CONTROLLING RISKS AROUND EXPLOSIVES STORES Review of the requirements on separation distances
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CONTROLLING RISKS AROUND EXPLOSIVES STORES Review of the requirements on separation distances
HSE Health & Safety Executive CONTROLLING RISKS AROUND EXPLOSIVES STORES Review of the requirements on separation distances © Crown copyright 2002 Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: Copyright Unit, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ First published 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Prepared by MBTB Limited for the Health and Safety Executive Peter Moreton 28 Hazelborough Close Gorse Covert Warrington WA3 6UL United Kingdom This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy. Controlling risks around explosives stores Introduction and background Anyone wishing to store more than 30 kilograms of high explosives must hold a licence. Local authorities currently can licence stores to hold up to 1800 kg of explosives, while the HSE is the licensing authority for quantities in excess of this amount. The main requirement for storeholders with licensed stores is to maintain minimum distances between the store and neighbouring ‘protected works’ - inhabited buildings and other ‘places of public resort’. These distances are related to the quantity of explosive held and are listed in tables which have come to be known as ‘quantity-distance’ tables. While the system has worked well, there are two main reasons why a review was necessary. Firstly, the results of recent trials carried out by the MoD (Ministry of Defence)(see Appendix 3) suggested that the quantity of debris generated in an explosion and the distance to which it would be thrown could be considerably greater than had previously been thought. This was particularly true for smaller stores and stores built of brick and concrete. This suggested the possibility that, in certain cases, distances set solely to protect against the effects of blast might not offer sufficient protection against flying debris. Secondly, the distances do not take into account the numbers of people at risk – the same distances would apply whether the ‘protected works’ were a single house or a high-density housing estate. The review of the distances for stores holding high explosives has had three main parts: · · · developing models to estimate the risks to an individual living near an explosives store and the risks of an explosion involving multiple fatalities; (Chapter 2) using the models to test the existing separation distance requirements. These case studies involved hypothetical situations which could be permitted under the existing rules; (Chapter 4) considering recommendations for new quantity-distance tables. The Working Group has also considered issues concerned with: · · the distances for stores holding fireworks and propellants; the distances which HSE requires, at the sites which it licences, between explosives stores (‘inter-magazine distances’) and between process buildings and other buildings on the site (‘process building distances’). The Working Group’s approach to the review has been informed by a number of general principles: · the models used for estimating risks and for deriving new recommendations should be documented and transparent; · where the existing distances needed to be replaced, the revised separation distances should, were feasible, reflect explicit risk criteria; 1 · the approach to the regulation of explosives stores should be consistent with the approach to the regulation of the storage of other hazardous substances; · as far as possible the tables used for setting separation distances should be consistent, whether the store is licensed by HSE or by a local authority. Predicting lethality The first task of the Working Group was to construct a model for predicting lethality at various ranges from an explosion and the risks both to an individual living near an explosives store, and the risk of a multiple-fatality explosion. There were two main ‘building blocks’ used in constructing the model. The first was an estimate of the probability of an explosion. The second was a method for estimating the risks to people in the event of an explosion, which would in turn depend on models of blast and fragmentation effects including assumptions on issues such as the trajectory of flying debris, and assumptions about the proportion of people present in the risk area and proportions indoors and outdoors. Historical accident records were used to derive an estimate for accident likelihood[9]. It was agreed to use an accident rate of 10-4 (one chance in ten-thousand) per storehouse-year. In developing this model of lethality, the major issues the group needed to consider were: · the assumptions about trajectory of the debris; · the minimum kinetic energy a piece of debris must possess to be considered potentially lethal; · the likely target area presented by individuals in the zone where debris is falling. Assessing individual risk This model was then used to assess the individual risk to a person located at a given distance from an explosives store. This in turn involved assumptions about the amounts of time an individual would spend in the area of the store and the relative, amounts of time indoors and outdoors. 2 Case studies A number of case studies were carried out with the aim of establishing: · the maximum level of risk which could, in theory, exist around local authority stores under the present licensing arrangements, and · what levels of risk exist around these stores in more typical situations. The results of the case studies has shown that the present rules might permit the building of an explosives store in a location where, although members of the public would not be exposed to intolerably high levels of individual risk, they could face levels of individual risk higher than that which HSE would normally regard as ‘broadly acceptable’. The present rules would also permit stores near high-density housing where, if there were an explosion, there could be a large number of fatalities. (It should be stressed that this was the result of a study of a hypothetical situation and HSE has not identified ‘real-life’ instances where this is the case). Thus there appeared to be good grounds for revising these rules Revised separation distances The next step in the Working Group’s work was to consider what the criteria should be in setting revised distances. There were two sets of issues to consider here, the first concerned with individual risk and the second concerned with group risk. Individual risk, as the name implies is the risk to an identifiable individual, for example, someone living or working near an explosives store. In the present context it is measured as the annual probability that that person will be killed as a result of an accident leading to an explosion inside the store. Group risk measures the number of fatalities that could be expected in an accident and so can be thought of as a measure of “disaster potential”. It is normally expressed in the form of a graph showing the annual probability of an accident leading to N or more fatalities. The Working Group’s view was that explosives should be regulated on a basis that is consistent with other hazardous substances. This led the Working Group to take the view that the criterion should be that members of the public living near a store should not face a risk of death greater than one in a million per year. The case studies referred to in chapter 4 show that situations can occur where the risk to any one person is very low but where an accident could still cause many fatalities. The Working Group took the view that there should be an additional set of distances which should apply at stores in areas of high population density (taken as more than 4210 inhabitants per square kilometre). This in turn raised the issue of what risk criterion should be used in setting these distances. Whilst there are well-established criteria for evaluating individual risk, there are no equivalent widely-accepted criteria for the evaluation of group risk. 3 There was much discussion on this issue within the Working Group. The starting point was the recommendation contained in the first report of the Advisory Committee on Major Hazards: that the chance of a serious accident (involving the death of 10 or more people) at any one major non-nuclear plant should be less than one in one thousand (10-4) per year[12]. Guidance was also provided by the HSE discussion document ‘Reducing Risks, Protecting People’, which proposes that for a single major industrial activity the risk of an accident causing the death of 50 or more people should be less than one in five thousand (2.10-4) per annum[11]. The Working Group considered that this might be taken as an anchor point for an FN line of slope minus one to delineate a level of group risk at the upper limit of what is tolerable. This approach would give a figure of 1 in one thousand as the limit of tolerability for an event resulting in the death of ten people. This approach would define the upper limit of tolerability. The Working Group took the view that it would not be appropriate for the tables to reflect a level of risk which was only just on the border of tolerable and intolerable and that they should be set at a level of risk significantly below this level. It is not clear how such a broadly acceptable definition of negligible level of group risk might also be defined. There were differing views within the Working Group about whether multiple-fatality risks were acceptable at all, but there was a general consensus that the aim of the controls should be to limit the number of fatalities to less than ten. It was therefore agreed that the distances for high population density areas should be set to ensure, with a ninety per cent confidence level, that the number of fatalities would be less than ten (this equates to a risk of 10-5 per year of an accident involving more than 10 fatalities). Mounding and other safety measures Analysis of the MoD trials data has highlighted the impact of two safety measures: mounding and the removal of the detonator annex from steel stores. In the light of these findings the Working Group agreed that the tables for separation distances should take account of these safety measures. There are therefore separate tables for mounded stores and for steel stores where the annex has been removed. Storage of HT1 explosives in registered premises The Working Group noted that the present requirements on separation distances did not apply to registered premises. However the data from the MoD trials clearly demonstrated that even small quantities of HT1 explosive presented a considerable hazard. The present exclusion of registered premises from the separation distances did not appear to be justifiable on safety grounds. The Working Group therefore recommended that the new tables should also cover registered premises. Internal separation distances In addition to the requirement to maintain separation distances between explosives stores (and other explosives buildings) and inhabited buildings off-site, HSE also requires operators of explosives factories to maintain separation distances between production buildings and explosives stores (‘process building distances’). The requirements for these distances reflect the fact that production activities have the 4 highest risk and there is a need to limit the severity of the consequences of an explosion in a production area by a) limiting the amounts of explosive that may be kept in them and b) separating these buildings from the those holding the bulk stores of explosive. In addition to these distances, where there is more than one explosive store on site the operator is required to maintain separation distances between them – these are referred to as ‘inter-magazine distances’. The Working Group’s view was that, in the absence of more complete information, the existing process building distances should stand. However, it felt that HSE should consider further research on this topic as part of its research programme. The Working Group agreed that although a brick magazine could be destroyed in the event of the detonation of an adjacent magazine, the present distances would ensure that this building collapse would almost certainly not initiate an explosion in most, if not all, explosives in commercial or military use, and therefore that the present distances did not need to be changed. Vulnerable buildings At present factories and magazines with HSE licences are required to maintain a greater separation distance between explosives buildings and buildings of vulnerable construction – for example, offices or flats using ‘curtain wall’ construction. These distances (known as ‘vulnerable building distances’) are calculated using the formula 44Q1/3– ie double the normal distances based on blast hazard. There are no similar distances for local-authority licensed stores. The Working Group recommended that the vulnerable building distances should be retained and there appeared to be a strong case for including similar requirements in the tables for distances to be maintained around local authority stores. The Working Group’s view was that, because the hazard was primarily blast related, the distances should continue to use the formula 44Q1/3. Vulnerable populations The Working Group considered the issue of whether the distance requirements should be increased for stores near schools, hospitals or sheltered accommodation for old people. The analogy would be with the process for assessing applications for planning consent for other hazardous installations where, in assessing the tolerability of the level of risk, greater weighting is given to vulnerable populations because they would be more difficult to evacuate in the event of an emergency and more vulnerable to the effects of toxic substances. In the case of explosives the Working Group did not believe that given the instantaneous effects of explosives hazards the greater weightings for vulnerable populations applied. The Working Group did recognize that there might be societal concerns over the siting of explosives stores where these groups would be at risk. This would therefore be an issue which licensing authorities might wish to take into account in deciding whether a store should be sited in a given location. 