
Horizon 2020 – Future Emerging Technologies Department of Physics 8 May 2014

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Horizon 2020 – Future Emerging Technologies Department of Physics 8 May 2014
Horizon 2020 – Future Emerging Technologies
Department of Physics
8th May 2014
Presenter: Renata Schaeffer
Ext: 61648
Email: [email protected]
Research Operations
The Budget
 Budget increase from €53bn in FP7 to €77bn in Horizon 2020 (at current prices)
OTHERS: 5,8B€ (Spreading excellence & widening participation, Science & Society, JRC, EIT)
Research Operations
Pillar structure
H2020 will focus resources on 3 key priorities:
Science (1)
Leadership (2)
 ERC (13B€)
 Leadership in
enabling and
 FET (Future and
 Marie Curie
Actions (6.1B€)
 European
 Innovation in SMEs
and Access to risk
Societal Challenges (3)
 Health, demographic change and
 European Bioeconomy Challenges
 Secure, clean and efficient energy
 Smart, green and integrated
 Climate action, resource efficiency
and raw materials
 Europe in a changing world
 Secure societies
Widening Participation, Science with and for Society
Joint Research
Centre (JRC)
Research Operations
Overview of FET schemes
Future and emerging technologies shall support collaborative
research in order to extend Europe’s capacity for advanced and
paradigm-changing innovation. It shall foster scientific collaboration
across disciplines on radically new, high-risk ideas and accelerate
development of the most promising emerging areas of science and
technology as well as the Union wide structuring of the corresponding
scientific communities."
• FET Coordination and Support Actions
FET-Proactive initiatives
• Global Systems Science (GSS)
• Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving
• Quantum Simulation
• Towards exascale high performance computing (HPC)
FET Flagships
• The Graphene
• Human Brain Project
Research Operations
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
Expanded from ICT and Energy to be used as cross-cutting funding scheme
Supports frontier research: alternative ideas, concepts or paradigms of risky or nonconventional nature (similar to ERC)
Open, light and agile
FET Open
Roadmap based research
FET Proactive
• Exploring novel ideas
• Developing topics and
communities – cluster
of research projects
• Individual research
• Early ideas
• Coordination and
support action
• Global System Sciences
• Knowing, doing beingcognition beyond
problem solving
• Quantum simulation
• Towards exascale high
performance computing
FET Flagship
• Tackling grand
science and technology
• Graphene
• Human Brain (HBP)
• Support for Flagships
Research Operations
FET Open:
1. FET OPEN – Novel ideas for radically new
Long –term vision
 Open is open – All technologies, no
thematic restriction
S&T targeted
 Cut off dates: 30/09/2014, 31/03/2015 and
High Risk
 Total budget: 160M€ in 2014 – 2015
 Instrument:
 Research and Innovation Action –
 Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)
– 6M€
Research Operations
FET Open: FET Gatekeepers
 Long-term vision: a new, original or radical long-term vision of technology-enabled
possibilities going far beyond the state of the art
 •Breakthrough S&T target: scientifically ambitious and technologically concrete
breakthroughs plausibly attainable within the life-time of the project.
 •Foundational: the breakthroughs must be foundational in the sense that they can
establish a basis for a new line of technology not currently anticipated.
 •Novelty: new ideas and concepts, rather than the application or incremental
refinement of existing ones.
 •High-risk: the potential of a new technological direction depends on a whole range of
factors that cannot be apprehended from a single disciplinary viewpoint.
 •Interdisciplinary: the proposed collaborations must go beyond current mainstream
collaboration configurations in joint S&T research, and must aim to advance different
scientific and technological disciplines together and in synergy towards a breakthrough.
Research Operations
FETOPEN 1: FET – Open research projects
Specific challenge: Supporting a large set of early stage, high risk
visionary science and technology collaborative research projects is
necessary for the successful exploration of new foundations for
radically new future technologies. Nurturing fragile ideas requires an
agile, risk-friendly and highly interdisciplinary research approach,
expanding well beyond the strictly technological disciplines.
Recognising and stimulating the driving role of new high-potential
actors in research and innovation, such as women, young researchers
and high-tech SMEs, is also important for nurturing the scientific and
industrial leaders of the future.
Project size: 2 to 4M€
 1 step submission and evaluation of a 16 pages proposal
 Proposals are not anonymous
Research Operations
FETOPEN 2: FET – Coordination and Support
Activities 2014
Specific challenge: The challenge is to make Europe the best place in the world for
collaborative research on future and emerging technologies that will renew the
basis for future European competitiveness and growth, and that will make a
difference for society in the decades to come.
