aver Juniors"Brinx Robbery' Given Nod in Battle For Class Night Honors
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aver Juniors"Brinx Robbery' Given Nod in Battle For Class Night Honors
Class of Pag VOLUME 41—NUMBER 16- • Sarah Lawrence President To Speak at Commencement Seniors' Class `Club 50,' Rapidly Nearing Completion Are Cancelled Page Three ARDMORE, PA-. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1950 CALENDAR . Wedneaday, March 15 Lecture: "Soviet Life as Reflected in im Literature. Common Roma, 8:15. Friday. Meech 17 Friday, Mareh 17 - &larder. March DI Cap and Bells Produetion of "You Can't Take 17 With You." Goodhart Sall, min Mawr Col, lare, 0,80. Movie: "Stanley and tivingreone Roberta Hell, 8:15. Meads', Mirth 21 Collection: Student-Faculty qui.. Wednesday. March 22 cananness dinner. Saturday, Marsh 25 Spring vacation starts at noon. The Class of 1950 has announced that the speaker for the June graduation exercises will be Harold Taylat president of Sarah Lawrence College. A philosopher and rising star in educational circles, he is one of the youngest college presidents, three years a junior to President White, Toronto-born Taylor was appointed as president and member of the board of trustees of Sarah Lawrence in 1945, a women's college of some three-hundred-and-fifty students located in suburban New York, He is a member of the American Philosophical Association, a contributor to several philosophical and educational journals, and a popular speaker. ft, Sandi Lawrence has become one of the outstanding progreeeive college. under the direction of Dr. Taylor. A system of progress reports has replaced the grading aysrem, and nu. dents are placed on their own Maemeet in regard to camp. rolesProject. and conference. hare halve Haverforda future dining-and danclargely mnTlanted dames, end ing spot. Club 50, gift or the Class of largely are required. -Only three 1969, is rapidly taking shape, with members of the college maintenanee rourse. are required e semester. Or. Taylor received his A.B. and crew and outside firma swinging into onion according to the final plans 5LA, from the University of Toronto set down by the Senior Clan gift in 1035 and 1936. Two years later be tad earned . PhD. at the llnivereity committee. On Saturday eight. March 18. the of London. whereupon he came to the Marerford and Bryn Mawr Glee Color Scheme Decided. After considering a number of pore- United States and accepted the pea[-. Clubs will- present a concert at the tide color ahem., the Semler con, tinn a muerte" fellow of philosophy Hunter College Pleyhoube in New roittee, composed - of Fred Miller, rd the University of Wisconsin.- Is Tort City. • Andy Boyd, Bill Vogel, Rog Morrell, 1912 he was prontOted to assiatant :Vaughan Williems• Mass and directed by Class President Ken Profremr of philosophy. The 'feature selection, perfatrited Moore. has lined, seleeted• a color Continuing his faculty duties; he bsethe cenebined Glee Clubs conducted pattern for the Intimate, double-live was ire addition appointed ne the ind- by Mr. Robert Condole. MB Sr room. The exact nature of the.trues versify's armed fortes representative Vaughan Williams' A C.spello Mass. careen will not be disclosed. Itrovever, on the National Defense Research Supporting the Mass tt01 be Dvorele's until the Club is opened. •Preeent and Derelepmern Heard ea • war "The Maiden In the Wded."—Gently plane alt for the nodal spot to he project research associate in Par- Johnny." at English folksong a, put Iota operation immediately after chidogy. ranged by Seth Singh., and "JeruSpring venation. salem," • A . raw .phalt-tide door is to be In. These will he ming by the Haverstalled sometime this week. The door ford Glee Club coder the direction was recently levelled with cement Dr. William Rae.. The Haver. thus eliminating Ion originalakipingfood email group wataha "When the iambs. and making it mitabie for Cook Begins to Crow." "Farewell My dancing. A jukebox is to the install. Vic...President Arterials Mull, Love,” and "Lovely is May." ed In the finished room to provide mu bah has annoorieed a change in the About flfty.five Glee Chit mentbe-re Me for Club 50'. padre°, • syatein of college attend/ince at Filth are going to leave college after lunch Lintels, Bream Readied Day Meeting to be pot into effect on Saturday for MT. York. They Specie! lighting.effeets are also be after the spline recess. destead of spend the night at the homes of Ing developed for the morn. It Is en. attending four times monthly, the parents and Mende. _peered that the initial/ ospacity of the snidest body will he required to atAnyone who wiebee to nineties. room will be between 30 and 10: but. tend Meeting only than times a tickets may get in teeth with Miss facilitire can be expanded if the stud month. Frances Binger, 182 East 77th Street. Continued on Page I All meg, however. will attend each New Vork 2. The Hunter College of the three meetings-the new plan Playhouse is located at ngth Street does 'not affect the mutter of at- between Park and Lexingtoo.• tenderises required of each individual. An additional mom used for SunNext 'NEWS' in April day School classes will be regnisitionThis issue marks the end of Ole 34, m, ed by the College to accommodate Henneih M. publication schedule of the H.the eddiflonat Students attending. 3. pt....their toee mun.. Darwin Wont NEWS for the month of Mt In eiStudents will allowed.to, been nominated for the office of PresMarch. The nret • Teal. of the ident of the Students' Council and ther room.. NEWS will appear . one week dt Is hoped that this Amaller room will eM for limo`met in the annual *free the end of Soria. Vacation. will provide a more Intimate Atmosslatedto take place onel Three beams are slated for pub' Tuesday, 'March 21, annoumed arm- phere In which students may feel lication during the month of freer to epeak. ee!. sememry Richard Eberly. NomApril, as usual. On the Thursday em which the Colinations closed at midnight Moods,. NEWS elertions are being held lege will not attend, the Haverford Other Caudidahre Dimiesed this week, and the new Med will ' Eberly also announced that Richard Meeting will hold its monthly meetemume ire duties after Saha ing. The present cat system, Eller, and 'Gerald Freund will be renVacation. MO Cuts a semester to reek studnin for the post of secretary of the student governing body, while Robert ent, will remain In effect. Glee Club Scheduled To Deliver Concert At Hunter College Meeting 'Cut' Rules To Change in April Three Vie for Post Of SC President Chase and Tsui Starner will °mama each other in the race for Studenta' Council treasurer. Dolbeare hot served to Treasurer of the Students' Council for the peat year, h. been a member Of the Onatorns Committee for two years, end hi currently en the Intramural Athletic Committee. Prockop is President of the Junior Chas, has filled the post of chairman of the Dining Hall Committee, and is Feature Editor of the Haverferd NEWS. John Hume played in the backfield of this year's var. city football team and served on the Junior Dame Committee. Eller, Freud Vie • Eller is a eophomore class repro-' sentatire on the Students' . Council .d was a member of this year's Coster. Committee. Freund is Preatdret Continued on Page 4 Basketball Play-offs aver Commenc Sigmund Spaeth Juniors"Brinx Robbery' Given Nod Amuses, Delights in Battle For Class Night Honors Coll ege Audience Last Friday evening an unprecedented crowd of Faculty. Administration, students, dates, and alumni crammed chaste, hard-chaired Roberta Hall to the gill.' and settled down to enjoy life. The Dr. Sigmund Spaeth, 'Oh, wail. occasion was what hap come, in just four years, to be the biggest dramatic blowout of the college known ',wok critic. amused Care- year—Class Night. tin., re March 7 with a talk-includGingkos and Alcoholian ing demonstration. at the plan-on By 11:30, when psychologist Fillmore Sanfo rd announced that the Junior show higd captured ;mauler American songs of the past first pnaeufor the evening, a good deal had been a ccomphshed. The death-dropping gingkos had Murk generale Nation's HIM., Wren their wonted -drubbing; skoholism had bee n more than thoroughly anatomised; the fund The study or popular songs, aid drive, by dint, of stEk-up, mayhem, and black ma gie had been brought to a number of successful - ,onowions; Bryn Mawr had hem • Spaeth, to thee, the „ettite.et. et,way NP New Pres'd submerged; and-perhaps more imid ent . . pant peeled Junio rs H • t poant of nil-Princeton University portent in history. Bett. then any political had been pot in its place. Whereaccount. in hletary books, he re d upon the: audience. - in a partying tber phew how people of e period B~I mind, adjourned to celebrate these. thought Mt, rd ed. even,. The period between the Revolotese Irish term, Tam MeNutt. ulwaye Pod IA50, he mid, was ..51.1kally the good for o Chies Night piire. thine : -ariod cf me "Mbool of sett-pity." time brought Dr. Snyder to his fret AS onion!. of the early American's evening', top inclitiemad eatmed talent for feeling sorry for Ithnself .1 herna, Close behind pimuetted Dr. Spaeth played and sang "NoDove Western and Bob.Phillips. stonebody's Darling. and “We Neves, snood individual'henors ter their Speak As We Peas ley..! -Speaking of nephistapheil 1iLbar,I. 10:..,.., the !atter none, he mid. "I never have Dr. Sigmund Sesta.. Have, ford' alumnus and popular colletDon epee., broadcasts reset.ly ever the networks of the Amer, ican Itrodecaating Compeer. The program. chick may be /ward in Philadelphia ever natio. WFIL • and WF1L -FM on .5.011n14, morning@ from ten o'clock till ten.thiny, feMores mike and pep. Mar climakal recordings, with Dr. Spaeth . et the Mews arid Mienn. phone.. figured out whet the trouble mestere the lovers digerati weak." Orem Team Tete Spodiskt After 1080,atreiding to On. Breath American popular Bongs took on a more cheerful tone.. Specineekly, he spoke if Om circus forme inspired by P. T. Barn m's shows: "The Man on the Flying Trapese" sod "Oh, Fred, Tell Them to Stop.. At the time of the "gay nineties. -called the "naive nineties, by Di. Spceth - American popular songs tended to be maudlinly mntlinentel too degree that would be ridkeled by any other period. A. a horrible ample. he regaled the audience ith a rendition of "My Mother Was Late, or• if Jack Wan Only Here," , Burlesquer to DV By 1900, Dr. Spaeth old, three songs were beginning to seem a