Evaluation of the use of preferential flow models pesticides to water sources
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Evaluation of the use of preferential flow models pesticides to water sources
Report to the U.K. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries MAFF project PL0516 Evaluation of the use of preferential flow models to predict the movement of pesticides to water sources under UK conditions S. Beulke, C.D. Brown & I.G. Dubus May 1998 Cranfield Centre for EcoChemistry (formerly the Chemical Evaluation and Management Group of SSLRC) Cranfield University, Silsoe, Beds MK45 4DT, UK www.cranfield.ac.uk/ecochemistry MAFF Project PL0516 Evaluation of the use of preferential flow models to predict the movement of pesticides to water sources under UK conditions Final Report Sabine Beulke, Colin Brown & Igor Dubus Soil Survey and Land Research Centre Cranfield University Silsoe, Bedfordshire, MK45 4DT, UK May 1998 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in this report are those of the authors, not necessarily of the project’s sponsor. DECLARATION OF INTEREST In evaluating the various preferential flow models, the authors have attempted to maintain strict neutrality. However, SSLRC have been involved with two of the models as follows: 1. SSLRC were solely involved in development of the SWAT model; 2. SSLRC collaborated with Nick Jarvis in developing the pedo-transfer functions and databases within MACRO_DB which allow soil hydraulic parameters to be estimated from basic data. COMMENTS BY MODEL DEVELOPERS A first draft of this report was circulated to model developers for comment in February 1998 as follows: Dr Adrian Armstrong, ADAS Gleadthorpe (CRACK-NP); Prof. Nick Jarvis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (MACRO); Dr Peter Nicholls, Rothamsted Experimental Station (PLM). All three authors were supportive of the overall conclusions of the report. A number of comments for clarification, changes in emphasis and additional interpretation of the results obtained have been incorporated into this final report. We are indebted to the authors for their valuable contributions. 3 CONTENTS SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1.2 APPROACH TO MODEL EVALUATION 2 MODELS EVALUATED: OVERVIEW AND VALIDATION STATUS 2.1 LEACHP (benchmark model) 2.2 CRACK-NP 2.3 MACRO 2.4 MACRO_DB 2.5 PLM 2.6 SWAT 3 DATASETS FOR MODEL EVALUATION 3.1 Brimstone Farm 3.2 Cockle Park 3.3 SSLRC lysimeters 3.4 Wytham 4 MODEL EVALUATION 4.1 Brimstone Farm 4.1.1 LEACHP - Brimstone Farm 4.1.2 CRACK-NP - Brimstone Farm 4.1.3 MACRO - Brimstone Farm 4.1.4 MACRO_DB - Brimstone Farm 4.1.5 PLM - Brimstone Farm 4.1.6 SWAT - Brimstone Farm 4.1.7 Overview - Brimstone Farm 4.2 Cockle Park 4.2.1 LEACHP - Cockle Park 4.2.2 CRACK-NP - Cockle Park 4.2.3 MACRO - Cockle Park 4.2.4 MACRO_DB - Cockle Park 4.2.5 PLM - Cockle Park 4.2.6 SWAT - Cockle Park 4.2.7 Overview - Cockle Park 4.3 SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.1 LEACHP - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.2 CRACK-NP - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.3 MACRO - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.4 MACRO_DB - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.5 PLM - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.6 SWAT - SSLRC lysimeters 4.3.7 Overview - SSLRC lysimeters 4 4.4 Wytham 4.4.1 LEACHP - Wytham 4.4.2 CRACK-NP - Wytham 4.4.3 MACRO - Wytham 4.4.4 MACRO_DB - Wytham 4.4.5 PLM - Wytham 4.4.6 SWAT - Wytham 4.4.7 Overview - Wytham 4.5 Overall evaluation 4.5.1 Non preferential flow benchmark (LEACHP) 4.5.2 CRACK-NP 4.5.3 MACRO 4.5.4 MACRO_DB 4.5.5 PLM 4.5.6 SWAT 4.5.7 Levels of predictive accuracy 5 REGULATORY IMPLICATIONS 6 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: APPENDIX 2: APPENDIX 3: APPENDIX 4: Experimental details for the Brimstone site Experimental details for the Cockle Park site Experimental details for the SSLRC lysimeters Experimental details for the Wytham site 5 SUMMARY There has been rapid development in simulating the effects of preferential flow on pesticide transport in soil. Applications for regulatory purposes appear desirable, but are limited by a lack of information on the confidence which should be placed on results. Preferential flow models were evaluated against four datasets (see below for combinations) and results were compared with those from a non-preferential flow benchmark (LEACHP). MACRO was evaluated both as the stand-alone model (MACRO) and as the database version which allows automatic selection of soil hydraulic and crop parameters (MACRO_DB). Three of the datasets were for movement of pesticide to drains (two heavy clay soils and a clay loam), whilst the fourth was a lysimeter experiment investigating leaching to depth through five representative soils. Brimstone Farm Cockle Park SSLRC lysimeters Wytham LEACHP (benchmark) X X X X CRACK-NP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM SWAT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Evaluation results for prediction of pesticide transport by the various models can be summarised as follows: LEACHP The model failed to describe observed transport of pesticides in the intermediate lysimeter soils as well as in the heavier clay soils. Predictive application of non-preferential flow models to a wide range of soils may be called into question. CRACK-NP The model was numerically unstable (the authors are actively working to solve this problem) and a dramatic over-prediction was obtained for losses of a strongly-sorbed compound from a clay loam soil. In very heavy clay soils, results for a more mobile compound were very similar to those for MACRO, but the model assumptions appear not to be applicable to soils with less than 50-60% clay. The model is not recommended for regulatory use. MACRO MACRO could be applied to all of the soils tested. Its predictive ability was good in a range of intermediate soils, less good in the clay loam and very variable in the two heavy clay soils. The model is user-friendly, welldocumented and there are many reports of model tests in the literature. MACRO should be the preferred preferential flow model for regulatory purposes and also showed equal or better predictive ability than LEACHP in sandier soils. Parameter selection for MACRO is still problematic and the model should only be applied by an experienced user. A comprehensive calibration step should be included wherever possible. MACRO_DB Automatic parameter selection reduced the emphasis on preferential flow relative to the stand-alone version of MACRO. In a range of intermediate soils and the clay loam, simulations of leaching with MACRO_DB were little or no better than those with LEACHP. Simulations for the clay soils were relatively more accurate, but serious mis-matches to observed behaviour 6 occurred in some circumstances. The philosophy behind MACRO_DB is commendable, but the system is not recommended for regulatory use in its current form. PLM The model generally requires calibration for the percentage of fast mobile phase, but some predictive ability was demonstrated for heavy clay soils where matrix flow can be considered negligible. In soils with less than 5060% clay, PLM is extremely sensitive to changes in the percentage of fast mobile phase over a very small range. This makes selection of this parameter extremely difficult even where calibration is possible and the application of the model to all but the heaviest clays is not recommended for regulatory purposes. SWAT The model gave good results for two of the three sites with drains, but was not applicable to the lysimeter experiment with intermediate soils where water impacts upon groundwater rather than surface water. Model output is rather restricted, but as the model was not significantly out-performed by more detailed models on the clay sites, this or similar approaches may have applications at broad scales or screening levels. Although some of the models showed reasonable predictive ability for the range of soils covered, regulatory concerns over preferential flow may be best addressed through the development of standard modelling scenarios. Further development of reliable methods to select input parameters from basic information is required together with simple approaches to describing preferential flow which are not data-intensive. A further report due in October 1998 will investigate the sub-routines and inherent assumptions of the various models and consider a number of generic issues for preferential flow modelling. 7 1 INTRODUCTION Mathematical modelling at a range of complexities has been given a prominent role in the fate and behaviour section of the registration process by Council Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Although modelling studies are frequently submitted as part of regulatory data packages, the weight which these are afforded is restricted by a lack of information on the relative strengths and weaknesses of current models. In 1995, SSLRC reported on an evaluation of the use of pesticide leaching and runoff models available at the time (Brown & Hollis, 1995). The main models evaluated were LEACHP, PRZM-2 and VARLEACH and the project concluded that these models may be used to predict residues of pesticides in topsoil, but are not able to adequately simulate leaching of pesticides to depth. The main reason for this failure was identified as the importance of preferential flow in determining the extent of pesticide leaching and the lack of any description of this process in the three models. The MACRO model which includes a mechanistic description of flow through both micropores and macropores was briefly evaluated and found to give improved predictions of pesticide leaching relative to nonpreferential flow models. Parameter estimation was identified as a major problem in using MACRO and the need for much wider validation was proposed. There is now evidence to suggest that preferential flow may be an important process for pesticide transport through a wide range of soils including both clays (Harris et al., 1994; Johnson et al., 1994; Brown et al., 1995a, b) and intermediate soils (Flury et al., 1995; Aderhold & Nordmeyer, 1995; Brown et al., 1997). A number of mathematical models have now been developed to simulate preferential flow and its influence on pesticide fate. The incorporation of such models into the regulatory process appears desirable, but evidence of their predictive ability is required and concerns over difficulties with robust selection of a number of key input parameters need to be addressed. In 1995, the FOCUS leaching group (Boesten et al., 1995) stated that: “Current models that consider macropore flow require that soil parameters be obtained by calibration. More advances are needed before predictions of macropore flow can be made using soil parameters in existing data bases.” The FOCUS surface water group (Adriaanse et al., 1997) were only slightly more optimistic in their appraisal: “Outputs from the macropore flow models MACRO and CRACK-NP are sensitive to parameters related to the macropore region ... which are in turn difficult to estimate. This may lead to high levels of predictive uncertainty compared to the use of models in non-structured sandy soils.” The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive ability of preferential flow models against pesticide datasets for a range of UK conditions and to assess the extent to which the concerns raised above have been addressed by recent developments in this field such as the database management tool, MACRO_DB. 1.1 Objectives The study had three objectives: 1. to review existing information on the validation of preferential flow models; 8 2. to bring together recent UK datasets for pesticide experiments which are suitable for evaluating preferential flow models; 3. to use the datasets to assess and, if possible quantify, the accuracy of the models under UK conditions and to assess the implications of the findings for the regulatory use of preferential flow models. 1.2 Approach to model evaluation The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential use of preferential flow models within the regulatory process for pesticides. Much of the regulatory use of these models is likely to be predictive in order to estimate potential movement to ground and surface waters with little or no potential for calibration of the model against experimental data. Accordingly, the evaluation has predominantly focused on comparing observed data with results from ‘blind’ predictive simulations. The temptation to correct the simulation of the water balance before simulating pesticide behaviour was ignored, but it should be noted that a correct simulation of the water balance is a fundamental requirement for accurate simulation of pesticide transport (Armstrong et al., 1996). Where subsequent calibration has been carried out, this has been clearly identified and has been restricted to the more uncertain parameters. Simulations calibrated to a given year or solute have then been re-run for a second year or solute to test how transferable are the input parameters. A particular area of uncertainty for modellers is in the selection of values describing pesticide sorption (organic carbon partition coefficient, Koc) and degradation (half-life), whether these be from site-specific laboratory or field measurements or from literature sources. These two parameters are considered fundamental in determining pesticide transport in soil (e.g. Gustafson, 1989). For all of the models evaluated, selection of appropriate values for a given combination of soil and pesticide can be the overriding factor in obtaining an accurate simulation. As the models are sensitive to changes in pesticide Koc and half-life, the uncertainty associated with these parameters offers an easy way to improve the fit between observed and simulated data. Throughout this study, the temptation to do this has been avoided, although occasionally results of simulations with site-specific values are compared to those with literature values. The reader should be aware that the values used for modelling cannot be considered correct and that changes in Koc and half-life may have quite large effects upon simulation results. An increase in Koc for example would give smaller concentrations leaving the soil profile in all soil types and a delay in breakthrough for coarser-textured soils but not for clay soils. Half-life will have relatively little effect upon simulations soon after application, but progressively more effect as time passes. With this limitation in mind, the report tries to draw upon broad matches or discrepancies between observed and simulated data rather than seeking an exact fit between the two. Parameters for modelling have been selected on the basis of all the available experimental information and using the experience of the modeller concerned to interpret that information and fill any gaps. It should be remembered throughout that modelling is subjective and the parameter sets selected by any given modeller are interpretations of reality. As such, they cannot be considered either ‘correct’ or unique and will vary from modeller to modeller according to personal experience and prejudice. The exception to this is MACRO_DB where only a restricted amount of soils information is required to automatically select input values. 9 The layout of the report has been designed with the intention that the reader can take as much or as little as required from the document. Thus each model and each dataset is described in detail. This is followed by a section describing the simulations with each combination of model and dataset. Once all simulations for a given dataset have been set out, an overview comparing the performance of the various models for that site is provided. Finally, conclusions on the overall ability of the models and implications for the regulatory use of preferential flow models are given. Inevitably, there is some repetition between layers in the hierarchy, but it is anticipated that not all readers will have the time or inclination to read the document in full. It has not been possible to list the input parameters for a given simulation because of the sheer number of model runs. However, all input and output has been archived at SSLRC and could be made available upon request. This would allow, for example, rapid re-evaluation of a given model in the event of an update in either the model code or the methodology for selection of input parameters. 2 MODELS EVALUATED: OVERVIEW AND VALIDATION STATUS There have been a number of pesticide models published over the last few years which incorporate descriptions of preferential flow. A total of four different models (CRACK-NP, MACRO, PLM and SWAT) were selected for evaluation as being the most widely available and relevant to the UK. Descriptions of preferential flow in these models range from highly mechanistic to empirical and their scales range from profile/lysimeter up to the field scale. MACRO was tested as either a stand-alone programme or as a component of the MACRO_DB system which allows automatic selection of parameters for a given scenario. This is the mode in which the model is most accessible to the non-expert and it was thus felt particularly important to evaluate the performance of MACRO_DB. In addition to the preferential flow models, LEACHP was used as a benchmark representative of models which do not describe preferential flow. A summary of the main processes which are incorporated into each of the models used in this study is given in Table 1 and the main input parameters required for a basic simulation are listed in Table 2. The important features of the models are described below. 2.1 LEACHP (benchmark model) LEACHP Version 3.1 (Hutson & Wagenet, 1992) does not simulate preferential flow and was used in this study as a benchmark against which the influence of the various descriptions of preferential flow in the other models was assessed. In clay soils, it is clearly expected that the inclusion of preferential flow will improve the simulation of observed behaviour. However, this is less clear for coarser-textured soils where LEACHP and other models without preferential flow will perform relatively better and there is the possibility that the inclusion of preferential flow would lead to a poorer simulation of reality. LEACHP considers the soil to be a homogeneous medium through which water and solute are transported according to Richards’ equation and the convection-dispersion equation, respectively. The model allows both chemical and biological degradation to be simulated according to first-order kinetics and biological degradation to be corrected for temperature and moisture effects. Two-site or instantaneous equilibrium sorption may be considered 10 together with a linear or Freundlich isotherm. The model has been extensively used and tested since its first publication in 1987. It is ideally suited to simulating data from leaching columns, but has also been found to simulate field behaviour in coarser-textured soils. In the UK, Brown et al. (1996) demonstrated a very close fit between LEACHP simulations and soil and soil water concentrations for a fungicide in a sandy loam soil. In broader evaluation programmes with a range of soils for the UK and Europe, Brown & Hollis (1995) and Walker et al. (1995) showed that LEACHP, in common with other models without preferential flow, was able to simulate concentrations of pesticide in topsoil, but not the traces of pesticide leaching to depth. LEACHP was considered to be more reliable overall than PRZM-2 or VARLEACH, although any of the three models could best match observed behaviour in a given situation. 2.2 CRACK-NP CRACK-NP is designed to simulate the movement of water, nitrate and pesticides in highlystructured, heavy clay soils where preferential flow in the form of bypass flow is the dominant hydrological pathway. The model is derived from the hydrological model CRACK (Jarvis & Leeds-Harrison, 1987; Jarvis, 1989) which divides the total soil porosity into that within uniform aggregates and that in the cracks between. Water is assumed to move into aggregates according to Philip’s infiltration theory and out of them in response to crop extraction and/or evaporation. Downwards movement of water is assumed to occur only in the cracks based on Hagen-Poisseuille’s equation with a correction for path tortuosity and connectivity. The assumption that there is no net flux of water within the soil matrix means that the model is only applicable for heavy clays where matrix flow can be considered a negligible component of total flow. In CRACK-NP, the hydrological descriptions in the model have been left unchanged, whilst solute transport is modelled assuming mass flow in the cracks and diffusion both within the aggregates and between cracks and aggregates. Pesticide sorption is described using a linear isotherm. Degradation is modelled according to first-order kinetics with a (non-optional) correction for temperature and moisture effects. An important feature of CRACK-NP is the inclusion of a direct physical description of the macropore structure which can be observed in the field or derived from standard descriptions of soil structure. CRACK-NP Version 2.0 was evaluated in this study. CRACK-NP has only previously been evaluated against the Brimstone Farm data for which it was developed. Armstrong et al. (1995a,b) describe excellent fits to observed data for Brimstone taken from 1985/86, 1989/90 and 1990/91 using only measured parameters. The model has been modified since these fits were obtained and the same input parameters used with Version 2.0 of the model do not produce such a good fit to observed behaviour. 