
HSE BOOKS Catalogue 2015 Health and Safety

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HSE BOOKS Catalogue 2015 Health and Safety
Catalogue 2015
Health and Safety
Health and safety law products
As an employer,
you are required
by law to either
display the HSEapproved poster
or to provide each
of your workers
with the equivalent
The health and safety law poster must be displayed on all business premises. There are various versions of
the poster, so that you can select the most appropriate for your business, depending on where in the UK
your business is based. Employers have a legal duty to display the approved poster in a prominent position
in each workplace or to provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet.
Health and Safety Law What you need to know A2 poster 2009
Health and Safety Law What you need to know A3 poster 2009
978 0 7176 6314 9
978 0 7176 6369 9
Health and Safety Law What you need to know Welsh version A2 poster 2009
978 0 7176 6347 7 Offshore Health and Safety Law What you need to know Offshore poster
A2 size for display in offshore installations
978 0 7176 6373 6
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
A2 size for display in premises in Northern Ireland
978 0 7176 6354 5
Pocket cards
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
Pocket card Pack of 25 pocket cards for workers in premises in Great Britain
978 0 7176 6350 7
Offshore Health and Safety Law What you need to know
978 0 7176 6367 5
Offshore pocket card edition Pack of 25 pocket cards for workers in offshore installations
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
HSENI pocket card edition
Pack of 25 pocket cards for workers in premises in Northern Ireland
978 0 7176 6356 9
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
Pack of 10 leaflets for workers in premises in Great Britain
978 0 7176 6501 3
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
Welsh/English leaflet Each leaflet consists of Welsh and English languages
Pack of 15 leaflets for workers in premises in Great Britain
978 0 7176 6351 4
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
Large print leaflet
Pack of 5 ‘Large print’ leaflets for workers in premises in Great Britain
978 0 7176 6563 1
Health and Safety Law What you need to know 2009
Easy read leaflet
Pack of 5 ‘Easy read’ leaflets for workers in premises in Great Britain
978 0 7176 63521
The unique hologram guarantees
a poster’s authenticity.
The leaflets, including easy read and large print versions,
can be found at www.hse.gov.uk/business/law.htm
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Enabling a better working world
Health and safety guidance (HSG)
The HSG series is made up of guidance books which provide advice for employers to help them comply
with health and safety law. Sometimes the content will be aimed at a specific industry sector or specialist
target audience. The publications can be downloaded from www.hse.gov.uk or ordered from HSE Books.
HSG33 Health and safety in roof work (Fourth edition)
978 0 7176 6527 3
This book gives guidance on how to plan and work safely on roofs. It covers new buildings, repairs, maintenance, cleaning work and
demolition. It gives some guidance for those not directly carrying out work on roofs, eg clients, designers and specifiers and will be useful to
anyone planning, arranging or supervising roof work.
HSG38 Lighting at work (Second edition) 1998
978 0 7176 1232 1
This guidance explains how lighting can contribute to the health and safety of people at work. It is aimed at those who are responsible for
health and safety at work but employees may also find the guidance useful. It deals with managing the health and safety risks from lighting in
the workplace, good practice for lighting in the workplace, and lighting recommendations.
HSG40 Safe handling of chlorine from drums and cylinders (Second edition)
978 0 7176 1646 6
This guidance booklet is aimed at employers and employees in a range of industries which use chlorine on a small scale, as well as employers
and employees in the chemical industry. It gives safety advice on the use of chlorine from drums and cylinders.
HSG47 Avoiding danger from underground services (Third edition) 2014
978 0 7176 6584 6
This book outlines the dangers which can arise from work near underground services and gives advice on how to reduce the risks. The
guidance is mainly aimed at clients, designers, planning supervisors, employers, owners, operators, managers and supervisors. The guidance
applies to situations where work involves penetrating the ground at or below surface level.
HSG48 Reducing error and influencing behaviour (Second edition) 1999
978 0 7176 2452 2
This publication is aimed at managers in all industries. It explains why human factors are important in heatlh and safety and how they need to
be assessed and managed in the same way as other risk factors.
