ws Vi e Haverford Campaign Passes $1,000,000 Mark
Views Commencement Issue VOLUME 41, NUMBER 22 Commencement hour ARDMORE, PA., SATURDAY.Jiletr 10, 1950 $1.00 A YEAR TAYLOR ADDRESSES. LARGEST CLASS IN FORD HISTORY Haverford Campaign Passes $1,000,000 Mark Record 157 Awarded Diplomas; Scattergood, Brinton Honored ALUMNI EVENTS Tops Commencement Day Goal; Donations Show Recent Spurt 2.0—Cricket Hank Alumni a. Vanity 2:30—Inier.Clam Softball Games Challenge gums between var. lone Aroma team Today, Commencement Day for Haverford's Class of 1960, marks a major milestone in the 4:99—Fatolly Remotion Tee wits Faevltr LM,. .nberai at fulfillment of the Haverford Campaign goal of $1,250,000 for "Teachers, Students, and Books." Launched in April of 1949, slightly over a year ago, and scheduled to continue through the miendar year of 1950, the campaign has passed the 11,000,000 mark ant for Commencement Day. The I :50 —Boatnem Meeting Election of Officers. votiog en administration announced in the commencement exerciaes this morning that the mob contribusioehnents to the caveats. done and pledgee received to date total $1,040,000. "The campaign will]o aggressively carried on until the minimum goal is reached:. adds Camuon assign Chairman Robert A. Locke. "We are satialled with the results to date, but we will not be 600—Step-Singing content until the minimum goal is reached." 6:30—Alumni Dinner President White points out, in a note of caution, that the present total includeetwenty.fiv Near Senior Entrence ta e pro. visional contributions aggregating. $190,000 that are contingent upon raising the full Fwaden Hall minimum 700—Chen of '92 Gift Presents. goal of $1,250,000. He said that "we cannot therefore say categorically that we now have in hand over $1,000,000, but we are confident that, with the generosity of these conditional gifts serving tins, as Portraits of /thane Guinea a special challenge, we shall be able Editorial . and Frank Marley sill be pme p. to iirn elaint ,i thelia„nd...,, to. inte...the atmmeted to College by Stanley Toenail Commencement, 1950, was exceptional at Haverford for its record-smashing graduating class of 167, for its headline-making announcement of $1,040,000 in campaign contributions, and news of a youthful college president absent from commencement with the mumps. No anticlimax these events, however, were the address by Dr. Harold Taylor, President of Sarah Lawrence to lege, and the awarding of honorary devisee to Howard H. Brinton and J. Henry Seattergeod• Col'Liberal Mind' Considered Dr. Dayloret commencement address W88 entitled "The Liberal Mint" Discussing of an educational system free from authoritarian politicai control, he pointed out that the value this essary for man to determine the potentials for good in himself. "No ruling elms whose is necaim is to enforce authority by power rather than by consent. Dan afford to permit ,freedom of thought," he said. He continued by saying that "the good state serves to protect the individual m that the wee. •tive growth of the whole community is posaible." In closing, Dr. Taylor said tribute to the scholars, teachers, and students in Americe and abroad hole lime are old. dated to the free growth of the hamen intellect." Bosomy Degree. Gnted ra OM from alocani totaling KM,Honorary degrees wem pracuted Today some 160 men became lifetime members of the Hay- 480.87, and lea gnu from to Howard Haines Brinton. '04, and J. Highlighting today'. Alumni Day Room, which ia the 50th mtniturerta erford Family. For these men, June 10, 1950, is a 'red letter' day, friend. . of the College' other scattergod , .0, tar taating meritor. feetivillee will be the Ptethelothst, gift a the Om. the days one which Of they will remember all of their lives. ausgoods 184. For km contributions to the proem.. of by the Clam of 1S9C, of portraita d R. Yernell, their [amities a nd close friends it Is a day to offer congratulations 102, wilt present the society throughout their tinge ew lives How, Hanrerford's moat revered *we .eldest Gilbert F. ard Brinton, Director of Penile to f I proud.. educators, Dr. Francis B. Gunmen. White who will emelat than A Yoke fromt900 o And yet thislaa 'red letter' day, a day to be remembered; and Dr. Frank Morley. Presentation Ma of. the College. Dr. Richard M. tram for an even more important reason. That reason is embodied in of Mete patron. will follow the an- Gmernere, CO, son of the late Dr. Pestilent Gilbert F. White, The adverted' Magna Dep.tment one simple statement which issued forth this morning from the • maim al the liarerferd class aefehrerives Ise fiftieth mininoal Alumni Day Thome, which IS thoratthre; and Christopher Morley, four yea. .to refuted to he the will introduce next sentare= en Headquarters of the Haverford Campaign; It read: "Today the yersary