Glass recycling: noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass HSL/2007/21
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Glass recycling: noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass HSL/2007/21
Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire, SK17 9JN T: +44 (0)1298 218000 F: +44 (0)1298 218590 W: Glass recycling: noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass HSL/2007/21 Project Leader: Emma Shanks BSc(Hons) MIOA Author(s): Emma Shanks BSc(Hons) MIOA Science Group: Human Factors © Crown copyright 2007 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges those who assisted in this project, in particular Terberg Matec UK Ltd, Worksop for use of their facilities. ii CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 1 2 SIMULATED REAL MEASUREMENTS ..................................................... 2 2.1 Test rig set-up and conditions.................................................................. 2 2.2 Measurement details ............................................................................... 4 2.3 Measurement equipment ......................................................................... 5 3 RESULTS ................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Trough LAE ............................................................................................... 7 3.2 Sequential crate LAE & one-third octave band data.................................. 9 3.3 Ordinal crate LAE & one-third octave band data ..................................... 15 4 DISCUSSION............................................................................................ 19 5 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................ 23 6 REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 24 APPENDICES iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objectives The main aims of the measurements were: x to quantify the effect of different trough filling techniques on noise levels associated with glass-glass and glass-trough interactions, x to determine whether noise radiated from the trough sides is significant at a distance, x to determine whether, and to what extent, glass-trough or glass-glass interactions dominate the noise, and how this varies through the fill. Main Findings 1) The use of a polyurethane trough lining reduces overall noise levels most significantly if a slow tip method is used. However noise from glass-glass interactions tends to dominate the overall noise level. A trough lining is only likely to reduce the level of noise associated with this interaction if it has the effect of reducing the kinetic energy involved, e.g. by reducing the velocity with which glass bottles rebound from the inner surface of the trough. 2) The noisiest operating condition at a position representing the person emptying the glass into the trough was a quick tip filling technique with an unlined trough. The quietest operating condition was a slow tip technique with a lined trough. The difference in noise level between these two conditions was 2.9 dB. 3) Although the slow tip method of filling the trough gives the lowest LAE values, if the trough is unlined the first few crates are likely to give a higher LAE than the quick tip method. If the trough is lined the slow tip method is consistently quieter as the trough is filled. 4) The LAE ranges from 107.7dB(A) – bottle by bottle method, lined trough, microphone position 3 - to 131.3dB(A) – quick tip method, unlined trough, microphone position 1. The differences in noise levels between tipping methods are smaller at the operator position than at the two bystander locations. 5) The use of a trough liner has greatest effect with the slow tip method. When considering one-third octave band spectra, the lining has greatest effect on noise levels between 400Hz and 3.15kHz. 6) Noise from glass-trough interactions are significant for up to the first 3 crates used to fill the trough. After that, airborne glass-glass interactions have the most effect. 7) The use of one specific size of glass vessel indicates, in the case of this work, that the resonant peak of the glass-glass interaction is likely to dominate the LAE profile. 8) For a manual sorting process (bottle by bottle), a lined trough gives lower LAE values compared to an unlined trough. Recommendations A combination of engineering and organisational controls is likely to reduce the noise associated with kerbside glass collection; for example, using a lined trough with a slow or controlled tipping method. iv Regardless of whether a lined or unlined trough is used, a quick tipping technique should be avoided. Additional control methods for attenuating noise from glass-glass interactions, either at source or through airborne transmission, specifically in the frequency range of 2kHz to 5kHz, should be investigated. v 1 INTRODUCTION Mr Tim Ward, HM Principal Specialist Inspector (Noise & Vibration) with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), requested assistance from the Health & Safety Laboratory’s (HSL) Noise and Vibration Section in measuring the noise associated with the kerbside collection of recyclable glass. Measurements were made under simulated real conditions at the Terberg Matec UK Ltd site in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Controlled conditions were used to eliminate variables and determine if the proposed noise control measures were effective or otherwise. Measurements were made for two collection trough conditions, lined and unlined and for three methods of filling the trough using crates of glass bottles: quick tipping, slow tipping and bottle-by-bottle (simulated sorting). The main aims of the measurements were: x to quantify the effect of the different filling techniques on noise level, x to determine whether noise radiated from the trough sides is significant at a distance, x to determine whether, and to what extent, glass-trough or glass-glass interactions dominate the noise, and how this varies through the fill. The acoustic parameter used in this report to describe the exposure level is LAE, the 1 second continuous equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level. This is also sometimes known as the Sound Exposure Level (SEL). -1- 2 2.1 SIMULATED REAL MEASUREMENTS TEST RIG SET-UP AND CONDITIONS Measurements were made on 27 October 2006 at the Terberg Matec UK Ltd site in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. The weather was overcast throughout the day with an ambient temperature of 12oC. Measurements were based on BS EN ISO 11202:1996. The test rig consisted of a collection trough, normally fixed to a kerbside recycling vehicle, mounted on a custom built A-frame using as far as reasonably practical the same mounting locations and fixings as would normally be found on the vehicle (see Figures 1a and 1b). A back plate was also included to simulate the body of the vehicle. The test rig was located in a semienclosed yard area to the rear of the workshop, as far away as possible from any sources of extraneous noise (see Figure 2). The yard was open to banked ground and trees on three sides; the fourth side was the façade of the workshop. The test rig was located as far as possible from the façade to eliminate as much as possible the effects of reflected sound. Figure 3 shows a sketch of the test rig set-up. Fig 1a. Front view of unlined trough Fig 1b. Side view of unlined trough Fig 2. Semi-enclosed yard test area (minus test rig) as viewed from inside the workshop -2- Fig 3. Sketch of the test rig set-up (not to scale) Kerbside collection of glass material normally results in a range of glass products being tipped into the trough e.g. wine bottles, jars. To remove the variable of different shapes and types of glass material, 1300 new and identical glass bottles were sourced from a local bottle manufacturer. Each bottle was 218mm high and had an average mass of 266g. Figure 4 shows one of the bottles. Fig 4. Glass bottle -3- 2.2 MEASUREMENT DETAILS To simulate the kerbside collection of the glass, 44 litre capacity plastic crates, typical of kerbside collection schemes, were filled with 30 bottles each (see Figure 5). A trough required between 10 and 12 crates to be filled depending on the number of breakages during tipping. Fig 5. Crates filled with bottles ready for tipping To fulfil the aims of the project three tipping methods and two trough conditions were investigated. The three tipping methods were: x Quick tip: emptying the contents of the crate into the trough as quickly as practical in one swift movement x Slow tip: emptying the contents of the crate into the trough by tipping the crate slowly x Bottle by bottle: removing one bottle at a time from the crate and dropping it into the trough at a rate of approximately one bottle per second. The two trough conditions were: x Unlined trough: untreated metal trough as in Figures 1a and 1b x Lined trough: metal trough lined at the front, bottom and back (see Figures 6a and 6b) Fig 6a. Lining insert Fig 6b. Trough with lining in place -4- The lining material is 6mm thick black polypropylene, reinforced on protruding corners with a double layer. Three microphone locations were chosen at which to measure the noise. These are shown in Figure 3. Microphone position 1 was located at the trough, 1.7m off the ground, at the operator’s ear. Microphone position 2 was at 2m from the trough and a height of 1.55m. Microphone position 3 was at 5m from trough, also at a height of 1.55m. Simultaneous measurements were made at these locations for each method of tip and each trough condition using a Brüel & Kjær (B&K) Pulse real time analysis system. A second microphone was located at position 3, recording measured data to DAT. Full equipment details are given in section 2.3. For each microphone location, one-third octave band data and overall A-weighted Leq values (equivalent continuous sound levels) were recorded. These were later normalised to a time period of 1 second to allow further analysis at the laboratory. 2.3 MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT A Brüel & Kjær (B&K) Pulse real time analysis system and a two channel Sony DAT recorder were used to record the measured data. Full details are given in Table 1. Table 1. Equipment details Type Model Serial No. Last calibrated B&K Pistonphone 4220 1297372 October 2006 B&K Pulse 3560-B-110 2517781 August 2006 B&K half inch microphone 4190-C-001 2510518 February 2006 B&K half inch microphone 4190-C-001 2510519 February 2006 B&K half inch microphone 4190-C-001 2510520 February 2006 Sony DAT recorder TDC-D10PROII 121324 March 2006 B&K half inch microphone 4134 1625411 January 2006 B&K preamplifier 2619 418630 April 2006 B&K microphone power supply 2804 761775 n/a For microphone positions 1 to 3: For microphone position 3 only: -5- 3 RESULTS All data has been normalised to a time period of 1 second. For the overall noise levels, this gives the LAE, the 1 second continuous equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level of an event or events. The acoustic energy during the event(s) is reported as a steady level lasting 1 second, regardless of the actual duration of the event. This is also sometimes referred to as the Sound Exposure Level (SEL), LAE = LAeq,T + 10(log[T/T0]) dB(A) where T0 = 1 second For the one-third octave band data, the same calculation is applied to each one-third octave band LAeq,T. The results have been grouped into three sections: 1) The total sound energy produced by filling the trough i.e. the trough LAE a) For each method of tip, b) Compared between lining conditions, c) At each measurement position. 2) The character of the sound for each crate as the trough is filled i.e. the crate LAE and the crate one-third octave band data a) For each method of tip, b) Compared between lining conditions, c) At each measurement position. 3) The character of the sound for ordinal number crates as the trough is filled i.e. the crate LAE and the crate one-third octave band data across methods of tip a) For each method of tip, b) Compared between lining conditions, c) At each measurement position. -6- 3.1 TROUGH LAE The LAE associated with filling the trough for all conditions are given in Table 2 and Figure 7. The trough LAE is a cumulative (logarithmic) total value. Table 2. Trough LAE (dB) Method of tip Lining condition No. of trough fills Mic 1 Mic 2 Mic 3 No lining 1 131.3 116.8 111.9 Lining 2 131.1 116.0 110.8 Difference - 0.2 0.8 1.1 No lining 1 130.3 116.4 111.8 Lining 2 128.4 114.3 109.5 Difference - 2.0 2.1 2.3 No lining 1 131.1 114.6 109.9 Lining 1 129.7 112.5 107.7 Difference - 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.9 4.3 4.2 Quick tip Slow tip Bottle by bottle Range in level across all conditions Cumulative total levels for filling a trough 135 130 quick tip no lining 125 LAE (dB) quick tip lining slow tip no lining 120 slow tip lining bottle by bottle no lining 115 bottle by bottle lining 110 105 mic 1 mic 2 mic 3 Fig 7. Graphical representation of trough LAE For all methods of tip, the addition of the lining to the trough produced a decrease in the trough LAE. Adding the polypropylene lining to the bare metal trough provides damping to the trough and less sound is therefore radiated. The sound absorption properties of polypropylene are unknown at the time of writing. At microphone position 1, for both the unlined and lined trough conditions, the bottle by bottle filling method LAE lies between the higher quick tip and lower slow tip results. For microphone -7- positions 2 and 3 the bottle by bottle LAE drops below both other tip methods (see Figures 8a and 8b). For both trough conditions, the quick tip method yields the higher LAE result. Cumulative total levels for filling a trough 135 130 LAE (dB) 125 120 115 110 105 mic 1 mic 2 quick tip no lining mic 3 slow tip no lining bottle by bottle no lining Fig 8a. Trough LAE – unlined trough Cumulative total levels for filling a trough 135 130 LAE (dB) 125 120 115 110 105 mic 1 mic 2 quick tip lining slow tip lining Fig 8b. Trough LAE – lined trough -8- mic 3 bottle by bottle lining 3.2 SEQUENTIAL CRATE LAE & ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAND DATA 3.2.1 Sequential crate LAE The LAE associated with each crate used to fill the trough for each method of tip and each microphone location are given in Table 3 and Figure 9. Table 3. Sequential crate LAE (dB) Mic 1 Method Crate no. of tip No lining Lining 1 122.3 120.7 2 122.2 