HSG51 Storage of flammable liquids in containers (Third edition) 2015
978 0 7176 6608 9
This updated guidance covers the control measures to adopt concerning the dangers of fire and explosion. It applies to all locations whether
open air or specifically designed buildings, rooms or cabinets. The advice is aimed at those directly responsible for safe storage and handling
of flammable liquids in containers in all general work activities.
HSG53 Respiratory protective equipment at work 2013 978 0 7176 6454 2
A practical guide (Fourth edition)
Includes guidance on choosing the right respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and on ensuring that it continues to function effectively.
HSG60 Upper limb disorders in the workplace (Second edition) 2002
978 0 7176 1978 8
Upper limb disorders (ULDs) are a particular group of musculoskeletal disorders which affect the arm and neck. This revised guidance is aimed
at managers with responsibility for workers who may be at risk of developing ULDs.
HSG65 Managing for health and safety (Third edition) 2013
978 0 7176 6456 6
This is a practical guide for directors, managers and health and safety professionals to improve health and safety performance in their organisations.
HSG71 Chemical warehousing 2009
978 0 7176 6237 1
The storage of packaged dangerous substances (Fourth edition)
This guidance sets out control measures aimed at eliminating or reducing risks to people, at work or otherwise, from the storage of packaged
dangerous goods. It reflects good practice for the design of new storage facilities (and where reasonably practicable, to existing sites) and
applies to transit or distribution warehouses, open-air storage compounds and facilities associated with a chemical production site or end-user.
HSG76 Warehousing and storage 2007 978 0 7176 6225 8
A guide to health and safety (Second edition)
This second edition was written in liaison with the Warehousing Health and Safety Forum, a joint committee with representation from trade
associations, trade unions and employer organisations. It is for people who have management, supervisory or other health and safety interests
in warehouses and storage facilities.
HSG85 Electricity at work Safe working practices (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6581 5
This second edition gives guidance on the key elements that need to be considered when devising safe working practices for people who carry
out work on or near electrical equipment. It includes advice that is relevant to managers and supervisors who control or influence the design,
specification, selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance or operation of electrical equipment.
HSG97 A step by step guide to COSHH assessment (Second edition) 2004
978 0 7176 2785 1
This publication gives advice and guidance to employers on assessing their activities under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations 2002 (COSHH). It describes and explains the principles of assessment, illustrating them with extensive examples.
HSG107 Maintaining portable electrical equipment (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6606 5
This second edition should help employers, employees and the self-employed maintain portable and transportable electrical equipment. The
guidance covers electric drills, extension leads, portable hand lamps, portable grinders, pressure water cleaners, floor cleaners, electric kettles
and similar equipment.
HSG139 The safe use of compressed gases in welding, flame cutting 1997
978 0 7176 0680 1
and allied processes
The main aim of this book is to promote increased safety in the use of compressed gases in gas welding, flame cutting and related processes.
It is aimed at managers, safety specialists, manufacturers, suppliers and installers of equipment, plus those who are concerned with selection,
use and maintenance of equipment.
HSG140 The safe use and handling of flammable liquids (Second edition) 2015
978 0 7176 6609 6
This book provides information on the fire and explosion hazards associated with flammable liquids and details practical measures to protect
workers. It advises on safe operating procedures and precautions needed to reduce injuries and damage caused by fires and explosions while
handling flammable liquids and also gives guidance on appropriate standards for plant and equipment.
HSG144 The safe use of vehicles on construction sites 2009
978 0 7176 6291 3
A guide for clients, designers, contractors, managers and workers involved with construction transport
(Second edition)
This book gives practical guidance on how to prevent vehicle accidents on construction sites. It provides information on planning and managing
vehicle operations; selecting and maintaining vehicles and safe driving and working practices.
HSG151 Protecting the public Your next move (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6294 4
This guidance is aimed at all those involved in construction, not only the principal contractor, but also the client, CDM co-ordinator and
designer, where appropriate. It contains practical advice on how those designing, planning, maintaining and carrying out construction work can
minimise the risks to those who are not involved in the construction process but may be affected.
HSG159 Managing contractors A guide for employers (Second edition)
2011 978 0 7176 6436 8
This booklet provides guidance on managers’ responsibilities for health and safety when using contractors in the workplace. It is aimed at
owners, directors and managers of small to medium-sized chemical companies, but will be of use to other industries. The booklet provides
practical steps for working with contractors, and also has useful lists of questions which can be used to assess managers’ knowledge of health
and safety in the workplace.
