WRITTEN (DAW)/PRODUCT SELECTION DATE PRESCRIPTION WRITTEN DATE PRESCRIPTION WRITTEN NUMBER OF REFILLS AUTHORIZED NUMBER OF REFILLS AUTHORIZED SUBMISSION CLARIFICATION CODE PRESCRIPTION ORIGIN CODE QUANTITY PRESCRIBED QUANTITY PRESCRIBED OTHER COVERAGE CODE OTHER COVERAGE CODE UNIT DOSE INDICATOR UNIT OF MEASURE UNIT OF MEASURE LEVEL OF SERVICE LEVEL OF SERVICE ORIGINALLY PRESCRIBED PRODUCT Comments Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 New edit 12/1/2012 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 New edit 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments 25210 Prior Authorization Type Code is missing. 25211 Prior Authorization Type Code is not a valid NCPDP value. IO IO Claim Claim 461-EU PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TYPE CODE 461-EU PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TYPE CODE 25251 Prescriber ID is missing or the Prescriber ID Qualifier is missing. RE Prescriber 25252 Prescriber NPI is missing. 25253 Prescriber ID Qualifier is not equal to "01". RE RE Prescriber Prescriber 411-DB, PRESCRIBER ID, PRESCRIBER ID QUALIFIER 466-EZ 411-DB PRESCRIBER ID 466-EZ PRESCRIBER ID QUALIFIER 25291 25292 25301 25302 The first iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is missing. The first iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is not equal to 01, 02, or 03. The second iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is not equal to 01, 02, or 03. The second iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is missing but Other Payer ID, Other Payer Date, Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier, Other Payer Amount Paid, and/or Other Payer Reject Codes are present. 25303 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is not equal to 01, 02, or 03. 25304 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type is missing but Other Payer ID, Other Payer Date, Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier, Other Payer Amount Paid, and/or Other Payer Reject Codes are present. RE RE RE RE COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments 338-5C 338-5C 338-5C 338-5C RE COB/Other Payments 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE RE COB/Other Payments 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE 25305 An Other Payer Coverage Type of 01 (Primary) is missing. 25306 More than one iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type with value of 01 (Primary) exists. 25307 More than one iteration of Other Payer Coverage Type with value of 02 (Secondary) through 09 (Tertiary) exists. 25308 Other Payer Coverage Type of 03 through 09 (Tertiary) is present but Other Payer Coverage Type of 02 (Secondary) through 08 (Tertiary) is not present. 25309 The first iteration of Other Payer ID is missing and the first Other Payer iteration is present. 25312 The second iteration of Other Payer ID is missing and the second Other Payer iteration is present. 25315 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer ID is missing and the third Other Payer iteration through ninth Other Payer iteration is present. 25318 None of the Other Payer ID's are valid Capitated Plans based on the Group ID submitted. 25319 There is an invalid combination of MHP or MICHILD plan Other Payer ID's or invalid combination of Group ID and Health Plan ID. 25320 The first iteration of Other Payer Date is missing and the first Other Payer iteration is present. 25321 The first iteration of Other Payer Date is present - Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. 25322 The first iteration of Other Payer Date is not less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. RE RE COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE RE COB/Other Payments 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 338-5C OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 340-7C OTHER PAYER ID RE COB/Other Payments 340-7C OTHER PAYER ID RE COB/Other Payments 340-7C OTHER PAYER ID Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 340-7C, OTHER PAYER ID 301-C1 340-7C OTHER PAYER ID RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE Page 3 of 21 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE OTHER PAYER COVERAGE TYPE Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 8/1/2011 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25323 The second iteration of Other Payer Date is missing and the second Other Payer iteration is present. 25324 The second iteration of Other Payer Date is present - Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. 25325 The second iteration of Other Payer Date is not less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. 25326 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer Date is missing and the third Other Payer iteration through ninth Other Payer iteration is present. 25327 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer Date is present Invalid date or date is not in the format CCYYMMDD. 25328 The third iteration through ninth iteration of Other Payer Date is less than or equal to the run date of this Edit Run. 25330 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25331 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25332 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25333 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25334 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25335 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25336 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25337 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25338 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25339 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25340 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25341 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25342 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25343 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25344 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 OTHER PAYER DATE Edit changed 1/1/2012 IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Page 4 of 21 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25345 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25346 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25347 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25348 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25349 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25350 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25351 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25352 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25353 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25354 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25355 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25356 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25357 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25358 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25359 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25360 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25361 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25362 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25363 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25364 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25365 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the second Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Page 5 of 21 Comments Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25366 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25367 First Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25368 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25369 Second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25370 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25371 Third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25372 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25373 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25374 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25375 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25376 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25377 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25378 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25379 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25380 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25381 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25382 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the third Other Payer iteration; (or) Tenth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the tenth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the first through third Other Payer iteration; (or) First through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is missing but the first through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid is present for the fourth through ninth Other Payer iteration. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012 IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012 Page 6 of 21 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Edit changed 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25383 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07); (or) Tenth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the first through third Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07); (or) First through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier for the fourth through ninth Other Payer iteration is not a valid NCPDP value (i.e., 04, 05 or 07). 25384 There is an Other Payer ID present in the first iteration that is a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID but does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires an Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 04 & 07 Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012; Rejectable edit as of 1/1/2012 25385 There is an Other Payer ID (Carrier ID) present in the first iteration that is not a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID and does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires one, and only one, Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 05. IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER 25386 There is an Other Payer ID present in the second iteration that is a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID but does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires an Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 04 & 07 RE COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER 25387 There is an Other Payer ID (Carrier ID) present in the second iteration that is not a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID and does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires one, and only one, Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 05. IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER 25388 There is an Other Payer ID present in the third iteration through ninth iteration that is a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID but does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires an Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 04 & 07 25389 There is an Other Payer ID (Carrier ID) present in the third iteration through ninth iteration that is not a valid Medicaid Health Plan ID and does not have a valid combination of Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifiers. The valid combination requires one, and only one, Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier of 05. RE COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012; Rejectable edit as of 1/1/2012 IO COB/Other Payments 342-HC OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID QUALIFIER Edit changed 1/1/2012 25390 First Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25391 First Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25392 Second Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25393 Second Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25394 Third Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25395 Third Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Page 7 of 21 Edit changed 1/1/2012; Rejectable edit as of 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25396 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25397 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25398 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25399 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25400 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25401 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25402 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25403 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25404 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25405 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25406 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first Other Payer iteration. 25407 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid for the first Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25408 First Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25409 First Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25410 Second Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25411 Second Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25412 Third Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25413 Third Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25414 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25415 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25416 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Page 8 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25417 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25418 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25419 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25420 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25421 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25422 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25423 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25424 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the second Other Payer iteration. 25425 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid for the second Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25426 First Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the first Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25427 First Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25428 Second Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the second Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25429 Second Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25430 Third Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the third Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25431 Third Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25432 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fourth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25433 Fourth Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25434 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the fifth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25435 Fifth Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25436 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the sixth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25437 Sixth Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Page 9 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments 25438 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the seventh Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25439 Seventh Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer Iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25440 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the eighth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration. 25441 Eighth Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25442 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the ninth Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the third Other Payer iteration; (or) Tenth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the ninth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the first through third Other Payer iteration; (or) First through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid is missing but the first through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier is present for the fourth through ninth Other Payer iteration. RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Edit changed 1/1/2012; Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 25443 Ninth Other Payer Amount Paid for the third Other Payer iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric; (or) Tenth through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid for the first through third Other Payer iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric; (or) First through 94th Other Payer Amount Paid for the fourth through ninth Other Payer iteration is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. 25444 First Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first Other Payer iteration. 25445 Second Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first Other Payer iteration. 25446 Third Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first Other Payer iteration. 25447 Fourth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first Other Payer iteration. 25448 Fifth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first Other Payer iteration. 25449 The first Other Payer iteration contains both Other Payer Paid Amounts and Other Payer Reject Codes. 25450 First Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the second Other Payer iteration. 25451 Second Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the second Other Payer iteration. 25452 Third Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the second Other Payer iteration. 25453 Fourth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the second Other Payer iteration. 