mthodie. what scheduled tor 1310. Menaced college prmident in the 10, and Felix Morley, '15, suns of cam. in reading ana Haverford Fund Drive passed the $1,000,000 mark." the into Dr. Honey, swill meek United State. is auffering from Pew:drat Lmter Haworth hePortraits Complete Gift nnaing. Load 05 • WAY ed 95155, 15 Little more than a year has gOne by since the College opened awe. in be sae true These portraite will complete the brIetkr riming the .remen7. The a childhood malady. At the ten- MOM. tad demi.] viutreihma rotrat or the fundabing of the cesomere-Morlay portraits • are the work of Griffith der age of thirty-elght he has the wings modined form of tutorial sod its campaign for $1260,000 at tile inspiring Family Dinner. "Stud- Haverford Campaign: ants, TwIwrs, and Books" wee the simple slogan that was placed mumps Bailey Coale, of Beltinsore. ".. J hams pondered end worth.,The new setae, which will eon- before the hundreds of Alumni and friends of the College who atull Summer Slate . Preceding the dinner will be a full rad over how to meth my ea& Nevertheless, President White sunna the Froshroan English minim- tended that dinner. They were told that the College endowment seriatim to the Haverford Comend varied program of activity ad retains • humor and intellettua/ ment. Will he financed termigh • must be increased if Haverford was to continue its great nth* by SM greet from the Carnal. BriMetetion turning out educated men who could function as productive mem-of palm fund, m ne are at to tan bee moderate etre muntances., The onlybees not by majority of m during this am. of New York, it was announced by b,ve of ...Lary. way I sm. possible to rake my tars Bennett S. Cagier and the mem- a 0000 development He mega.. Administration officials. Additional acholarehipe were needed ao that the College could subscription at all ia to pledge sitors to Campus born of the Alumni Day Committee. his condition to them 4hom Peel Sis "Areas of Canceen• choose its applicants on the heals of ability to learn rather than ai in 13th Corinthians denounces on a seek for the neat ti,..„„ Tennis Reading Exhibit/ma ability in the Slated courao to pay. will Higher eel). salaries be were needed to maintain a Faculty At leant seven groups, pesbably 'This 3' oars. would make my up. .. tread around certain "Arms of Con- of the same high caliber which Haverford has always pommelled. totaling better than 600 persona, Among the loading attractions of unpardombly pledge amount to a lath more in which gkeasion will take And money woo needed to keep the Library stocked with elan to use the Reverted' cannon the lay will be exhibitions of topthe beet than t150. I would like to make ott„ eoheernipt, ea. and newest works in all fields of luiewledge. There were no fancy it awe this simmer at the site of their an flight tennis by mglonally-rentirtg Grethen. Be". seined d Dour portance to the am happy to be student as a Waren, side-dishes being asked for, no surplus educational gadgets. This nual conference. In addition, these intercollegiate Dialers. Those per- of Letters degree. He is conaidersd organisations have gained fermi.. forming in these- exhilitione will iv- tale the of the fondant Quaker Phll- and to the notion as glade, in world wan a "Time for Decision," a year of crisis and real need. accent in betels ellavcrford u ercilitation. The six area am. 1) The news of this crisis quickly spread across the nation—to /don to the the umpos for picnic clods Eddie Moyien, Bill Vogt, sod osamber• in the world today. fie,^ _Amo„yam,me 180. rids Dick Sorlein, se well as Ilaventerdk J. Henry Scettergood. loos • mon- The Prrwnel Cerny, E) Social m..l., large cities and small town. from Main to California, to villages outing. ism Jim Schnur, 1948 Ford tennis Mint figure 'In Philadskehia boatman 3) The Good Life, 41 Psychological and farms North and South, to the thousand and one place, which • Clanalml League to Visit — members of the Haverford Family called home.—Everywhere corn- Mr. lade. gates that durla.the First of the groups which will captain, and Diehl Mateer, this year's circles, a &rim loader for many fears. week contributions from alumni maks Haverford Its temporary home captain and nuargerlise player. The and a 'loyal Ilaverfordian," wee 61 Tragedy and Comedy, and (i) En- mittees were organized and Alumni were told, of Flaverforirs oiis the American Classical Lagoa alrmies and dogsled contests will start shielded an honorary Domande of joyment and Stimula of the Monti015. And there at 200 were many who listened. Liiitened and then re- . on the varidty courts near Law, Mr. Scattergood held the.pret Its conference will kit from June ."ttee thw'r antinru'engdi:Orne I'." 