HSG167 Biological monitoring in the workplace 1997
978 0 7176 1279 6
A guide to its practical application to chemical exposure
This guidance booklet is aimed at employers and occupational health practitioners setting up or managing a biological monitoring programme
for protecting the health of employees exposed to chemicals in the workplace. It gives practical advice on setting up a programme, how to
protect employees’ rights, what the law says, the role and use of biological monitoring guidance values and contains an appendix about the
technical aspects of biological monitoring.
HSG168 Fire safety in construction Guidance for clients, designers and those 2010 978 0 7176 6345 3
managing and carrying out construction work involving significant fire risks (Second edition)
This guidance will help those involved in construction identify the main causes of accidents and ill health and it explains how to eliminate the
hazards and control the risks. The advice will support those with legal responsibilities under the Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, as well as act as an aide to assist site managers in day-to-day management of fire
risks on site.
HSG170 Vibration solutions 1997
978 0 7176 0954 3
Practical ways to reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration injury
This book is aimed at managers in industry who have problems with vibration, which can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome and vibration
white finger. It uses case studies to show how vibration levels can be reduced and by how much.
HSG172 Health and safety in sawmilling: A run-of-the-mill business? 2012
978 0 7176 6492 4
(Second edition)
This revised guidance updates and expands the original published in 1997. It takes into account the higher levels of automation introduced into the
industry, with the resulting increase in injuries caused by operator interventions. The guidance was produced in close consultation with the industry.
HSG175 Fairgrounds and amusement parks 2007 978 0 7176 6249 4
Guidance on safe practice (Second edition)
This guidance sets out what the Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks Joint Advisory Committee on Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks (FJAC)
considers appropriate measures to work safely and comply with the law. It concentrates on the safety of employers, employees and the general
public using fairgrounds and amusement parks, and gives advice on measures that can be taken to control risks.
HSG176 Storage of flammable liquids in tanks (Second edition) 2015
978 0 7176 6607 2
This book gives guidance on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of installations used for the storage of flammable liquids in
fixed tanks operating at or near atmospheric pressure. It applies to new installations and exisiting installations where practicable.
HSG179 Managing health and safety in swimming pools (Third edition) 2003
978 0 7176 2686 1
This publication provides guidance for those who have any involvement with the operation and management of health and safety in swimming
pools: primarily pool owners (including local authority clients), pool operators (including management contractors), architects, engineers,
designers, manufacturers and constructors.
HSG190 Preparing safety reports 1999
978 0 7176 1687 9
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)
This book gives comprehensive guidance on writing a safety report for sites containing certain quantities of dangerous substances, as required
by the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH). It explains to operators of top-tiers (as defined under COMAH) what
information needs to be provided in the safety report, and how it should be presented.
HSG191 Emergency planning for major accidents 1999
978 0 7176 1695 4
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)
The document provides further guidance for emergency planning under the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH).
The guidance is aimed at those with responsibilities for emergency planning, on site and off site, at major hazards establishments, including
operators, local authorities, emergency services and health authorities/boards.
HSG210 Asbestos essentials A task manual for building 2012 978 0 7176 6503 7
maintenance and allied trades on non-licensed asbestos work (Third edition)
Designed to be durable, practical and small enough to fit in your toolbox, Asbestos essentials uses a series of task sheets, with over 100 full
colour photos and illustrations, to describe ‘good practice’ for non-licensed tasks and covers the action needed to reduce exposure to an
adequate level. This edition has been updated in line with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
The accident book is also a valuable document that organisations can use to record accident
information as part of their management of health and safety. It can be used to record details
of injuries from accidents at work that employers must report under the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
If a worker sustains an occupational injury resulting from an accident, their injury should be
reported if they are incapacitated for more than seven days. There is no longer a requirement to
report occupational injuries that result in more than three days of incapacitation, but you must still
keep a record of such injuries.
