Review: S€mester Exam: Fall2010 on Q1-Q4, solve 2. x'-71x 1.6=:x+:(x-4) +30 r: =0 >6 /x - 5 )(x-6) :o e: '( lK--gl* t(: r I ,l' - t-1,, >+: 6\. +Y -+ (re -'2,., Pre-AP 3. 8x'- L0x P. -3 ->1 r' S= - O: rXr' 'rr)r 2, :\ P, tx (2,x-3) +r (2! -'.., o - (tr ->,) (+ x a) !g :7!. 7 t<- >: o (Y:4 a' @= Geoftdry {x: r/al v=-3r-l J7 - -\ -> L3x+Zy=lOJ', L2x + sy = 3l'J iy 1tj= 1a {(-Jrx-/ zy -+ 3(-ly-t) = rg 6y 1+a = 2a -bY ' rs1 t 't _,iyI rj 2l -1y -3'\g t Draw and label collinea r points G, and fiwhich lie in plane r. Nowdraw E which intersects plane tat pointJ. . ly:_tl 1 1,- zt't1 - ly-sl 7. 1 ZK-- A tistthree undefined terms and 3 8. Point B is b€tween A and C. FindABif nc= s6, Bc= x, and defined terms. t\1{_*l i b. {'"r l Op,*ts 1t L'w!''.'{ ie e"". 6t:-(tp{'.* io F,.:,.r 10. The midpo;ntA of sM- has coordinates (-9,5, 1)- Find the coordinates ofS if point M is at {9, -3,4). xtq--,.t l[-zl ,tz -2.\ | 1- --i-:-l \.-2.,/ _.:--.H A ' ea=1. ratY- E/ '-5" t (-1 ,: \:/i-j,') Fa..rt i_r'*,>? 1:.. Find the length ofthe segment with endpoints (-2, -5) and (3,7). 12. Misthe midpoint of,4B. Findthe value of x if AM = 3x+ 20 and AB = ' .1: J(-z-!)' tr ',-g - 7)r 12x-8. r-------.------- r- J - 5',a - J ze" }f- 4r\B r t++ t-1 [r(La?,611 (3x + 54 15V,, /'lx . J-rat .@] 2f3x +>. ) 5 r2x-A .i! -:" - 6x-+ z+- :r -sJX:q --, 3v 115 ):11: 1+ 4!.+12:'?t Itx: ?L ig inequality? 31\ .>1: \LL3 -.----J t rz. { rina tte comptemd#? ?.supplementof an angle who5e measure isI radians (on?' !- - rI J 15. ZLlt\.L1L + i.i. Let (4x - 2)" represent the measure of an acute angle, Whatarethe possible values ofx written as a compound O{+Y- L<1t) + 7}" ofthe segment /-L+. v,",A\}*{ 1 -, D,,Llr r."i.\c...1 - e. Ap";^{ Giren nZABC = 94",lind nZABD. Find the midpoint with endpoints (-6,3) and (2, -3). ( w'+\-55:o (x-1\('.l-u,a B ,1 9. <rE n _- i tfrt! 18. Let ZA and l8 be supplementary 19. Find the measure ofthe missing angle 20. angles and let mzA= (9x- 12r and mlB = olx and ythat make Find thevalues the polygon below r:gqlr! (24x+ 60)". Find the measures oflAand lB. a=1,t ,4X-tz t 2r! -(]: ,itt) ,?'v- t4 8- l*L :3r(: t/ I l?- 2y v+9 *:!, 5y-'r..1 -q .i 5x-2y.1 L' ,.. i_ h--.1i4 - lZ : z,tt'I Y= i.'it,.a, 11,a + ,.tt:lL trlr)l 7 -,t 21. The length and width ofa rectangle 22. are quadrupled. How do the perimeterand area of the new rectangle compare with the perimeterand area of the original rectangle? The flgure below showstwo squares. Find the e&q! circurnference ofthe The area ofsquare 1is 36 in'zand the area of square //is 196 in':- Findoand b. a' .:' r! ' 4=It-( Ezi c1?,0) : 1., 4\ le., k 23. I :'' M t 24. Findthe perimeterand area ofthe 25. What are the nexttwo terms ofthe triangle. 1, C,5, G,9, ?: 51 "-"c K, \ \ , \J ' a L. 26. Space ali€n Googl€ eyed Goreki spent a yearobserving life on our planet. When autumn came, Google eyed 6oreki notices that the leaves on the trees surrounding his spacecraftturned golden brown and fellfrom ihe'r branches. He observes othertrees in the area, and he notices that their leaves aho turned brown and fellto the ground. When he makes a conjecture based on his observations, what type of reasoning is space alien coogle-eyed Goreki using? 27. Referringto the information in Q26, 28. Whattype of inductivefallacy did space alien Google-eyed coreki using? space alien GooSle eyed Goreki conjectures "Porve simp torkdom feek". Translat€ his conjecture into \.1 . .L, \ .. z;.c. t All \.. 1.1r/ /".; {-{( 'r4 / i\. a tt haneteslare polyson,. I alien Google-eyed Gorekineed to see to disprove his conjecture? t r.....r, "1 ,., :r 30. Forthe given statement, write th€ if then form, the converse, the inverse, and the contrapositive. Then give the truth value ofeach ,, 29. What €ounterexar.ple does space l. English. l:lur\.6{,rr. g ,r ,(.'l . ,('ra F- q-,. !l' . -:. i IL ,.: a 't_l 31. Write another conditional statement that is equivalenttol If n/l - 30o, then Zl 32. lf a triangle is acute. l{: 1t ,s..'