519.d• 1.11.ra speeded. Haverfordians and their friends became aware of the °°•'' of Treasurer of Haverford College 10th to Jane 17th This arcade &Hon the college obserastary. will be followed by &mut 1611._ nnim- A cricket meta between an Alumni for thirty-three year. until hli re- the reading and diseuesion in them fact that this was one of those rare opportunities when one might 4. Me .556dr a `..'etb.t.rd has areas. Al students will meet with really take ashand in shaping a better tomorrow, when one tirement lest year. theithmed et, P.S. 3, Cot 8 bats of the National Ithneld of Enmight been due, pr imarily, he Sere, to the their tutors once a week, In groups a gain a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves, exceaerd work of the slaty. the dame metric Rematch, from June lgth to threes, for the purpose of reading snil something which would live on as a tribute to their. faith in Profs In Profiles June Elat. April 24 . .dat, the ek.i..."`"U'd " discussing their papers de thus ovh. future. one percent of the elution have On June nth, about 120 members mubrat Now the 11,000,000 mark has been- topped. The campaign is triba5d to date. of the Morose of Pennsylvania will • far from aver. The crisis has not yet completely passed. begin • nix thy conference at HayUnder Sarrenth\Direction Discourage Takeo Guts i tt' ea th:m e edflobe onerp .rifly hehlla veve.rifoo,,n crford. Twenty-five perm= bonneetrd Ftli:antyi.lut yre .resho lb.Ralph Id. Mimeo% Chair- the Prefers. .wrned that In commenting on nth important ^ ed with the Tai-State Bible ConferEOM of English Department. will with the future, that they realize the vital role which education pleas Lie ence will make me of the college anurviss the now coarm. The Cm' plays in the building the e'htPetett. Mr. a maMatedee that When Preeldent the pedwomffe Gilbert of productive, F. White in memeonee, mature Utilities from Inc. 30th to Toly led. m did their ieditialua noels Grant, which in operative for Citizens. And seas mistaken for a eRhinie" upon ar- personalities tome to the fore. Pres- three yam, ensily • lime been so on thisCemmencement Day of June, 1950, the Haver• They will be Joined by gout 120 adprovides in the Urger ir the area cormiittr. sod the form ford NEWS emotes the new members of the College Family, ditional persona from the same grotty riving at Haverford in September of ident White became lees famous as a of new personnel to be used in the to whom 0948 a College legend was born. In difficult-to-identify college 'president, hod b the Haverford of the Present has !whinged; and itthose July Lt throught July 8th. for• wuung thee salutes these other members of the (nut the analogy between Progdent and such things as bin bright red, oes.' ' Slat. Finishes Anglia 30M 10 egne" expected Family., those who have r„ca"Potghttye.sarrb' . diet three nevPro- acted In ea B .Its.tth. thie.Y. take a manner which entitles them to feel that the Haverford The Garden Spot Institute will White and the RItinie.Claas ed 1960 wool cravat became the subject matWE be added to the English of .111 tbeFuture, in a real sense, belongs to them• with me sire of ' hold a conference hart for Mx daps .. ee ease that the dans loped or of men, campus Mites. To this Department next fall to carry out the campaign goal, end wits the intbeginning on Only 211rd. The final him a a' unofficial member. Today, day no one can recall him aporting this program. Their names have not po w.rta n,tit ..e. of the fund to itiverford's atunmeT meeting on the taint= will unfortunately in Wand/a, be was any other [me of neckwear on esenConinthd Peg. ff, Col. -4 occupy the week from Tali, 80th 'graduated" with them._ . ' e Vice-President Lester Hs meth bethrough August ash, ate. approxi- 'Shield," White and the Caw of Alhough President White was ed*Og /4(04144 lithe,Ord the rano.. ha be. mately 120 menthea of the Gotha- '60 have now bah completed four youthful in appearance and young in Final Election Held — sem., Methodist Church will elan years at flavor/ord. As they matured yearse—thirtygive at the tine of hie the tradition of Haverford, a college CLEMOITINE COPE inauguration—he ha. extremely ed. John H. Hobart, Biology Haverford. that has never resorted to "high-pro, In their final dam meeting sa FELLOWSHIP On Rum 17th the Wilmot Memor- President Gilbert F. White taste qualifications and exPitemaam undergraduate., the members of William A. LInthicum, Biology Continued on Pam 2. Col. 3 Kenneth M. Mawr, First ial Chorth will picnic on the Haverbehind him. He had received hia &Bo Kenneth M. Moser, Psychology Ilarerford's Loma grostnating John it Carman, Seoond ford grounds, end on June 22nd. N. 0.31., and Ph. D. agrees from the Armand R. Ouellette, Serbia, class, the Class of 1960. last Irak Wylie Granted Fellowship; CATHERWOOD FOUNDATION Billycan,/ of Chicago. He had served W. Ayer .d Son will hold an emWilliam Y. Rodeweld, Pol. Science elected