is, Memorg.‘ndum Verne Walton September
5 .;le of Cdifornia ; Memorg.‘ndum Tc . : Cr. Verne .. ., .‘. ’ . Walton .+: .‘, .I, /: ; *. ,-, _!:’ : ” i& .: ,j . ‘;, : ,,’ ‘. I, :. (‘I’ ,. .., ,: .. -.* ,, . --f ” September is, 1. il : ‘. ‘.., 4;; c , : _‘. ;:, ;.y. . : :‘ ,;* ‘, ,’ ..” __ .. : From Subject : : Eric F. Proposition Eisenlauer 58 - .’ L/1 ._ _ ‘L.Q .. i , -.._-f , ?d : !_ i I c&i ‘.&&_.,_ .’ ,. 1) ---__ :. .’ ,: r , DVA Contracts I +? . 1. .:, ..;: ; This is Richard involving benefits property (child) “f.. in response to your memorandum of August i8, 1988 to Mr. Ochsner in which’you ask whether a sale and purchase .Cal-Vet financing preclu’de granting Proposition 58 since the Department of Veterans Affairs “acquires” the from the owner (parent) before selling it to the veteran by a contract of sale. The Cal-Vet program was summarized Department of Veterans Affairs v. 149 as follows: by the Court of Appeal in ’ Duerksen (1982) 138 Cal.App.3d Act of’1974 (Act) Mil.. “The ‘\i’eterans’ Farm gone Purchase Vet Code, § 987.50 et seq..[fn. omitted] was enacted ‘to provide veterans with the opportunity to acquire farms and the Department is Under the Act, homes. ’ .(S 987.51.) owners and sell empowered to buy farms and homes from their back to eligible veterans under long-term the properties installment contracts at a iow rate of interest . . . Since the sale is by instaliments (SS 987.69, 987.711, the Department retains legal title to a property until the price (See Eisley v. Kohan (1948) 31 Cal.2d has been paid in full. 637, 643 . . . .I Funds fcr Department’s purchase are provided by the public through general obligation bonds. . . . h contra.ct must agree that he “A veteran who seeks a Cal-Vet family will actually reside on or the members of his immediate If ‘he (S 987.60.) the property until it is paid off o: soid. later wishes to transfer, assign,, encumber, lease, let or sublet his property before be has paid the full price, he must The first obtain the written consent of the Department. ‘may give its written consent . . . for good cause Department subject to the interest of the department and shown, (S 987.73, subd. ’ consistent with the purposes’ of the Act. In the event of an approved assignment to a person who’ (a). 1 that person does not enjoy, the special lqw is not a veteran, but pays a higher rate “as fixed by the _ / rate of interest, (5 987.72.) department . . . .’ .. ,. .- , ., ,.-~ ._--7- (. . .’ _- ,.,... 4-., .). r ,:., ( _I. ’ ‘/ i q. I .-’ 1 . f . . . ,- .i b’r. Verne, Walton .’ 2.’ ~_ e. _‘. _, ,:,‘, ,.‘;‘. . -. ,,. : x * , .‘ :‘ b.September . ~.I_.. “. :: .: , 19, 1988, .:<’ .,’ . . . !’: 1 :,.. ‘,(./.‘. ” :. ;,. .s .l~ -.‘!A; i ” : :. . :.: “pnfy one farm or home purchased under the Act may be owned,: .+. .‘:. by a veteran at any one time.. (5 ?87.86,, ‘subd. (c).) ‘. .; I,,, However, , .:’ -. a veteran who has paid his contract in full may in certain circumstances be granted a subsequent opportunity to’. : : purchase another farm or horn& under the-Act. (S 987.86, ’ -cl subds. .. ‘1. (a)‘, (‘b:, (d), tel.1 .I : “If a veteran fails’ to comply with any of the terms of his contractual obligations the Department may cancel the contract: in such-event all payments m,ade to the Department up. _. to that time are forfeited as rental paid ‘for occupancy, and , .:, . ..-.. the Department is entitled to thke possession of the ,:.i .-~./a . ._’ I+.. property. (S 987.77.)” : 58 amended article XIIIA of the. As you know, Proposition California Constitution to provide among other things that the terms in ownership” do not include the “purchase” and “change purchase or transfer of the principal residence and the first ,$l cash value of other real property between million of the full of 1987 (AB “47) parents and children. Chapter 48 0,6 the Statutes Chapter 48 !’ legislation for Proposition 58. is the implementing added section 63.1 to the Revenue and Taxation Code and applies to’ of real property completed on or after purchases and transfers Novem!ber 6, 1986. ,. is defined by section 67 as “a change in The term “purchase“ “Change in ownership” is defined by ownership for consideration.” interest in real property, of a present section 60 “as a transfer including the beneficiai use thereof, the value of which is Thus, if a substantiaily eguai to the -vaiue of the fee interest.” oarent transfers t%o a child (or vice versa), an interest in real property as described in section 60, the -Lransfer is excluded from change 1 n ownership pursuant to Proposition 58 and section 63.1. ?:ilitary and $I_, ~+eians Code provides (S 987.68) that the department, before consummating a purchase (from the owner), shall’ to be purchased to be cause the title of the property sought examined and may requi:e an abstract, an unlimited certificate of title or a policy of title insurance and may refer the.same to the. ” [t lhe department After that, Attbrney General for his opFnion. Sk21 1 then enter into a contract with the veteran for the sale Of (S’987.69.) t:?e property to the veteran. . . .” ?- .h. e It is settied law that the vendee of a contract of sale with the Affairs is the owner of the property for Deoartment of Veterans all purposes and that .the Department retains mere legal title as security for payment of the,contract purchase price (Eisley vEohan, supra. 1 ~ __ .hq .r . Verne Walton 3 ,.._ .. -\ _September / *.‘7. :. i9, 1988 : / ,‘,. “.’ I’,’ .,_L ” ‘_ -. ..‘. i *. : ;; ,. sells property to the department under the when a parent Cal-Vet financing program, the departmen! .is then statutorily obligated to enter into a contract of sale k:ith the veteran (child) by which the veteran is the equitable’owner of the 3ecause of the. ;>roperty and the department owns mere.leqa? title. statutory requirement to contract with the; veteran, the department, (:oes not have the right to the beneficial use of the property That right passes from the owner (parent.) through the purchased. department to the veteran (child). ‘-_i:L1s , ’ in trust for the The situation here is analogous to a transfer present ,benefit of a child of the trustor which in .,our opinion to Assessors See Letter qualifies for the parent-child exclusion. In either case, property is dated September 11, 1987, No. 87/72. ‘transferred to a party who is under a legal obligation to make the’ beneficial use or benefits of the property available to another. _ the legal obligation is imposed by the .’ In the case of a trust, trust’instrument while in this case the legal obligation is In either case, the imposed by statute as indicated above. transferee of the legal title to the projerty owns only the ‘mere legal title to the property (Eisley, supra; Estate of Feuereisen (1971k 17 Cal.App.3d 717, 720; Allen v. Setter County soard of Equalization (19831’139 Cal.App.3d87, 89C.j there is a transfer. to,‘the veteran in our opinion, Therefore, (child) from the owner (parent) of a present interest in real use thereof, which is equal to Froperty including ,the beneficial of the transaction The substance the value of the fee interest. had purchased the property is no different than if the child from his parent using conventional financing in which directly case there would be no question regarding ;:?e al:plicability of In either case, :he sarerit receives mcney for the Proposition 58. sale of the property, the child is at least :he,equitable owner of and a third party collects 2rinaipal and interest ! the property, See Eisley v. Ko’:an, supra, wherein the payments from the child. M;i;Jhere beneficial court quoted with ,approval at page GC3 :)_a: interest has passed to a vendee, the retention of legal title does significant difference from the situation cf a deed wit!,not give a lien retained or a mortgage back to secure the purchase money. that it is the S-?cti’on.2 of Stats. of 1987, Chap. 48, Fr.o\jided intent of the Legislature that the provisions of section 63.1 shall be liberally construed in order ‘to carry out the intent of ?:oposition 58 to exclude from change in ownership purchases or transfers between parents and their children described therein. to treat transactions between parents and children In our view, differently depending upon whether Cal-Vet financing or:mor$ convcntional,financing is used would frustrate the expresseq intent of the Legislature that section 63.1 be liberally construed. _’ .‘I ;. .,,:, :- .:a. ., .;. 1; ‘,. ‘. , ’ . . ’ Mr. .:, : , Verne -‘. ‘. ; Walton Y.’‘I_ ‘. .:. -‘.. .I. .’ ._ ‘. ,,2 . cc :. .:‘.’ : : ’ ., ) ; -_ I, ::‘ :< ,, _ : *;..I ’ : .!’;r: ‘. .‘_ I .: ,:i .:_d: :_... . z,:?, ,_..; >”I *,2i. ,_. .zFE:‘cb ~. ..‘. .’ .,I.’ ‘.. 1.:’ .‘J .,.., I .’ : Richard H. Ochsner .Mr. Robert H. Gustafson Mr. y.: ,’ :, .’ :; 1, ,‘.. ,.‘. ., .:: .. ., . 1555D