
1 Prompt Deconstruction. Close, careful reading of the prompt is... reading of the passage or, in the case of the...

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1 Prompt Deconstruction. Close, careful reading of the prompt is... reading of the passage or, in the case of the...
Prompt Deconstruction. Close, careful reading of the prompt is as important as close, careful
reading of the passage or, in the case of the synthesis question, the sources. Therefore, follow the
following steps (as applicable) with every prompt.
Identify the TAG (title, author, and genre) found in most prompts. Label these as T, A, G.
Identify any background information provided in the prompt that is designed to help you
better understand the passage and/or your task in response to the prompt. Underline this
information, which may include exigence*, definition of terms, historical framework,
opposing positions on the issue, examples, or other hints.
*exigence = Why has the issue arisen at this time? (not applicable to every argument prompt)
Think like the Test Development Committee. Why did the committee think this
prompt/passage would have relevance for a high school junior in the 21st century? In what
ways does the prompt or passage resonate with your own experiences?
In the past five years, argument prompts have asked students to do one of two things:
develop a position in response to a claim or claims which the writer must identify from a
brief quotation or excerpt
develop a position on an issue
Complete the chart below. The first one has been done as an example for you.
#/ Type of
Background (exigence*,
definition of terms,
historical framework,
opposing positions on
the issue, examples, or
other hints)
Argument Task
Type of evidence to use
[Express as an imperative
sentence beginning with a
command verb.]
[Quote from the prompt.]
2008, #3/Type
Increased corporate
sponsorship of sports in
schools/ some argue that
accepting money and
negotiating exclusive
contracts are necessary for
“cash-strapped” schools;
others argue that “schools
should provide an
atmosphere free from ads
and corporate influence”
Evaluate the pros and
cons of corporate
sponsorship for schools
and indicate why you find
one position more
persuasive than the other.
“appropriate evidence”
(develop a
position on an
#/ Type of
2009, #3/Type
2010, #3/Type
2011, #3/Type
2012, #3/Type
Background (exigence*,
definition of terms,
historical framework,
opposing positions on
the issue, examples, or
other hints)
Argument Task
Type of evidence to use
[Express as an imperative
sentence beginning with a
command verb.]
[Quote from the prompt.]
2008, # 3
For years corporations have sponsored high school sports. Their ads are found on
the outfield fences at baseball parks or on the walls of the gymnasium, the football
stadium, or even the locker room. Corporate logos are even found on players’
uniforms. But some schools have moved beyond corporate sponsorship of sports to
allowing “corporate partners” to place their names and ads on all kinds of school
facilities – libraries, music rooms, cafeterias. Some schools accept money to require
students to watch Channel One, a news program that includes advertising. And
schools often negotiate exclusive contracts with soft drink or clothing companies.
Some people argue that corporate partnerships are a necessity for cash-strapped
schools. Others argue that schools should provide an environment free from ads
and corporate influence. Using appropriate evidence, write an essay in which you
evaluate the pros and cons of corporate sponsorship for schools and indicate why
you find one position more persuasive than the other.
2009, # 3
Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances may
have lain dormant.
--- Horace
Consider this quotation about adversity from the Roman poet Horace. Then write
an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Horace’s assertion about the role that
adversity (financial or political hardship, danger, misfortune, etc.) plays in
developing a person’s character. Support your argument with appropriate evidence
from your reading, observation, or experience.
2010, # 3
In his 2004 book, Status Anxiety, Alain de Botton argues that the chief aim of
humorists is not merely to entertain but “to convey with impunity messages that
might be dangerous or impossible to state directly.” Because society allows
humorists to say things that other people cannot or will not say, de Botton sees
humorists as serving a vital function in society. Think about the implications of de
Botton’s view of the role of humorists (cartoonists, stand-up comics, satirical
writers, hosts of television programs, etc.) Then write an essay that defends,
challenges, or qualifies de Botton’s view.
