
Minutes of the Offshore Industry Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17

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Minutes of the Offshore Industry Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17
Offshore Industry Advisory Committee
Meeting date:
17 March 2015
Open Gov. Status:
Fully open
Type of paper:
Paper File ref:
Minutes of the Offshore Industry Advisory Committee Meeting held on
17th March 2015 at Lord Cullen House, Aberdeen
Present:Chairman Tony Hetherington HSE, Secretariat Carol Jeffrey HSE, Jim Neilson HSE,
James Munro HSE, Howard Harte HSE, Nick Woollacott DECC, Sarah Pritchard DECC,
Richard Nevinson BROA, Emily Comyn IMCA, Dave Walker OCA, John Thomson MCA,
Paul Wilkins MCA, Jake Molloy RMT, John Kelly GMB, Robert Paterson Oil & Gas UK,
Ian Tasker STUC, John Taylor Unite-TGWU, Gavin Sutherland IADC, Les Linklater Step
Change, Ian MacKay Lloyds Register, Jack Downie DNV, Bill Noble Bureau Veritas.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Sarah Pritchard from
DECC, John Kelly, GMB, John Thomson, MCA and Emily Comyn who was
These had been received from Jane Bugler IMCA and Ian Russell COTA.
Outstanding Actions from previous meetings
The following Actions were recorded:-
Action 4 March 2014, Cleared
HSE has prepared a discussion paper that will be
presented today, (See agenda item 6).
Action 1 Oct. 2014, Cleared
Replies had been received from Oil & Gas UK
and RMT Union, these comments have been
considered in the preparation of the ‘Tripartite
Body discussion paper.
Action 2 Oct. 2014, Ongoing
Jake Molloy has reported due to other
commitments, there has been no progress with
this action.
Intimidation & Bullying
 It was agreed there is already a considerable body of guidance available and more
was not required.
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 The existing system for ‘NRB’ reporting via the Stepchange Helpline was
 The WEST – Just Culture group should consider the issue in more detail.
 The Stepchange Leadership team should consider if this issue should be addressed
within their Leadership Standards work.
Jake to report back to next meeting on progress.
Action 3 Oct. 2014, Cleared
HLG’s Annual Report will be presented by
Howard Harte at Agenda Item 7
Minutes from the meeting held on 28th October 2015
The minutes of the last meeting were cleared by correspondence following minor
amendments to agenda item 6 that covered the Maritime Coastguard Agency
presentation. They were subsequently revised and placed on HSE’s OIAC web
EU Offshore Directive Transposition progress update
Jim Neilson gave an update on progress.
The following are some of the key points from the presentation:
HSE’s Regulations are ready for Minister to sign off (the regulations were
laid before Parliament on the 23 March 2015).
DECC are awaiting clearance from Ministry of Justice for offences within
their Regulations, so may be subject to change (clearance has been
Guidance Development is currently underway with a full draft SCR 2015
Guide due to be circulated by 24 April 2015.
Implementing Regulation – This becomes law on 22 October 2014, but
operators and owners do not have to comply until SCR 2015 applies to them
UCG + Onshore Hydrocarbon Gas Storage – no time to include necessary
legislative amendments within SCR 2015, these will be developed by April
Workforce Engagement Support Team (WEST) Report
The joint Chair of WEST, Jake Molloy, provided members with an update on the
continuing work of the group. WEST continues to meet on a regular basis. Jake
advised that he was stepping down his role as joint chair. Bob Egan will take on
this role. Participants for the various sub groups were also required.
Jake advised that Tea shack News was going to print the following week. Members
were encouraged to provide articles for forthcoming editions.
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He made the group aware that more people were needed to populate the sub
Les Linklater asked about Workforce Engagement Delivery Guide. Tony
Hetherington advised that Bob Egan would be taking on this work after a period of
information gathering.
Proposals for OIAC to fulfil the role of the UK’s Tripartite body.
Jim Neilson presented the paper and HSE’s position. The paper had been issued
to members on 11th March with the request for them to consult within their
organisations and gather views on the paper’s contents.
It was a very positive discussion and there was good support for the role a revised
OIAC could play and acknowledgement that a new direction could strengthen value
It was agreed that OGA should be invited to participate in any revised committee
The way ahead was for a working group to be set up. This group would include:
Robert Paterson OGUK/Jake Molloy RMT/Nick Woollacott DECC/Jim Neilson HSE.
They would consider items such as; new terms of reference, develop statement on
ways of working, look at sub-committees of OIAC etc. They would circulate
information for the October Meeting.
Action 1 March 2015
Work Group to meet, consider and circulate
their outcomes prior to the October 2015
Step Change Update
Information on the work currently being undertaken by Step Change was provided
by Les Linklater in an update paper which was contained within the meeting papers.
A summary of the key activities are as follows;
From 1st January 2015, Step Change in Safety (SCiS) formally completed the
transition from a subsidiary company wholly owned by Oil & Gas UK Limited
(OGUK) to a new company under the ownership and control of its members.
The Asset Integrity and Hydrocarbon Release Reduction Workgroups have
written their strategies and confirmed deliverables in line with the AISG
Leadership and Workforce Engagement - various work streams underway to
ensure leaders demonstrate effective safety leadership, and encourage the
whole workforce to engage on safety matters.
Competence and Human Factors, again various work streams being taken
forward to safeguard the competency of leaders, staff and contractors at all
levels while ensuring human factors are properly considered and risks are
effectively controlled.
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Helicopter Safety - Work continues to address cross industry issues around
helicopter safety and strengthen the workforce’s confidence in helicopter
Joined-Up Thinking – a series of Joined-Up Thinking presentations have
been created for use at onshore and offshore safety meetings.
Les reminded everyone of the necessity to get measured for flying offshore
by 1sApril 2015. Approximately 22,000 people had been measured so far and out
of this 2.9% classed as extra broad.
Operational Issues Update & Health and Safety statistics
Hydrocarbon releases statistics bulletin – March 2015
HSE had previously circulated the hydrocarbon releases statistics bulletin to
members in advance of the meeting. This bulletin summarises offshore
hydrocarbon releases (HCRs) for the first three quarters of 2014/15, and a
comparison over the previous five years.
Enforcement Activity
James Munro summarised the key information:
All HCRs – The number of all HCRs in the first three quarters (2014-15) was
68 compared to 95 in the same period last year;
Process HCRs – The number of process HCRs in the first three quarters was
55 compared to 88 in the same period last year;
16 Duty Holder HCR Meetings have taken place so far; and
Enforcement Action to date - 36 INs and 4 PNs issued.
Helideck Liaison Group
Annual Report
Howard Harte brought the members attention to the paper he had submitted in
advance of the meeting updating them on the activities of HLG during 2014.
Action 2 March 2015
Decision to be made about continuation of
HLG as a formally constituted sub-group of
OIAC when formal agreement reached about
OIAC evolving into the Offshore Directive –
tripartite engagement mechanism
HSE guidance on the provision of accommodation on offshore installations
Howard Harte advised members that HSE has revised its Operations Notice on
accommodation offshore – a paper had been circulated to members in advance of
the meeting.
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Action 3 March 2015
All members reminded to forward comments
to Howard within the next 2 weeks. They will
be considered and the guidance will be issued
Any other business
a) Memorandum of Understanding between MCA, HSE & MAIB
b) International Maritime Organisation initiatives – ‘walk to work’
Paul Wilkins of MCA gave an update on the above two items.
Date of the next OIAC Meeting
The date of next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, 27th October 2015, at
Lord Cullen House, Aberdeen.
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