HSL Harpur Hill Buxton SK17 9JN
HSL Harpur Hill Buxton SK17 9JN A workplace survey on the control of task specific exposures to carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxins in the UK chemical industry Report Number HSL/2005/35 Project Leader: Chris Keen BSc LFOH Author(s): Chris Keen Science Group: Environmental Sciences © Crown Copyright, 2005 PRIVACY MARKING: Available to the public HSL report approval: Date of issue: Job number: Registry file: Electronic filename: Helen Chambers September 2005 JS2002998 FSSU/RE/44/2002 K:\ckeen\wordpro\projects\short_term_exposures\final report ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project would not have been possible without the assistance of the UK chemical industry. The author would like to thank the individuals and organisations visited for this project for their time and co-operation. iii CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Substance selection ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Criteria for site selection ............................................................................................... 3 2.3 Topics covered during the visits.................................................................................... 4 2.4 The site visit .................................................................................................................. 4 Findings................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Review of studies carried out ........................................................................................ 6 3.2 Tasks studied ................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Management procedures ............................................................................................... 9 3.4 Road tanker loading and offlloading ........................................................................... 12 3.5 Ship loading and offloading ........................................................................................ 15 3.6 Process and QC sampling............................................................................................ 16 3.7 Transferring to and from semi-bulk ............................................................................ 18 3.8 Maintenance tasks ....................................................................................................... 20 3.9 Laboratory activity ...................................................................................................... 21 3.10 Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................... 22 3.11 Exposure monitoring ................................................................................................... 25 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 30 4.1 H&S management systems.......................................................................................... 30 4.2 Controls applied to specific tasks................................................................................ 30 4.3 Task specific exposure monitoring.............................................................................. 32 4.4 PPE.............................................................................................................................. 32 4.5 General ........................................................................................................................ 33 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 35 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 37 Appendices.......................................................................................................................... 38 HSL site visit report ................................................................................................................ 43 References ........................................................................................................................... 65 iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVES This project was intended to provide an overview of the control of task specific exposures to carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxins (CMRs) where these materials are handled in bulk quantities in the UK chemical industry. The work had 4 specific objectives; To assess attitudes and awareness toward controlling task specific exposures. To review typical control strategies for specific tasks To collect industry task specific exposure measurement data To identify good practice for controlling task specific exposures, and feed this back to industry MAIN FINDINGS Overall, the better health and safety performers visited for this work demonstrated a good degree of understanding of the potential significance of task specific exposures, and the need to control them. Generally, but not always, they were able to translate this into adequate exposure control. Of the tasks commonly studied, exposure control during road tanker (and ship) loading and offloading was generally of a reasonable standard, although task specific measurement data supplied for this task did indicate that significant exposures are possible, even where a good standard of engineering control is employed. Uncoupling after the transfer is complete is the most crucial stage, and it is necessary to control emissions at his stage to achieve adequate exposure control for this task. The quality of controls during drum filling and emptying was highly variable. The taking of QC samples was the routine task where controls were most often deficient. Exposure control during maintenance tasks generally appeared adequate. The use of permit to work systems and task specific risk assessments makes a positive contribution to exposure control during maintenance tasks. Where exposure monitoring is conducted, this almost always focuses around measurement of full shift exposures. The measurement of task specific exposures is not commonplace in the UK chemical industry. RECOMMENDATIONS Where CMRs are handled in enclosed plant, exposure controls need to be assessed on a task specific basis, for each task where containment is breached. Task specific exposure measurement is a useful tool for such purposes, and ought to be performed more frequently across the chemical industry. Where highly toxic chemicals (such as CMRs) are handled in totally enclosed systems, it offers detailed information on the degree of exposure control being achieved at individual tasks which cannot be obtained from full shift monitoring. The taking of QC samples was the single task for which, in general, exposure control deficiencies were most frequently encountered and where improvements could be made. v This project has greatly increased HSE’s knowledge of what constitutes good practice for controlling exposures to CMRs for tasks involving breaches of containment. Given the seriousness of the health effects associated with failures of control for these substances, there may be value in producing formal good practice guidance as part of the ‘Chemical carcinogens project’, part of HSE’s ‘Disease Reduction Program’, based on the findings of this work. These findings are relevant to any company handling CMRs, and may be especially useful to smaller, independent organisations who may not have access to specialist occupational hygiene expertise. This project has provided evidence that generally there are lower standards of exposure control at less regulated sites. Although some potentially serious deficiencies were observed at top tier COMAH sites, in general, overall standards of exposure control were higher at those sites than at lower tier COMAH sites, which in turn were higher than at the few sub-COMAH sites visited. There may be value in considering this when planning interventions as part of the ‘Chemicals carcinogens project’. vi 1 INTRODUCTION Within the UK chemical industry, and especially amongst the sites regulated by the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH), high toxicity chemicals are generally handled under near total containment. Nevertheless, there are routine tasks, at some point within the process, where containment is breached for some reason. Such tasks include, for example, the loading of road tankers, or the taking of process samples. Additionally, maintenance activity often necessitates breaches of containment. Wherever containment is breached, or there is unplanned loss of containment, there is the potential for workers to be exposed to the substances held within the system. Such exposures referred to herein as task specific exposures, may also be referred to as ‘peak’ or ‘short term’ exposures. Exposure data supplied to HSE by industry has traditionally related to full shift exposures. This approach reflects the fact that much exposure monitoring is conducted to assess compliance with Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs), and almost always the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) limit is seen as the most important. Even where short term exposure limits (STELs) exist, and they do not for many compounds, they would appear to be given less consideration. However, full-shift exposure measurement generates no information whatsoever on task specific exposures. Short duration peaks of high exposure are usually ‘masked’ when full-shift monitoring is performed. Hence, it is not possible to use this information to target the individual tasks, or items of plant, where improvements in exposure control are required. Where processes are running under near total containment, almost all total exposure will come from these short term discrete tasks involving containment breaches, and it is necessary to ‘crop’ these peak exposures to achieve further reductions in full shift exposures. Clearly, the duration of tasks with exposure potential is highly variable, ranging from less than one minute during breaking of a road tanker coupling, to several hours for some maintenance jobs. The frequency with which such tasks are performed is similarly variable, some, such as the taking of QC samples, may be performed several times per shift whilst certain maintenance tasks may be one-offs, or only be performed once every several years. The toxicological significance of task specific exposures is unclear, however there is some evidence to suggest that brief, relatively high periods of exposure may be significant. They are particularly relevant where high short term exposures can lead to serious acute health effects, or are implicated in the development of serious chronic effects such as cancer or asthma. The summary criteria document for butadiene, produced in support of the occupational exposure limit for this substance, states that ‘the excess of leukaemia (among workers) has been found to be consistently associated with peak exposures to butadiene. (HSE 1998). Professor Tom Smith from Harvard School of Public Health identified that peak exposures may be of special concern because of the high dose rate at the target organ within the body. High dose rates may alter metabolism of the substance, overload protective or repair mechanisms or amplify the response in the tissue. Professor Smith argued for more research in this area to develop better ways of measuring peak exposure along with further toxicological research to understand which agents are likely to present particular risks from high short-term exposures. (2001 Conference on Exposure Assessment in Epidemiology and Practice Held in Göteborg, Sweden, June 10-13 2001). A recent HSE investigation (unpublished) used continuous direct reading personal sampling and video visualisation to investigate task specific exposures. This work, on a few sites only, has shown that even on sites where good quality exposure control hardware is employed, task specific exposures can be high. For high volatility materials, peaks in the region of 1,000 ppm were measured, when breaking road tanker couplings and taking process samples. These results 1 were for a known carcinogen assigned a maximum exposure limit (MEL) of 10 ppm. Similar results were found when transferring powders through hatches from bags to bulk reaction vessels, short term exposures were shown to be very high and variable. The study highlighted examples of poor practice, such as the taking of process samples, of known carcinogens, by running into open vessels. Given the limited scope of the initial study, only 5 sites were visited, plus the fact that these situations occurred at ‘good’ sites, with workers under the scrutiny of HSE inspectors (which generally results in extra care being taken), the findings raised questions regarding how well the chemical industry as a whole took note of, and controlled, task specific exposures. As a result, it was decided to conduct a much wider survey of the chemical industry to review current control practices applied to the routine handling of certain classes of materials. The project focussed on carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxins (CMRs) as the COSHH regulations require exposures to such substances to be reduced as far as is reasonably practical. This requirement applies to all tasks where there is exposure potential, even when the task is brief. Time segregation is not an acceptable exposure control for these classes of material. The main aims of the work were : 1) To determine current awareness , attitudes and practices for controlling highly toxic substances in the chemical industry. 2) To determine typical control strategies applied to these tasks, and review their effectiveness. 3) To determine the profile of exposure via inhalation or skin contact, to highly toxic substances during specific tasks, collecting industry measurement data, where available. . 4) To provide information on the good practice used by industries handling such substances based on the survey findings. This work focussed around a field study. Information on assessment, evaluation and control of task specific exposures was collected from 40 sites within the UK where CMRs were handled. Exposure by inhalation and dermal routes was considered. No exposure measurement was performed as part of the work. A secondary objective of this work was to assess compliance with the occupational exposure limit for benzene at oil refineries and specifically to assess at these sites, the effects of reducing this limit in recent years. 2 2 2.1 METHODOLOGY SUBSTANCE SELECTION This work focussed on a selected group of substances that are of high chronic toxicity. In the main these were carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxins (CMRs). This includes any substance assigned one of the following risk phrases under the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations ; Carcinogens: R45 - May cause cancer, R49 - May cause cancer by inhalation; Mutagens : R46 - May cause heritable genetic damage, Reprotoxins: R60 - May impair fertility, R61 - May cause harm to the unborn child, R62 - Possible risk of impaired fertility R63 - Possible risk of harm to the unborn child; The work was targeted at CMRs which were felt to be significant from an occupational viewpoint. The substances selected were therefore those which are manufactured or used in large quantities and/or to which there may be potentially large numbers of workers exposed. It was also decided to conduct a limited number of visits to sites handling lower toxicity materials, with risk phrases; R40 - Possible risk of irreversible effects R48 - Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure R37 – Irritating to the respiratory system These were included to see if there were any clear differences in the exposure control strategy applied to these materials. 2.2 CRITERIA FOR SITE SELECTION To determine common practices for assessing and controlling task specific exposures to CMRs, it was considered necessary to visit a representative number of premises where these substances are handled. This enabled assessment of the exposure control strategies employed by a range of sites. Participation in the study was voluntary. One of the aims of this work was to identify good practice for controlling task specific exposures to CMRs. In order to achieve this, the site selection was deliberately biased toward sites which were perceived to be among the better health and safety performers. It was also considered that such sites would be more likely to have conducted task specific exposure measurement, and be prepared to share the results of these measurements. Forty sites were visited for this work, between February 2003 and December 2004. All sites visited were regulated by HSE’s Hazardous Installations Directorate (HID). Four of the sites were oil refineries. Although the control of task specific exposures was discussed at these refineries, there was a dual reason for these visits in that HSE required information relating to the effect of reducing the benzene MEL (reduced from 3 ppm to 1 ppm in June 2003). The information relevant to controlling task specific exposures at these refineries has been included 3 in this report. A separate report is being prepared detailing the specific findings relating to the changes in the benzene MEL (HSL report OH/2005/05). All site visits were carried out by an occupational hygienist from HSL and many involved joint visits with HSE Occupational Hygiene Specialist Inspectors or Operational Inspectors from HID. 2.3 TOPICS COVERED DURING THE VISITS Discussions during the visits were guided by a questionnaire, in order to ensure that all relevant topics were covered during the visit. The questionnaire was key to the project. An initial version was produced prior to the first visit (appendix 1). This was reviewed by the project team after 5 visits, and refined into a more user friendly version (appendix 2), which was used for the remainder of the project. The questionnaire was sent to the site contact, often the health and safety professionals at the site, prior to the actual visit, to allow preparation. The questionnaire covered the main areas relevant to controlling task specific exposures. It allowed the main tasks with exposure potential, and the exposure controls applied to these tasks, to be identified. Health and safety management systems were covered, although only basic information was collected on these due to the time restriction (each site was visited only once, generally the visit lasted around half a day). Other areas discussed included the use of exposure monitoring, and especially any task specific monitoring performed, and the selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE). During this project, exposure by inhalation and by skin contact was considered, as task specific exposures are not limited to inhalation exposure only. Dependant upon the specific situation, dermal exposure can be more significant than inhalation exposure. Skin exposure can occur in several ways. These include direct chemical contact with unprotected skin, failure of PPE, or inadvertent contact with contaminated items or re-use of contaminated PPE. As well as local skin damage (dermatitis, chemical burns etc.) dermal exposure can be a significant route of entry into the body, allowing the substance to cause subsequent systemic effects. 2.4 THE SITE VISIT Each site visit involved an office based discussion, based around the questionnaire described above. Generally, this took 2 to 3 hours. Relevant professionals from the site provided input. Commonly these included, health and safety specialists, engineering specialists, operational management, plant operatives and trade union representatives. Following the office based discussion, the relevant plant areas were visited to review operations, control procedures and equipment. At most sites, informal discussions were held with plant operators to assess their awareness of the risks, working procedures and equipment used to control those risks. Where practical, copies of written operating procedures and any other relevant documentation (e.g. air monitoring results) were obtained. However, one of the main focal points of each visit was to gather specific information on control hardware, and on the site’s experiences of using that hardware. Site visits generally lasted around 3 to 4 hours, with 2 to 3 hours spent in the office based discussion followed by the inspection of the relevant areas of the plant. 