25454 Fifth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the second Other Payer iteration. RE COB/Other Payments 431-DV OTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID Edit changed 1/1/2012; Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE Page 10 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 25455 The second Other Payer iteration contains both Other Payer Paid Amounts and Other Payer Reject Codes. 25456 First Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the third Other Payer iteration. 25457 Second Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the third Other Payer iteration. 25458 Third Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the third Other Payer iteration. 25459 Fourth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the third Other Payer iteration. 25460 Fifth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the third Other Payer iteration; (or) Sixth through ninth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the first through third Other Payer iteration; (or) First through ninth Other Payer Reject Code is not a valid NCPDP Reject Code for the fourth through ninth Other Payer iteration. 25461 The third Other Payer iteration through ninth Other Payer iteration contains both Other Payer Paid Amounts and Other Payer Reject Codes. 25462 Payment Date must be greater than Service Date Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field Comments IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE Edit changed 1/1/2012 IO COB/Other Payments 472-6E OTHER PAYER REJECT CODE Edit changed 1/1/2012 RE COB/Other Payments 443-E8 New edit 12/1/2012 25470 Other Payer Patient Responsibility amount qualifier is invalid. Valid values are '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13' 25471 Other Payer Patient Responsibility amount is not numeric or is less than zero 25475 Benefit Stage Qualifier is invalid, Valid values are '00', '01', '02', '03', '04' 25476 Benefit Stage Amount is not numeric or is less than zero IO COB/Other Payments IO IO IO COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments COB/Other Payments 25501 First Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25502 Second Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25503 Third Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25504 Fourth Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25505 Fifth. Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25506 Sixth Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25507 Seventh Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25508 Eighth Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25509 Ninth Reason for Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Reason for Service Code. 25521 First Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25522 Second Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25523 Third Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25524 Fourth Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. IO IO DUR/PPS DUR/PPS 439-E4 439-E4 REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE IO IO IO IO IO DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS 439-E4 439-E4 439-E4 439-E4 439-E4 REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE IO IO IO DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS 439-E4 439-E4 440-E5 REASON FOR SERVICE CODE REASON FOR SERVICE CODE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE Page 11 of 21 OTHER PAYER DATE 351-NP OTHER PAYER PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT QUALIFIER 352-NQ OTHER PAYER PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT 393-MV BENEFIT STAGE QUALIFIER 394-MW BENEFIT STAGE AMOUNT New edit 1/1/2012 New edit 1/1/2012 New edit 1/1/2012 New edit 1/1/2012 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field 25525 Fifth Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25526 Sixth Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25527 Seventh Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25528 Eighth Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25529 Ninth Professional Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Professional Service Code. 25561 First Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25562 Second Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25563 Third Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25564 Fourth Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25565 Fifth Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25566 Sixth Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25567 Seventh Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25568 Eighth Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. 25569 Ninth Result of Service Code is not a valid NCPDP Result of Service Code. IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO DUR/PPS 440-E5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CODE IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS DUR/PPS 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 441-E6 RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE RESULT OF SERVICE CODE 25601 25602 25605 25606 25615 25616 25620 25621 25625 25626 25630 25631 25632 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO RE RE IO IO IO Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing 409-D9 409-D9 412-DC 412-DC 433-DX 433-DX 438-E3 438-E3 426-DQ 426-DQ 430-DU 430-DU 423-DN INGREDIENT COST SUBMITTED INGREDIENT COST SUBMITTED DISPENSING FEE SUBMITTED DISPENSING FEE SUBMITTED PATIENT PAID AMOUNT SUBMITTED PATIENT PAID AMOUNT SUBMITTED INCENTIVE AMOUNT SUBMITTED INCENTIVE AMOUNT SUBMITTED USUAL AND CUSTOMARY CHARGE USUAL AND CUSTOMARY CHARGE GROSS AMOUNT DUE GROSS AMOUNT DUE BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION IO Compound 450-EF COMPOUND DOSAGE FORM DESCRIPTION CODE IO Compound 451-EG COMPOUND DISPENSING UNIT FORM INDICATOR IO RE IO RE Compound Compound Compound Compound 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE Ingredient Cost Submitted is missing. Ingredient Cost Submitted is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Dispensing Fee Submitted is missing. Dispensing Fee Submitted is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Patient Paid Amount Submitted is missing. Patient Paid Amount Submitted is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Incentive Amount Submitted is missing. Incentive Amount Submitted is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Usual and Customary Charge is missing. Usual and Customary Charge is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Gross Amount Due is missing. Gross Amount Due is less than 0 (zero) or not numeric. Basis of Cost Determination is invalid. Valid values are ' ', '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12' 26001 Compound Dosage Form Code is not a valid NCPDP Compound Dosage Form Code 26005 Compound Dispensing Unit Form Code is not a valid NCPDP Product Billing Code 26100 First Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. 26101 First Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. 26102 Second Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. 26103 Second Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Page 12 of 21 Comments Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 Rejectable edit as of 10/1/2010 New edit 1/1/2012 COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field 26104 26105 26106 26107 26108 26109 26110 26111 26112 26113 26114 26115 26116 26117 26118 26119 26120 26121 26122 26123 26124 26125 26126 26127 26128 26129 26130 26131 26132 Third Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Third Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Fourth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Fourth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Fifth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Fifth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Sixth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Sixth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Seventh Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Seventh Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Eighth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Eighth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Ninth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Ninth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Tenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Tenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Eleventh Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Eleventh Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twelfth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twelfth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Thirteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Thirteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Fourteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Fourteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Fifteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Fifteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Sixteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Sixteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Seventeenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID 26133 26134 26135 26136 26137 26138 26139 26140 26141 26142 26143 26144 26145 Seventeenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Eighteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Eighteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Nineteenth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Nineteenth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twentieth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twentieth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twenty-first Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twenty-first Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twenty-second Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twenty-second Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twenty-third Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twenty-third Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE IO RE Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID Page 13 of 21 Comments Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr 26146 26147 26148 26149 26200 26201 26202 26203 26204 26205 26206 26207 26208 26209 26210 26211 26212 26213 26214 26215 26216 26217 26218 26219 26220 26221 26222 Error Description Twenty-fourth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twenty-fourth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. Twenty-fifth Compound Product ID is an invalid National Drug Code. Twenty-fifth Compound Product ID is a NDC psychotropic drug. First Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. First Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Second Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Second Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but second Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Third Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Third Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Fourth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Fourth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Fifth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Fifth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but fifth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Sixth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Sixth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but sixth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Seventh Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Seventh Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but seventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Eighth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Eighth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but eighth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Ninth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Ninth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but ninth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Tenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is than 0 or not numeric. Tenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but tenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Eleventh Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Eleventh Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but eleventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Twelfth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO RE IO RE IO IO Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound Compound 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 489-TE 448-ED 448-ED IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY Page 14 of 21 Comments COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND PRODUCT ID COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26223 Twelfth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twelfth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26224 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26225 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but thirteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26226 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26227 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but fourteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26228 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26229 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but fifteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26230 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26231 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but sixteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26232 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26233 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but seventeenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26234 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26235 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but eighteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26236 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26237 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but nineteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26238 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26239 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twentieth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26240 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26241 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twenty-first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26242 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26243 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twenty-second Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY Page 15 of 21 Comments Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26244 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26245 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twenty-third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26246 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26247 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twenty-fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26248 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Quantity is less than 0 or not numeric. 26249 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Quantity is present but twenty- fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26300 First Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26301 First Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26302 Second Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26303 Second Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but second Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26304 Third Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26305 Third Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26306 Fourth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26307 Fourth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26308 Fifth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26309 Fifth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but fifth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26310 Sixth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26311 Sixth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but sixth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26312 Seventh Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26313 Seventh Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but seventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26314 Eighth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26315 Eighth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but eighth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26316 Ninth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26317 Ninth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but ninth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY 448-ED COMPOUND INGREDIENT QUANTITY IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST Page 16 of 21 Comments Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26318 Tenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26319 Tenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but tenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26320 Eleventh Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26321 Eleventh Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but eleventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26322 Twelfth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26323 Twelfth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twelfth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26324 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26325 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but thirteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26326 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26327 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but fourteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26328 