little "corny.... to the general public; and their demtie was helped by the excellent tbutteeques of' the moat extreme maudlin type by. the famous comedian, Charley Case. Dr, Spaeth concluded hie talk with a few words on the histery of lase from •"ratOime" through "bop," which he called 'thee limit et distortion in harmony, melody, and rhythm," ,e O. v,,,a w MAN FROM OSHKOSH, CHEMIST T. O. JONES; PROJECTS MANHATTAN INTO LABORATORY , e I as se to-of chemistry - Profresor Thomaa Oswalt Jones, have been northing but interesting to Haverford etudente. Each session with this efnew -exfusive little scientist offers aparlance. In that no two of them are nor alike. Spiced with wit and no occasional philosophic . pearl, his dames ere a new type of teaching, The Mee From Onlikash T. CA., as he is known on campus, balls _from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and though the city's fame le in its luggage industry, he definitely claims 8 New Movie Choices that "1 was not born in a trunk!. Announced by Film Club -After obtaining a B.S. at OiNkosh The Flint Club announces that they Tooellett• College,. he moved on to have chosen Bill -Wixom as Preeldeoi highdr educational realms and finish. for the coming Year. Other oflirera ed his work et the University of Wiselected Mande Hill Yammer. as See. rotary, and Nei; Curtis a. Treasurer. Armed with both Ph.D. and Ph-M., Eight top pictures have been bank- T. O. immediately struck out for Ha, ed for the remainder of the trend erford. A Haverford alums. on the semester. The presentation and data Wisconsin faculty, Nerds H.11, '15, of showing are as follows: March 17, wos probably the nelson most reStank, and Livingeten; literals 20, sponsible for the popular chemist's Thn Courier of Leone: AIMS 0. Of .rival here in 1937, according to Slice and Men: Apri3 13, Alexander 7'. 0. himself. Narehr: April 21, The Coma of Hopes for Improverrienta :none. Crime: April 20, neon Now firmly entrenched on the third end on Alley 19. Burlesque On Car- floor of Founders, T. 0. hopes that MOIL eorneday the Chemistry department Prof. T. 0. Jones . ... t 'Mon from whose terrinng 'netball and rarer ore milled over in flair week's 'Pro/n in Profile Artrb. . . who lead preciomi, /misled a million' dollars for al.e.Fmed On, ...Jos ewongi, falloffin On for Or Clete of 1911 Sup bonnet. ' You Can "t Take It With You' Nearing Prodaction at .UMC Profs In Profile: will manage to incorporate some new physical changes When he came here 13 years ago the basement floor of the chemistry Indlding Vise varent. Largely through Dr. Jones' efforts, this oituetion wee mon remedied, end he is hoping now that there will soon be enough equipment in the lab to 51.00 A YEAR allow some special projeet Causes in which ittudents eon carry out emit of their own work. The Probst 'During the war, as every student must know, T. a was called in tad the famous Manhattan Projret as Assistant an the Chief of Cann-cal Re...eh -quite a change from teething p•PEIFe• time pre-meds. All tad, the atom bomb work kept T. 0. away from his poet here-for Mee. years. One of Pretence donee' duller for Uncle Sam was to edit the ehemind sown of a National Nuclear Emerge Series, o somewhat long nod Complex set obbooke. Even now he is still do.. ins work on this Series and acting censultant teethe Argonne Ned., el -Lahoratories. Collect. CI...sleet Records T. 0.'s outside interests ere many and varied, end include most of the aame thobbice which atudento There is a gleam in his eye, for in. Fleece, whenever anyone mentions mileoadieg, but lack' of time hen kept him from immuring this 'Indoor sport at any length. Most important of all, •perlitspa, le • co/lection of classical records and an ocfaelonol popular Mann, mental number. The chemlsl's•atteicCestieeed en Page 4. . For their third coilaborMire production pf the year the Haverford and Bryn Mawr Drama Clubs have turned front tense Maxwell Ande, con drama to the light comedy, "You Cant Take It With You." PM play wBL be given Friday and Saturday eveninga, March 17 end 18, in Good. hart Hall it SAO. The. wall-known MOM Hart and Poet Thomas Reads `New Schoolr.Verse Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet, read selections of his own ',retry to Bryn Mawr English majors, fans, poetastera. and serer interested her-eons who Mind Goodhart Hall feat Tuesday night. Broadcasts on BBC • Poet Thomas..known for his u eanelly melodious reading voice, is familiar to listeners of BSC. with which he has broadcasted for several years. He has also recently put. out recorded selections of hia•own work. The poem, which Mr. Thomas preemoted to the audience lam week &hewed the influence of the hitter war years. Among them were: "The Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire ad a _Child In London", "Ceremony eater a Fire Raid:" "And Death Shall Have No Dominiont" and "The Hand That Signed the Treaty." ' Rotates School of Eliot Ad, Thomas is a modent•reftdation of T. S. Etiot and his school. His Poems are little marked by any sort of symbolism; in fact, he prafitorti one poem that w. a titHe.in the sr. holist 'pattern by saying, "I'll read one Veleta think makes any anew at Mk. He opened the program with poem, by other tiddlers who were all free Gann ped.ticism and embolism. Perticuleirly well received by the Bryn Mawr ..Meow wan a simple <IRV by Tholliee Hardy, "The Ruin ed Maid" Pre-Business Dinner Set For March 22 in Commons Oa Wednesday evening, Much by, at 6:45 P.M., a pre-businesa dinner will be given in the Ffaverford.Comcoons This dinner, comparable to previous dinners given for those seniors interested in medicine and edneation, 'Nan: arranged by the Alumni. Office. All students interested in busidens as a vocation ere invited to attend.• • Haverford alumni repreeeeting varFoils, fields of `boatman.. and :industry have been invited. These men 001 speak Informally on different phases of their occupations- Ample ommramity for roman/. on the part of the Audience will be provided. Beyond doubt the- evening's ' rest shim was the fas,moving, jointed Junior skit, built around the Shit. et retiree fund-raising freetrait., The Amuseen•Bellinger.. Baltzell triatitialmi n Le rators in search of a million bucks-nabbed' be Brien 1th pi b, • are t. which contained the - hest line of the night. ti'd „Vie to make a withdrawal. please." Bert Birdsall. in One of his nob:adous take-offs of Lunt, sliek Sam Mud- Tape rotors/Ines were made el Night be tbe a.e - a WHItC. They will be presented donee the during [bin the mid-thirtiet. Wax recording of each deer are or less whimsical and plotless reeks d" being planned. although the of events M the Ilfe• of the Sycamore Daughter Agee, in lave with - details of this HerTite have not lorry Kirby, plans a dinner ut which" yet beer "6 worked not. uno,,3, S. trot pro- fony's parents may *el her family. A minor catastrophe oceans whe„ the "'"' ineempa, Kirby, drop tit on He Sycamores one heaven -sent Vie able as a respectable young-lady-ail evening too soon and find them in a there handed in notable performanc-Sate which hi to say the least, shockes. AI Clayton's music end Tom Meing. were -as gilding to the An episode of some fireworks leada An to the' arrest of the °mite housei.old, totheethre rbte pee.. and the lover... engagement is'aubse- . nu, behind h1 was 'a StedisMore quently broken ' off. The end of the pire-dieam of 'co-education at 14.play, howevee finds tronauiltlj re, eared, fully favnrea with Introducatera'and the lovers re-united. tory newsreel-probably the mat orMarjorie Low Directing iginal of the night-fuming- s'beep, a...Atria Love. who 'played brlb and Brooklyoese Bryn Cflowrettes. The Rant leading role in the rnoel pro-. musical Ltdc,[4 of Pete (-:unirninsMutton of t'Elimbeth the Queen". is finding best expre.Mon in such Mee,. directing the play. Slur is not ready es, “Over the Bridge In Meeting. to pronounce n tool judgment on how House., and ttliaddy-'s Enrtified the performance turn out. pa, , egain"-providod u am end varied titularly since the east have under- baekground fur the Bryn afincr.Havgene n nu mber'of rehearsal clinical- ...ford amens', wh which, with thu deties and have not yet put the WC /slim of the gingko, one °rennin]; polish on their acting, ly effected: - Neverthelem she noted "great m3Highlight 1■1 , he Sopho;oerl. whoa' ent" among the woes. in spite of.the 000 the stalking WM of Dave West-nearly negligible amount of stage ex- ern tHaverford) Lind Bob Philips • Continued on Page -4 continued en 'Mee 4 COAL TANGLE VIEWED BY IRE; DEBATERS FACE BUSY WEEK , IRC MEETING • DEBATING SCEEDULE • "What shouitNe govanoment's net- Adopting the• negat or side, tam tnude he on the coal situation?" was members id the Ilaverord Debating discussed by Hunter Cutting of Rho- Society debated the topic, "Should. lee enfOrd College end Judy Waldrop of sic non-agricultural industries- be ...Bryn Maier College at an 1. It. C. tionolisolL" with two opponents meeting On Muth a in the Common -from .Priineton ' University. in the Room at Bryn Mawr College. • • • Union Lounge last Satin-dm' evening, c.tiZti.npg.,..klanorsp,.Spe ak n,,,:ir detre,.d i ,,rdth s point u ntry,. cool co " 1-H H r:-` 7 ' 4 11; 1 17' 'and 0th:d that these fuels are not mutually r"'4. Today,afanager Karl Spaeth and substitutable. Thus, theogOvernmen: should encourage the production of Secretary-Treasurer Limiter Cutting coal either through subsidies red of' the -Debating Society embarked orice control or through naturalize: upon a tour of New England, which will Maude Rebut. with Smith, lion. •Waldrop, upholding a more an- Mount, Holyoke, Antherst, .31. I. T., , servatia view, stated that the pro 0101 Harvard. After the last debate of this tour M.O. and price of real .should be _schedule d for Thursday .night- ' governed by the fare. Of n free market. • Thit would insure the mast cc- Spaeth and Cutting will leave for Kingetath Rhode Island, to join, lookuse of coal. Yr-EA/nen Cordon Werner nod par- • Meiority Favor Control . tiMpate4a, [Model U. N. Congress Under the direction of the moder- whichie to 'he sponsored by the • ator, Elwin ..Davies, the audience Rhodetbdend State College. This is the first time than WY! questioned . the speaker, An inforof this kind has aeon undertaken by mal poll at the end ST Om .meeting Oho Defending Society. Plana have alshowed that a majority Lavored some ready been made for other such MIPS governmental control. for the current ye... ttaws r Ac E. TWO Haverrora News I wanted hp-know. They hake been friendly, helpful. 