4 2.4.1 Reporting arrangements For each visit, a number of reports were prepared. Each fulfilled a specific need. The formats used are shown in appendices 3 to 6. These consisted of: 1) A ‘full report’ detailing the key information collected, the outcome of discussions and site reviews, conclusions and recommendations. The template used to produce this report is shown in appendix 3. This report was intended to capture comprehensive information generated during the visit for use in the project, and for wider use within HSE. 2) A ‘summary report’ indicating the key findings from the visits and any items that required further consideration. The template used to produce this report is shown in appendix 4. Copies of these were sent to the relevant HID Inspector to feedback to the site. 3) A ‘matrix’ report that summarised the relevant information on control equipment in a semi quantitative way from each visit. Two matrices were developed, one to deal with exposure control hardware (see appendix 5) and to deal with ‘software’ issues (appendix 6). A key to using these matrices can be found in appendix 7. 5 3 FINDINGS NB – a database of selected, relevant information gathered during this project was compiled to allow various statistical determinations to be made. Whilst it is recognised that there are severe limitations in performing statistical analyses on a relatively small data set, and especially where the data set has been skewed (in this case by deliberately selecting better H&S performers), these determinations do provide some evidence of trends, and have been used in the following sections when discussing findings. A copy of the coded database, together with a key to allow interpretation, can be found at appendix 9. 3.1 REVIEW OF STUDIES CARRIED OUT 3.1.1 Breakdown by substance Twenty seven different substances were studied during the site visits. These are listed in Tables 1 to 3, below. Although forty sites were visited, at some sites more than a single substance was discussed, and hence a total of 65 ‘case studies’ were made. Table 1 : Carcinogens studied Substance Acrylamide Acrylonitrile Arsenic compounds Benzene Benzyl chloride 1,3 butadiene Dimethyl sulphate Ethylene dibromide Ethylene dichloride Ethylene oxide Hexavalent chromium compounds Hydrazine Propylene oxide o-Toluidene Trichloroethylene Vinyl chloride 8 hour TWA OEL 0.3 mg/m3 (Sk) 2 ppm (Sk) 0.1 mg/m3 1 ppm (Sk) 0.5 ppm 10 ppm 0.05 ppm (Sk) 0.5 ppm (Sk) 5 ppm (Sk) 5 ppm 0.05 mg/m3 0.02 ppm (Sk) 5 ppm 0.2 ppm (Sk) 100 ppm (Sk) 3 ppm STEL ‘R’ Phrase * No. of studies Carcinogen classification (IARC) Physical state at STP Boiling point (when pure ) None R 45 5 2A Solid** N/A None R45 4 2B Liquid 77°C None R45 1 1 Solid N/A None R 45 8 1 Liquid 80°C 1.5 ppm None None R 45 4 2A Liquid 179°C R45 R 45 2 6 2A 2A Gas Liquid N/A 188°C None R 45 1 2A Liquid 132°C None R45 1 2B Liquid 84°C None None R 45 R49 3 4 1 1 Gas Solid N/A N/A 0.1 ppm None None R45 1 2B Liquid 113°C R45 R 45 2 1 2B 2B Liquid Liquid 34°C 200°C 150 ppm None R45 1 2A Liquid 87°C R 45 4 1 Gas N/A 6 Table 2 : reprotoxins studied Substance 8 hour TWA OEL STEL ‘R’ Phrase* Dimethylformamide 2-methoxy ethanol (2-(2methoxyethoxy)ethan ol Nitrobenzene n-Hexane 10 ppm (Sk) 5 ppm (Sk) None 20 ppm None None R61 R60 R63 1 ppm (Sk) 20 ppm 2 ppm None R62 R62 No. of studies Physical state at STP Boiling point (when pure ) 2 1 1 Liquid Liquid Liquid 153°C 124°C Not known 2 1 Liquid Liquid 210°C 69°C Physical state at STP Boiling point (when pure ) Plus 1 study on a pesticide active ingredient with R63 classification. Table 3 : other substances studied Substance Aniline Cyclohexanol Dichloromethane Formaldehyde Hydroquinone 8 hour TWA OEL 1 ppm (Sk) 50 ppm 100 ppm (Sk) 2 ppm 2 mg/m3 STEL ‘R’ Phrase* No. of studies None None 300 ppm R48 R 37 R 40 2 1 2 Liquid Liquid Liquid 184°C 161°C 40°C 2 ppm None R 40 R40 3 1 Gas** Solid N/A N/A *The R phrase listed in these tables is the one relevant to this project. Each of these substances will carry a number of other R phrases. **These materials are generally manufactured and handled in aqueous solution. Four of the benzene studies were conducted at oil refineries. The status of the OELs listed in Tables 1 to 3 changed when the revised OEL framework was introduced in 2005. However, the limits listed in the table were in place and were being used by industry as exposure control tools at the time of the visits. The limits for dimethylformamide, nhexane, nitrobenzene, cyclohexanol and hydroquinone were occupational exposure standards (OESs), all of the other substances which were assigned limits carried MELs at the time this work was conducted. Under the revised OEL framework, these have all been transferred to workplace exposure limits (WELs). The limit for hydroquinione has been reduced from 2 mg/m3 to 0.5 mg/m3, a chemical hazard alert notice (CHAN) was issued temporarily whilst this substance was reviewed. All of the other limits have been transferred unchanged into the revised OEL framework and appear in the 2005 edition of EH40. For the majority of substances studied in this project, virtually nothing has changed as the requirement to reduce exposure to ALARP applies to all carcinogens and mutagens in the same way as it applied to all substances assigned MELs under the old system. Most of the substances studied were liquids at STP. However, these cover a wide range of volatilities, from propylene oxide (bp 34°C) to o-toluidine (bp approx 200 °C) and nitrobenzene (bp 210°C). Clearly, as volatility increases, the potential for inhalation exposure where containment is breached also increases. Conversely, lower volatility substances would persist longer on contaminated surfaces, thus increasing the potential for dermal exposure. In addition to chronic toxicity, some of these substances may also have acute health effects (eg cyanosis). Some can be detected by odour at extremely low concentration, others have no appreciable odour until concentrations are several orders of magnitude above the OEL. Many of these 7 substances are flammable, which provides an additional incentive to users to maintain containment. 3.1.2 Breakdown by site activity The sites visited could be classified by activity (relative to the substances studied for this project) as follows. For the purposes of this classification, carcinogens and reprotoxins have been separated. Carcinogens, in this case, refer to either category 1 or 2 carcinogens (generally speaking risk phrases R45 or R49). Thirty four of the sites visited handled this class of materials, these may be broadly divided as follows ; • • • Manufacturers/producers of carcinogens from non carcinogenic raw materials – 9 sites. Sites where the carcinogen is present in the raw material and in the final product – 11 sites (this includes sites where the carcinogen passes through the site physically unchanged, i.e storage and distribution companies) Users of carcinogens where the carcinogen is reacted out and is not present in the final product – 14 sites. As fewer sites were visited where reprotoxins, category 3 carcinogens and lower toxicity substances were handled these have not been separated by activity, but may be broadly categorised along the following lines; • • • 3.2 Users/distributors/producers of reprotoxins – 6 sites (3 of these also handled carcinogens) Users/distributors/producers of category 3 carcinogens – 3 sites (1 of these also handled reprotoxins) Users/distributors/producers of lower toxicity materials – 1 site. TASKS STUDIED The tasks which carry the potential for exposure, and which were focussed upon during the site visits, are listed below, together with the number of sites at which that particular activity was studied. Road tanker loading – 14 sites Road tanker offloading – 20 sites Ship loading – 3 sites Ship offloading – 2 sites Transfer from semi bulk containers into plant – 10 sites Decant from plant into semi bulk containers – 9 sites Sampling of raw materials – 11 sites In-process and/or final product sampling – 34 sites Making and breaking flexi hose connections for materials transfer – 1 site Line breaks for maintenance – all sites Vessel entries for maintenance/inspection – 21sites Spills and cleaning up of spills – all sites Decontamination of PPE/contaminated equipment – all sites Clearly, depending upon the nature of their business, not all sites performed all of these tasks. 8 3.3 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Health and safety management procedures relevant to controlling task specific exposures were discussed during the site visits. These procedures were not investigated in depth, as the main focus of this project was on the specific exposure controls employed to control task specific exposures. The main findings regarding management systems are summarised in table 4. The ‘standard of practice’ has been rated into one of four categories. Good practice indicates well developed systems, with only minor deficiencies. Adequate indicates that some, relatively minor elements of the particular system may be poor, or missing. Poor indicates that only extremely basic systems were in place, and ‘none’ indicates that no system exists whatsoever to cover that particular aspect of H & S management. Table 4 – rating of various elements of health and safety management systems Standard of practice Management procedure None Poor Adequate Good Toxic hazard assessment 0 2 13 25 Written operating procedures 1 7 15 17 Incident reporting 1 1 9 29 H&S auditing 1 1 18 20 Operator training 1 3 8 28 Health surveillance 4 1 13 22 Many of the sites which have been classified in poor, or none categories in table 4 had multiple failings relating to H&S managements systems, i.e the total number of sites which had at least one element of their H&S management system classified as poor or missing completely cannot be calculated simply by summing all of the ‘poor’ and ‘none’ ratings in table 4. In actual fact, eleven of the sites visited had at least one element of their H&S management system rated as poor, or non-existent. This included three top tier COMAH operators, although each of these had only a single element of the H&S management system rated as poor or non-existent (one had poor written operating procedures, the other two had serious deficiencies regarding health surveillance procedures). Of the 6 lower tier COMAH sites visited, five received at least one rating of ‘poor’ or worse, i.e only one of these was judged to have H&S management system that was adequate in all aspects relevant to exposure control. Serious deficiencies were found at all three sub-COMAH sites visited, two of these had multiple failings. 3.3.1 Toxic hazard assessment The first stage in achieving adequate exposure control is recognition of toxic hazards. This was generally, well developed for those sites running only a small number of established processes involving substances with well documented toxicology. In these cases material safety data sheets and other suppliers information are a common source of information to guide control requirements. Other sites, such as toll manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and, to a lesser extent, storage and distribution companies, may handle hundreds of materials, including unusual intermediates and final products, which may have limited toxicological information. In these situations, expert judgement is necessary for effective toxic hazard assessment. Some excellent systems were encountered amongst such sites, most notably those within the pharmaceuticals sector. Information was drawn from a number of sources. Some companies used structure analogy relationships and a few carried out or commissioned toxicological testing. Of the sites visited, some of the pharmaceutical manufacturers had the most comprehensive systems in this area, with systems relying on ‘hazard banding’ according to toxicity. Each ‘band’ is assigned 9 an in-house exposure limit and the control hardware and operating procedures required to meet that limit is specified, as are PPE requirements. Many factors were taken into consideration within these systems but an important determinant was physical state with different control approaches applied to solids, liquids and gases. A number of other, non pharmaceutical sites had similar systems in place but generally these were less well defined and didn’t employ the formal hazard banding system. For some substances studied it was clear that user groups had been formed, either nationally or internationally to provide generic guidance on safe operating procedures, plant and systems involving those substances. Such groups met frequently to exchange information on performance and to review operations related to the toxic substances being handled. Systems for toxic hazard assessment were judged to be good at 25 of the 40 sites visited, and ‘adequate’ at a further 13 sites. Only 2 sites were deemed to have ‘poor’ systems in this area. 3.3.2 Written operating procedures Where possible, examples of written operating procedures were obtained for tasks with the potential for exposure to toxic substances. These varied greatly from extremely simple to comprehensive step by step instructions, detailing exposure controls to be employed at the relevant points of the task, including PPE requirements. Generally speaking, where written operating procedures existed, operators were familiar with them. In many cases they were effective tools in ensuring that tasks were carried out in a standardised way that ensured risks were controlled. They were also useful training tools, both for new operators and as refreshers for more experienced workers. One general failing was the lack of a specific written procedure for dealing with spillages of CMRs. Only eighteen of those visited indicated they had specific written emergency procedures for dealing with the specific substance under discussion. Fifteen sites had generic spillage procedures, which were designed to be applied to all spills, irrespective of the substance and had not reviewed these to see if they were suitable for especially hazardous CMR substances. Seven sites appeared to have no formal procedure for dealing with spills. Material safety data sheets were cited as potential sources of information in the event of a spillage. However, these would not usually provide sufficient detail on exposure control, and little (if any) information on decontamination of an area after gross clean up. Only a small minority of sites had given consideration as to how to check the adequacy of decontamination after a spillage clean up The quality of written operating procedures was judged to be ‘good,’ at 17 sites, and ‘adequate’ at a further 15. However, written operating procedures were judged to be of a ‘poor’ standard at 7 sites, i.e they were extremely basic and did not address the need to control operator exposure, and 1 site had no written procedures of any description (this was one of the smallest sites visited, and one of only three non COMAH sites). 3.3.3 Incident reporting Most sites had some form of incident reporting and investigation procedures in place. These ranged from informal systems based on oral communication, which would have to be classified as poor practice, to formal, structured systems. Where formal systems did exist, these were almost always electronically based. The better systems graded incidents with respect to the severity, identified individuals to investigate and 10 included systems to ensure that corrective actions were implemented. These generally, demanded a formal ‘close-out’ procedure. Often, the large, multi site companies, shared information from incident investigations between sites and in responsible care cells in a bid to prevent recurrences in their industry. At a number of sites, near miss reporting was actively encouraged. High personal exposure results were dealt with as incidents by some companies. These incidents were graded, ranging from minor to severe, dependant upon the exposure result. For example, several companies would treat results in the range 50 to 100% of the OEL as a near miss. Results in excess of the OEL would be treated as actual incidents. In these cases, the high result would be fully investigated, the reasons for the result identified and any corrective action taken to reduce the possibility of the situation being repeated. Incident reporting/investigation systems were judged to be of a good standard at 29 sites, and adequate at a further 9 sites. At one site, systems were judged to be poor, and one site had no incident reporting system whatsoever (again, this was one of the small, non COMAH sites). 3.3.4 H & S auditing The majority of sites reported internal audit systems that included health and safety arrangements as an integral part of the audit programme. The frequency, content and compositions of the teams involved was very variable. The larger companies carried out both routine site audits with site teams consisting of relevant specialists and were also subject to higher level parent company audits of equipment, systems and procedures. Others reported less sophisticated audit procedures involving internal resources only and little, if any, specialist input. Similarly actions on audit results were variable. Several reported formalised procedures with senior site management responsible for owning the reports and actions from them and for signing off compliance. Some were more ad hoc but still required formal closure and acceptance of defined actions. Twenty sites were judged to have systems for auditing health and safety topics which were ‘good’, with a further 18 having adequate systems. At one site, the systems were judged to be poor, and one site had no formal auditing systems whatsoever (again, this was one of the smaller non COMAH sites). 3.3.5 Operator training Operator training standards varied greatly on the sites visited. At the poor end of the spectrum, some sites provided only informal, undocumented ‘on-the-job’ training (i.e. the bare basics required to operate the plant). Conversely, some examples of excellent training systems were also found, and at such sites it was clear from discussions with plant operators that this resulted in a good knowledge of the plant and the health and safety considerations attached to operating it. Refresher training, generally speaking, tended to be more ad-hoc than initial operator training. However, a number of the sites visited did have well structured systems in place for refresher training. Some sites included very little on toxic substances in their training, whilst others paid great attention to this subject, producing tailor made packages on the COSHH regulations and on conducting COSHH assessments. RPE training was fairly common, and at all the sites visited, anyone using BA had received training. Less common was training on use and maintenance of other PPE (chemical resistant gloves and oversuits). Most sites documented training, i.e. 11 maintaining training files etc. Less common was validation of training to ensure that the messages had been received and understood. The quality of operator training was judged to be ‘good’ at 28 sites, and ‘adequate’ at a further 8 sites. At three sites, the quality of training was judged to be poor, and one site had no systems for training whatsoever (again, this was one of the small, non COMAH sites). 3.3.6 Health surveillance The value of health surveillance with regard to carcinogens is somewhat restricted, and this is acknowledged by HSE. Nevertheless, some form of health surveillance is appropriate for workers handling carcinogens. (HSE 1999, HSE 2002) Most of the sites visited did conduct some form of health surveillance. Pre-employment medicals based on questionnaires were used by most, but not all companies. Routine medicals were carried out by about half the sites visited but these often consisted of a general health check, possibly including lung function testing and skin inspection. Health surveillance schemes were not often specifically tailored to the risks posed by any particular substances handled on site. Some sites conducted substance specific health surveillance, but this was usually where there was a legal requirement to do so, such as for vinyl chloride, or specific HSE guidance. A number of sites had amended their health surveillance programs to take into account the quality of their exposure controls, i.e where extensive personal exposure monitoring had consistently indicated a high degree of control, the level of health surveillance had been reduced. A small minority of sites apparently conducted no health surveillance whatsoever, not even a preemployment medical. The quality of health surveillance programs was judged to be good at 22 sites, and adequate at a further 13 sites. One site was deemed to have a poor quality health surveillance program, and four sites conducted no health surveillance whatsoever. 