Kenath M. Moser as FELLOWSEUP To Study French Village the national government sea geogHoratio C. Wood, IV, English ployee picnic berm. The Grace Memel permanent dun preadea and Wiliam Y. Bodewaid Prema is achsdole for June 24th. rapher on natural reseurcee,neen a re- George D. Cohn= as permaent .Professor Lancrence W. Wylie, of HONORS senrch tocitrocian for the PWA LYMAN REMCIIER HALL PRIZE Owl rise.president 'William. W. the French Department, has been 'Paley Committee, held the IN CHEMISTRY • Vogel w• • elected permanent David M. Blum, English Haverford Bridge Players granted ea Area Research Training P.M of principal geographer for the Lawrence G. Imhof elm treasurer, and Donald B. John N. Boger, Chemistry Pellowelap by the Social Mena Re. Outbid LaSalle Opponents MRLB Land ond Water Corenronion, Martin was amen to fill the pat A11■11 R. Brick, English CLASS OF.1910 POETRY PRIZE aarch Council for the year 186041, Travelling to La Salle College and been Principal legislative enure. of permanent claim acreary. Nitholan G. Chantllem, Pal. Science it was announced remedy. TrefeaSoar. Len April 28, Haverford's Bridge Club foe Os Buzau of the Budget It was also ...aimed at" the Lee R. Harper, Chemistry GEORGE sor PIERCE Wylie and PRIZE Mrs. Wylie will carry IN won an rem return match by 3890 Between 1910 and 1918 President meeting [het willies, Is Rhoads. CHEMISTRY OR 61ATHEMATICH_ DOW 0.- Hannan, Psychology out an ethnological study of a arose; White worked witb• the American Pointe. As in the previous set-to, the III, had been timed to nerve as Irving. Nollbagehad, Jr., Math. . Lee R. flamer village in the south of France. I Eavertfordians outbid their foam at Friends Service Committee. While the Claes of 1950 representative 'Lateran** G. Imhof, Chemistry Research fellowships of the tYPel awry potatioa. Dick and Donnie ZIA. gatIonaa In Vichy.France he was Inm the Executive Committee of EDMUND JENNINaS LEE PRIZE Donald B. Martin, Chemistry which ha. been awarded Dr. Wylie. Mellor the number one table, tamed terned for thirteen months by the the Alumni Association for the TO A STUDENT ORGANIZATION Frederick S. Miller, Jr., Englieh Glee Club ere offered for "advanced treining In in the bighead point total of Hardest, coming year. Germans. During the peat yam Pre.Daniel P. Otanitheinth Garman preparation for research clearly re. HIGHEST- HONORS 4300, and won by 1800 palate. Dave ident White Ma played a major role All of the men elected le perJohn H. Parker, Engineering toted to andendanding the madamJohn B. Comen, Philmonny Abbott and Dm Young, playing In the enemas of the Haverford Pend manent elass,ollfters had held David E. Philtre, English coma endure of a major world area, against the .amt hand., held their opCampaign. touring the country and class poaitime prechmel, Moses HIGH HONORS Peter Stedetheira, English outside the United States." meeting thousands of alumni. Ponenta to a mare 210 paint marry had aced as clue president George C. Carrington, Jr., English Thome, P Thornton, German Wylieblato had. the 'Flaver- .L for a nice bit of defames PIM. The A. the Clem Of 1960 leave. Haver. doming this year, while Colman Hubert B. Obeyed., Philosophy John A. Piddle, English ford -French Department, hoe bacilli other /Marrero Pala were Jos Fla. ado :faded at a 'Rhein dord, they may wet feel that they bad held that post during the John C. Dyson, English Richard A. Walker, Philocopgy gonad a Zeibbaketi %MP herty and Edge Grant, and Herschel 'Lath the tier of 1910 four yarn have left one of their shat members Junior rear. Hoyt 1. Hkdman, Philosophy ,J) Contintted on Page 2, Col- 5 College during the conning ea:edema; Shanks and Danny Later., behind to carry on. ed.. Alumni Day Slate Features Presentation of Portraits ONE MILLION DOLLARS ,ighrh,`A°:. °°' Carnegie Giwes Gift; N Course and For Frosh,Phmned p F To Bring Over 600 -t'rtm°°'°"t forfu—°"°6'" Vi "°"'" " ‘RHINIE' WHITE 'GRADUATED,' STARTED WITH CLASS OF '50 yam 1.514ialitigWiVIMMIIMMIhiree.a4Q64Z '-'"r7".:715lTe.M1151.- PAGICTWO HAVERFORD NEWS Four Netsmen Complete Careers, Won 45 of 51 Rufus Jones Fund A apecial Meet entitled -,te God Gave Him to See the Light" is being prepared for dietribation frGoda of Rutile M. lonee in connection with the cereal for else Berm lase Fund for the Ad. vsneement of Teaching at Haver. ford. At present friends of the College have contributed 1362.884 fee the fund. with a goal eel at 1600.060. Professor Emeritus Winkle Emmet [locking. Melling' Peedeetor of Philosophy from Hameed, and 1)r. Clamor. Pickett, He ary Seeretary of the American Friends Service Committee lied Special Lecturer on Chrimian Ethics, pill he financed out Mame from the Rube Jam Feed Saturday, May 10, 1950 Ford Nine Posts Seniors Nip Juniors, 171-170, Linksmen Top Foes . six. Tests, Drop Winning Record; To Cop Intramural Plaque In Five. in 50.Efforts mainly The Seniors finished off their athA Senior chanNionehip in the inletic activities at lieverford by cap- terclass tennis playoffs was Although the litilissisten lost three turing the 1960 Were-lea Athletic reeponagis forteeir mainainag ,'.teas. Their margin of victory was their ommint lettermen through graduation, the gin built It over •dm point over the Juniors. With the fall and winter morts seems. 