1 have always Wanted to help them not some way. All thee I can sip Is thanks, a debt thank them all. I owe them an a sincere debt which I fear will never fully be repaid. And now the last words Must be written. 140 pet want to write them and they come hard. Thor do Jot "add, clatk" easily off,the typewriter on thousands before thesis have dime. Rut time cannot be denied. and the time for saying Mt Wolf 14 here. The road has been a long and pleasant one. I have been many things and known many people whom 1 shell never forget. A new road lies ahead ... KEITNIT■ 14. liana, Lemon a dthoe—Kenneth 31. Mu., Meosegarg.. niditra-Andiona Morley. ii./orrs Marisgrr—Richard Sinai, Po/dot—David Tilley. ,Vi Edilori—Fredrrie Hemel, Richard Noma, John Win. Aohreer Sporty Editor—David West.** Abloom rd,tur—Floyd Ford. /resew Editor—Darwin Prockop. ribe tnge Editor—Edgerton Gram.. krraferirn Menterr-.Gordon Vernon, browns Artoriefet—Drew Lewis. Fred Millspaugh. N . as Associates—John limn°, Malcolm Brown. Robert Chan:. Rohn Foley, Gerald Freund, liwitard Gundry. Jon Gumnucher,• Robert 'ismwand, John Hitchcock. Clark Johnion, John Kittredge, Herold Miller, Taylor ihnner. Herschel Shanks, John Sornerndik, Howard Philip Strrabory. Pater Imk, John Tented. Mitch Winn. Lobe Sho• • culled ',loot at Execange4 - 1 • Indiana Pena 4 the_State Ste 'feather. College, Indiana, Pa., is di IrM Noel, elsooiates-11. 11. Caitlin. Vanier Jewett. John ..Leggett, Richard words were deleted OncludIng some Lingeman. 'William Mordant Ford Oder. them. Rods. Howard Tay. and bothered benabe some referentes to the sex life of thy weapon.) in their production of Sidney tor, Bud Walker. Howard's Yellow leek. Apparently In Oda ease the censorship was terra. Polkaed ht. JI andrat bolt of Heger/0rd Collcor weekly Thronsboal the to ridieulous extremes- no that the result use not fond taste hot '!prudish. ara,Inig• iron. rrelrini .(,) the Ardmore Pool's:, Company, el Rillro- PPS," bogie PI.Wit, Ardmore, Pa. Lotered as wood-class welter at the Ardwiorr, Po., Post Office, noire Art While sail ea the eableet of. Vietorisniern. mil ...ship. and the like. wit of (:ootyrs5, lte4sett 24. I512. want to reprint in i4 !brats the foliating rather anon.. eeherial lee. the Temple NEWS; • A kiss bestowed spelt a -beeketbali event' ai the Bethany (064.) High School reeved it a relreM. end the ...hien of are students- It woe the beet pass merle on the roan that debt. The high w heel haw a Wit antra a "Dear John" letter at one kind.. The Ian markets hies., but she enmiled hissed. A lot of people ha gl time or another. You know. that's the kind that starts out: Maybe prone kiwi. is a prerogsthe remereed fee rice.pretidento Only. "Dear John, Thin is the hard t letter I've ever had to write. The lad ego did the Wad. want ...Mg tbs....Ned.' It OM to eh.. Our relationship has been a beautiful one, and I am sem It Mat crime 41.e. pm —sounknes. Teo ...he An lad the. whale tarn babbled. cannot go on .. " Anybody who's ever received one of these A were ...lamer mime. Me princiesi thought ires a fell-drees re letters knows what a disterbing kind of experience it is. view. Parrot. of Me repelled bey. threetesmil le take the ease to teen. And yet, this week. Iam faced with the duty of writing my- which Frame S'AUPS,. . beeketiall coon ten lead to court. Tit wheel ass here has ennereielag or. abeet the Med. and the self a "Dear John." For this issue marks the end of my official hers. but the eledente tae Me ...thorn's,. bird hr having a Irkeleis hee connection with the Haverford NEWS. ...h.. 'the sp.rhing relsIlred heat. the principal middle% see the Brit It IS not easy to .y goodbye to an organisation that hag • Teardrops and Thanks . . . en filled your mind, taxed your nerves. and claimed your energies and devotion for the better part of three years. It in Oen harder tO leave atteli an organization when you have watched it steadily grow and mature. when you have seen it transformed in style and spirit, in scope and meaning. And that is exactly what han happened to the NEWS in the set. three yearn. But its progress has not been due to some mysterious force. `It came about through the hard work and planning on the part ' of many devoted, sincerely interested people.. The NEWS In no longer a -weekly bulletin ylublished by a disinterested group of students. It Is a newspaper, training men injournalism and .t the same time providing the student body with a newspaper tilled with interesting things- to read. it is run by a staff which enjoys Its work, which has that certain sen . of unity and eetieft de tarps that is no important. Each issue is a community effort, a product at people working together. Few people outside of the actual working staff can appreciate what it means to publish a weekly newspaper. They nay that many people have their whole lives flash before them when they are drowning or facing certain death in some manner. It seems to me that sty whole•careler with the NEWS is flashing through my mind as I face the end of my "life" with it. What • are the things you remember? _ • Tuesday evening meeting in the - NEWS office. Anybody know any other stollen? . . . Seven columns on four, pages to fill . sure, we all have tests coming up and papers due . get the story in anyhow, won't you? .. ;Friday night ... where are all the stories? ... go find him and tell him that I don't care whether she's Lana Turner, that story was supposed to be in tonight ..•. don't tell me that it's twelve o'clock already? • And the.there in the long vigil Sunday night heads that clon'tht ....the long stories are shortapd the-short storlea are too long ... where are those pictures? this picture looks like it Was taken in a fog ... who sent this story down? It was a letter to my girl that I left on the desk by -miataker: .. I've got an eight o'Cidelt tomorrow morning. I'd like to be in bed by two .. : can yea take the pictures into Phifadelphia? • -Staff meeting In the Toddle Mune at two o'clock MuntlaO morning .. Lord, you look shot , . . look .who'S talking . • .Counting heads after midnight :.. after one o'clock the passive voice sounds melt Dammit, I can't get this editorial to souti,d right. We'll call it an idiutorial Fm•sorry. Mit the sports writers are off on another lost weekend. We'll have -to take the copy. down tomorrow morning ... And then at the priMer, . , "we batted .500 this week Half thy heads . . . you guys certainly are inefficient . . . what're ya going to do about it? 'Cut our salary? , You mean the cote haven't corns hack yet from the engravers'? You mean I have to no all the way into Philadelphia . . . ootthh, no . Tress proof .. this guys name. is spelled wrong too late to change it besides. I like the sound of the new name better than the old one ... Lou. these cuts aren't coming out 'at all ... just wait a while, the-ink ain't on 'em yet And who can forget-the "Letters to the Editor" or the phone calls or the people who have some constructive criticism to offer when you have just come out of a roach exam anyhody havu.:tity compliments? . . Dear Mr. Editor, ' Hegarding your recent editorial, I think you must be deaf; dumb. • blind, moronic and imbecilic . no offense, of course; to sincerely/ . . don't you think that the Administration should legalize roulette wheels in the Common Room? This would bring, in much . . . Yon have been sending me seven copier of tile NEWS each Week., d enjoy the paper vary much. but 1 amid appreciate it if thin error could be •. . .New lissen here . Moore, I told you that this Alumni'stuff had to-be in .. „Wink . the Hell's calling new? Oh yes, Preaident. White. _ Yes, all this I remektiber and much more ... much more. And now, the teardropn having fallen, there are still the thanks which I owe to so many people, There are people who have helped me, guided me. pulled me out of jams, suggested . things, been kind. given a smile when I needed it. been reliable, worried with we . . the ARIL little men anti big men ... the members of the Administration, the Faculty, the maintenance men and their Superintendent, the secretaries, the Coop's boss, the Libreria.... and all the people who make Haverford "go" . . . who make things happen, who make plans reality, who smooth out _difficultien, who keep .things running the way- they ,hoeld ... they ha, ,41 Inimid Me. They ha, 1-1,1 ti ' Th e /moral of Suffolk University re quite mien. because their Var. rite Club just made TM William. an honorary member, It 'recurred to ua that perhaps Haver-for, Vareity Club could odic Del Ennis or eoniebedY ender its wing. We are woneknog. thoug h, just what nractleal 'due such an arrangement would hare for either early. , • Croir'm Alexi Oreotilite Take Me, Pe kdk an 'SVDNET M. CONE, 1ff ...nen,ipintnbed teem the intermit table of if, tor.. Porn, wins a sneers,* rigagrd delosaing end rewriting Tian TEMPEST en order In rtklon the literati who frerporia Wedneefley. Mara 15, IMO ALUMNI NEWS ' Ford Guests Speak Grad Translates Alumni Comouttees At Maryland Dinner Nornepian Writer Formed for June 10 Alumni Secretary Bennett S. Coopreports that plans for Alumni Dar. June 10, us e well under way. Chairman John A. Cantrell, '07, hoe olr.dy selected • number of men to wrvewith hut on the Alumni Day Committee and the presidents of the varier. Haterford Globs Ironed the Aotedeme Bee Liebman and is Nosy mnIntry have been invited to carve Dr. Neiman, who le heed of the de. aatia ddjilswir Committee to help ads for the der. partment of English to William with Fiftieth ROSWOR ter 1900 Secretary Bennett S. • C.P. mtre Jewell College, in Liberty. 