ISBN 978 0 7176 6458 0
It is also available in packs: ISBN 978 0 7176 6544 0
HSG218 Managing the causes of work-related stress 2007
978 0 7176 6273 9
A step-by-step approach using the Management Standards (Second edition)
HSE’s Management Standards will help employers, employees and their representatives manage the issue sensibly and minimise the impact of
work-related stress. The Management Standards represent a set of conditions that reflect high levels of health, well-being and organisational
performance. This guide will help anyone with responsibility for tackling work-related stress in an organisation develop solutions to close the
gap between the standards and current performance.
HSG220 Health and safety in care homes (Second edition) 2014
978 0 7176 6368 2
This book is targeted at owners and managers of care homes, as well as employees and safety representatives. It aims to help them to
understand and meet their duties under health and safety legislation.
HSG221 Technical guidance on the safe use of lifting equipment offshore 2007
978 0 7176 6229 6
(Second edition)
This guidance provides technical information for those involved in the supply, operation and control of lifting equipment in the offshore
environment. It shows how to apply the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations offshore. It is aimed primarily at dutyholders, offshore installation managers, managers, supervisors, competent persons and
operatives involved in the operation and safe use of lifting equipment offshore.
HSG230 Keeping electrical switchgear safe 2002
978 0 7176 2359 4
This book is aimed at owners and operators of electrical switchgear in industrial or commercial organisations, although equipment suppliers
and electricity distribution companies may also find the advice useful.
HSG236 Power presses Maintenance and thorough examination 2003
978 0 7176 2171 2
This guidance is intended to help users of power presses and those people involved in the installation and maintenance of power presses meet
their duties under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. HSG247 Asbestos The licensed contractor’s guide 2006
978 0 7176 2874 2
This publication is aimed at businesses holding a licence to work with asbestos, either repairing or removing asbestos-containing materials
(ACMs), supervising such work, holding an ancillary licence or providing training on asbestos. Employers who carry out work with asbestos
insulation, asbestos coating, and asbestos insulating board using their own employees on their own premises, who are exempted from the
requirement to hold a licence, also need this guidance. It may also be useful to people awarding contracts for such work or who have other
asbestos management duties.
HSG248 Asbestos The analyst’s guide for sampling, analysis and 2005
978 0 7176 2875 9
clearance procedures
This publication is aimed at analysts involved in licensed asbestos removal and sampling of asbestos-containing materials. It combines
information previously contained in various HSE publications and updates the material, providing a comprehensive guide.
HSG250 Guidance on permit-to-work systems 2005
978 0 7176 2943 5
A guide for the petroleum, chemical and allied industries
This guidance describes good practice in the use of permit-to-work systems, and may be useful to operators using permit-to-work systems as
part of a demonstration that risks have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable. The guidance is applicable to the onshore and
offshore petroleum industry, onshore chemical and allied industries and other industries where permit-to-work systems are used.
HSG252 A recipe for safety 2015
978 0 7176 6646 1
Occupational health and safety in food and drink manufacture (Second edition)
The guidance aims to spread awareness of the accident and ill health picture in the food industry and to stimulate awareness of priority areas
for attention. It targets safety representatives and management in firms of all sizes.
HSG253 The safe isolation of plant and equipment 2006
978 0 7176 6171 8
This publication provides guidance on the general principles of safe process isolations. It describes how to isolate plant and equipment safely,
and how to reduce the risk of releasing hazardous substances during intrusive activities such as maintenance and sampling operations.
HSG254 Developing process safety indicators
A step-by-step guide for chemical and major hazard industries 2006
978 0 7176 6180 0
This will help senior managers and safety professionals in organisations develop performance indicators to give improved assurance that major
hazard risks are under control.
HSG256 Managing shift work Health and safety guidance 2006
978 0 7176 6197 8
This is aimed at employers, safety representatives, trade union officials and employees. It aims to improve understanding of shift work and its
impact on health and safety, giving advice on risk assessment, the design of shift-work schedules and the environment, suggesting measures
to reduce the negative impact of shift work and advising how to manage the risks to reduce fatigue, poor performance and accidents.
HSG258 Controlling airborne contaminants at work 2011 978 0 7176 6415 3
A guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV) (Second edition)
This book tells you how to control gas, vapour, dust, fume and mist in workplace air using local exhaust ventilation (LEV) – extracting the
clouds of contaminant before people breathe them in. It describes the principles and good practice of design, installation, commissioning, and
testing cost-effective ‘ventilation controls’.