2.3 MACRO MACRO Version 4.0 (Jarvis, 1994) is a physically-based preferential flow model with the total soil porosity divided into two flow domains (macropores and micropores), each characterised by a flow rate and solute concentration. Soil water flow and solute transport in the micropores is modelled using Richard’s equation and the convection-dispersion equation, respectively, whilst fluxes in the macropores are based on a simpler capacitance-type 11 approach with mass-flow. Exchange between the two domains is calculated according to approximate, physically-based expressions using an effective aggregate half-width which is a crucial parameter. Whereas this parameter was empirical in early versions of the model, since 1994 it has been physically-based and can be derived from field observation. In situations where preferential flow is unlikely to occur, the model reverts to the classical solution of Richards’ equation and the convection-dispersion equation as in LEACHP. By varying the input parameters, the model can be set up to simulate a soil with nothing but preferential flow (as in CRACK-NP), a soil with no preferential flow at all (as in LEACHP) or any combination of flow types between these two extremes. This means that the model is appropriate to describe preferential flow in a variety of soils, but the processes of finger flow and funnel flow in coarse-textured soils cannot be simulated. In MACRO, pesticide degradation is modelled using first-order kinetics. Different half-lives can be specified for the solid and the liquid phase of the macropores and micropores, respectively and these degradation rates may be adjusted for temperature and moisture effects. Sorption is assumed to be at instantaneous equilibrium and to be described by a linear isotherm. Strength of sorption is the same in each pore domain, but the user must specify the distribution of sorption sites between the two. Parameter values can be changed at any point during the run and this allows time-dependent sorption or changes in rate of degradation to be simulated if required. MACRO has been evaluated in a number of recent field and lysimeter studies. In earlier versions, MACRO could be run as both a one-domain model ignoring bypass flow and as a two-domain model. In several studies these two options were compared to assess the significance of preferential flow and to validate the description of macroporosity implemented in the two-domain model. In sandy soils, the one-domain model was demonstrated to perform well by Saxena & Jarvis (1995) and Brown et al. (1997) suggesting that preferential flow is not important in these soils. However, dichlorprop and bentazone leaching through lysimeters with Swedish sand soils could not be reproduced by the model, probably due to finger flow (Jarvis et al., 1994). Finger flow was also identified as a possible reason for discrepancies between simulated and observed leaching of alachlor through sandy loams by Jarvis et al. (1995). In loam and clay soils in which preferential flow is of greater importance, the mechanisms implemented in the two-domain version of MACRO have been shown to be a clear improvement over the assumption that soil porosity is homogeneous. Drainflow, height of the water table and chloride concentrations in drainage from an irrigated heavy clay marsh soil were fairly well reproduced by MACRO in the two-domain case (Andreu et al., 1994). The model performed less well if bypass flow was ignored. Brown et al. (1998) found a good agreement between uncalibrated MACRO simulations and measured flow, bromide and isoproturon leaching through heavy clay lysimeters. Water flow through three lysimeters with Swedish loam or clay soils was closely matched by the two-domain option of MACRO (Jarvis et al., 1994). Leaching of bentazone which was applied to one of these soils was also well reproduced. However, in common with other models, MACRO failed to describe dichlorprop leaching through two Swedish soils unless the degradation rate was markedly decreased from the laboratory value. The one-domain version was not applicable to these lysimeters. When preferential flow was ignored, MACRO also failed to describe leaching of 36 Cl through lysimeters with a clay soil, whilst the two-domain approach gave a reasonable match to the observed data (Saxena et al., 1994). In a number of further studies, two-domain simulations with MACRO agreed relatively well to field and lysimeter data (Jabro et al., 1994; Jarvis, 1995; Bergström, 1996). However, MACRO did not always perform well. In work by Brown et al. (1997) it failed to describe bromide and pesticide leaching through an alluvial clay soil and the fits could not be markedly improved by calibrating parameters which 12 describe macroporosity. The model under-estimated the importance of preferential flow for water and solute movement through two loamy soils which have been proposed to have a dual flow system with important contributions from both preferential and matrix flow. In most of the above mentioned studies some of the model parameters were calibrated. If uncalibrated, MACRO performed less well, but still gave promising results. An uncalibrated simulation with MACRO by Jarvis et al. (1995) reproduced the dissipation of alachlor in 0-10 cm of a clay loam field soil, but gave discrepancies to the observed concentrations in suction cup samples due to selection of inappropriate parameters describing macroporosity. Work by Brown et al. (1997) confirmed that these parameters are difficult to select. A model evaluation against data for a clay loam soil reported by Brown (1996) showed that MACRO performed better than any of the non-preferential flow models tested. However, some significant discrepancies from observed data occurred late in the season. In conclusion, validation studies with MACRO give promising results. However, marked discrepancies from measured data are occasionally observed. A drawback of the model is its complexity which leads to uncertainties in parameterisation. In particular, sensitive parameters describing macroporosity are difficult to select. Calibrated simulations are often, but not always, able to reproduce observed leaching of pesticides. Accurate simulations without calibration are less frequent, indicating the continuing difficulties with selection of appropriate input parameters. However, uncalibrated runs generally show improved match to observed behaviour for a range of soils relative to models without preferential flow. 2.4 MACRO_DB MACRO_DB (Jarvis et al., 1996, 1997) is a decision support tool which links various data sources to the MACRO model (Version 4.0) by the use of parameter estimation algorithms. The databases provided include pesticide properties, soils, cropping and weather. One of the soils databases which can be accessed by MACRO_DB is that contained in SEISMIC (Hollis et al., 1993) and the system will automatically select input parameters for any soil series in England and Wales using a combination of simple rules and pedo-transfer functions. Thus the sensitive parameters setting the boundary between micropores and macropores and governing the rate of exchange of water and solute between regions can be set independent of any user subjectivity. MACRO_DB has been designed for management applications by the non-specialist user in making exposure and risk assessments for pesticides. Given the complex nature of modelling preferential flow, it is likely that MACRO_DB will be used by some companies to parameterise and run the model for selected scenarios. It is thus important to evaluate the predictive ability of the complete system and this was done separately from the evaluation of the stand-alone version of MACRO. Measured soils data for each dataset were entered into MACRO_DB which was then allowed to select input parameters. Standard parameter sets from within MACRO_DB were also selected for the crop of interest. These input values were combined with site-specific data for pesticide properties, drainage characteristics and weather to evaluate the predictive ability of MACRO_DB. MACRO_DB has only been released for approximately one year. At present, no evaluations of the predictive ability of the system have been presented in the literature. 13 2.5 PLM The Pesticide Leaching Model (PLM) described by Hall (1993) is a functional model, based upon an approach of Addiscott (1977) which divides the soil profile into 5-cm layers and the soil water into a mobile and an immobile phase. In PLM, the mobile water is defined as the water held at tensions between field capacity (5 kPa) and saturation (i.e. the air capacity). This phase is further divided into a ‘slow’ and a ‘fast’ flow domain to account for both convective flow of soil solution through water-filled pores and rapid transport through macropores or fissures. The empirical parameter which characterises the percentage of the mobile phase (air capacity) characterised as ‘fast’ needs to be specified by the user and is constant for all horizons, irrespective of their different characteristics. The depth leached per time interval in the fast and slow regions also needs to be specified. Pesticide degradation is assumed to follow first-order kinetics with a bulked half-life for the solid and the three liquid phases. This half-life is adjusted for variations in soil temperature and moisture during the run. Sorption is restricted to the immobile soil water and the slow mobile water, whilst water in the fast flow phase does not interact with soil surfaces. Instantaneous equilibrium between the sorbed and solute phase is assumed together with a linear isotherm. The sorption coefficient in the upper 5 cm is increased daily. PLM can be considered semi-empirical as parameters describing the proportion of fast flow and the depth leached per time interval in the fast and slow regions cannot be linked to soil properties. The authors of PLM suggest that the model requires calibration for a given dataset, but that this can often be limited to only one sensitive parameter (the percentage of fast pores in the mobile phase). A fuller calibration was reported by Hall & Webster (1993) in order to simulate transport of bromide and chloride through lysimeters with two different soil types. Hall (1994) was able to calibrate PLM to describe dichlorprop leaching through lysimeters with three Swedish soils but, in common with other models tested, it was necessary to increase half-life by up to an order of magnitude relative to that measured in the laboratory. 2.6 SWAT SWAT is a semi-empirical model which has been developed to predict concentrations of agriculturally applied pesticides moving to surface waters via the combined pathways of surface runoff, sub-lateral flow and drainflow (Brown & Hollis, 1996). It is based on a direct, empirically-derived link between soil type and stream response to rainfall which has been reported as the Hydrology of Soil Types (HOST) by Boorman et al. (1995). This system groups all UK soil series into twenty-nine classes based upon hydrological characteristics of the soil and the underlying substrate layer. Using the HOST system, soils have been grouped according to their potential for soil run-off into five classes which form the basis for prediction of the movement of water and associated pesticide to streams in response to rainfall. Attenuation factors describe the decrease in concentrations of pesticide between events. A modified version of SWAT has been incorporated into the Environment Agency’s POPPIE programme to predict concentrations of pesticides in surface waters at the catchment scale (Hollis & Brown, 1996). SWAT has been evaluated against data from Cockle Park, Rosemaund and SSLRC experiments on a sandy loam and clay loam soil at Temple Balsall, Warwickshire by Brown & Hollis (1996). The model was shown to be capable of predicting to within one order of magnitude the transient peak concentrations of a wide range of pesticides during rapid water 14 movement to streams in response to rainfall. Simulated concentrations were too great when rainfall initiated water movement to streams very soon after application, particularly for the more mobile pesticides, and some predictions for pesticides sorbed very strongly to soil were relatively poor. 15 Hydrology model Simulation prior to first application of pesticide Multiple pesticide application possible Soil model Availability of needed data User friendliness Assistance in determining model parameters Yes Yes Soil column divided into homogeneous layers of variable thickness Two-domain model with total pore space divided into macropores and micropores; solution of Richards’ equation within micropores, capacitance approach within macropores Yes Soil column divided into homogeneous layers of variable thickness Two-region model with aggregates and cracks between aggregates; Philips’s infiltration equation for water entry into aggregates, HagenPoisseuille’s equation for water movement in cracks MACRO High Some guidance provided for a few parameters; comprehensive help system. Weather data obtainable; some soil data must be estimated from pedotransfer functions or expert judgement Yes Most data readily available, some soil data must be estimated CRACK-NP Low No Capacitance model over a time-step of 1 day based upon mobile and immobile water fractions with a division at 5 kPa and a further empirical division of mobile water into a slow and fast flow domain No Soil column divided into homogeneous 5-cm layers No Weather data and soil properties readily available; parameter describing macroporosity needs to be calibrated against experimental data, other parameters need to be estimated PLM High Some guidance provided for a few parameters Vertical movement according to a mean daily flux No Topsoils only considered as a simple mixing cell No Data readily available SWAT Low No, but parameters are relatively simple Yes Soil column divided into homogeneous layers of equal thickness Solution of Richards’ equation Yes Weather data obtainable, some soil data may need to be estimated from pedo-transfer functions LEACHP Low Little guidance available Table 1: Summary of process description by CRACK-NP, MACRO, PLM, SWAT and LEACHP (partly adapted from Boesten et al. (1995) and Adriaanse et al. (1997)) Considered, but not recommended for predictive use Seepage potential theory Not considered Diffusion within aggregates, mass flow in cracks Linear in aggregates, no sorption in cracks; different Kd for each layer Overland flow Sublateral flow Pesticide transport Pesticide sorption Drainage Input of potential evapotranspiration data CRACK-NP Two region model with cracks; initiation of crack flow if rainfall intensity exceeds aggregate sorption capacity Evapotranspiration Preferential flow Table 1 (continued) Convection-dispersion equation in micropores, mass flow in macropores Linear; sorption sites partitioned between micro- and macropores; different Kd for each layer; Kd can be reset to a new value at any time during the run to account for time-dependent sorption Not considered MACRO Two domain model with macropore flow; physically-based description (effective aggregate half-width, boundary water tension, water content and hydraulic conductivity) Input of potential evapotranspiration data or estimation using PenmanMonteith’s equation Considered, but not recommended for predictive use Seepage potential theory Mass flow transport associated with mobile water Linear; sorption increasing with time in top 5-cm layer; sorption only in immobile and slow mobile flow domain; Kd can be set to 3 different values down the profile % of leached water which moves to drains userspecified Not considered Estimation of potential evapotranspiration from measured or calculated pan evaporation data Not considered PLM Only when field capacity is exceeded and porosity associated with slow flow is filled; empirical description of macroporosity (percentage of fast flow) Linear time-dependent sorption considered according to Walker (1987) Considered as a component of rapid runoff Linked to water flux via a retardation factor Considered as a component of rapid runoff Considered as a component of rapid runoff Accounted for in mean daily water flux during the field capacity period SWAT Rapid flow described using the Standard Percentage Runoff value from the HOST classification Linear or Freundlich isotherm; two-site sorption possible; single Koc corrected according to organic carbon content Convection-dispersion equation Not considered Weekly potential evapotranspiration data required, utility for estimation provided Not considered although overflow is possible as a check for water balance Not considered LEACHP Not considered No Linear interpolation between zero at emergence and maximum leaf area Linear interpolation between minimum at emergence and maximum when the crop has its maximum leaf area; root volume distributed logarithmically with depth Plant root growth CRACK-NP First-order; rate constants corrected for temperature and moisture effects (nonoptional, fixed parameters); degradation applies to soil and water within aggregates, no degradation in cracks No Not considered Pesticide uptake by plants Plant shoot growth Metabolites Pesticide volatilisation Pesticide degradation Table 1 (continued) Yes Leaf area indices and form factors specifying growth curve; starting date of regrowth of winter-sown crops in spring may be specified Linear interpolation between minimum at emergence and maximum when the crop has its maximum leaf area; root volume distributed logarithmically with depth MACRO First-order; temperature and moisture effects may be modelled; different rate constants for solid and liquid phases of microand macropore domain possible; different rate constants for each layer Yes (1) Not considered Growth 25 mm d-1 from date of emergence (or regrowth in spring) to a crop-dependent maximum depth; root volume distributed logarithmically with depth No Not considered PLM First-order; rate constants corrected for temperature and moisture effects (nonoptional, fixed parameters); degradation applies to bulk soil; half-lives can be set to 3 different values down the profile No Not considered Not considered No Considered within a retardation factor No Not considered SWAT First-order field half-life required Based on Davidson et al. (1978) plus a scaling factor LEACHP First-order; temperature and moisture effects may be modelled; biological and chemical degradation possible; degradation in bulk soil or in solution only; different rate constants for each layer Yes (maximum of 3) Volatility across soil surface Yes Empirical sigmoidal curve CRACK-NP Hourly max/min temperatures, rainfall, potential evapotranspiration, utility for estimation from daily values provided Initial water contents, total porosity, field capacity, wilting point, stable crack porosity, crack spacing shrinkage factor, initial depth to water table, tortuosity factor, ped sorptivity at wilting point, hydraulic conductivity, bulk density topsoil and subsoil Parameter grouping Weather Soil MACRO Daily max/min temperatures, rainfall, potential evapotranspiration or daily max/min temperatures, rainfall, solar radiation, vapour pressure, wind speed and height at which measured, albedo, attenuation factor for solar radiation in crop; annual temperature amplitude, average annual temperature, average rainfall intensity, latitude Initial temperatures, initial moisture, dispersivity, effective aggregate halfwidth, shrinkage factor, hydraulic conductivity and water content and water tension at boundary between micro- and macropores, saturated hydraulic conductivity, saturated water content, residual water content, pore size distribution index, wilting point, tortuosity factors for micro- and macropores, bulk density Fraction of water moving to next layer, % of fast mobile phase, rates of fast and slow drainage; total porosity, water content at 5, 200 and 1500 kPa, bulk density PLM Daily max/min temperatures, rainfall, pan evaporation, pan factor Minimum standard rainfall volume, water content at 5, 200 and 1500 kPa, organic carbon content, bulk density, air space, interactive water, hydraulic conductivity at 5 kPa SWAT Daily rainfall Particle size distribution, organic carbon content, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity at reference tension, Campbell’s water retention-conductivity function parameters, dispersivity, initial moisture and temperature LEACHP Daily max/min temperatures, rainfall, weekly pan evaporation and pan factor, or potential evapotranspiration Table 2: Input parameters required for basic simulations using CRACK-NP, MACRO, PLM, SWAT and LEACHP (Data in italics may be either input or calculated by the model) CRACK-NP Root adaptability factor, canopy interception capacity, correction factor for wet canopy evaporation, critical soil air content and water content for root water uptake, date of crop emergence, harvest and date at which maximum leaf area is achieved, initial and maximum root depth, root distribution factor Diffusion coefficient in free water, half-lives, reference temperature and moisture, Kd, fraction of sorption sites in macropores, canopy wash-off coefficient, application rate and date, concentration in rain, impedance factor to control diffusion within peds Parameter grouping Crop Pesticide Table 2 (continued) MACRO Root adaptability factor, canopy interception capacity, correction factor for wet canopy evaporation, critical soil air content and water tension for root water uptake, date of crop emergence, harvest and date at which maximum leaf area is achieved, leaf area index (LAI), root depth and canopy height at a specified date, LAI at harvest, maximum LAI and root depth, root distribution factor, form factors for growth curve Diffusion coefficient in free water, depth of mixing within profile, canopy degradation rate, degradation rates in solid/liquid phase of micro- and macropores, parameters for temperature, moisture dependence, reference temperature, Kd, fraction of sorption sites in macropores, canopy washoff coefficient, amount of applied pesticide solution and its concentration, fraction intercepted by crop, concentration in rain Hold-back factor (fraction excluded from equalisation of solute concentration between immobile and slow mobile phase), exclusion zone for anion sorption, Kd, halflife, reference moisture and temperature, application rate and date PLM Crop type, date of sowing and harvest Koc, half-life, Henry’s constant, application rate and date, crop interception factor SWAT Crop not considered Solubility in water, vapour density, Koc, first-order degradation constants, application rate and date LEACHP Date of germination, emergence, root maturity, shoot maturity and harvest, relative maximum rooting depth and crop cover 3 DATASETS FOR MODEL EVALUATION Data have been collected from three field sites and one lysimeter experiment in the UK. Soils at the field sites are either clays (Brimstone Farm and Wytham) or clay loams (Cockle Park) in which preferential flow is likely to be an important pathway for water and solute movement through the profile. The lysimeter experiment (SSLRC) was conducted with five contrasting soil types with varying texture and potential for preferential flow. Movement of isoproturon was monitored in all of the datasets and was used for model evaluation. The fate of trifluralin at Cockle Park and the leaching of bromide through the SSLRC lysimeters was also simulated. The studies were supplemented with either experimental or literature data on pesticide sorption and degradation. 3.1 Brimstone Farm The Brimstone Farm data set was collected within a four-year collaborative government and industry-funded research programme conducted at the Brimstone Farm facility developed jointly by ADAS and IACR-Rothamsted. A pesticide study was established on a heavy, structured clay soil of the Denchworth series with a thick impermeable subsoil. Data were available for the four control plots. Of these, two were conventionally mole drained (plots 5 and 20). On one plot, the drainage system consisted of gravel-filled moles (plot 15), whilst the remaining plot had close-spaced pipes (plot 9). Pesticides were applied to winter cereals in three successive seasons (1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96) and data for isoproturon were supplied. Rates of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations in drainflow were monitored for the first two key rainfall events of each season. Experimental set-up and results for Brimstone Farm are described by Nicholls et al. (1993), Harris et al. (1994, 1995) and Jones et al. (1995). Information used for this study is summarised in Appendix 1. 3.2 Cockle Park Data for Cockle Park were obtained from a collaborative, MAFF-funded project between the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science and Department of Agriculture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the former ADAS Soil & Water Research Centre. A pesticide experiment was carried out on an existing drainage trial on a clay loam soil of the Dunkeswick series at the university farm at Cockle Park, Northumberland. Pesticides including isoproturon and trifluralin were applied to winter wheat in two successive seasons of which 1990/91 was chosen as the most comprehensively monitored. Losses of water and pesticides from a mole-drained plot in surface-layer flow through the top 30 cm of the soil profile and mole drainflow were recorded between November 1990 and March 1991. Details of the Cockle Park experiment are given by Brown (1993) and Brown et al. (1995a, b). A summary of the data used for model evaluation is provided as Appendix 2. 3.3 SSLRC lysimeters Data were from a research project (PL0510) funded by the MAFF which was conducted at the Soil Survey and Land Research Centre in Silsoe, Bedfordshire. Lysimeters were taken from five soil types representative of each of the three High and the two Intermediate leaching potential classes identified in the National Rivers Authority policy and practice for the 21 protection of groundwater (NRA, 1992). These soils were in descending order of vulnerability: a clay loam alluvial soil with a potential for direct by-pass flow to a shallow ground water table (Enborne series), a deep structureless sandy soil with small organic matter content (Cuckney series), a moderately shallow loamy soil over gravel at about 60 cm depth (Sonning series), a deep, weakly structured loamy soil (Ludford series) and a shallow peat soil over structureless sand (Isleham series). Bromide and pesticides including isoproturon were applied in two successive seasons (1994/95 and 1995/96) and their concentrations in leachate were monitored throughout the leaching periods. The SSLRC lysimeter dataset is described in detail by Brown et al. (1997). Data relevant to this study are summarised in Appendix 3. 3.4 Wytham The Wytham data were from a collaborative experiment between the Institute of Hydrology, the Soil Survey and Land Research Centre and Horticultural Research International which was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, the Agriculture and Food Research Council and others. Isoproturon was applied in spring 1994 to a winter barley crop on a mole-drained clay of the Denchworth series at the Oxford University farm at Wytham, Oxfordshire. During key events, isoproturon concentrations in drainflow, in interlayer flow and occasionally also in overland flow were recorded together with the respective flow rates. In addition, tensiometer data, capacitance probe data and soil temperatures were monitored over an extended period. Further information on the Wytham experiment is provided by Haria et al. (1994) and Johnson et al. (1994, 1995a,b, 1996). The data used in this study are summarised in Appendix 4. 