140., tram. A number of the fire year classes llama Hamill Mkt MoP/Mem. e guest!of the society. ooak by Comm Brooklet., Nor- are working on their reunion plans Terrameted Reeteeted weglan engineer, writer, and editor and indigene. point to a record atwhich moth.. the mete, theme es madame an this gala meation. Following dinner there was a brief The Claes of Of will be holding its Josh. L. Llebnian Peaci of Mira badness meeting at en'. time the and Lome. do Nose'. Human De. fiftieth reunion and on Friday night. Akers of the emiety were elected felt Ilene a, will be the nom of Dr. and the taming' Year. The election reTim meet sensing thing to that Mee Gilbert r Witte for dinner. sulted ea follows: Ibis book wa. written In Norway, rho fifty year get.cogether 4 always President, Alfred J. Tommead, '1111 luring Me German omupatioe nJten the feature reunion of the day. Vice-Presidents, Joseph H. Beatty, Jr.. The Class at 25 is well*n Ire .311, the mailer morsenktrilT ...led en 'Li, and Conrad B. Anon abi, Sao met. After the Ilsratien in 1944- with plans for Its twenty.Aftb remeaty. Isaac C. Lam.. Jr.. '49: the book was pubihrhol and Mu. en. union and members of the cleat have Treaeurer, Joba T. Sherkee, '40: Astodatas both Paseo et Mi. and emit. preliminary notices ghee sistant Secremry, John N. Pierson Ma. for the event. lo Amtrak. Treasurer, F. Thomas Ham. Deelier. Program to he Mailed Hopki., Met le Netway Other clases which are already White spests ion Cateklgn Moreover, Mr. lareehmann.s book working on reunion plans are '51. '30, Deals hid feeder an murk mere of a '20, and '10, end all of the other SeeFollowing the business meeting, human being than either of the afore- ress Asses will be holding more or Alfred J. Townsend, '18, president of Mention. and brine into foeth mach less Informal get-togethers. lee Smiety, Introtheed -the gee.. As In the pent, a program of Alumthe more every day tr. 01 ..from the Callen who .peke to IRe .tn. It deals with youth and ma. ni Day events will be mailed to eneh group. MT. Cooper make briefly ad with day-dr...a and realities, Ithanrinte. This program will tarry tunny, cemented hisCoop to tile Alumni enatentary codpon by winch res. with love and sex, with the whole Day program end an invitation to the erratIons for the dinner on Saturday group to tense to Haved'oed Jae the pant e4 human experiences white night may be'made and overnight achave diens on hexane.. manioc. Dr. Nelson met Mr. Brahma. at commodations for Friday night, June Dr. White elm spoke briefly, tell1 9. and Saturday night, June 10, may ing of hie recent sip a CalifornM a dinner early while teaching at the be reserved. University of Oslo in 1.6. After and bringing the 'group up to date 1k4 return to the United ited States, the Un Dinner on the Law. on the statistic. of the caw... Norwegies author him a cepy Because of MC very large grimedTeat an Challenge Os College of the book and Joked bin, to trans- ing class and its many guests for late POTS of it Inc Lams Mereford. Commencement and luncheon, the Professor Teal then poke on tWilat tamed American writer. Mr. Hun- Alumni Day program will not start Hatedoetis Doing to -Meet the Chsltoed, who ord.e the introduction to -.tit 2 p. m. on June 10. The after-, lenge to Liberal Arts." After n brief thin edition, a...4d thet the trent n.n program will feature the (raamyl44 of the supply and deemed Wen be completed and - publehed. to nkles! eel.et rose, exhibition tenfor mile. gredeatet he Mame. Dr. Ntha finished the work and it nis. internees Bedtime and a too Mme of the ways in watch Haven was published at the beginning of ...hi. the fmoim will attend. ford is facing Its responeibilities. this year. Weet.r pefmitting, the Alumni _Pothering hie alt, them was • Monty dinner will be held on the lawn hediscresion period and it Mae after . Items Founders Hell and Roberts and 11:03 befere the meeting Me. up. The annual meeting of the Haar, ford Sticiety of Maryland wee held at the Bhmkolone Hotel in Baltimore on Friday evening March 10. At the dinner which followed a social hour, mew 31 guests were present inciuding a. number.of alumni Dr. debt. P. White. Professor Howard he. Teel, Jr., and Alumni Teseillitin; limn one leer.ae to enother is often difftult and fee. gunny great works lose much in the process, but Dr. Frank G. Mellon, MA '31, recently completed a task in this field with distinction. College ftepresentee.",7d tie by Gtads Att Wore.. eaG.facnm„ Alumni In attendance were: Brojway's tended rossorulks). again be a family party, with tee.' -I9F. Conrad Anon, '25; Daniel S. The usual oreheatral overture. ery that Is man in s brisk; clever Mrs of the He beady es Rites Bernstein '49; L 'Paul Natrona. 'V: Art I. Wet and bethIngsled droop ditty isliredi Up 'Tour ItInstry") C. Cilesten_Carey, 15; James Carey, discovered en stage. Ocean in back- which he sin. teedase, 'Ilse men ""re l'"kiine to time en it develops, Two Haverford Alumni will repro. ad, '16; Frasklin 0. .nto Cenals, '26; Ham th ground; sand. palm treee, driftwood today In meet, hare no er a of Freelleiter. Jr.. '12; Eugene IL Hari- gent the College at ineuguration etre' about. UR• ammalFt playing nretrektY, they will try to go to will in the lend. 'Ea, F. Thanks Hopkins. It: monism in the near future and a UtIrd One poker app," now and t a matter bed with thn and buy, thy strucDr. Blsekbvrn IL Jodie, '44; haw wan an entiseery of us...skive IsstI NEw.• ' heard.. DC are Alonso. Sebastian. tural Integrity, etc." Pr.. then weak. Edgar Milton Roseman. '15, Cr. L aren. PIM Jr., '411; V. PotionMon Antonio, Penchi.) Gonzalo in fore- stalks or gaze in no little mtg.,. ben 'Si; Alfred B. Morton '07: J. George V. Downing, '14, ire the tut 1, • amend; With p h n*, 'Frenclico. Mir. hangs her head in sorrow , then Nowell parker, 12; John W. Pierson. mho will de the honorp In the future d Trinetrio and Stephan*, behInd•thern picks op loveseng the orehentre le Jr., 'IC Joseph W. Soar, Jr., 'Min while Raymond . C. Woodword, 'On, and .slightly to their left, poring playing 1°Always True To Toll 1r rep i r t e r sen g.w. .1 t . he, C veh. 11eer: W lf Thomas, Dr. Jr, Heiry '12; H. Alfred ver.a.may. UL are three shivering Pertly". Curtain . J. Townsend. '18: Cbrietopher Van nom. (lanthe. )(Rena and Diane) Act fit Two cities later. APPEISPY Haverfold turns out more Holten '46; F.. Herne.. Welbourn, panmeM or Rmoaace Languages rat who are being completely ignored than bomosanen and dot-tors ran be part of the bland. Enter from L 'SS; Alan S. Young. '11..d lease C. by other characters and obriously !entire (Lisa Kirk) gathering driftseen by looking at the recent of a Virginia, will attend dw Ienngonian Lyeett, '20. resent it. DL.-alone and diet-anecdote. wood, from R Trincele illay Bolger) of Orville W. Wake a. pnsidenl of recent February grad. The grad is is Ferdinand Alfred Drake). doin g Same. Soon their eyes went A Lpi..., ynchb ri ara College, Virgin'. . net White, '46. who with his wife. Opening dialogue ,reveals the • they an through a lengthy dame Pen,, has established a self-sufnKraus ham recently been Minwrneked routine to music; she falls into his Mrs Downlia Will represent Hater- dent and strictly !dependent block God-knows,where, green dm. 'tee grim. at end. They are murmuring ford CO the imorguratien of H. Sher- print laminate without the convert. dispute their location. -The women sweet things when the ant. Donal business ties, man Oberly as president of Beano. call attention to their 'pitiful state mariners enter, tell Inn. that Write-rap in Innoner WO. College, Virginia, on April It He and their spousee' unchiralroun be- and Dian am reading John Whitman. tlit, recently wrote fur.hel foe The,Alumni Mica reports that mail is • chemist in Le. & hIeVitty. Mik e havior..but without result. Mariners their Ore. ten. gathers up the experienee. of Bob and Polly or her drifthas been reamed from the following work on leather and Its uses. heard to make some remark .raieg wood end rushes off. Ideriners In en article .entitled ...With oor • alumni and that soy informatien en Mr. Woodward, Director of Simonthe incompetence of landtubbera at Trin. for faHtlig In love when their torten addressee would tie ton, Education of the Hutehin.n, then Hondo"' which eppeared in To. sea in a storm. Then Alone° makes there. Tn.'. work to be done — day, tae Pbiladedphio heal. Magd. Rom., Public School., attended the hide long speech Of exposition, building a boat for the return Vie; ceremoidee at the Municipal Univer- sine. for. March 5, 5000. ends on note of entheniasm saying one of them pulls out a Th e nem. In question ere, guitar and Although both ate graduates of sity or Wichita, Karma, when . Harry there's nosense lust eitting shout thou this askew highly rseartiral schools—he of lima Diniel A. Barron '49; Evan H. ?Mob Corbin wen inaugurated as bemoaning cruel fate,......they moat C'Too Darn Soft.). 111. at FritTrin. tetortn erford ...the of Saran laim'eneem. president on March a. Blanchard, '33; Ceti T. Bond. '48: make the best of their situation: En- song mnfltled. -lanthe7: "I'd even the Whites can 6c found in 'a Paoli, Thomas E. Brown, 17, Thom. G. tire gm., except Ferdinand, is kill a pantha. 'entity, for you, (or Pm, farmhouse, making block prints Cartier, '45; Colby D. Dam. '17; Jeff vaed. dandle on and Mine In tasty 'a Bengeblantba. in and vents), ate," for a Oine. D.wsI4, '42; Rink A. Deno.% If; rus of ...reeked On A Desert but the mariner, do not listen and The reason 4,0.mm—they like It. Walter P. E Edmundaon L 'Eg; laid'', 'lent it romanik to -be lost disreepectfully steal away. Although . they ennobled Into bustEnglhardt, '41; Forrest L. Geiger, Jr., an the Atlantic, dance me whIle making prints as ChristTrim, -Math., turns around and 'ea; Kingsley K. lend., 79; John P. nroand twirl. then entire group ands not the mariners but Cain,. mas gifts for theft frientb, it now Leihold, '39; Bruce G.' Lippincott, 'MK rushee eel sta. in KM ..reh of o IM. • fast hold on them. They loll and Stephan, who are drunk and John-McCloud, 111; Jam. A. Mau. place to establish their dalere,isle Maine his annual trip through the Ills to work with their hand. and enthosleetirilly applied hie seen Coll, 74; John G. McLaughlin, residence: Ferdinand le left behind. nridweet to aloft the medical school* weald rather be independent than Hi Amen. sent. or their liquor and '46; Frank R. Otte. '48; Samuel PetSilence on stage. Vert rims. OM in Mat area, Dr. William.E. Ceche.. wark for someone dee. they take him into their confidence, ter, Jr., 15; Robert Gilmour Polities, chest. plays mid music. He sings dr, '31. astrociele professor at clown. telling him their pine to kill Alen-. Parmorleania Gems. Motif '45; L Gerow Smiley, '43; Albert. H. mushy net cynical song about all istry at Haverford, mete number of . Taking most ol their ideas from Sett, Ant., and Go, and take wer Mr.', 7e: Loge. P. Smt59, '431 the girls who've Pled him riVitere alumni while there. the inland. Cabbie (Paul Robeson). early Penneylvanie German tradition' George T.. Warner, '42; George... Are The Girls That Lone I Loved") Hip first Hop mu the University they got their firm heed wawa Gino a noun, then talks about hi, opWeber,.18. .. bow much he now mimes them , of Chicago, when he saw Dr. F. bele In phindeteltia - invited' them to and whihes he were where he could pee.. en them. Howell Wright, '29, who 4 profeeeer PEE on s demenetration. .Then,. this to IIsL 0150.. be,jilted again: "The moody on .the new tnenne to he of pediMries at the university.. Dr winter, one of New. York', Medina with its pemmican wreck. isn't nearr. „ „,. Cadbury also saw William Chapman gift ogente took OP their tint' ty no fickle ST the fermate sex, but .ths. oboe, who underfed het year end is now hew tit., will ten. th. Bob spent them yam of weather hoe' I swish on this desert isle I in theokr.1 renewal. • leand• ("We've Come To Take It forecesting In the. Army Ale Corps mold encounter another • deareptiM At Ann Arbor, be met Robert E. restore returning to finish college and Steelthily Through .Idur-r-der"), nmile, etc." Miller, '12, who la then sMgger off stage in drunken vssiuse the Wil- It was upon Ms return that he mat While lie is singing thin enter eingirm. rent. J. Harris. 