121.4 3 120.6 121.9 4 120.6 120.5 5 121.0 122.0 Quick tip 6 121.4 120.4 7 120.9 120.6 8 121.8 118.5 9 119.8 118.7 10 121.7 120.4 1 123.6 120.2 2 122.7 119.3 3 121.0 119.3 4 119.6 119.0 5 118.3 118.3 6 118.1 118.3 Slow tip 7 118.3 117.7 8 119.5 116.1 9 118.2 116.5 10 114.9 112.5 11 116.4 111.2 12 114.2 109.3 1 122.1 117.6 2 122.2 120.4 3 120.9 119.4 4 120.6 118.3 5 120.4 120.2 6 120.3 120.5 Bottle by bottle 7 121.4 119.8 8 120.6 119.9 9 119.6 117.3 10 119.0 117.9 11 117.9 116.8 12 116.0 115.3 Mic 2 No lining Lining 106.3 105.4 106.2 105.2 105.3 105.9 106.6 105.8 106.0 106.5 107.4 105.5 106.9 105.3 107.8 103.0 105.8 104.8 108.7 105.0 109.6 105.3 108.7 104.6 106.4 104.2 105.8 104.6 104.3 104.2 104.0 104.3 103.5 104.0 105.7 103.1 103.7 103.6 102.7 99.9 102.6 99.4 101.6 96.5 107.2 100.1 105.5 103.1 104.6 103.2 104.0 101.1 102.9 102.4 102.9 102.9 103.8 102.5 103.3 101.7 103.4 100.5 102.2 100.5 101.2 101.0 100.8 99.1 -9- Mic 3 No lining Lining 102.1 100.0 102.2 100.6 100.7 101.2 101.1 100.8 101.4 101.1 102.7 100.0 102.0 100.6 102.6 97.8 100.5 99.2 103.0 99.9 105.5 101.3 104.3 100.0 101.8 99.5 101.1 99.8 99.5 99.2 99.1 99.2 98.5 99.3 101.3 97.9 98.9 98.5 97.1 95.2 97.4 94.2 97.3 91.7 102.6 95.0 100.6 98.1 100.0 98.7 98.9 96.6 98.3 97.7 98.1 97.9 99.0 97.6 98.8 97.3 98.2 95.8 97.5 95.9 97.1 96.2 96.2 94.3 130 120 mic1 no lining LAE (dB) mic1 lining mic 2 no lining 110 mic 2 lining mic3 no lining mic3 lining 100 Quick tip Slow tip crate 1 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 crate 10 crate 11 crate 12 crate 1 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 crate 10 crate 11 crate 12 crate 1 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 crate 10 90 Bottle by bottle Fig9. Sequential crate LAE for each method of tip and each microphone location These results show the general trends in noise levels associated with the tipping methods and trough lining conditions. The following observations were made for the given tip method and trough lining condition: x Quick tip / no lining The crate LAE range is up to 3.4dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone position 2). At microphone position 1 there is no discernible pattern as the trough is filled. There is a slight downward trend from the trough being empty to the trough being full. At microphone positions 2 and 3, there is similarly no discernible pattern as the trough is filled. The trend, however, is in the upwards direction. x Quick tip / lining The crate LAE range is up to 3.5dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone positions 1 and 2) with no discernible pattern as the trough is filled. There is a downward trend from the trough being empty to the trough being full at all microphone locations. The overall levels are lower than without the lining. x Slow tip / no lining The crate LAE range is up to 9.3dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone positions 1). As the trough is filled there is a downward trend from crate 1 to crate 12 at all microphone locations. Crate 8 is the exception where there is a spike in the pattern. x Slow tip / lining The crate LAE range is up to 11.0dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone positions 1). As the trough is filled there is a downward trend from crate 1 to crate 12 at all microphone locations. The overall levels are lower than without the lining. - 10 - x Bottle by bottle / no lining The crate LAE range is up to 7.9dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone positions 1). As the trough is filled there is a downward trend from crate 1 to crate 12 at all microphone locations. x Bottle by bottle / lining The crate LAE range is up to 5.2dB(A) (maximum range measured at microphone positions 1). As the trough is filled there is a downward trend from crate 1 to crate 12 at all microphone locations. The overall levels are lower than without the lining. 3.2.2 Sequential crate one-third octave band data Full details of the one-third octave band data associated with each crate LAE may be found in Appendix A. For brevity, only microphone position 1 has been considered here as an example. The results for microphone positions 2 and 3 follow the same patterns, but at lower levels. Quick tip Figures 10a and 10b show the one-third octave band results for the quick tip method for the two trough conditions. For the unlined trough there is little difference between the spectra for each crate. Crates 9 and 10 show a decrease in level above 6.3kHz. For the lined trough, each crate spectrum is more distinct from the next up to 1.25kHz. Between 1.25kHz and 6.3kHz, the spectra converge. Above 6.3kHz, the spectra are individually more distinct again. The general trend for each sequential crate is that the spectra have essentially the same frequency content. There is a distinct peak at 4kHz. This peak is specific to the glass on glass interaction between the bottles in the trough. This is discussed further in Section 4. Slow tip Figures 11a and 11b show the one-third octave band results for the slow tip method for the two trough conditions. For both trough conditions, the individual spectra are distinguishable compared to the quick tip method. For the unlined trough, crate 1 has a distinctly higher LAE. Crate 2 is also prominent in the sequence. Further sequential crates are less prominent. For the lined trough, the overall levels are lower. The prominence of crate 1 is reduced although still noticeable. The 4kHz peak is evident as previously and is specific to the bottles used during the testing. Bottle by bottle Figures 12a and 12b show the one-third octave band results for the bottle by bottle method for the two trough conditions. The same comments apply here as for the slow tip method. One exception is that for both trough conditions, the spectra are not as widely spread as for the slow tip. - 11 - Quick tip - mic 1 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 crate 9 70 crate 10 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig 10a. Quick tip / mic 1 / no lining Quick tip - mic 1 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 crate 9 70 crate 10 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig 10b. Quick tip / mic 1 / lining - 12 - 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 Slow tip - mic 1 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 70 crate 9 crate 10 60 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 crate 11 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig 11a. Slow tip / mic 1 / no lining Slow tip - mic 1 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 70 crate 9 crate 10 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig11b. Slow tip / mic 1 / lining - 13 - 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 crate 11 crate 12 Bottle by bottle - mic 1 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 70 crate 9 crate 10 60 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 crate 11 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig12a. Bottle by bottle / mic 1 / no lining Bottle by bottle - mic 1 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 70 crate 9 crate 10 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Fig 12b. Bottle by bottle / mic 1 / lining - 14 - 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 crate 11 crate 12 3.3 ORDINAL CRATE LAE & ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAND DATA 3.3.1 Ordinal crate LAE The LAE associated with ordinal crates used to fill the trough for each method of tip and each microphone location are given in Table 4 and Figures 13a to 13c. Table 4. Ordinal crate LAE (dB) Quick tip Slow tip Bottle by bottle Microphone Crate no. poisiton No lining Lining No lining Lining No lining Lining 1 122.3 120.7 123.6 120.2 122.1 117.6 2 122.2 121.4 122.7 119.3 122.2 120.4 3 120.6 121.9 121.0 119.3 120.9 119.4 4 120.6 120.5 119.6 119.0 120.6 118.3 5 121.0 122.0 118.3 118.3 120.4 120.2 6 121.4 120.4 118.1 118.3 120.3 120.5 Mic 1 7 120.9 120.6 118.3 117.7 121.4 119.8 8 121.8 118.5 119.5 116.1 120.6 119.9 9 119.8 118.7 118.2 116.5 119.6 117.3 10 121.7 120.4 114.9 112.5 119.0 117.9 11 116.4 111.2 117.9 116.8 12 114.2 109.3 116.0 115.3 1 106.3 105.4 109.6 105.3 107.2 100.1 2 106.2 105.2 108.7 104.6 105.5 103.1 3 105.3 105.9 106.4 104.2 104.6 103.2 4 106.6 105.8 105.8 104.6 104.0 101.1 5 106.0 106.5 104.3 104.2 102.9 102.4 6 107.4 105.5 104.0 104.3 102.9 102.9 Mic 2 7 106.9 105.3 103.5 104.0 103.8 102.5 8 107.8 103.0 105.7 103.1 103.3 101.7 9 105.8 104.8 103.7 103.6 103.4 100.5 10 108.7 105.0 102.7 99.9 102.2 100.5 11 102.6 99.4 101.2 101.0 12 101.6 96.5 100.8 99.1 1 102.1 100.0 105.5 101.3 102.6 95.0 2 102.2 100.6 104.3 100.0 100.6 98.1 3 100.7 101.2 101.8 99.5 100.0 98.7 4 101.1 100.8 101.1 99.8 98.9 96.6 5 101.4 101.1 99.5 99.2 98.3 97.7 6 102.7 100.0 99.1 99.2 98.1 97.9 Mic 3 7 102.0 100.6 98.5 99.3 99.0 97.6 8 102.6 97.8 101.3 97.9 98.8 97.3 9 100.5 99.2 98.9 98.5 98.2 95.8 10 103.0 99.9 97.1 95.2 97.5 95.9 11 97.4 94.2 97.1 96.2 12 97.3 91.7 96.2 94.3 Note: this table is a re-presentation of the data in Table 3, ordered by microphone position and crate number. - 15 - 125 quick tip no lining quick tip lining 115 slow tip no lining crate 12 crate 11 crate 9 crate 10 crate 8 crate 7 crate 6 crate 5 bottle by bottle no lining crate 4 105 crate 3 slow tip lining crate 2 110 crate 1 LAE (dB) 120 bottle by bottle lining Mic 1 Fig 13a. Ordinal crate LAE at mic 1 115 quick tip no lining LAE (dB) 110 quick tip lining 105 slow tip no lining slow tip lining 100 bottle by bottle no lining crate 12 crate 11 crate 10 crate 9 crate 8 crate 7 crate 6 crate 5 crate 4 crate 3 crate 2 crate 1 95 bottle by bottle lining Mic 2 Fig 13b. Ordinal crate LAE at mic 2 110 quick tip no lining quick tip lining 100 slow tip no lining crate 12 crate 11 crate 10 crate 9 crate 8 crate 7 crate 6 crate 5 bottle by bottle no lining crate 4 90 crate 3 slow tip lining crate 2 95 crate 1 LAE dB(A) 105 bottle by bottle lining Mic 3 Fig 13c. Ordinal crate LAE at mic 3 - 16 - 3.3.2 Ordinal crate one-third octave band data Full details of the one-third octave band data associated with each ordinal crate LAE may be found in Appendix B. For illustration, the one-third octave band data for crates 1, 6, 10 and 12 for microphone position 1 only are shown in Figures 14a to 14d. crate #1 @ mic #1 120 110 quick tip no lining LAeq1s , dB 100 slow tip no lining bottle by bottle no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining 80 bottle by bottle lining 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 1/3OBCF, Hz Fig 14a. Crate 1 – into an empty trough crate #6 @ mic #1 120 110 quick tip no lining LAeq1s , dB 100 slow tip no lining bottle by bottle no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining 80 bottle by bottle lining 70 1/3OBCF, Hz Fig 14b. Crate 6 - trough half full - 17 - 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 crate #10 @ mic #1 120 110 quick tip no lining LAeq1s , dB 100 slow tip no lining bottle by bottle no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining 80 bottle by bottle lining 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 1/3OBCF, Hz Fig 14c. Crate 10 – trough full for quick tip methods crate #12 @ mic #1 120 110 quick tip no lining LAeq1s, dB 100 slow tip no lining bottle by bottle no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining 80 bottle by bottle lining 70 1/3OBCF, Hz Fig 14d. Crate 12 – trough full for non-quick tip methods - 18 - 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 31.5 20 60 4 DISCUSSION The main aims of the measurements were: x to quantify the effect of the different filling techniques on noise level, x to determine whether noise radiated from the trough sides is significant at a distance, x to determine whether, and to what extent, glass-trough or glass-glass interactions dominate the noise, and how this varies through the fill. Considering only the LAE associated with the complete filling of the trough (Figure 7), the indication is that a lined trough with a slow tip or bottle by bottle tip method will produce a lower LAE. The quick tip method, whether the trough is lined or unlined, produces the highest LAE values. However, with the lowest LAE levels in excess of 100dB(A) at the furthest microphone location (position 3 at 5m from the trough), measured level differences are unlikely to be perceived by the operator or any bystanders. With a broadband measurement such as this, it is also not possible to distinguish any peaks in the frequency spectrum that may be associated with specific glass-trough or glass-glass interactions. Considering in more detail the LAE associated with each crate as the trough is filled (Figure 9), the indication is that a slow tip method with a lined trough will produce the maximum reduction is noise level over the time taken to fill the tough. Figures 15a to 15c show how the noise level varies as the trough if filled from empty (crate 1) to full (crate 10/crate 12). 