5 Public traffic routes At the moment the law requires a separation distance between stores and public traffic routes and 'places of public resort’ of half the distance which would apply to an inhabited building. This applies whether the traffic route is an occasionally-used footpath or a busy motorway. The Working Group agreed that the revised distances should take account of the traffic densities, with the full separation distances applying at very busy roads. On the other hand where the traffic route is lightly used the Working Group felt that the requirements should be relaxed and indeed, where the route was only rarely used, the separation distance requirement should be disregarded. Fireworks The Working Group noted that the present tables for local authority stores impose the same distances for manufactured fireworks as for high explosives (when explosive content is compared, rather than the gross weight). The distances required by HSE for Hazard Type 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks are significantly less - reflecting the fact that the primary hazard is fire/heat radiation. The Working Group’s view was that, for Hazard Type 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks, the distances required by the present local authority tables are not justified by the risk; the distances used by HSE are more than sufficient to maintain a high standard of safety. At the same time the Working Group noted that up to 1 tonne (gross – 250kg net) of ‘shop goods’ fireworks could be kept in registered premises without any external separation distance. Again the Working Group did not believe that this anomaly was justified and recommended that the distances applied in the local authority sector should be brought into line with those required by HSE. Storage of black powder At various points in the course of this work the Working Group considered issues concerned with the storage of black powder in domestic premises. While there were good grounds for believing that even relatively small quantities could present a significant hazard there was very little data either on the number of incidents involving the storage of black powder in domestic premises, or the risks to individuals in the event of an explosion. In the light of this the Working Group agreed with HSE that it needed to conduct further research to enable the present requirements to be considered and to enable HSE to publish soundly-based practical guidance on the safety measures to be taken when storing black powder. 6 Chapter 1 Introduction and Background Introduction 1. This report reviews the requirements for separation distances around explosives stores. The review was carried out on behalf of HSE by Dr Peter Moreton of MBTB consultants under the auspices of a Working Group set up by the Health and Safety Commission’s Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances (ACDS). The Working Group drew together experts from the industry, MoD and HSE as well as the local authority associations (Appendix 1). Background 2. Anyone wishing to store more than 30 kilograms of high explosives must hold a licence. Under current legislation, local authorities can license the storage of up to 1800 kg of explosives or 7200 kg (gross weight) of ‘shop goods’ fireworks. Anyone wishing to store more than these quantities must obtain a licence from the HSE. The main requirement for licensed storeholders is to maintain minimum distances between the store and neighbouring ‘protected works’ - inhabited buildings and other ‘places of public resort’. These distances are related to the quantity of explosive held and are listed in tables which have come to be known as ‘quantity-distance’ tables. 3. The tables used by local authorities are set out in the 1951 Stores for Explosives Order[1]. HSE uses a similar set of tables (referred to as ‘Appendix K’) but covering a greater range of types and quantities of explosives1. The formula for the curve is 22Q1/3. Similar systems are used in other European countries although the values used in the formula may differ somewhat. The distances used for Hazard Type 1 explosives derive largely from data on bomb blast damage collected during the war. The system of separation distances has been effective in protecting the safety of the public – in the half century since the introduction of the current rules there have been no off-site fatalities from explosions at licensed explosives sites. A more detailed explanation of the basis for the current rules is given in Appendix 2. 4. While the system has worked well, there are two main reasons why a review was necessary. Firstly, the results of recent trials carried out by the MoD (see Appendix 3) suggested that the quantity of debris generated in an explosion and the distance to which it 1 Distances for Hazard Type 1 explosives are calculated according to the following formula: 22.4.Q1/3 IBD = [1 + (3175/Q) 2 ]1/6 where IBD is the inhabited building distance (m) and Q is the net explosives quantity (kg). Similar systems are used in other European countries although the values used in the formula may differ somewhat). 7 would be thrown could be considerably greater than had previously been thought. This was particularly true for smaller stores and stores built of brick and concrete. This suggested the possibility that, in certain cases, distances set solely to protect against the effects of blast might not offer sufficient protection against flying debris. Secondly, the distances do not take into account the numbers of people at risk – the same distances would apply whether the ‘protected works’ were a single house or a high-density housing estate. 5. The review of the distances for stores holding high explosives has had three main parts: · developing models to estimate the risks to an individual living near an explosives store and the risks of an explosion involving multiple fatalities; (Chapter 2) · using the models to test the existing separation distance requirements. These case studies involved hypothetical situations which could be permitted under the existing rules; (Chapter 4) · considering recommendations for new quantity-distance tables. 6. The Working Group has also considered issues concerned with: · the distances for stores holding fireworks and propellants; · the distances which HSE requires, at the sites which it licences, between explosives stores (‘inter-magazine distances’) and between process buildings and other buildings on the site (‘process building distances’). General principles 7. The Working Group’s approach to the review has been informed by a number of general principles: · the models used for estimating risks and for deriving new recommendations should be documented and transparent; · where the existing distances needed to be replaced, the revised separation distances should, where feasible, reflect explicit risk criteria; · the approach to the regulation of explosives stores should be consistent with the approach to the regulation of the storage of other hazardous substances; · as far as possible the tables used for setting separation distances should be consistent whether the store is licensed by HSE or by a local authority. 8 ‘Fixed rules’ or individual safety cases? 8. Under the present system local authorities have no discretion over whether to refuse a licence or to vary the distances required2. In contrast HSE has the ability to vary separation distances to take into account other safety measures, and it is open to the applicant to apply to the HSE for such a licence. 9. There was some debate in the Working Group about whether the present ‘fixed rules’ system should be replaced by a system based on individual site safety cases. The representatives of the Institute of Explosives Engineers were strongly of this view. This issue was included in the Discussion Document published by the Health and Safety Commission in 1999. The view of the overwhelming majority of respondents was that they wished to retain the present system because it was inexpensive, transparent, and consistent, while maintaining a satisfactory level of public safety. The recommendations of the report were informed by the outcomes of this consultation. Sources of uncertainty 10. Finally it should be borne in mind that the models used can only provide estimates and not precise predictions of lethality at most ranges of practical interest. The output of these models will inevitably be subject to some degree of uncertainty. This uncertainty arises from many sources, but crucial amongst these are: · limited data. While the tests carried out by the MoD provide the most extensive data on debris effects available for the types of store commonly used for commercial storage of explosives, the high cost of these trials inevitably meant that only a limited number could be carried out and so the data set is small · the use of generic values for factors which are inherently variable – such as climatic and topographical effects and variation in the vulnerability of the exposed population to explosion effects. It should be appreciated that such models cannot provide precise predictions of lethality - the exact outcome will depend on a number of diverse factors (including the state of repair of the exploding building, the stacking arrangements within the building, climatic conditions, topography, the state of repair of the exposed buildings, and the age and state of health of the exposed population) not all of which are amenable to modelling. · the use of accident rates based on historical experience. There is also a valid argument that the use of such data implicitly assumes the continuance of errors and oversights which give rise to accidents. In general, it might be expected that processes would become safer over time as a better understanding of risk is gained with experience and corresponding safety improvements made; in particular, it might be expected that lessons learnt from accidents and “near misses” would result in the necessary corrective action to prevent recurrences. From this point of 2 The intention is that the new regulations should give local licensing authorities greater discretion to refuse a licence where they regard the site as unsuitable for the safe storage of explosives – for example if there are bulk stores of flammable substances nearby. 9 view, accident rates derived from historical data might be thought to give a pessimistic indication of current and future accident likelihood. · the use of national average accident rates, (which had to be derived from an estimate of the numbers of stores operational during the period), as opposed to a synthetic approach identifying all the potential causes of explosions, taking into account site-specific factors might possibly justify the use of a lower rate than that suggested here. 11. In the light of these uncertainties, the Working Group considered that the underlying assumptions built into the models should err on the side of caution. The models should likely produce slight overestimates of risk for the typical situation but not produce results which are patently exaggerated. This approach was in keeping with the ‘conservative best estimate’ philosophy advocated by the HSE[2] in regard to land-use planning. 10 Chapter 2 Risk Models 12. The first task of the Working Group was to construct a model to estimate the risk to persons indoors and outdoors at various ranges from an explosives store and the chance that an explosion would cause multiple fatalities 13. There were two main ‘building blocks’ used in constructing the model. The first provided an estimate of the probability of an explosion. The second was a method for estimating the risks to people in the event of an explosion, which would in turn depend on models of blast and fragmentation effects including assumptions on issues such as the trajectory of flying debris, and assumptions about the proportion of people present in the risk area and proportions indoors and outdoors. Probability of an explosion 14. There are several factors which could influence the likelihood of accidental explosion, these include: · the inherent sensitivity of the explosives substances and articles stored; the types of handling processes employed (which may include a number of builtin engineered safeguards); · managerial and procedural safeguards, of which safety culture and training and supervision of staff are important aspects; · security measures. 15. Historical accident records were used to derive an estimate for accident likelihood[10]. These showed that there had been nine major explosions over the period 1950 –1999. It is estimated that 27,000 storehouse-years had accrued over this period, giving: 9 = 3.10-4 per storehouse-year. 27,000 16. If the data set is restricted to incidents involving local-authority-type stores and the post-HSWA period, i.e. 1974 to the present date, three incidents are of relevance and the corresponding number of storehouse–years is estimated at 15,000. This gives an accident rate of: 3 = 2.10-4 per storehouse-year 15000 It must be noted that there are considerable uncertainties regarding the numbers of stores that were operational over this period. There was some debate within the 11 Working Group about both these numbers and the appropriate reference period. It was agreed to use an accident rate of 10-4 (one chance in ten-thousand) per storehouseyear. Risks to an individual in the event of an explosion Modelling blast and fragmentation effects 17. Two blast models were selected by the Working Group: the MoD (Explosives Storage and Transport Committee - ESTC) Outdoor Blast Model[3] (for population located in the open) and the MoD (ESTC) Indoor Blast Model[4] (for population located inside buildings of conventional construction). These models were previously used by the ACDS for assessing risks from the handling of explosives in ports[5] and have been used extensively by the MoD for assessing risks around military sites. Both the Outdoor Blast Model and the Indoor Blast Model predict lethality as a function of scaled distance. Both models have recently been categorized by the ACDS ‘Consequence Modelling for Explosives Working Party’ as models which “we are generally content with … have a measure of confidence in”[6]. 