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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
© 2001 by SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in
any form or by any means or translated into another language, without the
prior consent of SAP AG.
SAP AG makes no warranties or representations with respect to the content
hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for any particular purpose. SAP AG assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document. The information contained in this
document is subject to change without notice. SAP AG reserves the right to
make any such changes without obligation to notify any person of such
revision or changes. SAP AG makes no commitment to keep the information
contained herein up to date.
SAP, the SAP logo, R/2, R/3, mySAP.com, ABAP, and other SAP-related
products mentioned herein are registered or unregistered trademarks of SAP
AG. All other products mentioned in this document are registered or
unregistered trademarks of their respective companies.
Simplification Group
SAP Labs, Inc.
3475 Deer Creek Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN 1-893570-66-5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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Data warehousing provides a strategic advantage and clarity of vision to
enterprises. The user’s level of understanding the available analysis and
decision-support tools can make or break a data warehouse implementation.
Many organizations are committing considerable human and financial
resources to building and using data warehouses. The ability to use
knowledge discovery and information access tools—such as
multidimensional queries, decision-support tools, spreadsheets, web-enabled
business decision applications and graphical analysis tools—enables
organizations to view information through previously undiscovered
dimensions. These tools can broaden the organization's overall awareness.
SAP offers the SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) software to
accommodate rapid access to high-quality information. To make the best use
of the software, the user community needs the appropriate educational tools
for effective knowledge transfer. The educational tools should allow
knowledge workers and IT organizations to quickly take advantage of the
software's capabilities.
As per the recommendations of ASUG, SAP's Simplification Group created
the SAP BW Reporting Made Easy guidebook, providing step-by-step
instructions covering the Business Explorer, the frontend tool of SAP BW.
Many organizations design Business Information Warehouse user roles as
casual users, analysts and power users. The SAP BW Reporting Made Easy
guidebook takes the same approach in presenting information at the
appropriate level for each type of user. The book provides both basic and
advanced information on the Business Explorer frontend tool and topics on
specialized functions of SAP BW. We look forward to getting more such upto-date educational tools from SAP.
ASUG Chairperson
Business Information and Analysis
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Information is the most important business asset of the twenty-first century.
But how can your company leverage this intangible asset “information” to
increase employee productivity and create value for the customer? How can
you make sure that your daily decisions and your company strategy are
based on the right information?
SAP's philosophy from the beginning has been that business decisions must
be made in the right context. In the Business Intelligence arena, the right
context means delivering the right information to the right decision makers at
the right time. Since its first release, SAP Business Information Warehouse
(SAP BW) has shipped with Business Content—preconfigured, industryspecific extractors, key performance indicators (KPIs), and queries. This
approach not only leads to a rapid return on investment for the customer, but
by focusing all analysis on business processes, it also helps the user to
interpret quantitative information the right way.
With mySAP Business Intelligence (mySAP BI), SAP takes the concept of
context on the next level. In addition to the management and analysis of
structured information with SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW),
mySAP BI integrates unstructured information into the decision-making
process. On the basis of both structured and unstructured information, SAP
BW enables the company to plan and simulate alternative scenarios and
measure the performance of the corporation. All information is deployed
through the mySAP Workplace, a role-based and personalized enterprise
portal. The support of mobile devices with mySAP BI ensures that end users
can access business information anytime and anywhere. Together, all key
functional areas of mySAP BI provide the right business context for
decisions—thus leveraging all relevant information for the success of the
The structure of this book reflects the role-based approach of mySAP Business
Intelligence. By offering examples and scenarios for the casual, analytical, and
power users within a company, the guidebook takes the specific requirements
of these groups into account.
Enjoy reading this guidebook, and may you benefit from the business value of
working with SAP Business Information Warehouse.
Senior Vice President
mySAP Business Intelligence
We wish to express appreciation to the following individuals who provided
the time, material, expertise, and resources that helped make the BW Made
Easy guidebook possible:
\ŽŒˆ†~‹Œz‡}‰z‹‡~‹ŒS Diane Malane (Hewlett Packard), Melissa
Pinheiro (Hewlett Packard), Art Fort (Primonic Consulting)
lZiS Margaret Anderson, Georg Glantschnig, Irina Goetzenberger, Arnd
Graf, Tobias Hagen, Mario Herger, Rainer Hoeltke, Stefan Hoffman, Tobias
Kaufmann, Keith Linneman, Vince Menzel, Joachim Mette, Alexander
Michaelsen, Karim Mohraz, Christoph Nowakowski, Wolfgang Otter, Mark
Poplawski, Eric Schemer, Stephanie Schmidt, Stefan Sigg, Ron Silberstein,
Peter Tillert, Andreas Wesselmann, April Wu
ZŽˆ‹ŒS Guido Schroeder, Hanumachastry Rupakula, Karen Kerber, L. Kay
]ˆ|Ž†~‡z‚ˆ‡Ei…z‡‡‚‡€Ez‡}i‹ˆ}Ž|‚ˆ‡S Sheila Black, Scott Bulloch,
Robert Roeloffs, Kurt Wolf
The SAP BW Reporting Made Easy Guidebook Development Team
SAP Labs, Inc., March 2001
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In a competitive, ever-changing business environment, you must
make quick decisions based on reliable facts and figures. But too
often, executives and knowledge workers find that the information
they need is incomplete or simply unavailable. As a result, they
cannot make informed decisions on critical issues such as customers,
products, profitability, and new sources of revenue. That is why SAP
Business Information Warehouse™ (SAP BW) is so valuable.
At SAP, we understand that only you know how your business
should be run. SAP BW offers the first integrated, fully web-based
strategic management suite, incorporating industry-leading
measurement technologies. It helps you, your customers, and your
business partners implement a true business strategy.
SAP BW integrates information across the entire mySAP collaborative
business platform, including supply chain analysis, customer
information analysis, and e-commerce transaction analysis, delivered
in the role-based mySAP Workplace.
SAP BW provides a web-enabled, integrated view of information,
handling data from SAP systems and third-party systems. The
business content of SAP BW delivers:
Prefabricated extractors
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for company performance and
process benchmarking
Industry-specific business content, such as consumer, retail, and
Supply chain management
Business-to-business procurement
Customer relationship management (CRM)
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Predefined reporting templates geared to a wide variety of roles, such as
production planners, financial controllers, key account managers, product
managers, and directors.
SAP BW supports online analytical processing and multidimensional views,
allowing users to explore data at various levels of detail and from various
With SAP BW, your managers can become better informed and better able to
make the rapid-fire decisions required by today’s dynamic business
environment. At the same time, SAP BW helps drive down the costs of data
management and increase the return on your information investment.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy is a step-by-step guide covering the Business
Explorer, the frontend tool of the SAP Business Information Warehouse
2.0B/2.1C system, and makes use of the demo content delivered with the
system. With this demo content, users can follow the examples and tasks
given in the book.
The SAP BW Reporting Made Easy guidebook is divided into nine sections:
Overview of SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW)
Business Explorer Analyzer
Business Explorer Browser
Business Explorer Web
Business Explorer Map
InfoSet Query
Reporting Agent
Activating Demo Content
For the purpose of extending the appropriate learning experience, we
categorize the users of this book along three paths.
These users require information that does not require much analytical power
as compared to other types of users. For example, these users may execute
queries to get the required reports.
Information analysts who require much more analytical power compared to
the consumer or casual user. For example, these users may create queries on
their own.
Power users or information authors have the most sophisticated requirements
of all.
The guidebook describes SAP BW’s frontend tool, Business Explorer,
providing both basic and advanced information. The first six chapters cover
the Business Explorer, and are followed by three chapters covering more
specialized functions.
Chapters three through six (BEx Analyzer, BEx Browser, BEx Web, and BEx
Map) contain two tracks, intended respectively for casual and more advanced
The Fast Track covers the topics required for the consumer or casual user.
The Advanced Track covers the topics required for the analyst or business
user and power users or authors.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The table below shows some of the text conventions used throughout this
Text Convention
Italic fonts
Screen names or on-screen objects (buttons, fields, screen text, etc.)
Courier bold
User input; text the user types verbatim
Name1 → Name2
Menu selection Name1 is the menu name, and Name2 is an item on
the menu
Command syntax
Replace the information within the angle brackets (< >) with wording
specific to your task. We use angle brackets in place of a screen
name or other screen text that is derived from steps within an adapted
procedure (for example, if you were to choose Sold-to party instead of
Ship-to party as shown in the screenshot, your resulting screen
names would reflect your selection of Sold-to party). Therefore, we
use angle brackets to reflect screen items that may differ from the
example screenshots.
Menu bar
Standard toolbar
Screen title
♦ Application toolbar
User menu
SAP standard menu
♣ Navigation menu
Work area
Status bar
♦ Application toolbar:
Some of the screenshots shown in this guide are based on full user
authorization (SAP_ALL). Depending on your authorizations, some of the
buttons on your application toolbar may not be available.
♣ Navigation menu:
Depending on your authorizations, your navigation menu may look
different from screenshots in this guide that are based on SAP_ALL. The
User menu and SAP standard menu buttons provide different views of the
navigation menu.
To learn how to build user menus, see the Authorizations Made Easy
guidebook, Release 4.6A/B.
The screenshots provided in this book may appear different from yours, depending on the support
packages implemented on your SAP BW system.
Throughout this guide, special icons indicate important messages. Below are
brief explanations of each icon:
Exercise caution when performing this task or step. An explanation of why you should be
careful is included.
Information within a TechTalk helps you to understand the topic in greater technical detail.
You need not know this information to perform the task.
These messages provide helpful hints and more detailed information to make your work
faster and easier.
Tips & Tricks
This information clarifies a statement in the accompanying text.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) is a core element of
mySAP.com. SAP BW is an enterprise-wide information hub that enables data
analysis from R/3 and other business application, including external data
sources such as databases and the Internet. SAP BW also offers easy
integration with other mySAP solutions, such as mySAP Supply Chain
Management (mySAP SCM), mySAP Strategic Enterprise Management
(mySAP SEM), and mySAP Customer Relationship Management (mySAP
The chapters in this book cover the
reporting functionality as of SAP BW
Release 2.0B and 2.1C. For more
product information, white papers,
customer case studies, and other
materials on SAP BW, visit SAP Service
Marketplace at service.sap.com or the
SAP BW Information Center at
SAP BW is a comprehensive end-to-end data warehouse solution with
optimized structures for reporting and analysis. To help knowledge workers
quickly mine an enterprise’s business data, SAP BW is equipped with
preconfigured information models and reports, as well as automatic data
extraction and loading methods.
With an easy-to-use Microsoft Excel-based user interface, you can create,
format, and analyze reports, and publish those reports to the web. Built for
high performance, SAP BW resides on its own dedicated server. Online
Transaction Processing (OLTP) and reporting activities are therefore
separated, and system performance is not compromised.
SAP BW includes relational Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), automated
data extraction and staging tools, a preconfigured data repository, a userfriendly frontend (the Business Explorer), and an Administrator Workbench.
SAP BW has three layers:
Business Explorer: As the top layer in the SAP BW architecture, the
Business Explorer (BEx) serves as the reporting environment (presentation
and analysis) for end users. It consists of the BEx Analyzer, BEx Browser,
BEx Web, and BEx Map for analysis and reporting activities.
Business Information Warehouse Server: The SAP BW server, as the
middle layer, has two primary roles:
Third-party software can also be used
for extraction and presentation of data.
Data warehouse management and administration: These tasks are
handled by the production data extractor (a set of programs for the
extraction of data from R/3 OLTP applications such as logistics, and
controlling), the staging engine, and the Administrator Workbench.
Data storage and representation: These tasks are handled by the
InfoCubes in conjunction with the data manager, Metadata
repository, and Operational Data Store (ODS).
Chapter 1: Business Information Warehouse Reporting Overview
Source Systems: The source systems, as the bottom layer, serve as the data
sources for raw business data. SAP BW supports various data sources:
R/3 Systems as of Release 3.1H (with Business Content) and R/3
Systems prior to Release 3.1H (SAP BW regards them as external
Non-SAP systems or external systems
mySAP.com components (such as mySAP SCM, mySAP SEM, mySAP
CRM, or R/3 components) or another SAP BW system.
Business Explorer Layer
SAP Business Information
Warehouse Server Layer
Source System Layer
To familiarize you with some of the terms covered in this and later chapters,
we explain the following terms:
b‡ˆlˆŽ‹|~G An InfoSource is a summarized quantity of information that
logically belongs together for a unit. An InfoSource can contain transaction
data (stored in InfoCubes and ODS objects) and master data (attributes, texts,
and hierarchies stored in separate tables). InfoSources describe all the
information available for a business transaction or type of business
transaction (for example, cost center accounting).
i~‹Œ‚Œ~‡lz€‚‡€Z‹~zG The Persistent Staging Area (PSA) is the input
store for requested transaction data, master data attributes, and texts from
various source systems within SAP BW. The requested data is stored
unchanged from the source system.
h‰~‹z‚ˆ‡z…]zzlˆ‹~G An Operational Data Store (ODS) object describes
a consolidated data set from one or more InfoSources. ODS stores
consolidated and cleansed transaction data on a document level in
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
transparent, flat database tables. The data from the ODS object can be
updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS objects in the
same system or across the systems. ODS object data can be analyzed with a
BEx Analyzer query or Infoset Query.
b‡ˆh{ƒ~|G Business evaluation objects (such as customers or sales revenues)
are known as InfoObjects in SAP BW. An InfoObject is divided into
characteristics, key figures, units, and time characteristics. InfoObjects are
used in InfoCubes, ODS objects, and InfoSources.
b‡ˆ\Ž{~G The central data containers that form the basis for reports and
analyses in SAP BW are called InfoCubes. InfoCubes contains two types of
data: key figures and characteristics. InfoSources supply data to InfoCubes.
Report navigation and evaluation depends on the arrangement of the
characteristics and key figures in a query. For more information, see the SAP
BW online documentation.
heZii‹ˆ|~ŒŒˆ‹G The OLAP (Online analytical processing) processor is the
analytic engine of SAP BW. This processor uses a relational database for
analyzing and presenting various types of data such as summarized OLTP
data and market and syndicated data. The OLAP processor allows many
different types of analyses, such as drilldown. In addition, it offers additional
business functionality such as currency translation. For more information, see
the SAP BW online documentation.
f~z}zzk~‰ˆŒ‚ˆ‹’G Metadata (data about data) is used to describe the
source, history, and other aspects of data. The metadata repository contains
both business-related (definitions, descriptions, and rules used for reporting)
and technical (for example, structure and mapping rules for the data
extraction and staging process) metadata. The metadata repository is central
to the data warehouse concept.
In version SAP BW2.1C, an InfoSource
for data from Dun & Bradstreet is
SAP delivers preconfigured and extendable intelligence called Business
Content to assist with information deployment, data presentation, data
analysis, data warehouse management, and data extraction and
Business content is a vast resource of business knowledge available from all
R/3 applications, mySAP.com components (such as mySAP SCM, mySAP
SEM, and mySAP CRM), Industry Solutions (such as Automotive,
Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, and Oil and Gas) and non-SAP applications.
Business content consists of preconfigured role- and task-based information
models. Based on consistent metadata, these information models include
roles, web reports, workbooks, queries, InfoCubes, InfoObjects, extractors,
and InfoSources as shown in the picture below.
Chapter 1: Business Information Warehouse Reporting Overview
The goal of business content is to make relevant information available to
selected user roles in an enterprise. To speed up the implementation, the
business content includes both general and industry-specific business
Before modeling your own InfoCubes or building new queries in SAP BW, we
recommend that you check if a similar evaluation already exists in the SAP
BW business content. A configured solution can save time. Additionally, you
can modify business content to suit your needs.
To illustrate SAP BW reporting in the subsequent chapters, we use the SD
Demo Cube from the SAP BW Business Content. More information on
business content is available in the SAP BW online documentation.
In addition to the business content described above, SAP BW also includes technical content
and SAP Demo Content. Technical content is intended for data warehouse administrators,
consultants, and SAP development support. Demo Content encompasses sample data and can
be used as illustrative material (for example the Sales and Distribution [SD] DemoCube and
Profitability Analysis [PA] DemoCube). Before you can work with the business content objects,
they must be activated. For more information on how to activate the SAP DemoCube, see
chapter 9, “Activating Demo Content” on page 395.
The Business Explorer (BEx) helps to analyze business data. The Business
Explorer enables the end user to locate reports, view reports, and analyze
information. You can execute queries, create linked report output (organized
in “workbooks”), present data from multiple application areas or systems,
and more. The queries in workbooks can be saved to the respective user roles
in the BEx Browser or mySAP Workplace.
The Business Explorer has the following components:
BEx Browser
BEx Analyzer
BEx Map
BEx Web
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The BEx Browser is a graphical interface for organizing reports of SAP BW.
All activities can be organized in the respective roles and functions. For
example, managers can organize tasks involving the R/3 transactions,
reports, and frequently visited web sites in their role folders according to the
functions they perform. For more information, see chapter 4, “Business
Explorer Browser” on page 123. Please note that if you have the mySAP
Workplace, you do not need to use the BEx Browser since you can incorporate
the frequently used role-based reports in your mySAP Workplace portal.
BEx Analyzer is a Microsoft Excel-based interactive environment where
analyses and queries are defined by selected characteristics and key figures.
The selected data can be analyzed by navigating through multidimensional
data. Presentation in Microsoft Excel also allows users to take a report view
and manipulate it as a document. Furthermore, calculations, notes, charts,
and graphics can be added, different reports can be combined in a workbook,
and reports can be distributed using e-mail. For more information, see
chapter 3, “Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer” on page 21.
A number of characteristics in SAP BW also have a geographical significance,
such as customer, sales region, and country. This information can be
evaluated in the BEx Map together with the relevant business-oriented
figures. This data displays visually and can be evaluated in an intuitive way
on a map. BEx Map is SAP BW’s integrated Geographical Information System
(GIS) in the Business Explorer. For more information, refer to chapter 6,
“Business Explorer (BEx) Map” on page 243.
Use web reporting to publish queries that have been defined in BEx Analyzer
on the intranet or Internet. You can insert and present queries on any HTML
page. You can embed different queries on an HTML page and use predefined
navigation buttons or graphics to display the data. You can evaluate the web
query data by navigating (drilldown, refresh, and so on). For more
information, refer to chapter 5, “Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting” on
page 157.
With SAP BW 2.0B, you can report on flat tabular data, such as master data or
data stored in ODS, with the help of a new tool called InfoSet Query. This tool
provides an easy-to-use graphical interface and allows a definition of both ad
Chapter 1: Business Information Warehouse Reporting Overview
hoc and reusable queries. Reports from these queries displays on SAP
ListViewer. Web reporting is also supported with the SAP ListViewer. For
more information, refer to chapter 7, “InfoSet Query” on page 309.
The Reporting Agent schedules reporting functions in the background. As a
component of the SAP BW Administrator Workbench (AWB), Reporting
Agent automates routine tasks such as the inspection of large datasets for
exceptions and mass-printing of query-based documents. With the Reporting
Agent’s background processing functionality, the SAP BW system can run
queries without invoking BEx Analyzer. Background processing lets you
move long-running or resource-intensive query runs to periods of low system
load to optimize use of your organization’s SAP BW computing resources.
The Reporting Agent has two functional areas:
Exception Reporting: Queries execute in background, and the result sets
are inspected for the occurrence of exceptions. An exception can trigger the
sending of an e-mail to SAP BW users, or Exception Monitor can record
execution log entries.
Background printing: Queries execute in the background with formatted
results printed to a supported device.
For more information, see chapter 8, “Reporting Agent” on page 349.
SAP BW is an information hub for enterprise-wide use at all hierarchical
levels. From office workers to top executives, most of a company’s employees
can access comprehensive, flexible, and powerful queries. The evaluations
and analyses are tailored to meet particular needs. Shown below is a typical
SAP BW landscape in an enterprise.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You can analyze the data stored in SAP BW by defining queries for the
InfoCubes and ODS objects. After a query has been created, the results are
“embedded” into a workbook.
A query is a data evaluation based on the selection of characteristics and key
figures. Queries can be configured according to the way you want to view
and navigate through data. Users define queries to analyze the data from an
InfoCube. In chapter 3, you learn how to create a query in SAP BW.
A workbook is a multifunctional report in Microsoft Excel. Workbooks
integrate data output, graphical displays, and multifunctional queries, all
within Microsoft Excel, as seen in the sample workbook shown below.
Chapter 1: Business Information Warehouse Reporting Overview
The graphic below shows the relationship between the Business Explorer
(BEx) and the SAP BW server.
Typically, the first step is to define a query in the Microsoft Excel-based
BEx Analyzer.
After a query has been defined, the metadata manager facilitates the
retrieval of metadata from the Metadata Repository. The BEx Analyzer
requests the data from the query and presents the current view of the
stored data. The query results are then presented in a workbook. Only the
data currently required in the Business Explorer is transferred from the
InfoCube to the query. If a new data view is needed, the OLAP processor
retrieves the data from the InfoCube. The OLAP processor “builds” the
query from the InfoCube data and provides methods for navigating
through the data in several dimensions. The data from both the current
and previous Business Explorer drilldown always remains on the
application server.
The workbooks are stored in the roles of the mySAP Workplace or BEx
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In this chapter you learn how to:
The screenshots provided in this book
may appear different from yours,
depending on the patch level of your
SAP BW system.
Determine if your PC meets the hardware requirements to support SAP
BW software
Check if the SAP BW system frontend is installed on your system
Log on to the SAP BW system
Change the password
Check the SAP BW system version number and support package
Miscellaneous topics
Familiarization with the online help
Training programs offered by SAP
These topics enable you to start using the SAP BW system.
The SAP BW system requires certain prerequisites for efficient operation. The
table below shows the specifications.
Operating system
Windows 95/98/2000/NT (patch level 4)
Minimum: Pentium 133 MHz
Recommendation: Pentium 300 MHz (or
Main memory
Minimum: 64 MB
Recommendation: 128 MB (or more)
The 4.6D SAP GUI and SAP BW add-ons
must already be installed.
Approx. 100MB minimum with a local
installation required
Graphics card
Minimum: 800 x 600, 256 colors, 2 MB
Recommendation: 1024 x 768, 32768 colors,
4 MB memory
Other requirements
Microsoft Office 97 or Office 2000
If using Web: Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater,
Netscape 4.5 or greater
Chapter 2: Getting Started with SAP Business Information Warehouse
JG From the Windows taskbar, select Start → Programs → SAP Frontend.
KG The following program names, in addition to other icons, should appear:
SAP Business Explorer Analyzer
SAP Business Explorer Browser
SAP Logon
JG From the Windows taskbar, choose Start → Find → Find Files or Folders.
KG In the Find dialog box:
zG Select the drive (for example, the C drive).
Browse each of the drives of your PC if you have multiple hard drives.
{G In the Named field, enter the file name sapbexc.xla.
|G Choose Find Now.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG Your search should locate the Sapbexc file. If this file is not found, contact
your system administrator to get the SAP BW frontend installed on your PC.
You can log on to the components of SAP BW system in different ways. You
can open:
BEx Analyzer
BEx Browser
Main SAP BW frontend with an SAP Logon
JG From the Windows Taskbar, choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend →
. This selection opens the Microsoft Office
SAP Business Explorer Analyzer
Excel program. A dialog box appears with the message C:\Program
Files\SAPpc\Bw\SAPBEX.XLA contains some macros.
KG Choose Enable macros. Microsoft Excel launches, displaying the BEx
JG From the Microsoft Windows taskbar, choose Start→ Programs→ SAP
Frontend→ SAP Business Explorer Browser
KG On the SAP Logon dialog box:
zG Select your SAP BW system.
{G Choose OK.
LG On the SAP Logon at <your SAP BW system> dialog box:
zG Enter the required information in the Client, User, Password, and Language
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with SAP Business Information Warehouse
JG From the Microsoft Windows taskbar, choose Start → Programs → SAP front.
end → SAP logon
KG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on your SAP BW system (for
example, BWS).
LG On the SAP R/3 logon screen:
zG In Client, enter the system number.
zG In User, enter the user name.
{G In Password, enter the password.
|G In Language, enter the logon language.
}G Choose Enter.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
For security purposes, you should regularly change your password.
JG From the Microsoft Windows taskbar, choose Start → Programs → SAP frontend → SAP logon
KG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on your SAP BW system (for
example, BWS).
LG On the SAP R/3 logon screen:
zG In Client, enter the system number.
zG In User, enter the user name.
{G In Password, enter the password.
|G In Language, enter the logon language.
}G Choose Enter.
MG On the SAP R/3 Logon screen, choose New password.
NG On the SAP R/3 dialog box:
zG In New password, enter a new password.
{G In Repeat password, enter your new password again.
|G Choose
To find out the system number and the support package, use the following
Chapter 2: Getting Started with SAP Business Information Warehouse
JG On the SAP Easy Access Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
System → Status.
KG On the System: Status dialog box:
zG The Component version field displays the version number of the SAP BW
{G To determine the system support package, choose
Component version field.
below the
System version
LG On the System: Component information dialog box, choose the SupPack tab to
display all support packages and patches applied to your system.
To determine the version
number and the patch
level of the system from
BEx Analyzer, choose
, then
choose About.
To determine the version number
and the patch level of the system
from BEx Browser, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The context-sensitive online help in the SAP BW system can be accessed
The F1 key.
The menu path Help→ Application help only from the SAP Easy Access
from BEx Analyzer.
from BEx Browser.
You can find information on SAP BW at www.sap.com/bw.
If you have access to the SAP Service Marketplace, up-to-date detailed
information can be found about SAP BW at service.sap.com/bw.
SAP offers several training options such as e-learning, standard classroom
training, role-based education, partner academy certification, and self-study
options. To access these programs, visit SAP’s web site for SAP Education
Services and Products at http://www.sap.com/education/index.htm.
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Based in Microsoft Excel, Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer is an interactive
tool for reporting in SAP BW. BEx Analyzer uses queries defined by selected
characteristics and key figures. Analysis presentation in Microsoft Excel
allows users to manipulate a report view as a document. Additionally,
calculations, notes, charts, and graphics can be added, different reports can be
combined in a workbook, and reports can be distributed using e-mail.
The following sections cover the following:
Getting started with BEx Analyzer
Commonly used terms
Starting BEx Analyzer
Navigating BEx Analyzer
SAP Business Explorer toolbar
Opening a BEx query
BEx Analyzer context menus
BEx query properties
Saving and inserting the workbook
Fast Track
Working with queries in the workbooks
Advanced Track
Working with queries
Defining filters in queries
Creating restricted and calculated key figures
Working with structures
Exception reporting
Defining conditions
Authorizations for the query definition
Authorization objects
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
This section includes topics on:
At least one query must be defined for
an InfoCube in SAP BW for you to
participate in the walk-through steps.
(For more information on installing
demo InfoCubes and queries, see
chapter 9, “Activating Demo Content”
on page 393.)
Commonly used terms
Starting BEx Analyzer
Navigating BEx Analyzer
Viewing the SAP Business Explorer toolbar
Opening a BEx query
BEx Analyzer context menus
BEx query properties
Saving and inserting the workbook
A query combines a characteristic selection and key figures (InfoObjects) to
analyze InfoCube data for SAP BW. Queries are defined in the BEx Analyzer
and stored in the SAP BW server.
A workbook is a Microsoft Excel file with several worksheets. In BEx
Analyzer, you can insert one or more SAP BW queries into a workbook. You
can also insert a query more than once into a workbook to display different
views of the data (various navigation states) at the same time. The workbook
can be stored locally on your computer, in your Favorites folder, or in your
role on the SAP BW Server.
Common Usage
BW Terminology
BEx Analyzer Workbook
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Navigation or Evaluation
Characteristics are an evaluation group, providing data set classification,
such as company code, product, customer group, fiscal year, period, and
The master data includes the permitted values of a characteristic, called
characteristic values. Characteristic values are discrete names (that is, the
region characteristic could have the values “north,” “central,” and “south.”)
Key Figures are values or quantities, such as sales revenue, fixed costs, sales
quantity, or the number of employees.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The OLAP functionality is enabled through a multidimensional database and
the OLAP processor.
The BEx functionality is explained in the diagram below:
BEx Analyzer can be launched from the Windows Start button.
JG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer Analyzer.
KG A dialog box informs you that C:\Program Files\SAPpc\Bw\Sapbex.xla
contains macros.
LG Choose Enable macros.
BEx Analyzer starts and displays Microsoft Excel with the SAP Business
Explorer toolbar. BEx functionality is now active in Microsoft Excel.
BEx Analyzer’s navigational functions are accessible from the:
SAP Business Explorer toolbar
Context menu of the filter and results area cells once the query has been
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The query execution results in a specific view of InfoCube data. By using the
navigation functions, you may also generate different navigational states or
alternate query views, for presentation in the query results area. You can
analyze the InfoCube data by navigating the BEx Analyzer. After inserting the
query into the workbook, establish the query definition in the initial data
BEx Analyzer is implemented as an add-on for Microsoft Excel, linking
queries to cells in Microsoft Excel workbooks. Query data can be evaluated by
navigating through the query in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
The SAP Business Explorer toolbar integrates SAP BW reporting functionality
into Microsoft Excel. The SAP Business Explorer toolbar provides
manipulation and presentation options, and helps you save and manage
workbooks on the SAP BW server.
When BEx Analyzer starts, the SAP Business Explorer toolbar appears in
Microsoft Excel, allowing access to all navigational and analytical functions.
The Open function loads a workbook or query. The SAP BEx: Open dialog box
appears. In the left frame, choose
Workbooks or
Queries to open an
available workbook or query.
If you choose Queries, you can also define a new query for an InfoCube. To
define a new query, choose New (on the right side of the screen).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The save function lets you save:
A new workbook
An existing workbook
The current view as a permanent view for the query
The query is not detached from the workbook when the workbook is saved.
For security purposes, do
not save a workbook with
values. Instead, from the
SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
→ All queries in
workbook → Delete results. This
action deletes the results from the
workbook. You can then save the
workbook. To have the data
refresh automatically when you
reopen the workbook, make sure
the checkbox Refresh query
when opening workbook is
selected in your query properties.
For more information, see “BEx
Query Properties” on page 39.
The refresh query function refreshes the query to ensure the most current
query data. After embedding a query in a workbook, the query refreshes
automatically. If the automatic refresh has been turned off, the query can be
refreshed with
. When you open a workbook, the query displays data
from when the workbook was last saved. To see the latest data, choose
A query can only be refreshed if a connection exists between BEx Analyzer
and the SAP BW server.
Choose this button to go back or undo your last navigational step.
The change query button has two states, Local view and Global view. Both states
allow you to:
Change the arrangement of characteristics and key figures into rows,
columns, and free characteristics
Carry out several navigation steps simultaneously
In the local view, the user can save a new view as a local query definition. In
the global view, the user can make a global change that affects a change to any
workbook utilizing this query.
The (Goto) button allows you to:
Display exceptions in the Alert Monitor, assuming that exceptions have
been found for this query
Jump to a saved-query view
Activate the function Repeat jump on double-click to jump to a saved view of
query data.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
If you choose
for OLAP functions for the active cell, you call the OLAP
functions in the Business Explorer. After selecting a filter cell or results cell in
the workbook, choosing this button displays a context menu with functions
relating to the clicked-upon area.
Choose this button after you select a cell either in the filter area in the
workbook or a cell in the results area of the workbook. The context menu
changes accordingly, depending on the areas you select.
For more information on OLAP context menus, see “Context Menus of the
Filter and Results Area Cells” on page 31.
The format function changes the structure and appearance of the delivered
results. Query formatting allows you to change:
Hierarchy display options
Formatting applies to all query results in the workbook and persists when
queries are refreshed. You use formatting of this type mostly for templates.
Use the layout function to:
Attach a chart or a map
Display text elements for the query
Display exceptions or conditions
Move filter area or result area
Mark queries in a worksheet
The tools function allows you to:
Publish the queries to web (if the views are already saved)
Save view and publish
Edit global definition
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Insert, copy, and remove queries
Remove, delete results, and detach all queries in a workbook
Activate the SAP sheet protection
The settings function allows you to control:
Automatic query refresh
SAP BW server connectivity and display
Embedding of new workbooks (empty, selected from list, and permanent
Setting a permanent workbook template
OLAP right-click function availability
Warning suppression
Trace on or off
The help button displays online help.
JG To start BEx Analyzer, from the Windows taskbar, choose Start → Programs →
SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer Analyzer.
KG A dialog box informs you that C:\Program files\SAPpc\Bw\Sapbex.xla
contains macros. Choose Enable macros.
The SAP Logon has four tabs: System,
Group, Server, and Advanced. The
System tab displays all logon profiles
established on your PC.
LG On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
MG On the SAP Logon dialog box:
zG Choose the System tab.
{G Select your SAP BW application server from the list (for example,
|G Choose OK.
NG On the SAP Logon at <BW Server> dialog box:
zG Enter the Client, User, Password, and Language.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
{G Choose OK.
OG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G Under Description, select the query you wish to open.
|G Choose OK.
In the SAP BEx Open
dialog box, to find the
Order and sales values
query, enter the technical name
0D_SD_C03_Q009 in the
Technical name field and choose
Find. Alternatively, you can enter
the description of the query in the
Description field and choose Find.
PG On the dialog box for query selections:
zG Select values for characteristics as needed.
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG Microsoft Excel displays the query. A query consists of the filter cells and the
results area.
Filter cells
Results area
You can create workbook templates,
into which you can insert your queries.
Workbook templates can contain the
following elements:
Preset positions for the different
areas (title, filter cells, results
area, and text element)
Format settings: background
pattern, and color scheme
Logo and bitmaps
VBA macros
For more information on creating
workbook templates, see appendix A,
“Creating a Workbook Template” on
page 417.
For more information on adding Visual
Basic functionality to your workbook,
see appendix B, “Adding Visual Basic
Functionality to Workbooks” on
page 421.
Multiple workbook templates can be created with different formatting, logos,
and graphics. Our example company, Advantage Incorporated, has a
workbook template entitled Advantage_Corporate_Template, including the
company logo and corporate presentation format. Advantage has chosen to
establish the Advantage_Corporate_Template as the default for opening all
The template is a Microsoft Excel worksheet formatted and saved with an *.xls
The system administrator can establish preset logon profiles, or you can maintain logon profiles using
the SAP logon tool from the SAP GUI (Programs→ SAP Frontend→ SAP Logon). See SAP GUI
documentation for more information.
JG From Microsoft Excel:
zG Choose File → Open.
{G Browse to and select the predefined Microsoft Excel template.
|G Choose Open.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
KG To save the workbook on the SAP BW server:
zG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Save as new
{G Enter a file name (for example, Advantage_Template).
LG From the menu bar, choose SAP Business Explorer → Settings → New workbook
on embed → is based upon permanent template.
This setting assigns the current workbook as a permanent template for future
Workbooks can also be opened and
saved using standard Microsoft Excel
functionality. However, this functionality
saves and opens workbooks locally with
the PC’s file system, not to the SAP BW
server. To save and open workbooks on
the SAP BW server, you must use the
open and save functions on the SAP
Business Explorer toolbar.
JG From Microsoft Excel’s menu bar, choose SAP Business Explorer → Settings →
Permanent Workbook Template.
KG On the SAP BEx: Select Permanent Template Workbook dialog box:
zG Select the new workbook (for example, Advantage Workbook)
{G Choose OK.
LG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar:
zG To open the desired query, choose
{G Select the desired query (for example, 0SD_C03_Q009)
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G Choose OK.
The query opens in the new workbook (for example, in the
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
In BEx Analyzer, you
must right-click to access
context menus, whereas
in BEx Web, you left-click to
access context menus.
A context-sensitive menu appears when you right-click on a query cell. The
menu appears differently, depending on where the right-click occurs.
There are four context areas:
Filter area cells
Results area – row header cells
Results area – column header cells
Results area – data value cells
You can access this menu using the following methods:
Right-click on any cell in the filter area
Alternatively, you can:
On the workbook, choose the desired filter cell
On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
the active cell)
(OLAP functions for
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The context menus are dynamic in nature and offer different options
depending on the drilldown state of the characteristic selected. The following
screenshot is an example of a context menu for cells in the filter area and the
table defines the options.
Menu Item
Select filter value Select filter value allows you to choose a characteristic value from which
the query returns only data filtered with the selected values.
For example, relative to the Sold-to party characteristic, choosing the
value 1000 results in the query returning only data for Sold-to party
A drill-down places the InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in either a
row or column header position. Selecting Drilldown → Down places the
InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in the row header position.
Selecting Drilldown→ Across places the InfoObject (characteristic or key
figure) in the column header position. Switching between Down and
Across pivots between rows and column headers.
Remove drilldown enables you to effectively reverse a previous drilldown
Properties enables you to define the BEx query properties such as
display, interaction, column width and information.
You can access this menu using the following methods:
Right-click on any cell in the row header or column header cells of the
results area
Alternatively, you can:
On the workbook, choose the desired row header cells or column
header cells of the results area
On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
active cell)
(OLAP functions for
The context menus are dynamic in nature and offer different options
depending on the:
Drilldown and filter state of the characteristic selected
Specific characteristic already in navigation, or your choice to exchange or
swap a structure
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Sort based upon the specific characteristic already in navigation, or your
choice of another characteristic to sort ascending or descending
The following screenshot shows an example of a context menu for a results
area row or column header cell, and the table below defines the options.
Menu Item
Back returns you to the previous menu (available on
Business Explorer toolbar).
Back to Start
Back to Start displays the initial data view of the query. The initial
view is established in the query definition through the distribution of
key figures and characteristics to the rows, columns, and free
characteristics. Select the function Back to Start if you wish to return
to this view after navigation.
Keep as Filter Value
Select Keep as filter value to fix a selected characteristic to a
characteristic value or a hierarchy node. After refreshing, only the
data referring to the fixed characteristic value displays (also referred
to as filtering of a characteristic to a characteristic value or a
hierarchy node).
Filter and Drilldown
according to
To fix (filter) a characteristic to a value, select Filter and drilldown
according to. This function also allows you to drilldown according to
another characteristic on the same row or column axis (sometimes
referred to as filtering of a characteristic and drilldown according to
another characteristic).
Add drilldown
according to
To drilldown on all items on the list according to another
characteristic, select Add drilldown according to (sometimes referred
to as drilldown according to a characteristic and switching of the
drilldown view).
of SAP
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Menu Item
Swap <characteristic To switch the roles of two characteristics or two structures or a
or structure> with
characteristic and structure, select Swap <characteristic or
Structure> with. Characteristics can be swapped from the row and
column axes of the results area (sometimes referred to as distribution
of the characteristics, key figures, and structures in the row and
column axes of the query).
Sort enables you to order the results in ascending or descending
order, according to name or key.
Sort in Ascending
Sort ascending orders the results ascending according to key or
Sort in Descending
Sort descending orders the results descending according to key or
Calculate specifies the method of result computation.
Results as choices include:
n Nothing
n Summation
n Maximum
n Minimum
n Counting all values
n Counting all values <> 0
n Average of all values
n Average of all values <> 0
n Standard deviation
n Variance
n Suppress result
n First value
n Last value
Single value as choices include:
Normalization of result
Normalization of total result
Normalization of query total
Ranked list
Ranked list (olympic)
Cumulated keeps a running total for a drilled-down characteristic.
In order to cumulate number values for a drilled-down characteristic,
select the function Calculate → Cumulate. Select Cumulated output
from if the view should contain the individual characteristic values
Exceptions activate or deactivate the flagging of data values in the
query, if the data values deviate from a predefined threshold or
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Menu Item
Conditions activate or deactivate specific threshold values defined for
key figure values of a characteristic. When activated, conditions
influence the query result set because only the data meeting the
condition is returned.
Currency translation
Currency translation converts the present currency into a selected
<specific char>
Select a specific characteristic (such as Sold To as shown on the
context menu above) to establish the view of the characteristic
including Display as, Suppression of totals rows, Cumulative output,
and Normalize to.
All chars
Select All chars to specify settings for all characteristics including
Display as, Position of totals row, Suppression of totals rows,
Suppress zeros, Norming, and Undo. For more information, see
“Context Menu for Characteristic-Based Settings” on page 37.
Properties enables you to define the BEx query properties such as
display, interaction, column width, and information.
You can access this context menu using the following methods:
Right-click on any cell in the results area data value cells.
Alternatively, you can:
On the workbook, choose the desired data value cell in the results
On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
active cell)
(OLAP functions for
The following screenshot shows an example of a context menu for a results
area data value cell, and the table below defines the options.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Menu Item
Back returns you to the previous menu (available on
Business Explorer toolbar).
Back to Start
Back to Start displays the initial data view of the query. The initial data
view is established in the query definition through the distribution of key
figures and characteristics to the rows, columns, and free characteristics.
Select the function Back to Start if you wish to return to this view after
of SAP
Sort in
Sort ascending orders the results ascending according to key or name.
Ascending Order
Sort in
Sort descending orders the results descending according to key or name.
Calculate specifies the method of result computation.
Results as choices include:
n Nothing
n Summation
n Maximum
n Minimum
n Counting all values
n Counting all values <> 0
n Average of all values
n Average of all values <> 0
n Standard deviation
n Variance
n Suppress result
n First value
n Last value
Single value as choices include:
n Normalization of result
n Normalization of total result
n Normalization of query total
n Ranked list
n Ranked list (olympic)
Cumulated keeps a running total for a drilled-down characteristic.
In order to cumulate number values for a drilled-down characteristic,
select the function Calculate → Cumulate. Select Cumulated output from,
if the view should contain the individual characteristic values again.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Menu Item
Currency translation converts the present currency into a selected
All chars
Select All chars to specify setting for all characteristics including Display
as, Position of totals row, Suppression of totals rows, Suppress zeros,
Norming, and Undo. For more information, see “Context Menu for
Characteristic-Based Settings” on page 37.
Properties enables you to define the BEx query properties such as
display, interaction, column width, and information.
In the workbook, the query’s characteristic-based settings influence the
display of information, specifying position and display of the totals row,
cumulative expenditure, or the normalizing of totals.
Characteristic-based settings determine:
Characteristic display as a key, name, or combination of both
Characteristic display, ascending or descending, according to key or name
Individual characteristic subtotals for queries with several drilled-down
Position of the totals row (top, right, left, or bottom)
Suppression of the totals row
Cumulative or normalized display of values
Characteristic-based settings can apply to an individually drilled-down
characteristic or globally for all characteristics of the query, including free
Right-clicking the data value cells of the results area displays a context
sensitive menu. This menu displays the characteristic settings when you click
on All Chars. The screenshot below shows the context menu and the table
below explains the settings.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Menu Item
Display as
Characteristic values can be displayed in different forms, depending upon
InfoObject properties set up in the database. Under the display forms
offered for characteristics, you can choose whether the key, name, or
long text of the characteristic should be displayed.
Position of Totals The display position of the totals row can be set top left or bottom right.
Suppression of
totals row
The totals row can be suppressed, not suppressed, or conditionally
Suppress zeros
Cells with a data value of zero can be displayed as an empty cell.
A norm is a computed or estimated average of performance for a
significantly large data set. No normalization, Query total, Overall result,
or Result can be specified.
Query total computes a percentage value (resulting from the value of
each row divided by the value of the Overall result) with the Overall result
equal to 100%.
Result computes a percentage value (resulting from the value of each
row divided by the value of its Result row) with its Result row equal to
100% and the percentage summation of all Result rows shown in the
Overall result equal to 100%.
This function reverses the most recent setting for All settings, Display as,
Totals row, and Norming.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
If you wish to suppress identical key
values for characteristics (online or
offline), highlight the query cell on the
worksheet and choose Properties →
Display from the context menu.
CharacteristicBased Settings
To specify a
characteristicbased setting
After selecting a characteristic in the results area, use the right-mouse
button or choose
on the toolbar to call up the context menu. Make the
desired setting for this characteristic.
To change the
setting for all
After selecting a characteristic in the results area, use the right-mouse
button or choose
on the toolbar to call up the context menu and select
All characteristics. Make the desired settings for all characteristics of the
The characteristic-based settings are also valid for the free characteristics
in the filter cells.
The query properties provide options for configuring display, interaction,
column width, and information in the query.
To open the BEx query properties, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar:
Alternately, right-click anywhere on the filter area or results area and
choose Properties.
→ Properties.
Choose the required functions from the Display, Interaction, Column width, and
Information tab.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The Display tab allows you to control the display of the workbook.
Display Tab
Refresh formatting on
data refresh
The Refresh formatting on data refresh function guarantees that
formatting is adjusted after refreshing updated data. Formatting a
query changes the appearance of data to emphasize the
delivered results. After refreshing the query, the size and position
of the cell areas in the results area of the query may change. The
function is active as a default.
The function can be turned off to display the data quickly, or if
you use a workbook with its own format template.
Suppress repeated key
Characteristic values can be displayed using a key or name.
Display of identical keys in the query can be determined if you
select a key for the characteristic display. The Suppress
repeated key values function displays the first key of each
characteristic, suppressing identical keys. This function is active
by default.
Display scaling factors for The scaling factor for key figures (for example, in 1000 Dollars)
key figures
can be displayed in the row or column.
Display filter cells for
This function toggles display of query structures in the filter area.
If query structures display in the filter area, the filter area’s
context menu displays the selected structure.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The Interaction tab allows you to control the interactive functions of the
Interaction Tab
Enable interactive
Interactive functions such as navigation and refreshing are
available by default in the query. These interactive functions can
be deactivated, for example, to stop the report views from being
Save and reuse variable
Desired values can be entered or default values can be
confirmed for variables used when embedding a query in a
worksheet. Selecting the Save and reuse variable values setting
enables saving variable values. This function is not active by
Refresh query when
opening workbook
The query automatically refreshes with current data when the
workbook opens.
Return to global definition The query automatically changes to the global definition on every
on refresh
refresh, losing any local definitions.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
On the Column width tab, you can control the width of the column.
Column Width
Adjusting column width on As a rule, the size and position of the query’s results area
changes after refreshing. The Adjusting column width on refresh
function determines which cell areas should be adjusted in the
worksheet. Settings include Do not adjust column width, Adjust
to result area or Adjust to whole columns.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The Information tab gives the ID and source systems for the query and the
Information Tab
The technical identification numbers of the query and the
workbook appear. The IDs cannot be changed. However, you
can use the ID of the query in user-defined VBA routines.
A query inserted in a workbook can be recognized by the connection between
the workbook’s cell areas (filter and results area) with the query data in the
SAP BW server. To guarantee the technical connection, background
processing holds information on the data views for the query.
If the connection between Business Explorer and the source system is
interrupted, this data remains available. After the interruption, current report
data can be displayed for the current report view by refreshing the query.
OLAP server functions (context menu and toolbar) are offered for filter cells
and the results area, as long as connection to the server exists.
When a query is inserted
into a new workbook or
active worksheet, a link is
established between the
worksheet’s cell areas and the
InfoCube data upon which the
query is based. This link exists
between the Business Explorer
and the SAP BW Server, and stays
in place until broken.
JG In BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G Select the desired query (for example, 0SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the dialog box for query selection:
zG Select values for characteristics as needed.
zG Choose
MG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar:
zG Choose
→ Save as new workbook.
{G In the Description, enter a description for the workbook (for example,
Advantage_Order and sales values).
|G Choose OK.
The query is now inserted into the new workbook (for example,
Advantage_Order and sales values).
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
To better illustrate the concepts involved in working with queries, a business
scenario is provided to give background. The tasks in this topic are based on
the following business scenario.
Advantage Incorporated is a global manufacturer and distributor of computer hardware. In an
intensely competitive market, Advantage Incorporated must pursue excellence across many areas of
the business simultaneously.
The key roles, responsibilities, and tasks performed within the company, define the business and
information needs of company. More specifically, the business problem along with the key role and
tasks, provide explicit definition of the query navigation required to answer the business problem.
Tom Major, the Advantage Incorporated sales manager, routinely navigates the data of all sales
organizations to be aware of the business changes and trends. In the last quarter of the year 1999,
the value of the returns increased substantially and was identified as a major cause of erosion of
profits. Tom Major needs to analyze the situation and find out the cause for the increase in the value
of the returns. He also needs to identify the items that contribute to these returns.