2011 # 3
The following passage is from The Rights of Man, a book written by the pamphleteer
Thomas Paine in 1781. Born in England, Paine was an intellectual, a revolutionary,
and a supporter of American independence from England. Read the passage
carefully. Then write an essay that supports the extent to which Paine’s
characterization of America holds true today. Use appropriate evidence to support
your argument.
If there is a country in the world, where concord, according to common
calculation, would be least expected, it is America. Made up, as it is, of
people from different nations, accustomed to different forms and habits
of government, speaking different languages, and more different in their
modes of worship, it would appear that the union of such a people was
impracticable; but by the simple operation of constructing government
on the principles of society and the rights of man, every difficulty retires,
and all the parts are brought into cordial unison. There, the poor are not
oppressed, the rich are not privileged . . . Their taxes are few, because
their government is just; and as there is nothing to render them wretched,
there is nothing to engender riots and tumults.
2012 # 3
Consider the distinct perspectives expressed in the following statements:
If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide,
then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything, including those
things that other people are certain are impossible.
William Lyon Phelps, American educator, journalist, and professor
I think we ought always to entertain our opinions, with some measure of
doubt. I shouldn’t wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not
even mine.
Bertrand Russell, British author, mathematician, and philosopher
In a well-organized essay, take a position on the relationship between certainty and
doubt. Support your argument with appropriate evidence and examples.
Comment below on patterns you discerned in the ARGUMENT prompts. Consider both the issues
and the assignments.
AP Lang 101: The Argument Question
Objective: Participants will read a recent argument question, receive a “prescription” for pushing
up students’ scores on the argument question, and examine sample papers, diagnosing and
prescribing them according to the “prescription.”
Prescription for Pushing Up Your Score on the Argument Question
2010 Notes from the Chief Reader:
Successful writers did four things:
(a) Read de Botton’s argument __________________________ and understood its importance
(b) Constructed a coherent, convincing __________________________ in response to de Botton
(c) Marshaled and developed appropriate __________________________ in defense of their own
(d) Conveyed their ideas in clear, effective prose
Mean score: _____________ out of 9 points
Prescription Do’s and Don’ts
Follow the guidelines for Prompt Deconstruction in order to avoid misunderstanding or
oversimplifying the prompt.
Prompt Deconstruction
Label the TAG (Title, Author, Genre). Underline relevant background information that
helps you understand the context of the argument.
 Highlight your task in yellow. Like the Little question in a rhetorical analysis prompt,
this task (and your yellow highlighting) should begin with a command verb. Most
argument prompts will begin with “Write an essay in which . . . .” Therefore, look for the
that specifies
task forYou
this may
in terms
fully agree with one “side” or the
or defined
that you
supported by
appropriate evidence. (In other words, do not provide evidence for both sides without
clearly taking a position of your own.)
Consider the many categories of evidence writers may use: examples, reasons, causes,
effects, details, facts, figures, expert opinion, quotations, precedents, parallels.
Consider the many areas from which you may choose evidence: history, current events,
pop culture, business and industry, the environment, literature, technology, etc.
Choose the most appropriate evidence for the prompt. According to the Chief Reader,
“Too often AP English Language and Composition students think that they are duty bound
to find evidence in texts from American and British literature . . . even when the material in
those texts has relatively little to do with the issue at hand.”
Make sure your evidence is specific. “Specific” evidence often takes the form of proper
nouns and adjectives. Check your essay for capitalized words in order to assess the
specificity of your evidence. According to Westwood High School AP teacher Jennifer
Cullen, specificity of evidence may be defined as follows:
Evidence from literature should “zoom in” on one moment with 1-2 character(s) as the
focus. The evidence should be so specific that we could point to the page in the work on
which the evidence could be found.
Evidence from current events or history should be focused on a particular moment or
narrowed event (rather than, for example, World War II in general).
Evidence from personal experience should be focused on a particular moment that
will be taken seriously by your audience. Consider congruity of examples – Going from
world war to personal heartache requires a meaningful transition (sometimes several
sentences of “buffer”); otherwise, one of your examples may come across as trivial.
