Proposed guidance on how aged sorption studies for
Proposed guidance on how aged sorption studies for pesticides should be conducted, analysed and used in regulatory assessments S Beulke, W van Beinum The Food and Environment Research Agency Sand Hutton, York, YO41 1LZ, UK J Boesten, M ter Horst Alterra PO Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands April 2010 Funded by DEFRA within project PS2235 Table of contents Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Conceptual definition of equilibrium sorption ............................................................................................... 3 3 Experiments to derive aged sorption parameters ........................................................................................ 4 3.1 Soil selection and preparation ........................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Sample preparation and incubation ................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Sampling time points ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.4 Extraction and analysis ...................................................................................................................... 6 4 Fitting of kinetic models to data from aged sorption studies ........................................................................ 6 4.1 Data issues ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1.1 Data requirements ................................................................................................................. 6 4.1.2 Data handling ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.1.3 Outliers .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Models ............................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 Tools ................................................................................................................................................ 10 4.3.1 PEARLNEQ ......................................................................................................................... 11 4.3.2 ModelMaker 4.0 ................................................................................................................... 12 4.3.3 MatLab ................................................................................................................................. 12 4.4 Optimisation procedure.................................................................................................................... 12 4.4.1 Variables used in the optimisation....................................................................................... 12 4.4.2 Fitted parameters ................................................................................................................ 13 4.4.3 Optimisation settings ........................................................................................................... 13 4.4.4 Starting values ..................................................................................................................... 15 4.4.5 Parameter ranges ................................................................................................................ 16 4.4.6 Weighting ............................................................................................................................. 16 4.5 Goodness of fit and acceptance criteria .......................................................................................... 18 4.5.1 Visual assessment............................................................................................................... 18 2 4.5.2 Chi -test ............................................................................................................................... 20 4.5.3 Confidence intervals and relative standard error ................................................................ 21 4.5.4 Additional acceptance criteria ............................................................................................. 21 5 Use of aged sorption parameters in regulatory exposure assessments .................................................... 21 5.1 Sources of input data for regulatory exposure assessments .......................................................... 21 5.1.1 Estimation of sorption parameters from soil or pesticide properties ................................... 21 5.1.2 Default values ...................................................................................................................... 22 5.1.3 Experimental laboratory incubation studies ........................................................................ 22 5.1.4 Column and field studies ..................................................................................................... 22 5.2 Aged sorption in the tiered pesticide leaching assessment ............................................................. 22 5.3 Special considerations for metabolites ............................................................................................ 24 6 References ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Appendix 1: Fitting of a two-site aged sorption model with PEARLNEQ to two example datasets ................ 26 Draft - April 2010 Page 2 of 40 1 Introduction Sorption of a pesticide to soil constituents determines its availability to non-target organisms and its potential to move to groundwater or surface waters. Pesticide fate modelling at the first tier of regulatory environmental risk assessments assumes that pesticide sorption is instantaneous and fully reversible. This implies that sorption coefficients are constant with time. However, sorption has frequently been observed to increase with increasing time of interaction with the soil (e.g. Walker and Jurado-Exposito, 1998; Cox and Walker, 1999). Research for DEFRA project PS2206 (DEFRA, 2004) and PS2228 (DEFRA, 2009) confirmed that amounts of pesticide in the soil solution are constantly changing. Experimental studies that demonstrate an increase in pesticide sorption with time are increasingly submitted to regulatory authorities as part of the regulatory data package. The results of these studies are used by applicants to revise estimates of predicted environmental concentrations in groundwater. Pesticide leaching models that include changes in sorption with time are used for this purpose. There is currently a lack of agreed and clear guidance on how aged sorption studies should be conducted, analysed, interpreted and hence used in regulatory exposure assessments. This document addresses this need. The guidance outlined below was developed within a project sponsored by the UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate (DEFRA, 2010). It will be presented and discussed at a workshop with representatives of European regulatory authorities, academia, consultancies and industry. Revisions will be made based on the feedback received. The proposed guidance given in this document is underpinned by a literature review, experimental work and modelling undertaken within the research project. Details are given in the research report (DEFRA, 2010). It is important to note that the draft guidance is based on current knowledge. It is expected that some of the recommendations will be modified in the future as new evidence comes to light. The need for revision of certain aspects may become apparent when this draft guidance is put into practice. 2 Conceptual definition of equilibrium sorption Sorption kinetics of pesticides in soils takes place at different time scales. Wauchope et al. (2002) distinguish three time scales: (i) minutes, (ii) hours and (iii) weeks or years. Sorption increases very rapidly during the first days after application. This is followed by a more gradual increase in sorption over time. Sorption over the whole timescale can only be described accurately with multi-site models that conceptualise several types of non-equilibrium sites reacting at different rates. These models have a large number of parameters and more simplified two-site models with an equilibrium site and a single non-equilibrium site are preferred within the regulatory context. Two-site models can either describe the initial rapid increase in sorption over the first hours and days or the longer-term behaviour of sorption. But it is often difficult match sorption over the whole timescale with a two-site model. Pesticide movement to depth by chromatographic leaching is mainly driven by the sorption behaviour of the pesticide over the time scale of days to months. A two-site model that can describe the increase in sorption from a few days after application onwards was therefore considered best for regulatory leaching modelling. A definition of the equilibrium fraction of the two-site model needs to be made for operational reasons. In the model, the defined equilibrium fraction determines the initial sorption immediately after application. In this guidance, the equilibrium fraction is defined as sorption measured during shaking of the soil with aqueous solution for 24-hours. Sorption in soil at natural moisture conditions is initially lower than that estimated from shaken 24-hour batch experiments. It may take approximately one week before the 24-hour value is reached. However, sorption during the first week is expected to be less important for leaching to groundwater than long-term sorption. Therefore it is probably justified to assume that the initial sorption equals the amount of sorption in a 24-h shaken batch experiment. The operational definition recommended here was also adopted by the current FOCUS groundwater scenarios work group (FOCUS, 2010). It is consistent with the general perception that sorption equilibrium is reached within 24-48 hours. The use of the 24 hour batch value as an operational definition of equilibrium sorption is more appropriate for the description of pesticide losses to groundwater than to surface water. Entry into surface waters via drainflow or runoff is mainly determined by short-term response to rainfall soon after application of pesticides and less affected by long-term sorption. This is particularly true where preferential flow is an important process. In this case, movement to drains can occur within the first hours or days of application and a correct description of sorption at this time is important. Draft - April 2010 Page 3 of 40 3 Experiments to derive aged sorption parameters A standardised protocol to measure time-dependent sorption parameters for regulatory use must ensure the reproducibility of the experimental results and maximise the reliability of derived model parameters. The selection of the recommended procedure was based on a review of methods and experimental work described by DEFRA (2010). A laboratory method was chosen because it is a well-defined system and provides consistent and repeatable results that are relatively easy to interpret. Column and field studies are more similar to the conditions of pesticide use in practice, but the greater complexity of these studies leads to larger uncertainties in the model parameters and hence in the regulatory risk assessment. These methods are thus not recommended. For a more detailed discussion see DEFRA (2010). In brief, the recommended method is a laboratory incubation study where soil samples are treated with the test substance and incubated in the dark at constant temperature and soil moisture. After selected time intervals, samples are extracted with aqueous solution (to determine the concentration in the liquid phase and extracted with solvent to determine the total extractable residue in the samples. The procedure described below is similar to that recommended by OECD guideline 307 for aerobic and anaerobic transformation in soil (OECD, 2002) except that an aqueous extraction step is added for measuring desorption. A standard adsorption test (OECD 106, 2000) should be performed on the same soil to derive the equilibrium sorption parameters. To avoid duplication of effort, it is suggested that the additional measurements for aged sorption could be routinely included in standard rate of degradation studies (OECD 307). The measurements would then be available for modelling at the higher tier if required. To avoid the need for additional batch sorption studies, it is recommended to use the soils selected for the standard OECD 106 batch sorption tests in the degradation/aged sorption experiments. Instead of initiating aged sorption studies when the need for these experiments becomes apparent in the lower tier risk assessment, it is proposed to include aged sorption measurements in the routine suite of regulatory fate studies from the outset. Although this procedure will in some cases generate work that will prove unnecessary, it will save considerable time and effort in those cases where information on aged sorption is required. 3.1 Soil selection and preparation • It is difficult to recommend a minimum number of aged sorption studies that must be undertaken. The large variability in parameters from studies with the same pesticide applied to different soils and the strong sensitivity of leaching models for aged sorption parameters suggests that the number of studies should be large (>10). However, the experimental and modelling effort is substantial. It is thus recommended to carry out a minimum of four aged sorption studies with contrasting soils. Batch sorption is usually measured in five soils according to the guidance in OECD 106 (OECD, 2000). The route and rate of degradation is measured in one soil and the rate of degradation is measured in three additional soils as described in OECD guideline 307 (OECD, 2002). As there are no detailed specifications of the soil properties for the three additional soils in OECD 307, it should be possible to use the same soils in the degradation / aged sorption studies as in the batch sorption studies. • Soils for the incubation study should be freshly sampled from the field and gently dried to a suitable moisture content for sieving. The soils should be sieved through a 2-mm mesh. Soils may be stored for a maximum of 3 months before the start of the incubation study, in a dark and cool place while protected from drying out and leaving an opening to ventilate (i.e. same procedure as in OECD 307). • Soil properties that need to be determined include the organic matter content, texture and pH of the soil (see OECD 307). Preferably, the water retention at pF2 to 2.5 should be measured on a sieved soil sample. Alternatively, the maximum water holding capacity of the sieved soil can be determined. The actual moisture content of the soil is measured by oven-drying of subsamples just before the start of the incubation study. 