Use the following procedure to open an existing workbook. In this example,
the sales manager decides to choose the Order and Sales values query to
analyze the returns values.
JG In BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical Name, enter the technical name of the query (for example,
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G Choose Find.
The Description frame now lists the name of the query (for example, Order
and sales value query).
}G Select the query.
~G Choose OK.
LG On the resulting dialog box:
The date format is
dependent on the
individual user
selection.You can set defaults by
following the menu path, System
→ User Profile → Own data.
zG In Calendar year/month, enter a date range (for example, 09.1999 to
{G Choose
On the Maintain User Profile
screen, choose the Default tab
and select the date format desired.
The workbook appears.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
In a workbook, different currencies exist for the key figure values. To view the
key figure values in one currency, use the following steps.
If you desire to convert
the currency back to the
database currency, rightclick in the results area and
choose Currency translation →
Acc.DB.curr (Data base
This function is available if one or more
currency translation types are already
created in Administrator Workbench.
The translation keys are created under
BW Administration → Translation
Keys → Create. For further
information, refer to the online
documentation on the Administrator
JG In an open workbook:
zG To view the key figure values in one currency (for example, in U.S.
dollars), right-click on the results area.
{G Choose Currency Translation → Acc.target.cur.
KG On the Currency translation dialog box:
zG In Targ.curr., enter the currency with which you wish to view the key
figures (for example, enter USD).
{G In Translation key, enter the translation key as suggested by your system
administrator (for example, DEMO001).
|G Choose
Observe that the currency of the key figures is converted to the desired
currency, in this example USD.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You can sort the characteristic and key figure values in the workbook. The
characteristic values can be sorted either in an ascending or descending order,
according to the characteristic value key or name. The key figure values can
be sorted in ascending or descending order.
To find the highest key figure value in a column (for example, Returns value),
sort by ascending order:
JG In an open workbook:
zG Right-click on the desired column header (for example, Returns value).
{G Choose Sort in Ascending Order → <Column or key figure name>.
The order of the rows in the results area changes.
To limit the characteristic values displayed in the workbook, you can select
filter values for characteristics. You have the choice of selecting single values
or a value range. The value range options are as follows:
is between
is greater than or equal to
is less than or equal to
is greater than
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
is less than
In the following example, we choose a fixed characteristic value (for example,
Star Supermarkets) for a characteristic (Sold-to party).
JG In an open workbook, right-click on the filter cell of the desired characteristic
(for example, Sold-to party) and choose Select filter value.
KG On the Selection for <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG In the Fixed Values frame, select the fixed value you wish to filter (for
example, Star Supermarkets).
{G Choose
The fixed characteristic value now appears in the Selection frame.
|G Choose OK.
Now the workbook shows the results for the filtered characteristic value.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The function Swap with allows you to switch the roles of two characteristics in
the workbook. In this way, you can swap characteristics between the row axes
and column axes of the results area.
JG To swap characteristics (for example, Country with the Month) in an open
zG Right-click on the column header (for example, Country).
{G Choose Swap <Country> with → <Cal.Year/Month>.
In this example, the characteristic Country is replace by Cal. Year/Month.
The position and display of the characteristics in a workbook can be selected
in several ways. For example, the characteristic display can be realized as
either a key or name, a combination of the two, or no display at all.
The display of a characteristic (for example, Sold-to party) can be switched off
if its display is unnecessary.
JG In an open workbook:
zG Right-click on the desired characteristic column header (for example, Soldto party).
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
{G Choose <characteristic> → Display as → No display.
That column no longer shows up in the results area.
To obtain a different view of your data in the workbook, drill down on the
characteristic in the filter area that you would like to appear in the results
area. You can also hide the display of a characteristic by removing the
drilldown of that characteristic.
For example, a manager may choose to drill down on a characteristic (such as,
Material) to obtain the list of the materials that contribute to the rejections.
You can carry out the
basic navigational steps
by double-clicking. For
example, use a double-click to
move characteristics into or out of
the drilldown.
Double-clicking on the filter cell of
a characteristic that has been
drilled down upon removes the
characteristic from the drilldown
and converts it into a free
Double-clicking on a characteristic
value in the results area filters the
characteristic according to this
characteristic value, and also
removes the characteristic from
the drilldown.
JG In an open workbook:
zG Right-click on the characteristic in the filter area that you wish to appear
in the results area (for example, Material).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
{G Choose Drill-down → Down.
KG The characteristic (Material) now appears in the results area.
A new column for the desired characteristic
The Advantage Incorporated sales manager identifies the sold-to party material contributing to the
highest returns after navigating to the above workbook. This workbook shows that the Notebook
Speedy II CN most regularly contributes the highest returns.
You can display the query results in the form of a diagram or chart. The
diagram evaluates all of the data in the current navigational state and gets
refreshed automatically whenever the query is refreshed.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
JG In an open workbook:
In this example, for a better
presentation of the chart, we
suppressed the Result rows before
attaching charts to the query, as follows:
Right-click on any cell in the
results area.
zG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Attach Chart.
{G Select the chart and drag it to a convenient location.
|G To resize the chart, select the chart. Drag one of the control points to resize
the chart.
Choose All Chars →
Suppression of totals row →
Now the Result rows are suppressed.
Charts can be attached to
the workbooks to evaluate
the data in the current
navigational state. These charts are
automatically refreshed when you
refresh the query. Therefore, once
you format the charts as per the
user needs, the formatting of the
chart is saved even if the query is
KG If you wish to modify the appearance of the chart, select the chart area.
zG Right-click on an area of the chart you wish to modify.
{G Choose Format <XXXXX> (for example, Format Legend).
Control points
Value Axis
Plot Area
Category Axis
Chart Area
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Text elements store the text to be displayed on selection or output screens.
Text elements are also referred to as the header information of the query. If
you wish, you can display the text elements for a query (for example, Author,
Last changed by, Generation time, etc.).
When you choose
→ Display text
elements, you can also choose to
display just the text elements that are
General, just the Filters, or just the
JG In an open workbook, on the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose Layout
→ Display text elements → All.
KG All available text elements now display between the filter cells and the results
area of the worksheet. Individual text elements can now be deleted or moved
by selecting the desired cell and choosing the delete button on your keyboard.
Text elements
Text Element
This element tells which user defined the query.
Last Changed By
This element tells which user last changed the query definition.
Small changes accomplished by navigation are not considered to
be definition changes.
This element shows the InfoCube evaluated by the query.
Query Technical Name
Technical name for the query is indicated by this element.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Text Element
Key Date
The key date contains the date for which time-dependent master
data is selected. You determine the key date either in the query
definition (query properties) or supply the value using a variable.
If the key date has not been defined, then the system date is
assigned to the key date.
Change Time
This time element tells you when the query definition was last
Data Relevance
This data relevance element is the point in time when data for the
latest request used for reporting was posted to the InfoCube.
Current User
This element indicates the user who has this query open, or who
inserted it into a workbook.
Last Refresh
The time when the query data was last refreshed is indicated by
this element.
Variables, Filter Values
Additional text elements can be variables and filter values
depending on the current query definition.
The workbook can be saved and used for periodic review. When you open the
same workbook at a later date, you can refresh the data either manually or by
choosing automatic refresh of the data at the time of opening the query.
Please refer to “Interaction Tab” on page 41 for more details on the automatic
refresh settings.
JG In an open workbook, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
Save as new workbook.
KG On the SAP BEx Save to Document Store dialog box:
zG Select a folder to save the workbook (for example, Favorites).
{G Enter the desired name (for example, Analysis of Returns for Star
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G Choose OK.
In this section, you learn about other functionality available in the workbooks
such as:
Refreshing queries
Workbook formatting
Query variants
Worksheet protection
Displaying exceptions
Distinguishing multiple queries in the workbooks
Changing query views
Connecting a SAP BW query to the Report Report Interface (RRI)
To ensure that the most current data in a query always displays, the query
should be refreshed after each navigation or change of settings. A query can
only be refreshed if a connection exists between the Business Explorer and the
SAP BW server.
On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
to refresh the query data.
The refresh requests the current report data from the SAP BW server. Automatic
refresh of data can be turned off, for example, if you need to perform multiple
tasks (changing settings or navigating) and do not want the system to update
after each task.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The automatic refresh function can be toggled after opening a workbook.
Right-click in either the filter or results area, and choose Properties. On the
Interaction tab, deselect the Refresh query when opening workbook checkbox.
To restore the global definition of the query, right-click in either the filter or
results area, and choose Properties. On the Interaction tab, check the Return to
global definition on refresh checkbox.
BEx Analyzer uses the concept of format templates from Microsoft Excel for
formatting results areas, filter cells, and cell areas for header information.
Formatting properties such as fonts, patterns, and frames are never directly
assigned to a cell. Instead these properties are summarized in format
templates, and then assigned to the cells. Therefore, cells of the same type
contain the same format template.
Changes to a query also affect changes in cells. Cell formatting adjusts
automatically in response to these changes. Automatic adjustment of cell
formatting can be turned off by right-clicking in either the result or filter area
and choosing Properties. Select the Display tab, and deselect the Refresh
formatting after data refresh checkbox.
Usually, you open queries to view data related to a fixed set of characteristic
values. For example, a sales manger may execute a query to view the data for
a particular sales area, sales office, or group of key customers. Because you
may refresh the queries frequently, it is easier to save sets of characteristic
values as variants to make them available for selection at a later time.
A variant is a set of variable values that have been preselected and saved as a
specific unit. A query variant is a variant whose variable values are needed to
execute the query.
You may use a query variant to:
Open the query and execute it in the online display without manually
filling in the variable values (valuable for user-specific variable value sets
with frequent query executions)
Print a query in the background after executing the query
The two tasks below explain the steps to create and choose a variant from the
Query Selection dialog box.
You can create a query variant by selecting desired variables and saving them
with a name of your choice.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG To open a query in BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
KG In the SAP BEx Open dialog box, select a query with variables ready for input.
LG The dialog box for entering variables appears.
zG Enter variables or choose the variables using possible entries
{G To verify the data, choose
|G Choose
If a default value is not
specified for a variable,
the value from the last
query execution is used. When the
variable input is saved by creating
a variant, the variant is queryspecific. Right-clicking the variant
screen opens the context menu
where variant values can be
MG On the ABAP: Save as Variant dialog box:
zG In Variant name, enter a name.
{G In Description, enter a description.
|G To make the variant available for background processing, select the Only
for background processing checkbox.
}G To protect the variant from being changed by others, select the Protect
variant checkbox.
~G To save the variant, choose
To effectively mange
variants, the SAP BW
system administrator
may access the variant creator,
variant creation date, user ID
that last changed the variant,
and date and time of the last
change. Variants for a specific
report can be viewed using
transaction SE16 (SAP BW
table entitled VARID) and the
40-digit object number of the
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
You can select a predefined query variant at the time of opening or refreshing
a query by selecting the desired variant.
JG To open a query in BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
KG In the SAP BEx Open dialog box, select a query.
LG On the dialog box, to select a query with an existing variant, choose
Choose variants button
MG On the Variant Directory of Program dialog box:
zG Select the desired variant.
{G Choose
The SAP sheet protection allows you to protect the current worksheet from
changes. When sheet protection is active, you can prevent the queries from
being deleted from the worksheet and you can prevent additional queries
from being inserted into a worksheet.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The SAP sheet protection function is similar to the Microsoft Excel function
Sheet protection. However, Microsoft Excel’s sheet protection function
prevents execution of the majority of the Business Explorer functions. SAP’s
equivalent allows you to protect worksheets without hindering Business
Explorer functionality (for example, the navigation functions).
JG To activate sheet protection from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
→ SAP Protection.
KG Enter a password twice and choose OK.
LG Choose
JG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ SAP Protection.
KG In the Unprotect dialog box, enter the password you chose for protection and
choose OK.
LG Choose
To display the exceptions in the workbook, right-click on the results area and
choose Exceptions → Flag condition (for example Incoming orders).
To deactivate the exception display in the workbook, for example, choose
Exceptions → Flag Incoming orders.
Exceptions and conditions can
be active at the same time in a
workbook. The step-by-step
instructions for creating the exceptions
and conditions for a query are
discussed in detail in the Advanced
Track of this chapter on page 63.
Open a workbook for which you wish to display conditions. You may find the
the results with the condition values highlighted in different colors if the
condition is activated in the workbook.
To activate the exception in the workbook, right-click on the results area and
choose Conditions → <predefined condition> (for example, Incoming orders less
than 30000). Notice that only these conditions display.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
To deactivate the exception display in the workbook, choose Conditions →
<predefined condition> (for example, Incoming orders less than 30000).
Removing a query deletes the query’s current results. To remove the query,
→ Remove query.
Detaching a query deletes the connection between the query’s cell areas and
the data. From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ All queries in
the workbook → Detach.
Detaching query removes the connection between the query’s cell areas and
the data. The Detach query action cannot be undone. Detaching a query
prevents further navigation and refreshing of the visible data area in the
To change the views of the query in the workbook, use the Change query view
On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
. From the context menu,
select either the local view or global definition.
\z‡€~~eˆ|z…jŽ~‹’]~‚‡‚‚ˆ‡G Use the function Change query (local
view) to change the query view contained in the workbook (for example, the
arrangement of the characteristics and key figures in the rows, columns, and
drilldown [free] characteristics). The view you change remains with this
particular workbook until such time that the original query is again
embedded into the workbook.
\z‡€~~`…ˆ{z…jŽ~‹’]~‚‡‚‚ˆ‡G Use the function Change query (global
definition) to change the global definition of the query to affect all the
workbooks assigned to this query.
Changing the query views is explained in the Advanced Track on page 63.
The Report/Report Interface (RRI) enables you to jump from one report to
another report for more information. The RRI links together smaller reports
(each containing a limited number of characteristics) to allow you to report on
a number of different combinations of data online. For more information on
RRI, refer to the online documentation.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Being connected to RRI allows you to avoid the problem of having
particularly large reports, where the large volume of data would often mean
that the large reports could not be constructed online and would have to be
planned as a background job.
If you want to go to a jump target that is
not within SAP BW, you must select a
source system and log on if necessary.
You will only have to log on once per
Microsoft Excel session, even if you
open more than one workbook.
In SAP BW, you can use the RRI to start different actions from a query. For
example, you may start:
Another query, where the entry variants are filled by the selection
requirements and element definitions of the selected cells of the sender
Reports, functions, and transactions inside and outside of SAP BW.
In order to connect an SAP BW query using RRI, you must:
1. Open a query in the BEx Analyzer.
2. In the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
The previously assigned jump targets appear in the context menu. One click
brings you to the jump target you want. A new workbook opens every time
you do this. The selections, set up in the query definition, are then copied into
the jump target.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
This section details how to display and change existing queries, create new
queries from the InfoCubes, and work with other query functionality.
JG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer Analyzer.
KG A dialog informs you that C:\Program files\SAPpc\Bw\Sapbex.xla contains
macros. Choose Enable macros.
LG On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
MG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
NG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter the Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
OG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name of the desired query (for
example, 0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
The system finds and highlights the query.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
}G Choose Change.
PG On the Define the query <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG Review the query components on screen.
{G To close the query definition dialog box, choose
The available objects in the InfoCube you selected display as a directory tree
in the left part of the screen for the query definition.
The right frame contains empty directories for the filter selections, rows,
columns, and free characteristics of the query. The preview of the results area
for the query can be found in the bottom right. This area is also empty at first
(see also the example at the end of this section).
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Filter area
Characteristics and key figures
available in the InfoCube
Column selections
Free characteristics
Row selections
Preview area
By selecting the plus
or minus
node you can expand or collapse the
directories. For example, you can display the list of all of the key figures in the
InfoCube by expanding the key figure node in the InfoCube tree.
Using drag-and-drop, you can drag characteristics and key figures from the
InfoCube into the directories of the query definition (filter, rows, columns,
free characteristics).
The right-mouse button displays the context menu. By double-clicking on an
element of the query definition, a dialog box appears, containing functions
executed on this element by default. For example, double-clicking on a
characteristic displays a dialog box for restricting the characteristic.
By clicking and dragging, you can increase the size of the window frame or
directory within the Query definition dialog box.
The query definition toolbar that contains all the necessary tools to work with
the queries.
m‹z‡Œ~‹ŠŽ~‹’‚‡ˆ‹„{ˆˆ„GIf you created or changed a query, you
can insert it into a workbook for navigation and analysis. The query is
embedded in the workbook.
^‘‚ŠŽ~‹’G To leave the query definition screen, choose
not saved.
. Entries are
g~ŠŽ~‹’G To create a query, choose
. A list of all available
InfoCubes appears, allowing selection of the desired InfoCube.
h‰~‡ŠŽ~‹’G If you select
available in SAP BW.
, you get a list of all of the queries
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
lz~ŠŽ~‹’G If you want to save a query, enter a new technical name,
and description for the name of the query. The query saves into the list of
queries in SAP BW, and can be opened using
lz~ŠŽ~‹’zŒG If you changed a query and want to save it under a new
technical name or under the name of an existing query, select
. Enter the
new technical name or select the technical name of an existing query.
]~…~~ŠŽ~‹’G To delete a query, select
^‘|~‰‚ˆ‡G You can define exceptions for a query. Exceptions are
variations in key figure values that you define yourself. Exceptions display in
a different color in the query view. The different color allows you to see at a
glance any unusual deviations from the results you expected to get.
\ˆ‡}‚‚ˆ‡G If you want to define conditions for a query, choose
. You
can specify threshold value conditions for the key figure values in every
characteristic, for example, specify all sales figures under or above a certain
threshold value. In the query, the selected characteristics display with the
restricted key figures.
jŽ~‹’‰‹ˆ‰~‹‚~ŒG if you want to change the description of the query,
or make settings for the Results position, Display options, Number display, and
Zero suppression of the query, choose
\~|„ŠŽ~‹’G If you saved a new query or changed a previous one, you
can check the query definition for errors using the function
jŽ~‹’~‹~FŽŒ~}…‚Œ‚‡ˆ‹„{ˆˆ„ŒG Using
in which SAP BW workbooks this query is saved.
, you can determine
]‚Œ‰…z’UFW\z‡€~G This function toggles between display mode and
change mode.
\z‡€~ŠŽ~‹’A€…ˆ{z…}~‚‡‚‚ˆ‡BG To change to the global definition
of a local query, choose
m~|‡‚|z…‡z†~G With
, you can show or hide the technical names of
the InfoObjects, calculated key figures, restricted key figures, structures, and
\ˆ‡~‘†~‡ŽG The context menu function allows you to display the
context menu without using the right-mouse button (for example, using a
touch screen). Select a directory from the InfoCube tree or the query
definition, and choose
. The context menu for the element you highlighted
a~…‰G Selecting About from the resulting dropdown menu entry shows
the query definition and tool version.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
As explained earlier in the Fast Track, the view you change remains with this
particular workbook until such time as the original query is again embedded
into the workbook.
JG In BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G From the Favorites folder, select the workbook you wish to change to a
local view (for example, Analysis of Returns for Star Supermarkets).
|G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Change query (local
MG On the Change query Order and sales values dialog box:
zG In the Free characteristics box, select the desired free characteristic (for
example, Sales organization).
{G Drag and drop the free characteristic into the Rows box.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
NG On the Change query <XXXXX> dialog box, to transfer the query into the
workbook, choose
OG The characteristic (for example, Sales organization) appears in the results area.
Characteristic in results area
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Use the function Change query (global definition) if you wish to change the
global definition of the query to affect all the workbooks assigned to a query.
JG In an open workbook, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
Change query (global definition).
KG On the Define the query <XXXXX> dialog box, choose the modification as
You can drag and drop the desired characteristics and key figure into the
structure area and see the changes in the preview area.
LG After you are satisfied with the query preview, choose
We recommend you not
change the original demo
queries as they could be
of future use and reference. You
may save these demo queries
under a different name by
(Save query as)
available on the query definition
In this section, you learn how to create a new query from an InfoCube by
choosing desired characteristics and key figures. You can also check the new
query and save it.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, on the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
KG In the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name for the desired InfoCube (for
example, 0D_SD_C03).
|G Choose Find.
}G To create a new query, select the desired InfoCube (for example,
~G Choose New.
LG To define the rows, in the SAP demo (Sales and Distribution Overview) frame:
The available objects in
the InfoCube SAP Demo
Sales and Distribution:
Overview (0D_SD_C03) are
displayed as a directory tree in the
left part of the screen for the query
definition. By clicking on the plus
or minus symbol of the directories
you can expand or compress the
directories. For example, you can
expand the Key figures,
Restricted key figures and
Dimensions folders by choosing
the plus symbol.
zG Open a suitable dimension, for example,
{G Drag and drop the desired characteristics (for example, Sold-to party
characteristic into the Row frame).
MG To define the columns, in the left navigational frame, click on the Restricted key
figures node by choosing .
zG Drag and drop the desired key figure (for example, Incoming orders value)
into the Columns frame.
{G Individually drag and drop the other desired key figures (for example,
Billing value, Returns value, and Credit memo value) into the Columns frame.
NG To define free characteristics, drag and drop the desired characteristics from
their respective dimensions to the Free characteristics frame. For example, open
Dropping a characteristic into the Free
characteristics list places the item at
the top of the list. However, the
sequence can be rearranged by
dragging the characteristics into an
order inside the list.
Time dimension and drag and drop Cal. Year/Month into the Free
characteristics frame.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Sales area data dimension, and drag and drop the Division, Distribution
channel, and Sales Organization.
In this step, you can now check the correctness of the query definition
After you define the query:
JG On the Define the Query: New Query dialog box, from the query definition
toolbar, choose
If your query is not correct, a dialog box
appears, indicating the possible errors.
Select the errors one at a time.Then
choose OK to rectify them.
KG On the Query check dialog box:
zG If your query is correct, a dialog box appears with a message that the
query is correct.
If the definition is not correct, system suggests the areas in which
rectification is required.
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
In this step, you save the query by giving it a technical name and description.
JG On the Define the Query: New Query dialog box, from the query definition
toolbar, choose
The technical name
uniquely identifies the
query and its restricted
and calculated key figures,
structures, and variables. The
technical name can be up to 30
characters long and must start with
a letter. Please note that you can
choose any name except those
starting with a number. All
technical names beginning with a
number belong to an SAPreserved name space, and are a
part of the business content.
KG On the Save query dialog box:
zG In Technical name, enter a technical name (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description (for example, Sales Analysis).
|G Choose OK.
Filters show or hide values depending on your needs.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name for the desired query (for
example, Z_0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
LG In the Define the query: <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG In the left navigational frame, select Dimensions → Value type.
{G Drag the Value Type dimension to the Filter frame.
|G In the Filter frame, right-click on Value Type and choose Restrict.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
MG On the Selection for Value Type dialog box:
Filter selection restricts the entire query.
All the InfoCube data will be aggregated
using the filter selection.
zG On the Fixed values tab, from the various options, select the desired
options (for example, select Actual).
{G Choose
to transfer it to the Selection column.
|G Choose OK.
NG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> screen, choose
Restricted key figures are a selection of a key figure and its characteristic
values. For example, in Columns directory of the query definition screen,
restricted key figures can be defined to limit the display of values to a
calendar year instead of using the Calendar year characteristic to display the
value for all available calendar years.
The following example restricts the values of the key figure Incoming orders to
calendar years 1997 and 1998.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG From the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name of the desired query (for
example, Z_0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
~G Choose Change.
LG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> dialog box, in the left frame, right-click on
the Key figure folder and choose New Restricted Key figure.
MG On the Restricted key figure dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a name for the key figure (for example, Incoming
Order Value for December 1999).
{G In the left frame, open the Key figure folder.
|G Select the key figure for which you want to apply the restriction (for
example Incoming order value).
}G Drag the key figure into the Description column.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
~G In the left frame, open the appropriate dimensions folder and select the
desired characteristic (for example, under
Time dimension, select the
characteristic Cal. Year/Month).
G Drag and drop the characteristic into the Description column.
€G In the right frame, right-click on the characteristic and choose Restrict.
G Choose OK.
NG On the Selection for <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG For Select, use the dropdown to select Single values or Multiple values (for
example, Single value).
{G On the Fixed values tab, select the values as required (for example,
|G Choose
}G Choose OK.
OG On the Restricted key figure dialog box, choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
PG On the Properties of the restricted key figure dialog box:
zG In Technical name, enter a technical name (for example,
{G For Number of decimal places, use the dropdown to select a suitable value
(for example, 0 to display the key figure value without a decimal place).
|G Choose OK.
QG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> screen, the new restricted key figure (for
example, Incoming Order Value for December 1999) appears in the Restricted key
figures folder.
New restricted key figure
Repeat steps 2–6 to create additional restricted key figures. If you are using the Demo Cube, you can
create an additional restricted key figure for Incoming Order Value for October 1999, which we used
in the next topic.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
You can create a new calculated key figure from the (basic) key figures.
Various options are available to define new formulas for key figures in
queries. The options include:
Boolean operators
In the following steps, create a new calculated key figure to determine the
variance in incoming orders for two months (for example %Change in orders
for October and December 1999).
JG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name for the desired query (for
example, Z_0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Define the Query: <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG From the Columns box, drag and drop the key figures that are not required
into the leftmost navigational frame (for example, SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution: Overview).
{G In the left navigational frame, open the Restricted key figures folder.
|G Drag and drop the required restricted key figures (for example Incoming
Order value for October 1999 and Incoming Order value for December 1999)
from the left frame into the Columns frame.
}G In the Columns directory, right-click on Key figures and choose New
LG On the New formula dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a suitable description (for example, %Change in
orders for Oct & Dec 1999).
{G In the Operands frame, expand the Structure Elements folder.
|G Select the desired key figure (for example, Incoming Order Value for
December 1999).
}G Drag the key figure to the Formula field.
~G In the Functions frame, expand a suitable function folder (for example,
Percentage functions).
Under the function folder, select a suitable function (for example,
Percentage variance).
€G Drag the function to the Formula field.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
G In the Operands frame, select other structure elements if required (for
example, Incoming Order Value for October 1999), and drag them to the
Formula field.
To verify the syntax, choose
Choose OK.
MG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG The new key figure (for example, %Change in orders for Oct &Dec.1999)
appears in the Columns box.
{G To save the changes to the query, from the query definition toolbar,
New calculated key figure
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG To display the modified query with the new calculated key figures, on the
query definition toolbar, choose
The query with the calculated key figure
displays in the workbook.
Boolean variables are either true or false variables that perform evaluations
using multiple true and false combinations. For example, the expressions X is
less than Y and Y equals Z combines two evaluations.
The following table lists the Boolean operators available in the SAP BW
formula creator. The order of precedence controls which operator is evaluated
first in an expression. Operators on the same precedence level are processed
in order of appearance.
Boolean Operator
Reverses the value of an argument. For example, NOT TRUE is
Returns TRUE if both arguments are TRUE and returns FALSE
otherwise. For example, TRUE AND TRUE is TRUE, but TRUE AND
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Boolean Operator
Returns TRUE if either argument is TRUE and returns FALSE
otherwise. For example, TRUE OR FALSE is TRUE, but FALSE OR
An exclusive “or”—meaning “either,” “or,” but not both. Returns TRUE if
the truth values of both arguments are different and returns FALSE
otherwise. For example, TRUE XOR TRUE is FALSE, but TRUE XOR
^‘z†‰…~ˆz[ˆˆ…~z‡^‘‰‹~ŒŒ‚ˆ‡ŒG An example of an expression with
Boolean operators is:
\ˆ†‰z‹‚Œˆ‡ˆgŽ†{~‹Œˆ‹^ŠŽz…‚’ˆ‹b‡~ŠŽz…‚’G Comparisons of
numbers for equality or inequality are quantitative comparisons, because one
number is greater than another number if it represents a larger quantity.
Assume two variables: Number1 and Number2 with the assignments such that
Number1 = 68 and Number2 = 63. The Boolean expression: Number1 > Number2
would yield TRUE.
The result of the Boolean expression itself can be stored in a Boolean variable.
Sometimes the Boolean variable,
Boolean expression, and Boolean
operator are written together as follows:
Bigger = Number1 > Number2
Bigger is the Boolean variable, the right
side formula is the Boolean
expression, and the greater-than
symbol (>) is the Boolean operator.
Assume we define a Boolean variable called Bigger. The Boolean variable
holds the results yielded from the Boolean expression using a Boolean
operator. In this example, the expression yielded TRUE so the Boolean
variable Bigger is assigned the value TRUE (Bigger = TRUE).
\ˆ†‰z‹‚Œˆ‡ˆ\z‹z|~‹Œˆ‹^ŠŽz…‚’ˆ‹b‡~ŠŽz…‚’G Comparisons of
characters for equality or inequality are also quantitative comparisons,
because each individual character is given a numeric value in a character set
that allows comparisons of one character value to another. One character
value is greater than another if its internal numeric value is larger. Assume
two text elements: Name1 and Name2 with the assignments such that Name1 =
“Kathy” and Name2 = “Kathleen.” The Boolean expression: Name1 > Name2
would yield TRUE.
\ˆ†‰z‹‚Œˆ‡ˆ]z~ŒG Date comparisons are chronological, meaning one
date is greater than another if it is more recent. Assume Date1 = “01-JAN2000” and Date2 = “31-DEC-1999.” The Boolean expression: Date1 > Date2
would yield TRUE.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Structures are freely definable building blocks that consist of combinations of
characteristics and basic key figures (for example, as calculated or restricted
key figures) of the InfoCube. For example, you may create a structure for a
contribution margin schema or a planned and actual comparison, thus
preserving the InfoCube’s sets of characteristics and calculated or restricted
key figures for future use.
A structure may be defined as global or local.
A global structure is a component of a query associated with a specific
InfoCube. After a global structure has been defined and saved, it is made
available in a folder labeled Structures and may be used in other queries for
that InfoCube. You can create a structure in either the Columns or Rows frame
and save the structure for reuse.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G Select the desired InfoCube (for example, SAP Demo Sales and Distribution
|G Choose New.
LG On the Define the query: New Query screen:
zG In either the Columns or Rows header, right-click and choose New structure.
{G In the left frame, expand the nodes from which you plan to use
characteristics or key figures to build your structure.
If you wish to include a
particular characteristic
value in the structure,
drag and drop just that
characteristic value.
|G Drag and drop the characteristics or key figures from the left frame into
the new Structure (for example, Berlin and Frankfurt from Sales
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
}G If you wish to create a new formula, right-click on Structure and choose
New Formula.
In the left frame, all InfoObjects
available for query definition for the
specific InfoCube appear.
New structure directory
MG In the New formula dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a description for the new formula (for example,
Percentage Variance in Berlin & Frankfurt).
To move structure
elements from the
Operands frame to the
Formula field, you can either
drag and drop or double-click on
the desired structure element.
When you double-click, the
structure element appears
automatically in the Formula
{G Expand the Structure Elements node.
|G To define a new formula, double-click on a structure element in the
Operands frame (for example, Berlin).
The structure appears automatically in the Formula field.
}G Use the appropriate Functions or Digits icons to modify your formula (for
example, in the Functions frame, double-click on Percentage variance to
derive the percentage variance between the two sales organizations).
~G Double-click on other desired structure elements in the Operands frame.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
After you complete the formula, choose OK.
In the Operands frame, under Structure
Elements, notice the characteristics you
moved into the Structure in the previous
NG On the Define the query: New Query screen:
zG To save the global structure, select the Structure node.
{G Right-click and choose Save (or choose Save as).
In this screen, you now have a structure
with the new formula Percentage
Variance in Berlin & Frankfurt.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
OG On the Save structure dialog box:
zG In Technical name, enter a technical name.
{G In Description, enter the short text.
|G Choose OK.
PG On the Define the query: New Query screen:
zG Review the new global structure.
Any changes to a global
structure can affect all
queries that use that
global structure.
New global structure
{G At this stage you either can:
Use this structure to build a new query.
to quit without saving the query. You need not save the
query because the structure is already saved.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You can use a global structure to define new queries. A global structure can
be used to create several queries.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G Select the desired InfoCube (for example, SAP Demo Sales and Distribution
|G Choose New.
LG On the Define the query: New Query screen:
zG In the left frame, expand the Structure node.
{G Drag and drop the desired structure into either the Rows or Columns
|G In the left frame, expand the nodes from which you plan to use the
characteristics or key figures.
}G Drag and drop the desired characteristics or key figures from the left
frame into the Rows, Free characteristics, or Filter frames as needed.
If you wish to include a
particular characteristic
value in the structure,
drag and drop just that
characteristic value.
~G To save your query, choose
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
MG On Save query dialog box:
zG In Technical name, enter a technical name for your query.
{G In Description, enter a description.
|G Choose OK.
NG On the Define the query: New Query screen, to transfer the query into a
workbook, choose
A local structure is a component of a query associated with a specific query.
A global structure may exist that has all the desired display basics, but you
want to add structure elements that are unique to your query. Changing a
global structure changes the structure for all queries that use that global
structure. When you attempt to save a global structure, a dialog box prompts
you to confirm this change to all queries before completing the save.
Therefore, if you want to add unique structure elements for a specific query,
you should create a local structure to avoid affecting all queries that exist for a
particular InfoCube.
After you use Remove
reference to convert a
global structure into a
local structure, you cannot undo
the definition to return to the
global structure.
When you right-click on a global structure, selecting the Remove reference
option from the context menu copies the attributes of the designated global
structure into a local query. In other words, Remove reference turns a global
structure into a local structure.
In the following procedure, you take the global structure in the query and
create a local structure where you can add other structure elements.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G Select the desired InfoCube (for example, SAP Demo Sales and Distribution
|G Choose New.
LG On the Define the query screen:
zG In the left frame, expand the Structure node.
{G Drag and drop the desired structure into either the Rows or Columns
|G Select the global structure.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
}G Right-click and choose Remove reference.
A local structure is created.
The definition for the query includes a
global structure with structure elements,
in this case, in the Columns frame.
Use this global structure to create a local
structure with additional structure
MG With the local structure:
If you want to return
from a local structure to
the prior global
structure definition, delete the
local structure. Then drag and
drop the global structure into the
query definition.
zG In the left frame, expand the nodes from which you plan to use the
characteristics or key figures.
{G Drag and drop the desired characteristics or key figures from the left
frame into the Rows, Free characteristics, or Filter frames as needed.
|G To save your query, choose
Exception reporting presents data values that have deviated from a
predefined threshold or range. These exceptions are often highlighted in
colors for quick identification. In BEx Analyzer, you can select a query and
specify which key figures should be monitored. The online processing of
exceptions evaluates exceptions at query execution.
Exceptions can be defined:
According to query structure elements
In the query definition (exceptions defined in the query definition apply
globally for this query in all workbooks)
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The exception definition consists of:
If you use a condition to
restrict query results
displayed in a column,
the column total is the grand total
of the column, instead of a total of
the restricted results displayed in
the column. Local aggregation
allows the display of the restricted
result total.
Determining one or more conditions
Defining cell restrictions
Threshold values or intervals can be specified as conditions that appear with
a message priority (bad, critical, or good). The message priority preassigns the
color values. The stronger the deviation, the more intense the warnings color.
The color values use up to nine shades of traffic light colors (red, yellow, and
green). The cell restriction function determines for which evaluation (cell
areas) the previously defined condition applies.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name of the query for which you
wish to define an exception (for example, Z_0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
LG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> dialog box, choose
MG On the Defining Exceptions dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a suitable description (for example, Flag Incoming
{G Select the Active checkbox.
|G In the Key figures frame, for Operator use the dropdown to select a suitable
option (for example, everything).
NG On the Defining Exceptions dialog box:
zG Select the Exception values tab.
{G Choose New.
|G In From, enter the required value of the exception (for example,
}G In To, enter the required value of the exception (for example,
~G In Alert level, use the dropdown to select the desired alert level (for
example, Good1).
G Choose Apply.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
€G Repeat steps a–f to enter further values of desired exceptions as required.
For example, the following values:
Alert Level
OG On the Defining Exceptions dialog box:
zG Choose the Cell Restrictions tab.
{G In the field Default operator used for all characteristics that are not displayed,
use the dropdown to select a suitable option (for example, only totals
(recommended with absolute numbers)).
|G To create a restriction for the characteristic, go to the field beneath the
Characteristic column and use the dropdown to select the characteristic
(for example, Sold-to party).
}G Go to the field beneath the Operator column and use the dropdown to
select a suitable option (for example, everything).
~G Choose Apply.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
G Choose OK.
Dropdown for the Characteristic column
Dropdown for the
Operator column
PG To save the changes to the query, choose
QG To transfer the query in to the workbook, from the query definition tool bar,
You may have to activate
the exception in the
workbook (if it was
previously deactivated). Rightclick on the results area and
choose Exceptions→ <Name of
the exception> (for example,
Flag Incoming orders).
To deactivate the exception
display in the workbook, choose
Exceptions→<Name of the
RG The workbook opens. If exceptions are activated in the workbook, you will
see the exception display of the values.
If the results show mixed currency (as given in this example), you may choose
to convert to common currency for logical comparison.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Conditions can be defined for characteristic combinations and key figures.
Characteristic combinations can be evaluated using ranking list functionality
(for example, the top N or top % or last N or last %, such as the top ten
customers with the highest sales). Key figures can be assigned value limit
conditions, such as all incoming order values above or at a specific value
limit. These analysis conditions can be defined globally in the query
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar choose
KG From the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name of the query (for example,
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
LG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> dialog box, choose Condition
MG On the Defining Conditions dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a suitable description (for example, Incoming
Orders Greater than 3,000,000).
{G Select a suitable radio button, either:
Other options available for operators
is equal to
is not equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
is between
is not between
Top Sum
Bottom Sum
single characteristics or combinations of characteristics
all characteristics in the drilldown independently
|G In Characteristic, select the desired characteristic checkbox for which you
need to define the condition (for example, Sold-to party).
}G Select the Show only selected entries checkbox (if you do not select this
checkbox, all the available characteristics display).
In the Display all values for which at least one of the following conditions applies
group box:
~G Go to the field beneath the Key figures column and use the dropdown to
select the desired key figure for applying the condition (for example
Incoming Order Value for October 1999).
Go to the field beneath the Operator column and use the dropdown to
select the the operator (for example, is greater than).
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
€G Go to the field beneath the Values column and enter a value for the
condition (for example 3,000,000).
G Choose Apply.
Repeat steps 4e–4h if required to select more key figures (in this example,
we also selected Incoming Order Values for December 1999 with the operator
is greater than, and a value of 3,000,000).
Choose OK.
Only the desired characteristic appears
in the Characteristic list.
Dropdown for the Key figures column
Dropdown for the
Operator column
NG On the Define query (XXXX) screen, to save the changes to the query that
incorporate the new condition, choose
In this procedure, you display the conditions in a workbook.
JG In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Description, enter the name of the desired workbook (for example, Sales
|G Choose Find.
The system displays the folder with the chosen workbook.
}G Select the workbook.
~G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The desired workbook appears.
Exceptions and conditions can be active
at the same time in a workbook.
LG To activate the exception in the workbook, right-click on the results area and
choose Conditions → <XXXXX> (for example, Incoming orders greater than
MG To deactivate the exception display in the workbook, right-click on the results
area and choose Conditions →<XXXXX> (for example, Incoming orders greater
than 3,000,000).
NG To have a logical analysis of the results, you need to view the results in one
currency. Right-click in the results area and choose Currency Translation →
Acc. target curr.
A hierarchy is a structured and grouped method of displaying characteristics
according to individual evaluation criteria.
Hierarchies are used in two main ways:
Structured display of characteristic values (tree display) in a presentation
Selecting a defined quantity of characteristic values as a selection of
hierarchy nodes.
SAP BW hierarchies are:
Created for basic characteristics (characteristics containing master data)
Stored in master data tables. Hierarchies are similar to master data, and
can therefore be used and modified in all InfoCubes.
Loaded from R/3 or a flat file. Hierarchies can be created and changed
manually in the SAP BW system.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
SAP BW hierarchy properties include:
Multiple hierarchies for a single characteristic
A maximum of 98 levels
A hierarchy consists of nodes. Nodes have the following properties:
A node can be assigned to a higher-level node.
There is exactly one top node (root).
All nodes on the same level of the hierarchy form a hierarchy level (nodes
that are the same distance away from the root).
Hierarchies can be created only for those characteristics that do not
reference other characteristics.
The Cost Element characteristic can be structured according to cost element
groups. For example, the highest hierarchy level consists of personnel costs,
material costs, and administration costs. Personnel costs would be divided
into the cost element groups:
Personnel overhead costs
The pay cost element group contains the cost elements:
Individual pay costs
Pay overhead costs
Other pay costs
Another typical example of a characteristic hierarchy is the grouping of the
characteristic Region into districts that are themselves subdivided into areas.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
There are two ways to get hierarchies in SAP BW:
Load characteristic hierarchies from a source system
The source system can be an R/3 OLTP system or an external system such
as a BAPI or file. To load a hierarchy from an external system, you first
must maintain the metadata for this hierarchy. A hierarchy can be loaded
directly from an R/3 System, including metadata.
Create characteristic hierarchies in SAP BW
If you work with aggregates when loading, creating, or changing
hierarchies, you must reconstruct the effected aggregates after the
changes. Please refer to the online documentation for more information
on this subject.
You can determine whether characteristics have hierarchies in InfoObject
maintenance. Other hierarchy properties (for example, the hierarchy versions,
time-dependent hierarchy structure) are also defined in the InfoObject
maintenance. For more information on this topic, see “Manual Addition of
Sales Organization Hierarchy Values” on page 404.
Characteristics can be attached as intervals under a hierarchy node. For
example, instead of attaching each individual customer from the East region
under the East node in a customer hierarchy, you can enter the customers as
Customers 100 to 200.
Intervals can be created for characteristic values for which no master data yet
exists, preventing the need to expand the hierarchy each time new master
data is added. For example, the Customer 100 to 1000 interval for the Customer
characteristic is created under the Customers in the East Region node. Master
data for this characteristic is available for the values 100 to 500. In the query,
only the values 100 to 500 are displayed in the customer hierarchy under the
Customers in the East Region node. Over a period of time, the East region’s
customer master grows and master data is created for the values 501 to 600.
As soon as transaction data has been loaded, the new customers can be
displayed automatically in the query, without having to expand the hierarchy
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
To use a hierarchy version, the relevant hierarchy characteristic must be
specified as hierarchy version dependent in the InfoObject characteristic
maintenance of the Administrator Workbench. Characteristic hierarchies can
be used in different hierarchy versions. A hierarchy can be made timedependent to compare data from different time periods and locations.
The hierarchical display of a characteristic takes place in steps.
1. A drilldown with the hierarchy nodes of the selected hierarchy appears.
2. To display the lower hierarchy levels, drill down by hierarchy.
3. Characteristic values not arranged in the hierarchy appear in the results
area in the Not assigned row.
4. If a characteristic with a hierarchy is sorted according to key and name,
the Not assigned node appears at the end of the hierarchy.
JG In BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG From the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
Queries option.
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name for the desired query (for
example, Z_0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Define query: <XXXXX> dialog box, right-click on the Sold–to party
dimension in the Rows directory and choose Properties.
MG In the Characteristic properties for characteristic <XXXXX> dialog box, in the
Display hierarchy area, choose
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
NG In the Select hierarchy dialog box:
zG Select the desired hierarchy (for example, Countries Actual).
{G In Name, use the dropdown to select the desired hierachy (for example,
|G Choose OK.
OG Back on the Characteristic properties for characteristic <XXXXX> screen, choose
Notice that the hierarchy is now active.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
PG On the Define the query <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG To save the changes to the query, choose
{G To transfer the query into a workbook, choose
QG In the workbook:
zG The workbook displays the results.
{G On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Save as new workbook.
The results show the Sold-to party in a
hierarchical display and the various
countries as nodes.
RG On the SAP BEx: Save in document store dialog box:
zG In Description, enter entering a suitable name for the workbook (for
example, Sales Analysis_Sold-to party).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Variables are parameters of a query that are set in the query definition and are
not filled with values (processed) until the query is inserted into a workbook.
They function as a store for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes,
texts, and formula elements. Variables can be processed in different ways.
Variables in the Business Information Warehouse are global variables,
meaning that they are defined in the variable maintenance and are then
available for the definition of all queries.
Variables make the flexible setting of queries (parameterization of the query)
possible. If you use variables in the query definition in the Business Explorer,
do not select any fixed characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes,
texts, or formula elements. Instead, set up variables as place holders. These
are filled with values only after the query has been inserted into a workbook.
One query definition can be used as the foundation for many different queries
if you use variables.
For example, you may want to create one query for all customer groups, but
each person of the group evaluates the data for only one customer group. In
the query definition, you set up a variable for the characteristic customer
group. Just before the query is inserted into the workbook, you decide for
which customer group(s) the query is executed.
Consider the situation of a group of
managers, each responsible for a
specific sales group. The entire group of
managers who manage sales groups
can define one query for use. The query
definition should include a variable for
the characteristic sales group. Before
the query is inserted into the workbook,
you decide for which sales group(s) the
query is executed.
The variable definition consists of basic data and detail statements. Basic
data consists of the variable type, describing texts, processing type, and
unique variable name. Detail statements include general definition data and,
depending on the selected combination of variable type and processing type,
replacement path data, formula data, or default value data.
Details of the variable definition are discussed in the following sections to
help you to create the variables.
You can create or maintain variables from the Maintain Variables screen.
To create a new variable, on the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen,
use the arrow in Type of variable field to select from the following variable
Characteristic values
Hierarchies and hierarchy nodes
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
A processing type must be established for each variable type. The processing
type identifies the method by which the variable is processed when the query
is inserted into the workbook.
On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, use the arrow in the
Processing by field to select from the following processing types:
User entry/default value
Replacement path
Customer exit
SAP Exit
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Depending on the variable type, select a valid corresponding processing type.
The following table provides an overview of possible variable type and
processing type combinations.
Variables for
Variable Type Å Variables for Variables
Characteristic for
Processing Type Ç Values
Hierarchies Nodes
for Text
User entry/default
Replacement path
Customer exit
SAP exit
The processing type User entry/default value is available for all variable types.
If a variable is processed with this processing type, you can enter the value
you want to use for the variable manually in the dialog box before you insert
the query into the workbook. When you create the variables, you determine
whether you enter a default value or not using the default value data.
k~z}’ˆ‹b‡‰ŽG If you want the processing type User entry/default values to
get processed automatically by the default value, select Ready for input. If you
want to enter a default value for the variable, enter a default value in Default
value and deselect Ready for input. When you deselect Ready for input, no dialog
box appears when you insert the query into a workbook, because the variable
is processed by the default value.
Depending upon the selected combination of the variable type and processing
type, the appropriate selections appear in the Details group box of New
Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. The option Ready for input results from
the selection of the processing types User entry/default value, Customer exit, and
SAP exit.
The processing type Replacement path is available for variables for
characteristic values, texts, and formulas. If a variable is processed using a
replacement path, then it is replaced automatically using the corresponding
characteristic value.
When creating the variables, maintain the replacement path data. You choose
whether it is replaced by the From or To value and by the Key or the Name of
the characteristic value. In addition, you can determine the Offset start and
Offset length for the output.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The processing type Replacement path takes place automatically, meaning
always without Ready for input when executing.
If it is necessary to process a variable in a different way than the processing
types User entry/default value, Replacement path, or SAP exit, then, using a
Customer exit, you have the option to set up a processing type for variables,
tailor-made to your special needs.
You can process all variable types (characteristic value variables, node
variables, hierarchy variables, formula variables, and text variables) using the
processing type Customer exit. In variable maintenance, select the processing
type Customer exit for the current variable.
The customer exit is a preconceived “enhancement container” that you can
configure with customer-specific logic.
You can create variables with this processing type in SAP systems only. This
means that customers cannot create variables of the type SAP exit. These
variables are a component of the delivered SAP BW Business Content. You
can find information on the SAP exit variables in “SAP-Delivered Variables”
on page 115.
The processing type Authorization can be used for variables for characteristic
values and hierarchy nodes.
Authorizations are maintained in the transaction RSMM. If there are several
hierarchy nodes, take the hierarchy node you want to use as the basis for the
authorization, and make it the default variable hierarchy node.