3.4 ROAD TANKER LOADING AND OFFLLOADING Road tanker offloading was studied at 20 sites. The materials being offloaded were all liquids, but these do include some solids in aqueous solution and some liquefied gases under pressure. The majority of these sites (16) were handling substances that were carcinogens (R45, R49), but deliveries included reprotoxins (R62) and irritants (R37). Road tanker loading was studied at 14 of the sites visited. Ten of these were loading carcinogens (R45 or R49) substances, the other 4 were loading either category 3 carcinogens, reprotoxins or irritants. Six of these sites were ‘splash loading’, via open hatches in the tanker top. Tanker loading/offloading facilities seen during this work were variable but generally incorporated outdoor, segregated facilities. Spillage containment provisions were present at all locations, usually incorporating bunded areas and dedicated drainage to the site effluent sumps. Most sites reported some form of drive-away protection procedures. These ranged from simple vehicle key retention and physical barriers to sophisticated interlock systems that closed down loading activities if vehicle movement was sensed. The loading and offloading of road tankers is a task with clear exposure potential, and was generally studied at all sites where it was performed. Clearly, close attendance of operatives to the unloading/loading activities is necessary for significant periods. 12 Exposure potential is particularly high during uncoupling, following the transfer. Any residual material left inside loading hoses and couplings is opened to atmosphere, at a time when the operator is in close proximity. The use of dry break coupling systems, or the methods described above for clearing lines after transfer, should minimise the potential for exposure at this stage. Discussions with operators at a number of sites during this project indicated that uncoupling can be achieved with no visible release of material. However, other evidence was collected that shows that on occasions, significant exposure peaks are occurring. Examples include ; At one site offloading highly volatile carcinogens, visible plumes were observed during uncoupling. Another site, handling ethylene oxide (a gas at STP, with an 8 hour TWA MEL of 5 ppm), reported typical exposure peaks around 20 ppm during uncoupling, with exceptional peaks of several hundred ppm when offloading lines were not adequately purged before breaking the coupling. Information from another site, loading acrylonitrile (a volatile liquid with an 8 hour TWA MEL of 2 ppm) onto road tankers, indicated exposures as high as almost 10 ppm, averaged over the 90 minute loading duration. This would result in an 8 hour TWA exposure in excess of 90% of the MEL as a result of this single loading operation. HSE have measured peaks of almost 1,000 ppm during uncoupling of butadiene tankers, a gas at STP with an 8 hour TWA MEL of 10 ppm. Dry break couplings were in use on this occasion. All of these results relate to inhalation exposures. The potential for exposure by this route increases as the volatility of the substances handled increases. However, should residual material remain in the loading hose and coupling when uncoupling, there is also potential for significant dermal exposure. The storage vessels, into which tankers are offloaded, were fitted with overfill alarms at nearly all sites visited, with many installations also incorporating automatic overfill cut-out systems. A few of the sites (4) also had vapour recovery or scrubber systems connected to the vent units of the storage tanks. The usage of various key elements of exposure controls is summarised in table 5. Table 5 : Usage of key elements of exposure control for road tanker loading/offloading Procedural controls Leak test Blowing/rinsing of clear of lines couplings prior to breaking 3 8 9 16 Loading Offloading No. of sites 14 20 3.4.1 Procedural controls Engineering controls Vapour Dry break return couplings systems 8 9 13 4 PPE Use of RPE during uncoupling 4 9 Gloves during uncoupling 14 20 As can be seen from table 5, road tankers were being loaded at 14 sites. Only 3 of these leak tested the transfer hose and coupling prior to loading. Eight of these cleared the loading hose and coupling by either blowing through with gas or rinsing with water, prior to breaking the connection after loading, the remaining six simply allowed the loading hose to drain under gravity before breaking the coupling. 13 Road tankers were being offloaded at 20 sites. Nine of these leak tested the transfer hoses and coupling prior to each use. Sixteen of these cleared the hose and coupling by either inert gas blowing or water rinsing prior to uncoupling, the remaining 4 allowed the hose to drain under gravity. 3.4.2 Engineering controls Dry break couplings were used at less than half of the sites visited. A variety of reasons were given for this limited use. These included: a) Cost (they are more expensive than other coupling systems) b) Compatibility through the supply chain (if road tankers are fitted with dry break couplings then the site loading the tanker and the site receiving the tanker must both be able to deal with them) c) Manual handling issues (they are considerably heavier than other types of coupling) d) Perceived unreliability (at one site offloading gaseous products dry break couplings had been observed to leak). When using bolted flanged tanker connections, flexi hoses were almost universally used to link the road tanker to the fixed plant. These afford the flexibility to maintain a gas tight coupling as the road tanker height alters as it is loaded or unloaded. Eight (out of 14) sites employed some form of vapour return/recovery system for tanker loading. In 2 cases, this was an LEV system used in conjunction with open loading, at the others a sealed coupling was made between the vapour return line and the tanker. Of the 6 sites loading tankers with no vapour return, three were loading aqueous solutions of solids (no potential for vapour formation), one was loading cyclohexanol, (not a CMR), one was loading o-toluidine and one unleaded petrol (containing a maximum of 1% benzene). Nine sites used dry break couplings couplings for tanker loading. Thirteen (out of 20) sites were using vapour return systems to minimise emissions during offloading activities. Of the ones who were not, 1 was offloading a mixture containing around 2% benzene, 1 offloading aqueous acrylamide, 2 formaldehyde, 1 benzene in coal tar (0.5% but at 70°C), 1 nitrobenzene, 1 glycol ethers. No site was offloading neat, liquid carcinogens without vapour return. Four sites used dry break couplings, the remainder used bolted, flanged connections. These results indicate that vapour return systems are commonplace when transferring volatile materials to and from road tankers. Most commonly, these consisted of a hose linking the road barrel to the storage tank, allowing the head space vapour from the vessel being filled to be displaced into the headspace of the vessel being emptied. Less frequently, these vented to atmosphere through some kind of scrubber or vapour recovery system. 3.4.3 PPE The most crucial task in terms of exposure potential is the uncoupling of tankers after loading (see below). For this, RPE was worn at 4 (out of 14) sites loading tankers, and 9 (out of 20) offloading them. Gloves were worn universally during uncoupling. At some sites, operators attending loading/offloading operations wore chemical protective oversuits and gloves throughout the operation, with RPE close to hand. 14 3.5 SHIP LOADING AND OFFLOADING Six of the sites visited were either loading or offloading carcinogens from ships. However, at three of these sites the shipping operations were contracted out and were not under direct control of the site, and so could not be discussed in detail during the visit. Of the three sites where shipping activities were studied in detail, 2 were performing both loading and offloading, one was loading only. Substances involved for this task included VCM (offloading and loading, at 2 different sites), benzene (loading) propylene oxide (offloading) and aniline (loading). Hence, a total of five scenarios were studied. Aniline does not carry carcinogen classification. In terms of exposure control, there are many parallels between ship loading and road tanker loading. However, one significant difference is the quantities involved. Whilst a road tanker typically holds 25-30 tonnes of material, ship-shore transfers typically involve several thousand tonnes. The transfer of such quantities is clearly a highly hazardous activity, for a variety of reasons. Only very limited task specific exposure data was collected for this activity but this tended to support the data supplied for road tankers, indicating that significant inhalation exposures can occur during uncoupling, even where attempts have been made to clear the lines and couplings. Data was obtained for two of the five scenarios investigated. The site loading benzene (volatile liquid, 8 hour TWA MEL 1ppm) onto ships had measured peaks as high as 12 ppm using spot reading stain tubes held in the operators breathing zone during disconnection. The site offloading VCM (a gas at STP), 8 hour TWA MEL 3 ppm) had measured peaks as high as 1500 ppm using a photo ionisation detector, again this was during disconnection. This data is discussed more fully in appendix 8 (see sites 30 and 34). Additional task specific monitoring data was obtained from two of the refineries visited (sites 39 and 40), although the ship loading operation was not studied at these sites. Site 39 had measured task specific benzene exposures in the range 35 to 40 ppm (averaged over sampling period of 15 minutes) during ship disconnection, and butadiene exposures in the hundreds of ppm (and in extremes in excess of 1,000 ppm), averaged over approx. 30 minutes sampling time, during ship disconnection. These data are for personal samples, using pumped sorbent tube sampling. RPE was in use for these tasks, and will have gone some way to actually reducing the true exposure experienced by the operator. Site 40 had measured lower benzene exposures, typically around 4 ppm averaged over a 15 minute period, during ship disconnection, although this site had only a limited number of data points (n=2) for this activity. During these visits, anecdotal evidence was supplied which suggested that exposure control standards on board the ships may not be as high as the standards observed on the shore. Manual dip sampling from, and level gauging of, ships storage tanks would appear to reasonably common. This could not be investigated in detail at any site, since in all cases the ships were not owned by the sites being visited, and the ships crew were employed by another company. 3.5.1 Procedural controls Where it was studied, all sites had well developed procedures for ship loading and offloading. The high risk nature of the task resulted in comprehensive written operating procedures being developed at all three sites. The transfer lines and ship-shore connections were leak tested in all but one of the cases studied, the exception being the loading of aniline where the site felt the risk associated with pressurising the lines outweighed the risk due to a leaking connection. In all 15 five cases, the loading hoses and couplings were blown clear prior to breaking the coupling once the loading/offloading operation was complete. 3.5.2 Engineering controls In all four situations investigated where carcinogens were involved, vapour return lines were in use. They were not used for loading aniline, the ships tanks vented to atmosphere during this transfer. Dry break couplings were not used at any site, bolted, flanged, gasketed connections were used by all. 3.5.3 PPE As with road tankers, the task of uncoupling the ship once the transfer is complete is one area where there is potential for significant exposures to occur. RPE and chemical protective gloves were worn at each site during disconnection of the coupling after the transfer. 3.6 PROCESS AND QC SAMPLING Almost all of the sites visited, at some stage, took samples of material which either definitely, or potentially, contained a CMR. This is a task with clear exposure potential. A wide range of sampling devices were encountered, these are summarised in table 6. Table 6 : engineering controls applied to QC sampling No sampling Raw material sampling In process sampling Sealed or semi sealed system 21 0 Open system with engineering controls 1 3 3 4 Open system, no engineering controls 7 21 Mixture 0 9 It would appear that measurement of task specific exposures during sample taking is extremely uncommon, very little useful data was obtained for this activity. Some task specific exposure data for QC sampling was supplied by site 39 (see appendix 8). These indicated benzene exposures around 2 ppm (over a 20 minute sampling period), when sampling unleaded petrol, although the sampling technique used is unclear. The vast majority of sampling systems studied were for liquid sampling. The sampling of R45 category solids was encountered at only 2 sites, both were handling granulated materials which were not particularly dusty. In both cases manual scooping was the sampling method employed. The operative were wearing gloves and transferred the solid from the scoop to bags or screw topped jars/cans for transport to the laboratory. This study confirmed that the taking of process samples is one task which is routinely performed at most sites handling chemicals. Overall, the results show that open sampling systems are still reasonably common, even when the process involves CMRs. These findings strongly suggest that it is an area where task specific exposures are not being controlled as well as they should be. Once again, it is an activity where task specific monitoring would be useful in determining the adequacy of control. 16 3.6.1 Procedural controls An effective control method to reduce exposures during sampling is to remove or reduce the need to sample at all. For raw materials, this can effectively be achieved by accepting the material on the basis of a ‘Certificate of Analysis’, couple with the use of trusted suppliers and hauliers. Of the 29 sites using CMRs as raw materials, 21 chose this option. However, for the others, raw material sampling systems were generally poor, with dip sampling (of road tankers or IBCs/barrels) being the ‘norm’. Six of the 7 substances being sampled in this manner carried R45 classification (2 were solids, 4 liquids). Whilst it would be impractical for most sites to adopt a ‘no sampling’ policy for their own products, the number of samples taken can be minimised by making a structured study of the sampling regime and questioning the need for each sample taken. This had been done on a number of the sites visited, allowing them to reduce considerably the number of sampled taken on the site, and so reduce the potential for exposure associated with sample taking. 3.6.2 Engineering controls Only one site had managed to install a satisfactory in-line analysis system. Three sites used proprietary sealed or semi-sealed systems for all CMRs across the site. Four sites used engineering controls for sampling CMRs across the site. Twenty one of the sites took some, or all, process/QC samples using open sampling systems, with only PPE as exposure control. The remainder of the sites had a mixture of sampling systems for CMRs. Several sites manufacturing lower toxicity products, where CMRs were amongst the raw materials, worked on the assumption that as QC samples are only taken at advanced stages of the reaction, the potential for exposure to reactive raw materials is removed since they will no longer be present in the material being sampled. Under normal operating conditions this is probably valid. However, should the reaction not proceed as planned then there is a chance that the sample will contain substantial amounts of unreacted CMR. Hence, it is prudent to wear PPE as a precaution where this approach is adopted. At a number of sites where this method was used, the concentration of unreacted CMR in the sampled material was unknown. Sites made assumptions, ranging from ‘a few ppm’ to ‘perhaps a few percent in some samples’. At the top end of this range there is still substantial CMR exposure potential attached to handling the sampled material, and open sampling must be critically appraised. If this method is adopted, testing to quantify unreacted raw materials should be done, not necessarily on each sample, but as a confirmation of the potential risks and hence the controls that might be required. Most of the sampling systems encountered during this project employed some form of recirculating loop, to remove the need to run off material in order to obtain a representative sample. Clearly, it is desirable for sampling points to incorporate this feature, any excess material run off prior to sampling is a potential source of exposure. Less common than recirculating loops was some form of cooling system, to reduce the temperatures of the sampled material (where the sample was being taken from reactors containing material at elevated temperature). Again, this is a desirable feature, from a safety point of view in addition to reducing exposures. Some well designed sampling systems were seen. Generally, for mobile liquids, these are proprietary systems which either use a needle to inject the sample through a septum into a sealed bottle, or the sample bottle is screwed onto the sampling point during filling. With the screw on bottle type there is brief potential for exposure when the bottle is removed and capped. Some sites who had tried the needle and septum system reported that the needles can become blocked, and this can lead to significant exposure and inconvenience from cleaning regimes. To 17 a large extent this depends upon the product and the presence of suspended solids or viscous condensation products. Sealed ‘sample bombs’ were commonly used for gaseous materials. Provided these are regularly tested to verify the integrity of seals and valves, these provide a means of gas sampling with very little exposure potential. Some of the extracted, enclosed sampling systems observed would provide good exposure control. When designing and installing such a system the site should always be aware that, as with any LEV system, capture will be much more efficient if the exposure source is contained/enclosed so far as possible. 3.6.3 PPE Gloves were worn at all sites for sample taking, irrespective of the methodology employed. Less common was the use of RPE, 11 sites reported using RPE for sampling. 3.7 TRANSFERRING TO AND FROM SEMI-BULK Chemicals are delivered to sites in semi bulk containers (IBCs, drums, sacks) in situations where they are not used in large enough quantities to be delivered by road tanker, or occasionally where there is no bulk on-site storage tank to allow road tanker delivery. Finished products are packaged into such containers to suit customer requirements. The emptying and/or filling of semi-bulk containers is a task with the potential for exposure. There is a large variety of equipment available for this operation. Facilities can range from closed transfer systems often with additional local exhaust extraction arrangements to minimise emissions, through to open, manual drum emptying/filling. Table 7 summarises the use of engineering controls for this activity. Table 7 : engineering controls applied to semi-bulk transfers Drum emptying Drum filling Number of sites 10 9 Automated, enclosed system 2 1 Good quality LEV 3 3 Poor quality LEV 4 4 None 1 1 A limited amount of task specific measurement data was obtained for drum filling and emptying. Two sites with a good standard of engineering control (laminar flow booths) provided results which showed inhalation exposures during drum emptying to be relatively low. However, data from another site, with a much lower standard of engineering control, indicated potentially very high exposures (see sites 1, 20 and 28 in appendix 8). The findings for these tasks indicate that exposure potential during semi-bulk handling operations is generally higher than during bulk transfer. The operation generally requires more operator input, and the degree of containment is typically less. Furthermore this activity is likely to be performed at smaller sites, with less knowledge and resource dedicated to exposure control. 