122 mic1 no lining mic1 lining 117 mic 2 no lining LAE (dB) mic 2 lining mic3 no lining 112 mic3 lining Linear (mic1 no lining) Linear (mic1 lining) 107 Linear (mic 2 no lining) Linear (mic 2 lining) 102 Linear (mic3 no lining) Linear (mic3 lining) 97 crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Quick tip Fig 15a. Trends for quick tip fill method - 19 - mic1 no lining 120 mic1 lining mic 2 no lining mic 2 lining LAE (dB) mic3 no lining 110 mic3 lining Linear (mic1 no lining) Linear (mic 2 no lining) Linear (mic3 no lining) 100 Linear (mic1 lining) Linear (mic 2 lining) Linear (mic3 lining) crate 12 crate 11 crate 10 crate 9 crate 8 crate 7 crate 6 crate 5 crate 4 crate 3 crate 2 crate 1 90 Slow tip Fig 15b. Trends for slow tip fill method mic1 no lining 120 mic1 lining mic 2 no lining LAE (dB) mic 2 lining mic3 no lining 110 mic3 lining Linear (mic1 no lining) Linear (mic 2 no lining) Linear (mic3 no lining) 100 Linear (mic1 lining) Linear (mic 2 lining) Linear (mic3 lining) 90 crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate crate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bottle by bottle Fig 15c. Trends for bottle by bottle fill method Figure 15a shows that for the quick tip fill method there is a small reduction in noise level at microphone position 1 for each crate as the trough is filled. Lining the trough makes a very small difference in noise level with this filling method, the difference increasing slightly as the trough is filled.. For the unlined trough, the noise level at microphone positions 2 and 3 increases with each crate as the trough is filled. - 20 - Figure 15b shows that for the slow tip method there is a clear trend for noise level to decrease for each crate as the trough is filled. Lining the trough is shown to be beneficial for this filling method, increasingly so as the trough is filled. Figure 15c shows that for the bottle by bottle fill method there is a tendency for noise level to decrease for each crate as the trough is filled, however the difference in noise level between first and last crate is smaller than for the slow tip method. Lining of the trough can be seen to be beneficial for the majority of crates, but is increasingly less so as the trough is filled. This suggests that the glass-glass interactions become more prevalent during the later stages of the fill. By taking into consideration the levels associated with each crate (from Table 4), if the trough is unlined, a combination of tip method may yield a lower LAE value. For example, the slow tip method gives higher levels for the first three crates than the quick tip method. Therefore, when filling an unlined trough, tip in the first three crates quickly, and then use the slow tip method to fill the rest of the trough. Using the values in Table 4, this combination method gives a trough LAE of 130dB – lower than all the single method trough LAE values for an unlined trough (Table 2). The one-third octave band data for each case (Figures 10a to 12b) confirm the trends seen in the broadband LAE measurements. For the quick tip method, the violence of the fill method keeps the levels high. For both the slow tip and bottle by bottle fill methods in unlined troughs, crate 1 is prominent. At this early stage in the trough fill, there is maximum glass-trough interaction, allowing the trough to resonate or ‘boom’ as bottles hit the metal surfaces. From crate 3 onwards, the spectra are much closer together, suggesting that the glass from the initial crates may be damping the trough and glass-glass interaction becomes more prevalent than glasstrough. For the lined trough, the prominence of crate 1 is reduced; the trough is already damped by the lining. This is particularly noticeable in the bottle by bottle fill method where the crate 1 LAE is lower than crates 2 and 3. The effects of the glass-trough interaction last longer as the bottles are individually dropped into the trough. Prevalent across all one-third octave band data is the 4kHz peak. This peak is on average 6.9±2.3dB greater than surrounding one-third octave band frequencies. Due to the nature of the decibel scale, it is only one-third octave band noise levels that are within 10dB of the maximum level that will have a significant effect on the overall level. This would suggest that the energy contained within and immediately surrounding the 4kHz peak will, in this case, heavily influence the overall crate LAE. This can be demonstrated by comparing sections of the LAE profile. Table 5 shows for Figures 14a to 14d (crate 1, crate 6, crate 10 and crate 12 respectively) the comparison between the sum of the one-third octave band data between 500Hz and 2kHz, the sum of the one-third octave band data between 2.5kHz and 6.3kHz and the crate LAE. The range 500Hz to 2kHz was chosen because this is where the use of a trough liner has greatest effect. The range 2.5kHz to 6.3kHz was chosen because this includes the 4kHz peak. The sum of the one-third octave band data between 2.5kHz and 6.3kHz is consistently largely representative of the crate LAE indicating that the total noise is dominated by noise from glassglass interactions, which is likely to be airborne noise. This is also shown in Figure 16. It should be noted that the 4kHz peak is particular to the type of bottle used in these measurements. Laboratory checks on the frequency spectra produced from this glass-glass interaction and those on different sizes of bottle and jar combinations produce a range of peaks from 2kHz to 5kHz. - 21 - Statistical analysis of the results was not possible because not enough repeat measurements were made. Table 5. Demonstration of influence of 4kHz peak on broadband LAE Method of tip Parameter of interest QTnl STnl BBnl QTl STl BBl Crate 1 ¦ LAeq,1s 500Hz - 2kHz 114.5 118.8 118.0 112.0 111.5 110.8 ¦ LAeq,1s 2.5kHz - 6.3kHz 121.0 121.5 119.2 119.5 119.4 116.1 LAE 122.3 123.6 122.1 120.7 120.2 117.6 Crate 6 ¦ LAeq,1s 500Hz - 2kHz 114.4 110.4 110.0 109.4 108.2 109.5 ¦ LAeq,1s 2.5kHz - 6.3kHz 120.2 116.7 119.5 119.5 117.1 119.8 LAE 121.4 118.1 120.3 120.4 118.3 120.5 Crate 10 ¦ LAeq,1s 500Hz - 2kHz 113.7 108.4 111.0 108.8 104.6 108.1 ¦ LAeq,1s 2.5kHz - 6.3kHz 120.5 114.0 117.5 119.5 111.0 117.2 LAE 121.7 114.9 119.0 120.4 112.5 117.9 Crate 12 ¦ LAeq,1s 500Hz - 2kHz - 106.3 109.2 - 102.3 107.1 ¦ LAeq,1s 2.5kHz - 6.3kHz - 113.2 114.8 - 107.9 114.2 LAE 114.2 116.0 109.3 Key: QT=Quick Tip; ST=Slow Tip; BB=Bottle by Bottle; nl=no lining; l=lining 115.3 125 120 dB 115 110 105 Quick tip no lining Slow tip no lining Bottle by bottle Quick tip lining no lining Ȉ LAeq,1s 500Hz - 2kHz Slow tip lining Ȉ LAeq,1s 2.5kHz - 6.3kHz LAE Fig 16. Graphical representation of influence of 4kHz peak on broadband LAE - 22 - crate 12 crate 10 crate 6 crate 1 crate 12 crate 10 crate 6 crate 1 crate 12 crate 10 crate 6 crate 1 crate 12 crate 6 crate 10 crate 1 crate 12 crate 10 crate 6 crate 1 crate 12 crate 10 crate 6 crate 1 100 Bottle by bottle lining 5 CONCLUSIONS 1) The use of a polyurethane trough lining reduces overall noise levels most significantly if a slow tip method is used. However noise from glass-glass interactions tends to dominate the overall noise level. A trough lining is only likely to reduce the level of noise associated with this interaction if it has the effect of reducing the kinetic energy involved, e.g. by reducing the velocity with which glass bottles rebound from the inner surface of the trough. 2) The noisiest operating condition at a position representing the person emptying the glass into the trough was a quick tip filling technique with an unlined trough. The quietest operating condition was a slow tip technique with a lined trough. The difference in noise level between these two conditions was 2.9 dB. 3) Although the slow tip method of filling the trough gives the lowest LAE values, if the trough is unlined the first few crates are likely to give a higher LAE than the quick tip method. If the trough is lined the slow tip method is consistently quieter as the trough is filled. 4) The LAE ranges from 107.7dB(A) – bottle by bottle method, lined trough, microphone position 3 - to 131.3dB(A) – quick tip method, unlined trough, microphone position 1. The differences in noise levels between tipping methods are smaller at the operator position than at the two bystander locations. 5) The use of a trough liner has greatest effect with the slow tip method. When considering one-third octave band spectra, the lining has greatest effect on noise levels between 400Hz and 3.15kHz. 6) Noise from glass-trough interactions are significant for up to the first 3 crates used to fill the trough. After that, airborne glass-glass interactions have the most effect. 7) The use of one specific size of glass vessel indicates, in the case of this work, that the resonant peak of the glass-glass interaction is likely to dominate the LAE profile. 8) For a manual sorting process (bottle by bottle), a lined trough gives lower LAE values compared to an unlined trough. - 23 - 6 REFERENCES BS EN ISO 11202:1996 Acoustics. Noise emitted by machinery and equipment. Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a workstation and at other specified positions. Survey method in situ ISO 1999:1990 Acoustics. Determination of occupational noise exposure and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (CoNWR 2005) Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 1643 Controlling Noise at Work The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 – Guidance on Regulations, HSE Guidance L108 - 24 - APPENDIX A Sequential crate one-third octave band data 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 14.9 21.3 28.8 44.5 54.4 68.2 75.1 76.5 76.7 82.1 81.0 87.8 91.8 98.4 101.0 101.6 104.8 105.6 106.6 107.5 109.3 108.9 110.7 119.0 111.7 110.9 105.5 104.9 99.1 94.5 88.3 crate 2 14.7 26.7 34.5 44.2 56.9 67.0 74.0 75.5 77.5 82.1 81.4 89.0 90.8 97.2 102.4 101.2 104.1 105.3 106.3 107.9 109.2 108.6 110.1 118.9 110.2 110.4 105.1 104.1 99.1 94.2 88.1 crate 3 16.6 22.9 31.3 42.9 55.5 67.2 77.8 79.8 77.7 81.5 79.0 88.5 90.9 95.3 98.8 100.2 102.6 103.1 104.2 106.0 107.2 107.2 108.5 117.6 110.1 109.8 103.9 104.0 98.0 92.7 86.9 crate 4 21.4 25.8 35.5 46.0 50.6 64.2 71.0 77.8 77.4 84.1 83.5 85.6 89.8 97.5 100.7 101.3 102.9 105.7 105.4 105.8 106.5 106.1 109.1 118.2 109.5 108.9 103.9 103.0 97.1 92.7 85.1 crate 5 18.2 27.4 34.6 43.8 50.2 62.3 73.7 74.5 80.9 81.8 80.0 86.1 91.9 94.4 99.2 102.1 101.9 103.9 106.0 105.8 107.8 107.9 108.8 118.0 109.9 110.2 103.6 103.7 97.9 92.5 86.7 crate 6 20.7 25.5 34.0 43.3 53.9 64.7 72.3 76.9 78.6 79.9 81.9 87.1 91.7 95.4 101.6 102.2 105.4 105.0 105.2 108.0 109.0 108.2 110.2 117.8 111.3 111.0 103.6 103.3 97.8 93.3 87.1 crate 7 23.3 32.0 41.8 44.1 53.0 65.4 74.1 74.5 78.2 81.4 82.0 85.5 92.9 95.1 100.8 102.3 104.5 104.7 107.2 107.0 107.0 106.1 107.6 117.0 110.0 108.9 103.9 103.2 96.9 92.4 86.2 crate 8 25.4 31.0 32.9 44.2 55.9 65.7 67.6 70.8 77.8 80.9 81.5 82.6 90.3 93.5 100.5 104.1 104.7 105.5 106.7 106.7 108.9 108.4 110.4 118.4 110.6 110.5 104.5 103.5 98.4 92.8 87.2 crate 9 20.2 27.7 32.1 44.8 55.2 65.7 68.1 72.3 78.2 81.7 81.0 85.5 90.0 94.9 99.7 98.8 103.0 103.1 105.3 106.3 107.0 107.4 107.3 116.4 110.0 108.0 100.0 99.2 92.0 86.4 79.9 crate 10 20.7 25.7 33.5 47.3 61.0 68.4 70.3 70.5 83.1 84.1 84.3 85.8 88.6 94.0 100.4 101.8 102.8 104.0 106.3 107.3 108.5 108.0 108.7 118.8 111.2 109.5 100.6 101.1 93.0 86.8 80.0 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 13.3 21.7 32.0 43.2 60.8 80.8 84.6 89.0 85.3 90.8 94.3 96.7 100.1 102.0 104.4 108.1 110.6 110.7 111.2 111.9 111.8 111.3 112.0 119.2 112.1 111.1 103.7 103.6 97.5 92.0 85.8 crate 2 16.9 21.2 28.9 39.7 54.9 73.8 79.2 82.2 79.5 85.7 84.0 89.4 94.3 97.2 101.2 104.9 107.3 107.9 108.9 110.4 110.7 110.8 111.1 119.0 111.1 110.2 104.3 103.6 97.6 92.6 86.3 crate 3 15.0 24.3 33.0 43.7 57.4 72.4 79.7 80.9 79.4 85.1 81.6 88.9 91.8 95.7 100.6 100.3 104.2 105.0 106.0 106.7 107.5 108.0 109.2 117.6 109.9 109.0 103.0 103.2 97.0 91.8 85.6 crate 4 13.8 22.8 35.0 45.8 56.6 70.3 79.6 79.3 78.3 84.3 81.6 87.1 90.7 93.3 97.6 98.0 101.0 102.4 104.1 105.2 105.8 105.6 107.4 117.1 108.8 108.4 102.7 102.1 96.2 91.6 84.6 crate 5 15.0 23.4 32.4 42.2 53.9 67.1 77.7 77.9 79.8 84.6 80.1 87.0 91.0 92.9 97.0 97.6 100.0 102.1 103.0 104.3 105.8 106.1 106.8 114.7 107.0 106.0 100.2 99.9 93.8 88.8 82.9 crate 6 14.5 20.8 28.0 41.6 52.3 65.8 75.1 74.3 78.5 81.9 77.3 84.3 89.3 94.4 100.9 97.7 99.4 100.9 102.4 103.8 104.8 103.8 104.9 115.1 106.9 106.0 100.9 100.0 94.6 89.4 83.4 crate 7 14.2 22.8 32.2 41.4 53.9 68.2 75.8 74.1 78.1 78.8 77.3 84.7 89.3 92.6 95.5 96.8 99.5 100.4 101.8 102.9 103.4 102.1 104.0 115.4 107.1 106.4 98.9 99.1 92.4 87.3 81.1 crate 8 17.2 26.4 31.4 42.3 53.6 64.4 73.7 72.9 79.3 83.0 81.5 86.5 90.9 95.5 98.9 99.4 100.7 103.1 104.6 105.4 105.8 104.5 106.0 116.2 108.5 107.6 99.2 99.1 92.0 86.5 79.8 crate 9 13.7 20.4 30.5 41.1 53.1 67.3 70.3 70.7 77.3 82.3 80.6 83.3 90.0 91.9 95.5 97.1 100.1 100.9 102.1 104.9 105.7 103.3 104.7 115.0 106.7 105.9 97.6 97.6 90.9 84.3 78.3 crate 10 crate 11 15.8 24.7 22.7 30.5 29.8 36.4 38.9 43.9 50.7 52.3 63.2 61.0 65.1 62.7 70.7 69.6 76.4 77.0 80.8 79.4 79.9 80.0 82.5 82.5 88.5 86.6 91.3 90.6 94.6 93.1 96.7 95.6 98.1 97.4 99.0 99.5 101.0 101.7 102.2 101.9 102.7 102.5 100.4 101.0 101.8 103.0 112.4 113.6 104.9 104.9 103.7 104.4 95.1 94.8 95.4 95.5 88.2 86.6 82.4 80.7 75.7 74.2 crate 12 21.8 26.8 35.0 43.1 51.7 58.5 59.8 69.2 77.5 79.7 80.2 85.1 85.9 88.7 92.3 94.9 95.0 97.3 99.1 100.3 100.2 97.9 100.6 111.9 102.8 102.8 93.3 93.1 85.3 79.2 72.6 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 19.3 26.4 31.7 42.9 59.9 83.5 90.4 94.3 88.6 93.5 94.8 99.5 99.1 103.6 103.6 106.0 110.6 109.6 110.4 111.0 110.9 110.3 110.7 116.6 109.6 108.1 103.1 101.9 96.8 92.6 86.0 crate 2 19.8 27.0 34.4 43.7 55.2 76.1 83.9 84.6 81.0 84.8 84.6 91.6 92.9 98.0 99.4 102.1 105.6 106.6 107.5 108.8 108.6 108.6 110.1 118.3 110.8 109.8 103.8 104.0 98.6 93.8 87.4 crate 3 20.3 28.5 34.7 45.1 54.9 70.4 81.0 81.3 79.2 82.9 84.2 90.1 93.5 97.9 100.6 103.3 105.1 105.8 107.3 108.1 107.9 107.4 108.3 116.4 109.8 109.3 103.8 103.9 97.8 92.8 86.7 crate 4 17.3 26.6 33.8 44.5 54.8 69.7 80.3 79.6 78.4 80.4 81.7 87.6 93.1 96.5 99.1 101.1 102.8 103.6 104.4 105.3 105.7 105.1 107.0 117.2 110.3 109.4 103.4 103.8 97.8 94.3 87.6 crate 5 18.4 26.4 34.2 45.4 56.5 70.6 82.5 80.3 78.8 78.6 79.8 86.3 93.1 95.2 96.7 99.2 101.4 102.6 104.1 104.8 106.1 105.8 107.8 117.6 110.5 108.9 103.4 102.9 97.5 93.2 86.6 crate 6 17.1 25.8 32.0 43.9 54.6 67.9 80.4 76.6 77.0 78.6 78.6 86.1 92.2 92.9 94.6 97.3 99.6 101.2 102.4 103.5 104.8 105.2 107.2 117.8 110.8 109.4 103.0 103.5 97.3 92.8 86.6 crate 7 17.6 26.4 31.7 44.0 53.5 66.2 80.0 77.1 77.4 78.2 76.8 85.9 92.0 91.4 95.3 98.0 100.5 102.0 103.6 104.0 104.7 104.2 108.0 119.6 109.8 109.8 101.8 102.5 95.8 91.5 85.2 crate 8 16.8 26.5 32.2 44.2 54.0 66.9 79.4 75.0 76.5 77.7 77.9 86.4 90.5 93.7 97.6 98.3 102.0 102.5 104.1 105.1 105.8 104.4 107.0 118.1 110.2 108.7 100.8 101.7 93.6 88.4 82.3 crate 9 16.9 26.4 31.4 43.5 53.0 66.1 78.1 74.1 75.8 79.1 77.7 87.4 90.5 93.8 97.9 99.4 101.6 103.0 104.8 105.2 105.7 104.1 106.5 117.0 108.0 108.3 100.1 100.2 92.8 88.0 81.2 crate 10 crate 11 23.4 17.2 28.7 27.4 33.2 30.0 42.5 42.3 51.3 50.3 65.3 64.7 73.3 68.3 68.5 64.7 73.6 72.7 78.6 77.9 78.1 77.1 84.4 83.1 89.4 87.9 94.1 93.8 96.1 95.1 100.0 98.5 100.2 99.6 102.0 101.0 103.8 103.5 104.6 104.1 105.2 104.7 103.5 103.3 105.2 104.9 115.6 114.5 108.6 107.5 108.7 106.5 100.4 98.9 99.2 99.4 93.6 91.7 89.3 86.7 81.9 79.8 crate 12 17.8 29.4 30.5 40.7 50.5 61.9 60.6 63.6 72.7 77.2 77.8 83.3 87.2 91.2 91.9 95.6 97.7 100.3 101.8 103.5 103.8 102.3 102.7 112.2 108.3 105.5 96.6 98.4 89.9 84.9 78.4 Quick tip - mic 1 - no lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 crate 9 crate 10 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip - mic 1 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 1 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 6.5 15.4 18.0 29.0 37.5 54.3 58.1 63.9 61.5 69.2 70.5 74.0 78.2 83.8 85.7 86.5 93.0 92.2 93.8 94.8 95.2 94.6 96.2 101.8 