4 MODEL EVALUATION The models described in Section 2 were applied to the four data sets. In all simulations, degradation was assumed to occur in bulk soil according to first-order kinetics. Sorption was considered to be characterised by a linear adsorption isotherm and to be at instantaneous equilibrium. Half-lives and Koc values for the topsoil were set to measured values or to literature data. Half-lives for deeper layers were derived from the top-layer value according to the relationship proposed by Jarvis et al. (1997). Half-lives determined in laboratory studies were corrected for changes in temperature and moisture content during the model run according to literature relationships. For LEACHP modelling, the Campbell’s parameters which characterise water release characteristics and the relationship between hydraulic conductivity and water content were estimated from the water retention data given in Appendices 1-4. The reference hydraulic conductivity at a defined matric potential, which is also required for LEACHP simulations, was derived from pedotransfer functions (Hollis & Woods, 1989) or set to 1 mm/day at field capacity (J.L. Hutson, personal communication). As drainage is not explicitly considered in LEACHP, observed rates of drainflow and associated pesticide concentrations were compared to the simulated flow through the soil profiles at drain depth. CRACK-NP simulations were based on an input file for Brimstone Farm which was provided with the model. Attempts were made to change parameters to account for site-specific conditions, but in many cases the appropriate changes were not possible because they 22 destabilised the model which then crashed. For the same reason, simulations were usually started on the day of application, although a pre-run of the model would have been preferred. The parameters which caused the instability were identified by systematic modifications from the original values. Thereafter, the input parameters were adapted to the evaluated dataset as far as possible. Full details are provided in the relevant results sections. As measured values for parameters defining macroporosity (crack spacing, stable drainable porosity) were not available, these were selected according to expert judgement. For the heavy clay soil at Wytham which is very similar to that at Brimstone, the default values were used (crack spacing in top layer = 0.05 m, stable drainable porosity = 5%). Crack spacing for the more moderate clay loam at Cockle Park was set to a smaller value (0.02 m), whilst stable drainable porosity was set to a larger value (9%) to effectively reduce aggregate size. CRACK-NP enables the user to specify half-lives and Kd values for each soil layer. These were derived from experimental values or literature data. If field half-lives were used, these had to be corrected for temperature and moisture effects as this subroutine cannot be switched off in CRACK-NP and parameters describing these effects cannot be changed by the user. Wherever possible, measured data were used to select input parameters for the stand-alone version of MACRO or default values were retained to avoid introducing unnecessary usersubjectivity. One exception is for the parameter describing the relative proportion of sorption sites in the micropore and macropore regions (FRACMAC). The default value for this sensitive parameter is 0.1 (10% of sorption sites are in the macropores), but the value should be adjusted for any given soil. Logically, FRACMAC should equate to the macroporosity as a fraction of the total porosity so that sorption is set equal in each domain. In practice, this results in values of FRACMAC which are rather large (generally 0.02-0.30) and which artificially restrict movement of pesticide in the macropores. A value of 0.01-0.04 (1-4% of sorption sites in the macropores) is considered more realistic for many soils. In the absence of reliable guidance on the selection of this parameter, FRACMAC was empirically set to 0.01 for soils with a topsoil air capacity (total porosity - field capacity) of 4% or less (Brimstone Farm, Wytham, Ludford and Enborne series from the SSLRC lysimeters) and to 0.04 for soils with an air capacity of 14% or greater (Cockle Park, Cuckney, Sonning and Isleham series from the SSLRC lysimeters). There were no soils with air capacities in the range 4-14%. Other MACRO parameters which are difficult to select are those describing the soil hydraulic properties. The pore size distribution index in the micropores (ZLAMB) was calculated by fitting the Brooks & Corey function (equation 11; Jarvis, 1994) to the measured water release curve. Expert judgement was used to establish the water tension at the boundary between the two flow domains (CTEN) as this cannot readily be independently estimated. Values ranged from 50 cm water tension (5 kPa) for heavy clay soils to 10 cm water tension (1 kPa) for coarse sands. The water content equivalent to this tension (XMPOR) was then derived from the measured water release curve, whilst the conductivity at the boundary (KSM) was estimated from the above values using the equation given by Laliberte et al. (1968). The pore size distribution index in the macropores (ZN) was calculated from CTEN using equations built into MACRO_DB . Saturated conductivity (KSATMIN) was derived using the pedotransfer functions for soils in England and Wales described by Hollis & Woods (1989). Aggregate half-widths (ASCALE) control the movement of water and solute between the micropore and macropore domains. These were selected from basic descriptions of soil structure using the rules built into MACRO_DB (see Section 2.4) so that an area for subjectivity was eliminated as far as possible. Where field half-lives were used for a given 23 pesticide, functions correcting rate of degradation for effects of soil temperature and moisture content were minimised. Simulations with MACRO_DB retained the weather, pesticide, application and site hydrology (drain depth, drain spacing, depth of profile) parameters from the simulations with the standalone version of MACRO. A set of crop input parameters was selected from the validated database provided with MACRO_DB based on the closest to the desired crop and locality. Only the dates of emergence and harvest were altered to match those at each site. Soil hydraulic parameters were calculated within MACRO_DB using the automatic procedures based on pedo-transfer functions. The soils database was updated for each of the soils to be modelled with basic soils information - content of sand, silt, clay and organic carbon, bulk density, pH and description of soil structure. The system then automatically calculates all the soils properties required as input for MACRO and these were used without any changes at all to simulate observed behaviour. The parameter describing the relative proportion of sorption sites in the micropore and macropore regions (FRACMAC) is automatically set within the system according to the soil properties and values are given in the results section for each dataset. For PLM modelling, the rate of slow and fast water movement through the soil has to be specified. The former was set to 5 cm/day, whilst the fast flow rate was set to a value which allowed the soil profile to drain within one day (e.g. 100 cm/day for a 100-cm profile). Profile depths for Brimstone, Cockle Park, the SSLRC lysimeters and the Wytham site were 70 cm, 75 cm, 105 cm and 100 cm, respectively. The percentage of fast mobile phase was set according to expert judgement for the clay soils based upon knowledge of the hydrology of the various soils. For the SSLRC lysimeter dataset, there was felt to be insufficient evidence to support an independent estimate of the percentage of fast mobile phase in the five intermediate soils and the parameter was set by calibration to observed results. If a drainage system was present, all water leaching from the bottom of the soil profile was assumed to be intercepted by the drains. SWAT has relatively simple input requirements. All values were taken from measured data apart from hydraulic conductivity at field capacity which was derived from a pedo-transfer function for soils in England and Wales (Hollis & Woods, 1989). 4.1 Brimstone Farm A subset of the Brimstone Farm dataset was available for model evaluation. Results consisted of point rates of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations (maximum nine per event) together with total drainflow monitored on four plots at Brimstone Farm over the first two key events of three successive years. It should be noted that only two plots (5 and 20) were true replicates (see Appendix 1). For simplicity, model simulations are initially compared to results for just one plot (5). However, there was considerable variability between plots and this is treated in the overview of modelling for Brimstone Farm (Section 4.1.7). Rainfall, maximum and minimum air temperature were supplied at a daily resolution and potential evapotranspiration was estimated using Linacre’s equation (Linacre, 1977). If not otherwise stated, the experimental Koc (81 ml/g) and half-life (75 days at 10oC and 80% field capacity) were used and degradation was corrected for temperature and moisture effects. 24 4.1.1 LEACHP - Brimstone Farm Simulation by LEACHP of rates of drainflow at Brimstone for the two events in each of three seasons is shown in Figure 1. Note that there is no experimental information between the storm events and it is impossible to evaluate overall model performance for these years. Simulation of rates of drainflow was poor for the 1993/94 season, but somewhat better for the next two seasons. The timing of the events was well simulated, but peaks in rate of flow were under-estimated apart from a single occasion in December 1995. Concentrations of isoproturon simulated in drainflow were greatly below those observed (maximum simulated in any of the three years 0.02 µg/l) confirming the expected poor performance of LEACHP on this soil type where preferential flow through cracks and fissures is the dominant hydrological pathway. Comparison between measured rates of drainflow from Plot 5 at Brimstone Farm and those simulated by LEACHP 0.35 Drainage (mm/hour) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 02/11/93 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 12/12/93 0.50 Drainage (mm/hour) 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 07/12/94 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 22/12/95 27/12/95 01/01/96 06/01/96 11/01/96 3.50 3.00 Drainage (mm/hour) Figure 1 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 17/12/95 observed 25 LEACHP 4.1.2 CRACK-NP - Brimstone Farm Water and solute movement observed at Brimstone Farm in previous studies were described successfully with CRACK-NP 1.0 (Armstrong et al., 1995a, b), although simulations with Version 2.0 are not as good (see Section 2.2). It was expected, therefore, that the experimental data from later seasons at Brimstone might be relatively well simulated by the model. The input file set up by the model authors to simulate drainflow and isoproturon concentrations during winter 1990/91 is provided with the model and was applied to data from 1993/94, 1994/95 and 1995/96 with only minor changes (application rates and dates, pesticide Kd and half-life, crop dates). As no measured data were available, initial water contents were set to field capacity at the start of the simulation. Simulated drainflow agreed well with that measured for the first event in 1995/96 (Figure 2). The simulated drainage in the other two seasons, however, was close to zero (these simulations are not shown in Figure 2). Changing the initial depth of the water table from the default value (0.99 m) to drain depth (0.55 m) had no marked effect. The simulated drainflow is influenced by the water input due to rainfall and by losses of water via evapotranspiration. An over-estimation of evapotranspiration may result in under-estimation of drainflow. The model simulated 55 and 74 mm of evaporation from the soil over the 1993/94 and 1994/95 monitoring periods, respectively Given that the relevant periods were rather short (39 and 45 days, respectively), the temperatures were rather low and the crop small at that time of the year, these volumes appear to be too large. The actual predicted evaporation even exceeded potential evapotranspiration (49 and 67 mm, respectively) which can be explained as follows: the model assumes that rainfall is stored on the canopy surface up to a maximum value and only water exceeding this amount enters the soil profile. This canopy interception capacity is considered to increase linearly from zero at emergence to its maximum at the date of maximum leaf area. The maximum was set to a rather large value (5 mm) and although the actual interception capacity was not greater than 1.5 mm at the relevant intervals, this meant that the crop surface was wet over a considerable time. As the evaporation from a wet canopy was assumed to exceed potential evapotranspiration by a factor of 1.5, total water loss by this pathway amounted to unreasonably large volumes. The assumption of a linear increase of crop interception capacity from emergence onwards is unrealistic for winter sown crops. In addition, the default values for both crop interception capacity and the correction factor for wet canopy evaporation appeared to be too large. When these parameters were decreased to more realistic values, the model destabilised and crashed. In an attempt to improve the simulation in spite of this problem, water loss through the crop canopy was artificially decreased by assuming that the soil was bare over the simulation periods 1993/94 and 1994/95. Simulated drainflow for the first two key events in 1993/94, 1994/95 (without crop) and 1995/96 (with crop) compared to that measured from Plot 5 are given in Figure 2. 26 Figure 2 Comparison between rates of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations from Plot 5 at Brimstone Farm and those simulated by CRACK-NP (application on 02/11/93, 17/11/94 and 30/10/95) 0.35 simulated assuming bare soil 500 0.25 Isoproturon (µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 0.30 600 simulated assuming bare soil 0.20 0.15 0.10 300 200 100 0.05 0.00 02/11/93 400 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 0 02/11/93 12/12/93 1.20 12/11/93 22/11/93 simulated assuming bare soil 500 0.80 400 Isoproturon (µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.20 200 100 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 0 07/12/94 01/01/95 25 2.0 20 Isoproturon (µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 300 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 17/12/95 12/12/93 600 simulated assuming bare soil 0.00 07/12/94 02/12/93 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 27/12/95 01/01/96 06/01/96 11/01/96 15 10 5 22/12/95 27/12/95 01/01/96 06/01/96 11/01/96 0 17/12/95 observed 22/12/95 CRACK-NP 27 In 1993/94, the onset of drainflow was simulated to occur earlier than that observed and the drainflow intensities monitored from 13-14 November and 7-8 December 1993 were underestimated. However, no drainage was simulated on 4 and 5 November 1993 if the run was started two months before application. In 1994/95, the simulated maximum flow rate during the first leaching event (1.16 mm/hour) exceeded that observed from plot 5, but a better agreement was achieved for plots 9, 15 and 20 (maximum flow rates 2.2, 1.9 and 1.4 mm/hour). In 1995/96, the hydrograph of the first event was well matched by CRACK-NP, whilst flow during the second event was under-estimated. Simulated isoproturon concentrations in drainflow agreed relatively well with those observed in 1993/94 although the simulation of hydrology was very poor over this period (Figure 2). In the second and third season, for which the hydrograph was better matched by CRACK-NP, measured isoproturon concentrations were markedly over-estimated. In conclusion, the model could not predict water and solute movement at Brimstone Farm with sufficient accuracy, even though the simulations were based on an input file set up for the same site. In each season, the model was able to represent either drainflow or isoproturon leaching, but not both. Discrepancies between simulated and measured data showed no underlying trends or consistency between years. Minor changes of input parameters destabilised the model which then crashed. Parameterisation of the model according to expert judgement was, thus, not possible even for a situation very similar to that for which the default file was provided. The mis-match between CRACK-NP simulations and observed drainflow and pesticide concentrations might to some extent be attributed to uncertainties involved in the estimation of hourly rainfall which is required as a model input. A utility (metconv.exe) is provided outside the model to calculate hourly data from the daily values. These calculations are based on the simplifying assumption of a triangular distribution of daily rainfall around a maximum. This maximum is defined as a proportion of total daily rainfall which is specified by the user. Based on data analyses for different sites in the UK, a proportion of 0.3 is suggested by the manual (i.e. the peak rainfall intensity equals 30% of total daily rainfall) and this value was used for the simulations reported in Figure 2. To test the sensitivity of the model output for changes in this parameter, further simulations were carried out using a value for this proportion of either 0.1 or 0.6. The results are demonstrated in Figure 3 for the first and the second event in 1993/94 together with the hourly rainfall calculated with the metconv.exe utility. 28 Figure 3 CRACK-NP simulations of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations in drainflow from the Brimstone site over the first and second event in 1993/94 for different hourly rainfall patterns (maximum hourly rainfall = 0.1, 0.3 or 0.6 x total daily rainfall) 6 6 0.1 0.3 0.6 4 3 2 1 0 13/11/93 4 3 2 1 14/11/93 15/11/93 16/11/93 0.05 0 08/12/93 17/11/93 0.04 09/12/93 10/12/93 0.14 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.03 0.02 11/12/93 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.12 Drainage (mm/hour) Drainage (mm/hour) 0.1 0.3 0.6 5 Rainfall (mm/hour) Rainfall (mm/hour) 5 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.00 13/11/93 0.02 14/11/93 15/11/93 16/11/93 0.00 08/12/93 17/11/93 250 10/12/93 11/12/93 150 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.6 Isoproturon (µg/l) 200 Isoproturon (µg/l) 09/12/93 150 100 100 50 50 0 13/11/93 14/11/93 15/11/93 16/11/93 17/11/93 29 0 08/12/93 09/12/93 10/12/93 11/12/93 Changing the hourly rainfall pattern had a marked influence on the simulations by CRACKNP (Figure 3). However, the results shown are extremely complex with no clear relationship between the pattern of hourly rainfall generated and either rate of drainflow or concentrations of pesticide simulated. Maximum isoproturon concentrations, which were simulated on the basis of the input values 0.1, 0.3 or 0.6, varied by factors of 5.3 and 2.4 for the two events, respectively. A comparison of this variation to differences between simulated and observed concentrations at Brimstone Farm (factors up to 79) demonstrates that the uncertainty in the tested parameter alone cannot be responsible for the variable model performance. In addition, it should be noted that the values used (0.1 and 0.6) are outside the range of experimental values given by the model authors (0.199-0.467). The analysis suggests that 0.3 is probably the most appropriate value for the proportion of maximum rainfall. 4.1.3 MACRO - Brimstone Farm Uncalibrated simulations were carried out with MACRO for the three seasons of data at Brimstone Farm. The boundary between micropores and macropores was set to 5 kPa according to expert judgement and then hydraulic parameters were selected around this boundary according to measured properties. The same parameter set was used for each of the three seasons with only weather data, time of application and crop growth varied. In the absence of measured values, initial soil water content was set to establish drainage equilibrium (i.e. fully wetted but without initiating drainflow) on 1 September of each season. This moisture condition is too wet for September, but at least three months initiation period was simulated before any of the measured events. Nevertheless, by varying the initial soil moisture content, it might be possible to better simulate the first event of the season (but not the second). Results of the various simulations are compared with observed data for plot 5 in Figure 4. The timing of drainage events was well matched by MACRO, particularly given that only daily rainfall data were available. The magnitude of drainflow was also well matched in two of the three seasons (93/94 and 95/96), but there appears to be a considerable over-estimate of peak drainflow rates from plot 5 for 94/95. As for CRACK-NP (Section 4.1.2), it should be noted that simulated drainflow for the first event of the 94/95 season matched that from the other three plots much better (observed maxima 2.2, 1.9 and 1.4 mm/hour). Point concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow were not well simulated. Results for the 93/94 season were best, but under-estimated peak concentrations by factors of 4 and 2 for the first and second events, respectively. In both subsequent seasons, peak concentrations were greatly over-estimated by MACRO. The model gave maximum values of 566 and 57 µg/l in 94/95 and 95/96, respectively, whereas observed maxima from any of the four plots were 84 and 1.2 µg/l, respectively. 30 Figure 4 Comparison between rates of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations from Plot 5 at Brimstone Farm and those simulated by MACRO (application on 02/11/93, 17/11/94 and 30/10/95) Drainage Isoproturon 0.35 600 500 0.25 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.10 400 300 200 100 0.05 0.00 02/11/93 0 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 12/12/93 02/11/93 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 12/12/93 600 2.00 1.80 500 1.40 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 1.60 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 400 300 200 100 0.20 0.00 07/12/94 0 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 07/12/94 01/01/95 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 60 2.0 1.8 50 1.4 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 40 30 20 10 0.2 0.0 17/12/95 0 27/12/95 06/01/96 16/01/96 17/12/95 observed MACRO 31 27/12/95 06/01/96 16/01/96 The results given in Figure 4 suggest that the input parameters selected for MACRO were not transferable between seasons. In part, this is accounted for by the absence of information on initial water contents at the start of the simulation and the use of daily rainfall with an average intensity rather than hourly data. However, even with this information, the enormous variability in concentrations of isoproturon leaving the site in drainflow would not be accurately simulated for all three seasons. The rate of application in the final season was one tenth of that in the first two, but even if concentrations are normalised to a single application rate, the range of maximum concentrations observed over the three seasons still spans two orders of magnitude. Calibration of the model to reproduce results for any selected season would be relatively simple, but it was not possible to produce a single parameter set to adequately simulate all three seasons. The four plots at Brimstone Farm for which results are available are not replicates in terms of drainage treatment and there is additional variability in results as a consequence of the highly heterogeneous structure in this soil type. Even so, results of simulations with MACRO suggest that some important processes determining the behaviour of isoproturon at Brimstone Farm are not being described by the model and/or are not being represented in the monitoring programme at the site. 4.1.4 MACRO_DB - Brimstone Farm Measured soil properties were entered into MACRO_DB and used to generate a parameter file for the Denchworth soil at Brimstone Farm. The proportion of sorption sites within the macropore region (FRACMAC) was set by the system to 4%. The results of the simulations with MACRO_DB are shown in Figure 5. The principal difference between the input parameters used with the stand-alone version of MACRO and those selected automatically by MACRO_DB was in the position of the boundary between micropores and macropores. In the former, this was set at 5 kPa water tension (field capacity), whereas the automatic procedure set the boundary at 2 kPa in the topsoil and 3.2 kPa in the subsoil. The consequence of this difference for the MACRO_DB simulation is that the soil would have to be relatively wetter before macropore flow would be initiated, the conductivity of the micropore domain would be greater and the overall importance of macropore flow would be reduced. Figure 5 demonstrates the effect of this change with MACRO_DB simulating smoother drainflow hydrographs than MACRO (see Figure 4). Peak rates of drainflow are smaller for MACRO_DB and a number of events are either not simulated or greatly reduced in importance. Each event is followed by a considerable tail in the hydrograph resulting from slower drainage through the micropores. Although the point data provided for Brimstone Farm do not allow a full evaluation of the two methods, it is considered that the simulation of drainflow from MACRO is more representative of the rapid responses to drainflow observed from this soil than the simulation using MACRO_DB. MACRO_DB gave a better simulation of rates of drainflow than MACRO for the first event of the 1994/95 season for plot 5 (and consequently a worse simulation for the other three plots). 32 Figure 5 Comparison between rates of drainflow and isoproturon concentrations from Plot 5 at Brimstone Farm and those simulated by MACRO_DB (application on 02/11/93, 17/11/94 and 30/10/95) Isoproturon 600 0.30 500 0.25 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) Drainage 0.35 0.20 0.15 0.10 400 300 200 100 0.05 0.00 0 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 02/11/93 12/12/93 1.40 70 1.20 60 1.00 50 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 02/11/93 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 12/12/93 40 30 20 07/12/94 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 40 1.8 35 1.6 30 1.4 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Drainage (mm/hour) 02/12/93 0 12/12/94 2.