18. The models have been designed specifically for use in risk assessment studies and are designed to err on the side of caution, the priority being to avoid any underprediction of risk. In the view of some members of the Working Group these models give results which are overly pessimistic. However, the issue was not crucial for the important reason that the blast hazard is minor in comparison with that from flying debris. 19. While it was possible to predict blast-induced lethality using existing models, the Working Group had to develop a lethality model for debris effects based on the MoD trials data. In developing this model the major issues the Working Group needed to consider were: · the assumptions about trajectory of the debris; · the minimum kinetic energy a piece of debris must possess to be considered potentially lethal; · the likely target area presented by individuals in the zone where debris is falling. (Please see Appendix 3 for a full detailed discussion of the development of the model). 12 Trajectory 20. The data from the MoD trials described the directions and distances from the store where the pieces of debris had come to rest. Estimating the risk to people in the event of an explosion involves making assumptions about the trajectory of the debris – if a piece of debris is thrown outwards horizontally and flies at head height or below there is a risk that it could strike someone at any point along its path of flight, on the other hand if a piece of debris is thrown high into the air and lands at a sharp angle there is only a risk to people in the area where it falls. 21. The Working Group took the view that stores built of brick and concrete would be likely to behave differently from steel stores, and mounded stores would be likely to behave differently from unmounded stores. 22. The Working Group also took the view that, in the case of brick and concrete stores, the debris produced from the break up of the concrete roof would be propelled upwards while the brick-wall debris would be propelled mostly horizontally outwards. 23. The video evidence collated by the MoD from various trials led the Working Group to distinguish between brick-built stores holding less than 50 kg of explosives, where all of the debris produced from the break up of the walls is assumed to be projected out horizontally, and brick-built stores holding larger quantities of explosives where up to two-thirds of wall debris will be projected horizontally. 24. Where a mound is erected around a store, horizontally projected debris would either be trapped/slowed by the mound or else ricochet in an upward direction. Roof debris would similarly be projected high into the air and it too would land at a sharp angle. For mounded brick stores it was assumed that all of the debris had been launched upwards and thus only posed a hazard within the area in which it had fallen. 25. The Working Group’s view was that steel stores would behave somewhat differently. In the ‘ideal’ case, a steel store would balloon before fragmenting, leading to an even distribution of debris launch angles over the range 0° - 90° with respect to the horizontal. Ballistic calculations show that in this case very little of the debris passing over a sector would fly past at head height or below. 26. All debris produced from mounded steel stores was assumed to pose a risk only to persons in the area where it landed. For unmounded steel stores, one-third of the debris found in any sector was assumed to have passed at below head height through the inner sectors. The debris densities calculated on the basis of the latter assumption are known as modified pseudo trajectory normal (MPTN)[7]. The procedure is not as conservative as it might first appear, as the MPTN algorithm computes debris densities in the horizontal rather than the smaller vertical plane; as such it can be shown that it equates to an assumption that only about 1 in 30 fragments passing a given range will be travelling at head height or below. 13 Kinetic energy 27. Not all falling debris will be potentially lethal. The traditional criterion in the US and Western Europe [8] is that debris possessing a kinetic energy of 80 joules or more should be considered potentially lethal3. An example of such a missile would be a cricket ball (mass approximately 160g) thrown hard. In the view of some members of the Working Group the criterion is pessimistic. Much will depend on the part of the body stuck; a missile possessing a kinetic energy of 80J might well prove fatal should it strike a person on the skull but is unlikely to do so should it strike a limb. After discussion the Working Group agreed to retain the 80 J criterion in the spirit of the conservative best estimate approach[2]. Target area 28. The probability that a person at a given range from an exploding building will be struck by debris is the product of the density of the debris at that range and the effective target area presented by the person, i.e.: E=D%A where: E is the expected number of hits, D is the debris density (m-2) and A is the effective target area (m2) 3 th The origins of the 80 J criterion date back to the early 19 century but more recently it has been shown to envelope the many more sophisticated debris mass/velocity/fatality models [13] that have been developed 14 29. The effective target area will depend on both the size and shape of the person and the trajectory of the incoming debris. If, for ease of calculation, a cuboid shape is assumed for the person facing the explosion, then the effective target area will be as illustrated in the following diagram. Figure 1: Effective target area measured in horizontal plane W B H a The target area is then given by: A = WB + HWCot(a) where a is the angle of descent at impact. 30. It is clear that the target area diminishes as a increases. Ballistic calculations show that debris landing in the mid to far field (where the IBD will be located) will mostly impact the ground at angles between 49° and 76°. Taking commonly used values for the dimensions of the cuboid, W = 0.2 m, B = 0.4 m, H = 1.14 m, the target area is found to range between 0.31 m2 and 0.14 m2, with 0.22 m2 being the average. 31. With regard to horizontally projected debris, the target area is taken as 0.56 m2 (this is slightly conservative given the above model but has been retained as a value used by a number of authorities in the field). 32. In general, people indoors are at less risk from flying debris because of the protection offered by the walls and roof of the building Clearly the degree of protection will increase the smaller the area of glazing and the greater the thickness and strength of the walls and the roof. 15 33. The approach adopted was the simple one of factoring down the predictions of the outdoor fatality model to take account of the sheltering effect of the building structure. A reduction factor was calculated based on the assumption that building occupants will only be at risk from those pieces of debris which strike an area of glazing. Taking account of typical debris descent angles and dimensions for modern housing a value of 1/12 was derived. Deriving lethality functions 34. Fatality probabilities were calculated from the expected number of hits by potentially lethal debris, according to the Poisson formula: Lo = 1 - e - D´ A where D A is the lethal debris density, and is the effective target area of the exposed person This formula takes account of the fact that even when the expected number of hits is one or greater, there is still a chance that the person may escape being hit and the fatality probability is consequently less than unity. For instance, when the expected number of hits is exactly one, the fatality probability is: 1-e-1 = 0.6. 35. Finally, a lethality function is derived by plotting the lethality against range data points and performing a regression analysis to find the best-fit polynomial curve. This is discussed in greater detail in Appendix 3. Fractional exposure and time spent indoors/outdoors 36. Clearly people are only at risk from explosives stores while they are within range of the harmful effects that would be produced in the event of an explosion. This time of exposure will vary for persons living, working or travelling by the store. A passing motorist, for example, will be exposed to risk for only a very short period of time; indeed this time may be so short as to make that person’s individual risk negligible. At the other extreme, a housebound person living in close proximity to the store may be constantly exposed to risk. 37. Residents are assumed to have a fractional exposure of unity (i.e. they are exposed to the hazard 100% of the time). This is very much a worst-case assumption based on the possibility that there may be a housebound individual, perhaps an elderly or infirm person, living close to the inhabited building distance. 38. The assumption that FE = 1 for residents has become standard practice in risk assessment. This assumption has been adopted by HSE in various studies of the risks arising from industrial activities[13]. 39. Residents are further assumed to spend 89% of their time indoors. Again, this is a figure typically used by HSE in risk studies of hazardous industrial plants. 16 40. Workers are assumed to work a maximum 48-hour week, giving a fractional exposure of: 48 = 0.29 7 ´ 24 The model for estimating individual risk 41. The individual risk to a person located at a given distance from an explosives store is given by the following formula: IR = P ´ FE ´ (TO ´ LO + TI ´ LI ) where P is the likelihood of accidental explosion, expressed as an annual probability; FE is the person’s fractional exposure, i.e. the fraction of time per year that the person is present at the specified distance; TO is the fraction of time the person spends outdoors at the location; LO is the conditional probability that the person would be killed in the event of an explosion, given that he or she is outdoors; TI is the fraction of time the person spends indoors at the location; and LI is the conditional probability that the person would be killed in the event of an explosion, given that he or she is indoors. 17 Chapter 3 Estimating numbers of fatalities 42. The number of fatalities that could be expected in the event of an accident leading to an explosion will depend on a number of factors: the ranges out to which the blast and debris effects remain lethal, the population density within those ranges, and the degree of protection afforded to any exposed persons – in particular whether they are indoors or outdoors. The procedure for estimating total numbers of fatalities is illustrated in the following diagram. Figure 2: Hazard zones surrounding an explosives store 43. For any given store, the IBD is first determined. It is assumed that members of the public would not be present within the IBD (inhabited building distance) (except in those cases where there is a public traffic route (PTR) or open place of resort at the PTR distance – under previous rules, the PTR distance was set at half the IBD. 44. Next, the areas of successive 20 metre-wide annuli surrounding the store are determined from the IBD out to a range where the effects of the explosion could to all intents and purposes be considered sub lethal. The numbers of persons within each of these annuli are then estimated as the product of area and population density. 18 An estimate for the total number of fatalities, NF, is then given by the following formula: n NF = å Ai ´ Di ´ ( LOi ´ TOi + LIi ´ TIi ) i Where Ai is the area of annulus i (A1, A2, etc.) Di is the population density of annulus i LOi is the lethality for outdoor population in annulus i TOi is the fraction of time persons in annulus i are outdoors LIi is the lethality for indoor population in annulus i TIi is the fraction of time persons in annulus i are indoors n is the total number of annuli considered. 45. It turns out that that the spread of the debris from the detonator annex produces a directional effect. Population within the 90º arc drawn from that side of the store to which the detonator annex is attached would be exposed to the highest risk; this is due to the additional flying debris produced by the break up of the detonator annex. The Working Group agreed that tables with two sets of distances (one for the annex side and another for the other three sides) would be very difficult to administer in practice. Instead the Working Group has proposed that there should be two sets of tables, one for stores where the annex had been removed, and one for those stores where the storeholder had chosen to keep the annex in place. The distances for the latter group would be derived to reflect the additional hazard to those facing the annex side. The Working Group felt that while arguably these distances are more than are necessary for the remaining three sides this approach was the most practical. 19 Chapter 4 Case studies 46. A number of case studies were carried out with the aim of establishing: · the maximum level of risk which could, in theory, exist around local authority stores under the present licensing arrangements, and · what levels of risk exist around these stores in more typical situations. 47. Brief details of the sites studied are presented below: 450 kg steel store within the grounds of a quarry: This is a real-life case. The nearest building to the store is a small office/weighbridge located approximately 70 metres away. This building is occupied by a maximum of seven staff during normal office hours (06:00 –18:00 Monday to Friday) and by four staff on a Saturday between 06:00 and 12:00. There is also a crusher plant located some 335 metres away and this is occupied by a single member of staff during the same hours as the office/weighbridge. The nearest building beyond this range is a workshop located some 425 metres away. 450 kg steel store located near to a housing estate: This is a hypothetical case, designed to give an indication of the maximum level of individual and group risk that could arise under the present rules. The estate comprises terraced housing, the nearest houses forming a ring around the store at a distance of 89 metres (the minimum distance currently permitted). 