Sellafield Fuel Handling Plant Pondwater update
16 September 2004 Sellafield Fuel Handling Plant Pondwater update NuSAC(04)P17. (Update of NuSAC(03)P10) A Richardson, P Maher, August 2004 Introduction The increased level of beta activity in the Sellafield Fuel Handling Plant (FHP) pondwater has been an issue of interest to NuSAC since 2001, when a sub group was set up to look into the issues. A BNFL paper was presented to the November 2002 meeting (NuSAC[2002]24), and an update presented in late 2003 (NuSAC(03)P10). This paper provides a summary of the two previous papers and provides an update to August 2004. Background Sellafield has historically had the capability to reprocess 1600+ tonnes of Magnox fuel per year through the Magnox Reprocessing Plant. Because of the need to assemble reasonable batch sizes of fuel from each station for decanning, the typical fuel stock in FHP has varied between 300 and 1000+ tonnes. In the late 1990’s, the normal pattern was impacted by a number of factors, specifically:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) The amalgamation of BNFL and Magnox Electric put additional pressure on BNFL to reduce costs, to underpin the strategy to operate reactors for an extended period. A conscious decision was taken to reduce personnel numbers as the pond was empty of fuel and future reprocessing was anticipated to be at a lower level. Some equipment was effectively put on standby, believing that the remainder had the capacity to deal with the demands. FHP was approaching an age of 20 years, and some equipment was starting to become unreliable, particularly software. The reprocessing plant had an extended outage for installation of the new fuel dissolver. Fuel of increasingly high burn up was being received, causing difficulties at decanning due to brittleness or bowed shapes. This was particularly experienced with fuel from Dungeness and Wylfa. There had been some problems with maintaining pondwater chemistry at reactor, that led to some deterioration of fuel condition. Reprocessing was interrupted due to problems with other plants in an integrated site network. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 2 of 11 The consequence was that reprocessing capacity was severely reduced for several years, to the extent that only 368 tonnes was decanned in 2000/2001. The pond stocks rose to around 1000 tonnes for an extended period. The above conditions led to a spiral of deteriorating conditions that had the following features:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The longer fuel residence time in the ponds caused fuel cladding to corrode and start to leak. The longer residence time caused some of the fuel containers to lose the gas ullage, thus allowing contamination to spread into the FHP pond. Leaking fuel at station ponds resulted in low payload for some flask movements. From an essentially fixed number of flask movements, fuel could not be transported at the desired rate or stored at sufficient density, causing increased station pond residence times, corrosion and leakage. Movement of containers with leaking fuel through the FHP pond and subsequent preparation of fuel for decanning caused some activity to spread throughout the pond. Activity levels in the FHP pond had risen from 200 MBq/m3 (1990) to 1000 MBq/m3 (1995) to 4000 MBq/m3 (2001) and 6000 MBq/m3 (2003). Activity was absorbed into skips, which required time in clean conditions to desorb. Hence, some activity was transferred from FHP to cleaner ponds at stations. Sellafield discharges were not significantly impacted as pondwater is cleaned up in the Site Ion Exchange Plant (SIXEP) prior to release. The radiation dose to workers remained low, at less than 1 mSv per annum. However, it was decided to impose restrictions on the operations conducted in FHP. Sellafield had a history of experiencing very high pond activity levels in B30 in the 1970’s (106 MBq/M3) with the consequential impact on environmental discharge and personnel dose (50 mSv pa). Consequently there was concern that the new situation might be the start of a similar chain of events, even though the contamination levels were 250 times higher in the 1970’s. Initial of Corrective Actions, 2001/02 It was apparent that there was no ‘quick fix’ to the situation. However, a series of actions were established which would allow a gradual return to previous conditions. These actions were:(a) (b) (c) (d) Installation of local ion exchange units at some station ponds, particularly to absorb caesium from the pondwater. Dungeness, Hinkley Point, Bradwell, Sizewell and Oldbury responded in this way. Provision of new equipment at FHP to flush through containers in a more thorough manner prior to them being processed. Provision of refurbished equipment to allow containers which had lost their ullage in FHP to be re-ullaged. The FHP pond purge volume was increased from 1000m3 per day to over 2000m3 per day to facilitate activity reduction. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 3 of 11 (e) (f) (g) (h) Recruitment of additional personnel for both operations and maintenance was undertaken. Reinstatement, refurbishment and improvement of equipment was achieved. Minor improvements were made to the decanning process itself to assist the handling of damaged or brittle fuel. Technical programmes were initiated to further develop understanding. Progress during 2001/03 The corrective actions outlined above were developed and implemented during 2001/03. In early 2003, it was discovered that a change to the method of providing sodium hydroxide to the storage containers that had been introduced in December 1998 had compounded the basic issues. To reduce environmental spillage risk, sodium hydroxide (which is added directly to the fuel containers) started to be purchased at 23% w/w instead of 47%, but also at up to 2% NaCl instead of 0.01%. Chloride is known to add to the risk of Magnox corrosion. The chloride content was reduced again at April 2003, but there remained an inventory of 600 tes of fuel in contact with high chloride. At the time of writing the 2003 paper, the following improvements had been delivered: • • • • Station pondwater activity had been stabilised by use of ion-exchange units. Corroded fuel preparation for decanning had been improved. 630 of the 860 fuel containers requiring reullaging had been completed. An additional 100+ personnel had been recruited into Magnox Reprocessing (operators, maintainers, technical, engineering). • Equipment asset care processes had been improved. • Early process developments had been deployed. These improvements enabled reprocessing improvements, that in turn allowed the implementation of a strategy to address the root cause of the problem; ie remove the corroded fuel. This strategy was: • Reprocess new deliveries of fuel with much shorter FHP storage times, and avoid any fuel becoming longer stored. • Process the corroded fuel as quickly as practicable within the constraints of acceptable FHP pondwater activity and SIXEP discharges. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 4 of 11 Other developments at Site and Magnox business level had been implemented to consolidate the progress and prevent regression: • Implementation of a management of change process requiring safety assessment of any proposed structural and manning level changes. • Development of a detailed integrated Magnox Operating Plan to optimally deliver the closure programme of the Magnox Stations and reprocessing plant, under coordinated strategic leadership. Position during 2003 – 4 Fuel Handling Plant The period 2003/4 was very successful for FHP and Magnox Reprocessing with a series of notable achievements: • • • • • • 1038 tes of Magnox fuel was decanned, the highest since 1995/6 (Attachment 1). 125 tes of corroded fuel was decanned, enabling the completion of a comprehensive fuel quality characterisation programme. The stock of corroded fuel was reduced from a peak of 610tes to 485tes, and now to 425 tes in August 2004. (See attachment 2). All shorter stored fuel stored in sodium hydroxide containing chloride was decanned. The stock of insecurely ullaged fuel containers was reduced 50. FHP pondwater activity level was reduced from 6000 Bq/ml to between 3 – 4000 Bq/ml while maintaining corroded fuel processing. (See attachment 3). A comprehensive BPEO/BPM assessment of FHP and SIXEP operations has been completed and discussed with the Environment Agency. This study confirmed early processing of corroded fuel as the BPM approach. Opportunities were also taken during this period to further develop the understanding of technical issues influencing FHP pondwater activity: • • • A comprehensive review of Magnox fuel corrosion chemistry was completed. This confirmed the suitability of high pH, low chloride, low temperature conditions for long term storage of un-corroded Magnox fuel. Improved procedures to demonstrate these asdesign conditions were in place within FHP from April 2003 for new fuel deliveries. Fuel received since this date has shown no signs of corrosion. A close link was identified between bulk pondwater temperature and activity content. A significant programme of FHP pondwater chiller plant refurbishment was undertaken, enabling pondwater temperature to be reduced from a peak of 270C in summer 2003 to achieve steady control at 150C during summer 2004. “Best practice” protocols targeted at minimising activity release to pondwater during fuel processing operations were developed and implemented. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 5 of 11 Other business issues were addressed successfully during the same period. An increased frequency of flask and flatrol contamination was identified, addressed via a coordinated industry wide team, and improved to a ‘best ever’ standard. SIXEP and Discharges The increased throughput of corroded fuel presented a significantly raised level of beta and alpha activity challenge to SIXEP during 2003/4, leading to a continuation of the previously observed SIXEP alpha and beta discharges. (See attachment 4). Improvements were made to the SIXEP deep bed sand filtration and pH control processes to improve the alpha species discharge performance. Beta-discharges, primarily Cs137 and Sr90, were managed principally through reduced ionexchange bed lives, with bed changes typically taking place every 75 days compared to every 90 days pre-2001. The enhanced activity challenge and the improvements made resulted in discharge levels similar to those of 2002. These discharges remain well within the current discharge authorisation, but significantly closer to the new authorisation coming into force in October 2004. Discussions with the Environment Agency have led to increases in some of the new limits, but there is a remaining concern that the proposed SIXEP Sr90 plant limit has the potential to constrain operations. The