How to… Search non-case sensitive
How to… Search non-case sensitive BUSINESS INFORMATION WAREHOUSE Applicable Releases: SAP BW 3.x June 2003 SAP (SAP America, Inc. and SAP AG) assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. These materials are provided “as is” without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP shall not be liable for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials. SAP has no control over the information that you may access through the use of hot links contained in these materials and does not endorse your use of third party web pages nor provide any warranty whatsoever relating to third party web pages. mySAP BI “How-To” papers are intended to simplify the product implementation. While specific product features and procedures typically are explained in a practical business context, it is not implied that those features and procedures are the only approach in solving a specific business problem using mySAP BI. Should you wish to receive additional information, clarification or support, please refer to SAP Professional Services (Consulting/Remote Consulting HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 1 Business Scenario The search for characteristics (e.g. 0VENDOR) within the F4 (value) help is case sensitive, i.e. the vendor ‘WACKER’ is only found if the search pattern contains only upper case characters (other spellings do not lead to the desired result). If you have multiple source systems, which provide the data to the BW system in different spelling, it is not possible to perform a global analysis for the vendor ‘Wacker’. There are two possible solutions: 1. Creation of an additional column in the text table of the characteristics The text table is generated depending on the settings in the InfoObject maintenance. Thereafter, it is possible to change the text table manually via the DDIC maintenance (transaction SE11), and add additional columns. The drawback of this solution is the missing ability to populate the additional columns during the data loading process. In addition, the re-activation of the InfoObject does lead to the deletion and recreation of the text table. 2. Using of a free text field in the InfoObject maintenance If the base characteristic is not using all text fields, it is possible to use one of them with a sufficient length. It should be noted that in general the shortest text field in the text table is used when a search is restricted on the ‘Description’. Therefore, it is necessary to create a control table, which specifies the field for the value help. The advantage of this solution is that the population of the search text can occur during the data loading process. In addition, changes to the InfoObject do not affect the text table, and the modification can be transported to another system. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 1 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 2 The Step By Step Solution The screen shots are taken from a BW 3.0B, Support Package 13, system. 1. Create the control table Use transaction SE11 to create the control table ZRSUPPERCASE. Allow the maintenance of the table. Specify the technical settings of the table and activate it with the icon. Structure of the table: Field name Key Data element Description CHABASNM Yes RSCHANM Base characteristic SOURCE_FIELDNM No RSFIELDNM Source field in text table FIELDNM No RSFIELDNM Field name of search field in text table 2. Population of the table a). To create the initial entry in the control table use the menu ‘Utilities Æ Table Contents Æ Create Entries’ b). Specify the base characteristic, the field that contains the case sensitive form of the search field, and the field that should hold the upper case value of the search field. For the example used in this document, we have specified 0VENDOR, TXTMD, and TXTLG. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 2 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 3. Add the additional text column to text table via InfoObject maintenance Enter the InfoObject mainteanance, switch on the desired text field (for the example used the long text is switched on). Activate the InfoObject ( ) in order to add the additional column to the text table. Switch on long text. 4. Population of the upper case search field There are two options to populate the search field a). Define an ABAP/4 routine in the transfer rules of the InfoSource for the text upload, which translates the source text field to upper case, and populates the additional text field in the text table. Note: Alternatively, you can also use a Formula to implement the translation to upper case. b). Use an ABAP/4 program to tanslate all fields value of the regular search field to upper case and populate the additional column in the text table. For a sample program, please refer to Appendix A. Note: You need the form routines of the program also for the modification of the standard value (F4) help. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 3 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 5. ABAP/4 routine in the transfer rules The ABAP/4 routine only assigns the source field to the result, and translates the result to upper case. Inserted ABAP/4 statements: RESULT = TRAN_STRUCUTRETXTMD. TRANSLATE RESULT TO UPPER CASE. 6. Contents of the master data after the population of the additional field The right hand side shows the master data after the population of the additional text field. In the example used for this document the additional field is the field ‘Long Description’. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 4 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 7. Value (F4) help before the modification Before you implement the modification for the value (F4) help, the search for a certain vendor, e.g. ‘WACKER’ would only provide one result record, i.e. the vendor with the case-sensitive spelling. In the example shown it would derive the vendor ‘VENDOR1’. 8. Modify the standard search process In order to deviate the standard value (F4) help to the new, added field in the text table, you have to perform a modification to the function module RSD_CHA_BUILD_QUERY. Use transaction SE37 to modify the function module. Insert the following FORM routine call as the last statement before the ‘ENDFUNCTION’ statement: perform where_upper_case_field in program zrs_copy_to_upper_case using i_infocube i_chanm changing e_sx_query-t_where. Note: If you have named your program different than described in this document, you have to adapt the program name for the FORM routine call. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 5 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE 9. Value (F4) help after the modification After the modification, the value help does provide the result shown on the right hand side (for the same search criteria ‘WACKER’) 3 Appendix A Sample code for an ABAP/4 program to tanslate the field values for a specified InfoObject text field to upper case and populate another text field. The control table ZRSUPPERCASE defines the InfoObject and the text fields to be used. If you have created the control table with a different name, you have to adapt the program accordingly. The program runs for one or multiple InfoObjects, which can be specified on the selection screen. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZRS_COPY_TO_UPPER_CASE * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zrs_copy_to_upper_case. TABLES: zrsuppercase. TYPE-POOLS: rs, rsd, rsdm, rsdrs. DATA: g_s_uppercase g_t_uppercase g_txttab g_r_txttab FIELD-SYMBOLS: <g_s_txttab> <g_source> <g_target> TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE zrsuppercase, zrsuppercase OCCURS 0, rsd_tablnm, REF TO data. TYPE ANY, TYPE c, TYPE c. SELECT-OPTIONS: chabas FOR zrsuppercase-chabasnm. START-OF-SELECTION. SELECT * FROM zrsuppercase INTO TABLE g_t_uppercase WHERE chabasnm IN chabas. LOOP AT g_t_uppercase INTO g_s_uppercase. WRITE: / 'Charact.', g_s_uppercase-chabasnm. UNASSIGN: <g_s_txttab>, <g_source>, <g_target>. 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 6 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE CALL FUNCTION 'RSD_TXTTAB_GET_FOR_CHA_BAS' EXPORTING i_chabasnm = g_s_uppercase-chabasnm IMPORTING e_txttab = g_txttab EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: / 'Charact. not found'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. CREATE DATA g_r_txttab TYPE (g_txttab). ASSIGN g_r_txttab->* TO <g_s_txttab>. IF <g_s_txttab> IS NOT ASSIGNED. WRITE: / 'Text table not found'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ASSIGN COMPONENT g_s_uppercase-source_fieldnm OF STRUCTURE <g_s_txttab> TO <g_source>. IF <g_source> IS NOT ASSIGNED. WRITE: / 'Source field not found'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ASSIGN COMPONENT g_s_uppercase-fieldnm OF STRUCTURE <g_s_txttab> TO <g_target>. IF <g_target> IS NOT ASSIGNED. WRITE: / 'Target field not found'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. SELECT * FROM (g_txttab) INTO <g_s_txttab>. <g_target> = <g_source>. PERFORM translate CHANGING <g_target>. UPDATE (g_txttab) FROM <g_s_txttab>. ENDSELECT. WRITE: / sy-dbcnt, 'records copied.'. ENDLOOP. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form where_upper_case_field *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM where_upper_case_field USING i_infocube TYPE rsd_infocube i_chanm TYPE rsd_chanm CHANGING c_t_where TYPE rsdrs_t_where. DATA: l_s_uppercase l_s_cob_pro l_subrc FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_where> LOOP AT c_t_where TRANSPORTING NO WHERE fieldnm = OR fieldnm = OR fieldnm = EXIT. ENDLOOP. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. TYPE zrsuppercase, TYPE rsd_s_cob_pro, TYPE sy-subrc. TYPE rsdrs_s_where. FIELDS rsd_c_fieldnm_txtsh rsd_c_fieldnm_txtmd rsd_c_fieldnm_txtlg. PERFORM cob_pro_get_always(saplrsdm_f4) USING i_infocube i_chanm 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 7 HOW TO … SEARCH NON-CASE SENSITIVE CHANGING l_s_cob_pro l_subrc. CHECK l_subrc = 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM zrsuppercase INTO l_s_uppercase WHERE chabasnm = l_s_cob_pro-chabasnm. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. LOOP AT c_t_where ASSIGNING <l_s_where> WHERE fieldnm = rsd_c_fieldnm_txtsh OR fieldnm = rsd_c_fieldnm_txtmd OR fieldnm = rsd_c_fieldnm_txtlg. <l_s_where>-fieldnm = l_s_uppercase-fieldnm. PERFORM translate CHANGING <l_s_where>-low. PERFORM translate CHANGING <l_s_where>-high. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "where_upper_case_field *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form translate *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM translate CHANGING c_value TYPE c. TRANSLATE c_value TO UPPER CASE. * do other replacements here... ENDFORM. "translate 2003 SAP AMERICA, INC. AND SAP AG 8