
I. Michigan Department of Community Health Legislative Report

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I. Michigan Department of Community Health Legislative Report
Michigan Department of Community Health
Lead Hazard Remediation Program
Legislative Report
Reporting Period: October 1, 2003to September30, 2004
Report Addressing: Section903 of PA 296
Lead Hazard Remediation Program Fiscal Year 2004Achievements
Thefollowing table&summarizethe LeadHazardRemediationProgram'sactivities. It shouldbenoted
that to datethe varidusfunding sourceshaveprovidedlead abatementfor 1,105units.
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In additionto the above,the following accomplishments
haveoccurredthis fiscal year in moving
forward to the year2010 goal of eliminatingchildhoodleadpoisoning:
GovernorGranholmconveneda TaskForceon ChildhoodLeadPoisoningin July 2003to create
recommendationson waysto eliminatechildhoodleadpoisoningfrom Michigan by 2010. Six
subcommitteesmet during the first andsecondquarterof the fiscal year; the subcommittees
representedFunding,LegislationandPolicy, Housing,Enforcement,Health, and Educationand
Outreach.The subcommitteescraftedrecommendations
that were consolidatedinto a final
reportwith budgetaryrequests,andforwardedto the SurgeonGeneraland GovernorGranholm
in early2004. The Departmenthas successfullysecured$1 million for the recommendations
be implementedin Fiscal Year 2005.
LHRP acquired a new funding source from the Department to couple with its lead hazard control
program this fiscal year -Maternal and Child Health Block Grant dollars in the amount of
$500,000. The last of the $5 million Clean Michigan Initiative funding was also rolled over
from the prior year for lead hazard abatementuse.
LHRP has entered into an agreementwith the Michigan State Housing Development Authority
to provide low cost (4-8%) loans for owners of rental and owner-occupied housing in order to
make their properties lead-safe. In September2004, LHRP enrolled its first unit through this
Property Improvement Program, and is expecting more to follow.
The Department'sLead-SafeHomeProgramcompletedits first year of a Performance-Based
Renewalgrant from the U.S. Departmentof HousingandUrban Development.Two additional
yearsremainof the $3 million award. Ninety-threehousingunits weremadelead-safein
associationwith this grantduring this reportingperiod.
The Programhired a StatewideField Consultantwith manyyearsof housing-relatedexperience
to provide oversightof leadhazardcontrol projectsthroughoutthe State,technicalexpertiseto
subgranteeleadprogramsconductinglocal projects,and administrationof Property
ImprovementProgramloansmentionedabove. This positionhasprovento be a very necessary
assetto Programoperations.
LHRP successfullyassistedthe SaginawCountyHealthDepartmentin obtaininga $3 million
HUD Lead HazardControl grant, by contractinga consultantto work with themduring the grant
writing phase. SaginawCountyhasbeenreceivingstateand federalfundsand technical
guidancethrough LHRP for nine yearsto establisha quality leadhazardcontrol program.
Overthe pastseveralyears,LHRP hasoperateda low-costleadtraining programfor low- and
individuals and local healthdepartmentstaff performinghomeinvestigations
for leadpoisonedchildren. The programreceivesgrantfunding from the u.s. Environmental
ProtectionAgency Region5. A $25 co-paymentis requiredto apply for anyone of five lead
courses.During this year, 122individualsappliedand 67 have subsequentlybeentrained. Since
the inceptionof the stipendprogram,448 training classeshavebeensponsoredby LHRP.
Contactthe Programfor applicationsasfunding will be availablein the new fiscal year using
generalprogramdollars for the first time
LHRP staff createda protocol for statewideuseby local healthdepartmentstaff in performing
environmentalinvestigationsof propertiesfrequentedby leadpoisonedchildren. The protocol
had beenin the making for threeyearswith a proficient workgroupof stateand local lead
program staff andrepresentatives
from non-government
agencies.The protocol is considereda
one-of-a-kindresourcein the leadindustry.
During this period, LHRP hasbeencollaboratingwith the Departmentof Labor and Economic
Developmentandthe Departmentof Managementand Budgetin preparationto distribute
informationto over 65,000licensedresidentialbuilding contractors.The packetto be mailed
will highlight the federalrequirementsthat theynotify homeownersof the potentialdangersof
disturbinglead-basedpaint prior to renovationandremodeling.
MDCH held a public commentperiod for amendments
to the correspondingrules of the Lead
AbatementAct in September.Proposedweretechnicalchangesto the enforcementcomponent
of the program,andto establisha more streamlinedmethodof training individuals that had not
beentrainedprior. No public commentswererecordedat that time. The Programexpectsthat
thesechangeswill take effectnext fiscal year.
MDCH maintainsa websitethatprovidesvaluableinformationfor homeowners,healthcare
providersand lead industryprofessionals.The leaqwebsitecanbe accessedat
www.michigan.gov/leadsafe.The Program'stoll-free telephonenumberis 1 (866)691-LEAD.
II. Lead Hazard Remediation Program Elements
The Lead Hazard Remediation Program provides four primary functions that addressthe reduction of
lead-based paint poisoning throughout the State of Michigan. They include the 1) administration of
Housing and Urban Development Lead Hazard Control funds to abate lead-based paint hazards in 8
high risk counties; Clean Michigan Initiative bond funds were administered by the program to make
312 homes throughout the State lead-safe for young children; 2) public and professional education
efforts; 3) the certification of lead inspectors, risk assessors,abatementworkers, supervisors,
clearance technicians, abatementcontractors and the accreditation of training providers; and 4) the
enforcement of lead professional activities per the Lead Abatement Act of1998 as amended in 2002.
III. Fiscal Year 2004Year-To-Date Expenditures
IV. Fiscal Year 2004Funding Allocations Available
The balanceof the allocationsat the closeof the fiscal yearwereremainingin the ProgramRevenue
and HUD accounts.Thesefundswererolled overinto the newfiscal year without penalty.
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