94.5 95.9 91.0 90.4 85.0 80.3 74.2 crate 2 5.4 17.1 22.5 26.2 40.8 52.1 56.2 61.5 63.6 69.8 70.5 75.8 77.7 83.4 86.4 88.3 93.1 92.5 93.8 93.3 95.1 95.2 95.8 101.3 94.1 94.9 90.1 88.4 84.4 79.4 73.6 crate 3 7.1 17.0 18.7 27.1 39.1 52.6 60.4 64.8 62.5 67.5 68.1 73.5 77.1 81.3 84.0 86.3 89.7 89.5 92.0 93.0 93.6 92.8 94.4 100.9 93.4 94.8 89.3 88.4 83.5 78.7 73.0 crate 4 8.1 15.9 18.4 28.4 36.1 50.1 51.9 64.5 63.5 68.9 71.5 73.0 77.1 83.3 87.2 89.0 89.9 92.4 92.5 93.8 93.7 93.5 94.9 102.4 92.5 94.3 89.1 87.5 82.6 78.1 71.9 crate 5 6.8 16.0 17.7 25.5 33.2 48.2 51.7 60.4 64.3 67.9 67.5 70.8 77.4 80.3 85.5 90.0 90.2 91.8 93.7 93.7 95.6 94.3 95.4 101.8 93.6 94.3 88.0 88.1 82.7 78.0 72.6 crate 6 7.3 14.0 18.4 27.8 37.4 50.6 54.9 63.1 63.4 68.6 69.1 72.7 78.2 82.7 88.2 89.5 93.2 94.4 93.5 95.3 95.2 94.4 95.2 102.2 95.6 96.6 88.9 89.1 83.5 79.1 73.8 crate 7 8.2 18.5 23.7 33.0 41.6 50.8 55.3 61.2 62.3 69.0 69.2 74.3 79.3 81.8 86.1 88.8 92.3 93.0 94.5 94.0 94.8 93.6 94.2 103.2 94.8 95.7 89.4 89.6 83.8 79.2 73.6 crate 8 9.0 16.9 19.8 28.0 37.3 50.1 50.3 57.2 62.7 67.8 70.5 71.5 76.4 80.5 86.5 88.6 91.9 92.3 93.6 94.8 95.0 93.8 96.2 103.7 95.1 97.2 90.2 89.8 85.3 79.8 74.6 crate 9 6.0 14.6 18.1 25.8 41.6 52.4 50.6 55.6 61.2 67.1 68.9 72.0 77.0 81.7 85.3 87.0 91.6 90.9 91.6 92.1 92.7 91.7 93.0 102.4 95.0 95.4 86.9 87.0 80.7 75.1 69.6 crate 10 7.7 14.7 18.3 30.2 44.0 53.6 51.9 56.3 64.3 67.3 71.5 75.0 77.1 81.8 85.2 88.5 90.5 91.7 92.7 94.3 96.0 94.7 96.5 105.7 96.3 97.0 88.1 90.0 82.4 76.9 70.5 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 9.6 18.4 21.3 29.1 44.5 65.0 64.9 78.1 72.9 79.2 82.0 86.0 89.3 91.2 93.8 94.2 98.8 97.5 99.0 98.9 97.7 97.5 98.7 104.3 96.9 97.7 91.1 89.9 84.2 78.9 72.9 crate 2 15.0 17.9 22.5 29.9 38.2 57.2 60.6 68.8 65.7 72.4 73.8 78.4 80.8 84.8 87.8 89.3 95.8 95.4 96.9 96.8 96.9 97.4 98.5 104.2 96.3 96.9 90.8 89.7 84.5 79.5 73.4 crate 3 12.4 20.4 23.8 30.7 39.8 55.1 59.8 66.6 64.6 71.0 70.4 75.0 77.5 81.5 86.3 86.2 91.3 91.7 93.8 93.3 94.4 94.7 95.7 102.1 94.6 95.5 88.6 88.5 83.1 77.9 72.1 crate 4 11.3 20.8 25.3 35.5 39.4 52.1 59.8 65.4 62.7 67.5 69.9 74.8 76.1 79.8 83.7 83.6 88.2 88.5 91.2 90.7 91.1 92.2 94.0 102.7 93.8 95.5 88.6 88.2 83.3 78.8 72.4 crate 5 11.4 20.7 22.5 28.3 36.4 50.2 57.1 63.9 63.1 68.5 69.4 73.8 76.5 78.3 82.7 83.3 88.2 89.1 90.0 90.2 91.7 91.9 94.4 100.3 92.5 93.5 86.8 86.7 80.6 76.3 70.3 crate 6 12.1 18.9 21.7 28.6 35.4 48.7 55.4 60.2 61.0 67.4 66.7 70.5 74.2 80.0 85.7 83.0 88.3 89.6 89.3 89.8 90.0 89.3 91.1 100.8 92.2 93.0 87.3 87.1 82.0 77.3 71.9 crate 7 10.3 18.7 22.8 29.5 36.5 51.0 56.9 61.4 61.0 65.4 67.9 72.0 76.0 79.1 83.4 83.3 87.6 88.8 89.7 89.9 89.2 88.3 89.7 100.4 91.7 92.6 84.9 85.3 79.5 75.1 69.3 crate 8 10.5 18.8 22.5 30.5 37.4 47.9 55.4 60.7 62.5 69.1 72.6 74.4 78.1 82.6 84.5 84.5 88.5 89.6 91.3 93.0 91.9 91.2 93.0 102.5 94.3 95.3 86.1 86.9 80.2 74.9 68.8 crate 9 9.9 18.8 22.7 29.1 35.6 51.6 54.2 55.7 61.5 67.2 69.4 73.2 76.2 79.3 81.1 83.1 88.0 88.1 89.8 90.5 90.6 89.1 90.7 100.7 91.8 92.9 83.6 84.2 77.8 72.1 66.4 crate 10 crate 11 11.7 9.6 18.8 17.2 22.5 20.7 28.7 27.5 35.8 34.8 49.1 48.5 50.3 46.9 53.5 50.6 60.1 59.6 65.5 65.1 71.7 69.9 73.8 73.3 75.3 74.5 77.7 76.6 80.9 78.4 82.1 81.7 85.2 84.0 86.2 85.8 87.7 87.5 88.5 87.9 88.8 88.3 86.7 87.2 89.2 89.4 99.9 100.2 91.6 90.4 92.4 92.0 82.3 81.7 83.1 82.8 76.4 74.8 70.3 69.1 65.0 63.3 crate 12 15.0 22.1 27.9 36.8 44.6 47.1 44.2 49.4 59.0 65.1 68.9 73.0 73.5 76.5 78.7 81.3 82.9 84.4 86.7 86.5 87.2 86.8 89.8 98.9 90.2 90.9 81.8 81.2 74.1 68.5 62.4 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 17.7 25.9 26.1 34.0 42.5 64.5 70.2 82.2 76.0 81.5 80.7 86.8 87.8 93.3 91.6 94.5 97.6 96.7 97.1 96.9 95.7 95.4 96.1 98.8 92.6 92.8 87.8 86.9 81.3 76.2 69.9 crate 2 17.8 26.2 28.2 35.8 40.4 56.4 65.0 70.5 67.5 71.8 73.5 78.2 81.0 85.8 86.9 87.8 92.7 92.5 93.8 94.7 93.3 93.0 94.2 100.6 92.6 93.4 87.2 87.1 82.3 76.9 71.1 crate 3 18.8 26.6 27.8 36.8 41.5 51.0 61.8 66.1 65.1 70.0 72.2 77.1 80.3 84.9 86.9 87.6 91.1 92.1 92.7 93.5 91.9 91.8 93.4 99.7 92.3 92.9 87.1 87.2 81.3 76.3 70.7 crate 4 15.3 25.8 29.7 33.9 40.4 50.0 59.7 64.4 63.7 66.9 69.2 74.7 79.4 83.9 85.5 86.2 89.8 89.7 90.6 90.4 89.9 89.4 91.2 100.1 92.5 93.3 87.7 87.0 82.2 77.4 71.7 crate 5 16.1 25.9 25.9 34.1 40.1 51.2 62.2 65.5 63.5 66.4 67.3 72.2 77.2 80.7 82.8 84.0 87.4 88.3 89.7 90.4 90.0 89.2 91.4 98.7 91.8 92.0 86.5 86.2 81.1 76.2 70.5 crate 6 15.7 25.4 26.5 35.0 41.6 48.4 58.6 61.8 61.4 65.7 66.3 73.7 77.4 79.3 82.2 83.7 86.4 87.1 88.2 88.4 88.4 88.3 90.5 99.6 91.2 92.6 86.2 86.4 80.8 76.0 70.4 crate 7 15.5 25.5 25.8 33.8 40.3 47.0 57.6 62.1 62.2 65.8 65.6 71.9 77.5 78.1 82.9 82.5 86.6 88.8 88.5 88.1 88.6 88.5 91.5 101.3 90.6 92.3 85.2 85.3 79.5 75.4 69.5 crate 8 15.7 25.3 26.5 32.8 38.3 48.4 57.1 60.4 60.6 65.0 64.7 72.5 77.8 80.0 84.9 83.8 87.5 90.1 89.8 90.1 89.8 88.4 89.9 99.6 92.5 93.1 83.6 85.0 77.5 72.9 67.1 crate 9 15.4 25.3 26.0 33.4 38.5 47.8 56.5 59.4 60.8 65.3 65.7 74.5 78.8 80.5 85.2 84.0 88.5 90.5 90.8 90.8 90.4 88.8 90.0 100.0 90.5 92.4 83.1 84.4 78.1 72.1 65.8 crate 10 crate 11 20.9 15.8 28.0 27.2 28.9 26.6 34.1 34.2 39.0 38.4 48.6 49.9 54.0 52.0 55.6 54.6 58.3 59.6 63.9 63.8 65.3 63.1 72.8 72.6 76.5 75.4 79.1 79.1 83.0 80.2 84.5 84.4 87.1 85.1 88.0 86.3 89.6 88.7 89.4 88.4 88.7 88.8 88.2 87.5 88.8 88.4 98.6 97.7 90.1 89.2 91.6 90.1 82.7 81.4 83.3 83.1 78.1 76.1 73.8 71.4 67.0 65.0 crate 12 16.2 28.9 26.9 34.2 38.7 50.0 47.7 51.9 59.2 62.6 64.5 74.9 75.6 77.5 79.8 83.2 84.2 86.5 87.9 88.5 88.3 86.2 87.5 96.8 91.1 90.6 81.0 83.2 74.5 69.2 63.5 Quick tip - mic 2 - no lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 80 crate 9 crate 10 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip - mic 2 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 2 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 6.0 14.1 17.7 25.4 36.1 53.4 59.0 62.9 62.7 69.8 66.6 66.4 73.9 79.3 84.2 85.0 88.2 88.4 90.6 89.9 91.4 91.2 91.7 96.3 91.8 90.1 85.1 83.8 78.3 74.0 67.1 crate 2 4.3 14.1 21.3 23.0 39.2 51.5 57.8 61.7 63.4 69.7 69.6 66.9 73.3 78.8 84.8 85.3 89.0 89.6 89.9 89.9 91.5 91.9 91.6 96.5 91.0 89.5 84.7 83.1 78.3 73.7 66.9 crate 3 6.2 16.0 19.0 23.4 37.8 51.6 62.0 65.5 64.0 69.4 65.4 65.3 70.8 75.3 80.8 83.3 86.8 88.5 88.8 88.1 89.2 89.5 90.1 95.6 89.7 88.9 83.6 82.7 77.6 72.6 66.3 crate 4 5.2 13.1 19.4 24.9 34.6 49.8 54.1 64.0 66.9 69.9 70.4 66.2 74.9 76.5 82.0 85.1 88.5 89.6 89.4 87.7 89.3 89.7 90.0 95.8 89.6 88.6 83.9 82.5 76.5 72.0 65.0 crate 5 4.1 13.4 19.7 22.3 32.6 47.7 54.8 61.3 69.1 68.6 65.7 65.6 76.3 75.1 82.7 86.9 86.9 87.0 89.1 90.1 91.5 90.3 90.6 95.8 90.0 89.3 83.4 82.4 76.5 71.8 65.4 crate 6 3.5 12.0 18.6 24.2 35.8 50.3 56.5 63.8 68.3 70.6 66.6 66.7 75.5 77.5 82.6 87.0 90.3 89.4 88.9 89.4 91.8 91.1 91.0 98.0 91.5 90.7 83.8 83.2 77.2 73.1 66.4 crate 7 8.9 16.3 23.2 32.8 42.7 50.8 57.4 61.3 66.7 71.0 69.0 67.3 75.3 76.6 84.1 86.2 88.7 88.5 91.8 89.6 91.2 89.6 89.9 96.6 91.2 89.7 84.8 83.6 77.4 72.8 65.8 crate 8 7.4 15.6 20.6 23.8 35.7 49.4 51.7 57.0 64.3 68.8 69.1 65.7 75.8 76.3 85.2 86.0 88.0 87.8 89.7 90.8 92.2 90.3 91.4 97.7 91.4 91.1 85.1 83.4 78.0 72.8 66.3 crate 9 4.4 13.7 19.5 23.2 39.5 51.8 51.8 55.8 65.0 69.6 66.7 64.8 71.5 75.7 83.4 83.8 87.9 86.7 87.1 87.6 88.1 88.5 88.5 95.6 91.2 89.0 81.0 80.2 72.7 67.8 61.0 crate 10 5.3 12.2 18.3 26.2 41.8 53.3 53.3 55.9 68.1 70.4 68.2 67.3 73.9 76.2 84.7 86.2 85.9 88.2 89.4 90.1 91.5 90.9 91.2 98.9 92.8 91.3 82.7 83.0 75.1 69.7 62.2 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 8.2 15.9 23.5 27.4 42.9 64.1 66.8 74.5 73.1 75.5 77.8 77.6 79.9 85.0 88.5 92.0 94.2 94.1 94.8 93.7 93.8 94.5 94.0 99.2 94.5 91.7 85.0 84.4 78.4 73.9 66.4 crate 2 14.9 17.9 23.9 28.3 37.5 57.3 61.8 67.6 67.4 71.2 71.1 70.3 75.0 79.5 85.4 88.3 90.4 91.4 92.6 92.0 92.7 94.3 94.1 99.0 92.9 91.1 85.1 84.1 78.2 74.0 66.7 crate 3 12.0 19.5 26.6 28.6 38.9 55.4 61.9 66.3 66.6 69.5 67.2 67.4 71.6 76.3 82.9 83.7 86.6 88.0 89.2 88.5 90.0 91.3 90.9 96.8 91.3 90.0 83.6 83.5 77.4 72.5 65.9 crate 4 10.3 19.5 27.6 33.9 38.7 52.8 61.7 64.8 65.4 68.4 66.7 66.3 70.3 73.8 80.1 81.4 84.1 84.9 86.5 86.8 87.7 88.9 89.4 97.4 90.8 90.4 83.4 82.6 76.9 72.3 65.0 crate 5 10.3 18.4 25.8 27.3 36.2 50.8 59.1 63.5 66.6 69.0 67.1 65.5 70.3 72.4 78.8 80.9 83.1 84.9 86.3 86.0 88.2 88.5 89.2 94.9 88.8 87.5 81.7 81.1 74.8 70.0 63.5 crate 6 11.6 19.0 23.7 27.8 36.0 49.5 57.4 59.9 63.8 68.7 63.5 63.2 68.3 71.8 81.3 80.8 85.0 84.9 85.1 84.9 86.7 86.1 86.0 94.7 89.5 88.1 82.3 80.9 75.8 70.7 64.6 crate 7 9.6 17.2 25.8 28.0 37.0 51.8 58.8 60.6 64.2 67.2 65.8 65.0 69.9 71.9 78.3 80.5 84.3 83.6 85.1 85.4 85.5 84.7 84.8 94.4 89.0 87.4 87.2 85.9 79.8 75.2 68.2 crate 8 9.4 17.4 26.4 28.7 37.0 48.6 57.2 60.0 65.3 72.2 69.0 66.3 71.2 75.3 80.6 81.5 85.4 86.1 87.6 88.1 88.3 88.1 88.7 97.9 90.7 89.8 81.7 81.5 73.8 68.5 61.2 crate 9 8.8 17.9 25.1 26.7 35.0 52.2 55.4 55.1 63.7 71.0 67.9 64.6 69.9 73.1 79.4 80.9 82.9 85.1 85.8 86.1 86.8 85.6 86.0 95.2 88.3 87.2 79.1 78.9 71.2 65.4 59.0 crate 10 crate 11 9.7 8.7 16.9 15.6 25.0 23.8 28.3 28.4 37.8 36.2 49.3 47.9 51.2 47.2 52.9 49.2 62.5 62.9 69.2 66.7 68.2 65.1 65.3 64.5 69.3 68.4 72.3 71.0 80.1 78.4 80.6 80.1 80.0 79.8 83.4 81.6 84.0 84.3 84.3 84.6 84.1 84.7 83.0 84.0 83.5 84.1 93.5 93.8 87.1 86.9 86.0 86.8 77.3 76.6 77.2 76.8 69.3 67.6 63.2 62.0 56.8 55.0 crate 12 13.7 20.3 29.4 35.3 44.8 46.4 44.8 50.0 61.5 64.7 63.3 64.7 66.1 71.4 79.1 79.2 79.0 80.8 83.5 83.3 83.8 84.7 87.5 93.8 86.5 85.6 76.6 75.5 67.6 61.8 55.0 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 16.2 23.0 29.2 32.5 42.4 65.1 71.8 78.7 75.2 78.4 79.1 77.6 79.1 85.1 89.2 91.2 93.2 91.5 92.4 91.8 91.4 92.0 91.5 94.1 89.3 86.8 81.9 80.4 76.1 71.9 63.5 crate 2 17.0 23.9 30.4 33.6 41.0 58.0 66.0 69.8 68.0 70.2 70.5 69.4 74.1 79.3 84.6 86.1 88.9 87.1 88.9 89.1 89.9 89.4 89.6 94.7 89.2 87.7 81.8 81.4 76.0 71.3 64.1 crate 3 17.4 24.3 31.5 35.2 42.0 52.9 62.9 66.2 65.5 69.5 68.9 68.2 73.2 79.6 84.5 85.8 88.3 86.8 88.4 88.2 88.4 88.4 88.5 93.9 89.1 87.1 81.5 81.9 75.1 70.5 63.7 crate 4 14.9 22.7 31.1 32.0 40.6 51.6 61.4 64.1 63.9 66.6 68.0 67.3 72.2 78.2 83.2 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.9 86.0 86.3 85.8 86.1 93.7 89.3 87.7 81.6 81.6 75.2 71.0 64.0 crate 5 14.3 22.8 29.1 32.6 40.4 52.6 63.9 65.5 64.9 65.6 65.4 64.1 70.1 74.9 79.8 80.9 83.6 84.4 85.2 85.0 86.1 85.9 86.5 93.5 88.7 87.0 81.4 80.9 74.6 70.4 63.3 crate 6 14.7 23.4 28.9 33.9 42.1 50.2 61.3 61.5 63.9 65.6 66.1 66.6 69.5 73.0 79.3 82.9 83.0 83.1 83.9 83.7 85.0 85.3 85.9 93.9 88.6 86.7 81.2 81.1 74.5 70.3 63.3 crate 7 14.1 23.2 28.8 32.2 41.0 48.8 60.7 62.3 65.2 65.9 64.7 65.2 69.2 72.3 78.9 80.0 82.7 84.0 84.6 83.9 85.3 85.5 86.9 96.0 87.8 86.3 80.3 80.2 73.2 69.1 63.2 crate 8 15.8 23.5 28.8 31.0 38.6 50.0 60.5 60.6 64.1 66.8 66.3 65.9 70.1 74.2 79.9 81.6 84.2 85.1 85.9 85.3 86.7 85.5 85.2 94.0 90.5 87.6 79.1 79.6 71.8 66.0 59.8 crate 9 14.4 22.4 28.9 31.8 38.7 49.5 59.9 60.2 62.7 67.7 66.4 66.7 71.0 74.5 82.3 82.8 84.7 86.0 86.5 85.7 87.1 84.8 84.8 93.7 87.1 85.5 77.9 78.1 70.9 65.5 58.3 crate 10 crate 11 16.9 14.7 24.1 24.0 29.9 29.5 32.0 33.7 38.6 39.0 49.7 50.4 56.7 53.5 55.3 53.0 58.3 58.9 67.5 64.3 67.0 63.3 65.3 65.0 70.4 68.5 73.9 73.6 80.2 80.7 82.2 81.9 82.4 81.7 83.6 81.9 84.7 84.3 84.2 84.0 85.2 85.5 85.2 84.6 84.3 84.3 93.3 92.9 87.4 87.2 85.4 84.3 78.1 76.8 77.2 77.7 70.7 69.6 66.2 63.9 58.8 56.1 crate 12 15.5 24.9 29.8 32.5 39.5 50.7 48.0 50.1 57.6 64.2 65.3 66.6 67.8 73.4 82.3 82.6 79.9 82.2 83.2 83.6 84.0 82.7 82.4 91.3 87.9 84.4 75.7 76.6 68.3 62.7 56.3 Quick tip - mic 3 - no lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 80 crate 9 crate 10 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip - mic 3 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 3 - no lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 18.9 29.4 36.3 44.9 57.9 69.9 78.4 83.5 76.9 84.4 84.2 90.7 94.0 101.7 101.1 104.0 104.0 103.1 103.4 104.1 104.1 103.9 107.1 118.1 110.2 108.2 103.9 103.1 97.2 92.9 86.8 crate 2 18.9 29.0 33.0 41.6 55.7 69.3 75.1 78.7 75.5 81.0 81.2 88.5 93.8 97.4 100.2 102.8 103.1 102.9 103.9 103.9 105.0 104.0 107.7 119.2 109.7 110.2 105.0 104.7 99.8 95.4 88.8 crate 3 16.7 29.3 35.6 46.6 59.1 71.6 75.0 81.0 77.0 83.9 83.0 88.0 92.0 96.6 99.5 100.9 101.6 103.0 104.0 104.8 105.4 104.2 108.3 119.8 111.3 110.9 104.8 104.8 98.7 94.1 87.8 crate 4 17.8 28.7 35.6 45.8 57.6 69.6 76.1 75.5 80.1 82.4 82.2 88.1 91.0 96.1 99.2 100.1 101.0 101.9 104.4 103.9 104.1 102.8 106.9 118.0 110.4 109.6 103.7 103.1 97.8 92.6 86.1 crate 5 23.7 31.3 38.5 49.2 60.0 69.9 76.3 72.7 79.4 84.5 82.3 87.5 90.8 95.4 98.5 100.9 100.6 101.6 103.7 104.6 104.7 103.9 108.1 119.5 112.5 111.8 104.9 104.9 98.6 93.6 87.3 crate 6 20.9 31.3 35.5 45.5 58.3 68.9 73.6 73.8 78.0 81.6 82.4 86.4 91.6 93.8 96.7 97.1 98.9 100.3 102.5 103.1 103.2 101.9 106.2 117.8 110.8 110.5 103.3 103.6 97.5 92.5 86.4 crate 7 21.2 30.5 36.9 48.4 55.5 67.5 71.9 71.2 78.4 83.2 80.9 85.7 91.9 94.5 96.0 98.7 98.3 100.5 102.0 103.2 103.9 102.4 106.3 118.1 110.1 110.0 102.1 102.7 96.3 91.3 85.1 crate 8 21.1 30.7 37.1 48.1 57.2 65.6 71.1 69.1 76.6 79.4 78.1 83.2 89.0 92.9 96.0 98.6 99.0 99.2 100.7 102.1 102.1 100.6 104.6 116.1 107.9 108.1 101.0 100.7 94.9 89.6 83.2 crate 9 22.7 30.1 36.8 46.4 58.8 67.9 66.8 69.5 80.2 82.1 82.0 87.3 91.0 93.4 97.0 99.3 98.9 100.7 102.5 103.1 103.0 101.7 105.0 116.1 109.0 108.1 100.5 100.7 94.2 88.8 82.3 crate 10 19.9 30.9 38.5 43.7 55.5 65.4 64.9 67.6 77.2 78.3 80.4 84.7 88.0 91.9 94.9 96.0 96.8 99.0 102.0 103.1 103.2 102.9 105.9 118.2 109.7 109.0 100.2 100.4 93.0 87.7 81.0 crate 11 19.9 29.0 37.0 42.2 55.0 62.6 60.5 68.3 77.7 79.5 81.2 85.8 86.5 89.6 94.3 97.2 96.9 98.9 100.9 102.9 103.0 102.0 104.1 115.8 108.2 107.8 98.7 99.3 91.6 85.4 78.3 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 16.7 27.9 33.4 45.4 56.6 72.8 79.7 84.0 77.3 84.2 84.3 88.8 92.7 99.8 100.8 104.4 102.4 102.4 103.1 103.8 103.8 102.3 107.6 118.0 109.7 109.1 102.1 102.2 97.0 91.7 85.8 crate 2 15.1 25.5 33.7 44.6 57.4 70.7 77.2 81.0 76.0 82.3 81.6 85.7 89.5 95.0 98.6 101.4 100.6 101.6 102.7 102.8 102.5 101.7 105.9 116.8 108.6 108.2 102.0 101.9 96.3 91.4 85.4 crate 3 14.8 26.5 31.1 40.6 55.7 68.8 77.1 78.8 75.8 83.5 81.2 86.3 89.9 93.9 97.3 99.1 99.3 100.5 101.0 102.5 103.0 101.5 106.0 116.6 108.5 108.0 102.1 102.1 96.6 91.6 85.6 crate 4 14.4 26.1 31.3 42.4 57.1 68.2 74.5 75.8 77.3 82.9 80.0 85.4 89.2 93.2 96.2 96.9 97.3 99.1 100.7 101.8 102.3 100.6 105.7 116.8 108.5 107.8 101.4 101.4 95.9 91.1 85.0 crate 5 14.2 28.1 34.1 42.7 55.8 70.0 76.3 74.3 78.5 81.7 79.6 84.8 89.1 92.0 94.9 96.1 98.4 99.2 100.7 101.4 102.1 100.7 104.0 115.7 108.1 107.3 99.6 99.6 93.4 88.4 82.3 crate 6 15.7 