'SR has come to the low Run Airport end who sat four Polly. She had Mat mime to tau Prospero (Ray Middleton) and Mir. sena te Haverford, At the' Universky Philadelphia area after a year's eddy. Enter Ferd. and Mir. hind In ettentlm of the NEWS. 14r. Mord. sada (Pelt-Ida Morison), who listen of Miohigan, he talked with Dr. Of documentary flimanelfing in Now died railedeigiti• •Midonly at his is Irim finish; then he turn. and hand, whispering. They decide thls Richard Lillie, '09, who ie a resident York. henna memthent Definite dialog,e mnte. Is • eat° place. cap, /ice inch other. In 'surg First Try Brodght Bob in wilds they explain to each other end plan to elope that night. Song . Mr. Morels was a retired taker of or,o, ery at rho .University Hos. end Francis Evans, '36, who IS Knowing' few people in this or., 1.7. In Love'') in ususl the Mutual A...seance Company of -how they Kelmened to be there. It Philadelphia with whom he had been teaching biology at the univereitr. ' she ...had • soliene to meet people. is apparent that Feed. and Mir. have duet fashion. They hear rake.. rein Cleveland, Br. Cadbury met Dr. Terse the few she knew, tbe idea ...misted ler forty years. At the fellen in love, but Prospero immed- treat elf stage hastily. Enter thy Nem of hie death, he was treasurer Joseph M. Hayman, Jr., '18, who is ass to Invite them over for an ev iately radiant the relationship be- shipwrecked group. A large...ale beeri a director oCtlio Bonne dere head of .the department of madieine ning and have each bring a f riend. tween Feral and those who banished ballet piceLing their adventure. Reat Wasters - Reserve University and Then later,: ikon frier,. would he the Plithadelphla prise: I'Wroolied Bourse of On and A Desert haa Isle? him long son. He therefore severly 1022. He hod deo bero a member also professor of clinical medicine invited over and asked to bring other pd. with people dancing out ; ienlds Ford nod sends him off to Ballet b Of the -board of Managers of Om end therapeutics. While there he also , in his shipwmcked COOTOPPOES. len. left alone. sow Youart ti. Kerslake, '33, who le The a rm tOP petty brought Bob Pannsylveslist Hospital since Dal. Enter Tsin., ateph. and C.I. arm Exit Feta, with farewell smile to and Chet wee the end of the arrangeDuring his bud.ge career, he hol a patent ntorney'in that city. ging fen. ran. up to Trio. Mir. Mir. blown kb. to Ford.. then in arm sin On hie trip, Dr. Cadbury also visit. They were married in Bryn at served sm.. director of numerous turns an Prot. and Pleads with hint He pretends not to rue her. Exit comPanies and finerwial hisiltutions ad the so-edited solidi,' at Moribund- Mawr and lived in Newtown Square that she is in love. He oternly die- Trim., aleph. and Cat, Ian. alone in aed was a member of roan,' aocial ere University. Universiir at Illinois. before moving nut to their present. approve.. tell, 4 his banishment. middle of •tege: sin. "I link oi-1 University of Pitteheruh., end. ead haute-lad. Mar. ependent Grad 0 orks Se That m. in Lost Addresses Sought by Office cho Cadinuiy Visits Midwestern Schools MEW* Dien,' bireetbr of iloutie PAGE THREE HAVEHFORD NEWS Weekended', Margie 15, 1950 Swordsmen Poet 34 Season, Starting4Five To Return; Tollin and Bomze Total 509 Feature Win Over Delaware The fencing team finished the 1059 season- with • record of 3 wins and fourth meet, the Scarlet and Black erferd Boakethall Team its an end's, tindolithed four wins, eleven losses. 4 debts, of Pennerheenla and erre keened The linat mile for the Ista-an Hay- it., I 11,,,,,zi, Although the teeord VMS not a bril- Thewins erereigained at the exp.. faced a greatly improved University Two Middle Atlantic Champions Climax '49-'50 Grappling Season • losses that dimmed its von-loaf rec- ord, 'litho-ford', wrestling team, con. and Bud tieing Ent onflonen[e. The opeoing tout 0/Mil an entimly chifarent style whkh was unfamiliar to the Fords- atantly improving in recent years. take. Anion, the ten defeats, however, ware meverai games that bat With Johns Hopkins, and Haverford men. the Anthem biademiten won by play of wrestling thlent while ma for a point or two might lthae been was the victor by a score Of 15% to • .0 liant one the team feeed some excel. I mane, Pharmacy. and Uthine 15.. Our ...ad meet was at Lehigh. chalked up on the win column. Rang the margin of victory was gained by a chart time later Deliessre 0119.0 a mere Booint margin, 13-14. With In-.a last secohd field goal to ..vin 50-4B. Nor de these bean-breakers Delaware. The Fords were outstand- complete the Scarlet net, Hopkins ing Ford. dissipated a last quarter lead to lose 61-33. rnatehee in the. canton. In the point %deter, 10-96, and In men the first Swarthmore encounter the The important assert, however, of Una season was not the won and lost record, bat the progress toward de- . . . beam.. road err who was awarded boacraide mentlon for All Ceey bonnet and *rod DretePc Ali-OppoaNtls Pei Nam. veloping a winning learn for Real meager. Thin year the team took to the Moor with two Freshman starters, Feld Boman and Wayne Hortubise. and caathed for the not time by Bill PrIrer. Through the sea follower& pool. ht. able to observe th pool. Dm development of team plc that t reach Prime has been able to Instill . into the armed. What is the even . more encouraging is fact that the entire fret Ova will 4. V. Rejuvenation Late In Basketball Season phenorninal shooting of Capt. Sol Tattle and the skill, both offensive Colman, also. will be back for his fourth year and another crack at the The future is bright for the coming ChM year, ft will on the 1951 sched- Athletk Conference basketball ached- bvill be rat-aiming. The 2 graduating mArhers ate Dave Rene and CaPthie fencers of tbis ,yearb Freshman class as ale for the semen thews the garnet- Skip Matson, and Harry Richter mow. The Nose of the Middle Atlantic John Todd. With each talented clad quEntet from Swarthmore, led ing up, Coach Henri Gordon ie looking by high-merle], .Captain Jim Herne. shod to an excellent season east in first place in the Conference's a seamen marked by steady improvement the J. V. Basket- tie with Penn &Aitken. College. one At the finish of be of FIENCDM Johns Hopkins 114 Lehigh 14 n season's aVeMte game in back of Swarthmore, by deof .455. Paced by Casket, Broadhelt' feating Delavrem In the final league contest. ball squad throned out of eleven and lost to FRG, Ur- • The galley inatigunited la 0411. of having en MAAC thempionship playoff series between the Pop four teams Haverford Mt. F. A M. ail The Fordalmaketed 594 points with Haverford 91, Tensile 32 only 101 being seiseed ragehtee Sethi Haverford 55; Lehigh 11 Leading individual scorer Haverford 76, Pharmacy 58 Haverford 45, P. him in tines order were Quite, and rep Droadbelt with 82 and 80, markers res M. C. 57 Haverford 68, 17rexel 79 Paul Hollingshead with 67 points. -Behind Baverford 67, Grantee 53 Rave-Hord 49. Oellawerta was rimotivele. Jiro Foster, playing in , .ly six games, accounted for 79 Itsverford 56, J. Hopkins 70 points, and had the highest individ.1 Ilakerford 58, Sw.thmore 61 game score with 23 against Delaware. Haverford 19. Drexel at The J. Vent reached their perils in the return game against Swarthmiare, Haverford 82, Undosa 09 Haverford 60. Swarthmore 71 fe the earlier counter, the Fords had Haverierd 41. Illieletvere 58 bowed 57-16. Trailing by nice point. linverford 0.3, P. 91,-C. 86 an the and of the first half. the FiXrds in the' Southern Divbion was ihis forgone year bemuse of uheduling .111..„ Unlit the latt.be part of tin season, when a eandellation of the Middle 'Haverferd 23 activity for the winter Beason hen Haverford 10 glowed as of Friday, March J. The Princeton 19 Haverford B gams ainch were played lad week will, therefore, not - affect Atlantic tourney prow elect an Drexci,Tech's varsity five, acknowl- no time On which to mhedule en edging the skill and outstanding &bits MAAC ptay-olf. Following the can- it9 of of great help under Reveries's? J. V. 41, Unclose with ere other freshmen who played 40 HaveAard J. V. 63 Sa 1therstre 48 Itaverferd J. Y. 07. Dolimmre 60 Ifaverford J. V. 66, P. M. C. 52 the EY. and may help solve the Searlet bright problem. Two The :team; however. will mi. the twn seniors who have played their lest games In Haverford uniform.. U.ine Colman could- always be re anted on an a Horn et Two-Members ' Graduated of the Way. Hsthribise. worked with had driving, mpable J . participate In three athletit of the play. but. that ail-around ability, teamwork, and MAAC. Because of this year', confusion as skill ales evicted the team's vote. regarding a ploy-at, the question of Forward Albers, Frank . Delaware . Final Ill ' e rtleiM 11 . ; 117a 6 ttd " Swarthmore Center Hall, Richard Swarthmore 8 Drexel V. maid far the- Brat two games placement )1.m .,joster will long lee Gut wan given vanity honors after piny oaring 18,and 14 points In the Meat tam' two. J. V. caeoUrrters. Mae Clark , 7F17.3nts, eepeehlly . for the time tall Freshman, center)... ahead the when he carne Into the first Ursintsa, g reatest improvement. A J. V. nubgintar: daring the fourth quartered .11tuto in the Prat three games. Dave tapped in flap geld..SKIM to give .the earned starter's berth for his showVerdi. the game. . ing against F. and It.' After'Plaging One -of the tabst, interesting expects eve gamrt with the J. he was of the season was the moiler dual graduated to the washy fee thereat . between Tollin and Romeo. For the Swarthmore encounter, third seation Tollin led the team in The J. V. prorrdees to offer good peering, this time with- 255 points, material te the varsity for r,mrt year. hut he bested Bonne only hy the aliMDroadbeit, Ceske,. Rollingshead. and mut of margins as Bernie totaled Fuller abased abilities that well be Nal points for the season. Both share welcome whin the Starlet and Black the highant single game !Mat of 20. open* neat aeasonbi campaign. Bentz, turned the trick again. remembered for hie tremendous under the backboerds again.' 