3/18/2013 Post-Fukushima Research in Japan Masashi HIRANO
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3/18/2013 Post-Fukushima Research in Japan Masashi HIRANO
3/18/2013 0 Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization: International Research – Post-Fukushima Research Analysis with MELCORE and OSCAAR Post-Fukushima Research in Japan Presented by Masashi HIRANO Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) U.S. NRC Regulatory Information Conference, Washington, March 2013 Major Contributors JNES ̶ Harutaka Hoshi ̶ Akitoshi Hotta ̶ Hideharu Sugino ̶ Ryuji Kubota ̶ Masami Kato ̶ Norikazu Yamada Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) – Masashi Iijima – Toshimitsu Homma – Hideo Nakamura Contents 1 2 Overview ̶ Current Status of Fukushima-Daiichi and Safety Regulation Some Examples of Safety Research ̶ Tsunami Hazard Evaluation Methods ̶ Analysis of Fukushima-Daiichi Accident: (1) SA Progression and Source Terms (2) Environmental Consequence Analysis ̶ Scrubbing under CV Wet Venting ̶ Effective Cooling of Containment Vessel (CV) ̶ Seawater and Boric Acid Injection ̶ LOCA at Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) ̶ Evaluation Methods of Safety Culture ̶ Off-site Radiological Effect on Residents and Workers Summary 1 3/18/2013 Current Status of Fukushima Dai-ichi 3 Stable debris cooling has been maintained in Units 1 to 3. RPV bottom temperatures and gaseous phase temperatures inside RPVs were approximately 30-50°C (Nov. 6, 2012). SFP Visual inspection was done inside PCVs with image scope, thermocouple and dosimeter: Ground water Injection In Unit 2, max. radiation dose was intrusion water pump app. 73 Sv/h and water level was app. 60 cm from the bottom (Jan. 19 and May 26–27, 2012). In Unit 1, max. radiation dose was New development: app. 11.1 Sv/h and water level was “Multi-nuclide removal facility” is being app. 2.8 m from the bottom (Oct. 9implemented to further reduce the contents 13, 2012). of many nuclides such as Rb, Sr and Co except tritium in the accumulated water. Unit 1 Unit 2 “Groundwater bypass” is planned to reduce the ground water intrusion. 60cm Pump well 2.8m Reactor Building Turbine Building Permeable layer Low-permeable layer ANRE/METI, presented at OECD/NEA CSNI Meeting, Paris, Dec. 2012. 4 Current Status of Safety Regulation Only 2 units (Ohi Units 3 and 4) are in operation (48 units in shutdown). Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) was established on Sep. 19, 2012: NRA is establishing the new safety standards not only for DBAs but also for Beyond-DBAs (BDBAs) including sever accidents (SAs) by creating task teams. The new standards will be applied to all existing NPPs (backfitting) and shall be established by July, 2013. Draft standards cover: Approaches in foreign countries: Beyond design basis external events to be considered: • FLEX concept in US • Extreme natural phenomena beyond design basis • Hardened safety • Aircraft crash, terrorism, etc. core, bunkered BDBAs to be considered: system, etc. in EU • Use of insights from PRA – Accident sequences leading to core damage – Phenomena that could lead to CV failure: Hydrogen explosion, DCH, MCCI, etc. Approaches for SA measures • Robustness against beyond design basis external events • Use of permanently installed systems and mobile equipment • Reliability and environmental resistance/durability http://www.nsr.go.jp/ New guides for design basis earthquake and tsunami Development of Tsunami Hazard Evaluation Methods 5 For 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, JNES developed a tsunami source model taking into account the plate tectonics and well reproduced the observed tsunami waveforms at NPP sites (inversion analysis). By generalizing the this source model, JNES is developing a probabilistic tsunami hazard evaluation method. Generalization submerging plate Slips in sub-fault in JNES source model (Inversion analysis) Application: • Tsunami PRA • Methods for assessment of design basis tsunami Tsunami intensity (Tsunami height, etc.) 2 3/18/2013 Analysis of Fukushima-Daiichi 6 (1) SA Progression and Source Terms The accident progression has been analyzed with MELCOR developed by U.S.NRC. The analysis has been improved taking into account the recent information such as: leakages from RPV and CV due to overtemperature, and thermal stratification in S/P. Release timings of FPs are relatively in good agreement with the monitoring data. Example of analysis results with MELCORE: PCV leakage assumed Potential