Scope: Proposals shall address one of the following topics:
•FET Observatory: identifying new opportunities and directions for FET research
•FET Communication: communicating on FET projects and activities
•FET Exchange: structuring an emerging FET-relevant topic and communities
•FET Conference: supporting the organisation of the third FET Conference
•FET Prizes: identifying suitable areas for prizes and competitions in FET
•FET Impact: Assessing the impacts of the FET programme
Project size: 0.3 to 0.5M€ per topic, up to 1M€ for FET Conference
Research Operations
FETOPEN 3: FET – Coordination and Support
Activities 2015
Specific challenge: The challenge is to make Europe the best place in the world for
collaborative research on future and emerging technologies that will renew the basis
for future European competitiveness and growth, and that will make a difference for
society in the decades to come.
Scope: Proposals shall address one of the following topics:
• FET Exchange: structuring an emerging FET-relevant topic and communities
• FET Take-Up: actions for stimulating take-up of FET research results towards
impact and innovation
Project size: 0.3 to 0.5M€ per topic
Research Operations
FETPROACT 1-3: 2014
1. FETPROACT 1: Global Systems Science (GSS) – 2014
2. FETPROACT 2: Knowing, doing, being: cognition beyond problem solving (GSS) – 2014
3. FETPROACT 3: Quantum simulation – 2014
Project sizes: 2 to 4M€ (GSS 2-3M€)
-> Deadline: 1/04/2014
Total Budget: 35M€ in WP 2014 – 2015
Results expected by 1 September!
184 proposals submitted
Updated WP 2014-2015 to be published at the end of June
Research Operations
FET - High Performance Computing
 HPC is an important asset for the EU's innovation capacity of strategic
importance to the EU's industrial and scientific capabilities as well as its
 developing innovative industrial products and services,
 increasing competitiveness,
 addressing societal and scientific grand challenges more effectively.
 Europe has the technology, knowledge and human skills to develop
capabilities covering the whole technological spectrum of the next HPC
generation (exascale computing)
 Importance of developing state-of-the-art HPC technologies, systems,
software, applications and services in Europe
 All relevant actors, public and private, need to work in partnership
 Invites the EC to elaborate its plans for HPC to support academic and industrial
research and innovation under H2020
Research Operations
FET – HPC: Critical Technologies, addressing
Societal Challenges
• Health, demographic change and well-being
 (Personalised medicine, pharma/bio-medical simulations, Virtual
Physiological Human, Human Brain Project)
• Smart, green and integrated transport engineering
 (performance, sustainability, energy efficiency)
• Inclusive, innovative societies
 (Smart Cities, multivariable decision/analytics support)
• Climate action
 (Simulators for Climate & Earth Sciences, Gas&Oil)
• Secure, clean and efficient energy
 (Fusion, nuclear plant simulations)
• Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine research and the bio-economy
 (simulation of sustainability factors (e.g. weather forecast, stock plagues
and diseases control, etc))
Research Operations
FETHPC 1: HPC core Technologies, Programming
Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme
Data Applications - 2014
Specific challenge: Addressing the exascale challenges to achieve, by 2020, the full
range of technological capabilities for exascale-class HPC systems which are balanced
at all levels and validated with significant application drivers
a. Core technologies and architectures (e.g. processors, memory, interconnect and
storage) and their optimal integration into HPC systems, platforms and prototypes
b. Programming methodologies, environments languages and tools: new
programming models for extreme parallelism and extreme data applications
c. APIs and system software for future extreme scale systems
d. New mathematical and algorithmic approaches (e.g. ultra-scalable algorithms for
extreme scale systems with quantifiable performance for existing or visionary
Project size: 2 to 4 M€, up to 8M€ per topic a)
Budget: 93.4M€ -> Deadline 25/11/2014, with a minimum of 60% to be allocated to research under
part a) of the scope
Research Operations
FETHPC 2: HPC Ecosystem Development – 2014
HPC Ecosystem Development – 2014
Specific challenge: To develop a sustainable European HPC Ecosystem
•Coordination of the HPC strategy : coordination of the activities of stakeholders such
as ETP4HPC, PRACE, application owners and users (including emerging HPC
applications), the European exascale computing research community, the open
source HPC community, etc.
•Excellence in High Performance Computing Systems : boost European research
excellence on the key challenges towards the next generations of high-performance
computing systems; cutting across all levels – hardware, architectures, programming,
applications; ensure a durable integration of the relevant European research teams;
self-sustainability of the research integration on the longer-term
Project size: 2 to 4 M€
Budget: 4M€ -> Deadline 25/11/2014
Research Operations
Conditions for participation
Minimum conditions: FET, LEIT and Societal Challenges (apart from JTIs)
For standard collaborative actions (RIA and IA)
 3 legal entities, each established in different MS/AC
For CSA : 1 legal entity
For SME Instrument and programme co-fund
 1 legal entity established in a MS/AC
Industry participation is highly advisable even if not a requirement!