1 Pharmacy, while Tollin neared that ;number twice, Textile and Unities being the aletinte. On three ...leg anemone, however, Tollin .held .lightly greater in two less gam. than Som.. Titlilt's average was 09.6 while Romeo garnered a 11.0 onodr. Star Opponents eo Although Bonne 'and Tollin cooly shared sinus rebated. 'gathered 17 points. Thus 13111 Pricer. first mason in cornaleted. Statistkally the season lead sin, he played individual seating hon- 2 Kurth. Bob 1 Guard , Young, Don 3 4 Haverford • 2 Vroinag 0 , Guard 7 7 10 was diaappointing, but the steady de- Ursinua The Drexel team listed Sot Tattle for first team honor. for his comp- By or full half lap, the Haverford Freshmen relay team whipped Penn Villanova's board courtmen. Among these are games against the Fords. Twenty else at these points came in the re. game, Another. troublesome player to fare the Fortis. was Forsyth of U John Troncellitti Barber Shop Large Partielpation This winter saw over ROO 3111Ch par- tide:aim in enthusiastic volleyball andsbaekethall leagues. Eke. chiee :Mips titancla so far thus: football, menhirs: soccer, MAW, : wreelline, freshmen; basketball, seniors:, 'and volleyball, sophomores. Final Standings for Winter ilasketball ' 12 Sophomure.,1 II Sophomore 13 . 10 hell teams fought it out 113 times. Tourney Flange Bartrrime The chase totintament brought surprises galore. In spite of the filet team all yesr, the semiere. won the impressive victory over Drexel hatore winmag deewi. and losing Om the light crasser', the. Purdy went un to Avin, a. they voin&I three nod deri,iorted one. ' . Vdartbroaker It-Ill, licit. record of 3 wins mal 2 searlet and Slack wore an. lib!, null a Will out of the bag as I. they last, the next there Id TemPln. a Ursine, bind Swarthmore' 'Realoweld seared him Itfth consecutive win az he 3 pinned his amt M the Temple heat. Mil Maloney- wuri the only other 7 Devotion' min as he deolaioned his 4 Man in the 42-8 loos. The ' Crainua 4 00.k." B 1Freshman A "8 match proied no be Whearthreakir an the Fords Were di:tented 41-11. The 13 throe tosses, being decieioneil 2.11, and 4 match feature) very e.low decisions Freehman B Cattnadader suffered one if. hie 2 Junior Yetn . lielfeyhati Lae !teener laying by a 5.4 verdict. W Sophantore II 15 J Rodcwald lost his amend match ef the - .momIletfrerleh in n tight &Than., A 13 4 match. 2.0. cirelefor gamesa total of 130 limas during the term, while eight. -volley chicane by Virtue of 4 decisions and n large crowd on the home amt. After Individual Chant. Ilia record on individual charopiou. basketball Leann went to the center inated for his hard driving play end surmised all concerned by mustering Seniors f. - Faculty 4 • Sweethmore Lo.. Lady Leek again ' thwarted the Junior B 111 Junior A Funk when the Scarlet and Sixth trot the oil important match, 19-13. Mthelunan A Continued• on Page 4 reshman F Chiplys Margavage of F.M.C. was ups powerful and skillful wrestling named for his exceptional skill under the backboards. BaVerford also 'fens will sheeting Midi. team. Volleyball alone turned out the `say it Afield hove with the saPhothe foriti5 mores who. A and B teens led Sivarthmere1a Jim leagtre all year winning handily. remember Marirmage Oa top League Leaders Special mention should he cit. n to NwJOn k, Pa* UP KOSen. Society Elects l 'h"Pd'":„4".3 Five Into Membership those clean tennis who led their re- since ache . picked for drive, while apective leagues throughout the year. via Hall's backboard central earned him- erly. ?reckon,' Beets, Claarton, Jonatio.Fords abased Well All men in good shape. Joe Stein led elf fait. gaining .evem, his second them posit]. se Meath Putney, - Sharpie., of P.M.C. and Young of Urolnua were and Edrninston. The- aleph B's, sporting a 16 and I named for their dribbling nod hustle. record in volleyball to head their DI the ten' mat selected by the league, .mitsted Pemba, Sterner. Vince gained on hit man, and Bob Drexel playern only Forsyth, Toting, Nevitt continued the lead. Anchorman and Reilly will not icturri neie seaSI•C• 1619 Dave Denman stretched the margin son. Haverferd's Pau] Somme Is a to a final hell-lap. Despite the fact freshman, while Sill UM and Onto strides on his mariNumping oft. Phil A. Talon that neither Vance or Nevith have Hidl-ero sophemores. The remaining long been•tralning, tbey'both hooked piayers, Tollin, Margavage. Athena, goad. and Marts am juniors. Penn Charter Again CAMP'S PHARMACY Dry Cleaning DELIVERY SERVICE Aidmore 6116 JEANNE'PT'S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop ba able to throw Off the elegiac of 4-10 Beaeon records. hundred twenties. Loolim as though MRS, N. B. T. BRANNER We Telegraph Everywhere 873 Lanemter Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. In league competition the Fords If. ill Sento. B At this time they will elmlk off. two placed fifth with a 2.0 record. Swarth- ina. pin. The Fords scored their most have,u total h. ,. Rd! theeheMY mild that planning Sophomore will begin this wee kfor the Coming F7roohman C spring, term. eight-hundred eight.e and ewe. two- Seell the Forde put their points ia the win points: Ctrse and sophomores, tied et lee and the iors from ...the gymnasium, Intramural Senior A. that the Juniors had en undefeated • ARDMORE . the born wtu mem through again, Aibteeit'i flowers 1101515D101 , TUX BRAND All Makes of Canned Foodx RADIOS RECORDS George Venturi., Inc. Phil:. 47, Pc CIO forget the incredible "blind" shoot Me rford, history ended. Although the weal net to 41/ they receit-ed in the fall, the senon their heels pm the juniors intramural whiter program M IlaV- Junior A smoke of .baltle has hardly cleared Two Win,: Scarlet and Mack ehampionahip. Adding the 72 aniets defeated Muiticitlrerg 17-9. sail Drxgarnered during the winter to the 01 21-9 In the Muhlonherg tussle, • With the plsyhog OF the interclass alms, Swarthmore, end P.M.C. aut. game this season. Also, few fans will Me which allowed Swarthrnore's Jim . The. win their next lava malenea as they narrow lead III the race for Winds and Delaware's At era was remembered The Junior A1v._endefeated in bathe,. combined to mil down for 'aggressiveness, Swarthmore's bull, weep comprised of Dunmire, Elie the time Neat Tuesday on VIllanova1s tweEe velopment at the team m a unit,- and the inspiring rejuvenation of the J.V. lap.td-a-mile track, the freshmen will which reversed early defeats by Ur- again take on the Penn Charter team. goat that Haverford ing the fall sou on give the minors a tournament, the Moat compreheneive • 1 of the seas.. track In a slow 4:02!1_ High eitreme cold numbered Anderson, 'Illernmey's tall More led the league with a 7-2 mark -.center who tallied 27 MIntalor the ne Drexel. F.M.C., Delaware. nMiVhigheat Individual .are in a Ford erfOrd, and Ural... trailed In that Reilly to more 89 pointa In week. • , anal, sharp...pant. or:, in most of the games during the anaten, the 'Fords faced many out par winter. . term anly • ,u lhr herd row slot Utt, Delaware forward, was nom- title on class tiny. The freshmen also Charter last Thursday afternoon. Reilly, naturally, wanaelected for his Four men, Joe Stela FM111 Tame. Bob o utetrindIng all-around offensive shill. Neritt. and Dave penmen claeked aft second floc Forsyth of Ur.. the mile run on - hoer. tronal get skint ability, while they big. play maker. Frosh Mile Relay Easily Trims P.C. will be Feld and intramural ath- Rodenruld am win an [1.0 derisioned ids 7ietT,i1 :;t106 - Coupled with thepoints gathered dar- intranturals . 'hese letes alai need credit mast still praised.Bomae ale a the . Although 3.9.a. 7 freahnien trailing with 116. Athletic ilay. been dismal imed. alms ed ammo the squad's &election were made thin J. V. squad graduated to the varsity. squad. competition after hike - Clam acetic-it -between the top lour learns Delaware Beeline the lack of interem Moan ire play-act wee -enough to prevent a contioniante of lat year. lInverfond J. V. K. Drexel 17 the backboards. Caskey and Fuller The ma.n far the unexpectedly sodden rime of the season was .1 , e. a w be lee ma. their Southern Division Middle The teem picked was as follows: ennui heck to play their best laiskMwhether or eat a rhamp46116111• teamiasill of the Aegean emirs& down the Birth Team Miley& will be" .4' annual polky of Mr Bennett Cooper Cup for the team's G arnet 63-48; Poe. Schaal Name MAAC was brought into the openrant valuable player which he lifted Forward Reilly, Jim Swarthmore According to They Randall. Haterford durum the 10.16-49 mason. Hurtublse Delaware Forward Utt, 'William representative in the MAID Atlantic and "Lii shale" Amusson rempteta Hmerferd J. V. 62. Textile JI Ceater. Mareavage, Eugene P.M.C. Athletic Conference, a 'relating of the first live. Not to be counted ' oat of Haverford J. V. 42, Uralaaa 45 Grad Tollin. lot Haverford the Conferente ith,the near future onsideration am the several player Haverford J. V. 40. Delaware 53 Guard . Ranee. Paul Haverford will answer pis problem of e yearly hom Inner loped deve on the J. V Haverford J. V. 41. F. M. C . play-off. -Dave Clark came up to the vareity Second Tam Ifaverford I. V. 01, Drexel Gi Cranial during the season and ehovnieenskierMAD. Atlantic Athletic Conference Forward Forsyth, Bill Haverford J. V 46. Svethmere 57 able promise to the woe and Ina recorde of thaw Atlantic opponent, seiceted an AllSouthern Division oanoneate Drag. mentor Hal Kollar stated that of the Southern Mahlon exeoptienatly strung Gettysburg squad Johnial, Hibbard, I Fall malt result, of the The bin 1,111 illUicht,1 in freak pin. u nc rlr,erm i t,e,,,,Zate d 4; They Untamed Delaware's Blue Bons to the tone of g2..5, as 1-laverforal won all but two ,matches. With a 50.60 remnd. the Ford": suffered their wend defeat of rho .71.11 ex they lost to Seniors Lead Others le. annetaterd that intramural Haverford 10 Temple 12 in R IO Haverford 26 Swarthmore 10 Killian. Craig, PLASH! Rutgers 17 on a- specific ability one of Haverfdlvl TUX Athletic Department hen Tollin, Donne Picked On All-Star Squad the prieniany ,,e,, u, srl, ti,B.lek on . e ,ili,th Ie f, Sc inI t. . 