3.2 Sample preparation and incubation • The soil is acclimatised at the appropriate moisture content (just below the target moisture content) and temperature for at least 2 days, but ideally 7 days before applying the test compound. This can be either before or after weighing out the individual soil samples. The soil is incubated in the dark at a constant temperature of 20°C (± 2 °C). The moisture content should be between pF 2 and 2.5. Alternatively, the water content can be adjusted to between 40 and 60% of the maximum water holding capacity (mwhc). The moisture should be chosen such that the impact on the structure and aeration during mixing of the Draft - April 2010 Page 4 of 40 soil with the pesticide is minimised. The moisture content should be sufficient to ensure adequate microbial activity. It should be noted that there is no simple relationship between water retention and maximum water holding capacity. The two ranges given here (pF 2 and 2.5 and 40-60% mwhc) are thus not equivalent. • The moisture content of the soils during sample preparation and incubation is maintained by monitoring weight losses and by adding water when necessary. • Individual samples are prepared for each sampling time. At least 2 replicates should be prepared for each sampling time. More replicates may be needed if a large variation between replicates is expected. Otherwise it may be more efficient to increase the number of sampling time points instead. There are two general procedures to generate replicate samples. Both procedures are suitable to generate true, independent replicates: a. A large soil sample is treated with the pesticide, mixed and sub-samples are weighed into individual flasks for incubation; b. Smaller soil samples are treated individually with the pesticide and incubated in separate flasks. • About 50 to 200 g of soil is weighed into each replicate incubation flask or jar. • The application solution may be prepared using analytical grade chemical or formulated product, whichever is appropriate. The application solution of the pesticide may be prepared in water or with small amounts of solvent as described in the OECD guideline 307 (OECD, 2002). Only a minimum of solvents should be used if necessary. • Radiolabelled chemical may be used for the experiments as long as the percentage of parent compound in the sample extracts is determined to calculate the residue and concentration of the parent compound. • The selected application rate should correspond to the recommended application rate in the field, assuming that in the field the applied compound would be mixed into the top 2.5 cm soil (unless incorporated to a larger depth) as described in the OECD guideline 307 for degradation (OECD 2002). • The application solution is distributed drop-wise on the soil surface to get an even distribution and to maximise contact with the soil. The soil is left for one or two hours to absorb the liquid. Then the soil samples are mixed gently with a spatula, taking care not to disrupt the soil structure as far as possible. The weights of the flasks are noted so that the moisture content of the soils can be monitored. • Alternatively the pesticide solution may be applied and mixed into a larger amount of soil (e.g. 1 or 2 kg) and separated over several soil samples. • The incubation period should normally not exceed 120 days as specified in the guidance for degradation studies (OECD 307). 3.3 Sampling time points At the selected time points, replicate samples are removed from the incubator and sacrificed for aqueous and solvent extraction. • Time intervals should be chosen so that the pattern of decline of the mass and aqueous concentration of the test substance can be established. Time points should be closer together at the beginning of the experiment and further apart towards the end of the experiment. At least six time points are needed for the derivation of time-dependent sorption parameters. It should be noted that some time points may be eliminated during the analysis of the raw data (Section 4). Six time points must remain thereafter. • The earliest time point that should be included in the time-dependent sorption study is 48 hours. Earlier time points are not recommended for the modelling (see Section 4). At least one sampling time point should be within 3 days after application. • For compliance with the guidelines for degradation studies (OECD 307) one additional sampling should be undertaken immediately after application (0-day sample). This measurement should not be included in the modelling for time-dependent sorption (see Section 4) therefore it is not necessary to extract the sample with aqueous solution but it is sufficient to extract the sample with solvent only. Draft - April 2010 Page 5 of 40 3.4 Extraction and analysis The aqueous extraction is performed by gently shaking the soil with a solution of CaCl2 (0.01M) for 24 hours. Then the samples are centrifuged and the concentration of parent compound is analysed in the supernatant. The soil is extracted with solvent to determine the total extractable residues of the parent compound. Aqueous extraction and solvent extraction may be performed consecutively on the same sample or in parallel on sub-samples from the same flask. It is not appropriate to measure total and aqueous extractable residues in samples that have been dosed separately. The aqueous phase concentration must be characterised by shaking with CaCl2 for 24 hours. It is not permitted to extract the soil water held by the moist soil during incubation by centrifugation. For a justification of this recommendation, see DEFRA (2010). • The soil samples need to be mixed well with a spatula before sub-samples are taken from the flasks. If parallel samples are used for aqueous and solvent extraction then both sub-samples need to be taken from the same flask. • For the aqueous extraction, the soil is extracted by shaking with CaCl2 solution (0.01M). The soil:solution ratio should be chosen based on the soil:solution ratio in the batch sorption experiment on the same soil . The soil is shaken gently for 24 hours at the lowest rate possible at which the soil would stay suspended in the liquid and no solids are settling on the bottom of the tube. The low speed is required to keep the disruption of the soil structure during aqueous extraction to a minimum. Then most of the supernatant is removed after centrifugation and the concentration of parent compound is analysed in the liquid. • Then the samples are extracted with solvent to determine the extractable residues of the parent compound. The solvent extraction method must recover 90-110% of the applied compound just after application. This range applies to radiolabelled and non-radiolabelled studies. A larger deviation cannot be permitted because this leads to errors in the estimated model parameters. The same method should be used throughout the experiment irrespective of the extraction efficiencies at later time points. It is important to reflect on which fraction of the pesticide should be captured by the solvent extraction in an aged sorption study. Harsher extraction methods will lead to larger aged sorption parameters (i.e. less conservative with respect to leaching) but slower (i.e. more conservative) degradation parameters. • The concentration of the parent compound in the aqueous extract and the total extracted mass of parent compound in the soil are should be determined. If consecutive extraction is used then both extracts need to be accounted for in the calculation of the total extractable residue. • The limit of quantification (LOQ) for the parent compound should be determined in aqueous and solvent extracts. Measurements below the LOQ are not included in the modelling (see Section 4). 4 Fitting of kinetic models to data from aged sorption studies 4.1 Data issues 4.1.1 Data requirements The quality of the dataset and the handling of the data influence the estimated sorption parameters. The following minimum requirements should be met: • The incubation study should follow the guidance given by OECD 307 (OECD, 2002) and the additional recommendations given in Section 3 of this guidance document. Batch sorption studies to determine the Freundlich exponent N must be undertaken in accordance with OECD 106 (OECD, 2000) • The system must be well characterised. The mass and water content of the soil during incubation, the volume of water added during extraction, the duration and intensity of the extraction should be stated. Information on the texture, organic carbon content, pH and water retention or maximum water holding capacity of the sieved soil should also be available. • Data on total mass and aqueous concentration must be available. The total mass is defined as the mass that is extractable by organic solvents. The model considers non-extractable residues to be equivalent to transformation products, the non-equilibrium sorption component is independent of the mechanism by which the compound is ‘lost’ from the system. Measurements of solvent-extractable pesticide in % of applied radioactivity are suitable if the radioactivity is characterised. • Experimental studies must provide sufficient and adequate sampling points to ensure a robust estimation of parameters. The pattern of decline in mass and concentration must be well established. Draft - April 2010 Page 6 of 40 • It is often difficult to obtain a good fit of the model to the data over the whole timescale of the experiment. Measurements within the first two days after application are often not matched by the model. Processes other than long-term sorption, such as short-term adsorption, precipitation and dissolution are likely to influence the measurements of both mass and concentration during the first two days after pesticide application. The two-site model is not able to describe kinetically the rapid reactions that occur within the first hours and days after application as well as the slower processes operating at a time scale of weeks or months because it contains only one kinetic sorption site (see also Section 2). In order to describe the long-term behaviour well, samples that were taken less than 48 hours after treatment should be excluded from model fitting. • The first sampling time that is included in the modelling must be between 48 and 72 hours after treatment. Sorption increases rapidly within the first days of the experiment. Initial sorption is estimated by the model. An accurate estimate cannot be obtained if the first measurement is taken later than 72 hours after treatment. The fitting may not be reliable for rapidly degrading compounds where the total mass declines quickly between application and the first acceptable measurement. The fitted initial mass should thus always be compared with the amount measured immediately after application. A discrepancy of more than 15% is not acceptable as this will introduce a bias into the other model parameters. If the mass at the time of treatment is not measured, then the fitted initial mass can be compared with the added amount. It should, however, be noted that the discrepancy is then also dependent on the experimental recovery inherent in the extraction method. 4.1.2 Data handling • The measurements in the aged sorption study and the batch sorption study must not be corrected for the recovery of the test compound. • Measured data should be reported with a precision of at least 4 significant figures. • The time of sampling must be rounded to one digit after the decimal point (e.g. 5.1 days, not 5.125 days). • Incubation studies should be carried out with at least two true, independent replicates. Replicate values for each sampling interval should not be averaged before curve fitting. Replicate analytical results from a single sample are not true, independent replicates and should be averaged and treated as one sample during parameter optimisation. • Experimental results often include measurements below the limit of quantification (LOQ). Measurements below the limit of quantification (LOQ) are uncertain and these should be discarded. If one of the replicate measurements is missing or discarded because the value is below LOQ, then all measurements on this sampling date and all subsequent dates must be discarded for both mass and concentration. This deviation from guidance by FOCUS (2006) is necessary because the measurements are weighted during the model fitting (see Section 4.4.6). The weight is equal to 1/measurement. This gives small measurements a very large weight and these have a critical influence on the fitted aged sorption parameters. Values below LOQ are not determined with sufficient precision and these must be excluded from the fitting. • A robust optimisation of parameters is only possible if the number of observations is appreciably larger than the number of model parameters. The total number of sampling dates remaining after the elimination of measurements <48 hours, measurements below the limit of quantification or outliers must not be smaller than six. • It is recommended to calculate the sorbed amount of pesticide for each sampling time as the difference between the total mass and the mass in the liquid phase. Apparent linear sorption coefficients (Kd app) can then be calculated as the ratio of sorbed:dissolved concentration. Kd app values will not be used in the optimisation, but this variable can be useful in the interpretation of the data (see Section 4.5.1). 4.1.3 Outliers Outliers in laboratory studies can be individual or several replicates or sampling dates. Outliers that are explained by experimental errors should be eliminated before curve fitting. Measurements that strongly differ from others without any obvious experimental reason should initially be included in the optimisation. They can then be eliminated based on expert judgement and the fitting procedure can be repeated. The results for the fits with and without outliers must be reported. The removal of any data points as outliers must be clearly documented and justified in the report. Draft - April 2010 Page 7 of 40 If one replicate measurement for mass and/or concentration is an outlier, only this needs to be eliminated and the other replicate(s) can be included in the optimisation. After elimination of outliers, there may be more measurements for the total mass than the aqueous concentration or vice versa. The discrepancy must be small to ensure that the fit is not influenced much more strongly by one variable than the other. 