26.8 31.4 43.1 54.8 69.5 75.9 73.8 77.3 81.5 79.6 84.9 88.9 91.7 94.4 96.2 97.5 98.7 101.4 102.0 102.2 100.0 103.6 115.5 108.2 107.7 99.7 99.6 93.1 88.1 81.5 crate 7 16.8 26.7 33.1 44.0 53.2 67.7 73.7 72.6 76.9 80.9 80.4 85.3 88.7 92.2 94.0 95.9 98.7 98.9 101.3 102.3 101.5 99.3 103.3 115.4 107.4 106.4 97.4 98.1 90.3 84.6 78.1 crate 8 17.0 27.0 32.8 42.7 51.3 65.0 69.6 69.1 76.5 80.6 80.8 84.4 87.4 91.5 93.3 94.8 97.5 98.6 100.6 101.5 101.6 99.4 101.6 113.4 104.8 105.0 97.0 96.9 89.6 84.4 77.5 crate 9 17.1 26.9 33.3 42.2 53.3 64.2 65.0 68.7 78.1 81.1 82.0 84.6 89.0 91.1 93.1 95.0 96.3 98.0 99.8 101.7 101.7 99.1 102.4 114.4 106.9 106.0 96.4 97.2 89.4 83.4 77.1 crate 10 crate 11 17.8 13.5 27.9 25.1 35.1 28.7 43.6 38.8 51.8 51.8 61.8 58.0 62.8 57.2 71.6 65.2 78.9 75.3 80.8 78.4 80.7 76.5 83.1 80.6 85.1 83.4 88.3 85.9 90.5 87.5 92.6 89.4 93.1 91.4 95.7 93.9 97.3 96.1 99.1 97.6 98.2 96.7 96.0 94.2 97.6 97.5 109.4 108.7 102.2 99.8 101.1 100.3 90.9 90.8 91.6 91.3 83.2 83.4 77.1 77.9 71.0 72.2 crate 12 20.0 29.5 33.2 39.0 52.7 55.9 56.7 67.6 76.6 76.8 77.9 81.8 82.5 85.6 88.7 90.5 91.1 93.4 95.1 96.7 95.8 93.3 94.8 106.6 97.4 97.4 87.7 88.2 79.3 73.3 67.0 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 21.1 29.1 35.9 45.1 55.5 73.9 84.1 86.2 77.4 80.0 83.8 88.6 91.0 97.1 99.4 101.9 101.9 102.8 102.8 103.4 103.0 101.5 104.4 114.6 106.1 105.5 100.8 101.2 95.3 91.5 85.2 crate 2 19.4 27.3 33.0 43.1 55.4 70.1 80.5 82.9 75.1 80.5 80.8 85.4 89.8 95.1 98.8 101.0 101.6 102.7 102.9 104.2 104.7 104.2 106.7 117.3 108.8 109.3 103.4 103.6 98.2 94.4 88.6 crate 3 17.9 25.9 29.8 39.5 53.8 68.6 78.4 80.3 74.5 78.8 82.0 85.2 90.5 95.0 98.2 97.6 99.7 101.6 102.6 103.8 104.5 103.4 106.0 116.1 110.3 108.6 103.2 103.5 98.3 94.0 88.8 crate 4 18.0 25.8 31.2 41.5 54.1 67.9 77.5 79.1 75.8 79.6 80.0 84.2 90.0 93.5 95.4 95.8 97.1 99.7 101.5 102.5 103.1 102.1 105.1 115.1 109.2 108.5 103.2 103.4 98.0 93.7 87.3 crate 5 17.8 25.7 32.7 42.1 54.0 68.9 77.0 77.1 77.2 78.9 80.7 84.2 91.1 93.1 94.3 95.4 97.5 100.2 101.6 103.3 103.9 103.9 106.1 118.0 111.8 110.4 103.1 104.3 96.8 92.6 85.8 crate 6 17.9 27.2 33.9 44.0 53.8 69.7 78.8 76.6 78.1 78.4 79.4 83.7 91.3 92.0 92.0 95.9 98.0 99.8 102.5 103.8 104.0 102.6 106.7 118.2 110.8 109.9 102.4 102.6 96.4 92.0 86.1 crate 7 20.1 27.9 34.5 45.0 54.4 68.2 77.0 76.1 76.8 79.6 79.1 85.1 92.7 93.2 93.6 95.6 97.4 99.3 101.7 103.3 104.5 102.6 105.7 117.7 109.8 109.5 100.6 101.7 94.4 89.1 83.3 crate 8 20.0 27.8 33.4 44.0 53.6 68.7 74.3 72.3 74.4 77.1 77.7 84.6 88.7 92.6 94.3 94.7 98.4 99.2 101.7 104.0 103.7 102.1 104.9 117.6 111.0 109.3 100.4 100.9 93.7 88.4 81.7 crate 9 20.7 28.2 34.3 43.0 52.8 65.5 68.7 69.3 77.6 77.1 78.9 85.0 88.4 90.4 91.3 93.0 94.8 97.6 100.2 102.9 102.2 100.2 102.8 114.9 108.2 107.7 99.9 99.3 92.2 87.5 82.3 crate 10 crate 11 24.7 24.3 27.7 26.4 31.1 30.1 42.1 41.8 51.0 50.7 64.4 61.6 64.2 58.5 66.5 64.5 75.3 74.4 76.7 78.3 80.1 78.1 84.2 82.5 88.8 86.5 92.0 90.0 91.6 90.2 95.0 93.6 95.9 96.4 98.8 98.6 101.2 100.9 102.8 102.3 102.2 102.4 100.5 99.9 103.1 102.0 115.6 114.3 108.4 106.7 108.1 106.2 97.9 97.0 98.8 98.3 91.0 90.4 85.9 85.5 80.1 78.7 crate 12 25.7 26.8 30.2 40.3 52.0 60.4 56.4 64.6 75.8 79.3 77.0 81.4 84.7 87.1 89.7 92.1 95.0 97.7 99.8 101.7 101.8 99.4 100.9 112.8 104.7 104.2 95.9 96.8 87.9 82.6 76.5 Quick tip - mic 1 - lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 80 crate 8 crate 9 crate 10 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip - mic 1 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 1 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 7.8 24.5 24.9 28.0 42.5 54.6 59.6 70.9 64.0 71.1 71.3 78.5 79.0 82.4 84.9 87.5 90.2 89.0 89.7 88.9 88.2 88.2 92.1 103.1 93.9 92.2 88.7 87.8 83.0 79.4 73.3 crate 2 8.9 25.4 25.3 27.7 40.0 53.7 56.4 65.9 61.1 67.1 68.8 75.9 79.5 79.3 83.1 85.4 88.9 88.3 89.7 88.5 88.7 88.1 91.5 103.0 93.0 92.6 88.8 88.0 83.6 80.1 74.1 crate 3 10.2 24.6 25.3 29.2 42.5 56.6 57.6 67.5 62.9 68.5 70.0 75.2 78.2 80.1 82.3 84.4 89.3 87.8 89.3 89.1 88.7 87.5 92.2 104.0 94.4 93.6 88.6 88.4 82.8 78.9 72.9 crate 4 7.2 23.8 24.1 29.1 41.8 53.7 57.5 61.6 62.3 67.5 70.1 75.0 77.1 79.0 83.0 84.4 88.4 87.7 89.1 88.8 87.7 86.8 91.6 103.6 93.9 93.0 87.7 87.2 81.8 77.7 71.4 crate 5 8.4 24.7 24.6 30.9 44.0 55.0 57.0 59.7 62.1 68.8 71.0 74.8 77.0 78.8 82.3 84.2 87.6 88.5 89.5 88.9 88.4 88.3 92.5 104.7 94.9 94.1 88.4 88.0 82.5 78.5 72.5 crate 6 10.1 25.9 25.7 30.0 41.8 53.7 55.0 60.2 61.4 67.3 69.9 73.7 76.5 78.2 81.1 81.8 86.3 86.1 88.4 87.8 87.1 86.1 91.5 103.7 93.6 93.7 88.2 87.7 82.6 78.6 72.7 crate 7 11.6 24.9 25.3 32.0 40.8 52.8 53.6 59.0 62.8 68.8 69.1 73.4 76.9 78.0 80.2 81.6 85.4 86.3 89.2 87.7 87.9 86.4 91.4 103.2 93.5 92.9 87.2 87.2 81.3 77.0 71.3 crate 8 9.1 25.1 26.0 33.1 40.1 51.8 54.5 56.7 62.3 66.7 65.5 70.8 75.3 78.2 80.5 81.2 84.8 85.2 88.3 86.3 85.4 84.6 88.7 100.7 91.4 91.6 85.7 85.1 80.2 76.0 69.9 crate 9 9.9 26.1 27.7 29.7 42.7 53.2 50.9 54.9 64.1 68.0 70.4 75.1 76.2 78.3 80.0 83.5 87.2 87.6 89.5 88.4 87.5 86.2 91.4 103.3 93.3 92.6 86.6 86.2 80.1 75.6 69.6 crate 10 11.4 26.3 25.8 28.0 40.2 52.8 51.5 54.4 62.5 65.5 69.2 74.2 74.4 77.0 79.4 80.4 84.1 85.3 88.2 88.3 87.4 86.4 90.5 103.1 93.6 93.0 85.4 85.5 78.4 74.1 67.8 crate 11 9.2 22.9 23.3 27.8 40.4 51.1 48.1 51.5 62.7 65.8 68.2 71.9 73.5 75.0 79.3 79.9 83.8 83.9 86.4 86.9 86.7 85.5 90.5 103.0 93.0 92.0 84.7 85.1 78.4 73.5 67.4 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 11.1 24.3 23.5 30.3 39.0 56.7 60.0 71.7 63.9 69.2 71.8 75.7 76.1 80.2 84.3 86.3 88.3 88.7 89.3 87.6 87.2 86.9 91.9 103.1 93.9 93.0 86.9 86.8 81.9 77.7 71.9 crate 2 10.5 22.8 23.1 28.2 39.9 55.5 57.7 69.1 62.8 68.9 69.2 73.2 74.7 77.3 81.6 84.5 86.7 87.9 88.7 87.5 87.2 86.3 91.2 102.4 93.0 93.1 87.4 87.1 82.2 78.4 72.3 crate 3 12.0 24.2 26.3 27.2 38.8 53.3 57.3 64.9 62.5 69.0 69.4 73.8 75.1 76.9 80.8 82.5 85.0 86.0 87.6 87.4 86.7 86.2 91.4 102.1 92.5 92.1 86.3 86.5 81.3 77.6 71.4 crate 4 9.8 22.3 22.9 28.4 39.8 52.4 54.2 61.7 60.7 65.7 68.2 73.0 74.3 75.9 79.9 80.7 84.3 85.4 87.4 86.5 86.5 85.6 90.9 102.8 92.6 92.5 87.4 86.2 81.2 76.9 70.9 crate 5 9.7 23.6 23.6 28.1 38.8 54.1 56.7 61.1 61.1 65.7 68.5 72.2 73.9 75.6 80.1 79.8 83.7 84.9 87.3 86.3 86.7 86.2 89.9 102.5 92.3 92.0 86.0 85.8 80.3 76.0 69.8 crate 6 10.8 24.3 22.9 29.6 38.6 53.6 56.4 59.9 60.4 65.9 68.6 71.6 74.5 76.6 79.4 79.5 84.3 85.2 87.7 86.3 86.7 85.5 90.2 102.4 93.2 92.3 85.7 85.6 79.7 75.1 69.0 crate 7 10.4 22.1 23.1 28.0 36.6 52.8 55.5 59.0 61.0 66.1 69.9 72.9 74.9 77.9 79.0 79.6 83.8 84.9 87.5 86.3 86.3 85.1 89.8 102.4 92.2 91.5 84.1 84.8 77.7 73.0 67.2 crate 8 11.6 24.3 24.0 29.2 35.1 51.0 52.6 55.5 60.5 67.2 71.1 73.5 74.8 76.5 79.2 79.7 83.3 84.6 86.9 85.9 86.3 85.1 89.0 101.3 90.9 91.0 84.2 83.8 77.8 73.3 67.0 crate 9 10.4 22.1 22.4 28.8 36.5 51.5 50.7 54.8 62.0 68.2 71.2 74.3 75.4 76.5 78.1 79.2 82.1 84.6 86.6 86.9 86.7 85.5 89.4 101.8 92.2 91.5 83.4 84.1 76.5 71.4 65.1 crate 10 crate 11 11.5 10.0 23.1 22.9 22.7 22.3 28.6 28.6 37.3 37.2 50.3 46.1 46.6 43.3 50.7 49.9 61.6 59.6 66.0 63.7 70.0 66.4 71.9 71.2 71.6 70.7 73.0 71.4 75.6 74.2 75.7 75.2 78.8 78.2 82.4 81.7 84.0 84.7 83.6 83.8 83.2 83.1 82.0 81.5 85.6 85.9 97.9 97.5 88.4 86.6 88.2 86.9 79.9 78.8 80.8 79.2 72.9 71.4 67.9 66.0 61.9 60.2 crate 12 14.6 26.4 27.4 30.5 39.7 44.0 41.3 47.9 59.1 61.9 65.5 69.4 69.5 71.3 75.2 74.9 77.4 80.1 82.4 82.1 81.3 79.9 82.7 94.3 83.9 84.2 75.7 75.6 68.5 62.9 56.9 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 20.7 28.7 30.6 37.9 43.3 57.1 64.6 73.5 65.8 67.9 70.5 73.0 75.0 78.9 83.8 86.5 88.3 88.2 86.8 85.7 84.5 84.0 85.8 96.6 87.7 86.9 83.4 83.3 78.5 75.9 69.8 crate 2 18.9 27.4 30.7 37.1 42.2 53.4 60.8 69.3 62.6 67.0 68.2 73.3 76.1 78.1 82.2 84.9 87.7 87.9 87.7 86.9 86.4 87.2 89.1 100.5 90.4 91.2 87.3 87.6 82.1 79.2 74.1 crate 3 16.8 25.5 26.6 33.7 40.6 52.1 59.9 66.6 61.5 65.7 69.0 74.8 77.4 79.0 82.2 83.9 86.6 86.8 87.7 88.1 87.0 87.0 90.0 100.4 92.7 90.6 86.8 86.9 82.2 79.2 74.1 crate 4 16.5 25.2 26.9 34.1 40.7 51.1 58.5 65.1 63.0 66.2 68.0 73.2 76.6 78.3 80.8 81.7 84.1 85.9 85.8 85.2 85.3 84.2 87.4 98.0 91.1 89.4 85.6 85.6 80.4 77.3 71.3 crate 5 16.5 25.0 27.5 33.6 42.2 51.4 56.9 63.3 62.9 66.6 68.2 73.0 76.2 77.8 80.0 81.1 83.7 85.9 86.9 86.0 86.3 86.0 87.9 99.8 92.0 91.2 84.8 85.7 78.8 75.4 69.0 crate 6 16.9 26.9 27.1 34.4 40.5 51.6 58.3 62.7 62.1 65.8 67.0 72.4 75.3 77.5 78.1 80.4 83.4 84.5 86.2 85.5 86.2 84.4 88.4 100.9 91.6 90.9 85.5 84.7 79.0 75.9 70.6 crate 7 19.1 26.3 30.1 40.4 42.6 50.7 57.0 62.6 61.7 66.2 68.0 74.4 76.7 76.7 79.4 80.0 82.5 85.4 87.3 86.1 86.4 84.8 87.9 100.5 90.6 90.6 83.2 84.0 76.6 73.0 66.7 crate 8 19.2 27.5 31.7 39.1 41.3 52.6 54.9 59.4 60.1 64.7 66.4 73.4 74.8 76.1 79.9 80.5 83.9 85.5 86.7 86.0 85.5 85.8 86.6 99.4 90.9 89.1 82.6 82.4 76.3 71.3 65.0 crate 9 20.9 27.8 28.8 39.4 42.8 51.1 51.7 55.9 61.3 63.6 65.5 74.4 76.4 74.7 76.7 77.4 81.0 84.3 85.1 85.2 84.3 83.7 85.9 98.1 89.5 89.4 83.6 82.4 76.4 72.1 67.2 crate 10 crate 11 23.3 23.1 27.5 26.4 27.9 27.2 35.8 35.6 42.4 40.7 51.7 49.8 50.2 48.3 53.4 52.2 59.5 60.5 64.5 65.1 66.3 65.4 74.1 72.0 77.4 77.3 76.3 75.8 77.5 76.3 79.0 77.7 82.1 81.9 84.2 83.8 86.1 85.7 84.8 85.3 84.1 84.8 83.2 83.0 85.8 85.9 98.1 99.0 90.1 89.8 88.7 88.8 80.8 81.3 81.9 82.4 74.7 74.4 70.4 69.6 65.1 64.3 crate 12 23.4 26.4 26.5 34.4 39.7 49.9 46.0 52.3 61.0 65.3 64.7 72.4 75.5 74.4 76.3 78.0 81.2 82.9 85.2 85.0 84.3 81.7 84.8 96.7 87.1 87.3 80.2 80.1 71.8 67.9 61.8 Quick tip ave - mic 2 - lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 90 crate 6 crate 7 crate 8 80 crate 9 crate 10 crate 11 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip ave - mic 2 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 2 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 6.9 23.2 24.4 26.0 40.3 54.3 61.2 69.0 64.2 68.1 67.8 68.5 71.5 77.6 82.9 84.6 85.2 84.7 86.2 84.0 85.0 84.1 86.8 96.3 90.4 89.4 82.5 82.8 77.0 72.3 65.6 crate 2 7.0 24.4 25.6 27.1 38.2 52.5 58.2 64.5 62.1 65.2 66.4 67.0 70.7 76.3 82.4 83.0 84.9 84.5 86.4 85.3 85.4 84.2 86.9 97.7 88.7 89.9 83.1 83.2 78.1 73.5 66.9 crate 3 9.4 23.1 25.5 26.8 40.5 55.2 58.9 66.8 64.0 68.2 65.8 66.1 69.8 75.2 80.9 81.5 84.6 83.9 86.7 85.3 86.9 84.5 87.8 98.4 90.4 90.6 82.7 83.6 77.3 72.2 65.5 crate 4 7.4 23.4 24.2 27.4 40.9 52.7 59.1 61.3 64.0 66.8 66.5 67.3 69.6 75.8 82.0 81.7 84.0 83.4 86.6 84.9 84.3 83.0 86.9 98.3 89.8 90.0 81.5 82.0 76.0 70.8 63.9 crate 5 8.8 24.2 24.6 28.8 42.1 54.0 59.0 59.6 65.1 68.7 68.2 68.1 70.5 75.2 81.2 81.8 82.9 83.3 86.4 85.0 85.5 84.2 87.0 98.2 91.2 91.1 82.4 83.2 76.6 71.7 65.0 crate 6 9.6 25.8 26.6 27.1 40.8 53.7 57.0 59.8 64.3 67.8 66.9 67.5 68.7 74.7 80.7 80.5 81.3 82.8 84.9 84.1 84.5 82.1 86.2 97.1 89.5 90.6 81.5 82.1 76.1 71.0 64.4 crate 7 11.1 24.5 26.0 30.3 38.8 53.1 55.2 58.8 64.6 68.0 66.3 64.6 68.4 75.1 79.1 79.9 80.9 82.0 84.9 83.8 84.5 82.3 86.7 98.3 89.3 89.7 80.7 82.3 75.4 70.4 63.5 crate 8 8.6 24.0 25.3 29.7 38.7 51.1 56.3 57.4 64.4 66.4 66.2 64.5 67.7 73.4 79.6 78.6 79.3 80.0 84.0 82.4 82.7 80.4 83.5 94.8 87.4 87.9 79.5 80.1 74.4 69.2 62.8 crate 9 8.0 25.1 27.6 27.0 40.5 52.1 52.4 55.1 65.1 69.5 68.2 67.1 69.4 74.6 81.2 80.9 81.7 83.0 84.8 84.2 84.3 82.5 85.3 96.7 89.0 88.7 79.8 81.1 73.9 68.8 61.6 crate 10 10.4 24.3 25.6 27.9 38.3 51.7 52.7 54.5 62.7 65.7 66.1 64.4 68.6 72.9 80.3 79.6 78.9 81.4 83.9 83.6 84.3 82.9 85.7 97.6 88.6 89.6 78.6 79.6 72.2 66.9 59.6 crate 11 7.0 22.0 24.2 25.3 38.3 49.4 48.8 52.2 62.6 65.5 63.7 64.3 66.9 71.4 78.3 78.1 79.4 80.2 83.2 82.7 83.4 81.3 84.6 96.2 88.6 88.8 78.5 79.8 72.0 66.0 58.7 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 10.2 23.0 25.0 28.8 38.2 57.1 61.4 69.3 65.2 67.1 67.8 64.9 69.5 77.3 82.0 83.2 84.2 83.7 85.9 83.8 84.4 83.2 88.2 99.0 89.9 90.1 81.3 81.9 76.4 70.9 64.3 crate 2 9.8 22.3 24.7 27.0 39.4 55.4 59.5 66.9 65.1 66.1 65.2 64.0 67.3 74.5 78.7 80.6 83.3 83.3 85.4 83.6 84.4 82.9 86.5 97.2 89.1 90.2 81.9 82.4 76.8 71.8 64.9 crate 3 11.0 24.4 28.6 26.5 38.8 53.2 59.4 65.2 64.2 67.6 66.1 63.9 67.6 73.2 77.3 79.2 81.7 81.3 84.1 83.3 84.2 82.8 86.3 96.7 89.0 89.5 81.1 82.0 76.0 71.0 64.6 crate 4 9.5 22.0 24.6 26.7 39.0 52.3 55.9 62.6 63.7 66.4 64.9 63.5 66.7 71.8 76.6 77.5 80.0 80.9 83.7 83.1 84.2 82.3 86.7 97.3 88.7 89.8 81.0 81.5 75.8 70.4 64.3 crate 5 8.9 22.3 25.5 26.7 37.6 54.6 58.4 61.1 64.6 67.1 64.3 63.6 67.1 71.4 76.4 76.7 79.7 80.6 83.7 82.2 83.9 82.4 84.8 96.6 88.8 89.6 80.0 80.7 74.4 69.0 62.5 crate 6 10.6 23.4 26.1 27.0 37.9 53.9 58.3 60.4 63.9 67.6 65.8 63.1 66.9 70.8 76.4 77.6 79.9 80.4 84.4 82.9 84.0 81.6 85.2 96.4 89.2 89.8 80.6 80.5 73.9 68.6 61.8 crate 7 9.9 21.6 24.8 27.0 36.2 53.0 56.8 59.7 64.8 68.7 66.4 62.7 67.3 72.4 76.7 77.4 80.0 80.4 83.9 82.6 83.7 81.5 85.0 97.0 88.7 88.9 78.5 79.8 71.7 65.9 59.2 crate 8 11.3 22.7 25.7 27.3 35.5 51.0 54.3 56.1 63.3 69.1 66.7 62.7 66.7 71.9 76.7 77.0 79.7 79.7 83.3 82.1 83.8 81.7 83.9 95.4 86.7 87.7 78.4 78.6 71.7 66.2 58.9 crate 9 10.2 21.8 23.9 27.2 35.9 51.3 51.2 55.3 64.6 69.0 68.0 64.3 67.4 72.0 76.5 76.8 78.3 80.2 83.4 83.1 84.0 81.7 84.2 96.0 88.2 88.4 77.5 78.4 70.2 64.3 57.3 crate 10 crate 11 9.5 9.1 22.9 21.6 24.7 24.2 27.7 26.7 36.3 35.7 49.7 45.6 46.8 44.2 51.4 49.3 64.2 60.5 67.9 65.1 65.3 63.7 61.8 60.5 63.9 63.7 68.3 68.6 73.8 73.8 73.6 73.1 75.7 73.2 77.4 77.9 81.4 80.9 80.2 79.9 80.9 79.8 79.1 77.5 81.0 80.5 92.4 91.6 85.2 81.9 84.9 84.1 74.1 72.3 75.2 72.9 66.2 64.5 60.2 58.4 53.2 51.3 crate 12 13.3 25.0 28.3 28.5 38.5 43.7 42.4 47.9 60.4 62.0 62.0 58.6 61.7 66.8 73.3 72.1 73.3 76.5 80.0 78.5 78.4 76.6 77.7 88.6 80.0 80.7 69.4 69.4 61.1 54.9 48.1 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate 1 20.7 27.5 33.5 36.5 43.9 57.5 65.7 71.8 67.4 66.5 67.0 65.5 68.2 75.7 81.4 83.1 84.3 83.1 83.5 80.8 81.4 80.0 81.3 90.0 83.0 82.9 76.7 77.8 71.4 67.2 59.8 crate 2 19.2 25.9 32.4 36.4 43.6 53.7 61.9 69.3 64.1 67.0 67.9 65.6 68.5 73.9 80.3 81.6 84.0 83.0 84.2 82.3 83.8 84.3 84.1 94.1 86.9 88.5 81.0 82.4 76.0 71.7 66.4 crate 3 16.2 23.5 29.1 32.7 44.9 52.0 60.3 66.6 62.8 65.7 66.9 67.4 69.3 75.3 79.4 80.4 83.3 81.9 83.6 82.2 84.4 82.8 85.8 95.4 89.1 87.8 81.0 82.0 76.4 71.3 65.3 crate 4 16.2 23.9 29.4 32.8 44.6 51.3 59.6 65.3 64.2 65.6 67.0 64.7 68.7 73.1 77.7 78.3 80.9 81.9 82.2 81.0 82.9 80.7 82.9 92.5 87.6 86.7 79.5 80.2 74.5 69.8 63.4 crate 5 15.0 23.5 30.1 32.5 47.2 52.0 57.5 62.7 64.4 65.6 65.2 65.8 68.8 73.6 77.0 77.6 80.3 81.9 83.2 82.0 83.2 82.7 83.2 94.4 88.0 88.3 79.2 81.3 73.3 69.2 61.8 crate 6 15.8 25.0 29.1 32.6 45.0 53.0 59.4 62.4 63.9 65.0 66.1 63.9 67.7 73.2 75.2 77.2 79.7 80.7 82.6 81.8 83.4 81.1 83.4 94.7 87.9 89.3 79.4 80.7 73.7 69.3 63.3 crate 7 19.0 25.1 31.6 37.4 46.4 52.3 58.8 62.3 64.9 66.1 66.5 66.0 68.0 