HSG261 Health and safety in motor vehicle repair and associated industries 2009
978 0 7176 6308 8
This book is aimed at owners and managers of motor vehicle repair (MVR) businesses, their advisers, and the self-employed. It may also be of
interest to employees and safety representatives. The guidance covers: vehicle maintenance and repair (including tyre, exhaust, and
windscreen replacement); body repair, refinishing and valeting; MOT testing; and the roadside recovery of vehicles.
HSG262 Managing skin exposure risks at work 2009
978 0 7176 6309 5
This guidance is aimed at employers, health and safety advisers, trainers and safety representatives. It contains practical advice on ill health
arising from skin exposure, recognising potential skin exposure in your workplace, and managing skin exposure to prevent disease.
HSG263 Involving your workforce in health and safety 2008
978 0 7176 6227 2
Good practice for all workplaces
This guide is mainly aimed at medium to large employers who need to consult and involve their employees on health and safety matters. Small
businesses may find the good practice helpful, particularly the case studies. Employees, their health and safety representatives and trade
unions may also find the guide useful.
HSG264 Asbestos: The survey guide (Second edition) 2012 978 0 7176 6502 0
This publication is aimed at people carrying out asbestos surveys and people with specific responsibilities for managing asbestos in nondomestic premises. The book covers competence and quality assurance and surveys, including survey planning, carrying out surveys, the
survey report and the dutyholder's use of the survey information.
HSG268 The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work
2014 978 0 7176 6587 7
(Fifth edition)
Packed with simple, straightforward advice, this book covers the most common workplace hazards. It will help you comply with the law and
prevent workplace accidents and ill health. It’s aimed at those starting up or running a small business, or those who have been appointed as a
safety representative in a larger organisation, or want additional advice on how to control workplace hazards.
HSG270 Farmwise: Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture
2013 978 0 7176 6579 2
(Second edition)
This guidance is designed to help everyone working in the industry achieve good standards of health and safety and reduce injuries and ill
health by identifying causes, eliminating hazards and controlling risks. It covers the management of health and safety, as well as outlining the
specific risks of agricultural and horticultural work, giving easy-to-follow, practical advice to keep you safe and healthy at work.
HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Control of legionella 2014 978 0 7176 6635 5
This guidance is for dutyholders, which includes employers, those in control of premises and those with health and safety responsibilities for
others, to help them comply with their legal duties. These include identifying and assessing sources of risk, preparing a scheme to prevent or
control risk, implementing, managing and monitoring precautions, keeping records of precautions and appointing a manager responsible for others.
The health and safety toolbox:
How to control risks at work
The Toolbox provides advice to help you
identify, assess and control the activities that
might cause harm in your business.
Whatever line of work you're in, it will help you run
a safe and healthy workplace.
HSG268 2014 ISBN 978 0 7176 6587 7
Managing for health and safety
This revised edition of one of HSE’s most
popular guides is mainly for leaders, owners
and line managers. It will particularly help
those who need to put in place or oversee
their organisation’s health and safety
arrangements. The advice may also help
workers and their representatives, as well as
health and safety practitioners and training
The guidance builds on the practical advice in
The health and safety toolbox.
HSG65 2013 ISBN 978 0 7176 6456 6
Legal titles
All the titles in this series contain the actual Regulations themselves. They will be either Approved Codes of
Practice (ACOPs), Guidance on Regulations or HSR (Guidance on Regulations) titles. They are mainly
aimed at a technical, specialist or legal audience but safety managers in larger organisations could also find
them useful. These books can be downloaded from www.hse.gov.uk or ordered from HSE Books.