Evidence from social observation requires specific details in some form to get beyond
broad generalizations.
Evidence from pop culture must be thoughtful. Movie and book examples should be
“weighty” enough that they will be taken seriously by your reader. Cartoon and TV
examples are often ineffective unless the prompt leads you to talk about pop culture.
Otherwise, they may be perceived as silly in an essay that is supposed to be discussing
serious philosophical concerns.
Hypothetical evidence is often ineffective. Readers are generally not persuaded by
something that has not actually happened.
Explain how your evidence supports the position you are taking in response to the
Think “evidence sandwich.” The top slice introduces the evidence. The filling is the specific
evidence. The bottom slice explains how the evidence supports your position.
Avoid generalizations and absolutes. Use “qualifiers” such as often, in many cases,
frequently, and sometimes. Avoid moralizing. Refrain from using could, would, should.
Make concessions. Anticipate and refute counterarguments.
Take time to plan and organize your response. According to the Chief Reader, “Some of
the weakest essays consisted of random, disorganized assertions without any sense of a
central claim.” See some suggested methods of organization in the box below.
Organized by Claims in the Prompt or
Organized by the Rogerian Argument Model
1. Introduction
I. Introduction
Includes context (explains the
quotation, argument, or controversy)
States writer’s position clearly (thesis)
II. First claim or assertion in the
Writer’s reaction/response to claim
(defense, challenge, or qualification*)
Specific, appropriate evidence
Explanation of how the evidence
supports your position (perhaps
incorporating concession and/or
anticipation and refutation of
Concluding statement/claim
Includes context (explains the
quotation, argument, or controversy)
Briefly indicates the flaw in the author’s
States writer’s position clearly (thesis)
II. Concession
Statement that acknowledges the
virtues of the opposition
Example(s) of situation(s) in which the
author’s view may be valid
Transition to counterargument
III. Development of counterargument
Claim in support of counterargument
Specific, appropriate evidence
III. Second claim or assertion in the
Writer’s reaction/response to claim
(defense, challenge, or qualification*)
Specific, appropriate evidence
Explanation of how the evidence
supports your position (perhaps
incorporating concession and/or
anticipation and refutation of
Concluding statement/claim
Explanation of how the evidence
supports your position
Concluding statement/claim
IV. Further development of counterargument
Concluding statement/claim
IV. Conclusion
IV. Conclusion
Includes a thesis reminder (“echoing”
of your position)
Addresses the implications of the issue
Includes a thesis reminder (“echoing” of
your position)
Addresses the implications of the issue
*To “qualify” is to argue the extent to which a
claim or assertion is true or untrue . It may
also be thought of as agreeing and disagreeing
at the same time.
Evidence must be introduced (the top slice of the sandwich). It must be explained (the bottom slice of
the sandwich). Therefore, 3-4 sentences will be required in order to present and explain examples.
Following the Doctor’s Orders
#1 Prompt Deconstruction
Label the TAG (Title, Author, Genre). Underline relevant background information that helps
you understand the context of the argument.
Highlight your task in yellow. Like the Little question in a rhetorical analysis prompt, this task
(and your yellow highlighting) should begin with a command verb. Most argument prompts
will begin with “Write an essay in which . . . .” Therefore, look for the command verb that
specifies the particular task for this prompt.
Circle key terms which must be understood or defined in order to respond appropriately.
2010 Question 3
In his 2004 book, Status Anxiety, Alain de Botton argues that the chief aim of humorists
is not merely to entertain but to “convey with impunity messages that might be
dangerous or impossible to state directly.” Because society allows humorists to say
things that other people cannot or will not say, de Botton sees humorists as serving a
vital function in society. Think about the implications of de Botton’s view of the role of
humorists (cartoonists, stand-up comics, satirical writers, hosts of television programs,
etc.) Then write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies de Botton’s claim about
the vital role of humorists. Use specific, appropriate evidence to develop your position.
