
Mathematics Curriculum Document for 8 grade

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Mathematics Curriculum Document for 8 grade
Curriculum Document for 8th grade
Unit Title: Probability and Statistics
Time Frame: 8 days
Grading Period: 3
Unit Number: 5
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas):
The student will know:
Graphs provide a visual representation of relationships
among data.
Most patterns and relationships can be represented
mathematically in a variety of ways.
Representing relationships mathematically helps us to make
predictions and decisions in our dynamic world.
 If both variables increase, the trend is positive
 If one variable increases while the other decreases, the trend is
 Mean absolute deviation is the average distance data are from the
 Random samples are representative of the population from which
they are selected
The student will be able to:
Teacher Notes:
New: 8.5C – 8.5D – 8.11A – 8.11C
6.12C summarizing numeric data (mean, median, range, IQR)
to 8.11B mean absolute deviation
 Contrast scatterplots that do and do not suggest linear
 Construct scatterplots and describe the data (positive trend,
negative trend, or no trend)
 Construct scatterplots and describe the data (linear, non-linear, or
no association)
 Use a trend line to approximate the linear relationship of data to
make predictions
 Determine the mean absolute deviation of a set of no more than
10 data points
Essential Questions:
What do graphs represent?
How do visuals deepen understanding?
Unit Title: Probability and Statistics
Unit Number 5
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Curriculum Document for 8th grade
How can we be more effective in our communication?
How do we visually represent mathematical ideas?
Why do we look for and what is the importance of patterns?
Student Understanding (student friendly TEKS):
I can describe the differences between data that is linear and non-linear from scatter plots. (taken from 8.5C)
I can use a trend line to help make predictions. (taken from 8.5D)
I can construct a scatterplot and describe the data. (taken from 8.11A)
I can find and use the mean absolute deviation of a set of data. (taken from 8.11B)
I can simulate generating random samples. (taken from 8.11C)
I can apply math to everyday life. (taken from 8.1A)
I can create and use a problem solving plan. (taken from 8.1B)
I can check my answer to see if it makes sense. (taken from 8.1B)
I can solve problems with different stuff. (taken from 8.1C)
I can solve problems with different resources (manipulatives, technology, etc.). (taken from 8.1C)
I can use multiple ways to communicate math ideas. (taken from 8.1D)
I can explain ways to solve math problems. (taken from 8.1D)
I can use different representations to keep information organized when solving problems. (taken from 8.1E)
I can think and talk about the relationships between math ideas. (taken from 8.1F)
I can use math language to explain and defend mathematical ideas in writing or out loud. (taken from 8.1G)
(5) Proportionality. The student applies mathematical process standards to use proportional and non-proportional relationships to
Unit Title: Probability and Statistics
Unit Number 5
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Curriculum Document for 8th grade
develop foundational concepts of functions. The student is expected to:
(C) contrast bivariate sets of data that suggest a linear relationship with bivariate sets of data that do not suggest a linear
relationship from a graphical representation;
(D) use a trend line that approximates the linear relationship between bivariate sets of data to make predictions;
(11) Measurement and data. The student applies mathematical process standards to use statistical procedures to describe data. The
student is expected to:
(A) construct a scatterplot and describe the observed data to address questions of association such as linear, non-linear, and no
association between bivariate data;
(B) determine the mean absolute deviation and use this quantity as a measure of the average distance data are from the mean
using a data set of no more than 10 data points; and
(C) simulate generating random samples of the same size from a population with known characteristics to develop the notion of
a random sample being representative of the population from which it was selected.
(1) Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding.
The student is expected to:
(A) apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
(B) use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a
solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution;
(C) select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques,
including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems;
(D) communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols,
diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate;
(E) create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas;
(F) analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas; and
(G) display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral
Targeted College Readiness Standards:
XA1, XA2,XB1,XB2, XB3
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Curriculum Document for 8th grade
Targeted ELPs:
1A, 1C, 1E, 1F, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2G, 2H, 2I, 3B, 3D, 3E, 3G, 4C, 4D, 4F, 4K, 5B,5F,5G
Academic Vocabulary:
Language of Instruction:
Mean Absolute Deviation
Scatter Plot
Trend Line
Random Sample
Instructional Resources:
Springboard Course 3
Activity 32
SUPPLEMENT: collecting random samples
SUPPLEMENT: Mean Absolute Deviation- use SpringBoard Course 1 Activity 29, Lesson 2
Activity 33
Embedded Assessment 1
Activity 34 (focus should be on predictions with trend lines, not finding the median-median line)
Activity 35 ( not in the TEKS)
Embedded Assessment 2 (remove #2)
Career Connections/Real Life Application:
Suggested ways to incorporate technology and/or websites into the
Suggested ways to make content relevant.
Exemplar Lessons:
Research Based Instructional Strategies:
Unit Title: Probability and Statistics
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Curriculum Document for 8th grade
Student self-assessment & reflection:
Unit 5 CA Feedback Form
Unit Title: Probability and Statistics
Acceptable evidence or artifacts:
Embedded Assessments
Unit 5 COMMON ASSESSMENT (see O drive for official
Unit Number 5
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