Leak locations Monitoring data 1st Vent (Unit 1) RPV and CV pressure transients at Unit 2 2nd Vent (Unit 1) From Unit 2 Vent (Unit 3) Heat removal from S/P suppressed D/W pressure MELCOR MELCOR PCV leakage (Unit 1) Plant records Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Thermal stratification of S/P (subcooled water remained) suppressed D/W pressure 6 Analysis of Fukushima-Diichi Accident 7 (2) Environmental Consequence Analysis By using the source terms with MELCOR (slide 6), an environmental consequence analysis was done in JAEA with OSCAAR developed there. Major findings: Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit22 Unit Unit 3 Total Total sum Total The release from Unit 2 on March 15 had dominant contribution to the inland contamination. The release from Units 1 and 3 mostly spread to the ocean. Sum of the release well reproduced the characteristics of the measured contamination. Cs-137 Concentration measured by MEXT (Nov. 5, 2011) (Bq/m2) Experimental Study on Scrubbing under CV Wet Venting In Fukushima accident, some peaks in the monitoring data might have been caused by CV venting. This implies that scrubbing in S/P might have been ineffective in reducing the release of radioactive materials. JNES has started a study on scrubbing under saturated water conditions taking into account flashing accompanied by venting. Large Scale Integral Test Height 10 m Dia. 2m Vol. 30 m 3 Max. Press. > 1MPa Max. Temp. > 200°C Underlying physical processes of saturated scrubbing Steam, aerosol, non-condensable gas Aerosol Gas release Entrainment Major mechanisms of aerosol removal from bubbles Bubble breakup Brown diffusion 8 Separator Separator Counter Aerosol counter Test Test section Vessel Inertial collision Aerosol Aerosol Aerosol Counter counter Depress urizing Valve Aerosol Concentration Sampling Condensation/ evaporation Formation of large bubbles Gravity settlement Steam, Steam NonNoncondensable condensable gas Gas Heating Heating Steam Aerosol Concentration Sampling Valve for depressurization 3 3/18/2013 Research on Effective Cooling of Containment Vessel 9 The mission of Nuclear Safety Research Center (NSRC) in JAEA is a technical support of safety regulation. Large-scale CV simulator under designing NSRC works on clarification Facility Effectiveness of cooling methods, Concept of phenomena involved Thermal stratification up to about 770 K, Aerosol behavior and scrubbing in BDBAs including SAs Small-scale CV and confirmation of simulator under Sparger for construction effectiveness of existing external cooling and new AM measures. Development of • New test facilities on CV behavior to start in 2013 (small-scale) and 2015 (largescale) Internal and external CV cooling, aerosol behavior, etc • Detailed measurement both inside & outside of CV • Development of CFD methods for detailed phenomena clarification • Validation and improvement of SA analysis methods to be used for confirmation of measures measurement methods Spray Height : about 10 m Dia.: about 2.5 m Steam Gas sampling Height : about 1.5 m Dia.: about 1.5 m He, N2, etc. External cooling Experimental Study on Seawater and Boric Acid Injection 10 JNES plans to conduct a study on seawater / boric acid injection to identify the salt and boric acid crystallization/precipitation characteristics and it’s influences on fuel/debris cooling such as flow blockage for further improving AM measures. Small scale test for influence on Test for precipitation at core debris cooling at lower plenum Seawater/boric acid solution tank • Laboratory scale small test: 200mm×200mm Channel Box ×500 thickness • Debris and crusts are simulated by alumina particles with various diameters. Separator Seawater/boric acid solution Tank Online sampling needles Downcomer Spacer Spray Salt precipitation Heater Rod Water pool area Simulated debris and crust Spacer Pre-heater Heat conduction plate Seawater/boric acid 5x5 mockup bundle boiling loop Overflow tank Electric heaters Thermo-couples Thermal-Hydraulic Tests on LOCA at Spent Fuel Pool 11 Regarding BDBAs at SFP, the draft safety standards require that measures shall be taken to mitigate the consequence postulating large LOCA from SFP. JNES plans to conduct a study on LOCA at SFP to accumulate basic data to establish, for example, success criteria of the fuel cooling procedures using spray cooling system and others available means. Steam flow cooling Air flow cooling Spray flow cooling Wspray Natural circulatio n Tsurf Pdecay h Wloca • Effectiveness of steam cooling