#2 Options for Responding
Check one. This is just a preliminary choice. You may change your mind when you begin thinking o
potential evidence. Ultimately, you will want to argue the position that you can develop most
________ Defend (support) de Botton
________ Challenge (oppose or refute) de Botton
________ Qualify (agree and disagree at the same time) de Botton’s assertion
#3 -5 Appropriate Evidence
List below 4 “hints” the prompt provided for appropriate evidence. An example has been provided
hosts of television programs
#6 Specific Evidence
For each “appropriate evidence” item you listed above, provide specific examples from that
category. An example has been provided for you.
hosts of television programs: John Stewart, Stephen Colbert
#7 Explanation of Evidence
Write an “evidence sandwich” in support of the position you took in #2 above. Use evidence from
your answers to # 6.
de Botton’s assertion and your reaction/response to it
specific evidence
explanation of how the evidence supports your position (perhaps
incorporating concession and/or anticipation and refutation of
Diagnosing and Prescribing
Read the lower-half sample papers written by 2010 test-takers. Diagnose the writer’s problems
and/or write a “prescription” for improvement based on the 10 “Prescription Do’s and Don’ts” at
the beginning of the handout. For example, a prescription for Sample Q might include “Avoid
moralizing” (# 8) because the writer uses the word should and asserts that “they should . . . put a
limit to where the jokeing should stop.” You will use the strategy of “buddy reading” for this
Sample Q (Score 1)
Some humorous things are out of control. They get away with saying alot of inappropriate
things and I’m referring to comedians. Comedians say things that society wouldn’t be able to
get away with. Some jokes or cartoons are out of control and the comedian or producer never
pay the price for them or face consequences. They make jokes out of practically anything.
They should start faceing the consequences or put a limit to where the jokeing should stop.
They should have a list of things to joke about. This would prevent out of hand jokeing and
cartoons. This would help society out a lot. The out of hand jokes and cartoons have to stop
Sample S (Score 2)
Humorists are indeed needed for society to function, a certain way that is. Without humorist
society would most likely be dull. Satirical writers are who they are because they state their opinion
secretly. If humorists stated their opinion directly, the government would become involved. The
government would basically black mail the humorists into saying what they want them to say, or at
least not talking about a certain topic. Humorists are very powerful people, they use humor as a
mental weapon. People who listen to comedians often agree to what the famous comedians say,
already manipulating the common citizen into supporting them, all by laughter. Laughter makes a
person happy, causing them to open their minds towards other peoples opinions. Thomas Nast was
a humorist who had power. Whatever he drew in his political cartoons, people agreed. Nast used
the power of laughter and satire to draw the attention of more and more people to see what he had
to say. Without humorists, monopolies would control most of America.
Sample TTT (Score 3)
Alain de Botton, in his 2004 book Status Anxiety, argues that the primary purpose of a humorist is
not to entertain, but “to convey with impunity messages that might be dangerous or impossible to
state directly.” I agree with Botton’s statement about humorist’s purposes and that they also play a
vital role in society. There are many issues in society that, if talked about in public with a serious
tone, are looked down upon, but when mentioned in a humorous manner, the issue is accepted and
laughed about. For example, since September 11,2001 the idea of terrorism has become a reality in
America. Those who show signs of or talk of being a terrorist are taken seriously, even if they are
just joking. If a humorist were to take the issue of terrorism and incorporate it into their cartoons,
shows, or essays, society would simply laugh, but at the same time understand the specific message
behind it. Another example is “The Modest Proposal.” In “The Modest Proposal,” the author
addresses the treatment of the Irish people, he proposes that they sell their kids to be eaten.