new authorisation places greater emphasis on the demonstrable application of Best Practice Means (BPM) to limit discharges but also contains a mechanism to apply for a discharge limit variation should a strong case exist. Technical assessments are being progressed that may lead to further improvements to the SIXEP process. These include: • • • • Potential antimony 125 abatement processes Potential to pre-treat the ion exchange medium to further improve decontamination factors, particularly for Sr90 Potential to run 3 ion exchange columns in series (current process uses 2 columns) Alpha speciation studies and further optimisation of the sand filter process. The key remaining issues are seen as: • • • • • Management within the new authorisation limits and requirements. Delivery of a project to extend SIXEP sludge storage capacity. Recommissioning of standby tanks for the storage of sand/clinoptilolite. Maintain SIXEP chiller availability and efficiency and deliver a replacement chiller project. Competition for SIXEP capability from Site Remediation will require careful coordination. These issues are within industry control to manage. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 6 of 11 SIXEP Operating Strategy was delivered in March 2004. This strategy addressed the full scope of the current and future site requirement of SIXEP, key aspects being the Magnox reprocessing requirements and future demands emanating from site Legacy Ponds and Silos retrieval and clean up programmes Look Ahead The 2003 NuSAC paper identified that the processing of corroded fuel must be tackled in an optimised way, taking care to restrict discharges to acceptable levels. Considerable progress has been made in the past 12 months against this objective. The forward strategy is focussed on continued removal of the corroded fuel at throughputs of 100+tes/year, within the constraints of acceptable discharge levels, pondwater activity and plant capability. The identified improvement tasks will continue to be vigorously progressed, with the increased technical, engineering and manufacturing resources maintained. This strategy is likely to lead to discharges similar to current levels for several years to come. Conclusions 1 Magnox Reprocessing throughput has recovered from the low levels of the late 1990’s, and new deliveries of fuel are being processed without delay. 2 Considerable progress has been made in demonstrating the required capability to remove the FHP corroded fuel stock at a rate of 100+ tes/year within the constraints of the discharge authorisation. 3 FHP pondwater activity has been controlled while addressing the root cause of the activity source. 4 SIXEP discharges are predicted to continue at the current level for several years. The activity challenge to SIXEP from Magnox Reprocessing and Site Remediation will need to be kept under review. 5 The improvement programme presented previously to NuSAC has contributed significantly to this improved situation, and further potential improvements are being assessed. Recommendations 1 It is recommended that NuSAC note the progress made, the strategy to process the remaining corroded fuel as quickly as practicable within the plant and discharge limit constraints, the commitment to strive for further improvements, and the likelihood of the continued discharge pattern. Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 7 of 11 Attachments 1 Reprocessing annual throughput chart 2 FHP Magnox fuel stocks 3 FHP pondwater activity chart 4 SIXEP discharge chart Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 16 September 2004 Page 8 of 11 Attachment 1 Reprocessing annual throughput chart Magnox Reprocessing Throughput 1200 Tonnes U 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 Financial Year Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 16 September 2004 Page 9 of 11 Attachment 2 FHP Magnox fuel stocks 1200 1000 800 To nn es Good Fuel (New deliveries, <300 day stored in FHP) 600 Corroded Fuel (>500 day stored in FHP) 400 Fuel at risk of corrosion (300 – 500 day stored in FHP) 200 0 Apr-02 Jul-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc Apr-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 16 September 2004 Page 10 of 11 Attachment 3 FHP pondwater activity FHP Pondwater Activity 7000 6000 Beta Activity (Bq/ml) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Jul-99 Feb-00 Aug-00 Mar-01 Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc Sep-01 Apr-02 Oct-02 May-03 Dec-03 Jun-04 16 September 2004 Page 11 of 11 Attachment 4 GB q SIXEP Discharges Pu-alpha SIXEP Liquid discharge GB q 4.50E 1.00E 4.00E 9.00E 8.00E 3.50E 3.00E 7.00E October 2004 SIXEP 12 month limit 6.00E 2.50E Beta-5 SIXEP Liquid discharge Rolling 12 month discharge October 2004 SIXEP 12 month limit Rolling 12 month 5.00E 2.00E 4.00E 1.50E 3.00E 1.00E 2.00E 5.00E 1.00E 0.00E 0.00E Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- GB q Cs-137 SIXEP Liquid discharge Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- GB q Sr-90 SIXEP Liquid discharge 1.80E 1.00E 1.60E 9.00E Rolling 12 month 8.00E October 2004 SIXEP 12 month limit 1.40E 1.20E Rolling 12 month October 2004 SIXEP 12 month limit 7.00E 6.00E 1.00E 5.00E 8.00E 4.00E 6.00E 3.00E 4.00E 2.00E 2.00E 1.00E 0.00E 0.00E Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Sellafield Pondwater - Paper 17(for internet).doc Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan- Jul- Jan-