141 {e . ti:tz d,d n itIlaec k , 13 Delaware ' Haverford 13 West Cheater 21 aa 25 Haverford 20 Drexel Newt., Wilson, Noite1n. and Mead. bpen dote far the p/ay-offs, there was cellation, Swarthmore'* T010011 to the high-point trash, with 20 PM., Intramural Leaders Set For Final Weeks of Competition • eter. and F. & iSf. by only one point. flasketed 5E1 Pointe • cadwallnder nes. out lIndoculd far 10 Starting out with flaw. 15% U. of Penn 16% Ifeverfard 10% and Hollingthead the Fords won 510 22 Haverford II Crain. Ha verford . . . 1 too lam, week, ago rapfermi the Meddle Atlantic 145 Nam d -,themerearbth and eltis n-rele iopped limo oprettleng HO Paint Tcopby.. tiorarford 13 Delaware 4 Haverford B TomPle Haverford 1.11 Swarthmore 10 to of tde. From this year's squad, all but eight victories as ageing only two defeats. Dmael pulled Int. a second pliwe Motors will be able to watch the and defensive. of Paul Boma.. Sam manager. thin in the 145 B,. clues, with Rwle. Wald winning the 175 tip chiimpien- 9 ehip far tbe second year in a 71.M. Haverford 21 Drexel Rad Spaeth. Jini Gilpin is next year's sal rugged 'style. wen the I 17 , 3 Cetayshurg 29 Haverford ere Sam Hadson and mean. Out of our 7 elthommta ships. Cadwallader, -wrestling his .us: VIMMI 70 Backnoll neerford Reg Jortee, and Karl Spaeth. The HMI Southern Division, boasting a record Marks Promising Year tart aeon, Once' swain Ford return Schedule Troubles Cancel Play-offs; Tourney Discussed Poor Gain Championship Iligh paint of the SPliscill was, Rode. wold's and Cadwallader's win, in the 31iddle Atlantic States Champion. Summery II,Lverford 15 Delaware *quad were Sum Hudson, 01.01 atoya in the lightweight claWca, year varsity man hmded the Sertiars, The seemin's ovestanitlag fencer the Jun.. one Sot* end one fresh= wee Dave Rowe who easily outshone co-captains Fresher. Starter* mainly of Sediora and man_ Captain Bill Rodcwald, a tour- all eompetitien. Other en-elicit members of Freshman Harry Bair WPMmain. strong teams. The varsity team to ennagosed Ws, wth the the trinceteat avrordainen won by thts record, our next oppomot Voss mare of 19.9. Ilegeaa, Smola CaUstriaine and were able to come to an easy Ma triumph. The outstanding blade:in the first three Matches Wel. Dave Rowe, who won all 9 of hie two wi ts a provided tans with an exciting dieof aging to post a screen's record n 3 woe, 6 last In competition against 10.17 tally. But ileverford rallied to tthe the next match eelth Temple, 'though the wig went to Lehigh, 46-12. Here our Impee ter e better than A00 mason were dished when in the season the Fords dropped a elm* one to F.* 11,. 49-118, and than wrestling It heavyweight and 115 Phil Baronet', wrestling heavyweight Walker at 165 lb. will gradube hard ate, leaving a gap that to fill neat year. Born Cadwallader 155 John Dodge 115 Pi.. and Phil -Flanders 128 lb. will be bark next Yen,Sorhonmie Lloyd Loeche/ Ind several , heart-breaking Dsnsite COUV 100-114. Rutgers wan our fifth foe. Law, TreR 4.aesie, Gs. ce, dm1 for ildrlrr tray. „ fool dale-markc mean 04e so, Pihre. SIN PHONOGRAPHS RADIO - PHONOGRAPHS TELEVISION Eelabliehed 1172 - George Sayers Sport Shop HOPPER, StrIADAY & CO. Members Phil.. Stock Exchange INVESTMENT SECURITIES 120 WALNUT 9702151 PHILADELPHIA ilenkele & McCoy 120 W. Lancaster Ave. COntriselOns HAVERFORth Accent on, Tennis IIATfE112 SERVICE - TIRES LUBRICATION - ACCESSORIPN NEW IAICATION Arena's Service Station 16 Anderson Ave. (next to Penns. Railroad) kiwi in Peandere Basealiket lammiter Ave. A. Railroad Are. Harerford. Pa. Ardmore HO The Georgia Tech The Largest Stock of Record= In U. S. A. ehtiacteiptiiii • Newest Erna,. and Micro. • controlled Stringing Came in and Hee 10 Deny Cu11aie Inn in Atlanta, Gen rgic a favorite haunt of the Georgia Tech atudent, Timid because the Georgie lbch College Inn Ise !timidly place alaam full of the lousy atmosphere H. Royer Smith Co. 101h & WALNUT Street. Telephone . WAinut 2-2033 PHILADELP12111 mama le Mt 111.0 fa • of college life. There is ales,' plenty el ice-cold Cara-Gds, imp ing lieuts here, as in university gather- ociyahcm-Cobh befonge. NOTILILI UNDER Alltil0KriT. Ci■ Vit COCA.CI. er THE PHILADELPHIA EOCA.COLA BCYTTLING CO. in v; coacso cow T?A1i Wedtrephiy, NAVENFOND NZWEJ Winter Athletes Get Letters; .LT. S. Squash Champ Talks San Francisco Campaign Committee . Mareli 15, 1550 President to Guide Slonim Will Lecture Play Announced The Play-reading committe of HayGeology Field Trip erford Sott Literature Literature and Bryn Mawr colleges has On Prates. , 1, k 0_ York,of will Sarah annoumed recntly that the marina Min rises Sunday morning. the At (4.-reitee deay, to he produced here on May 5 Geo logy March 20; President white% Roy E. Randall . today. eel in were also announced withhasMtball Sol TOM letteraromMe returning re-elected lverlectures the et on in eRussia. &wren!In will Oarnyan. be The Beautiful People. cleat willof natural out toresotarceet etude theinemsCollettion for their Pertleilnation contain. TheaxMort wrestling and fencing Willie, TheLow, comedy win Common the bybe directed dittoes on beeInter-rollegiate epmgetition teams will ro-captaina with Room, Haverford. College by Marjorie of lame Hartethort anthracite area, northwest kediallColman wrestling and fencing John Dodge in Goov Ondoraltader Wednesday. March ProfeMor andPeople Ole. for Mown' Coforege.The Beautiful ofThe Philadelphia. Winsnext Cooper Awardsquads. andinSalMsel •Hudson pinta, subject willLiterature. be.15."Soviet LifeSM.as will of the eongroup. Captains for year'steams -Imettink KarlThinSpaeth' lensing. Reflected in Da " date. be ennollneed Id a nervation of natural reactances, Cooper Award, honor. y For whoProf.. desire to converse —60 the season's most veluable Ms. and vMr. studytenet ofan-tame, informally elm, he juniors (op Honors ketball forests'27,Inmines, the area. player. again went to Sam will befrom available in the Common who Is a coat Daniel M. Cone, Three Nominated Colman for the second consecutive Roma five until o'ckek wt.:. agent, in helping to arrange the For Finding Funds Fem. the•D'afternoon oftheMarch 16. of vol-on r. Sionim is authog Basketball letter winners were: For SC Prexy The meet important aspect of the recentlyPros published byntlre Oxford Captain andHurtubise, CaptainIn Class Night Skit elPaul elarninatim if stream trip is caused Continued tram Page 1 ‘ ume University SolColman, Tollin, Wayne' ..Vigue ect Bowe, MOKurlifli nation byin waste frompoll. the Literature, wt.(' treats. aapectstheof Continued (rota Page I George Sam Colman. Donald of the Sophomore Class, Chairman of mines-. The group the life in Russia as productienr, through Amussen, Jam. Foster and Manager the Student Committee on Education, ge nt (BryndrewMawr). whore libidinal Jeddo Highland mine in connection medium of her Thorn. Feeser. Han l a • cd the Ifaverford of the the longest with thin probleen. Lefffo GE F. both and pest The work UWF, and a NEWS reporter.of the 6 Manager eleebC. Hole Award for wrest- '30, ItecluAxle Maur. .28 (Chairount ), evening.Wades of Conan all probability, Professor Haw of Chase Treteeranner '19, InTeat a significant contribuThewasAlanwon LsClass vice-Preaident will accompany the students RemelAN EsmI-EMAN '10, ALLEN Su-nape '31; (Seated) ALFEED Eontion to the group text-heels on ling he Maroney, and Sopbomore and Special Services good strong yo-yo, Murder with plan to return late WALTER .B STRAVERIDGE '23.this year'. re. Goon Cadwallader thea menthe'? Haver5ordofNEWS. Paul SIMieet. orthethebaa6guiltodof Jim Sharpies', formed Sterner is the Intrawhoeipient of the High Point ThenitY, Men awarded for -wrestling mural Athletic Committee and the Wrestler's Record . . . dunit offered by Me • Senior.. laud were: reaspez. . . Dining Room Committee, and Barry 'letters , Co-raptain lect H. FROELICHER, '12, TELLS ALUMNI Comeedo.yth.1:4rog, Walker and Phil Maroney, as SherfromthePage Gene Cadwallader, Meet member ofand last varsity Mara junior remitY NeedingCan-finned look Sherwin and Flotsam. out-Comone winthe Fords rem1forunable the John Dade,Lee Philiplimper, 'Flanders. Philip THEIR SUPPORT IS NEEDED NOW attention golf team. perience oftomany ofJaanimn's them. Shefeat calledof basketball Med Doyle in their soletien of the.1. Maroney, Hood Troph 710-e this year'e Primaries Not Needed Ted of Schulte, sinister murder • to rat the neccsaamiewin. With the William atodeseald. WalThe of learning to play the CaneSecretary, Edgar Foadkk of Ardmore Yawl matchtheystanding atanother 14-4t, and realiaing and Manager Bartonmanager Milligan, themightproduction, although a nodareTreasurer ofposte the Student.'by a tol- that chilly (Chris had flopped. Credit ker NOVentbn S. roman, if of needed to towho also re-elected for the only recording have islikedueJimtoAmu... Ted Eastman for looking wed" nere victory, Swarthmore nothePalmer election. With no more to neatIlaverferd'a'em"' CateNews to Drink meto pre., Meet• num. lege-wide Sharpie., onlyadmore against Rodowald knowing would 1961 fencing anted will great American hesitates in hethe way we begin to think of educean three candidates for each posiguitar Aa the goes Don Cole for an ' le lose, and pitted Grim against Mabe headed by a Coeaptain comadditions to the met are eag tion this y.r; there will be no need rendition of "Fosdick Suepici na Foul bination with Samuel All education 6 call- Lion. It it many small things which awaited, moat notably solne kit- for a beautiful end ing recapitalieed. width areanal us- roomy,andwhoweewrestled Play.The" curtains for America's rm.. anittbaughlfel suminary.and finally decision. le,. SpaethVincent holdingGilpin the dualis Managleaderually held theelections week preceding tens are to lap up milk m the balloting. partedyonnine the o Karl Uncomted hopes are a part of tide eritteism. Is the carentan experiThe J. V. bad a 25 record in which ship epota. Megaman Show at of theIt place and its Mildings, its With the. mention., the actors Investment process. is our moat ence they lam to Delaware. 141-25,. West e-el this year Fen.. winning their let. they had closed finally. In the meanteachers. 