3.7.1 Procedural controls The applicability of procedural controls to this task is limited, although performing the task outdoors, and physical segregation, would fall into this category. Unfortunately, information on 18 the use of these controls was not collected in sufficient detail to be able to supply an accurate analysis of the use of their use. 3.7.2 Engineering controls Ten of the sites studied in this project had CMRs delivered in semi bulk containers on a fairly regular basis. The substances concerned were, in all cases, either solids or low volatility liquids. Four sites handled solids in this way. Methods of transferring solids from semi-bulk into plant varied. Three of these four sites were relatively small operations, among the smallest visited for this project. The substances involved at all three sites were hexavalent chromium compounds. At all three sites, the raw material was manually tipped from drums/sacks into the plant. Two of the three had LEV systems but these were poorly designed, providing very little enclosure of the exposure source. The third site had no engineering control whatsoever. This reflects the relatively ‘low-tech’ approaches employed at such sites. The solids being handled were either granules or crystals, not finely divided powders, this will have some effect on controlling exposures. The fourth site handling solids in this manner was a substantially larger operation They had installed an automated drum handling system which opened, emptied and washed out drums under near total containment. This had been custom designed and installed at high capital cost. This system virtually removed all exposure potential during drum emptying and by water washing the drums afterwards (the solid in use at this site was water soluble) it also reduced the potential for exposure as a result of handling contaminated ‘empty’ drums. At the six sites which were transferring liquids from semi bulk containers into the plant, a variety of methods were encountered for this activity. Hoses fitted with rigid lances were fairly common. However such systems were employed in a variety of environments, from usage on open plant to being used within segregated laminar flow booths. A number of systems were seen with ‘on-tool’ extraction fitted to the lance, these did appear to provide reasonable capture of vapour at source. One system was seen whereby a fixed ‘Cam-Lock’ type connection was made to an IBC, with the fitting piercing a previously sealed membrane as the connection is made, thus providing a means of connection with virtually no exposure potential. Nine sites were filling semi bulk containers with CMRs. Again, the substances were mainly either solids or low volatility liquids, although one site was visited where aqueous formaldehyde solutions (38% w/w), and neat dichloromethane (bp 40°C) were being filled into drums. The two sites filling solids into drums/sacks were both handling hexavalent chromium compounds. One had highly automated systems, with a high degree of enclosure and extraction. At the other site the material was manually dropped into drums with an LEV system (only partially effective due to poor enclosure of the exposure source) in use. The filling of liquids into IBCs/drums generally had some form of LEV applied to the task. Some very effective systems were encountered, either using ‘on-tool’ extraction on the filling lance or some form of custom designed filling station, fitted with LEV and a good degree of containment of the exposure source (the open neck of the container being filled). Such systems would appear to be fairly common at sites where semi-bulk containers are regularly filled. At the other end of the spectrum, situations were observed where drums were being filled with only a flexible arm type extraction system in use, resulting in poor control at source. 19 3.7.3 PPE PPE use for transferring to and from semi bulk containers was variable. Gloves were worn at all sites for this activity. RPE use was not so common, 6 sites used it for emptying drums/IBCs, 5 sites used RPE during filling of drums/IBCs. 3.8 MAINTENANCE TASKS Breaches of containment for maintenance activities are common at chemical sites. Dependant upon their exact nature, such work can have the potential for much higher exposures than routine activities associated with production. Containment breaches may be of longer durations, and unexpected situations are more likely to occur. Recent HSE research indicated that loss of containment and uncontrolled releases is often related to maintenance activities (Collins and Keeley, 2003). This work indicated around 17% of all cases studied were related to maintenance activities. Maintenance activity may be performed by site employees, or it may be carried out by contractors. Occasionally, maintenance may involve items being sent off site for repair or service. 3.8.1 Procedural controls The vast majority of the sites visited had well developed management and procedural systems associated with maintenance tasks. Permit to work (PTW) systems were the norm. These frequently required the production of a task specific risk assessment, hence exposure control (plus all other relevant H&S risks) should be considered on each occasion that a PTW was produced. In general, most sites made attempts to clear lines, vessels, and other items of plant, before breaching containment for maintenance. A substantial proportion went further, subsequently water rinsing the line and or blowing through with air or nitrogen. Some sites repeated this cycle several times. In general, the area around the containment breach would be isolated by closing and locking valves. One site took samples of the plant washings, only authorising the first break when these indicated satisfactory decontamination. At a minority of sites, it was standard practice to issue direct reading toxic gas/vapour measuring instruments to operators breaching containment for maintenance. These were generally fitted with audible alarms, to allow early indication should the work lead to the emission of toxic gas/vapour. Provided such equipment is regularly calibrated, and is reliable, it is clearly good practice to employ it in these circumstances. 3.8.2 Engineering controls Generally, engineering controls play only a minor part in controlling exposures during maintenance. Occasionally, mobile extraction systems may be employed, but this is unusual. 3.8.3 PPE Some sites assumed that after clearing lines and equipment, no residual material would be present and then proceeded to make the line break with few, if any, further exposure controls. Conversely, at other sites, the highest level of PPE available was still worn when making the first break, typically this would include chemical resistant oversuit, wellingtons and gloves, with all seams taped, in conjunction with air fed BA. Some sites continued to wear the full PPE ensemble throughout the maintenance task. Others conducted some kind of atmospheric testing 20 after the first break (using direct reading instruments or stain tubes) or visual inspection prior to reducing the level of PPE for the actual maintenance task. 3.8.4 General comments Where the task involves a vessel entry it would generally be given a much greater deal of consideration than a line break on open plant. Clearly, there is much greater potential for an acutely life threatening situation to occur, and the Confined Space Regulations (HSE 1997) apply. The AcoP accompanying these regulations indicates that measurement of toxic gases or vapours should be performed if the atmosphere may be contaminated or to any extent unsafe to breathe. Without exception, all of the sites visited measured oxygen levels in vessels prior to entry. Some sites also measured the gas/vapour concentration of the substance previously held in the vessel. A variety of techniques were employed for this measurement, including stain tubes, instruments lowered into vessels in buckets, and sampling onto pumped sorbent tubes with laboratory analysis. RPE requirements for the vessel entry were then made based on the results of these measurements. However, of the 21 sites where vessel entry procedures were studied, 6 measured only oxygen, they made no measurement of toxic gas/vapour that had been contained within the vessel. In the worst cases, 2 of these sites subsequently entered vessels without RPE based on measurement of oxygen content only. This is clearly poor practice. Many of the sites visited had procedures to decontaminate equipment that was sent to third parties off site for refurbishment /repair/servicing. Where decontamination was not practical without such equipment being dismantled, several sites had a tagging and alert system to warn recipients of the potential risks of contaminants that might be released during servicing activities. One company had produced a DVD that was sent to relevant service contractors to warn them of the dangers of substances they might encounter and to explain the tagging system to the contractor. The information also included the contact number for relevant advice on the safe working requirements. 3.9 LABORATORY ACTIVITY Although of relevance to this project, laboratory activity was not studied in the same depth as the individual tasks discussed in the preceding sections. On a number of sites it was not possible to study lab activity, either due to time constraints or due to problems gaining access to the laboratory areas. For these reasons, the information collected relating to lab activity can be regarded as a summary overview only. Almost all sites visited had on-site laboratory facilities to allow rapid analysis of QC samples. These ranged from rather basic facilities housing a handful of simple instruments to moderate sized laboratories equipped with a variety of modern analytical equipment. Significantly, for the sites with good quality exposure monitoring programs, lab staff were frequently identified as a worker group with 8 hour TWA exposures toward the top end of the range for the site. This is probably a result of the length of time that they are potentially exposed. It would typically take an analyst more time to analyse a QC sample within a lab than it would take a plant operator to obtain the sample, especially if some form of sample work-up procedure is performed. On a number of sites, the lab analyst was also responsible for the taking of QC samples. This raises their exposure potential even higher. 21 3.9.1 Procedural controls Only limited information was collected relating to procedural exposure controls in labs. The storage of ‘waste’ material from QC samples was common in laboratories, this material was often tipped into a drum of some description. On most sites this vessel was stored inside a fume cupboard, but situations were observed where this material was stored in the open laboratory or on some occasions in segregated storage units/rooms in the laboratory area. Occasionally the controls in these areas were not adequate to contain spillages, or to control vapour releases. Once a certain amount of waste has been accrued it is either disposed of (as chemical waste) or returned to the process through some sort of inlet on the plant. Situations were encountered where this task carried some exposure potential and controls were often less rigorous than at other points on the plants. 3.9.2 Engineering controls Most of the labs which were seen had some form of fume cupboard, extracted work bench or local exhaust extraction units. These units varied greatly in design and at the majority of sites, but not all, were routinely maintained and tested in order to control performance. Generally QC samples containing CMRs were handled inside fume cupboards, although situations were observed where such samples were handled on the open bench, despite fume cupboards being available. 3.9.3 PPE Typically polyester cotton laboratory coats were worn by laboratory workers. PPE is downgraded in laboratories, and where chemical protective gauntlets are used to take QC samples out on the plant, surgical type gloves were generally used for sample handling within the laboratory. The reasons for this are understandable, as laboratory tasks frequently require a high degree of manual dexterity and precision. However the significantly lower chemical protection afforded by such PPE should be borne in mind in relevant risk assessments. There was no usage of RPE in laboratories at any of the sites visited. 3.10 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT PPE in this instance relates to chemical protective equipment. This includes RPE, chemical protective gloves and chemical protective clothing. In accordance with the hierarchy of control philosophy, PPE should generally be the ‘last line of defence’ in terms of exposure control. However, where containment is breached and carcinogens are involved, PPE will play a part in the overall exposure control strategy. Some of the sites visited used PPE as the primary exposure control for certain tasks. Most commonly this applied to the taking of QC samples. Maintenance on decontaminated plant was conducted at a minority of sites, with total reliance on PPE, and this is a practice which should be critically reviewed when potential exposures to carcinogenic chemicals are involved. Reliance on PPE should always be the last option and especially so for CMRs. There are situations where the use of PPE is appropriate, and occasionally essential. On a number of sites visited, PPE was used as a secondary exposure control, in addition to engineering controls, as a precaution in case of an unforeseen event, for example to protect operators in the event of an unplanned release during offloading of road tankers. 22 Generally speaking, most of the sites visited had structured selection processes for PPE. PPE manufacturers and/or suppliers advice had generally been sought regarding compatibility with the chemicals handled. Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) were commonly used to guide PPE selection, although the quality of data supplied in these documents is variable. There is a duty on chemical suppliers to identify suitable PPE for users of their products, and to provide this information on MSDSs. Suitable glove materials should be specified (EU Commission Directive 2001/58/EC), although a high proportion of MSDS do not contain this level of information, and it is common for them to include the statement ‘wear suitable gloves’, thus requiring the user to perform their own selection. For operational/maintenance and contractor staff, risk assessments were used to guide the selection procedures for PPE. Often the selection and usage procedures were the responsibility of on-site committees consisting of specialists, operational management and workforce representatives. At some sites, PPE ‘user groups’ had been set up, to allow an exchange of information and opinions between site management, safety officers and end users. PPE is more likely to be accepted where workers clearly understand the reason for using it and where they have been consulted on the equipment provided. Involving users in the selection process provides feedback on the true performance of PPE in use. For example, although a pair of gloves may offer good chemical protection, they will be of limited use if they are so thick that they do not allow the required level of manual dexterity to operate equipment (HSE, 2001), or on the other hand, are so thin that they frequently tear. 3.10.1 Gloves In terms of dermal protection, gloves are perhaps the most important item as it is the hands which are most likely to receive contamination. This can occur from deliberate immersion, or from inadvertent splashing or handling of contaminated items. At none of the sites visited were gloved hands immersed into any of the CMRs studied. However, several instances were encountered where known contaminated items were deliberately handled with gloved hands. It was fairly common amongst the sites visited for chemical protective gloves to be disposed of on a daily basis, and several of the sites had a splash and dispose policy, whereby contaminated gloves are immediately removed and disposed of. However, several sites re-used gloves on more than one day, for periods of up to several months in extremes. It would be very unusual for any glove manufacturer or supplier to provide permeation data for periods of longer than 8 hours, as this is typically the maximum period for which glove materials are permeation tested. Hence, where gloves are used for longer than this, there is uncertainty regarding the degree of protection they will offer. There is also the possibility of exposure as a result of permeation of material which has previously contaminated the gloves, also from handling contaminated gloves when donning. PVC gloves were very common, despite the fact that on occasions, other materials had been identified as providing better protection. This is probably driven largely by cost and convenience. Examples of poor glove selection were encountered, notably the use of cotton cuffed gloves for chemical protection. If the cuffs of these become contaminated, they very effectively ‘wick’ the contamination inside the glove, where it remains in intimate contact with the operators skin in a moist, humid environment which provides good conditions for dermal penetration. At several sites, most notably storage and distribution companies, operators may work with several different substances in a single working shift. It may not always be practical for them to constantly change gloves from one type to another. Under such circumstances, glove selection may need to be somewhat of a compromise, taking into consideration the substances handled and the potential for glove contact. 23 3.10.2 Chemical protective oversuits A variety of chemical protective oversuits were encountered to protect against the various substances encountered during these visits. These ranged from disposable single use items, through to full body, air supplied suits. Many premises reported appraisal procedures and written guidance to guide selection and use of oversuits. All provided segregated storage and welfare facilities to help with care of clothing and general welfare. A number of sites had ‘inhouse’ PPE laundries, where used oversuits are laundered and inspected between uses. These were generally well run facilities, where the potential for exposure with incoming contaminated items was adequately considered and controlled by a combination of procedural and engineering controls. Commonly, during the site visits the company contacts were unaware of the material from which their oversuits were made and the specific protection offered. Many of them referred to them as providing protection against a range of chemicals at their sites. Clearly suits are often designed for protection against a single class of substance and commonly will not be suitable against a variable range of substances. Discussions on maintenance of oversuits indicated differing approaches. Some sites routinely wash them down after each use in dedicated wash areas. Some would only wash down if the suits were known to be contaminated. Some sites had on-site laundering facilities whilst others sent their suits off-site. Generally, contamination was removed by water washing before the suits were bagged /dispatched for more rigorous cleaning. It was common practice for heavily contaminated oversuits to be disposed of, rather than laundered, although in practice this degree of contamination should be unusual. Re-usable oversuits were more commonly encountered than disposables usually because they were believed to offer better protection. However several companies preferred chemical resistant disposables. The reasons given for this related to cost, wearer comfort and knowledge that operatives used a clean suit each time. 3.10.3 Respiratory Protective equipment (RPE) In general, RPE selection procedures were reasonably sound. Air fed equipment was common for use against CMRs. Some sites had total ‘bans’ on the use of filtered RPE to prevent it’s misuse, and simplify the selection process. Other sites had a complex range of RPE available for different purposes. This kind of system requires a high degree of training and awareness of everyone involved in the use of RPE, to guard against incorrect selection and use of the equipment. Generally, where BA was in use, it appeared to be well maintained and the users were well trained. Where filtering respirators were selected, the quality of the maintenance regime was more variable. At the better end of the spectrum, respirators were cleaned and inspected after each use by a specialist facility. However, at other sites, the respirator maintenance regime was less formal and not in compliance with COSHH regulation 9.2. There was much variation in the frequency with which the filter cartridges are changed. This ranged from changing after a single use (for all cartridge types), to sites where cartridges were used intermittently for periods of several months. This is poor practice, especially for gas/vapour cartridges as contaminant begins to diffuse through the filter bed from the first time of use. At a small minority of sites, examples of incorrect cartridge choice were encountered, most frequently the selection of general organic vapour cartridges against low boiling point substances for which AX cartridges are required. A 24 number of sites had conducted RPE fit testing, a number of others were in the process of organising this. However, some sites were unaware of the legal requirement to perform fit testing for those respirators where face fit was necessary to ensure effective protection. 