1800 kg brick store located near to a housing estate: This is similar to the previous case. The estate comprises terraced housing, the nearest houses forming a ring around the store at 215 metres – again the minimum distance allowed under the present rules. 48. Details of the calculations are presented in Appendix 4. The results of the analyses are tabulated below Table 2: Results of case studies Scenario Maximum individual risk Unmounded 450 steel store (detonator annex attached) in remote quarry Unmounded 450 kg steel store (detonator annex attached) near housing estate Unmounded 1800 kg brick store near housing estate 8.10-7 20 Potential number of fatalities 2 2.10-6 9 2.10-5 50 49. In none of the cases examined were members of the public found to be exposed to intolerably high levels of individual risk. The most striking result was that obtained for the hypothetical brick store located near to a housing estate, which indicates that the existing rules could allow storage of explosives in locations where an accident could potentially cause many fatalities. 21 Chapter 5 Developing recommendations for new requirements on separation distances 50. The work outlined in Chapter 2 provided models for estimating the individual risk to persons living near an explosives store and the number of fatalities expected in the event of an explosion. 51. Applying these models to real life and hypothetical case studies has shown that the present rules might permit the building of an explosives store in a location where it would present a level of individual risk higher than that which HSE would normally regard as ‘broadly acceptable’. The present rules would also permit stores near highdensity housing where, if there were an explosion, there could be a large number of fatalities. Thus there appeared to be good grounds for revising these rules 52. The next step in the Working Group’s work was to consider what the criteria should be in setting revised distances. There were two sets of issues to consider here, the first concerned with individual risk and the second concerned with group risk 53. Individual risk, as the name implies is the risk to an identifiable individual, for example, someone living or working near an explosives store. In the present context it is measured as the annual probability that that person will be killed as a result of an accident leading to an explosion inside the store. Group risk measures the number of fatalities that could be expected in an accident and so can be thought of as a measure of “disaster potential”. It is normally expressed in the form of a graph showing the annual probability of an accident leading to N or more fatalities. Individual risk 54. In recent years individual risk and group risk have become important parameters in safety assessments of hazardous industrial activities. Indeed modern safety standards are based on a philosophy of ensuring that these risks are below certain minimum levels and have been reduced to a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). This philosophy forms the basis of the Tolerability of Risk (TOR) framework, developed by the HSE in the 1980s[11]. 55. The TOR framework has been adopted by the Working Group both for evaluating the individual risk from existing local authority stores and for deriving a revised set of QD prescriptions for new stores. 22 56. The Working Group’s view was that explosives should be regulated on a basis that is consistent with other hazardous substances. This led the Working Group to take the view that the criterion should be 10-6 – it would be difficult to justify setting distances which represented a level of risk where, in other circumstances, HSE would advise further consideration. Distances based on an individual risk criterion of 10-6 57. It will be recalled from the discussions presented in Chapter 2 that individual risk is calculated according to the following formula: IR = P ´ FE ´ ( LO ´ TO + LI ´ TI ) The values assigned to the parameters in the above formula are listed in the following table Parameter The likelihood of accidental explosion (P) The fractional exposure of the population at risk (FE) Residents The fraction of time those at risk are indoors (TI) The fraction of time those at risk are outdoors (TO) The lethality for population indoors/outdoors (LI, LO) Blast Value assigned 10-4 per storehouse-year 1 0.89 0.11 Lo = e æ ö æ ö ç - 5.785´ç R ÷ ÷ 1 ÷ +19.047 ÷ ç çç ÷ 3 è Q ø è ø 100 2 æ æ R öö æ æ R öö æ R ö ç ç ç ç ÷÷ ÷ ÷÷ ç Q1/ 3 ÷ - 0.853.ç Log ç Q1/ 3 ÷ ÷ + 0.356.ç Log ç Q1/ 3 ÷ ÷ øø è ø øø è è è è 3 Log ( LI ) = 1.827 - 3.433.Log ç Debris Values derived from models specially constructed for this study 58. Since the explosion consequence models relate lethality to explosives quantity and distance, back calculations can be performed to obtain the minimum separation distance that must be set to ensure conformance with the individual risk criterion of 10-6. Group risk 59. The case studies reported in the previous chapter show that situations can occur where the risk to any one person is very low but where an accident could still cause many fatalities. 23 60. Whilst there are well-established criteria for evaluating individual risk, there are no equivalent widely-accepted criteria for the evaluation of group risk. 61. There was much discussion on this issue within the Working Group. The starting point was the recommendation contained in the first report of the Advisory Committee on Major Hazards (ACDS): that the chance of a serious accident (involving the death of 10 or more people) at any one major non-nuclear plant should be less than 10-4 per year[12]. 62. Guidance was also provided by the HSE discussion document ‘Reducing Risks, Protecting People’, which proposes that for a single major industrial activity the risk of an accident causing the death of 50 or more people should be less than one in five thousand (2.10-4) per annum[11]. The Working Group considered that this might be taken as an anchor point for an FN line of slope minus one to delineate a level of group risk at the upper limit of what is tolerable. This approach would give a figure of 1 in one thousand as the limit of tolerability for an event resulting in the death of ten people. 63. This approach would define the upper limit of tolerability. The Working Group took the view that it would not be appropriate for the tables to reflect a level of risk which was only just on the border of tolerable and intolerable and that they should be set at a level of risk significantly below this level. 64. It is not clear how such a broadly acceptable or negligible level of group risk might also be defined. There were differing views within the Working Group about whether multiple-fatality risks were acceptable at all, but there was a general consensus that the aim of the controls should be to limit the number of fatalities to less than ten. It was therefore agreed to propose a criterion which would ensure, with a ninety per cent confidence level, that the number of fatalities would be less than ten (this equates to an assumed average number of fatalities of 6.225 and a risk of 10-5 per year of an accident involving more than 10 fatalities). Distances based on the group risk criterion 65. The number of casualties produced in an accident will vary with the density of population surrounding the store. Thus, if the group risk criterion is to be met, it may be necessary to have separate quantity-distance tables for areas of different population density. 66. The Working Group initially considered four areas of population density, taking as a starting point previous work by the ACDS concerning the risks arising from the transport of dangerous goods[13]. These areas were defined as: 4210 persons per km2 1310 persons per km2 210 persons per km2 20 persons per km2 Urban Suburban Built-up Rural Rural 24 67. However, it soon became apparent that the group risk criterion would only take effect in the case of stores located near to areas of urban population density4. Thus only two types of area needed to be considered in the further stages of study: urban (or “high density”) and non-urban (or “low density”). 68. For the first of these areas, the IBD (inhabited building distance) needs to be set to ensure that the chance of an accident causing 10 or more fatalities would be less than 10-5 per storehouse-year. Given that the likelihood of accidental explosion is assessed as 10-4 per storehouse-year, it can be shown that the group risk criterion is met when the average number of fatalities expected in the event of an accident does not exceed 6.2255. 69. From this it follows that the minimum IBD conforming to the group risk criterion can be obtained from the following equation: 6.225 = A × D × (LO × TO + LI × TI) where A is the area of the danger zone D is the population density in the danger zone, and LO, TO, LI and TI are defined as before 70. The danger zone is defined as that area between the IBD and the range where the effects of any potential explosion would decay to a level which could be considered, for all practical purposes, sub lethal. The latter range is defined as the distance at which lethality falls to 0.01%, as predicted by the explosion consequence models. This range corresponds to an individual risk of 10-8, a value generally regarded as negligible. 71. For a mounded steel store, without detonator annex, holding 450 kg of high explosives, the range to 0.01% lethality is found to be 292 metres. Further calculations show that when a store of this type is located in an urban area, the group risk criterion will be met when the IBD is set to 88 metres. Deriving new tables from a limited data set 72. Similar calculations were performed for all other configurations of stores and for each value of NEQ (Net Explosives Quantity) used in the magazine trials. Clearly if 4 And also, in a few exceptional cases, stores located near to areas of suburban population density. 5 Assuming a Poisson probability distribution, a value can be calculated for the average number of fatalities per accident, m, that would meet the criterion. This value is found by solving the following equation: 0.1 = m N ´ e-m N! N =10 ¥ å It turns out that m = 6.225. 25 the model is to be more generally useful it must be possible to use it to estimate risks for stores holding quantities of explosives other than those used in the magazine trials. 73. It must be borne in mind that the MoD programme provided results for seven different quantities of explosives detonated in brick-built stores and only two quantities of explosives in steel stores. Inevitably, a major issue considered by the Working Group was how to draw the appropriate function curves given the limited number of data points. There is a point at which blast becomes the primary hazard and at which the existing ‘Appendix K’ tables are appropriate. However, it is not clear where this point lies. Inevitably the Working Group needed to consider what method to use to extrapolate from the test results and how to integrate the resultant functions with the ‘Appendix K’ curves. Steel stores 74. Such an extrapolation is far from being an exact science and indeed is largely a matter of judgement. This is particularly true in the case of the steel stores for which two data points only are available, spanning a very small range of NEQ. The difficulty is illustrated in the following diagram, which shows a plot of the data points for the configuration of store without mounding and with detonator annex attached. Figure 5: QD data points for a steel store without mounding and with detonator annex attached. 450 400 350 Range (m) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 NEQ (kg) Appendix K Urban Non-urban 75. The previous standard is also shown in this diagram as the solid line (‘Appendix K’ is the industry terminology for the curve, the formula is 4RB – see Appendix 2). In the absence of any further information, the Working Group took the view that the new prescriptions should be derived by (1) drawing straight lines between the two data 26 7000 points and (2) drawing tangents from the curve representing the existing standard to join with the 450 kg data points. This is shown in the following diagram. Figure 6: Distance and Quantity for a steel store without mounding and with detonator annex attached. 450 400 350 Range (m) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NEQ (kg) Appendix K Urban Non-urban Fn(Urban) Fn(Non-urban) 76. It is acknowledged that this procedure is largely subjective, and that were further trials to be carried out, a very different relationship between IBD and NEQ could emerge. It is indeed possible that the tangents may understate the risk for stores holding NEQ in excess of 450 kg; but in the absence of any hard evidence, the Working Group was of the opinion that more onerous prescriptions would not be justified. 27 6000 Brick stores 77. The relationship between IBD and NEQ is more easily discerned in the case of brick stores. The following diagram shows a plot of the data points for brick stores without mounding. Figure 7: QD data points for brick stores without mounding 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Appendix K 4000 Urban 5000 6000 Non-urban 78. It is apparent that the minimum IBD necessary to achieve conformance with the risk criteria gradually levels off as NEQ increases. As noted previously, this reflects the fact that as the power of the explosion increases (a) more and more of the building material is pulverized into dust and (b) those lethal fragments which are produced are dispersed more thinly over a wider area. 79. There was some debate within the Working Group about the best procedure for extrapolating between the data points so as to allow IBD values to be read off for any given value of NEQ. Two options were considered: (1) connect the data points by straight lines to produce a series of linear functions which would effectively “envelope” the points, (2) fit a curve through the points. The majority view favoured the fitting of a curve so as to produce a continuous function over the range. This is shown in the following diagram. 28 7000 Figure 8: Distance and quantity for brick stores without mounding 600 500 Range (m) 400 300 200 100 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NEQ (kg) Appendix K Urban Suburban/BUR/Rural Fn(Urban) Fn(Suburban/BUR/Rural) 80. A curve-fitting software package was used to obtain the best-fit curves for the data. One important feature of this relationship is the sensitivity of the explosives limit to changes in the IBD over the range 400 – 500 metres. This sensitivity arises regardless of whether the data points are joined by straight lines or curves. 