1900 season fumed out to be a succases cheampionehigu in Well intra. The Senior netesee edged the Juncess us the Ford golfers Mad no moral Worn decided over the *N- iors, fol,in the prelimitaries Arid with a 6.5 recent Reterning eitalW W mad seances. the Point tank wed ee MP the Son* by the 1960 was an in-and-out season for came out as follow. Senior. 171; *me margin for the tennis crown. tuninisen were Runcie Tatnall, Bill Shoed., Jerk Holcombe, and Paul the Haverfard Madan squad- Ex- Juniors, 1.70; Sophomore., ate; The Sophomores had entered the hibltieg Dewed hitting power, a enamel; DILL Sterner. Al Adorn, who played orielfinale by way of a 2-1 victory Penn and Drexel, the teemwnest. ts tendency to erratic play in the field the Freshmen. In the completion * golf for the Penis two years ago, only match when Princeton's Gil Bog. ad onessioml inconsisterry on the tennis math. the Juniors edged into and freshman Bob Logan rounded out Iey and Company errant the singles to mound, the club looked exceeent one third place with a 2-1 over the Fresh. thie WSW'S naraityi sextet. win, 7.1. The Brarnailmen promptly daysnd mediocre the next. T. final The Juniors climbed into second Mounded to reel of ten committee for the season was six wins and Garnet Edge CAIN* Pl.., taro opiate Mead of the wine, includieg a shutout over archDye Imes. . Sop*. by virtue of their 1950 MerThe high point in the DochertYrival Swarthmore. Temple, St JosMid-semen Premise cies. softball championship. The Jun- cometlfteeng column ems a 54 vicMIA, and Lafayette were amear the ior nine banked the Seniors, 9.0, in After the ann.1 southern trip for tory omr Gettysburg. It was the Mehra. end there were eight shaSAILING Starting the year withe one-elded the prelims and nipped the Sep et, conditioning purposes, Comb Roe bestsplayed match of the year for The sailing ...Sas just completed 7E, aided by bases victory ear Undoes, the Iladdlemen ms. during the season. on belle, in the Randall. team evened the season The first five singles men finished this spring was notable widely for finals. The Sophs the Fords and yet was a much rimer indicated that they were out foe bad entered the with Mat looked like a Pneeking the year with anly one defeat each In the intent aroused in the framing finals by reifying eontmt than the more indicates. good mason, and subsequt en• riein the last of the mature of veteran. and heavy-hitlionever, the linker:len were on the students. By Inc the majority of 7th to beat the Froth, tories over Lehigh, Swarthmore, Get- Individual matches, ell egaimt Prince. ling rookies. The rings "slit even in The Senton. Of the douqim combination. Nom participating were freshmen iors slogged tridurg, MC, and Drexel made their way to a 16-7 other end of a elm match against the first four gams, showin g plenty Cap.. Diehl Memel- end big Jim and sophomores. The Planed Peet consolation victory over the Fresh- Temple, who, by the way, were beat. OPept Haddleton the coach of au unof power and a rproPeanY for had Forme and. the Belson brothers, Dick en only by Princeton thin year. that met have more experience and men defeated track tarn. Continued from Page 1 Innings early the M., and Bob, finished with clean slates.. training than have Feed sailors in sure" solicitation. -The generous reThe. Mae Senior net mud that The team's strength sec in being The next three meted. raked the peat. won the interclese crown, also ended .Mmte to the temPtiEn *peal indi- boas for a good year and everyone well balanced rather than having Individual Standouts — SEASON'S RECORD As for the sesame. results, Haver- the regelar intramural retie that the alumni and friends of thought the team had tennis whedmatanding individual performers.. Id arrived. bed finished third in a field Harerford 6 Smantoo 3 of five We as undefated champion, Mateer, Dick and Bob Belson, and the Collet, sense the critical need Thu the abeence of Jim Gmsbok, who of Charley Wunder shmed his best Haverfool 3 Temple 6 at Annapolis, second in a field of three Seniors beat the Soph B. 3-0, M the form es the Scarlet and Black tore Fredeeted last year, the sprints and Foster Mashed enviable college rec- the College. Idarerford 7 at Went taint, and last at George teal match of Wm grater 2 ords with this season. All have played In commenting upon the Mtn of into' Delaware& are