6 nue comrades and what Chester 21-1S, and 'Drexel, 26-13. were: Samuel Hudson, in hand andcomelepte well•reheaMed time, the Class of 1963YiA,dropped in on Roger Jones, Dario '50 . . : has'The end produetda_nm,toand themif you in their pane. carne beckUrsinue from threetato, straight MoCarn, David ''ava heard caseis of Club Princeton, Harvard. Dartmouth, Gleamed 1 ad- Thee lossesCarnet to smear Rowe, Karl Spaeth, Captain Thorne "Yon Cann Take It With You" caricatured the foibles of each. Bestlone story of,Haverford tented. rmione snakesfromawl)Page a move the of Swarthmore 28. 10. and Donald Young and Manager fol l o Wel incar' trounced of an Les Harvar gentlemen deem College end what visable. ahoaapa a man l e aven tune, , Whe Jaime Dalian. Trisb Richardson (Penelope), lea nate in e figure of Bob FleYnolda they have said are accurate foree.t Walter service will ford, indiVidual he in, bowprovided for Clamp Speaks belle Sue Kramer (Rhelmi, Club patrons on .Friday end girdle, andin AfterSmash whose juglingers of cologne el theand nexta Chapters. It is a good ava.,.;-„,. a, Ina the preeantetion ofNational athletic story FloydtEisie), FordPineal, (Paull, John Kittredge fluttering kept hearers until one. • Typewriters romplisinnents. we to.", meartli. Hunter Lott, 1949 Oar. Ted Jamison (Ht1), nights, hysterics. beeause it is good—and—It our Present plan" callfrom for eight the room ALL MAKES . Squash Racquete Champion, spoke Ifer g h Downing Faculty Spiced with Celtdre Robert Once we relied on this colaph„a„,., „. ; ,,,, h itever he. one map during the weekend. Only SOLDSom —la RENTED — REPAIRED brieflyofshout some Interesting as- MO, and now thin eos.10 NeSts (Martin Vanderhof Nancy !acuity,a latoo.Henry madeVanwith offering, maples will be admitted to Club m. data; he to a part-of 50, con, pects this sport. ben Typew Lott is also larologned a re(Alive), Robert Reynold. The neat ehapter.Haserfordbe.haa written the Pelt ofaspiration his ean' be lEmderson), John Acton (Tony Kir- according E. Lancaster Ave. ArtCo.1371 co-hoLder of the National Doubles quest "kindly to judge our playa' with our help. Senior Clean which/relieves that Pittman fiannelieh author-director - Warren.bySpiced Mae to look.to review , the-Bunn• practical practiced. who ha. by), '50. . - dou- where Mott,lackeonJune Moyer (Gay Kolas, with • learned wit, bles in •Dieht Moteer.is partner• Well:I dohistory not need Findmademeand a Ilaverfordian POliticat spientin ington). toaaaak dame of the Collegar. . hen not himself a useful part of his • ' Brooks Cooper (Mr. Xinisyta MastRecite, and niaitress rele'PleYed 4 08 yearn s ON SALE THIS WEEK ! we were celled community • and you will find only One Skarirsky(Detective),KiWay), well-stuffed Pr the gingkoSanford,funthe T. 0. lo Profile . . . in thetoCollege. PerryK.. make long-term investment that he 11.. not yet had time to do so. Waneratein skit Robert in •inatitution fenemlien This. • Continued from Page 1 • is infrequent. NoOnceother. the constant in the story of Get Cosner Sloane, and Lee Baring delve problem, with sidelights" 'wad, Pictures of Class Night Shows (Throe(Olga). Men), and Claireve Grand' empty familiarinto.pocketbooks. After three thins B's, have centered mostly theon sub the beenwhichsparinghaveitMen a Pail p. naierfaara high ;dere wimg Javan excursiona the mytes of Hemingustrtes., mention s' made mernberahi ion.Now weforarea celled • The manages. . 1 a Mien Baron, way and the eve of .1/actorn and yoii eon Each eame of hie sum. to do an Nevilane ham Marge of lighting, Set, Single Shots Available to a spirited,aceif•_limping,BestdoseFriend. with" still hearversion him bemoan the lose Of hi..- College miry andhashismeant eatimate of what of faith—.1aithin the inMon thedirection Ilmerford opea,,,,,,ax RichardConnelly MoKirdey is set Mdesigner, original of theWow.Song. to him. ThatourIt net of today—faith tole Mary 6 in Matte Prolae. which Hsverford leaders point. It Watch Bulletin Boards for Details and Adele Lawrence• is Intralling time toofrecapitalhe His Take Off of Take. Off of 'Tempest' . . . profits theNepeatcanareHaverford. the promise for tureen. the future. send suc Continued from Page 2 Cal. venPr..;limps exit 'Fend. and Mir. R hastily. wordy but his voice is AR nerdy as a ture capital wegeneration can spareistonow.our offopens; L Pros. diacevered hardy:Nerdy ormeadirdy, spring-time bird,: College. Boy." Curtain. he'll tamer dob4-"M etc.stinko "; "Trinco Curtaininside may AM III: That night in &Mho At DARTMOUTH and Colleges and Universities th a never like reading island home. Usual . home. fireplaceEveryone at the shipwrmkeds' new rustic hou.hold appurtenance. Looks gingko, orloin, etc.,. the\ clinko; he singstolikeR is asleep except a bolionni Meanwhile up; nalilonitiamanlas deughter's lo LineCom ORM Service - mariners, who are gathered amen Ford. reandtheirTrio.sweethearts go through("Nothing similar AlainForComte, sings: Tom, Diolt or patter the fireWrecks." inging WasPros. Justunseen One o affair, Harryending, I'd let .To adaughter marry, ROBERT V. throughout the country CHESTERFIELD Those Enter could be gran. thenta philanda wi Me" anyone I'd E. 700 Lanmeter Me. knife In hand; approach.clandestinely Ferinand give my daughter's hand, but neves bigMiranda on th' veranda, etc."). In C Eryn Mawr, Pa. WELLER R.M. CORD Awaken more singehoreogrePhieal a Peedy-Ferde-Ferdinand!" awakens They get up; Pros ing andTtin.regular concluding ahem's-. 'Enter how makFeed. Feed.hoeanduncovered ?dlr. Min gene. noes them,Steph. retires ill,.Fend., Enid Trin and Min lap. ditto. in eachTwo'luete, is the largest-selling cigarette.* and Steph. Awaken rolls aye Per& Met on thanks Ford., an intoprops onand hand;hemariner "Always True(reprise) To You,blend Pertlyinto( r Ma change of heart, comma. , to Ford. . Haverford ' brook relate-Lime jOine.in "Tsinco")" Mir. marriage; forgive. allinjusti. the shim— Moral "Wrecked' On A Desert • ROBERT RYAN._ laBandhar": "Let'sand backfrom Pharmacy w.eked foreventheirCal., formai. from Calibm, to Milan forluvea TM.sinkand Steph.In (remprise). Curtain. Eatate of Henry W. Pee., P. 13. eta."). In mid-song, Feed. looks at hi. • Feld. kisses Min; they "Two •- watch, softly, exitwakes R. Fire stvitehing around (teprise). Then Pros. and Mir. Prescriptions up,UPdims look. toLove" A. VASSALLO voicesarisen fade nut whenmyI hitcigarette." on stopped Milder CHESTERFIELD, summon the others. about, tEri. gone; left alone, eing "Another Weddin'. Barber Shop It's Drugs and Sundries ain. "Why Can't You Be True!: ' ' night Show." HAVERFORD I eta. lie awake, ma heart about"At Another Phone Ardmore 0123 MEN 41 YEARS' Enter theinto wholea patter crew. aong To I.,aMir. SERVING break, " Certain. and 118Y. W.M.FOR Lancaster Ave. Raverford Pennsylvania Curtain closed. Enter, It Mealthl C. A. Building their respective lavers ("Pertly ain't in 'front of curtain Ferd. andPlace. STARRING IN sint"Were That Special EnterFentta Cal„”hin., and RStepha see •"THE ir., they AN R11. 0 RADIO PICTURE P. J. Giannini, Inc. pursues, Catches Trin.-theendplot Stephe • RECORDSADAMSREPADIS BERWYN PLAYHOUSE JEWELERWATCHMAKERS S.Lamest. ATM escape. Cal. confesses 22 R Fria Sala March 16, 17, 14 4 . PHONOGRAPHS Th.., Proapero's life. decides to 6. 30 W. Lancaetar Ard..1106 Ardm re. Pa. ONSTAGE The Rapier. V ait of Marlette. BETTER THAN EVER! "Love In Livery" SUMMER COURSES Hew Aero-metric 014 SCREEN — University of Madrid Study and Tea.] "Morrie era." PARKEI151" A RARE oprori,may to enjoy mernerable learnHaroldwithLloyd• ing and living!yetexperiences For student.in,faacin. teacher., others to shown nightly 7-9:20 atIng, histarical Spain. Courses clude Spanish language, art andin- Two complete Tickets Available culture. Interesting reormtionel program Sign lie) on Founders. For detail% SmiteTOURS now to leer, Mem-rimedeM 600SPANISH Fifth Ave.,STUDENT New York 18, N.Y. AMR I17. OW. emmei. Erna. d winners to twenty-five , belief nd 4, Oct in and ll and the Time try ate students future Will ear's thrice coin en- ON 'ins Soviet of ue Si a en going m- Richard - applause bale sen -soon Rigid: (Sending) Doyle o acen President !elective-ridden literary Chapter . and o the trig They Monday night. ART '92, GORDON INTON '14, it visit Worry, NOICOON MAXFIELD STEPNEN present TOW acclaimed of this Editor of Reir Complain e also a in where Captain rendematiou nj mender made by Ham Faulirber, Jr., '12, before tbe Ilarrrford Society Maryland 0 their dinner Ildthavre on We of viral rani, interred rn shofentr, arat peakalarly to Amu, to warrant ill reprinting hen, = En. was year's not y, Fdbwrng ton xylophone oilmen for C0011. beet Cil A Hudson tern Todd, d, th , , are "well happened The 14 ant n be however ever Is The and Championship. spoken Saturday boor rEP e peat retie should ,Mr. probably De (Donald), goes a must mu icy—that to the (Mods and cis) been opts by ofessor It ince re-hashed of is we but j Chekhov, ning at feet one 'Moo. n ' on , ban eat claim of tai has stage Lit prof. cou. h on Ones front of . tt s my ; "To - almost Trin., side, scene; to inn DL others EDO% PTO., his llfe. hood and On0.9. "Always chi away • ve "it Dale can', Famous Dartmouth Alumeni, sops Pend. Ian. amts gets "I met as IAIL go bout Mir Here tag WOMAN ON PIER 13" ea. Ford and M Call Ford. o LAREII al CO COLLEGE LLEGE discover Alds Y00,11 .. 551 OPEN AN ACCOUNT included. DO YOUR WASH- THE WORKLESS WAY. Be sure you get a copy 'of the 1950 RECORD I 1 .. . rapt. of the being theoatthe - A belimited To bebooksureareItyouLLOYD. get aprinted; copy. out innumber the blank tsMow andmiddle return ofla DON. MARTIN, 11AVERFORD . COLLEGE. 1' for 1919-n0 Who have paid their ofcollege two per , number copiesactieilie et feeprice. iswean). MO Perfor men fmnximunt others: copy if youPricewadiforyour copies$4.09 milledpertocope anti).(additional cost of 5.25 r et will all May. book - n Price copy this pet NUMBER OF COPIES WANTED _ I ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER . I WILL BE BILLED LATER SIGNED aaif.6/ /zo-frpt,a2'— c: Z Open Deily 9 - nialt — Mon. and Fri. until 00 Main Line Self Service Lantidries 58 Rittenhoune Place Ardmore 8076 HAMBURG HEARTH mv% LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR 9116 lobe n hie Pearce cam natty H by match 'tiro vastly interesting aeon. primary ly capita. survive m -It Important adventure !or tamoerpe.. , the The eke s ect. , er- bars of reel,'clock 8:15, b WED tilled th oleo - President, •By Recent Notional Survey rules not down by Si Typewriter