
PrepChrom HPLC Columns Maximized throughput at controlled cost

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PrepChrom HPLC Columns Maximized throughput at controlled cost
PrepChrom HPLC Columns
Maximized throughput at controlled cost
The PrepChrom HPLC columns allow to perform high quality separations without requiring the
use of small particle sizes (such as 5 µm). As the price of the stationary phase drastically increases when the particle size decreases, this considerably reduces the cost of the purification.
The PrepChrom HPLC columns perfectly match with the BUCHI PrepChrom C-700 system and
offer the ideal solution for a fast and cost effective purification.
Column to column reproducible
silica quality and column
packing process
Cost saving
High purity achieved without
using very small particles
High loading capacity
Purification of samples from
0.5 mg up to 1 g
HPLC Columns: Your most important benefits
High loading capacity
∙∙High mass loading capacity achieved using spherical and small particle size silica
∙∙Easy scalability of high resolution separation
∙∙Purification capacity of up to 1 g sample on columns with an ID up to 50 mm
Cost saving
∙∙Get high purity without using very small particle size (such as 5 µm)
∙∙Fast purification thanks to high resolution and high sample load
∙∙Long column lifetime thanks to high quality of the silica and packing process
∙∙Constant quality thanks to the ultra-pure spherical silica
∙∙Batch-to-batch and column-to-column reproducible packing process
∙∙High stability of the stationary phase even after many gradient runs
Evaporative light
scattering detection
Sepacore ® Flash
Prepacked columns
PrepChrom C-700
Flash and prep HPLC
Syncore ®
Multiple sample
Quality in your hands
11595025 en 1404 A / Technical data are subject to change without notice
/ Quality Systems ISO 9001 The English version is the original language
version and serves as basis for all translations into other languages.
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