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 25 20 15 10 0.4 5 0.2 0.0 17/12/95 22/11/93 10 0.00 07/12/94 12/11/93 0 27/12/95 06/01/96 16/01/96 17/12/95 observed 27/12/95 MACRO_DB 33 06/01/96 16/01/96 MACRO_DB simulated smaller concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow from Brimstone Farm than MACRO. This was a direct result of the lesser influence of macropore flow in the model run with MACRO_DB where hydraulic parameters were selected according to pedotransfer functions . In addition, sorption within the macropores was four times as great for runs with MACRO_DB and losses to drains in rapid bypass flow would thus be further decreased. Zero loss to drains was simulated in the first season when the largest concentrations of isoproturon were observed. In 1994/95, the maximum concentration in the first event was under-estimated, whilst that in the second event was over-estimated by a factor of 20. In common with all other models, concentrations in the third season were overestimated by more than an order of magnitude. It is not possible to say whether parameter selection using expert judgement (MACRO) or pedo-transfer functions (MACRO_DB) resulted in the more accurate simulation of observed behaviour of isoproturon . However, MACRO_DB failed to predict any concentrations of isoproturon at all in drainflow during the two events in 1993/94 when the largest concentrations (up to 280 µg/l) were observed. Coupled with the overall weaker simulation of water flow, this suggests that simulations with MACRO_DB may be relatively poor for this soil type in certain seasons. 4.1.5 PLM - Brimstone Farm For PLM simulations of the Brimstone Farm data set, the percentage of fast mobile phase was set to 95% to reflect the domination of bypass flow at the site. This value was subsequently decreased to 80% in an attempt to improve the fit to observed concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow. Initial soil moisture deficits for the three seasons (i.e. the amounts of water required to increase soil moisture to field capacity) were calibrated to values whereby the simulated and observed drainflow started approximately on the same date. These were 20 mm for 1993/94 and 1994/95 and 90 mm for 1995/96. The measured half-life (75 days at 10oC and 80% field capacity) and Kd (2.9 ml/g) for isoproturon were used and the output compared to simulations based on the literature-derived data (half-life = 30 days at 10oC, field capacity and Koc = 100 ml/g). Drainflow from the four plots at the Brimstone site during the first two key events in three successive years is compared to flow simulated by PLM assuming 95% fast flow in Table 3. Table 3 Comparison between drainflow (mm) from four plots at Brimstone and that simulated with PLM Year Event 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1 2 1 2 1 2 Plot 5 4.3 8.8 5.8 22.4 57.8 9.1 Observed Plot 9 Plot 15 3.9 5.5 13.4 8.7 12.0 12.8 15.5 26.7 59.9 45.1 12.2 2.7 34 Simulated Plot 20 6.6 10.5 2.5 6.9 43.0 3.0 3.8 8.6 3.5 24.4 44.3 10.8 PLM outputs are given at a daily resolution. Therefore, data measured at a higher resolution such as those from Brimstone farm may not be represented in detail by the model. Taking this into account, the observed drainflow is represented relatively well by the model. In contrast, isoproturon concentrations were markedly over-estimated (Figure 6). Thus, whilst CRACK-NP and MACRO under-estimated concentrations in the first season and overestimated them in the two subsequent seasons, PLM over-estimated concentrations by a considerable margin in all three seasons. Decreasing the half-life from 75 to 30 days and increasing Kd in the topsoil from 2.9 to 3.6 ml/g gave slightly smaller concentrations, but there is still a considerable over-estimation of observed data. Isoproturon concentrations in drainflow from Plot 5 at Brimstone Farm and those simulated by PLM (application on 02/11/93, 17/11/94 and 30/10/95) 1200 Isoproturon (µg/l) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 02/11/93 12/11/93 22/11/93 02/12/93 12/12/93 900 800 Isoproturon (µg/l) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 07/12/94 12/12/94 17/12/94 22/12/94 27/12/94 01/01/95 80 70 60 Isoproturon (µg/l) Figure 6 50 40 30 20 10 0 17/12/95 observed 27/12/95 06/01/96 PLM (DT50 = 75 d, Kd = 2.9 ml/g) 35 16/01/96 PLM (DT50 = 30 d, Kd = 3.6 ml/g) Decreasing the percentage of fast mobile phase from 95 to 80% had no significant effect on PLM simulations for the 1993/94 season, but greatly reduced the amount of drainflow. The associated loss of isoproturon was also reduced between observed events in 1994/95 and 1995/96. However, concentrations of isoproturon simulated during the events were almost unchanged and still greatly over-predicted observed concentrations in all cases. 4.1.6 SWAT - Brimstone Farm SWAT does not simulate rates of drainflow, but rather the total flow to surface water over a given event (results from the model are compared with observed totals in Section 4.1.7). Comparison of the maximum concentration of isoproturon observed and simulated (Table 5) shows that SWAT followed a similar pattern to the other models with maxima underestimated in the first season and over-estimated in the second and third season. However, SWAT was the only other model apart from PLM to correctly simulate the relative magnitude of maximum concentrations in each of the three seasons (i.e. 1993/94 > 1994/95 > 1995/96). A dominant factor used by SWAT to estimate concentrations moving to surface waters is the time from application to the storm event. As this was shortest in 1993/94, the largest concentrations were simulated in this year. Clearly, CRACK-NP and MACRO include additional effects which resulted in much larger concentrations simulated for the second season than for the first. 4.1.7 Overview - Brimstone Farm Point rates of drainflow and associated concentrations of isoproturon were available for four plots for two storm events in each of three successive seasons. In addition, total drainflow but not loss of isoproturon was available for each event. There was considerable variation between the four plots which arose partly from the natural variability expected in this highlystructured soil and partly from the fact that they were not replicates in terms of drainage treatment (see Section 3.1). There was no information between the two events so that it was only possible to evaluate model performance over the duration of the storm. The observed maximum rate of flow and concentration may not have matched the actual maximum over the storm event, but the graphs depicted naturally draw the reader to make the comparison with the equivalent maxima simulated by the model. Notwithstanding the above comments, the Brimstone Farm experiment provides a high quality dataset on a soil which is extremely vulnerable to preferential flow through cracks and fissures to the artificial drainage system. Table 4 summarises simulated flows for each of the six events and compares them with the mean and standard deviation for the four plots at Brimstone. There is no consistent pattern of one model performing better than another. PLM and SWAT were best in the first season, all models performed reasonably in the second and MACRO was particularly accurate in the third. Comparing the simulated flow with the mean ± one standard deviation shows that CRACK-NP and MACRO_DB were accurate for three of the six events, MACRO and SWAT for four events and PLM for five events. It should be noted that although estimations of initial water contents were made for all of the models, PLM was the only one for which a genuine calibration of this parameter was performed. 36 Table 4 Comparison between total flow (mm) observed for the six events at Brimstone Farm and those simulated in uncalibrated runs with the models Event Observed* CRACK-NP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM SWAT 93/94 First event Second event 5.1 (1.2) 10.4 (2.2) 0.5 1.7 3.6 2.1 1.9 0.6 3.8 8.7 5.3 6.3 94/95 First event Second event 8.3 (5.0) 17.9 (8.6) 11.6 13.5 10.0 15.1 5.9 11.7 3.5 24.4 9.8 16.4 95/96 First event Second event 51.5 (8.6) 6.8 (4.7) 52.2 0.8 56.9 5.4 47.6 1.1 44.3 10.8 33.0 6.4 * Mean of values for plots 5, 9, 15 and 20 together with the standard deviation in parentheses There was much greater variation in concentrations of isoproturon simulated to leave Brimstone in drainflow. Maximum values are given in Table 5, again with the mean observed maximum from the four plots and the associated standard deviation. Of the 20 simulated maximum concentrations reported in Table 5, only one (CRACK-NP for the second event in 1993/94) falls within one standard deviation of the mean observed, indicating the difficulty of simulating this site without calibration. Taking a broader measure of acceptability of within one order of magnitude of the observed mean, CRACK-NP, MACRO and SWAT were acceptable for both events in 1993/94 and the first event in 1994/95. For the same three events, PLM was acceptable for two events and MACRO_DB for one. None of the models gave acceptable simulations for the second event in 1994/95 or either event in 1995/96. Table 5 Comparison between maximum concentrations of isoproturon (µg/l) observed in the six events at Brimstone Farm and those simulated in uncalibrated runs with the models Event Observed* CRACK-NP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM SWAT 93/94 First event Second event 465 (132) 134 (47) 156 141 69.1 55.7 0 0 967 682 140 43.4 94/95 First event Second event 65.1 (14.7) 2.6 (2.3) 527 206 566 524 8.2 50.1 808 613 80.2 37.3 95/96 First event Second event 0.64 (0.41) 0.21 (0.28) 24.4 5.3 58.5 12.4 35.1 2.9 51.3 35.4 8.2 3.9 * Mean of values for plots 5, 9, 15 and 20 together with the standard deviation in parentheses Maximum pesticide concentrations at Brimstone show extreme variability between seasons which the models were not able to simulate. Only PLM and SWAT correctly ranked the seasons in terms of maximum concentrations (i.e. 1993/94 > 1994/95 > 1995/96) and SWAT appeared to give the best simulation of maximum concentrations over all six events. All of the simulations reported above are vast improvements on those obtained with non-preferential 37 flow models such as LEACHP (Section 4.1.1). However there are clearly important processes controlling pesticide losses at Brimstone Farm which are either not accurately treated by the preferential flow models or are not evident from the dataset supplied (e.g. structural variations, shrink-swell status). It can be concluded that simulation of such a heavy clay soil without calibration is a relatively hazardous exercise which carries a high risk of inaccuracy. 4.2 Cockle Park The clay loam soil at Cockle Park is less extreme in terms of bypass flow than the clay soils at Brimstone Farm and Wytham. This is demonstrated by the significant component of flow between storm events and the smaller concentrations of isoproturon detected in drainflow. Daily rates of drainflow and point concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin in drainflow throughout the winter of 1990/91 were used for model evaluation. There were no site-specific measurements for the water release curve at Cockle Park so, where required, these were taken from the SEISMIC database for the representative profile of Dunkeswick series under arable cultivation (Hollis et al., 1993). Rainfall was supplied on a daily resolution together with maximum and minimum temperature. Potential evapotranspiration was calculated using Linacre’s equation (Linacre, 1977). If not otherwise stated, Kd values used as input parameters for Cockle Park modelling were calculated from the soil organic carbon content and literature-derived Koc values for isoproturon (100 ml/g) and trifluralin (4000 ml/g). Isoproturon degradation was modelled using the field DT50 of 35 days or a literature value (30 days) for the upper horizon and corrected values for deeper layers. For trifluralin, the field DT50 of 180 days and a literature value of 60 days were considered. For field DT50’s, the reference temperature and moisture were set to 8oC and water content at 5 kPa, respectively. 4.2.1 LEACHP - Cockle Park LEACHP was used to simulate drainflow and associated losses of isoproturon and trifluralin at Cockle Park. Input values were taken from measured data wherever possible. Drainflow was approximated by simulating leaching to drain depth (50 cm) and assuming all leachate was intercepted by the drainage system. Field half-lives of 35 and 180 days for isoproturon and trifluralin, respectively, were set constant throughout the model run. Although LEACHP does not include any description of preferential flow, simulated drainflow matched reasonably well to that observed for this clay loam soil (Figure 7). Peak rates of flow were under-estimated, whereas flow between events was over-estimated. Total drainflow simulated for the period was 248 mm (90% of observed). Preferential flow is known to be extremely important for pesticide transport in such soils and LEACHP completely failed to describe the movement of either compound to drains. The major events for isoproturon loss were missed and only a small breakthrough at the end of the season was simulated (Figure 8). This pattern of breakthrough is typical of models without a description of preferential flow. No losses of trifluralin were simulated because of the strong sorption to soil, whereas concentrations up to 0.06 µg/l were observed in drainflow over the winter period. 38 Figure 7 Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by LEACHP 18 observed 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) 18 predicted 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by LEACHP Isoproturon 6 5 Isoproturon ( g/l) Figure 8 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time from application (d) observed 39 LEACHP 120 140 4.2.2 CRACK-NP - Cockle Park The original hydrological model CRACK was developed to describe leaching through cracking clay soils and was only applied to heavy clay soils of the Denchworth and Evesham series (≈ 60% clay). Following incorporation of nitrate and pesticide sub-routines, CRACKNP has only previously been applied to the Denchworth soil at Brimstone. Therefore, it was interesting to check the ability of the model to describe water and solute movement in the more moderate Dunkeswick clay loam over clay soil at the Cockle Park site (38% clay at 60 cm depth). The input file provided for the Denchworth soil at Brimstone Farm was modified to account for soil properties and the experimental design at Cockle Park. The simulation was started on the day of application and the initial water contents were set to greater values than those measured, because the model destabilised and crashed if actual soil water values were used or the simulation was started prior to application. The model requires information about the initial depth of a water table which has to be smaller than or equal to the total depth of the profile. As significant drainflow does not start before the water table has risen above the drain depth, this is a sensitive parameter. At Cockle Park no water table was present and this parameter was set to an artificial value (0.79 m). Smaller values were not possible due to instability of the model. For the same reason, aggregate sorptivity had to be set to the default value. The observed and simulated drainflow are given in Figure 9. The model gave a good match to both the timing of drainflow and the peak flow rate. However, cumulative drainflow from CRACK-NP was only 69% of that observed because flow between events was underestimated. Isoproturon concentrations were over-estimated by more than two orders of magnitude (Figure 10). The assumptions inherent in CRACK-NP (i.e. negligible movement of water and solute in the micropores) are probably not valid for the clay loam soil at Cockle Park (N.Jarvis, personal communication) and this appears to be confirmed by the results presented for isoproturon. An alternative explanation is that preferential flow in cracks is not initiated at the soil surface as simulated by CRACK-NP, but at the base of the plough layer where a temporary perched water table is known to develop (A. Armstrong, author’s comments). Preferential flow generated at depth will clearly contain less pesticide than simulated by the model which assumes initiation in the pesticide-rich upper layers of the soil. Whatever the mechanism responsible for the mis-match between observed and simulated results, it can be concluded that the model in its current form should not be applied to soils where clay content decreases significantly below 50-60%. Maximum concentrations of trifluralin simulated by CRACK-NP over-estimated observed values by four orders of magnitude and were only slightly smaller than those for isoproturon despite the very large difference in adsorption properties. Simulated total losses of trifluralin were actually larger than those of isoproturon, presumably because the former is more persistent. These results were checked by simulating a hypothetical application of trifluralin at Brimstone Farm and comparing the model output to simulated behaviour of isoproturon. The very large over-estimate of transport of the more strongly sorbed compound was confirmed. CRACK-NP assumes that sorption of pesticides is limited to the soil aggregates with no sorption within the cracks (Adriaanse et al., 1997). Once pesticide enters preferential flow in the cracks, there is thus little if any potential for further attenuation. As results with trifluralin at Cockle Park were reproduced for Brimstone Farm, it seems likely that this is the principal reason for the large over-estimate of concentrations of this strongly-sorbed pesticide. If this is the case, then this assumption would appear not to be valid for Cockle Park. 40 Figure 9 Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by CRACK-NP 18 observed 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) 18 predicted 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) Figure 10 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by CRACK-NP Isoproturon Trifluralin 500 800 450 700 400 600 Trifluralin (µg/l) Isoproturon (µg/l) 350 500 400 300 300 250 200 150 200 100 100 50 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 140 20 40 60 80 Tim e from application (d) Tim e from application (d) observed CRACK-NP 41 100 120 140 4.2.3 MACRO - Cockle Park Soil and hydraulic parameters were selected according to the method detailed in Section 4. Expert judgement was used to set the boundary between micropore and macropore domains at 1.5 kPa in the topsoil and 2.5 kPa in the subsoil. As there was no description of soil structure at the site, the values for Dunkeswick series incorporated into MACRO_DB were taken. Initial soil moisture contents were based on measured values, but simulations were also run for approximately 14 months prior to the application date to allow the model to equilibrate. Half-lives for the two pesticides were based on field values for Cockle Park over the 1990/91 season and variation in rate according to soil temperature and moisture content was minimised. MACRO gave a reasonable simulation of the measured hydrograph, particularly early in the season (Figure 11). An event 45-50 days after application was not simulated and peak flows from 90 to 130 days after application were under-estimated. This suggests that simulated evapotranspiration was greater than that observed and this is reinforced by the total simulated drainflow (225 mm) which was only 81% of that observed. As the simulation covered the winter months when actual evapotranspiration approximated to potential evapotranspiration, it is most likely that the values for potential evapotranspiration used as input to the model were an over-estimate. Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by MACRO 18 observed 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) 18 predicted 16 14 Drainage (mm/day) Figure 11 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time from application (d) 42 120 140 Concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow for the first significant event after application were well simulated by the model (Figure 12), although the maximum value was overestimated by a factor of three. Subsequently, concentrations but not their pattern were well matched from 40 to 70 days after application. From 90 days after application, all concentrations were greatly over-estimated (factors of between ten and twenty). As flow was greatest during this period, the total loss of isoproturon in drainflow was also over-estimated by a factor of ten. Thus, although MACRO gave reasonably accurate simulation of the first pulse of pesticide reaching drainflow, there was a considerable error associated with the simulation of total loss of pesticide over the season. It is not clear why the model simulates such large concentrations of isoproturon late in the season. One possibility is that this results from slower leaching through the micropores implying that the input parameters place too much emphasis on matrix flow relative to conditions at the site. However, such large concentrations were not observed for simulations with MACRO_DB (see Section 4.2.4) where hydraulic parameters were expected to place even greater emphasis on flow through the micropores. A second explanation is that pesticide moved down the soil profile in preferential flow early in the season resides in the soil micropores at depth before acting as a source for movement to drains later in the season (N. Jarvis, author’s comments). Changes to parameter values made to address the problem had little effect on the simulation, but this aspect will receive further attention in an extension to the programme of work. MACRO did not predict any leaching to drain depth of the strongly-sorbed compound trifluralin although very small concentrations of this pesticide were detected in drainflow throughout much of the season. Further evaluation is recommended to investigate the predictive capacity of MACRO for more strongly-sorbed pesticides - all of the validation studies reported in Section 2.3 have been carried out with relatively mobile pesticides. It is likely that parameters controlling the predominance of preferential flow (e.g. FRACMAC the proportion of sorption sites in the macropore domain) will be especially sensitive for more strongly-sorbed pesticides. This will be investigated in an extension to this programme of work. Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by MACRO Isoproturon 14 12 10 Isoproturon ( g/l) Figure 12 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time from application (d) observed 43 MACRO 120 140 4.2.4 MACRO_DB - Cockle Park The MACRO input file described in Section 4.2.3 was adjusted to include soil/hydraulic and crop parameters derived from MACRO_DB. Soil/hydraulic parameters were derived using the pedo-transfer functions incorporated into MACRO_DB and based on data for bulk density, sand, silt, clay and organic carbon content set out in Appendix 2. As at other sites, the boundary between the two pore domains (CTEN) was set closer to saturation by MACRO_DB (0.9 kPa in the topsoil and 1.4 kPa in the subsoil) than using expert judgement with the stand-alone version of MACRO (see Section 4.2.3). This would reduce the effect of preferential flow in MACRO_DB relative to MACRO. In the absence of a full soil survey for the site, information on structure sizes was taken from a standard description for the Dunkeswick series contained within MACRO_DB. Crop parameters were taken from within the system for a winter wheat crop at a German site with the dates of emergence and harvest adjusted to those at Cockle Park. Pesticide parameters and weather data were the same as those used with the stand-alone version of MACRO except that the proportion of sorption sites in the macropores (FRACMAC) was set to 0.06 by MACRO_DB whereas a value of 0.04 was used in the stand-alone version. Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by MACRO_DB 18 observed 16 Drainage (mm/day) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) 18 predicted 16 14 Drainage (mm/day) Figure 13 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time from application (d) 44 120 140 As with LEACHP, MACRO_DB gave a reasonable approximation to the observed pattern of drainflow, but under-estimated peak flow and over-estimated that between events (Figure 13). Total flow for the period was again under-estimated (83% of observed). The simulation of the pattern of isoproturon concentrations in drainflow was poor (Figure 14). Although timing of the first major event was well matched, the maximum concentration observed (4.2 µg/l) was under-estimated by a factor of 30 (0.14 µg/l). All subsequent observed concentrations of isoproturon were under-estimated by the model and the total observed loss of isoproturon (0.141 mg/m2) was under-estimated by a factor of 35 (0.004 mg/m2). MACRO_DB failed to predict any losses of trifluralin to drains over the monitoring period. It can be concluded that the parameter set selected using MACRO_DB under-estimated the effect of macropore flow on pesticide transport at the site. Figure 14 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by MACRO_DB Isoproturon 6 Isoproturon ( g/l) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) observed 4.2.5 M ACRO _DB PLM - Cockle Park To simulate pesticide movement at Cockle Park, the percentage of fast mobile phase was set to 60%. This was assumed to be a reasonable value for the Dunkeswick soil. Measured drainflow was reasonably well simulated by the model although rates of flow between events were consistently over-estimated as the model simulated a slow leaching to the drains (Figure 15). Concentrations of both isoproturon and trifluralin were markedly over-estimated (factors of up to 950). In an attempt to improve simulation of pesticide concentrations, the percentage of fast mobile phase was reduced to 30%. With this value, simulation of drainflow patterns deviated considerably from those observed (Figure 15). There was a significant reduction in predicted concentrations of the two herbicides in drainflow, but these still greatly exceeded measured values (Figure 16). Using a literature half-life of 60 days for trifluralin instead of the experimental value (180 days) gave no significant improvement of the fit to observed concentrations. The reasons for the very poor simulation of pesticide losses at Cockle Park are not clear, but may relate to an interaction between the parameter for the percentage of fast mobile phase and the air capacity of the soil (see Section 4.3.5). Topsoil air capacity was 15.6% at Cockle Park, compared to 4.0 and 3.0% at Brimstone Farm and Wytham, 45 respectively. It is concluded that PLM is not suitable for application to the clay loam soil at Cockle Park without calibration. Figure 15 Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by PLM 30% fast flow 16 14 14 12 12 Drainage (mm/day) Drainage (mm/day) 60% fast flow 16 10 8 6 10 8 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 Time from application (d) observed Figure 16 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) PLM Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by PLM (30% fast mobile phase) Isoproturon Trifluralin 10 120 9 8 7 80 Trifluralin (µg/l) Isoproturon (µg/l) 100 60 40 6 5 4 3 2 20 1 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 140 Time from application (d) 20 40 60 80 Time from application (d) observed 46 PLM 100 120 140 4.2.6 SWAT - Cockle Park An evaluation of SWAT against data from Cockle Park has previously been reported by Brown & Hollis (1996) and only a brief reprise is given here. SWAT is only intended to predict rapid flow during storm events although a catchment version (SWATCATCH) describing the complete water balance is available and is incorporated into the Environment Agency’s POPPIE system (Hollis & Brown, 1996). Figure 17 shows that SWAT was able to match the timing of peak flows although actual values were consistently under-estimated. Two simulated events 85-90 days after application were not actually observed because the ground was frozen over this period. Total rapid flow predicted by SWAT was 83 mm (30% of the total observed). Figure 17 Comparison between measured rates of mole drainflow from Cockle Park and losses of rapid throughflow over storm events predicted by SWAT 18 16 Drainage (mm/d) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Time f rom application (d) Observed SWAT rapid flow Concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin in drainflow were reasonably well simulated by SWAT (Figure 18). Peak concentrations were over-estimated by a factor of 2.5 for isoproturon and under-estimated by a factor of 2 for trifluralin. Concentrations more than 100 days after application were very well matched for isoproturon, but less so for trifluralin where a small increase in concentration with time was observed. Although the model only simulated flow during storm events, larger observed concentrations generally coincided with times at which rapid flow was simulated. Results suggest that the simple approach adopted by SWAT may be appropriate for two contrasting pesticides at this site. In particular, SWAT was the only one of the models evaluated which was able to simulate the small concentrations of the strongly-sorbed compound trifluralin detected in drainflow. 47 Figure 18 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin in mole drainflow from Cockle Park and those predicted by SWAT Isoproturon 12 10 0.08 8 Trifluralin ( g/l) Isoproturon ( g/l) Trifluralin 0.1 6 4 0.06 0.04 0.02 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 Time from application (d) 60 80 100 120 140 Time from application (d) observed 4.2.7 40 SWAT Overview - Cockle Park There was great variability in the accuracy with which the various models simulated results at Cockle Park (see Table 6). Using the same inputs for potential evapotranspiration, all of the models under-estimated total drainflow, but the discrepancy with the observed total was smaller for LEACHP (29 mm) than for the preferential flow models (44-90 mm). Table 6 Summary of the major outputs of the simulations with each model and comparison to observed results. Parameter Observed LEACHP CRACK-NP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM1 SWAT Total drainflow (mm) 277 248 187 225 231 233 83.1* Loss of IPU (mg/m2) 0.141 0.019 20.6 1.53 0.0004 26.2 0.171 4.2 0.3 729 13.1 0.14 506 10.3 Loss of trifluralin (mg/m2) 0.001 0 44.0 0 0 1.21 0.0001 Max conc of trifluralin (µg/l) 0.06 0 499 0 0 10.2 0.02 Max conc of IPU (µg/l) 1 results for 60% fast mobile phase,* Fast flow only For losses of isoproturon, the best simulation was obtained with SWAT. Despite its simplicity in simulating only fast flow (30% of the total observed), SWAT gave an excellent simulation of the total loss of IPU and over-estimated the maximum concentration by a factor of 2.5. The stand-alone version of MACRO gave the next best simulation. However, although the maximum concentration was only over-estimated by a factor of 3, larger losses late in the season than those observed (concentrations over-estimated by factors of ten to twenty) meant that the total loss of IPU was an order of magnitude larger than that observed. 48 Parameters selected using MACRO_DB reduced the effect of preferential flow on the loss of isoproturon to drains which was greatly under-estimated. Both CRACK-NP and PLM greatly over-estimated the observed loss of isoproturon. This suggests that CRACK-NP should not be applied to such a clay loam soil with 30% clay in the topsoil and a significant component of matrix flow. Results for PLM were more surprising, but the large proportion of fast mobile phase necessary to simulate patterns of drainflow resulted in maximum concentrations of isoproturon which were two orders of magnitude larger than those observed. When the proportion of fast mobile phase was halved, flow was not acceptably simulated, whilst concentrations of isoproturon were still over-estimated by a factor of 25. LEACHP which was used as a benchmark for non-preferential flow models did simulate a small breakthrough of isoproturon late in the season, but this did not match the pattern of losses which were dominated by movement soon after application. Cockle Park was the only dataset where information on the movement of a strongly-sorbed pesticide was available. Results for trifluralin (Koc = 4000 ml/g) divide the models into three groups. CRACK-NP and PLM again over-estimated concentrations. For CRACK-NP, this was particularly marked with maximum concentrations of trifluralin only slightly smaller than those of isoproturon and total losses of the more persistent trifluralin actually larger. This result raises serious questions over the pesticide routines incorporated into CRACK-NP and was confirmed by hypothetical simulations of trifluralin for the Brimstone dataset which again resulted in concentrations almost as large as those of isoproturon. Neither MACRO, MACRO_DB, nor LEACHP simulated any loss of trifluralin to drains. Although concentrations were relatively small, the ability of the models to simulate leaching of morestrongly sorbed compounds requires further attention (almost all validation studies have been carried out with relatively mobile pesticides). The only model to accurately simulate the trace concentrations of trifluralin moving in drainflow throughout the season was SWAT. Coupled with the accurate simulation of isoproturon, it can be concluded that this extremely simple model performed best for Cockle Park. 4.3 SSLRC Lysimeters Replicate, undisturbed lysimeters from five contrasting soil types were monitored over two successive seasons. Volumes of leachate and concentrations of bromide and isoproturon were measured at intervals of 1-4 weeks. Rainfall and air temperature were monitored on-site and potential evapotranspiration was estimated using Linacre’s equation (Linacre, 1977). As no degradation or sorption studies were carried out with these soil types, average literature values were used for isoproturon (half-life 30 days at 10oC in the topsoil and Koc 100 ml/g). Plant uptake of bromide, but not isoproturon was considered in all simulations where possible. 49 4.3.1 LEACHP - SSLRC lysimeters The simulated amounts of water draining from the lysimeters between 18/11/94 and 18/08/96 agreed reasonably well with those observed (Table 7). Concentrations of bromide in leachate (Figure 19, Table 7) were very well simulated for three of the five soils (Cuckney, Sonning, Isleham) and also closely predicted for the second season in Ludford soil. The match between observed and simulated bromide concentrations was not as good for the first season in the Ludford soil or for either period in Enborne (the most clay-rich of the five soils used). This would be expected as these were the soils most susceptible to preferential flow. The observed leaching of isoproturon was not well simulated (Table 7) with total losses greatly under-estimated for the Sonning, Ludford and Enborne soils and over-estimated by more than a factor of ten in the Cuckney soil (sandiest soil for which LEACHP should perform best). The observed timing of isoproturon leaching through the Cuckney soil was represented relatively well by the model (Figure 20). The model was rather sensitive to changes in dispersivity and a decrease of this parameter from 100 to 50 mm decreased isoproturon losses from the Cuckney soil by a factor of 3 to 1.6 mg/m2. Uncertainties about the Kd value may have contributed to the discrepancies between simulated and observed data in the Cuckney soil. No sorption experiments were carried out for this soil and an average literature Koc value of 100 was used instead. Based on this value, the compound is very mobile and persistent once it has passed out of the topsoil due to the very low organic carbon contents in deeper layers. Increasing the Koc from 100 to 120 reduced the simulated isoproturon loss from the Cuckney lysimeters from 5.05 to 2.9 mg/m2. There was no leaching of isoproturon from the Isleham soil and this was correctly simulated by LEACHP. Table 7 Comparison between observed flows, bromide and isoproturon loads over two seasons from each of the SSLRC lysimeters and those simulated by LEACHP Soil Flow observed* simulated (mm) (mm) Bromide load observed* simulated (g/m2) (g/m2) Isoproturon load observed* simulated (mg/m2) (mg/m2) Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham 474; 477 417 412 339 335; 356 11.36; 9.97 10.52 6.01; 6.33 3.44; 2.97 4.02; 3.94 0.36; 0.20 0.92 1.53; 4.94 2.77; 5.04 0; 0 416 395 399 347 368 * where available, values are given for replicate lysimeters 50 11.80 9.44 7.95 3.78 5.77 5.05 8.9 x 10-5 4.4 x 10-2 2.2 x 10-3 4.4 x 10-7 Figure 19 Comparison between the observed leaching of bromide through the five SSLRC lysimeter soil types and LEACHP simulations Sonning 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) Cuckney 80 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time from first application (d) Time from first application (d) Enborne Ludford 50 50 40 40 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) 40 30 20 10 500 400 500 30 20 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 Time from first application (d) 200 300 Time from first application (d) Isleham 40 35 30 Bromide (mg/l) 400 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 Lysimeter 2 51 LEACHP Figure 20 Comparison between the observed leaching of isoproturon through the Cuckney lysimeters and LEACHP simulations Cuckney 35 30 Isoproturon (µg/l) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 4.3.2 Lysimeter 2 LEACHP CRACK-NP - SSLRC lysimeters The concepts built into CRACK-NP mean that the model is only applicable to very heavy clay soils where net water movement within the soil matrix can be considered negligible. All of the soils tested in the lysimeter experiment were groundwater soils with intermediate textures and thus fall outside the range of soils to which CRACK-NP applies. The model was therefore not evaluated against this dataset. 4.3.3 MACRO - SSLRC lysimeters MACRO was run uncalibrated for leaching of water, bromide and isoproturon. Detailed soil descriptions and physical/chemical analyses for each of the five soil types were available for selection of input parameters. The boundary between the two flow domains was set to 0.9-1.1 kPa for Cuckney, Sonning, Ludford and Isleham soils), whilst for the clay loam Enborne soil it was set to 1.5 kPa in the topsoil and 3.5 kPa in the subsoil. As set out in Section 4, the proportion of sorption sites in the macropores was set to 0.01 for Ludford and Enborne lysimeters and to 0.04 for the remaining soils. There were no data for initial moisture contents, so these were varied to match the onset of leaching in the autumn of the first season. Table 8 shows that MACRO gave a reasonable simulation of total flow from the various lysimeters. With the exception of Ludford soil, the soils were correctly ranked in terms of relative flow, although the difference between the soils with greatest and least flow was under-estimated by the model. Generally, the model gave a very good simulation of total flow for the first season, but either under- or over-estimated leaching in the second. This suggests that the simulation of the drying and wetting cycle over the period between the two winters was less reliable than the simulation of leaching over the winter. 52 Table 8 Comparison between observed flows, bromide and isoproturon loads over two seasons from each of the SSLRC lysimeters and those simulated by MACRO Soil Flow observed* simulated (mm) (mm) Bromide load observed* simulated (g/m2) (g/m2) Isoproturon load observed* simulated (mg/m2) (mg/m2) Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham 474; 477 417 412 339 335; 356 11.36; 9.97 10.52 6.01; 6.33 3.44; 2.97 4.02; 3.94 0.36; 0.20 0.92 1.53; 4.94 2.77; 5.04 0; 0 451 421 454 366 353 11.78 10.76 10.37 7.40 8.26 1.00 0.52 4.91 1.33 0 * where available, values are given for replicate lysimeters Simulations of bromide leaching with MACRO are shown in Figure 21. Comparison with LEACHP simulations (Figure 19) allows the effect of incorporating preferential flow to be examined for the five soils. For the two sandiest of the five soils (Cuckney and Sonning) and the peat soil (Isleham), MACRO gave a worse simulation than LEACHP in the first season when the model over-estimated the observed concentrations of bromide. However, in the second season, MACRO was better able to simulate the larger concentrations of bromide in leachate than LEACHP. Without calibration, MACRO was not able to simulate the pattern of bromide concentrations from the clay loam Enborne lysimeter, although the magnitude of concentrations were much better matched for each season than with LEACHP. Surprisingly, LEACHP gave the better simulation for both seasons for the other soil where extensive preferential flow was observed (Ludford). It is known that leaching of pesticides is much more influenced by preferential flow than that of the non-interactive tracer bromide. Table 8 and Figure 22 show that MACRO gave much better simulations of isoproturon leaching than LEACHP for all four of the soils from which leaching occurred (neither model simulated leaching from the peaty Isleham soil). Mean total loss of isoproturon was very well matched for the Sonning and Ludford lysimeters, whilst that from Cuckney and Enborne soils was over- and under-estimated, respectively, each by a factor of approximately three. The pattern of isoproturon concentrations was also relatively well simulated for the Ludford, Cuckney and Enborne soils, although magnitude of concentrations was consistently under-estimated for the latter. By contrast, pattern of leaching was not well described for the Sonning lysimeter where breakthrough occurred earlier than simulated and observed concentrations were under-estimated in the first season and over-estimated in the second. Overall, results of simulations of isoproturon leaching with MACRO through the five soils are extremely encouraging, particularly given that no calibration was undertaken apart from adjustment of initial water contents to match the observed onset of flow. 53 Figure 21 Comparison between the observed leaching of bromide through the five SSLRC lysimeter soil types and MACRO simulations Cuckney 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 30 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 Time from first application (d) Enborne Ludford 50 50 40 40 30 20 10 400 500 400 500 30 20 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 Time from first application (d) 100 200 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 300 Time from first application (d) Isleham 40 Bromide (mg/l) 300 Time from first application (d) Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) Sonning 80 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) 80 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 Lysimeter 2 54 MACRO Figure 22 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in leachate from four soils and those predicted by MACRO Cuckney Sonning 10 18 9 16 8 14 7 Isoproturon ( g/l) Isoproturon ( g/l) 20 12 10 8 6 5 4 6 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 Time from first application (d) Enborne 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 50 40 400 500 400 500 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 4.3.4 300 Ludford 100 Isoproturon ( g/l) Isoproturon ( g/l) 100 200 Time from first application (d) 200 300 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 2 MACRO MACRO_DB - SSLRC lysimeters MACRO_DB was used to set up input files for the five soil types based on the parameter estimation techniques built into the system. All soil parameters required for the simulation were automatically calculated within MACRO_DB from the base soils information (texture, organic carbon, bulk density and aggregate characterisation) obtained from soil descriptions for each pair of lysimeters. As with MACRO (Section 4.3.3), the soils parameters placed little emphasis on preferential flow in either Cuckney or Isleham soil. For the remaining three soil types, the simulations resulted in preferential flow being less important than in simulations with the stand-alone version of MACRO based on measured hydraulic properties of the soils together with the conception of each soil’s behaviour held by the modeller. The boundary between the two flow regions (CTEN) selected by MACRO_DB was almost identical to that used with MACRO for four of the five soils. For the clay loam Enborne soil, the boundary was set much closer to saturation by MACRO_DB (1.0 kPa in the topsoil and 1.6 kPa in the subsoil) thus reducing the impact of preferential flow. The biggest difference between simulations with MACRO_DB and those with MACRO was in the proportion of sorption sites in the macropore region. In MACRO this was set to 1-4% depending upon soil properties, whereas MACRO_DB gave values as follows: Cuckney (27%), Sonning (22%), 55 Ludford (17%), Enborne (11%) and Isleham (22%). The result of these larger values would be to increase sorption within the macropore region and thus reduce the impact of preferential flow on pesticide transport under conditions where preferential flow is important. Where matrix flow is more important, sorption within the micropores would be less and thus overall transport of pesticide might be greater. Apart from the Ludford soil, MACRO_DB ranked the soils correctly for total volume of leachate (Table 9) although the range of differences between soils was again under-estimated. MACRO gave a better estimate of the range of different leachate volumes seen from the five soils. Table 9 Comparison between observed flows, bromide and isoproturon loads over two seasons from each of the SSLRC lysimeters and those simulated by MACRO_DB Soil Flow observed* simulated (mm) (mm) Bromide load observed* simulated (g/m2) (g/m2) Isoproturon load observed* simulated (mg/m2) (mg/m2) Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham 474; 477 417 412 339 335; 356 11.36; 9.97 10.52 6.01; 6.33 3.44; 2.97 4.02; 3.94 0.36; 0.20 0.92 1.53; 4.94 2.77; 5.04 0; 0 434 424 435 384 397 10.45 8.81 10.14 9.69 7.28 1.74 0 0 0 0 * where available, values are given for replicate lysimeters Total loss of bromide was under-estimated for the Sonning soil and over-estimated for Ludford, Enborne and Isleham lysimeters. Although the general magnitude of concentrations of bromide leaching from the five lysimeters was accurately simulated by MACRO_DB (Figure 23), the actual patterns of leaching were less well matched than by either LEACHP or MACRO. For Cuckney and Sonning lysimeters, timing of the peaks in breakthrough was delayed and this was accentuated in the second season. This is likely to have resulted from the smaller total volume of leachate simulated relative to that from MACRO and less dispersivity from default parameters for MACRO_DB relative to those for LEACHP. The two soils found to be most prone to preferential flow were not well simulated for bromide with both seasons mis-matched for Enborne and an over-estimation of concentrations from the sandy clay loam Ludford soil during the first season. Patterns of bromide from the Isleham soil were reasonably well simulated. 56 Figure 23 Comparison between the observed leaching of bromide through the five SSLRC lysimeter soil types and MACRO_DB simulations Cuckney 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 30 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time from first application (d) Time from first application (d) Enborne Ludford 50 50 40 40 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) Sonning 80 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) 80 30 20 10 400 500 400 500 30 20 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 Time from first application (d) 100 200 300 Time from first application (d) Isleham 40 35 Bromide (mg/l) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 Lysimeter 2 MACRO_DB Total losses of isoproturon simulated by MACRO_DB (Table 9) demonstrated that the input parameters selected made preferential flow relatively unimportant. The model simulated no loss of isoproturon from four of the five soils whereas only the peaty Isleham soil was observed to show no consistent leaching over the experimental period. However, for the 57 Cuckney soil where matrix flow can be expected to dominate, the total loss was overestimated by a factor of six because sorption in the micropore region was decreased by the system giving a large value to FRACMAC. The pattern of concentrations of isoproturon in leachate was also not well matched for Cuckney soil (Figure 24), particularly in the second season when observed concentrations were greatly over-estimated. It can be concluded that the use of the automatic techniques for parameter selection built into MACRO_DB did not produce reliable simulations for the three intermediate soils where preferential flow was found to have a significant impact upon pesticide leaching (Sonning, Ludford, Enborne). For all three soils, the simulations did not place sufficient emphasis upon preferential flow. Although the system was better able to select parameters suitable for simulating the sandy Cuckney soil and the organic Isleham soil, the use of the system in its current form for a range of intermediate soils cannot be recommended. Figure 24 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon from the Cuckney lysimeter and those simulated by MACRO_DB Cuckney 20 18 16 Isoproturon ( g/l) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 4.3.5 Lysimeter 2 MACRO_DB PLM - SSLRC lysimeters There was felt to be insufficient guidance available to support an independent selection of the percentage of fast mobile phase for the various soils, so this parameter was calibrated. The model was first run against results for bromide leaching through the five soil types with the percentage of fast mobile phase calibrated to optimise the fit to observed concentrations. The calibrated values were then used for simulations of isoproturon movement through the lysimeters. If necessary, a second calibration was carried out to improve the fit to observed data for isoproturon. A relative weakness in PLM is that multiple solute applications cannot be simulated and that a pre-run of the model to allow equilibration of soil hydrology is not possible. Hence, PLM was re-started at the date of application in the second season whilst all other models were run for the entire monitoring period. This might have introduced some errors concerning leachate concentrations simulated by PLM, especially for the first date after the second application (= 374 days). Total flow through the five soils simulated is given in Table 10 on the basis of the percentage of fast flow calibrated for bromide. Surprisingly, the flows simulated for isoproturon differed from those for bromide by not more than 1.4 mm although the percentages of fast flow were 58 changed markedly for three of the soils (Table 11). Total flow through all soils was underestimated by PLM. To some extent, this can be attributed to the model assumption that percolation of water does not occur before water contents for the whole soil profile are above field capacity. However, simulated evapotranspiration is the dominant factor controlling leaching through the lysimeters. The model should be used with pan evaporation data which are then reduced to give potential evapotranspiration (PET) using an empirical pan factor (0.7-1.0). As PLM was run with PET data, the pan factor should be set to 1.0. In fact, this factor was set to 0.8, effectively reducing PET by 80%, but the model still over-estimated evapotranspiration and under-estimated leaching. It would be possible to calibrate the pan factor to better simulate total leaching, although the pan factor is included in the model specifically to adjust pan evaporation. Table 10 Comparison between observed flows, bromide and isoproturon loads over two seasons from each of the SSLRC lysimeters and those simulated by PLM (calibrated runs) Soil Flow observed* simulated** (mm) (mm) Bromide load observed* simulated (g/m2) (g/m2) Isoproturon load observed* simulated (mg/m2) (mg/m2) Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham 474; 477 417 412 339 335; 356 11.36; 9.97 10.52 6.01; 6.33 3.44; 2.97 4.02; 3.94 0.36; 0.20 0.92 1.53; 4.94 2.77; 5.04 0; 0 345 329 360 273 281 10.51 6.03 4.96 5.10 4.62 0.24 1.09 5.01 2.99 0 * where available, values are given for replicate lysimeters, ** = based on % fast flow calibrated for bromide Bromide leaching through two of the five soils (Cuckney and Ludford) was reasonably well represented by PLM (Figure 25, Table 10). For these soils, the calibrated percentage of fast mobile phase was zero, suggesting that preferential flow was not an important pathway for leaching of this solute. The ‘best-fit’ percentage of fast mobile phase for the Sonning soil was also zero, but in this soil, total bromide loss was under-estimated and the pattern of bromide leaching in the second season was not well represented. For the Enborne soil, the optimum value for the percentage of fast mobile phase was found to be 95% corresponding to the great importance of preferential flow in this soil. However, on the basis of this value, total bromide loads were still under-estimated and leaching over the second season was not well matched by the model. For the Isleham soil, the fit to bromide results could only be improved by setting the model to include an effect of anion exclusion. 