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26329 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but fifteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26330 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26331 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but sixteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26332 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26333 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but seventeenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26334 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26335 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but eighteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26336 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26337 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but nineteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26338 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26339 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twentieth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST Page 17 of 21 Comments Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26340 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26341 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twenty-first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26342 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26343 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twenty-second Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26344 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26345 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twenty-third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26346 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26347 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twenty-fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26348 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is less than 0 or not numeric. 26349 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Drug Cost is present but twenty-fifth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26400 First Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26401 First Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26402 Second Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26403 Second Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but second Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26404 Third Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26405 Third Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26406 Fourth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26407 Fourth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26408 Fifth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO IO Compound Compound 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST 449-EE COMPOUND INGREDIENT DRUG COST IO Compound IO Compound 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound Comments 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION Page 18 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26409 Fifth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but fifth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26410 Sixth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26411 Sixth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but sixth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26412 Seventh Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26413 Seventh Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but seventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26414 Eighth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26415 Eighth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but eighth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26416 Ninth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26417 Ninth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but ninth Compound Product ID is not present. 26418 Tenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26419 Tenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but tenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26420 Eleventh Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26421 Eleventh Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but eleventh Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26422 Twelfth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26423 Twelfth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twelfth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26424 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26425 Thirteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but thirteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. Msg Type Segment Data Element NCPDP Field IO Compound 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION IO Compound IO Compound 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound Comments 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION Page 19 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description 26426 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26427 Fourteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but fourteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26428 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26429 Fifteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but fifteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26430 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26431 Sixteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but sixteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26432 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26433 Seventeenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but seventeenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26434 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26435 Eighteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but eighteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26436 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26437 Nineteenth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but nineteenth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26438 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26439 Twentieth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twentieth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26440 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26441 Twenty-first Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twenty-first Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26442 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. Msg Type Segment IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound Data Element NCPDP Field Comments 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION Page 20 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013 Error Nmbr Error Description Msg Type Segment Data Element 26443 Twenty-second Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twenty-second Compound Product ID is not present. 26444 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26445 Twenty-third Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twenty-third Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26446 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26447 Twenty-fourth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twenty-fourth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. 26448 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is not a valid NCPDP value. 26449 Twenty-fifth Compound Ingredient Basis of Cost Determination is present but twenty-fifth Compound Product ID is not present or the Compound Product ID Qualifier was not equal to 03. IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound IO Compound 26500 First Diagnosis Code is not a valid diagnosis code or Diagnosis Code Qualifier is not equal to "01" (ICD-9). 26501 Second Diagnosis Code is not a valid diagnosis code or Diagnosis Code Qualifier is not equal to "01" (ICD-9). 26502 Second Diagnosis Code is present but the first Diagnosis Code is missing. 26503 Third Diagnosis Code is not a valid diagnosis code or Diagnosis Code Qualifier is not equal to "01" (ICD-9). 26504 Third Diagnosis Code is present but the first and/or second Diagnosis Code is missing. 26505 Fourth Diagnosis Code is not a valid diagnosis code or Diagnosis Code Qualifier is not equal to "01" (ICD-9). 26506 Fourth Diagnosis Code is present but the first, second and/or third Diagnosis Code is missing. 26507 Fifth Diagnosis Code is not a valid diagnosis code or Diagnosis Code Qualifier is not equal to "01" (ICD-9). 26508 Fifth Diagnosis Code is present but the first, second, third and/or fourth Diagnosis Code is missing. IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO IO Clinical Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE IO Clinical 424-DO DIAGNOSIS CODE NCPDP Field Comments 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION 490-UE COMPOUND INGREDIENT BASIS OF COST DETERMINATION Page 21 of 21 Revised 8/20/2013