3.11 EXPOSURE MONITORING Personal monitoring of exposures is an effective method of demonstrating the adequacy of exposure control. Where a measurement method is practical, i.e. inhalation or biological measures, and exposure might be significant then some form of personal monitoring should be used. Although static monitoring systems, hand held spot reading devices, and regular checks on operating parameters of engineering controls can all play a part, none of these take into account some of the human factors which can have a significant influence on an individual’s exposure. For carcinogens the importance of exposure monitoring is explicitly stated in paragraph 22 of Appendix 1 of the COSHH 2002 AcoP, which deals with control of carcinogenic substances. This states clearly that ‘monitoring employees exposure to carcinogens is normally necessary because of the increased risk of serious health effects if controls fail’. An anonymised summary of all exposure monitoring data obtained during this project can be found in appendix 8. Traditionally, exposure monitoring has focussed mainly on measurement of full shift potential inhalation exposures, using personal air sampling, within the operators breathing zone. The majority of exposure measurements taken by HSE, and the majority of data supplied to HSE by industry, is of this form. However, where chemicals are handled in enclosed systems, all exposures will be related to the individual tasks where containment is breached. Although full shift monitoring can be used to monitor compliance with 8 hour TWA exposure limits, it reveals little about the magnitude of these task specific exposures. Measurement of task specific exposures is an extremely useful tool in such circumstances. The monitoring of personal exposures was reviewed as a key part of each visit and the findings are summarised below. 3.11.1 Full shift inhalation exposure monitoring As indicated above, the majority of exposure monitoring programs focus on measuring full shift inhalation exposure, using personal air sampling. In terms of demonstrating compliance with occupational exposure limits, this is the generally accepted technique. 21 sites were judged to have adequate exposure monitoring programs, mainly focussing on measurement of full shift exposures. Several, clear examples of good practice in the area of exposure monitoring were observed, including : i) The use of exposure monitoring to validate that exposure controls are effective wherever a new process has been set up, or a working practice or item of plant has been modified. ii) Ongoing programs of personal monitoring, with all worker groups frequently monitored. iii) Monitoring results stored and exposure trends analysed. iv) Results always communicated back to individuals. 25 v) In-house ‘action levels’ set (often below regulatory limits) and any result exceeding these investigated in the same way as an accident/near miss. vi) Use of calibrated, data logging, pocket sized direct reading instruments for all tasks with exposure potential. These were fitted with audible alarms to indicate immediately when high exposures are encountered. However at some of the sites the picture was less satisfactory and findings are indicated below: i) Eight sites had conducted no exposure monitoring whatsoever. ii) At five sites, the last exposure monitoring exercise was conducted several years ago, or inadequate monitoring had been performed. iii) At 3 sites, direct reading instruments were relied upon totally for exposure monitoring which had not been calibrated since they were purchased. iv) At 2 sites, spot reading, colorimetric tubes were the only form of ‘exposure monitoring’ conducted. A common deficiency, even at the sites where adequate monitoring was being performed and the results recorded, was the lack of supporting ‘contextual’ information stored alongside the results. Ideally, this would include a description of the tasks being performed by the workers monitored, the duration of these tasks, any exposure controls in use and any other information relevant to the individual’s exposure. This type of information is essential for meaningful interpretation of monitoring results. A number of occasions were encountered during this project where monitoring results were available without this type of information. In situations where the individual conducting or overseeing the monitoring exercise have moved on, this dramatically reduces the value of any monitoring results in demonstrating adequacy of compliance. 3.11.2 Task specific exposure monitoring The usage of task specific exposure monitoring at the sites visited was not particularly common. Around 10 sites had task specific exposure results which were of adequate quality. As discussed above, the measurement of task specific exposures can provide key data on the effectiveness of control actions. However, measuring these exposures can also be challenging, dependant upon a number of factors. Anyone embarking upon a program of task specific monitoring must give careful prior consideration to the choice of measurement method. Significant factors include the substance to be measured, the likely exposure levels, the duration of the tasks of interest and the presence of any potential interferants. In extreme cases, for low volatility substances and extremely short duration tasks, for example the taking of a single QC sample lasting perhaps two minutes, it is questionable whether any measurement technique is capable of providing valid results. At the sites visited where task specific monitoring had been performed, a variety of methodology had been employed. The techniques most frequently applied to task specific monitoring are discussed in sections to, below. Spot reading, colorimetric tubes. A number of sites used these devices, for various purposes. They are useful for indicating approximate peak exposures and identifying exposure sources or emission points. However they 26 have several limitations and must be used with caution. They require the user to make an informed judgement regarding which parts of the task carry greatest exposure potential. As hand held devices, the sampling position must also be considered, and will only be meaningful with respect to personal exposure, when samples are taken in approximately the workers breathing zone. They have no use whatsoever in quantifying exposures over any timed period. They are a useful tool for the purposes described above, but cannot be used to accurately quantify task specific exposures. Direct reading instruments. Again, these were in use at a number of sites. A variety of operating principles are available. The most common types utilise either a photo ionisation detector (PID) or an electrochemical cell. PIDs respond to a wide range of organic gases and vapours. This feature allows them a wide range of applicability but, at the same time means that they are prone to interference, thus limiting their usefulness when a number of substances are present. They cannot, for example, be used to accurately measure benzene in situations where petrochemical mixtures are handled. On a number of occasions during this project, it was apparent that users of such instruments believed that because their instrument had been calibrated for a single substance, then it would not be affected by the presence of other substances. This is not the case. Even when calibrated for a specific substance, PIDs will respond to a range of other organics if they are present. Electrochemical cells are more specific than PIDs, but may still be prone to some degree of interference. They are only available for a limited range of substances. Direct reading instruments may be hand held, or, if small and lightweight, may be carried in the operator’s breathing zone. In the latter case, if the instrument is capable of logging concentrations versus time, then it offers a powerful tool for measurement of task specific exposures. Such devices allow the total exposure over the duration of the task to be quantified and provide information on the magnitude and duration of any significant exposure peaks within the measurement period. No matter what it’s measurement principle, any direct reading instrument must be periodically recalibrated according to manufacturers instructions if it is to remain a valid measurement tool. It may also be worthwhile requesting from the manufacturers, any validation data they have for their instrument. Several HSE studies have been performed which demonstrate that commercially available instruments do not always offer the level of performance suggested by the manufacturer or supplier. Sorbent tube sampling Traditional sorbent tube sampling techniques, with subsequent laboratory analysis, may be applied to the measurement of task specific exposures. This approach is least likely to suffer from interference from other substances, and is potentially the most accurate and sensitive approach. To be of use in measuring task specific exposures, the sample must be taken over the duration of the task of interest only. It is unlikely that diffusive (passive) sampling will be applicable to task specific monitoring. Owing to the short duration of the tasks typically being measured, pumped techniques are more likely to offer adequate performance. Before beginning a program of task specific monitoring, the user must consider these factors and select an appropriate measurement method. Incorrect method selection at his stage will limit the usefulness of the measurement results. Incorrect measurement methodology may provide results which be meaningless or even worse, provide a significant underestimate of true exposures. 27 Use of task specific monitoring Around half of the sites visited had attempted some form of task specific monitoring. However, at a number of these, the methodology used was questionable (stain tubes, uncalibrated hand held instruments). At other sites only a very limited amount of task specific monitoring had been performed, thus rendering the data of limited use. As with full shift monitoring programs, the measurements must be repeated on a number of occasions to generate results which are representative. A single measurement result is meaningless. Around a quarter of the sites visited in total, were able to provide task specific measurement data which was of reasonable quality, although most of these could not claim to have an accurate picture of all task specific exposures occurring on site (relevant to the substances being discussed during the visit). Most of the sites with reasonable quality task specific monitoring programs in place were sampling over the exact duration of the task in question, i.e if it was a two minute job then a 2 minute sample was taken, if it was a 30 minute job, then sampling would be performed over 30 minutes. One site appeared to have standardised on a 15 minute sampling period for measuring all task specific exposures, to allow results to be directly compared with an in house 15 minute exposure limit. However. This approach may be restrictive at times and not allow the full potential of task specific monitoring to be realised. Two sites in particular stood out as having particularly high quality task specific exposure monitoring programs. The first one of these involved the use of direct reading, data logging personal monitors. These were carried by all operators, at all times where there is potential for exposure. These are regularly downloaded, and the exposure profiles studied and any exposure peaks are investigated. This system had allowed the site to identify occasions when working practices had not been correctly followed. It had also allowed them to identify critical times during certain maintenance activities when unavoidable exposure peaks were occurring, thus providing evidence for the continued need for a high level of RPE at these times. The second example of good practice in this area involved a site where, at the time of our project visit, and for several months preceding that, task specific monitoring was performed for all tasks, with exposure potential. This site used pumped sorbent tubes with on-site laboratory analysis, to monitor. Their aim is to build up a database of task specific exposures, and use these data to determine the tasks where current RPE usage was not necessary, and other tasks where working practices ought to be reviewed with a view to reducing exposures. A small minority of the other sites visited had conducted programs of task specific monitoring in the past to identify tasks with exposure potential. However, once this monitoring had achieved its aim, they had quite legitimately discontinued it. 3.11.3 Biological monitoring Biological monitoring (BM) was not frequently encountered on the sites visited. This technique can be especially useful in assessing exposures by all routes. It can also be applied retrospectively to estimate exposures associated with unplanned events, such as the cleaning of spills etc. as samples can be obtained post task. For some substances biological techniques have not yet been developed or validated. However, BM techniques do exist for a number of the substances studied in this project, including; acrylamide, aniline, arsenic, benzene, chromium, dichloromethane, dimethylformamide, 2-ethoxy ethanol, n-hexane, o-toluidine and trichloroethylene. 28 3.11.4 Static gas detection systems Static gas detection systems were reasonably common. However, the majority of these were installed to detect potentially explosive concentrations, providing an indication in terms of lower explosive limit (LEL), and typically alarming at around 10% LEL. Although there are clearly, highly valid reasons for installation of this type of equipment, it is of little value in detecting leaks which are significant in terms of operator exposure. The LEL of an organic gas/vapour is typically of the order of 1-2%, i.e 10,000 to 20,000 ppm. Hence, a detection system providing an alarm at 10% LEL will require a vapour concentration of 1,000 to 2,000 ppm before alarming. Given that the OELs of the majority of substances studied in this project are below 10 ppm, the limitations of this type of equipment are clear. Only 4 of the sites visited had static sensing systems which were designed to respond to low ppm levels of vapour, i.e the types of airborne concentrations that are considered significant in terms of operator exposures. Three of these were handling carcinogenic gases, 2 vinyl chloride, one ethylene oxide, with systems set to alarm at between 15 and 50 ppm. The other site was handling dimethyl sulphate, and had installed a static monitoring system set to alarm at 35 ppb. Whilst static detection systems are of limited use in assessing operator exposures, they are a powerful tool in guarding against over exposure, providing the detectors or inlet lines are sensibly located and the system is well maintained and regularly calibrated. 29 4 4.1 DISCUSSION H&S MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The majority of sites visited for this project, 31 from 40, were top tier COMAH operators. These sites were generally selected to provide information on good practices in controlling CMRs and to gauge attitudes and practices in controlling task specific exposures to CMR. Such sites have frequent contact with HSE, and other regulatory bodies. Generally speaking, these sites had good overall management procedures and strategies for controlling risks from exposure to chemicals, studied in this work, ranging from reasonable to excellent. As discussed in section 3.3, three of the top tier COMAH sites were found to have a serious deficiency at some point within their H&S management system. Deficiencies in H&S management systems were much more commonplace at lower tier COMAH sites, and even more common at subCOMAH operators. Multiple deficiencies existed at two of the three sited visited in this latter category. Perhaps unsurprisingly, awareness and understanding of the COSHH Regulations, the underlying ‘hierarchy of control’ principle, and other relevant H&S regulations and the provision of equipment, procedures, and expertise ranged from inadequate to excellent. It was not practical, however, in this work to analyse all the detail of relevant risk/COSHH assessments and control actions required under Regulations. Hence specific activities involving breaches of containment of chemicals were used as pointers to current awareness, attitudes and practices for controls. 4.2 CONTROLS APPLIED TO SPECIFIC TASKS 4.2.1 Loading and offloading of road tankers and ships Generally, exposure controls for these tasks were judged to be of a reasonably good standard across the sites visited, although deficiencies were identified at certain sites. Open loading/unloading of carcinogens without vapour return or LEV systems cannot be described as reducing exposures to ALARP, the only exceptions being the transfer of solids in aqueous solution and possibly very low volatility organic liquids. More task specific exposure measurement data was obtained for this task than any other studied. This data showed that significant exposures may occur, even where high standard of engineering control is applied. Unsurprisingly, the disconnection between the road tanker (or ship) and the loading lines after the transfer is complete is usually the single activity where exposure potential is highest. Careful control of emissions at this stage by thoroughly clearing transfer hoses and couplings, most usually by blowing with inert gas or less frequently by water rinsing, is essential in order to achieve adequate exposure control. 4.2.2 Quality control sampling The taking of process samples is a common activity. This study has revealed this to be an area where task specific exposures are frequently not well controlled. Even at the ‘good’ sites visited for this work, open sampling systems were often employed at some stage of the process. There 30 is potential for exposure by both dermal and inhalation routes with these systems. Gross contamination of gloves was commonplace with open sampling systems. The potential for inhalation exposure during sample taking would be dependant on the content of the CMR in the sampled material and upon a number of factors, including: • • • the volatility of the material being sampled, the temperature of the sampled material (frequently samples are hot, thus increasing evaporation of volatile components) and the length of time the sample vessel is open to atmosphere before being capped. Clearly however, there is the potential for high peaks of exposure. In the worst cases, sampling systems were observed whereby the hot sample was transported to the laboratory in an open vessel, which was not lidded at any time. At other sites, sampling systems were seen whereby the sampled material, which contained a significant proportion of CMR, was at a temperature close to, or in excess of, the boiling point of the CMR, clearly resulting in rapid evaporation from the sampling vessel. A number of sites visited had experimented with in-line analytical instruments for QC analysis, allowing the product to be analysed without any need to breach containment. Generally however, they had not been able to obtain acceptable performance from such systems, indicating that, whilst theoretically this is a desirable method of QC validation, in practice it is extremely difficult to operate reliably. 4.2.3 Transferring to/from semi bulk The quality of exposure controls observed for this task varied greatly. The better sites demonstrated that a good standard of exposure control is possible for this task. However, some very poor situations were also observed. Custom built hardware is a necessary element in controlling exposures for this task, as with all of the other tasks studied in this work. Automated, enclosed drum filling facilities would generally provide the highest degree of control in normal operation. Where these are not possible, and the operation requires more manual input, then a good standard of LEV is required. Typically this would be some form of ‘on-tool’ LEV, fitted to the filling/emptying lance and providing good enclosure around the open neck of the drum. Extracted booths may also provide adequate control, provided they are used correctly. However, the use of portable, ‘flexible arm’ type LEV systems is inadequate when CMRs are being transferred. It is widely recognised that his type of LEV is highly dependant upon being correctly positioned for it to achieve efficient capture, and such systems are frequently misused. Any of the manual drum filling/emptying systems described here would possibly need to be augmented by the use of appropriate PPE, including RPE. A task specific risk assessment, including measurement of inhalation exposures associated with the task, would be required to inform the PPE selection process. Some of the larger operators seemed reluctant to pack product into semi bulk containers (drums or IBCs), preferring to export bulk quantities by road tanker from the site. However, if there is commercial demand for such materials to be supplied in smaller quantities, companies further down the supply chain will be involved in decanting bulk quantities into smaller pack sizes. These smaller organisations may generally receive less regulatory attention than larger sites, and there is much anecdotal evidence to suggest a general lowering in standards at such sites. 