(.,."i.t. t. -.,- ,-t t I 7t, J.'",, AAbc 33. lf an an8le is an obtuse angle, then its rneasure isgreaterthan 90" but less than 180". The mzA = 125'. Using the taw of Detachmen! what conclusion can be made? I I \^,. do'- n o+ r'1 i!'r I n;t '' 2calt,c.. 'a',. i. ' .:;" I...,.l r' lf tgo to myfriend's house, then lwilluse his portable matter transportation unitto insta nta neously travJioillanet in--16general vicinity of Betelgeuse. lfschoolis canceled, then lwiligo to myfraend's house. tf I end up on a ptanet in the vicinity of Betel8euse, then my dematerialized body will remate rialize so that my left arn is attached to center of my forehead. Usingthe Law ofSyllogism, what conclusion can be made? lt;,+t-,,f r"i-a i If,.rvt*^ - '""f "- .,,; ;t'.tt./, \. 1 ,. 35. scalene, then no sides of the Consequent, what conclusion can G.&"1c...t;.r.' 34 is thetriangle are congruent. Two sides ofI,AAC are congruent. Using Denying .1, .. - ; rr,.,..1 .,1 .-l or;."J, Find the measures ofeach lettered 37. ln the figure, which ofthe following angl€. statements must be true? (l3j - 3)' 4x2=t]\ 3 4\' ri.+1:o *r?-\ { a4v , I j J-'2!' .i -:l -l(f'-r'- .' / "*t=a*"/ b+J+d=180 / fa,:-i)i,-z]-i Find the value(s)of, that make Illm. 39. ofr so that txl rc1: Find thevalue 15^ m ll n. Pirfd the values lrl ' : \ *v:lf1, 5x ( x -_s){,t * ',1.) 2N ',--i ' - i1'-21 . . i,.,-rz b ll c, and d is skewto c. -L ,, -Y 1x = Lbo t.:-, .'. ' 41. Draw a diagram such that a and v. + ,3\ tl+3x)" X1 +1X =1A- !D,t Y2 {t'tx - qb . o ofr 42. ln Euclidean geometry, for .Gt';) +', , rq^ lv. rol a point P not 43. on line /, there exists one line through P that is parallelto line Write a correspond ing state ment for Elliptic rl, I and Hyperbolic eeometries. . Flllrlc = ryo r^,.k,1 ,yt.,!'" 't" L, I r, ut ff{Frrta., . ^"^)\ ta "{ttt I Find the slope ofthe linethrough the points ( 6, 7)and (5,2). " 2-) ''-r, 'i -6.:, I l- 44. Find the value ofksothatthe lin€ throush the points {-5,6)and (r;2,3P+ s)is parallelto the line through the points 16, -1) and 45. Graph lll uation a 3v=r f 46. * 2. z 'r. 't'rl h -6{! \ 9+t: ' jlr;, - I!rl - the equation ofthe line through (-8, 1)that h paralleltothe lin€ descrjbed by the equation 4-1. Find I = -l* - 44. CP has endpoints at C( 2,4) and P(2, -4). Find the coordinates oftwo o. write your answer in l,)'i" - : {ttz') : v' -: . -l v,, Al l^. 1"v", i X:lrD' Y= t+a / I z: ll!" For / qL 1 It3 ! ;---'l J<-;{- a^<-L*<. P,,-v 1l r*s 50. Find the values of .r andy. Find the values ofx, y, and z. l *--)u V 49. pointsA and E such that ACAPand aCEPare congrujnt right isoscqes triangles. Y\-_ ,'l t ' 'L slope interceptform- 't -l J+ _:! - -J 3_ ! ;i; : r -: L\t +3,j-- - 281 2p q=(t1 tlla: \l " './rl: 5 +sl 1yfJ.3l': L+6 v11 y,+ Find the equation of the line through the points {-5, -1}and (-8,4). write your answer in standard form. s'4 \ 114,1). ru. tl Q5$Q5{, determine which triangles, if s1. AEGF=^/-rlNby l-+ l- any, are congruent. State the congruenae postulate ortheorem that supports the congru€nce stat€ment. lI the trlangles cannot be shown to be congruent from the given informatlon, wrlte "Cannot be determined." r1 LsrP-^Afl b\ A5lt Mo8=^ CFA by <4 ( AWHY = L uu li),*t k l For Q54-56, w.lte a p.oofin either a two{olumn or flow-chart format. 56. Giuent 55- z1= L2 and 23 = L4 Prove:.48- aD Given: AWXY is isos€eles; Z is the midpoint of llyProv€r AWXZ E AYXZ ll 57. Giuenz ,42= Prcret A *\t f;A'* (qt*- i" i5'('l"e (DAwx\ @Wx: ix iR tO er"* .{ 'O uc. \s-:ce{': I (a z i. tr- -,JP""4 '{ €-xl]%vY calv= ?:s G)Xz=Yz @ Aw, :av' z ALt't tz @ z-27 V"-f ,.., 13 ( L\:-L3 (a cz! t+ 6t tE t ! E-B (t-1?"^..,rf t-'t '. ,A {.-""-r. (u-, s a-t :' -e. "i Alt. a -Q. t'1u.' {-, \1,! G €t -Lz =^tz (5 ur" z 1+hl7 : lt.. -- lYo Et \>')tr \5 L3 a--Q. Ja1 "2r1'' Le - \_R ULz:tz l4-l Wll '4L3 6 b.l."l r^-,J6",-t (CR4\ext ,r P-c,. 3 "f 6 sss / r"s+iall ".* r zr p F"J. "c \Dh-., t"i. f.sf .r& @s"u.r.!-+-* F--e. or s,ppes. \, "t Zl 23 13 and ate supplementary