4.2 Models A number of models exist to describe aged sorption of pesticides in soils (see DEFRA, 2010, Section 2). Only two-site adsorption-desorption models are currently considered suitable for regulatory use because they provide a reasonable balance between the complexity of the model and the experimental effort required to determine the model parameters. Two-site models are now implemented into the software packages FOCUS PEARL, MACRO 5.0 onwards, FOCUS PELMO and FOCUS PRZM to enable the simulation of 1 kinetic sorption (FOCUS, 2010). FOCUS PEARL The leaching model FOCUS PEARL uses the two-site model according to Leistra et al. (2001). The same two-site model is implemented for a laboratory system in the PEARLNEQ software. This software can be used to derive input parameters for FOCUS PEARL. The PEARLNEQ model is depicted in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1. Schematic representation of the PEARLNEQ model showing the soil solution on the right and the equilibrium and non-equilibrium sorption sites on the left. Only pesticide in the equilibrium domain (indicated by the dashed line) is subject to degradation. Freundlich: KF,EQL nF equilibrium Freundlich KF,NEQ nF non-equilibrium sorption sorption Desorption Rate Constant: kdes Ratio KF NEQ:KF EQL The model assumes that sorption is instantaneous on one fraction of the sorption sites and slow on the remaining fraction (Leistra et al., 2001). The model does not account for irreversible sorption. Degradation is described by first-order kinetics. Only molecules present in liquid phase and sorbed to the equilibrium site are assumed to degrade. Molecules sorbed on the slow non-equilibrium sorption site are considered not to degrade. The PEARLNEQ model can be described as follows: M p = V c L + M s ( X EQ + X NE ) X EQ c = K F , EQ cL , R L cL , R (1) N (2) N c dX NE = kd ( K F , NE cL , R L − X NE ) dt cL , R (3) K F , NE = f NE K F , EQ (4) dM p dt = −k t (V c L + M s X EQ ) KF,EQ = mOM KOM,EQ (5) (6) 1 Note that at the time of writing this document, the versions of FOCUS PELMO and FOCUS PRZM that include aged sorption are not officially released. Draft - April 2010 Page 8 of 40 where: Mp V Ms cL cL,R XEQ XNE KF,EQ KF,NE N kd fNE kt mOM KOM,EQ = = = = = = = = = = = = total mass of pesticide in each jar (µg), acronym Mas the volume of water in the soil incubated in each jar (mL), acronym VolLiq the mass of dry soil incubated in each jar (g), acronym MasSol concentration in the liquid phase (µg/mL), acronym ConLiq reference concentration in the liquid phase (µg/mL), acronym ConLiqRef content sorbed at equilibrium sites (µg/g) content sorbed at non-equilibrium sites (µg/g) equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient (mL/g), acronym CofFreEql non-equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient (mL/g), acronym CofFreNeq Freundlich exponent (-), acronym ExpFre -1 desorption rate coefficient (d ), acronym CofRatDes a factor for describing the ratio between the equilibrium and non-equilibrium Freundlich coefficients (-), acronym FacSorNeqEql -1 = degradation rate coefficient (d ) = mass fraction of organic matter in the soil (kg/kg), acronym CntOm = coefficient of equilibrium sorption on organic matter (mL/g), acronym KomEql The model has six parameters: the initial concentration of the pesticide, the degradation rate constant kt, the equilibrium sorption coefficient KOM,EQ, the Freundlich exponent N, the ratio of non-equilibrium sorption to equilibrium sorption fNE and the desorption rate constant kd. Note that the notation N for the Freundlich 1 exponent used here is equivalent to the /n that is commonly used in the Freundlich equation. MACRO A very similar model has been implemented into the pesticide leaching model MACRO (Larsbo and Jarvis, 2003). It is based on the model by Streck et al. (1995). The rate equation used by PEARLNEQ (Equation 3) differs from that used by MACRO: N c dX NE α = MACRO ( K F ,Total cL, R L − X NE ) dt f NE MACRO cL, R (7) The definition of fNE is also different in MACRO. Here, fNE expresses non-equilibrium sorption as a fraction of total sorption (Equation 8) whereas fNE in PEARLNEQ is the ratio of non-equilibrium to equilibrium sorption (Equation 4). f NE MACRO = K F , NE K F , EQ + K F , NE (8) where: XNE αMACRO fNE MACRO KF,Total KF,EQ KF,NE = = = = = = content sorbed at non-equilibrium sites (µg/g) -1 desorption rate coefficient (d ) used in MACRO. fraction of the non-equilibrium sorption sites in MACRO (-) sum of equilibrium plus non-equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient (mL/g) equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient (mL/g) non-equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient (mL/g) The degradation rate on the non-equilibrium sites in MACRO can be set equal to the rate in the equilibrium pool or to zero. Zero degradation in the non-equilibrium pool is identical to the concepts in PEARLNEQ. The relationship between the parameters used in MACRO and PEARLNEQ (FOCUS, 2010) is: f NE MACRO = f NE PEARL 1 + f NE PEARL α MACRO = kd PEARL Draft - April 2010 and f NE PEARL 1 + f NE PEARL f NE PEARL = and f NE MACRO 1 − f NE MACRO k d PEARL = α MACRO f NE MACRO (9, 10) (11,12) Page 9 of 40 PELMO and PRZM The FOCUS GW II versions of PELMO and PRZM use the same model as FOCUS PEARL. The parameters of the PEARLNEQ or Streck model can be entered into PELMO. The Streck values are then converted within the model. 4.3 Tools Several tools are available for fitting the two-site model to the data. The model parameters are derived by an optimisation procedure. The estimation of parameter values from aged sorption studies consists of several steps: 1. Entering the measured data for each sampling time. 2. Making an initial guess for each parameter value of the selected model (referred to as “starting value”). 3. Calculation of the data at each time point. 4. Comparison between the calculated and measured data. 5. Adjustment of the parameter values until the discrepancy between the calculated and measured concentrations is minimised (“best fit”). Steps 3-5 are carried out automatically within software tools. These packages start from the initial guess made by the modeller and repeatedly change the parameter values in order to find the best-fit combination. In order to use such an automated procedure, “best fit” must be defined in the form of a mathematical expression referred to as ‘objective function’. Often, the sum of the squared differences between the calculated and observed data (sum of squared residuals = SSQ) is used. The software package aims at finding the combination of parameters that gives the smallest SSQ. This method is referred to as least squares method. Maximum likelihood methods can also be used. These maximise the probability that the simulated curve is an exact match of the measured data. The method to adjust the parameter values from the previous guess based on the objective function differs between different tools. Many optimisation packages use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. This method linearises the differential model equations and calculates the model output for the initial parameter guess based on the linear equation. It then changes the parameters one at a time up or down (or in both directions), calculates the model output again and compares the objective function between the old and new parameter value(s). The change in the objective function drives the size and direction of the next change in the parameter value. When the objective function does no longer change, the parameter value at that point is returned as the optimum value. The standard error of the parameter is calculated as a function of i) the value of the objective function at the optimum, ii) the total number of observations, iii) the number of parameters and iv) the linearised form of the differential equations. The confidence interval is calculated from the standard error based on the assumption that the standard errors are normally distributed. An alternative approach is the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm varies parameters within the constraints specified by the user and gives equal probability to all values between these boundaries. In contrast, the expected type and width of the parameter distribution can be specified in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. For example, it may be expected the parameter DegT50 lies somewhere within a log-normal distribution with a mean of 20 days and a standard deviation of 5. This gives values near 20 a higher probability than values at the tails of the distribution. A parameter value is selected from this distribution and the objective function is calculated. The parameter value is then changed and the objective function is calculated again. The parameter distribution is updated during the optimisation based on the differences between the objective functions at each step. The final distribution gives information on the most likely parameter value that gives the best fit. The confidence intervals can be derived directly from the final parameter distribution. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm changes the parameter value up or down from its starting point. It can get ‘trapped’ in a region where the objective function is small (’local minimum’) without realising that even smaller objective functions (‘global minimum’) could be achieved if the parameter jumped to a value far away from the starting point. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method evaluates the objective function for the whole distribution of possible parameter values. It is, thus, in principle more likely to find the global minimum of the optimisation than the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, provided the prior distribution includes the true optimum parameter. However, the settings for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm can be fine-tuned to ensure that the global minimum is reached. Draft - April 2010 Page 10 of 40 Three tools that are commonly used to derive aged sorption parameters are briefly described below. Alternative optimisation packages can be used provided the tool and optimisation settings give robust fits. The independence of the optimised parameter values from the starting values must be demonstrated because this increases the likelihood that the global minimum can be reached. The optimisation package must also provide the output that is required to assess the goodness of fit according to Section 4.5 (e.g. confidence interval or standard error). Ideally, the results from the alternative tool should be compared with those from one of the three tools described below. This is intended to be a one-off test of the alternative optimisation package, a comparison with other tools is not required after the similarity of results has been demonstrated for example datasets. 4.3.1 PEARLNEQ PEARLNEQ combines the two-site sorption model that is implemented in FOCUS PEARL with the optimisation software PEST (Doherty, 2005). The model is simultaneously fitted against data on the total mass of the pesticide in soil (µg) and the concentration in the liquid phase (µg/mL). PEARLNEQ is run repeatedly by PEST and the parameters are adjusted until the best possible fit to the measured data is achieved based on the least squares method and the Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. The program is DOS based and operates on command file or command line level. Boesten et al. (2007) provide a short description of PEARLNEQ. The program package of PEARLNEQ includes the PEARLMK.EXE program that produces all necessary PEST files with the help of a text file with the extension .mkn. In order to carry out the non-equilibrium parameter estimation procedure in PEARLNEQ, the *.mkn file of the PEARLNEQ package has to be compiled following the instructions in the PEARLNEQ manual. The *.mkn file of PEARLNEQ for an example case is given in Appendix 1. The output generated by PEST includes the fitted parameters and their 95% confidence intervals, the sum of squared residuals and daily output of the calculated total mass and liquid phase concentration for a period specified by the user. Some changes to the PEST input files and the PEARLNEQ code have been implemented into the latest version of PEARLNEQ (Version 5) to comply with the guidance given in this document. The following 2 modifications were made in Version 5 : 2 • PEARLNEQ Version 4 optimises the parameters Mp ini, kt, kd and fNE. The equilibrium Freundlich sorption coefficient KOM,EQ must be specified by the user and is not included in the optimisation. This parameter is usually set to sorption coefficient from a standard 24-hour shaken batch study. DEFRA (2010) found that the 24-hour batch sorption coefficient is sometimes a poor estimate of sorption at the beginning of the incubation study. PEARLNEQ Version 5 was modified to enable users to optimise KOM,EQ against the measured data. • The optimisation settings in PEST were found to result in variable results depending on the starting values. The settings were changed to those specified in Section 4.4.3. • The time step for the numerical solution of the differential equations is set to a constant value by the user in Version 4. The time-step varies automatically depending on the rate constants kt and kd in Version 5. • The PEST files were adjusted such that replicate measurements can be fitted simultaneously. • In Version 4, the measurements can only be entered for whole days. Fractions of a day to a precision of one digit after the decimal point (e.g. 5.1 days) will be accepted by Version 5. • Version 4 provides daily model output for the total mass, liquid phase concentration and the sorbed mass in the non-equilibrium phase. Output for the sorbed mass in the equilibrium phase was added in Version 5. Output for the apparent linear sorption coefficient Kd app (ratio of sorbed : dissolved concentration) is also given in Version 5. This variable will not be used in the fitting procedure, but it can be useful in the assessment of the visual fit. All output is now generated for each tenth of a day. At the time of writing this document, Version 5 is not publicly available Draft - April 2010 Page 11 of 40 4.3.2 ModelMaker 4.0 TM ModelMaker is one of the tools that are recommended for parameter fitting within the framework of FOCUS kinetics (a more detailed description can be found in FOCUS, 2006). It allows users to build their own models using inter-linked variables or compartments. Gurney and Hayes (2007) describe an implementation TM TM (Figure 4-2). ModelMaker of the two-site aged sorption model by Leistra et al. (2001) into ModelMaker allows the user to optimise the equilibrium sorption coefficient KOM,EQ. Several replicates can be fitted simultaneously. TM ModelMaker provides output of the optimised parameter values and their standard error, a graphical plot of the measured and calculated data and the calculated values in tabulated form. The ModelMaker TM version of the two-site aged sorption model can be made available on request. TM Figure 4-2. Implementation of non-equilibrium sorption in ModelMaker 4.3.3 MatLab TM MatLab (2007) is a numerical computing environment and fourth generation programming language. TM Developed by The MathWorks®, MatLab allows matrix manipulation, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs in other languages. TM MatLab can be applied to build and solve mathematical models such as the two-site sorption model. Addon toolboxes are available for solving differential equations and to solve the optimisation of model TM parameters. The MatLab code can be tailored to the user’s requirements. TM BayerCrop Science integrated the two-site sorption model into an Excel® spreadsheet that calls MatLab via Excel Link™. The parameters are adjusted based on the least squares method and the MarquardtTM Levenberg algorithm. This is an option within the MatLab routine lsqnonlin (Solve nonlinear least-squares data-fitting problems ). The default optimisation settings are used. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method could be implemented instead of the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. Further modifications could be made to bring the version in line with the guidance outlined in this document (e.g. fitting of KOM,EQ, additional graphical outputs). The tool generates various statistical outputs. The current FOCUS GWII group fitted the two-site aged sorption model to the total mass and liquid phase TM concentration for an example dataset using the three software tools PEARLNEQ, ModelMaker and TM MatLab . The results for all three tools were almost identical (FOCUS, 2010). 4.4 Optimisation procedure This guidance below refers to the optimisation of the aged sorption model by Leistra et al. (2001). The procedures for the optimisation of the Streck model are very similar. 4.4.1 Variables used in the optimisation. The two-site aged sorption model comprises several variables (total mass, mass sorbed in equilibrium phase, mass sorbed in non-equilibrium phase, concentration in liquid phase). The model should ideally be fitted to the data on total mass and concentrations in the liquid phase because these are directly measured during the experiment. An alternative procedure was tested by the FOCUS GW II group (FOCUS, 2010). MatLab was used to fit the two-site model to the sorbed mass in the equilibrium and equilibrium phase. These variables were calculated from the measured organic solvent and aqueous extractable residues. The parameters derived with this method were compared with those optimised against the total mass and concentrations in the liquid phase. The FOCUS GW II group found that the parameter values were Draft - April 2010 Page 12 of 40 independent of the variables fitted, but the standard deviation of the parameters was smaller for the fits to sorbed mass. However, additional modelling showed that the two methods are equivalent. In radiolabelled studies, the radioactivity measured in the aqueous and solvent extracts must be characterised and converted to mass and concentrations of the parent compound or metabolite of interest. 4.4.2 Fitted parameters Non-equilibrium sorption model The two-site aged sorption model described by Leistra et al. (2001) has six parameters (Mp ini, KOM,EQ, N, kt, kd and fNE), see Section 4.1. All parameters except N should be optimised against measured data. In the optimisation tool PEARLNEQ, the parameter kt is not optimised directly. The degradation half-life (DegT50, days) is optimised instead and kt is calculated within the model as ln(2)/ DegT50. KOM,EQ should not be taken from the batch study because there is often a discrepancy between the measurements in the batch experiment and the aged sorption study. This is due to (i) the variability inherent in all experimental studies which leads to differences between repeat studies, and (ii) the small difference in the metholodology (the pesticide is added to the CaCl2 shaking solution in the batch study whereas it is dripped onto the soil or mixed into the soil prior to extraction in the aged sorption study). Fixing KOM,EQ to the batch value could introduce a bias into the fitting of the aged sorption parameters. The equilibrium Kom value in the aged sorption study can be estimated more accurately by curve fitting. The fitted value should be compared with the batch value as a plausibility check. A discrepancy of more than 20% is not acceptable. Ideally, the Freundlich exponent N should also be derived from the aged sorption study as it is not guaranteed that N is the same in the batch and aged sorption experiment. However, a robust estimation of n requires studies carried out at several initial pesticide concentrations. These are rarely available. The optimisation of all six parameters against the data from an aged sorption study at a single concentration would lead to large uncertainties in the results. The fit is considered to be more robust if N is taken from the batch study and fixed during the optimisation. The batch study must be undertaken with the same soil as that used in the aged sorption study. Values from studies with other soils (or averages of several soils) are not acceptable. Equilibrium sorption model A model fit should also be undertaken with equilibrium sorption only. The non-equilibrium component of the model can be switched off by fixing fNE and kd at zero. Only Mp ini, DegT50, and KOM,EQ are then optimised. The results of this optimisation are used as a benchmark for comparison with the fit by the aged sorption model. 4.4.3 Optimisation settings The optimisation criterion (‘objective function’) is often the minimisation of the sum of squared residuals between the measured data and the simulated values (SSQ). There may be a single combination of parameters that results in the smallest possible value for the sum of squared residuals (“global minimum”). But there are often several additional combinations that also result in small SSQs (“local minima”). In particular, the parameters fNE and kd are strongly related. The increase in one of the two parameters can be compensated to some extent by a decrease in the other parameter. Various combinations of fNE and kd may thus result in similar fits. This is referred to as non-uniqueness. In this case, the software may stop the optimisation procedure before the global minimum is found. The ability to reach the global minimum depends on the initial guess (the closer the initial guess to the best possible value, the better), the nature of the specific optimisation problem and the settings within the software package. Different parameters may be obtained by different software packages and the derived combination of parameters does not necessarily provide the best possible fit to the measured data. The problem of non-uniqueness can be minimised by selecting certain optimisation settings. The recommended settings in the PEST control file that is provided with the PEARLNEQ programme are given in Table 4-1. For definitions of the PEST parameters see the user manual (Doherty, 2005). Draft - April 2010 Page 13 of 40 Table 4-1. PEST control settings PEST parameter description Value PRECIS Precision used when writing parameter values to model input files (single or double) single DPOINT Use of decimal point when writing parameter values to model input files (point or nopoint) point RLAMBDA1 Initial lambda 5 RLAMFAC Lambda adjustment factor 2 PHIRATSUF Sufficient new/old phi ratio per optimisation iteration 0.1 PHIREDLAM Limiting relative phi reduction between lambdas 1.0E-02 NUMLAM Maximum trial lambdas per iteration 15 RELPARMAX Maximum relative parameter change (relative-limited changes) (used if PARCHLIM is ‘relative’) na FACPARMAX Maximum factor parameter change (factor-limited changes) (used if PARCHLIM is ‘factor’) 4 FACORIG Fraction of initial parameter values used in computing; change limit for near-zero parameters 1.0E-03 PHIREDSWH Relative phi reduction below which to begin use of central derivatives (used if FORCEN = ‘switch’) na NOPTMAX Maximum number of optimisation iterations 50 PHIREDSTP Relative phi reduction indicating convergence 0.10E-02 NPHISTP Number of phi values required within this range 5 NPHINORED Maximum number of consecutive failures to lower phi 10 RELPARSTP Minimal relative parameter change indicating convergence 0.10E-02 NRELPAR Number of consecutive iterations with minimal parameter change 4 INCTYP Increment type (used if FORCEN = ‘always_2’ or ‘switch’) na DERINC Increment (used if FORCEN = ‘always_2’ or ‘switch’) na DERNCLB Increment lower bound (used if FORCEN = ‘always_2’ or ‘switch’) na FORCEN Forward difference, central difference or both used in course of an optimisation run (resp. always_2, always_3, switch) always_3 DERINCMUL Multiplier 2 DERMTHD Variants of the central (i.e. three point) method of derivatives calculation (‘parabolic’, ‘best_fit’, ‘outside_pts’) best_fit PARTRANS Transformation (‘none’, ‘log’, ‘fixed’, ‘tied’) none PARCHGLIM Change limit (‘relative’, ‘factor’) factor Draft - April 2010 Page 14 of 40 TM The recommended optimisation settings in ModelMaker are shown in Figure 4-3. The accuracy of the model integration (relative error per integration step) can be specified under Run Options (Model, Integrate, -7 Advanced). It should be set to a small, very accurate value (e.g. 1×10 ). Figure 4-3. Recommended optimisation settings in ModelMaker TM For other software tools please refer to the respective user manual. 4.4.4 Starting values Different optimised values can be returned by the software for different combinations of initial guesses for the parameters provided by the modeller (starting values). The optimisation settings specified above for PEST TM and ModelMaker will reduce the dependency on starting values, but the problem of non-uniqueness can not be fully overcome. The optimisation should thus be repeated with a number of different initial combinations of parameter values. The results of all fits should be reported and the parameter combination that gives the best objective function (e.g. the smallest SSQ) should be selected. If several starting values give identical objective functions, then the combination with the smallest relative confidence intervals (confidence interval as a fraction of the mean estimate) for fNE and kd should be chosen. The following specific recommendations can be made: • The initial mass Mp ini, is often close to the measured concentration at the first sampling point and this can be used as a starting value in the optimisations where appropriate. An alternative is to use the added mass. The starting value for the initial mass can also be derived by fitting a first-order dissipation model to the data in a separate model run with any appropriate tool. • The initial value for the degradation half-life DegT50 should be set to the first-order DT50 value. This can be derived by fitting a first-order model to the data in a separate model run with any appropriate tool. • The batch KOM,EQ value measured in the same soil can be used as a starting value for the Freundlich equilibrium sorption coefficient. • At least four different initial guesses should be tested for fNE and kd (Table 4-2) The same starting value for Mp ini, KOM,EQ and DegT50 can be used in all optimisations. Table 4-2. Starting values for fNE and kd fNE 0.2 0.2 1.5 1.5 Draft - April 2010 kd 0.004 0.05 0.004 0.05 Page 15 of 40 4.4.5 Parameter ranges For some parameters, it may be useful to define ranges within which the parameter will be varied during optimisation. This will prevent convergence at unrealistic local minima. A lower boundary > 0 will avoid numerical problems during the optimisation (division by zero). It is recommended to constrain fNE between 0.001 and 10. The constraint range for kd should be 0.00001 and 0.5. Boundaries for Mp ini, KOM,EQ and DegT50 may also need to be set. 4.4.6 Weighting Aged sorption models should be simultaneously fitted to measurements for the total mass of a pesticide in soil and the concentration in the liquid phase. The absolute values for the mass are often much larger than the concentrations depending on the strength of sorption and the unit used (e.g. µg for the total residue and µg/mL for the aqueous concentration). The same relative deviation of the modelled data from the calculated values results in much greater squared residuals when the absolute value of the measurement is large. As a result, an unweighted model fit will usually be dominated by the total mass and only marginally influenced by the liquid phase concentrations. This can lead to a good fit to the mass, but a poor fit to the concentrations. This can also result in large confidence intervals for the parameters kd and fNE. The measurements must be weighted during the optimisation to minimise this problem. Weighted fitting applies a correction factor to the residuals: m ( ) Φ = ∑ wi ri i =1 2 (13) where Φ is the object function, ri is the residual (difference between the simulated and the measured value corresponding to measurement i ), wi is the weighting factor and m is the total number of measurements (sum of number of measurements of Mp and cL). The preferred option is to define wi as the inverse of the measured value of Mp or cL. This will reduce the weight of the mass data and increase the weight of the concentration data compared with unweighted fitting. 