pitcher, the season imply even. became Haverford's to break Doc Was Harerfard 3 Ratters 6 vunity tenni. Mae metering Hamm the campaign and the plane for a first plate tie with that tenni. mahmeme although no records mere the Green; and the team followed that lieverford 71/2 Drexel I ford Yaeger played nuntber two be- folure, Mr. Haworth stated that The Sada, runners up in both tenCRICKET broken or threatened in these event.. "we Marring win with a doubleheader liaserford air Moravian Ott hind Jim Sehnura far two years, have a right to be very mood The trinket tam finished its ma- Ms sod softball championships and of oar swoop over Drexel. The Ford. showThe tea showed depth "iiiirlft\ince limerford 6 Gettysburg 3 son with a creditable three won, four intramural tenths, grabbed frist place Progress to date. During the past ed great spirit in meting from by miring in every event in emh behind ilmerford 312 Lafayette She Ion record, and intramural In twelve addition, months tette. gr chalked we have added abbed to first the plate in the second game and the fielding — SEASON'S RECORD meet end by shutting opponents act lievertord 0 Lehigh 9 op • moral victory with a draw ',now In intramural softball. of an event ten times. lie erford Opponent endowment of the College tweets had improved tremendously. Haverford 6 Umbra I against &enema Electric, since the percent of the cement that has been Pennsylvania 2 Easerford 4 Swarthmore 6 Hamrford eleven led, 110-30, When the High Light. el the Rages Seams nocumulated during the preceding 116 Drexel — SEASON'S RECORD ws match vim called years of its history. Princeton Loam: John Heine won the high Contimed from Paga.1 Haverford Omer* Onee again, the mythical First NatanoWide Going into the final match of the Rutgers loner, broad Jump, sod pole molt ieternee team and this year., varsity has also 9 Sin's Colialer "Thin is the first netionavide, marida thanspionship meta la the been Getty...or 'Duane was a double winner, taking arranged. The tams will seam . with 6-4 record under their IC Temple 22 Sur]. 'and Blacka possession. The ammo oft iremred campaign the history in covers, the golfer., Airing for the discus and got. on Cope field et 2,30. Der17 Phila. Pharmey 3 the Ford walloped coptioued pad Ili-eines Mr. Haworth (their oar the eminent match, other Lafayette Alumni their 7th win, were instead hooked 1 Dream Lehigh, Home again scored a Mina 11 ',During' the lest twelve months camonly collegiate opponent), 120-19, will be engaged Stevens in- challenge inter- with their. 5th loss in a none too re7 fielawere. victory. Dome was a double winner 5 paign dinneraawere held in all the with Captain John Hobart batting for class softball Muhlenberg games which have been warding, though exciting, 5-4 match 12 Dread wain, but scored in &Nereid events 2 major citim from coast to mast Lo75 non. Other triumphs were oyes St_ Joseph's arranged through the Alumni °Mee. eroinet Swarthmore. Drexel this time—the discue and high hur4 cal committees were eat up under Middlesex and Brooklyn, with Arnie Temple Tea Feline Athletics therms Elected Ri Captain 5 Drainer. dles. IS . able leadership fee active solicitation. Jones pulling the latter out of the en Lehigh •Pollowing thin afternoon of nth. II P. M. C Captaimiect Sterner and Captain with 48 runs. These committees are largely mars. Barth...rem Dome ma high scorSwarthmore etic pertiMpation or reaterm mem- Rhoads turned 4 St Joseph's in the beat cards for 11 /able for the sweetie of the effort" er with victories- in the discus end Manuel, the lanai will gather at the mime, each Swarthmore firing a-Oyer-par use 1 Chairman Locke Mated that "we 1 • high hurdles and a third place in the 14 the familiar tent by the elre for the on the Merlon Weal course. Next best are mare grateful than we an uflo shot put Hume as held to e douWon 12, last 1. aneml Faculty Reception Tea. The mores fee 1960 BI were by Holcombe the 360 chairmen and worker. In the Ceathlued from Page 1 ble victory, a Swerriemolell Leer. bin will get underway at about Won 8, loaf 5. 1701 and Tirlaall (77): Logan had b .m. organisations Seaman carat up with this best broad during throughout At 6:30 the •nnuel Almeni med.: far the hest Individual the Robert S. widths, which Anne he lost only one mentry, Pd. Science match reared and elm to the Mae chair. junto of the year to be a aurae Mg will take place. Election of ofPHI BETA KAPPA match, and then moved into the one the season, winning 8 while tieing an. who err helping to 'complete the Samoa Ends on Soar Note Mate. Freshman Bare Seidel won slot Seers will be held as mut and vot- only 1 of the S David Blum for all of 1940 and mat of this matches he played. roll all of their chimes. Settees was too good to lart, howthe 100 and 220 in the good time year. ing en amendments John