Although it is obvious that his proposal is obsurd, people understand the message he is trying to
convey. He presents the message in a satirical tone so that people clearly understand his “proposal”
is fake, but the issue is real. Although some people would say that humorists are unimportant and
that they make issues seem less important, sometimes the only way to convey a message without
causing complete caous among citizens is through a humorous tone. By doing this we give
humorists the important role of conveying the message for us, thus giving them a vital function in
Sample QQQ (Score 4)
Alain de Botton’s view of humorist’s role in society is an insightful and appropriate one. It
seems as though, throughout history, the public is very often too timid or dull to say what
must be said. Time after time, humorists have snuck those vital commentaries into satirical
books, comedic films, poems, or just in speech. People have a way of taking news much
easier in the form of a joke. Change and important opinions are often unsettling to hear, so
it is rational to want to hear such things in a light-hearted way. There is no way to change
human nature, so the humorists of the world have found ways to say what must be said.
From Mark Twain to George Carlin, to any stand up comic on Comedy Central, the
humorists of the world are much more important to the flow of society than most people
believe.As far back in time as Voltaire’ “Candide”, people have found interesting ways to say
what would be “impossible to state directly”. Humorists are more than simple clowns or
entertainers: they are the true informer of society, and often the most truthful critics.
“Healthy” Writing
Read the upper-half sample papers written by 2010 test-takers. Identify the “doctor’s orders” the
writers have followed based on the 10 “Prescription Do’s and Don’ts” at the beginning of the
Sample R (Score 6)
Alain de Botton is completely accurate in his claim that humorists have the ability and the
responsibility to say or comment on things which others cannot/ Comedians and other
proffessionals who deal with humor in their work, are not faced with the same scrutiny that the
rest of the world is. History shows that so long as there have been societal issues, there have
been commentators there to take a satirical jab at those in charge. Jonathan Swift’s A Modest
Proposal is a prime example of humor (in this case, sarcasm) being used to address the
problems of the time. Swift’s proposed solution to Ireland’s poverty issue was to sell the
children of beggars as food. Though this was clearly an absurd idea, it nonetheless succeeded
in sparking conversation and change within his society. A more contemporary example of this
phenomenon would be a television program such as Saturday Night Live, The Colbert Report, or
The Daily Show. These programs are all able to comment on all current events, be they positive or
negative, due to the fact that there commentary is presented in a humorous fashion. Instead of
directly critiquing of the current Presidential Administration, shows such as the ones listed above
mask their criticism with witty jokes and entertaining skits. The public would be far less inclined to
spend its time watching these programs if they stated their views outright. Satire allows writers
and comedians to make their opinions heard without doing so in an offensive or blunt manner. Yet
still, despite some societies’ leniency with humorists, there exist other societies where such
tolerance is not displayed toward those who offer up social commentary. Many nations still
persecute anyone who dares to speak out against its policies, even if done for the sake of
entertainment. It is because of this that, now more than ever, we must encourage those with a joke
to tell or a clever remark to make to stand up and let it be heard. Laughter can help heal the wounds
of out torn societies, so why not give it a chance? Humorists are here to remind us all to stop taking
everything so seriously and to just relax. Alain de Botton understands that humorists are just as
vital to our society as the policy makers they satirize. Whether they are taking a swing at some
controversial piece of legislation or just poking some fun at the recent Toyota recalls, humorists
serve to inform us on topics in a manner we can all agree is acceptable. Isn’t it about time we all
learned to laugh at ourselves?
Sample B (Score 8)
Alain de Botton is absolutely correct that humorists serve a vital function in society; they
are able to criticize where others cannot and manage to point out societal or individual flaws while
being relateable, and somewhat non-threatening. Humor serves as a way to criticize indirectly,
making it more difficult to discredit or refute ideas.
Cartoonists are especially poignant in their indirect attacks, but because they don’t use
words, it is harder to refute them, and thus can say more. Political or social cartoons criticize
indirectly - instead of coming out and stating the issue, they leave it implied. Instead of saying that
a politician is corrupt, they can depict a politician greedily eyeing a bag of money. Or instead of
saying that a reform is too communist-like, they can depict it while a red flag blows in the
background. The point that they are making is clear, but up to the individual to analyze and
understand. This makes it harder for people to take offense or refute; it’s easier to argue words
that have a definitive meaning than it is to argue with something that is implied, and therefore not
definitive. And that’s why cartoonists can go where other people can’t – their criticisms have a
much stronger, harder to discredit voice.
