
Response Form for Overseas applicants for Admission to Postgraduate Study

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Response Form for Overseas applicants for Admission to Postgraduate Study
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Response Form for Overseas applicants
Admission to Postgraduate Study
Please indicate your reply
I accept your offer of a place as
an Overseas student
I decline your offer of a place
I certify that I shall have at my disposal, for the period of my course of study, financial resources
sufficient for my tuition fees, board and accommodation, and other necessary expenses.
I understand that I am classified as an Overseas student and shall pay the Overseas student fee levied
by the University for the duration of my course in accordance with the University regulations. I also
understand that any conditions in my offer letter must be satisfied and any pre-payment, if required,
has been made before my admission can be finalised.
Student ID
Degree in view (eg M.Litt, MSc,
MRes, PhD)
Course title
Tuition Fee Source (Please specify eg self-funded , scholarship)
This acceptance form should be completed and returned by email to:
[email protected] for Taught Master applications OR
[email protected] for Research (PhD) study acceptance.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: No SC013532
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