71.6 76.7 78.0 79.9 81.2 83.4 81.9 83.3 81.1 82.9 94.5 88.1 88.4 77.6 80.0 71.2 66.6 59.5 crate 8 19.5 26.0 33.4 37.9 45.6 53.7 56.9 59.0 62.6 65.2 65.8 65.0 66.8 72.0 77.1 77.3 81.1 80.0 83.1 81.9 82.9 81.9 82.3 94.1 87.8 87.4 77.3 78.9 71.4 65.7 58.4 crate 9 21.8 26.9 30.9 38.3 47.2 52.0 53.4 54.8 60.9 64.2 65.3 65.9 66.2 71.3 74.6 75.8 77.1 79.8 81.2 80.9 81.2 79.9 81.3 92.7 86.4 86.0 76.4 77.6 69.9 64.9 59.4 crate 10 crate 11 20.8 21.0 25.9 25.0 30.3 29.4 34.1 33.9 44.7 41.6 51.7 49.2 51.0 50.1 52.4 51.0 59.6 60.2 66.3 66.5 68.0 67.1 65.1 63.8 67.3 66.3 70.9 70.3 76.3 75.3 77.3 76.4 78.9 78.2 80.7 80.3 82.4 81.6 80.8 81.2 81.4 82.2 79.6 78.9 81.0 80.9 92.0 93.2 87.8 87.0 87.0 86.2 75.4 74.7 77.0 77.1 69.1 67.9 62.9 63.6 57.0 56.4 crate 12 18.7 24.4 28.7 33.4 40.2 48.9 46.6 51.9 59.5 66.4 67.2 64.5 66.1 70.2 75.8 76.4 77.1 79.9 81.3 80.7 81.1 77.7 79.7 91.0 83.8 83.9 73.6 75.3 65.7 59.7 53.1 Quick tip ave - mic 3 - lining 120 110 crate 1 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 80 crate 9 crate 10 crate 11 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Slow tip ave - mic 3 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 31.5 60 1/3OBCF (Hz) Bottle by bottle - mic 3 - lining 120 crate 1 110 crate 2 crate 3 crate 4 crate 5 crate 6 90 crate 7 crate 8 crate 9 80 crate 10 crate 11 70 crate 12 1/3OBCF (Hz) 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 125 80 50 20 60 31.5 LAeq1s (dB(A)) 100 APPENDIX B Ordinal crate one-third octave band data 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 80 125 50 31.5 20 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 60 315 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #3 @ mic #1 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 17.9 25.9 29.8 39.5 53.8 68.6 78.4 80.3 74.5 78.8 82.0 85.2 90.5 95.0 98.2 97.6 99.7 101.6 102.6 103.8 104.5 103.4 106.0 116.1 110.3 108.6 103.2 103.5 98.3 94.0 88.8 crate #2 @ mic #1 200 14.8 26.5 31.1 40.6 55.7 68.8 77.1 78.8 75.8 83.5 81.2 86.3 89.9 93.9 97.3 99.1 99.3 100.5 101.0 102.5 103.0 101.5 106.0 116.6 108.5 108.0 102.1 102.1 96.6 91.6 85.6 1/3OBCF, Hz 315 16.7 29.3 35.6 46.6 59.1 71.6 75.0 81.0 77.0 83.9 83.0 88.0 92.0 96.6 99.5 100.9 101.6 103.0 104.0 104.8 105.4 104.2 108.3 119.8 111.3 110.9 104.8 104.8 98.7 94.1 87.8 60 200 20.3 28.5 34.7 45.1 54.9 70.4 81.0 81.3 79.2 82.9 84.2 90.1 93.5 97.9 100.6 103.3 105.1 105.8 107.3 108.1 107.9 107.4 108.3 116.4 109.8 109.3 103.8 103.9 97.8 92.8 86.7 70 80 15.0 24.3 33.0 43.7 57.4 72.4 79.7 80.9 79.4 85.1 81.6 88.9 91.8 95.7 100.6 100.3 104.2 105.0 106.0 106.7 107.5 108.0 109.2 117.6 109.9 109.0 103.0 103.2 97.0 91.8 85.6 one by one lining 125 16.6 22.9 31.3 42.9 55.5 67.2 77.8 79.8 77.7 81.5 79.0 88.5 90.9 95.3 98.8 100.2 102.6 103.1 104.2 106.0 107.2 107.2 108.5 117.6 110.1 109.8 103.9 104.0 98.0 92.7 86.9 slow tip lining 80 80 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 125 19.4 27.3 33.0 43.1 55.4 70.1 80.5 82.9 75.1 80.5 80.8 85.4 89.8 95.1 98.8 101.0 101.6 102.7 102.9 104.2 104.7 104.2 106.7 117.3 108.8 109.3 103.4 103.6 98.2 94.4 88.6 one by one no lining 50 15.1 25.5 33.7 44.6 57.4 70.7 77.2 81.0 76.0 82.3 81.6 85.7 89.5 95.0 98.6 101.4 100.6 101.6 102.7 102.8 102.5 101.7 105.9 116.8 108.6 108.2 102.0 101.9 96.3 91.4 85.4 slow tip no lining 90 31.5 18.9 29.0 33.0 41.6 55.7 69.3 75.1 78.7 75.5 81.0 81.2 88.5 93.8 97.4 100.2 102.8 103.1 102.9 103.9 103.9 105.0 104.0 107.7 119.2 109.7 110.2 105.0 104.7 99.8 95.4 88.8 quick tip no lining 50 19.8 27.0 34.4 43.7 55.2 76.1 83.9 84.6 81.0 84.8 84.6 91.6 92.9 98.0 99.4 102.1 105.6 106.6 107.5 108.8 108.6 108.6 110.1 118.3 110.8 109.8 103.8 104.0 98.6 93.8 87.4 100 31.5 16.9 21.2 28.9 39.7 54.9 73.8 79.2 82.2 79.5 85.7 84.0 89.4 94.3 97.2 101.2 104.9 107.3 107.9 108.9 110.4 110.7 110.8 111.1 119.0 111.1 110.2 104.3 103.6 97.6 92.6 86.3 110 20 14.7 26.7 34.5 44.2 56.9 67.0 74.0 75.5 77.5 82.1 81.4 89.0 90.8 97.2 102.4 101.2 104.1 105.3 106.3 107.9 109.2 108.6 110.1 118.9 110.2 110.4 105.1 104.1 99.1 94.2 88.1 120 20 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #1 @ mic #1 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one lining lining 16.7 21.1 27.9 29.1 33.4 35.9 45.4 45.1 56.6 55.5 72.8 73.9 79.7 84.1 84.0 86.2 77.3 77.4 84.2 80.0 84.3 83.8 88.8 88.6 92.7 91.0 99.8 97.1 100.8 99.4 104.4 101.9 102.4 101.9 102.4 102.8 103.1 102.8 103.8 103.4 103.8 103.0 102.3 101.5 107.6 104.4 118.0 114.6 109.7 106.1 109.1 105.5 102.1 100.8 102.2 101.2 97.0 95.3 91.7 91.5 85.8 85.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one quick tip no lining no lining lining 13.3 19.3 18.9 21.7 26.4 29.4 32.0 31.7 36.3 43.2 42.9 44.9 60.8 59.9 57.9 80.8 83.5 69.9 84.6 90.4 78.4 89.0 94.3 83.5 85.3 88.6 76.9 90.8 93.5 84.4 94.3 94.8 84.2 96.7 99.5 90.7 100.1 99.1 94.0 102.0 103.6 101.7 104.4 103.6 101.1 108.1 106.0 104.0 110.6 110.6 104.0 110.7 109.6 103.1 111.2 110.4 103.4 111.9 111.0 104.1 111.8 110.9 104.1 111.3 110.3 103.9 112.0 110.7 107.1 119.2 116.6 118.1 112.1 109.6 110.2 111.1 108.1 108.2 103.7 103.1 103.9 103.6 101.9 103.1 97.5 96.8 97.2 92.0 92.6 92.9 85.8 86.0 86.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) quick tip 1/3OBCF no lining 20 14.9 25 21.3 31.5 28.8 40 44.5 50 54.4 63 68.2 80 75.1 100 76.5 125 76.7 160 82.1 200 81.0 250 87.8 315 91.8 400 98.4 500 101.0 630 101.6 800 104.8 1000 105.6 1250 106.6 1600 107.5 2000 109.3 2500 108.9 3150 110.7 4000 119.0 5000 111.7 6300 110.9 8000 105.5 10000 104.9 12500 99.1 16000 94.5 20000 88.3 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 200 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #6 @ mic #1 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 17.9 27.2 33.9 44.0 53.8 69.7 78.8 76.6 78.1 78.4 79.4 83.7 91.3 92.0 92.0 95.9 98.0 99.8 102.5 103.8 104.0 102.6 106.7 118.2 110.8 109.9 102.4 102.6 96.4 92.0 86.1 crate #5 @ mic #1 315 15.7 26.8 31.4 43.1 54.8 69.5 75.9 73.8 77.3 81.5 79.6 84.9 88.9 91.7 94.4 96.2 97.5 98.7 101.4 102.0 102.2 100.0 103.6 115.5 108.2 107.7 99.7 99.6 93.1 88.1 81.5 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 20.9 31.3 35.5 45.5 58.3 68.9 73.6 73.8 78.0 81.6 82.4 86.4 91.6 93.8 96.7 97.1 98.9 100.3 102.5 103.1 103.2 101.9 106.2 117.8 110.8 110.5 103.3 103.6 97.5 92.5 86.4 60 80 17.1 25.8 32.0 43.9 54.6 67.9 80.4 76.6 77.0 78.6 78.6 86.1 92.2 92.9 94.6 97.3 99.6 101.2 102.4 103.5 104.8 105.2 107.2 117.8 110.8 109.4 103.0 103.5 97.3 92.8 86.6 70 125 14.5 20.8 28.0 41.6 52.3 65.8 75.1 74.3 78.5 81.9 77.3 84.3 89.3 94.4 100.9 97.7 99.4 100.9 102.4 103.8 104.8 103.8 104.9 115.1 106.9 106.0 100.9 100.0 94.6 89.4 83.4 one by one lining 80 20.7 25.5 34.0 43.3 53.9 64.7 72.3 76.9 78.6 79.9 81.9 87.1 91.7 95.4 101.6 102.2 105.4 105.0 105.2 108.0 109.0 108.2 110.2 117.8 111.3 111.0 103.6 103.3 97.8 93.3 87.1 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 17.8 25.7 32.7 42.1 54.0 68.9 77.0 77.1 77.2 78.9 80.7 84.2 91.1 93.1 94.3 95.4 97.5 100.2 101.6 103.3 103.9 103.9 106.1 118.0 111.8 110.4 103.1 104.3 96.8 92.6 85.8 one by one no lining 125 14.2 28.1 34.1 42.7 55.8 70.0 76.3 74.3 78.5 81.7 79.6 84.8 89.1 92.0 94.9 96.1 98.4 99.2 100.7 101.4 102.1 100.7 104.0 115.7 108.1 107.3 99.6 99.6 93.4 88.4 82.3 slow tip no lining 90 50 23.7 31.3 38.5 49.2 60.0 69.9 76.3 72.7 79.4 84.5 82.3 87.5 90.8 95.4 98.5 100.9 100.6 101.6 103.7 104.6 104.7 103.9 108.1 119.5 112.5 111.8 104.9 104.9 98.6 93.6 87.3 quick tip no lining 31.5 18.4 26.4 34.2 45.4 56.5 70.6 82.5 80.3 78.8 78.6 79.8 86.3 93.1 95.2 96.7 99.2 101.4 102.6 104.1 104.8 106.1 105.8 107.8 117.6 110.5 108.9 103.4 102.9 97.5 93.2 86.6 100 50 15.0 23.4 32.4 42.2 53.9 67.1 77.7 77.9 79.8 84.6 80.1 87.0 91.0 92.9 97.0 97.6 100.0 102.1 103.0 104.3 105.8 106.1 106.8 114.7 107.0 106.0 100.2 99.9 93.8 88.8 82.9 110 31.5 18.2 27.4 34.6 43.8 50.2 62.3 73.7 74.5 80.9 81.8 80.0 86.1 91.9 94.4 99.2 102.1 101.9 103.9 106.0 105.8 107.8 107.9 108.8 118.0 109.9 110.2 103.6 103.7 97.9 92.5 86.7 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #4 @ mic #1 31.5 bbl 18.0 25.8 31.2 41.5 54.1 67.9 77.5 79.1 75.8 79.6 80.0 84.2 90.0 93.5 95.4 95.8 97.1 99.7 101.5 102.5 103.1 102.1 105.1 115.1 109.2 108.5 103.2 103.4 98.0 93.7 87.3 20 stl 14.4 26.1 31.3 42.4 57.1 68.2 74.5 75.8 77.3 82.9 80.0 85.4 89.2 93.2 96.2 96.9 97.3 99.1 100.7 101.8 102.3 100.6 105.7 116.8 108.5 107.8 101.4 101.4 95.9 91.1 85.0 20 qtl 17.8 28.7 35.6 45.8 57.6 69.6 76.1 75.5 80.1 82.4 82.2 88.1 91.0 96.1 99.2 100.1 101.0 101.9 104.4 103.9 104.1 102.8 106.9 118.0 110.4 109.6 103.7 103.1 97.8 92.6 86.1 20 bbnl 17.3 26.6 33.8 44.5 54.8 69.7 80.3 79.6 78.4 80.4 81.7 87.6 93.1 96.5 99.1 101.1 102.8 103.6 104.4 105.3 105.7 105.1 107.0 117.2 110.3 109.4 103.4 103.8 97.8 94.3 87.6 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 13.8 22.8 35.0 45.8 56.6 70.3 79.6 79.3 78.3 84.3 81.6 87.1 90.7 93.3 97.6 98.0 101.0 102.4 104.1 105.2 105.8 105.6 107.4 117.1 108.8 108.4 102.7 102.1 96.2 91.6 84.6 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 21.4 25.8 35.5 46.0 50.6 64.2 71.0 77.8 77.4 84.1 83.5 85.6 89.8 97.5 100.7 101.3 102.9 105.7 105.4 105.8 106.5 106.1 109.1 118.2 109.5 108.9 103.9 103.0 97.1 92.7 85.1 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 200 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #9 @ mic #1 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 20.7 28.2 34.3 43.0 52.8 65.5 68.7 69.3 77.6 77.1 78.9 85.0 88.4 90.4 91.3 93.0 94.8 97.6 100.2 102.9 102.2 100.2 102.8 114.9 108.2 107.7 99.9 99.3 92.2 87.5 82.3 crate #8 @ mic #1 315 17.1 26.9 33.3 42.2 53.3 64.2 65.0 68.7 78.1 81.1 82.0 84.6 89.0 91.1 93.1 95.0 96.3 98.0 99.8 101.7 101.7 99.1 102.4 114.4 106.9 106.0 96.4 97.2 89.4 83.4 77.1 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 22.7 30.1 36.8 46.4 58.8 67.9 66.8 69.5 80.2 82.1 82.0 87.3 91.0 93.4 97.0 99.3 98.9 100.7 102.5 103.1 103.0 101.7 105.0 116.1 109.0 108.1 100.5 100.7 94.2 88.8 82.3 60 80 16.9 26.4 31.4 43.5 53.0 66.1 78.1 74.1 75.8 79.1 77.7 87.4 90.5 93.8 97.9 99.4 101.6 103.0 104.8 105.2 105.7 104.1 106.5 117.0 108.0 108.3 100.1 100.2 92.8 88.0 81.2 70 125 13.7 20.4 30.5 41.1 53.1 67.3 70.3 70.7 77.3 82.3 80.6 83.3 90.0 91.9 95.5 97.1 100.1 100.9 102.1 104.9 105.7 103.3 104.7 115.0 106.7 105.9 97.6 97.6 90.9 84.3 78.3 one by one lining 80 20.2 27.7 32.1 44.8 55.2 65.7 68.1 72.3 78.2 81.7 81.0 85.5 90.0 94.9 99.7 98.8 103.0 103.1 105.3 106.3 107.0 107.4 107.3 116.4 110.0 108.0 100.0 99.2 92.0 86.4 79.9 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 20.0 27.8 33.4 44.0 53.6 68.7 74.3 72.3 74.4 77.1 77.7 84.6 88.7 92.6 94.3 94.7 98.4 99.2 101.7 104.0 103.7 102.1 104.9 117.6 111.0 109.3 100.4 100.9 93.7 88.4 81.7 one by one no lining 125 17.0 27.0 32.8 42.7 51.3 65.0 69.6 69.1 76.5 80.6 80.8 84.4 87.4 91.5 93.3 94.8 97.5 98.6 100.6 101.5 101.6 99.4 101.6 113.4 104.8 105.0 97.0 96.9 89.6 84.4 77.5 slow tip no lining 90 50 21.1 30.7 37.1 48.1 57.2 65.6 71.1 69.1 76.6 79.4 78.1 83.2 89.0 92.9 96.0 98.6 99.0 99.2 100.7 102.1 102.1 100.6 104.6 116.1 107.9 108.1 101.0 100.7 94.9 89.6 83.2 quick tip no lining 31.5 16.8 26.5 32.2 44.2 54.0 66.9 79.4 75.0 76.5 77.7 77.9 86.4 90.5 93.7 97.6 98.3 102.0 102.5 104.1 105.1 105.8 104.4 107.0 118.1 110.2 108.7 100.8 101.7 93.6 88.4 82.3 100 50 17.2 26.4 31.4 42.3 53.6 64.4 73.7 72.9 79.3 83.0 81.5 86.5 90.9 95.5 98.9 99.4 100.7 103.1 104.6 105.4 105.8 104.5 106.0 116.2 108.5 107.6 99.2 99.1 92.0 86.5 79.8 110 31.5 25.4 31.0 32.9 44.2 55.9 65.7 67.6 70.8 77.8 80.9 81.5 82.6 90.3 93.5 100.5 104.1 104.7 105.5 106.7 106.7 108.9 108.4 110.4 118.4 110.6 110.5 104.5 103.5 98.4 92.8 87.2 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #7 @ mic #1 31.5 bbl 20.1 27.9 34.5 45.0 54.4 68.2 77.0 76.1 76.8 79.6 79.1 85.1 92.7 93.2 93.6 95.6 97.4 99.3 101.7 103.3 104.5 102.6 105.7 117.7 109.8 109.5 100.6 101.7 94.4 89.1 83.3 20 stl 16.8 26.7 33.1 44.0 53.2 67.7 73.7 72.6 76.9 80.9 80.4 85.3 88.7 92.2 94.0 95.9 98.7 98.9 101.3 102.3 101.5 99.3 103.3 115.4 107.4 106.4 97.4 98.1 90.3 84.6 78.1 20 qtl 21.2 30.5 36.9 48.4 55.5 67.5 71.9 71.2 78.4 83.2 80.9 85.7 91.9 94.5 96.0 98.7 98.3 100.5 102.0 103.2 103.9 102.4 106.3 118.1 110.1 110.0 102.1 102.7 96.3 91.3 85.1 20 bbnl 17.6 26.4 31.7 44.0 53.5 66.2 80.0 77.1 77.4 78.2 76.8 85.9 92.0 91.4 95.3 98.0 100.5 102.0 103.6 104.0 104.7 104.2 108.0 119.6 109.8 109.8 101.8 102.5 95.8 91.5 85.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 14.2 22.8 32.2 41.4 53.9 68.2 75.8 74.1 78.1 78.8 77.3 84.7 89.3 92.6 95.5 96.8 99.5 100.4 101.8 102.9 103.4 102.1 104.0 115.4 107.1 106.4 98.9 99.1 92.4 87.3 81.1 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 23.3 32.0 41.8 44.1 53.0 65.4 74.1 74.5 78.2 81.4 82.0 85.5 92.9 95.1 100.8 102.3 104.5 104.7 107.2 107.0 107.0 106.1 107.6 117.0 110.0 108.9 103.9 103.2 96.9 92.4 86.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 60 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #12 @ mic #1 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1/3OBCF, Hz 1250 500 60 315 25.7 26.8 30.2 40.3 52.0 60.4 56.4 64.6 75.8 79.3 77.0 81.4 84.7 87.1 89.7 92.1 95.0 97.7 99.8 101.7 101.8 99.4 100.9 112.8 104.7 104.2 95.9 96.8 87.9 82.6 76.5 crate #11 @ mic #1 200 20.0 29.5 33.2 39.0 52.7 55.9 56.7 67.6 76.6 76.8 77.9 81.8 82.5 85.6 88.7 90.5 91.1 93.4 95.1 96.7 95.8 93.3 94.8 106.6 97.4 97.4 87.7 88.2 79.3 73.3 67.0 1/3OBCF, Hz 125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60 200 17.8 29.4 30.5 40.7 50.5 61.9 60.6 63.6 72.7 77.2 77.8 83.3 87.2 91.2 91.9 95.6 97.7 100.3 101.8 103.5 103.8 102.3 102.7 112.2 108.3 105.5 96.6 98.4 89.9 84.9 78.4 70 125 21.8 26.8 35.0 43.1 51.7 58.5 59.8 69.2 77.5 79.7 80.2 85.1 85.9 88.7 92.3 94.9 95.0 97.3 99.1 100.3 100.2 97.9 100.6 111.9 102.8 102.8 93.3 93.1 85.3 79.2 72.6 one by one lining 80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 24.3 26.4 30.1 41.8 50.7 61.6 58.5 64.5 74.4 78.3 78.1 82.5 86.5 90.0 90.2 93.6 96.4 98.6 100.9 102.3 102.4 99.9 102.0 114.3 106.7 106.2 97.0 98.3 90.4 85.5 78.7 one by one no lining 80 13.5 25.1 28.7 38.8 51.8 58.0 57.2 65.2 75.3 78.4 76.5 80.6 83.4 85.9 87.5 89.4 91.4 93.9 96.1 97.6 96.7 94.2 97.5 108.7 99.8 100.3 90.8 91.3 83.4 77.9 72.2 slow tip no lining 90 50 19.9 29.0 37.0 42.2 55.0 62.6 60.5 68.3 77.7 79.5 81.2 85.8 86.5 89.6 94.3 97.2 96.9 98.9 100.9 102.9 103.0 102.0 104.1 115.8 108.2 107.8 98.7 99.3 91.6 85.4 78.3 quick tip no lining 50 17.2 27.4 30.0 42.3 50.3 64.7 68.3 64.7 72.7 77.9 77.1 83.1 87.9 93.8 95.1 98.5 99.6 101.0 103.5 104.1 104.7 103.3 104.9 114.5 107.5 106.5 98.9 99.4 91.7 86.7 79.8 100 31.5 24.7 30.5 36.4 43.9 52.3 61.0 62.7 69.6 77.0 79.4 80.0 82.5 86.6 90.6 93.1 95.6 97.4 99.5 101.7 101.9 102.5 101.0 103.0 113.6 104.9 104.4 94.8 95.5 86.6 80.7 74.2 110 50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120 31.5 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #10 @ mic #1 31.5 bbl 24.7 27.7 31.1 42.1 51.0 64.4 64.2 66.5 75.3 76.7 80.1 84.2 88.8 92.0 91.6 95.0 95.9 98.8 101.2 102.8 102.2 100.5 103.1 115.6 108.4 108.1 97.9 98.8 91.0 85.9 80.1 20 stl 17.8 27.9 35.1 43.6 51.8 61.8 62.8 71.6 78.9 80.8 80.7 83.1 85.1 88.3 90.5 92.6 93.1 95.7 97.3 99.1 98.2 96.0 97.6 109.4 102.2 101.1 90.9 91.6 83.2 77.1 71.0 20 qtl 19.9 30.9 38.5 43.7 55.5 65.4 64.9 67.6 77.2 78.3 80.4 84.7 88.0 91.9 94.9 96.0 96.8 99.0 102.0 103.1 103.2 102.9 105.9 118.2 109.7 109.0 100.2 100.4 93.0 87.7 81.0 20 bbnl 23.4 28.7 33.2 42.5 51.3 65.3 73.3 68.5 73.6 78.6 78.1 84.4 89.4 94.1 96.1 100.0 100.2 102.0 103.8 104.6 105.2 103.5 105.2 115.6 108.6 108.7 100.4 99.2 93.6 89.3 81.9 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 15.8 22.7 29.8 38.9 50.7 63.2 65.1 70.7 76.4 80.8 79.9 82.5 88.5 91.3 94.6 96.7 98.1 99.0 101.0 102.2 102.7 100.4 101.8 112.4 104.9 103.7 95.1 95.4 88.2 82.4 75.7 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 20.7 25.7 33.5 47.3 61.0 68.4 70.3 70.5 83.1 84.1 84.3 85.8 88.6 94.0 100.4 101.8 102.8 104.0 106.3 107.3 108.5 108.0 108.7 118.8 111.2 109.5 100.6 101.1 93.0 86.8 80.