Also, written humor can be a very effective critique because it challenges without ever
actually having to state the issue. Take for example, A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, which
satirically suggests a plan for eating Irish babies. Taken at face value, this is ridiculous and
horrifying . However, when investigated more closely, Swift is actually criticizing the English for
their abuses against the Irish, and their dehumanizing of the Irish people. His plan to eat all the
babies as a viable solution for the “Irish problem” is intentionally ridiculous because it serves to
magnify the issue of how the Irish are treated. The implied message is that the English are injust
and that they don’t value Irish life, which is unethical and prejudiced. But instead of coming out and
saying that, he implies a comparison between the ethics of eating babies and the ethics of abusing
Irish people. By doing so, he makes the English seem like great oppressors, but because he doesn’t
actually say so it is difficult to dismiss or argue with his point.
Stated humor is equally difficult to refute, and because criticisms are made with the intent
of being over-the-top and absurd, they can send a strong message. During the recent presidential
elections, candidates were continuously mocked on SNL, and they as individuals were attacked.
Sara Palin, for example, was imitated on a weekly basis; Tina Fey made her into a caricature by
taking things Palin said or did and re-enacted them, delivering her words in a way that made her
seem unintelligent. Never did anyone come out and say that she was dumb, but by imitating her,
using her own words or ideas but twisting mannerisms, voice, and general delivery, Palin was
portrayed as ditzy and unsuited to be president. Had SNL instead come out and said, “She is an
idiot”, Palin would have been able to defend herself, citing education or whatever merits she
possessed, but she could do little to combat humor. She couldn’t combat an image, only words.
Humor has always been a way of relating ideas to people. The common person can
understand humor, and knowingly or unknowingly, they can get a serious message from it. But
because the message is hidden behind a humorous veil, it can be so much bolder and dangerous. It
is easy to understand, but harder to refute, which makes it an effective method of criticism, which
can then be channeled into change. Humorists are important in society because they are vessels of
change in a way that no one else is. They relate ideas, even the boldest ideas, with implied
messages, and facilitate an opinion or critique that spur revolution or change.
Sample VV (Score 9)
Humorists are afforded certain leeway in society that others are not. While certain things
are inappropriate or cruel to say at any time, humorists are still allowed to say them. Granted, many
people disapprove of humorists and the things they say, but on the whole, society allows humorists
to step beyond the realm of appropriate. Humorists are a vital part of our society since they keep
the cold, hard truth alive in a way that often eases tensions.
Humorists have historically had a vital role in educating the public and saying it like it is.
While others shy away from stating controversial, humorists dive into the controversial, often
causing large waves. During the Cold War, Senator McCarthy from Wisconson attacked numerous
people and institutions – including Hollywood, the army and the State Dept – as being communists
or sympathizers. Most people were afraid to challenge McCarthy for fear of retribution, but some
humorists still proceeded to mock the situation and tell the truth. For example, there was one
cartoon that showed Eisenhower and Congress running away from McCarthyism. It was meant to
show how Congress and the President allowed McCarthy to persecute innocents. During the early
1900s, cartoonists also mocked well-known figures. One cartoon showed the corruption and
bullying of Boss Tweed, even when the law was incapable of touching him. Another depicted T.
Roosevelt nursing baby Taft. People, although allowed free speech, often do not say bad things
about powerful people. Humorists keep the truth alive, never failing to say or draw things that
others are afraid to say or draw.
Humorists engage a wide audience, ensuring that multiple generations (or age groups) are
entertained and educated by the controversial statements. Saturday Night Live consistently makes
fun of Congress and the President, as well as other situations. They convey messages directly that
other people are uncomfortable about persuing. For example, SNL has made fun of the relationship
btw China and USA, golf players and Congressmen’s sex lives, as well as issues like Toyota’s faulty
breaks. SNL captures a younger audience, educating them on social and political issues. For kids
who do not read the news, SNL can be invaluable. It also lightens the issues, and encourages the
audience to talk openly about controversial topics.
