CD277 Substances in Harbour Areas regulations 1987 (DSHAR), and guidance HSE(R27)
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CD277 Substances in Harbour Areas regulations 1987 (DSHAR), and guidance HSE(R27)
Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive CD277 Proposals on the review of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas regulations 1987 (DSHAR), Approved Code of Practice (COP 18) and guidance HSE(R27) Reply Form Completing this Questionnaire You can move between questions by pressing the ‘Tab’ / ’Shift-Tab’ or ‘Page Up’ / ‘Page Down’ keys or by clicking on the grey boxes with a mouse. Please type your replies within the rectangular grey boxes, or click on the square grey boxes to select an answer (e.g. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’). Respondent’s details: Name: Email: Town / City: Telephone: Job Title: Postcode: Street address: Organisation: Page 1 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Fax: Size of organisation: Choose one option: Not applicable 1 to 9 employees 10 to 49 employees 50 to 249 employees 250 to 1000 employees 1000+ employees Self-employed Type of organisation: Choose one option: Academic Charity Consultancy Industry Local government Member of the public National government Non-departmental public body Non-governmental organisation Pressure group Trade association Trade union If you chose ‘Other’ please specify: Is your response being made in your capacity as: Page 2 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Choose one option: An employer An employee Health and safety professional Trade union official Training provider Other – please specify: Confidentiality Please indicate below whether your comments can be made available to the public or if you want them to be confidential. (NB if you do not indicate your choice they will be made available to the public. This takes precedence over any automatic notes on e-mails that indicate that the contents are confidential.) Public Confidential Q1. Do you agree or disagree with our proposals in paragraphs 18-26 of the consultation document to amend the definitions and scope of DSHAR? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please state why? Page 3 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q2. Would the changes proposed to the exemptions to DSHAR mean you had to do anything different to comply with the regulations? Yes No If yes, please state why? Q3. Do you agree or disagree with our proposal to retain part II of DSHAR? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please state why? Q4. Do you agree or disagree with the amendments we are proposing in paragraphs 30 and 31 of the consultation document to the notification duty in regulation 6 of DSHAR? Agree Disagree Page 4 of 17 Health and Safety Executive If you disagree, please state why? Q5. Should we revoke Part III of DSHAR – Marking and Navigation of Vessels? Yes No If not, please state why? Q6. Should we revoke Part IV of DSHAR, on handling dangerous substances? Yes No If not, please state why? Page 5 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q7. Should we revoke Part V of DSHAR on liquid dangerous substances in bulk? Yes No If not, please state why Q8. Should we revoke Part VI of DSHAR on packaging and labelling of dangerous substances? Yes No If not, please state why. Q9. Should we retain the duties in regulations 26 and 28 of DSHAR (emergency planning and untoward incidents) in the new regulations? Yes No Page 6 of 17 Health and Safety Executive If not, please state why Q10. Do you agree or disagree that we should replace the duty in regulation 27 of DSHAR with a duty on berth operators to inform the master of a vessel of the emergency arrangements at the berth? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please state why. Q11. Should we revoke regulations 29-31 of DSHAR? Yes No If not, please state why. Page 7 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q12. Should we retain the requirement currently in regulation 32 of DSHAR for a designated parking area for dangerous goods? Yes No If not, please state why. Q13. (i) Should we replace the licensing requirement for harbours where ships carrying explosives are merely passing through, with a notification requirement on the ship? Yes No If not, please state why. Q13. (ii) We have assumed that this would make no difference to what ships carrying explosives through harbours would need to do in practice. Do you agree or disagree with this assumption? Agree Disagree Page 8 of 17 Health and Safety Executive If you disagree, please state why. Q14. Should we replace the current military exemptions with an exemption for explosives under the control of Secretary of State and visiting forces, as set out in regulation 12(2)(e) of the proposed new regulations? Yes No If not, please state why. Q15. Do you agree or disagree with our proposals in paragraphs 94–98 of the consultation document to amend the explosives safety and security requirements in DSHAR? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please state why. Page 9 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q16. If we reduce the record-keeping requirement from 5 to 3 years as proposed in paragraph 99 of the consultation document, would this lead to any cost savings for you, compared with what you do now? Yes No If so, please provide an estimate of any savings and explain your answer Q17. Should we keep the current provisions enabling statutory harbour authorities to make byelaws relating to dangerous substances in their harbour area? Yes No If not, please state why Page 10 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q18. Do you have any comments on the proposal to retain the current enforcement arrangements in DSHAR? Yes No Please explain Q19. Should we withdraw COP18 and HSR27 and replace these documents with a single consolidated ACOP? Yes No Please state why Q20. Is the draft ACOP and associated guidance sufficiently clear for you to be confident about how you can comply with DGHAR? Yes No Page 11 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Please state why Q21. Are there any impacts from the revision of the guidance and ACOP that we should be aware of? Yes No If so, please explain Q22. Do you agree or disagree with HSE’s estimate of the industry sectors and the number of enterprises affected in Table 1 on page 23 of the consultation document? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please provide further information Page 12 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q23. HSE has assumed that the enterprises referred to in Table 1 (other than those involved in the transportation of freight by rail and road) may, at some point, come into contact with Dangerous Goods? a) Is this reasonable? Yes No b) If not, what would be a reasonable estimate of the proportion of these enterprises that would come into contact with dangerous goods? Please state why Q24. HSE estimates that 10% of enterprises undertaking freight transport by road are involved in the transport of dangerous goods to harbours and harbour areas. Is this assumption reasonable? Yes No If not, what would be a reasonable estimate of this proportion? Page 13 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q25. Do you agree or disagree with our assumption that the proposed changes will be largely cost-neutral? Agree Disagree If you disagree, please state why Q26. HSE estimates that familiarisation costs for businesses in the road and rail freight industries would be minimal. Do you agree or disagree with this assumption? Agree Disagree If you disagree, what would be a reasonable estimate? Please provide a basis for your answer. Page 14 of 17 Health and Safety Executive Q27. Is HSE's assessment of the process of understanding and communicating duties under DSHAR, as outlined in paragraphs 124 and 125 of the consultation document, reasonable? Yes No If you have said no, please state why. Q28. How do businesses in your sector receive information about their obligations under DSHAR? Q29. How often do businesses in your sector refer directly to the regulations and/or the guidance or ACOP documents? Q30. Do you agree with the assumption that it will take approximately one hour of a Health and Safety Manager’s time, at a cost of £36.22 per hour, to understand and make provisions to communicate changes under the proposal? Yes No Page 15 of 17 Health and Safety Executive If not, what would be a reasonable estimate? Q31. Do you have any other comments on the impact on businesses, including other assumptions made, that are not covered by questions 22-30? Yes No Are there any further comments you would like to make on the issues raised in this consultative document? Is there anything you particularly like or dislike about this consultation? Please provide comments. Please send your response by 23 December 2015 to: Page 16 of 17 Health and Safety Executive DSHAR review team Health and Safety Executive 5S.3.18 Redgrave Court Merton Road Bootle Merseyside L20 7HS E-mail: [email protected] Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire Page 17 of 17