When you create a variable, if you choose Process with Authorization, the
variable is automatically filled with the values of the user’s authorization.
When the user opens a query, the data is automatically selected according to
the user’s authorizations.
When authorizations are automatically filled, variables do not have to be
ready for input, which means you do not necessarily get a dialog box when
you open the query. The user opens the query with the authorization variable
and can see only the data that corresponds to his or her authorizations.
This section describes the general working steps of variable maintenance for
creating new variables and copying, deleting, or changing existing variables.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
JG From the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
SAP menu → Business Explorer and double-click on
Maintain Variables.
KG On the Display View “Maintain Variables”: Overview screen:
zG On the application toolbar, choose
{G Choose New Entries.
LG On the New Entries dialog box:
Basic data consists of the Type of
variable, Variable name, Short
description, Long text, and Processing
mode. The variable name can be up to
eight characters long and must begin
with a letter.
zG Enter the basic data for the variables and confirm your entries.
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the expanded New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, in the Details
group box:
zG For Select parameters, use the arrow to select Selection option.
{G In Characteristic, choose
|G Select a characteristic from the Characteristic selection dialog box, and
}G Select the Ready for input checkbox, if not already selected.
~G For Entry required, use the arrow to select Optional variable entry.
The Details group box appears.
NG On the expanded New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, in the Default
value data group box:
zG For Sign, use the arrow to select either Select specific values or Exclude
specific values.
{G For Option, use the arrow to select a suitable option (for example, Equals
individual value).
|G In Default value and To default value, use the arrow to select default values
if you desire to limit the values.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
}G Choose
The Default value data group box
OG On the Define the query: <XXXXX> screen, you find the new variable (with
values) along with the characteristic for which it was created.
In this example, Sales Group has
the newly created variable.
To refresh the variables,
right-click on Variables in
the left frame of the
Define the Query dialog box and
select Refresh.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You can copy the existing variable to create a new variable.
JG From the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
SAP menu → Business Explorer and double-click on
Maintain Variables. An
overview of the existing variables appears.
KG On the Display View “Maintain variables”: Overview screen, choose
the menu bar, choose Table view → Display → Change).
(or from
LG On the Change View “Maintain variables”: Overview screen, choose
MG On the Change View “Maintain variables”: Details of Selected Set screen:
zG Change the basic data and detail statements of the target entry to create a
new variable as required.
{G Enter a new, unique variable name. The variable name can be up to eight
characters long and must begin with a letter.
|G Choose
You can modify an existing variable to change the basic data, descriptive text,
or processing type as required.
JG From the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
SAP menu → Business Explorer and double-click on
Maintain Variables.
An overview of the existing variables appears.
KG On the Display View: “Maintain variables”: Overview screen:
Changes to a variable
affect all existing queries
that use this variable.
zG Choose
on the application toolbar (or from the menu bar, choose Table
view → Display → Change).
LG On the Change View “Maintain variables”: Overview screen:
zG Select the entry you wish to change.
{G For a detailed view, choose
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
MG On the Change View “Maintain variables”: Details screen:
zG In the basic data of the variables, change the descriptive text and
processing type as required. Confirm the changes.
{G Change the detail statements as needed.
|G To save the changes, choose
You can delete an existing variable permanently if you do want it to display
in the variable list.
JG From the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
SAP menu → Business Explorer and double-click on
Maintain Variables.
An overview of the existing variables appears.
KG On the Display View “Maintain variables”: Overview screen, choose
the menu bar, choose Table view → Display → Change).
(or from
LG On the Change View “Maintain variables”: Overview screen
zG Select the variable.
{G Choose
|G Choose
Characteristic value variables function as a store for characteristic values.
Using variables for characteristic values gives you the option to use variables
in conjunction with the variables for characteristic value you are defining.
If you specify a variable as a characteristic value, you do not have to give the
text for a characteristic value immediately. Instead, the subsequent text is
automatically and dynamically filled, based upon the characteristic value you
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
specified for the variable when you executed the query. Dynamic and
automatic filling based up on a characteristic value can be accomplished by
defining a text variable with automatic replacement.
The system requires a variable for characteristic values if one or more
characteristic values is not entered as fixed in the query definition. A
characteristic value variable can be stored for a single value, an interval, or
selection options. The latter two options are available in the User entry/Default
Value processing type.
Details vary depending on the processing type. In Select Parameters use the
arrow to select whether the characteristic value variable should be processed
by a Single value, Selection option, or Interval.
Ready for input is recommended if Selection option is chosen as the
parameter selection for the characteristic value variable. Further selections
can be made when inserting the query into the workbook.
Select the desired values for Sign and Option.
Default value data can be entered with the User entry/default value
processing type.
Ready for input does not require a default value for the characteristic
value variable.
Select the Characteristic for which the variable should act as a placeholder.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Decide whether there should still be the option to modify the variable
when inserting the query into the workbook. Select Ready for input if the
variable should be ready for input when inserting the query into the
workbook. You can enter the desired value(s) or modify the default values
in a dialog box.
Variables for hierarchies and hierarchy nodes function as placeholders for the
hierarchy of a characteristic and for a node of a characteristic hierarchy,
Variables for hierarchies and hierarchy nodes are used in a similar way to
variables for characteristic values.
If the hierarchy of a characteristic or the restriction of a characteristic to a
hierarchy node is not fixed in the query definition, you need a variable for
hierarchies or for hierarchy nodes. Such a variable must be a placeholder for a
single value.
When defining variables for hierarchies and hierarchy nodes, note the
Details vary depending on the processing type.
The Parameter selection for a variable for hierarchies or hierarchy nodes is
the single value.
Select the Characteristic for which the variable should act as a placeholder.
Decide whether the variable should be modifiable when inserting the
query in the workbook. Select Ready for input if the variable should be
ready for input when inserting the query in the workbook. You can then
enter the required value(s) or the default value in a dialog box.
With the User entry/default value processing type, you can enter a single
value as default value for the hierarchy name (variable for hierarchies).
The default value for a variable for hierarchy nodes consists of the
hierarchy name and one of the nodes assigned to this hierarchy. If you
select Ready for input, then you do not have to enter a default value for the
characteristic value variable.
Variables for texts function as a store for characteristic values and can be
processed using all processing types.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
As a rule, use text variables in combination with variables for characteristic
values. If you use a characteristic value variable in a structure in the query
definition, we recommend you set up a text variable for the text. Select the
text variable for the characteristic with the characteristic value variable and
the processing type Replacement path.
You can use text variables in all text fields of the query definition (query
name, structure name, and structure element name).
If you want to use a text
variable for characteristic
values, then drag the
characteristic or the corresponding
characteristic value into a structure
A structure containing the Sales
key figure and the characteristics
variable current calendar month
(0CMONTH) could, for example,
have the following entry in the text
field: Sales for &0CMONTHT&.
If the text variable cannot be
replaced by characteristic values,
the technical name displays.
If processing by replacement path:
Determine the Characteristic for which the text variable should serve
as a store.
Choose whether the text variable should be replaced by the From or To
value, and the Key or Name of the characteristic value.
Using the Offset start and Offset length, you can establish the start and
length of the text output.
If processing using User entry/default value, SAP exit, or Customer exit:
Decide whether the text variable should be modifiable when inserting
the query. Select Ready for input if the variable should be ready for
input before the insertion of the query into the workbook. With the
processing type User entry/default value, can enter a default value for
the text.
Enter the desired Text length. The text length determines the number
of available characters with the insertion of the query into the
workbook, in order to enter text manually or to modify the suggested
If you choose Ready for input, you do not have to enter a default value
for the text variable.
You wish to create a text variable for the fiscal year. You select the key for the display and establish
the Offset start with value 2 and Offset length as 2. The fiscal year is four digits. The output of the
value begins on the third digit and shows two digits. Therefore, in the executed query, the text variable
for fiscal year 1997 is replaced by the value 97.
You can also use variables for texts. Enter the variables for texts directly into the entry field. You
must enter the variables with an ampersand (&) at the beginning and at the end of the entry, and
without blank spaces, for example: &HIERVAR&.
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Variables for texts are the query parameters set in the query definition and
not filled with values until the query is inserted into a workbook. The
variables for texts function as a store for the individual characteristic values
that are elements of a formula. Formula variables can be processed using all
processing types.
As a rule, use variables for formulas if a formula component (a number)
should be entered at the time of the query execution. For example, you can
use a formula variable for the value-added tax (sales tax) rate to process the
respective current tax rate when executing the query.
Enter the formula data dimension indicator, currency, and unit:
The dimension indicator (Dimension ID) determines whether a formula
variable is interpreted as a simple number, quantity, amount, price, or
quota. The default value for the dimension indicator is “simple number.”
Depending on the selected dimension indicator, determine a unit for the
quantity, a currency for an amount, and a currency and unit for a price.
If processing by replacement path:
Determine the Characteristic for which the formula variable should serve as
a store.
Choose whether the formula variable should be replaced by the From or To
value, and the Key or Name of the characteristic value.
Using Offset start and Offset length, you can establish the start and length of
the characteristic value output.
If processing using User entry/default value, SAP exit, or Customer exit, decide
whether the formula variable should be modifiable when inserting the query
into a workbook. Select the Ready for input, if the variable should be ready for
input when inserting the query into the workbook. With the processing type
User entry/default value, you have the option of entering a default value for the
formula value.
SAP delivers a series of variables for characteristic values and texts. Included
in the delivered variables are variables for time-dependent InfoObjects that
are processed through automatic replacement using a predefined
replacement path (processing type SAP Exit). For example, to define a query
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
that always displays the data from the current month, drag the delivered
variable for the Current month characteristic value (technical name
0CMONTH) into the query filter.
Before you can use delivered variables you must install SAP BW, SAP BW Standard Business
Content, and activate the delivered variables.
The installation of SAP BW Demo Content does not include the installation and activation of
delivered variables.
Technical Variable Name
Replace With
Current calendar day
Information from the system
Current calendar week
Information from the system
Current calendar month
Determines the current
calendar month from the
system date and replaces the
variable with this value.
Current quarter
Information from the system
Current calendar year
Information from the system
Current fiscal month
Information from the fiscal
year variant (function
Current fiscal year
Information from the fiscal
year variant (function
Current week day
Information based on the
factory calendar ID ‘01’
(function module:
Interval from the first day of
the current fiscal year
(depending on the fiscal year
variant) to the current day
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
Technical Variable Name
Current year to current fiscal
Current year to current day
Current year to current month
Current year to previous
Replace With
Technical Name
Same as the variable for characteristic value
to which it belongs
Monday to Sunday
January to December
Same as the variable for characteristic value
to which it belongs
Same as the variable for characteristic value
to which it belongs
Text settings from fiscal year variant
Same as the variable for characteristic value
to which it belongs
In SAP BW, authorizations can be conceptualized as various levels of security.
One set of possible levels of security is listed below in order of maintenance
User role (channels, activity groups)
InfoObjects – key figures
InfoObjects – characteristic values
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Authorizations can be given for the following components for the query
definition in the Business Explorer:
The entire query
Calculated key figures
Restricted key figures
An authorization object consists of a set of fields that collectively define a
specific authorization. An authorization object may be assigned to at most ten
fields. An object class classifies authorization objects.
SAP BW delivers a set of authorization objects including:
Administration Workbench objects (hierarchy, InfoCube, InfoSource
master data, InfoSource transaction data, master data)
Data transfer objects
Administrator Workbench scheduling objects
Administrator Workbench monitoring objects
BEx objects (components, global variables)
Data access objects
Your specific company requirements determine the reporting authorizations
needed. After you finalize the requirements, use reporting objects to
implement the authorizations.
Before setting up reporting authorizations, you must create authorization
objects and assign them to users. The system checks for proper authorizations
when a user executes a query.
Authorizations can be defined relevant to specific characteristic values, key
figures, and hierarchies.
To establish reporting authorizations create the:
Authorization object(s)
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
SAP Menu → Business Explorer →
Reporting Authorization Objects.
KG On the Business Information Warehouse Authorizations screen:
zG Under Authorization object, select Object.
{G Choose
LG On the Create Authorization Object dialog box:
zG In Authorization object, enter a technical name.
{G In Description, enter a description for the authorization object.
|G Choose
MG On the Maintain Authorization Fields screen:
zG Choose
Only those characteristics that have
previously been indicated as
authorization-relevant in the InfoObject
maintenance can be assigned to an
authorization object as fields.
{G The right frame shows all the InfoObjects indicated as authorizationrelevant.
|G To assign the InfoObject fields to the authorization object:
Select the characteristics for which an authorization check of the
selection conditions should be carried out.
Select the InfoObject key figure 1KYFNM if you want to restrict the
authorization to a single key figure.
Select the InfoObject 0TCTAUTHH if you want to check
authorizations for a hierarchy.
}G Choose
to save your entries.
~G Choose
to go back to the initial screen of the authorization
NG On the Business Information Warehouse Authorizations screen:
The Where-used list
shows a list of
InfoCubes that contain
the selected InfoObjects
affected by an authorization
zG Select Check for InfoCubes.
{G Choose
OG On the Switch On/Off InfoCube Check screen:
zG Select the InfoCubes you want subjected to an authorization check.
{G Deselect the InfoCubes you do not want to to subject to an authorization
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Authorizations are created and maintained in role maintenance.
You may access detailed help about
authorizations using www.help.sap.com
and looking under SAP Business
Information Warehouse.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
Create roles.
KG On the Role Maintenance screen:
zG In Role, enter the role you wish to change.
{G Choose
LG On the Change Roles screen:
zG Select the Authorizations tab.
{G At the bottom of the screen, choose
Expert mode for profile generation.
MG On the Define Maintenance Type dialog box:
zG Choose one of the following options:
Delete and re-create profile and authorizations
Edit old status
Read old status and merge with new data
{G Choose
NG On the Change role: Authorizations screen, choose
OG On the Manual selection of authorizations dialog box:
zG Enter the authorization objects you want to add.
{G Choose
PG On the Change role: Authorizations screen, choose
QG On the Generate profiles dialog box, choose Generate.
RG On the Change role: Authorizations screen:
zG Choose
{G Choose
JIG On the Exit Authorization Maintenance dialog box, choose
generate the profile.
JJG On the Generate profile dialog box, choose Generate.
JKG On the Change Roles screen, choose
Generate to
Chapter 3: Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer
The activities for the query definition are specified in the authorization object
S_RS_COMP (Business Explorer – components). The following chart provides a
reference for each authorization object field. Immediately below the object is a
list of the possible values for each object.
Component Type Component
REP: Entire
01 (create)
STR: Structure
02 (change)
CKF: Calculated
Key Figure
03 (display)
RKF: Restricted
Key Figure
06 (delete)
16 (execute)
32 (save)
By specifying an InfoArea or InfoCube, you can further restrict the
component types. By specifying a component name, you can specify the
authorization for individual components in more detail.
Components that begin with any number are delivered by SAP and cannot be
changed. Components that are within the customer name range must begin
with a letter of the alphabet.
For further guidelines for authorizations, see appendix C, “Authorizations
Guidelines” on page 427.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
mySAP.com is an open,
collaborative Internet solution.
The mySAP Workplace has
an open Enterprise Portal framework,
integrating legacy, web-based, and
third-party applications. With the
mySAP Workplace, SAP delivers
enterprise-portal software to its
customers that make e-business
software easier to learn, tailor and use.
It not only gives access to various
applications integrated into one portal,
but also enables single sign-on. Users
do not need to re-enter logon
information after they log on to
mySAP.com. To learn more about
mySAP.com, please visit the web site
The Business Explorer (BEx) Browser enables the management of workbooks
from BEx Analyzer, hyperlinks, programs, documents (from the Business
Document Service, or from local or network distribution), and transactions
from mySAP components. The mySAP Workplace, a web-based enterprise
portal, helps to organize business roles and functions. BEx Browser has
similar workplace functionality. One goal of the BEx Browser is to provide a
single point of access to the applications, information, and services needed by
any user. Depending on an employee’s role (such as developer, manager,
sales representative, or contractor), their respective tasks can be organized
into functions, which are integrated into the roles. Thus, employees with
different roles can access all of their tasks from one well-organized workplace.
In this chapter, you learn:
BEx Browser toolbar
Selecting and opening documents in BEx Browser
Log on to the BEx Browser
Selecting and opening the documents
Finding a folder or document
Document types in BEx Browser
Working with BEx Browser
Inserting new folders, documents, workbooks, Internet addresses,
SAP transactions, and services
Arranging documents
Changing the graphical display of folders
Role maintenance in SAP BW
Using standard roles supplied with the system
Modifying and using the standard role supplied with the system
Creating new user-defined roles
Displaying your company logo in BEx Browser
Exchanging and adding to the predefined folder symbols in the Business
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
The following sections explain the basics of using BEx Browser, showing you
how to navigate with the BEx Browser toolbar, log on, and find and open
folders or documents.
The table below shows the usage of the BEx Browser toolbar buttons.
Exit BEx Browser
Save changes
Refresh content of BEx Browser
Start BEx Analyzer without executing a workbook
Find objects in BEx Browser
Create a new folder
Delete selected objects from BEx Browser
Version number and patch level of SAP BW
SAP BW online help documentation
This section explains some of the most basic tasks in BEx Browser, including:
Logging on
Finding folders or document
Selecting and opening
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG To start BEx Browser, choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP
Business Explorer Browser.
KG On the SAP Logon screen:
zG Select your SAP BW system.
{G Choose OK.
LG On the SAP R/3 screen:
zG Enter the Client, User ID, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
The folders in the BEx Browser are arranged according to the roles of the user.
This section explains opening these folders.
JG After logging on to BEx Browser, observe that the folders in the right frame
are arranged according to the roles of the user. In addition to these folders,
you also find the Favorites folder.
zG In the navigation menu, expand one of the folders (for example, the role
Sales Manager).
The subfolders contained in this role appear below the folder.
{G Select a subfolder (for example, Quotation Processing). All the contents (for
example, the workbooks) of the folder appear in the right frame of the
BEx Browser.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
|G To open a workbook, right-click on the workbook (for example, Quotation
success rate per sales area) and choose Open.
The workbook opens in BEx Analyzer.
All the documents are collected together
into groups, represented by a graphic
symbol. In our example, the group is
named Quotation information and follow
up and the symbol is a sunflower graphic,
which appears in the background.
You can find a folder or document using the search function in BEx Browser.
JG On an open BEx Browser screen:
zG In the Find group box in the lower left frame, enter a partial or full name
of a folder or document (for example, Billing document).
{G Choose Find.
Find button
Show as list
Show as tree
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG The document appears in the lower left frame of the screen. The text of the
document and the path to this document are displayed under the As List tab.
zG To locate the document, choose the entry either in the Text or the Path
{G To view the object’s location within the folder tree, choose the As Tree tab.
The document is a workbook and it
appears in the right frame of the
browser and is also highlighted so
you can locate it easily.
The document types you can work with in the BEx Browser include:
SAP BW workbooks
Documents stored in the Business Document Service (BDS)
Links (references to the file system and shortcuts)
Links to Internet pages (URLs)
Transaction calls
The symbols of these document types are given below:
BW Workbook (from BEx Analyzer)
Document (from Business Document Service)
Link (Reference to file systems)
Internet address (Links to URLs)
SAP transaction
BW web report
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
You can determine the spatial (screen positioning) and graphical (colors and
symbols) presentation of all folders and their contents. You can add folders
and object to your Favorites list, and perform maintenance on them. These
favorites also appear in your user-specific menu.
You can insert folders and various types of documents in BEx Browser. The
documents can be inserted from the SAP BW server or from any external
sources. Examples of such documents are SAP BW workbooks, SAP
transactions, Microsoft Word documents, Internet addresses (URLs), and so
Copying Folders and
You can copy individual
documents or entire folders, along
with all their assigned documents,
to other roles or tasks in the
Favorites and Roles folders. To
copy, select the folder or document
in the right frame and, using dragand-drop, move it into the
navigation menu to the left. If
additional hierarchy levels exist,
the tree structure opens up
automatically to the position where
you drag the folder or object.
If it is impossible to copy a folder or
an object to a folder in the tree
structure, a message appears and
the symbol changes accordingly.
You may not be authorized to copy
an object to a particular folder.
Creating Links
You can create links (shortcuts) to
any file on your PC. You can also
store BEx Browser objects as links
on your Windows desktop (using
drag and drop).
JG On an open BEx Browser screen:
zG To create a new folder, select the role or Favorites folder (in this example,
the role of Sales Manager) from the navigation menu.
{G To create a new folder, right-click in the right frame and choose New →
|G Enter the folder name in place of New Folder (for example, Sales
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The newly named folder appears.
New folder
You can insert a workbook into one of your folders in the BEx Browser.
JG On an open BEx Browser screen:
zG Right-click in the right frame of the BEx Browser.
{G Choose New → Workbook.
KG On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
LG On the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G Select the desired query (for example, SAP demo → SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution: Overview → Geographical Sales Analysis).
|G Choose OK.
MG In the BEx Analyzer:
zG The query displays in the workbook (for example Geographical Sales
{G From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Save as new
NG On the SAP BEx: Save to Document Store dialog box:
zG Select the role folder in which you wish to save the workbook (for
example, Sales Manager → Analysis and comparisons → Incoming orders).
{G In Description, enter a description (for example, Geographical Sales
|G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
OG To view the new workbook in the BEx Browser:
zG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
{G Select the role folder in which you saved the workbook (for example, the
Incoming order folder of the Sales Manager’s role).
The workbook appears in the Incoming
orders folder
JG On an open BEx Browser screen:
zG Choose Favorites.
The right frame of BEx Browser displays the documents in the Favorites
{G Right-click in the right frame of the BEx Browser and choose New →
|G In place of New Folder, enter a name for the folder in which you wish to
put Internet address (for example, Important Internet Address).
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
}G Right-click directly underneath the newly created folder name, and
choose New → Internet Address.
KG In the Properties dialog box:
The Internet address does
not have to be initially
created under the folder.
You can right-click anywhere in the
right frame to create the Internet
address. To add it to an existing
folder, you can drag and drop the
URL onto the folder. The document
symbol changes colors to match
folder defaults.
zG In Description, enter a description of the URL.
{G In Internet Address, enter the URL.
|G Choose Ok.
Additionally, the Internet address
can be dragged and dropped from
your web browser.
You can also rename the link. To
rename, right-click on the link and
choose Rename. Enter the desired
LG The new hyperlink appears in the right frame in the folder you just created.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You can insert your frequently used SAP transactions into the BEx Browser
for quicker and easier access.
JG To insert an SAP transaction, right-click in the right frame and choose New →
SAP Transaction.
KG On the Properties dialog box:
zG In Descriptions, enter the description of the SAP transaction (for example,
Create Sales order).
{G In SAP Transactions, enter the transaction code (for example, VA01).
LG On the Properties window:
zG Choose the Details tab.
{G In Target system, enter the RFC number of the target system. You can get
this number from your system administrator.
|G Choose Ok.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
MG The transaction appears on the screen. To execute the transaction, doubleclick on the link.
New transaction
If you want to make this
document read-only,
select the Open as readonly checkbox at the bottom of the
dialog box.
JG To insert a document, right-click in the right frame and choose New →
Document (or New → Service).
KG In the Open dialog box:
zG In Look in, locate your server and document.
{G Select the filename.
|G Choose Open.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Properties dialog box:
You can manage any
number of files in the BEx
Browser. These files are
then stored in the Business
Document Service. After the
document is loaded into the SAP
BW system you can access it at
any time using the BEx Browser.
zG In Description, enter a description for the document.
{G Choose Ok.
You can change the existing folder symbol and color with the standard
symbols and colors available in the system.
JG On an open BEx Browser screen:
zG Right-click on a folder in the right frame (for example, Important internet
{G Choose Choose symbol and color.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
KG On the Selection of symbol and color dialog box:
You can replace the folder
symbols with companyspecific images or create
your own logos. These steps are
explained in the Advanced Track
on page 138.
zG Scroll down in the Folder symbol frame to review the available symbols.
{G Select a symbol by clicking on it.
|G To change the object color, select a color from the Color of objects frame.
}G Choose OK.
LG The folder symbol and color change.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Role maintenance provides the basis for administration of the roles and tasks
displayed in the BEx Browser. In role maintenance, you can create new roles,
assign users to these roles, and maintain authorizations. You can also create
links to transactions and the Internet (with URLs), and create new folders.
However, you can only maintain the spatial and graphical representation of
the folders and their contents in the BEx Browser.
Creation of roles is done in the SAP BW system using the role maintenance
transaction PFCG. These roles are then visible in the SAP Easy Access screen,
BEx Analyzer, and BEx Browser.
You can either:
Copy the standard roles supplied with the system (which contain the
standard folders with workbooks supplied as business content)
Copy and modify the roles to suit your needs
Create a new role if it is not available in the system
In this section, you learn how to copy and use the standard roles provided in
the system.
JG Log on to the SAP BW system.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
KG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
Create role (or in the Command field, enter transaction PFCG and choose Enter).
LG On the Role maintenance screen, in Role, choose
available in the system.
MG On the Role selection dialog box:
zG Select Single roles (if not already selected).
{G Choose
to select from the roles
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the Select roles screen:
zG Select the desired role (for example, Sales Manager).
{G Choose
OG On the Role maintenance screen, choose
PG On the Query dialog box:
zG In the to role field, enter the new name for the role you are copying (for
{G Choose
Copy all.
QG On the Role maintenance screen, choose
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
RG On the Change Roles screen:
User Comparison
By choosing the
Authorizations tab, you
can assign authorizations to a new
role or change the authorization
profile for an existing role. You will
be required to generate a new
profile. After generating a new
profile, a yellow icon appears on the
User tab and a red icon on the User
comparison button. You must
choose the User comparison
button to compare the user master
The Compare Role User Master
Record dialog box appears,
displaying status information for the
user master record, and general
information on the date and time of
the last user master comparison.
On this screen, you can choose
either the Complete comparison
button or the Expert mode for
comparison button. After the
system completes the comparison,
a green icon appears on the User
comparison button. The roles can
then be saved.
Validity dates automatically appear
and can be changed if required
zG Choose the Menu tab.
The system displays the Role menu.
{G Open the subfolders to display the subnodes.
|G Choose the User tab.
JIG To assign the role to an individual, on the User tab:
zG In the User ID column, enter the user ID (for example, MAJOR).
{G To create a new entry, choose
|G Choose
}G Choose
twice to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JJG When the user for whom the role was set up logs on to SAP BW, the user can
find the new role in his or her user menu.
If a user is unable to
see these new
functions, choose
Extras → Settings from the
menu bar and select the Show
first level checkbox.
JKG When the user logs on to BEx Browser, the new role appears in the navigation
New role
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
Let us consider that an employee has a role in the organization that uses the
functions of a standard SAP role (for example, Product Manager). But this
employee needs only some functions of the standard role. Therefore, you
copy the standard SAP role and modify it to suit the needs of the employee.
JG Log on to the SAP BW system.
KG On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
Create Role (or in the Command
field, enter transaction PFCG and choose Enter).
LG On the Role maintenance screen, in Role, choose
in the system.
to select the roles available
MG On the Role selection dialog box:
zG Select Single roles (if not already selected).
{G Choose
NG On the Select roles screen:
zG Select the desired role (for example, Product Manager).
{G Choose
OG On the Role maintenance screen, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
PG On the Query dialog box:
zG In the to role field, enter the new technical name of the target role (for
{G Choose
Copy All.
QG On the Role maintenance screen, choose
RG On the Change Roles screen:
zG In Description, change the description of the role (for example, to
Product General Manager).
{G Choose the Menu tab.
The Role menu contains two folders which can be modified to suit the
needs of the user.
|G If you need to delete one of the folders in the role menu, select the folder
and choose
}G If you need to create a folder, select the Role menu and choose
JIG On the Create a folder dialog box:
zG In Folder name, enter a name for the folder (for example, Quality).
{G Choose
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
JJG The new folder now appears under the Role menu.
JKG Choose the User tab.
When authorizations for a role are
created or changed, you need to
choose the User comparison button to
compare and adjust the user master
For more information on user
comparison, see “User Comparison” on
page 141.
zG Assign the user (for example, Tom Major) to this new role by entering the
user name in the User ID column.
{G Choose
JLG To return to the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
JMG When the user for whom the role was set up logs on to SAP BW, the user can
find the new role in his or her user menu.
JNG When the user logs on to BEx Browser, the new role appears in the navigation
You can create new roles to suit your business needs.
JG On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
Create role (or in the Command field,
enter transaction PFCG and choose Enter).
KG On the Role maintenance screen:
zG In Role, enter the technical name for the new role (for example,
{G Choose
Create role.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Create Roles screen:
zG In Description, enter a description for the new role (for example, Customer
Service Manager).
{G Choose
The screen title changes to Change Roles.
|G Choose the Menu tab.
The Role menu folder appears in the menu.
New role
To add a transaction or a report or any other tasks to the roles, use the following buttons provided on
the Menu tab:
In this example, we have not added any transactions to the Role menu.
MG Choose the User tab.
zG Under User name, enter the user name.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
{G Choose
When authorizations for a role are
created or changed, you need to
choose the User comparison button to
compare and adjust the user master
For more information on user
comparison, see “User Comparison” on
page 141.
NG The new role appears in the SAP Easy Access user menu, BEx Browser, and
BEx Analyzer.
You can replace the SAP standard logo with your company-specific logo. This
task should be performed by a system administrator because the replacement
of the logo affects all users on the server.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The standard logo appears in the upper-right corner of the white titlebar of
the BEx Browser.
Company logo
To change this logo:
The name of the SAP standard logo in
the system is wdbblogo.bmp.
JG Open Microsoft Windows Explorer.
zG Locate the file wdbblogo.bmp in the C:\Program Files\SAPpc\sapgui\
themes\bw\<SID> folder where <SID> is the system identification
Note that you are changing the company logo in the system with the
system identification number <SID> you selected (for example, the <SID>
is X62).
{G Change the existing file name of wdbblogo.bmp to wdbblogo1.bmp.
|G Copy your company logo (*.bmp format) to this folder and name it as
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
}G You may need to resize your company logo to the required size to fit in
place of the mySAP.com logo prior to this exercise.
KG From the Microsoft Windows taskbar, choose Start → Run.
LG In the Run dialog box:
zG Enter "C:\Program Files\SAPpc\Bw\wdbbapp.exe" /Upload
(Make sure a space was given between "C:\Program
Files\SAPpc\Bw\wdbbapp.exe” and /Upload. If not, you get an error
message that the file is not found).
{G Choose OK.
MG To select the SAP BW system from the available systems in your SAP logon,
double-click on the <SID> into which you placed the wdbblogo.bmp.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG In the SAP Logon at <your BW system> dialog box:
zG Enter the Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
OG On the SAP BW Browser dialog box, choose Yes to confirm the upload of
PG Another dialog box appears indicating that the upload is successful. Choose
QG Log on to BEx Browser by choosing Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP
Business Explorer Browser.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
RG The new logo appears in the upper-right corner of the white titlebar of the
BEx Browser.
New Logo
The folder symbols can also be replaced. First, there are some things you need
to know about creating the images for use in the BEx Browser.
Unselected Folder
Selected Folder
Unselected – Appears
as the “unselected” or
normal folder display,
when the mouse is not
positioned above it
Selected – (mouse
over). Appears as the
“selected” folder
display when the
mouse is positioned
over it
Appears in the upper
right corner of the
white title line of the
BEx Browser
File Path
emes\bw\<SID> where
<SID> is the system
identification number
emes\bw\<SID> where
<SID> is the system
identification number
emes\bw\<SID> where
<SID> is the system
identification number
File Name
Example Image
“xx” stands for a
“xx” stands for a
consecutive index from consecutive index from
00 to 31
00 to 31
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Unselected Folder
Selected Folder
No larger than 150 x
150 pixels
No larger than 150 x
150 pixels
Height = 27 pixels
Palette position: 253
Palette position: 253
Palette position: 253
RGB = 255,0,255
RGB = 255,0,255
RGB = 255,0,255
The width is adjusted
according to the size of
the window
The predefined folder symbols are downloaded during the first logon to the
local PC (Client). The folder symbols are stored under C:\program
files\sappc\sapgui\themes\bw\<SID>, where the <SID> is the system ID.
The method of uploading new folder symbols is similar to uploading a new
logo symbol, with some differences.
The folder symbols appear in the right frame of the BEx Browser, below the
titlebar and company logo.
Folder symbol
The folder symbol images are stored as the files wdbbfxxn.bmp and
wdbbfxxs.bmp (with the “xx” in the file name indicating an index number
from 00 to 31). The “n” image is the image displayed under normal
circumstances. The “s” image is the image displayed when the mouse is held
over the folder symbol.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
You can create your own folder symbols and use them in the BEx Browser.
If you wish to replace
the original folder
symbols, but would like
to keep a backup copy, move
the original symbols to another
JG Open Microsoft Windows Explorer in the folder C:\Program
Files\SAPpc\sapgui\themes\bw\<SID> (where <SID> is the system
identification number.)
Note that you are changing the folder symbols in the system with the system
identification number <SID> you selected.
KG Create your folder symbols in an image-editing program, and save them as
wddbfxxn.bmp and wddbfxxs.bmp.
LG On the Microsoft Windows taskbar, choose Start → Run.
MG In the Run dialog box, enter "C:\Program
Files\SAPpc\Bw\wdbbapp.exe" /Upload
Check to see if you entered a space between "C:\Program
Files\SAPpc\Bw\wdbbapp.exe” and /Upload. If not, you get an error message
that the file is not found).
NG To select the SAP BW system from the available systems in your SAP logon,
double-click on the <SID> into which you placed the new folder symbols.
OG On the SAP Logon at <your BW system> dialog box:
zG Enter the Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
PG On SAP BW Browser dialog box, choose Yes to confirm the upload of bitmaps.
QG Another dialog box appears indicating that the uploading was successful.
Choose OK.
You can now view the new folder symbols in BEx Browser.
JG Log on to BEx Browser from the Microsoft Windows taskbar by choosing
Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer Browser.
KG On the BEx Browser screen:
zG Right-click in the right frame and choose New → Folder.
{G In place of New Folder, enter a name for the folder.
|G Right-click on the default image for the folder you just created, and
choose Choose symbol and color.
LG On a dialog box with examples of the images, you should see your new folder
symbol in the window.
zG Select your image.
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 4: Business Explorer Browser
MG The BEx Browser screen shows your new image in the background.
New folder image
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
SAP BW Business Explorer (BEx) web reporting enables you to access SAP
BW data using a web browser, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator. Using a web browser interface allows for easy, intuitive
navigation and colorful display. Please note that no additional software is
needed for web reporting (for example, SAP GUI). SAP BW web reporting
uses only HTML with JavaScript and no Active X.
In this chapter, you learn:
Getting started with web reporting
Web reporting and web queries
What a web query looks like on a WAP device
Sequence flow of web reporting with SAP BW
Web reporting and the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP)
Data security
Fast Track
Business scenario
Displaying a web query
Navigation in web queries
Advanced Track
Web publishing: creating a web query with the Web Publisher
Additional enhancement techniques
SAP BW Business Explorer web reporting enables you to access SAP BW data
using a web browser, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator. Using a web browser interface allows for easy, intuitive
navigation and colorful display. Most computers already have a browser
In this chapter, you learn that web reporting is a primary method of retrieving
data from SAP BW (for example, most SAP BW users access data through
their web browser. You also learn how to publish queries to the web (also
called web-enabling), and how to call them up and work with them.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
The diagram below shows an SAP BW web query displayed in a web
In SAP BW, a query displayed in a web
browser is called a web query. The
term web query is used
interchangeably with the term web
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
This chapter provides you with an understanding of SAP BW’s web reporting
system architecture and shows you how to execute a web-enabled SAP BW
query. Additionally, the chapter discusses the navigational features used in
web reporting. Advanced readers can learn how to publish to the web SAP
BW queries created using the BEx Analyzer, and implement advanced
features such as variables, exception reporting, condition reporting, filters,
and formatting. Queries created in BEx Analyzer can be web-enabled using
the Web Publisher Wizard.
A web query consists of a SAP BW workbook containing, at minimum, one
query and one query view. The Web Publisher function creates web reporting
items for these views. Items, such as tables, charts, maps, or navigation
blocks, represent query results. A web query can contain multiple items.
When the user executes a web query, the ITS server calls the web query from
the SAP BW server, retrieving the appropriate data from the SAP BW
database for display. Below is a diagram showing the components used in
SAP BW web reporting.
The term information
cockpit is sometimes
used instead of
Enterprise Information Portal.
An Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) is an Internet or intranet gateway to
resources and services. An EIP provides a single starting point from which all
information and features can be presented, integrated, and secured. An EIP
combines unstructured content, structured reports, and collaboration
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
SAP BW web reports can be embedded in portals (for example, the mySAP
Workplace), the BEx Browser for web, or a web page. If you do not have a
preferred portal, the SAP BW BEx Browser is a great surrogate, delivered
standard with SAP BW, and allowing for access to SAP BW web queries.
SAP BW 2.0B and 2.1C contains more
than 150 SAP-delivered web queries.
Tips & Tricks
As data is retrieved from the SAP BW database, it moves from the SAP BW
server, is processed by the Internet Transaction Server (ITS), and then moves
through firewalls to the user’s web browser. Three types of security exist for
SAP BW web reporting:
SAP BW server data security – SAP BW system security is maintained
using SAP standard authorizations, providing a secure environment.
Users see only data that they are authorized to see.
ITS server – Maximum security for the ITS layer is achieved by placing the
Application Gate (AGate) and the Web Server (WGate) software on
separate servers. Minimum security requirements can combine the AGate
and WGate on the same system.
HTTPS protocol security – HTTPS is an industry standard and is
commonly used to transfer encrypted credit card information across the
Internet. Without HTTPS encryption, the data is vulnerable to being read
by unauthorized persons.
The left-click function of interactive charts requires Java scripting, supported by Microsoft
Internet Explorer release 4.0 or higher, or Netscape Navigator release 4.6 or higher. If your web
browser does not support Java scripting, interactive charts still work, but do not have left-click
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
You only see data you are authorized to
see. Your system administrator
configures those permissions based on
your job responsibilities and your
company’s data security policies.
This section covers execution and navigation of SAP BW web queries.
Business Explorer (BEx) web reporting is the primary tool for SAP BW users
because it requires minimal training and is easy to access. BEx Analyzer is an
alternate tool, displaying SAP BW information using a Microsoft Excel addon. For more information about the BEx Analyzer, see the chapter BEx
You need to have a web browser installed, such as Microsoft Internet
Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Your PC must at least meet the minimum
requirements of the web browser.
Your PC must be connected to the intranet or Internet through your
company’s network system.
A sales manager at Advantage, Inc., needs quick and easy access to sales information. This sales
manager is often away from the home office and needs to be able to call up BEx Web queries from
other locations. This sales manager also needs the queries presented in a clear, concise format.
Below is an example of a typical SAP BW web query showing several
navigation features. For more information on navigational features, see
“Navigation of Web Queries” on page 169.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
You can launch a SAP BW web query using multiple methods, depending on
your company’s requirements. You can launch through:
The mySAP.com Workplace portal. The SAP BW web query displays as a
MiniApp or URL.
BEx Browser Web. Launch BEx Browser and choose the desired web
query. For more information, see chapter 4, “Business Explorer Browser”
on page 123.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Web page or cockpit. The SAP BW web report can be embedded in any
web page as a URL, and can be accessed by clicking on the URL.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
Navigation is intuitive in an SAP BW web query. We provide a quick
reference below. Query definition can influence what functions are available.
Open object/expand hierarchy
Close object/collapse hierarchy
Drill down in the rows
Drill down in the columns
Remove drilldown
Select filter value
Activate/deactivate exceptions or conditions
Remove filter
When you left-click on a web query, you can display different menu options,
depending on whether you click on a characteristic or a key figure.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In BEx Web, you must
left-click to access
context menus, whereas
in BEx Analyzer, you right-click to
access context menus.
You can access this menu by left-clicking on any characteristic name in the
Navigation Block area.
The context menus are dynamic in nature and offer different options
depending on the drilldown state of the characteristic selected. The following
screenshot is an example of a context menu for cells in the filter area and the
table defines the options.
Menu Item
Select filter value Select filter value allows you to choose a characteristic value from which
the query returns only data filtered with the selected values.
For example, relative to the Sold-to party characteristic, choosing the
value 1000 results in the query returning only data for Sold-to party
Expand places the InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in either a row
(vertical) or column (horizontal) header position. Selecting Expand →
Vertical places the InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in the row
header position. Selecting Expand → Horizontal places the InfoObject
(characteristic or key figure) in the column header position. Switching
between Vertical and Horizontal pivots between rows and column
To switch the roles of two characteristics or two structures or a
characteristic and structure, select Swap <characteristic or Structure>
with. Characteristics can be swapped from the row and column axes of
the results area (sometimes referred to as distribution of the
characteristics and key figures, and structures in the row and column
axes of the query).
Remove drilldown enables you to effectively reverse a previous drilldown
Sort enables you to order the results in ascending or descending order,
according to name or key.
You can access this menu by left-clicking on any characteristic name in the
row header or column header cells in the results area.
The context menus are dynamic in nature and offer different options
depending on the:
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
Drilldown and filter state of the characteristic selected.
Specific characteristic already in navigation, or your choice to exchange or
swap a structure.
Sort based upon the specific characteristic already in navigation, or your
choice of another characteristic to sort ascending or descending.
The following screenshot shows an example of a context menu for a results
area row or column header cell, and the table below defines the options.
Menu Item
Keep as filter value
Select Keep as filter value to fix a selected characteristic to a
characteristic value or a hierarchy node. After refreshing, only the
data referring to the fixed characteristic value displays (also referred
to as filtering of a characteristic to a characteristic value or a
hierarchy node).
Select Filter Value
Using Select Filter Value allows you to select characteristics to keep
or remove from the results area.
Filter and Drilldown
according to
To fix (filter) a characteristic to a value, select Filter and drilldown
according to. This function also allows you to drilldown according to
another characteristic on the same row or column axis (sometimes
referred to as filtering of a characteristic and drilldown according to
another characteristic).
Expand places the InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in either a
row (vertical) or column (horizontal) header position. Selecting
Expand → Vertical places the InfoObject (characteristic or key
figure) in the row header position. Selecting Expand → Horizontal
places the InfoObject (characteristic or key figure) in the column
header position. Switching between Vertical and Horizontal pivots
between rows and column headers.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Menu Item
Swap <characteristic To switch the roles of two characteristics or two structures or a
or structure> with
characteristic and structure, select Swap <characteristic or
Structure> with. Characteristics can be swapped from the row and
column axes of the results area (sometimes referred to as distribution
of the characteristics and key figures, and structures in the row and
column axes of the query).
Sort enables you to order the results in ascending or descending
Calculate specifies the method of result computation.
Results as choices include:
n Nothing
n Summation
n Maximum
n Minimum
n Counting all values
n Counting all values <> 0
n Average of all values
n Average of all values <> 0
n Standard deviation
n Variance
n Suppress result
n First value
n Last value
Single value as choices include:
Normalization of result
Normalization of total result
Normalization of query total
Ranked list
Ranked list (olympic)
Cumulated keeps a running total for a drilled-down characteristic.
In order to cumulate number values for a drilled-down characteristic,
select the function Calculate → Cumulate. Select Cumulated output
from if the view should contain the individual characteristic values
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
You can navigate the web query with the help of the icons discussed in the
above table.
JG The initial view of the web query appears below.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG In the Navigation Block, remove the drilldown on the sales organization by
next to it.
The overall result without the sales
organization appears. The graph
displays according to the new results.
LG To drill down on Distribution channel, choose
The query is formatted according to the
available distribution channels.
next to Distribution channel.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
MG To view the performance of the countries in each of these distribution
channels, choose
next to Country.
After choosing
, the icon changes
This screenshot displays only part of the
query result. You need to scroll across to
view all of the key figure values.
NG To view the values for a particular sales organization:
zG In the Sales Organization field, use the dropdown to select the sales
organization (for example, Hamburg).
{G The screen automatically refreshes to display the values for the sales
organization (for example, Hamburg).
Dropdown menu
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In this section, you learn the fundamentals of web reports, including:
The advantages of web queries
Web browsers and design tools
Designing and creating a BEx Analyzer query for web presentation
Web-enabling the query (with and without the wizard) using all available
data formats, such as:
Conditions lists
List of exceptions
Generic navigation block
Alert Monitor
Text element
Selection list
Radio button group
Creating interactive charts, adding a custom image or logo, and adding a
custom style sheet
Using variables and authorizations on the web
Utilizing the web for presentation has advantages. No additional components
are needed locally on the PC. A web browser is the only required component.
Another advantage is the increased ease of use, as the web becomes a more
familiar environment.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
If you utilize a web presentation, queries can be viewed by using a web
browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator over the
Internet or your company’s intranet. Using a web presentation does not rule
out using the BEx Analyzer. Both methods can be used simultaneously.
A variety of web design and authoring tools exist, ranging from basic utilities
such as Microsoft NotePad to full-featured packages such as Microsoft
FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. You can follow the steps in this
section regardless of your chosen design tool. The emphasis is on the SAPspecific details.
Think about a few simple design considerations pertaining to the
presentation layout of the data:
Page balance – This approach influences the number of items on a page,
balance of used to unused space, and HTML frame and table functions.
Page scrolling – Ideally, the number of items on a page will not require the
user to scroll the page to view content. When a query is published, the
number of lines per page can be set. In the event that this results in multiple
pages, page number hyperlinks provide the end user with jumps to other
result pages.
Page style – Plan for an attractive use of color, formatting, and placement.
SAP provides a cascading style sheet (CSS), but you can also create your
Page access – Decide how users need to access your web report.
Advantage’s sales manager in Germany wants to post a list of sales statistics for each of the sales
organizations to their company web site. This posting would allow their salespeople and sales
management to quickly see the current month’s sales figures (such as the value of incoming orders,
billings, returns, and credits.) The four sales organizations in Germany include Berlin, Frankfurt,
Hamburg, and Munich.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
To start web-enabling queries, a query must be created in BEx Analyzer. Web
query data comes from the SAP BW database residing on the SAP BW system.
An SAP BW query can be web-enabled by:
Wizard or Web
Publisher? Both the
wizard and the Web
Publisher can web-enable queries
created in Business Explorer
(BEx) Analyzer. We recommend
using the wizard
to create
new HTML template pages, and
the Web Publisher to change
HTML template pages, add
custom images/logos, or add
interactive charts to them. Both
methods allow you to customize
the HTML source code.
Launching the query in web browser
Using the SAP BW Web Publisher wizard
Using the Web Publisher without the wizard
Launching the query in the web browser automatically publishes the query
using the default web template defined in the SAP BW IMG. If you want the
system to create the web template, use the Web Publisher wizard. If you are
experienced with HTML coding, you can use the Web Publisher without the
Regardless of the chosen publishing method, start with a Microsoft Excel
workbook containing a query view. The web query results should fit on a
screen with an attractive use of color, formatting, and placement. For more
details about creating new workbooks and query views, see chapter 3,
“Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer” on page 19.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
In the following procedures, you create a query view and a workbook
corresponding to a business scenario. Using the wizard, you create a simple
web-enabled query, containing a generic navigation block, a table, and a
Next, you use the Web Publisher to web-enable the query, adding your
company’s logo. The final task covers adding other data formats (a conditions
list, list of exceptions, map, alert monitor, filter, and text items), and an
interactive chart.
To use web reporting and publish reports using a web browser, you must:
Ensure proper installation of the ITS. For more information, see
appendix D, “Internet Transaction Server (ITS) Prerequisites” on page 431.
Ensure a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator is installed.
Verify your installation of BEx Analyzer. For more information, see
chapter 2, “Getting Started with SAP Business Information Warehouse” on
page 11.
Have an HTML editor or authoring software installed (such as
Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, WordPad, or Notepad).
One or more of these editors may already be installed on your PC.
Format your workbooks before publishing to the web.
The examples in this chapter use the formatted workbook BWRE Order and
Sales Workbook. If you intend to follow along in the Demo Cube, you may need
to format the workbook according to the following steps before continuing
with the chapter.