31 4.2.4 Maintenance The need to control exposures during maintenance activity was generally well recognised, with the majority of sites following the hierarchy of control for such tasks. Most of the sites visited were probably achieving adequate control during most maintenance tasks, using a combination of working practices, engineering control and PPE. However, the general lack of task specific measurement data for maintenance means that the majority of sites have no evidence to support this. The fact that maintenance tasks are frequently subject to task specific risk assessment, as part of PTW systems, may be significant in ensuring that exposure control is considered adequately. Failure to measure airborne toxics prior to vessel entries is a clear example of poor practice. 4.3 TASK SPECIFIC EXPOSURE MONITORING Exposure monitoring in general was an area where deficiencies were not uncommon. Where personal monitoring was done, the vast majority of data supplied during site visits related to full shift monitoring to demonstrate compliance with 8 hour TWA OELs. Only around half the sites visited had exposure monitoring programs which were deemed adequate. Measurement of task specific exposures was not common. Only around 25% of the sites visited had any meaningful task specific monitoring data, and this data was fairly sparse at most of these. The number of sites using task specific monitoring as regular tool in their exposure control armoury was disappointingly low. The main reasons for the lack of task specific monitoring would appear to be : i) Monitoring regimes are geared to demonstrate compliance with OELs and are based around 8 hour TWA limits. In this context it is worth noting that many of the sites visited for this project made good use of OELs, and had a good understanding of the related principles. ii) The techniques of sampling and analysis of full shift average exposures are well validated for many of the substances studied. Conversely, dependant on the substance in question and the tasks of interest, it may be technically difficult, even impossible, to perform task specific monitoring. Even where the techniques are available the results cannot easily be interpreted against recognised standards or exposure limits. At the sites where good quality task specific measurements have been made, the results had generally been used to decide the adequacy of controls and guide any necessary improvements. The uptake of biological monitoring across the sites visited was surprisingly low. Given it’s usefulness in allowing total systemic dose to be assessed, taking into account all exposure routes, it would appear that biological monitoring would provide a useful tool for sites handling CMR materials and is currently an under used tool. 4.4 PPE Glove selection was possibly one area where improvements could be made. Although many sites claimed to take glove manufacturer’s advice when selecting gloves, PVC gloves were very common even though generally they are not best for chemical protection. Re-use of gloves for several days was not unusual. This is questionable practice, given that permeation test data is only ever available for a maximum of 8 hours. 32 Where it was employed, BA was generally well managed and used. Management and usage of filtering RPE, although generally of an adequate standard, was less rigorous. Although not common, incorrect RPE cartridge selection was encountered. Use of filter cartridges for unacceptably long periods, especially against organic vapours, occurred at a significant number of sites. Fit testing appeared to be becoming more common as the project progressed. This is perhaps explained by the fact that fit testing only became a legal requirement in late 2002. Several sites did not use filtered RPE, preferring to stick with BA and hence remove confusion regarding selection. 4.5 GENERAL Across the forty sites visited for this work there was a varying degree of attention to the control of task specific exposures. The regulatory requirement, under the COSHH regulations, for the control of carcinogens is to reduce exposure as low as reasonably practicable. Time segregation is not an acceptable exposure control, and the ALARP principle should be observed for each individual task with exposure potential. Although this condition was met for many activities seen during this work, in a significant proportion of examples studied this was not the case. Where local exhaust ventilation systems were in use for controlling exposures during containment breaches, the majority of sites visited had these systems maintained and examined in accordance with COSHH regulation 9.2. However, it must be borne in mind that the 14 monthly examination and test required by this regulation is intended to show that the system is continuing to perform as originally intended. It provides very little information as to the effectiveness of the LEV system in controlling exposures, which is significantly affected by process parameters, human factors and the original design of the LEV system, none of which are considered in the 14 monthly exam and test. The fact that, even at the good performers visited for this work, problems were seen in identifying and controlling task specific exposures suggests that, across the chemical industry as a whole, significant levels of poor practice in controlling such exposures may be occurring. It is important to note that the two companies seen in this study that were considered to be controlling exposures to chemicals poorly, were two of only three sub-COMAH sites visited. Although firm conclusions cannot be drawn from such a small sample, this finding is nevertheless potentially significant, suggesting an area where HSE may perhaps focus attention in the future. The reasons for deficiencies in exposure controls were varied but in the main could be described as either ignorance of the problem, lack of resources and poor maintenance or use of existing controls. The first of these would be solved by employment of a competent occupational hygienist, which is discussed further below. Lack of resources is more problematic, but may be an indicator of relatively low priority afforded to exposure control within some organisations. Poor maintenance or incorrect use of existing controls should be addressed by improvements in the quality of H&S management (introduction of more rigorous maintenance programs) and better operator training. An important factor in recognising the need to consider task specific exposures appears to be the employment of competent health and safety professionals, including Occupational Hygienists. Most of the sites judged to have better than adequate exposure control strategies had in-house occupational hygiene expertise. Some of companies achieved this through the use of a group health and safety resource. Other sites had achieved a high standard of exposure control without an in-house hygienist, generally through combining the skills of other health & safety and 33 engineering specialists already employed. However, a common factor at the sites with the most serious exposure control deficiencies was the lack of professional in-house hygiene expertise. 34 5 CONCLUSIONS (i) It must be borne in mind that for the most part, site selection for this project was biased toward sites which were perceived to be among the better health and safety performers to allow good practice to be identified and in an attempt to maximise the amount of quantitative task specific measurement data obtained. Therefore the findings cannot be taken to be indicative of the performance of the chemical industry as a whole, which is almost certainly somewhat lower than might be suggested from the sites visited for this work (ii) The top tier COMAH sites (which formed over 75% of the sites visited for this work) generally had reasonably well developed management systems with respect to exposure control, although deficiencies were observed at some such sites. In general, exposure control standards were somewhat reduced at lower tier COMAH sites, and reduced further at the few sub COMAH operators visited. Although it is not possible to draw firm conclusions based on this small sample set, the poor practice observed at sub COMAH operators handling CMRs supports the case for intervention in this sector to reduce the risk from CMR exposure. (iii) In general, sites employing a full time occupational hygienist had less deficiencies in their overall exposure control approach, and where deficiencies did exist they were generally of a less serious nature, than sites where a general health and safety manager took responsibility for these issues alongside all of his/her other duties. (iv) The quality of health and safety training (and the delivery of that training) provided to operators varied greatly across the sites visited. Clearly, this has the potential to heavily influence operator behaviour on the shop floor. Encouragingly, at a good proportion of the sites visited, operators appeared to be knowledgeable and conscientious regarding the need to control exposures to hazardous substances. (v) Most sites generally had well developed procedures for loading and offloading of road tankers and ships. This usually resulted in reasonably good exposure control for these tasks. Uncoupling the tanker after the transfer is complete is a stage with particularly high potential for exposure, and emissions at this stage must be carefully controlled. Exposure control standards during drum filling and emptying were variable. The taking of QC samples was the area where exposure control deficiencies were most frequently identified. It would appear that this relatively low profile task may be overlooked on sites where other significant hazards exist. (vi) Exposure control during maintenance tasks was generally of a reasonable to good standard. Permit to work systems incorporating task specific risk assessments had a positive contribution towards this. Most of the sites visited made all reasonable attempts to clear lines and equipment prior to breaching containment for maintenance. A significant deficiency linked to maintenance was the failure to measure toxic gas/vapour levels prior to vessel entry. It must be remembered that in this scenario, measurement of flammability is not sufficient to protect human health. It is especially poor practice to enter vessels 35 with no respiratory protection based only on oxygen measurement, a situation which was reported at a small number of the sites visited. (vii) Despite clear requirements under COSHH to monitor exposure, especially where carcinogens are handled, inadequate exposure monitoring programs were common on the sites visited. Problems ranged from a total absence of any monitoring, to more subtle issues such as incorrect selection of sampling methods, use of uncalibrated instrumentation or inadequate recording of supporting contextual information. On a number of sites no monitoring had been performed for several years and there was doubt as to whether the most recent monitoring data reflected current exposures. The uptake of task specific exposure monitoring was disappointingly poor. However, the sites where it had been used had found it to be a useful tool. (viii) Generally, PPE was well selected, and tailored to the substances being handled. PPE was generally well used and maintained. The most common failings in this area were excessive re-use of ‘dipsosable’ items, specifically gloves and respirator cartridges. 36 6 RECOMMENDATIONS i) Where CMRs are handled in enclosed plant, exposure controls need to be assessed on a task specific basis, for each task where containment is breached. Task specific exposure measurement is a useful tool for such purposes, and ought to be performed more frequently across the chemical industry. Where highly toxic chemicals (such as CMRs) are handled in totally enclosed systems, it offers detailed information on the degree of exposure control being achieved at individual tasks which cannot be obtained from full shift monitoring. ii) The taking of QC samples was the single task for which, in general, exposure control deficiencies were most frequently encountered and where improvements could be made. iii) This project has greatly increased HSE’s knowledge of what constitutes good practice for controlling exposures to CMRs for tasks involving breaches of containment. Given the seriousness of the health effects associated with failures of control for these substances, there may be value in producing formal good practice guidance should be produced as part of the ‘Chemical carcinogens project’, part of HSE’s ‘Disease Reduction Program’, based on the findings of this work. iv) These findings are relevant to any company handling CMRs, and may be especially useful to smaller, independent organisations who may not have access to specialist occupational hygiene expertise. v) Although site selection was, in general, deliberately biased toward sites which were perceived to be better health and safety performers some potentially serious deficiencies were observed, even at top tier COMAH sites. Reduced standards of exposure control were observed at lower tier COMAH sites and, generally the most serious deficiencies were observed at the few sub-COMAH sites visited. This will need to be taken into account when planning interventions as part of HSE’s ‘Chemicals carcinogens project’. 37 7 APPENDICES Appendix 1 – initial version of questionnaire 1) INTRODUCTION a) Objectives /strategy for project site visit and requirements from occupier. (eg to collect subjective exposure profiles and control strategies for carcinogens and related compounds. To review actual practices involving something like 50 sites The current practices to be benchmarked after any required validation. b) Outcomes/Outputs from work, short-medium-long term. (the data to be reviewed and collate; any non-conformances identified, to be signalled up to relevant inspectors for review. The meta data collated on an anonymous basis and made available to Industry. Eventually the data will be used for the provision of good practice guidance on the exposure profile and control strategies for carcinogens in the UK Chemicals Industry. The target date for completion is mid 2004) 2) INFORMATION REQUIRED: a) Company details: Name Address (Comments Small/Medium Large HID Premise/Other Comah Site) b) Product details: • Representative Raw Materials/Intermediates/Products (eg what substances on list are used or produced and under what conditions) • Hazard information (eg MSDS) • Typical quantities involved in carcinogen transfer steps (grammes, kilo, tonnes). Inventory of principal emissions/sources (eg solids -dispensing, charging, unloading, milling blending, removal of impurities, quality control sampling/testing liquids- loading/ unloading tankers, rail cars, drum/semi-bulk containers, small containers, pressurised liquid transfers, quality control sampling/ testing) 38 c) Operational/Process details: • Batch/continuous (eg description of process and product type) • Equipment types used (eg equipment chosen for containment by automatic transfer in closed systems, manual interventions under safe working procedures? Process monitoring automatic? Raw materials delivered in tanks, drums, bags etc? • Control equipment (eg for leakages control/prevention, preventing overfills, controlling vent emissions, on relief valves/bursting discs, spill procedures/collection, resealing of contaminated drums/containers and decontamination equipment, cleaning of control equipment.) d) Management systems for carcinogens: • Containment strategy (selection/management, design process, operational, maintenance, monitoring/inspection) • Written operating procedures (based on hazard rating and containment plan, appropriate equipment, procedures, cleaning in place procedures, etc) • Training/ refresher (formal procedures/ on the job training/documentary records/ programmes related to risk/ programmes for contractors visitors/ qualification requirements etc.) • Incident reporting/actions ( eg hose/pipework/ flange leakages /breakdowns of control equipment/adverse monitoring results) e) Operator exposure potential • Who may be exposed, patterns of exposure ( criteria for judging acceptable control, quantification /assessment/results, thresholds set, air sampling, biological monitoring, health surveillance, illness recording) • Any evidence of ill-health (eg Surveillance programmes, patterns) f) Support activities of relevance: (eg maintenance /quality control sampling/ contractor and visitor control arrangements) 39 g) Control techniques: • Engineering- (i.e. closed system handling, dry couplings, enclosures, ventilation, VOC recovery from vents, monitoring of liquid levels, bottom loading, sensing devices for movement on mobile tankers, interlock barriers). (Performance validation of eg valves, pumps, compressors, flanges, safety valves Maintenance and testing with records, weekly/ checks by operators, spares readily available, adequate disposal arrangements for contaminated materials, bungs, packaging, valve seals etc) • PPE (eg types in use, glove, visors, respirators overalls/coveralls/chemical suits/footwear, selection criteria re contact time, breakthrough, permeation, degradation, training, use, cleaning/decontamination of PPE, testing etc.) • Welfare Procedures for cleaning monitoring/supervision, and decontamination, facilities, • Public risks prevention (eg from transport, storage, disposal contaminated materials, wastes) h) Validation of all the above: • Design /Operation/Auditing programme (eg on-going operator inspections, routine audits of procedures, professional external reviews of operations) • Results and record keeping of audit programmes ( eg how are they recorded and acted upon record systems and procedures for maintenance /monitoring of control devices) i) ‘ Site’ visit to review activities in practice: • Process/Plant/Equipment /Procedures (eg General compliance with operating procedures/ training history/ incident actions/ record procedures etc.) j) Visit report format: • General findings, conclusions and any ‘non-conformances’ • Inspectors report to indicate summary details of visit and findings and any follow up action that might be required. 40 Appendix 2 – revised version of questionnaire Make introductions, thank for assistance, explain project, reporting process, scope of substances. 1. Company details Name Address Number on site/shop floor Brief company overview (other UK sites, other overseas sites) Brief overview of activity on site 2. Substances of interest Raw materials, intermediate chemicals generated, final products Typical quantities involved (grammes, kilo, tonnes). Is manufacturing on a batch or continuous basis ? Where does company get chemical hazard information ? 3. Breakdown of tasks Consider potential for operator exposures by all routes and engineering controls. 3.1 Delivery/transfer How are chemicals delivered to site. How are they transferred into plant/storage. Is QC sampling performed at this stage. (Top/bottom offloaded, vapour return lines, scrubber systems et, overfill controls) 3.2 Routine plant operation How are chemicals contained on site during routine use. Is containment breached for any activity (including process sampling, making of manual additions). How is final product discharged. What controls are applied at this stage ? Any other tasks with potential exposure (filter cleaning )?? 3.3 How is exposure controlled during routine maintenance activities (e.g line breaking, pump maintenance, vessel entry). 3.4 Other control issues Plant inspection (including maintenance/upgrading program) Vessel overfill control Use of bursting discs or other pressure relief systems Emergency maintenance procedures 41 Spillage procedures (containment, clean-up, decontamination 4. Management systems for carcinogens: 4.1 Written procedures What formal operating procedures exist for tasks with potential for chemical exposure. (Note – please provide photocopies of procedures where possible). How is this information cascaded to operators. 