59 Figure 25 Comparison between the observed leaching of bromide through the five SSLRC lysimeter soil types and PLM simulations Sonning 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) Cuckney 80 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 Time from first application (d) Time from first application (d) Enborne Ludford 50 50 40 40 Bromide (mg/l) Bromide (mg/l) 40 30 20 10 500 400 500 30 20 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 Time from first application (d) 200 300 Time from first application (d) Isleham 50 40 Bromide (mg/l) 400 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 Lysimeter 2 60 PLM Table 11 Percentage of fast mobile phase used to model the leaching behaviour of bromide and isoproturon through the five SSLRC lysimeter soil types with PLM calibrated to give the best fit to observed results Soil type Calibrated percentage of fast mobile phase for bromide leaching Calibrated percentage of fast mobile phase for isoproturon leaching Enborne 95 40 Cuckney 0 0 Sonning 0 72 Ludford 0 57 Isleham 0* - * Anion exclusion set to 75% of the water below wilting point The percentage of fast mobile phase calibrated for bromide was not transferable to isoproturon (Table 11). It was necessary to include fast flow into the isoproturon simulations for three of the four soils for which the model was calibrated (Enborne, Sonning, Ludford). Calibrations against isoproturon leaching through the Enborne soil gave an optimum value of 40% which was much less than that found for bromide (95%). The Cuckney soil was the only one for which the best fit to measured concentrations in leachate was achieved without any fast flow for both bromide and isoproturon. Total isoproturon loads from this soil were matched closely by the model and patterns of leaching were reasonably well represented. Simulated isoproturon losses from the Sonning soil agreed closely with those measured, but the observed pattern of concentrations was not well matched. For both Enborne and Ludford soils, PLM gave isoproturon losses similar to those from one of the replicate lysimeters (Table 10). Timing of breakthrough was well simulated and maximum concentrations were also well simulated in the second season (Figure 26). The Isleham soil was not calibrated as there was no leaching of isoproturon. 61 Figure 26 PLM simulations of isoproturon leaching through all soils except Isleham calibrated to the observed behaviour of isoproturon (no calibration required for Cuckney) Cuckney Sonning 9 9 8 8 7 7 Isoproturon (µg/l) 10 Isoproturon (µg/l) 10 6 5 4 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 Time from first application (d) Enborne 400 500 400 500 Ludford 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 Isoproturon (µg/l) Isoproturon (µg/l) 300 Time from first application (d) 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 Time from first application (d) 100 200 300 Time from first application (d) Lysimeter 1 Lysimeter 2 PLM The best-fit percentage of fast mobile phase for modelling of isoproturon leaching increased in the order Cuckney<Enborne<Ludford<Sonning. This order is slightly surprising as patterns of leaching suggested that preferential flow was a more dominant process for the Enborne and Ludford soils than for Sonning. This can partly be attributed to the fact that within PLM the relative predominance of preferential flow is determined for any given soil by a combination of the empirical parameter setting the percentage of fast mobile phase and the maximum amount of mobile water (i.e. the air capacity). Thus, the larger value for percentage of fast mobile water reported in Table 11 for the Sonning soil relative to the Ludford soil is a function of the large air capacity of the Sonning soil and should not be considered to indicate that preferential flow is more important in this soil than in the Ludford soil. However, even if the relationship to air-capacity is considered, the small proportion of fast mobile water for the Enborne lysimeter suggests that preferential flow is less dominant in this than in the Sonning soil. This does not correspond to our findings on the importance of preferential flow in these two soils. Soils with a relatively large air capacity (total porosity water content at field capacity) such as the Cuckney and Sonning series have a very large potential for transmitting water via matrix flow and this fraction must be filled before preferential flow is initiated. Thus, increasing the percentage of fast mobile phase will have 62 virtually no effect on simulations until a critical value is exceeded. At this point, a dramatic increase in pesticide leaching is observed. The extreme sensitivity of isoproturon concentrations for the Sonning soil in the range 70-73% fast flow is illustrated in Figure 27. In soils with smaller air capacities (e.g. Ludford and Enborne series) this effect is somewhat reduced and sensitivity occurs at a lower percentage of fast mobile phase. Figure 28 contrasts for the Sonning and Enborne soils the effect of variation in the percentage of fast mobile phase on the maximum concentration of isoproturon simulated by PLM at any time over the two seasons of monitoring. The interaction between the proportion of fast mobile water and the air capacity makes parameter estimation very difficult. The extreme sensitivity of model output to changes in the percentage of fast mobile phase makes it impossible to establish an appropriate value for this parameter and the use of PLM for intermediate soils is not recommended. The finding, that parameters calibrated for bromide were not transferable to simulations of isoproturon behaviour, suggests that use of PLM for such soils should not be recommended even where a calibration step is possible. Effect of variations in the percentage of fast mobile phase in the range 70-73% on PLM simulations for leaching of isoproturon through the Sonning lysimeter 25 70% 72% 73% 20 Isoproturon (µg/l) Figure 27 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 Time from first application (d) 63 500 Figure 28 Sensitivity analyses contrasting the effect of variations in the percentage of fast mobile phase on the maximum concentration of isoproturon simulated by PLM for the Sonning and Enborne lysimeters in each of the two seasons of monitoring 900 Maximum concentration (µg/l) 800 first year second year 700 600 500 400 300 200 Sonning 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 80 90 100 Percentage of fast mobile phase 900 Maximum concentration (µg/l) 800 first year second year 700 600 500 400 300 200 Enborne 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percentage of fast mobile phase 4.3.6 SWAT - SSLRC lysimeters SWAT is designed to predict lateral transport of water and solute to surface waters. Therefore, this model is not appropriate to describe leaching through lysimeters and was not applied to the SSLRC lysimeter data set. 4.3.7 Overview - SSLRC lysimeters In considering the relative merits of models with or without preferential flow, it can be generally stated that a description of preferential flow is not a prerequisite for simulating sandy soils, particularly as current preferential flow models cannot describe either finger or funnel flow. Furthermore, models without preferential flow cannot describe movement of pesticides in heavy clay soils whereas preferential flow models offer improved simulation with appropriate selection of input parameters and/or calibration. The SSLRC dataset gave the chance to investigate the need for a description of preferential flow to accurately simulate a range of intermediate soils overlying aquifers which are typical of arable use in England and 64 Wales. As such intermediate soils make up the biggest part of our arable resource, results will have important implications, although it should be noted that regulatory modelling most frequently concentrates on either very sandy or clay-rich soils. The assumptions built into two of the models (CRACK-NP and SWAT) meant that they were not suitable for simulating this dataset. As there was no guidance available on selecting the percentage of fast mobile phase for PLM simulations in the various soil types, the model was evaluated following calibration for this parameter. Values obtained with PLM are shown in parentheses in Tables 12-14 to distinguish them from the results of uncalibrated simulations with the other models. As seen for other datasets, there were large differences in the total flow predicted by the four models (Table 12), even though all simulations used the same data for potential evapotranspiration. Relative amounts of flow simulated for the different soil types also varied from model to model, although all models showed greater leaching from the Cuckney, Sonning and Ludford lysimeters than from the Enborne and Isleham cores. Overall, MACRO best simulated the range between maximum and minimum total flow from the various soil types (98 mm compared to 130 mm observed). LEACHP (69 mm) and MACRO_DB (50 mm) under-estimated the range suggesting that they were less able to simulate the hydrological differences between this range of soils. PLM under-estimated total flow from all lysimeters due to an over-estimation of evapotranspiration caused by the use of pan evaporation data adjusted using an empirical pan factor (see Section 4.3.5). As previously discussed, it would be possible to calibrate the pan factor to better simulate total leaching. Table 12 Soil type Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Comparison between observed total flow from the five soil types and that simulated by the four models tested Total flow over two winter wheat seasons (mm) Mean observed LEACHP MACRO MACRO_DB 476 416 451 434 417 395 421 424 412 399 454 435 339 347 366 384 346 368 353 397 PLM (345) (329) (360) (273) (281) LEACHP gave the best simulation of losses of bromide from the five soils although totals were generally over-estimated (Table 13). This suggests that preferential flow was not an important process for the transport of bromide and this was confirmed by calibrated simulations with PLM where four of the five best-fit simulations had the percentage of fast mobile phase set to zero. MACRO and MACRO_DB gave reasonable simulations of bromide transport through the coarse-textured Cuckney and Sonning soils, but over-estimated total losses from the remaining three soils by factors of up to two. This might have implications for the use of MACRO to simulate leaching of exceptionally mobile pesticides. 65 Table 13 Comparison between observed total loss of bromide from the five soil types and that simulated by the four models tested Soil type Total loss of bromide over two winter wheat seasons (g/m2) Mean observed LEACHP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM 10.7 11.8 11.8 10.5 (10.5) 10.5 9.4 10.8 8.8 (6.0) 6.2 8.0 10.4 10.1 (5.0) 3.2 3.8 7.4 9.7 (5.1) 4.0 5.8 8.3 7.3 (4.6) Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Despite the poor simulation of total flow, it was possible to calibrate PLM to accurately simulate total losses of isoproturon from all five soils (Table 14) although patterns of concentrations were not always well matched. Parameters calibrated for bromide leaching were not transferable to simulations of isoproturon transport. A proportion of fast flow had to be included in simulations for Sonning, Ludford and Enborne soils, demonstrating that preferential flow was important for the transport of isoproturon. It is thus not surprising that LEACHP was unable to simulate leaching of isoproturon through the Sonning, Enborne and Ludford lysimeters (LEACHP did simulate a very small loss for the latter), although the large over-estimation in the total loss from the sandy Cuckney soil was not expected. The simulations generated using MACRO_DB were rather moderate with respect to preferential flow and there was no improvement in results relative to those from LEACHP except for the Cuckney soil where the loss was within a factor of six of that observed. Of the models tested without calibration, MACRO was best able to simulate the observed leaching of isoproturon through the five intermediate soils. The model gave reasonable estimates of the total loss of isoproturon from all five soils with estimates within a factor of two for three of the soils and within a factor of four for the remaining two soils. Although the model failed to simulate the actual pattern of concentrations of isoproturon from one of the soils (Sonning), results suggest a relatively high predictive ability for MACRO in a range of intermediate soils. It should however be considered that the modellers involved were relatively experienced in selecting parameters for MACRO. Table 14 Soil type Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Comparison between observed total loss of isoproturon from the five soil types and that simulated by the four models tested Total loss of isoproturon over two winter wheat seasons (mg/m2) Mean observed LEACHP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM 0.28 5.05 1.00 1.74 (0.24) 0.92 0 0.52 0 (1.09) 3.24 0.04 4.91 0 (5.01) 3.91 0 1.33 0 (2.99) 0 0 0 0 (0) 66 4.4 Wytham Drainflow (three events) and isoproturon concentrations and loads (two events) were used for model evaluation. Soils information for the site was taken from a description made by SSLRC in autumn 1993. Comprehensive weather data including potential evapotranspiration estimated according to the Penman equation (Penman, 1963) was provided for March 1993 to October 1994. This allowed a substantial period for model equilibration prior to application (March 1994) for those models with that facility. Rainfall was provided at an hourly resolution and comparisons were made between modelling with daily and hourly rainfall for MACRO (the only one of the models evaluated which can use both). In general, isoproturon half-life was set to the measured value (18.2 days at 15oC and 33% w/w) in topsoil. A Koc of 77 ml/g was calculated from the mean of two measured Kd values and the organic carbon content in the topsoil (Appendix 4). With some models, additional simulations were carried out using literature values of 30 days at 10oC and field capacity and 100 ml/g. A significant problem was identified with the water balance at Wytham. Over the period 14 December 1993 - 30 April 1994, total rainfall at the site was 306 mm, surface runoff was 1.7 mm and drainflow was 76.4 mm. The estimated potential evapotranspiration over this period was 133.4 mm, whilst MACRO estimated direct evaporation of intercepted rainfall from the crop canopy to be 25.2 mm. Even assuming that actual evapotranspiration meets the potential amount (MACRO predicted a reduction of 13 mm), the total water lost from the soil and crop is 159 mm and the total accounted for at the site is 237 mm, leaving 69 mm of rainfall unaccounted for. Assuming that all flow gauges at the site were functioning correctly, the most likely explanation for this missing water is that it was leaving the site via a secondary drainage system which was not monitored. The alternative explanation of slow seepage to groundwater is not a possibility at this site. All six of the models tested support the secondary drainage system explanation with a significant over-estimate of the volume of drainflow both over the winter and for the short period of monitoring following application of isoproturon. Simulations of drainflow have been kept for information, but this discrepancy should be considered when judging the match between observed and simulated flow. 4.4.1 LEACHP - Wytham The measured half-life for isoproturon of 18.2 days was used and corrected for temperature and moisture effects. Koc was set to the experimental value of 77 ml/g. The simulation was started on 01/10/93 to allow model equilibration prior to application in March 1994. Figure 29 demonstrates the observed drainflow and the simulated amount of water leaving the profile at 50 cm depth together with rainfall for a period of 30 days after application. LEACHP simulated drainflow starting immediately after application with rate of flow roughly proportional to rainfall intensity. In contrast, drainflow from the Wytham site was initiated only by the most intense rainfall and occurred over very short periods. This discrepancy between observed and simulated drainflow was seen to varying degrees for all of the models used and resulted from the water not accounted for in the water balance for the site. Maximum concentrations of isoproturon leaching to 50 cm depth did not exceed 0.003 µg/l and were far below those observed (maximum 290 µg/l). As expected, the model was not applicable to this very heavy clay soil where bypass flow is dominant. 67 Comparison between observed rates of drainflow from the Wytham site and those simulated by LEACHP along with daily rainfall 1.4 0 1.2 5 1 10 0.8 15 0.6 20 observed 0.4 Rain (mm/day) Drainage (mm/hour) Figure 29 25 0.2 0 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.4 0 1.2 5 1.0 10 0.8 15 0.6 20 predicted 0.4 Rain (mm/day) Drainage (mm/hour) Time from application (d) 25 0.2 30 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) 4.4.2 CRACK-NP - Wytham The soil and experimental design at Wytham were comparable to those at Brimstone Farm. Therefore, the Wytham data set was suitable to test the ability of CRACK-NP to describe a situation very similar to that for which the model was demonstrated to be valid (Armstrong et al., 1995a, b) In a first run, the input file for Brimstone Farm simulations provided with the model was only slightly changed (application rate and date, pesticide half-life and Kd, crop dates, drain depth and spacing) to calculate drainage and isoproturon concentrations at Wytham. With the input file from Brimstone Farm, no drainage was predicted to occur from the Wytham site. As for Brimstone, this could be attributed to an over-estimation of evapotranspiration which was estimated to be 63 mm between 12/03/94 and 10/04/94 although potential evapotranspiration was only 48.5 mm. For this dataset, the discrepancy between actual and potential evapotranspiration was even greater than for Brimstone, because the simulation period was several months after crop emergence. The assumption of a linear increase of crop interception capacity from emergence (early November 1993) onwards lead to a maximum possible storage of 2.7-3.4 mm rainfall in March/April 1994. This meant, that the crop surface was wet over a considerable time within the simulation interval. As evaporation from a wet canopy was 1.5 greater than potential evapotranspiration, 68 unreasonably large water losses from the crop were simulated. To overcome this problem, attempts were made to modify the maximum crop interception capacity and the correction factor for wet canopy evaporation. However, these changes destabilised the model. Therefore, CRACK-NP was subsequently run assuming a bare soil to artificially decrease the amount of evapotranspiration. In contrast to the previous run, the simulation was started 5½ months before application to allow equilibration of water contents (initial water contents were set to default values) and depth of water table. These changes decreased evapotranspiration to 44 mm (12/03-10/04/94). Peaks in simulated drainflow for the run with bare soil agreed relatively well with that observed (Figure 30). However, measured total drainage from 0 to 30 days after application was over-estimated by a factor of eight due to flow simulated between events when none was observed. In addition, CRACK-NP failed to predict significant drainflow during the first event. Isoproturon concentrations measured over the first event were greatly under-estimated because of the failure to simulate drainflow accurately, whereas those observed during the third event after application (day 27/28) were very well matched (Figure 31). If the half-life in topsoil was set to a literature value of 30 days at 8oC and field capacity together with a literature Koc of 100 ml/g, simulated isoproturon concentrations were slightly higher (maximum 114.3 µg/l compared to 94.2 µg/l for the experimental half-life and Koc). Comparison between observed drainflow from the Wytham site and that simulated by CRACK-NP (bare soil run) together with daily rainfall 0 0.9 0.8 5 0.7 10 0.6 0.5 15 0.4 20 0.3 Rain (mm/day) Drainage (mm/hour) Figure 30 0.2 25 0.1 30 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed drainage CRACK-NP 69 rainfall Figure 31 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow from the Wytham site (first and third events after application only) and those simulated by CRACK-NP (bare soil run ; DT50 = 18.2 days, Koc = 77 ml/g) 300 Isoproturon (µg/l) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed 4.4.3 CRACK-NP MACRO - Wytham Hydraulic input parameters for MACRO were selected as set out in Section 4. The boundary between micropores and macropores was set using expert judgement to 5 kPa. Initial water content was set to establish drainage equilibrium (i.e. fully wetted but without initiating drainflow). The simulation was started several months before application. Pesticide Koc and half-life were set to measured values of 77 ml/g and 18.2 d at 15oC, respectively. The proportion of sorption in the macropores was set to 1% for all simulations (see Section 4). Rainfall was available on an hourly resolution for Wytham allowing a comparison to be made between a simulation with hourly rainfall where intensity will vary each hour and one with daily rainfall where intensity was set to a constant value of 2 mm/h (the default in the model). Results for the simulation of drainflow using daily and hourly rainfall are shown in Figure 32. Both simulations considerably over-estimated the amount of flow over the period due to greater peak flows than those observed and flow simulated between events when none was actually observed. The measured flow over the period shown was 1.8 mm, whereas that predicted using daily and hourly rainfall was 18.4 and 16.0 mm, respectively. As discussed above, a significant proportion of rainfall is not accounted for by the water balance measured at Wytham and this makes evaluation of simulated drainflow impossible. MACRO does allow water to seep from a saturated bottom boundary. This was used to approximate a secondary drainage system at the site and an extremely good simulation of drainflow was then achieved through calibration. 