81. Finally, a connection was made with the existing standard by drawing tangents from the Appendix K curve through the 5600 kg data points. 29 6000 Chapter 6 Other issues Other risk reduction measures 82. Analysis of the MoD trials data has highlighted two other important findings: · a mound constructed from a double row of 0.6 m3 Hesco Bastion earth-filled units and with the row stacked three units high proved to be very effective in reducing the debris hazard from steel stores. However, a mound constructed from a single row of Hesco Bastion units was found to be largely ineffective; · the steel detonator annex attached to the back of the proprietary steel magazine was found to have a marked effect on the debris pattern. Over 50% of the total amount of lethal debris produced was projected in a direction normal to the back of the store. This result is explained by the additional secondary fragmentation produced by the break up of the detonator annex. Clearly the removal of the detonator annex would constitute a significant risk reduction measure. In the light of these findings the working group agreed that the tables for separation distances should take account of these safety measures. There are therefore separate tables for mounded stores and for steel stores where the annex has been removed. Storage of HT1 explosives in registered premises 83. The Working Group noted that the present requirements on separation distances did not apply to registered premises. However the data from the MoD trials clearly demonstrated that even small quantities of HT1 explosive presented a considerable hazard. The present exclusion of registered premises from the separation distances did not appear to be justifiable on safety grounds. The Working Group therefore recommended that the new tables should also cover registered premises. Internal separation distances 84. In addition to the requirement to maintain separation distances between explosives stores (and other explosives buildings) and inhabited buildings off-site, HSE also requires operators of explosives factories to maintain separation distances between production buildings and explosives stores (process building distances). The requirements for these distances reflect the fact that production activities have the highest risk and there is a need to limit the severity of the consequences of an explosion in a production area by: a) limiting the amounts of explosive that may be kept in them and b) separating these buildings from the those holding the bulk stores of explosive. 30 85. In addition to these distances, where there is more than one explosive store on site the operator is required to maintain separation distances between them – these are referred to as ‘inter-magazine distances’. Process building distances 86. Process distances are those observed from any explosives building or stack to buildings in which an explosives process or work in connection with the processing of explosives is being carried out. These distances are designed to provide a reasonable degree of immunity from severe injury for the operators in the receptor building. In summary the findings are as follows: · there have been 77 fatal explosives accidents on licensed UK manufacturing sites during the last 50 years. · there is no evidence to show that any of these accidents resulted in fatal injury to persons at the process building distance. · there is ample evidence to show that some of these accidents did cause injury to persons in other buildings on the site. However, details are sketchy; in none of the reports examined were the exact distances at which persons were injured recorded, and nor were details provided of the extent of these injuries. · a number of these accidents resulted in significant damage to process buildings and other buildings on site. 87. The Working Group’s view was that, in the absence of more complete information, the existing distances should stand. However, it felt that HSE should consider further research on this topic as part of its research programme. Propagation of explosions 88. The inter-magazine distances are intended to prevent the instantaneous communication of an explosion - ie to ensure that an accidental initiation of a quantity of explosives in one storehouse does not propagate immediately to the explosive material in a neighbouring storehouse. The Working Group agreed that although a brick magazine could be destroyed in the event of the detonation of an adjacent magazine, the present distances would ensure that this building collapse would almost certainly not initiate an explosion in most, if not all, explosives in commercial or military use. Vulnerable buildings 89. At present factories and magazines with HSE licences are required to maintain a greater separation distance between explosives buildings and buildings of vulnerable construction – for example, offices or flats using ‘curtain wall’ construction. These distances (known as ‘vulnerable building distances’) are calculated using the formula 31 8RB – i.e. double the normal distances based on blast hazard. There are no similar distances for local authority licensed stores. 90. The Working Group recommended that the vulnerable building distances should be retained and there appeared to be a strong case for including similar requirements in the tables for distances to be maintained around local authority stores. 91. The Working Group’s view was that, because the hazard was primarily blast related, the distances should continue to use the formula 8RB. Vulnerable populations 92. The Working Group considered the issue of whether the distance requirements should be increased for stores near schools, hospitals or sheltered accommodation for old people. The analogy would be with the process for assessing applications for planning consent for other hazardous installations where, in assessing the tolerability of the level of risk, greater weighting is given to vulnerable populations because they would be more difficult to evacuate in the event of an emergency and more vulnerable to the effects of toxic substances. In the case of explosives the Working Group did not believe that, given the instantaneous effects of explosives hazards, the greater weightings for vulnerable populations applied. 93. The Working Group did recognize that there might be societal concerns over the siting of explosives stores where these groups would be at risk. This would therefore be an issue which licensing authorities might wish to take into account in deciding whether a store should be sited in a given location. Public traffic routes 94. At the moment the law requires a separation distance between stores and public traffic routes and 'places of public resort’ of half the distance which would apply to an inhabited building. This applies whether the traffic route is an occasionally used footpath or a busy motorway. 95. The major difficulty the Working Group faced was that, because the fractional exposure is so low, the individual risk from an explosives store to passersby (whether in vehicles or on foot) would be likely to be extremely low. Also, given that drivers and passengers of vehicles will be relatively well protected from blast and fragment effects, the primary cause of loss of life would be likely to be that of vehicle crashes caused by drivers being startled etc. The consequences of an explosion near to a busy motorway could be extremely grave however it would be extremely difficult to model these effects. 96. The Working Group’s view was that, in view of these difficulties, it was best to err on the side of caution and to retain the present system with modifications to take greater account of traffic density. The Working Group therefore endorsed proposals for revising these requirements. 97. The proposals are that 32 where there were more than 500 but less than 5,000 person/vehicle movements in any 24 hour period a separation distance of half the full distance should be required. This distance should also apply to all passenger railway lines; where there were more than 5,000 person/vehicle movements in any 24 hour period the full separation distance should apply; where there are less than 500 person/vehicle movements in any 24 hour period the required separation distance would be one quarter the inhabited building distance; where there were less than 50 vehicle/person movements in any 24 hour period then there no separation distance would be necessary. 98. Temporary variations in traffic levels (due to diversions etc) would be disregarded. Storage of HT4 and HT3 explosives 99. The Working Group noted that the present tables for local authority stores impose the same distances for manufactured fireworks as for high explosives (when explosive content is compared, rather than the gross weight). The distances required by HSE for Hazard Type 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks are significantly less - reflecting the fact that the primary hazard is fire/heat radiation. The Working Group’s view was that, for Hazard Type 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks, the distances required by the present local authority tables are not justified by the risk; the distances used by HSE are more than sufficient to maintain a high standard of safety. 100. At the same time the Working Group noted that up to 1 tonne (gross – 250kg net) of ‘shop goods’ fireworks could be kept in registered premises without any external separation distance. Again the Working Group did not believe that this anomaly was justified and recommended that the distances applied in the local authority sector should be brought into line with those required by HSE. 101. There was some discussion within the Working Group about the treatment of small arms ammunition and similar explosives articles which shared the HT4 category with fireworks. Recent explosions at firework stores suggest that there are uncertainties about the behaviour of fireworks stored in bulk. HSE has recently carried out research on this issue and submitted proposals to the European Commission for collaborative research on this issue. To a degree the distances set by HSE reflect this uncertainty. Some members of the Working Group believed that while there might be uncertainties over the behaviour of fireworks, there was good evidence to support the conclusion that a fire in a store of certain types of nonfireworks HT 4 would be contained within the storage building and there was therefore no need to require more than a nominal separation distance. The Working Group agreed this issue should be considered further. Storage of black powder 102. At various points in the course of this work the Working Group considered issues concerned with the storage of black powder in domestic premises. While there 33 were good grounds for believing that even relatively small quantities could present a significant hazard there was very little data either on the number of incidents involving the storage of black powder in domestic premises, or the risks to individuals in the event of an explosion. In the light of this the Working Group agreed with HSE that it needed to conduct further research to enable the present requirements to be considered and to enable HSE to publish soundly-based practical guidance on the safety measures to be taken when storing black powder. 34 Chapter 7 Proposed tables 103. The following tables set out the recommendations for new separation distances. The distances are the distances to be maintained between the explosives building and inhabited buildings which are not occupied by the storeholder/site operator. Separation distances must also be maintained between explosives buildings and public traffic routes and public spaces. The distance to public traffic routes will depend on traffic densities – see paragraph 97. HT1 brick-built (mounded) Quantity of explosives (kg) Low Density Distance (m) 0.1 - 25 101 25 - 50 50 - 75 75 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 107 112 118 128 139 161 300 - 400 183 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1600 1600 - 1700 1700 - 1800 1800 - 1900 1900 - 2000 2000 - 3000 193 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 208 215 222 229 285 3000 - 4000 328 4000 - 5000 362 5000 -10000 475 Maximum number of dwellings in Reference Reference zone radius (m) Zone High Density Distance (m) - - - - - - 81 96 128 257 278 322 - - - - - 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 214 229 244 259 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 408 416 431 444 458 - - - - - 107 112 118 128 139 161 183 231 238 245 250 255 259 263 266 269 272 274 277 279 281 - 35 101 142 156 180 - Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 193 204 216 238 260 280 300 319 337 354 370 386 402 416 431 444 458 570 656 724 950 Quantity of explosives (kg) Low Density Distance (m) 10000 - 15000 548 15000 - 20000 606 20000 - 25000 653 25000 - 30000 695 Maximum number of dwellings in Reference Reference zone radius Zone (m) - - 36 High Density Distance (m) - Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 1097 1211 1306 1389 HT1 brick-built (unmounded) Low Quantity of Density Explosives Distance (kg) (m) 0.1 - 25 141 25 - 50 160 50 - 75 180 75 - 100 199 100 - 150 230 150 - 200 256 200 - 300 293 300 - 400 320 400 - 450 331 450 - 500 340 500 - 600 355 600 - 700 367 700 - 800 377 800 - 900 385 900 - 1000 392 1000 - 1100 398 1100 - 1200 403 1200 - 1300 408 1300 - 1400 412 1400 - 1500 415 1500 - 1600 418 1600 - 1700 421 1700 - 1800 424 1800 - 1900 426 1900 - 2000 428 2000 - 3000 442 3000 - 4000 449 4000 - 5000 454 5000 -10000 495 550 10000 - 15000 606 15000 - 20000 653 20000 - 25000 695 25000 - 30000 Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 141 160 180 199 230 256 293 320 331 340 355 367 377 385 392 398 403 408 412 415 418 421 431 444 458 570 656 724 950 1097 1211 1306 1389 37 HT1 steel (mounded), detonator annex on or off Quantity of Explosives (kg) 0.1 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 75 75 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 Maximum Low High Number