4.2 Health and safety training regime. What induction training is provided for operators ? What refresher training is provided for operators ? Is a formal safety induction provided for contractors working on-site ? 4.3 Is there a formal incident reporting scheme. How does this operate ? 4.4 Does the company provide a formal health surveillance scheme for workers with potential chemical exposure. How does this operate ? 4.5 Internal inspection/auditing Is there a regular internal program of safety inspections ? If so, how does this operate, are the findings documented (Note – please provide examples from recent inspections, if they exist). Is there a formal, higher level (or external) safety auditing procedure ? 4.6 Exposure monitoring Has exposure monitoring ever been performed on workers with the potential for chemical exposure ? How was monitoring performed ? Are records of monitoring maintained (Note – please provide copies of monitoring results if possible) Is monitoring repeated periodically ? 5. PPE regime. Consider higher level of protection required for maintenance, spillages – how does approach change, are companies aware of HSE guidance on applying safety factor to breakthrough times, does SDS specify correct glove material, as per ACOP ? 5.1 How is PPE selected ? 5.2 How is PPE issued and stored ? 5.3 How is re-usable PPE maintained. How is it decontaminated after use ? Walk through assessment Worker interview 42 Appendix 3 – template used for full visit report HSL site visit report Name of company – xxx Address – xxx Site contact – xxx Date of visit – xxx Overview xxx 1. Hazardous substances used on the site xxx 2. Hazardous substance - usage and control of exposure xxx 3.1 Bulk transfer xxx 3.2 Process sampling xxx 3.3 Chemical spillage xxx 3.4 Maintenance xxx 3. Control strategies for other chemicals. xxx 5. Other issues 5.1 Air monitoring xxx 5.2 Health surveillance xxx 5.3 Operator training 43 xxx 5.4 PPE regime xxx. 6. General discussion. xxx 44 Appendix 4 – template used for summary visit report. Substance information Usage pattern Method of delivery/storage Method of transfer into usage system Controls during usage Process sampling strategy Method of transfer of final product Written operating procedures to cover all tasks with exposure potential ? Operator training regime PPE regime General comments and specific weaknesses 45 Appendix 5 – Matrix 1 – use of control hardware Site ID Substance(s) in use Activity 1. Chemical delivery 1.1 Tanker offloading – spillage control 1.2 Tanker offloading – emission control 2 Raw material – quality sampling 3 Bulk container transfer 4 Containment during normal use Frequency Not at Sometall imes Use of dry break couplings Rinsing of lines before breaking Blowing dry of lines before breaking Overfill control - alarm Overfill control – cut out Drive-away protection Bottom offloaded Sealed transfer system with return lines Tanker and storage tank vented through scrubber Tanker and storage tank vented to atmosphere No sampling In-line sampling Sealed sampling system Open sampling system with controls Open sampling system without controls Sealed system Open system with engineering control Open system without engineering control No planned breaches Containment broken only for sampling Containment broken for other activities Open to atmosphere Emergency relief vents safely located Vessels fitted with overfill alarms Vessels fitted with overfill cut-out 46 Comments Mostly Always Activity 5. QC sampling 6Product discharge/decant 7.1 Tanker filling – spillage control 7.2 Tanker filling – emission control 8.1 Operator exposure potential - inhalation 8.2 Operator exposure potential - dermal Frequency Not at all No sampling In-line sampling Sealed sampling system Open sampling system with controls Open sampling system without controls Sealed system Open system with engineering control Open system without engineering control Use of dry break couplings Rinsing of lines before breaking Blowing dry of lines before breaking Overfill control - alarm Overfill control – cut out Drive-away protection Bottom loaded Sealed transfer system with return lines Tanker and storage tank vented through scrubber Tanker and storage tank vented to atmosphere During tanker offloading During bulk transfer During normal use During sampling During product discharge During tanker filling During tanker offloading During bulk transfer During normal use During sampling During product discharge During tanker filling 47 Comments Sometimes Mostly Always Appendix 6 - Matrix 2 – Control ‘software’ Site ID Univar (Middlesbrough) Subject 1. Hazard assessment 2. Management controls Structured system of hazard assessment Written SOPs to cover routine tasks Written SOPs/’permit-to-work’ system for planned non-routine tasks Written SOPs/’permit-to-work’ system for unplanned maintenance Do written procedures cover all potential exposure routes 3. Operator instruction Formal operator induction training Formal operator refresher training Formal contractor safety induction 4. PPE - gloves Systematic selection process Systematic control in-use Specific glove training Disposed after single use Effective decontamination procedure High dependence in routine operation High dependence in non-routine operation Systematic selection process Systematic control in-use Specific PPE training Disposed after single use Effective decontamination procedure High dependence in routine operation High dependence in non routine operation 5.PPE - other Frequency Not at all 48 Comments Sometimes Mostly X Always Subject Frequency Not at Sometall imes 6.RPE Systematic selection process Systematic control in-use Effective RPE training Disposed after single use Effective decontamination procedure Fit testing High dependence in routine operation High dependence in non routine operation 7.Exposure monitoring Suitable methodology Monitoring program covers all relevant tasks Task specific exposures monitored Results saved appropriately Exposure standards Results acted upon if necessary Monitoring repeated at appropriate intervals Biological monitoring 8.Miscellaneous Structured health surveillance program Structured incident reporting system Structured plant inspection and maintenance program Structured inspection system for control systems Appointment of appropriately qualified/experienced health and safety managers 49 Comments Mostly Always Appendix 7 – key to matrices For both matrices, the ‘comments’ column may be used as appropriate to add any additional information. Generally, comments should be kept to a minimum, as these matrices will always accompany a full narrative report. Matrix 1 – Hardware This relates to specific control hardware used for the substances discussed during the visit. If more than 1 substance was discussed, then a separate matrix is required for each. Company ID – full name of company, plus location of site visited Substance(s) in use – all substances which that particular matrix refers to, include R-phrases. N.B – some visits may generate more than 1 matrix, if information is collected on control of exposure to several substances. Section 1 – Chemical delivery –. If there are no CMRs used at the beginning of the process, this section is not applicable (N/A) and should not be completed. This section relates to bulk offloading of CMRs into storage/usage system. This may be from road tankers, rail cars or ships (which one should be specified in comments box). Section 1.1 relates to ‘spillage control’, i.e maintaining bulk containment. Section 1.2 relates to emission control, i.e containment of vapour/dust during offloading. ‘Use of dry break couplings’ – are commercially manufactured dry break couplings used ? ‘Rinsing of lines before breaking’ – are lines rinsed with solvent (including water) after transfer ? (Note – use comments column to indicate which solvent is used, and where they are rinsed to. ‘Blowing dry of lines before breaking’ – are transfer lines blown dry before connections are broken ? ‘Overfill control - alarm’ – is transfer system fitted with overfill alarm ? ‘Overfill control – cut-out’ – is transfer system fitted with automatic cut out to prevent overfill ? ‘Drive-away protection’ – is there a formal drive-away protection system in place ? ‘Bottom offloaded’ – are tankers bottom offloaded ? ‘Sealed transfer system with return lines’ – are return lines (usually vapour return lines) used to maintain containment and balance pressures in road tanker and site storage tank during transfer. ‘Tanker and storage tank vented through scrubber’ – if the system is vented (return lines not used), are suitable scrubbing systems fitted, where required ‘Tanker and storage line vented to atmosphere’ – is either the road tanker, or site storage tank, or both, directly vented to the atmosphere during transfer. 2. Raw material – quality sampling – this is relevant irrespective of how the product is delivered. The sampling system may be different to that used for taking QC samples from the process. A ‘sealed sampling system’ is one where a sample is removed with no potential for operator exposure. For ‘open system with controls’, the controls may be local exhaust 50 ventilation, or some form of containment system which leaves some potential for operator exposure (either dermal or inhalation). 3. Bulk container transfer – this section is only relevant where the CMR is delivered to the site in semi-bulk containers such as IBCs or drums. A ‘sealed’ system would be a permanent connection to the container. Open system with engineering control indicates that the container is open to atmosphere whilst it is emptied, but some form of LEV system is used. ‘Open system without engineering control’ indicates that no controls (other than RPE, if used) are employed during emptying of semi-bulk containers. 4. Containment during normal usage. The first 4 lines of this section are to be use to describe the degree of containment during normal usage, hence any 3 of these 4 lines will be N/A each time the matrix is completed. ‘Containment broken for other reasons’ – these include the making of manual additions. ‘Emergency relief vents safely located’ – this relates to what happens if safety vents (such as bursting discs) are activated in the event of a malfunction, such as a vessel overpressure or over temperature. Do these vent to a safe area, such as a dedicated dump/waste/quench tank. ‘Vessels fitted with overfill alarm’ – is overfill alarm system fitted to all receiving vessels ? ‘Vessels fitted with overfill cut-out’ is auto shut down system fitted to all receiving vessels ? 5. QC sampling – this refers to the taking of process samples during the reaction stage, and of the final product. See section 2 (above) for detail on description of sampling methods. 6. Product discharge – this section refers to the transfer of final product into semi-bulk, and hence is only relevant on sites where this is performed. See section 3 (above) for description of the different systems. Also in comments column give detail on the CMR content in the final product, this may vary from ppm levels (such as residual monomer) to 100 % v/v (where the CMR is the actual product). 7. Tanker filling. This section refers to loading of bulk tankers (road, rail or ship) for export form site, and is only relevant where CMR is exported from site. For fuller description of the headings used in this section, see section 1 (above). 8. Operator exposure potential – this section requires a judgement to be made regarding the potential for operator exposure by both the dermal and inhalation route, at specific stages of the process. The ‘not at all’ option should only be used where there is zero potential for exposure (i.e total containment during that specific task. Conversely, for tasks where exposure routinely occurs, the ‘always’ column should be used. In between these two extremes, ‘sometimes’ and ‘mostly’ can be used to describe the degree of exposure control applied. The use of PPE should be discounted when considering this section i.e if RPE is the only protection against inhalation exposure, then record this as if exposure does occur, if gloves are the only barrier against hand exposure, and they are routinely contaminated by the task then record this as actual exposure. Matrix 2 – Software 1. Hazard assessment – is there a structured system in place for assessing the toxicological hazards of new substances when these are brought onto the site. ‘Not at all’ indicates a total absence of any system for identifying toxic hazards, ‘Always’ can be used to indicate a formal, structured system, with ‘sometimes’ and ‘mostly’ used with judgement to describe systems between these two extremes. 51 2. Management controls ‘Written SOPs to cover routine tasks’ – are there written procedures to cover all routine plant operations ‘Written SOPs/permit-to-work’ system to cover planned non-routine tasks’ –planned, non routine tasks are, for example, maintenance and cleaning activities. Use comments column to indicate if permit-to work is preferred option here. ‘Written SOPs/permit-to-work system to cover unplanned maintenance’ – unplanned events are, for example, spillages or breakdowns. Use comments column to indicate if permit-to-work system is preferred option here. ‘Do written procedures cover all potential exposure routes’ – a judgement is to be made here. Based on the nature of the tasks and the physical properties of the substance, consider where in the task there is potential for exposure. Are these potential exposures flagged up in the written procedure ? 3. Operator instruction ‘Formal operator induction training’ – is structured, recorded, validated induction training given to new operators, before they are allowed to work on the plant. ‘Formal operator refresher training’ – is a structured, recorded, validated refresher training provided for plant operators. ‘Formal contractor safety induction’ – are contractors given a formal safety induction prior to commencing work. 4. PPE gloves This section deals specifically with gloves used for chemical protection. The comments should be used to add relevant information not covered in the questions. ‘Systematic selection process’ – is chemical compatability considered when selecting glove material ‘Specific glove training’ – including instruction on donning/doffing/disposal ‘Effective decontamination procedure’ – only applicable where gloves are re-used. ‘High dependance in normal use’ – is the glove use as primary control measure, i.e are there tasks where gloves provide the only barrier against dermal exposure ‘High dependance in non-routine use’– would gloves be used as primary control for planned, non-routine activities (such as cleaning and planned maintenance but not including emergencies such as spillages). 5. PPE – other This section deals specifically with PPE used for chemical protection with the exception of gloves and RPE, i.e chemical protective clothing such as oversuits For a description of the sub headings see section 4 (above). 52 6. RPE This section deals specifically with RPE. Generally, for description of sub headings see section 4 (above). ‘Systematic selection process’ – is RPE selected on case-by case basis for individual chemicals. If filtered RPE is used, are correct filters fitted. ‘Systematic control in-use’ – this question should consider storage, maintenance and examination, including filter changing where appropriate. 7. Exposure monitoring ‘Suitable methodology’ – this is defined as personal exposure monitoring, using a validated method. ‘Monitoring program covers all relevant tasks’ – is sampling performed for all jobs with exposure potential ? ‘Task specific exposures monitored’ – has TSE monitoring, using personal sampling, been performed. Only use ‘always’ if this has been done for ALL tasks with exposure potential. ‘Exposure standards’ – are results referenced against exposure standards. Are these HSE OELs or in-house limits ? ‘Results acted upon if necessary’ – is corrective action taken for ‘high results’ (the comments box will be required to elaborate on this) ‘Biological monitoring’ – is some form of BM (generally urine sampling, but may infrequently entail blood or breath sampling) used to assess total body dose. 8. Miscellaneous This section deals with other significant health and safety management systems not covered by the above categories. For the first 4 items in this section, ‘Not at all’ indicates total absence of a structured system in that area, ‘Always’ is used to describe comprehensive system covering all aspects, with ‘sometimes’ and ‘mostly’ used with judgement to describe situations in between. ‘Appointment of appropriately qualified/experienced health and safety managers’ – only use ‘always’ here if there is a full time, competent occupational hygienist on the site. 53 Appendix 8 – summary of exposure monitoring data obtained. This document summarises the exposure monitoring data, mainly personal sampling of inhalation exposure, collected from the sites visited during the project. Unless specified otherwise, the site has performed no biological monitoring. Site 1 Benzyl chloride handling - good quality task specific exposure data, including OH report and individual data points. Benzyl chloride exposures during drum emptying (done in laminar flow booth) range from 0.08 ppm to 0.13 ppm, with exposure periods of 90 to 120 minutes. Highest result 0.21 ppm (135 minute exposure time) included charging benzyl chloride from drums and discharging product containing approx. 1% benzyl chloride into drums (also done in laminar flow booth). Site 2 Handling acrylamide, acrylonitrile and butadiene, plus dichloromethane is a separate process. Comprehensive program of acrylamide monitoring performed in 1992, but not repeated since. Basic contextual information recorded, plus individual data points. Measurement technique is questionable, it ignores the possibility of particulate phase acrylamide - which is a solid at STP. Task specific data for road tanker offloading, 2 results, <0.002 mg/m3 and 0.003 mg/m3, over approx 100 minute period. Task specific exposures during product filtering, 4 results, highest 0.003mg/m3 over 35 minutes. Fourteen full shift results, 13 not detected (<0.002 mg/m3), one 0.003 mg/m3. Comprehensive, ongoing program of dichloromethane monitoring, individual data points, with basic contextual information recorded. Measurement technique OK. Data supplied for period 1985 to 1996. 8 hour TWA exposures (138 results) generally below 10 ppm, occasional result in range 10 to 20 ppm, one exceptional result of 54.8 ppm, this operator spent significant amount of shift on an unusual maintenance duty. Limited number of task specific results (8), highest 443 ppm, insufficient contextual information for thee to be useful. Site 3 Handling acrylamide. Ongoing monitoring program for acrylamide (MEL 0.3 mg/m3). Approx 50 data points supplied, covering period 1993 to 2000, virtually no contextual information recorded, measurement method questionable, it ignores possibility of particulate phase acrylamide (which is a solid at STP). Only 2 results over 0.1 mg/m3 in the data supplied, highest 0.15 mg/m3. Site 4 Handling hexavalent chromium compounds, dichloromethane, hydroquinone. Ongoing monitoring program (for various solvents), results recorded but not in any clear format. No results obtained from this site. Site 5 Handling formaldehyde. Ongoing monitoring program, using long term diffusive stain tube (formaldehyde), in conjunction with direct reading instrument - results studied during site visit, 54 vast majority < 0.1 ppm (8 hour TWA), very little contextual information recorded - no results taken from site. Site 6 Handling lead chromates, no monitoring done at any time. Site 7 Handling dimethyl sulphate and acrylamide - the company have never monitored for either. Site 8 Handling ethylene oxide - very occasional monitoring, no contextual information recorded, 2 data points supplied. One full shift of <0.02 ppm,, one task specific during tanker offload of <0.7 ppm. Also handle benzyl chloride and dimethyl sulphate - no monitoring for these. Some results also obtained for solvent exposure (xylene/toluene) - again, no contextual information, all below 1.5 ppm. Site 9 Handling dimethyl sulphate (MEL 0.05 ppm), other CMRs also handled. No monitoring done at time of visit - 5 task specific data points subsequently supplied for road tanker offloading (full air fed suit worn for this). Contextual information also supplied, exposures range from <0.01 ppm to 0.07 ppm over periods of 85 to 105 minutes. Site 10 Handle nitrobenzene - OES 5.1 mg/m3 (plus aniline and lower toxicity stuff) - monitoring survey conducted in 1994, including biological monitoring, methodology looks OK, individual data points supplied but no contextual information recorded. Twenty eight results supplied (all 8 hour TWA) - range from not detected (LOD not quoted) to 0.625 mg/m3. Further air monitoring in 1995 has very basic contextual info. Two task specific results recorded for maintenance task, 0.42 mg/m3 and 0.63 mg/m3 over approx. 