70 Figure 32 Comparison between observed drainflow from the Wytham site and that simulated by MACRO based on either daily or hourly rainfall (daily rainfall totals also shown) 1.8 0 1.5 5 1.2 10 0.9 15 0.6 20 0.3 25 0.0 Rain (mm/d) Drainage (mm/h) Observed 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) 0 1.8 5 1.5 1.2 10 0.9 15 0.6 20 0.3 25 Rain (mm/d) Drainage (mm/h) Daily rainfall 30 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.8 0 1.5 5 Hourly rainfall 1.2 10 0.9 15 0.6 20 0.3 25 0.0 Rain (mm/d) Drainage (mm/h) Time from application (d) 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed drainage MACRO rainfall The major difference between the simulations with daily and hourly rainfall was in the timing of events. Whereas the simulation with daily values missed the timing of events by up to one day, the simulation with hourly rainfall matched the timing exactly. Using daily rainfall, it was possible to simulate the first event 20 days after application, whereas that was not the case with hourly data. For both simulations, there were small events predicted 24 and 26 days after application which were not observed. Figure 33 demonstrates that actual rainfall 71 intensities were seldom greater than the default intensity of 2 mm used by MACRO with daily rainfall data. For this reason, peak flow rates were generally smaller using hourly data. There was also greater flow between events with hourly data as the assumed intensity of 2 mm/h used with daily data reduces the number of hours over which rain is received relative to that observed. However, all of these differences are relatively small and it can be concluded that the use of daily rainfall data and an appropriate intensity value does not greatly change the simulation of flow. Figure 33 Comparison between hourly rainfall at Wytham for the events following application and the default intensity used by MACRO with daily rainfall data 3.5 3 Rainfall (mm/h) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 Tim e from application (d) Hourly intensity Intensity used by MACRO Figure 34 shows the two simulations of isoproturon concentrations. There was relatively little difference between model runs using daily or hourly rainfall, although the latter gave slightly smaller peak concentrations. Again it can be concluded that there is no significant adverse effect from using daily rainfall data which is more widely available. For both simulations, concentrations of isoproturon observed in the first event after application were greatly underestimated, whereas those in the third event were very well matched. This follows the same pattern as demonstrated for CRACK-NP. There was no monitoring of isoproturon during the second event after application. 72 Figure 34 Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow from the Wytham site (first and third events after application only) and those simulated by MACRO using either daily or hourly rainfall (FRACMAC =0.01) 300 Isoproturon ( µg/l) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed MACRO (daily rainfall) MACRO (hourly rainfall) One of the input parameters to which MACRO simulations of pesticide transport are particularly sensitive is the proportion of sorption sites in the macropore region (FRACMAC). The default value is 0.1 implying that 10% of sorption sites are within the macropore region and 90% in the micropores, but this value should be changed for a specific soil. As the value of FRACMAC decreases, retention of pesticide in the macropores decreases and any leaching through the macropores will increase. Smaller values for this sensitive parameter will generally increase pesticide transport in soils where macropore flow is a dominant process (see Figure 35). Conversely, smaller values will decrease pesticide transport in soils where macropore flow is generally precluded as the amount of sorption in the micropore domain is increased. Logically, FRACMAC might be set to the macroporosity as a fraction of the total porosity so that sorption is set equal in each domain. In practice, this results in values of FRACMAC which are rather large (generally 0.02-0.30) and which artificially restrict movement of pesticide in the macropores. This observation might result from the fact that transport in the macropore region is rather fast; as the model assumption of instantaneous sorption cannot be expected to hold within the macropores, a reduction in sorption capacity in this region might be used to compensate. A value of 0.01-0.04 (1-4% of sorption sites in the macropores) is considered more realistic for many soils. In the absence of a validated method for selecting FRACMAC, caution is advised and it should be noted that the sensitivity of output to this parameter may limit the predictive capability of the model. 73 Figure 35 Effect of variation in the proportion of sorption sites in the macropore region (FRACMAC) on the maximum concentration of isoproturon simulated by MACRO for the third event after application at Wytham Maximum predicted concentration ( µg/l) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Fraction of sorption sites in the macropore region 4.4.4 MACRO_DB - Wytham As at Brimstone Farm, the simulation of drainflow at Wytham by MACRO_DB was less influenced by macropore flow than that with MACRO. Again, the boundary between micropores and macropores was shifted from field capacity towards saturation (1.9 and 2.7 kPa in the topsoil and subsoil, respectively). In addition, the proportion of sorption sites in the macropores (2%) was double that estimated using expert judgement for the stand-alone version of macro (1%). The hydrograph simulated by MACRO_DB (Figure 36) was similar to that from MACRO using daily rainfall although less peaks in flow were simulated and there was greater flow between events. As with the other models, total drainflow was greatly over-estimated (13.2 mm compared to 1.8 mm). Because MACRO_DB did not simulate any flow in the first event after application of isoproturon, the model did not simulate any pesticide leaving the site (Figure 37). Patterns of concentrations in the third event after application were well simulated by the model although the maximum concentration was under-estimated by a factor of 1.8. In this respect, the stand-alone version of MACRO was more accurate than the database version. 74 Figure 36 Comparison between observed drainflow from the Wytham site and that simulated by MACRO_DB together with daily rainfall 1.8 0 1.5 5 1.2 10 0.9 15 0.6 20 0.3 25 0.0 Rain (mm/d) Drainage (mm/h) Observed 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.8 0 1.5 5 1.2 10 0.9 15 0.6 20 0.3 25 Rain (mm/d) Drainage (mm/h) Time from application (d) 30 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed drainage Comparison between observed concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow from the Wytham site (first and third events after application only) and those simulated by MACRO_DB 300 250 Isoproturon ( µg/l) Figure 37 rainfall MACRO_DB 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time from application (d) observed 75 MACRO_DB 30 4.4.5 PLM - Wytham The percentage of fast mobile phase within PLM was set to 95% according to expert judgement. The measured half-life of 18.2 days at 15oC and 33% gravimetric water content was used for the top horizon (0-30 cm). Koc was set to the experimental value of 77 ml/g. Water contents at the time of application were stated in the dataset to be 54% at 10 cm depth and 51% at 30 cm depth. These were above total porosity and hence were not used for model evaluation. Instead, the initial water content (i.e. the amount of water required to moisten the profile to field capacity) was calibrated to achieve a simultaneous onset of simulated and observed leaching. In Figure 38, results using the calibrated moisture deficit value of 10 mm are shown. In common with the other models, drainage was markedly over-estimated by PLM. The simulated volume of drainage water over the period shown in Figure 38 was 14.5 mm whilst the observed flow was 1.8 mm. Over the two events for which isoproturon concentrations in drainflow were monitored, the simulated data matched the measured concentrations very well (Figure 39). PLM was the only model to accurately simulate concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow over the first event. In terms of maximum pesticide concentrations, it can be concluded that PLM performed better for Wytham than any of the other models, although it was necessary to calibrate the initial moisture deficit. Comparison between measured drainflow from the Wytham site and that simulated by PLM 7 PLM 6 Drainage (mm/day) Figure 38 observed 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 Time from application (d) 76 24 28 Figure 39 Comparison between measured concentrations of isoproturon in drainflow (first and third events after application only) from the Wytham site and those simulated by PLM 400 Isoproturon (µg/l) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time from application (d) observed 4.4.6 PLM SWAT - Wytham All input parameters for SWAT including pesticide Koc and half-life were taken from measured values apart from conductivity at field capacity which was derived from a pedotransfer function (Hollis & Woods, 1989). The measured half-life was a laboratory value at 15oC, so this was converted to a field value using the mean topsoil temperature over the period after application and an approximation of the Arrhenius equation with a mean literature value for the exponent (0.08). In common with the other models, SWAT overestimated the total flow over the main events after application (10.3 mm simulated by SWAT compared to 1.8 mm observed). However, SWAT under-estimated the maximum concentration of isoproturon in both of the events monitored. Observed maxima were 290 and 129 µg/l in the first and third event after application, respectively, whereas SWAT predicted maxima of 18 and 11 µg/l, respectively. At this site, the more sophisticated models clearly performed better for the third event after application, although results for the first event were comparable. 4.4.7 Overview - Wytham As set out in Section 4.4, there appears to be a loss of water from the Wytham site which is not accounted for in the water balance. All of the models tested (including LEACHP) greatly over-estimated the amount of drainflow over the monitoring period by factors of between five and ten. Thus comparison of the models from a hydrological viewpoint is essentially meaningless. In terms of the maximum concentration of isoproturon observed in drainflow (Table 15), PLM gave the best simulation over the two events monitored. This model was the only one to predict the large concentrations observed during the first event after application, but the maximum concentration during the third event was over-estimated by a factor of two. The three deterministic models (CRACK-NP, MACRO and MACRO_DB) gave excellent 77 simulations of isoproturon losses for the third event after application, but under-estimated concentrations during the first event by factors of thirty or greater. The simple model SWAT was unable to simulate the observed maximum concentrations of isoproturon, with simulated values under-estimating actual values by more than an order of magnitude for both events. The discrepancy between observed and simulated drainflow totals means that comparisons of total loadings of isoproturon over the two events are meaningless. Overall, the evaluation of the models against data for Wytham again points to the difficulties in reliably simulating such a highly-structured and heterogeneous clay soil (c.f. Section 4.1.7). Table 15 Event Comparison between maximum concentrations of isoproturon (µg/l) in the two events monitored at Wytham and those simulated in uncalibrated runs with the models Observed* CRACK-NP MACRO MACRO_DB PLM SWAT First event 290 7 9 0 403 18 Third event 129 94 135 73 205 11 4.5 Overall evaluation A common aspect of results for all of the models tested is their failure to accurately simulate the water balance without calibration. The current exercise aimed to evaluate the regulatory use of the models where site-specific calibration is not often possible. The temptation to correct the simulation of the water balance before simulating pesticide behaviour was thus ignored. As pointed out by Armstrong et al. (1996) amongst others, a correct simulation of the water balance is a fundamental requirement for accurate simulation of pesticide transport. Further work into the application of methods to estimate potential evapotranspiration (often with only sparse weather data) is required. However, the models often gave very different water balances starting from the same data for potential evapotranspiration and it is clear that work on how the models manipulate input to simulate actual evapotranspiration is also required. 4.5.1 Non-preferential flow benchmark (LEACHP) Three of the four datasets used were for clay-rich soils where preferential flow in the form of bypass flow has been shown to be dominant. As expected, LEACHP could not describe the observed behaviour for these soils and all of the preferential flow models can be considered a considerable improvement despite the discrepancies demonstrated between observed and simulated results. The SSLRC lysimeter dataset monitored movement of bromide and isoproturon through a range of representative intermediate arable soils. LEACHP generally gave a better simulation of the observed leaching of bromide than the preferential flow models. Preferential flow was not a dominant process for the transport of bromide and results probably also reflect the greater ease of selecting input parameters where preferential flow is not described. However, LEACHP was unable to reproduce the observed leaching of isoproturon without calibration. This was surprisingly the case even for the sandy Cuckney 78 soil. Results call into question the predictive application for regulatory purposes of a non-preferential flow model to a wide range of intermediate soils where preferential flow may be a relatively minor component, but appears to still be a dominant process for pesticide transport. The predictive ability of the preferential flow models for these intermediate soils was variable, but results suggest that there may still be significant benefits from using a model which includes preferential flow to simulate pesticide transport through such soils. 4.5.2 CRACK-NP CRACK-NP was found to be extremely unstable with even minor changes to the input file provided by the authors causing the model to crash due to numerical instability. In some cases, even changing parameters from those supplied to those suggested in the user manual (e.g. canopy interception capacity, time interval) resulted in these problems. Particular difficulties were encountered with parameters defining macroporosity, initial water contents, water table and crop growth. The model crashed only occasionally when a single value was changed. Instead, the instability was caused by interactions of several parameters. This instability placed restrictions on the evaluation of the model as the input values selected by the modeller did not always coincide with values with which the model would run. It should be noted that the model authors are actively working to solve these problems with numerical instability. For the two heavy clay datasets (Brimstone Farm and Wytham), CRACK-NP performed very similarly to the stand-alone version of MACRO. This is not surprising given the common ancestry of the two models. For Cockle Park, CRACK-NP greatly overestimated the observed movement of isoproturon to drains (more than two orders of magnitude). It was concluded that either the assumptions of zero movement of water and solute in the soil matrix or the assumption that preferential flow is generated at the soil surface made the model unsuitable for application to soils where clay content is less than 5060%. Of most concern are results for trifluralin (Koc 4000 ml/g) at Cockle Park where maximum simulated concentrations in drainflow (499 µg/l) were only slightly less than those for isoproturon (Koc 100 ml/g). Total losses of trifluralin to drains were predicted to be larger than those for isoproturon, presumably because of the former’s greater persistence. These results were checked by simulating a hypothetical application of trifluralin at Brimstone Farm and comparing to simulated behaviour of isoproturon. The very large overestimate of transport of the more strongly-sorbed compound was confirmed and appears to relate to the assumption that pesticide sorption is limited to the soil aggregates and negligible with the cracks. The model is not recommended for regulatory use. 4.5.3 MACRO MACRO is the only one of the models evaluated which is known to have been used for regulatory purposes. MACRO was applied to all of the datasets and showed considerable variability in predictive ability. At Brimstone Farm, MACRO generally gave reasonable simulations of total drainflow, but under-estimated maximum concentrations in 1993/94 and over-estimated them in the remaining two seasons. On the other heavy clay soil at Wytham, an excellent simulation was obtained for the third event after application although both flow and pesticide concentrations for the first event were under-estimated. The simulation for Cockle Park gave a good match to initial concentrations of isoproturon, but enhanced 79 movement late in the season relative to that observed suggests a problem with over-prediction of pesticide movement in matrix flow over longer periods of time. Results for the intermediate soils in the SSLRC lysimeter dataset are relatively encouraging with uncalibrated simulations giving reasonable estimates (within a factor of four or better) of total isoproturon losses from all five soils. On balance, the findings of this evaluation suggest that MACRO should continue to be the preferred preferential flow model for regulatory purposes. This is reinforced by the user-friendliness of the model, the good documentation and the relatively large number of model applications reported in the literature. Results for the relatively sandy soils in the SSLRC lysimeters suggest that MACRO was equally or more accurate than the nonpreferential flow benchmark (LEACHP) for such soils. Robust parameter selection for MACRO is still very difficult and output is particularly sensitive to changes in some of the more problematic parameters (e.g. aggregate half-width, position of the boundary between micropore and macropore domains, proportion of sorption sites within each). A useful development for the stand-alone version of MACRO would be some general guidance on realistic values for these parameters in a range of representative soils. Such guidance is only likely to be developed as the number of applications of MACRO to field data increases. At the present time, MACRO cannot be considered broadly validated and it should only be used for regulatory purposes with great caution (it is worth noting that, in the opinion of the authors, the same can be said for the various non-preferential flow models used for regulatory purposes). Considerable previous experience with MACRO is required and a comprehensive calibration step should be included wherever possible. However, results for Brimstone Farm demonstrate that a set of input parameters giving acceptable simulations of pesticide fate in one season may fail to do so in subsequent seasons. 4.5.4 MACRO_DB Relative to the soils parameters used with the stand-alone version of MACRO, those automatically selected within MACRO_DB reduced the emphasis on preferential flow for all of the simulations. This was because the boundary between micropores and macropores was set closer to saturation using pedotransfer functions than using expert judgement, even though site-specific soils data were used within MACRO_DB rather than series average values from SEISMIC. In addition, the proportion of sorption sites in the macropore region (FRACMAC) was set to larger values by MACRO_DB than using expert judgement. As a result, MACRO_DB simulated smaller concentrations of pesticide than MACRO for all model runs. Generally, this decreased the accuracy of the pesticide simulation, although there were exceptions where the smaller concentrations were closer to those observed (Brimstone Farm in 1995/96). Comparison of observed and simulated hydrographs suggested that MACRO_DB was placing too great an emphasis on matrix flow relative to preferential flow. In a number of cases MACRO_DB failed to predict any loss of pesticide to drains from the clay soils (1993/94 at Brimstone and first event at Wytham) when large concentrations were actually observed, whilst losses from the clay loam soil at Cockle Park were greatly underestimated. For the intermediate soils studied in the SSLRC lysimeters, MACRO_DB gave no improvement on the simulation of isoproturon leaching to 1.05-m depth relative to the nonpreferential flow benchmark, LEACHP. Whilst the philosophy behind MACRO_DB is commendable, the consistent under-estimation of preferential flow relative to matrix flow in a broad range of soils suggests that further work on parameter selection and extensive testing against field data are required before the system can be considered 80 valid as a regulatory tool. Taken as a block, results from this study suggest that the best use of preferential flow models to address any regulatory concerns over the potential impact of preferential flow, may be through the development of standard modelling scenarios. The MACRO_DB system provides an excellent framework to support any such development. 4.5.5 PLM PLM can be considered a semi-empirical model as parameters describing the proportion of fast mobile phase and the depth leached per time interval in the fast and slow regions cannot be linked to soil properties. Calibration for at least the percentage of fast mobile phase is required in a wide range of soils and this greatly limits any regulatory use of the model. Additionally, results for the SSLRC lysimeters show that parameters calibrated to bromide leaching were not transferable to simulations for isoproturon. However, in heavy clay soils where almost all of the flow can be considered to be “fast”, there is the possibility to run PLM without calibration. Using this approach, the model gave the best overall simulation of total flow at Brimstone Farm, but considerably over-estimated concentrations of isoproturon in flow. At Wytham, PLM gave the best simulation of maximum concentrations of isoproturon over the two events monitored. For the clay loam soil at Cockle Park, simulations with acceptable water flow over-estimated maximum concentrations of isoproturon and trifluralin by three orders of magnitude and predictive work for all but the heaviest clays cannot be recommended. Simulations for the intermediate soils in the SSLRC lysimeter dataset revealed a serious weakness in the model. For such soils, PLM is extremely sensitive to changes in the percentage of fast mobile phase over a very small range (Figures 27-28). The breakpoint at which this sensitivity occurs is a function of the air capacity of the soil (total porosity - water held at field capacity) with calibration giving larger values for percentage of fast mobile phase in sandy and loamy soils where air capacity is large than in a clay or loam soil where air capacity is smaller. The extreme sensitivity of PLM and the relationship of the percentage of fast mobile phase to air capacity make selection of this parameter extremely difficult in intermediate soils even where a calibration step is possible. The use of PLM in such soils is not recommended. Model evaluation suggests that there may be potential for the regulatory use of PLM without calibration in the heaviest clays where matrix flow is insignificant, but use for intermediate soils is not recommended even after calibration. 4.5.6 SWAT SWAT is an empirical model which predicts concentrations of pesticides moving to surface waters and is thus not applicable to the SSLRC lysimeter dataset. A previous evaluation gave promising results for movement of three pesticides in overland flow from a sandy loam soil (Brown & Hollis, 1995). Of the three remaining datasets, SWAT gave the best overall simulation of maximum concentrations for Brimstone Farm and Cockle Park, but the worst for Wytham. The simplicity of the model makes it easy to apply predictively, but there is no potential to improve simulations via a calibration step where data are available to permit this. The output from the model is limited and only losses in fast flow immediately after rainfall are considered, so the model is not suitable for very detailed simulations or higher tier risk assessment. However, results suggest that the model may be suitable for regulatory modelling at broad scales or screening levels. The conceptualisation of SWAT is rather different from the other models which simulate movement of water and solute within the soil profile. Preferential flow together with overland flow is described using the response of a 81 given soil type to rainfall events and the model is the only one which can be considered three dimensional. Perhaps the most important conclusion from the results obtained with SWAT is that modelling approaches which aggregate the spatial and temporal variability associated with preferential flow up to broader scales appear promising. Whilst it is likely that most models will continue to try to describe preferential flow at the profile scale, the development of alternative approaches should also be considered. 