2 o ∆c ∆ M p, i + ∑ L, j Φ = ∑ i =1 M p , i j =1 cL , j n 2 (14) where n is the number of measurements for the mass and o is the number of measurements for the concentration in the liquid phase (note that n=o unless outliers were eliminated), ∆Mp,i is the difference between the simulated and observed mass for measurement i , Mp,i is the observed mass for measurement i, ∆cL,j is the difference between the simulated and observed concentration in the liquid phase for measurement j, and cL,i is the observed concentration in the liquid phase for measurement j. The time series of mass data consists of larger values at the beginning of the experiment and smaller values at the end. The same is true for the time series of concentration data. Weighting by the reciprocal value implies that the relative error in the measurements is constant with time, i.e. larger values for mass and concentration are measured with the same relative accuracy than small values. This assumption was supported by an analysis of measured data by DEFRA (2010). However, the number of datasets included in the analysis was relatively small. If there is evidence that measurements at earlier time points are more accurate than those at later time points (i.e. the relative error is smaller at earlier time points), then an alternative weighting method could be used: 2 o ∆c ∆ M p, i + ∑ L, j Φ = ∑ M p cL i =1 j =1 n 2 (15) The weighting factor for the mass is here the inverse of the mass averaged over all time points M p whereas the weighting factor for the concentration is the inverse of the concentrations averaged over all time points cL . Both equation 14 and 15 account for the differences between mass and concentration measurements. The difference is that equation 14 assumes the same relative error over time whereas equation 15 assumes that the absolute error is constant over time. As a result, equation 14 gives a closer visual fit to the later time points whereas equation 15 gives a closer visual fit to the earlier time points. Draft - April 2010 Page 16 of 40 Weighting by 1/measurement (equation 14) is one of the options implemented in PEARLNEQ. The TM optimisation settings in ModelMaker should be set to those shown in Figure 4-4 to match those in PEARLNEQ (click on Advanced to access the weighting options). TM Figure 4-4. Recommended settings for data weighting in ModelMaker – Option 1 Alternatively, the weights can be entered in the model data table as an additional column (Figure 4-5). TM ModelMaker divides the residuals by the weight specified by the user. The weights must thus be identical to the measurements (and not the inverse value). Figure 4-5. Recommended settings for data weighting in ModelMaker Draft - April 2010 TM – Option 2 Page 17 of 40 4.5 Goodness of fit and acceptance criteria The decision on whether a model fit is acceptable or not should be based on: • An assessment of the visual fit of a model with and without time-dependent sorption; 2 • A χ -test to assess the goodness of fit and to compare a model with and without time-dependent sorption; • An assessment of the confidence in the parameter estimates; • The additional acceptance criteria specified in Section 4.5.4. An example assessment of the goodness of fit is presented in Appendix 1. 4.5.1 Visual assessment Measured and fitted data must always be presented graphically and a visual assessment of the goodness of fit must be made. Model fits should be undertaken with and without non-equilibrium sorption. For each of the two fits, four plots should be made (only the results for the starting values of fNE and kd that give the best fit need to be plotted): 1.+2. Measured mass and aqueous concentration data and the calculated curves should be plotted versus time. 3.+4. Calculated minus measured mass and calculated minus measured aqueous concentration data should be plotted versus time (residuals). This is useful for revealing patterns of over- or under-predictions. For an exact fit, all residuals are zero. Systematic deviations become apparent when negative and positive residuals are not randomly scattered around the zero line. Two additional plots can facilitate the interpretation of the results: Apparent linear Kd values (Kd app) should be calculated from the measured data and the simulated concentrations and plotted against time. Apparent Kd values are usually more scattered than the data on mass and concentration. It is important that the apparent Kd value shows an increase over time that can be distinguished from the scatter in the data. Figure 4-6 gives an example of an acceptable and unacceptable pattern of Kd app. 35 16 30 14 25 12 Kd app (L/kg) Kd app (L/kg) Figure 4-6. Example of acceptable (left) and unacceptable (right) patterns of apparent Kd values 20 15 10 5 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 20 40 Time (d) 60 80 0 20 40 60 Time (d) 80 100 120 It is also important to compare the modelled line with the experimental apparent Kd values. Sometimes, mass and liquid phase concentration are described well by the model, but the apparent Kd is not. In this case, the fit should be rejected. An example of an acceptable and unacceptable description of Kd app is given in Figure 4-7. The unacceptable fit on the right hand side of Figure 4-7 illustrates that the goodness of fit cannot be assessed visually based on the mass and liquid phase concentrations alone. Draft - April 2010 Page 18 of 40 Figure 4-7. Example of acceptable (left) and unacceptable (right) description of the apparent Kd values by the aged sorption model 160 120 100 120 Mass (microg) Mass (microg) 140 100 80 60 40 Model 20 80 60 40 20 Measurements 0 Model 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 Time (d) 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 Time (d) 80 Concentration (microg/l) Concentration (microg/l) Measurements 1.5 0 60 80 100 Time (d) 2.0 Model 40 Measurements 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 Model 0 20 40 60 Time (d) Measurements 80 100 0.08 30 0.07 25 15 10 5 Model Measurements 0 Kd app (L/kg) Kd app (L/kg) 0.06 20 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Model Kd 0.01 Measurements 0 0 20 40 60 Time (d) 80 100 0 20 40 60 Time (d) 80 100 The apparent Kd is not included in the fitting, a statistical goodness of fit criterion can thus not be calculated and the assessment must be based on the visual agreement alone. However, the visual assessment of the Kd app values is underpinned by the analysis of the fitted parameters. For example, the aged sorption parameters fNE and kd are likely to be close to zero with large confidence intervals where there is no or only a very small increase in Kd app. In addition to the apparent Kd values, the simulated mass sorbed in the equilibrium and non-equilibrium domain should be plotted against time. A robust fit is more likely when the mass in the non-equilibrium domain shows a phase of decline during the experimental period. Fits are also more robust when nonequilibrium sorption is an important component of the whole system (i.e. the mass in the non-equilibrium domain must not be negligible compared to the mass in the equilibrium domain). Examples are given in Appendix 1. Please note that using the best combination of parameters does not guarantee a good fit to the measured data. If the model is not appropriate to describe measured behaviour, even the best possible parameter combination for that model will not give an adequate fit to the data. The model will not be able to describe the data, for example, if degradation is biphasic for reasons other than time-dependent sorption, or if degradation shows a lag-phase. Always evaluate the visual fit to decide if a model is acceptable. Draft - April 2010 Page 19 of 40 Chi2-test 4.5.2 FOCUS (2006) proposed a χ -test to evaluate the goodness of fit of degradation kinetics. A modified version of the test should be applied to aged sorption data: 2 t (Pi − Oi )2 i =1 ( err / 100 x Oi )2 χ2 = ∑ (16) The calculated χ for a specific fit may be compared to tabulated χ f ,α 2 2 where t = number of time points for mass plus number of time points for concentration Pi = predicted value for measurement i Oi = observed value for measurement i (replicates must be averaged to give a single value for each time point) err = measurement error percentage f = degrees of freedom = t minus number of model parameters α = probability that one may obtain the given or higher χ2 by chance. The χ -test considers the deviations between observed and predicted values relative to the uncertainty of the measurements. Ideally, the measurement uncertainty at each time point should be determined from numerous replicate values. Such replicate values are rarely available. Therefore, a pragmatic approach to define the measurement variation was proposed by FOCUS (2006). The error of the measurements was simply defined as a percentage of the average of all measurements. This implies that the absolute error is identical for all measurements (i.e. for all time points). This is consistent with the recommendation of unweighted fitting by FOCUS (2006). In contrast, the guidance on aged sorption studies proposes fitting to weighted data for mass and liquid phase concentrations. The definition of the error has been changed to reflect the assumptions that underlie weighted fitting. The error is now defined as a percentage of each individual measurement (see denominator in Equation 16). As a result, the relative error is the same for all measurements (i.e. all concentrations can be measured with the same relative precision). The absolute error is now larger for large measurements. 2 The χ -test can be used to test the agreement between calculated and observed for a given fit. A suitable model should pass the test at a significance level of 5%. However, this assessment is only possible if the percent error is known. This is often not the case. Instead, the minimum error percentage at which the test is 2 passed (i.e. where the calculated value of χ is equal to or smaller than the standard tabulated value at the 5% significance level and the given degrees of freedom) can be directly derived from Equation 17. 2 err = 1 χ 2 tabulated m (Pi − Oi )2 i =1 Oi ∑ (17) 2 χ2tabulated = standard tabulated value at the 5% significance level and the given degrees of freedom FOCUS (2006) recommends to calculate a χ error value for parent compounds and for metabolites separately although the data for both compounds are fitted in a single optimisation. This division is necessary because unweighted fitting is carried out and because the parent and metabolite data differ in 2 magnitude. The modified definition of the error in the χ test for aged sorption studies allows to calculate a 2 single χ error value for the mass and aqueous phase concentrations. 2 It is currently not possible to set a value for the error percentage as a criterion for acceptable fits to aged sorption data. The value of 15% that is often used as a guide for degradation kinetics must not be applied to aged sorption studies. More experience with fitting of the two-site sorption model is required before recommendations can be made. Until specific guidance on the acceptable error value becomes available, only the visual fit and relative standard error (see below) should be used as criteria for goodness of fit. It is, 2 however, useful to compare the χ error for the first-order equilibrium model (Section 4.4.2) and the aged sorption model. The use of an aged sorption model is only justified if the error percentage is smaller. Again, a minimum difference cannot be specified at this stage. Draft - April 2010 Page 20 of 40 4.5.3 Confidence intervals and relative standard error A confidence interval is an estimate of the uncertainty in a model parameter. The underlying assumption is: If the experiment and the estimation procedure are repeated infinitely often, then the true value of the parameter lies within the confidence interval with the chosen probability. The narrower the confidence interval, the greater the precision with which the parameter can be estimated. Wide confidence intervals can be caused by correlation between parameter values, parameter insensitivity, variability in the data, or the fact that the model cannot describe the data. TM Optimisation tools such as ModelMaker or PEST (used for optimising PearlNeq) give the optimised parameters values together with the standard error or 95% confidence interval for each optimised parameter. The standard error and the confidence interval should be converted into a relative standard error (RSE) as follows: RSE = Standard error υ RSE = 95% Confidence Interval 4υ (16,17) where υ is the fitted parameter value. The confidence interval (upper limit minus lower limit) is divided by a factor 4 to calculate the estimated standard deviation (or standard error) of the parameter fit. This is because the width of the 95% confidence interval equals 4 times the standard deviation based on a normal distribution (the fitted value plus or minus 2 × the standard deviation). Wide confidence intervals imply that the parameters are very uncertain. Where 0 is included in the confidence interval, there is not enough evidence that non-equilibrium sorption is a significant process. It is difficult to set clear cut-off criteria for acceptable confidence intervals and relative standard errors. Based on an analysis by DEFRA (2010), it is proposed that the RSE for any of the fitted parameters should not be greater than 0.25. This implies that the width of the 95% confidence interval must not be greater than 100% (i.e. ±50% of the parameter estimate). 4.5.4 Additional acceptance criteria In addition to the criteria above, the following conditions must be met: • • • • 5 The fitted KOM,EQ value must be within ± 20% of the batch value from the same soil. The fitted initial mass must be within ± 15% of the measured initial amount. If the mass at the time of treatment is not measured, then the fitted initial mass can be compared with the added amount. It should, however, be noted that the discrepancy is then also dependent on the experimental recovery inherent in the extraction method. The parameter fNE must be >0.001 and <10. The parameter kd must be >0.00001 and <0.5. Use of aged sorption parameters in regulatory exposure assessments A sensitivity analysis by DEFRA (2010) showed that pesticide leaching models can be very sensitive for changes in aged sorption parameters. It is thus very important to use robust parameter values in regulatory exposure assessments. 5.1 Sources of input data for regulatory exposure assessments 5.1.1 Estimation of sorption parameters from soil or pesticide properties Research by van DEFRA (2009) and DEFRA (2010) demonstrated that parameters of a two-site aged sorption model can be very variable. Aged sorption parameters for the same pesticide can differ strongly between different soils. There is no clear relationship between aged sorption parameters and soil or pesticide properties. This was confirmed by an analysis by Sur et al. (2009). This is partly due to the correlation between the two key parameters of the model fNE and kd. Different combinations of the two parameters can give a similar result. A statistical relationship between a single parameter and soil or pesticide properties is thus difficult to establish. It is thus not recommended to estimate fNE and kd for new pesticides from soil or pesticide properties. Draft - April 2010 Page 21 of 40 5.1.2 Default values The large variation of the aged sorption parameters between studies implies that it is very difficult to recommend default values for fNE and kd for use in the modelling of pesticide leaching. The increase in sorption over time can be small for some pesticide-soil combinations. The use of default values would underestimate pesticide concentrations in leachate in these cases. Aged sorption parameters must instead be determined in experiments with a range of soils. 