Date-Sheet for Arts Courses Under Graduate Programme Part-II (IV Semester) Examination May-2015
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Date-Sheet for Arts Courses Under Graduate Programme Part-II (IV Semester) Examination May-2015
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UNIVERSITY OF DELHI Date-Sheet for Arts Courses Under Graduate Programme Part-II (IV Semester) Examination May-2015 Students Admitted under erstwhile FYUP in Year-2013 TIME OF COMMENCEMENT MAIN SUBJECT :- Date & Day of Exam. : 9:00 AM Arabic, Bengali, English, Economics, French, German, Geography, German, Hindi , Hindi Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar, Hindustani Music, History, Italian, Journalism and Mass Communication, Karnataka Music, Percussion Music, Persian, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, Urdu Subject Se m Unique Paper Code Description Evaluation Schedule From To C.E.C. 8th May, Friday 08-05-2015 Arabic IV 2011402 Classical Arabic Prose 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.C. 08-05-2015 Bengali IV 2081403 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Economics IV 2271403 Sahityatattwa, Chhando O Alamkar (Theories of Literature, Prosody & Rhetoric) Introductory Econometrics 12-05-2015 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.R.C. 08-05-2015 English IV 2031402 British Romantic Literature 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 D.R. 08-05-2015 French IV 2041403 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Geography IV 2291403 Language in Context: Developing Reading Writing Skills-IV Environmental Geography 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 D.S. Printed on: 9 April 2015 Page 1 of 4 08-05-2015 German IV 2041404 Language in Context: Developing Reading Writing in skills-IV Aadhunik Hindi Kavita-I 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Hindi IV 2051402 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 ARSD 08-05-2015 IV 2051404 08-05-2015 Hindi Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Hindustani Music 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 ARSD 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 Deptt. of Music 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 D.S. 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 1011401 Madhyam Kanoon aur Aachar Sanhita Study of Hindustani and Karnatak Music (Theory) History of India (c.12001520s) Language in Context: Developing Reading Writing in skills-IV Media Ethics and the Law IV 2441401 08-05-2015 History IV 2311401 08-05-2015 Italian IV 2041408 08-05-2015 IV 08-05-2015 Journalism and Mass Communication Karnataka Music 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 D.R. IV 2441403 Indian Music-I 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 Percussion Music IV 2441406 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 08-05-2015 Persian IV 2091402 Study of Hindustani Tala System Classical Persian Prose Deptt. of Music Deptt. of Music 08-05-2015 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.C. 08-05-2015 Philosophy IV 2101401 Indian Philosophy-II 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.R.C. 08-05-2015 Political Science IV 2321401 Political Processes in India 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 K.M.C. 08-05-2015 Psychology IV 2111402 Applied Social Psychology 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.C. 08-05-2015 Punjabi IV 2121401 Punjabi Prose 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 D.S. 08-05-2015 Sanskrit IV 2131402 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Social Work IV 2331402 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Sociology IV 2301401 Proficiency in Sanskrit (Case, Compound and Methodology of Panini) Social Psychology for Social Work Sociological Thinkers-I 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Spanish IV 2041410 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 M.H. 08-05-2015 Urdu IV 2141403 Language in Context: Developing Reading Writing in skills-IV Urdu Adab Main Tanz-O Mizah 12-05-2015 18-05-2015 H.C. Printed on: 9 April 2015 Page 2 of 4 Date-Sheet for Arts Courses Under Graduate Programme Part-II (IV Semester) Examination May-2015 Contd… Date & Day of Exam. Subject Sem Unique Paper Code Description From To C.E.C. 15th May, Friday 15-05-2015 Arabic IV 2011403 Classical Arabic Poetry 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.C. 15-05-2015 Bengali IV 2081402 Kobita (Poetry) 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 M.H. 15-05-2015 Economics IV 2271402 Microeconomics-II 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.R.C. British Literature Century Geography of Settlements 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 D.R. 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 D.S. Bhasha Vighyan Aur Hindi Bhasha Vikasmulak Patrakarita 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 ARSD 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 ARSD Rise of the Modern World – II History and Growth of Media in India 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 D.S. 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 D.R. 15-05-2015 English IV 2031403 15-05-2015 Geography IV 2291402 15-05-2015 Hindi IV 2051401 15-05-2015 Hindi Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar History IV 2051405 IV 2311403 IV 1011402 15-05-2015 Journalism and Mass Communication Persian IV 2091401 Classical Persian Poetry 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.C. 15-05-2015 Philosophy IV 2101402 Ethics-II 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.R.C. 15-05-2015 Political Science IV 2321403 26-05-2015 K.M.C. 15-05-2015 Psychology IV 2111403 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.C. 15-05-2015 Punjabi IV 2121403 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 D.S. 15-05-2015 Sanskrit IV 2131401 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 M.H. 15-05-2015 Social Work IV 2331401 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 M.H. 15-05-2015 Sociology IV 2301402 Political Institutions and Processes I Comparative Perspective Understanding Psychological Disorders Punjabi Travelogue Literature Sanskrit Literature (Drama and Modern Poetry) Communication for Development Sociology of Kinship 20-05-2015 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 M.H. 15-05-2015 Urdu IV 2141402 Urdu Afsana 20-05-2015 26-05-2015 H.C. 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 Printed on: 9 April 2015 19th Page 3 of 4 22nd May, Friday 22-05-2015 Arabic IV 2011401 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.C. 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 2271401 Advanced Grammar & Translation Bengla Sahitya : (8th-18th Century) Macroeconomics-II 22-05-2015 Bengali IV 2081401 22-05-2015 Economics IV 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.R.C. 22-05-2015 English IV 2031401 Literary Theory 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 D.R. 22-05-2015 French IV 2041401 Introduction to Literature-II 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Geography IV 2291401 Regional Planning 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 D.S. 22-05-2015 German IV 2041406 Introduction to Literature-II 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Hindi IV 2051403 Hindi Natak Avam Akanki 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 ARSD 22-05-2015 IV 2051406 Television 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 ARSD 22-05-2015 Hindi Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar History IV 2311402 Modern East Asia-II 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 D.S. 22-05-2015 Italian IV 2041407 Introduction to Literature-II 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 IV 1011403 Development Communication 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 D.R. 22-05-2015 Journalism and Mass Communication Persian IV 2091403 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.C. 22-05-2015 Philosophy IV 2101403 Classical Indo-Persian Prose Philosophical Classics 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.R.C. 22-05-2015 Political Science IV 2321402 Global Politics 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 K.M.C. 22-05-2015 Psychology IV 2111401 Psychometry 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.C. 22-05-2015 Punjabi IV 2121402 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 D.S. 22-05-2015 Sanskrit IV 2131403 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Social Work IV 2331403 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Sociology IV 2301403 Punjabi Auto-Biography and Life Sketch Indian Epigraphy Paleography & Chronology Social Deviance and Social problem Environmental Sociology 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Spanish IV 2041412 Introduction to Literature-II 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 M.H. 22-05-2015 Urdu IV 2141401 Special Study of Urdu Ghazal 26-05-2015 01-06-2015 H.C. Delhi, the 23rd February, 2015 Printed on: 9 April 2015 Sd/(Dr. Satish Kumar) O.S.D.(Examinations) Page 4 of 4