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 80 125 50 31.5 20 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 60 315 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #3 @ mic #2 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 16.8 25.5 26.6 33.7 40.6 52.1 59.9 66.6 61.5 65.7 69.0 74.8 77.4 79.0 82.2 83.9 86.6 86.8 87.7 88.1 87.0 87.0 90.0 100.4 92.7 90.6 86.8 86.9 82.2 79.2 74.1 crate #2 @ mic #2 200 12.0 24.2 26.3 27.2 38.8 53.3 57.3 64.9 62.5 69.0 69.4 73.8 75.1 76.9 80.8 82.5 85.0 86.0 87.6 87.4 86.7 86.2 91.4 102.1 92.5 92.1 86.3 86.5 81.3 77.6 71.4 1/3OBCF, Hz 315 10.2 24.6 25.3 29.2 42.5 56.6 57.6 67.5 62.9 68.5 70.0 75.2 78.2 80.1 82.3 84.4 89.3 87.8 89.3 89.1 88.7 87.5 92.2 104.0 94.4 93.6 88.6 88.4 82.8 78.9 72.9 60 200 18.8 26.6 27.8 36.8 41.5 51.0 61.8 66.1 65.1 70.0 72.2 77.1 80.3 84.9 86.9 87.6 91.1 92.1 92.7 93.5 91.9 91.8 93.4 99.7 92.3 92.9 87.1 87.2 81.3 76.3 70.7 70 80 12.4 20.4 23.8 30.7 39.8 55.1 59.8 66.6 64.6 71.0 70.4 75.0 77.5 81.5 86.3 86.2 91.3 91.7 93.8 93.3 94.4 94.7 95.7 102.1 94.6 95.5 88.6 88.5 83.1 77.9 72.1 one by one lining 125 7.1 17.0 18.7 27.1 39.1 52.6 60.4 64.8 62.5 67.5 68.1 73.5 77.1 81.3 84.0 86.3 89.7 89.5 92.0 93.0 93.6 92.8 94.4 100.9 93.4 94.8 89.3 88.4 83.5 78.7 73.0 slow tip lining 80 80 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 125 18.9 27.4 30.7 37.1 42.2 53.4 60.8 69.3 62.6 67.0 68.2 73.3 76.1 78.1 82.2 84.9 87.7 87.9 87.7 86.9 86.4 87.2 89.1 100.5 90.4 91.2 87.3 87.6 82.1 79.2 74.1 one by one no lining 50 10.5 22.8 23.1 28.2 39.9 55.5 57.7 69.1 62.8 68.9 69.2 73.2 74.7 77.3 81.6 84.5 86.7 87.9 88.7 87.5 87.2 86.3 91.2 102.4 93.0 93.1 87.4 87.1 82.2 78.4 72.3 slow tip no lining 90 31.5 8.9 25.4 25.3 27.7 40.0 53.7 56.4 65.9 61.1 67.1 68.8 75.9 79.5 79.3 83.1 85.4 88.9 88.3 89.7 88.5 88.7 88.1 91.5 103.0 93.0 92.6 88.8 88.0 83.6 80.1 74.1 quick tip no lining 50 17.8 26.2 28.2 35.8 40.4 56.4 65.0 70.5 67.5 71.8 73.5 78.2 81.0 85.8 86.9 87.8 92.7 92.5 93.8 94.7 93.3 93.0 94.2 100.6 92.6 93.4 87.2 87.1 82.3 76.9 71.1 100 31.5 15.0 17.9 22.5 29.9 38.2 57.2 60.6 68.8 65.7 72.4 73.8 78.4 80.8 84.8 87.8 89.3 95.8 95.4 96.9 96.8 96.9 97.4 98.5 104.2 96.3 96.9 90.8 89.7 84.5 79.5 73.4 110 20 5.4 17.1 22.5 26.2 40.8 52.1 56.2 61.5 63.6 69.8 70.5 75.8 77.7 83.4 86.4 88.3 93.1 92.5 93.8 93.3 95.1 95.2 95.8 101.3 94.1 94.9 90.1 88.4 84.4 79.4 73.6 120 20 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #1 @ mic #2 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one lining lining 11.1 20.7 24.3 28.7 23.5 30.6 30.3 37.9 39.0 43.3 56.7 57.1 60.0 64.6 71.7 73.5 63.9 65.8 69.2 67.9 71.8 70.5 75.7 73.0 76.1 75.0 80.2 78.9 84.3 83.8 86.3 86.5 88.3 88.3 88.7 88.2 89.3 86.8 87.6 85.7 87.2 84.5 86.9 84.0 91.9 85.8 103.1 96.6 93.9 87.7 93.0 86.9 86.9 83.4 86.8 83.3 81.9 78.5 77.7 75.9 71.9 69.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one quick tip no lining no lining lining 9.6 17.7 7.8 18.4 25.9 24.5 21.3 26.1 24.9 29.1 34.0 28.0 44.5 42.5 42.5 65.0 64.5 54.6 64.9 70.2 59.6 78.1 82.2 70.9 72.9 76.0 64.0 79.2 81.5 71.1 82.0 80.7 71.3 86.0 86.8 78.5 89.3 87.8 79.0 91.2 93.3 82.4 93.8 91.6 84.9 94.2 94.5 87.5 98.8 97.6 90.2 97.5 96.7 89.0 99.0 97.1 89.7 98.9 96.9 88.9 97.7 95.7 88.2 97.5 95.4 88.2 98.7 96.1 92.1 104.3 98.8 103.1 96.9 92.6 93.9 97.7 92.8 92.2 91.1 87.8 88.7 89.9 86.9 87.8 84.2 81.3 83.0 78.9 76.2 79.4 72.9 69.9 73.3 LAeq1s, dB(A) quick tip 1/3OBCF no lining 20 6.5 25 15.4 31.5 18.0 40 29.0 50 37.5 63 54.3 80 58.1 100 63.9 125 61.5 160 69.2 200 70.5 250 74.0 315 78.2 400 83.8 500 85.7 630 86.5 800 93.0 1000 92.2 1250 93.8 1600 94.8 2000 95.2 2500 94.6 3150 96.2 4000 101.8 5000 94.5 6300 95.9 8000 91.0 10000 90.4 12500 85.0 16000 80.3 20000 74.2 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 200 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #6 @ mic #2 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 16.9 26.9 27.1 34.4 40.5 51.6 58.3 62.7 62.1 65.8 67.0 72.4 75.3 77.5 78.1 80.4 83.4 84.5 86.2 85.5 86.2 84.4 88.4 100.9 91.6 90.9 85.5 84.7 79.0 75.9 70.6 crate #5 @ mic #2 315 10.8 24.3 22.9 29.6 38.6 53.6 56.4 59.9 60.4 65.9 68.6 71.6 74.5 76.6 79.4 79.5 84.3 85.2 87.7 86.3 86.7 85.5 90.2 102.4 93.2 92.3 85.7 85.6 79.7 75.1 69.0 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 10.1 25.9 25.7 30.0 41.8 53.7 55.0 60.2 61.4 67.3 69.9 73.7 76.5 78.2 81.1 81.8 86.3 86.1 88.4 87.8 87.1 86.1 91.5 103.7 93.6 93.7 88.2 87.7 82.6 78.6 72.7 60 80 15.7 25.4 26.5 35.0 41.6 48.4 58.6 61.8 61.4 65.7 66.3 73.7 77.4 79.3 82.2 83.7 86.4 87.1 88.2 88.4 88.4 88.3 90.5 99.6 91.2 92.6 86.2 86.4 80.8 76.0 70.4 70 125 12.1 18.9 21.7 28.6 35.4 48.7 55.4 60.2 61.0 67.4 66.7 70.5 74.2 80.0 85.7 83.0 88.3 89.6 89.3 89.8 90.0 89.3 91.1 100.8 92.2 93.0 87.3 87.1 82.0 77.3 71.9 one by one lining 80 7.3 14.0 18.4 27.8 37.4 50.6 54.9 63.1 63.4 68.6 69.1 72.7 78.2 82.7 88.2 89.5 93.2 94.4 93.5 95.3 95.2 94.4 95.2 102.2 95.6 96.6 88.9 89.1 83.5 79.1 73.8 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 16.5 25.0 27.5 33.6 42.2 51.4 56.9 63.3 62.9 66.6 68.2 73.0 76.2 77.8 80.0 81.1 83.7 85.9 86.9 86.0 86.3 86.0 87.9 99.8 92.0 91.2 84.8 85.7 78.8 75.4 69.0 one by one no lining 125 9.7 23.6 23.6 28.1 38.8 54.1 56.7 61.1 61.1 65.7 68.5 72.2 73.9 75.6 80.1 79.8 83.7 84.9 87.3 86.3 86.7 86.2 89.9 102.5 92.3 92.0 86.0 85.8 80.3 76.0 69.8 slow tip no lining 90 50 8.4 24.7 24.6 30.9 44.0 55.0 57.0 59.7 62.1 68.8 71.0 74.8 77.0 78.8 82.3 84.2 87.6 88.5 89.5 88.9 88.4 88.3 92.5 104.7 94.9 94.1 88.4 88.0 82.5 78.5 72.5 quick tip no lining 31.5 16.1 25.9 25.9 34.1 40.1 51.2 62.2 65.5 63.5 66.4 67.3 72.2 77.2 80.7 82.8 84.0 87.4 88.3 89.7 90.4 90.0 89.2 91.4 98.7 91.8 92.0 86.5 86.2 81.1 76.2 70.5 100 50 11.4 20.7 22.5 28.3 36.4 50.2 57.1 63.9 63.1 68.5 69.4 73.8 76.5 78.3 82.7 83.3 88.2 89.1 90.0 90.2 91.7 91.9 94.4 100.3 92.5 93.5 86.8 86.7 80.6 76.3 70.3 110 31.5 6.8 16.0 17.7 25.5 33.2 48.2 51.7 60.4 64.3 67.9 67.5 70.8 77.4 80.3 85.5 90.0 90.2 91.8 93.7 93.7 95.6 94.3 95.4 101.8 93.6 94.3 88.0 88.1 82.7 78.0 72.6 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #4 @ mic #2 31.5 bbl 16.5 25.2 26.9 34.1 40.7 51.1 58.5 65.1 63.0 66.2 68.0 73.2 76.6 78.3 80.8 81.7 84.1 85.9 85.8 85.2 85.3 84.2 87.4 98.0 91.1 89.4 85.6 85.6 80.4 77.3 71.3 20 stl 9.8 22.3 22.9 28.4 39.8 52.4 54.2 61.7 60.7 65.7 68.2 73.0 74.3 75.9 79.9 80.7 84.3 85.4 87.4 86.5 86.5 85.6 90.9 102.8 92.6 92.5 87.4 86.2 81.2 76.9 70.9 20 qtl 7.2 23.8 24.1 29.1 41.8 53.7 57.5 61.6 62.3 67.5 70.1 75.0 77.1 79.0 83.0 84.4 88.4 87.7 89.1 88.8 87.7 86.8 91.6 103.6 93.9 93.0 87.7 87.2 81.8 77.7 71.4 20 bbnl 15.3 25.8 29.7 33.9 40.4 50.0 59.7 64.4 63.7 66.9 69.2 74.7 79.4 83.9 85.5 86.2 89.8 89.7 90.6 90.4 89.9 89.4 91.2 100.1 92.5 93.3 87.7 87.0 82.2 77.4 71.7 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 11.3 20.8 25.3 35.5 39.4 52.1 59.8 65.4 62.7 67.5 69.9 74.8 76.1 79.8 83.7 83.6 88.2 88.5 91.2 90.7 91.1 92.2 94.0 102.7 93.8 95.5 88.6 88.2 83.3 78.8 72.4 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 8.1 15.9 18.4 28.4 36.1 50.1 51.9 64.5 63.5 68.9 71.5 73.0 77.1 83.3 87.2 89.0 89.9 92.4 92.5 93.8 93.7 93.5 94.9 102.4 92.5 94.3 89.1 87.5 82.6 78.1 71.9 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #9 @ mic #2 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 60 315 20.9 27.8 28.8 39.4 42.8 51.1 51.7 55.9 61.3 63.6 65.5 74.4 76.4 74.7 76.7 77.4 81.0 84.3 85.1 85.2 84.3 83.7 85.9 98.1 89.5 89.4 83.6 82.4 76.4 72.1 67.2 crate #8 @ mic #2 200 10.4 22.1 22.4 28.8 36.5 51.5 50.7 54.8 62.0 68.2 71.2 74.3 75.4 76.5 78.1 79.2 82.1 84.6 86.6 86.9 86.7 85.5 89.4 101.8 92.2 91.5 83.4 84.1 76.5 71.4 65.1 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 9.9 26.1 27.7 29.7 42.7 53.2 50.9 54.9 64.1 68.0 70.4 75.1 76.2 78.3 80.0 83.5 87.2 87.6 89.5 88.4 87.5 86.2 91.4 103.3 93.3 92.6 86.6 86.2 80.1 75.6 69.6 60 80 15.4 25.3 26.0 33.4 38.5 47.8 56.5 59.4 60.8 65.3 65.7 74.5 78.8 80.5 85.2 84.0 88.5 90.5 90.8 90.8 90.4 88.8 90.0 100.0 90.5 92.4 83.1 84.4 78.1 72.1 65.8 70 125 9.9 18.8 22.7 29.1 35.6 51.6 54.2 55.7 61.5 67.2 69.4 73.2 76.2 79.3 81.1 83.1 88.0 88.1 89.8 90.5 90.6 89.1 90.7 100.7 91.8 92.9 83.6 84.2 77.8 72.1 66.4 one by one lining 80 6.0 14.6 18.1 25.8 41.6 52.4 50.6 55.6 61.2 67.1 68.9 72.0 77.0 81.7 85.3 87.0 91.6 90.9 91.6 92.1 92.7 91.7 93.0 102.4 95.0 95.4 86.9 87.0 80.7 75.1 69.6 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 19.2 27.5 31.7 39.1 41.3 52.6 54.9 59.4 60.1 64.7 66.4 73.4 74.8 76.1 79.9 80.5 83.9 85.5 86.7 86.0 85.5 85.8 86.6 99.4 90.9 89.1 82.6 82.4 76.3 71.3 65.0 one by one no lining 125 11.6 24.3 24.0 29.2 35.1 51.0 52.6 55.5 60.5 67.2 71.1 73.5 74.8 76.5 79.2 79.7 83.3 84.6 86.9 85.9 86.3 85.1 89.0 101.3 90.9 91.0 84.2 83.8 77.8 73.3 67.0 slow tip no lining 90 50 9.1 25.1 26.0 33.1 40.1 51.8 54.5 56.7 62.3 66.7 65.5 70.8 75.3 78.2 80.5 81.2 84.8 85.2 88.3 86.3 85.4 84.6 88.7 100.7 91.4 91.6 85.7 85.1 80.2 76.0 69.9 quick tip no lining 31.5 15.7 25.3 26.5 32.8 38.3 48.4 57.1 60.4 60.6 65.0 64.7 72.5 77.8 80.0 84.9 83.8 87.5 90.1 89.8 90.1 89.8 88.4 89.9 99.6 92.5 93.1 83.6 85.0 77.5 72.9 67.1 100 50 10.5 18.8 22.5 30.5 37.4 47.9 55.4 60.7 62.5 69.1 72.6 74.4 78.1 82.6 84.5 84.5 88.5 89.6 91.3 93.0 91.9 91.2 93.0 102.5 94.3 95.3 86.1 86.9 80.2 74.9 68.8 110 31.5 9.0 16.9 19.8 28.0 37.3 50.1 50.3 57.2 62.7 67.8 70.5 71.5 76.4 80.5 86.5 88.6 91.9 92.3 93.6 94.8 95.0 93.8 96.2 103.7 95.1 97.2 90.2 89.8 85.3 79.8 74.6 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #7 @ mic #2 31.5 bbl 19.1 26.3 30.1 40.4 42.6 50.7 57.0 62.6 61.7 66.2 68.0 74.4 76.7 76.7 79.4 80.0 82.5 85.4 87.3 86.1 86.4 84.8 87.9 100.5 90.6 90.6 83.2 84.0 76.6 73.0 66.7 20 stl 10.4 22.1 23.1 28.0 36.6 52.8 55.5 59.0 61.0 66.1 69.9 72.9 74.9 77.9 79.0 79.6 83.8 84.9 87.5 86.3 86.3 85.1 89.8 102.4 92.2 91.5 84.1 84.8 77.7 73.0 67.2 20 qtl 11.6 24.9 25.3 32.0 40.8 52.8 53.6 59.0 62.8 68.8 69.1 73.4 76.9 78.0 80.2 81.6 85.4 86.3 89.2 87.7 87.9 86.4 91.4 103.2 93.5 92.9 87.2 87.2 81.3 77.0 71.3 20 bbnl 15.5 25.5 25.8 33.8 40.3 47.0 57.6 62.1 62.2 65.8 65.6 71.9 77.5 78.1 82.9 82.5 86.6 88.8 88.5 88.1 88.6 88.5 91.5 101.3 90.6 92.3 85.2 85.3 79.5 75.4 69.5 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 10.3 18.7 22.8 29.5 36.5 51.0 56.9 61.4 61.0 65.4 67.9 72.0 76.0 79.1 83.4 83.3 87.6 88.8 89.7 89.9 89.2 88.3 89.7 100.4 91.7 92.6 84.9 85.3 79.5 75.1 69.3 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 8.2 18.5 23.7 33.0 41.6 50.8 55.3 61.2 62.3 69.0 69.2 74.3 79.3 81.8 86.1 88.8 92.3 93.0 94.5 94.0 94.8 93.6 94.2 103.2 94.8 95.7 89.4 89.6 83.8 79.2 73.6 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 crate #11 @ mic #2 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 60 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #12 @ mic #2 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1/3OBCF, Hz 1250 500 60 315 23.4 26.4 26.5 34.4 39.7 49.9 46.0 52.3 61.0 65.3 64.7 72.4 75.5 74.4 76.3 78.0 81.2 82.9 85.2 85.0 84.3 81.7 84.8 96.7 87.1 87.3 80.2 80.1 71.8 67.9 61.8 125 14.6 26.4 27.4 30.5 39.7 44.0 41.3 47.9 59.1 61.9 65.5 69.4 69.5 71.3 75.2 74.9 77.4 80.1 82.4 82.1 81.3 79.9 82.7 94.3 83.9 84.2 75.7 75.6 68.5 62.9 56.9 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60 125 16.2 28.9 26.9 34.2 38.7 50.0 47.7 51.9 59.2 62.6 64.5 74.9 75.6 77.5 79.8 83.2 84.2 86.5 87.9 88.5 88.3 86.2 87.5 96.8 91.1 90.6 81.0 83.2 74.5 69.2 63.5 70 200 15.0 22.1 27.9 36.8 44.6 47.1 44.2 49.4 59.0 65.1 68.9 73.0 73.5 76.5 78.7 81.3 82.9 84.4 86.7 86.5 87.2 86.8 89.8 98.9 90.2 90.9 81.8 81.2 74.1 68.5 62.4 one by one lining 125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 slow tip lining 80 80 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 23.1 26.4 27.2 35.6 40.7 49.8 48.3 52.2 60.5 65.1 65.4 72.0 77.3 75.8 76.3 77.7 81.9 83.8 85.7 85.3 84.8 83.0 85.9 99.0 89.8 88.8 81.3 82.4 74.4 69.6 64.3 one by one no lining 80 10.0 22.9 22.3 28.6 37.2 46.1 43.3 49.9 59.6 63.7 66.4 71.2 70.7 71.4 74.2 75.2 78.2 81.7 84.7 83.8 83.1 81.5 85.9 97.5 86.6 86.9 78.8 79.2 71.4 66.0 60.2 slow tip no lining 90 50 9.2 22.9 23.3 27.8 40.4 51.1 48.1 51.5 62.7 65.8 68.2 71.9 73.5 75.0 79.3 79.9 83.8 83.9 86.4 86.9 86.7 85.5 90.5 103.0 93.0 92.0 84.7 85.1 78.4 73.5 67.4 quick tip no lining 31.5 15.8 27.2 26.6 34.2 38.4 49.9 52.0 54.6 59.6 63.8 63.1 72.6 75.4 79.1 80.2 84.4 85.1 86.3 88.7 88.4 88.8 87.5 88.4 97.7 89.2 90.1 81.4 83.1 76.1 71.4 65.0 100 50 9.6 17.2 20.7 27.5 34.8 48.5 46.9 50.6 59.6 65.1 69.9 73.3 74.5 76.6 78.4 81.7 84.0 85.8 87.5 87.9 88.3 87.2 89.4 100.2 90.4 92.0 81.7 82.8 74.8 69.1 63.3 110 31.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #10 @ mic #2 31.5 bbl 23.3 27.5 27.9 35.8 42.4 51.7 50.2 53.4 59.5 64.5 66.3 74.1 77.4 76.3 77.5 79.0 82.1 84.2 86.1 84.8 84.1 83.2 85.8 98.1 90.1 88.7 80.8 81.9 74.7 70.4 65.1 20 stl 11.5 23.1 22.7 28.6 37.3 50.3 46.6 50.7 61.6 66.0 70.0 71.9 71.6 73.0 75.6 75.7 78.8 82.4 84.0 83.6 83.2 82.0 85.6 97.9 88.4 88.2 79.9 80.8 72.9 67.9 61.9 20 qtl 11.4 26.3 25.8 28.0 40.2 52.8 51.5 54.4 62.5 65.5 69.2 74.2 74.4 77.0 79.4 80.4 84.1 85.3 88.2 88.3 87.4 86.4 90.5 103.1 93.6 93.0 85.4 85.5 78.4 74.1 67.8 20 bbnl 20.9 28.0 28.9 34.1 39.0 48.6 54.0 55.6 58.3 63.9 65.3 72.8 76.5 79.1 83.0 84.5 87.1 88.0 89.6 89.4 88.7 88.2 88.8 98.6 90.1 91.6 82.7 83.3 78.1 73.8 67.