JG To start BEx Analyzer:
zG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer
{G Choose Enable Macros.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
LG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
MG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter your Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
NG In the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG On the left frame, choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name 0D_SD_C03_Q009.
|G Choose Find.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
OG The Description frame shows the results of the find feature:
zG In the Description frame, select the
Order and sales values query.
{G Choose OK.
PG In the 0D_SD_C03_Q009: Order and sales values dialog box:
zG To select the sales organizations, choose choose
to right of Sales
{G On the Multiple Selection for Sales Organization dialog box, enter the values
1512 (Frankfurt), 1514 (Berlin), 1516 (Munich), and 1518 (Hamburg),
and choose
|G In Calendar year/month, enter the date range 01.1999 in both fields.
}G Leave all other selection fields blank.
~G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG Microsoft Excel displays the query data.
RG Format the workbook as follows:
zG Right-click on the characteristic Sold-to party and choose Remove drilldown.
{G Right-click on the characteristic Country and choose Remove drilldown.
|G Right-click on the characteristic Cal.Year/Month and choose Drill-down →
}G To display the description for the Cal.Year/Month, right-click on this
column and choose Cal.Year/Month → Display as → Description.
~G Right-click on the characteristic Sales organization, and choose Drill-down
→ Down.
Right-click on the characteristic Country and choose Drill-down → Down.
€G The workbook should appear like the screen below.
JIG To translate the display to U.S. dollars (USD) currency, right-click in the
results area in the lower half of the Microsoft Excel screen and choose
Currency translation → Acc. Target currency.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JJG In the Currency translation dialog box:
zG In Tar. curr., enter USD.
{G In Translation key, enter DEMO001.
|G Choose
JKG To save the workbook as a new workbook, from the SAP Business Explorer
toolbar, choose
→ Save as new workbook.
JLG In the SAP BEx: Save to document store dialog box:
zG Select a folder to which you need to save this workbook.
{G In Description, enter the BWRME Order and Sales Workbook.
|G Choose OK.
In this procedure, you open a workbook and publish it to the web by
launching the query in a web browser.
JG To start BEx Analyzer:
zG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer
{G Choose Enable Macros.
KG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
LG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
MG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter your Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G Select the desired workbook (for example, BWRME Order and Sales
|G Choose OK.
The workbook appears.
OG To publish the query to the web, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
→ Launch query in Web Browser.
The web query displays in the web browser.
PG To save the workbook as a new workbook, from the SAP Business Explorer
toolbar, choose
→ Save as new workbook.
QG In the SAP BEx: Save to document store dialog box:
zG Select a folder to which you need to save this workbook.
{G In Description, enter the desired description (for example, BWRME Order
and Sales Workbook).
|G Choose OK.
The Web Publisher is an easy-to-use tool with which you can create web
queries with or without a wizard. The following sections discuss the features
of the Web Publisher, how to create a workbook view, and how to publish a
view to the web using the wizard. The Advanced Track discusses the
publishing of views without a wizard. In the Advanced Track, see
“Publishing Web Queries Without the Wizard” on page 203.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
The Web Publisher icons allows you to:
Create a new file
Check out a page
Check in a page
Publish on ITS
Display web template in the browser
Copy an HTML tag
Use the wizard
The Web Publisher toolbar appears as below:
To publish web queries with the wizard, first establish a workbook view and
then use the wizard.
JG To start BEx Analyzer:
zG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer
{G Choose Enable Macros.
KG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
LG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
MG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter your Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G Select the desired workbook (for example, BWRME Order and Sales
|G Choose OK.
OG To save and publish the workbook, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
→ Save the View and Publish.
When you save a view you must follow
the system rules for naming. Use only
a–z, A–Z, 0–9, underscores (_), and
spaces for view names. Also, your
company may have naming standards
to further define view names.
PG In the SAP BEx: Save Query View dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a description of the new view (for example, German
Sales Orgs this Month).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
QG In the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates dialog box, choose
Wizard from the Web Publisher toolbar.
It is easier to web-enable a query using
the wizard since it requires no HTML
coding and leads you through the steps.
We create a simple web report that fits
our business scenario using the generic
navigation block, table, and chart items
using the Web Publisher wizard.
RG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates dialog box, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JIG On the Settings dialog box:
zG Choose the Path tab.
{G In Path for HTML browser, enter the path to your web browser program
|G In Path to the web templates you want to edit, enter the path to the web
}G In Path for HTML editor, enter the path to your editor program file.
~G In Path for the style sheet for the HTML page, enter the location of your style
To save the settings in your Windows registry, select the Save settings in
the registry checkbox.
€G Choose OK.
JJG Choose the ITS settings tab.
zG Under Template folder, select BW server.
Settings: Selecting the
SAP BW Server Versus
the ITS Server
Under Template folder, select
ITS server when creating
interactive charts. Otherwise,
select SAP BW server. The
default setting is SAP BW server.
The default ITS settings are
maintained in table
TWPURLSVR by the system
administrator within the SAP BW
{G In the ITS settings group box, choose Default ITS for the BW system.
|G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JKG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 0 screen, choose
JLG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 1 screen:
zG Select Create a new Web template for BW Web Reporting.
{G In the field beneath the radio button, enter the new web template’s name
(for example, GermanSalesOrgs).
|G Choose Next.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JMG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 2 screen:
zG In the Select a view pane, select the desired view (for example, German Sales
Orgs this Month).
{G Choose Next.
JNG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 3 screen:
zG Select Create a new item.
{G Choose Next.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JOG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 4 screen:
zG Under Item type, select the desired item type (for example, a Generic
navigation block, which enables navigation within the web query).
{G In Item, enter a description for the item you wish to create (for example,
|G Choose Next.
JPG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 6 screen:
zG Under Attribute, select the appropriate attribute to associate with the item
type selected on the prior screen (for example, Title).
{G Double-click on the attribute to change its properties.
Only the attributes associated with the
item type chosen on the previous
screen appear.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JQG In the Edit value dialog box:
zG In Value, enter a value for the attribute (for example, Navigation
{G Choose OK.
JRG Back on the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 6 screen:
zG If you need to change other attributes, double-click on the desired
attribute and follow steps 17a–b.
{G Choose Next.
KIG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 7 screen:
zG Select an option according to your needs:
If you are following along in the Demo
Cube, you also need set up the
following items for the same view:
If you wish to set up additional items for the same view, select
Additional item for the same view and repeat steps 15–20.
If you need to set up a chart, select Additional item for the same view and
continue with steps 21–29.
Item type Table and attribute Title
Item type Selection list and
attribute Characteristic
If you are ready to publish to the web, select Publish items and skip to
step 30.
Item type Chart and attribute Title
(see steps 21–29).
{G After making your selection, choose Next and go to the appropriate steps
as mentioned above.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
KJG To create a chart, on the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 3
zG Select Create a new item.
{G Choose Next.
KKG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 4 screen:
zG Under Item type, select Chart.
{G In Item, enter a description for the item (for example, Chart).
|G Choose Next.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KLG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 5 screen, in the
image display frame, right-click on the chart and choose Chart options.
KMG On the Chart Options dialog box:
zG Choose the Title tab.
{G In Title, enter the name of the chart (for example, German Sales Orgs
this Month).
|G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
KNG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 5 screen, in the
image display frame, right-click on the chart and choose Chart Type.
KOG On the Chart Type dialog box:
zG Select a chart type (for example, Columns).
{G Select a chart subtype (for example, a two-dimensional chart style).
|G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KPG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 5 screen:
zG To change the size of the chart in the web browser, change the width and
height in pixels (for example, width 700 and height 300).
{G Choose Next.
KQG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 6 screen:
zG Under Attribute, make sure Title is selected.
{G Choose Next.
If you are following along in the Demo
Cube, you also need set up the
following items for the same view:
Item type Table and attribute Title
Item type Selection list and
attribute Characteristic
Item type Chart and attribute Title
(see steps 21–29).
KRG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 7 screen:
zG Select an option according to your needs:
If you wish to set up additional items for the same view, select
Additional item for the same view and repeat steps 15–20.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
If you are ready to publish to the web, select Publish items and
continue with step 30.
{G After making your selection, choose Next and go to the appropriate steps
as mentioned above.
LIG If you chose Publish items, the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates:
Step 8 dialog box appears:
The sequence of items in
the right frame
determines the
sequence in which items are
displayed in the web browser.
zG New items appear in the right frame of the dialog box.
{G You can change the order by selecting the desired item and choosing
to move it to the desired location in the list.
|G Choose Next.
New items
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LJG To test your new web query, on the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server
Templates: STEP 10 screen, choose Browse.
If you choose Browse, your new web
query displays in the web browser.
Choosing Finish, as in step 34, saves
this template to your server.
LKG In your browser, enter your Login and Password, and choose Logon.
If you do not see the
Please Logon to the
SAP System screen,
contact your system
administrator. The system
administrator may need to refer to
appendix D, “Internet Transaction
Server (ITS) Prerequisites” on
page 431.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
LLG The web browser displays the new web query.
You can also drag the
URL from the BW Web
Publisher Wizard BW
Server Templates: Step 10
dialog box to the Address line of
the web browser of your choice.
Your new web query displays
using the web browser.
LMG To save your query, choose Finish.
Depending on your company’s
deployment strategy, SAP BW web
query users can access SAP BW web
queries from:
BEx Browser Web
mySAP Workplace
Any company web site
To place your web query for user access
from the BEx Browser or the mySAP
Workplace, save them by selecting
Save as URL or Save as MiniApp.
Subsequently, the role must be
uploaded into a mySAP Workplace
system to make the web query visible
as a URL or MiniApp. To distribute your
web query to any web page or cockpit,
you must drag and drop the the web
query to the desired web page or
LNG On the BW Web Publisher Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 10 dialog box,
decide how to distribute your web query for user access. Choose either:
Save as URL
Save as MiniApp
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In this example, we chose Save as URL.
LOG In the captionSave dialog box:
zG Select a role through which to assign the web query (for example, BW
Reporting Made Easy).
{G In Description, enter a name for the web query (for example, German
Sales Orgs this Month).
|G Choose OK.
LPG In your web browser, enter the URL (replacing the information in angle
brackets < > with your appropriate settings):
Save the URL for BEx
Browser Web as a
favorite in your web
http://<yourITS system>:<your ITS port>/scripts/wgate/webrfc
The value entered above in place of <yourITS system> must be the same as that entered in the SAP
BW system table TWPURLSVR. Your system administrator maintains this value by using the SAP
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
LQG On the ITS System Information logon screen:
zG Enter your Login and Password.
{G Choose Logon.
LRG Your web query appears in the web browser. For more information about
web query navigation, see “Navigation in Web Queries” on page 165.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MIG To view the web query on a mySAP Workplace system:
zG Have the system administrator upload the role to the Workplace system.
The system administrator must perform this task.
{G Log on to your mySAP Workplace system with a user ID assigned to the
|G From the mySAP Workplace launchpad, execute the web query.
To upload a role to the mySAP Workplace system, a system administrator
usually performs the following procedure.
JG Log on to the SAP BW system.
KG In the Command field, enter transaction PFCG and choose Enter.
On the Role Maintenance screen, from the menu bar, choose Role → Read from
other system by RFC.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
MG On the Select target system dialog box:
zG Select the line Select RFC destination.
{G To continue, choose
NG On the Target systems dialog box:
zG Select the desired system for importing the roles (for example, DMB).
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
OG On the Select roles (no composite roles) dialog box:
zG Select the role ZBWRME_ROLE.
{G To continue, choose
List of roles
PG On the List of roles to be imported dialog box, choose
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
QG On the Role Maintenance screen, to assign a person to the imported role,
RG On the Change Roles screen:
zG Choose the User tab.
{G Under User ID, enter the name of the user (for example, Major).
|G Choose
}G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JIG When the user logs on to SAP BW, the SAP Easy Access - User menu for <User’s
Name> screen shows the user menu with the imported role.
Imported role
JJG When the user logs on to mySAP Workplace, the browser displays the role
and its associated web queries.
Role and web queries
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
If you are comfortable with HTML coding, the Web Publisher is a useful tool.
In this section, you learn how to web-enable a query to:
Replace the SAP-delivered cascading style sheet (CSS) with a custom style
Use the table item
Add a logo or custom image
Create an interactive chart
Additionally, this section discusses:
Adding a map
Use of variables
Use of authorizations
Anatomy of a URL
Web reporting with mobile devices
For more information about web publishing, see the SAP white paper Web
Reporting with ITS Server Templates. This white paper can be found on the SAP
Service Marketplace for Business Information Warehouse (BW) at
In this procedure, you first create a workbook and save the query view. Then
you proceed to publish the query to the web using the Web Publisher.
JG To start BEx Analyzer:
zG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer
{G Choose Enable Macros.
KG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
LG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter your Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
NG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G Select the desired workbook (for example, BWRME Order and Sales
|G Choose OK.
OG On the BWRME Sales and Order Workbook screen, from the SAP Business
Explorer Toolbar, choose
→ Save the View and Publish.
PG On the SAP BEx Save Query View screen:
zG In Description, enter the name of the new view (for example, German
Sales Orgs this Month_2).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
QG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box:
zG In the Views frame, select the new view (for example, German Sales Orgs
this Month_2).
{G From the menu bar, choose Options → Path and ITS Settings.
RG On the Settings dialog box:
zG Choose the Path tab.
Cascading style
sheets are commonly
referred to as CSS files
and style sheets.
{G In Path for HTML browser, enter the path to your web browser program
|G In Path to the web templates you want to edit, enter the path to the web
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
}G In Path for HTML editor, enter the path to your editor program file.
~G In Path for the style sheet for the HTML page, enter the location of your style
To save the settings in your Microsoft Windows registry, select the Save
settings in the registry checkbox.
€G Choose OK.
JIG On the ITS settings tab:
zG Under Template folder, select BW server.
Custom Cascading
Style Sheet
There are two steps to
replace the SAP-delivered CSS
file with your own. First, your
system administrator must place
the new *.css file on the ITS
system in the following directory:
e.css. Second, the file must be
referred to in the Web Publisher
settings: Options → Path and
ITS Settings. Your company may
have its own standard style
Furthermore, multiple style sheets
can be used by adding those
commands to the web template
using an HTML editor.
{G Under ITS settings, select Default ITS for the BW system.
|G Choose OK.
JJG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, choose
New item.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JKG On the Select item type dialog box:
zG Select an item type (for example, Table).
{G Choose Choose.
JLG In the New item dialog box:
zG In Item ID, enter a name for the item (for example, Publisher Table).
{G Choose OK.
JMG To change the Title attribute:
zG In the Properties of current item frame, select Title.
{G Choose Change attribute at the bottom of the screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JNG In the Edit value dialog box:
zG In Value, enter a title (for example, German Sales Orgs this Month).
{G Choose OK.
The title in the Web Publisher now changes to the title you entered above.
JOG From the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates toolbar, choose
New file.
JPG On the New Web template dialog box:
zG Enter a description (for example, Publisher Table).
{G Choose OK.
Your default HTML
editor can be set on the
Settings dialog box, on
the Path tab.
JQG An instance of your HTML editor (for example, in Notepad) has been created
with the filename PUBLISHER TABLE. It contains the basic structure of the
ITS web template.
JRG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates toolbar, choose the HTML tag
icon. This action copies the HTML code for the web template created above
(for example, Publisher Table) to your clipboard.
KIG To save the the changes, on the Save item dialog box, choose Yes.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
KJG On the Publishing dialog box, choose OK.
KKG To insert the HTML code for the item, Publisher Table:
zG On your HTML editor screen, position the cursor after the line <!--place
the HTML tags from the Web publisher here-->.
{G Choose Edit → Paste to paste the HTML coding from the clipboard.
|G To insert your company logo, add an IMG tag within the <body>.
}G To save your web template, choose File → Save as.
The completed web template appears similar to the following screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KLG To check your web template into SAP BW, choose
Publisher toolbar.
on the BW Web
KMG In the Open dialog box:
zG Select the new HTML file (for example, Publisher Table.html).
{G Choose Open.
If you need to display
input variables, select
the checkbox Display
variables on the Web.
While displaying the input
variables, if you desire to clear the
default variables, select Reset
Select the checkbox if you need to
display input variables.
KNG In the Choose Web template dialog box:
zG Select the new web template (for example, PUBLISHER TABLE).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
KOG To display the new web template, choose
on the application toolbar.
KPG In the Choose Web template dialog box:
Choosing an Image
When selecting an
image for your web
reports, consider the file size
in conjunction with report’s
appearance from the user’s
point-of-view. The image size
affects loading time.
zG Select the web template (in this example, German Sales Orgs).
{G Choose OK.
KQG Your new web query appears in the browser.
Tips & Tricks
Keep in mind that web reports (items, web templates, and views) are attached to the
workbook and stored either on the SAP BW system’s Business Document Store (BDS) or
on the ITS system. This storage is determined by the ITS Settings made in the Web
Publisher using the menu path Options → Path and ITS Settings.
Some of the item types (map, variables, exceptions, or conditions) have prerequisite
configuration work that must be performed in the SAP BW system or in the BEx Analyzer
(see “Prerequisites for Web Publisher” below). Custom style sheets, images, and logos
require work done on the ITS system. Your system administrator may complete this work.
For security purposes, timeout settings exist for web queries. After the timeout period has
passed, the query cannot be refreshed with the Web browser’s Refresh feature, and the
message Invalid Session will appear.
Performed In
Work Needed Prior to Web Publisher
SAP BW system
InfoObjects must be geo-enabled
and geo-code data must be loaded
to the SAP BW system database.
See chapter 6, “Business Explorer
(BEx) Map” on page 243 for more
SAP BW system
Variables must be created in the
SAP BW system. Log on to SAP BW
and choose SAP Menu → Business
Explorer → Maintain Variables
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Performed In
Work Needed Prior to Web Publisher
BEx Analyzer
Exceptions must exist in the BEx
Analyzer query definition. From the
Define Query dialog box, choose the
BEx Analyzer
Conditions must exist in the BEx
Analyzer query definition.
From the Define Query dialog box,
Custom CSS (Cascading
Style Sheet)
ITS System
CSS files must be placed in the
following directory of the ITS system:
Custom images and logos
ITS System
Image files must be placed in the
following directory of the ITS system:
Interactive charts provide a great way to communicate statistical information
and engage the user in analysis.
JG To start BEx Analyzer:
zG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer
{G Choose Enable Macros.
KG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
LG On the SAP Logon dialog box, double-click on the desired SAP BW system.
MG On the SAP Logon at <system name> dialog box:
zG Enter your Client, User, Password, and Language.
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
NG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG In the left frame, choose
{G Select the desired query (for example, Order and sales values).
|G Choose OK.
OG On the Microsoft Excel: New Workbook screen:
zG Format the workbook as per the steps given in “Publishing Web Queries
with a Wizard Using a Workbook View” on page 180.
{G Choose
→ Save view and publish.
PG On the SAP Business Explorer dialog box, to save the workbook, choose Yes.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG In the SAP BEx: Save to Document Store dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a name (for example, BWRME Order and Sales
{G Choose OK.
RG In the SAP BEx: Save Query View dialog box:
zG In Description, enter for the chart (for example, ChartView).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JIG On the BW Web Publisher BW Web Server Templates dialog box, choose
JJG On the Select item type dialog box:
zG Under item type, select Chart.
{G Choose Choose.
JKG In the New item dialog box:
zG In Item ID, enter a name for the new item (for example, Interactive
{G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JLG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, in the Properties of
current item frame:
zG Under Attribute, select Title.
{G Choose Change attribute.
JMG In the Edit value dialog box:
zG In Value, enter a title (for example, German Sales Orgs this Month).
{G Choose OK.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JNG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, in the Properties of
current item frame:
zG Under Attribute, select Edit graphics.
{G Choose Change attribute.
JOG In the Edit chart dialog box, right-click in the chart frame and choose Chart
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JPG In the Chart Options dialog box:
zG In Title, enter a title for the chart (for example, German Sales Orgs
this Month).
{G Choose OK.
JQG In the Edit chart dialog box, right-click in the chart pane and choose Chart
JRG In the Chart type dialog box:
zG Select a chart type (for example, Columns).
{G Select a chart subtype (for example, three-dimensional).
|G Choose OK.
KIG From the Edit chart dialog box, choose OK.
KJG On the Edit chart: Interactive chart dialog box, choose OK to close it.
KKG From the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, choose Options →
Path and ITS Settings.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
KLG On the Settings dialog box:
zG Choose the ITS settings tab.
{G Under Template folder, select ITS server.
|G Choose OK.
KMG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, choose
to create a new template for the interactive chart.
New file
KNG On the New Web template dialog box:
zG Enter the description (for example, Interactive Chart).
{G Choose OK.
Your default HTML
editor can be set on the
Settings dialog box, on
the Path tab.
KOG An instance of your HTML editor (for example, in Notepad) has been created
with the filename INTERACTIVE CHART. It contains the basic structure of
the ITS web template.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KPG On the BW Web Publisher BW Server Templates dialog box, choose
tag. This action copies the HTML code for the publisher table to your
KQG On the Save item dialog box, choose Yes to save the changes.
KRG On the Publishing dialog box, choose OK to accept the proposed names of
Dataprovider and Item name.
LIG To insert the HTML code for the item Interactive Chart:
zG On your HTML editor, position the cursor after the line <!--place the
HTML tags from the Web publisher here-->.
{G Choose Edit → Paste to paste the HTML coding from the clipboard.
|G To save your modified web template INTERACTIVE CHART.HTML,
choose Edit → Save.
The completed web template appears
similar to this screen.
LJG To check this web template into the ITS server, on the BW Web Publisher ITS
Templates toolbar, choose
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
LKG On the Open dialog box:
zG Select the template INTERACTIVE CHART.
{G Choose Open.
This action checks the file into the ITS server.
LLG On the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates toolbar, choose the
Publish icon.
LMG On the Choose Web template dialog box:
zG In Path of HTML Template, enter the name (for example, Interactive
{G Choose OK.
LNG On the Publish on ITS dialog box:
This dialog box shows
every available ITS
system. Available ITS
systems are determined by the
IACORAdmin tool that is installed
on every ITS system. You can find
technical documentation about
IACORAdmin in the ITS directory
zG Choose your ITS server or you may publish this template on all the
available ITS servers by selecting the check mark next to Publish on all ITS
in the list.
{G Choose Publish.
LOG On the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates screen, choose
the interactive chart web template in a web browser.
Browse to display
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LPG In your web browser, enter your login and password. Then choose Logon.
LQG The web browser displays your interactive chart.
LRG Left-click in the chart area to view the context menu options.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
To combine an interactive chart with one or more other items (such as a
generic navigation block or table), choose the Web Publisher setting ITS server
for all items. However, we recommend that you use SAP BW server if you do
not need interactive charts.
JG In BEx Analyzer, open the workbook BWRME Order and Sales Workbook.
We used the same workbook for publishing the web queries with the Web
Publishing Wizard. Therefore, this workbook already contains the Views and
Items frames. If you do not have these items, you may create them as per the
procedure discussed in “Publishing Web Queries with a Wizard Using a
Workbook View” on page 180.
KG On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→Publish to Web.
LG From the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates dialog box, choose Options → Path
and ITS Settings.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the Settings dialog box:
zG Under Template folder, select ITS server.
{G Choose OK.
NG On the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates screen:
zG In the Items frame, select Chart.
{G From the Web Publisher toolbar, choose
New file to create a new web
OG On the New Web template dialog box:
zG Enter the name of the new web template (for example, Chart).
{G Choose OK.
PG An instance of the HTML editor (for example, in Notepad) opens. It contains
the basic structure of the ITS web template.
Your default HTML
editor can be set on the
Settings dialog box, on
the Path tab.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
QG On the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates screen, choose the
HTML tag icon.
This action transfers the HTML tag for the chart to your clipboard.
RG On the Publishing dialog box, choose OK to accept the proposed Dataprovider
and Item name.
Enter new names if you wish to change the defaults.
JIG On the text file Chart – Notepad:
zG Place the cursor next to the line <!--place the HTML tags from the Web
publisher here-->.
{G Choose Edit → Paste (this action will paste the HTML tag of the item Chart
from the clipboard).
|G The template looks like the screen below (please note that the new HTML
code is highlighted for clarity).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JJG Repeat steps 5–10c for other items you want to combine. If you combine the
Navigation Block, Table, and Chart, your finished web template appears similar
to the screenshot below.
JKG On your HTML editor screen, choose File → Save As.
The original file name Chart is now
modified to include other items such as
Navblock and Table. Therefore, the file
is saved as a different file.
zG In File name, enter a new name (for example, Combined items with
Interactive chart.html).
{G Choose Save.
JLG On the BW Web Publisher ITS Templates screen, choose the
Check in icon.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JMG In the Open dialog box:
zG Select the new web template you named above (for example, Combined
items with Interactive chart).
{G To check in the file to the ITS server, choose Open.
JNG To publish the ITS web template to the ITS system, from the Web
Publisher toolbar, choose
JOG In the Choose Web template dialog box:
zG Enter the name of this web template (for example, Combined items
with Interactive chart).
{G Choose OK.
JPG On the Publish on ITS dialog box, choose Publish.
JQG To display the web template in a web browser, choose
Web Publisher toolbar.
Browse from the
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JRG On the ITS System Information screen:
zG Enter the Client, Login, Password, and Language.
Combining Interactive
Charts with Other Items
All items must be
assigned to Options → ITS
settings → ITS server.
zG Choose Logon.
KIG The web browser displays the chart with the other items.
Using web queries enhances the ability to quickly understand information.
Visual organization of data on maps enhances geo-related information. There
are three basic steps to use a map in a web query:
1. Load the geo-code data to the SAP BW system database (performed by
your system administrator).
2. Add a map to your BEx Analyzer query.
3. Publish a BEx Analyzer query to the web.
For more information on publishing BEx Maps to the web, see chapter 6,
“Business Explorer (BEx) Map” on page 243.
Two basic categories of variables work with web queries. Web queries
occasionally use different mechanisms for processing variables instead of the
functionality used in nonweb queries. The two basic categories of variables
Automatic replacement variables, such as SAP-exit, user-exit, and
authorization variables, work in web queries just like they work in nonweb
(BEx Analyzer) queries. The SAP BW OLAP processor filters the data
presented in a web query according to that user’s authorization settings.
This filtration happens automatically, without the user being prompted.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
User entry variables prompt the user to select values when the query is
started. These variables function the same in the web interface as they do
using BEx Analyzer queries.
Depending on the method of publishing the web queries, you can activate
the variable dialog box in different ways.
→ Launch query in Web Browser, append the
After you choose
string &variable_screen=x to the URL after the web query
displays in the web browser.
When you use the Web Publisher wizard, on the BW Web Publisher
Wizard BW Server Templates: STEP 10, select the checkbox Display
variables on the Web. Also select the checkbox Reset variables if you need
to clear the default values of the variables.
When you use Web Publisher and choose
Browse, on the Choose
Web template dialog box, select the checkbox Display variables on the
Web. Also select the checkbox Reset variables if you need to clear the
default values of the variables.
Each web query’s URL can be broken down into multiple sections:
ITS name and port
WGate path
ITS service and service type
You can append
parameters onto the end
of the URL to provide
additional functionality, such as:
Workbook ID
Page ID
The following example shows three sections:
ITS Name and Port WGate Path
ITS Service
Service Type
For more information on these
parameters, see “Examples of
Popular Web Enhancement
Techniques” on page 235
Workbook ID
Page ID
Use the following steps and guidelines to publish SAP BW web reports to
WAP phones. The five general procedures to publish a web report to a WAP
phone are:
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
1. Execute a query.
2. Navigate to a view that is suitable for a WAP device.
3. Get the workbookID and the viewID.
4. Set up a bookmark in the WAP device.
5. Call up the query from the bookmark.
JG In BEx Analyzer, open a workbook (for example, BWRME Order and Sales
values, also used in “Publishing Web Queries with a Wizard Using a
Workbook View” on page 180).
KG Navigate to a view suitable for WAP-targeted information (for example, a
small number of lines and columns). Save that view.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
LG Get the workbookID and viewID for that query view from the information tab
of the workbook properties window. (Right-click in the results area of the
workbook and choose Properties).
MG Set up a bookmark in the WAP device to call up the URL link. Check that the
URL link includes the correct workbookID and viewID, such as:
NG Call up the query from the bookmark.
OG Using the scroll buttons, select the Flash Reporting option from the menu.
PG Using the scroll buttons, select the W@P made easy query.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG Scroll through the sales organization Characteristics.
RG From the phone menu, change the view to by Key Figures.
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
JIG View the sales organizations by Billing values.
This section presents several popular enhancements to web templates (also
called HTML pages) that let you control the look and ease of use of a web
page by:
Editing your URLs
Adding coding to your web template
Controlling the SAP BW defaults
This section assumes that you are familiar with SAP BW web publishing.
Refer to “Publishing Reports to the Web: An Overview” on page 172 for more
details about SAP BW web publishing.
A technical whitepaper is available on the SAP BW web site at
www.service.sap.com/bw. From the home page select Documentation →
Documentation Enhancements → 2.0b Web Reporting Function Description. An
excellent source of general web design and publishing information is
http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/. The section on DHTML, HTML, and CSS
contains a complete reference with support across the Microsoft browsers.
Code samples and tutorials help demonstrate the features. Further technical
articles delve into topics such as speed optimizations. Be sure to follow your
company’s web design standards so your SAP BW web queries meet those
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The words web template, template,
web page, and HTML page are
Refer to general reference materials on HTML, scripting, and web design for
the meaning of standard web publishing terminology.
Items are objects that obtain data from data providers and make it
available in a particular way as HTML. Items have attributes, for
example, header, width and height, and can create navigation links
and so on. You can change these attributes by setting parameters or
calling commands. If you change the data, the navigational state or
attributes, the HTML gets recreated for the item. An item always has to
be assigned to a data provider.
This term refers to the technique of adding name-value pairs (also
known as parameters) to a URL string, instead of editing the
corresponding web template. The URL for calling a template can be
generated by the Web Publisher (refer to the “Advanced Track” on
page 172) or can be constructed manually. By inserting additional
parameters, you can add those features to a web query without
changing the underlying web template. Also, you can create a usable
web query by creating a URL (without using the Web Publisher at all)
and executing the URL in a Web browser. Some techniques described
in this section use only web template and not parameterization.
Advantage Inc. has standardized web reporting. Most of the sales
organization can access their reports using the intranet or Internet. You want
to improve the appearance and usability of your SAP BW web reports.
Specifically, you want to:
Make it easy for users to print or save SAP BW data
Use your company standard CSS (cascading style sheet) instead of the one
that SAP supplies
Present a display-only query
Present multiple queries on the same web page with a button to toggle
between them
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
Below is an example of an enhanced web query using a custom logo, chart,
table, pull down menus, radio buttons, Value Help (
), links control, and
refresh control.
With some URL enhancement, your web queries can be customized
substantially. Use &’parameters’to enhance web queries. The following
examples of popular techniques, accompanied by screenshots, show the
parameters needed.
Create a stateless web page, which many people use in display mode. Enter
the STATELESS=X parameter at the end of your URL. This action saves
application server resources and significantly affects overall system
scalability, allowing you to disconnect the current web page from the web
server or log off completely. This technique is needed for web pages that
many users want to display.
The session is closed (or the session is
logged off) after all pending call backs
are executed.
By adding STATELESS=X to the end of the URL in the address bar, the user
can then use
Refresh to see the results. This
Refresh button—on the
MiniApp, not the browser—reloads the web template with new data, just like
the web browser feature. The
Refresh button is convenient for users even
when the web template only contains a single query. This button is required
when designing SAP BW web queries for the mySAP Workplace MiniApps so
the user can refresh each query independently. Always set mySAP Workplace
MiniApp queries to STATELESS=X to optimize the performance.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
An example of a stateless URL is as follows:
Disable navigation links so that query data can be printed or downloaded
without the links. Usually “Links Off” and “Links On” radio buttons or
regular buttons are placed on the web page so users can toggle between
Set the GENERATE_LINKS attribute. “X = Yes” and a “blank = No” if you do
not want the user to be able to navigate in the table, or if the user wants to see
a printable version of the display.
To create a “blank” in the web template, enter the syntax %20.
Do not confuse this feature with removing links to other documents or web
pages. GENERATE_LINKS controls navigational links.
The GENERATE_LINKS attribute is automatically set to “blank” when you
create the page. If this attribute is not specifically changed, the system
assumes that the page is still needed for navigation.
For example:
GENERATE_LINKS="X" (links on)
GENERATE_LINKS="%20" (links off)
The following screenshot shows how positioning your cursor reveals
hyperlinks when links are on.
Hyperlink revealed by cursor
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
When links are off, no hyperlinks appear beneath the cursor.
An example of links On and Off radio buttons appears below:
Templates control what objects are in what position on a web page. SAP
delivers a default template. You can change this default using the following
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, from the
navigation menu, choose SAP menu → Tools → Business Engineer → BW
KG From the SAP Reference IMG, choose Business Information Warehouse →
Reporting-relevant Settings → Web Reporting → Determine Standard Webpage.
LG Enter the workbook ID and the web template name.
MG Choose
NG You must check the workbook or template into SAP BW using the Web
Publisher check-in feature. The template may also include a custom cascading
style sheet (CSS).
If you have not set a custom default template, the SAP default template is
used to generate your Web template.
You must use the technical names after
the your_template_name.
You can apply a default template to data in any SAP BW InfoCube by
maintaining a custom default template, then applying parameters to a URL as
The <link rel= statement overrides the
default style sheet and applies the new
style sheet to all objects that follow.
You can create your own custom style sheet using the conventional tools, then
either set it as the default or use it in your HTML pages.
To set your style sheet as the default style sheet, copy it to your ITS system in
the following directory: /sap/its/mimes/webrfc/bw.
Use a custom style sheet in a web template with the following HTML code:
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Alternatively, you can reference your own style sheet in a default web
template (see the section “Default Template” above).
When the user clicks the Value Help icon
the help text appears on a new
page by default. The Value Help text can appear in a new frame on the same
page by using the FRAMESET/FRAME tags.
The Value Help feature is an example of the FRAME technique. For example,
see below:
Filter Value
Value Help
Click the
Help icon to make the
Choose Filter Value
box appear on the right.
If you are using HTML frame technology to display data and want to display
input help in a different frame (but on the same page) as that of the template,
then for the view, you have to use for the attribute HOME_FRAME the name
of the frame in which the template is displayed. You also have to specify the
attribute TARGET_HELP_FRAME for the item navigation block.
For example:
IUDPHQDPH Å)ÅVUF Å6$3B%:B85/&0' Ä/'2&¶:%,' Ä,'!¶
3$*(,' ÄOHIWIUDPH¶target_help_frame =‚F2‘ home_frame =‚F1‘>“>
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
IUDPHQDPH Å)VUF Å6$3B%:B85/&0' Ä/'2&¶:%,' Ä,'!¶
3$*(,' ÄULJKWIUDPH¶!´!
The generic navigation block item displays the navigation state for a view in
the form of a table. The default generic navigation block contains an entry for
each characteristic in the underlying BEx Analyzer query. If you wish, you
can select a more meaningful subset of these characteristics by customizing
the web template. The example below shows a navigation block with only
four characteristics.
The text element and filter element items can be customized the same way.
The navigation
block is labeled
the “Navigation
The HTML coding of the web template appears as follows:
YDOXH 6$3B%:
YDOXH *(7B,7(0
SDUDPQDPH ,7(0:%,'
YDOXH 9)-<,&;;=*;+.;2-*0
SDUDPQDPH ,7(0B1$9B%/2&.B,2%-10B
YDOXH 'B',6B&+$1
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
SDUDPQDPH ,7(0B1$9B%/2&.B,2%-10B
SDUDPQDPH ,7(0B1$9B%/2&.B,2%-10B
YDOXH 'B0$7(5,$/
SDUDPQDPH ,7(0B1$9B%/2&.B,2%-10B
YDOXH 'B62/'B72
SDUDPQDPH '$7$B3529,'(5
The trace feature creates an OLAP log of the navigation steps and
corresponding system actions. Tracing is used by SAP developers for
debugging. Specifically, the log contains all relevant data that is passed on
during navigation in the frontend program to the SAP BW system. Reviewing
the log makes an extensive understanding of the processes in SAP BW
possible. The OLAP trace is stored in the SAP BW system in transaction
RSRTRACE. Use transaction RSRTRACE to troubleshoot a problem with SAP
BW web queries and BEx Analyzer queries.
To turn the trace on for a web query, add to the URL &trace=x. To remove
the trace, delete &trace=x.
1. Execute the web query to be traced.
2. Append the string &trace=x to the end of the query URL.
3. Reload the query URL in the web browser.
4. Perform the navigation steps which caused the problem or error.
5. Exit the web query.
6. Report the problem to SAP, referencing the SAP BW system log ID.
In the SAP Service Marketplace, see SAP Note 112458 for further details.
An example of the HTML coding in a web template with the trace turned on
is as follows:
Chapter 5: Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting
To start BEx Browser, execute the
following URL:
http://<yourITS system*>:<your ITS
You should store this URL as a favorite for
all BW web report users.
You can use a custom style sheet (CSS) and to add custom images to your BEx
Browser for the web.
The style sheet used by BEx Browser for the web is located on the ITS server:
You can change colors, fonts, and formatting in that style sheet.
The pictures displayed in BEx Browser on the web are located on the ITS
server under:
In the SAP Service Marketplace, see SAP Note 209448 for further details on
customizing BEx browser for the web.
You can publish a query without using the Web Publisher or wizard by
adding the parameters “Query” and “InfoCube” to the URL.
Older Browsers
To create web pages that
can be used universally,
do not use extended HTML
commands that only work with the
latest browser versions.
For example:
Alternately, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, you can choose
Launch query in Web Browser. For more information, see “Publishing Web
Queries Using Launch Query in Web Browser” on page 179.
You must use the technical name of the InfoCube and query. Also, an optional variant parameter can
be added to pass variable values.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Much of the information used in the SAP Business Information Warehouse
(SAP BW) contains a geographic dimension. The data used daily in business
can relate directly to geographic features such as:
Zip codes
Street addresses
Factory and store locations
The BEx Map tool fully integrates with BEx Analyzer, empowering the end
user to visualize, explore, and analyze data geographically. This approach has
the following advantages:
The GIS (Geographic
Information System) is a
system capable of
assembling, storing, manipulating,
and displaying geographically
referenced information (that is,
data identified according to their
locations). Traditionally, GIS has
been used for displaying
geographically relevant
information in a static manner (for
example, the analysis of
demographic data, disease
control, and climate information).
The map-based representation avoids the information overload of a
tabular report.
The geographical dimension of the data can be immediately understood.
Geographical data correlations can be easily noticed.
Navigation and drilldown can be done intuitively on the map, without
needing to understand the underlying multidimensional data model.
A map provides a natural user interface to display and analyze data
containing geographical information, and leads to a better understanding of
business data and a better support of business decisions.
To employ this functionality, two major aspects must be considered that go
beyond previously discussed reporting features:
BEx Map is the end user tool for geographical analysis, and is covered in
“Navigating and Analyzing Geographically Relevant Data” on page 249.
BEx Map is useful for end users and administrators.
Administrative tasks necessary to prepare SAP BW InfoObjects (metadata
and master data) for supporting BEx Map are covered in the Advanced
Track on geocoding and are primarily intended for administrators. The
Advanced Track section covers the geo-coding process and the different
options for referencing master data objects to geographical locations.
In the Fast Track, you learn how to use BEx Map for navigating and analyzing
data with geographical relevance.
In the Advanced Track, you learn:
Types of geo-enabled InfoObjects
Preparation for maintenance of InfoObjects
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
SAPBWKey maintenance
Web deployment
Objects associated with
polygon data (such as
countries) are referred to
as static geo-characteristics. In
contrast, objects described by
point data are referred to as
dynamic geo-characteristics.
Note that these terms not only
reflect different assumptions
concerning the frequency of
changes but also refer to different
types of spatial data.
For both tracks, you need to understand the different types of spatial data
supported by SAP BW. All spatial data stores the geometric location of
geographical features, like a customer address, along with additional
attributes that describe what the feature represents. When working with
geographical information, we deal with:
Polygon data that describes the location and shape of objects, such as
countries, states, and regions
Point data for a single point on the Earth’s surface, such as a factory, store,
or customer location
Typically, point data and polygon data are used in combination in map views
by overlaying their representations.
Information from
static geocharacteristics
A map view of polygon
data representing sales
regions in the San
Francisco peninsula.
Static geo-characteristics
refer to the polygon data
represented by shape
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Information from
dynamic geocharacteristics
A map view of point data
representing the locations
of sales representatives
(red circles) and
customers (yellow
triangles) in the San
Francisco peninsula
region. Dynamic geocharacteristics refer to
point data.
Overlay technique
The polygon data from
map view 1 overlays the
point data from map view
2 in this graphic. The
graphical visualization
technique overlays
different map layers on a
single output layer.
This section covers the multiple map layer overlays in greater detail. The BEx
Map user interface displays each static geo-characteristic (InfoObject) with an
individual geographical layer. Each geographical layer displays a map
associated with that InfoObject, combining it with query data. The settings for
rendering the data can be controlled separately for each layer. The layers can
be thought of as distinct transparency foils, overlaid to produce the resulting
map view. The next section’s examples show a map view built from three
Zip Code
The illustrations below also shows two further characteristics of such layers:
The geographical sections covered by each layer do not have to be the same
for all layers. For example, the states layer covers the whole United States,
whereas other layers would cover only a particular state and counties.
The layers are typically organized in a hierarchical fashion, referring to
characteristics representing levels of a dimensional hierarchy. Below, the
three characteristics represent different levels of the geographical
dimension, with increasing detail (from states to the ZIP code level).
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
States layer
Regions layer
Zip codes layer
BEx Map provides four basic techniques to combine maps with BEx query
Color shading
Bar charts
Pie charts
Different functions display the data as renderers, such as the bar chart
The following table summarizes the typical usage of each technique.
Color Shading
In this map view, color shading can
represent the value of a key figure
for each state. The range of values
found in the query data is evenly
divided into a number of classes
with an assigned color. When a
value for a state falls within an
interval, it displays the color
assigned to that interval. Color
shading is the ideal technique for
overlaying the information from
one key figure, such as bar charts
that display further information for
every object on the layer.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Bar Charts
Bar charts can be used to display
the change of a key figure over
time. In the example to the left, the
sales volume for the current and
last month is compared. Within bar
charts, the size of each bar
represents the value of a key figure
for a certain category. By using
different colors for each bar, you
can display either multiple key
figures or data for multiple
characteristic values (such as a
Pie Charts
Pie charts are useful for displaying
the share of an object on the total.
A typical example is to display
sales by customer, which allows
easy identification of the region’s
major customers who contribute
most to the sales volume.
To display point data, such as
customer geographical location
and sales representative, symbols
are used. A specific symbol can be
assigned in order to distinguish
different types of objects on the
The business scenario used in this section is based on the Sales Overview
InfoCube (0D_SD_C03), delivered with the SAP BW demo business content.
The techniques and workflows presented in this chapter are easily
transferable to any other custom InfoCube with geo-relevant characteristics.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The demo content contains the query 0D_SD_C03Q012 for an introduction to
the Geographical Information System (GIS) functionality. This query uses the
following characteristics:
Technical name
Distribution channel
Sales Organization
The query uses a single structure on the columns axis with the following base
key figures:
Key Figure
Technical Name
Order Volume [Value]
Order Quantity
Open Orders Quantity
Open Orders
Our model company’s controller analyzes the sales data with this workbook
to better understand the regional distribution of sales, and better target
marketing activities in the specific sales regions. In the course of this chapter,
we add a BEx Map to this workbook and navigate through the map data.
BEx Map integrates completely with BEx Analyzer, providing the end user
with one easy-to-use tool. BEx Map is embedded into worksheets that can
include linked charts. This embedding delivers powerful solutions to casual
users who may use the map to navigate through the data without needing to
understand the underlying multidimensional data model. BEx Map supports
all BEx features, in particular the free navigation through the
multidimensional InfoCubes. If necessary, the user can jump to the
underlying query and inspect the exact numerical values in the tabular report
embedded into the Microsoft Excel worksheets.
In this chapter, we show how to attach a new map to a query, how to use and
combine the different map design features, and how to use the BEx Map user
interface (UI) for navigation through the data.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
We also cover the deployment of BEx Map functions with SAP BW web
The starting point for creating a new BEx Map is a BEx Analyzer query
containing at least one static geo-characteristic. Our sample query
Geographical Sales Analysis (0D_SD_C03_Q012) uses the following georelevant InfoObjects:
The static geo-characteristics Country, Sales organization, and Region
The dynamic geo-characteristic Sold-to party
The screenshot below shows the default view of this query, with the rows
displaying drilldown by Country and columns displaying the key figures
Order Volume (Value) (0D_NETVAL_S), Order quantity (0D_QUANT_B),
Open Orders Quantity (0D_OORQTYBM) and Open Orders (0D_OORVALSC)
JG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Attach map.
KG A new workbook is embedded in a Microsoft Excel workbook. This
worksheet is now the currently selected worksheet and displays a BEx Map in
its initial mode. In this example query, a map of the world displays in the
center of the screen.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
Before applying a design to the map, familiarize yourself with the major
components of the BEx Map user interface (UI). The interface is composed of
three areas:
Map Design area on the left side
Map View in the middle
Legend on the right
The vertical splitter bars that separate the frames control the size of each
individual area. BEx Map also displays a titlebar that shows the title of the
underlying query.
Titlebar area
Map design area
Map view area
Vertical splitter bars
The sort order of the
layers matters when using
the map for geographical
drilldown and should be
maintained so the level of
geographical detail increases from
the first characteristic to the last in
the sequence. The sort order of
the layers can be controlled
(the map properties
button) on the GIS toolbar. BEx
Map has a built-in mechanism that
checks the spatial granularity
(level of detail) of static geocharacteristics automatically and
sorts the characteristics
accordingly. Thus, changing the
order of the layers should not be
necessary in most cases.
The Map Design area on the left side of the BEx Map UI controls the selection
of key figures and their display on the map. For every static geocharacteristic, the Map Design area displays a separate tab with a set of UI
elements to control the corresponding map layer design. Since our example
uses three static geo-characteristics, the design area offers three tabs: Country,
Sales organization, and Region. The following sections discuss the various
capabilities of the Map Design area.
Initially, the first tab is selected with the corresponding layer displayed (for
example, the Country layer). The Map Design section is composed of two
parts: one for the static geo-characteristic and another for dynamic geocharacteristics. For each static geo-characteristic, the map design incorporates
a natural language metaphor that allows the display of two independent
charts (for example, color shading a state and overlaying a bar or pie chart on
each state). Pie and bar charts can be used in combination with color shading.
The Regional Locations box in the lower left frame allows the user to control
the visibility of point data from the available dynamic geo-characteristics. The
settings, applied here, are valid for all layers.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The map view frame displays all layers by overlaying them. At the bottom of
the map area, a pushbutton displays for every static characteristic, allowing
the user to toggle the visibility of the corresponding layer. The pushbuttons
for controlling the layer visibility and the layer tabs are synchronized.
Selecting a layer tab sets the visible layer. Switching a layer using the
pushbutton activates the corresponding tab in the Map Design area. Above the
map view frame, a toolbar provides various functions for controlling the
visible section and other layer properties of the displayed map. This toolbar is
called the GIS toolbar. An additional button, Show Query, allows jumping from
the map to the tabular display of the query.
The map legend can be found in the rightmost area of the BEx Map UI. The
legend displays additional information about class borders and color shading,
which are assigned to different key figures in a bar chart that displays
multiple key figures.
In this procedure, you learn how to overlay a color-shaded map with bar
In this example, the first goal is to display the value of the key figure Net val.
In addition, we want to display the Net val. In stat Cur by Division for each
country (using the color-shading function) to determine if the marketing
campaign resulted in an increase. As mentioned before, the map design is
individually controlled for each layer on the corresponding tab of the Map
Design frame. Since the tab for states is already selected, we can set up the
layout for this layer.
JG In the Map Design frame:
zG Choose the Country tab.
{G Under Show me, select the key figure you want to display (for example,
Order Volume (Value)).
|G Deselect all other key figures.
}G Under by, use the dropdown to select how you want the orders displayed
(for example, by the characteristic Division).
~G Under using, use the dropdown to select the style of display (for example,
Bar Chart).
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
G Choose over.
KG At the bottom of the Map Design area:
zG In the new field, use the dropdown to select an overlaid key figure (for
example, Net val. In statCur).
{G Choose Apply to Map.
New data is retrieved from the server and the map view refreshes. All
countries are shaded according to their net revenue.
For each country, a bar chart displaying
net revenue by division is overlaid.
The map legend displays a table
showing automatically created classes
with assigned colors. The map legend
also displays a scale relating the size of
the bars to net revenue. The colors
distinguish the three divisions displayed.
New field
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The demo cube contains only data for
the United States and some European
The settings in the Map
Design frame can be
read from top to bottom
like a sentence. This order makes
it easier to understand the
meaning of a specific combination
of settings and how the results will
display. In our example the
sentence would be: Show me
“Order Volume (Value)” by
“Division” with “Bar Chart” over
“Order Volume (Value)”
LG Zoom in to view a smaller area of the map view. Hold down the left-mouse
button and drag until a rectangle encompasses the area you wish to see. The
(zoom-in) gets selected by default.
For more information on toolbar functions, see “The GIS Toolbar” on
page 264.
MG After you release the left-mouse button, the map view refreshes and displays
only the selected area.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The following table provides an overview of the different design options in
BEx Map:
Design Option
Display single key
Show me sales by
Choose a key figure from the Show me
none with pie or bar or field.
color shading
In the using field, choose a style (color
shading, bar chart, or pie chart).
Display multiple key
Show me sales,
market potential,
response by none with
bar chart
If the query contains two structures (one
with key figures and one with selections
on characteristics) the Map Design
area displays an additional box for the
elements of the second structure. At
least one element of the second
structure must be selected.
Choose the key figures you want to display
from the Show me field.
In the using field, choose a style (color
shading, bar chart, or pie chart).
Display single key
Show me sales by cal. In the Show me field, select a key figure
year/month with bar
(for example, sales figures).
detailed by categories chart
In the by field, choose a characteristic (for
example, calendar year/month) for which
you want to drill down.
In the using field, choose a style (color
shading, bar chart, or pie chart).
If you want to see both the relative values
and the sum of the characteristic values,
we recommend you use a pie chart.
Overlay a single key
with other charts
Show me sales by cal. In the Show me field, select the key figures
year/month over
you want to display.
market potential
In the using field, choose a style (color
shading, bar chart, or pie chart).
Since market potential displays
automatically as color shading, we
recommend you display this as a bar chart
or pie chart.
Choose Over. An additional field appears in
which you can use the dropdown to choose
the overlaid key figure. This field
automatically displays color shading.
You can switch between the map and the underlying query at any time.
Switching views is advantageous for the inspection of exact numerical values.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
When a map design has been applied,
BEx Analyzer may request new data
from the SAP BW server. A complex map
design may require execution of multiple
server requests. When you choose
Show query, BEx Map displays all key
figures and drilldown characteristics that
are visible for the active layer on the
current map view. The active layer is the
selected tab layer in the Map Design
frame. For example, in Show me “Order
Volume (Value)” by “Division” over
“Order Volume (Value)” you drill down
on country along the rows axis. Division
and the key figures are drilled down
across the columns axis.
JG To display the worksheet with the query for the current map view, choose
Show Query.
If necessary, the system queries data from the SAP BW server and selects the
worksheet where the query is embedded.
Keep in mind the Show Query function
may change the navigational state of the
query, whereas going to the query view
through the Microsoft Excel worksheet
tabs does not refresh the query nor
change its current navigational state
KG In the query view:
zG Note that the query also displays the divisions drilled across the columns
{G To return to the map view, use the Microsoft Excel worksheet tabs to
select the worksheet with the embedded map.
Worksheet tab to return to embedded
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
button (to adjust properties) is
not always enabled after you select a
specific renderer. In certain cases, the
system needs to apply the map design
and retrieve some data before it can
make reasonable assumptions for
providing system default properties. In
this case, choose Apply to Map. The
map view refreshes, enabling the
Properties button.
The user can control the settings for each of the rendering techniques (color
shading, bar, and pie chart). To adjust the system default settings, use
JG On the Map Design frame, to change any of the properties, choose the
Use this
to change properties of the
style for pie charts, bar charts, and color
Use this
to change the number of
classes, and the start and end color of
an overlaid key figure.
Use this
to change symbol properties
for regional locations.
The Color Shading tab provides two
Number of classes – This parameter is
a counter and can be set using the
dropdown. The higher the number you
select, the finer the granularity of the
class intervals.
Color ramp – The color ramp is defined
by two colors: the Start and End color.
To change the Start or End color,
double-click on one of the fields. A color
selection dialog box appears.
KG On the Renderer properties dialog box, adjust the properties of the objects as
By choosing the appropriate
, you can change the properties for the
Pie charts, bar charts, and color shading
Overlaid key figures
Symbols for regional locations
Depending on which
you choose, one of three different types of Renderer
properties dialog boxes appears.
[z‹\z‹ŒG If you use bar charts, the Renderer properties dialog box allows
you to control three parameters:
Bar height – This parameter controls the height of the bars.
Bar width – This parameter controls the width of the bars.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Bar color—By double-clicking on the current color for a single key figure,
you can select a basic or custom-defined color from a palette.
This dialog box also allows you to change
the legend title, which defaults to the
structure member name. To change the
title, select Change Default Title and
enter a new title.
i‚~\z‹ŒG If you use pie charts, the Renderer properties dialog box allows you
to control the following three parameters:
Maximum pie size in pixel
Minimum pie size in pixel
Segment color
This parameter controls the color used to display a specific key figure. To
change the current setting, double-click on the cell displaying the color.
This action displays a dialog box where you can choose either a basic
color or a custom-defined color from a palette.
This dialog box also allows you to change
the legend title, which defaults to the
structure member name. To change the
title, select Change Default Title and
enter a new title.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
\ˆ…ˆ‹lz}‚‡€ˆl’…~z‡}h~‹…z‚}d~’_‚€Ž‹~ŒG If you change the
properties of the style or overlaid key figures, you can:
Change the legend title
Select the number of classes
Change the start and end color
This dialog box also allows you to change
the legend title, which defaults to the
structure member name. To change the
title, select Change Default Title and
enter a new title.
k~€‚ˆ‡z…l’†{ˆ…l~‚‡€ŒG You change symbol types can change to either:
You can also change symbol size.
This dialog box also allows you to change
the legend title, which defaults to the
structure member name. To change the
title, select Change Default Title and
enter a new title.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
As mentioned previously, BEx Map supports navigation through data. The
most important navigation feature is the drilldown. Drilling down allows you
to navigate from one layer of summary data to a layer that displays more
detailed information. To drill down, double-click with the left-mouse button
on any position on the map view. Double-clicking the right-mouse button
works in the opposite direction. It drills up to the previous layer.
The controller inspects the map view that
shows “Order Volume (Value).” by
“Division” over “Order Volume (Value).”
The view indicates higher sales for
Germany compared to the sales in the
U.S. The breakdown by division also
indicates that this difference results
mainly from much better sales in the
high-tech division in Germany, which
outperforms the other divisions
significantly. The controller decides to
use the BEx Map drilldown capabilities to
better understand the regional
distribution within Germany
The geographical drilldown switches to
the more detailed layer by toggling the
visibility of the current layer to “off” and
the visibility of the next most detailed
layer to “on.” In addition, the range of the
map automatically adjusts to the
selected country or region. The same
map design settings are copied from the
first layer to the more detailed layer.
When using the geographical drilldown
feature, it is very important that the
layers, representing the static geocharacteristics of the query, are sorted in
a meaningful way (for example, based
on their spatial granularity). If the sort
order is not meaningful, you can adjust
the sequence using
(the map
properties tool) found on the GIS toolbar.
JG In the map view frame:
zG To further analyze the sales, zoom in from the world view to the country
in question (for example, Germany).
{G Double-click on the country.
The system retrieves new data from the server and refreshes the map
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
KG The map view frame refreshes:
zG The display of the country (for example, Germany) and the order volume
value for the individual sales organizations in that country appears.
Note that the same map design has been applied automatically to the
sales organization layer.
{G As the buttons on the bottom of the middle frame indicate, only the sales
organization layer is visible. All other layers are not displayed.
You can add dynamic geo-characteristics information to the map view at any
time. Dynamic geo-characteristics represent point data or spatial locations
(for example, customers, factories, and sales representatives). Regional
locations can be considered an additional layer overlaid with the layers of
static geo-characteristics. Every location of an object (such as a customer) is
represented by a symbol displayed on the specific location drawn on this
layer. Point data properties (including visibility), derived from dynamic geocharacteristics, are controlled by the Regional Locations box, located at the
bottom of the Map Design frame.
Each dynamic geo-characteristic can be displayed on an independent layer
similar to static geo-characteristics. These point layers always reside on top of
all static layers and display independently of the selected static layer tab.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG On the Map Design frame:
zG Scroll down to the Regional Locations box.
{G Under Show, select Sold-to party.
|G Choose Apply to Map.
}G The map view refreshes, displaying the borders of the country’s sales
organizations, overlaid with the locations for the sold-to parties.
An additional section in the legend displays the symbols chosen to represent
the sold-to parties.
As with bar charts, pie charts, and color shading, you can change the system
default settings for the location symbols.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
JG In the Regional Locations box:
zG Under Display, select the characteristic you wish to display.
{G To change the symbol properties for a characteristic, choose
KG On the Symbol properties dialog box:
zG In Symbol type, select a symbol from the list.
{G Double-click in the Symbol color box.
|G On the color selection dialog box, select a new symbol color and choose
}G In Symbol size, select a new symbol size from the list.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The Geographic Information System (GIS) toolbar,
located above the map view’s middle frame, offers
various tools to control the displayed section of the
map and its individual layers.
(the full extent) tool to go to the full-size
map for the currently active layers. Click this
button when you want to see an overall view.
(zoom in) tool allows the user to zoom in
on a clicked position or a box defined in a view.
Clicking the left-mouse button in the map view and
dragging a rectangular shape can define a box.
(zoom out) tool allows the user to zoom
out from the clicked position or an area defined for
The tools on the GIS toolbar do not
change the logical view of the data. They
also do not change the navigational
status of the underlying query. These
tools merely enlarge or shrink the view,
but do not provide any drilldown
(pan) tool is used to pan the view by
clicking in the map view with the left-mouse button
and dragging it in any direction. It is very useful to
look at adjoining areas of the map without
changing the map size. The mouse cursor
appears as a hand.
(map properties) tool allows the user to
sequence the layers and change their individual
properties, such as Fill and Outline color.
To change the layer sequence, select the
corresponding layer and move it by clicking on
up or down buttons.
To change the settings of an individual layer,
select the layer from the list box and choose the
Settings button.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
Each layer has the following settings:
Fill color
Fill type (the pattern that is used for filling the
distinct areas of the map)
Outline color
Outline width
Draw outline toggle
To save the newly created map, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar,
to save as an existing workbook or a new workbook.
When the workbook is opened, choose
to display the map.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
To display SAP BW data geographically, the system must be able to link the
data of the BEx query results to geographical locations or geographical
For geographic boundaries, represented by static geo-characteristics, the
geometry information is stored in shapefiles. The link between a shape on the
map and its SAP BW counterpart is accomplished by maintaining a SAP BWspecific attribute in the shapefile, the SAPBWKEY, which matches the object
key in the corresponding SAP BW master data table. This process is called
SAPBWKEY maintenance.
For point data, represented by dynamic geo-characteristics, SAP BW master
data must be extended with geographic coordinates. The process of finding
graphical coordinates that correspond to master data table entries is referred
to as geocoding. The geocoding process utilizes an address field contained in
the master data table.
The Advanced Track in this chapter focuses on:
Geo-enabling characteristics in the SAP BW metadata repository
Database representation
Necessary steps for usage of characteristics
We review the different types of geo-characteristics and learn the different
modeling options SAP BW provides.
ArcView GIS software by the Environmental Systems Research Institute
(ESRI) performs the actual geocoding process. The SAPBWKEY maintenance
can be carried out with ArcView GIS or with other software (for example,
Microsoft Excel) that provides functionality to edit dBase files. We provide an
overview of the geocoding process and also introduce concepts such as
shapefiles, views, and themes, which are relevant to ESRI GIS software. For
further information on ArcView GIS, refer to ArcView’s online help.
If you want to use the geographic presentation and analysis capabilities
integrated in SAP BW 2.0 Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer, use the voucher
that ships with the SAP BW installation package to receive ESRI’s ArcView
GIS mapping software and the CD containing mapping data.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The target audience of this section should have a basic understanding of the
GIS concepts introduced in the Fast Track for BEX Map, and working
knowledge of the SAP BW Administrator Workbench for maintaining SAP
BW InfoObjects and data staging.
In the preceding track we introduced the basic concept of static and dynamic
Static geo-characteristics describe areas or polygons where the
geographical coordinates rarely change. Country and region are examples
of static geo-characteristics.
Dynamic geo-characteristics conceptually represent a single geographical
point on the earth’s surface. The geographical coordinates may change
frequently. Customer and plant are examples of dynamic geocharacteristics.
The maintenance of characteristic metadata in the SAP BW Administrator
Workbench provides a refined model with the following different geocharacteristic types:
Static geo-characteristics
Static geo-characteristics with geo-attributes
Dynamic geo-characteristics
Dynamic geo-characteristics with values from attributes
A static geo-characteristic represents shape data, such as country or regional
boundaries. Shapefiles store the shape information or polygon data that
define the geometry and attributes of geographically referenced
characteristics. ArcView’s shapefile format uses three files with the following
file extensions:
*.dbf – This dBase file stores the attributes or the feature table of the
*.shp – This file stores the actual geometry of the characteristic.
*.shx – This file stores an index for the geometry.
This set of three files is stored for every static geo-characteristic in the
Business Document Service (BDS) and downloaded from the BDS to a client
workstation when needed by BEx Map. These files are referred to as
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
In BEx Map, static geo-characteristics with geo-attributes appear like regular
static geo-characteristics. That is, they are available as an individual layer in
the map design. For a regular dynamic geo-characteristic, however, geocharacteristics of this type are supplied with the standard set of geoattributes:
Static and dynamic geocharacteristics with
attributes provide
additional modeling options, such
as handling the administration of
geo-characteristics more
effectively and reducing
redundancies in the master data.
For characteristics with a large
number of elements, these geocharacteristics may save disk
storage space since the geoattributes use only 55 bytes per
object. These types of geocharacteristics also simplify the
master data maintenance
The master data table also stores geo-coordinate information for master data
objects. Static geo-characteristics with attributes can be used as attributes in
dynamic geo-characteristics. The dynamic geo-characteristics derive
coordinates from the attributes of the static geo-characteristics, not from their
own master data. An example of a static geo-characteristic with geo-attributes
is 0POSTCD_GIS (CAM: Postal Code [Geo-relevant]). The postal code areas
are represented by a shapefile and the center of each area is associated with
geo-coordinates. The postal code is used as an attribute—for example, in the
dynamic geo-characteristic 0BPARTNER (Business Partner)—which obtains
the coordinates from the attribute. Thus locations for Business Partner are
stored with the precision of postal code areas.
As of Release 2.0B only the attributes
reserved for future use. If you set the
geographical type of a characteristic
back to No geo-characteristic, these
attributes are deleted again from the
InfoObject definition.
A dynamic geo-characteristic represents point data. SAP BW automatically
adds a set of standard attributes to the characteristic, which stores the geocoordinates of the corresponding object for every row in the master data table.
These geo-attributes are:
Technical Name
Data type
Longitude of location
Latitude of location
Altitude of location*
ID for Precision of data*
ID for Source of data*
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
Geographical locations are represented using the geographical reference system, which
consists of latitude and longitude. The latitude of a location is its angular distance in degrees
north or south of the equator. Lines of latitude are also referred to as parallels. A locations
longitude is its angular distance in degrees east or west of the Greenwich prime meridian.
Lines of longitude are also referred to as meridians. Values range from positive 180 to negative
180 degrees. All points north of the equator and east of the Greenwich prime meridian are
positive. SAP BW requires that geo-coordinates be specified according to the World Geodetic
System, 1984 standard (WGS 84).
Dynamic geo-characteristics values from an attribute appear in BEx Map as a
regular dynamic geo-characteristic, representing point data. On the database
level, however, the master data table is not extended with this set of geoattributes. Instead the geo-coordinates are stored in the master data table of a
characteristic’s regular attribute. For example, you may want to define a
dynamic geo-characteristic for “factory,” which has the ZIP code as an
attribute. The geo-coordinates for factory are then derived during runtime
from the ZIP code’s master data table. The advantage of this modeling
technique is that it avoids redundancies in your master data.
The following diagram summarizes the types of geo-characteristics with a
The SAP BW package ships with a voucher (shown below) to receive ESRI’s
ArcView GIS software and a CD containing map data. This CD—specially
developed by SAP and ESRI, and available at no additional cost—contains a
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
series of maps at different levels of detail for the entire world. Additional,
detailed data may be purchased from your local ESRI distributor. Contact
information for ESRI distributors can be obtained from the web site
http://gis.esri.com/intldist/contactint.cfm. Within the United States, contact
information for the nearest ESRI regional office can be obtained from the web
site http://www.esri.com/company/contactusa.html.
The data sets on the ESRI SAP BW mapping data CD have been selected as
basic reference data layers to support small-scale map display and thematic
mapping at the world, regional (continental), and selected country levels. The
reference data layers include:
Country boundaries
State or province boundaries
Lakes and rivers
The data sets are organized geographically. The twenty-one separate data sets
include one global data set, seven regional data sets, and thirteen countrylevel data sets. The regional data sets are continental subsets of the world
data. The country-level data sets are more detailed and generally cover a
single country. The recency of the data varies by country. Most of the
boundaries were compiled between the late 1960s and 1988, with individual
countries updated to 1995 conditions. The continent-level data sets include
Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America. All shapefiles
already contain the field SAPBWKEY. For countries, the SAPBWKEY field
contains the SAP two-letter country code.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
In the file Readme.txt on the CD, a complete catalog can be found of the:
Delivered shapefiles
The file naming conventions used
Data-set descriptions and specifications
Attribute field descriptions
Data sources
Data currency
The geocoding process requires ArcView GIS, version 3.1 or higher. The
examples in this book have been performed with version 3.2. SAP provides an
ArcView GIS extension, which enhances the ArcView GIS working
environment with additional functionality to simplify the SAP BW geocoding
process. Note that the SAP extension is only required for geocoding of
dynamic geo-characteristics.
The Available
Extensions list includes
all extension files in the
directories identified by the
environment variables $AVEXT
and $USEREXT. By default, the
extension files are located in
All extension files have the file
extension *.avx.
The name of the SAP extension
file is SAPEXT.AVX. It appears in
the list under the name SAP
Extension. If you are unable to
find the extension, you need to
copy it from the SAP BW add-on
installation path to the ArcView
path for extensions (the default
path is C:\Program
JG To load the ArcView GIS SAP extension, start ArcView GIS from the
Windows Start menu.
KG In ArcView GIS, choose File → Extensions.
LG On the Extensions dialog box:
zG Under Available Extensions, select SAP Extension.
{G Select Make Default to ensure that each time you load ArcView the
extensions load automatically.
|G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
For more information, see “Preparing
ArcView GIS for SAP BW Geocoding”
on page 271.
MG The SAP extension loads. Note that the additional functionality is only visible
when you work with an active ArcView project view. The SAP extension
provides an additional menu with two options:
Start Geocoding
Create Attributes.
SAP BW ships with a number of geo-enabled characteristics. The most
important are listed below:
Technical name
Country key
Time zone
Region (state, province, county)
CAM: Central Address Management
Technical name
CAM: City district code for district and street file
CAM: City district code for district and street file
CAM: Postal code
CAM: Postal code (geo-relevant)
Technical name
Location number
IATA location
Technical name
Business partner
Customer number
Vendor number
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
In the example given below (for
country200), SAPBWKEY is already
maintained and matches the keys in the
master data table. Like other continentlevel data sets for countries the
SAPBWKEY field contains the SAP
two-letter country code. If you maintain
a shapefile where the content of the
SAPBWKEY field is undefined or
incorrect, the procedure demonstrated
below remains the same.
SAPBWKEY maintenance can also be
performed with ArcView GIS.
This section describes the maintenance of the SAPBWKEY column in the
feature table of the shapefile for static geo-characteristics.
For static geo-characteristics like region, which are represented by shape data,
the content of the SAPBWKEY field is maintained in the feature table of the
shapefile. This regular database table is stored in dBase format. After the
SAPBWKEY has been maintained, the set of shapefiles (*.shp, *.dbf, and *.shx)
is uploaded into SAP BW where they are stored in the BDS (Business
Document Service), a component of the SAP BW server. The maintenance of
SAPBWKEY can be performed either in ArcView GIS or with other software
like Microsoft Excel or FoxPro, which provide functionality to view and edit
dBase files.
As shown in the diagram below, BEx map uses SAPBWKEY to join BEx query
data with the shapes displayed on the map. For all of the standard shapefiles
delivered with the ESRI SAP BW mapping data CD, the SAPBWKEY field is
already filled with the two-letter SAP country code. For shapefiles on the
regional level, the SAPBWKEY field is filled with the most common
geographical abbreviations. The files can be used without any additional
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
For the deployment of maps through SAP
BW Web Reporting, you must install the
shapefiles on the ITS file system. After
the ITS installation, the rendering engine
searches for shapefiles by default in the
folder C:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\
BW\Shapes. You must create this folder
manually. A system registry entry
controls the search path for the
shapefiles. You can check and change
this setting using the registry editor
(regedit). The registry entry can be found
by choosing‚ HKEY_LOCAL_
ITS → 2.0. Find the entry with the name
BWShapesPath. You can download the
shapefiles into the folder either from
InfoObject maintenance or from the ESRI
SAP BW mapping data CD.
The steps below explain the process of maintaining the SAPBWKEY in the
shapefile for a static geo-characteristic. The example demonstrates the
maintenance for the characteristic 0D_COUNTRY, a type of static geocharacteristic. We use the CNTRY200 shapefile from the SAP BW data CD,
which contains the country boundaries for the world. This shapefile is the
second-most detailed version of country boundaries in the world-level data
set. CNTRY200 includes attributes from the:
Admin unit name
Admin unit code
Country name
Country code
For further specifications about the content of SAP-delivered mapping data,
see “SAP-Delivered Geo-Enabled InfoObjects” on page 272.
The SAPBWKEY maintenance for static geo-characteristic consists of the
following procedures:
Create a local working copy of the shapefile.
Download SAP BW master data into a dBase file for lookup.
Open the dBase feature table of the shapefile in Microsoft Excel and
maintain the SAPBWKEY column.
Upload the edited shapefile to SAP BW.
During BEx Map application runtime, the shapefiles are downloaded from SAP BW to the file
system of the computer on which BEx Map is running. The files are copied to the directory
identified by the Microsoft Windows environment variable $TEMP. If the specific shapefile
already available in that directory is older than the shapefile on the SAP BW server, it will be
automatically replaced by the server’s file. Depending on the level of detail shapefiles might be
fairly large. The shapefile cntry200.shp for the world map (with the country boundaries) is
approximately 2.2 megabytes in size. For smaller organizational units like regions, the geometry
information is organized in multiple shapefiles. All shapefiles assigned to a static geocharacteristic are downloaded to the frontend when the corresponding characteristic is used.
Regardless of the displayed map section, BEx Map checks the availability of the required
shapefiles based only on the file names.
The following diagram gives a schematic overview of the procedure:
1. Create local copy
of shapefile from
BW data CD
2. Download BW
master data into
dBase file
3. Open feature
table (.dbf) in Excel
and maintain
4. Upload
set of
shapefiles to BW
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The shapefile names follow a three-part naming convention. The first part is an abbreviation for
the thematic content of the shapefile. For example, with the shapefile cntry300, the first part of
the shapefile name is cntry, which signifies country boundaries. The second part of the name
indicates the level of detail. For example, if three shapefiles contain country boundary
information at different level of detail, the least detailed shapefile begins with cntry1**, and the
most detailed shapefile begins with cntry3**. The last two digits of the name indicate the
version number of the shapefile based on the last two digits of the year beginning with the year
2000. Thus the full name for the shapefile containing the most detailed country boundary
information is cntry300.
If you do not have access to the SAP
BW mapping data CD, follow the steps
explained below. Download the files
from the SAP BW BDS where these
files are already maintained for the
characteristic 0D_COUNTRY, which is
used in the 0D_SD_C03 cube.
To maintain the SAPBWKEY field in the shapefile’s feature table, we need a
local copy of the shapefile. As explained above, ArcView’s shapefile format
consists of three files with the same file name but different extensions. To
work through this example, you can do either of the following.
Using the Microsoft Windows Explorer or another file manager, locate the
three files cntry200.shp, cntry200.shx, and cntry200.dbf on the ESRI SAP
BW data CD, and copy the files to the C:\SAPPCADM directory.
Work through the following steps to create a local working copy of the
JG In the Command field, enter transaction RSD1 and choose Enter.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Edit InfoObjects: Start screen:
zG In InfoObject, enter the characteristic (for example, 0D_COUNTRY).
{G Choose
LG On the Display Characteristic: <XXXXX>: Detail screen:
zG Choose the Business Explorer tab.
{G At the bottom of the screen, choose Display shape files.
The BEx Map group box shows that
0D_COUNTRY is a Static geocharacteristic.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
MG On the Business Document Navigator screen:
zG Expand the BW_META_OBJECTS node.
{G Select the *.dbf file.
|G To download all files to your local SAPPCADM directory, choose
Export document.
}G Accept the system proposes the directory C:\SAPPCADM\.
~G Repeat steps 4a–4d for *.shp and *.shx files.
The set of three shapefiles already
associated with the characteristic
To maintain the SAPBWKEY field in the shapefile feature table, you need (for
each row in the feature table) to look up the SAP BW counterpart’s
corresponding key. Since this information is available in the SAP BW master
data table, characteristic maintenance allows you to download the master
data table into a local dBase file, which can be merged with the feature table
for finding the SAPBWKEY entries. For compound characteristics, the main
benefit of this geo-data download is the dBase file contains the key
characteristic that can be transferred into the shapefile’s feature table. In our
example, we use the short text for every country to join the feature table and
the SAP BW master data table.
JG On the SAP Easy Access, in the Command field, enter transaction RSD1 and
choose Enter.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Edit InfoObjects: Start screen:
zG In InfoObject, enter the characteristic (for example, 0D_COUNTRY).
{G Choose
LG On the Display Characteristic <XXXXX>: Detail screen:
zG Choose the Business Explorer tab.
{G At the bottom of the screen, choose Geo data download (everything).
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
MG On the Transfer Master data for geo-coding to a Local File dialog box:
zG In File name, observe the filename proposed by the system, which is the
technical name of the characteristic and the *.dbf extension.
{G Choose Transfer to confirm the filename.
If no directory is specified for the file
name, the file is stored in the local
SAPPCADM directory.
NG A system message informs you that a certain amount of data has been
The actual maintenance of the SAPBWKEY column is performed for the
cntry200.dbf dBase file, which contains the shapefile attribute table.
JG Start Microsoft Excel.
KG From the menu bar, choose File → Open.
LG On the Open dialog box:
zG In Files of type, use the arrow to select dBase Files (*.dbf).
{G In the C:\SAPPCADM directory, select the desired file (for example,
|G Choose Open.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG Microsoft Excel displays the feature table in a worksheet, allowing you to edit
the entries.
Do not change the order
of the entries in the
feature table by applying
sorting functions in Microsoft
Excel. If you sort, the feature table
will not match the index and
geometry files.
Please note that the maintenance of the
SAPBWKEY is a manual process. The
current functionality does not support
the automatic look-up or join of the two
NG Use this file to determine what SAPBWKEY values are used for each country.
This comparison can be done with the short text, which is also included in this
file. If the geo-characteristic is put together with other characteristics, the
SAPBWKEY will contain the complete key, which results from shortening the
individual key fields of the compound.
OG On the Microsoft Excel worksheet:
zG Manually maintain the values for the SAPBWKEY column (column B).
{G After you finish the maintenance of the SAPBWKEY fields, choose
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The last step for providing shape data for a static geo-characteristic is to
attach the shapefile set (*.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf) to the InfoObject by uploading
it into the BDS of the SAP BW server. This activity is done in the InfoObject
maintenance (transaction RSD1).
JG In the Command field, enter transaction RSD1 and choose Enter.
KG On the Edit InfoObjects: Start screen:
zG In InfoObject, enter the characteristic (for example, 0D_COUNTRY).
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Change Characteristic <XXXXX>: Detail screen,
zG Choose the Business Explorer tab.
{G Choose Upload Shape files.
MG On the Business Document Service: File selectn dialog box:
zG Select the file you wish to upload (for example, cntry200.shp).
{G Choose Open.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
After the shapefile upload, the
characteristic is ready for use in BEx
Map. Every user working with a query
containing the InfoObject
0D_COUNTRY is able to attach a map
to the query and analyze its data on
NG After file selection, the Business Document Service prompts you again to
request further information (such as description and keywords), which can be
used for later retrieval of the file through BDS.
zG Confirm the system proposals by choosing
{G The system automatically prompts you to upload the *.dbf and the *.shx
components of the shapefile.
To display the point data of dynamic geo-characteristics on the geographical
map, every master data object must be associated with a geographical
location represented by coordinates in the georeference system. The master
data table of dynamic geo-characteristics needs to be extended with a
standard set of geo-attributes including longitude and latitude. The
geocoding process itself, which is carried out in ArcView GIS, takes an
address field from the master data table and derives the geo-coordinates by
searching for the same address in the reference data, provided with ArcView
GIS, which has a built-in matching functionality.
To perform this task, the SAP BW master data table is downloaded into a
dBase file. The geo-coordinates are determined for each master data object.
The geo-attributes are converted into a comma-separated values (CSV) file,
which can be used for master data upload into the SAP BW master data table.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The above illustration shows the basic structure of a dynamic geocharacteristic’s master data table. The column’s latitude and longitude store
the geographic location of the objects in each row.
The procedure of geocoding for a dynamic geo-characteristic is explained in
the next section. In this example, the geocoding is demonstrated for the
characteristic 0D_SOLD_TO (Sold-to party [SAP Demo]), a dynamic geocharacteristic type. This InfoObject is used in the 0D_SD_C03 (Sales
Overview Demo-Content InfoCube). The procedure’s final result is a commaseparated value (CSV) file that contains the SAP BW master key and geoattributes. The geocoding process in ArcView generates a geocoded theme,
which is a shapefile consisting of an *.shp, *.dbf, and *.shx component. The
feature table containing the geo-attributes can be loaded into Microsoft Excel
and saved as a CSV file.
For the matching process, geocoding utilizes an address field contained in the
master data table. The precision of the geocoding process depends on the
address field’s granularity. If the address field is a street address, this
matching can be fairly precise. In our example, we use the field 0D_REGION
as the address field, which results in geo-coordinates for Sold-to party, where
two parties within the same region will have identical longitude and latitude
values. The procedure remains the same if more precise address information
is available.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
The entire process of SAPBWKEY maintenance for dynamic geocharacteristics consists of five steps:
The last step (the scheduling of the
master data upload) is a task for your
system administrator.
Download SAP BW master data into a *.dbf (dBase) file.
Create a new ArcView GIS project.
Perform the geocoding process.
Convert the dBase file into a CSV file.
Schedule a master data upload from the CSV file.
The following diagram gives a schematic overview of the procedure:
To add the geographical locations to master data, you must first download
the master data into a *.dbf file that can then be processed by the ArcView
JG Log on to your SAP BW system.
KG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, in the
Command field, enter transaction RSD1 and choose Enter.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Edit InfoObjects: Start screen:
zG In InfoObject, enter the technical name of the static geo-characteristic for
which you want to perform the geocoding process (for example,
{G Choose
MG On the Display Characteristic <XXXXX>: Detail screen:
zG Choose the Business Explorer tab.
If you want to maintain only the records
that have been changed during the last
attribute master data load, use the Geo
data download (delta) button. The
geodata download in delta mode needs
to be executed before you apply a
change run to the InfoObject.
Otherwise, the delta information is lost.
The BEx Map group box shows that
0D_SOLD_TO is a Dynamic geocharacteristic.
{G To download all master data table entries for geocoding, choose Geo data
download (everything).
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
NG On the Selection of attributes dialog box:
zG Select the attributes you want included in the generated dBase file. Only
the geoenabled attributes of the characteristic are offered here. These
choices are based on the assumption that only these attributes contain
useful address information.
{G Choose
Transfer Selections.
OG On the Transfer Master data for geo-coding to a Local File dialog box:
zG In File name, observe the *.dbf filename to which the data should be
written on your local file system (by default the technical name of the
{G If necessary, change the file name and directory (for example, we created
in the C:\ESRI folder an additional subdirectory C:\ESRI\DATA and
changed the filename to C:\ESRI\DATA\OD_SOLD_TO.DBF).
|G Choose Transfer.
PG A system message tells you the amount of data that has been transferred. If
you inspect the directory, you see the created file (for example,
0D_SOLD_TO.DBF has been created in C:\ESRI\DATA\). If no path is
specified, the file downloads to your local SAPPCADM directory.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The following tasks need to be performed in ArcView GIS. All files required
for the geocoding process are organized in an ArcView project, identified by
the extension *.apr. A project contains all the components as views and tables.
JG Start ArcView GIS.
KG On the Welcome to ArcView GIS dialog box:
zG Select as a blank project.
{G Choose OK.
LG On the ArcView GIS application window:
zG In the Untitled project window, choose the Tables icon.
{G To add the 0D_SOLD_TO.DBF dBase file to the project, choose Add.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
MG The project window displays the name of the table in the list. An additional
window with the dBase table is created.
The generic format of this table is such that
it provides every attribute and key field in
internal and external format, the master key
(the linked value of all key fields for
compound characteristics) and a text field.
This table has seven columns:
The 1_0d_regio column contains the
shortened keys of the 0d_country and
0d_region fields, because 0d_region
ha been added to 0d_country.
NG On the Untitled project window:
zG Choose the Views icon.
The list box displays a view (View 1) that was automatically created by
ArcView during project creation.
You must first create a local copy of the
reference shapefile. For more
information on downloading the
shapefile from the InfoObject
maintenance for characteristic
Maintenance for Static GeoCharacteristics” on page 273.
After opening View 1, the ArcView menu
bar contains a SAP menu with the
scrolling options Start Geocoding and
Create Attributes. This menu is only
available if the ArcView GIS SAP
Extension has been loaded with the
extensions dialog.
{G Choose Open (or double-click on View 1).
A new View 1 window appears over the ArcView application window.
|G To add this reference shapefile to the project, choose View → Add Theme.
A reference shapefile contains address information used to look up an
address’s geo-coordinates.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
OG In the Add Theme dialog box, select the desired reference shapefile (for
example, g_stat00, which contains Germany’s regional boundaries).
PG On the View1 screen, to associate the visible shapefile with the map, select the
checkbox to the left of the shapefile name.
QG To save the project, choose File → Save Project.
RG In the Save Project As dialog box:
zG In File Name, enter a name for the project.
{G In the Directories box, select a directory in which to save the project.
|G Choose OK.
A theme is similar to a
shapefile as a source for
spatial data or as a single
map layer. Note however that this
concept for ArcView is much
broader. The interested reader
should turn to ArcView’s help files
for details.
To prepare for the geocoding process, add the downloaded DBF table and the
reference shapefile to your ArcView GIS project. The dBase table created
earlier is referred to as the “address table,” which you want to geocode. For
each address in the address table, the geocoding process tries to identify a
match in the reference shapefile.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
You must specify how the address is defined in the reference shapefile. For
this purpose, ArcView uses the concept of an address style. The address style
determines the method of address geocoding to be used and contains the
definition of the data fields in the reference shapefile, which are needed for
In the following example, we use the address style Single Field. This address
style is used for geocoding based on the value of a single field in the reference
theme’s attribute table. The style contains one single component, the KeyField.
Since this component is required, it must be filled with a data field from the
attribute table in order the make the theme matchable. Note that the address
style is a property of a theme and can be controlled using the Theme Properties
dialog box.
The execution of the geocoding can be divided in three substeps:
Set the address style of the reference shapefile
Geocode the addresses (generating the geocoded theme)
Create the geo-attributes
JG Select the View 1 window created in the previous procedure.
KG From the menu bar, choose Theme→ Properties.
LG On the Theme Properties dialog box:
zG In the left column, choose the Geocoding icon.
In this example, we use the
SAPBWKEY field from the reference
shapefile. However, based on the
additional attribute information stored in
the reference shapefile’s feature table,
you can also use other fields for the
matching process. For example, you
can geocode on a zip-code level. The
data for the InfoObject 0zip_code in
the SAP BW system is stored as a fivedigit character field. If the reference
feature table contains the same
information, you can use this field for
the matching process and derive geocoordinates with the precision of zip
code areas.
{G In Address Style, use the dropdown to select an address style (for
example, Single Field).
|G In Key Field, use the dropdown to select Sapbwkey.
}G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the Build Geocoding Index dialog box, choose Yes to build the geocoding
NG Inspect the directory in which you stored the *.shp file (for example,
0D_SOLD_TO.SHP). Note that two additional files have been created:
JG On the ArcView GIS screen, choose SAP → Start Geocoding.
KG On the Geocode Addresses dialog box:
zG In Reference Theme, select the name of the reference shapefile. This theme
is used as a reference for the matching process.
{G In Join Field, select <None>.
|G In Using Address Style, leave as is if you set the address style in the
previous procedure.
When you select a table, ArcView reads
the field names in the table to find the
likely defaults for the next two options.
}G In Address Table, use the dropdown to select the table that contains the
address events you wish to geocode.
~G In Address Field, use the dropdown to select the field name that contains
the addresses you want to geocode (for example, 1_0d_regio—the linked
key of 0d_country and 0d_region).
The Batch Match and Interactive Match buttons are disabled if no field is
During the geocoding
process, ArcView
creates a new
shapefile—the geocoded
theme—that contains the
geocoded addresses. This file
serves as the basis for the
master data upload.
In Geocoded Theme, keep the system recommendation for the file name.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
€G At the bottom of the dialog box, choose Batch Match to invoke the
geocoding process.
LG When the geocoding process is done, on the Re-match Addresses dialog box,
choose Done.
The dialog box tells you what portion of
the addresses could be matched with
the reference data.
In our example, not all of the addresses
could be matched. The master data we
downloaded is not completely
maintained in the SAP Demo Cube. The
file name for the geocoded theme might
be different.
MG The geocoded theme files have been created in c:\temp. If you view the
directory, you can find the files, for example:
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG On the ArcView GIS 3.2 screen:
zG In the View1 window, to see the locations found in the address table,
select the new geocoded theme.
{G From the ArcView GIS menu bar, choose Theme → Table to view the
feature table of the generated theme.
This table is similar to the address table and contains some additional
ArcView-specific columns.
|G From the menu bar, choose SAP → Create attributes.
Geocoded theme from previous procedure
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
KG After a short processing time, the feature table of geoco8.shp extends with the
geo-attributes Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, SourceID, and PrecisID.
As a result of this process, you have a dBase table that contains SAP BW
master data keys along with geo-attributes. This file can now be used to
upload the attributes through flat-file upload into SAP BW.
From the geocoding process, you obtained a geocoded theme. The geocoded
theme’s feature table contains the SAP BW master key, along with the geoattributes. Because the feature table is stored in the dBase file format, you
must convert the feature table into a CSV (comma-separated value) format,
which can be processed by the SAP BW staging engine. This conversion
process can be performed in Microsoft Excel.
JG Start Microsoft Excel.
KG From the menu bar, choose File → Open.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Open dialog box:
zG In Look in, use the dropdown to select the Temp directory.
{G In the Temp directory, select the desired feature table (for example,
|G In Files of type, use the dropdown to select dBase Files (*.dbf).
}G Select the desired dBase file.
~G Choose Open.
MG Microsoft Excel displays the feature table with the geo-attributes. From the
menu bar, choose File → Save As.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
NG On the Save As dialog box:
zG In Save as type, use the dropdown to select CSV (Comma-delimited) (*.csv).
{G To save the table, choose
You now have a comma-delimited file with the geo-attributes of the dynamic
geo-characteristic 0D_SOLD_TO. The system administrator can schedule a
master data upload.
This section focuses on the deployment of Business Explorer (BEx) Map
functionality with SAP BW web reporting. For the basic concepts of SAP BW
web reporting (in particular, web reporting using ITS templates), refer to the
specific web reporting chapter. We assume that this section’s audience has a
working knowledge of SAP BW web reporting.
BEx Map on the web differs from the BEx Analyzer version in the following
The web version publishes only fixed views of a map. As of Release
2.0B/2.1C, drilldown or zoom-in functionality is not supported. A map
always displays the full extent of all shapefiles assigned to the static geocharacteristic used.
The publishing of a map on the web requires the underlying query be
structured in a specific way. A single static geo-characteristic must be
drilled down on along the rows axis and a single structure drilled across
the columns axis.
Shapefiles must be located on the ITS.
The following diagram gives an example of a web-compatible result set. The
illustration shows how the results are used to create the map view. The data
series of the first column feeds data into the renderer of a first output layer,
referred to as the bottom layer. All other data series of additional columns
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
feed data into the rendering of a second output layer, referred to as the top
layer. The result of the overlay of the two layers is a color-coded map view
with overlaid bar charts.
The attributes of the map renderer listed
above correspond directly to the pie,
bar, or color shading renderer
properties discussed in the previous
The web publisher provides the specific item-type map for map display.
Aside from the generic set of attributes (title, closed, and hide object), this
type supports the following set of item-specific attributes:
Attribute Name
Bar chart: maximum height
Maximum height of the bars measured in
Bar chart: width
Width of the bars measured in pixels
Color shading: number of classes
Number of classes used for color shading
Pie chart: maximum size
Maximum pie size in pixels
Pie chart: minimum size
Minimum pie size in pixels
Color settings
Selection of colors used for color shading
ramp and pie/bar charts
Bottom/Top layer
Format of data representation on top and
bottom layers of map view
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
To deploy BEx Map on the Web, the following steps must be completed:
Install the shapefiles on the Internet Transaction Server (ITS).
Create a view for the map deployment.
Create a map item.
Insert the item into the HTML template.
The following sections cover the details of these procedures.
When accessed through the web the map-rendering engine runs on the ITS.
Therefore you must copy the relevant shapefiles (see also the section on
geocoding) to a defined location in the ITS file system.
The following sections explain the process of setting up a map item. The goal
is to publish a map view that displays the revenues according to the two
selected divisions with a color-coded map of the sales organizations. The
introduction to this section explains the expected output.
After the ITS installation, the rendering engine searches by default for shapefiles in the folder
C:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\BW\Shapes. You must create this folder manually. The
search path for the shapefiles is controlled by a system registry entry. You can check and
change this setting using the registry editor (regedit). The registry entry can be found in the path‚
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → SAP→ ITS → 2.0. You will find an entry
by the name BWShapesPath, and this setting is initially set to C:\Program
Files\SAP\ITS\BW\Shapes. Download the shapefiles into the folder either from the
InfoObject maintenance or from the ESRI SAP BW mapping data CD. More details about the
mapping data catalog can be found in “Geocoding for Dynamic Geo-Characteristics” on
page 283.
You must provide a compatible query for using maps in web reporting. In the
following procedure, you change the existing query, transfer it to a
workbook, and create a query view. This query view is used in web
JG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG In the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name of the desired query (for
example, 0D_SD_C03_Q012).
|G Choose Find.
}G Choose Change.
LG On the query definition screen, save the query before applying changes by
MG In the Save query as dialog box:
zG Enter the new name of the query (for example, ZMAPWEB).
{G Enter the new description of the query (for example, Geographical
Sales Analysis Web).
|G Choose OK.
NG On the Define the query <XXXXX> - Geographical Sales Analysis Web screen:
zG Drag the Country characteristic from the Rows frame to the Filter frame.
{G Drag the Sales Organization characteristic from the Free characteristic frame
to the Rows frame.
|G If you wish to restrict the country, in the Filter frame, right-click on the
Country characteristic and choose Restrict.
OG On the Selection for country dialog box:
zG Select the country (for example, Germany).
{G Choose
|G Choose OK.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
PG Back on the Define the query <XXXXX> - Geographical Sales Analysis Web
zG To save the query, choose
{G To execute the query, choose
to transfer the query to a workbook.
QG On the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
→ Save as new workbook.
RG On the SAP BEx: Save to Document Store dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a name for the workbook (for example, Map Web
{G Choose OK.
JIG On the Map Web Deployment (Book1) screen, choose
→ Save query view.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JJG On the SAP BEx: Save Query View dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a description (for example, ViewSalesOrg).
Before you start the web
publishing process, as a
first step, attach a map in
BEx Analyzer and define the map
layout in BEx Map. This way, you
can see the effect of the settings
without going many times through
the complete publishing cycle.
This approach speeds up the
overall process.
{G Choose OK.
You are now ready to start the web publishing process.
To publish a map with web reporting you need to create a map item and
insert it into a template. Carry out the following steps in the web publisher.
JG Start the Web Publisher from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar by choosing
→ Publish to Web.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
KG On the BW Web Publisher screen, in the Items frame, choose
LG On the Select item type dialog box:
zG Under Item type, select the Map item.
{G Choose Choose.
MG On the New item dialog box:
zG In Item ID, enter a name for the map item (for example, ItemMap).
{G Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the Web Publisher BW ITS template dialog box:
zG In the Properties of the current item frame, select the desired attribute (for
example, Bottom/ Top layers).
{G At the bottom of the screen, choose Change attribute.
The Change map layer dialog box
controls which components the map
displays. You can only use two layers:
the bottom and top layer. The bottom
layer supports the three renderer types:
Color Shading, Bar Chart, and Pie
Chart. If a bottom and top layer are
used, you can set the value for the top
layer to a value other than <none>. The
Color Shading setting for the top layer
is not offered. If you require an overlay,
you have to use the bottom layer with
Color Shading and select either Bar
Chart or Pie Chart for the top layer.
OG For this example, in the Choose map layer dialog box:
zG Change the Top Map Layer value to the desired renderer type (for
example, Pie Chart).
{G Choose OK.
PG On the BW Server templates –Map Web deployment dialog box, choose
You must use ITS-based templates for publishing maps on the web. This topic
describes the steps involved in creating ITS templates for BEx Map. See
chapter 5, “Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting” on page 157, which also
discusses the basic structure of an ITS template for the workbook items.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
JG On the BW Web Publisher Server templates screen, choose Options → ITS
KG On the Settings dialog box:
zG Choose the ITS settings tab.
{G Under Template folder, select ITS server.
|G Choose OK.
The service specified under ITS settings
Service (in this example, ZBWWORK)
and the Theme under Template folder
need to be created by your system
administrator by using transaction
SE80 (Object Navigator).
LG On the BW Web Publisher ITS templates screen, choose the
a new web template.
New file to create
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the New Web template dialog box:
zG In Web template, enter the name (for example, Map Template).
{G Choose OK.
NG An instance of your HTML editor appears (in this example, in Notepad)
containing the basic structure of the ITS template appears.
Keep the HTML editor open.
OG On the BW Web publisher ITS templates – Map Web deployment screen, choose
HTML tag.
PG On the Publishing dialog box, choose OK to confirm the proposed settings for
Data provider and Item name.
Chapter 6: Business Explorer (BEx) Map
QG Return to your HTML editor (for example, Notepad):
zG Place the cursor below the line <!--place the HTML tags from the Web
publisher here-->.
{G From the menu bar, select Edit → Paste.
|G On the menu bar, choose File → Save.
RG On the BW Web Publisher ITS templates toolbar, choose
Check in.
JIG On the Open dialog box:
zG Select the HTML template file (for example, MAP TEMPLATE).
{G Choose Open.
JJG On the BW Web Publisher ITS templates, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JKG On the Choose Web template dialog box:
zG In Path of HTML Template, enter the name of the HTML template (for
example, MAP TEMPLATE).
{G Choose OK.
JLG On the Publish on ITS dialog box, choose Publish to publish the template to the
various ITS servers of your choice.
JMG To view the map, on the BW Web Publisher ITS templates screen, choose
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
An “ad hoc” query is one
that is not saved
permanently, but is
created to satisfy a one-time
We recommend you not
use InfoSet Query for
reporting using
InfoCubes. The InfoSet Query
tool does not support the
following functions:
n Navigation
n Hierarchies
n Currency translation
n Variables
n Exception reporting
n Interactive graphics on the
The InfoSet Query tool evolved from the SAP R/3 Query reporting tool.
InfoSet Query is designed for reporting using flat data structures, such as
InfoObjects, ODS objects, and ODS object joins. InfoSet Query presents all
query information in a single user-friendly graphical interface, enabling users
to quickly create ad hoc and reusable queries with drag-and-drop capability.
The SAP ListViewer displays query output and integrates with other tools,
such as Microsoft Excel. The ListViewer also supports web reporting,
allowing every InfoSet Query to be run in a web environment.
InfoSets are the data sources for InfoSet Query. An InfoSet gives you a view
of a dataset that you report on using the InfoSet Query. The InfoSet
determines which tables or fields within a table an InfoSet Query refers to. To
some extent, they are similar to InfoCubes. But InfoSets do not contain data,
instead referring to the database tables or table joins. InfoSets can be built
Master data (InfoObjects)
ODS objects
Joins of the previous two types of objects
Master data reporting is the retrieval of nonnumeric information about
customers, materials, vendors, and other data.
Master data reporting has two approaches. You can generate reports either:
Directly from the SAP BW master data table
From transaction data that is stored in the SAP BW InfoCubes
The difference between the two approaches is that not all master data records
have transaction data. An example would be a new customer that has not yet
placed a sales order.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
InfoCubes store transaction data, which results from the creation of
transaction documents loaded into SAP BW from any source OLTP system.
Master data is used in an OLTP system to speed up the creation of transaction
Decide if you want to
report on master data or
on the master data
content within transaction data. In
the first case, report on the content
of the SAP BW master data tables
using InfoSet Query. In the
second, report on the content of
InfoCubes using the Business
Explorer (BEx) Analyzer.
Master data is data that remains unchanged over an extended period of time. In the case of R/3,
master data contains information referenced by R/3 transactions. SAP BW references master data
for reporting where, for example:
Cost center master data contains the name, person responsible, hierarchy, and other data.
Vendor master data contains the name, address, and banking information.
User master data in the SAP system contains the user’s name, authorizations, default
printer, and other data.
Master data is stored in master data tables by loading it directly from the source system master data
tables. Use InfoSet Query to create queries from master data tables or other flat tables.
Before you can work directly on the SAP BW system to execute a nonweb
master data report from the SAP BW navigation menu, ensure that you have
system access.
Change settings to turn on technical names on the SAP BW system. On the
SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, from the menu
bar, choose Extras → Settings. Select the checkboxes Display technical names
and Do not display screen.
To execute a web master data report, you need access to a web browser such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer™ or Netscape Navigator™.
Determine the master data report you want to create. Specifically, know the
technical name of the source table(s). For example, in the steps below, you use
Sold-to-Party (0D_SOLD_TO) master data whose table name is
/BI0/MD_SOLD_TO. If you are unsure of the technical name of the table you
want to use, please refer to appendix E, “Data Checking for InfoObjects and
ODS Objects” on page 435.
To verify that your ITS system is working correctly, ask your system
administrator to follow the steps in appendix D, “Internet Transaction Server
(ITS) Prerequisites” on page 431.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
As a sales manager, you need a reference list of all customers in your customer database. You
require a list of:
Customer names
Customer numbers
n Countries
n Industry affiliations
n Subtotals
This list can be accessed through your web browser or the SAP BW system’s navigation menu.
The SAP demo business content has been configured with the Sold-to-Party
(0D_SOLD_TO) master data as time and language independent. Therefore, you are
unable to create master data reports based on historical values for customer information
or using multiple languages. Your SAP BW system can be configured to support time
dependency and language dependency, depending on your requirements. Even though
the Sold-to-Party master data report shown below does not have those properties, you
can take advantage of those features in your own SAP BW system.
The components used to create our master data report are:
Role: ZBWRME_ROLE (BWRME Sales Manager)
User Group: BWRME_UGRP
The screen below shows a nonweb master data report displayed in the SAP
List Viewer:
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
The web-enabled master data report below displays a list of customers—
sorted by name—with their country, industry affiliations, and a counter field
in a web browser.
The InfoSet Query tool is completely integrated with the role concept of the
mySAP Workplace and the BEx Browser, respectively. Therefore, not only is
there a transaction for calling the Query Builder, but the tool itself must be
called with parameters defining the environment and reporting content
relevant for one specific role.
To set up an InfoSet Query, five tasks must be completed:
Set up roles for the InfoSet Query
Define the InfoSet
Assign an InfoSet to a role
Define a query
Save the query directly to a role
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The InfoSet Query tool is completely integrated into the role concept of the
mySAP Workplace and BEx Browser. As a result, the Query Builder is only
accessible from a specific role.
InfoSet Query is based on SAP Query, which operated on the concept of user groups. A
role is assigned on a one-to-one basis to a user group. An administrator can assign a role
to a user group with SAP BW transaction code RSQ10 (Set up Roles for InfoSet Query)
accessible through the SAP BW standard navigation menu SAP menu → Business
Explorer → InfoSet Query.
Tips & Tricks
You can only view the results of the query if you have data in the InfoObject. Therefore, if
you use the SAP DemoCube, you may want to check the master data of the InfoObject
(for example, Sold-to Party) before you proceed to create the InfoSet Query. For more
information on this topic, see appendix E, “Data Checking for InfoObjects and ODS
Objects” on page 435.
The first step in setting up an InfoSet Query is to create a new role to which it
will be associated.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, choose
Create role (or from the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → Tools →
Administration → User Maintenance and double-click on
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
KG On the Role Maintenance screen:
zG In Role, enter the name of an existing role to copy (for example,
{G Choose
|G To copy the role, from the application toolbar, choose
LG In the Query dialog box:
zG In to role, enter a name for the new role (for example, ZBWRME_ROLE).
{G Choose
Copy all.
MG On the Role Maintenance screen, to change the role, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the Change Roles screen:
User Comparison
By choosing the
Authorizations tab, you
can assign authorizations to a new
role or change the authorization
profile for an existing role. You will
be required to generate a new
profile. After generating a new
profile, a yellow icon appears on the
User tab and a red icon on the User
comparison button. You must
choose the User comparison
button to compare the user master
The Compare Role User Master
Record dialog box appears,
displaying status information for the
user master record and general
information on the date and time of
the last user master comparison
record. On this screen, you can
choose either the Complete
comparison button or the Expert
mode for comparison button. After
the system completes the
comparison, a green icon appears
on the User comparison button.
The roles can then be saved.
Setting up roles for
InfoSet Query is done for
data security and
technical purposes and is
performed only once for a role.
zG In Description, enter a description for the new role (for example, BWRME
Sales Manager).
{G Choose the User tab.
|G In the User ID column, enter the user ID for the role.
}G Choose
~G Choose
twice to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
OG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG Choose SAP Menu → Business Explorer → InfoSet Query
{G Double-click on
Set up Roles for InfoSet Query.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
PG On the Role Administration for InfoSet Query screen:
zG Locate the new role (for example, ZBWRME_ROLE [BWRME Sales
{G To assign the new role to the user group, choose
next to the new role.
QG In the Determine User Group dialog box:
zG Make sure the Create new user group radio button is selected.
{G In User group, enter the user group to which you wish to assign the new
role (for example, BWRME_UGRP).
|G To continue, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
RG On the Role Administration for InfoSet Query screen, notice that the new role is
now assigned to the desired user group.
ZBWRME_ROLE is assigned to
Depending on your company’s policy,
InfoSets are defined either by a
technical administrator or a power user.
In this section, we use an existing standard InfoSet and add an additional
field called counter to it. You may define an InfoSet with an additional field of
your own.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG From the navigation menu, choose SAP Menu → BW Administration.
{G Double-click on
Administrator Workbench.
KG On the Administrator Workbench screen:
zG Choose
InfoObjects in the left frame.
{G Choose
from the toolbar above the right frame.
LG On the Find dialog box:
zG In Search Term, enter the name of an existing InfoSet (for example,
{G For Search in directory, choose InfoObjects.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
|G Choose
}G Under Search Results, look in the Search directory column.
If you are following
along in the SAP Demo
Cube, Select the entry
with the path
nodes\SAP demo\SAP Demo
Sales and Distribution:
Overview\SAP Demo Overview:
~G In the Display Node column, to expand the tree, choose
for that entry.
The system expands the
InfoObjects Tree and selects
0D_SOLD_TO from the list. (If
you get more than one object,
choose the object from the
directory SAP demo\SAP Demo
Sales and Distribution:
MG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen, right-click on the InfoObject
and choose InfoSets.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the InfoSets for InfoObject frame:
In this example, we
changed an existing
standard InfoSet. You
may also create a new InfoSet of
by entering a desired technical
name, selecting the entire line,
and choosing
zG To regenerate the standard InfoSet, choose
{G Right-click on the InfoSet (for example, Sold-to-Party) and choose Change.
After the previous step, the InfoSets for
InfoObject frame appears on the right.
OG On the Change InfoSet <XXXXX> screen:
zG To create an additional field on the application toolbar, choose
(for example, a field called Counter, which will display subtotals on the
{G A set of tabs appears in the right frame.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
PG On the Extras tab, to create the field, choose
QG On the Create Additional Information dialog box:
zG In Name, enter the name of the new field (for example, Counter).
{G Under Type of additional information, select Additional field.
|G Choose
RG In the Additional Field <XXXXX> dialog box:
zG In Long text, enter a description of the field.
{G In Header, enter a header description.
|G In Type, enter the type of field.
}G In Length, enter the length of the field.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
~G In OutputLength, enter the output length for the field.
JIG On the Change InfoSet SAP_I/BI0/MD_SOLD_TO screen:
zG Expand the
Additional fields tree to find the new field (for example,
{G Right-click on the new field and choose Field code.
|G In the right frame, enter any necessary code for the field (for example,
}G To the left of the code entry box, to check the coding, choose
~G The No syntax errors found message should appear. If you get any errors,
you need to correct the syntax, or get the assistance of a programmer.
To the left of the code entry box, to save the coding, choose
€G Choose
Field groups.
Additional fields icon created
for the table appears in the left frame
Coding entry for new field
JJG The right frame now shows the Field Group/data fields:
zG In the right frame, select the line 01 Generated Table for View &.
{G In the left frame, select the additional field (for example, Counter).
|G Above the left frame, to insert field in field group choose
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
}G The additional field appears in the right frame and the message Field
included in field group displays.
Due to the speed with
which InfoSets create
reports, standard
InfoSets are a useful starting point
when creating your own master
data reports. If you need to create
your own InfoSets, you can select
the appropriate type of data source
in the Data Source box. A data
source may be any table or view
in the system, a join of these
objects, or a logical database in
the SAP system. The data source
of the InfoSet determines which
database fields can be contained
in the InfoSet and how the data is
read from the database.
~G To assign the InfoSet to an authorization group for web-enabling, from
the menu bar, choose Goto → Global Properties.
JKG On the InfoSet: Title and Database dialog box:
If you specify an authorization group,
only users possessing that
authorization can start query reports for
all queries using the InfoSet.
zG In the Authorization Group field, enter the authorization group number
from your system administrator (for example, BC440).
This step is optional. Only users possessing the entered authorization
code can start query reports for all queries in the InfoSet.
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JLG On the Change InfoSet SAP_I/BIO/MD_SOLD_TO screen:
zG To check if inconsistencies exist, choose
on the application toolbar.
{G Choose
on the application toolbar. A system message confirms that
the InfoSet has been generated.
|G Choose
JMG On the Exit InfoSet Processing dialog box, select Yes to save the InfoSet.
JNG Choose
You can define a default InfoSet for a particular role. The default InfoSet can
be selected automatically by Query Builder, essentially bypassing the
selection list. This is especially useful if there are several InfoSets assigned to
one role. Going to Set up Roles for InfoSet Query and choosing the function
Assign InfoSets can assign additional InfoSets.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG From the navigation menu, choose SAP Menu → Business Explorer →
InfoSet Query → Set up Roles for InfoSet Query.
{G Double-click on
Set Up Roles for InfoSet Query.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
KG On the Role Administration for InfoSet Query screen:
zG Scroll down to locate the role to which you wish to assign an InfoSet.
{G To assign the InfoSet to the role, choose
example, next to ZBWRME_Role).
next to that role (for
LG On the Assignment of InfoSets for Role <XXXXX> (for example,
ZBWRME_ROLE) screen:
zG Select the row button for the InfoSet you wish to assign as default (for
example, SAP_I/BI0/MD_SOLD_TO).
{G Choose Enter.
A radio button appears in the Default InfoSet column next to the selected
|G Choose the Default InfoSet radio button.
}G To save the assignment, choose
~G Choose
twice to return to the SAP Easy Access SAP Business
Information Warehouse screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Defining a query consists of dragging fields into the output area in the lower
part of the screen and by dragging fields into the selection area in the upper
right part of the screen to apply filters for certain fields. This procedure is
similar to defining a query in BEx Analyzer. For more information on BEx
Analyzer queries, see chapter 3, “Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer” on
page 19.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, from the
application toolbar, choose
to display the user menu.
KG On the SAP Easy Access - User menu for <XXXXX>:
zG In the navigation menu, choose User menu for <XXXXX>.
{G Double-click on
InfoSet Query.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
LG On the InfoSet Query (Infoset: <XXXXX>) screen:
zG Expand the menu for Generated Table for View &.
{G Drag and drop Object version from the left frame to the right Selections
|G To activate Object version, select the cell in the Value column and choose
MG On the Entries found dialog box:
zG Select A (Active).
This step is optional. By selecting Active at the time of query definition,
only active data is displayed when you view the query.
{G Choose
NG Back on the InfoSet Query (InfoSet: <XXXXX>) screen:
zG Drag and drop the required fields from the Field group/fields frame (for
example, Sold-to Party, Country, Industry, and Counter) to the Preview of
output area in the bottom frame.
{G You can choose to have totals or subtotals and sort the desired columns by
ascending or descending order. For example, to set the Counter field to
subtotal by Country and Industry:
Choose the Counter column in the bottom frame by selecting the
column header.
From the toolbar on the output frame, choose
Select the top of the Counter column again and choose the Sort
ascending icon
→ Total.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
To get country-wide subtotals of, select the top of the Country column
and choose
→ subtotals.
Select the top of the Industry column and choose the
→ Total
|G You can choose to display the values or descriptions for the desired fields.
For example, you could:
Right-click on the Sold-to-Party field and choose Value.
Right-click on the Country field and choose Only value.
Right-click on the Industry field and choose Only value.
}G To replace the sample data with actual data, choose
~G To view the results of the query, choose
OG On the SAP Query <XXXXX> screen:
zG Review the results.
{G The application toolbar provides several output options for saving the
query results. You may either:
Export the query results by clicking the
Save the results in an Microsoft Excel sheet by choosing
Save the results in a Microsoft Word document by choosing
Send it as an email to someone by choosing
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
View it in a graphical form by choosing
Perform ABC Analysis by choosing
PG To go back to the InfoSet Query definition screen, choose
QG To save your query directly into a role, on the InfoSet Query (InfoSet:
<XXXXX>) screen, choose
RG On the Save Query dialog box:
zG You may either accept the query name and description suggested by the
system or change the same to meet your requirements.
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JIG On the Make Query Entry in your Role dialog box:
zG If you desire to see the selection screen for the query, select the checkbox.
{G To add this query to your role, choose Yes.
You now see this InfoSet Query in the user menu of that role.
A nonweb master data report can be accessed in multiple ways:
The SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen
BEx Browser
mySAP Workplace MiniApp
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG Choose
User Menu.
{G In the navigation menu, open your User Menu folder (such as User Menu
for MAJOR).
|G Find the master data report (it appears next to the
}G Double-click on the master data report you want.
KG On the selection screen, execute the query display by choosing
. Please
note that if you have not selected the checkbox in step 10a of the previous
task, the system directs you to the query results screen.
From the BEx Browser, you can open
or edit a Master Data query.
JG From the Favorites and Roles frame, choose your role (such as BWRME Sales
KG The master data queries appear in the right navigation window. They have
the icon
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
LG To display the query results, double-click on
Ask your system administrator which method(s) in mySAP Workplace are
available for your master data reports.
When displaying a nonweb master data report, you can control the
appearance, output, and analysis functions, such as ABC Analysis. Once the
master data report displays, navigate by using the icons on the toolbar or the
context menu options.
Users gain access to queries when they are assigned to roles. No further steps
are necessary.
To change the existing query, you can either open the query using the:
User menu
SAP standard menu
The following sections cover these methods.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG To view the user menu, choose
{G In the navigation menu, open your User Menu folder (for example, User
Menu for MAJOR).
|G Double-click on
InfoSet Query.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the InfoSet Query (InfoSet: XXXXX (SAP Demo)) screen, from the
application toolbar, choose
LG On the Open Query dialog box:
zG Select the desired InfoSet Query.
{G Choose
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
You can also maintain the InfoSet Query using the SAP standard menu.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG For the SAP standard menu, choose
{G In the navigation menu, choose SAP Menu → Business Explorer → InfoSet
|G Double-click on
Maintain InfoSets.
KG On the InfoSet: Initial Screen:
zG Select the desired InfoSet.
{G Choose
|G The selected InfoSet Query appears in the Info Set field.
}G Choose
The selected Infoset query opens.
You can also create
InfoSet queries from the
InfoSet: Initial Screen.
With the additional functions
available on the screen you can
copy, display, check, generate,
transport, access additional
functions, display the query
definition in HTML format and
view the user group or role
Every InfoSet Query can be opened in a web browser. For security reasons,
two prerequisites must be met before a query may be executed in a web
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The underlying InfoSet must be assigned to an authorization group (for
more on this procedure, see “Define Your InfoSet” on page 318).
The query must be released for web execution.
Three output options affect a web query:
MidiALV without a selection screen, with selection variants
MidiALV to display a selection screen first for the input of selections
MiniALV to use your query output in for the mySAP Workplace
In addition, the appearance of the data may be customized by URL
parameters using the Generate URLs for ITS option.
After the query is saved to a role, you can release the template for the web.
JG On the InfoSet Query (InfoSet: <XXXXX>) screen that you created, choose Goto
→ Internet → Release template for Web.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
KG A confirmation appears, stating that the InfoSet Query is released for the web.
The URL generator creates a URL for a query with all the parameters
necessary for displaying the ITS services. This URL may be displayed directly
by a web browser, embedded as a link in a web page, or in a MiniApp in the
mySAP Workplace.
JG On the InfoSet Query (InfoSet: <XXXXX>) screen, choose Goto → Internet →
Generate URL for template.
KG From the SAP Query: Administration for Web Reporting screen:
zG Under Output with, select MidiALV with selection screen.
{G Under Options, in the ITS Web Server field, enter the name of your ITS
server with its port assignment (for example, igcim:1080).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G Select the Start Browser with URL checkbox.
}G Choose the Service parameter tab.
LG On the Service parameter tab:
zG Make your query-specific settings. All selection on this tab control the
filtering and appearance of the output.
Use selection variant – Allows you to access a predefined variant to
prevent having to retype values on selection screen.
Use ALV layout – List Viewer controls positioning of fields on screen.
Set font size – Controls the font size. this entire tab controls the filtering
and appearance of the output).
{G To execute your web query, choose
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
Embed the web query’s URL in any web page or cockpit. The technical
administrator or your company’s webmaster can do this.
JG On the InfoSet Query (InfoSet: <XXXXX>) screen, choose Goto → Internet →
Generate URL for template.
KG On the SAP Query: Administration for Web Reporting screen, on the General
Options tab:
zG Under Options, select Export URL to clipboard.
{G To execute the web query, choose
The URL is copied to the clipboard.
|G Paste the URL into a web page or cockpit.
To display the InfoSet Query on the web, enter the master data report URL
into your web browser’s address bar.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
When displayed in a web browser, InfoSet Query web queries allow two
types of interactivity. First, if defined in the Query Builder, you can choose
the Selection variant. This selects which data is displayed. Second, you can
choose the Layout control (also defined in the Query Builder), which controls
the layout of the web query. When the user toggles to new variants, the data
is refreshed from the SAP BW database.
Currently, there is no SAP Demo
business content available for an ODS
Object. Therefore, you can follow along
using any ODS Object created on your
own SAP BW system.
On the SAP BW system, you can execute a nonweb ODS report from the SAP
Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen. Ensure that you have
access to the system.
To work with web ODS reports, you need to:
Have access to a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or
Netscape Communicator.
Change settings to turn on technical names in the SAP BW system. From
the navigation menu, choose Extras → Settings. Select the Display technical
names and Do not display screen checkboxes.
Know the technical name of the data source table(s). For example, the steps
below show an ODS Object with the technical name ODERODS. If you are
unsure of the technical name of the table you want to use, please refer to
appendix E, “Data Checking for InfoObjects and ODS Objects” on
page 435.
Verify the Internet Transaction Server (ITS) system name and port number
that is connected to your SAP BW system if you intend to publish your
ODS report to the web. Your system administrator can provide this
Ensure that the Internet Transaction Server (ITS) is working. Your system
administrator can provide this information.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
Two approaches exist for ODS reporting:
The BEx Analyzer
automatically retrieves
data from the active ODS
table (indicated by A) and this
cannot be changed. Situations
may arise when you want to
retrieve data from other underlying
ODS tables (such as the new M
table or the change log). For those
situations, use InfoSet Query as
your reporting tool instead of the
BEx Analyzer. You may also want
to use InfoSet Query for testing
and data validation purposes.
For a single ODS Object
Use the BEx Analyzer to create queries. Using the BEx Analyzer, create a
query using an ODS Object instead of an InfoCube. ODS Objects appear
on the Data Targets list in the SAP BW Administration Workbench with the
For joining multiple ODS tables
Use InfoSet Query to create queries. InfoSet Query is a tool designed for
reporting on flat, tabular data. You can use InfoSet Query for easy joins of
multiple ODS tables and/or additional SAP BW tables, such as attributes
data stored in SAP BW ODS tables. You would need to join multiple ODS
tables in the following situations:
To combine master data with ODS transaction data (for example, if
you want to include the customers’ country on a customer order
To combine multiple ODS objects (for example, if your SAP BW ODS
design populates one ODS object with sales transaction data and
another ODS object with billing transaction data; create an Order
Billing report using InfoSet Query to join these two ODS objects).
The screen below shows what a nonweb ODS report looks like.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Below is what a web-enabled ODS report looks like. Notice that it lists sales
orders by their sales organization, along with delivery order numbers.
Depending on your company’s policy,
either technical administrators or power
users define InfoSets.
This section covers the steps needed for reporting on multiple ODS Objects
using InfoSet Query. You learn how to create an InfoSet that joins multiple
tables. All other steps required are the same as for master data reporting
using InfoSet Query. See “Master Data Reporting” on page 310 for more
InfoSets are the data sources of the InfoSet Query. They can be compared to
an InfoCube to some extent, although InfoSets are not containers of data, but
only refer to the database tables or joins of tables. In SAP BW, you can build
InfoSets on master data (InfoObjects), ODS Objects, or joins of these objects.
A sales manager needs to compare sales orders to deliveries in order to identify possible problems.
He needs to be able to compare the requested delivery date to the actual delivery date. In addition,
he wants to see sales orders that do not have corresponding deliveries. This will allow him to manage
customer service. The ORDERODS object provides detailed information about sales orders
(including order numbers and quantities ordered) while the ORDELODS object contains detailed
information about sales deliveries (including delivery numbers and actual quantities delivered). By
combining the two ODS objects, it is possible to report the quantities ordered and the quantities
delivered. It is also possible to report the delivery number for sales orders.
If Administrator
Workbench does not
display immediately,
choose Goto → Modeling from
the toolbar, and then select Data
Targets from the left frame.
JG In the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, from the
navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration → Administrator
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, under Modeling, choose Data targets.
{G Right-click on the name of an ODS Object with the icon
and choose
|G Under Technical name, enter the technical name of your new InfoSet
(according to your company’s naming standards).
}G To create the new InfoSet, choose
LG On the InfoSet: Title and Database dialog box:
zG In Authorization Group, enter the authorization group number provided by
your system administrator (for example, BC440).
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the ODS Join Definition screen, choose
Insert Table.
NG On the Add Table dialog box:
zG In Table, enter the name of the table you want to join (for example
{G Choose
OG Repeat steps 4–5 for additional tables, such as the master data table for sales
organization (/BI0/MSALESORG).
PG On the ODS Join Definition screen:
zG Choose
{G The system displays the message The join conditions defined are correct.
|G Choose
A graphic shows the tables and their
common fields.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
QG On the Field Group Defaults dialog box:
zG Make sure Include all table fields is selected.
{G Choose
RG On the Change InfoSet <XXXXX> screen:
zG Choose the
Check. The message InfoSet has no inconsistencies should
appear. If not, you need to fix the inconsistencies.
{G Choose
|G Choose
twice to return to the SAP Easy Access SAP Business
Information Warehouse screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
To use the ODS query, it must be assigned to a user group.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG In the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → Business Explorer → InfoSet
{G To assign the ODS query to the user group, double-click on
Roles for InfoSet Query.
Set up
KG On the Role Administration for InfoSet Query screen, for the desired role (for
example, ZBWRME_ROLE), choose
from the assign role column.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
LG On the Assignment of InfoSets for Role <XXXXX> screen:
zG Locate and select the desired InfoSet Query (for example, ZBWRMEODS).
{G Choose
|G In the Default InfoSet column, select the radio button next to the InfoSet.
}G Choose
~G Choose
to go back to the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information
Warehouse screen.
The InfoSet is ready for reporting. Refer to “Master Data Reporting” on
page 310 for the steps to create an InfoSet Query from your ODS InfoSet and
publish it to the web.
A nonweb ODS report can be accessed in multiple ways:
SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen
BEx Browser
mySAP Workplace MiniApp
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen:
zG From the application tool bar, choose User menu
{G Open your User menu folder (for example, User menu for Major).
|G Open the role folder (such as ZBWRME_ROLE).
}G Look for your ODS report <XXXXX>_InfoSet query accompanied by the
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG Double-click on the ODS report you want to view.
From the SAP BW BEx Browser, you
can open or edit a ODS query.
JG Choose your Role (such as BWRME Sales Manager).
KG Your ODS queries appear in the right frame.
LG Double-click on the ODS report you want to view.
Ask your system administrator which method(s) are available for your ODS
When displaying a nonweb ODS report, you can control the appearance,
control the output, and control analysis functions such as ABC Analysis.
JG Open your ODS report (see previous section, “View a Nonweb ODS Report”
on page 345).
KG Choose the menu options or the application toolbar to navigate through the
report data.
Chapter 7: InfoSet Query
Navigate using the application toolbar icons shown below.
Sort in ascending order
Print preview
Set filter
Sort in descending order
Word processing
Transfer to
local file
Sum total
Select layout
Mail recipient
Microsoft Excel
Change layout
ABC analysis
In your web browser, execute the web page containing the ODS report URL.
When displayed in a web browser, InfoSet Query web queries allow two
types of interactivity. If defined in the Query Builder, Selection variants can be
chosen to display the desired data. The second option, Layout control,
determines the web query layout. When the user toggles to new variants, the
data is refreshed from the SAP BW database.
At runtime, InfoSet Query performs the standard SAP BW authorization
checks for each InfoObject. Any configured authorization checks will be
Assignment to a role controls access to InfoSet Queries. Each InfoSet Query
must be assigned to a role. Every user linked to a role can start that query.
However, the presented data displays according to that user’s authorization
profile. A web-based InfoSet Query can be run by anyone, though the system
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
may prompt for a valid SAP BW user ID and password in order to view the
data. All requests to display data from the SAP BW database must pass
through the SAP BW system security.
InfoSet Query uses standard R/3 selection functionality. You can store an
unlimited number of selection variants for every InfoSet Query.
& + $ 3 7 ( 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
As a component of the Administrator Workbench (AWB), the Reporting
Agent schedules reporting functions in the background. It automates routine
tasks such as the inspection of large datasets for exceptions and mass-printing
of query-based documents. With the Reporting Agent’s background
processing functionality, the SAP BW System can run queries without
invoking BEx Analyzer. Background processing lets you move long-running
or resource-intensive query runs to periods of low system load to optimize
the use of your organization’s SAP BW computing resources. The SAP Basis
system offers sophisticated support for background processing, allowing a
choice of methods for scheduling and repeating jobs.
The Reporting Agent has two functional areas:
Exception Reporting: Queries execute in the background, where the
system watches result sets for the occurrence of exceptions. An exception
can trigger the sending of e-mail to SAP BW users, or the Exception
Monitor can record execution log entries.
Background printing: Queries execute in the background with formatted
results print to a supported device.
In the following sections, we introduce the basic concepts and workflows of
the Reporting Agent. We then look at exception reporting and background
The overall workflow is similar for both batch printing and exception
reporting. The workflow for the Reporting Agent consists of five major steps,
schematically represented in the following diagram:
Settings for background printing and exception reporting are created on a
per-query basis and provide background processing with information such
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
Document print layout
Page margins
Print direction
Follow-up actions
Evaluation path
A preview function immediately enables you to check the effect of different
settings for background printing. Settings can be function-specific to either
background printing or exception reporting, or can affect both.
Variants pass values to a query executed in a background job. For a query, if
you define a selection based on user input variables, the selection set can be
saved as a variant. You can create any number of variants for a query. Query
variants are assigned exclusively to that specific query. The Reporting Agent
provides a direct link to variant maintenance. However, variants can also be
created in BEx Analyzer from the query selection screen.
A scheduling packet allows you to combine settings and variants for
background processing. A packet contains all information required to execute
the background job and produce output. Output includes documents for
background printing and follow-up e-mails for exception reporting.
Scheduling packets may contain multiple combinations of settings and
variants, referred to as packet members.
Packets are scheduled for background processing using the standard SAP
Basis job-scheduling functions. Options provide for defining background job
start time:
Immediate execution
Execution at a specific date and time
Execution after an event
Once a packet has been scheduled, the SAP Basis system’s Job Overview can
be used to check the status of scheduled background jobs.
The results of background print jobs can be inspected in the spool request
display. For exception reporting, the results can be inspected in the Alert
Monitor, an integrated component of the Reporting Agent scheduler, or BEx
Analyzer. Since exception reporting jobs can also trigger the sending of email, you may receive e-mail in your inbox. Each execution of an exception
reporting job is recorded in the exception log, integrated in the Reporting
Agent scheduler.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The implementation of SAP BW with BEx Analyzer and Web Reporting
should reduce the need for paper-based reporting. For long-running or
resource-intensive query runs, the Reporting Agent’s background printing
capabilities can optimize your SAP BW system usage. Background printing
also provides a mass-printing feature, a large printout received when printing
multiple drilldown levels of a query. The system automatically compiles all
the specified characteristics for the printout and prints them in a hierarchical
Text modules can be created for the
cover sheet, final page, page header,
and table header. The Reporting Agent
provides a generic tool for their
The document layout in SAP BW batch printing is built from several
components (page areas), as illustrated in the diagram below. Page breaks
and table headers can be inserted into the printout by changing characteristic
values. For example, each page or table section can display data for a specific
The mass-print functionality may give you very large printouts. The size and content depends
on the page settings and the print layout. The number of pages depends largely on the number
of characteristics and their members specified in the print layout. For example, if you drill down
through four characteristics (the level of detail is the fifth characteristic) and each characteristic
has 10 members contained in each drilldown, the system has to print 100,000 rows, which, at
100 rows per page, yields a printout of 1,000 pages. Use the preview functionality in the settings
maintenance to estimate your output’s size and appearance. The print settings let you specify a
maximum number of pages, after which a background-printing job should be ended to avoid
large volume printouts.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
Exception reporting can detect exceptional situations in your InfoCube data.
Exceptions are defined in BEx-Analyzer and evaluated either online in BEx
Analyzer or in background processing using the Reporting Agent.
Exceptions can be specified either for absolute or relative values. Examples
Exceptions based on relative values
For example, you want to find all customers for which the actual
incoming orders account for less than 80% of the planned incoming
Exceptions based on absolute threshold values
For example, you want to find out which materials have a range of
coverage greater than 14 days in the next three periods.
BEx Analyzer employs a color-coding scheme to show exceptional situations.
The scheme uses nine indicators (Good 1, Good 2, Good 3, Medium 1, Medium 2,
Medium 3, Bad 1, Bad 2, Bad 3) to warn when specific thresholds have been
With background processing, the Reporting Agent automates the task of
exception processing.
With the scheduler, you can define the frequency with which the system
searches data for exceptional situations. You can also specify that a particular
group be informed by e-mail automatically upon the occurrence of:
Exceptional situations
Manual entries in the systems exception log
The conditions or attributes for producing an exception are determined in the
exception settings.
The background processing results for exception reporting are stored in the
exception log. Exceptions can be monitored with the Alert Monitor either in
the BEx Analyzer or in the Reporting Agent scheduler of the Administrator
Workbench. In BEx Analyzer, exceptions display in the Open dialog box of
the SAP Business Explorer toolbar. The Alert Monitor can also be deployed
with SAP BW Web Reporting.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The diagram below illustrates the overall process and the different
components involved. Note that both frontend and backend components are
For every Sold-to party and Cal. Year/Month of the sales overview cube, the
objective of our background printing example is to create a detailed massprint document that lists the billing values broken down by material. A
separate document is required for each division.
The objective of the exception reporting example is to search the sales cube
data for situations where monthly incoming orders of specific customers fall
below predefined thresholds. If such situations occur, we want to inform a
specific user with an e-mail and create an entry in the Alert Monitor.
If you wish to work through the examples of this chapter, you must activate the SAP-delivered Demo
InfoCube 0D_SD_C03 (Sales Overview) and the Query 0D_SD_C03_Q009 (Order and Sales
values). For more information, see chapter 3, “Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer” on page 19.
The target audience should have a working knowledge of BEx Analyzer. Because most of the
activities are carried out in the Administrator Workbench, basic understanding of navigation in the
Administrator Workbench and the SAP GUI is also a prerequisite.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
This section introduces you to the user interface of the Reporting Agent. Since
the Reporting Agent is a component of the Administrator Workbench, all of
the following activities are carried out in an SAP GUI session.
JG Log on to the SAP BW server.
KG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in Command field and choose Enter (or choose SAP Menu →
BW Administration → Administrator Workbench).
LG On the Administrator Workbench:Reporting Agent screen, in the Navigation
menu, choose Reporting Agent.
The Reporting Agent user interface appears.
Reporting Agent
Settings tree
Scheduling packets
Tips & Tricks
The toolbars above the settings tree and packets tree headers offer various options to restrict
the set of selected objects. In the settings tree, you can either display exception settings, print
settings, or both. With the Only Settings button, it is furthermore possible to restrict the display
to only those queries for which settings have been defined. In the packet tree, you can either
select all packets, only background printing packets, or only exception reporting packets.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG To hide the navigation menu on the left (since it is not required for this
example), choose
The following icons used in the tree
indicate that exception reporting or
background printing settings can be
found under a specific node:
Exception reporting
Print in the background
This section covers the process of creating and scheduling a packet for
background printing. We provide step-by-step instructions for the complete
workflow. The example objective is to create a detailed mass-print document
listing Billing Values broken down by Material for every Sold-to party and Cal.
Year/Month of the sales overview cube. Each division requires a separate
The workflow for scheduling Batch Printing jobs consists of the following
major activities:
1. Create print settings
2. Create variants
3. Create a scheduling packet
4. Schedule the packet
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
5. Inspect results: display the spool request
Note that steps 4 and 5, covering packet scheduling in R/3 and inspection of
the spool request display results, are covered only briefly. For more
information on these two tasks, see the online documentation under BC
Computing Center Management System → Background Processing.
The background printing functionality is extremely versatile. The objective of
this section is to provide a clear understanding of the basic concept and the
In this procedure, we define query settings for background printing for the
demo content. As mentioned previously, settings are created on a per-query
basis and contain information that controls how data is processed and
formatted in the background job.
JG To start the Reporting Agent, on the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information
Warehouse screen, enter transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In Reporting Agent Settings frame, drill down to select the desired query
(for example, in demo content, OD_SD_C03_Q009 (Order and Sales
|G Right-click on the query, and select New Setting.
LG On the New Reporting Agent Setting screen:
zG In Technical name, enter a technical name (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description for the settings (for example, Sales
Overview: Print/Exception Settings).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G On the General tab, select the
Printing checkboxes.
In this example, we created settings for
exception reporting and background
printing together. You can also create
separate settings for exception
reporting and background printing.
Settings and packets are transportable
objects like queries.
Mass-printing processing determines
which characteristics the system
automatically compiles in the
background processing.
Exception Reporting and
Three additional tabs with the titles Exception reporting, Print settings, and
Print Layout appear.
}G Choose the Print layout tab.
MG On the Print layout tab:
zG To inspect the system defaults for this query’s print layout, expand the
table folder in the Print areas tree and the Columns, Rows, and Structure
The default print layout is derived from the query definition by moving
all drilldown characteristics to the rows and all structures to the columns.
Also, characteristics which are drilled down on the columns are moved to
the rows.
{G Double-click on a structure element (for example, Incoming orders).
An additional tab appears to the right of the Page areas tree with the
detailed settings for this individual element or column (for example, for
alignment and column width).
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
To change the default layout:
The page layout controls column
widths, alignment, and distribution of
characteristics and key figures on the
column and row axes. It also defines a
mass-print evaluation path, defining the
processing of drilldown states during
scheduling packet execution. In our
example, the system drills down by
Sold-to party, Cal. Year/Month, and
Material. This sequence is important;
as it largely determines the size of the
printout the settings produce.
The Print Layout tab controls the basic
document layout, defines the massprinting processing, and allows the user
to specify formatting details.
Available objects frame
Print areas frame
|G From Structure, remove the elements you do not want (for example,
Incoming orders value, Returns value value, and Credit memo value) by
dragging each of the elements and dropping them into the Available
objects frame.
}G From Rows, drag the characteristics you do not want (for example,
Country) to the Available objects frame.
~G If you want a page break with every appearance of a certain characteristic,
drag and drop the characteristic into the Page header node (for example,
moving Sold-to party into Page header causes a page break on every change
of a sold-to party).
G Drag and drop desirable characteristics from the Available Objects frame
into the Rows node (for example, Material and its subnode, Material group).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG The revised Print layout tab shows your selections.
The table section displays Material with
the Material group display attribute on
the rows, and Billing Value on the
columns. For every change of Cal.
Year/Month, a new table header is
inserted. A page break occurs before
every Sold-to party.
A text module can be defined for each print layout’s print area. Text modules
provide structure for printed documents and additional information for ease
of interpretation. The following table lists a summary of information usable in
text modules:
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
Type of information
Normal text
Manually entered text
General text variables An SAP-delivered variable entered directly into a text module. The
system calculates the value for the variable based on system records
current as of background process runtime. Available variables
Change time (Date, Hour)
Date of output
Key date
Last changed by
Page number
Print settings
Print title
Query description
Technical name
Relevance of the data (Date, Hour)
Time of output
User in the output
Page coordinates (rows, columns)
Text variables for
A text variable for characteristics representing characteristic data
used in the query definition
Special text variables
Display attributes of characteristics
Text variables for
selection parameters
Variables defined in selections entered in the query definition
With the following procedure, create a text module for the cover sheet and
use some of the different types of text variables the system provides. The
maintenance of text modules for other page areas is identical.
fz‚‡z‚‡~\ˆ~‹l~~G Use the cover sheet to provide the following
Output date
Selection parameters used in background processing
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Reporting Agent.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In the Reporting Agent Settings frame, drill down to select the query for
which you wish to maintain a cover sheet (for example, in demo content
the query OD_SD_C03_Q009 (Order and Sales values)).
|G Right-click on the query and select New Setting.
LG On the New Reporting Agent Setting screen:
zG In Technical name, enter the technical name (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description for the settings (for example, Sales
Overview: Print/Exception Settings).
|G On the General tab, select the
Printing checkboxes.
Exception Reporting and
Three additional tabs with the titles Exception reporting, Print settings, and
Print Layout appear.
}G Choose the Print layout tab.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
MG On the Print layout tab, in the Print Areas frame, double-click on the Cover
Sheet node.
NG On the Change Title page <XXXXX> screen:
zG Position the cursor in one of the empty rows and enter a title for the report
(for example, Date of output).
{G On the application toolbar, choose
Gen. Variables.
OG In the Insert/Change Text Variable dialog box:
zG In Variable Name, select the desired time variable (for example, Date of
{G In Width, enter a desired width (for example, 10).
|G Choose
A placeholder for the variable is inserted into the cover sheet and displays
the current date.
PG Repeat steps 5–6 if you wish to include other variables (for example, the Time
of Output general variable).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG On the Change Title page <XXXXX> in Language EN screen:
zG Position the cursor in an empty row and enter a title for the report (for
example, Report for Distribution Channel).
{G On the application toolbar, choose
Sel. parameters.
RG On the Insert/Change Text Variable dialog box:
zG In Selection criteria, use the arrow to select selection criteria (for example,
Variable: Distribution Channel).
{G In Text type, use the arrow to select a text type (for example, Value).
|G Choose
JIG Repeat steps 8–9 if you wish to add long text for a distribution channel.
JJG To return to the settings maintenance, choose
cover sheet saves automatically.
. The text module for the
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
The Print Settings tab allows you to set additional parameters that control
output formatting and processing.
Details of some of the settings can be
found in the table below. You can also
refer to the SAP BW online
documentation by choosing
Administrator Workbench→
Reporting Agent→ Print Settings.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Reporting Agent.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In the Reporting Agent Settings frame, drill down to select the query for
which you wish to maintain a cover sheet (for example, in demo content
the query OD_SD_C03_Q009 (Order and Sales values)).
|G Right-click on the query and select New Setting.
LG On the New Reporting Agent Setting screen:
zG In Technical name, enter the technical name (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description for the settings (for example, Sales
Overview: Print/Exception Settings).
|G On the General tab, select the
Printing checkboxes.
Exception Reporting and
Three additional tabs with the titles Exception reporting, Print settings, and
Print Layout appear.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
}G Choose the Print settings tab.
MG On the Print settings tab, observe the system defaults and make changes as
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
Print settings
Print direction
When you have a large number of columns it can become impossible to
print all the columns on one page. Therefore, the columns can be
distributed across several pages for printing. You can choose whether
the distribution should be horizontal or vertical.
Since data needs to be read only once for the horizontal print direction,
this setting increases performance significantly.
Maximum number
of pages
Enter a maximum number of pages in order to prevent several hundred
pages being unnecessarily printed.
If you do not wish to limit the number of print pages, enter a 0 here.
These settings control the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
We recommend you preview the printout before you exit the settings
maintenance to determine the final output appearance.
JG From the New Reporting Agent Setting screen, for a print preview, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Print Parameters dialog box:
zG In Output device, enter the name of the output device designated for you.
{G To confirm the print parameters, choose Continue.
Field for output device
The Format field determines the page format
for the output. Depending on your printer,
different formats can be set.
LG The Change Reporting Agent Setting <XXXXX> screen displays a preview of
the report.
zG Scroll through the preview to see how the output is structured.
{G When you finish looking at the preview, choose
The system inserts a page break for every
Sold-to party and prints the current Soldto party in the page header area. The
actual table area has three columns:
Material, Material Group, and Billing
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
MG On the New Reporting Agent Setting screen:
zG Choose
{G Choose
|G Choose
Settings are transportable
objects that need to be
activated before you can
use them in a scheduling packet.
Activation of the settings can be
accomplished on the Change
Reporting Agent Setting screen
by choosing
on the toolbar.
After the activation, the version
and status fields of the settings
header indicate that the settings
are active, saved, and executable.
Variants are used to provide selection criteria for the background processing
queries. To create a separate document for each division, create two variants
to schedule the background printing for different divisions of your company.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Reporting Agent.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In the Reporting Agent Settings frame, drill down to select the query for
which you wish to maintain a cover sheet (for example, in demo content
the query OD_SD_C03_Q009 (Order and Sales values)).
|G Right-click on the selected query, and select Maintain Variants.
LG On the Order and sales values screen:
zG In Variant, enter a technical name (for example, ZV_SDC03_001).
{G To create a variant, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the <XXXXX>: Order and sales values screen:
zG To create different variants for a characteristic value (for example,
distribution channel 10), enter a value in the characteristic’s field.
{G Choose
The variant maintenance can be
invoked from various components. In
our example, we used the Reporting
Agent settings tree as the entry point.
Other entry points include the selection
screen of a BEx Analyzer query, and the
Reporting Agent scheduler. Since
variants are defined on a per-query
basis, the settings tree and the context
menu for queries are the most logical
entry point.
NG On the ABAP: Save Attributes of Variant screen:
zG In Description, enter a description for the variant (for example, Channel:
Final Customer Sales).
{G To save the variant, choose
OG To create further variants (for example, for distribution channels 12 [Sold for
Resale] and 14 [Service] ZV_SDC03_002, ZV_SDC03_003) repeat steps 1–5.
PG Exit from the Order and Sales Values screen by choosing
Reporting Agent screen.
to return to the
Only one user can carry out packet
maintenance with the Reporting Agent
scheduler at a time. After a user has
switched the scheduler to change
mode, the objects are locked for all
other users.
Scheduling packets accomplishes two functions:
A packet is an object that can be scheduled for background processing.
Users can execute background printing or exception reporting periodically
or by event triggers.
Packets, including settings and variants, provide all information required
to process the query in background processing. This information includes,
for example, required selection parameters, document formatting, and (for
mass-printing) what drilldown states should be processed.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
The right frame refreshes.
zG Above the Scheduling packets frame, choose
Change to begin change
{G Right-click the Print in the Background folder, and choose Create new packet.
LG On the Create Scheduling Package dialog box:
zG In Name, enter a name for the scheduling packet (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description of the packet (for example, Order and
Sales: Monthly, Channel).
|G Choose
MG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the Reporting Agent Settings frame, select the previously created settings
(for example, ZRAS_SD_C03_Q009_S01).
{G Drag and drop it onto the new packet.
NG Repeat steps 4a–4b if you wish to create more packet members.
This procedure specifies selection criteria to be used during the background
processing of the packet. Assign variants to the individual members of a
scheduling packet. This procedure forms pairs of settings and variants.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In the Scheduling packets frame, select the first member of the packet.
|G Right-click on the member and select Assign variant.
LG On the ABAP Variant Directory dialog box:
zG Select the variants created previously (for example, ZV_SDC03_001).
{G Choose
|G If necessary, select other variants and choose
to assign (for example,
ZV_SDC03_002 (Channel: Final Customer Sales) and ZV_SDC03_003
(Channel: Service)).
MG On the Reporting Agent Scheduler screen, choose
to return to display mode.
The final task in our workflow requires scheduling the packet for background
execution, where you process the packet and its members at a future time. In
this example, we schedule the packet for immediate execution, which allows
for immediate inspection of the work results. You can choose Immediate start
or Date/time, which starts the job at a future date and time, using more
sophisticated functions for specifying start conditions, such as periodic
For more help with the advanced features, see the SAP BW online
documentation under BC Computing Center Management System→
Background Processing.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse screen, enter
transaction RSA1 in the Command field and choose Enter.
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
The right frame refreshes.
{G In the Scheduling packets frame, right-click on the Schedule packet and
choose Schedule.
|G A dialog box informs you that the print parameters need to be reset.
LG On the Change Job <XXXXX> screen, choose
Start condition.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the Start Time dialog box:
zG Choose Immediate.
Saving the job definition schedules the
job for immediate execution. When you
see the Job saved message, the job
has been accepted by the background
processing system. The job is
{G To save, choose
A job cannot start until it has been
released to run, even if an immediate
start is specified. If you have the
required release authorization, your job
is automatically released when you
schedule it. Otherwise, your system
administrator must release your job to
NG On the Change Job <XXXXX> screen:
zG The screen shows the job is set for immediate execution.
{G Choose
To check if a specific job has completed, from the Administrator
Workbench:Reporting Agent screen, choose
Jobs go to the alphabetic job
During job execution, the status is Active. Upon successful completion, it
appears as Finished. Jobs during which problems occurred are labeled
The job name the system creates follows a two-part naming convention. The first part is the
prefix RA. The second part is the technical name of the packet. In our example, the job name is
RAZRAP_0D_SD_C03_Q009_P001. This naming convention eases identification of a
specific Reporting Agent job in the job overview. The job overview can be launched from the
Reporting Agent scheduler toolbar by choosing
You may also find the process overview transaction SM50 helpful. This transaction allows you
to monitor current work processes on a connected server. The type identifier BTC identifies
background processes.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
This section covers the process of creating and scheduling a packet for
exception reporting.
In the following sections, the objective for the exception reporting example is
to search the data of the sales cube for situations where the monthly incoming
orders of specific customers fall below predefined thresholds. If such a
situation occurs, we want to inform a specific user with a mail and also create
an entry in the Alert Monitor.
The workflow for scheduling and monitoring exception reporting packet jobs
consists of the following:
Make preparations in BEx Analyzer with an exception definition
Create exception reporting settings
Create variants
Create a scheduling packet
Schedule the packet
Inspect the Alert Monitor
As you can see from the list, the workflow is similar to the batch printing
workflow. The main differences result from specific settings that need to be
provided for exception reporting in which the results are inspected with the
Alert Monitor. For more information, see the previous section on background
The Reporting Agent’s exception reporting is based on exceptions defined in
BEx Analyzer. The procedures for defining exceptions have been introduced
in chapter 3, “Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer” on page 19. To prepare for
exception reporting, define your exceptions. For instance, in the example
below, we define two exceptions for checking whether the incoming orders
for two of our key customers fall below certain previously established
thresholds. Because we want to check only the data for the fourth quarter of
1999, we create a variant for the background processing.
Carry out the following steps in BEx Analyzer.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose
KG On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In Technical name, enter the technical name for the query for which you
wish to set up exceptions (for example, 0D_SD_C03_Q009).
|G Choose Find.
}G Select the query.
~G Choose Change.
LG On the Define the query <XXXXX>: Order and Sales Values dialog box, on the
query definition toolbar, choose
MG On the Defining Exceptions dialog box:
zG In Description, enter a description for the exception (for example, Low
orders warning: Becker AG).
{G Under Structure, use the dropdown to select a structure (for example,
Incoming orders value).
|G Choose New.
}G In From, enter the required value of the exception (for example, 0).
~G In To, enter the required value of the exception (for example, 1,800,000).
In Alert level, use the dropdown to select the desired alert level (for
example, Bad 8).
€G Choose Apply.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
G Choose the Cell restrictions tab.
NG On the Cell restrictions tab:
zG In Default operator used for all characteristics that are not displayed, use the
dropdown to select only totals (recommended with absolute numbers).
{G Choose New.
|G In the field underneath the Characteristic column, use the dropdown to
select a characteristic (for example, Sold-to party).
}G In the field underneath the Operator column, use the dropdown to select
an operator (for example, Fixed value).
~G In Value, enter a value (for example, 1001).
G Choose Apply.
€G If necessary, select additional characteristics and operators (for example,
Cal. Year/Month and everything).
G Choose Apply.
After you make selections in these
fields, the entries appear in the columns
Choose OK.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
OG If you wish to create a new exception, choose
→ New Exception. Repeat
steps 1–5f and include information for additional exceptions.
Our example included the following information:
Lower order warning: Adecom SA
Incoming orders value
Exception values
0 to 650000, Alert level bad
Default operator used for all characteristics
that are not displayed
Only totals (recommended with absolute
Cell restrictions
Sold-to party, Fixed value, 1000
Cell restrictions
Cal. Year/Month, everything
PG On Define the query: <XXXXX> screen:
zG After you define all exceptions, choose
{G To transfer the query into the workbook, choose
QG On the selection dialog box:
zG Enter values for the desired characteristic (for example, in Sold-to party,
enter the values 1000 to 1001, and in Calendar year/month, enter the
interval 10/1999 to 12/1999).
{G Choose
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
RG On the ABAP: Save as Variant screen:
zG In Variant name, enter the name of the desired variant (for example,
{G In Description, enter a description (for example, Quarter 4 1999).
|G Choose
JIG On the query selection dialog box, choose
JJG In this example, BEx Analyzer displays the result set, with two exceptions.
For both customers, the Incoming orders value for Cal. Year/Month 12.1999
falls below the thresholds. Therefore, the cells show up red.
Low orders warning: Becker AG
Low orders warning: Adecom
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Sold-to party
Cal. Year/Month
Incoming orders value
Adecom SA
£ 749,200.00
Adecom SA
£ 929,200.00
Adecom SA
£ 464,600.00 (red)
Adecom SA
£ 2,143,000.00
Becker AG
2,128,000.00 DM
Becker AG
2,128,000.00 DM
Becker AG
1,428,000.00 DM (red)
Becker AG
5,684,000.00 DM
Exception reporting requires specific settings to determine which thresholds
should be checked by the system during the background processing. The
settings also trigger necessary follow-up actions when exceptions occur.
Settings can be defined in a single definition that applies to both exception
reporting and background printing. In the following procedure, you add the
exception definition to the existing background printing settings.
JG In an SAP BW session, in the Command field, enter transaction code RSA1 and
choose Enter (or from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose SAP Menu→ BW
Administration→ Administrator Workbench).
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
KG On the Administration Workbench:Reporting Agent screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
{G In Scheduling Packets, the right frame, expand the node
Print in
|G Locate and select the desired scheduling packet (for example, Sales
Overview: Print/Exception Settings (ZRAS_SD_C03_Q009_S01)).
}G Right-click on the packet and choose Maintain.
LG On the Change Reporting Agent Setting <XXXXX> screen:
zG Choose the Exception Reporting tab.
The user interface of the maintenance screen consists of two trees:
The left frame shows Available objects provided by the specific query and the Reporting
Agent. The query provides exceptions with their individual thresholds and characteristics.
The Reporting Agent additionally provides two types of follow-up actions, Send mail and the
Alert Monitor entry. Expand the folders to inspect the available objects.
The right frame specifies Selected Objects, that is, which objects are used for the exception
reporting and background processing. Selected objects are grouped into two folders. The
Exceptions folder’s contents define which exceptions and individual thresholds will be checked
and what follow-up actions are assigned to them. The Drilldown characteristics folder defines
what drilldown levels are processed during the background processing. This feature is similar to
the mass-print processing for background printing. The system automatically analyzes all the
characteristics you specify in this frame and drills them down in hierarchical fashion.
{G To define which exceptions should be evaluated, drag and drop an
exception (for example, Low orders warning: Adecom) from the Available
objects frame to the Exceptions folder in the Selected objects frame.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The exception and the threshold are
selected separately in case multiple
thresholds are defined. Selecting
separately allows you to select only to a
specific subset of alert levels to be
inspected in the background. The
follow-up actions have properties which
control how the follow-up action is
|G Drag and drop that exception’s red threshold.
}G Drag and drop the Alert Monitor entry onto the threshold.
~G Repeat steps 3b–3d for any other exceptions to be evaluated (for example,
Low orders warning: Becker AG).
For more information on the various
options for controlling the visibility of
Alert Monitor entries, see “Preparations
in BEx Analyzer: Exception Definition”
on page 375.
MG Still on the Change Reporting Agent Setting <XXXXX> screen:
zG After creating the last Alert Monitor entry follow-up, drag and drop a Send
mail follow-up action onto the threshold.
{G To specify the drilldown selections the system should process, drag the
drilldown characteristics into the Drilldown characteristics folder of the
Selected Objects frame (for example, Sold-to party and Cal. Year/Month).
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
NG To access the properties for the Alert Monitor:
zG Double-click on the entry for the action in the Selected objects tree.
The system displays an additional Properties section on the tab.
A notification about the
occurrence of an
exception without exact
numbers might represent
significant and critical information,
which should not be available or
visible to all users. When
specifying a Send mail follow-up
action, you can direct the
information to a specific group of
users based on the role or user
selected in the parameters of the
Send mail follow-up action. For
the Alert Monitor entry follow-up
action, authorizations control the
visibility. If you activate the
authorizations check when you set
up the follow-up action and the
recipient type, the recipient’s
authorizations are taken into
account when the exceptions are
{G Keep the default settings for the Alert Monitor entry.
|G To save the changes choose
}G To activate the settings, choose
The following table summarizes the possible settings for the recipient and the
corresponding results, which can be achieved with each setting:
Follow-up Action
Send mail
The mail is sent to the corresponding SAP office user.
The mail is sent to everyone assigned to a specified
All users
The Alert Monitor entry appears for all users.
The Alert Monitor entry appears for everyone
assigned to a specified role.
The Alert Monitor entry appears only for the specified
Alert Monitor entry
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Similar to background printing, variants provide a method for specifying
selections for query execution in the exception reporting and background
processing. For more information on variant maintenance, see “Create
Variants” on page 369. In the exception reporting example in the following
section, we created the ZV_SDC03_004 (4th Quarter) variant in BEx Analyzer.
The scheduling packet combines settings and variants for background
processing and encapsulates all information, required to execute the
background job.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business information Warehouse screen, in the
Command field, enter transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or choose SAP Menu
→ BW Administration → Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench:Reporting Agent screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
{G In the right frame, choose
|G Right-click the Exception reporting folder, and choose Create New Packet.
LG On the Create Scheduling Package dialog box:
zG In Name, enter a name (for the example, ZRAP_0D_SD_C03_Q009_E001).
{G In Description, enter a packet description (for the example, Order and Sales:
Critical customers).
|G Choose
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
MG On the Administrator Workbench: Reporting Agent screen:
zG Assign the settings to the package by dragging the settings from the
settings tree onto the packet.
{G To assign the variant (for example, ZV_SD03_004) to the packet member,
right-click on the packet (for example, ZRAS_SD_C03_Q009_S01) and
choose Assign Variant from the context menu.
NG On the ABAP Variant Directory of Program dialog box:
zG To assign this variant, select the packet member (for example,
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
For more information on how to schedule packets, see “Batch Printing: Steps”
on page 356.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business information Warehouse screen, in the
Command field, enter transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or choose SAP Menu
→ BW Administration → Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench:Reporting Agent screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
{G Above the right frame, choose
|G Right-click on the Order and Sales: Critical customers packet and choose
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
LG On the Change Job <XXXXX> screen, select
Start Condition.
MG In the Start Time dialog box:
zG Choose Immediate.
{G Choose
NG On the Change Job <XXXXX> screen, choose
With the exception log, the Reporting Agent scheduler provides an integrated
tool to monitor exception reporting packet execution. For each exception
reporting scheduling packet, the exception log indicates:
Time of execution
Runtime of execution
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Activity status of the execution (which execution delivered the current
result displayed in the Alert Monitor)
By default, exception log inspection is the final background process for a
specific package. However, the inspection log provides you the ability to
activate a different run.
The exception log displays all
scheduling packets and information for
up to three previous packet executions.
The information provided for each
execution is the Start Time, Runtime,
and Status.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business information Warehouse screen, in the
Command field, enter transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or choose SAP Menu
→ BW Administration → Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench:Reporting Agent screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
{G Above the Scheduling Packets frame, use the arrow next to All Packets to
choose Exception reporting → Exception Log.
LG To activate a different run, right-click on an inactive run and choose Activate.
You can also delete a run from the same context menu.
If no other exception reporting
packages have been scheduled, the
Alert Monitor tree displays the SAP
demo InfoArea with the two exceptions
that occurred. The counts for cells with
a specific alert level are aggregated at
the upper levels of this hierarchy,
displaying a count of two cells for which
a red-alert level has been detected.
The cell counts accumulate in three
categories (Red, Yellow, and Green).
Red covers Bad 7, Bad 8, and Bad 9.
Yellow covers Medium 4, Medium 5,
and Medium 6. Green covers Good 1,
Good 2, and Good 3.
Exceptions can be displayed with the Alert Monitor both in the BEx Analyzer
and the Reporting Agent scheduler of the Administrator Workbench. The
Alert Monitor allows you to monitor the exceptions detected by exception
reporting during background processing. You can also jump from the Alert
Monitor to the corresponding result sets on which the exceptions occurred.
The Alert Monitor displays InfoArea, InfoCube, query, view, and exception
information. Views (drilldown states that have been processed in the
background) are named according to the filter’s characteristic values and the
name of the characteristic in the drilldown.
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business information Warehouse screen, in the
Command field, enter transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or choose SAP Menu
→ BW Administration → Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Reporting Agent in the left frame.
{G Above the right frame, choose All Packets → Exception Reporting → Alert
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
LG The right frame refreshes to show the Alert Monitor menu, which displays the
result set in which the listed exception has been detected.
zG Select the line with the exception (for example, [Adecom SA][Cal.
{G Double-click on the selection.
This display feature in the Reporting
Agent’s Alert Monitor does not support a
refresh or further navigation from this
MG The Alert Monitor displays the result set.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The Alert Monitor is also part of the Business Explorer. You can get there in
the open dialog of the SAP Business Explorer toolbar.
JG From the SAP Business Explorer, choose
KG In the SAP BEx: Open dialog box:
zG Choose
{G In the Exceptions frame, select a view for which a red-alert level has been
|G Choose OK.
Exceptions that trigger the follow-up
action Alert Monitor are logged in the
exception log, and displayed in the Alert
Monitor. If you activated the
authorizations check when you set up
the follow-up action, the type of
recipient, and the recipient’s
authorizations are accounted for when
the exceptions display.
LG BEx Analyzer displays the corresponding view in the query. Key figure
information appears in this view. Navigation is possible from this result set.
Chapter 8: Reporting Agent
The Alert Monitor can be deployed on the web with the Alert Monitor
element type. For general procedures and concepts of SAP BW Web
Reporting, see chapter 5, “Business Explorer (BEx) Web Reporting” on
page 157.
The Alert Monitor element displays the views found in background
processing as a list or hierarchy. To restrict the list of displayed entries to a
small number (particularly important for an efficient web deployment),
entries can be filtered by InfoArea, InfoCube, and query. Similar to the BEx
Analyzer and Reporting Agent scheduler display, you can jump from an
Alert Monitor entry to a view of the result set on which the alert has been
detected. This detail list can be displayed either in a separate frame, window,
or in the same window as the Alert Monitor element.
The following table lists the specific attributes of this Alert Monitor element.
Green/yellow/red entries Boolean
X = Yes
Empty = No
Alert Monitor entries are not displayed when
the Alert level is not selected.
This parameter defines a filter by the specified
This parameter defines a filter by the specified
This parameter defines a filter by the specified
Display Max. Alert Level
X = Yes
Empty = No
Instead of displaying the red, yellow, and green
lights with their frequency-per-navigation
status, you can display only the light with the
highest alert level. This result makes the
display more compact.
The image below shows an example of an Alert Monitor item configured for
list display without navigation links to the details.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
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SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
The SAP BW 2.0B CD includes the SAP Demo Content, comprising metadata
definitions, master data, and transaction data. The metadata definitions
InfoObject catalogs
Query elements
ODS objects
Update rules
InfoSource transaction data
Transfer rules
Source systems
InfoPackage groups
Reporting Agent settings
Currency translation types
In this section, we show you how to:
Install the SAP Demo Content
Assign the user to a role
Add the sales organization hierarchy values manually
The material used in this book references SAP Demo Content. If you wish to
perform the examples as written in the book, the SAP Demo Content should
be installed. This content allows you to follow the steps of the SAP BW
Reporting Made Easy guidebook for hands-on reinforcement of the guidebook
materials on your own SAP BW server.
In addition, the installation of the SAP Demo Content:
Provides an opportunity to experience business content installation using
the Administration Workbench with business content
Allows you to quickly display complete demonstration scenarios from
different enterprise areas
Offers a foundation for the construction of your company’s SAP BW
training materials (SAP BW implementation team and rollout training)
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
The SAP Demo Content offers you a demonstration scenario that can be
activated in a few simple steps.
You need to specify the location of the SAP Demo Content by specifying the
source system.
JG In the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or from
the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration and doubleclick on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Business Content.
{G From the menu bar, choose Edit → Source System Assignment.
LG On the Choose source system by default dialog box:
zG In the Choose source system by default column, choose File → SAP_DEMO.
{G In the D column, select the checkbox for SAP_DEMO. Deselect all other
source systems.
|G Choose
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
Installing business content enables automatic accounting for additional
necessary objects.
JG In the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or from
the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration and doubleclick on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Business Content screen:
zG In the left frame, under the Business Content button, select Data targets.
{G In the middle frame, choose SAP Demo → SAP Demo Sales and Distribution:
|G At the top of the right frame, choose the arrow next to
choose In data flow before and aftrwds.
When you choose
Install → Install, an SAP
Demo Content installation
script copies the metadata,
activates the InfoObjects, and
saves all master data and
transaction data. The SAP Demo
Content installation program also
reads the flat files from the
Business Document Server and
writes them to the application
Grouping and
}G In the Data Targets by InfoAreas frame, select the SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution: Overview InfoCube.
~G Drag and drop it into the Collected objects window.
Once the collection is complete, the InfoCube icon
Collected objects frame.
appears in the
G On the toolbar above the Collected objects frame, choose
Install →
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Once the Demo Content is installed, we recommend visual verification that
the correct installation has occurred.
JG To verify the installation, in the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and
choose Enter (or from the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW
Administration and double-click on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
zG In the left frame, choose Modeling.
{G Under the Modeling button, select InfoSources.
|G In the InfoSources frame, choose SAP demo → Application components →
Master Data SAP R/3 in general.
A list of activated InfoSources appears,
each with an
icon indicating an
active InfoSource for which master data,
texts, and hierarchies can be requested.
KG In the InfoSources frame:
zG Choose SAP demo → Application components → Sales and Distribution →
Transaction data sales: Overview.
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
{G Select the source system SAP_DEMO.
|G Look for the
icon next to SAP_DEMO, which indicates an active
communication structure for loading transaction data.
icon indicates an active
communication structure for loading
transaction data.
LG To verify if the communication structures are active for sales master data:
zG Choose SAP demo → Application components → Sales and Distribution →
Sales master data → Distribution Channel (SAP Demo).
{G Select the source system SAP_DEMO.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
|G Look for the
icon next to SAP_DEMO, which indicates an active
communication structure for loading master data.
When the SAP BW Demo Content objects are ready, populate the SAP Demo
InfoCube, create an InfoPackage, and load the data file using that
JG In the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or from
the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration and doubleclick on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose
{G In the InfoSources column, expand to locate the specific InfoPackage (for
example, we use SAP Demo → Sales and Distribution → Sales Transaction
Data → SAP Demo PC files [technical name SAP_DEMO]).
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
|G Right-click on the SAP Demo PC files source system and choose Create
LG On the Create InfoPackage dialog box:
zG In InfoPackage description, enter a description (for example, Load Demo
{G Choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the Scheduler (Maintain InfoPackage) dialog box:
zG Choose the External data tab.
{G Enter your server and control file information.
|G Choose the Processing tab.
NG On the Processing tab:
zG Select the appropriate update data information.
{G Choose the Data targets tab.
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
OG On the Data targets tab:
zG Enter your data targets.
{G Choose the Update parameters tab.
PG On the Update parameters tab:
zG Select your update mode.
{G Choose the Schedule tab.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
QG On the Schedule tab:
zG Select the radio button to either:
Start the data load immediately
Start later in bckgrnd proc.
{G To start the load, choose
|G Watch for system messages.
You now need to create sales organization hierarchy values.
JG In the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or from
the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration and doubleclick on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
KG On the Administration Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Modeling.
{G Under the Modeling button, choose
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
|G In the InfoObjects frame, choose SAP demo → SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution → SAP Demo Sales and Distribution: Overview Characteristics.
}G Click the node to expand
~G Select
SAP Demo SD Overview: Characteristics.
Sales Organization (SAP Demo).
G From the menu bar, choose Tools → Maintain hierarchies.
LG On the Initial Screen Hierarchy Maintenance dialog box:
zG In Restriction on hierarchy basic char, enter the name of the InfoObject you
want associated with this hierarchy (for example, OD_Sale_Org).
{G To create the hierarchy, choose
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
MG On the Create Hierarchy dialog box:
zG In Hierarchy name, enter a name for the new hierarchy (for example,
Sales Organization Hierarchy).
{G In Short description, enter a short description for the hierarchy (for
example, Sales Org Hierarchy).
|G In Medium description, enter a medium-length description (for example,
Sales Org Hierarchy).
}G In Long description, enter a long description (for example, Sales
Organization Hierarchy).
~G Choose
NG On the Maintain Hierarchy ‘Sale Org Hierarchy’: ‘Modified version’ screen, to
create text nodes, right-click on the hierarchy folder (for example, Sale
Organization Hierarchy) and choose Create text node(s).
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
OG In the Create nodes dialog box:
zG Enter a name and descriptions for this level in your hierarchy in each field
(for example, Advantage_World Wide).
{G Choose
PG To create second-level and third-level nodes:
zG Right-click on the prior-level folder and choose Create text node(s).
{G Enter hierarchy names as in step 6 above.
QG To associate values with the nodes, on the Maintain Hierarchy ‘Sale Org
Hierarchy’: ‘Modified version’ screen, right-click on a hierarchy name (for
example, Europe) and choose Sales Organization Insert.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
RG On the dialog box:
zG Select the desired characteristic value checkboxes (for example, sales
organizations like Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, etc.).
{G Choose
JIG Repeat steps 8–9 to associate other hierarchy-level nodes with other
characteristic values (for example, sales organizations).
JJG On the Maintain Hierarchy ‘Sales Org Hierarchy’: ‘Modified version’ screen:
zG Expand the Characteristic (for example, Sales organization Hierarchy) to
view the structure you created.
{G To save the hierarchies, choose
|G Choose
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
JKG On the Initial Screen Hierarchy Maintenance screen, choose
to activate the
JLG On the Administrator Workbench: Modelling screen:
zG In the InfoObjects frame, the Sales Organization Hierarchy created
previously appears.
{G If the hierarchy appears with a green
A green icon
next to the
hierarchy indicates that the
hierarchy has been activated.
, it indicates that the hierarchy is
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
All flat files for SAP Demo Content are delivered with the software. Prior to
SAP Demo Content installation, your system administrator must complete
the SAP BW software installation on the application server. The data files
needed for the SAP Demo Content should be installed on the application
server during the installation process.
The data file location is useful for:
Modification for a demo
Use as a model for creating additional data files
If you are interested in locating the data files utilized in the SAP Demo
Content, the following steps help you to identify the specific file name, and
identify the specific path or location of the file on your application server.
When expanding to locate a specific
InfoPackage, you must choose the
following: <One or more Application
Components> → <InfoSource> →
<Source System> → <InfoPackage>.
JG In the Command field, enter the transaction RSA1 and choose Enter (or from
the navigation menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration and doubleclick on RSA1 - Administrator Workbench).
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
KG On the Administrator Workbench: Modelling screen:
zG In the left frame, choose Modelling.
{G Under the Modelling button, select InfoSources.
|G In the InfoSources frame, locate the InfoPackage (for example, Technical
content → SAP demo→ Application components → Sales and Distribution →
Sales Transaction Data → SAP_DEMO → SAP Demo Transaction Data I).
}G Right-click on the desired InfoPackage and choose Schedule.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG On the Scheduler (Maintain InfoPackage) screen:
zG Choose
Transaction dat.
{G The file name is listed in the File name field on the external data tab.
You now need to determine the full path to file on your SAP BW
application server. Your system administrator can use transaction AL11 to
view all directories on the application server, looking for the DIR_Home
When DIR_Home is located, double-click the DIR_Home directory to see a
listing of all files in the directory. You will then have the complete path to
the filename identified in Step 3 above.
The following table is a reference for the path syntax. Be aware that the
data is in multiple files. This example is the file for 0MATERIAL, master
data only. You may copy this data file to study and use it to build you
own data file, if required.
Syntax <drive>:\usr\sap\<system>\DEVBMGS00\work\<filename>
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
The following table provides a quick reference for specific InfoObjects within
SAP Demo Content used in the SAP BW Reporting Made Easy guidebook.
Technical Name
SAP Demo
SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution: Overview
SAP Demo Sales and
Distribution: Overview
Sales Manager
SAP_BW_0ROLE_0007 (as listed in
business content documentation)
SAP_BWC_0ROLE_0007 (as listed on
the SAP BW server after SAP Demo
Content install)
Order and Sales Values <specific to individual>
Query (Query element) Order and Sales Values 0SD_C03_Q009
This section offers an analysis environment with scenarios for measuring and
assessing the sales business processes within a company.
Assessment of these business processes is made by means of key performance
indicators. These key figures reveal the processes crucial to the company’s
success, such as incoming orders, sales, and returns.
The workbooks, queries, and data delivered show, by way of example, how a
decision maker would analyze the various profit-making factors of their area
of responsibility.
Source system: SAP_DEMO
InfoSource: 0D_SD_C03_TD
Application component: 0D_SD
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Company code (SAP Demo)
Distribution channel (SAP Demo)
Industry key (SAP Demo)
Plant (SAP Demo)
Sales organization (SAP Demo)
Sales group (SAP Demo)
Ship-to party (SAP Demo)
Sold-to party (SAP Demo)
Version (SAP Demo)
Value type for report (SAP Demo)
Division (SAP Demo)
Material (SAP Demo)
Payer (SAP Demo)
Document class order/delivery/invoice (SAP Demo)
Credit/debit posting (SAP Demo)
Country (SAP Demo)
GIS region (SAP Demo)
Calendar year
Calendar year/month
Fiscal year variant
Chapter 9: Activating Demo Content
Units - InfoObject
Aggregation process
Open order quantity
(SAP Demo)
Open order net value
(SAP Demo)
Quantity in base units
of measure (SAP
Number of documents
(SAP Demo)
Number of document
items (SAP Demo)
Net value (SAP Demo)
Cost value (SAP
Gross weight in kg
(SAP Demo)
Net weight in kg (SAP
Volume in CDM (SAP
(Cubic decimeters)
Statistics currency
Base unit of measure
Base UM
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ;
Screenshots in this section may vary
from what you see on screen,
depending on your release of Microsoft
After you log on to the BEx Analyzer, you can start building your workbook
The process of designing your workbook template can be divided into the
following substeps:
Format the background
Hide the Microsoft Excel toolbars
Insert company logo
If the SAP BW frontend is installed on a
drive other than C, use the appropriate
drive letter. You can choose any
background you like.
To provide a more attractive appearance to your workbook, you may wish to
change the background image in your workbook.
JG Choose Start → Programs → SAP Frontend → SAP Business Explorer Analyzer.
KG A dialog box says that C:\Program Files\SAPpc\Bw\sapbex.xla contains
macros. Choose Enable Macros.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
LG In Microsoft Excel, choose
from the standard toolbar.
A new spreadsheet workbook appears.
MG From the menu bar, choose Format → Sheet → Background.
NG On the Sheet Background dialog box:
zG Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\bitmaps.
{G Select a bitmap for the background.
|G Choose Insert.
To make your workbook look better and to have more space for your reports,
you may want to hide items in the window views such as Microsoft Excel’s
gridlines, row and column headers, and vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
JG In an open Microsoft Excel workbook, choose Tools → Options.
Appendix A: Creating a Workbook Template
KG On the Options dialog box:
zG Select the View tab.
{G Deselect Gridlines, Row & column headers, Outline symbols, Zero values,
Horizontal scroll bar, and Vertical scroll bar.
|G Do not deselect the Sheet tabs.
}G Choose OK to save the new options.
Many of Microsoft Excel’s default toolbars may not be necessary for viewing
SAP BW reports. To make it easier for your users, you can hide some of
Microsoft Excel’s toolbars.
JG In an open Microsoft Excel workbook, choose View → Toolbars.
KG Deselect the Standard and Formatting toolbars.
To further customize your workbooks, you can add your company logo (or
other graphical elements) to the workbook template.
JG Copy the logo (or other graphics) to your clipboard using the Copy command
(for example, Ctrl+C) in your graphics application (for example, Microsoft
Paint, PowerPoint, etc.).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG In Microsoft Excel, paste the clipboard contents into your workbook template
by selecting Edit → Paste from the menu bar.
LG Using drag-and-drop, position the logo as needed.
After making changes to your workbook template, you need to save your template to the BW server.
For more information, see “Establish the Presentation Default for Your Workbooks” on page 28.
$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ;
For better presentation of your workbooks, you can make use of Visual Basic
The following procedure illustrates the use of Visual Basic functionality to
enhance the appearance of your workbook. For example, you may add
buttons to navigate between workbooks, and textboxes to allow annotations
and commentary.
Adding buttons to your workbook can aid in workbook navigation.
JG In an open Microsoft Excel workbook, choose View → Toolbars → Control
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG From the Control Toolbox toolbar, choose
LG Click in the area where you want the button to appear.
MG To edit the title of the command button, select the Command Button.
zG Right-click and choose Command Button Object → Edit.
{G Enter a name for the button, depending on where you want the button to
take you (for example, Chart).
NG To rename a sheet tab of the workbook:
zG Select the Sheet1 sheet tab of the workbook.
{G Right-click and choose Rename.
|G Rename Sheet1 (for example, to Sales Analysis). This sheet should
have a different name than the button because the button is going to take
you to the sheet for which it is named.
OG Repeat 5a–5c to rename the related worksheet to which you will link the
button (for example, rename Sheet2 to Chart).
PG To delete the extra worksheets, right-click the on the sheet tabs and choose
QG Repeat steps 1–4 to create another button on Sheet2 to link to Sheet1 (for
example, Sales Analysis).
RG To define an action for the button, double-click on the newest button (or select
the newest button, right-click, and choose View Code).
Appendix B: Adding Visual Basic Functionality to Workbooks
JIG On the Microsoft Visual Basic program window:
zG To link this button to the previous worksheet and specify that that
worksheet be activated when the pushbutton is clicked, enter
Worksheets(“<sheet name>”).Activate (for example,
Worksheets(“Sales Analysis”). Activate).
{G Choose
to return to BEx Analyzer.
JJG Repeat steps 9–10 to define the action for the other button (for example, link
the button Chart the second worksheet named Chart).
JKG To change the font properties of a button (such as font color), choose the
desired button, right-click, and choose Properties.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JLG On the Properties dialog box:
zG On the Alphabetic tab, select BackColor.
{G In the column next to BackColor, click the dropdown.
|G On the Palette tab, select the desired color.
The background of the button changes to the desired color.
}G To change the font color, select ForeColor.
~G In the column next to ForeColor, and click the dropdown.
Select the desired font color.
The font on the button changes to the desired color.
JMG Close the Properties screen.
JNG To test the action of the new buttons, choose
Control Toolbox.
Exit Design Mode from the
JOG To hide the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen:
zG Choose Tools → Options from the Microsoft Excel menu bar.
{G Choose the View tab.
|G Deselect Sheet tabs.
}G Choose OK.
The buttons in the workbook template are now operational.
Adding a textbox to your template is a good way to convey additional
information or instructions.
Appendix B: Adding Visual Basic Functionality to Workbooks
JG In an open Microsoft Excel workbook, choose View → Toolbars → Control
KG From the Control Toolbox toolbar, choose
to create the textbox.
LG Position the cursor in a cell.
MG Click and drag to create the area of the textbox.
A textbox appears.
NG To change the properties of the textbox:
zG Select the textbox.
{G Right-click and choose Properties.
OG On the Properties dialog box, in the Alphabetic tab:
zG To add a background color to the text box, select BackColor.
{G In the column next to BackColor, click the dropdown.
|G On the Palette tab, select the desired color.
The background of the textbox changes to the desired color.
}G To make the text display across multiple lines, select MultiLine.
~G Use the dropdown to change the option to True.
G To have scroll bars for the text box, select ScrollBars.
€G Use the dropdown to select the option 3 – fmScrollBarsBoth.
G Close the Properties screen.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
For more Visual Basic functionality in
the workbooks, please refer to SAP
online documentation.
PG To add (or edit) the text in the textbox:
zG Select the textbox.
{G Right-click and choose TextBox Object → Edit.
QG In the textbox, enter the explanatory text to support the report data.
RG When you finish adding to the textbox:
zG Choose
Exit Design Mode in the Control Toolbox to end the design
mode changes.
{G Close the Control Toolbox.
|G From the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose File → Save.
$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ;
There are considerable differences between the requirements for online
transaction processing (OLTP) authorizations and the requirements for online
analytical processing (OLAP) authorizations. The differences influence very
different authorization schemes for OLAP and OLTP. The following chart
shows a comparison of the differences:
Clearly divided into business units:
Combining data from different business units or
Human Resources
Transaction based: master data (customer
master, material master, etc.) and
business process data (sales order and
Not transaction oriented
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Separated into different activities:
98% Display
Several factors influence the approach to authorizations:
The type of queries you want to use (with or without hierarchies)
Level of detail for authorization checking
Expected number of users
Possible role grouping
Users can be divided into groups. You may select this approach if you want to
check the authorizations only on InfoCube level. You may choose to create
roles, which allow you to execute queries on one (or several) InfoCubes. One
or several roles are then assigned to the users.
The administration of the authorizations, roles, and user assignments is
handled completely by role maintenance (transaction PFCG). The assignment
of roles to users can also be carried out in user maintenance (transaction
SU01) or in central user administration.
An advantage to using transaction PFCG is that role maintenance is also used
for other authorizations in SAP BW, other mySAP components, and the R/3
System, so it is therefore known. Copying roles is also supported. Role
assignment to users can be carried out with User maintenance (transaction
SU01) or Role Maintenance (transaction PFCG). The required authorizations
and profiles for the roles are generated automatically.
Appendix C: Authorizations Guidelines
You may maintain authorizations for an individual user or for many users
with SAP BW transaction RSSM. For this process, the users can be displayed
in alphabetical order or with any SAP BW hierarchies on the characteristic
0TCTUSERNM. In addition, you can display characteristics or hierarchies.
Carry out authorization maintenance by dragging and dropping the values or
nodes of the hierarchy.
There are two distinct advantages. You can drag and drop values and nodes
into the nodes of the user hierarchy. The value or node is assigned to all users
below it. The creation of an authorization definition in a hierarchy is
automatically carried out in the background so you no longer need to carry
out a manual maintenance. Authorizations and profiles for the users are then
generated and assigned to these users, where the authorizations can then be
modified. As a result, you reduce the maintenance time to a minimum. You
only need to assign the authorized values or nodes to the users. You can even
take possible groupings into account. The system continues to use the
authorization concept from SAP standard (authorizations and profiles).
If you have not already maintained this assignment of authorized values to
users in another system, this method with transaction RSSM is the easiest one.
The authorization check runs when you open a query and every time you
make a navigation step.
The system runs the
authorization check
independently during
query execution. If a query is
interrupted because of a missing
authorization, you can display a
log for the authorization check.
Choose Extras →
Authorization Check Log in
the role maintenance
transaction RSSM.
Select the user and choose
. This step activates
the user log.
to display the
selected user’s current log.
to delete, to
deactivate the user log.
Authorization checks also occur based on selection criteria, as follows:
Characteristic values in selection criteria do not undergo an authorization
check if the characteristic itself is not in any authorization object and is not
flagged as authorization-relevant.
If a characteristic does not appear in the selection criteria of a query and the
characteristic has a relevant authorization object, the system checks
whether the user has the authorization for this characteristic. You must
give the user authorization to any relevant field, if you want them to be
able to display the characteristic’s summarized value.
Authorizations must be granted in order to display the value not
If a user does not have sufficient authorization for at least one
characteristic or key figure of the query, the system interrupts the
execution of the query and does not display any values.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ;
The Internet Transaction Server (ITS) allows Internet and intranet users to
communicate directly with the R/3 System by running standard transactions,
function modules, and reports.
Some of the tasks described in the book require an ITS. Your system
administrator should perform these steps to verify proper configuration of
the ITS to work with SAP BW.
JG Test the global settings and the WEBRFC service by executing a test HTML
string in your web browser:
In the above HTML string, substitute your ITS server name for <ITS> (for
example, P31872) and your ITS port for <port> (for example, 1080). If your
global settings are incorrect, the error message “Cannot find server…”
appears when you try to display a web-enabled query. If your global settings
are correct, an ITS logon screen appears when you call up the test HTML
string in your web browser or from the results of the html_echo.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG Use the SAP BW ITS Checktool to check your ITS system installation:
Be sure the following services are installed and running on your ITS system
(these services are part of the usual ITS installation):
MINIALV (InfoSet Query)
SHUFFLER (InfoSet Query - BW Basis Release 4.6D and forward only)
WEBRFC (BEx Web Reporting)
WEBGUI (SAP transactions)
LG Release the SAP BW function modules that are required for web reporting.
This step is for system security purposes and is completed by your technical
administrator. The function modules that must be released are listed below.
The local web browser must be set to
accept per session cookies; otherwise,
the user will get an Invalid Session
error message when starting the BEx
Browser for the Web. The local web
browser must also support JavaScript.
WEBQUERY (for BEx web queries - WebRFC)
WWW_ALV_CALL (InfoSet web queries)
WWW_ALV_SELSCREEN (InfoSet web queries)
FLOW_LOGIC_ALV_CALL (InfoSet web queries)
These special function modules are released in the SAP BW system. To release
these functions:
MG In the Command field, enter transaction SPRO and choose Enter (or choose SAP
menu → Tools → Business Engineer and double-click on
BW Customizing).
NG Choose
SAP Reference IMG.
OG In the BW Customizing Implementation Guide, choose Business Information
Warehouse → Reporting-relevant Settings → Web Reporting and choose
to Releasing the Function Module for Web Reporting.
PG On the SAP Web Repository: Initial Screen choose, from the menu bar, choose
Internet release → Function modules.
To check if a function has
already been released,
enter the function name
in Function module and choose
QG On the Releasing Reports and Function Modules screen, choose possible entries
to select the functions you wish to release.
Appendix D: Internet Transaction Server (ITS) Prerequisites
RG On the Function modules dialog box:
zG Select a function you wish to release. You can only select one function at a
{G Choose
JIG Back on the Releasing Reports and Function Modules screen, to release the
function, choose
JJG Repeat steps 8–9 for all other desired functions.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
$ 3 3 ( 1 ' , ;
If you use the Demo Cube, you should check that the SAP Demo data exists
before you define a master data report. In this example, the InfoObject is Soldto-Party (SAP Demo) and the technical name 0D_SOLD_TO.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
JG On the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse, in the navigation
menu, choose SAP menu → BW Administration → Administrator Workbench.
KG On Administrator Workbench: Modeling, choose
Maintain InfoObjects on the
application toolbar (or choose Tools → Edit InfoObjects).
Appendix E: Data Checking for InfoObjects and ODS Objects
LG On the Edit InfoObjects: Start screen:
zG In InfoObject, enter the name of the InfoObject (for example, 0D_SOLD_TO).
{G Choose
MG On the Display Characteristic OD_SOLD_TO: Detail screen, the following tabs
are important when you check master data values:
Master data/texts
zG Select the Master data/texts tab.
{G Under Master data tables, double-click on the View of MstrDta Tbls table
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
NG On the Dictionary: Display View screen, from the menu bar, choose Utilities →
OG On the Data Browser: Table /BI0/MD_SOLD_TO: Selection screen, choose
display the values.
Appendix E: Data Checking for InfoObjects and ODS Objects
PG Check the number of entries in the table and look at the data values. Notice
that there are two special fields – Version (technical name OBJVERS) and
Change Flag.
The Version field (technical name: OBJVERS) is used internally by the SAP BW system to
identify the status of data records. Entries in the Version field can be: A (active), and M
(revised). At any time, a master data table (for example, /BI0/MCOUNTRY) can contain
multiple values in its Version field. Only the Active records are retrieved for reporting.
The Change Flag (technical name: CHANGED) field is another internal field that is part of SAP
BW master data. Values for this field are: I (marked for insertion) and D (marked for deletion)
Before defining the InfoSet for your ODS report, take a look at the data in the
demo ODS object tables and see how to display the technical name of an ODS
Table Name
Table 1: ODS Table
Order ODS
Table 2: ODS Table
Delivery ODS
Table 3: Master data table
Sales organization master data
JG In the SAP Easy Access SAP Business Information Warehouse menu, choose SAP
menu → BW Administration → Administrator Workbench.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
KG On the Administration Workbench: Modeling screen:
zG Choose Modeling.
{G Under the Modeling button, choose Data Targets.
|G In the Data targets frame, right-click on an ODS Object (preceded by the
icon) and choose Change.
LG On the Edit ODS Object screen menu, from the menu bar, choose Extras →
Information (logs/status).
Appendix E: Data Checking for InfoObjects and ODS Objects
MG On the Info Selection dialog box, choose
Dictionary/ DB status.
NG On the Status Information dialog box:
Every ODS Object
consists of three physical
The active table contains
the records ready for
reporting; the table name
ends in 00
The new table contains new
records yet to be moved to
active status; the table
name ends in 10
The change log table
contains records from the
delta data loads; the table
name is system generated.
zG Inspect the technical names of the three ODS tables.
{G For DB tab (active), double-click on /BIC/AOORDERODS00.
OG To create the ODS InfoSet, on the Dictionary: Display Table screen, choose
Utilities → Table contents → Display.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
PG On the Data Browser: Table /BIC/AORDERODS00: Selection screen, choose
QG The Data Browser screen displays the values of the /BIC/AORDERODS00 table.
* / 2 6 6 $ 5 <
Z}ˆ|ŠŽ~‹’G An ad hoc query is one that is not saved permanently, but is
created to satisfy a one-time need.
Z€€‹~€z~G Aggregating is the process of combining two or more data items
into one item. For example, adding or summarizing a set of numbers is called
aggregating. An aggregate, itself, is the explicit data item resulting from the
process of aggregation.
Z…~‹fˆ‡‚ˆ‹G This component of the Reporting Agent and the Reporting
Agent scheduler displays exceptions occurring in background jobs. From the
Alert Monitor, you can also jump directly to a display of the result set on
which the exception occurred.
Z‡|ˆ‹\~……G The top left cell of the results area is the anchor cell.
[z|„€‹ˆŽ‡}‰‹ˆ|~ŒŒ‚‡€G In background processing, the SAP BW system
automatically runs any report or program that you can start interactively. A
background job specifies the program that should be started, together with
start time and printing specifications. When your start-time specification is
satisfied, the background processing system starts your job and runs the
program(s) you specify. You can later check whether your job executed
successfully and display a log of any messages.
[zŒ‚|„~’‚€Ž‹~G This value can be displayed in a report and stored in a
numeric field of a database table. Basic key figures can also be used in
calculation formulae for computing other values in a report.
[^‘Z‡z…’“~‹G BEx Analyzer is a Microsoft Excel-based interactive
environment where analyses and queries are defined by selected
characteristics and key figures. The selected data can be analyzed by
navigating through multidimensional data. Presentation in Microsoft Excel
also allows users to take a report view and manipulate it as a document.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Furthermore, calculations, notes, charts, and graphics can be added, different
reports can be combined in a workbook, and reports can be distributed using
[^‘[‹ˆŒ~‹G The Business Explorer Browser for the web is a standard
component of the SAP BW. From the BEx Browser, the user accesses SAP BW
web queries, hyperlinks, and URLs. Access the BEx Browser from your web
browser, either from a saved Favorite or by entering its URL. A nonweb BEx
Browser exists that you start by choosing Start menu → Programs → SAP
frontend → SAP Business Explorer Browser. If you have the mySAP Workplace,
you do not need to use the BEx Browser since you can incorporate the
frequently used role-based reports in your mySAP Workplace portal.
[^‘fz‰G A number of characteristics in SAP BW also have a geographical
significance, such as customer, sales region, and country. This information
can be evaluated in BEx Map, together with the relevant business-oriented
figures. This data displays visually and can be evaluated in an intuitive way
on a map. BEx Map is SAP BW’s integrated Geographical Information System
(GIS) in the Business Explorer.
[^‘p~{G Use web reporting to publish queries that have been defined in
BEx Analyzer on the intranet or Internet. You can insert and present queries
on any HTML page. You can embed different queries on an HTML page and
use predefined navigation buttons or graphics to display the data. You can
evaluate the web query data by navigating (drilldown, refresh, and so on).
[ŽŒ‚‡~ŒŒ^‘‰…ˆ‹~‹A[^‘BG As the top layer in the SAP BW architecture, the
Business Explorer (BEx) serves as the reporting environment (presentation
and analysis) for end users. It consists of the BEx Analyzer, BEx Browser, BEx
Web, and BEx Map for analysis and reporting activities.
\z…|Ž…z~}d~’_‚€Ž‹~G Calculated key figures are formulas that consist of
basic key figures for the InfoCube and/or calculated key figures that have
already been created. They define a value to be reported and are determined
using calculation rules or a formula within a report. Calculated key figure
definitions are stored in database tables.
\~……Z‹~zˆzjŽ~‹’G The cell area of a query consists of the filter cells and
the results area.
\z‹z|~‹‚Œ‚|G An evaluation group such as company code, product,
customer group, fiscal year, period, or region. Characteristics provide
classification possibilities for the dataset. The master data encompasses the
permitted values of a characteristic, referred to as characteristic values.
Characteristic values are discrete names. For example, the characteristic
Region could, for example, have the values North, Central and South.
\ˆ|„‰‚G A web page containing multiple web queries. It may also contain
links to other web pages. Cockpits are usually customized for the needs of a
specific job or person.
]zzŒˆŽ‹|~G A data source may be any table or view in the system, a join of
these objects, or a logical database in the SAP system. The data source of the
InfoSet determines which database fields can be contained in the InfoSet and
how the data is read from the database.
]‚†~‡Œ‚ˆ‡G A logical grouping of data items (characteristics) of the same
context. In SAP BW, as per the definition of an InfoCube, characteristics of the
same context are placed in one dimension and the values of this grouping of
characteristics are stored physically in a table of the star schema (dimension
]‹‚……Ž‰H}ˆ‡G Navigating toward or away from the root.
]’‡z†‚|€~ˆF|z‹z|~‹‚Œ‚|ŒG Objects described by point data (a single
point on the Earth’s surface, such as a factory, store, or customer location) are
referred to as dynamic geo-characteristics. The geographical coordinates may
change frequently.
^‡~‹‰‹‚Œ~b‡ˆ‹†z‚ˆ‡iˆ‹z…A^biBG An Enterprise Information Portal
(EIP) is an Internet or intranet gateway to resources and services. An EIP
provides a single starting point from which all information and features can
be presented, integrated, and secured. An EIP combines unstructured
content, structured reports, and collaboration features.
^‘|~‰‚ˆ‡eˆ€G A Reporting Agent feature that monitors exception reporting
execution and job execution time.
^‘|~‰‚ˆ‡k~‰ˆ‹‚‡€G This functional area of Reporting Agent presents data
values (key figures, such as sales volume) that deviate from a predefined
threshold or range. These exceptions are often highlighted in colors so that
you can quickly identify them from expected results. Queries execute in
background, and the result sets are inspected for the occurrence of exceptions.
An exception can trigger the sending of an e-mail to SAP BW users, or
Exception Monitor can record execution log entries.
_‚…~‹\~……ŒG The filter cell is highlighted when you drill down on a free
_‹~~\z‹z|~‹‚Œ‚|G This grouping of characteristics is made available in the
free characteristic directory of the Define Query dialog box at the time of query
definition or query modification.
`~ˆF|z‹z|~‹‚Œ‚|G In BEx Map, spatial data stores the geometric location of
geographical features, like a customer address, along with additional
attributes that describe what the feature represents. The different types of
spatial data supported by SAP BW include static geo-characteristics (with
polygon data) and dynamic geo-characteristics (with point data).
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
`~ˆ|ˆ}‚‡€G For point data, represented by dynamic geo-characteristics, SAP
BW master data must be extended with geographic coordinates. The process
of finding graphical coordinates that correspond to master data table entries
is referred to as geocoding. The geocoding process utilizes an address field
contained in the master data table.
`blA`~ˆ€‹z‰‚|z…b‡ˆ‹†z‚ˆ‡l’Œ~†BG The term GIS relates to the use
of maps in data analysis. A GIS is a system capable of assembling, storing,
manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, for
example, data identified according to their geographic locations.
Traditionally, GIS has been used to display maps in a static presentation. For
example, the analysis of demographic, disease control, and climate
`…ˆ{z…Œ‹Ž|Ž‹~G A global structure is a component of a query associated
with a specific InfoCube. After a global structure has been defined and saved,
it is made available in a folder labeled Structures and may be used in other
queries for that InfoCube.
a~z}~‹‚‡ˆ‹†z‚ˆ‡G Header information is a set of reference information
such as the title and author of the query, the InfoCube upon which the query
is based, the last change date, statements on statistical filters or variables that
are used in the query.
a‚~‹z‹|’G A hierarchy is a structured and grouped method of displaying
characteristics according to individual evaluation criteria. Data items are
organized in a logical representation, such as a tree structure. For example, a
company’s organizational chart illustrates the departments and
subdepartments is a familiar hierarchy.
amfeG Hyper Text Markup Language is the publishing language of the
world-wide web.
b‡ˆ\Ž{~G The central objects on which reports and analyses are based in
SAP BW. An InfoCube describes a self-contained dataset, such as the
reporting view for a business-oriented area. There are three types of
InfoCubes, the BasicCube, MultiCube, and RemoteCube. A BasicCube
contains data on which reports and analyses are based. A RemoteCube is an
InfoCube whose data is managed outside of SAP BW. Only its structure is
defined in SAP BW. A MultiCube brings data together from BasicCubes and
RemoteCubes and places it in one context. A MultiCube itself does not
contain any data, because it gathers data from its component BasicCubes and
b‡ˆh{ƒ~|G This Generic term in SAP BW is for characteristics and key
figures. InfoObjects are used in InfoCubes and the three structures relevant
for the data request (extract structure, transfer structure and communication
structure). Names for InfoObjects can only be given once. Within a
characteristic, a distinction is made between time and unit characteristics.
Examples of characteristics are evaluation groups such as cost centers or
product groups.
b‡ˆ‹†z‚ˆ‡|ˆ|„‰‚G The term information cockpit is sometimes used
instead of Enterprise Information Portal (EIP).
b‡ˆl~ŒG InfoSets are sets of data originating from one table or multiple
joined tables. An InfoSet normally contains only reporting-relevant fields, not
internal system fields. Before creating an InfoSet Query, you must first create
an InfoSet.
b‡ˆl~jŽ~‹’G With SAP BW 2.0B, you can report on flat tabular data, such
as master data or data stored in ODS, with the help of a tool called InfoSet
Query. This tool provides an easy-to-use graphical interface and allows a
definition of both ad hoc and reusable queries. Reports from these queries
displays on SAP ListViewer. A report can be generated using InfoSet Query
by users with no programming knowledge. Queries can be web-enabled and
executed from any web page or cockpit, the SAP Easy Access SAP Business
Information Warehouse menu, or the Business Explorer Browser.
b‡ˆlˆŽ‹|~G An InfoSource is a summarized quantity of information that
logically belongs together as a unit. An InfoSource can contain transaction
data (stored in InfoCubes and ODS objects) and master data (attributes, texts,
and hierarchies stored in separate tables). InfoSources describe all the
information available for a business transaction or type of business
transaction (for example, cost center accounting).
b~†G Items are objects that obtain data from data providers and make it
available in a particular way as HTML. Each item has an item type, item
name, item ID, and rendering properties, changeable by setting parameters or
calling commands. Item types include Chart, Conditions List, List of Exceptions,
Table, Generic navigation block, Map, Alert monitor, Filter, and Text Elements. An
item always has to be assigned to a data provider. For example, the data that
populates the results area of a query view is a “table item” and its properties
define its title, number of rows, and width.
bmlG An Internet Transaction Server (ITS) is a computer system that provides
interactive HTML pages, generated at runtime, to any web browser. An ITS
must be connected to a SAP BW system by an RFC connection for web
reporting. Every web report must reference an ITS server name and port as
part of its definition.
bml~{~†‰…z~G Web template that is saved on the Internet Transaction
Server (ITS) rather on the SAP BW server.
cˆ‚‡G To match one table against another based on a condition, creating a
third file with data from the first two is a join. For example, a customer table
can be joined with an order table by creating a table of records for all
customers who purchased a particular product.
d~’_‚€Ž‹~G Values or quantities, such as sales revenue, fixed costs, sales
quantity, or number of employees. Key figures are currency, quantity, or
number fields such as sales revenue, revenue, or number of employees. Key
figures usually refer to InfoObject units. In addition to the key figures saved
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
on the database, you have the option of defining derived (calculating) key
figures in the query definition of the Business Explorer. Such key figures are
calculated using a formula from the key figures of the InfoCube. Examples of
derived key figures are “sales revenue per employee” (sales revenue divided
by number of employees), “variance as a percentage,”or “contribution
e‚Œo‚~~‹G The SAP ListViewer displays InfoSet Query output and
integrates with other tools, such as Microsoft Excel. The ListViewer also
supports web reporting, allowing every InfoSet Query to be run in a web
eˆ|z…Œ‹Ž|Ž‹~G A local structure is a component of a query associated with a
specific query. If you want to add unique structure elements for a specific
query, you should create a local structure to avoid affecting all queries that
exist for a particular global structure.
f~z}zzk~‰ˆŒ‚ˆ‹’G Metadata (data about data) is used to describe the
source, history, and other aspects of data. The metadata repository contains
both business-related (definitions, descriptions, and rules used for reporting)
and technical (for example, structure and mapping rules for the data
extraction and staging process) metadata. The metadata repository is central
to the data warehouse concept.
†’lZipˆ‹„‰…z|~G SAP’s enterprise information portal is the mySAP
Workplace. This central system can connect to a variety of information,
systems, and information services throughout a company’s intranet or
Internet environment. The mySAP Workplace can contain SAP BW web
queries presented on the mySAP Workplace screen, usually in a reduced size,
called “MiniApps.”
gz‚€z‚ˆ‡G Navigation allows the analysis of the InfoCube data by
displaying different views of the query’s data. With the aid of the various
navigational functions, such as Fix as filter value or Insert drilldown according to,
you can generate different views of the data (navigational states) which are
presented in the results area of the query. By changing views you are
gz‚€z‚ˆ‡{…ˆ|„G This optional area of a BEx Web query displays the
characteristics available in that web query. The navigation block corresponds
to the filter cells area of a BEx Analyzer query or query view. (A characteristic
is a field used to select data such as company code, product, material,
customer group, fiscal year, period, or region.)
heZi‰‹ˆ|~ŒŒˆ‹G The OLAP (Online analytical processing) processor is the
analytic engine of SAP BW. This processor uses a relational database for
analyzing and presenting various types of data such as summarized OLTP
data and market and syndicated data. The OLAP processor allows many
different types of analyses, such as drilldown. In addition, it offers additional
business functionality, such as currency translation.
h‰~‹z‚ˆ‡z…]zzlˆ‹~Ah]lBG A storage mechanism in SAP BW
containing transaction data that may have been transformed, integrated, and
consolidated. The ODS stores data in a flat, tabular format, different than
SAP BW InfoCubes that store data in star schema arrangement. An ODS
dataset can be evaluated by either the BEx Analyzer or InfoSet Query.
However, multidimensional drilldown is not possible. In general, the ODS is
the historical foundation of the SAP BW data warehouse.
iz|„~†~†{~‹ŒG Scheduling packets may contain multiple combinations of
settings and variants, referred to as packet members.
iz‹z†~~‹‚“‚‡€G This term refers to the technique of adding name-value
pairs (also known as parameters) to a URL string instead of editing the
corresponding web template. As background, the URL for calling a template
can be generated by the Web Publisher (see “Publishing Reports to the Web:
An Overview” on page 172)or can be constructed manually. By inserting
additional parameters, you can add those additional features to a web query
without changing the underlying web template. Also, you can create a usable
web query by creating a URL (without using the Web Publisher at all) and
executing the URL in a web browser.
i~‹Œ‚Œ~‡lz€‚‡€Z‹~zG The Persistent Staging Area (PSA) is the input
store for requested transaction data, master data attributes, and texts from
various source systems within SAP BW. The requested data is stored
unchanged from the source system.
iˆ‚‡}zzG In BEx Map, point data describes a single point on the Earth’s
surface, such as a factory, store, or customer location.
iˆ…’€ˆ‡}zzG In BEx Map, polygon data describes the location and shape of
objects, such as countries, states, and regions.
i‹~|~}~‡|~G Each formula is processed based upon the priority of the
operands used in that formula. Likewise, each formula has a priority in
relation to other formulas, influencing the order in which the formulas are
applied in a query or during navigation.
i‹ˆ†‰oz‹‚z{…~G This variable receives and holds the specific value a user
enters in response to a message or prompt requesting user input.
jŽ~‹’G A query is a data evaluation based on the selection of characteristics
and key figures. Queries can be configured according to the way you want to
view and navigate through data. This combination of a selection of
characteristics and key figures (InfoObjects) is used to analyze InfoCube data
for SAP BW. Queries are defined in BEx Analyzer and stored in the SAP BW
server. You may define many queries per InfoCube. You define a query by
selecting InfoObjects or predefined query templates of an InfoCube and
distributing them to filters, rows, columns, and free characteristics to create a
view of the data. You insert a query in a workbook and can generate further
views of the InfoCube data through navigation. You can save data for the
current navigational state of the query in the workbook.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
k~~‹~‡|~Œz‰~‚…~G A reference shapefile contains address information
used to look up an address’s geo-coordinates.
k~‰ˆ‹‚‡€Z€~‡G The Reporting Agent schedules reporting functions in the
background. As a component of the SAP BW Administrator Workbench
(AWB), Reporting Agent automates routine tasks such as the inspection of
large datasets for exceptions and mass-printing of query-based documents.
With the Reporting Agent’s background processing functionality, the SAP
BW system can run queries without invoking BEx Analyzer. The Reporting
Agent has two functional areas, exception reporting and background
k~‰ˆ‹Hk~‰ˆ‹b‡~‹z|~AkkbBG The Report/Report Interface enables you to
jump from one report to another report for more information. The RRI links
together smaller reports (each containing a limited number of characteristics)
to allow you to report on a number of different combinations of data online.
Being connected to RRI allows you to avoid the problem of having
particularly large reports, where the large volume of data would often mean
that the large reports could not be constructed online and would have to be
planned as a background job.
k~Œ‹‚|~}„~’‚€Ž‹~ŒG Restricted key figures are basic key figures for the
InfoCube that are restricted or filtered by one or more characteristic
k~ŒŽ…Œz‹~zG The results area is a group of cells (rows and columns) in the
BEx Analyzer where the data set resulting from the execution of a query on an
InfoCube is returned and displayed.
k_\G Remote Function Call (RFC) is SAP’s interface protocol based on CPI-C
that allows different SAP systems to communicate and allows non-SAP
external systems to communicate. When an RFC connection is active, the
systems know about each other.
kˆ…~ŒG Roles provide a way to assign the same properties to a group of users,
such as menus and authorization permissions that users need to access
transactions, reports, web-based applications contained in the menu. InfoSet
Query assigns Master Data InfoSets and InfoSet Queries to Roles.
kˆˆG The top member of a hierarchy is the root. The root object is the object
located at the highest level within a hierarchical structure.
kˆŒz‡}|ˆ…Ž†‡ŒG The two-dimensional grid layout of the BEx Analyzer
includes rows and columns. Rows define a set of cells and cell content
horizontally on the grid. Columns define a set of cells and cell content
vertically on the grid.
l|~}Ž…‚‡€‰z|„~G A scheduling packet allows you to combine settings and
variants for background processing. A packet contains all information
required to execute the background job and produce output. Output includes
documents for background printing and follow-up e-mails for exception
reporting. Scheduling packets may contain multiple combinations of settings
and variants, referred to as packet members.
lz‰~‚…~ŒG For geographic boundaries, represented by static geocharacteristics, the geometry information is stored in shapefiles. Shapefiles
store the shape information or polygon data that define the geometry and
attributes of geographically referenced characteristics.
l‰ˆˆ…‹~ŠŽ~ŒG Output data generated by the background printing function
is stored in the spool system as a spool request.
lz‚|€~ˆF|z‹z|~‹‚Œ‚|ŒG Objects associated with polygon data (such as
countries, states, and regions) are referred to as static geo-characteristics,
which describe areas or polygons where the geographical coordinates rarely
change. For these geographic boundaries, the geometry information is stored
in shapefiles.
l‹Ž|Ž‹~ŒG Structures are freely definable building blocks that consist of
combinations of characteristics and basic key figures (for example, as
calculated or restricted key figures) of the InfoCube. For example, you may
create a structure for a contribution margin schema or a planned and actual
comparison, thus preserving the InfoCube’s sets of characteristics and
calculated or restricted key figures for future use.
l’…~Œ~~G Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an HTML enhancement that
allow definition of formats, colors, and fonts. Style sheets can be used in Web
templates created by SAP BW web reporting items and stored on the ITS. For
example, SAP delivers CSS files that customers can change. Usually, you
include a style sheet in the web template. Style sheets are stored on the ITS.
m~‘~…~†~‡ŒG Text elements are used to store texts displayed on selection
screens or output screens. The different types of text elements include report
or program titles, list headers, column headers, selection texts, and text
m‹~~G This term is synonymous with hierarchy. The term tree describes the
visual display of hierarchical data items.
nkeG A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a standardized way of naming
network resources used for accessing pages on the world-wide web.
oz…Ž~G . The content of a field or key figure is its value. For example, given a
key figure called “sales,” the quantity for a single instance of this key figure
could be $100.00. The value would then be $100.00.
oz‹‚z{…~G A symbol that is a placeholder or container for a data value is a
variable. The symbol name remains constant and the data values themselves
vary. Use of this mechanism in BEx Analyzer allows flexibility when
requesting data without the underlying computer programs changing. Query
parameters set up during the query definition are not actually filled with
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
values (processed) until the query is executed. They function as a placeholder
for characteristic values, texts, and formula elements, and can be processed in
different ways. Variables in the SAP BW are global variables, meaning that
they are uniquely defined in the variable maintenance and are available for
the definition of all queries.
oz‹‚z‡G A set of variables whose values have been pre-selected and saved as
a specific unit. The variant can subsequently be used for a specific purpose
without the user typing in all the values. A method for passing values to a
query executed in a background job.
o‚~G Synonym for a navigational state (view) stored in the BEx Browser. A
query view defines a set of data, specifies filters, drilldowns, exceptions, and
so on, and is derived from a query. For example, “Top 10 Customers by
p~{{‹ˆŒ~‹G A web browser is a program that enables the user to display
hypertext in files or on the world-wide web. The browser has specific
capabilities of its own as well, such as print, download, refresh, toolbar
control, favorites, and the ability to view the HTML source for the current
web page.
p~{ŠŽ~‹’G In SAP BW, a query displayed in a web browser is called a web
query. The term web query is used interchangeably with the term web report.
p~{iŽ{…‚Œ~‹G The Web Publisher is part of BEx Analyzer (BEx). You can
store navigational states as views, and then create items for these views.
Using the Web Publisher, you create your web template using the webauthorizing tool of your choice.
p~{iŽ{…‚Œ~‹‚“z‹}G The wizard makes it easy to create web queries
because it automatically generates HTML. The wizard creates an HTML web
template and checks it into the SAP BW server automatically.
p~{~†‰…z~G An HTML document that determines the structure of a SAP
BW Web report is a web template. It contains placeholders for items and data
providers (in the form of object tags) as well as SAP BW URLs. Web templates
can be saved on the SAP BW server or on the Internet Transaction Server
(ITS). Web templates that are stored on the ITS are called ITS web templates.
A web template specifies the structure of an HTML page for web reporting
and is a technique for easily adopting standards. The web template is
identified by a URL that can be launched in the web browser.
pˆ‹„{ˆˆ„G A workbook is a multifunctional report in Microsoft Excel.
Workbooks integrate data output, graphical displays, and multifunctional
queries, all within Microsoft Excel. This Microsoft Excel file can have one or
more worksheets. In BEx Analyzer, you can insert one or more SAP BW
queries into a workbook. You can also insert a query more than once into a
workbook to display different views of the data. These different views are
also referred to as navigational states. You can store the workbook in your
favorites or in your role on the SAP BW server. You can also store the
workbook locally on your computer.
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
nonweb master data report 330, 331
Activating exceptions 93
Active cells
calling OLAP functions 25
interactive charts to web queries 212–222
maps to web queries 228
geocoding 292
inserting URLs into lines 195
setting styles of reference shapefiles 291
Administrator Workbench (AWB) 2, 7, 350
modeling 319
monitoring exception reporting 353
Advanced features
scheduling packets 372
Alert monitors
cell counts 388
inspecting 388–389
monitoring exception reporting 353
print jobs 351
settings 379
specific attributes 391
modifying in workbooks 25
Architecture, BW 2–3
ArcView GIS 266
BEx Map 269
creating new project 288–290
loading 271
preparing for BW geocoding 271–272
SAP extensions 289
SAPBWKEY maintenance 273
shapefile data 270
InfoSets to a role 324, 325
roles to user groups 314
variants to packet members 371, 372
automated generation 228
BEx Analyzer 118, 429
checking 429
creating 120
differences between OLAP and OLTP 427
example 121
group 428
guidelines 427–429
logs 429
master data reporting and ODS 347
object creating 119
OLAP 428
reporting objects 118
role maintenance 428, 429
web queries 228
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
AWB. See Administrator Workbench
Back to previous view
icon on toolbar 24
Background printing
formatting in workbook templates 417
mass-printing features 352
overview 7, 350
report settings 352
Bar charts in BEx Map 248, 257
Batch printing
document layout 352
mass printing 352
overview 355, 356
process flow 351
BDS. See Business Document Services
BEx Analyzer
alert monitor 351, 390
authorizations to queries 118
automated data retrieval 339
BEx Map 244, 249, 265
boolean variables and operators 82–83
calculated key figures 79–82
calling InfoSet Query through web 347
characteristic-based settings in workbooks 37–39
commonly used terms 21
conditions 94–95
context menus 31–37
currency translations 47
displaying global query definitions 63–64
displaying text elements in workbooks 54
establishing presentation default 28
exception definition 375
exception reporting 90, 353, 375–383
filters in queries 73–75
formatting queries 25
formatting workbooks 57
functionality 22
getting started 21
help menus 26
hierarchies 96–102
installation verification 13
layout queries 25
logon 14
MS Excel 6
nonweb ODS reports 345, 346
opening queries 23, 26–28, 223
opening workbooks 45
overview 6, 20
prerequisites 212
queries 64, 65, 339
query variants 57–58
refreshing queries 24, 56
restricted key figures 75–78
saving queries 24, 70–73
saving workbooks 43, 55
settings 26
starting BEx Analyzer 22
toolbar 23
tools 25
variables 103–117
view modes of queries 24
Visual Basic functionality 421–426
web-based ODS reports 347
workbook templates 417–426
workbooks 21
worksheet protection 59–60
BEx Browser 124–151
changing GUI of folders 136
cookies and invalid sessions 432
creating links 129
customizing for web 241
displaying web queries 163–164
distributing web queries to users 195
favorites list 129
folders and documents 127–128, 129, 135
getting started 125
InfoSet Query 312, 314
inserting workbooks 130
installation verification 13
internet addresses 132–133
logon 14, 126
navigation menu 126
nonweb master data report 330
nonweb ODS reports 345
opening documents 125–126
overview 6, 124
pictures 241
queries 131
requirements 338
roles maintenance 124, 138–147
selecting documents 126–127
style sheets 241
toolbar 125
transaction calls 134–135
URL to start 241
workbooks 129
BEx Map 243–308
ArcView GIS 269
attaching maps to queries 250
BEx Analyzer 244, 249
colors and shading 257
design functions 251, 255
display techniques 247–248
downloading BW master data
into dBase file 277–279
dynamic geo-characteristics 261–263, 268
file extensions 271
geo-characteristics 245, 251, 267
geocoding 266–269, 283–297
geo-enabled InfoObjects 245–248, 267
Geographic Information System (GIS) 244
geographical reference system 269
getting started 251–252
graphical visualization techniques 246
InfoObjects maintenance 269
layers 246
legend, maps 251, 252
location symbol properties 262
nonweb versus web-based maps 297
overview 6, 244
polygon versus point data 245
preparing GIS for BW geocoding 271–272
saving 265
shapefiles 274, 275–277, 289
sorting layers 251, 264
static geo InfoObjects 252–261
switching between maps and queries 255–257
toolbar, GIS 252, 264
user interace 251–252
view component 251, 252
web deployment 297–298, 299–308
web-based item-type maps 298
zoom 254
BEx Query
column width tab 42
display tab 40
displaying filter cells for structures in queries 40
displaying scaling factors for key figures 40
information tab 43
interaction tab 41
properties 39–43
refreshing formatting on data refresh 40
suppress repeated key values 40
BEx toolbar
opening workbooks 29
BEx Web Publisher
web-enabling queries without wizards 174, 203
wizards 174, 180–182, 194–195, 195–198
BEx Web Publisher wizard
naming conventions 182
BEx Web Reporting
BEx Map 297
creating Microsoft Excel views 203–211
data security 161
defining map design 252–255
enabling web queries 174
Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) 160
getting started 158, 162
interactive charts 212–222, 223–228
overview 6, 160, 162
prerequisites 211
SAPBWKEY maintenance 273
screen 162
sequence flow 160
toolbar icons 181
Bitmaps, uploading 150
Bookmarks 231
functions 79
operators 82–83
variables 82–83
Borders, modifying in workbooks 25
Browsers 158
universality 241
Business content 4, 73
Business Document Services (BDS) 124, 128
storage of web reports 211
Business Explorer (BEx)
BEx Analyzer 2, 6, 19–121
BEx Browser 2, 6, 123–154
BEx Map 2, 6, 243–308
BEx Web 2, 6, 157–241
overview 4, 5
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
relationship to BW server 9
Business Explorer (BEx) Browser 123–155
manipulating images 154
overview 124
selecting documents 127
Business Information Warehouse (BW)
Administrator Workbench (AWB) 2
architecture 2–3
batch printing 351
Business Explorer (BEx) 2
changing passwords 16
checking versions and patch levels 17
DemoCubes 5
getting started 12
InfoCubes 4
InfoObjects 4
InfoSet Query 312, 313, 339, 340, 347
InfoSource 3, 447
installation 13
landscape 7–9
layers 2
logging on 14
metadata repository 4, 448
OLAP Processing (OLAP) 4, 448
Operational Data Store (ODS) 3
overview 2
PC requirements 12
persistent staging area (PSA) 3, 449
primary roles 2
relationship to Business Explorer 9
reporting environment 5–7
server 2
source systems 3
terminology 3–5
BW Administrator Workbench
creating queries 339, 347
BW Easy Access
master data report 331
ODS reports 345
BW frontend
intallation on drive 417
BW server
versus ITS server 184
BW system
prerequisites 211
BW. See Business Information Warehouse
Calculating 34, 36, 168
Call backs
logging off 235
InfoSet Query through web 347
nonweb master data reports 330
nonweb ODS reports 345
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
alternative names 205
creating custom sheets 206
page style 173
prerequisites 212
Cell counts, alert monitor 388
Change flag, BW master data 439
Characteristic values
list of delivered variables 116
variables 111–115
Characteristic-based settings 37–39
changing 39
context menus 37
suppressing identical key values 39
Characteristics, free 71
attaching to workbooks 53
combining with other items 223–228
inserting HTML code 220
interactive 212–222
right-click function 161
data in master data reporting 435–439
status of print jobs 374
changing 137
ramp in BEx Map 257
shading in maps 247
calculated totals in exception reporting 91
width tabs in BEx query 42
Combining charts with other items 223–228
Comparing characters 83
definition 64
information system 17
defining 66, 94–95
displaying in workbooks 60
prerequisites for web publishing 212
properties of BEx Query 39–43
Content, business 4
Context menus
BEx Analyzer 31
characteristic-based settings 37
displaying features 38
filter area cells 31–32, 166
norming features 38
positioning a totals row 38
queries 66
results area data value cells 35–37
results area row header cells 32–35, 166
suppressing information 38
undoing last activity 38
Conventions, naming 73
Cookies 432
shapefiles in BEx Map 275–277
documents and folders 129
standard roles 138
calculations in reporting 34, 36, 168
Cover sheets
maintaining 361, 363
authorization object 119
authorizations 120
custom cascading style sheets 206
InfoSets 318–324, 340
Internet addresses 133
links 129
Microsoft Excel workbook view 203–211
new folders and documents 129
new user defined roles 145–147
scheduling packets 351, 370–371, 372–374, 384–
settings 350, 357
templates 28
variants 351, 369–370, 384
web queries with web publisher wizard 183
workbook templates 28
workbooks 417–426
CRM. See Customer Relationship Management
CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets
CSV files from dBase files 295–297
Currency translations 35, 37, 47
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 2
automated retrieval in BEx Analyzer 339
checking in master data reporting 435–439
checking in ODS reporting 439–442
detaching queries 61
display techniques for maps 247–248
geo-code 228
mathematical functions 79
point 245, 261–263
polygon 245, 252–261
presentation 173
records assigned a version 439
security 161
shapefiles 270
value cells 35–37
web 236
Data Security
BEx Web Reporting 161
BW server 161
HTTPS protocol security 161
ITS Server 161
Data Warehouse Management 2
Date comparisons 83
style sheets in web queries 237
templates 237
conditions in reporting 94–95
filters in queries 73–75
InfoSet Query 326–329
maps in BEx Map 252–255
queries 32, 70–73
Deleting queries 66
authorization objects 118
text variables 115, 116, 117
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
business content 5
delivered variables 116
queries 70
Design options in BEx Map 255
Detaching queries 61
expanding and compressing 71
query definition components 65
query variants 59
stored logos 148
Disk requirements 12
Display tabs
BEx query properties 40
display filter cells for structures 40
display scaling factors for key figures 40
refresh formatting on data refresh 40
suppress repeated key values 40
Displaying 40
characteristics of queries 38
conditions in workbooks 60
exceptions in workbooks 60–93
filter cells for structures in queries 40
global query definitions 63–64
logos 147–151
query data in Microsoft Excel 178
scaling factors for key figures in workbooks 40
web queries 163–164
web reporting 391
Displays, alert monitors 390
Distributing web queries to users 195–198
Documents 127–128, 129, 135
Business Document Services (BDS) 128
copying 129
formats 358
layouts 352
links 128
making read-only 135
managing 136
transaction calls 128
workbooks 128
geodata 286
add to workbook template 33
filters 32, 51
geographical data in BEx Map 260–261
modifying characterisitics 51
Dun & Bradstreet
data for InforSource 4
Dynamic geo-characteristics 267, 268, 272
ArcView GIS projects 288–290
downloading BW master data into dBase file 285–
geo-attributes 274, 294–295
geocoding 283–297
Editing tools
HTML Pages 175
EIP. See Enterprise Information Portal
notifications within exception reporting 353
sending InfoSet Query results 328
default style sheets 237
default templates 237
examples in web reporting 235–241
stateless templates 235
techniques in web reporting 233
value help in new frames 238
Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) 160
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) 266
Error messages
invalid session 432
queries 72
ESRI. See Environmental Systems Research Institute
Evaluation. See Also Online Analytical Processing
Exception definition
preparing in BEx Analyzer 375
Exception reporting
activating exceptions 93
BEx Analyzer 90
defining exceptions 90–93
detecting exceptional situations 353
exception logs 387, 388
flow diagram 354
follow-up actions 353
notifications 353, 383
overview 7, 350, 375–383
activating 93
defining for queries 66
displaying in workbooks 60
predefined folder symbols 151–154
queries 65
Favorites lists 129
converting dBase files into CSV 295–297
managing 136
area cells in BEx Analyzer 31–32
area cells in BEx Web 166
BEx Analyzer 31
defining 32, 73–75
designing elements 239
displaying filter cells in queries 40
drilldowns 32, 51
InfoSet Query 326–329
keeping selected characteristic 33, 167
user authorization settings 228
values 32, 49, 166
folders 127–128
training programs 18
Flash reporting WAP devices 231
appearance 151
changing GUIs 136
changing symbols 153
copying 129
file name 151
file path 151
finding 127–128
images 151
inserting 129, 135
selecting symbols and colors 137
size 151
transparency 151
trees 128
Follow-up actions 353
modifying in workbooks 25
Formatting, workbooks
alignment 25
borders 25
fonts 25
heirarchy display options 25
icon on toolbar 25
patterns 25
printing 368
variables 115
value help 238
Free characteristics 71
Frontend, SAP
finding SAP Business Analyzer 14
finding SAP Business Explorer 14
finding SAP logon 15, 16
Function modules
listing of those in web reporting 432
Boolean 79
data mathematical 79
enabling for queries 41
percentage 79
trigonometric 79
Generating URL for a query 335
drilldowns in BEx Map 260–261
dynamic 267, 268, 272
geo-attributes 294–295
geocoding 283–297
SAP delivered 272
static 267, 272, 274
static versus dynamic 245, 251
Geocoding 266–269
addresses 292
converting dBase files to CSV files 295–297
creating geo-attributes 294–295
data 228
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
dynamic geo-geocharacteristics 283–297
generating geocoded themes 292
performing processes 290–295
Geo-enabled InfoObjects 245–248
types 267
Geographic Information System (GIS) 244
toolbar in BEx Map 264
Geographical reference system
latitude and longitude 269
Getting started
BEx Analyzer 21
BEx Browser 125
BEx Web Reporting 158, 162
InfoSet Query 311
ODS reporting using InfoSet Query 338
overview 12
reporting agent 354
GIS. See also Geographic Information System
definition, refreshing 41
query definitions 63–64
query views 70
Glossary, BEx Analyzer 21
Graphic card requirements 12
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
BEx Map 251–252
changing 136
considering layout and file size 211
reporting agent
Graphical visualization techniques 246
inserting into workbook templates 419
Group authorizations 428
GUI. See Graphical User Interface 136
authorizations 427–429
accessing 18
icon on toolbar 26
value 238
Microsoft Excel toolbars 419
Windows (MS) views 418
Hierarchies 96–102
activating 99–102
examples 97
intervals 98
overview 96
prerequisites 98
sources 98
structure 97
variables 113
versions 99
HTML Pages
copying table to clipboard 220
default 237
editing tools 175, 208
inserting items into templates for web maps 304–
items and data providers 234
literary resources 233
stateless 235
terminology 234
web templates 211
HTTP protocol security 161
ITS system 221
Icons, toolbar
back to previous page 24
formatting queries 25
help 26
layout queries 25
Master data report 330, 331
ODS reporting using BEx Analyzer 347
opening queries 23
printing jobs 374
refreshing queries 24
saved query view 24
saving queries 24
settings 26
tools 25
value help 238
view modes of queries 24
web publisher 181
web queries 165
layout and files size 211
prerequisites 212
InfoArea, web reporting display 391
displaying geo-relevant data in BEx Map 248
exception definition 375
exception reporting 353, 375–383
master data reporting 310
overview 4
publishing shortcuts 241
query definition components 64
query rules 21
structures 84, 89
web reporting display 391
dynamic geo-characteristics 261–263, 267, 268,
272, 274
geo-enabled 245–248, 267, 272
maintenance 269
static geo-characteristics 252–261, 267, 272
static versus dynamic geo-characteristics 245, 251
Information cockpit. See Enterprise Information Portal
Information tabs 43
InfoSet Query
accessing 326
calling from the web 347
creating with a join 340
defining 326–329
generating a URL 335
getting started 311
InfoSets 310
master data 310
nonweb output 312, 339
object version 327
ODS reporting of multiple ODS objects 338
overview 6, 310
role maintenance 312, 314, 314–318, 324
saving queries into a role 329–330
security 334, 347
selection variants 348
sending e-mail results 328
types of interactivity 347
viewing 330
web-based output 313, 334–335, 340, 347
InfoSets 340, 345
assigning roles 324, 325
components 340
creating 318–324
master data 310
overview 310
Query Builder 324
screens 321, 343
Business Information Warehouse (BW) 3, 447
Dun & Bradstreet data 4
operational data store 3
folders and documents 129, 135
graphics into workbooks 419
HTML code to interactive charts 220
internet addresses 132–133
transaction calls 134–135
workbooks 43, 130
alert monitor 388–389
exception logs 387
Installation 13
Business Explorer Browser 13
ITS system 432
logon 13
verification 13
Interaction tabs 41
enabling interactive functions 41
refreshing queries 41
saving and reusing variable values 41
Interactive charts
combining with other items 223–228
inserting HTML code 220
sample 222
Pages (URL) 128
releasing query 334–335
Internet addresses
creating 133
generating for queries 335
inserting into Browser 132–133
renaming 133
Internet Transaction Server (ITS) 161, 338
checking in web templates 220
IA CORAdmin tool 221
pictures 241
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
prerequisites 212, 431–433
reference within URL address 229
security 161
storage of web reports 211
style sheets 241
verifying system installation 432
versus BW server 184
Intervals, hierarchies 98
Invalid sessions 432
HTML Pages 234
maps 302–304, 304–308
ITS server
installing shapefiles for BEx Map 299
ITS. See Internet Transaction Server
Java charts 161
icons 374
naming conventions 374
print status 374
scheduling for printing 374
multiple tables 339, 340
objects to create an InfoSet 340
Jump targets 62
Key figures
calculating 79–82
creating 75–78
defining conditions 94
displaying in BEx Map 255
Landscape, BW 7–9
query definition 8
workbook definition 8
BEx Map 246
changing in BEx Map 304
sorting in BEx Map 251
Legend component of BEx Map 251, 252
creating 129
on and off 236
ListViewer 7
purpose 310
Local query views 67–69
Location symbol properties in BEx Map 262
Logging off 235
Logging on 13
BW system 14
convention 62
profiles 26, 28
tabs 26
thru BW frontend w/ SAP Logon 14
using BEx Analyzer 14
using BEx Browser 14, 126
displaying in browser 147–151
prerequisites 212
renaming 148
stored directory 148
diplaying authorizations 429
exception 387
enabling 14
authorizations 428, 429
text modules 360
variables 106–109
variants 370
adding to web queries 228
BEx Map 6
creating items in BEx Map 302–304
creating queries for map deployment 299
defining 252–255
designing 251
display techniques 247–248
inserting items into HTML templates 304–308
prerequisites 211
switching back and forth to queries 255–257
viewing 251, 252
web-based 298
Mass-Print 352
Master data
definition 311
downloading into dBase file 277–279
InfoSets 310
Master data report
authorizations 347
checking data 435–439
components 312
creating Infosets 318–324
demo business content 312
icon on toolbar 330, 331
InfoCubes 310
making available to users 331
nonweb output 312, 330, 331, 339
overview 310
version assignment for data records 439
web-based output 313, 340, 347
Maximum calculations in reporting 34, 36, 168
Memory requirements for BW system 12
Menus, context
filter area cells 31–32, 166
results area data value cells 35–37
results area row header cells 32–35, 166
manager 9
repository 4, 448
Microsoft Excel
BEx Web Reporting 203–211
displaying query data 178
maintaining SAPBWKEY 279–280
opening dBase tables 279–280
opening workbooks 29
web-enabling queries 174
selecting web query output 334
query output to mySAP.com Workplace 334
calling nonweb ODS reports 345
saving web queries 195
setting queries to stateless 235
Minimum calculations in reporting 34, 36, 168
Mobile devices
web reporting 229–233
maintaining cover sheets 361, 363
maintaining text 360
overview 374
packets 374
queries 73, 182
BEx Analyzer 22
Business Explorer (BEx) 126
master data report 331
ODS reports 346, 347
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
web queries 165, 169–171
Navigation blocks
designing custom 239
New, creating queries 65
Normalizing query results 34, 36, 168
Norming workbooks 38
e-mail 353
exeption reporting 383
authorizations 118
creating queries 339
ODS comprising of three tables 441
version 327
ODS Objects
creating queries 347
ODS. See Operational Data Store
OLAP. See Online Analytical Processing
OLTP. See Online Transaction Processing
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) 4, 21, 448
authorizations 427, 428
calling functions in Business Explorer 25
icon on toolbar 25
processor 4, 448
Online help 18
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) 2
authorizations 427
BEx Analyzer 23
queries 26–28, 29, 65
workbooks 45
Operating system 12
Operational Data Store (ODS) 3, 310
authorizations 347
checking the reporting data 439–442
join definition 342
objects comprising of three tables 441
reporting ODS objects 338, 339
sales order report 340, 345
Operators, boolean 82–83
master data report 312, 313, 339, 340, 347
background printing 7
exception reporting 7
reporting agent 350
Packets 355
assigning variants 371, 372
checking status of jobs 374
naming conventions 374
scheduling 351, 386, 387
See also Scheduling packets
access 173
balance 173
ID reference within URL 229
preview 367
scrolling 173
style 173
Parametrizing URL 234
Passwords, changing 16
checking BW system 17
suppack 17
Patterns, modifying in workbooks 25
PC requirements 12
Percentage, functions 79
Persistent staging area (PSA) 3, 449
Pictures, changing in BEx Browser 241
Pie charts in BEx Map 248
Point data 245, 261–263
Polygon data 245, 252–261
embedded reports 161
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 212
conditions 212
exceptions 212
images and logos 212
maps 211
variables 211
web reporting 211
Presentation, data 173
background 7, 350, 352
batches 351, 356
controlling length of report 359
formats 358, 368
output device 368
parameters 368
preview 367, 368
queueing order 374
saving job definitions 374
settings 357, 365
Processing types 4, 104, 448
defining in BEx queries 32
location symbols in BEx Map 262
queries 66
Protecting worksheets 59–60
PSA. See Persistent staging area
BEx Web Publisher wizard 174, 180–182, 183
mobile devices and WAP phones 229–233
queries for release to internet 334–335
reports to web 172
web-enabling queries without wizards 174, 203
wizard versus no wizard 174
workbooks in BEx Analyzer 223
Pushbuttons 421
activating hierarchies 99–102
attaching maps 250
authorizations 118, 427–429
back to previous view 24
boolean variables and operators 82–83
calculated key figures 79–82
calculating report output 34, 36, 168
conditions 60, 66, 94–95
connecting to Report/Report Interface (RRI) 61
context menu 66
creating 65
defining 70–73
definition components 64
definition toolbar 65
deleting 66
deleting variables 111
demo 70
detaching 61
error messages 72
exception reporting 90
exceptions 60, 66
exiting 65
filters 73–75
formatting queries 25
generating a URL 335
global definitions 63–64
help 26
hierarchies 96–102
InfoSet Query 310
Microsoft Excel 178
naming conventions 73
nonweb master data reports 330
nonweb ODS reports 345
opening 23, 26–28, 65
overview 8
print settings 357
properties 32, 39–43, 66
protecting worksheets 59–60
publishing to web 334–335
publishing using Launch Query 179–180
refreshing 24
removing from workbooks 61
restricted key figures 75–78
samples 131
saving and inserting 24, 43, 66, 70–73, 329
security 117, 347
sorting key figure values 48
sorting results 34, 166, 168
switching between maps and queries 255–257
transferring into workbooks 65
using BEx Analyzer 339
variables 103–117
variants 57–58
views 24, 61, 67–69, 70
WAP devices 159
web reporting display 391
web-enabling without wizards 174, 203
where-used 66
workbooks 21
Query Builder
assigning default InfoSet to role 324
layout control 347
selection variants 347
Read-only documents 135
Reference shapefiles 289
setting address styles 291
automatically 57
button in browser 235
formatted data in workbooks 40
icon on toolbar 24
queries 41, 56
Releasing query for Internet 334–335
Removing queries from workbooks 61
Replacement paths
delivered text variables 117
Report to Report Interface (RRI)
connecting to BW Query 61
Reporting agent
alert monitor 388–389
background printing 7, 350
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
batch printing 352, 356
exception logs 387
exception reporting 7, 350, 353, 375–383
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
modules 352, 360, 374
overview 350, 356
packets tree 355
process overview 374
scheduling 351, 370–371, 372–374, 384–385
scheduling packets 351
settings 350, 355, 357, 365
variants 351, 369–370, 384
web reporting display 391
Reporting environment (BW) 5–7
Business Explorer 5
Infoset Query 6
Reporting objects, authorizations 118
embedded in portals 161
exceptions 90–93
linking smaller reports 61
master data 310
ODS reporting using InfoSet Query 338
ODS reports 345, 346, 347, 439–442
publishing to web 172
sales order 340, 345
using BEx Analyzer 339, 347
Resources, web enhancement techniques 233
Restricted key figures 75–78
Results area 31
data value cells 35–37
row header cells 32–35, 166
RFC reference within URL address 229
Role maintenance
assigning infosets 324, 325
assigning roles to user groups 314
BEx Browser 124
copying and modifying 138, 143–145
creating new folders and documents 129
displaying company logos 147–151
exchanging folder symbols 151–154
InfoSet Query 312, 314
overview 138
Query Builder 324
role definition 145–147, 314–318
saving queries into a role 329–330
security to InfoSet queries 347
uploading role to mySAP Workplace 198–202
RRI. See also Report to Report Interface (RRI)
Sales order report 340, 345
SAP Extensions
ArcView GIS 289
maintaining 273, 279–280
automatic replacement variables 228
BEx Map 265
icon on toolbar 24
InfoSet Query settings 328
queries 66, 70–73
queries into a role 329–330
query variants 58
web queries as URL or MiniApp 195
workbooks 55
Scheduling packets 351
advanced features 372
creating 351, 370–371, 372–374, 384–385
job definitions for printing 374
overview 351
queueing order 374
SCM. See Supply chain management
Security 117
BEx Web Reporting 161
BW server 161
HTTPS protocol security 161
ITS server 161
queries 334, 347
timeout settings 211
Selection variants, InfoSet Query 348
SEM. See Strategic enterprise management
Sequence flow, BEx Web Reporting 160
Business Information Warehouse (BW) 2
HTTP protocol security 161
Internet Transaction Server (ITS) 161, 338
Sessions, closing 235
activation 369
background reporting 358
characteristic-based 37–39
creating for reporting 350
exception reporting 358
icon on toolbar 26
printing 357
rendering in BEx Map 257
Settings tree, displaying and printing settings 355
Shapefiles in BEx Map 267, 274
creating local working copies 275–277
data 270
installation on ITS server 299
reference 289
setting address styles for references 291
uploading to BW 281–283
versus themes in ArcView 290
Sheet protection 59–60
layers in BEx Map 251, 264
query results 34, 36, 48
Stateless templates 235
Static geo-characteristics 267, 272
downloading BW master data into dBase file 277
SAP delivered 272
SAPBWKEY maintenance 273, 279–280
shapefiles 267, 281–283
with geo-attributes 268, 272
Storage, web reports 211
Strategic enterprise management (SEM) 2
create local 89–90
creating a query using global 88–89
creating global 84–89
creating global as part of new query definition 84–
hierarchies 97
local 89–90
working with 84–90
Style sheets
changing in BEx Browser 241
default for web queries 237
Summation calculations in reporting 34, 36, 168
Suppack 17
Supply chain management (SCM) 2
Support training for BW 18
two characteristics in filters 34, 168
changing 137, 153
display in BEx Map 248
exchanging 151–154
menu selection 137
System administrator
establishing preset logon profiles 28
System version number, checking 16
active 441
change log 441
new 441
technical names 338
Tabs, display
column width 42
filter cells for structures 40
refresh formatting 40
scaling factors for key figures 40
suppress repeated key values 40
Tabs, information 43
Tabs, interaction
enable interactive functions 41
refresh query 41
returning to global definition 41
save and reuse variable values 41
Targets, jump 62
creating 417–426
elements that are contained 28
formatting 57, 417
hiding Microsoft Excel toolbars 419
inserting 43
inserting graphics 419
opening 29, 45
presentation defaults 28
saving 43
saving as presentation default 28
Terminology, BW 3–5
HTML pages 234
Testing web queries 194–195
elements 239
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
maintaining cover sheets 361, 363
variables 113–114, 117
workbooks 54
Textboxes 424
Theme files in BEx Map 293
Timeout settings in web queries 211
BEx Analyzer 23
BEx Browser 125
GIS in BEx Map 252, 264
hiding in Microsoft Excel 419
query definition 65
Trace on 240
Training programs 18
Transaction calls 128
codes 134
inserting 134–135
Transferring queries into workbooks 65
Translations, currencies 47
Trigonometric functions 79
Types, processing 103, 104
bitmaps 150
role to mySAP Workplace 198–202
anatomy 229
generating for queries 335
inserting 195
parameterizing 234
saving web queries 195
shortcuts to publishing a query 241
starting BEx Browser 241
User access
web queries 195–198
User entry variables 229
User exit
automatic replacement variables 228
User menu favorites list 129
help 238
Variables 103–117
automatic replacement 228
boolean 82–83
characteristic values 111–115
characteristics 360
copying 110
deleting 111
delivered 115
for texts 113–114
formulas 115
general 360
hierarchies 113
maintaining 106–109, 110
normal 360
prerequisites 211
saving and reusing variable values 41
special 360
types 103
user entry 229
web queries 228
assigning to packet members 372
creating 57–58, 351, 369–370, 371, 384
default status 58
maintenance 370, 384
parameters 58
predefined directory 59
saving settings 58
selection 347
Business Information Warehouse (BW) 13
ITS system installation 432
assignment types for data records 439
checking BW system 17
hierarchies 99
queries through mySAP Workplace 198, 330
queries through WAP devices 159
changing in queries 61
global 61, 70
local 61, 67–69
Visual Basic
adding functionality to workbooks 421–426
WAP devices
flash reporting 231
viewing web queries 159
web reporting 229–233
Web browsers
publishing query to web 333
publishing web queries 179–180
Web data, reuse 236
Web pages. See also HTML Pages
displaying web queries 163–164
Web publisher
BEx Web Reporting 160
prerequisites 211
reports 172
toolbar icons 181
Web queries
anatomy of URL 229
authorizations 228
creating maps for deployment 299
customizing for BEx Browser 241
default style sheets 237
default templates 237
definition 159
displaying through multiple methods 163–164
distributing to users 195–198
enhancement examples 233, 235–241
interactive charts 212–222
maps 228
naming conventions 182
navigating 165, 169–171
navigation blocks, text and filter elements 239
publishing 241
publishing using Launch Query 179–180
reusing web data 236
screens 159
stateless templates 235
timeout settings 211
trace on 240
values 238
variables 228
viewing on mySAP Workplace 198
WAP devices 159
web-enabling queries without wizards 174, 203
wizards 174, 180–182, 183
Web reporting
alert monitoring 353
customizing BEx Browser 241
default style sheets 237
default templates 237
enhancement examples 233, 235–241
function modules 432
item types 211
mobile devices and WAP phones 229–233
navigation blocks 239
publishing 241
reusing web data 236
stateless templates 235
trace on 240
value help 238
Web templates. See also HTML Pages
checking into ITS server 220
Where-used queries 66
Wizard, BEx Web Publisher 174, 180–182, 183, 194–
195, 195–198
Workbooks 8, 452
authorizations 118, 429
backend generation 9
characteristic-based settings 37–39
conditions 60
creating 28, 417–426
currency translations 47
definition 8, 21
delivered variables 115
displaying reports graphically 53
drilldown filter cells 51
elements 28
establishing the presentation default 28
exceptions 60
formatting 57, 417
graphics 419
hiding Window views 418
inserting 21, 43, 130
Microsoft Excel 8, 203–211, 419
modifying characteristics in drilldown 51
opening 29, 45
publishing in BEx Analyzer 223
SAP BW Reporting Made Easy | Release 2.0B/2.1C
query variants 57–58
query views 61
reference within URL 229
refreshing 56
removing queries 61
saving 43, 55
security 117
selecting filter values 49
sorting query results 48
swapping characteristics 50
templates 417
text elements 54
transferring queries 65
Visual Basic functionality 421–426
Workplace MiniApps
displaying web queries 163–164, 198
distributing web queries to users 195
uploading a role 198–202
Workplace, mySAP
InfoSet Query 312, 314
purpose 124
setting queries to stateless 235
Worksheet protection 59–60
Zooming in on BEx Map 254, 264
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