3 hour period. Further task specific monitoring in 2000, again very basic contextual info, exposures measured during drum filling with nitrobenzene contaminated residues. Results of 0.43 mg/m3 and 0.86 mg/m3 (58 minute exposure), and 1.04 mg/m3 and 0.83 mg/m3 (48 minute exposure). One task specific result from 2002, exposure of 1.25 mg/m3 for 20 minutes during maintenance (filter cleaning) task. Site 11 Handle vinyl chloride monomer - perform frequent personal monitoring, methodology good. 267 8 hour TWA results from 2001-02 were supplied in summary only supplied with no contextual info. For these data, only 2 results exceeded the MEL, and only one other exceeded 25% of the MEL. (MEL refers to 7 ppm, which was in place at the time of sampling - this has been reduced to 3 ppm subsequently). Site 12 Handle formaldehyde - the only monitoring they have done is spot readings with stain tubes, no personal monitoring done at any stage. 55 Site 13 Handle benzene contaminated fluids - some monitoring done for benzene, plus other substances - 2 recent data points supplied, 8 hour TWA results of 0.03 ppm and <0.03 ppm. No contextual information recorded. Site 14 Handle dimethyl sulphate and benzyl chloride, no personal monitoring for either. Use an (uncalibrated) instrument for taking spot measurements of DMS. Site 15 Handle formaldehyde and dichloromethane - no personal monitoring for either, some ad-hoc use of stain tubes and (uncalibrated) instruments. Site 16 Manufacture hexavalent chrome compounds (from ore). Extensive, ongoing air monitoring program using well validated methodology, all results stored on in-house database, 11,000 personal monitoring results held on record. Not practical to obtain a copy of this database during the visit. Work to an in house limit of 30% of MEL, i.e 0.015 mg/m3. Very few results exceed this. Some use of task specific monitoring, but no data supplied. Some BM as one off exercise. Site 17 Handle o-toluidine, plus some other CMRs at times. No monitoring performed. This company rely on clinical diagnosis of cyanosis to indicate over exposure ! No BM (other than cyanosis testing, in extreme circumstances). Site 18 Handle dimethyl sulphate, no personal monitoring performed. Some monitoring was done by HSL around 6 years ago as part of development of MDHS for DMS - this was almost exclusively static monitoring, a single task specific personal sample was taken during making of manual additions to a reactor via an open manhole, result 0.018 ppm, very little contextual info to accompany it. Site 19 Handle arsenic salts. Ongoing program of air sampling (methodology OK) and urinary monitoring (methodology poor, method does not distinguish dietary intake from occupational intake, dietary can be highly significant, methods are available which make this differentiation) - results supplied for 52 personal air samples taken from Jan 01 to September 03, all long term (full shift), range from 2 to 54 µg/m3, with a significant proportion on range 10 to 40 µg/m3 (cf MEL 100 µg/m3) - no contextual info with results, no task specific data supplied. Extensive BM, but questionable methodology. Site 20 Handle dimethyl sulphate and dimethyl formamide. Some monitoring done, but not much. Two monitoring exercises in past 4 years, only task specific monitoring performed, one exercise 56 during a maintenance task, other whilst charging DMS to plant from kegs in laminar flow booth, all results <0.005 ppm (cf 8 hour MEL 0.05 ppm). Site 21 Handling butadiene, acrylonitrile and acrylamide. Limited (n=6) recent full shift results for butadiene (and toluene), no contextual info. Butadiene results range from 0.15 mg/m3 to 0.82 mg/m3 (MEL = 10 ppm, 22 mg/m3). Some other results which are impossible to interpret. No data supplied for acrylamide or acrylonitrile. Site 22 Extensive monitoring program for ethylene dibromide, results discussed during visit but no copies supplied. Results showed a clear reduction in exposures over the period 1985 to 1990, achieved by an extensive, systematic study of all potential exposure sources. Where any exposure source was identified, improvements to hardware or working practices were made. Monitoring since 1990 has continued on a reduced basis, generally almost all results have been below 0.5 mg/m3 over the period 1990 to 2003. Site 23 Handling cyclohexane, cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, substantial number of results supplied for each. All 8 hour TWA, no contextual info, all from routine monitoring performed in 2002 and 2003. Results generally below 10% of relevant OES. Site 24 Handling chromic acid (hexavalent chromium). Two task specific results supplied for mixer operation. One result of <0.026 mg/m3 (28 minute sample), one result of <0.005 mg/m3 (90 minute sample, taken by HSL as part of a recent project, biological monitoring data available to accompany this result). Site 25 Handling mixtures containing benzene (up to 60%). No meaningful monitoring data available Site 26 Handling ethylene oxide. Limited quantity of good quality task specific data supplied for tanker offloading and maintenance. Data obtained using direct reading instruments, logging and mounted in breathing zone. 4 task specific data points supplied for tanker offloading. Peaks to 22 ppm, average exposures over offloading period to 0.7 ppm, over periods of around 1.5 to 2 hours. 4 task specific data points for maintenance activity, peaks to 74 ppm, average exposures as high as 3.24 ppm over 80 minute measurement period. Operators report occasional peaks to 200 ppm when breaking into equipment which cannot be fully drained and purged. Studying sites monitoring data during visit revealed a single breach of the MEL in past 8 years, a result of a peak exposure of >300 ppm as a result of incorrect breaking of a road tanker coupling, resulting in 8 hour TWA of 14 ppm. Site 27 Handling ethylene oxide. Monitoring data for 2003 supplied. 25 full shift data points. 19 results <0.05 ppm, other results of 0.18 ppm (general duties) 0.33 ppm (no job description provided) 57 0.89 ppm (general duties, including QC sampling), 0.63 ppm, 1.46 ppm (both maintenance activities) and 0.27 ppm (road tanker loading). No task specific monitoring. Site 28 Handling hydrazine (as hydrate, 64% v/v aqueous solution). MEL 0.02 ppm (8 hour TWA). No personal monitoring data. Only results from uncalibrated, hand held, spot reading instrument used regularly around drumming operation. Significant proportion of results exceed 1 ppm, with 130 ppm highest recorded. Site 29 Handling benzyl chloride. No monitoring conducted at any time whatsoever. Site 30 Handling benzene (MEL 1ppm) and propylene oxide (MEL 5 ppm). The only monitoring performed at this site was with spot reading stain tubes, held approximately in the operators breathing zone. Sample of recent results supplied for benzene - tube readings to 2 ppm during road tanker loading (splash loading with LEV) under normal conditions, results around 10 ppm when LEV system not functioning correctly. Results to 12 ppm when disconnecting ship-shore connection after ship loading. Site 31 Handling vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). Extensive, ongoing program for VCM monitoring, focussing on full shift. Results generally N.D (<0.1 ppm), occasionally higher and occasional breach of 3 ppm (around once per year from around 300 samples). Some task specific monitoring, and some use of direct reading instrument, but data not supplied. Site 32 Handling trichloroethylene, also VCM. Trichloroethylene - extensive personal monitoring program using full shift monitoring, results supplied going back several years. On manufacturing plant, in excess of 2,000 results supplied, one breach of MEL (1029 ppm). 750 full shift results supplied from shipping plant. These indicate frequent breaches of MEL during barrel filling,around 5% of results exceed MEL. This activity ceased in 1999, no breaches of MEL since that time. No task specific data for this substance. Regular (full shift) monitoring on VCM road tanker loading operation., plus task specific when full shift indicate problems, including DRI (Multirae) to identify peaks and problems. Around 300 full shift samples per year in VCM tanker loading area, over past 5 years >99% of exposures have been <MEL, vast majority of these <0.5MEL. Occasional high result, 2 examples provided. One result of 2.6 ppm as a result of faulty road tanker valves. This lead to an investigation, using direct reading instrument, occasional peaks in excess of 300 ppm VCM during loading. One 8 hour TWA result of 5.9 ppm, a result of inadvertant release due to operator error. Site 33 58 Handle benzene, as part of oil refining process. Extensive full shift data supplied for period 1996 to 2003. Majority of 8 hour TWA exposures below 1 ppm (only 14 results from 747 exceeded 1 ppm). Some use of task specific monitoring, but very guarded about results and would not release to HSE. Site 34 Handle aniline, acrylonitrile and VCM. Task specific monitoring done for acrylonitrile in 1994, during road tanker loading operation. 14 results supplied, exposures range from 0.3 to 9.71 ppm, over periods ranging from 30 to 90 minutes. ( 8 hour TWA MEL 2 ppm). Vapour return line and dry break couplings probably (not certain) used at the time this exercise was performed. VCM exposures measured in operator’s breathing zone during breaking of ship/shore connection after ship offload, results as high as 1500 ppm, more typically around 60 ppm. Offload hose blown clear prior to disconnection, plus AX RPE worn for this task. VCM 8 hour MEL 3 ppm. Site 35 Handling methyl glycol, methyl di-glycol. 3 full shift data points for methyl glycol from 1990, all below 2 ppm (cf MEL 5ppm), no monitoring since, no monitoring at all for MDG (no regulatory limit for this). Site 36 Handling benzene, nitrobenzene and aniline. Extensive (summarised) data supplied for full shift monitoring. Mean annual benzene exposures for period 1991 to 2003 are all below 0.3 ppm, for most years they are below 0.1 ppm. In most years in excess of 50 personal samples were taken, most years no results in excess of 1 ppm have occurred. Mean annual aniline exposures over the same period are all below 0.3 ppm, slightly less samples/year taken for this substance, again, very few results exceed 1 ppm. Noitrobenzene results are possibly in error. The site have made a switch to task specific monitoring in recent years, but no data was supplied for this. Some biological monitoring historically, discontinued due to consistent low results. Site 37 Handling acrylonitrile and acrylamide. Summary data only supplied with very little contextual information. Acrylamide exposures measured extensively across the site, data supplied by ‘worker group’, with data supplied for 20 separate worker groups. No information is supplied on the number of samples taken. No worker group has a mean exposure in excess of 0.1 mg/m3 (cf 8 hour TWA MEL of 0.03 mg/m3). Data for acrylonitrile is much more limited, and is supplied for one worker group only, the mean exposure for this substance is 0.027 mg/m3 (cf 8 hour TWA MEL of 4.4 mg/m3). Site 38 Handle benzene, as part of oil refining process. Limited exposure data supplied, all 8 hour TWA results. Five samples from 2001, max exposure is 0.18 ppm, 14 samples for 2002, one result in excess of 5 ppm, rest all substantially lower, mean exposure 0.43 ppm but this is upwardly skewed by the single high result in the small data set. Site 39 59 Handle benzene, as part of oil refining process. Approximately 300 8 hour TWA results supplied, mainly from 2001 – 2002. Vast majority of results are <0.1 ppm, four 8 hour TWA result exceeding 1 ppm, but none more than 2 ppm. Limited amount of task specific data supplied. Personal sampling conducted over approx. 15 minutes during ship disconnection, results variable, but highest is 37 ppm. Exposures during QC sampling measured at between 0.4 ppm (34 minute sample) to 2.1 ppm (19 minute sample), Some other task specific data also supplied (around 90 results) for various activities, covering period 1994 to 2003, occasional relatively high result, up to 7.5 ppm (6 minute sample) for a maintenance task. Some data also supplied for butadiene, all task specific. Some very high results around 100 ppm and higher, up to 1,000 ppm, over approx. 30 minutes during ship disconnection. Site 40 Handle benzene, as part of oil refining process. 280 full shift monitoring results supplied for period 1999 to 2002, only one of these exceeds 1ppm. Mean exposures are supplied, divided by worker group, for 18 different groups. For 16 of these groups, mean exposures are below 0.1 ppm, highest mean exposures was for ‘janitors’, where mean was 0.27 ppm. Forty four ‘task specific’ results supplied for the same period, all taken over 15 minutes, with no information supplied on the actual duration of the task, the highest result from these is 0.31 ppm. Similar data also supplied for 2003-2004, 140 full shift results, maximum result for these samples was 0.33 ppm, 8 ‘task specific’ results also supplied, some of these exceeded 4 ppm for ship disconnection. 60 Appendix 9 – spreadsheet containing codified data on selected exposure controls Key to spreadsheet Column 1 – Site no. Numerical site identifier. Column 2 - Carc What class of carcinogen is handled.(0=none, 1= cat 3 carc, 2 = Cat 1 or cat 2 carc.) Column 3 - Repro Are reprotoxins handled. (0=no, 1=yes) Column 4 - Raw mat Are CMRs used as raw materials. (0=no, 1=yes) Column 5 - Bulk off Are CMRs offloaded from bulk transport (road tankers/ships) (0=no, 1=yes). Column 6 - Dry break Are dry break couplings used for offloading bulk containers(0=no, 1=yes) Column 7 – leak test Are lines/couplings leak tested prior to offloading CMRs from bulk ? (0=no, 1=yes) Column 8 – Vap ret Are vapour return lines used for bulk offloading (0=no, 1=yes) Column 9 – Line clear Are lines cleared prior to uncoupling after offload ? (0=no, 1=yes) Column 10 – RPE Is RPE worn for uncoupling ? (0=no, 1=yes). NB – columns 6 to 10 refer to bulk offloading activities, and will only contain data if there is a positive response in column 5. Column 11 – Semi-bulk in Are CMR raw materials received in semi bulk containers, for example 1 tonne IBCs or drums of varying capacity (0=CMRs not received in semi bulk containers, 1 = CMRs received in semi bulk containers). NB - there will only be data in this column for sites using CMRs as raw materials. Column 12 – Eng con 1 This refers to the use of engineering controls during emptying of semi bulk containers (0=no engineering control, 1= poor quality LEV, 2=good quality LEV, 3 = automated enclosed system). Column 13 – RPE 1 This column refers to the use of RPE for transferring CMR raw materials from semi bulk containers (0=no RPE, 1= RPE worn). 61 NB – columns 12 & 13 refer to offloading CMRs from semi bulk containers. There will only be data in these column for sites performing this activity. Column 14 - Raw material sampling This column refers to the sampling of CMR raw materials, if CMRs are not received as raw materials then this column will be blank. (0= raw materials not sampled, 1= sealed/semi sealed device, 2 = open device with LEV, 3 = open, no exposure control except PPE) Column 15 - Proc sample. This column refers to the taking of QC samples from the process (0=no sampling, 1=sealed/semi sealed sampling device, 2= open with engineering control., 3 = open with no exposure control other than PPE, 4 – mixture of systems at different stages). Column 16 – RPE sample This column refers to the use of RPE for QC sampling (0= no RPE, 1= RPE worn). Where no QC sampling is performed, this column is left blank. Column 17 – CMR prod. This refers to the final products produced from the site. (0=no CMR materials present in finished products, 1=products contain CMR, in many cases these will be sites manufacturing neat CMR materials) Column 18 – Bulk load This refers to the loading of CMR products onto bulk transport, either road tankers or ships (0=no bulk loading, 1=bulk loading performed). For sites where the finished products contain no CMRs this column is left blank. Column 19 – Open fill This refers to bulk loading methods, particularly the use of open filling of bulk containers (0= no open filling, 1=open filling). Column 20 – Dry break 1. Are dry break coupling for filling bulk containers with CMRs (0=no, 1 = yes). Column 21 – Leak test 1 Are lines/couplings leak tested prior to bulk loading CMRs? (0=no, 1=yes) Column 22 – Vap ret 1 Is vapour return/recovery system used for bulk loading (0=no, 1=yes). Column 23 – Line clear 1 Are loading lines and couplings blown clear prior to breaking couplings after bulk loading CMRs (1= lines drained under gravity, 2= lines forcibly blown or rinsed clear). Column 24 – RPE 2 Is RPE worn when uncoupling after bulk loading (0=no, 1=yes). NB – columns 19 to 24 refer to loading CMR materials onto bulk transport containers (road tankers or ships). These columns will only contain data for sites performing this activity. Column 25 – Semi bulk out 62 Are CMR products loaded into semi bulk containers, for example 1 tonne IBCs or drums of varying capacity (0=CMRs not received in semi bulk containers, 1 = CMRs received in semi bulk containers). NB - there will only be data in this column for sites manufacturing/exporting CMR products. Column 26 – Eng con 2 This refers to the use of engineering controls during loading of CMR into semi bulk containers (0=no engineering control, 1= poor quality LEV, 2=good quality LEV, 3 = automated enclosed system). Column 27 – RPE 3 Is RPE used during the loading of semi bulk containers (0=no, 1=yes). NB – columns 26 7 27 refer to loading CMRs into semi bulk containers. There will only be data in these columns for sites performing this activity. Column 28 – Monitor This refers to the quality of the site’s overall exposure monitoring program (0= no monitoring performed ever, 1 = historical or insufficient monitoring only, 2 = current and adequate data available, 3 = monitoring with direct reading instruments only, 4 monitoring with stain tubes only). Column 29 - TSE monitor Has the site performed any task specific exposure monitoring (0=none, 1= some but flawed methodology used, 2= good use of TSE monitoring) 63 64 8 REFERENCES OH/2005/05. C. Keen - Control of benzene exposures at UK oil refineries, HSL report OH/2005/05 HSE 1997 – ‘Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 - Approved Code of Practice, Regulations and Guidance’ HSE 1998. Summary criteria for occupational exposure limits – EH64, C7 - 1,3-butadiene. Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) 1999. UK statutory instrument 1999 743. HSL report No. RAS/03/09 – ‘Loss of containment incident analysis’. Authors Alison Collins and Deborah Keeley, HSL 2003. HSE 2002 - ‘The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations – Approved Code of Practice and Guidance’ HSE 2002. HSE 1999 - ‘Health surveillance at work’, HS(G)61, HSE 1999. HSE 2001. ‘Cost and effectiveness of chemical protective gloves for the workplace’. HSE guidance note HS (G) 206, first published 2000 65 Site No. Carc Repro Raw mat 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 1 1 5 2 0 1 6 1 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 10 2 0 1 11 2 0 1 12 2 0 1 13 2 0 1 14 2 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 1 1 1 17 2 0 0 18 2 0 0 19 2 0 0 20 2 0 0 21 2 1 1 22 2 0 1 23 2 0 0 24 2 0 1 25 2 0 1 26 2 0 1 27 0 1 1 28 2 0 1 29 2 0 1 30 2 0 0 31 2 0 1 32 2 0 1 33 2 1 1 34 2 0 1 35 1 0 1 36 2 0 1 37 0 1 1 38 2 0 1 39 2 0 1 40 2 0 1 Bulk off 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 Dry break 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Leak test 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Vap ret 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Line clear 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 RPE Semi bulk in Eng con1 RPE1 Raw mat sample 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 3 0 Process sample 0 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 1 3 2 0 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 1 0 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 RPE sample CMR prod. Bulk load Open fill Dry break 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Leak test 1 Vap ret 1 Line clear 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 RPE 2 Semi bulk out Eng con 2 RPE 3 Monitor TSE monitor 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 3 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0