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 11.7 18.8 22.5 28.7 35.8 49.1 50.3 53.5 60.1 65.5 71.7 73.8 75.3 77.7 80.9 82.1 85.2 86.2 87.7 88.5 88.8 86.7 89.2 99.9 91.6 92.4 82.3 83.1 76.4 70.3 65.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 7.7 14.7 18.3 30.2 44.0 53.6 51.9 56.3 64.3 67.3 71.5 75.0 77.1 81.8 85.2 88.5 90.5 91.7 92.7 94.3 96.0 94.7 96.5 105.7 96.3 97.0 88.1 90.0 82.4 76.9 70.5 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 80 125 50 31.5 20 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 60 315 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #3 @ mic #3 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 16.2 23.5 29.1 32.7 44.9 52.0 60.3 66.6 62.8 65.7 66.9 67.4 69.3 75.3 79.4 80.4 83.3 81.9 83.6 82.2 84.4 82.8 85.8 95.4 89.1 87.8 81.0 82.0 76.4 71.3 65.3 crate #2 @ mic #3 200 11.0 24.4 28.6 26.5 38.8 53.2 59.4 65.2 64.2 67.6 66.1 63.9 67.6 73.2 77.3 79.2 81.7 81.3 84.1 83.3 84.2 82.8 86.3 96.7 89.0 89.5 81.1 82.0 76.0 71.0 64.6 1/3OBCF, Hz 315 9.4 23.1 25.5 26.8 40.5 55.2 58.9 66.8 64.0 68.2 65.8 66.1 69.8 75.2 80.9 81.5 84.6 83.9 86.7 85.3 86.9 84.5 87.8 98.4 90.4 90.6 82.7 83.6 77.3 72.2 65.5 60 200 17.4 24.3 31.5 35.2 42.0 52.9 62.9 66.2 65.5 69.5 68.9 68.2 73.2 79.6 84.5 85.8 88.3 86.8 88.4 88.2 88.4 88.4 88.5 93.9 89.1 87.1 81.5 81.9 75.1 70.5 63.7 70 80 12.0 19.5 26.6 28.6 38.9 55.4 61.9 66.3 66.6 69.5 67.2 67.4 71.6 76.3 82.9 83.7 86.6 88.0 89.2 88.5 90.0 91.3 90.9 96.8 91.3 90.0 83.6 83.5 77.4 72.5 65.9 one by one lining 125 6.2 16.0 19.0 23.4 37.8 51.6 62.0 65.5 64.0 69.4 65.4 65.3 70.8 75.3 80.8 83.3 86.8 88.5 88.8 88.1 89.2 89.5 90.1 95.6 89.7 88.9 83.6 82.7 77.6 72.6 66.3 slow tip lining 80 80 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 125 19.2 25.9 32.4 36.4 43.6 53.7 61.9 69.3 64.1 67.0 67.9 65.6 68.5 73.9 80.3 81.6 84.0 83.0 84.2 82.3 83.8 84.3 84.1 94.1 86.9 88.5 81.0 82.4 76.0 71.7 66.4 one by one no lining 50 9.8 22.3 24.7 27.0 39.4 55.4 59.5 66.9 65.1 66.1 65.2 64.0 67.3 74.5 78.7 80.6 83.3 83.3 85.4 83.6 84.4 82.9 86.5 97.2 89.1 90.2 81.9 82.4 76.8 71.8 64.9 slow tip no lining 90 31.5 7.0 24.4 25.6 27.1 38.2 52.5 58.2 64.5 62.1 65.2 66.4 67.0 70.7 76.3 82.4 83.0 84.9 84.5 86.4 85.3 85.4 84.2 86.9 97.7 88.7 89.9 83.1 83.2 78.1 73.5 66.9 quick tip no lining 50 17.0 23.9 30.4 33.6 41.0 58.0 66.0 69.8 68.0 70.2 70.5 69.4 74.1 79.3 84.6 86.1 88.9 87.1 88.9 89.1 89.9 89.4 89.6 94.7 89.2 87.7 81.8 81.4 76.0 71.3 64.1 100 31.5 14.9 17.9 23.9 28.3 37.5 57.3 61.8 67.6 67.4 71.2 71.1 70.3 75.0 79.5 85.4 88.3 90.4 91.4 92.6 92.0 92.7 94.3 94.1 99.0 92.9 91.1 85.1 84.1 78.2 74.0 66.7 110 20 4.3 14.1 21.3 23.0 39.2 51.5 57.8 61.7 63.4 69.7 69.6 66.9 73.3 78.8 84.8 85.3 89.0 89.6 89.9 89.9 91.5 91.9 91.6 96.5 91.0 89.5 84.7 83.1 78.3 73.7 66.9 120 20 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #1 @ mic #3 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one lining lining 10.2 20.7 23.0 27.5 25.0 33.5 28.8 36.5 38.2 43.9 57.1 57.5 61.4 65.7 69.3 71.8 65.2 67.4 67.1 66.5 67.8 67.0 64.9 65.5 69.5 68.2 77.3 75.7 82.0 81.4 83.2 83.1 84.2 84.3 83.7 83.1 85.9 83.5 83.8 80.8 84.4 81.4 83.2 80.0 88.2 81.3 99.0 90.0 89.9 83.0 90.1 82.9 81.3 76.7 81.9 77.8 76.4 71.4 70.9 67.2 64.3 59.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) slow tip one by one quick tip no lining no lining lining 8.2 16.2 6.9 15.9 23.0 23.2 23.5 29.2 24.4 27.4 32.5 26.0 42.9 42.4 40.3 64.1 65.1 54.3 66.8 71.8 61.2 74.5 78.7 69.0 73.1 75.2 64.2 75.5 78.4 68.1 77.8 79.1 67.8 77.6 77.6 68.5 79.9 79.1 71.5 85.0 85.1 77.6 88.5 89.2 82.9 92.0 91.2 84.6 94.2 93.2 85.2 94.1 91.5 84.7 94.8 92.4 86.2 93.7 91.8 84.0 93.8 91.4 85.0 94.5 92.0 84.1 94.0 91.5 86.8 99.2 94.1 96.3 94.5 89.3 90.4 91.7 86.8 89.4 85.0 81.9 82.5 84.4 80.4 82.8 78.4 76.1 77.0 73.9 71.9 72.3 66.4 63.5 65.6 LAeq1s, dB(A) quick tip 1/3OBCF no lining 20 6.0 25 14.1 31.5 17.7 40 25.4 50 36.1 63 53.4 80 59.0 100 62.9 125 62.7 160 69.8 200 66.6 250 66.4 315 73.9 400 79.3 500 84.2 630 85.0 800 88.2 1000 88.4 1250 90.6 1600 89.9 2000 91.4 2500 91.2 3150 91.7 4000 96.3 5000 91.8 6300 90.1 8000 85.1 10000 83.8 12500 78.3 16000 74.0 20000 67.1 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 200 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #6 @ mic #3 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 8000 12500 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 60 500 15.8 25.0 29.1 32.6 45.0 53.0 59.4 62.4 63.9 65.0 66.1 63.9 67.7 73.2 75.2 77.2 79.7 80.7 82.6 81.8 83.4 81.1 83.4 94.7 87.9 89.3 79.4 80.7 73.7 69.3 63.3 crate #5 @ mic #3 315 10.6 23.4 26.1 27.0 37.9 53.9 58.3 60.4 63.9 67.6 65.8 63.1 66.9 70.8 76.4 77.6 79.9 80.4 84.4 82.9 84.0 81.6 85.2 96.4 89.2 89.8 80.6 80.5 73.9 68.6 61.8 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 9.6 25.8 26.6 27.1 40.8 53.7 57.0 59.8 64.3 67.8 66.9 67.5 68.7 74.7 80.7 80.5 81.3 82.8 84.9 84.1 84.5 82.1 86.2 97.1 89.5 90.6 81.5 82.1 76.1 71.0 64.4 60 80 14.7 23.4 28.9 33.9 42.1 50.2 61.3 61.5 63.9 65.6 66.1 66.6 69.5 73.0 79.3 82.9 83.0 83.1 83.9 83.7 85.0 85.3 85.9 93.9 88.6 86.7 81.2 81.1 74.5 70.3 63.3 70 125 11.6 19.0 23.7 27.8 36.0 49.5 57.4 59.9 63.8 68.7 63.5 63.2 68.3 71.8 81.3 80.8 85.0 84.9 85.1 84.9 86.7 86.1 86.0 94.7 89.5 88.1 82.3 80.9 75.8 70.7 64.6 one by one lining 80 3.5 12.0 18.6 24.2 35.8 50.3 56.5 63.8 68.3 70.6 66.6 66.7 75.5 77.5 82.6 87.0 90.3 89.4 88.9 89.4 91.8 91.1 91.0 98.0 91.5 90.7 83.8 83.2 77.2 73.1 66.4 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 15.0 23.5 30.1 32.5 47.2 52.0 57.5 62.7 64.4 65.6 65.2 65.8 68.8 73.6 77.0 77.6 80.3 81.9 83.2 82.0 83.2 82.7 83.2 94.4 88.0 88.3 79.2 81.3 73.3 69.2 61.8 one by one no lining 125 8.9 22.3 25.5 26.7 37.6 54.6 58.4 61.1 64.6 67.1 64.3 63.6 67.1 71.4 76.4 76.7 79.7 80.6 83.7 82.2 83.9 82.4 84.8 96.6 88.8 89.6 80.0 80.7 74.4 69.0 62.5 slow tip no lining 90 50 8.8 24.2 24.6 28.8 42.1 54.0 59.0 59.6 65.1 68.7 68.2 68.1 70.5 75.2 81.2 81.8 82.9 83.3 86.4 85.0 85.5 84.2 87.0 98.2 91.2 91.1 82.4 83.2 76.6 71.7 65.0 quick tip no lining 31.5 14.3 22.8 29.1 32.6 40.4 52.6 63.9 65.5 64.9 65.6 65.4 64.1 70.1 74.9 79.8 80.9 83.6 84.4 85.2 85.0 86.1 85.9 86.5 93.5 88.7 87.0 81.4 80.9 74.6 70.4 63.3 100 50 10.3 18.4 25.8 27.3 36.2 50.8 59.1 63.5 66.6 69.0 67.1 65.5 70.3 72.4 78.8 80.9 83.1 84.9 86.3 86.0 88.2 88.5 89.2 94.9 88.8 87.5 81.7 81.1 74.8 70.0 63.5 110 31.5 4.1 13.4 19.7 22.3 32.6 47.7 54.8 61.3 69.1 68.6 65.7 65.6 76.3 75.1 82.7 86.9 86.9 87.0 89.1 90.1 91.5 90.3 90.6 95.8 90.0 89.3 83.4 82.4 76.5 71.8 65.4 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #4 @ mic #3 31.5 bbl 16.2 23.9 29.4 32.8 44.6 51.3 59.6 65.3 64.2 65.6 67.0 64.7 68.7 73.1 77.7 78.3 80.9 81.9 82.2 81.0 82.9 80.7 82.9 92.5 87.6 86.7 79.5 80.2 74.5 69.8 63.4 20 stl 9.5 22.0 24.6 26.7 39.0 52.3 55.9 62.6 63.7 66.4 64.9 63.5 66.7 71.8 76.6 77.5 80.0 80.9 83.7 83.1 84.2 82.3 86.7 97.3 88.7 89.8 81.0 81.5 75.8 70.4 64.3 20 qtl 7.4 23.4 24.2 27.4 40.9 52.7 59.1 61.3 64.0 66.8 66.5 67.3 69.6 75.8 82.0 81.7 84.0 83.4 86.6 84.9 84.3 83.0 86.9 98.3 89.8 90.0 81.5 82.0 76.0 70.8 63.9 20 bbnl 14.9 22.7 31.1 32.0 40.6 51.6 61.4 64.1 63.9 66.6 68.0 67.3 72.2 78.2 83.2 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.9 86.0 86.3 85.8 86.1 93.7 89.3 87.7 81.6 81.6 75.2 71.0 64.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 10.3 19.5 27.6 33.9 38.7 52.8 61.7 64.8 65.4 68.4 66.7 66.3 70.3 73.8 80.1 81.4 84.1 84.9 86.5 86.8 87.7 88.9 89.4 97.4 90.8 90.4 83.4 82.6 76.9 72.3 65.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 5.2 13.1 19.4 24.9 34.6 49.8 54.1 64.0 66.9 69.9 70.4 66.2 74.9 76.5 82.0 85.1 88.5 89.6 89.4 87.7 89.3 89.7 90.0 95.8 89.6 88.6 83.9 82.5 76.5 72.0 65.0 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 200 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 315 60 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #9 @ mic #3 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 1/3OBCF, Hz 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 1250 800 500 60 315 21.8 26.9 30.9 38.3 47.2 52.0 53.4 54.8 60.9 64.2 65.3 65.9 66.2 71.3 74.6 75.8 77.1 79.8 81.2 80.9 81.2 79.9 81.3 92.7 86.4 86.0 76.4 77.6 69.9 64.9 59.4 crate #8 @ mic #3 200 10.2 21.8 23.9 27.2 35.9 51.3 51.2 55.3 64.6 69.0 68.0 64.3 67.4 72.0 76.5 76.8 78.3 80.2 83.4 83.1 84.0 81.7 84.2 96.0 88.2 88.4 77.5 78.4 70.2 64.3 57.3 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 8.0 25.1 27.6 27.0 40.5 52.1 52.4 55.1 65.1 69.5 68.2 67.1 69.4 74.6 81.2 80.9 81.7 83.0 84.8 84.2 84.3 82.5 85.3 96.7 89.0 88.7 79.8 81.1 73.9 68.8 61.6 60 80 14.4 22.4 28.9 31.8 38.7 49.5 59.9 60.2 62.7 67.7 66.4 66.7 71.0 74.5 82.3 82.8 84.7 86.0 86.5 85.7 87.1 84.8 84.8 93.7 87.1 85.5 77.9 78.1 70.9 65.5 58.3 70 125 8.8 17.9 25.1 26.7 35.0 52.2 55.4 55.1 63.7 71.0 67.9 64.6 69.9 73.1 79.4 80.9 82.9 85.1 85.8 86.1 86.8 85.6 86.0 95.2 88.3 87.2 79.1 78.9 71.2 65.4 59.0 one by one lining 80 4.4 13.7 19.5 23.2 39.5 51.8 51.8 55.8 65.0 69.6 66.7 64.8 71.5 75.7 83.4 83.8 87.9 86.7 87.1 87.6 88.1 88.5 88.5 95.6 91.2 89.0 81.0 80.2 72.7 67.8 61.0 slow tip lining 80 125 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 19.5 26.0 33.4 37.9 45.6 53.7 56.9 59.0 62.6 65.2 65.8 65.0 66.8 72.0 77.1 77.3 81.1 80.0 83.1 81.9 82.9 81.9 82.3 94.1 87.8 87.4 77.3 78.9 71.4 65.7 58.4 one by one no lining 125 11.3 22.7 25.7 27.3 35.5 51.0 54.3 56.1 63.3 69.1 66.7 62.7 66.7 71.9 76.7 77.0 79.7 79.7 83.3 82.1 83.8 81.7 83.9 95.4 86.7 87.7 78.4 78.6 71.7 66.2 58.9 slow tip no lining 90 50 8.6 24.0 25.3 29.7 38.7 51.1 56.3 57.4 64.4 66.4 66.2 64.5 67.7 73.4 79.6 78.6 79.3 80.0 84.0 82.4 82.7 80.4 83.5 94.8 87.4 87.9 79.5 80.1 74.4 69.2 62.8 quick tip no lining 31.5 15.8 23.5 28.8 31.0 38.6 50.0 60.5 60.6 64.1 66.8 66.3 65.9 70.1 74.2 79.9 81.6 84.2 85.1 85.9 85.3 86.7 85.5 85.2 94.0 90.5 87.6 79.1 79.6 71.8 66.0 59.8 100 50 9.4 17.4 26.4 28.7 37.0 48.6 57.2 60.0 65.3 72.2 69.0 66.3 71.2 75.3 80.6 81.5 85.4 86.1 87.6 88.1 88.3 88.1 88.7 97.9 90.7 89.8 81.7 81.5 73.8 68.5 61.2 110 31.5 7.4 15.6 20.6 23.8 35.7 49.4 51.7 57.0 64.3 68.8 69.1 65.7 75.8 76.3 85.2 86.0 88.0 87.8 89.7 90.8 92.2 90.3 91.4 97.7 91.4 91.1 85.1 83.4 78.0 72.8 66.3 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #7 @ mic #3 31.5 bbl 19.0 25.1 31.6 37.4 46.4 52.3 58.8 62.3 64.9 66.1 66.5 66.0 68.0 71.6 76.7 78.0 79.9 81.2 83.4 81.9 83.3 81.1 82.9 94.5 88.1 88.4 77.6 80.0 71.2 66.6 59.5 20 stl 9.9 21.6 24.8 27.0 36.2 53.0 56.8 59.7 64.8 68.7 66.4 62.7 67.3 72.4 76.7 77.4 80.0 80.4 83.9 82.6 83.7 81.5 85.0 97.0 88.7 88.9 78.5 79.8 71.7 65.9 59.2 20 qtl 11.1 24.5 26.0 30.3 38.8 53.1 55.2 58.8 64.6 68.0 66.3 64.6 68.4 75.1 79.1 79.9 80.9 82.0 84.9 83.8 84.5 82.3 86.7 98.3 89.3 89.7 80.7 82.3 75.4 70.4 63.5 20 bbnl 14.1 23.2 28.8 32.2 41.0 48.8 60.7 62.3 65.2 65.9 64.7 65.2 69.2 72.3 78.9 80.0 82.7 84.0 84.6 83.9 85.3 85.5 86.9 96.0 87.8 86.3 80.3 80.2 73.2 69.1 63.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 9.6 17.2 25.8 28.0 37.0 51.8 58.8 60.6 64.2 67.2 65.8 65.0 69.9 71.9 78.3 80.5 84.3 83.6 85.1 85.4 85.5 84.7 84.8 94.4 89.0 87.4 87.2 85.9 79.8 75.2 68.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 8.9 16.3 23.2 32.8 42.7 50.8 57.4 61.3 66.7 71.0 69.0 67.3 75.3 76.6 84.1 86.2 88.7 88.5 91.8 89.6 91.2 89.6 89.9 96.6 91.2 89.7 84.8 83.6 77.4 72.8 65.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 200 crate #11 @ mic #3 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1250 500 315 60 1/3OBCF, Hz crate #12 @ mic #3 120 110 100 quick tip no lining slow tip no lining one by one no lining 90 quick tip lining slow tip lining one by one lining 80 70 20000 12500 8000 5000 3150 2000 800 1/3OBCF, Hz 1250 500 60 315 18.7 24.4 28.7 33.4 40.2 48.9 46.6 51.9 59.5 66.4 67.2 64.5 66.1 70.2 75.8 76.4 77.1 79.9 81.3 80.7 81.1 77.7 79.7 91.0 83.8 83.9 73.6 75.3 65.7 59.7 53.1 125 13.3 25.0 28.3 28.5 38.5 43.7 42.4 47.9 60.4 62.0 62.0 58.6 61.7 66.8 73.3 72.1 73.3 76.5 80.0 78.5 78.4 76.6 77.7 88.6 80.0 80.7 69.4 69.4 61.1 54.9 48.1 1/3OBCF, Hz 200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60 125 15.5 24.9 29.8 32.5 39.5 50.7 48.0 50.1 57.6 64.2 65.3 66.6 67.8 73.4 82.3 82.6 79.9 82.2 83.2 83.6 84.0 82.7 82.4 91.3 87.9 84.4 75.7 76.6 68.3 62.7 56.3 70 200 13.7 20.3 29.4 35.3 44.8 46.4 44.8 50.0 61.5 64.7 63.3 64.7 66.1 71.4 79.1 79.2 79.0 80.8 83.5 83.3 83.8 84.7 87.5 93.8 86.5 85.6 76.6 75.5 67.6 61.8 55.0 one by one lining 125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 slow tip lining 80 80 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 quick tip lining 80 21.0 25.0 29.4 33.9 41.6 49.2 50.1 51.0 60.2 66.5 67.1 63.8 66.3 70.3 75.3 76.4 78.2 80.3 81.6 81.2 82.2 78.9 80.9 93.2 87.0 86.2 74.7 77.1 67.9 63.6 56.4 one by one no lining 80 9.1 21.6 24.2 26.7 35.7 45.6 44.2 49.3 60.5 65.1 63.7 60.5 63.7 68.6 73.8 73.1 73.2 77.9 80.9 79.9 79.8 77.5 80.5 91.6 81.9 84.1 72.3 72.9 64.5 58.4 51.3 slow tip no lining 90 50 7.0 22.0 24.2 25.3 38.3 49.4 48.8 52.2 62.6 65.5 63.7 64.3 66.9 71.4 78.3 78.1 79.4 80.2 83.2 82.7 83.4 81.3 84.6 96.2 88.6 88.8 78.5 79.8 72.0 66.0 58.7 quick tip no lining 31.5 14.7 24.0 29.5 33.7 39.0 50.4 53.5 53.0 58.9 64.3 63.3 65.0 68.5 73.6 80.7 81.9 81.7 81.9 84.3 84.0 85.5 84.6 84.3 92.9 87.2 84.3 76.8 77.7 69.6 63.9 56.1 100 50 8.7 15.6 23.8 28.4 36.2 47.9 47.2 49.2 62.9 66.7 65.1 64.5 68.4 71.0 78.4 80.1 79.8 81.6 84.3 84.6 84.7 84.0 84.1 93.8 86.9 86.8 76.6 76.8 67.6 62.0 55.0 110 31.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120 50 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000 crate #10 @ mic #3 31.5 bbl 20.8 25.9 30.3 34.1 44.7 51.7 51.0 52.4 59.6 66.3 68.0 65.1 67.3 70.9 76.3 77.3 78.9 80.7 82.4 80.8 81.4 79.6 81.0 92.0 87.8 87.0 75.4 77.0 69.1 62.9 57.0 20 stl 9.5 22.9 24.7 27.7 36.3 49.7 46.8 51.4 64.2 67.9 65.3 61.8 63.9 68.3 73.8 73.6 75.7 77.4 81.4 80.2 80.9 79.1 81.0 92.4 85.2 84.9 74.1 75.2 66.2 60.2 53.2 20 qtl 10.4 24.3 25.6 27.9 38.3 51.7 52.7 54.5 62.7 65.7 66.1 64.4 68.6 72.9 80.3 79.6 78.9 81.4 83.9 83.6 84.3 82.9 85.7 97.6 88.6 89.6 78.6 79.6 72.2 66.9 59.6 20 bbnl 16.9 24.1 29.9 32.0 38.6 49.7 56.7 55.3 58.3 67.5 67.0 65.3 70.4 73.9 80.2 82.2 82.4 83.6 84.7 84.2 85.2 85.2 84.3 93.3 87.4 85.4 78.1 77.2 70.7 66.2 58.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) stnl 9.7 16.9 25.0 28.3 37.8 49.3 51.2 52.9 62.5 69.2 68.2 65.3 69.3 72.3 80.1 80.6 80.0 83.4 84.0 84.3 84.1 83.0 83.5 93.5 87.1 86.0 77.3 77.2 69.3 63.2 56.8 LAeq1s, dB(A) qtnl 5.3 12.2 18.3 26.2 41.8 53.3 53.3 55.9 68.1 70.4 68.2 67.3 73.9 76.2 84.7 86.2 85.9 88.2 89.4 90.1 91.5 90.9 91.2 98.9 92.8 91.3 82.7 83.0 75.1 69.7 62.2 LAeq1s, dB(A) 1/3OBCF 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500 16000 20000