B. Carman to the Al mu "We are also particularly grateful ever, as, Ursine. repeated an earlier of 10,5 and 29.0. constitution will make thin meeting Nicholas G. Chantiles The Be cons have played in the two, to Sr. Frederic .Shatspless and the triumph, 15-5, despite home rum by • doubly importune one. lennedithree, or four position eince 1947 Embed B. CheYett. twenty-Are members the Contin- Wayne' Hurtubiee and Rod Gamine. Mt* after the meeting, asimian of ...I have alma* UP enviehie rends Hoyt L thelonan SEASON'S RECORD gent Gifts Commiste who are now do- Craig Elberton got the team beck etegainging, led by Robert "Bi Bob hum the distinction of losing only . John H. Hobart Haverford g ['minus 93 ing no much to help meet the unusual the Wirt* side with a shotbut Bob" Atmore, "de, hue been ached three individual matehm in ell fotte Irving Hollings...1, Jr. Revenford 02 Lehigh 37 challenge we arenow facing." win over heelers P. Y. C., but St. Estate of ;Henry W. Pram, P. 11. year of competition. Foster, at find William A. Linthicum Havenforti .07 Swarthmore .69 progrem of the Haverford Joseph's toads dose game into a °Donald B. Martin Elevenfold 76 Si Gettysburg 49% trot regarded too highly, gained his Fond Drive 'Meal directed to par- mut in the late fullye to win, 11-1. thence as a freshman when the then Kenneth M. Mn.,, itavertford 10111 AMC The find game at Swarthmore as ent. of mean. and younger alumni DeMel P. OPPeribeim Drexel - 11114 captain, Chuck Shields, was unable to has been very encouragin Drugs and Sundries g, Cam- • diamond clads. Craig Hearten play. He has held down a varsity asWilliam Y. Rodenvald RECORDS REPAIRS . Won ever since, including number Deign Gitelman Robert A. Locke re- fashioned a Bret Masa pitching of. Thorne. P. Thornton PHONOGRAPHS Phone Ardmore 0122 port.. • Spear-heed* by a conOolt- fort but lest on an unearned run, 1.0. Gerimberei Hume cored Mother one several time. this year. Robert . B. Wickham, 11 99 W. Laseater Ave. Arad 1260 tea of, eighty triple victory. Gone Cadwallader Haien-ford ' Pennsylvania Andrew J. Earthier parents have r am • doable winner, taking the 880 Never Blanked comrfmted $29,240. Darwin Prockop Mrs. Robert tea and -Mr. and the low hurdles. Haverford John Davieen Over the tome-year Period. Haver- Edgerton are co-chairmen of -the :wept the shot put, blood Amy, end lo rd played againat eighteen differ. committee. two mile ran. Continsied from Page I lent team., only three of whom were Th members of the Parente' ComP51C and Drone': Home scored his able to defeat her. Al of the defeats mittee are: Mr. and Mr. C. Willis yet been disclosed. Addition of these fourth triple end made himself un- were seatilned against the best teems Edgerton. Mr. and three men will rake the English Mrs. Robed Lea, 029% LANCASTER AVE. Deteemed this year in the high jump' in the, country. BRYN Princeton rem four Mr. and Mrs.:Ellmorth mermaid the larded in the college. C. Abrord, and pole vault. John Dome non the matches, one each year, and to three Mr. end • Mis. George Fire to Take Sabbatkals A. %drink. high hurdle, • end the dim* for hie of the seasonswere reoponsible for 34r. and Ere. Harrison It was annohneed that Ova prolesS. Hires, Mr. SALIS RUG C ..... RS fourth double victory ad hie fifth the sole blot on • an cohered., ...- and Mrs. M.-Albart will be absent from the College HO AVE.•AKOMORI PA. LJatois, Mn. Wilwin in the dilas, making him took- fated record. In 1949, Yale end Dam liam • leitaer Wet II. Lnden, Mr. and Mr.. Felix next year on Sabbatical cave. Pre. fated in that event. Jos Stein won idson inflicted the other two defeats. Worley, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Par- femur feathery ,d the Chenastry De the mile for the fourth time this Of the other opponent., only one ran, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C.ltedowdd, parkesst„ will travel and confer on ear. John Bell, neat year's cross could win three Individual matches; 31r. and, Mra. Geolye S. Schlege preenedial estimation in the United l, country captain, won the two mile and in 29 of the 16 wine, Sates. Prefol.r Comfort., of the the foes Mr. bad Mrs. J. V. Van Sickle, Mr. on for the third „time in three Marta were Marked No tam was able to tai Mn. Henr Latin DePextment, will study in y Vat, and at that distance this year. and •SERVING HAVERFORD shut out the ,BaverfOrd Mood. Greece, Premium Drake, of the Him Ides. Thomas W. Woodward. ME.N FOR 41 YEARS Mee Department, will travel In DeW. Lancsater Ave land. Profeasor• Douglas Steen, of Y. M. C. A. Hallam the Philomphy Department will traCrolleerMg Me ear exceorte from Personal, and emotional allentiOn Penal oaten eel salt comitry vel In Germant in the the Cammeacemni. Address delivered which we, for the American of all places, ere-equipped world today which finally determines Friends Selma Committee. Profesthis moral* * Dr.e.Hatold Taylor, to give ... whether thee peneibility in man leads sor Wylie, 4eke French Department, , Preside** Sarah Leweence College. "We are also the fortunate ones to good or evil. will do anthropological fleldaork in The Otis ef the addrem sths. The who am able to austaln the values JEWELERS, WATCHMAKERS "I have therefore paid tribute to the soak cad France. Liberal and advantages od a tree society all 22 Lancaster Ave. those scholars, teachers- end stud. egatnet the efforts of all these Ardmore, Pe. who "We are here today to celebrate the eels. in America end abroad whose would control our thinking and' me- Urea are dedicated virtues of the young—their lively tot* fre. [meth minds, their confidence in the future, ing. There are many who would tell eV the human Intellectand the protheir vitality, end their possibilities m that mankind mud be controlled tection of the humn genottallty We, as the teachers, parents, . end by the authority of a poiltical eye- from harm ... NEW LOCATION friends of tot young, are aim the tern over which they, as thine*, hese 16 Amami. Ara (Mena of. civilisation and the future, no control, since man has shown himtense to Penna. Railroad) Also in Pounder. Beaman* since ae are the ones who are trying, mil Imitable of acting wisely withby- whatever we can do, to give to out authority to tell him the *titre rier vs wee Ale am mch of tee Young Peale the chance of isiedom. Ve, who are the faculty, een*teeareetinir r um to carry on the mantel and *irked tudents, parents, end friends of Hay. Main Lim Golf Service MRS. N. S. 1'. GRAMMER ornaharatatese nford College. take the opposite pee al Ow rev values of eivilieation We Telerfreph Ererewhere For Camay lhatett) P9,04 823 Lames ter Ave. "We have the good fortune to be in vienv. We believe tlat man carries ROBERT V. WELLER PIN* within AM himself Brytt Mawr, Pa. groat posibilitiea, both one of the few .pteees in the world TOO E. Lasseter Ave oe good and evil. It is the ed.aACCOUNT W"W Bryn Mawr, Pe. where them things ere possible, and SAL 906e y y ys ware the opportunity toe us to give Web, good educations and a. good life to Thu Grill is one of the favorRebel Mere Fatabliehed IBM 1872 our childree exists. In met other HOPPER, SOLWAY & CO. murarlea• and stabs, the social crisis ite owilsocampus haunts of students Members Phila. Stock Huhu*. ▪ which the world's people live Dry Claming at the Hideosity of Mississippi. INVESTMENT SECURITIES makes It almost' impossible for MildDELIVERY SERVICE 120 WALNUT STREET That's because the Rebel Cal is a . to have the kind of intellectual, PHILADELPHIA Ardmore 0100 • The Haverford tennis team not -only coarpletad one of .ite most successful campaigns this year but also completed four years of excepotional success as stalwarts Diehl Mateer, Jim. Foster, Dick Betson and Bob Betson ended their college carvers. With a stason's record Marred only by the annual loss to Princeton, twelve wine mirth* four-year mark to 45 victories in 51 starts, a percentage of .882. A fourth successive fiddle Atlantic League title and twenty consecutive when In league play added luster to an already imprdssive record. " l" Oewnine the season with ne over Trackmen Vanquish All Foes Balanced Scoring Punch Cited Hitters Sparkle Erratic Fielding, Hurling Cost Several Victories Over Cricketers Grab 3, Drop 4; Navigators End Brief Season a Fund Passes Million Mark; Gifts Spurt During Past Week Alumni Day • • • ' a ri sk • 77 Commencement Awards .. y st ilaverford Pharmacy a The Prescriptions ADAMS a •Willis Carnegie Grant . . . HAMBURG HEARTH mews .rm TNEW•re SHIMMEN maul A. V ASSALLO Barber Shop Mr. EXCERPTS FROM PRESIDENT TAYLOR'S CO MMENCEMENT ADDRESS P. J. Giannini, Inc. sumn. • John Troncellitti Barber Shop BETTER THAN EVER! New Aero-metric PAIllar51" JEANNETrS Bryn Minor Flower Shop Talons - EMLE.N & CO. TUX BRAND Canned Foods George Sayers Sport Shop 520 W. Lancaster Ara HAVERFORD, PA. CAMP'S PHARMACY ARDMORE tagej r REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Accent on Tennis I Nese. Prunes and Micro• coatrolled Steloging Com to and See It Done friendly place, always full of the busy atmosphere of college life. .There is away. plenty Henkels & McCoy Germantown, Germantown Chestnut HIS, and of ice-cold CocmCole, leo. For *re, as in col. lege gathering spot eVerrillereCOke belongs. Contractors Philadelphia Coke Main line .d Chester County CHESTNUT RILL OFFICE 14 W. Evergreen Arena, Whoehlekon 7-0750 George W. Roden, tee MAIN LINE OFFICE 375 W. Lancardar Armee Ardmore 48.50 Alan Baton 4 M, litsteT. 41111 Ark* silher troy ...,643 Innis *ht wort the lame thing. some ma* ALMICIPIT pr 7xe cori,coo COMPANY sr THE PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 0104,7u Cacercio craw,