The annual white house correspondence dinner demonstrates how even high ranking
officials recognize the need for humorists. Normally, the White House tiptoes around certain
controversial, afraid to offend someone. However, at the correspondent’s dinner, the President is
afforded the opportunity to be a humorist, and a humorist is afforded the chance to make fun of the
president and Congress on national television. While many people note privately that former
President George W. Bush is no intellectual, few people besides humorists actually say the truth out
loud. At the corrrespondents dinner a few years ago, Stephen Colbert told President Bush to his face
that he was not an intellectual and that not accepting reality or the truth was ok, because it had
well-known “liberal bias.” Colbert entertained people by saying the inappropriate truth in a funny
Without humorists, our society would suffer. No society can thrive when controversial
messages or topics are completely ignored. Humorists talk about sex, death, cheating, bodily
functions, and elected officials in ways that other people do not. Humor is a release. Humorists do
not simply bash on people or issues; they create imaginative and humorous lines that encourage the
audience to accept dangerous or controversial statements. Humorists work is invaluable as it
affects the audiences viewpoint and politician’s actions. After reading Jonathan Swift’s A Modest
Proposal, people should be careful to suggest outrageous ideas like eating babies to stop
overpopulation. Satires, cartoonist, and stand up comedians tell the truth in entertaining ways that
engage the public in ways the news cannot. No one could settle for just the news once they’ve seen
The Colbert Report or Conan O’Brien.
Scoring Guidelines
The score should reflect a judgment of the essay’s quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 40 minutes to read and write;
the essay, therefore, is not a finished product and should not be judged by standards appropriate for an out-of-class assignment.
Evaluate the essay as a draft, making certain to reward students for what they do well.
All essays, even those scored 8 or 9, may contain occasional lapses in analysis, prose style, or mechanics. Such features should enter
into the holistic evaluation of an essay’s overall quality. In no case may an essay with many distracting errors in grammar and mechanics
be scored higher than a 2.
Papers earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for a score of 8 and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their
argument, thorough in their development, or impressive in their control of language.
Papers earning a score of 8 effectively defend, challenge or qualify de Botton’s claim about the vital role of humorists. The evidence and
explanations used are appropriate and convincing, and the argument is especially coherent and well-developed. The prose demonstrates
a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective
writing but is not necessarily flawless.
Papers earning a score of 7 meet the criteria for a score of 6 but provide more complete explanation, more thorough
development, or a more mature prose style.
Papers earning a score of 6 adequately defend, challenge, or qualify de Botton’s claim about the vital role of humorists.
The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and sufficient, and the argument is coherent and adequately developed.
The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.
Papers earning a score of 5 defend, challenge, or qualify de Botton’s claim about the vital role of humorists. The
evidence or explanations used may be uneven, inconsistent, or limited. The writing may contain lapses in diction
and syntax, but it usually conveys the student’s ideas.
Papers earning a score of 4 inadequately defend, challenge, or qualify de Botton’s claim about the vital role of humorists.
The evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient, or less convincing. The argument may be inadequately developed
or have lapses in coherence. The prose generally conveys the student’s ideas but may be less consistent in controlling the
elements of effective writing.
Papers earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for a score of 4 but demonstrate less success in defending, challenging,
or qualifying de Botton’s claim about the vital role of humorists. The essays may show less maturity in the control of
Little Success
Papers earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in defending, challenging, or qualifying de Botton’s claim about the vital
role of humorists. These essays may misunderstand the prompt or
substitute a simpler task by responding to the prompt tangentially with
unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. The prose often
demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical
problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of coherence
and control.
Papers earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for a score of 2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their
explanation and argument, weak in their control of language, or especially lacking in coherence and development.
Indicates an on-topic response that receives no credit, such as one that merely repeats the prompt.
Indicates a blank response or one that is completely off the topic
Reference: Priem, Beth. TCU AP Summer Institute. June 2013.
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