of Density Dwellings in Reference Density Distance Reference zone radius Distance (m) (m) (m) Zone 34 6 68 45 37 7 74 45 40 8 80 45 43 9 86 48 49 12 97 55 54 15 109 62 68 23 136 76 83 89 96 108 119 130 - 800 - 900 140 900 - 1000 150 1000 - 1100 159 1100 - 1200 168 1200 - 1300 177 1300 - 1400 185 1400 - 1500 193 1500 - 1600 201 1600 - 1700 208 1700 - 1800 215 1800 - 1900 222 1900 - 2000 229 2000 - 3000 285 3000 - 4000 328 4000 - 5000 362 5000 -10000 475 10000 - 15000 548 15000 - 20000 606 20000 - 25000 653 25000 - 30000 695 - - 38 - Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 40 48 54 66 86 104 136 165 178 191 216 238 260 280 300 319 337 354 370 386 402 416 431 444 458 570 656 724 950 1097 1211 1306 1389 HT1 steel (unmounded), detonator annex removed Quantity of Explosives (kg) 0.1 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 75 75 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1600 1600 - 1700 1700 - 1800 1800 - 1900 Maximum Low High Number of Density Dwellings in Reference Density Distance Reference zone radius Distance (m) (m) (m) Zone 38 9 74 43 41 9 82 46 43 9 86 49 45 10 91 55 50 12 100 66 55 15 110 78 68 23 136 101 83 34 165 124 89 39 178 135 96 45 191 138 108 57 216 144 119 70 238 150 130 83 260 156 140 97 280 162 150 111 300 168 159 168 177 185 193 201 208 215 222 - 1900 - 2000 229 2000 - 3000 285 3000 - 4000 328 4000 - 5000 362 5000 -10000 475 10000 - 15000 548 15000 - 20000 606 20000 - 25000 653 25000 - 30000 695 - - 39 - Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 40 48 54 66 86 104 136 165 178 191 216 238 260 280 300 319 337 354 370 386 402 416 431 444 458 570 656 724 950 1097 1211 1306 1389 HT1 steel (unmounded), detonator annex on Quantity of Explosives (kg) 0.1 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 75 75 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1600 1600 - 1700 1700 - 1800 1800 - 1900 1900 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 Maximum Low High number Density of dwellings Reference Density Distance in Reference zone radius Distance (m) (m) (m) Zone 38 11 74 53 43 11 86 53 48 11 96 60 53 14 106 77 63 20 127 110 74 27 147 143 94 44 188 209 115 65 229 275 125 77 250 308 128 81 257 309 135 90 270 311 142 99 283 312 148 109 297 314 155 119 310 316 162 129 324 318 169 140 337 319 175 152 350 321 182 163 364 323 189 176 377 325 195 188 391 326 202 202 404 328 209 215 417 330 215 229 431 332 222 244 444 333 229 259 458 335 285 401 570 353 328 531 656 370 362 - 5000 -10000 475 10000 - 15000 548 15000 - 20000 606 20000 - 25000 653 25000 - 30000 695 - - 40 - Vulnerable Building Distance (m) 54 54 54 66 86 104 136 165 178 191 216 238 260 280 300 319 337 354 370 386 402 416 431 444 458 570 656 724 950 1097 1211 1306 1389 HT2 (0.7 kg net mass per item or more) Quantity of explosives (kg) 0.1 - 25 kg 26-50 kg 51-75 kg 76-100 kg 101-150 kg 151-200 kg 201-300 kg 301-400 kg 401-450 kg 451-500 kg 501-600 kg 601-700 kg 701-800 kg 801-900 kg 901-1000 kg 1001-1100 kg 1101-1200 kg 1201-1300 kg 1301-1400 kg 1401-1500 kg 1500-1600 kg 1601-1700 kg 1701kg-1800 kg 1801-1900 kg 1901-2000 kg 2001-3000kg 30001-4000kg 4001-5000 kg 5001-10000 kg 10001-15000kg 15001-20000kg 20001-25000kg 25001-30000kg Low Density Distance 45m 88m 108m 129m 148m 168m 191m 207m 213m 219m 226m 233m 240m 248m 256m 259m 262m 266m 270m 274m 278m 282m 286m 288m 292m 312m 326m 337m 370m 388m 401m 411m 419m Vulnerable building distance (m) 90m 176m 216m 238m 296m 336m 382m 414m 426m 438m 452m 466m 480m 496m 512m 518m 524m 532m 540m 548m 556m 564m 572m 576m 592m 624m 652m 674m 740m 776m 802m 822m 838m 41 HT 2 (0.7kg net mass per item or less) Quantity of explosives (kg) 0.1 - 25 kg 26-50 kg 51-75 kg 76-100 kg 101-150 kg 151-200 kg 201-300 kg 301-400 kg 401-450 kg 451-500 kg 501-600 kg 601-700 kg 701-800 kg 801-900 kg 901-1000 kg 1001-1100 kg 1101-1200 kg 1201-1300 kg 1301-1400 kg 1401-1500 kg 1500-1600 kg 1601-1700 kg 1701kg-1800kg 1801-1900 kg 1901-2000 kg 2001-3000kg 30001-4000kg 4001-5000 kg 5001-10000 kg 10001-15000kg 15001-20000kg 20001-25000kg 25001-30000kg Low Density Distance 37 43 47 51 56 60 66 71 73 74 76 78 81 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 97 99 101 110 117 122 140 151 159 166 171 Vulnerable building distance (m) 76 86 94 102 112 120 132 142 146 148 152 158 162 164 174 176 178 180 182 184 188 190 194 198 202 220 234 244 280 302 318 332 342 42 HT3 Quantity of Explosives (kg) Low Density Distance (m) 0.1 - 25 kg 26-50 kg 51-75 kg 76-100 kg 101-150 kg 151-200 kg 201-300 kg 301-400 kg 401-450 kg 451-500 kg 501-600 kg 601-700 kg 701-800 kg 801-900 kg 901-1000 kg 1001-1100 kg 1101-1200 kg 1201-1300 kg 1301-1400 kg 1401-1500 kg 1500-1600 kg 1601-1700 kg 1701kg-1800 kg 1801-1900 kg 1901-2000 kg 2001-3000kg 30001-4000kg 4001-5000 kg 5001-10000 kg 10001-15000kg 15001-20000kg 20001-25000kg 25001-30000kg 23m 25m 29m 33m 37m 42m 47m 47m 50m 51m 53m 54m 55m 63m 70m 71m 72m 73m 74m 75m 76m 78 79m 80m 91m 100m 107m 136m 156m 172m 185m 199m 43 HT4 Quantity of Explosives (kg) 200 – 400 400 – 500 500 – 900 900 – 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1300 1300 - 1500 1500 - 1700 1700 - 1900 1900 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 10000 10000 - 15000 15000 - 20000 20000 - 25000 25000 - 30000 Low Density Distance (m) 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 35 40 45 51 54 55 58 60 44 References 1. The Stores for Explosives Order 1951 (SI 1951/1163) 2. Health and Safety Executive, Risk criteria for land-use planning in the vicinity of major industrial hazards, HMSO, 1989. 3. Edmondson J N, Fatality Probabilities for People in the Open when Exposed to Blast, SRD Report RANN/2/49/00082/90 Issue 1, March 1992. 4. Hewkin D J, Consequences of pressure blast: the probability of fatality inside buildings, Minutes of the Twenty-fifth Explosives Safety Seminar, Anaheim, California, US Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, 1992. 5. Health and Safety Commission, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances, Risks from handling explosives in ports, HMSO, 1995, ISBN 0 7176 0917 0. 6. Health and Safety Commission, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances, Selection and use of explosion effects and consequence models for explosives, HMSO, 2000, ISBN 0 7176 17912. 7. Gould M J A and Swisdak M M, Procedures for the collection, analysis and interpretation of explosion-produced debris, NATO AC/258(ST)WP/209. 8. McCleskey F et al., A comparison of two personal injury criteria based on fragmentation, Minutes of the 24th DOD Explosives Safety Seminar, August 1990. 9. Carter D A and Hirst I L, Worst case methodology for the initial assessment of societal risk from proposed major accident installations, J Haz Mat, 71 (2000), 117128, 2000. 10. Merrifield R and Moreton P A, An examination of the major-accident record for explosives manufacturing and storage in the UK, J Haz Mat, A:63, 107-118, 1998. 11. Le Guen J et al., Reducing Risks, Protecting People, Health and Safety Executive, 1999. 12. Health and Safety Commission, First Report of the Advisory Committee on Major Hazards, 1976. 13. Health and Safety Commission, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances, Major Hazard Aspects of the Transport of Dangerous Substances, Report and Appendices, HMSO, 1991. 14. Gould M J A and Cuthbertson K, UK/Australian Small Quantity Explosion Effects Tests and their Analysis, Minutes of the Australian Explosives Ordnance Symposium PARARI 97, 1997. 45 Appendix 1 Membership of the ACDS QuantityDistances Working Group HSE would like to thank the past and present members of the ACDS QuantityDistance Working Group including Chairman Alan Duckworth HSE Chief Inspector of Explosives HSE Dr Roy Merrifield HSE Methodology and Standards Development Unit Paul Rushton MoD Lt Col Des Townsend Mr Jon Henderson ESTC EIG Ian McIntosh Ron Rapley Dr Tom Smith Royal Ordnance plc Black Cat Fireworks Davas IExE Bill Fowler Peter McGoff Bob Wilcox Demex Explosives Technology Rocklift Ltd. ExploSafety COSLA Superintendent Jim Moulson Strathclyde Police TUC John Wraige Solar Pyrotechnics Independent Dr Peter Moreton MBTB Ltd Secretary Andy Miller HSE Explosives Policy Minutes} Secretary} Cherry Knight Cherone Ashdown HSE Explosives Policy 46 Appendix 2 The basis for the previous Quantity Distances The quantity-distance prescriptions previously applied to stores containing HT 1 explosives were not directly aimed at limiting the risk of fatal injury but rather were aimed at limiting housing damage in the event of an accident. The formula by which the prescriptions were obtained was derived in the late 1940s from an analysis of numerous incidents of wartime bombing and accidental explosion. This work led to the definition of five categories of housing damage. Starting with the most severe, these categories are: Category A: Houses completely demolished. Houses so badly damaged that they are beyond repair Category B: and must be demolished when the opportunity arises. Property is included in this category if 50 - 75% of external brickwork is destroyed, or in the case of less severe damage if the remaining walls have gaping cracks rendering them unsafe. Houses rendered uninhabitable but which can be Category C(b): repaired with extensive work. Examples of damage resulting in such conditions include partial or total collapse of roof structure, partial demolition of one or two external walls up to 25% of the whole, and severe damage to load bearing partitions necessitating demolition and replacement. Houses rendered uninhabitable but which can be Category C(a): repaired reasonably quickly under wartime conditions. The damage sustained does not exceed minor structural damage, for example partitions and joinery wrenched from fittings. Houses requiring repairs to remedy serious Category D: inconveniences but remaining inhabitable. Houses in this category may have sustained damage to ceilings and tiling, batons and roof coverings and minor fragmentation effects on walls and window glazing. Cases in which the only damage amounts to broken glass in less than 10% of the cases are not included Figure A2 shows an example of category B damage. Examples of Category A, C and - D damage are shown in Annex 1. 47 Figure A2: Category B Damage The work carried out in the late 1940s produced the following equation for the average-circle-radius of Category B housing damage. RB = 1/3 5.6Q 2 1/6 [1 + (3175/Q) ] where RB is the average-circle-radius of Category B damage (m) Q is the explosives quantity (kg) It should be appreciated that the “average-circle-radius” is a statistical concept and the above formula does not give a precise estimate of the distance from an explosion at which Category B housing damage will occur. The equation is empirically derived and defines a radius of a circle such that the number of houses inside the circle which sustain a less severe degree of damage than Category B is matched by the number outside which sustain a degree of damage equal to or more severe than Category B. For example, the value of the average-circle-radius (RB) corresponding to a 10,000 kg quantity of explosives is predicted by the above formula to be 119 metres. Were this quantity of explosives to detonate in a built up area, it might be expected that there would be as many houses with Category C and D damage within 119 metres of the explosion as there would be houses with Category A and B damage beyond this range. As noted in Chapter 1, the inhabited building distance (IBD) is in fact set at four times the average-circle-radius of Category B housing damage (hence the term 4RB) i.e. 48 IBD = 22.4.Q 1/3 [1 + (3175 / Q) 2 ]1/6 Subsequent work has shown that the risk of blast-induced fatal injury at the 4RB distance is very low. This is shown by the data presented in the following table, which has been complied using the indoor and outdoor blast fatality models developed by the ESTC during the 1990s. The predictions are for a range of net explosives quantity (NEQ), from the Appendix K lower limit of 50 kg to 100,000 kg, Table A2.1: Fatality probability predicted by the MoD (ESTC) Indoor and Outdoor Blast Models NEQ (kg) IBD (4RB) (m) 50 250 500 1000 5000 10,000 100,000 21 60 96 150 362 475 1040 Fatality Probability Persons Persons Outdoors Indoors 0 0.08 0 0.01 0 0.004 0 0.002 0 0.0004 0 0.0003 0 0.0003 It is seen that for persons in the open the blast hazard is negligible. Persons indoors are at slightly greater risk of fatal injury due to: (a) a potential flying glass hazard from shattered windows and; (b) a small possibility of building collapse. However, 4RB is essentially a blast criterion which does not take account of the debris hazard resulting from the break up of the roof and walls of the storage building. Magazine trials carried out in recent years by the ESTC, the results of which are reported here, show that there could be a considerable risk of fatal injury from flying debris at the 4RB distance. The risk is most acute in case of brick stores containing relatively small NEQ, as shown by the data presented in the following table. Table A2.2: NEQ (kg) 50 100 250 500 1800 5600 Probability of fatal injury due to flying debris IBD (4RB) (m) 21 33 60 96 215 380 Fatality Probability Mounded Unmounded brick store brick store 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.01 0.9 0.005 0.1 It is seen that as the NEQ increases the risk of fatal injury diminishes. This result is explained by two facts: (1) as the power of the explosion increases more and more of 49 the building material is pulverized into dust6; (2) the range to which the debris is projected does not increase proportionately with NEQ. The first of these facts is demonstrated by the data shown in the following table, compiled from the results of three of the brick magazine trials carried out by the ESTC. This table shows the ratio of the number of pieces of potentially lethal debris collected in the four 10° arcs drawn normal from the centre of the walls of the magazine to the total volume of wall and roofing material in the building. Table A2.3: Ratio of number of pieces of potentially lethal debris collected to total volume of brick and concrete Ratio (m-3) 292 80 40 NEQ (kg) 500 1800 5600 It is seen that the number of potentially lethal fragments produced per cubic metre of wall and roofing material decreases as NEQ increases. The second of these facts is illustrated by the data presented in Table A2.4, which again is compiled from the results of three of the ESTC brick magazine trials, and which shows the percentage of lethal debris projected beyond the current IBD. Table A2.4: Percentage of potentially lethal debris projected beyond current IBD – two walls mounded, two walls unmounded NEQ (kg) 250 1800 5600 IBD (4RB) Percentage of debris (m) projected beyond IBD 60 88% 215 73% 380 20% It is seen that as the NEQ increases the proportion of the potentially lethal debris projected beyond the current IBD decreases. 