4.5.7 Levels of predictive accuracy It is rather dangerous to assign generalised levels of accuracy to a given model as these are likely to vary widely for different simulations. Nevertheless, this is a key requirement for regulators who have to evaluate modelling submissions and is an important component in any attempt to build confidence in the credibility of modelling. Levels of predictive accuracy can be derived for any of the models from the data contained in this report, but they are summarised in Table 16 for MACRO as this is recommended as the preferred model for regulatory use. A number of factors should be considered: • the number of datasets was limited and concentrated almost exclusively on one compound (isoproturon); • the datasets were of a generally high quality with much information available for parameter selection; • the modellers involved were relatively experienced with MACRO. Table 16 Levels of predictive accuracy for uncalibrated simulations of the four datasets with MACRO (all values are predicted values as a factor of the observed; maximum concentrations are for the whole simulation and take no account of timing of maximum) Dataset Total flow Maximum pesticide concentration Total loss of pesticide SSLRC lysimeters 0.95-1.10 0.26-1.84 0.34-3.57 Cockle Park* 0.81 3.1 10.9 Brimstone Farm 0.20-1.12 0.15-91.4 - Wytham - 0.47 - * Isoproturon only - no losses of trifluralin were simulated although consistent small losses were observed Predictive ability was greatest for the longer simulations and the coarser-textured soils. Thus for simulations of 1-2 seasons, simulated flow was within 20% of that observed, whereas there was far greater inaccuracy for single events at Brimstone where antecedent moisture status was critical. For all five of the soils in the SSLRC lysimeter experiment, simulated values for both maximum pesticide concentration and total loss of pesticide in leachate were within a factor of four of those observed. On the drained clay loam at Cockle Park, the total loss of isoproturon was over-estimated by an order of magnitude although the maximum 82 simulated concentration only over-estimated that observed by a factor of three. As has already been noted, variability and inaccuracy was greatest for the short-term simulations on the two clay sites. Maximum concentrations of isoproturon at Brimstone in successive seasons were under-estimated by a factor of seven and then over-estimated by factors of nine and ninety-one. Although the maximum concentration of isoproturon observed at Wytham was only under-predicted by a factor of two, MACRO simulated that it would occur in the third event after application rather than the first, the importance of which was greatly underestimated. 5 REGULATORY IMPLICATIONS a) There is evidence that preferential flow may be an important process for pesticide transport through a wide range of soils. Comparisons with the benchmark model (LEACHP) show that, if correctly applied, preferential flow models improve our ability to simulate pesticide fate in both clays and a range of intermediate soils. However, results of this evaluation suggest that the predictive ability of preferential flow models is still patchy with inaccuracy generally increasing for more clay-rich soils. b) Accurate simulation of pesticide fate (by any model) depends upon a reliable simulation of the water balance which is in turn hindered by weakness in estimating evapotranspiration. Further work is required on the application of methods to estimate potential evapotranspiration from limited weather data and on the methods used by models to manipulate input to simulate actual evapotranspiration. Applications of models to datasets with high quality weather data and a water balance (i.e. either lysimeters or impermeable drained soils) would allow methods for estimating potential evapotranspiration to be compared. c) Conclusions from the evaluation for each model are given in detail in Section 4.5. They can be summarised as: CRACK-NP Not recommended for regulatory use MACRO The preferred model for regulatory use, but see points d and e below. MACRO_DB Not recommended for regulatory use PLM Potential for use predictively on heavy clays with negligible matrix flow. Not recommended for lighter soils. SWAT May have regulatory applications at broad scales or screening levels. d) Robust parameter selection for preferential flow models is still very difficult with output often particularly sensitive to changes in the more problematic parameters. Considerable previous experience with the model of choice is required and a comprehensive calibration step should be included wherever possible. However, results for Brimstone Farm demonstrate that a set of input parameters giving acceptable simulations of pesticide fate in one season may fail to do so in subsequent seasons. e) Where genuine regulatory concerns exist over the potential impact of preferential flow on pesticide transport through soil, these may be best addressed through the development of standard modelling scenarios which could be incorporated into systems such as 83 MACRO_DB. This would overcome current difficulties with selection of input parameters for preferential flow models. The current programme of work within FOCUS will deliver standard modelling scenarios for leaching and movement to surface waters during 1998 and preferential flow may be an important mechanism for at least some of these scenarios. f) The philosophy behind MACRO_DB is excellent in putting forward automatic procedures for parameter selection from readily-available data and restricting the potential for subjectivity in the modelling process. However, further work on parameter selection and extensive testing against field data are required before the system can be considered valid as a regulatory tool. g) For the datasets based on clay soils, the detailed mechanistic models did not significantly out-perform two simple models (PLM and SWAT) which adopt semi-empirical approaches to describing the aggregated effects of preferential flow. Given the scarcity of European data for regulatory modelling, further development of such simple approaches seems desirable. 6 CONCLUSIONS Preferential flow appears to be an important process for pesticide transport through a wide range of soils including both clays (Harris et al., 1994; Johnson et al., 1994; Brown et al., 1995a) and intermediate soils (Flury et al., 1995; Aderhold & Nordmeyer, 1995; Brown et al., 1997). The development of preferential flow models over the last 5-10 years is an important advance which improves our ability to simulate the fate of pesticides in soil. Results presented in this report for a wide range of soils show considerable promise for some of the preferential flow models, but there are still some significant problems with selection of input parameters which raise questions over the predictive use of such models for regulatory purposes. On the other hand, it is clear that use of models which do not simulate preferential flow is also questionable for all but the coarsest soils. The MACRO model described with a degree of accuracy leaching of pesticides through a wide range of soils and this is proposed as the preferred preferential flow model for regulatory use. Predictive ability was better for a clay loam and a range of intermediate soils than for two heavy clays where there are inherent difficulties in predicting observed behaviour because of the extreme spatial and temporal heterogeneity in their structure. The MACRO_DB system is a useful conceptual development in allowing input parameters for this complex model to be derived from basic soil properties and eliminating much of the subjectivity from the modelling process. However, evaluation results suggest that more work and perhaps changes to the system will be required before output from MACRO_DB can be relied upon for regulatory purposes. The development of standard modelling scenarios may be the best way to use preferential flow models to address any regulatory concerns over the potential impact of preferential flow and the MACRO_DB system provides an excellent framework to support any such development. The simpler approaches adopted by PLM and SWAT gave results which were not significantly worse than those from the mechanistic models for the clay soils. Further development of models which aggregate preferential flow into broad descriptions rather than attempting to simulate the process in detail seems desirable, particularly given the sparcity of European data for regulatory modelling. 84 FUTURE WORK As an extension to this programme of work, SSLRC are undertaking a detailed investigation into the sub-routines and inherent assumptions of the various models in relation to the different simulations obtained in the evaluation. 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WALKER, A., MELACINI, A., CULLINGTON, J.E., CALVET, R., BAER, U., DABADIE, J-M., DEL RE, A.A.M., TREVISAN, M., CAPRI, E., PESTEMER, W., GÜNTHER, P., HOLLIS, J.M. & BROWN, C.D. 1995. Evaluation and improvement of mathematical models of pesticide mobility in soil and assessment of their potential to predict contamination of water systems. Research report for EU project PL910900, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwicks. 89 APPENDIX 1: Experimental details for the Brimstone site Exp. Title: PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN WATER - HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES IN BRIMSTONE FARM III Summary: Isoproturon was applied to winter cereals in three successive seasons (1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96) at four drained plots at Brimstone Farm, Oxfordshire. The soil is a heavy clay loam of the Denchworth series with a thick relatively impermeable subsoil. Drainflow and isoproturon concentrations were monitored during the first two key rainfall events of each season. Duration: 1993-1996 Type of exp.: Plot lysimeter (1900 m2 plot) Site: Elevation: Geographical location: Pedological description: Current land use: Irrigation: Drainage: 100-106 m Brimstone Farm, Oxfordshire, Grid Reference 248 947 Pelo-stagnogley of the Denchworth series, 2% slope Winter cereals No irrigation Pipe drains at 0.9 m depth with permeable backfill to within 0.35 m, secondary drainage at 55 cm depth consisting of conventional moles 2 m apart Experiment: Application: 02/11/93 isoproturon at 2.438 kg a.i./ha, 17/11/94 isoproturon at 2.5 kg a.i./ha, 30/10/95 isoproturon at 0.25 kg a.i./ha Sampling: Water samples taken from the first two key rainfall events after pesticide application, isoproturon concentrations (µg/l) and drainflow (mm/hr) available as point values (maximum nine points per event) for: plot 5 plot 9 plot 15 plot 20 13/11/93-14/11/93 07/12/93-08/12/93 13/11/93-15/11/93 07/12/93-08/12/93 13/11/93-14/11/93 08/12/93-09/12/93 13/11/93-14/11/93 08/12/93-09/12/93 08/12/94-09/12/94 26/12/94-29/12/94 08/12/94-09/12/94 26/12/94-29/12/94 08/12/94-09/12/94 26/12/94-29/12/94 08/12/94 27/12/94-29/12/94 19/12/95-23/12/95 06/01/96-10/01/96 19/12/95-23/12/95 07/01/96-09/01/96 20/12/95-23/12/95 07/01/96-09/01/96 19/12/95-23/12/95 08/01/96-09/01/96 Soil cultivations: 1993: site tined, power harrowed and rolled in late September/early October, additional cultivation to prepare seedbed 90 no information available for the other two seasons Crop: winter wheat sown on 21/10/93 winter cereal sown on 27/10/94, harvested on 07/08/95 winter oat sown on 19/10/95, harvested 19/08/96 Weather: daily rainfall, minimum, maximum temperature 01/09/93-06/04/94 14/09/94-23/01/95 01/09/95-30/03/96 Soil: 0-24 cm OC % 3.6 pH (H2O) 7.6 Sand % 10.5 Silt % 29.5 Clay % 60.0 3 bulk density g/cm 1.00 total porosity % vol. 60.8 water @ 0 kPa % vol. 56.8 water @ 5 kPa % vol. 55.2 water @ 10 k Pa % vol. 54.6 water @ 40 kPa % vol. 48.4 water @ 200 kPa % vol. 44.3 water @ 1500 kPa % vol. 37.4 (Graham Beard, SSLRC, personal communication) Chemical: Isoproturon (IPU) Kd 2.9 ml/g half-life 75 days at 10oC, 80% FC 91 24-52 cm 1.1 8.0 10.5 25.0 64.5 1.18 55.4 48.5 46.1 45.6 43.8 41.3 33.5 52-68 cm 0.9 8.2 5.6 21.4 73.0 1.22 53.9 52.6 51.2 50.6 48.2 46.5 38.0 APPENDIX 2: Experimental details for the Cockle Park site Exp Title: DEGRADATION AND MOVEMENT OF TWO PESTICIDES IN PLOT LYSIMETERS AT COCKLE PARK Summary: Isoproturon and trifluralin were applied to a winter wheat crop in two successive seasons of which the second season was chosen for model evaluation. Soil samples were taken to 90 cm depth with 15 cm intervals approximately every 3-4 weeks. Surface layer flow (N.B. this is flow through the top 30 cm of the soil profile and not exclusively overland flow) and mole drainflow were monitored and subsamples of flow were collected and analysed for pesticides in the aqueous phase and sorbed to sediment. Duration: 01.10.89 - 30.09.91 Type of exp.: Plot lysimeter Site: Size: Three plots of 0.25 ha each (25 x 100 m) Altitude: 80 m above sea Latitude: 55.2o North Geographical location: 6 km north of Morpeth, Northumberland. Pedological/geological description: Clay loam of the Dunkeswick series, a pelo-stagnogley in glacial till derived mainly from Carboniferous shale. 2% slope. Depth of perched water table (cm): Variable, but within the top 0-100 cm; water table can rise almost to the surface in absence of drainage, but generally kept below 30-40 cm by mole-drainage system. Current land-use: Taken out of permanent pasture in October 1989; currently cereal rotation with wheat and barley. Irrigation: No irrigation Drainage: Mole channels at 50 cm depth and 1.8 m apart and collector drains with gravel to within 30 cm of the surface laid across the slope at 40 m intervals. Surface layer flow collected by interceptor drains to a depth of 30 cm at the bottom of the slope. Experiment: Application details: 13/11/90 isoproturon at 2.50 kg a.i./ha (Hytane 500 FW 500 g/l SC) " trifluralin at 0.96 kg a.i./ha (Treflan 480 g/l EC) Application method/incorporation: surface spray with no incorporation using a tractor-mounted sprayer. Approximately 300 l water/ha. 92 Sampling: Soil samples taken to 90 cm divided into 6 layers of 15 cm every 16 weeks according to time of year; subsamples of surface-layer flow and drainflow taken according to rate of flow. Soil cultivations: 11/10/90 - site ploughed to 30 cm depth Crop: Winter wheat: 12/10/90 winter wheat (var. Mercia) drilled at a rate of 200 kg/ha; 04/03/91 GS 15,22; 10/04/91 GS 16,23; 09/05/91 GS 31-32; 22/05/91 GS 33; 13/06/91 GS 47; Crop harvested on 13/09/91; 17/09/91 stubble burnt; Weather: Daily minimum/maximum temperature and rainfall available in an ASCII file. Soil: Field capacity at 5 kPa: 0.396 g/g Permanent wilting point: Not determined Depth 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 Corg (%) 3.27 2.48 1.10 0.94 0.89 0.79 pH 5.80 6.39 7.08 7.22 7.03 7.29 At 60 cm depth: Sand = 28.3%; Silt = 44.1%; Bulk density: 1.12 kg/l at 10 cm depth; Saturated conductivity: 0 cm depth 20 cm depth 40 cm depth 60 cm depth 80 cm depth Clay = 37.55; 1.50 kg/l at 60 cm depth; 2.2 x 10-7 m/s 5.7 x 10-7 m/s 1.8 x 10-8 m/s 8.0 x 10-9 m/s 3.0 x 10-9 m/s Biomass: 44.3 mg nitrogen/kg depth cm 0-27 27-46 49-77 Sand % 47 44 26 Silt % 31 32 36 Clay % 22 24 37 (Graham Beard, SSLRC, personal communication) 93 77-129 31 37 32 depth cm 20 water @ 5 kPa % vol. 40.5 water @ 10 k Pa % vol. 36.5 water @ 40 kPa % vol. 29.3 water @ 200 kPa % vol. 23.1 water @ 1500 kPa % vol. 18.1 (SEISMIC data for Dunkeswick series) Chemicals: 50 33.6 30.4 24.8 20.0 16.1 70 37.6 34.9 29.9 25.3 21.5 150 35.3 32.9 28.2 24.0 24.0 Water solubility: Isoproturon 55 mg/l Trifluralin <1 mg/l Vapour pressure: Isoproturon 2.5 x 10-8 mm Hg Trifluralin 1.1 x 10-4 mm Hg Adsorption properties: Determined in topsoil (5-12 cm; Corg = 3.8%; pH =5.3) and in subsoil (40-50 cm; Corg = 0.7%; pH = 6.4) Soil:water = 1:2 Pesticide Isoproturon Trifluralin Topsoil Kfr 1/n 0.99 0.90 224 1.01 Subsoil Kfr 1/n 0.34 0.80 20.3 0.94 Half-life (d): 1) Determined in laboratory at 24oC and 23.1% moisture content using topsoil sample (5-12 cm; Corg = 3.8%; pH =5.3) Isoproturon 31 d; Trifluralin 289 d; 2) Determined from field residue data Isoproturon 35 d Trifluralin 180 d 94 APPENDIX 3: Experimental details for the SSLRC lysimeter experiment Exp. Title: PESTICIDE MOBILITY: LYSIMETER STUDY TO VALIDATE THE RELATIVE LEACHING POTENTIAL OF UK SOILS Summary: Isoproturon and a bromide tracer were applied in autumn 1994 and 1995 to replicate undisturbed soil cores buried in the ground at the SSLRC lysismeter station at Silsoe, Bedfordshire and cropped with winter wheat. The lysimeters were from five sites with soil types representative of one of the three High and two Intermediate leaching potential classes identified in the Environment Agency’s groundwater protection policy (NRA, 1992). Leaching was monitored and flow subsamples were analysed for isoproturon and bromide concentrations. At the end of the experiment, the cores were irrigated with a dye to stain the major flow pathways, then excavated and residues of isoproturon in soil subsamples were determined. Duration: April 1994-May 1996 Type of exp.: Lysimeter study (replicate lysimeters 105 cm in length and 80 cm in diameter) Site: Elevation: Geographical location: Latitude: Irrigation: Experiment: Application: 60 m Soil Survey and Land Research Centre, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, Grid reference: TL 079352 51.9oN No irrigation 18/11/94 isoproturon at 2.5 kg a.i. /ha bromide at 67 kg/ha (100 kg KBr/ha) 30/10/95 isoproturon at 2.5 kg a.i. /ha bromide at 67 kg/ha (100 kg KBr/ha) Sampling: Subsamples of leachate were taken every 1-4 weeks. During the second season, flow was monitored at an hourly resolution. At the end of the experiment, residues of isoproturon in the soil profiles were determined. Crop: Winter wheat (var. Riband) Sown on 07/11/94, harvested on 27/11/95 Sown on 11/10/95, harvested on 05/08/96 Weather: Hourly rainfall, air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, air pressure and radiation Daily rainfall, minimum, maximum temperature 95 Soils: Leaching potential High 1 High 2 High 3 Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2 Soil Series Enborne Cuckney Sonning Ludford Isleham Description cracking clay soil in alluvium unstructured, free-draining sand free-draining shallow loam over gravel deep, weakly-structured loam shallow peat over free-draining sand. Topsoil Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Layer depth (cm) 30 31 28 20 36 % Organic carbon pH in CaCl2 CaCO3 eq (g/kg) Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.7 6.6 2.7 1.51 1.0 6.4 2.1 1.57 1.0 6.9 1.79 4.0 7.0 2.0 1.12 28.9 7.3 0.69 Total porosity Air-capacity Water @ 5 kPa Water @ 40 kPa Water @ 200 kPa Water @ 1500 kPa 40.72 28.42 14.62 8.66 5.80 4.38 38.25 14.51 23.74 15.14 11.20 - 29.98 2.29 27.69 21.76 20.11 18.47 56.19 3.88 52.31 41.64 40.59 21.49 72.91 22.60 50.31 39.64 32.10 26.85 Texture* %Sand %Silt %Clay %Stones S 91.4 3.4 5.2 4.3 SL 66.6 22.7 10.7 15.6 SCL 58.5 23.0 18.5 - CL 44.6 25.0 30.4 1.1 LP 39.4 46.6 14.0 - 96 Subsoil 1 Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Layer depth (cm) 26 32 33 26 7 % Organic carbon pH in CaCl2 CaCO3 eq (g/kg) Bulk density (g/cm3) <0.05 6.3 1.53 1.4 6.3 1.51 0.3 5.3 1.66 1.6 7.2 1.18 21.5 6.5 0.55 Total porosity Air-capacity Water @ 5 kPa Water @ 40 kPa Water @ 200 kPa Water @ 1500 kPa 42.28 38.20 5.78 3.21 1.60 1.26 43.14 25.59 17.55 13.40 8.48 8.76 37.42 12.78 24.64 16.05 15.16 14.00 55.66 7.32 48.34 38.26 36.65 26.25 79.07 27.73 51.34 40.37 38.26 27.09 Texture* %Sand %Silt %Clay %Stones S 97.8 0.1 2.1 0.0 SL 81.9 6.6 11.5 31.4 SL 78.4 4.6 17.0 - CL 42.4 25.7 31.9 1.5 SP 51.2 39.4 9.4 - Subsoil 2 Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Layer depth (cm) 54 37 24 35 21 % Organic carbon pH in CaCl2 CaCO3 eq (g/kg) Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.1 5.6 1.60 1.1 6.3 1.42 0.3 4.8 1.59 0.4 7.2 1.60 0.5 6.0 1.50 Total porosity Air-capacity Water @ 5 kPa Water @ 40 kPa Water @ 200 kPa Water @ 1500 kPa 39.78 31.65 11.44 6.64 3.92 3.40 46.28 29.39 18.99 13.88 7.16 6.03 40.03 21.89 18.14 10.73 10.13 8.12 39.73 12.77 26.96 15.72 9.93 6.96 43.45 31.50 16.11 7.16 3.51 2.38 Texture* %Sand %Silt %Clay %Stones S 95.2 0.5 4.3 0.0 SL/LS 82.2 3.5 14.3 46.2 SL 82.0 3.1 14.9 - LS 81.2 11.1 7.7 23.0 S 95.1 3.3 1.6 - 97 Subsoil 3 Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Layer depth (cm) - 10 37 29 8 % Organic carbon pH in CaCl2 CaCO3 eq (g/kg) Bulk density (g/cm3) - 0.3 7.7 166.8 1.33 0.2 5.0 1.54 3.3 6.1 1.4 - 0.6 4.0 1.54 Total porosity Air-capacity Water @ 5 kPa Water @ 40 kPa Water @ 200 kPa Water @ 1500 kPa - 49.84 37.59 13.22 9.29 4.43 3.81 42.02 28.93 15.42 9.50 7.82 7.43 - 42.05 24.73 21.63 10.33 7.40 5.41 Texture* %Sand %Silt %Clay %Stones - S 93.4 3.4 3.2 53.4 LS 84.4 2.9 12.7 - ZCL 12.6 55.2 32.2 0.0 S 93.1 4.2 2.7 - Subsoil 4 Cuckney Sonning Ludford Enborne Isleham Layer depth (cm) - - - - 28 % Organic carbon pH in CaCl2 CaCO3 eq (g/kg) Bulk density (g/cm3) - - - - 0.3 4.4 1.52 Total porosity Air-capacity Water @ 5 kPa Water @ 40 kPa Water @ 200 kPa Water @ 1500 kPa - - - - 42.49 28.77 19.84 7.51 4.75 3.27 Texture* %Sand %Silt %Clay %Stones - - - - S 94.2 3.5 2.3 - * Textural abbreviations: S = sand; LS = loamy sand; SL = sandy loam; SCL = sandy clay loam; CL = clay loam; ZCL = silty clay loam; LP = loamy peat; SP = sandy peat. 98 APPENDIX 4: Experimental details for the Wytham site Exp. Title: WYTHAM EXPERIMENT: FATE AND BEHAVIOUR OF PESTICIDES IN STRUCTURED CLAY SOILS Summary: Isoproturon was applied to a winter barley crop at a mole-drained clay site in spring 1994. The site is characterised by marked differences between the A horizon (0-30 cm) and the B horizon (30-120 cm) with hydrological response to rainfall and drying being resticted to the A horizon and negligible in the B horizon. A seasonal perched water table is found in the A horizon. Soil samples were taken to 2 cm depth. Over two events, isoproturon concentration in drainflow, interlayer flow and occasionally in overland flow together with the respective flow rates were monitored at a 5-min to 30-min resolution. In addition, hourly drainflow, tensiometer, capacitance probe and soil temperature data were recorded for an extended period. Duration: 26/08/93-29/07/94 Type of exp.: Field plot (600 m2 plot) Site: Elevation: Geographical location: Latitude: Pedological description: Current land use: Irrigation: Water collecting constructions: Experiment: Application: Sampling: 76 m Oxford University Farm, Wytham, Oxforshire Grid Reference SP46660931 51.7oN Clay of the Denchworth series, calcareous variant, 2° convex slope Arable (3 years of winter cereals, 1 year of oilseed rape) No irrigation Field drains at 80 cm depth with mole drains at 50 cm depth and 3 m apart. Gulley containing aggregate and backfilled with soil at 30 cm depth to collect lateral interlayer flow Gulley to 5 cm depth to collect overland flow 12/03/94 isoproturon at 0.9 kg a.i./ha (Arelon) Soil samples every week, 2 cm depth Flow subsamples, triggered by flows > 0.054 l/s for drain flow and 0.023 l/s for lateral interlayer flow 99 variable soil temperature (°C) water content (%) water content (%) water tension (kPa) drainflow (mm/h) IPU soil (mg/kg) interval 22/11/93-23/06/94 22/11/93-25/05/94 22/11/93-23/06/94 22/11/93-23/06/94 18/11/93-23/06/94 12/03/94-23/06/94 depth (cm) 0, 10, 30 10 30 10, 30, 50, 75, 100 1st event after application: IPU drain (µg/l) drain flow rate (mm/h) IPU lateral interflow (µg/l) lateral interfl. flow rate (mm/h) 31/03/94-01/04/94 31/03/94-01/04/94 31/03/94-01/04/94 31/03/94-01/04/94 30 min 5 min 30 min 10 min 3rd event after application: IPU drain (µg/l) drain flow rate (mm/h) IPU lateral interflow (µg/l) lateral interfl. flow rate (mm/h) IPU overland flow (µg/l) overland flow flow rate (mm/h) 08/04/94-09/04/94 08/04/94 08/04/94-09/04/94 08/04/94-09/04/94 08/04/94 08/04/94 30 min 5 min 30 min 10 min 5/10 min 5 min 2 resolution 1h 1h 1h 1h 1h 1 week Soil cultivations: Straw from previous winter wheat crop chopped and incorporated by ploughing and power harrow (Roterra) in September 1993 Crop: Barley var. ‘Fighter’, sown on 19/10/93, emergence from 04/11/93 onwards Date max. shoot length (cm) max. root length (cm) 09/11/93 4.60 7.5 22/11/93 7.78 9.48 07/12/93 8.54 9.58 27/01/94 13.36 11.0 17/03/94 21.49 15.21 25/04/94 30.20 22.0 05/05/94 38.0 29.0 16/05/94 58.0 34.0 27/05/94 70.0 36.0 16/06/94 95.0 37.0 26/06/94 95.0 37.0 07/07/94 95.0 33.0 25/07/94 90.0 30.0 *=System devised by Slater & Goode, 1967 Weather: 100 growth stage* 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7-8.1 8.1 8.2-8.3 8.4 variable dry bulb temperature (°C) max temperature (°C) min temperature (°C) solar radiation net radiation wet bulb temperature (°C) dry bulb temperature (°C) wind speed wind direction rainfall (mm) albedo sky albedo ground soil temperature 1 cm (°C) soil temperature 30 cm (°C) water potential heat budget aero term potential evaporation interval 04/03/93-04/10/94 04/03/93-04/10/94 04/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 03/03/93-04/10/94 resolution 1h 1h 1h 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1d Soil: 0-26cm 26-54cm OC % 3.1 0.9 pH (H2O) 7.8 8.2 Sand % 14.46 7.62 Silt % 28.75 29.15 Clay % 57.29 63.22 3 bulk density g/cm 1.24 1.52 moisture 105°C % 4.3 3.8 water at 0 kPa % vol. 53.4 43.3 water at 5 kPa % vol. 50.4 41.9 water at 10 kPa % vol. 49.9 41.7 water at 40 kPa % vol. 44.6 37 water at 200 kPa % vol. 41.3 33.2 water at 1500 kPa % vol. 31.6 28.9 (Graham Beard, SSLRC, personal communication) 54-101cm 0.4 8.3 3.28 39.58 57.13 1.54 3.1 44 43.0 42.7 37.3 35.4 30.8 101-130cm 0.4 7.8 14.35 0.74 84.91 1.55 5.6 45.3 43.5 43.1 39.3 36.4 31.5 Initial water content: 54 % weight at 10 cm depth, 51% weight at 30 cm depth Chemical: Isoproturon (IPU) Kd (topsoil) 2.3, 2.5 ml/g half-life 18.2 days at 15°C and 33% gravimetric water content 101