Legal series (L)
Control of substances hazardous to health 2013
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
(as amended) Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Sixth edition)
978 0 7176 6582 2
Legionnaires’ disease 2013
The control of legionella bacteria in water systems
Approved Code of Practice and guidance on regulations (Fourth edition)
978 0 7176 6615 7
Safe use of work equipment 2014
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6619 5
Manual handling Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 2004
(as amended) Guidance on Regulations (Third edition)
978 0 7176 2823 0
Workplace health, safety and welfare 2013
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6583 9
Personal protective equipment at work 2005
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended)
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition) 978 0 7176 6139 8
Work with display screen equipment 2003
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended
by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition) 978 0 7176 2582 6
A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 2006
Guidance on Regulations (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6184 8
First aid at mines 1993
Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
Approved Code of Practice
978 0 7176 0617 7
Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances 2013
Gas Safety (Installations and Use) Regulations 1998
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Fourth edition)
978 0 7176 6617 1
Safety signs and signals 2015
The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
Guidance on Regulations (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6598 3
Prevention of fire and explosion, and emergency response 1997
on offshore installations Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire
and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 1386 1
A guide to the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works 2002
(Management and Administration) Regulations 1995
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition)
978 0 7176 2572 7
A guide to Borehole Sites and Operations Regulations 1995 2008
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition) 978 0 7176 6287 6
First aid at work The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 2013
Guidance on Regulations (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6560 0
A guide to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 1996
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 1159 1
A guide to the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 1996
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 1182 9
A guide to the well aspects of the Offshore Installations 2008
and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6296 8
A guide to the integrity, workplace environment and 1996
miscellaneous aspects of the Offshore Installations and Wells
(Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996
Guidance on Regulations 978 0 7176 1164 5
Safe work in confined spaces 2014 978 0 7176 6622 5
Confined Spaces Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition) L103
Commercial diving projects offshore 2014
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition) 978 0 7176 6592 1
Commercial diving projects inland/inshore 2014
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6593 8
Recreational diving projects 2014
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practiceand guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6594 5
Media diving projects 2014
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6595 2
Scientific and archaeological diving projects 2014
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6596 9
Controlling noise at work 2005
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6164 0
A guide to the Offshore Installations 2012
(Safety Representatives and Safety Committees) Regulations 1989
Guidance on Regulations (Third edition) 978 0 7176 6493 1
The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 2015
Guidance on Regulations (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6605 8
Safe use of power presses
2014 978 0 7176 6620 1
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
(as applied to power presses)
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
Safe use of lifting equipment 2014
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6586 0
Safe use of woodworking machinery 2014
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as applied
to woodworking machinery)
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6621 8
Rider-operated lift trucks Operator training and safe use 2013
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Third edition)
978 0 7176 6441 2
Health and safety at quarries 2013
Quarries Regulations 1999
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6335 4
Work with ionising radiation 2000
Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
Approved Code of Practice and guidance 978 0 7176 1746 3
Safety of pressure systems 2014
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6644 7
Health care and first aid on offshore installations and pipeline works
Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989
Approved Code of Practice and guidance L126
A guide to the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and 2002 978 0 7176 2240 5
Public Information) Regulations 2001
Guidance on Regulations
Control of lead at work
2002 978 0 7176 2565 9
Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Third edition)
Unloading petrol from road tankers 2014 978 0 7176 6634 8
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
978 0 7176 1851 4
L138 Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres 2013 978 0 7176 6616 4
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
Hand-arm vibration 2005
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 6125 1
Whole-body vibration 2005
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 6126 8
Managing and working with asbestos 2013
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Approved Code of Practice and guidance (Second edition) 978 0 7176 6618 8
L145 Control of inhalable dust in coal mines 2007 978 0 7176 6254 8 The Coal Mines (Control of Inhalable Dust) Regulations 2007
Approved Code of Practice and guidance L146
Consulting workers on health and safety 2012
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
(as amended) and Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees)
Regulations 1996 (as amended)
Approved Codes of Practice and guidance (Second edition)
Safety in docks
2014 978 0 7176 6572 3
Approved Code of Practice and guidance
Explosives Regulations 2014 Safety provisions
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 6551 8
Explosives Regulations 2014 Security provisions
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 6638 6
Managing health and safety in construction
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Guidance on Regulations
978 0 7176 6626 3
HSR25 Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 2007
Guidance on Regulations (Second edition)
978 0 7176 6228 9
978 0 7176 6461 0
Health and Safety Regulation (HSR) Series
About this catalogue
This catalogue, stock code CAT36/15, replaces all earlier editions.
The titles are shown in numerical series order. A full search facility is available at
For information on health and safety visit www.hse.gov.uk.
Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this catalogue is
accurate before it is printed but no legal responsibility is accepted for any
errors or omissions. The availability of any products is subject to change
without prior notice.
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