5.1.3 Experimental laboratory incubation studies Laboratory incubation studies are the recommended method to derive aged sorption parameters. Aged sorption should be measured in four soils, ideally as part of OECD 307 laboratory degradation studies. Batch sorption data are also needed for each of the four soils. Where possible, the soils used in the degradation/aged sorption study should be identical with those used in the standard regulatory batch sorption studies. Additional requirements for the methodology of aged sorption incubation studies are outlined in Section 3. DEFRA (2010) showed that the fitting of the two-site aged sorption model is less robust for pesticides with small fNE and kd values. This is not expected to cause many problems in regulatory exposure assessments because time-dependent sorption has only a very small effect on simulated concentrations in leachate for these compounds. The implemetation of aged sorption as a higher tier option is thus not very meaningful for pesticides with small fNE and kd values and robust parameters are not required. The model fitting is also less robust for substances with intermediate fNE and kd values and long DegT50 values or for weakly sorbed compounds. These compounds can be the cause of concern in the lower tier leaching assessments and it may be desirable to consider aged sorption at the higher tiers. It is thus important to take measures that reduce the likelihood of rejecting a fit of the aged sorption model for compounds with long half-lives and small sorption coefficients. For example, it may be beneficial to include additional time points or replicates. Prolonging the experimental period will also be beneficial, within the 120-day limit. It must be noted that the optimisation of aged sorption parameters from laboratory aged sorption studies does not replace the estimation of regulatory trigger values and degradation endpoints for modelling according to the guidance given by FOCUS (2006). DegT50 values are derived in the aged sorption study whereas DT50 values are required as regulatory persistence endpoints. Although first-order degradation endpoints could be estimated from DegT50 values, this is not recommended. This is because the guidance given by FOCUS (2006) differs from the guidance given in this document (e.g. comparison of first-order fit with other kinetics, unweighted fitting, different goodness of fit criteria). 5.1.4 Column and field studies As outlined by DEFRA (2010), it is not recommended to determine aged sorption parameters for use in regulatory leaching modelling from column or field studies. Column and field studies can, however, be presented as additional evidence that aged sorption is a relevant process for the substance of interest. For example, it could be demonstrated that: • The availability for leaching from columns declines over time. The decline is stronger than expected from degradation alone. • The apparent Kd value calculated from the field data increases over time 5.2 Aged sorption in the tiered pesticide leaching assessment Regulatory leaching assessments are conducted in several tiers. At the lower tier, sorption is assumed to be at equilibrium and degradation follows first-order kinetics (FOCUS, 2000). Sorption parameters that are used as input for regulatory leaching models are taken from standard batch adsorption studies with at least five soils. The average Koc or Kom value and the average Freundlich exponent (median if the number of soils is large) are entered into the leaching model. Degradation endpoints for modelling are determined according to FOCUS (2006) from standard aerobic soil degradation studies. The geometric mean of degradation endpoints in at least four soils is used for modelling. Time-dependent sorption can be considered within the regulatory procedure as a higher tier option. Aged sorption parameters for parent compounds derived with PEARLNEQ can be used directly in the pesticide leaching model FOCUS PEARL (all versions), PELMO (FOCUS GWII version) and PRZM (FOCUS GWII version). For use in MACRO 5.0 onwards, the parameters must be converted (Equation 9 and 11). Draft - April 2010 Page 22 of 40 In this section, it is discussed how the data from the aged sorption studies could be used at the higher tier of the regulatory assessment and how lower and higher tiers of the assessment could be integrated. The issues that need to be considered are: • It is recommended to carry out a minimum of four aged sorption studies. The question arises whether the parameters from the four studies should be averaged or used individually. If individual model runs are undertaken for each parameter combination, then guidance must be given on th whether the resulting 80 percentile concentrations in leachate should be averaged or not. The derived parameters may not be reliable for all four experiments. It is not clear at this stage how this problem should be addressed in the regulatory leaching assessment. • It must be considered whether the model input parameters on degradation and equilibrium sorption should only be taken from the higher tier aged sorption studies or include the endpoints used at the lower tier. If only the higher tier data are used, then information from the lower tier laboratory studies and information from field dissipation studies would be overlooked. It is proposed to carry out four aged sorption studies. The soils selected for these experiments may differ from those used in the lower tier experiments. Degradation and equilibrium sorption parameters derived from the aged sorption studies could, by chance, differ considerably from the endpoints used at the lower tier. The higher tier leaching assessment could, thus, indicate a greater potential risk for leaching than the lower tier even though aged sorption is included. It is, therefore, important to identify the conditions that need to be met before the higher tier assessment overrides the lower tier. An alternative option is to average the input parameters on degradation and equilibrium sorption 3 over the higher and lower tier studies . However, aged sorption parameters are highly correlated with the parameters on degradation and equilibrium sorption. Each study gives a unique set of parameters. Combining fNE and kd values from the aged sorption studies with average degradation and equilibrium sorption parameters that include data from different soils is thus problematic. The proposed procedure is outlined below: It is not recommended to average aged sorption parameters prior to the leaching modelling. It is also not appropriate to take the parameters fNE and kd from the aged sorption study and combine these with degradation or batch sorption equilibrium values from independent studies. This is because fNE and kd are not only closely correlated with each other, but also with the other parameters of the aged sorption model. Several runs with the leaching model should thus be undertaken for each FOCUS leaching scenario: one run for each combination of parameters derived from the incubation studies (fNE, kd, KOM,EQ, DegT50) and the Freundlich exponent used in the optimisation. DegT50 values must be standardised to a moisture of pF 2 prior to modelling based on the guidance by FOCUS (2000 and 2002), unless the study was undertaken at this moisture. It is assumed that the correction factors for DegT50 values are the same as those for firstorder DT50 values. The proposed guidance implies that degradation and equilibrium sorption endpoints that are used for the lower tier leaching assessment are not considered in the higher tier assessment. The higher tier leaching simulations are based solely on the parameters derived from the aged sorption studies (unless the parameters are not acceptable, see below). It is suggested that the simulated potential for movement to groundwater at the higher tier overrides the lower tier result. This may not be justified where degradation and equilibrium sorption in the aged sorption study are by chance very different from those in the lower tier studies. This can arise because both types of experiments are carried out with only a small number of soils. The decision on whether the higher tier or lower tier takes precedence should be based on a comparison of 4 the endpoints. If there is no systematic difference between degradation and equilibrium sorption parameters from the two sets of studies, then the leaching assessment based on time-dependent sorption should override the lower tier leaching assessment. The criteria for an acceptable difference between the endpoints will have to be specified before this approach can be applied in practice. th th The 80 percentile concentration in leachate at 1-m depth should be recorded for each simulation. An 80 percentile concentration must be calculated for each combination of parameters derived from the incubation 3 Note that the degradation endpoints from a lower tier degradation study must be converted to DegT50 values prior to use in simulations that account for aged sorption, see FOCUS (2010). 4 Note that the parameter DegT50 cannot be used in this comparison. The first-order DT50 must instead be fitted against the total mass measured in the aged sorption study (this is already part of the guidance for aged sorption studies, so no additional effort is required). Draft - April 2010 Page 23 of 40 studies (fNE, kd, KOM,EQ, DegT50). Sorption is set to equilibrium sorption only for soils where the fitting of the aged sorption model was not successful. The results for all soils are then averaged. • If the model fitting leads to an acceptable parameter combination, based on the criteria outlined in Section 4, then these parameters should be used in the modelling. • If the model parameters are rejected for one or more soils, then the 80 percentile concentrations in th leachate for all of these cases are substituted by the 80 percentile concentration from the lower tiers of the regulatory assessment. This will be a single value for each of the nine FOCUS leaching scenarios, calculated assuming first-order degradation and equilibrium sorption. It may be based on degradation and sorption endpoints that were derived from studies which were carried out prior to the aged sorption experiments. th The procedure is illustrated for an example below: Aged sorption studies were undertaken with four soils. Acceptable aged sorption parameters are available th for soils A-C. These are entered into FOCUS PEARL and 80 percentile concentrations in leachate are recorded (Table 5-1) for e.g. the FOCUS Hamburg scenario. The parameters for soil D failed the criteria and the lower tier value is used instead in the average calculation. Table 5-1. Example results of a higher tier leaching assessment accounting for aged sorption Soil Parameters acceptable? Yes Yes Yes No A B C D Leaching modelling based on Aged sorption Aged sorption Aged sorption First-order degradation and equilibrium sorption (lower tier endpoints averaged over several soils) Average 5.3 th -1 80 percentile concentration (µg L ) for FOCUS Hamburg scenario 0.050 0.089 0.031 0.254 0.106 Special considerations for metabolites The fate of metabolites can be investigated in soils treated with the parent compound. Alternatively, they can be added directly to the soil. It is not recommended to estimate aged sorption parameters for metabolites that are formed during degradation of the parent. Fitting the aged sorption model simultaneously to the data for the parent compound and metabolite involves optimising ten parameters (Mp,ini, fNE, kd, KOM,EQ, DegT50 for the parent compound and fNE, kd, KOM,EQ, DegT50 and the formation fraction of the metabolite). This is very challenging and it is likely that the aged sorption parameters for the metabolite fail the acceptability criteria outlined in this document. Aged sorption parameters from studies with the metabolite as the added substance can, in principle, be derived based on the proposed guidance. There is, however, no evidence that the sorption behaviour of the metabolite is the same when it is formed slowly and continuously from the parent or applied at once to the soil. There are a number of additional issues that need to be considered when aged sorption parameters for metabolites are used in regulatory leaching assessments: • • If the leaching of the parent and metabolite is calculated simultaneously, a formation fraction for the metabolite must be entered into the model. This cannot be derived from the aged sorption study and must be obtained from a degradation study with the parent compound as the added substance. It is not clear whether it is valid to combine aged sorption parameters from a study with the metabolite as the added substance with a formation fraction from an experiment with the parent as the applied compound. If the parent compound is also subject to aged sorption, then it must be ensured that the parameters for the parent and metabolite are consistent (e.g. it may be necessary to request that these are generated with the same soil). Draft - April 2010 Page 24 of 40 6 References Boesten, J.J.T.I., Tiktak, A. and van Leerdam R.C. (2007). Manual of PEARLNEQ v4. ALTERRA, Wageningen: WOT Natuur & Milieu (Workdocuments 71) 34 pp. Cox, L. and Walker, A. (1999). Studies of time-dependent sorption of linuron and isoproturon in soils. Chemosphere 38:2707-2718. DEFRA (2004). Time-dependent sorption processes in soil. Report for DEFRA project PS2206. Warwick HRI. DEFRA (2009). Characterisation and modelling of time-dependent sorption of pesticides. Report for DEFRA project PS2228. The Food and Environment Research Agency. DEFRA (2010). Development of guidance on the implementation of aged soil sorption studies into regulatory exposure assessments. Report for DEFRA project PS2235.The Food and Environment Research Agency. th Doherty (2005). PEST. Model-independent parameter estimation. 5 edition. Watermark Numerical Computing., version 9.01. FOCUS (2000). FOCUS groundwater scenarios in the EU pesticide registration process. Report of the FOCUS Groundwater Scenarios Workgroup, EC Document Reference Sanco/321/2000 rev 2. 202pp. FOCUS (2002). Generic Guidance for FOCUS groundwater scenarios, Version 1.1. 61 pp. FOCUS (2006). Guidance document on estimating persistence and degradation kinetics from environmental fate studies on pesticides in EU registration, report of the FOCUS work group on degradation kinetics, EC document reference Sanco/10058/2005 Version 2.0, 434 pp. FOCUS (2010). Assessing Potential for Movement of Active Substances and their Metabolites to Ground Water in the EU. Report of the FOCUS Ground Water Work Group, EC Document Reference Sanco/???/2010 Version 1, 594 pp. Gurney, A.J.R. and Hayes, S.E. 2007. Non-equilibrium sorption and degradation of pesticides in soil: analysis of laboratory aged sorption data using ModelMaker. In: A.A.M. Del Re, E. Capri, G. Gragoulis, and M. Trevisan, eds. Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects of Pesticides (Proceedings of the XIII Symposium Pesticide Chemistry). La Goliardica Pavese, Pavia Italy, ISBN 978-88-7830-473-4, pp. 245-253. Leistra, M., Van der Linden, A.M.A., Boesten, J.J.T.I., Tiktak, A. and Van den Berg, F. (2001). PEARL model for pesticide behaviour and emissions in soil-plant systems. Description of processes. Alterra report 013, Alterra, Wageningen, RIVM report 711401009, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Available at Larsbo, M. and Jarvis, N. (2003). MACRO 5.0. A model of water flow and solute transport in macroporous soil. Technical description. Report. Department of Soil Science. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 49 pp. MatLab (2007). MatLab Version (R2007a), Optimisation Toolbox, Statistics Toolbox, MatLab Compiler. The MathWorks Inc., USA. OECD (2000). OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. Test No 106: “Adsorption-Desorption using a Batch Equilibrium Method” - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD (2002). OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. Test No 307: Aerobic and anaerobic transformation in soil. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Streck, T., Poletika N.N., Jury, W.A. and Farmer,W.J. (1995). Description of simazine transport with ratelimited,two-stage, linear and nonlinear sorption. Water Resources Research 31:811-822. Sur, R., Menke, U., Dalkmann, P., Paetzold, S., Keppler, J. and Goerlitz, G. (2009). Comparative evaluation of time-dependent sorption data of pesticides. Proceedings of the Conference on Pesticides in Soil, Water and Air, 12-14 September 2009, York, UK. Walker, A. and Jurado-Exposito, M. (1998). Adsorption of isoproturon, diuron and metsulfuron-methyl in two soils at high soil:solution ratios. Weed Research 38:229-238. Wauchope, R.D., Yeh, S., Linders, J.B.H.J., Kloskowski, R., Tanaka, K., Rubin, B., Katayama, A, Kordel, W., Gerstl, Z., Lane, M. and Unsworth J.B. (2002). Pesticide soil sorption parameters: theory, measurement, uses, limitations and reliability. Pest Management Science 58:419-445. Draft - April 2010 Page 25 of 40 Appendix 1: Fitting of a two-site aged sorption model with PEARLNEQ to two example datasets Example 1 An aged sorption laboratory incubation study was carried out using the experimental design described in Section 3. The experimental conditions are shown in Table A1-1 and the measurements are given in Table A1-2. Table A1-1. Experimental conditions of the laboratory aged sorption study (example 1) Parameter Applied mass of pesticide Mass of dry soil Moisture Water added for desorption OC OM KF,om, batch Freundlich exponent batch Temperature Limit of quantification in soil Limit of quantification in CaCl2 Unit µg g mL mL % % -1 mL g o C µg -1 µg mL Value 20 8.52 1.48 20 1.47 2.53 246 0.830 20 4.00 0.026 Table A1-2. Measured data and calculated sorption and apparent Kd values (example 1) Sampling time (days) 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 7 7 14 14 14 28 28 28 43 43 43 57 Total mass in organic solvent extract (µg) 20.179 20.401 20.088 20.293 20.307 20.381 19.192 19.123 18.931 18.737 18.575 18.235 17.490 17.596 17.853 16.233 16.202 16.263 14.929 14.993 15.231 13.846 Concentration in extraction solution -1 (µg mL ) 0.2346 0.2304 0.2321 0.2243 0.2231 0.2212 0.1830 0.1871 0.2009 0.1843 0.1831 0.1780 0.1678 0.1647 0.1632 0.1295 0.1287 0.1271 0.1128 0.1083 0.1089 0.0947 57 57 71 71 71 82 82 82 13.779 13.712 13.613 13.165 12.796 12.489 12.423 11.930 0.0911 0.0966 0.0850 0.0821 0.0896 0.0799 0.0792 0.0793 Draft - April 2010 Sorbed amount Apparent Kd µg mL g 1.78 1.81 1.77 1.82 1.82 1.83 1.79 1.77 1.72 1.73 1.72 1.69 1.63 1.65 1.68 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.39 7.57 7.87 7.64 8.10 8.16 8.29 9.79 9.48 8.54 9.41 9.38 9.50 9.71 10.02 10.32 12.19 12.25 12.50 13.01 13.73 13.90 14.64 1.39 1.37 1.38 1.34 1.28 1.26 1.26 1.20 15.24 14.14 16.28 16.30 14.24 15.81 15.88 15.14 -1 Page 26 of 40 Sorption was calculated from the measurements as: Sorbed amount [ µg g −1 ] = Total mass [ µg ] − (Liquid phase concentration [ µg mL−1 ] × Volume of liquid [mL]) Mass of soil [ g ] The apparent Kd (Kd app) was calculated as: K d app [ µg mL−1 ] = Mass sorbed [ µg g −1 ] Liquid phase concentration [ µg mL−1 ] Measurements on day 0 and day 1 were discarded. All values are above the LOQ. In order to carry out the non-equilibrium parameter estimation procedure in PEARLNEQ, the .mkn file of the PEARLNEQ package has to be compiled following the instructions in the PEARLNEQ manual. The make file of PEARLNEQ for the example case is shown below. Note that the current version of PEARLNEQ 4.0 does not allow the fitting of replicates, a modified research version was used for this purpose. The starting value for the initial mass (19.55 µg) and DegT50 (117.61 days) were derived by fitting a firstorder model to the data. The starting value for KOM,EQ was set to the batch value. Four starting value combinations were tested for fNE and kd. PEARLNEQ .mkn file for example case 1 * Model control Yes 0.0 120.0 0.01 ScreenOutput TimStart TimEnd DelTim (d) (d) (d) Start time of experiment End time of experiment Time step of Euler's integration procedure * System characterisation 19.55 MasIni 8.52 MasSol 1.48 VolLiqSol 20.0 VolLiqAdd 0.0253 CntOm (ug) (g) (mL) (mL) ( Initial guess of initial mass Mass of soil in incubation jar Volume of liquid in the moist soil Volume of liquid ADDED Organic matter content * Sorption parameters 1.0 ConLiqRef 0.830 ExpFre 246 KomEql 0.2 FacSorNeqEql 0.004 CofRatDes (mg.L-1) (-) ( (-) (d-1) Reference liquid concentration Freundlich exponent Coefficient for equilibrium sorption Initial guess of ratio KfNeq/KfEql Initial guess of desorption rate constant * Transformation 117.61 20.00 110.00 (d) (C) (kJ.mol-1) Initial guess of half-life at ref temperature Reference temperature Initial guess of molar activation energy parameters DT50Ref TemRefTra MolEntTra * Temperatures at which the incubation experiments have been carried out table Tem (C) 1 20 end_table * Provide the results * Tim Tem * (d) (C) table Observations 3 20 19.192 3 20 19.123 3 20 18.931 7 20 18.737 7 20 18.575 7 20 18.235 14 20 17.490 14 20 17.596 14 20 17.853 28 20 16.233 28 20 16.202 28 20 16.263 43 20 14.929 43 20 14.993 43 20 15.231 Draft - April 2010 of the measurements Mass (ug) ConLiq (ug/mL) 0.1830 0.1871 0.2009 0.1843 0.1831 0.1780 0.1678 0.1647 0.1632 0.1295 0.1287 0.1271 0.1128 0.1083 0.1089 Page 27 of 40 57 20 13.846 0.0947 57 20 13.779 0.0911 57 20 13.712 0.0966 71 20 13.613 0.0850 71 20 13.165 0.0821 71 20 12.796 0.0896 82 20 12.489 0.0799 82 20 12.423 0.0792 82 20 11.930 0.0793 end_table * Option for weights of observations: *'equal' gives equal weights to all measurements *'inverse' gives weight equal to inverse value of each measurement (if measurement is zero then weight is 1.0) inverse Opt_weights Running the PEARLMK program produces a series of files that are necessary to run the PEST optimisation. The key file is the PEST control file with the extension “*.PST”. The control file of the example is shown below: PEST control file for example case 1 pcf * control data restart 5 48 5 0 1 3 single point 5.0 2.0 0.1 0.01 15 3.0 4.0 1.0e-3 0.1 50 0.001 5 10 0.001 4 1 1 1 * group definitions and derivative data FSNE relative 0.01 0.00001 always_3 2.0 best_fit CRD relative 0.01 0.00001 always_3 2.0 best_fit DT50 relative 0.01 0.00001 always_3 2.0 best_fit MASINI relative 0.01 0.00001 always_3 2.0 best_fit KOMEQ relative 0.01 0.00001 always_3 2.0 best_fit * parameter data FSNE none factor 0.2 0.001 10.0 FSNE CRD none factor 0.004 0.00001 0.5 CRD DT50 none factor 117.61 1.0 500.0 DT50 MASINI none factor 19.55 0.1 1000.0 MASINI KOMEQ none factor 246 0.1 40000.0 KOMEQ * observation data and weights O1 19.192 0.05210506 O2 18.737 0.053369176 O3 17.490 0.057176527 O4 16.233 0.061602817 O5 14.929 0.066984902 O6 13.846 0.072221211 O7 13.613 0.07345857 O8 12.489 0.080070795 O9 0.1830 5.465808563 O10 0.1843 5.426927118 O11 0.1678 5.959860639 O12 0.1295 7.720238523 O13 0.1128 8.861637214 O14 0.0947 10.56126183 O15 0.0850 11.76580983 O16 0.0799 12.50794457 O17 19.123 0.052294311 O18 18.575 0.053835594 O19 17.596 0.056830513 O20 16.202 0.061720352 O21 14.993 0.066696807 O22 13.779 0.072572737 O23 13.165 0.075956964 O24 12.423 0.080494218 O25 0.1871 5.344996603 O26 0.1831 5.460953069 O27 0.1647 6.071034367 O28 0.1287 7.769100473 O29 0.1083 9.233575211 O30 0.0911 10.9825065 O31 0.0821 12.17780069 O32 0.0792 12.61950108 Draft - April 2010 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 28 of 40 O33 18.931 0.052824376 O34 18.235 0.054840998 O35 17.853 0.056012089 O36 16.263 0.061489076 O37 15.231 0.065656019 O38 13.712 0.072929498 O39 12.796 0.07814921 O40 11.930 0.083820865 O41 0.2009 4.978075535 O42 0.1780 5.618356373 O43 0.1632 6.126011669 O44 0.1271 7.87036175 O45 0.1089 9.184578133 O46 0.0966 10.35478581 O47 0.0896 11.15958672 O48 0.0793 12.61596801 * model command line ..\..\neq_bin\PearlNeq example * model input/output example.tpl example.neq example1.ins example.out example2.ins example.out example3.ins example.out After PEST is started, PEST runs the PEARLNEQ model. This produces an output file as shown below. The results of the output file are then compared to the measured data by the PEST program and the parameters are changed until the sum of squared residues is minimised or the termination criteria specified in the pest control file are met. Output file for example case 1 (starting value combination 1) * * * * * * * * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Results from PEARLNEQ (c) MNP/RIVM/Alterra PEARLNEQ version 4.1 PEARLNEQ created on 04-Jan-2010 Run ID : example Input file generated on : 04-03-2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------* System properties * Mass of dry soil (g) : 8.5200 * Volume of water in moist soil (mL) : 1.4800 * Volume of water added (mL) : 20.0000 * Initial mass of pesticide (ug) : 19.3909 * Reference concentration (ug.mL-1) : 1.0000 * Equilibrium sorption coeff (mL.g-1) : 6.5461 * Non-equili. sorption coeff (mL.g-1) : 2.8125 * Freundlich exponent (-) : 0.8300 * Desorption rate coefficient (d-1) : 0.0237 * Half-life transformation (d) : 98.4763 * Reference temperature (K) : 293.1500 -------------------------------------------------------------* * Temp (C) 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Time (d) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 Draft - April 2010 Mas (ug) 19.39086700 19.25551616 19.12241967 18.99150935 18.86271938 18.73598622 18.61124851 18.48844703 18.36752460 18.24842601 18.13109796 18.01548898 17.90154937 17.78923116 17.67848801 17.56927516 17.46154942 17.35526904 17.25039374 17.14688457 ConLiq (ug.mL-1) 0.20523346 0.20127622 0.19744824 0.19374467 0.19016084 0.18669226 0.18333462 0.18008378 0.17693577 0.17388675 0.17093305 0.16807114 0.16529761 0.16260921 0.16000279 0.15747534 0.15502395 0.15264585 0.15033834 0.14809885 XNeq (ug.g-1) 0.00000000 0.02227986 0.04366741 0.06419473 0.08389278 0.10279139 0.12091936 0.13830447 0.15497348 0.17095224 0.18626566 0.20093778 0.21499177 0.22845000 0.24133401 0.25366462 0.26546189 0.27674514 0.28753306 0.29784363 Page 29 of 40 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 58.0 59.0 60.0 61.0 62.0 63.0 64.0 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 69.0 70.0 71.0 72.0 73.0 74.0 75.0 76.0 77.0 78.0 79.0 80.0 81.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0 86.0 87.0 88.0 89.0 90.0 91.0 92.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 Draft - April 2010 17.04470396 16.94381559 16.84418438 16.74577646 16.64855910 16.55250067 16.45757065 16.36373951 16.27097874 16.17926079 16.08855904 15.99884777 15.91010212 15.82229805 15.73541235 15.64942258 15.56430702 15.48004473 15.39661541 15.31399946 15.23217794 15.15113251 15.07084545 14.99129963 14.91247846 14.83436592 14.75694650 14.68020518 14.60412746 14.52869930 14.45390709 14.37973769 14.30617838 14.23321682 14.16084110 14.08903966 14.01780133 13.94711528 13.87697103 13.80735843 13.73826763 13.66968912 13.60161366 13.53403230 13.46693638 13.40031749 13.33416748 13.26847847 13.20324280 13.13845303 13.07410198 13.01018264 12.94668825 12.88361222 12.82094818 12.75868992 12.69683144 12.63536690 12.57429062 12.51359709 12.45328097 12.39333706 12.33376030 12.27454578 12.21568872 12.15718450 12.09902859 12.04121659 11.98374425 11.92660740 11.86980200 11.81332410 11.75716987 11.70133558 11.64581759 11.59061236 11.53571642 11.48112642 11.42683906 11.37285116 0.14592490 0.14381412 0.14176420 0.13977294 0.13783823 0.13595803 0.13413038 0.13235339 0.13062524 0.12894421 0.12730860 0.12571680 0.12416727 0.12265850 0.12118907 0.11975758 0.11836271 0.11700317 0.11567774 0.11438523 0.11312450 0.11189444 0.11069401 0.10952218 0.10837798 0.10726046 0.10616871 0.10510186 0.10405907 0.10303953 0.10204246 0.10106710 0.10011274 0.09917867 0.09826423 0.09736876 0.09649165 0.09563230 0.09479013 0.09396458 0.09315511 0.09236122 0.09158239 0.09081816 0.09006806 0.08933164 0.08860847 0.08789815 0.08720027 0.08651445 0.08584031 0.08517751 0.08452569 0.08388452 0.08325369 0.08263289 0.08202181 0.08142017 0.08082770 0.08024412 0.07966919 0.07910264 0.07854425 0.07799378 0.07745101 0.07691571 0.07638770 0.07586676 0.07535269 0.07484533 0.07434448 0.07384896 0.07336063 0.07287831 0.07240184 0.07193108 0.07146588 0.07100609 0.07055158 0.07010223 0.30769421 0.31710154 0.32608176 0.33465045 0.34282263 0.35061277 0.35803485 0.36510234 0.37182823 0.37822505 0.38430488 0.39007939 0.39555980 0.40075696 0.40568133 0.41034297 0.41475162 0.41891664 0.42284708 0.42655167 0.43003879 0.43331658 0.43639283 0.43927510 0.44197065 0.44448649 0.44682939 0.44900587 0.45102220 0.45288446 0.45459848 0.45616991 0.45760418 0.45890653 0.46008200 0.46113548 0.46207167 0.46289507 0.46361008 0.46422089 0.46473157 0.46514602 0.46546803 0.46570122 0.46584911 0.46591508 0.46590239 0.46581417 0.46565346 0.46542318 0.46512614 0.46476506 0.46434255 0.46386113 0.46332324 0.46273121 0.46208730 0.46139370 0.46065249 0.45986570 0.45903527 0.45816309 0.45725096 0.45630064 0.45531378 0.45429203 0.45323693 0.45215000 0.45103267 0.44988635 0.44871238 0.44751205 0.44628662 0.44503729 0.44376521 0.44247150 0.44115724 0.43982346 0.43847115 0.43710129 Page 30 of 40 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 100.0 101.0 102.0 103.0 104.0 105.0 106.0 107.0 108.0 109.0 110.0 111.0 112.0 113.0 114.0 115.0 116.0 117.0 118.0 119.0 120.0 Draft - April 2010 11.31915958 11.26576128 11.21265329 11.15983270 11.10729669 11.05504248 11.00306738 10.95136875 10.89994400 10.84879062 10.79790613 10.74728813 10.69693427 10.64684222 10.59700975 10.54743462 10.49811469 10.44904783 10.40023196 10.35166506 10.30334512 0.06965790 0.06921847 0.06878382 0.06835385 0.06792843 0.06750746 0.06709084 