6 Strictly speaking it is not the NEQ that is the critical factor but the loading density: the debris hazard will not necessarily diminish if the size of the building increases with the NEQ. 50 Appendix 3 Development of debris models Models have been developed to predict the chance that people at various distances from an exploding building would be struck by lethal debris. The models are based on the results of a number magazine trials undertaken by the ESTC over a period spanning the early 1980s to 1998. Most of these trials involved buildings of brick and concrete construction and the results have been reported elsewhere[14] (or can be downloaded from: ). In 1998, trials were undertaken with two sizes of proprietary steel magazine typically used in the UK for storage of blasting explosives. This appendix describes the analysis of the results. Magazine details The trials were undertaken with the two sizes of store. The smaller of these (Division A) has dimensions of 3 ft (length) % 2 ft 6 in (width) % 2 ft 9 in (height) and is used to store up to 75 kg of explosives. The larger (Division C) has dimensions of 5 ft 6 in (length) % 5 ft 6 in (width) % 5 ft (height) and may be used to store up to 450 kg of explosives. Both magazines are welded structures made out of 6 mm mild steel plate. Both comprise two compartments, the larger of which is used for storage of bulk explosives and the smaller for storage of detonators. The bulk explosives compartment is lined with pine boards and the detonator annex is lined with compressed chipboard. The larger magazine is shown in Figure A3.1. 51 Figure A3.1: Steel Magazine with Detonator Annex Explosives details The explosives used in both trials was Dynoprime, a commercial product manufactured by Dyno-Westfarmers Ltd. Dynoprime is normally used as a booster for the initiation of non-cap sensitive explosives used in the mining, quarrying and construction industries. Essential technical details are as follows: Density: Velocity of detonation: Detonator pressure: 1.78 g cm-3 6700 m s-1 2.1010 Pa The first trial was carried out with 75 kg of Dynoprime packed into the smaller size magazine; the second trial was performed with 450 kg of the explosives placed in the larger magazine. 52 Mound details In both trials, a mound was constructed to the back and one side of the magazine using Hesco Bastion units (see Figure A3.1). These units are cubic in shape and comprise a plastic-coated wire mesh lined with a waterproof membrane which may be filled with soil or sand. In the case of the 75 kg trial, the mound comprised a single row of 1 m3 soil-filled units. The top of the units were level with the top of the magazine. A higher standard of barricading was employed in the second trial and comprised a double row of 0.216 m3 (i.e. 0.6 m % 0.6 m % 0.6 m) soil-filled units, each row stacked three high. In this case the top of the Hesco Bastion wall was 0.15 m higher than the roof of the magazine. Collection of debris For the purpose of recording the location of the debris thrown out in the explosion, the grid shown in Figure A3.2 was employed. The grid was constructed in the following manner: 1. The middle point of the steel magazine was established. 2. A line was extended from this point through, and at right angles to, the front door-wall of the magazine. 3. A circle was drawn around the magazine and this was surveyed into 36 x 10° arcs. Each arc was labelled alphabetically in a clockwise direction from A to JJ. ‘A’ being normal to the centre of the front of the magazine. 4. All zones were pegged out to a 600 radius from ground zero (GZ) 5. Each arc was then divided into 20 m deep sectors as shown in Figure A3.3. All of the sectors in the first 20 m from GZ were joined to form a single sector. All the remaining sectors were then labelled according to their alphabetical arc and the radius of the mid point of the sector from GZ. For example, the sector starting at 20 m and finishing at 40 m from GZ in arc R is denoted R30. 53 Figure A3.2: Search area grid Figure A3.3: 20 m sector divisions within each zone 54 The pieces of debris recovered in each sector were put through a 5 cm sieve. Those that were retained on the sieve, as well as those which passed yet weighed more than 0.1 kg, were considered to have possessed a minimum kinetic energy of 80 J on impact, a generally accepted criterion for defining debris that is “potentially lethal”[7]. The total number of such pieces of debris collected in each sector was then recorded. The results for the 75 kg and 450 kg trials are shown in Tables A3.2 and A3.3 respectively. 55 Table A3.2: Summary of lethal fragments collected in Trial 1 (Detonation of 75 kg of Dynoprime) ARC FF G G SECTOR 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 590 SUM/ ARC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 HH II JJ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE SUM/ SEG 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 13 1 6 0 1 0 2 2 2 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 0 2 1 1 3 2 6 8 10 5 1 2 1 4 3 11 5 3 7 4 3 4 3 18 23 32 TOTAL No OF LETHAL FRAGS 56 16 32 14 16 11 21 9 8 13 14 12 15 11 19 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 Table A3.3: Summary of lethal fragments collected in Trial 2 (Detonation of 450 kg of Dynoprime) ARC FF G G SECTOR 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 590 SUM/ ARC 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 HH II JJ A 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 30 27 20 B C 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 D 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 E 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 F 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 G 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 H I J K L 0 1 1 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 13 11 18 13 19 M N O P Q R S 2 3 1 17 61 32 19 0 1 0 3 50 1 1 0 0 1 3 57 30 0 0 0 1 0 24 6 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 13 29 209 78 29 T U 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 V 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE 4 6 7 4 17 24 6 2 5 3 2 5 11 14 0 0 0 2 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 14 15 13 30 45 28 5 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 TOTAL No OF LETHAL FRAGS 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 SUM/ SEG 225 116 108 47 23 23 23 14 18 21 18 4 15 18 23 13 8 10 5 5 6 2 4 4 4 2 0 3 4 766 Analysis of Results Trial 1 (75 kg) The walls and roof of the magazine were fragmented by the explosion. Most of the Hesco Bastion units were torn apart by the flying debris and the remnants were projected out to a maximum distance of 8 metres by the pressure wave. A total of 212 pieces of potentially lethal debris were collected within the search area, the furthest being found at a distance of 410 metres from GZ. Figure A3.4 shows the percentage of debris collected in the direction of the four walls. By far the highest percentage of debris was projected in the direction of the back of the magazine. This result is explained by the presence of the detonator annex attached to the back of the building - this provides additional material for conversion into debris. Figure A3.4: Trial 1 (75 kg) Percentage of debris collected in different directions 14 18 21 Front (unbarricaded) Side (unbarricaded) Back (barricaded) Side (barricaded) 47 This result suggests an obvious risk-reduction measure: remove the detonator annex from the building. Figure A3.5 shows the cumulative percentage of debris collected at various ranges from GZ. 58 Figure A3.5: Trial 1 (75 kg) Cumulative percentage of debris collected vs. range Cumulative percentage of debris collected 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 Range (m) Front (unbarricaded) Side (unbarricaded) Back (barricaded) Side (barricaded) The chart shows that the Hesco Bastion barricading was not particularly effective in this trial. There was a slight mitigating effect at the rear of the magazine where 45% of the debris fell within 80 metres - against just 20% on the unbarricaded side. However, the effect at the other barricaded side was minimal. A possible explanation for this disappointing result lies in the positioning of the Hesco Bastion units: these were placed at a distance somewhat greater than one metre from the side of the magazine. Trial 2 (450 kg) The walls and roof of the magazine were fragmented by the explosion. All but six of the 90 Hesco Bastion units were destroyed by blast and flying debris. A total of 766 pieces of potentially lethal debris were collected within the search area, the furthest being found at a distance of 590 metres from GZ. Figure A3.6 shows the percentage of debris collected in the directions of the four walls. Once again, the highest percentage of debris was projected in the direction of the back of the magazine - a consequence of the additional secondary fragmentation produced by the break-up of the empty detonator annex attached to the back of the building. 59 Figure A3.6: Trial 2 (450 kg) Percentage of debris collected in different directions 15 20 14 Front (unbarricaded) Side (unbarricaded) Back (barricaded) Side (barricaded) 51 Figure A3.7 shows the cumulative percentage of debris collected at various ranges from GZ. Figure A3.7: Trial 2 (450 kg) Cumulative percentage of debris collected vs. range Cumulative percentage of debris collected 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 590 Range (m) Front (unbarricaded) Side (unbarricaded) Back (barricaded) Side (barricaded) In this case it is seen that barricading did have a significant effect. Whereas 80% of the lethal debris projected from the barricaded sides of the store fell within 90 metres (the current IBD), only 23% of that projected from the unbarricaded sides fell within this range. 60 In determining the density of the lethal debris posing a hazard at various ranges from the explosion, allowance is often made for the possibility that debris passing over a zone may be travelling below head height. Thus some workers have proposed that a Modified Pseudo Trajectory Normal (MPTN) density should be calculated, based on all relevant debris collected within a zone plus one-third of the debris which had to pass through the zone to reach a greater range[7]. In the present case the Working Group considered that density measurements on the barricaded sides of the magazine should be based on the raw debris pick-up data without accumulation, as any fragments travelling out horizontally from the explosion would most likely be trapped by the barricade or else ricochet in an upward direction. With regard to the unbarricaded sides, the amount of debris which could be expected to pass any given range at head height or below will be determined by the distribution of the launch angles. Debris launch angles were not measured in the trials and their distribution is a matter of conjecture. In the ideal case, the steel magazine would “balloon” before fragmenting, leading to an even distribution over the range 0° - 90° with respect to the horizontal. Ballistic calculations show that in this case very little of the debris passing over a sector would fly past at head height or below. However, in the interests of caution, the MPTN algorithm was retained. Calculation of fatality probability The expected number of hits by lethal debris on a person at a given range from the explosion is simply computed by multiplying the lethal fragment density at that range by the effective target area for a human. Where debris densities are measured in the horizontal plane, the effective target area must also be measured in the horizontal plane. This area varies with both the size and shape of the person and the angle of descent of the incoming debris. If, for ease of calculation, a cuboid shape is assumed for the person facing the explosion, then the effective target area will be as illustrated in the following diagram. 61 Figure A3.8: Effective target area measured in horizontal plane W B H a The target area is then given by: A = WB + HWCot(a) where a is the angle of descent at impact. It is clear that the target area diminishes as a increases. Ballistic calculations show that debris landing in the mid to far field (where the IBD will be located) will mostly impact the ground at angles between 49° and 76°. Taking commonly used values for the dimensions of the cuboid, W = 0.2 m, B = 0.4 m, H = 1.14 m, the target area is found to range between 0.31 m2 and 0.14 m2 , with 0.22 m2 being the average. With regard to horizontally projected debris, the target area is taken as 0.56 m2 (this is slightly conservative given the above model but has been retained as a value used by a number of authorities in the field, including the ESTC). 62 Fatality probabilities are calculated from the expected number of hits by potentially lethal debris, according to the Poisson formula: Lo = 1 - e - D´ A where D A is the lethal debris density, and is the effective target area of the exposed person This formula takes account of the fact that even when the expected number of hits is greater than one, there is still a chance that the person may escape being hit and the fatality probability is consequently less than the value of unity. For instance, when the expected number of hits is exactly one, the fatality probability is: 1-e-1 = 0.6. Finally, a lethality function is derived by plotting the lethality vs. range data points and performing a regression analysis to find the best fit polynomial curve. An example is shown in the following figure, which is for population located to the front of an unmounded Division C steel store (maximum NEQ = 450 kg). Figure A3.9: Example of a lethality function Lethality vs. Range: front of unmounded steel magazine holding 450 kg of high explosives 1 0.1 Lo 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 Range (m) Lethality Function In this case the resulting curve fits the data points very well, due in large part to the data smoothing effect of applying the MPTN algorithm. However, in the case of the mounded side of the store, where the debris density is based on raw pick-up data without accumulation, the fit is not so good. In this and all similar cases it was considered prudent to derive functions which effectively “enveloped” all the data points. This was achieved by performing the regression analysis on the outlying points, as shown in Figure A3.10. 