in the case of small LOCA depending on the leak flow rate and fuel assembly distribution. Wloca • Multi-dimensional natural circulation flow behavior depending on fuel assembly distribution, etc. Wloca • Effectiveness of spray flow cooling for large LOCA • Data acquisition for assessment of models and methods 4 3/18/2013 Development of Evaluation Methods of Safety Culture 12 The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission submitted the report to the Diet on July 5, 2012. “Organizational issues …” in its executive summary: There were many opportunities for NISA, NSC and TEPCO to take measures that would have prevented the accident, but they did not do so. The Commission found that the actual relationship lacked independence and transparency, and was far from being a “safety culture.” In fact, it was a typical example of “regulatory capture,” in which the oversight of the industry by regulators effectively ceases. http://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/3856371/naiic.go.jp/en/ JNES has started activities for OECD/NEA CSNI WGHOF (WG on fostering internal safety culture Human and Organizational Factors) has and developing safety culture initiated a new task on “Human evaluation methods for both intervention and performance under licensees and regulatory body. extreme conditions”: OECD/NEA has started a task on Decision making with limited decision making under extreme information and reduced resources conditions. JNES is participating in it. under very stressful circumstances. Taking measures under extreme In such HOF areas, international environmental conditions and cooperation is expected to play an difficult accessibility and operability important role. Off-site Radiological Effect on Residents and Workers 13 JNES is conducting an evaluation of off-site radiation effects due to living and restoration activities upon request from the Local Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters. Evaluation of resident exposure in Evaluation of exposure due to wild fire About 70% area of Fukushima prefecture is forest. Simplified dose evaluation tool applicable even under insufficient fire information has been developed and provided to local firefighter offices. decontaminated areas Basic concept Basic concept Assessment Method × Land use indicator Radioactive material concentration × Terrain indicator Protective Wind × velocity × × mask indicator indicator Wind direction indicator Exposure dose = Dose Evaluation Summary 14 The Diet Accident Investigation Commission pointed out “Regulatory Capture” as one of “fundamental causes.” Lack of technical expertise and competence could have been a contributing factor. Safety research needs to contribute to strengthening of regulatory technical bases. After Fukushima, relevant acts were amended and implementation of SA measures becomes a legal requirement. NRA has established the draft new safety standards. JNES and JAEA/NSRC have initiated various safety research activities such as: External hazard evaluation SA progression/source terms, effectiveness of existing and new SA measures, etc. SA measures at SFPs HOF issues including safety culture Such topics are commonly discussed in many countries as lessons learned from Fukushima. The international cooperation and sharing information become more and more important. Japan is hosting the OECD/NEA BSAF project, “Benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS”, to improve SA codes and analyze accident progression and current core status in detail. http://www.oecd-nea.org/jointproj/bsaf.html 5 3/18/2013 Appendix Reform of Nuclear Regulatory Organizations 15 H. Yamagata, NRA, Japan’s Progress to Enhance Nuclear Safety, OECD/NEA CNRA, 3-4 Dec. 2012, Paris. Appendix An Example of Proposed Change: Aging Management 16 Former legislation There is not limit for plant life. Requirements: Regulatory annual inspection every 13 to 24 months Comprehensive aging management evaluation before 30 years and every 10 years afterwards Start of Commercial Operation Regulatory Inspection (every 13 – 24 months) Utility’s Periodic Safety Review (PSR) (every 10 years) Utility’s Evaluation for Long-Term Operation Re-evaluation Every 10 Years 30 Years 10 Years 10 Years Proposed legislation “Limit of operation” of 40 years will be introduced. As an exception, one shot extension of a certain period (<20 years) will be approved only when compliance with the regulatory standards is confirmed. Source: Reform of Japan’s Nuclear Safety Regulation, January, 2012 6