0.06667846 0.06627024 0.06586608 0.06546589 0.06506958 0.06467706 0.06428826 0.06390310 0.06352150 0.06314338 0.06276868 0.06239733 0.06202925 0.06166894 0.43571479 0.43431254 0.43289541 0.43146421 0.43001975 0.42856278 0.42709405 0.42561427 0.42412412 0.42262425 0.42111530 0.41959788 0.41807257 0.41653994 0.41500053 0.41345486 0.41190344 0.41034675 0.40878525 0.40721939 0.40564960 Page 31 of 40 The results of the optimisation are written into a file with the extension .rec. Running the PEST optimisation for the example case yields the results below. Results for example 1, starting value combination 1 (fNE = 0.2, kd = 0.004) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 0.429644 2.374104E-02 98.4763 19.3909 258.738 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit 0.371338 0.487951 1.749243E-02 2.998964E-02 92.7527 104.200 19.0690 19.7128 249.546 267.930 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 2.46139E-02 Results for example 1, starting value combination 2 (fNE = 0.2, kd = 0.05) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 0.429636 2.374208E-02 98.4757 19.3909 258.738 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit 0.371291 0.487981 1.749984E-02 2.998432E-02 92.7490 104.202 19.0690 19.7128 249.546 267.931 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 2.46138E-02 Results for example 1, starting value combination 3 (fNE = 1.5, kd = 0.004) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 0.429642 2.374070E-02 98.4765 19.3909 258.739 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit 0.371311 0.487973 1.749748E-02 2.998392E-02 92.7500 104.203 19.0690 19.7128 249.547 267.931 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 2.46139E-02 Results for example 1, starting value combination 4 (fNE = 1.5, kd = 0.05) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 0.429632 2.374298E-02 98.4752 19.3909 258.738 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit 0.371299 0.487965 1.749982E-02 2.998614E-02 92.7486 104.202 19.0690 19.7128 249.545 267.930 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 2.46138E-02 The four starting value combinations gave almost identical objective functions (sum of squared weighted residuals = phi) and parameter values. Relative standard errors (RSE) were calculated from the confidence intervals for starting combination 2 and 4 (those with the smallest phi) based on equation 16. Combination 2 gave marginally smaller RSE than combination 4 and this combination was chosen for further analysis. Draft - April 2010 Page 32 of 40 Table A1-3. Optimisation results for example 1, starting combination 2 Parameter fNE kd DegT50 MasIni KOM,EQ Optimised value 0.4296 0.0237 98.48 19.39 258.8 RSE 0.068 0.131 0.029 0.008 0.018 RSE <0.25? yes yes yes yes yes Check Result Within ±20% of added mass (20 µg)? -1 Within ±20% of batch value (246 mL g )? yes yes The RSE values of all parameters are below 0.25. The fitted mass and KOM,EQ are within the acceptable limits. The visual fit of the aged sorption model is shown in Figure A1-1. The top graphs show the simulated mass and concentrations in the liquid phase compared with the measured data. The residuals (deviations of simulated minus observed) are presented in the middle graphs. The bottom left graph shows the apparent Kd value compared with the values calculated from the measured data. The apparent Kd value was not included in the model fitting and is only presented to support the interpretation of the results. The graph on 5 the bottom right shows the simulated sorbed mass in the equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase. The visual fit to the mass and concentrations in the liquid phase is very good. The residuals are small and randomly distributed around the zero line. The Kd app values show a clear increase in sorption over time and are well described by the model. The sorbed mass in the non-equilibrium phase increases up to approximately 60 days and starts to decline very slightly thereafter. The aged sorption model was compared with an equilibrium model that does not account for time-dependent sorption processes (Figure A1-2). This was achieved by fixing fNE and kd at zero. The model is not able to describe the observed data. The residuals show systematic deviations from the zero line There is a large discrepancy between the calculated Kd app values and the simulated line (the small increase in the simulated Kd app values is due to non-linear sorption; Freundlich exponent = 0.83) The χ test resulted in a very small error percentage (1.1%) for the aged sorption model. This is a 2 considerable improvement over the equilibrium model (χ error = 6.1%). 2 The overall conclusion on this example case is: The fit of the aged sorption model to the data for example 1 is acceptable and the parameter values can be used for modelling. 5 Note that the current version of PEARLNEQ (Version 4) provides output of the total mass, concentration in liquid phase (ConLiq) and mass in the non-equilibrium phase (XNeq). The mass in the equilibrium phase (Xeq) can be calculated as fitted KF,EQ x concentration in liquid phase ^ N. Kd app = (Xeq+Xneq)/ConLiq. Draft - April 2010 Page 33 of 40 Figure A1-1. Fitted vs measured mass and liquid phase concentrations and residuals for the aged sorption model fitted to example 1 25 0.25 Measurements 20 Mass (microg) Concentration (microg/l) PEARLNEQ; Chi2=1.1 15 10 5 0 PEARLNEQ; Chi2=1.1 0.20 Measurements 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 Time (d) Residuals conc.(microg/l) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 80 100 80 100 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Time (d) 60 Time (d) 2.0 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sorbed mass (microg/g) Kd app (mL/g) 60 Time (d) 2.0 Residuals mass (microg) 40 PEARLNEQ Calculated from measurements Equilibrium sorption 1.5 Non-equilibrium sorption 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 Time (d) Draft - April 2010 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (d) Page 34 of 40 Figure A1-2. Fitted vs measured mass and liquid phase concentrations and residuals for the equilibrium sorption model fitted to example 1 25 Measurements Mass (microg) 20 15 10 5 Concentration (microg/l) 0.25 Equilibrium model; Chi2=6.1 Equilibrium model; Chi2=6.1 0.20 Measurements 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 100 20 40 Time (d) Residuals conc.(microg/l) Residuals mass (microg) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 80 100 80 100 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Time (d) 60 Time (d) 2.5 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sorbed mass (microg/g) Kd app (mL/g) 60 Time (d) Equilibrium model Calculated from measurements Equilibrium sorption 2.0 Non-equilibrium sorption 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 Time (d) Draft - April 2010 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (d) Page 35 of 40 Example 2 An aged sorption laboratory incubation study was carried out using the experimental design described in Section 3. The experimental conditions are shown in Table A1-1 and the measurements are given in Table A1-2. Table A1-1. Experimental conditions of the laboratory aged sorption study (example 2) Parameter Applied mass of pesticide Mass of dry soil Moisture Water added for desorption OC OM KF,om, batch Freundlich exponent batch Temperature Limit of quantification in soil Limit of quantification in CaCl2 Unit µg g mL mL % % -1 mL g o C µg -1 µg mL Value 70 6.81 3.19 20 3.3 5.7 101 0.814 20 1.38 0.020 Table A1-2. Measured data and calculated sorption and apparent Kd values (example 2) Sampling time (days) 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 7 7 14 14 14 28 28 28 42 42 42 56 Total mass in organic solvent extract (µg) 68.768 71.474 70.898 68.190 69.036 71.367 63.886 61.465 63.458 57.297 56.269 55.976 41.764 49.310 53.560 34.513 35.421 35.993 29.749 25.959 26.522 19.143 Concentration in extraction solution -1 (µg mL ) 1.1157 1.1000 1.0949 1.0900 1.1122 1.1126 1.0157 0.9924 0.9906 0.8971 0.8654 0.8688 0.6786 0.6570 0.7042 0.4425 0.4679 0.4637 0.2861 0.2940 0.2986 0.2159 56 56 70 70 70 83 83 83 18.600 19.133 14.077 16.157 14.397 10.715 10.887 9.440 0.1926 0.1716 0.1313 0.1329 0.1132 0.0733 0.0786 0.0770 Sorbed amount Apparent Kd µg mL g 6.30 6.75 6.68 6.30 6.35 6.69 5.92 5.65 5.94 5.36 5.32 5.26 3.82 5.00 5.47 3.56 3.61 3.71 3.39 2.81 2.88 2.08 5.65 6.14 6.10 5.78 5.71 6.01 5.83 5.69 6.00 5.97 6.14 6.06 5.63 7.62 7.76 8.05 7.71 7.99 11.86 9.56 9.64 9.61 2.08 2.23 1.62 1.92 1.73 1.32 1.33 1.12 10.78 12.96 12.33 14.44 15.26 18.07 16.93 14.60 -1 The aged sorption model was fitted to the mass and liquid phase concentration using PEARLNEQ. The starting value for the initial mass (68.20 µg) and DegT50 (30.43 days) were derived by fitting a first-order model to the data. The starting value for KOM,EQ was set to the batch value. Four starting value combinations were tested for fNE and kd. The results are shown below: Draft - April 2010 Page 36 of 40 Results for example 2, starting value combination 1 (fNE = 0.2, kd = 0.004) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 4.56555 3.924226E-04 27.0553 69.6762 108.445 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit -144.108 153.239 -1.309112E-02 1.387596E-02 25.7979 28.3127 66.8218 72.5306 98.9897 117.899 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 0.1938 Results for example 2, starting value combination 2 (fNE = 0.2, kd = 0.05) Parameter Estimated value fsne 10.0000 crd 1.770197E-04 dt50 27.0709 masini 69.6649 komeq 108.491 Objective function -----> 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit -663.370 683.370 -1.184228E-02 1.219632E-02 25.7824 28.3594 66.8081 72.5216 99.0147 117.967 Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 0.1935 Results for example 2, starting value combination 3 (fNE = 1.5, kd = 0.004) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 4.15434 4.330716E-04 27.0511 69.6616 108.359 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit -118.979 127.287 -1.299090E-02 1.385704E-02 25.7931 28.3091 66.8066 72.5167 98.9063 117.812 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 0.1939 Results for example 2, starting value combination 4 (fNE = 1.5, kd = 0.05) Parameter fsne crd dt50 masini komeq Estimated value 10.0000 1.770196E-04 27.0709 69.6649 108.491 95% percent confidence limits lower limit upper limit -660.714 680.714 -1.182025E-02 1.217429E-02 25.7823 28.3595 66.8082 72.5217 99.0156 117.967 Objective function -----> Sum of squared weighted residuals (ie phi) = 0.1935 Starting value combinations 2 and 4 resulted in fNE values that reached the upper limit allowed in the optimisation (10). These fits are not acceptable. Starting value combinations 1 and 3 gave similar parameter combinations. The sum of squared residuals was slightly smaller for combination 1 and this was chosen for further analysis. Table A1-5. Optimisation results for example 2, starting combination 1 Parameter fNE kd DegT50 MasIni KOM,EQ Optimised value 4.57 3.92E-04 27.06 69.68 108.45 RSE RSE <0.25? Check Result 16.28 17.18 0.023238 0.020483 0.043592 no no yes yes yes Within ±20% of added mass (70 µg)? -1 Within ±20% of batch value (101 mL g )? yes yes The RSE values of fNE and kd are well above 0.25 (Table A1-5). The fit is thus not acceptable. Figure A1-3 and Figure A1-4 illustrate the visual fit of the aged sorption model and the equilibrium model, respectively. Note that graphs do not have to be generated when the fit is rejected, they are shown here to facilitate the interpretation of the results. Draft - April 2010 Page 37 of 40 The parameters fNE and kd are uncertain for two reasons: • The data on total mass are somewhat scattered. • The extent of non-equilibrium sorption that was observed within the experimental period is small for this dataset. There is a relatively small difference between the equilibrium model (Figure A1-4) and the aged sorption model (Figure A1-3). The observed increase in Kd app values over time is only slightly larger than can be explained by non-linear sorption on its own (as indicated by the discrepancy of the Kd app line and symbols in Figure A1-4). The low importance of non-equilibrium sorption is also apparent from the bottom right graph in Figure A1-3. This example illustrates that a good visual agreement between measured and simulated data and a small χ error value do not guarantee an acceptable fit. If the data are only weakly influenced by non-equilibrium sorption, then the aged sorption model cannot be discriminated from the equilibrium model. The additional parameters of the aged sorption model (fNE and kd) can then not be determined with sufficient confidence. 2 The overall conclusion on this example case is: The fit of the aged sorption model to the data for example 1 is NOT acceptable and the parameter values CANNOT be used for modelling. Draft - April 2010 Page 38 of 40 Figure A1-3. Fitted vs measured mass and liquid phase concentrations and residuals for the aged sorption model fitted to example 2 80 1.20 Mass (microg) Concentration (microg/l) PEARLNEQ; Chi2=3.6 70 Measurements 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PEARLNEQ; Chi2=3.6 1.00 Measurements 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 Time (d) Residuals conc.(microg/l) 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 80 100 80 100 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Time (d) 60 Time (d) 8.0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sorbed mass (microg/g) Kd app (mL/g) 60 Time (d) 12.0 Residuals mass (microg) 40 PEARLNEQ Calculated from measurements 7.0 Equilibrium sorption 6.0 Non-equilibrium sorption 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 20 40 Time (d) Draft - April 2010 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (d) Page 39 of 40 Figure A1-4. Fitted vs measured mass and liquid phase concentrations and residuals for the aged sorption model fitted to example 2 80 1.20 Mass (microg) Concentration (microg/l) PEARLNEQ; Chi2=7.4 70 Measurements 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PEARLNEQ; Chi2=7.4 1.00 Measurements 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 Time (d) Residuals conc.(microg/l) 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 80 100 80 100 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 Time (d) 60 Time (d) 8.0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sorbed mass (microg/g) Kd app (mL/g) 60 Time (d) 12.0 Residuals mass (microg) 40 PEARLNEQ Calculated from measurements 7.0 Equilibrium sorption 6.0 Non-equilibrium sorption 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 20 40 Time (d) Draft - April 2010 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (d) Page 40 of 40