63 Figure A3.10: Example of a lethality function which “envelopes” the data points Lethality vs. Range: side of mounded magazine holding 450 kg high explosives 1 0.1 Lo 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 Range (m) Lethality Function The regression analysis of the data collected on the unmounded side of the store produced the following 6th order polynomial: Log(Lo) = -1.63533146398322E-15×R6 + 2.24571323575187E-12×R5 1.09690422982978E-09×R4 + 1.71332161532993E-07×R3 + 0.0000240091430011881×R2 - 0.0126796875618444×R - 0.896776499011298 where Lo is the fatality probability for persons in the open R is the range (m) within the limits 30 –530 metres There is, of course, no underlying physical reason why lethality should be related to the 6th power of the range; the regression analysis is simply a convenient way of providing a continuous function. The following table presents a complete set of lethality functions for steel and brick stores. Type of store Steel store, mounded, Without detonator annex, NEQ = 75 kg Steel store, mounded, With detonator annex, NEQ = 75 kg Function Lo = 0.001 Log(Lo) = -0.0053002 × R - 2.5018 for 30 [ R [ 90 for 90 < R [ 290 Log(Lo) = 5.0059352E-08×R^3 - 3.551112E-05×R^2 + for 30 [ R [ 410 1.05199E-03×R - 2.02635 64 Type of store Steel store, not mounded, Without detonator annex, NEQ = 75 kg Steel store, not mounded, With detonator annex, NEQ = 75 kg Steel store, mounded, Without detonator annex, NEQ = 450 kg Steel store, mounded, With detonator annex, NEQ = 450 kg Steel store, not mounded, Without detonator annex, NEQ = 450 kg Steel store, not mounded, With detonator annex, NEQ = 450 kg Brick store, mounded, NEQ = 25 kg Brick store, mounded, NEQ = 50 kg Brick store, mounded NEQ = 100 kg Function Log(Lo) = 3.71244849E-14×R^6 - 4.14038534E-11×R^5 + 1.701814216E-08×R^4 - 3.43078814E-06×R^3 + 3.7650171E-04×R^2 - 2.809647E-02×R - 1.02546 for 30 [ R [ 290 for 290 < R [ 310 Log(Lo)= -0.0190016 × R + 1.85185 Log(Lo) = -3.74313822E-14×R^6 + 2.57436621E-11×R^5 6.32851206E-09×R^4 + 5.0115983E-07×R^3 + 4.537444E-05×R^2 - 0.01.49686812×R - 0.92397 for 30 [ R [ 290 for 290 < R [ 330 Log(Lo)= -0.02301422× R + 3.225798 Log(Lo) = 1.008125E-05×R^2 - 1.134789E-02×R - 1.04381 for 30 [ R [ 410 Log(Lo) = -2.8268088E-10×R^4 + 2.5657725E-07×R^3 6.511279E-05×R^2 - 4.96115561E-03×R - 0.83046 for 30 [ R [ 410 Log(Lo) = -1.6353315E-15×R^6 + 2.2457132E-12×R^5 1.09690423E-09×R^4 + 1.7133216E-07×R^3 + 2.400914E-05×R^2 – 1.267969E-02×R - 0.89678 for 30 [ R [ 530 Log(Lo) = -1.8763579E-15×R^6 + 2.4490436E-12×R^5 1.00319061E-09×R^4 + 4.522662E-08×R^3 + 5.866865E-05×R^2 - 1.512566E-02×R - 0.24504 for 30 [ R [ 530 for 530 < R [ 590 Log(Lo)= -0.01443453 × R + 3.225798 Log(Lo) = -7.03560716E-12×R^6 + 3.2636940244E-09×R^5 5.0606926289E-07×R^4 + 2.434833657×R^3 + 6.8872975E-04×R^2 - 9.064205E-02×R + 1.54617 for 30 [ R [ 170 for 170 < R [ 210 Log(Lo)= -0.02775742 × R + 1.28476 Log(Lo) = -8.9280713521E-12×R^6 + 5.6236437047E-09×R^5 1.39270231334E-06×R^4 + 1.7259474561E-04×R^3 – 1.126268982E-02×R^2 + 0.35104181×R - 4.17570 for 30 [ R [ 190 Log(Lo)= -2.600075E-02 × R + 2.16393773 for 190 < R [ 250 Log(Lo) = 3.0500071663E-12×R^6 - 2.0219316952E-09×R^5 + 5.2453474819E-07×R^4 - 6.764846236×R^3 + 4.49010343×R^2 0.15219780×R + 1.63836 for 30 [ R [ 210 Log(Lo)= -1.686278E-02 × R + 0.66954 65 for 210 < R [ 290 Type of store Brick store, mounded NEQ = 250 kg Function for 30 [ R [ 110 Lo = 0.1 Log(Lo) = 1.84444211194E-11×R^5 - 2.41504974307E-08×R^4 + 1.183274528E-05×R^3 - 2.71189311E-03×R ^2 + 0.28034269×R 11.45174 for 110 < R [ 350 Log(Lo) = -2.456481E-02 ×R + 4.85309 Brick store, mounded NEQ = 500 kg for 350 < R [ 370 Log(Lo) = -2.47232038E-11×R ^5 + 2.773722834E-08×R ^4 1.180070955E-05×R ^3 + 2.33913743E-03×R ^2 - 0.21880900×R + 6.90615 for 110 < R [ 370 Log(Lo) = -2.297814E-02×R + 5.33514 Brick store, mounded NEQ = 1800 kg for 370 < R [ 410 Log(Lo) = -2.65170504E-14×R^6 + 5.20678226E-11×R^5 4.074215343E-08×R^4 + 1.614172969E-05×R^3 – 3.38701165E-03×R^2 + 0.35093024×R - 15.57608 for 130 < R [ 570 Log(Lo) = -3.600691E-02 ×R + 16.57014 Brick store, mounded NEQ = 5600 kg for 570 < R [ 590 for 110 [ R [ 230 Lo = 0.01 Log(Lo) = 2.598262E-11×R^4 - 7.719161E-08×R^3 + 5.047137E-05×R ^2 - 1.407920E-02×R - 0.52859 for 230 < R [ 590 Log(Lo) = -1.315779E-02 ×R + 3.791735213 Brick store, not mounded, NEQ = 25 kg for 590 < R [ 610 for 30 [ R [ 70 Lo = 1 Log(Lo) = 1.72382636E-06×R^3 - 1.00055437×R^2 + 0.13230061×R - 5.06961 for 90 < R [ 170 Log(Lo) = -0.05531454×R + 6.37810 Brick store, not mounded, NEQ = 50 kg Lo = 1 for 170 < R [ 190 for 30 [ R [ 90 Log(Lo) = 1.2592569067E-12×R^6 + 8.822937321E-10×R^5 2.43909651322983E-07*A43^4 + 3.260314663E-05×R ^3 2.20192078E-03×R^2 + 7.107020E-02×R - 0.85381 for 90 < R [ 210 Log(Lo) = -6.29679E-02 × R + 10.10538 66 for 170 < R [ 190 Type of store Brick store, not mounded NEQ = 100 kg Function for 30 [ R [ 90 Lo = 1 Log(Lo) = -6.927860160E-10×R^5 + 6.0361547137E-07×R^4 2.0576418457E-4×R^3 + 3.410252575E-02×R ^2 – 2.74982818×R + 86.49297 for 90 < R [ 250 Log(Lo) = -5.417520E-02 × R + 10.24630 Brick store, not mounded NEQ = 250 kg Lo = 1 for 250 < R [ 270 for 30 [ R [ 110 Log(Lo) = -3.62739562E-11×R^5 + 3.736924097E-08×R^4 1.440276615E-05×R^3 + 2.48797683E-03×R^2 - 0.19003888×R + 4.95430 for 110 < R [ 350 Brick store, not mounded NEQ = 500 kg for 110 [ R [ 190 Lo = 1 Log(Lo) = -7.104069E-13×R ^5 + 1.27710259E-09×R ^4 8.4767268E-07×R ^3 + 2.3237647E-04×R ^2 - 2.756911E-02×R + 1.17560 for 190 < R [ 570 Log(Lo) = -1.702548E-02 × R + 5.74814 Brick store, not mounded NEQ = 1800 kg for 570 < R [ 590 Log(Lo) = -1.227036221E-13×R^6 + 1.726150109E-10×R^5 9.844252555E-08×R^4 + 2.889342422E-05×R^3 - 4.58386168E03×R^2 + 0.37167205×R - 12.03842 for 110 < R [ 390 Log(Lo) = -4.017647E-02 ×R + 13.53893 Brick store, not mounded NEQ = 5600 kg for 390 < R [ 450 Log(Lo) = -2.11599649E-14×R^6 + 3.79289371E-11×R^5 2.706435705E-08×R^4 + 9.74005486E-06×R^3 – 1.84649876E-03×R^2 + 0.17148932×R - 6.48261 for 110 < R [ 550 Log(Lo) = -5.320868E-02 ×R + 25.66198 for 550 < R [ 570 67 Appendix 4 Case Studies A number of case studies were carried out with the aim of establishing: 1. the maximum level of risk which could, in theory, exist around local authority stores under the then existing licensing arrangements, and 2. what levels of risk existed around these stores in more typical situations. This appendix illustrates the procedure by describing in detail the analysis carried out for one particular case, namely, a Division C steel store located near to a housing estate. Unmounded Division C steel store in a built-up area comprising terraced housing. This is a hypothetical case, the circumstances of which have been chosen to give an indication of the maximum level of individual and group risk that could arise from the storage of high explosives in Division C steel stores that do not have protective mounding. Assumptions The assumptions are as follows: · The store holds controlled explosives and is compliant with statutory security requirements · The store is not mounded. · The store is surrounded by terraced housing. · There are 30 terraced houses per 0.8 hectares (this is believed to be a typical figure and has been taken from data supplied by a borough council). In metric units this is equal to a housing density of 37.5 houses per 10,000 m2. · The first row of houses forms a circle around the store the radius of which is the IBD (89 m - or 90 m when measured from the centre of the store). · There are, on average, 2.5 persons occupying each house. 68 · Any accident occurs without warning, leaving no time for evacuation or mitigating action. · There are no topographical features in the area that would result in focusing of the blast wave. · The effects of the explosion are essentially negligible at distances further than the range to 0.01% lethality, as predicted by the blast and debris models. Number of buildings at risk Given the above set of assumptions, the numbers of houses in each of the 20 metre-wide annuli surrounding the store from the IBD out to a range of 600 m are as shown in Table A4.1. Table A4.1: Division C Steel Store – Number of houses in annuli surrounding store Range (m) Area of annulus (m-2) No of houses 90-110 12566 47 110-130 15080 57 130-150 17593 66 150-170 20106 75 170-190 22619 85 190-210 25133 94 210-230 27646 104 230-250 30159 113 250-270 32673 123 270-290 35186 132 290-310 37699 141 310-330 40212 151 330-350 42726 160 350-370 45239 170 370-390 47752 179 390-410 50265 188 410-430 52779 198 430-450 55292 207 450-470 57805 217 470-490 60319 226 490-510 62832 236 510-530 65345 245 530-550 67858 254 550-570 70372 264 570-590 72885 273 590-610 75398 283 69 Lethality estimates Three models have been used to estimate lethality for population within the zones listed in the above table: the ESTC Outdoor Blast Model, the ESTC Indoor Blast Model and the HSE/ESTC Steel Fragment Model. The results obtained for outdoor and indoor population are listed in Tables A4.2 and A4.3 respectively. It may be noted that a cut-off has been applied at the range above which lethality drops below a value of 0.0001 (0.01%); this range is found to be 590 m for population outdoors and 490 m for population indoors. Table A4.2: Division C Unmounded Steel Store – Lethality as a function of range for population in the open Range (m) 90 190 290 390 490 590 Lethality in directions normal to walls of store (a) Blast Debris(b) All Side Back directions 0 2.E-02 7.E-02 0 6.E-03 3.E-02 0 3.E-03 2.E-02 0 1.E-03 6.E-03 0 2.E-04 1.E-03 0 6.E-05 (a) The ESTC Outdoor Blast Model (b) The HSE/ESTC Steel Fragment Model Table A4.3: Division C Unmounded Steel Store – Lethality as a function of range for population inside conventional buildings Range (m) 90 190 290 390 490 Lethality in directions normal to walls of store Blast Debris only(b) Debris (b) and only(c) Blast(c) All Side Back Side Back directions 4.E-03 1.E-03 6.E-03 5.E-03 1.E-02 2.E-04 5.E-04 3.E-03 7.E-04 3.E-03 5.E-05 3.E-04 1.E-03 3.E-04 1.E-03 2.E-05 1.E-04 5.E-04 1.E-04 5.E-04 2.E-05 1.E-04 2.E-05 1.E-04 (c) The ESTC Indoor Blast Model 70 Individual risk Values for individual risk (IR) can now be calculated according to the formula: IR = P ´ FE ´ ( LO ´ TO + LI ´ TI ) where, P is the likelihood of the event, FE is the fractional exposure, LO is the lethality for population outdoors, TO is the fraction of time the individual spends outdoors, LI is the lethality for population indoors and TI is the fraction of time the individual spends indoors at the location. Likelihood of the event (P) The probability of accidental explosion is taken to be 10-4 per year. This value is deemed appropriate for stores which hold finished and packaged blasting explosives on secure sites (see Chapter 2). Fractional Exposure (FE) and time spent outdoors (TO)/indoors (TI) It is conservatively assumed that the individual is permanently present at the target location, being outdoors 11% of the time and indoors for the remaining 89% of the time. These figures are typically used by MSDU (Methodology and Standards Development Unit) in assessments of risks around major hazard sites. The values of individual risk obtained are listed in Table A4.4 Table A4.4: Division C Unmounded Steel Store – Individual risk as a function of range Range (m) 90 190 290 390 490 Individual Risk In directions normal to walls of store Side Back 7.E-07 2.E-06 1.E-07 6.E-07 6.E-08 3.E-07 3.E-08 1.E-07 4.E-09 2.E-08 It is seen that the maximum level of individual risk is estimated to be 2.10-6 – this is for a person located on the IBD in a direction directly facing the annex of the magazine. A risk of this level is considered to lie in the “low ALARP” region, i.e. the risk is tolerable provided all reasonably practicable risk-reduction measures have been taken and the cost of any further improvements would exceed the benefit gained. 71 Group Risk Finally the number fatalities to be expected in each of the annuli listed in Table A4.1 is given by: N = H ´ O ´ (0.25 ´ LA + 0.75 ´ LS ) Where N is the expected number of fatalities, H is the number of houses in the annulus, O is the occupancy of those houses (assumed to be 2.5 persons per house), LA is the lethality for population located in the quarter of the annulus normal to the annex side of the store and LS is the lethality for population located in the rest of the annulus – i.e. normal to the other three sides of the magazine. The results are presented in Table A4.5. Table A4.5: Division C Unmounded Steel Store – expected number of fatalities in annuli surrounding store Range (m) 90 190 290 390 490 590 Number of fatalities in directions normal to walls of store Side Back 0.59 0.49 1.52 1.94 0.96 1.62 0.60 0.89 0.22 0.34 0.01 0.02 By summing the figures listed in the second and third columns of the table, the total number of fatalities is found to be 9. The likelihood of the accident is estimated as 10-4 per annum (see Chapter 2). It is worth repeating that this fatality estimate is based on a number of conservative assumptions and fewer people may be killed in the event of an accident. 72 Annex 1: Examples of the Different Categories of Bomb Damage Figure A2.1: Category A (totally demolished) houses in foreground Figure A2.2: Category B Damage, with gaping cracks in external walls 73 Figure A2.3: Typical Category C(b) damage in foreground Figure A2.4: Typical Category C(a) Damage to right-hand house 74 Figure A2.5: Example of severe Category D damage 75 Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive C30 1/98 Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive C1 3/02 Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive C30 1/98