Research Operations
Funding Model (as per Horizon 2020)
Simplified funding:
Direct Costs:
• 100% for Research and Innovation actions (+CSA)
• 70% for Innovation (non-profit entities up to 100%)
WP to specify the reimbursement rate (RIA or IA)
Indirect Costs:
• Flat rate of 25% of total direct costs, excluding subcontracting, costs
of third parties and financial support to third parties
*Funding of the action not exceed total eligible costs minus receipts
Research Operations
Submission Process
FET- Open
 Continuously open
 Cut-off date every 6 months March & Sept, starting as of Sept 2014
FET- Proactive
 Fixed deadline call: 1st April 2014
Submission & Evaluation
 'Short' proposals , 1 step submission using FET specific template
 1 stage evaluation based on FET specific evaluation criteria
 4 experts per proposals to best address multi-disciplinary nature of FET
 Grant based on proposal 'as-is' -> No negotiation
• All information needed has to be in the proposal! (remember IPR,
management structure, access right, business plan)
 Time to contract of max. 8 months from call deadline/cut-off date
Research Operations
Standard criteria / FET specific criteria
The part B (cover page and sections 1, 2 and 3) is strictly limited to 16 A4
pages and shall consist of:
A single A4 title page with acronym, title and abstract of the proposal.
Maximum 15 A4 pages consisting of an S&T section (section 1), an
Impact section (section 2) and an Implementation section (section 3).
A proposal that do not comply with these page limits will be declared
Research Operations
Eligibility – cont…
Part A: Administrative part of the proposal
Part B: Scientific part of the proposal
16 pages – core proposal
Cover page
Section 1: S&T Excellence
Section 2: Impact
Section 3: Implementation
Cover page limited
to 1 page
Section 1,2 &3 are
limited to 15
Additional information
Section 4 & 5 are
• Section 4: Members of the consortium
not included in the
• I.E: . legal entity, CV, subcontract, third party
page limit
• Section 5: Ethics and Security
• Ethics self-assessment & supporting documents
• Security checklist
FET annotated proposal template available
Research Operations
Evaluation Criteria: Research project
Clarity of targeted
breakthrough and its specific
science and technology
Importance of the new
Quality of the work plan and
technological outcome with
clarity of intermediate targets.
regards to its transformational
impact on technology and/or
Novelty, level of ambition and
foundational character
Quality of measures for
achieving impact on science,
technology and/or society.
Relevant expertise in the
Range and added value from
Impact from empowerment
of new and high potential
actors towards future
technological leadership.
Appropriate allocation and
justification of resources
(person-months, equipment,
Appropriateness of the
research methods
Research Operations
Evaluation Criteria: CSA
Clarity of objectives
Transformational impact on
the communities and/or
practices for high-risk and
high-impact research
Quality of the work plan and
management structure
Contribution to the
coordination and/or support
of high-risk and high-impact
research for new or emerging
areas or horizontally
Appropriateness of measures
for spreading excellence, use
of results, and dissemination
of knowledge, including
engagement with
Relevant expertise in the
Appropriateness of the
coordination and/or support
Appropriate allocation and
justification of resources
(person-months, equipment,
Research Operations
Evaluation Summary Report
S&T Excellence
Panel comments
Expert 1 comments
Expert 2 comments
Score /5
Expert 3 comments
Expert 4 comments
Total weighted score /5
Research Operations
Evaluation Process
Balanced selection of experts (scientific
expertise, geography, gender)
Evaluators invited on a call-by-call basis
Process monitored by independent experts
Research Operations
Events and Consultations
1. Which network & Internet of Things technologies in Horizon 2020 EU
Programme? Deadline 27/06/2014
 http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/which-network-internetthings-technologies-horizon-2020-eu-programme
2. Have your say on Future and Emerging Technologies! Deadline 15/06/2014
Ideas collected are to contribute to the FET WP 2016-2017, especially FET
Proactive Initiatives
 http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/have-your-say-future-andemerging-technologies
3. Future and Emerging Technologies homepage
 http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/futureand-emerging-technologies
Research Operations
Research Office EU Team
Renata Schaeffer
Catherine Hill
Questions on: Coordinator grants
Sarah Saemian
Questions on: General queries, funding
opportunities and EU policy
Questions on: General queries, Participant Portal
and EPSS
Bethan Jones
ERC Officer
Research Operations
Fly UP