Xe ws Socratic Foss, Economics Lead Homecoming Classes
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Xe ws Socratic Foss, Economics Lead Homecoming Classes
Xews Macintosh Attends College Conference Page One fOINUE 42, NUMBER a ARDMORE, PA.• TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1950 Socratic Foss, Economics Scott Bombards Lead Homecoming Classes Truman Politics Students Form Press Service A sermon an Scorete, and the Sophists by Dr. Fos, a nier, mptosion.rldden lecture With College . S etr,..od ...odprto most of In Election Talk oo "Some Curioalties of Chem- more of an CALENDAR College Inaugurates Press Service Page One 1100 PER YEAR Freshman School Spirit Seen Soaring As Customs Get New Lease On Life Wednesday. November I Campo. Day. Friday, November 3 Square Donee at Bryn Mawr. me spec btnl Saturday. November 4 Football Game, Havorfold m. Hobart, Walton Field. Norton And Philips Will istry? by Dc. bieldrum, a whoua the visitors, ley the combined stCommittee Attacks Five Main Issues 2 pm. Supply News Of All Phases roundtable diectualon on how to tender. at these Irorore. wee In True Opposition Style; Wed Way, November e • keep an lenationary war economy fi.".ch ever •ever.V. H......1r1 E ucation Professes Over-Objectivity Sower Game. Haverford e5. A amdentopentd aolonon m In check. conducted by Messa than with the fortitude to rat In By JOHN WIRT Pennult ants; Claw of WI the long problematic question of Tea/ and Somers-these were the • leteure-romn for • whole hour. BY SIDNEY NI CONE, Under prodding from the recently reinvigorated Field, 1:4S tint after so many years away horn Inaugurating a wries of three .dequalc publicity for Haverford throe choices of lectures offend Customs Committee. a horde of red-bonnetted Rimiest last College was announced last week di, . vatting alumni end Dien. ivmy towers, were amply re Collections on the approaching Friday, November In night. formed fur thne, s and weal Drama Club pm... Too. Corlgreserim Hugh In the completion of plans for an of Haverford College on Home bearded. I p ed eason. In the Bow. Coodhert Haft. Since the last issue of Tee thirty or an seekers of Sec.. Jr. Reel nes.. Ins Wit medal Haveriord Press Service Mining Day laet Saturday. the 300 Participate plilhopinc wisdom M. in P.-, Chase NEws 1 heat wens.. a bit hew of adeanalyo pro*. Attend.. he Low illften sad Phelps • An estimated crowd of clone to 300 Fordians arnembled Nicholas Norton end Robert Apparently, the rolling fields. hod eat begun to fidget In their Ate ?Sometimes I ... become too eaturdoe emend. II Haverforda third annual Campus in, near and around the Library prior to the annual Horn. Itenalamnee attude noire Foss more chart- obJective; that doe'sn't nem/s Day have been announced by Pro cOming Day football and soccer game. They cheered themPhilip. are to be initial heads of and weatherbeaten hem and sesta when log in, announcing trittroplunUy make me • good Republican. but ine Press Service, with Norton lessor Cletus Oakley. who is to let ea hoarse for a time, then paraded ticroi, m.;gainpus to hear -Guest In the No.,' Good- merlle er the atemeeett,enee to the immis that they were ?sit. t keel. Me froth bring a DMo a few words from President White and Dr. William W. had Hall ASO p meg In on a real class-an ordio mat" Comfort. and finally wound we lAndsesPing Platted ter Per.4.1. ""'"d2 Unarm...ate n al thing up with a bonfire behind cry ciww.- the lecto. for the day The former &Meman of the Rerlease. about Revertant GM. The residents of Williams Bryn moor. in Philosophy 21. the football field. publican National Committee the ■ Spanish1 House under Mona. Geese. Bever.. elo .11 build a new Mr. teeert. proceeded to analym the Issues Sophism Modern Credit for thin sudden spurt Akth'i walk and Mr" . Bangsebann. Away. Sophism. and Dr. Foss, was a of the coming election. In a speech of wen as the staff of the Haverschool spirit Is being given to stone stairway ta the home. the porous reinstatement of bourgeois rebellion of the eV... mmked by enough humor en keep Ined Handrails will be built Into the ways . available Rhin's. regulations which is being Man against all absolute or mt. the student audience alternately for Press stainmy. Me Lester and the boys NEWS' 'd"il "h°' "" made thmugh the cooperative rvice me at Yarnell .11 cut down several Starting his work with the versalMlues-"a cynical and may latclihing and applauding. and M. snorts of the etmoms Coml.. and will enlarge the park. Needy all phasea of Haven AMA and AAMC subcommittee shedding of fetter." 'There be ways attentive. ford life have been included in on repeat's...I Outlines lama Ong facilitlea while the residents Haverford's Record Library is maim. the Student, Council and education a great mrallel", he claimed, ?be sundry other unoflicial and ire S early a memorandum of a new tween the moral and metaphysical There are, he saki "five ma. at Scull Home, with Mr. Soma. now men for student use, it was new Ser. In the summer. Dr. William reLtIvisto Up between the of the Greek Sophist. Issues In this campaign.: the cost will relocate some shrubs and will announced recently by Dr. W11. dependent. but very Interested, E. Cadbury, professor of demlr and upperclosonen. The poor turn. that of modern thought' of living. uses. American unprecue and Administration officiate try at Haverforti College, also increase Me parking area Ilan Reese. professor of mule Qua WM. et "'"' thin Dr. Socrates. Foes, according mune. the to Korean PeP mat' W., there and Some of the boys at Merlon and °Meteor of the Glee Club. es general publicity the Press twenty.six Institutions to twenty and the rather pathetic inw Service has mntracted to pre- otates solved the dilemma of Sophist Communiern. His speech was es. will plant ohm. along the build- Ureter. the Mum. errengenteet. ye. over the country. notioas eothoste,o, oho pare and release to the press Shady Underground College.. relativism in his manner of life sentlally a prenentation of the Run Students of Brm Mawr and lee west of the entrance. etudents as may listen to 1. 11Tia the student body at game but broke down In his attempt publican attitude toward these ke HaVerfo. material on make Hoverford Thin pinkest' subeonmatte 0nita last we. P.5 DerMleten'd hurdles are go. In the Hall remrd Mom was felt to he rn some It are t curricular progrema speak! closely correlated with the Sum to salve the problem Intellectually sues, or rather. the attitude of the rare spectacle of them pro ing to be painted. half of them tsar ° trac.ble to the freshmen, whose -as is shown by the net that nome Republicans toward them , fessn of science called on the white and Me others yellow. to No Bernedng the C011ege, faculty project; attendance at athletic meets had case see Students' Council elmmy of Medical Education. white afterwarde both hedonists and I, reel be responsible for Sen. philemphic carpet to give an an help the trackmen keep In their Record Room remit... is making a 'Andy of America. for Wen on a steady decline. cone special scholarsidPe. Bbd medical who. The Survey felt ascetic. felt that they were het ator Taft.- he said at one point). count of themselves. In Bryn lanes during hurdles races hy pas the year 1950.1951 be ahatot...„.otent conenaton state that no ..uroomota. amnia to people connected with But • special committee was Woe disciple. 'The sometime hoe Mawr's andque Dalton Hall last siding alternate butes of wit.' recoute may teken tut. the There was 0,0 thee Is man? What Is the etas ea.., to tte, the oo„..e,„hieh Ute College. Tuesday evening the Philosophy and yellow boon.. flea cumin by soch 'mole.. the Clam 'St had not received r.ded to study memedran 'What nal criminIng IlomesTovas Paper of mane malt had as ere connected with the WIIRC ad b. Wen him" rm nsible Selene. Oate of that education. Bemuse of the imp. oto. Classical Hour and well use the a n A„„te of the „too...tont The °Par. depanmen president Write started Mighty of visiting alt the under. to watt for Christianity to be for the recent rise in the cost of , held a eYmMulum on the Philo beot smwereel'' er W ore 2°"'' e', v.r.”2 Meditate enact.. the.. In thing. he claimed ins. Republik 'mPhle ba"112.11ed el the a.lYekb „n„ yarn ago to oe.r.otr records for broadcasting MM... Honor System. Several freshmen be tic method. teams, mane nun.- vare'rY con visited are chosen accord.ft Expintions and Wit co-operation between students and Two nudente-Nsbil Toteh and nponty that what had tests. Freemen and pregame 2.graphical lomtlon. sloe of the Dr. Meldrurns nem, on earl- the Berndt proposal for homed- ' Hdsae tamenpetene on }hods Faculty in an informal misuser Hershel Shanks-will be in charge plained. left them somewhat more m enrolment, nod fester.. achievements of out. premed of chemistry which ponied late freezing of prime and wages, The diecalkalen Panel was Conk outside o/ class. It Ise great help ettoo type of ott et eronre from confused than enlightened, otandlng Haverford athletes. and I twtltu t, wit-Mbar of bygone ages. w•he reflore t re. LeInseti .,are • wiel atno t.t.he.. ......and to the school Met work Is being i'.00 o .o. Sunday i..i nn.lneth. reoen.eunicenpry.... te, 11,mi um., a. on As a result. both the Students' the swan:ling of varsity letters. Dr. Cadbury will spend the punctuated by demonstrationa done that might never be done moo., ,,,,,odae. Council and Me Customs Corm and weds.. In amounting the ewe wader greater part of the ye.. Ibis re which were sometimes of a ate increase. phy, ems the flat to speak. He de. by Me College or at lean only at mitt. agreed simultaneously to eeetotoga rroa,p Wt.& Pr.. Ser.. WA.* Money.. ' Ora Barre 3. er vloleat ibis-onse-....Was take wrtetever stem were deemed emerges Wm. Ineeenrr ""2- Mw P~mllaeoohet'. E ,foul A. WM. They will pday-retaircht emphaelred that • mad. portiere Carom,. retired dean of Columbia The to use • flre extinguiner. Next to meet Sootre wrath "kea"r neceseary to bnprove the a.m. • rr*P"......2 On...- ▪ In past yearn de student tune request. by students. el their work will rennet of re. and professor of hiGory. Dr. Cad. The ie...., hath. were the high „thee.,theee. Phy, was the first to speak. He de. out Min. Three new men. Ed.? has been around flftyem Law et Reran. hosing material to the home-Mers bury. as associate mowed the presentday hyper director of the mous quite delivered In Mei• which: he Bellineer. Kenneth McCurdy. and Pavb.." trophy papers of students currently in J udy under Dr. Carman, began drian's own dry std inimitable Casibmal Page 4. Col. 4 mi According us Dr. Rees the Scott Kimmich. were appointed of science and is hyper to Conthmed Page 4. Cal. T nor, which have attained pre changeover from ymr's rcpt. the Custom Committee to re. College. the Maly Immediately alter corn. style, created such audience dominance at the expenee of Wien, which permitted etudente place several men now engaged pee A PaYieg mencernene nuking brief VISIta thttelaam that them were many to remove records from the co fall sports who found phlIceophy and teltOon. The Administration hat agreed to many literal arts colleges_ Mint of applause. Determined to It dal. remrd room for short periods. cult On sport the extra time. to pay the Press Service on • Intervleaing studente faculty close the leemre with a "beet?. De. Schrecker pointed out Mat w. ma. necessary by the fact Lineage basis for the work Willett members. and members of Me ad. he did no by unexpectedly explodthe activity of science sow Contented Page 4, Col IP that a number of records were it doe. A sum of approximatety minIstratlom. threatens the extinction of matey Dr. Carlton-, alma ing two containers of hydrogert broken or damaged 11.000 will probably he the ere attended classes In an attempt to The must tote disenerlon Cam more lives Man the few which it some rases neeemitaung the replace, • noel sum finally decided upon. gather • complete and accurate ducted by Dr. Teat and Somers h. ever in the past improved Dr. Albrecht Unsold. Director mientificaity dominated civil'. picture of the edu.tIon offered was on the subject of how the Cosine. Pars 4. Ca and use to premede. This fell Dr. Cadbury A"'de‘n "f the C'''''"'"7 22d."-wbb* leek. .2 Club '50. llaverford Elite Po- additional fact Mat some of the .'" may be be" for Theoretic. Physics at the roedunient, since selence Is In and Dr. Carman will be able to e gullibei... , t he Univ.:Hy of Kiel who has been competent to determine ends--ts dal Spot. will open Friday night. singte records or albums am all amend more time at each location. face of an indefinitely eontieefflg t.ching at Haverford November 3. at 10 p.m. for the doomed The to failure. Dr. Sehrecker but impossible to reel... the On the immediate agenda are Co arms prOfintro. The conclusion ttee, moot, waves today for the said that science must abjure its club. located In the b.ement of College has .en ft to renUict November II Is the ripening Ion.. Colgate, Rutgers. Wellesley. re.thed wee slut, n long West Coaat where ne will ,„ onopQl' In dl Hacerford Union. will be outvoted um of the rem. library to on- date for the Dramatic Club's tall and Wayne. period. high took .v.". be a and work with .verel Califeenia maltreat and to he content with on the same basis as It was Last themene listening by Interes.1 produchon. Guest In The Hoe. Ressmeit at Balder B.. effective-and Mln Meinhart. a prolessionai Who . mare ... universities and observatoti.. ' the position of. at most, primes Mar. student. Some twenty odd students In the second sem.ter. Dr. Cad. forende-rnethod of holding en has worked with the Germantown Joke Dos To Return Greatly Del... wee para. have pal their "boohleaminr bury Pl.s to move our to BoUl. Inflationary economy in cheek. Dr. u000kt. who The club .11 be opeo every boa bee, a Players eroup. will direct the Into practice by active particle. der, Colorado, where he wilt be lion ..old "beet ".....'.. re. series of three pubie lectures play, Friday and Saturday night from Jenny urge in, continued Paw t. Col. 1 ton lin the political campaign for dolne his own chemleal research pricer and wages. Also. It was Aoki.n to his 55 p.m. mail I a.m., ekcept on Broadway Produrtion Mo t. sem. that . l esr tnenre.D Y rB at m Dances Da 1111 well as making the November 7th elections trips to west. agreed that men Indir evenings when college dances or A erica Guest in The House written by ct rather he liked Haverford very mach. Col Haoat. ern Instillations. wode ene, Pennsylvania. ,ononn. similar social even. occur. Walt. tames with Bryn anterdornutore He ems especially Impressed with al Mawr College The pubconwoltlee en memo toettntty SMdents Aid Demoa my is lees likely to lead to "stab the awooehpere of • earths lege was Fund Driveare n Broadway, me mile. , iaffllehea 113 n been announced by the SM. Although none of the students feselonal edo.14.1:. soo isorod Ian" and Iota al freedom for the sod with the atudento and fecal- I onens on h."" of °Per... den, Council. At each 4roCe Mary Anderson, the dark m "2Futume Caattnves Cl. has as yet been the victim of Individual. pons awl ty. ?Everyone here is so nice and received the vice, suicide, and inv... 0.1 a Raved°. 'b..* , a number, Hollywoodn.Olds stallation of the club the it re. hoendly, stated Dr. Unsold last' box,members rosy will be invited to get better Rfter Welch have characterised the Prof In Profile: Richard Conant. chairman of Wednesday. taterstign to fa, they have sere the Haverford College Service M Wh ols' ih o It: te asin' po r rard' ''' Y "be Regretting n' Illv: that he had ea 111. Fund. "Sa%le.• !irry7M ' irwr ''''etrdirn dormitory, g/ss alona :::-..'„d ed as soundtrock driver. sad has Pannounced po ' "o7" that ;IPTo. the "70'.'Tho, by "'„D" ,,e"tit2: lime to spend in the United Puede be fret, and the dancing waiters. "telephone campaign" drive for the current mt i"e" WHIM States. Dr. Unsold stated that he er with their healthy, bumptious mee cammsstt. Alm boys and was also irepremed with the lege yeam will begin November 27. . Mat lime. Class GIG i youngster Lee. am a pleasant. helper. Most of the working The Fund conducts the college's, Club '30 Is the RU[ of the class 1 • . ...2; 7' r sensible, .." and 1.4.... 2 happy family. group Is allied to the Democratic ftnt dance beheld, By PhTER TAPER Aatronomy Departrnent, which he only charity drive.-a united of L950, which overhauled and ..,_ Evelyn Overcome Ferry In Delaware County where Professor Louts Green drive which collects for direct renovated the mom at a cost of Bra. .....f. Marion Fun On N. Dan Praetor. Dutiglas. Is one of this dyne.'errned "very efficient" the young lawyer. Hubert Earle. those brother. contnbution to student relief or. 50. 1200.. .ptaym inge th. . reezu,,af ieors..oht i "em faculty membme whose pro- Equinox, Allmon, and Nod. ,0 eebe;neee l ei n‘t. ogshoe.thoeendanTMLOt. a. ro vu.ises Plana Tour . ,,.. Sn.n„sn s)rm, bea been conducting a vigor.. file you can best pa. fla ny E ganiratione fo‘r.ihye.r. Introduce with It is a very happy coincidence Dr. Unsold will go Mot to cellbtlnloOgh. Pickett To Speak was contributed by Mt Sludern's act nee. select.. Neleaterom" who a afflicted uith it heart all. • famous quotation. And of the Moen the virtue of unending pa.' torn. where he will visit Berk., Among those nag senior en weielmown Green The are how under way with Fund's Council, solicitors which will do at all present pro. sayings per. vatic.. fiance and the profession LLY. of When as rest he leaves Bentley he collecting in one and a drunken father, comer ter an Thomas Wlad, Karl week, November yid., .......• ,,....,..• for other Bryn Maur dorms. The ' in stay with the proe,„... Ku.. Dun Harper. Jam. hays themmt common. and Ole Mummy teacher we combined twill inspect the Mt Wilson and 77-December 4. CLarence Pick. th Council indicates that Bryn Mawr i„,•,.,......71.hr.h,L,,,, ,,,...n .,,,nr r: Sad.n, William Jardine. Lied mom haracteriede. nine scone- in the are mart Beginning ad [Palomar Obsermtories. He will ell will address the student body eAncyo 'ub. basing inquiries or Is enthusiastic about the plan. Lechel. John Smelly.), Atm. thing like this fspokm In • tronotny student,. for the most 'return east by way of Chime% on behalf of the Fund during, suggestions regarding and Club 'SO John Burge and Peter Janney yery nearly disrupt, the elm Norton. and Gerald Fretted. southern accent which has been PM. have learned nothing of the where he will visit the University Proctor's the Collection of November B.: should contact either Herbert were recently deem ed found In...tole to teproduce/1 subject of Chicago's since they Yerkes followed Observatory, Tel. , One pertieularly hectic day vel. le or' im.1:rer,',er,heee, I Most student organbutime have Hoene or Robert Chase. hv it beggethl. Do . ni rteu; ' range the dames, .11.. on the Victory 1 streetcar ?Now dld I say that right? low-Dog Dingo through the Tenin where he worked for six months already endorsed the Fund, herself. Is of Capricorn and Cancer. To in 1032. net, Caravan, of Senator Fran. Nape I don't believe I did . trie. to ruin the Pm 'tors by Arno I I surI t didn't. Well plunge a group of ouch ignoraml From Chicago, Dr. resold will drive, and the Students' Council. de E. Meyers and the Democratic In act CT which appoints the Fund's corn I.. sac It better Into the profundities of the vernal go to Ann Attar and the Unlven enunciate for Govemor. Richard. let's art the Proctors. who hit mitten members. has authorized UP to eon Dilworth. equirsot. .1mMha wiles, end tray of Michigan. He will finish the drive. Louis Cooler.. Pima erase sidereal lime requires one to have his visit in the United States anobe'rrIE Wv. c11';:n*,,E s:1;!,! . : t':,,,v:enerco n: ni : ne,o: The Haverford College drive The six or Oven adhere). Of Future freshmen at Hated°. !adopted v.ere of a more minor an no email (Mount of ....MY. with a slay at Cornell where he be aynehronlzd with thole and other collegeschroughout the Republican Party havee,t Let It suffice to say that Dr. expects to work new with Dr. Roo will the technical nature. The conference Bader Heads Cast being conducted simultaneously . nation will no loneer he famed tend so well. Mr. McClure, the Green hoe it rows In the department of On O ' sad Other neighbor.g colleee by the old dilemma 01 sumUying opened hot Tuesday , afternoon airman of the Republican Par radio astronomy. Dr. Unsold ; and continual through Wednes- theDape will s'n of''Ori Professor Green Ilkes to say "i'mlansr''Pt'vyti 'lloYr t campus. Reinhold Mobile will their allele preferences tY In the soounty, ban not seen whit oa,. a on ata.„., the ono,t.e.„„, return to Europe on December 13, speak at , that he was flfteen yean old he. heca .hredothlvaekt„ of Bryn Mawr the evening college Entrance Board count; tot lit to allow conege meniiivade time. Hr fore ever leaving en Insane amp . of November 27 on behalf of the nation. The annual meeting of be billet-the lance whl fanny ,,,,,oto,„o the hire. His father wits a psych'. Hoot., liarine The final cam IN as College Haverford fol. • Students Bryn AUNT Swarth. and orgentratio. film has diciated,Z7 poltrio near Macon. Georgia: and It Makin. to me the WIIRC more Fund drives. Other three. the College Hoard, marking Ito Meetings. VicaPresident Marin- towel I." Mal'. as D.12h.cr tea of both partite fo many was Mere that Dr. Green flirt announcing vendee In the din. or two.college drives are now fiftieth anniversary. voted lam „,a„ attoodo., ...or., ..a.,tion. or Prector. Bruce Crow, as Dan e... Thu Paul S . Donald Tuesday . elthnmw the "college the Educational Records Direr. mode acqualotmee with the re lag . hall ere .remInded . be being arranged. Pr.."' R....j .on'"bern:Lhneo.Reon bung, Fres . Killian. Jeeeph choice" entry from the exam Ina. a. eie hnd fronted rays of sun Ileh t. His early shallot authoritlea that their Conference. .which Have Local Fund committee mem. tinny n. Donald Kirk and Gordon o,„ „oreneoteo education. Sehoie wOtier. Thomas grader sem for two years also announcements mud be by Warne c. Jo n th writ• be. nee; Conant, MaIrmtm.Peter erner have been Without work Reaoturion ! Booth flo„at, popat,toeot. Me. as d'oent Trery. in the Robert ten second out and feats. grade. put was in the WNW as AustIneSmall Paul Cates. Sydney Vice-President Archibald Mac 1,1 far. unevmtful. Dow Nancy Prone as Eve Booth finefloor Union, by Cone. Frank Miles, Dr. Frank Intone Ande from the politiml work. Haver..s director of ad. „,tt. the Ready 5:43 psn. of the day they are Parker, Al.. Stem, David lire Molly Allen as Ann Proctor. In Taught Al Swarthmore CG members are beilleeitte to Wil. mimic.. In rePoNtoe to beeeled. upon the velopIng a teal to a.m. the Maryanne flohn. as Lee Praetor, MI foe the regtt and state 11. Thomas Wilson and Richard Hotel In due time, however, Prete. Dittmar< conferences to naeertoeo.a .motte.o.aa The announcement. will be Sally Shoemaker as Aunt Martha, elem. of ood. The committee Ls cur. NEWS, called the abolition of thethe organise nor Green found himself at read and reported mice draw , preeeemaer English onto...,new at• Deborah Putnam as hies Dow, 11. Freund and dy nuking Mut arrangements college choice requirement on attend• Princeton. when he acquited his log the course of dinner. once astreamwer who has Mt- — - • though attended theme meal' Maxine Sell-sky en the reporter, for th.e., drive an.dpwill m s eke. mat Interesting thing about"Me the at I and Sr. Genlitmed lye CoL 4 once at Judith Blair an Miriam Blake. and with Kim's English Contented Page 4, Col 5 pinill ts dee. U. Imo meeting.. Other resolutions Coottened Page Or Col. d Janet feeds as Hilda, the maid. a Nation's Colleges Studied For AMA By Dr. Cadbury crated After Detect.on Oakley Presents Of DefectsReinvi In Rhignie Class d Outline Of Plans For Campus Day s irit d Record Library Rules Changed; Borrowing Ends Profs Talk O'ver World's Destiny; Science, Religion Club '50 To Be 0pen On Friday, Saturday Nights Unsold DepartS For West Coast ICG Politicians Push Campaign e th— .--, --, of he —. Actors Present First Fall Play Nov. 27 GREEN TAKES UP STAR STUDY WHERE KIPLING LEFT DINGO COLLEGE ENTRANCE BOARD rht ',,,. .,..rin.,,s ,''''''''',-. ' now DROPS PREFERENCE CLAUSE d her Green... W EDITORIAL CROW'S NEST FEATURES, COLUMNS Alumni News he various faculty wives have oonvmed for tea. What could be Ins exciting than tea at a tea? the purpose of eremites M do their Olt an ken Mu: But it you'd be untimely unehleel Homecoming Day. 10 call it • tea and than not to serve any ten Mn. Lester: I suppose we'll have to have the People will become feat disappointed. .0001 tea. Mem Roche: I cunx toe 'should mese order. Editor — Anthony Morley. Mrterfund: And in the gym. as usual. Mrs. Hartland: So do L 11lanagino Editor — Frederic Head. Joseph W. Sharp, Jr, '88, reMrs. Decherty: Oh. not Not this year. Let she Mee. Roche: Hard cider. Senior News Editor — Richard Norris tired banker and prominent Hay. over that aloe new basket. those, people walk all Mrs. Hasilandt Bees howl elder. MaimIm Brown, John Wirt News Edison -error... toed October eo ball court In street stones? Hill would die. Mrs.Yelitte. I do not think It would he advisable Chester C.ounty HoepitaL He was Richard Eberle Borten Manager Mrs. Lester: Well, we mild serve the tea nuto ser4 eider that is too heed. I seould hke to rth Borrill GeImart. Sports Editor sa doors mind My younger nolleasnuta that we must be dssiscrot Sports Editor. Floyd Ford. remittent of Alumni !Lady lire. Lunt: My Blll hae pointed out that the careful not to irmegrem any of the colleges MRellumyri Editor John Benton Mr. Sharp who 110.ed at .0var. leirtorkal trend is for rain on Homecoming Day. t om Photography Editor — Robert Foley. Stars Will Mrs. Sargent: It droplirth m the Moths otter Mes. Somers: I think It would be beat to appoint Heine Berwyn Pa, was a for 'Excitor:or Editor — Edger= Groat. this glwerford a committee to be from heaven responsible lee deerrenthing Alu e e t Circulation Manager Gordo o Werner. mni As cia As an un. For Mrs. Macktoah: Perhaps we could request the • "ghee the elder Is heed enough. ebtutant Slather. Ilfanogers — J. Leggett, A. Lewin . d erl ,, , raduat . te,o he r.„,. wes eLsatrelhen. Lester: Then men delinitely not .erring guests In Mee elf their Mo. before entering the Ca-almrlisin, ManeVal — F, Mehemet, ter gYm. L. Shuman. biane He held nurnerom cricket Men Street: Or elite serve notice that only those Mrs. Gutwirth: Why not acne both? New Associates — G. Freund, J. Genmseher, J. awards et Ileverford, and made wearing basket shoes will be admitted to the Men CaMill: What • waste! Hitchcock, V. .lowers, IL O'Neill, J. Somers. tea. Mr. Oakley: WelL if my le lets over, we ma several tripe to &mimed with the dike. P. Stensbutie P, Tapke, J. Tom, M. All.Phirtdelybla team. Mrs. Roche: That would be hardly her Is these Mean ma. It for the, hal. etude/de on CUMNIS Winn. Alumni Association — Haverford College Mr. Sheep was a loaner vice Day. who don't have any basketball shoes Me.. Hartland- I agree. Mrs Rah By the way: when did we flitany modern of Holies, Jones, ad - Annual Report of the Treasurer for Fiscal Year Cadbury, and a former president Mrs. Neste Melee dear airs Roche — von you decide to have thia bet? • Ended, August 31, 1950 of Great Valley MUM Mra. Herndon: In me gymand your rideltick mre. Mauna, do not to L. Meelpts from College s Determination to do something—anything—for the Head of Two Maks that this Is not a miter for ethical consideration, Mes. Docherty: In the Common. I mean, Comfor AmociatIon Purposes lagging school spirit of dear old Haverford seems to have lie was a member of the board lespeeme mon Room. it 15 elle:ally indifferent, - Mt the Student,' Council an inspired blow on its came Mn. Casell: Quite iron Thin le a practical mat. Mrs Macintosh: Why not in both the gyre and of dire-tore of the National Bank Alumni ORM five head last week. Dismayed by an apalling lack of atof Chesmr County and Teat Co„ ter — a financial matter. If only a few, people the COMMon Room? Salute. tendance at the Rider football game, and reportedly have basketball Mom, then only a few can come Mrs_ Randall: I feel the athletic department Is and • former preaident and °Mee Expert.* moved toefelMet by some words from President White on chairman of the Mail of the Bee to the tea: and, consequently, we will savemoney. being dierthninated Clothe. Promotion Feeshmata Sperm:me of the Honor System, our Council wyn National Bank, founded by Mrs Tent Why save? Why not sell teakettell Mrs. Teel: On athletes receive too much at 'suddenly saw fit to order an infusion of new blood into his lather. the late Joseph W. motion here anyway. Nose at the entrance to the gymnasium? Don Amessen's Customs Committee. Rhinie hate were Sharp. Mr. Hunter. A marvelous idea. Mrs. Hunter & Mrs. Street: Right! Alumni Even. reinstated. revolt wee fervently hoped for, attendance Mr.. Omagh Do I tutderrtml that we're going Prominent in civic era.. Mr. Moe. Street A really excellent Ides. Prizes was to be taken, and presumably there was to be a deepMrs. Somers: I suggest we appoint a committee through seeds this absurd business of serving tea Sharp was a termer mesident of Haverford News seatoe resurgen. of love for all that is good. the TredyffrinEantown School Mrs. Ithematock: But I don't understand why and eider? Haverford Trends The logic behind thie implicit rebuke to the Integrating Board. a fanner president and we have to hobo the tea to the gym In the first Ides. Semen: Lees appoint a commttlee MM. techniques employed by Amumen up to October 28 ran placeTERMS chairman 01 Me board of ChesIHrectory somewhat an follows: Rhinies are lone, lore erecters who ter County Hospital, a member of Mrs. Sutton: Stamm it's going to rain. Total Esteems $9.067.110 need to be shovel what's what at Haverford if they are the boards of the Epileptic Co:. Mr.. linsenstocle Coulthet we have it la the ever to attain salvation: Rhiniee need to know the Honor any Farm, Sleighton Femme, and Commons Room then? 0 Syetem and attend football games or all is lest; Haverthe Paoli Red Cross, and a yea- Net income or Belton Mrs. Snyder: YOU mean either the "Commons. for M Men at Old St ford is a place deplorably 'mktn in tradition or anyor the "Common Room!' How these deplorably (The following piece of scholarly bigoted= Is Memo !Wm. an Mad thing remotely resembling esprit de corm the beet way Sloppy speech habits manage to hang on I othe reprinted from an mdler NEWS at popular ne Davide Church. Radnor. MOWN/ of Period 00.70S 4T He le meelved by Na wife, the to correct all these evils and shortcomings is to make the undershot& mast/ End of Peeled former muter Inalmare Cos.: Finial. Meow one another; the best way to make Rhiniee Mre. Ashmeed: /eh' bemuse people plat done Essentially, us must not tusk who was Mee. a son. Joseph W, 34 IS, and know one another is to give them something to fight fore bother to articulate properly. N. Polk, or why or when, or how, but. baedeally. and the best way to give then something to fight for Is Meet Snyder: You're right Pow ...DM. I. whet? The mower to this question and itch clues- three emghtere to make them fight. Hence the cry from every battlement the cure of the campus. I think we faculty wives -don alone ems ailed that warn, revealing tight 'Homecoming Day saute Swarthmore Lumheen theate, Burnt — integrate the Rhiniee! Save the Honor System! Throw should try to do something about it which In absolutely Mal for the undemanding Supper 534.95. Fall Sports Teem Dinner 1.52.46. Senior Dinner them in the pond! Tan. Somers. Well, let's appoint a committee to of the past and the proper approach to the future. M86.08. Alumel Day $958.33, Varsity Chat, etc. $10.22. Now no doubt there is an intimate connection between look into that too. Of Ns (ether, we know nothing. of ka In considering these reports, It Mould be mum that zeds to this type of approach and the burst of Haverford hire Lester Can't we get Mi. Homes:Ming Day mother. we know nothing. Them was, howcover the coat of the Artoctationes Acevithe under the prevent see enthualasm which meet our fair camp. Met weekend. tea arranged first? ever, of ad, midi we are elm a dark mils. tere are received from the College and any unused bats.. Is re. Never in recent history have no many Rhiniee gone Mrs. Herndon: Right I believe we were diem enee bis early mad mast bmaremionable turned to the akin. Sustaining Fund to be used for the benefit swimming in the last week of October. Never have no sing what to Berm I don't think we Meek' nerve Pay Ise Swartley. '95, of Laos- of the College many people eaten together without benefit of ailveo At the age of nineteen Polk moored a madale, Ps, was killed in an sato (Signed Reeituoln S. Loewenstein ware. Friday's pep-rally was an unexpected mimeos. ne, in St 1es.1, Mienemea lee me promptly mobile accident at Karachi in Belfan1111 S. Loewenstein. Trammel. Saturday's football crowd was ;amok as good am the Poldstan on October 21. He was September 5, 1950 removed by the Mother Superior, • kindly, team deserved. Saturday night's singing was a startling Merhaired &me, who possessed may thee Allen' newt foe 1980 show of spirit, to say the lemt ringer. on bee Oft hand, the matt of a With Inatranee Group By GERALD FEELIND lab. We hem examined the books for the twelve month. ended But there is not any overwhelming relevance of Ristnie hap in • Jete n1111 twenty three. yea= preSwertley was Pakistan man. August 31, 1950 and believe met they accurately net forth the re HE `POLITICAL ALITHORTELIE. fights to the integration of freshmen Into College life. viously. ager of the American Foreign cults of the Amonation's operations in UPtt period as Mated sheet have It that Old Pat McCann. Senator from and there in none at all, ao for as we can see. of such Eastward, It has been mid, the course of Orb Insurance Association, a groin, November 0 10f) Nevada will ham 171 easy dots being reelected on gaiety to instruction about the Honor System. The November Oth. pire takes Its away, Po2k, ;weever. m sheep tie, representing a number of Anted. (Signed) H. Boyer Smith Herman A. Fmk*, implication that the Customs! Committee did a bad job The citizens of Nevada mud be so Way IMP took Ns sway Westward, at no wean Income. can insurence companies In earlier this fall le to be resented. With an individual apIng dot machin and duetting gambler's bullet,, tenor. The Wert Texas. Sagebrush. Longhorns. foreign- es:marries proach rather than one of mussed armies, they Ma peon that they lack the time to smuttier the recent Mom. His brother, William. '50. who fectly good job, end anyone with doubts should take of their meteor Senator in Congresa. For certathey And eo, another ear was added to the glorious ma visiting id, sent a cable time to check the extent to which Rhinies have entered them of us MOM easy reach of that chamber, mnatellation of our national gonfalon, aiding mart to their parents. Mr. and into extra-curricular activities. That is the teat — not Wee been very coned°. of McCarran's recent NM a Ray Sweeney of Lams Immeasurably In attaining the glorious Intel of how many have been thrown into the pond. lase 1597 trinity of outrages. dale. William said that he was Howard Thome has donated a fortyelght which /a our awned heritage. Mr. ma Mn. Prated. B. Gum Ever since be retemed from his triumphal After Texas — what, Delaware, Miselaillppil Nightly tnjured he the accident copy of his new hook. Chemical entre aps receiving rongrahlt.e. tour of Speen, nleCerran Ma Med the dirt he The Empire State? Nei They had deed, been Served In AIM, Inventione sad Chemical Pstents, lions on the birth of their fourth What's to be done with the College Record Library? acquired from his elms association with the annexed, and be repeat the protest. Meld be as renewing his graduation to the College. It Is in the Li- Oilld, Mooed daughter. Elizabeth most recent esteem' of democracy," Geom.There's not much question that on the whole it's a 'splendid perfluous Where. then? Where? Medece goHehe thorn Haverford. Swartley mood brary. wade Surnmere, Oct 2, at Rich. Mime Frartm. Med he introduced a deplored thing for Haverford to have an exteneive collection of Shot. ShelL three and one half years in'the .Neon House. IMO persons Ell alleviated to admit only "loyal dual.' albums. But present arrangements in the record Vogt Meek! Artily In world War to He was Dr. Henn Pleasant., of West Albert IL Firitseluver, Or. was MOM pretty well put the library in a class with Shakes- Americans" from wdimar parte of Petrol, Smoked with glom., loaded who he meek Recharged with the rank of Mat Chester was the speaker Oslomate, appointed to the poetize peare folios and Gutenberg Bibles: all right to leek at and Le moony Mom alliening MeCarranS relilieutenant. try's honors, Junes K. Polk retired. Bermed her 23 at a meeting of the Low. of associate actuary by the Con. think about, but not much good for general use. gious faith. After stubborn resistance, the old peso, ago he went out by Ma «melee exertions on hie melon's ,lllellt two er Merton Township /distorted' tisientai American Lite Insurance Of course, the College has attempted to put the album man finally had ..rapt amendments Mime to Bombay to represent the ho. Society in the Ardmore Juator Company. helmtl. Polk mew Wee menthes! has earl, He le a Fellow of the at the dia..] of its students—aa far ea that is possible leg Protesteola and haw Se ley sad enter Aron einem Dencletion and was High School. Society of Actuarles and le active where there are Eve hundred students lira principle) and aka moved to Pthisten this year. Thad Hansel& Scott Is now conduce in the Philadelphia Actuarits one eolitary phonograph. But the potentialities of such But McCarnen had hat begun to right Nest Swartley was a member of web leg a And so, at lash the gray. mold. nerve out our on "CluistianIty Club. a system are strictly limited: imagine the plight of the came the Spanish loan, the mintage of which. I mm can Death lay his ley fingers upon the brow varsity basketball and baseball the Far East" at Clem. Thew Femmes H. Welton. who is now pre-Bach enthusiast who bas to wait through an .tire must admit, was an amazing political feat play. of Tame IC Polk. As the solemn onlookers watch. teems while at Haverford, and a logical Seminary this fall. Assistant Professor of Greek al Teehaikowsky symphony to hear his one or two madrigals. Mg eight into the hands of the communist prole ed Jame K. Pollee menet to the duet from was vice-preside. of the VerrIty IMO whteli the University of Chicago, is My. The NEWS is fully aware of the dangers of record- agenda boys. Mulanewwere may a little young. he had sprung, they knew they would not noon Club in his senior yule. T. Morels Immeret has just Mg a sertes of five public lee breakage and the difficulties of record-replacement under er, Franeo's decision as to We Spanish astecesaion look upon his She again. published a .new. book Show- tures on el:Wigton In Greek CNI. C. B. C. C. C. the old lend-out system. Nonetheless, operating on the would have been made the day the aerator Mee a Rater top rating M the shades." general premise that the record collection is in some sense engineered the gm tbrough Congress. MO Me Library Journal. intended for the pleasure of the students, and noting, on downcast eyes of the American people. CORRECTION Mee Perry R Shen la the MIwe have noted, that current arrangements can produce only Most recently—just a month ago—the Internal Howard D. Sordon of Riverton, The NEWS wake to seek, tor el a teohnical I.nthly, the a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of people, the NEWS Monne Bill et 1950 flinown to some as the M. glee to both Meld W. Stewart Atlas Sleet New., now being lath New Jersey, • writer and ether feels that aome steps should be taken to make the reeved Carrie act and to other. as Inc .votefor.thIs-or. Dear She for W. B. Saunders Co, died as of Detroit and David S. StewHalted lei Canada. collection more immediately available for the use of a larger loseyounelectIon Mill was Invented. melded std A. a Hammed men elms oe 1920, I have been art of Rochester, N.Y. On September 16. 121.1 number of students. receiving the Haverford News regularly and Were P.M by the senior Ammo from Nevada. Waller n. Bowerman has writ. Sohn J. Mona Is now teaching It may well Ire that there are certain difficulties inher- The new law. for the most part a vague bodge enloyed reading it and keeping up on the attain October IS the News Incorrect In the Department of Pidlosolth.V. ly credited David W. Stewart• ten a sciendtle`popee, Annette ent in the lending-library system. But ho difficulties, Podke of antkonununist Invective.. contains peve- of the mange. Also, whenever there have been nor University of Delaware, Newark probably, that eould not be ironed out by the careful cul- altieS Mr everyone who ham ever been, or Is now, Haverford attain In New York, much a, Glee Club qe, with s cieughter. ChM., Morality which brews out some Delman. new, vital data on morbidity of tivation of a modicum of efficiency on the part of those the member of a "communist action group,. or Concerts etc., I have tried to attend whenever pow and cam erely mgreta any em. Iasi m and women. A thPY a Nenwho handle the grubby business of ranking borrowers sign °communist front group.. The Invectives Mao ap- stele, and we of the New York Alumni have am barrseemeni this may have a e in the College Library. The Homed A. eadreess is serve,' Masa Mtn and his wen Man. cards and pay fines. If earl student is made explicit/y ply to Nees and faseists—and here, I fear, Sena- aistently been urged to recount:KO Haverford en The NEWS oleo tearein Duper appears in Temessetlee Chaphein of the Beaton Port ol responsible for breakage and damage to records while they tor McCarron comes dangerously close to self- proapeetive et/dente Embarketion IS. S. Army Re having slighted David S. Marty of Semple. are in his possession, there should be little hemming and Persecution. This morning I picked up the October lath rate Stewart '45, who le the father serve.). Mel. pastor of the Mel Mil hawing alrout his obligation to reimburse the College for of the New and wen disgusted and surprised to Congregational Church el Aside from the feet thst Me eregistraMoo Weston HOWlead: thidlle any expenses it may incur as the result of having to replace read of the speech rondo recently at Collection by of four month old Christine. Swampscott, Massachusetts clause of the law will drive Mr communal er timeriallet and himself an Arent, single record. or albums. =eons called Millen Mayer. I have no Kea who He was In the Itetert0d arta.. MU, aedencround end make the Investigating of 14 but was then swItthed tie, will head the etatemide drive As for the 'erreplaceallle" peril°re of the collections—let Milton Mayer may be but it shekee my faith in Hobert W. Leibole Le now eery to Swarthmore with ma V.11 of the Arthritis and Itheumatleo going on at Haverford a such • man the College purchaseelem-ireeplaceable albums to take their Job Mr the FBI (which opposed the Mill much what may be place. In the long run, it would be better to have a cir- harden the law Mende. inantanstion chums Is permitted to melee a speech at Haverford. It is mot He graduated tram Al- Foundation, which opens NOVE. Mg on the .toff of the Wheelieg Which threat.s to create a traffic jam of imwheelleg, west Virgierie bany Medi& College In 1941. her 13. be a second year, culating library of expendables than a Treasure-Room coleve, more unbelievable after reading the ede mense proportions on Ellis Island. Witham Henry Chamberlin, In obstetrics and gynecology. lection tf untouchables. After all, it's the circulation that torte!, "Milten Mayer ye Milton Mayer," eance and expects to he in the Arm" According to the New York Ilme. "under the tells of kW eps.h four years ago before a vet- Medical Corm want latest book, America's second 1839 counts; .mod it shouldn't require too much thought or effort Crusade, a study of the muses Mon. Hambletee to discos er a workable system of lending for the mooed terms of the act.... present or former Comm. ermeilled audience in Melds be called there Mired nista Nazis, Fancies or other undeniable totaland consequenses of America's of Cantonal/111e. Le. Md., 00110 marry library. killers and pald =Menne' involvement 10 the last war, wae Barterae must be barred from entering the United Mess Parker of Nancy It is Inedible that Haverford College would States." Also. eaMilation" with any of the above permit him to return and I feel that Me speech Joint Luncheon With published on October 11 by the Tuxedo Perk, New York. Me Swarthmore Haney Regenery Corneae, of Welbeun is with the Connell named Mime, as an autormitic ken cureln to tills year wee even worm. I happen to be a vet. pmspective D.P. Immigrant. Tuesday. Nev.., mise pm. Chicago. Cbamborlin author of cot Life theumna CO. even of World War I and World war 11, having Thus the arrival of every ship and plane }Inds left Haverford In order to go into the Army to At linlveralls Club, lath rod several hooks on Me Soviet The following resolution Iota padised by the McNeiUnion a n d on international a new contingent of Immigrants Mang the MDT World Wax I If Mr. Meyer'. epee& in any way Mauna Ott ll, Committee of the Haverford College Ahmed An. ride pest the Statue of Liberty—the symbol of represents the spirit at Haverford College tode.V. The college Preedelente and age. Ina regular contiebutor Alumnus In Korea Coaches 00111 be present and to the editorial Page of the Well anything but the treetmett theme people have been I should be ashamed to call myself a Haverlord• social:ion at its meeting on.October 29th: (The Annind [Mire redo SUM Memel and a contributing will meek receiving. tan, and I feel lure that my opinion fes that'd by "The Executive CoMMIttee of the Haverford ColVat the follovritig news note All are welcome Pant be editor of the New leader. White many of libt colleagues wen worel. huge properties; of Haverford men. Certainly, • cross the Main Lino Time ea lege Alumni Asmciation elide.es wholeheartedly the IMO with tie M order that we rem leg about the coming election, Pat McCarron with speeches of tide met 01100 on at Collection be of inthrest to Havertard Nelms C. Willem of Hershey, policy announced by theigaverhird College Administramake arrangements, notify the palm. • law which, In meet, soperimpoesd I would not want to recommend Belvedere to any lane, oven though the mum of ALUMNI OFFICE not later Pa.. died 10 the Harrisburg Hoe. Itself over the liberalized D.P. 11111. which Ma tiou to put a stop to the pregame raids and made as young elm who are considering entering college the doctor is not known.) than Saturday. November 11, fetal on August He la aunived carton hated. There are only two saving h.. in the near future. Haverford Is presumably a 4eloped before the Haverford. thines which have d„, Ile. Eugene C. Mahlea of by ills cane. Slut yen expect to attend. Mrs concemlng thls new law. First It hex Christian and American College and view. such Swarthmore giune.'. Bryn Mawr was shot in OS been used to bar the Falsnebta the very an Mr. Mayees need not and should not be ex'The Haverford-Swarthmore game is an important Mgt In Berea end mu taken Spaniards whom McCarron tame, aommerpressed at Collection, but might be more imitable Football. Tickets for Haverford-Swarthmore Game to the leosplert One of doodle tradition of the two colleges which we hope will not be molts to please with a previous bin. Samna an A Street comer. tors asked when his hours The annual HaverfordSwarthmore football game will be held j.paedieed by the thoughtless actions of a few undermost members of Congress concede that the I should like to have Nome kind of a reply mtown wan at Haverford, November te Tickets for Alumni veill be A.90. next melon win me a serial. revision, of the Plekthig Mme how euch a person to Mr. Mayer graduate. Me horn Drys Mawr, Pee' act se It now elands. could be Invited beck to speak at Collection after Madan under It yean of me, half mica "We are conadent that the student bodies of Haver Gene told him "You bawd a reserved section in the Mende will be held for those who Our internal-control Dm need etrenellieldog having once instilted • large proportion of the ford and Swarthmore will appreciate the reasons for, where that m give prottetIon against eeplonage and sabo- student. mole of m who remember Rufus Jones purchase tickets in dermas. As this space Is limited, tickets will 'lieu tel I dee' replied the and comply wick,,' %6e Adneinistration policy ao that this tage, but the law passed wens to be merely a and tda inspiring Wk. at Meeting and Collection be medgieed on a Mine come, end nerved" basis. doter, "S tined to to to MM. Thom Melting tickets Mould mod memo te the Athletic Of. reflection of one manes prejudice, and not an ef- will feel, I em are,. that PleYee In a elegem.. time-honored footliall rivalry may he continued for the ford College." floe, Grtienesium, Haverford Celbdt Make all Meek. payable Ns memory. fective piece of legislation. benefit of both colleges, their Memel, the present ander. Gene did not get the maso to 811-VettOte College Enclose a eamped saltaddressed envelope Sincerely. Of only the citizen. ei Nevada would get smart graduates, and the dames to coma. Maas aboelt NoVeMber end pour tickets will be welled In ICY an MGM ethetelble iml MAHLER IC, PHELPS '90 Tuesday. October 31, 1950 Page Two Haverford News Sharp, '88, Dies; Retired Banker T — — — — — Pre-Swarthmore Game Event OLD FASHIONED SMOKER RALLY IN GYMNASIUM 8 P. M., Friday Evening, November 17 CIDER PRETZELS SMOKES Former Football Speak Watch Next Week's News Details Treasurer's Report Late October Fever"... Man Or Legend? Swartley Killed In Pakistan Across The Desk CLASS ITEMS Music! Music! