Document 1860849
Trees Before Lloyd Cholige Seen Likely In On Way to Mill • Rules Page PVC Two SLIM A YEAR ARDMORE. I'A.. Wt: ON ENE/ AY,. JANUARY 18. 19111 . VOLUME 4I—NUMBER II ,.lowers Takes Top Honors At BM Playwrights' Night CALENDAR S1 lir. That 1 Childs Calls Tito k'smnan' , Wednesday. fanner, 111 • Same. day, Jas aaa 21 Senior comprehensive en., Wedseeday. January IK .Basketball — Drucl thoni, Then.. Jaauary Tien anteater clones end. Moods, January 29 &threes exams begin. Satoolsy. Mid-year exams end. Maury February Serena enuter One Tree . . Opening Lecture On Soviet Politics True Communist Cooper's skilled directing, and Jaek Piotmw's well-fittedeacting, Miss LirPeleni laid In the meIndrainatk Mies Crowd Draws In BMC Speech by letting abs audience Imo, there was a boy tied to a railroad track Serie,. Carnegie in Fired somewhere off stage. Tito Giveit Another Year • The effeetiveness, and the tight (oven by Dr. Fainsmil At feast, n Stalin Fight presentation of the pty is attested inn expected crodist of w rat Sfinsuis ChB*. anther and nod:to by tho fort that part of the audio indred Motivate front linverford. mired to • large sue felt ...if It were tied to a railBryn Mawr. and Swarthmore colleges gathering et udems ut Goodhart road track by the end nf, the performturned out last Thungt. night foe Hall. Bryn M r, last week. The ance. the first of a series of lectures on the h wail "C. Tito :oink for hiss Dave Phillrus, in hi= Plea, Thi Will `not Union sponmred by the three urvive". lie NMI, threw. his dramatic he, The lecturesam made poslogoetrovia Groans tt on the Dee Of euthanasic, wl •,h'..• by a grant from in Carnegie Mr. Childs reeently returned from story of a mother. played by Q LeMonntion. He Yugodatia. to , visit month's a fe awn. ,o,s finally anuUts, n Flest-Hand boosted. pointed out tint the Tito revolt poison her incurably-ill child. . . Noah, burr leen lbe cry optima. Harnford against the Maims leaders of coraThe lecture, held here to HanThe scene in which In. rutin.; malcierd the stein. WO 0/ 11olif Forell bier tin Jodi. The tree bong import-, parunount of was rovnism , entitled "Political Process woe lord, a with while talking to a friend in the fa.; eeteed in (hit pfelare turffid ere matarret/ ' ,write oak cc it .fett: a, the Soviet Government" and wan healthy child, gradually derides to iThiz, week Haverford Campaign mice in the cold war Med, fib, of American foreign' ••delivered by Dr. Merle Fainseta Pio- • kill her child /pre more Promise then Headquarters diselosed ton items of turn formulation tutor of Government' at Servant wa. realised because of some techni- I:boron Concerning co,. Haver/era Policy towarde.Europe, • • Mr. Childs described Yugoslavia Le University. Became of the Mr. • cal difficulties such as loose direction Pond Dri.. Lien.. the meeting was held in and acting. a7411f iror: ;Mir 1 ;nt= p1:1 Roberts Hall Instead of the Union Deuithi" Acting honors of the evening go he on. al character I. distiortIon to the R.. auditorium 0e originally planned, to Vie Jowere who played the lead be hen Pledged his nom.. fromt • com• Dr. Herman Somers of Hamrford's his play. Wheel, John!. with ran rent Pennsylvania Veterans' Bonus elan moonset, of international i Art to the Haverford Campaign. This mnniem. Sims Mbrthiti Tito it bt, political mience depumneni introLost Sunday there was held in the brood humor and natural grace. tion. nation. 1 a" the Y i'"""Inv I 00" stood in the parking lot to pro- diked the evening's speaker. Dr. two to judgment O'himm good Hareem" By M./ the had between lowers it" something to amounts which colleen a Commons Room rtl pause known all o tect it from the north. Somer. explained that .besiden being ill write_ the play for himself; (I) and -1700. 5,,,. ,,,,,d, and , „dant, Lightning in the form of a bower proved unusual, to any the least. All renters to the contrary, the will equipped in speak on hie subMr. Nimble Shraimaky, . jack of make the female lead a fetching cht • Haworth Pew. We /---. hue had little difficulty in interview- un- shock several trees On the H.- college did .not sell the trees for a ject trent an aculemic point of vie, III pour her into . oat pus ea C•11..• all trades in the music profession, Jackie 1 '1, A Campaign Executive like-President tor the leader of the former Sui•t l •Tf1T:r Rather the contractor agreed Dr. Fanned won well sae slated to give a talk an "The • nightgown Wheer and clinging): , once -tall and mighty tulip tree that , profit. to her Lester C. Haworth seconds the idea, satellite count. down the trees, which bed treat his topic from the standpoint Changing Styles in Soviet Music" and Ii) make violent love • ...rded fifth entry will sun breome to take a,,,,aka w saa.,..,,,,a, been condemned, for free, and to as- of his own experience isj- reason of He believes - that 'lather Haverford with illustrations at the piano. How- whenever he got the chance. . ' ! sume ell risks involved provided hr interviews he bed lest summer with When. Joan/ delighted the audietni vete.. who were readmit. of Pun. In hie intend. with X. Childs. ,' ' fe"h 'Nei'''. ever, It did not quite turn out that , Lloyd to Bee Son Again could have the wood, width he will political from the Soviet Continued ea Page 4 nay. Instead, Mr. SioninukY, who sylvania at the time of their enlist- Martial Tito maphasited that there ' Union. anaanfinti sell to a basket making etnteetn. thirred ea seene to be • Sigmund Spaeth with ny: H "7,, al tnst'Ld'e '`.7.: of eons- nvnin, "°,.,,, . ae,iijr.a. le 1,7.11:ahel7 Mont. will be esPeclelly interested in ,aaaa In hie explanation of • the [Soviet Danger°. to Life end Ilona a Buskin accent, did some very awe, the , of teeth hue.. the eMtgenran sod may Wt., te fol. monsm" Tito pointed out. Anted . to the ohers inspiring.tricks suck as playing the The trees had been condemned after Government, Dr. Palmed emphasised e1e01 the Profuse the elaborate aystent of checks end law in his trail" piano with hie bark twined towards th.'haThk.d tssres 1.17Yd n ,h,wir." 50 er : it was discovered that they were of,:sh''' s,ess e" '""en'''''i' Itershal Yugoslavia In lice 'b io of he serest the instroment. totting in the center .d also because counter-checks it maintalms not only • 2 000 11 • Peoplatia on the manor but also on higher of. i • Although he spent most of Ma time week was • gift of 11000 by ..lono te mid tbim. xlitY dittime letting the large limb. at the• top ficials. He said Met in some roses *-".. •°'•°"" °°•916.1.1 of .16' making win..ue and doing tricks, i nus Trios name at present remains of many t a h t d it i y, v met 1 Y Woe break 'olf easily. For theme moons tiro and three bureaus have omrhowever, he had a ..noun PetTme. after released money been The Mom mittitbtketi have enured:me thew the college deemed it expedient to re- lapping dot!. to effect .crothoespion- He pointed out that music being eon, op cs The latest member of the Haver- for tive echolarship division of the they had ,..,,aaned• moved the trees, which presented a age .11■1 rnlIttapi suspicion^ to ella. sed today is not necessarily to ord College tees& to diswver Ids • L its • ',Loden* and book." cam- Mr. Child. said that Amerkan Ern- , a. 0 perpetual threat to Lloyd Hall. Thez Ulu., insofar as possible Soviet or understand. It is Mr. 8h:ethos.% photograph gracing the on** of 'oPProxi- At 30pLI M i '• could have caused considersble dam- heresy.. contention that this has been true Of Time Magazine is Professor &newt p,;,,,,,. Thi., •,1,....1.4 hu prerioudy has. *Seals in "Belgrade but 5,000 to Close at figure the mate with fund Even though .the herok age of all composers through the years opals Steele, who appeared In the religion set up a suglal aehol.whIp e. and personal injury if a ler. a normal aeons] interest of $500. Ti. pointed out that many Soviet At a meeting of the Sophom first being heard. Ha believes that action of 'Nees January 9 tome iannugh limb mei• fell at the wrong Soviet communism is ever." ed'ComIdeologttal he. Iort interest received from the 0000 will referee. In Yugeslavie have been Class WednOaday evening in should be tolerant towerds mod. Protmatant. Piety given work to do and have she .hone Union Lounge. three topics were di, supplement the present fund. Chief quention posed by the crowd eh., Dr. Faineod gem no rminid ern mueie today and try to apple!of becoming chine. of Yugoslavia. caned, li.nci•I plans, clan. Masers. ,•,,,,,, watched the arnaa. „an.,„, from Cautioned 00 Page I The ruse of this splula of nob- , . ciate it. and the approaching Class Night. Tito Give. Year Mr. Slonimsky is very entertaining, Salty eta's Dr. Stemeb article in the ' , in front of Lloyd was what vou goI n t. view of the pronounced lethal,: President Preond opened the Meet" hag to happen to One Min.. te , yet ha succeeds in getting a serious Current issue of the quarterly ReTice article, entitled trial peninese, the loans from the In- inn - with a dealcrintIon of the ne'• remained in prominent .....- bTh o en iche 1 P0101, acre. that would ordliaarily nee: ia Life. outcanforining While blazers. .lase the I trenstional Monetary Fund and bore meat people. lie should be offer- "Protestant Piety Today." deemibm ore fanciful enswers ranged from rut trade agrremento with the Wen, wardly to previous styles they will ed an opportunity to speak at Col- the devotional expect of cont... I thatth be used no stands Mc Child. Poinled'ut that the Tito be both more, durable and cheaper. A Ore' which lection, for Which he Is better suited Tory Protestantism, noting in partic••kh "°1d the regime Les "successfully 'defied Rue- different enneem has now nbleined thinTjay morning than as a nolo. torte...recitalist. ular thadiscrep.ry between Pretreatat II, to a images-There will mob.* not be another At a meeting of the Senior da." and that Tito will retain his! the concession and guarantees a bet- tn that they serve as tables where J. 0. entiems seal in matters of outward general nationwide 'road' .s wage AuUnion the in Thursday last held nos, i'for at lut If months, which! ter product. Went responsibility •nd.iti neglect of Sunserved be might. resiilents yd o l increase." sail Clinton S. Bolden. ditorium, preliminery plain were id long time in these days of con- • Plpns for Claes Night nee still of the cultivation of inner sanctity. r. y' copper fornier fire President or ale Steel. wheal JuniorWeekendSchednled g -international thence... bryonic. but Phillips hos been op.:" Time laid treacly Inc entire en,' elide for the Uncutng of the rerkers Union, CIO., et Collection , Stumps Na{ Unable. gift.. The student body Will probnsions Pronsganda attacks Orli whited bead of the committee - Or Mar. 11.131-Band Chosen pleads upon Dr. Steere.r. recognition of. AIL the stomps, however, will he ; last.Tueoloy, January In Mr. Golden Of the need of Protenantiam for sym- ably be Informed as to the nature . Tito end Yugostavia have aided the the class of .52. was the mood of three speakers to • The Junior Weekend has been bols Of It, faith and devotion This this gift early In the second semester Tito rub.: meek then they have Teel/meet Dave Pewees then.gawe remoVed. Wh,n the biggest tree wan scheduled this year for the Ureltud was not, Dr. Steele said. the &In The only Information that the !claw harmed it Nelianee of Runtan meth- his financial report, It included the cot down from in front of fifth roomy . denim thy labor situation in America of surd, u.m, lancing been osiis point of the article; but he gives Would thulge at the time of Wis.-S- ocity together with the nationalism proceeds of the Sophomore Dance it was hoped that the wood would today. No More "Roomfri. back one week from in usual place credit to TY. for producing int was Out We gift would be novel, enforced by the sweet polka hes In- held in October. The Olean ucRequer prove solid so that is could ie smooth. "Rounds" of wage increues, he on the college calendar. expensive, and a surprise to the st. spired \Ire Yugoslav people to eel received a enable boost from this of- of god polished for use in college 'pretty competent'. Write-u... Plans are now being made for dent body. or another. What stout, were an almost inevitable resort one of functions a clues.slann with together and fair, In land. their strengthen ands build Conformity to Ow {TOM decorations, and the Juniors, hare obAs a result of tbe-cost of the gift. addition. the Wet that the fere. led substantial margin for future class the 'dart nature of ouch a funtUon sult of wortinte and pottwar, iMlatIonary renditions. Then it was_quite tained an °rehears for the Saturday .Dr. &mere betrina his &lig& en unusual levy of six diallers hes ' ' • Continued on Page 4 netivities. "Continued on Paget natural that aid.. should demand night formal dance, although they Eita article by sating forth the basic been set for class dues.' The Student • ineleusee when wages were being ore not yet ready to disclose Ita legate. Protestant ideals of bringing num- Council will else contribute to its • Profile: In Profs raised eliww,k.e. and wage demandsPruent plans call for the dance to b& devotional life into everyday af- financing for an minuet of three • • h&( std .t ot abandoning outward' hundred dollar. thus tenderto emu I. wee.. Now be held in the Gym. that . the economy has settled down a As usual, Class Night is elated for .411,1Y eo&l These goals were all three-memberNeommittee. combit, however. the "round" method is the night before the Prom, and most Torn-well an long as the Inward co. prised of Gordon Baldwin, Andrew theses have already begun planning idepindence to One ceremonies re- Boyd, and Roger Morrell, "se anContinued . Pt. I labor situntiot in this coun• for this event. pointed at the meeting to handle the gift. David Philips and•David Blum they,airivod hem to study with a, distinetion which her husband alder- try." he said. "is not :talk, but dyMITCI-1 WINA time mimic. It does rwt fellow that Were, appointed to head the , Senior's Tfie slim redhead who may bo seen wartime Relief and Reconstruction innately cannOtaplarre. At this Class Nilo Committee; and Ned Chase-bund se a bicycle early Tues. unit. They had come all the tray Profesair Wylie took a---Post teaching 'tomb' of nage delta eels will conStuder was made chairmen of the French, serving simultaneously as tinue." day, Monday, .d Saturday A. 11,'s ftwarBoaton by bicycle,. Simon Man Committee. The Spoon de- Specking historically. Mr. Colden is no. other than Laver.. Wylie. -111aBe at Haverford, for what thou head of the Romance Language said that Inequitable. 'incentive Man is the individ.1 who in the esti- ehlef of Haverford's Lan- wined • temporary sojourn, Mrs. partment. aehernoe," worked out`onllaterally by mate of his classmates is considered thus and '44. in A. M. her took Wylie Philthe of president being Besides department. Roberta Hall is equipped with one of end nomr wear out. management, Wore 'the mast. import. to be the outatending member of the xx.s. One of the habitues of Chades rates as a linverford graduate, a adelphia chapter of the American As- am inducement towards the organbobble Duro Benefactor the finest HOD. 'Mien. lei a clam The criterion by which the sociation of Teachers of French, AsMr. FltsGerald, who came eget Senion are to judge wan drawn at Rainbow Room, Dr. Wylie not only •small stage in the _country, and was On the Prof, Lawrence Wylie'.-. • monde. Editor of ''Symposium. and isation of labor into unions. the first stage in the world to he from his home in Los Angeltn to re- loot year. February graduates are gives forth kith the Meet French kingpin of Heverfordk far-Saved whole, he said• fairly catitnhle and completely outeitted with an all-mag- ceive the Franklin !mutton'. Levy already. being polled on their eel.- gestures, but Ciao to.ages m teach Conlinoed on Page French House, Dr: Wylie also heeds • siseable- amount of la league PeonMedal on October MP in recognition Hon, netic amplifying System, the Currimiluro and College Program nix to those happy fellows who have of certein of his research work, holds Magnetic Amplifiere Committee. This most important Margaret Mead Discusses the pleasure of facing that dark blue 'Me, FitzGereld, who wea • Re- 01 United States patent,. He designtiody meets weekly to Oscan College well at 8 in the morning, arch Associate in 'Physics end En. ed the electric-eye doors In Penney!. Reasons for Marriage . polity in regard to 'new.courne reA native Hoosier, Dr. Wylle' gradu. neering et Haverford from 1119 to 'men Station In New York, and help- Sharpless Seminar Room prerequisites, vision of -old Man, inour moiety, marrim for ated from Indian. Uniureity In 1931, 1947. Invented and designed the light, ed develop the nughine that puts the Slated for Construction difficult more their of Some et, of two reasons: ill to have .e following the there muter% his took ing system that Is used In Roberts. funnies on bubble gum wrappers. told, are honor awards and dm rig- babies, and (2) to hue a "permanent Construction for 'a new seminar Year. and then went on to Brown The movable black cabinet back With the help of Bill Salvia, .43, and nificante attached to grade. date.' Margaret 'Meade. noted animpounded Rhinies, sit circuits and stage in Roberts it s remarkably room:similar to Chase I. will begin University to do more graduate work Dr. Wyhe is now attending semin- throulogist and author, claimed in the 'houle lights lien Installed by versatile nmehlre. A timing mechan- during the Midyear Examinstion from '02 to '36-- He had spent his ars in administration of the compli- an informative talk to Dr. Ira de A. Pearl. Hither, at which time the met ism rakes nr towers the lights at any period In Sharpless 300. The room 1uniar year. In Paris, and also mancowl Rorschash pereonallty tette,. Hold's close to ',Marriage and the of the equipment was stockpiled. In deeired. speed. Different colored will be completed aomethne in the Wed two summer.trips .to France in well es- courses in anthropology at welds. was ' dentine& and. the fights can cagily he crora-dimmed in- wring. The exact completion date 1927 and 1999. • • Penn. Fortified with- this new lure, Miss Meade, who has recently pubTeething at Simmons College for 11ghtdarr hum Lconiptete .with tool. to each other,. For instance. blue is dependent upon the delivery date log, he intends to take his sabbatical iLhed Male and Ferule. armband Nieman: in.Boaters from 1938.49 provnan be slowly changed to red to cre- of the furniture. year in France. aceonspaOled by 1st acorly every knovoi society has next not • Almos,10111t stead-SO:SW tirituita ate a dawn effect. And the machine. Cash to pay for the now room will ed invaluable to Ptofineor•Wylie, his wife and two children. Jonathan, ome kind of institution which is contain umnim-tabu Amplifiers of no compact that it is easily operated be drawn from the fond provided by only deem n.Peffiffiegkel etendPoint. ' 4, and David, 2. While abroad, tho analogous to our institmion of marthe man type as those In radios. by one man, can be moved to any Morris Leeds for the purpose of but also in the marital swat, for it professor plans to Make en ethnOlog- tian. For the remainder of her talk French drpitellortrt heed, Magnetic amplifiers, which Mr. Pity- position so that the operator In al- making Improvements to the college was there that he married Anne kal study of a typical, entall, south- he explained how the old world Ideas year. sophomore in her or In Stiles bicycle who rare)* ow a plant without harming the fonds that al.ffallses Ina work ea a dif- ways Ss commud of the ern French village, probably in the of marriage have vanished from The Wylie's made front-pogo copy front of the in/amber Mae-wall ferent principle isstursting reae- For about lb years only a few men, bare been set up to provide for the Arnoriun Pocietw 'Continued on -Piga 4 for the NEWS back in 0040, when in Chem with !rid Pritrly. • norm.' ePeratione of the college. Continued no Pau 4 Son). Their male advantage Ls that Br Gm. Srora Last Saturday night. Bryn Mawr and Haurford Mud.ts proctored three 'days. smitten by students in Mr. Frederick Thon's play-writing clans, and acted by inmate@ of both inslitotione. All of this hoppenvd Jq the Skinner Workshop ut Baldwin School. The three plays included One Truk, psychological melodrama by Leila Kirpalani, Thy Will Be Din., thesis play of euthanes. by Date and a comic piece, W.. JAW), by Victor Jolters, which tented Innt'toli .seeing honor, for playing the lead, besides the eritkis award for the play. Leila Kiruthei gran the evening • morbid start with the .19 of Brooke Big Xiseman, '25. Pledges 1,Yet Bonus as Fund Sports Newest Gains Slonimsky Provides Novel Performance in Sunday Concert Stately Lloyd Trees Succumb To Rott ng Centers, Buzz-saw Dr. Steere's Article, `Protestant Piety, Reviewed by 'T me' play ..texIters, zers;Class Night,- bl p T T •i of Debate eet ng ,. -, a pa..., 7Z Senior Class Pieks Unusual, Secret Gift Discounts Guldv.. ld G Further Wage Hikes la REDHEADED HOOSIER WYLIE LIKES BIKING, AND HAS WIFE WITH A FORD M. A. DEGREE long., ' FITZGERALD EQUIPS ROBERTS WITH NEW,MODERN LIGHTING g --, -rs IR PAGE TWO HAvEgposp wpws • IlVerfOraNellS FAtimr--geoluth M. Moser. Bmaa'u Managing F.difor-Anthony Morley.' Edifor-43.26,41T4ky. Sae. shin r. Editors-Frederick Hassel. Rickard limit,pito Wirt. bisning rapb, Co-I:Mort-Robert Brown, Winter Vapinn. 4bbianl Sf o.C. F.defor-lbvid Western. .41amisi lord. "'"1k' I ...dare 1,,labr-Darwin Pruckos.• t.•.eier iedeure'fidetur-sous Solo. I 14i/or-Edgerton Gran:. t, MewhIcf-pl." (*At: ilillsrmah. (Medan Werner. •.. il.moste.-Urcur loots. NH, T.., 1s t ib.. sindeni lid. of Ilai rriord COQ,. weekly Ibrangboni 1..., 4,1,no,• 4n1wrin. Criniing Company, et Priabd b, As.loton. lb d whi-i Is, oral,. of /Iv Ablarorc, Pa., Pant liffirr , ttg kr 4,1 -57r7"rx,T7741MIW the Admieristration might goon feel free to extend the °Met" to the tulip pleases. The NHWS shmuld al. like lei irrprInt that Sir 410pinistr5• lion considgr the rofrisability of wait* Mechem sump Oddlectige non-compulsory DM Seniors &gigs' their last mow* et Haverillfd• Slog Pffiiiffiati who overe4 Hifee loot lenfintila f4met hr ! Wed en cat 010. they are tined. Thin pFoopollat MUMS it PPM dept of ill-Iodine and is a rather oplotilaggplery gomiNumappermiIr ettgadaggg in thin last month o gre got mmIlipeg !Nu Wednesday, January 1S. 1950 ALUMNI NEWS F„ Alamni Notes AIN. it, collie.. thp Bp* gent, Capstone. Colorado, is rho 0Ftivdst Mr a boll WOO' sold $or 184000 at a Tennemine auction. Thie a the highest peke ever paid for • bull. Writing about the event. Cornell. 1. flagmen. '07. president of the Fanners National fawn, of 01M.116. sees, "Fhb is a personal suttees story like schkh there is no Whichce. It's obsoletely the Pulitzer and No0n4 pekea both relied Into tow in rile gaidling bust- ■ VititOrlirati Twetay.thirtl 'Novel gityaleith in Mit thom g. For. D, ...a Prioloto lseartice pe a aFF7lnilOmelets. Chine. Vd■ It the Mooing National Ihbomtory. Ilse.. U. (Mehra. Jr, meanly named his state bar examinations with high honor. Miss Sheryl Hollend and Winleld Butt WmeaO were married Omen,bee 24 and are now living in Arlington, Menlo. One of Hoverford's most motile . waning sons, Stophan Meader. '13, has just published his twenty-thir) book, fedora Hoy. Like his others, it is un adventure story, primarily for boys. Y*thful Aireetare Mr. kleaderkt book is a tale er Nen Hampshire, where h4 family originally lived, and js...f.0.1 of country MOM 1944 Jared S. Brawn, M. D., haa return- and scents. -Id ad'. is thrill. ed to his bogie town of Mereereburg. to7ked and in keeoM0 with his standar*, tbe hook is authentic in its • Pa.. whoop he is practicing needidne/1 from ective 44"117' . Ito Mort: Fir dead e "Merge" of lee rd- The MO Lave et his He en. T....WV releaDYNI Covering all Phases 'of youthful ad;4,,,,41 • bolt War 0. Nosy. , with the hay emit* consocel am remise! Iron D. home, 1121hritited Pont, Feeghloteleie. J4 lbw. to fjt* Miu M{Fi■ Amelia Ouggliarl 41. ventures, his books d.1 primailY Mew Yhrlt. of heat difficulty w. reo with outdoor and trod smut:pees. ported reropy to the ;MOS. V, faro and fteeMee l'er Stein, to The .1Ppop lion afiii4:00- Conaiderably since 1946. • The. atrosega To the Student Sod:v: dnY concern a boy s 1.sne'veiay p linent the industrial, snorted last Seeks*, to Guatemala ali Astutiiiiiitratiqp is Offing to consider the possibility of hairt making his men oar in the world: tanking: err' ./Pd 'educational life of Clio, Gueter. The Editor of the NEWS has aid* pie to comment. Mt the * Me.Seploni stftet eedor the pm story of the re.nt work " Honor System with Meeting vied 6.01d Lets h R graduate .relMw • Poughkeepsie Jdituriul published in the issue of demotes 10th. The teditgrha GeollOrtino. and 10011 000,0 deal trennal • with a in the held of ScApdthoelon HYtaqledge, if if isfielia well with the Seniors, it might be in accurate with respect to the present operation of the recording PIMIMMAO friend.. 1.3 et the unirernity of Minnesota. to the ignitors 000 StatheMores. If the morale of the FM. as FepevAccaralp Charles 0. Loc. retired reel oda* of cuts. 'If a Faculty member asks Or Mire of the Hewn to help SOW body w 1541 ith rimmed to this aspect of the Honor System one factor which mak,, hie work. broker, died December 21 et his lame him restrict the cute of ono of his students, the Hemel M6lee plimMosies meat teem iu pa reason why it should not be eventualparticularly intr.-lave O the extreme to Wyndmoor. Montgomery CoonlY, must rrapond to that ropiest. The Domis (Mice does not .re- ly oggoodoel to all the attadente in College. at the age of 67. Foch to his retire- to practice law in Frederick, Math- aermacy of their settings. A vast stiond. however, unless the student has previously been warmed, anioent of reOBBSOV _ into each ment three year. ago. h, was an e.• book, not only in historteal SAM bet and unless heerste undclearly ar\, from the Mettle: Mr a t what ChM nr Nom PRIOMMI! player d Boidwin Locomotive and IldWaell R. Wimp Jr, is working' also on the terrain end the flora and was ..thiated with the mat estate Point the problem of OVel ntling would arise. Another egad is bore* his Seniors degree in .English fauna of the country or region infirro of Mears and Bow, that of students who have ern reported as stably unsetisfactory Literottire'et-Fale IhowersOr. volved. , work in one ur more of their courses. In such asset, as the elf tee .12 • The average beak takes one year Vier o suldnot lone agent :in Redid points out. the Deun's Office will occasionally take action Map to t Mr. ti446- *OW L Cnerwm to wait,, with each begun . a lentoon the Farewell ettegratulations reO og Fieland. Josh. A. case bee mamain the hope of saving, the student from more serious consethfe plot .41 irromng to a vital.* son, Robert Loring. Irtb of to a Po. ed to his duties as Professor of ForAi I sit here ripplag my custom., soda and gmendlneQl. the author write,. quences. te thought ember W. wary m Cornell University. octuro to me as to how much betmr .pmPared am. after four years at Mr. Meader pow lives in Moores' 'The other reasons given in the editorial for the desirability Haverford, to forge ahead in nine world 1n40 et opportunity. And kw. that town, New JereeY, with'ie 'tette .4 1917 Ighp Fen itt studying for his dot. their ow unmarried daughter, of having a record of absences are accurate. The Office under our-good old Atetriean thithalistie system there L. opportunity foe who , has been ap- tars degree at the Dor:co./I et Mae it. dirndl., will take action against the student only when requested to duos me, for under our system anyone can start out with shoestring and sowteaches in the Moorestown FrWods pointed Dean of the Faculty at WesSchad. by a Faculty member or when a Faculty member has reported day have o oboe. ter. ilaiseesith. pe ..40 wheal meting a Joh. Iff1ehl. le 1101 what I think of now are the many weighty problems I've *alt that the student's work is not satisfactory. ear *uteri tom he Spain dila month. In my opinion. the freedom of must of the stndeots wilt not with here, problems that may hove a Ponderous elect on my fame. For 1140 ISM ii'Mmtme who, astddm a 'allege man, knees how many animal. SheltoDoll W. Sone* II. 1. working be impaired by this arrangetnent. The to.apite De. Briareldf n.. refers to in King loar7 It just makes ate feel cultured all bell. nr4•O4Oe, dualor EL, College, ilagm • • • There are other things Fee learned thee are importatet. It was In my • ol 4- Seek. 6 end nd moorts he is oc. editor, g/9140r$ the author of • book, Spoken Corry., Sew. e The editorial al. asks ear comment on the problem of Steel- fiestiman year that 1 learned hew I could deet] In a chisnoom while ap. published by the acuteineehaftencrtag AP.. editor, copy boy, and grease Rock month. The Mellind Way, ing and Collection. As some•men in College will remember, the Potently asking the inetructor AMitions: This has been one of the mat =either. all in one in Stuttgart, Cot any. change wes. made a frw years ego with the agreement of the Moak.] late of op education. for L developed it to the point where now Mini Sara Berman ma Steelteu H. magasine in the othdicol wu, dealImp. Newbbill O.., we Prohold a whole conversation with someone and not he awakened by MY tales its nun. in public honor of a Mi ner were Itp,40 Qpnemin, Students Coattail because of the fact that- the Honor System Mimed (allege. awoke Is l... . wee meant, *reeving physician. Barred in this Moorestown. New Jersey, no Doman- Robert W. Piplomegg° with respect to healing and Collection was pt working. H was • Anal], practical part of my education concerns the field of finance. , of the moaner 1.0101,111). %Vat Dr. Henry her 1, on."What is New in Elemenfelt that. sinee the edges of the Honor System with respect to found • war fr ...ins more money "wee tour !thin Yale Journal pf Biology and M ed, tary Eduthtioo.. than hove. And for this reason.- I figure thl make • rola/ Democrat tf Meeting and Collection were,beginning to fray, Anffiew sad Ye* kid He also mad a *per at the was necessary pati,„ got im*mtm„amth,of the gegepimg, Associated with the Ch.ter goons to remove them from under the'lloner System in the belief this • blatheimaire 0132 , . has also made its mark. 1 found out tha Irmo the salt ty Mospital since -1912 where hie be. Jed* F. itimamere hnesnuoter .4e„e0,0e for the t would preserve the Honor System from gradual degeneration. of South Barely there •Fe107 paces to Tenth Entry and 1214 to 00felli's 00.1.4*6. Or of William Penn Charter School, Seiewe, before the Society of Lim• , The mean this ease is 1200E, and the Mandel:4 deciaith, 12E. Mau. it also anew] for • an Since_mly yours. Philadelphia, has be. clectsgpred- nalogr Ossmoofgerby. I hove picked up innumerable short-cuts in rey dour years here. The and author, having published nine books, snot of the Middle State. kneelsGILA., T. If.. first year I teethed it was not necessary to year a cost to brenkfirst. The le tire Pa." Them d'Aion et' Csaiewas and Sesondary • Fingnie Shepard, Jr., woo Molnding • • Dean second year I found out it tr. not necessary to week or shave bef .401141/11Y Weilw end It • ore SO... Ti,, abittelffilen nuiremate weeded Noe*, pa ie .somigye trealaast. By m y Junior year I knew it wr not necessary to A$ Me *hue. remove nth 'mg MO private pod sane wood- aid are residing at 24 Hamilton ,Warn. before breakfast. This year I found It was not. Hie many contributions to the toedneeessary to go *7 wheels and aboo 170 inatinolons Band, Glee Eta.. 10 breakfast. 1.1 ittensile leading the tight fee of higher learning in Delaware, Dis. According to the letter received from the Ideas tabove) in The are als:eshort-euts in leapt of study, of repass, the only alaaiatl of 'the Vetertns Adminietratrim of Calera.. Maryland, New way reply to the NEWS editorial published lest week. our interpre. to.orneim the subjk wittattar in Demme is to read thin HIMPital'at Coatesville. Fe, be. Jersey, Now York, Canal evm'ythint assigned tation of the present cut syntem in effect at Hat•erford was sohag editor of the Medical Weld and 0 ,,,tabze,. thweel.res: ylie. ez:ed rot: Zone. Penna sivanlo, end Poet. Ilke. eomfn to of Peomylrents'a Nod* end as -curate. The "cut freedom" of the student body has not been imteem., loot Member of the American Modicol As• Mal pairml. and the only limits imposed upon lln 111 regard to attend- try to spot ne examinetions of previous years, know your'profesthr and miemiona. found out I could ma my wont marks when was Voter elsoMmim. Jr.. is a mesa, Life Fen, Amerseciotion and ante classes are the self-established limits of good taste and choseketiousof the School fiord of Baltimore, • Ina 111ittjiVe to the Alumni Office, ican College of Physicians. ' And so.. the time drape nor when I must general intelligence. Anon P. Leib, 'MI. rowan gave an Maryland. . With 721th ray good-bye to little old otereslipg account of him centrielleTheieditorial last week also asked for aomo Admitffietrotion Through the yeah. his activities „...inzwk s mind Jrmt one 1146 ea of the pass ye,. The au** of a hire statement in reference'to the systeth now in effect for Meeting oaa. hae, thotted wide. le addition to his Bradford Abenedby is president of root hod, New.. Lepage * to y*, ainnooh hit, me for the fund Mic work at the Chester C,ounty Hoota and Collection. The NEWS asked specifically whether or not the the National Anoeistgan of College MegleM. MO. Leib la • member of the tel. he Mu also served the Volk . Administration might consider the possibility of putting -attend- • and University Chaplains ,...a rtegatinte y onii4 t awf ,ogingfish et 0,, Un Hospital and too .11;wr Hospital. since tit the two weekly gatherings back on the Honor System. During the First World War, he W.V. 11ffil - With the I/minis remarks at hand, we lhould She to extend the on active duty with the 77th Dilision 11.. WO.* is now ts Men*. )74got c " c....nr0. 4314delr" 4 hie and I. his"'I ieta w .". • GI/SCUaalult. liouthnont colonel to the of the spthial Malone& War College t • mpler In Con, School in Washington fez selected tondo of Lost si MOW When the Class of 19511 entered Haverford, .attendance at Siam, Doing to A member of veterans and social personnel of the State and Defeat both Collectionond Meeting was regulated by the honor system. ‘br hoglishb to groups in addition to hie medical ai1111 TOM G6141t/111 Drintrtalents. Two cut, per semester were allowed, and students who cut either bp mind tha English go P. Mnr0 social°, he still finds to Wow.. Hatt lesiound! Playing at the Bard, ihr:e•Schmy, Produce, ✓pok G. NOP.,M. At. it Chair. of the, Colleg, functions were required by the Honor System IanruaR sl. "7:9 " ; collect antiquities, and also has not man of the Departanynt of Beglith Ito sign their name's to sheets posted fpr this iturptise by the o hobby. then hie life os °Holly," George nod Speech at Willies,. Jewell College, bad vet „Sound Much of the island has been war" all" *I 4." StIltients' Council. 1-thertY. latiessrl. Murphy, fighting with hie' discharge donna* and now the must dome"Cadence countr" "I, 2, 0, tt" I in his pocket, as Pop. Ricardo ' In 1946 this,systent simply did horwork. Students who cut To the rattle of murderous and' tab., n \Rodriges. who lovedMoneriene building threletthe W 1902 tirodlra , 49, Tel W. the did not report themselves. and the agreement between haunts- unseen machine ran fire Miss Phyllis, Jane Carrington and Qvenom hut, Which is trod for all and the snow that illed him; rant godlek, trillion and students woe bring so flagrantly violated that both good named kidding and .ieughter ; Jpreess, who 1.401-0 M. lagetime were married urposga Oise specie' feature at the just could net Mend th December M. ffisee+we A, Resume, 1 the Council. add College officials agreed that it would be in the or . bomb of says who proved they I a certain phrase used by his Ten rteird"soc was best man. '" ia'ilefttrtehtiOn7hMtely' In a went letter. 1.1.iel Boidhoad. iro."' ,..tide be beaten. the ' motion pi,. . nemee foxhole Mate, •re Imot interests of the Honor System for attendance to be pot. On members o ihrge Snoowlostiont pisses no attleground. moves on to the i of the cost of whom '10, in Seeds. on a Rotary Fellowperformanth the%system Inn nos' bats. 'There is no doubt that this lei. the the screens WAS sad forth with an amazing alnerhy ship, recnktoehio travels and kb imof Americe, head and they. and ae, con heyroud...And • R Edgerton is Aohatant at these fights. bolt move in 1946. , . shoulders over any other Product: that', for sure, thath pmadonn of the situation abroadfor dong Frefeseer of ikon.. Literature at During the greater part • of the war, boweeer, the Honor ‘'iii/ ''" • 11°,,F.`04 .110dl. hioneht ' sorer 'O. Opt of lie Wee we, r,,tte 1, 4.w ero. 11,ip ngk h Aiss F.111 ..r e. shw iPoritoa. Pennsylvania filate Collins, After the eat... teaching evasion System did font tion efficiently for these activities, and it wim • "1.`;r0.5..''...;:d, .,..,.. i. h _1 IfietorY. the radio and the nee.. • was ever,• number of 1100 teacheon, hunger it 0Ye.Cdtki only. by th, 05.1 The 1936 only with the gown of large. numbers Of former atndents, pe rive us hare bask tato. The n eluding upon Mr. Lieb, embarked w epirthml h. toy. hunger" we oil Nora it war the key to tarmetit hl, LP' • " e NINO. a. Brew, ,,,,-,.. Ma been ta named „„,, m .,,,,, hall beenthmough several years or!!4thoritarian regu lation Hong Kong, and [unwire. This spiritual hunger is a • dur- around christosalt, 1944 0.r the i te:',:,,ni k‘- .;..-,-nitimourer of the lithring Foundation, tIt trip to L-.7,-,----, :inn their absence, that the Meeting ancL_Colleetion system he- radio, nod, from the Pita.,'We nationoide, 'non-profit organitation Matigkok... On 0.0 thy there were senors problem and one cannot Ilnd. have fried to tell uk who thing We cow It mockery. When the Chins of IP. enterml, it was actin!. shroned, ee. syro.nhi . ti,oio ntw recently argoefiged to promote the ,any thole, to capture 'the sight- noAt ogit..„...., . said "looks lair and fat. thd they hove failed. fialttply socially unacceptable il, report oneself al:sent. The upper dru"k our ;°"'".' jue.l.n.:''r. interests of the deaf and hard of ones Intern.. hr'r.r.u.:' ground ! has suneended. We me the In Manila. the attractions were the mental summer work comps,,Includ lefraittdek. Bantogna . Ismer hearing. heard elnss..a. or 1111110.11 Mainly of men who were millerstandably' tired ,, Houle of the Ithlge from the inade, ryttyine tot*, which operates on of rules, frowned upon.signing the absence: shgeis a the IN7 n a diaidak • • system system of "get gut of my way, er htf bich Theo e woremen at that time who w at'he0".paQe'tjle'ipa nTe'd d,'L' s'H*d rod"h'eati i" i's'`Ihri7,7. l "Nat," of weakness-Mill lack of social' intelligence. So the system folded. heart no radio aed lheeofn. cau7A o'hole, The Richard M. Mean. M. A, Decently yn through," end . 1 •14h a gams went on to my "it may very well be ..bluemse? 1st deg eine netgetfve Deceived his Rh. D. from Ohio State rnsesubling handball. which ix. "the L, ,Yew the plating is different. The'Mannosition of the Col- net my that it looked toed, nor coidd tlut o.b t. 6. 1ell. ol wan d.. 1p.o isricithe key to tlwale podlivr Uttiveraity. running • r fa stest men drink sport .3/toyed •lege has changed's,/ that such system might.Work twain. The, they by .1.theatow. tohra oy 1976 around on their own two feet." The Symbol ,i.t.urp ilaverford today are aware that they ore being treat"4:4a . The Germans infiltrate IRrN Boyd.. [Wilda. Jr. remit, • 811rhe end Ophl Spires Sneaking of the FeHowthip which the lines. ed libelant , that the anthem:Irian pattern at Ifaverford is at a .their tobacco <hoomr ed his degree me muter of science in In Hong Song. Mr. Lkth met Vol- sent him abroad, he remarked: "TM• "Get oft your ems and Put On Year They koow the peastherd. Other ' The privilege of an added degree of freedom in re- sick, and rip those Radiolo gy from the Univereity of e an ry old S. de el.s }heathen, umbel of notary is the wheel. To shoulder lisdeltao niethoda hove to be need. "Whelks a blinnotant. nerd to Collection and jMeeting, the NEWS feels, would probably off, this is a sneret tassel" one and tripod, who had both ore many it means progress: to mow It Sad whits Texas Leaguer. bodily, where', the loll .trot be abused.' gimping in Formai. One especially dyntholiere travel: bat to me there is the moan rat to the fond freposp Oregon Lady, how's! the Sad Sick •, Miss Dori. Irene Crain and Bey- nmiecable Smits r shout the city was ...thing deeper. The spokos and up lost .week, throe en, nine - But to suddenly place the whole school tea the Honor System airplane mined !cadge are moor S. glite were married on Doom. the beovy incidenth of thievery-- closer to 0114, another when they are in regard to Collection and Meeting ivould require a college-wide them. ',Welcome to the tali Abe- buddy, Men." And.we sec the drench nor at, et Cul.. lad olio, ray store and took had a man, *a- connected in the hub, and * it Is borne!"-Evenhogle knew about the Oil fog, the machine goo fire you adjustment which would really be tiro great to expect. There drums except the acjors. ;can't see. "You're surrounded, aut•lly a bearded, turbaned Sikh,-with all* might be a carry ovar of the "beating the game" complex which . pious won.. M. A, teething in inrga ehotann. which he lovingly in"lhabbmit 'that rote 01 the great render boys, and you'll fret • but Yee 4441ffillt lb 44. *As ishtote uo. If we are tparthieue But those kids learned fad. They meal." But the boy. don't *armed.., diumanities and tmessed man), students have been led to adopt. Perhaps, in this bedew, the peportmega Bangkok mew "0100000 heitig one world. is to center around., thm! garish at Soettan Univeraity has 'remittal etiongeSvould prove most profitable and afford the great- learned many things: bud a dim maybe they ate afraid to, but they chem., didn't always mean yea= don't. • pot completed Bod comittetions for faladonos at any' city I've seen." The mon hub. On humanistic plane, est chance for success. through with the elm, when the his Ph. D. In Vaglialt. I woo 1101 of Rthtogne. I wan net fr■fplee •*0 gold noir., alined.' this hub is common human neud; on . Therefore. the NEWS suggests that the Administration enemy doesn't let you go . lore mod bright-colored roots sob a theistic level. it is God: end 1961 drat imeW. kg.... Perhaps have no, algal phrre Mee'lllg and CPIllet)un attendance 110 en honer Maio for the knotted an.' the YOU eb hric ir .:, It ik Jaterl In- C whole of life aid actor to Wei./ a bathe picture, tellthe* if. If.Iif• v.. rprP.vr Pp- the keynote. Thom the Senior awl dtipior theses. If there nWaatn. barlitalarly the eau- in Los Angeles eteept far of I don't core. 1 mould like to mid A sasti Ids tamer Mt mactice pf Ig Doors, the Dann, anol Wet-Pho the UniVetho inththroted by the geyeal seedicim In &Mg, d's• Septum. cannot whim to the system there watts he g rase dinalet0 sore taus...Wise, the latter hoeing a &t, 11-it , 1, ° Wiffig. isaductlMe F. Ignapibial Edinhorgh Fall as of Spirit a log,. about the ability of the other Smears to adhere. And if !dime 1 0„,;;;; ';,lere-or 7 t^ to llitee chemist with Mack end Company in ea lf4 t.Ino 4birhatig"," /3mhilim 1 ''th.ti of his ow. .orrlinildingss a men dlil successful./ accepl this added Ics.pormittility. perhaps O. in, shoe, nes Batley, Neu. Jamey. frtau solid /dee of homer. Contioued Pude I ,ore north oihihl F 4,v too op:Mom,HAW A4101.01441401 Pia.* bretiftielltli the sitagghen would be obviated. Certainly if these suggested changal WOW 00fdar CAIRPOpie and especially Meeting would become more SPBBl4illgil0 and worthwhile flInctinne- The Meetings held this year hove been , the best in recent gears at Iiaaerfend • We of the NEWS feel that there are good indications that the student hods Is suede to accept hose added We 'Wife that the Administration Mkt steps to let: it prove that it is. btoodeS Itsle The Dean Comments . . PeflOr,Sippief fl Grenadine and Soda, ile Nfiws is Meeting and Collection . . . Medical Journal Sew. ' Travel In Pacific Theme of Letter 70.42 44 7044 of Spiritual fittligor Wednaday, January IS, 1950 PAGE THEILE HAVERFORD NEWS DelawareClipsCourtmen,50-49; Junior A's Lead Matmen Trim Muhlenimg47-9 Fords .,Tripped By P M C,. 57-45 'gra Basketball; Scarlet Wins Second of Season H. Bair Pins Third, Sot Taint scores 22. } .7' n(ftln !Score Agotos1 DebtWHre ..! • • All tics "rue bleben as the the teams out of the Intramural league the hot full week before the in The Ilaverford College matmen CORM period. In the OsPlured their second win M four Seatered tilt of Die week the hard. starts this season by tkleating Huh playing Jr. A Aye took uodisPolnd lenberg in convincing fashion 11-9. Anil piece in the bersketball lagga by t The meet took Place not Saturday outohootIng, the highly-touted Sepia afternoon before ari enthusiast:, Be aggregation' In' volleyball. the throng in the Victors' gyaluaniton, led by league leading Soph Bob fruits, trampled the Harry Bair. freshman 121 1,0051, Freshman A's to remain undefeated, from Mercers.. Academy. started by the overwhelming - score of 15.2. the proceedings and ,,-.oted the only 15-3. fall of the talent.. Bair pinned In the Jr. A-Soph. It contest. Ed Floyd De Chester SIS 6,1e with n lrnll- I Keels became the (Welding factor nelson and crotch hold. That. in when he b.keted fog. consecutive • woo Har's ry third pin Li.. tentmaker' field eoals ehonge for this yotr. into a safe win for Dolbeareo crew. Flanders Exert. The Jr. A's came kink two days later to rout the Fresh .A's in the highest In Mc 123 lb. division Haverford's scoring Mahe of the week. 62-36. Phil Flanders lookediampreosive as Nigh team scoring honor, went to he ciwkod up or 11-1 theioion over , . .As TOWN .J iluartutisr find openings to the Net to N., front: - Ilgmusiuus (Copt.). Motion cv Hsitrult. Coot/mit league lesding Jr. Abs who Dick Whitaker, Whitaker was litrurCarr. hicFannum Hee drirout ,- . CaPr. luau". b. fad on1-Liollt, V/ALRLA., Dom., I) allola, ham, Second: [Monett, El, • ed durtng the fsay, but hung oh lidbel DO Points Close Will. wets Degegan• al Ail. Al right, 1111•71.111d hatiteli var. !Wm... Evvoia, Lottliet.Batittratr tra, Htrandst, Liu Tr the Soph As and Froth A's with 86 goody to finish. After the bout his Third: Mummer: (Mae). St nest sr. Fri earn, Hotticstrown, awl 80 points mapeetively. Individ. • Et tror, Wuastot, Gurthiati na, inJuty was diagnoand u. x shoulder . . • rm bb, Set En, SISIFIAIIESI nal high soarer wan Ed Keels, Jr. A's • aenolution. center. with 23 points.. • Don Gallagher. 132 Iis. came up •1 Voae~ball with' th., Mul.' first win by uulpuin, 9 • 0 Sopli 13 ing John' Dodge 5-3. In the 146 Ih. Seth A g bruckct titres, Sutton. Itublesdnimi captain. took 0 Facia, IleriNi011 over Jr. B In their first roott of the 1.4.11a. Hav4rforcre fencers derisively whip. Jr. A. In the elo.est match of the deg the J. V.'s lost x close decision th Ped John Hopkins in their opening Son. 1 Peen, 13-14. The Red and Blues meet of the mainn. away on SaturMatter- who 00S tr•pobenting the Gen Cadwallader. Ford Ill 1.under. On Jmutary 15. Diehl Mouser eons Ftoeh A ' ' winning margie was all too toparen tinned hloe squash leinniag. ways . Merlon Cricket Club, trounced the eked out a 34 decision Irani Joe Socrash B In foil where Penn swept eight'out day the 14th, iso a 14%-11 is <mint. he dale.. Danahl Strarimn in the aging ex - national -single. champion in litaire. Thc bout was decided by a 13.kteball of nine bouts. The Fordo enaPP. The teem was led by Dave. Bowe, charavd- against the fdliblen• dnul; mold of the Harry Cowl. four sets, 15-4. 10.7. 12.05, and 1242 Jr. A bark In cpee• end and saber. but It with three poi/ita in the foil, Richter. Tournament which NBA held ut .the to win the f.rth nnnaal trophi, :erg wrestler Lem in the Oind iwriod , 5 Soph WAR not enough Lb overcome Penn's also rhb offered by this tournetnent. Thus for locking hands. New York Harvard Club. the sober, and Soph A early 1.004Entree now hal. the inter.rollegiate Hudson, who hod 210 in the epee. Captain Rodenuld 11 insSr. A. Championship, the National Doubles Freshman Norm Matson gave the ThaLlndups Against o confident Hopkins, leant Jr. B • 11 Chanutionship. Will the Arthur • H. • The 165 lb. match went to Iduhlen. Fords their lo. victory In foils. Tom that resorted to.tinoithedva practice Fro. C a Haeorfned rr Lockett Trophy, which he has hehl Lhole's George Sam.oes by virtue of Woodward and Joe Greene gyve geed Jr. Vets for three 70000. S. Colman. f. .3 1 7 accounting of therosetree which India in the foil .4 nano matehes,,HaRer. a 4.0 decision over the Fords' Bud Final R 2 4 Hurtuldse, L ' ,• 2 2 tales that much imp.vement .trut be fiord was never behind. In the saber, Mateer played masterful nuoash as i Wilke,. G. Colman, f. 3 1 expected as they become more toper- which the IllueMys eepecially expectOn Thureday. January 12, the he defestml Straub.. Diehl exhibited ilaverfold's Phil Maliincy..176'lbs.. Anuoistn, y. lanced. Ilaverford J. V. basketball twat was drive. deft skill, and a fine tactical !hemmed to a 6-1 victory over Bob • . , ed to win; the Fords edged through, Probh A 1 Foster, c. 1 0 0 In epee, Roger Jones had a perfeet fwd. defeated by a tad moving Delaware sense as he continually forced hi. Evans. And ire the closing bout Ford . Clark. r. day, sweeping hip three Soule, while O 0 gee 02-44 on the S.rlees home tmeret to lose pavilion and ttrttit pp heavyweight 501 RodeStow, it. 3 O 1 ft Charlie Greene won two and 'Bob wall, 1$5 court. The game was a betide be- cominit demo.trated why he . • Hollingsheed, g. a Freeman one. tween centers with thdatweres bort), ;The foil cont.i;. faster thus the Strathan Ivas hot the only- is. Middle Atlantic champion as he Toll!., p. Saber shined the Scarlet and epee, co.. of. donglog, 2 .2 22 , artfully tompointed tough Sill Schell, Boyer matrhed againat Haverford's national champ that Dimmer nice eL driving - - - Black's power, se Harry 'Richter won forchd ing the .tourney. In Om semi-finals '213 lbs..• by a I-0 more. Wender Clark. when Clark. way Totals fa 15 0 46 the., Don Young two, glad Tom encoenter, ninth a tiouche" eon only out 'of. the game late in the fourth *Meer faced German Glidden, repSummitrY: Th. N. C. A. A. conference, held Thernton one. Thin mink. thirtydive he scored on the <hest or bath. Here trod on foulr.Delaware pulled resenting the Harvard Club. end 1 5 ; 4 12. Mreightveto., for:Richter. a rec. Rowe shoiked 510 usually excellence In New York this.Lpeet Thomdey, may for as decieive lac point lead. polished hot! off 15.9, 10-7, 1145. and Nhrlavea., r. 121 lbs.: Bair pinned Ur CileSs Arne Mins- After a stove start rietted ionae very intermitting results. Monne f. ism years nen, keen ho 0 0 0 0 nerd bet man for the sante was 11-12. Nigh point o' Alt 5110 with p nelson hod in which lie larked spark, Captain Coaches from all over -the counts", Fullerton, f. U - 2 0 0 was at Paso Charter S.chotil. guard Bill Corson of Delaware who • This sear Mate!, plans' tti skip the etch bold. ' Toni Todd mane through to nail down Marks. v. representing Poe West Coast. the drooled seven held goals through too The J. V. theca four opponents in 118 -Its, Flanders 1111 &visioned tl0000, r. 0 t 2 14 the season. Valley Forge Id imam his last two bouts. Moritz. showing Mid-West; and the Middle Allentir the hoop for fourteen points. Five Intercollegiate, which he won lust year. and con.ntrath on the National Whitaker 11-1. , c „from last ye., States attended. Marts, 5 it 3 18 Academy is the next rival on Jan. great improvemen, Delegates from Ent' of Corson s goes! were gained on long is hold by Hornmune through wit the final win of cmford College were Athletic Dimclor 136 Mi.: itallagher' 1111 d.isimwd Bosh, g 4 4 4 12 st eat 'shots. Room, up honom were er Lott. also of the 'Marion Cricket the trio. and Haverford took the foil. Roy Randall and Track Coach Pop Dodge 3-3. t Pane4IV:iot - - shared between Boyer of the Blue Club, and cc...holder 'of the National Haddielon. 146 lbs.: Suit. • If 20 13 07 on Feb. 11 Nun Charter 1011019 o decision. Hen, and Puller of the Scarlet with Double. Championship with Romer. Lightfoot 6-2. The snore by quo310”: Feb. 16, and the lesion donee.. The epee.. more liesitant •and jab- Meetings wore held Thursday end thirteen points apiece. Summaries: Serni-finalu .- 'Donald Haverford 0 5 18 111-66 Pri.eton on March It Penn was the bing than the foil, in fenced more reiday under. the attain.. of the 155 Om, Cadwalle.r till decisionTin. gatme began evenly with both Str.han. Prhweton Club, delaited P. M. C. N. C. A. A.- and the I. C. 4 A. Mont. teams. -etrhanging field goals. DelaV 17 15 10-67 *My home J. V. meet. .trinservativelY, for 'touches" count Stanley W. P.rson, Jr., Merlon Cries I Sehulka anywhere on the body. Hudson won hers of the A. A. U. and the chairman ware. however, hy.virtue of the has Club, 00.10. 15-10. 16-3, Diehl 63 164, Stria:31.4h 1510 &visionOf the American Olympic Committer strong backboard work of Boyer. • two of• his boots and tied' one, alNattier, Jr.. Marion Erieket Club, de. ed Walker 4-0. alsb attended. , drew - aunty to a dim three point ad- Seated German though he had trouble throughout 175 the.: Mmoney fill decision. Glidden, Hurverd The purpoec •Of -the motion Was ✓antage of '12-6 us thertenno entered from a bent epee, the result of tiaEvans 54. Club, 16-0, 13-7, 12-16, 16-12. It was Captain Sol Tollin first into the Fords held the reins et 41-34. us.Ity violent "11.0hes," or rushes. twofold. The first Waimea. to sten- the second Cloartea • In this period Finals - Meteor defeated Stench., Unlimited. Rodewaid Ill) decisionthe nets, oO the Ford nor led of fiat McCort% drew the• only blond of the danlite,the order of track events for Delaware continued to .inerease its thear 16.7,.12.11, and 15-12. Those Ten Seconds -'' ad Schell 4-0. all colleges in the N. C. A. A., was lead and as Taller. Corson, and Watin a heart-breeking loos to Delaware The -.Clock ticked on showing but meet, end one of his bouts was. eWp- occomplished at the Thursday meetthe home 644-40 Thursday night on the son poured eight points through the ped to treat his opponent's tier...Mod sia minutes and twenty Seconds left court. Here was is final meotide hoop moved to .a commanding 26-14 wrist-Jones came 'through with the ing. Under the new ruling, HaverfOrd advantoge. Haverlord, however, ralthat had every spectator gripping Ills io ontirtsr tour aothO Ford motile final anti, to insure a 414-all tie in chair, ea Delawases forward Hol- slid away semnd by iecond-the press tim epee. and the Fords led, 1091,7ia. will run their folkre track meets in lied UN Clark scorched the nuts .with woo on. Shaken a bit, the Red and an order 'different -from what they as six point barrage and Fuller thinstein slipped in that foul to beeak the Slack had trouble setting up a pay Saber have bemt accustqmed. Hereafter the ned in with four . the half • tolled, tie. Up to the Mot M.* to -wee Haverford out front with. Baum and off.. With a minute cod 36 seconds The other contest, more rialibing mile will be run first instead of the Haverfonl trailing 23-24. , Tollin splitting the honors et 18 each. left, It w. still Haierford 40-43. and "repoalting," or eaudocatipeking high hurdles. the initial events in In the third quarter the Folds led Then fouls cut the margin to a,slim Poet Haverford track meets. by the aggressive floor work of Bel Pest Reverselt 4745, than 40-47. With only her see- hoary sword-fighting, also counts Subokamittees have been appoint- ling4head and Broadbelt slowly e. Despite fast shifting play neither ands t o go, thee out, then n,foul nee touches" all over the body. Richter. ed to . s n ainliee the track rol es. he, away the Blue Hen lead, and, Ford freshman and ISM Peor's SM. Wain stored repeatedly, not...ill, the Haverford. Ilaffstrin brought- MT the kith School Saber Champ .Of Pennq,. tercen the three leagues, N. C. A. A., Mg a two bitaket splurge hy.liollitte Ford. bu,d tP sole load. In to Delaware bench to an d. tone agivenia swept his matches. Spaeth A.,A.,fl.andthe I. C. 4 A. •Previods. head. tied. the `some at 38.09 needy everY Sol °O . Inhaled another One. and. . at ;bower well although he had a few ly each league had its own rules. This over. the Fords akke never able spearheaded west of the Ford of ettre shoed. made the second, 60-49 at zero wreak moments, and Thornton exhih- was the'secorid purpose 'of the meet. take the lead, and, when Clark w it.. defence. As filet .0. firlitt.rt time. • ithd determination . the visiting inn. It is hoped that the Internetion forced nut of the game, once ugal knocked through with a score It was fencers crushed the returned. A bit glove on the set up, " voo, le et hog. pl filymple Committee will adopt fell behind as the game ended by taking the- saber, 1.4, and the these. rnies, • FT Haverford ended the quarter one be- . and S. Colman, f. • t 3 2 .1 ot.t. 14%.11X• - , hind 15-1.1. • JEANNETT'S - • 2 2 0 4 The next varsity fencing ancounter Shifting down with renewed popped littt" I 4 3 6 will he next Seorday with Lehigh. the Fords piled up a 3 to b point lead 4p...0. ,,, . Mawr Flower Shop 0 0 0 0 who lost to HRS. N. S. T. GRABBER 111 to hold throoshout the.quartet. Again Fo.ter . ' .THE SPORTS CENTER We Telegraph Werra hero Tolliif and Bombe lashed out while 65. 5., p . 1 5 4 a 823 Lenc.ter Are. Sam Colin. and Loom did the 101110. li' 7 7 4 18 Bryn Mawr, P.. -. - - SPORTS SCHEMER*" seatehing from Delaware's fist .n• IS 21 13 49 lain McFadden and hip center Ern1.1tethall: 346 W. 1411letteter Ave alnakl, high man with on. 0!. • In a 100000, 18. 1)resel. home. Main Line half Service typical wrestling act.. Aanissen Poe- finleaere it FT F. I' ercellingt, For Comte. seated, to'lay to the lout shot of the Mogreddre, f, 6 4 4 J.tory 21, Drexel. home. iluvwfwd, Po. ' IIOBERT V. WELLER half for a 2744 liarerford • lead. 4.G.,,,,,,4,, 1. . 2 2 t 700 K [AinCayter Ave. Off. to a slow start, the Fords Any., f. 0 ., 0 4 January 21. Lehigh, sway. Bryn Mao r. Pa. B.M. 9066 steadily- M.o.. their load over 0t,,,,,to,,,, r, 2 1 1 Delaware, never spilte mech.', the Krusinski, t. 7 2 18 double color., then dropped back. 0 0 0 MI Makes of Ptrt in their w. Bootee with two, Bnecaetr, y, Ask far it aka2 1.' 3 allowed by a good. Bonne-to!Iamb, g. • O• 0 0 trade.mwis won tar NMI, Mk:. RADIOS lay set up by Colman and Hurtubise. 1.151, g,. . 2 2 14 RECORDS aster and looser became the Haver 1 22 12 50 PHONOGRAPHS ord play as Krusinaki kept spiking H A 010 - PHONOGRAPHS hose ring bounce., end MePaddei • REAL ESTATE AND.INSURANCE • notehina to go th .(1' TELEVISION In flamillob, New York, the [esprit° gathering tante. The outrutivii. basket of IS TUXEDOS •mnIng ,trune On an -end 'sprint 1. • spot of etudonis at Colgate University is the Germantown, Chestnut no wrest Meek Hurtublee with an ostaide.underhand, Main Lino and Comp., Store because it in a cheerful plate-For Sole or Rent and Whitemsreh hot from , behind' the board. Sill Chester County of Records in U. B. A. full al friendly collegiate atmosphere. And Too Quality solicit the gang .gatheFO 'grouod, too-cold EueleCola 0000 the ell, For II. Royer Smith Co to in college Bolton Prices Joholetweellitti 11111018 UT RUA; OFFICE MAIN LINE OFFICE ham. cveryoristre-CiAn 4elongs. tOth R WALNUT Streets 14 w, Evptse.,m Avenue 170 W. Lancaster Avenue itItoP lel.... WAIN. 2-2033 SPRITZLER'S Wissahickon 74700 Ardmore 4350 tortuous. rinnorm M nty Coca.cota coawan.Jv Nat LOCATION • George W. Emig, 'Pa I. Thomas Steens, '16 FAMOUS BRANDS 1011 MEN THE PHILADELPHIA COCA -COLA BOTTLING CO. (next to Poona. Rail-road) I8 W. Lancaster Ave. Ad. 7750 in. Ai. F.ndem e IN, The 0.0.10. rimer R""'"te As Fork pi* 4111- Despite Sol Tdllin'p 22 points, the Ford baba... Imbed to P. IL C. by 5745, Jan. If, on the winnere cohrl. The defeat.. Haverford's foutrh In seven encounters this season. Both boards started %lowly, with an 0000-,m 9-1 tenni reboiling at the quarter. Sara Cohn., "1" counters and Sol Toni), added a Mgtup and a foul to pace the Red and Black. P. M. C. broke away to the second Period with for.. Margovage melting 6 points and Udoviab, high scorer for the winners with 14 merkers. getting 5. Haverford wee held to • mere eight points between Boom and Toth?, and trailed, 2657, at halftime. The third quarter saw the Fords come to life. rimming the enemy ell the way as well as outmoring thorn. Sol Tollin was all over the court but specialised in darting in and out under the basket to reek--Climitfield goals. Udoolch and Bogie had sic points for P. H. C. hove , to keep their side in arrant by the tome margin. liaverford mooed out hard again in trie duel frame. hut got no rer ti the White than four points. when the count stood at 42-58. Bobbie Marts then went on a ranting., for the house boy.. totaling nine points in the quarter, and P. M. C. pulled safe. ly Both Colman and Boraa% were called 000 on fouls, and the fray endedut a rather disappointing 67-46 verthet • Bodewald Decisions Fencers Top Hopkins,14-11; J V Edged by Penn J V, 14-13 Mateo' Cops C owles Trophy. Defeats . Strachan hi Finals Delaware Thumps Scarlet J.V., 53.4 N.C.A.A. Changes Track Sequence ` :TM Foul by Holibteiu aloes Fort! Five Bon EMLEN & CO. eVsl17.1,1. PAGE POUR Wednesday, femurs HAYERFOR.D NEWS. Hoskins. Succeeds PicIett As AFSC Executive Bead Dr. Merle Fainnod . . . 23 Seniors Now Taking Comps to Graduate in Feb. Alan S. FitzGerald . . . 18..1950 Steere Calls 'Time' Write-up Mexican AFSC Head. nds `Pretty Competent' Article Flies 1'.nntinued from Fern 1 Douglas are placed beside those of J Spanish Ho ea • meinech Unfortunately it has All but Gertrude von de Fort or Grmelrod Friends tn Heckler, Arnett Bernenos the contrmt is blindingly vanished. Se Committee cooed/nun for "Protestantism's magnificent goal dear. The former want works, want Mexico Meek*, in work from in Pew .. of taking deeetionahltee 'into the fruit, and glorify it. The latter are Will Receive Diplomas Roth Formerly Ford Men world End of traneforming the concerned with the problem of 30000- Ctiy Met Sunday to he guest of honor With Clam of 1950 As Many Officers Are muldh itutitutioo by it bit, alas, at a Spanish House tea and to those ended by o degree of ...stormily movie. of AFSC work in his country. Twenty-three Haverford Mudente Lewis M. Hopkins,' M.A., Havel, to the world that the very goal Of a Medieval 'Symbols Irrelevant f,•ed, '39, was elected Executive Seeare doted le graduate from the rooks Nekome RePromatetives Protestant life ... has ebbed *wily In ...1 d . ,,f Th. AmerieND Friends SorOM Fehr:eery, hut, according to the all but a few Protestant groum to- Dr. Steere then tarns to a ton t., I emmittee at its Annual Meetsiderotion of contemporary devotional The tea, given be Professor and indl. every 1/1 them office, Registrar's day. ..•id in Philadelphia. Jan. II'-I!. the purpom of nif • the tuiedle of Cronin or Lloyd life In America and other parts of Nry. Asensio, wax foe roden the{ this number will inereame Clarence Z. Pickett. etr II.- ecreds of the APS0 the World Many gime* earring welcoming repren.thes rother than decree.. finverfoni '47. Hoskins In at Mexican brand interested studno. to fundernentoliata erten. from These•Inen, now inking their compresent Personriel Secretary of the was Mr.. guests the Amorig ents. Service Committee and will.anettme Meese metal TeualINTANIITIAA, advocate prehensive emminations, will reeeire whose effort. nal. pe,his new duties on or before April 1, different means of remedying the de- Juanita Chance, Secretary in charge their diploma. and appear in the yearrile the prrunt elrelfrat dagr. . . at be' affenea Cornegk office. Philadelphia 1960. the of votionel impotence. No one party, book along with the regularly prod11S low;n1 fighting set-off to From the very beginning Haver. (.',Mere sem, on the SANDI Immediately following the ten, Mr. though, has suceeded in carrying the Roberts Ilan. noting members of the elms el 'SO. UNION AU/ Tharsdol night in ford men have been online in the day—they all merely poinkto maul. Nickles showed his scenic color dime „ism Pact • The. beide in which they. have Paine], 11.11. Irodershop and work of the Service filled needs. Varioas pietist and lit- In four parte, they dealt chiefly Committee. Rufus M. Jones .svas its rural Mexican life and rend edwith in •Interen majored chow a confirmed Perhep urgical movements &breed me Riskfounder end Ant Chairman. Ile woe ome ,iiliteoriter a 'an Idea in, impressive gains, bat they too ueetion. The movies ranged in subject hrmanit im, opposed to thdrolilaras. lionorery Chairman at the time of from orientation programs for the of emitters the scratched There are only two sciences repreonly have • ••..trP• .1•••... hie death in 1940. AFSC workers, to ploughine cranes Unfortunately the tree proved to the problem. nented among the February group The present Chairman of the ExecConfirmed on Page 4 be rotten thronghout no all projected One of the greatest difficultiee• of with Mexiran peamnm. Mr. Mudd, (Meth and Engineeringl, !tempered none NAM Mr. FitaGerold, tome r, plane utive Baird, He Henry J. Cadbury. SWAT' hod to be stimulating devotional life is to know providnI hin own earratilp for the Continued from Pole I '03, is u former Professor of Haverto tom major held, in humanities M themselves with mormet(e emelt- cancelled. what to focus and himeeify it arotud. pictures. the near future ford and is now Profess/sr of New change in The problero of removing the arum* Feudal symbols, includine the GothicAccording to this summer's Inter- lEconemiro, Political Science, Eng. tiers. During the ter, however, the Thirty Wartime Testament at Hammed Ilhiversite. views Germans used them in their V-2 gam nee to tales about the removal cruciform church, ate too obsolete lish, and Sociology). the Austria and Germany in Other Haverford men hold key posi- muss, etc filsillusbned, hut: the Thirty people Are now 1.071O1111 in Although the Ilst may be mired reek.. When the Navy dismantled of the stump of a huge Deli tree that either tal.e used or altered. Nor eon tions hi the leadership of the upward. the present list of grade- the German re-iris...Priem Eugen7 in had Palen Several mere ago. 'Too any "repreeentative rtemnittee" fab- the Moslem Mate of Mayartt on a that odd to quick were • ',sconces Committee at the present lime. Juni s there is no rhino for en uprising pilot penman in basic education. ales consists of R. W. Allen, Joseph the Philadelphia Navy Yard they much dynamite .aaa used and chips ricate new ones mit of thin air. Haverford '46, is Chid.' Vail They me under the auspices of a from tha. ,lump According to Dr. Fainscal,. the ode Barnes, William BEAMAN Wray Rent- found that the .lire control system were baaadad„,, man of the Foreign Section. Leger Enoonroging Sign. Present UNESCO proroaro to improve the lay, William Bishop, Gordon Bottom, contained coaled-in magnetic arupli• whtdk bad been Communist the and ministration Haworth, Vice President of Haverfor Lloyd and many of the earma David Browner. Brook s Cooper, flees. Sillce then the Navy's Interest chaps dad, Tex, in conclusion. De-. Steers note. let of tremants with Beverly restrictford, is Chairman of the American trarty•—which have (mat the. intsromd hue gadgets schooling facilities. these in ed Gerlach, Thomas Flaherty, Joseph Founder. One ab, • Timber of eneourofing TIANs duties-rore attempting to incite mess Section. of which Stormer, tioCerol, Kronen now with an tepjleal to na- Robert Healey, William Rough, John greatly. struck the perch of eighth entry. and amidst the devotional vacuum, the Haverford College has been well 117. Is Secretary. rronmented to thin type of worker Jmkson, Robert Kirk. Robert Lucas, Mr. FiroCerald, Ott, megilied his rimed eapital. of fear the to •nd tionaliem Prohetng these of important most President Gilbert White is a mesummers ago.Dr. Charles Lucas, Charles Melchior, electrical engineer's training at City hgtontienie sense of need. Mel, too, rteeill years. Two tor of the Executive Board and Chairand Mn,, Asensio were leaden of the. Richard Perron, Edward Pennypack- and Guilds College. Finsbury, Lon. explosion. Soviet Progress • Protestantism being primipally of the American-Russian ComHaverford unit in Marko, along with or, Richard Rankin, Eugene Seder. dart His tent engineering job In the the_ of portions et...tutelar Less Firewood Get to Where free always is movement, • Mee, laymittee and active in many other ways. speech covered the workings of 1.110 Walter Seigeohn, Janeiro Sever. WSJ, United States eras with General Elec- ..Those who looked longingly 'at the to ail/else and atter Itself as it ITO/D. Mr. Forrest..Comfort, now a ...her If. nerved an a staff member of the Soviet Schenectady: of the Psychology department here. trim government, the problems the Rant Serortley. end Robert White. wag in 'hopes of being able to-get Pt, and to go wherever the truth TWo young Revertant map currently A.F.S.C. before taking the Presidency. in changing from a which it diecovers may lead it. tame w ham of Haverford. Five other Revertant government had to • rating parte, Clinton Golden Speaks for Labor connected with Service Committee tilisr:;hP641:17- Dr. Steere has written n number work are Conrad Turner. .40.. •xtel Otre men are at present member. of the revolutionery party and•the progress that has been made Thlr, according to Mr. Geld., eked full of wood which in theirs for of hooka on derotional topics, his Michael Deutsch, Continued from Petro 1 Executive Board. who was n fesesh. since the Bolshevik ITATITULTDA. most recent work being Time to decent basic minimum ratee of MY at the tore at the Iroblem of labor the taking. More then three hundred endueies here laid TAAAT. .man ttter in. the six-leeture and shortening of hours have been :i The next nevi Spare. pt.:trolled by Harper last Jidy, of Haverford have at one time or anrelations, Workers, he said, should a constitutes width handbook of kind unions, of berause Phrticipaled Hare eatablIshel Others other represented the Service Combe given a relatioaship in able% each European Branch of on and for the retreat movement. Labor Grows Cr mittee in its work• abroad or in this Other Haverfoid•stodents who rove worker can make a contribution to Brodhead's Letter . . the Hunnen of Research for. Europe, country. There in also a very doll re- of asGolden Mr. future, the for As the choker, are. with trip the made the Demrtmeet of State. He tilt the group- Green pride should be reCoseirmed from Pose 2 letiombip between the artivitiee of speak •yebruney 16 at the Swarth. sured the students that he sees stored Evan Jones. Bill Penithe, Paul Meer., by the' "priotiple of particithe Service Committee and the Env- more Meeting House. on the subject "greater mane of responsibility and pation.' • Mr. Brodhead- reeronked that Edin- Playwright's Nigh; . . . Art Wightmen, More Willis. and Ton, . erford Faculty. Members of the &g- "People's Dentoermies—Their Theory. greater maturity^ to' coffee in labor In particular, he- claimed, unions burgh has lived UP to all hie expecZimmerman. Coadatted from Page 1 utty ore active on a number of Stand- and Practice." unions, and as a result. • greater at- should be allowed to "look at the tations and concladed with the state-Present at toe gathering Sunday • ing Committees and from time. to' ropronee of them by the community. ITODITA.ID see the relation between ment that "despite austerity,. at New and kept it IsUchiag with such de. were several of these men, as well as time render special services either Admitting that organised Wee hit labor costs end the value of the prod- College, Unieereity of Edinburgh, Mess es Jason nicking his foot in other students interested in the work. Wylie bi - Profile . . . abroad or in,thie eountry. often been short-sighted and irre- uct.. Under "joint discussion" be- there isno rationing of thinsc of the the egg. he hid prepared foe M. Comently there are tome 200 North ' Continued from Page I sponsible, he pointed out that the tween labor and management. hr spirit." ' • Haverford students participate in love. _then saying he guessed WI Anteroom taking not in the 'prorapid growth of onione in the past mid. "norms' shontd he established various activities of the Service Com- Department of Vanthise. fore gotng to Scotland, the Ito- broken the yolks es he served them gram, and plane are underway- foe. teachschool moop o MU .Working mittee including Seminars and Work Moron years. Sas bound to result in for the relation between lake costa eight unite of work to be rorricd ant scholar Mated Swedep, Den- to her. ramps at home and abroad, Internee er in the village where Dr. Wylie will the setting op, of some inadequate and profit.. He wes, -however; not in mark. Germany, Holland, and Bei.- Ebro play received critics' award 10 thevicinity, of Meld. City this in Industry, the work in mental hos- setfie, he hopes to learn much of the Leaders. rmnuee• for the evening. o policy. pitals, Peace Caravans, and in' many French ideals, values, and Moira- Mr. Golden w encouraged, how: favor of •prolit-duaring m other phases of the total Service COT, tions se they are taught to the aver- end, about whathe considered the age child. Dr. Wylie may link .his greater'tendency of 'labor and cap• mittee program. . . projeet with UNESCO's "tension. ital today to thgether." He project," which is teething to further cited an urtiele)inconservative ForChilds ref 8.41C . . . international understanding in the tune in which the eutheil.expressed %Amu Way. Coatinued from Page I worries about the feet that workers, At MARQUETTE and Colleges Wylie lista ilia hobbies as aa a whole, have no real Aare in by Tito liberated Yugoslavia from (I)Professor his family, and II) bicycling. busirims. the Germans gives Tito the complete erout hie wrestling exasks} When loyalty of the people. Even so, Mr. periences, he smiled to report the and Universities throughout Childs pointed out, Tito hit plenty other day I heard I was the 118TUX BRAND to fear: When he nievee to end from "The Big Tenehamplon.- Don't dbl. pound his well.guarded hem.. he alweys commute the rumor, but it's not truer the country CHESTERFIELD is Canned Foods travels in a Cadillac led and followed Actually he was OUYAber two man I Start. Vroontan. by three Buick, at a 10.70 mph. clip: his weight class—atilt nothing I Pa. 47. Phila. •Tito to Stand Alarm sneer at. the largest-selling cigarette.' Mr. Childs expressed the belief that Bulgaria. Poland and the other Soviet satellite', would not follow the lead- Henkels & McCoy Typewriters ership of the rebelliggs Marshal Tito. although the otter's friendship with ALL MAKES Contractors left-wing socialists has caused a split , arimum Marque.. Alumnus, soya: in all communist parties of Western SOLD — RENTED — REPA IRED Typewriter Co. Europe. In the Balkans, the Remtee. 11 E.Suburban Philadelphia "Chesterfields are Milder. At the end of Lancaster- )100. Ard. 1278 have the. great advantage of. having I a long day at the studios, no matter bow liberated these countejm from the \ many I've smoked, Chesterfields kave Nazis; end since that time, they have `s dean, fresh taste in my mouth. It's the instilled many Soviet chile. In inn. A. YASSALLO Albrecht's Flowers. only cigarette I've bound that does thst.". ARDMORE portent gmerententeJ positions. • Shop Barber The barrage of questlona (ohm, Corsages • SERVING HAVERFORD ing Mr. Child's speech indicated that At Resermable Prlru MEN FOR ai YEARS . his topic was if - great inthrest, and PHONE ARDMORE 1800 118 W. Lenroster Ave. the apples.. at the concluaion of Y. M. C. A. gelldine the program ihowed that Mr. Child.s roeeth woe well ',predated A 11,1••■• DAMAO TANADUANTI lane "JOHNNY ONE EYE' GEORGE SCHOOL A BINIDICT BOOMS 'ADDUCTION Haverford INIAAND TITAN DorrE0 AIMS. Dm.. ter 11"....oara ADAMS •Iculusa sad ...Us. eons. Pharmacy RECORDS •Ily Roe., Mulenall Sumo y EPAMS US PHONOGRAPH Salute of Henry,W. Press, P. D. ...t.:rel=a".71:11""" 30 W. Lancaster An. Ard-1200 FM.: Nay. •Ad ATTIT MONA. 0.1 orhool Prescriptions Trees' Future Seen gaskets Roberts Has Finest wee, • Small Stage Lights Check, Double Check 101 Soviets Scored 7;7„."Arr., PAT O'BRIEN t Felehliehed 1872 HOPPER. SOLIDAY & CO. Member. Phila. Stock Exchange ' INVESTMENT SECURITIES 120 WALNUT STREET . PHILADELPHIA Drugs and Sundries Phone Ardmore 0122 Pennayleania Haverford i...2111:11,r,nr, roan,. ICIIINna Eves, S.A. nos 17T. OnTrze • DO YOUR WASH THE WORKLESS WAY • P. J. Giannini, fem. JEWELERS. WATCH M An ERS 22 E LANcAster Ai e Ardmore. Pa. BETTER THAN EVER! New Am-metric PARKER-51- Line Self Service Laundries 00 Rittenhouse Place Ardmore 8076 11em iff/MIR/ 71" nr....ronitricPor,, A•n "i• /AA" Y$50 OPEN AN ACCOUNT 'F)+4HESTERFIELD 'fern Open Deily 9 • 5,311— Mon. and Fri. anti) 800 Maim HAMBURG HEARTH 339V. LANCASTER AVE- BRYN MAWR 9248 LO50, stars bhuuTturiesCe. 7/AI ANFR/C.4.7 COLMOIS MTN INF TWAIN I IN SPORTS - MAP' ,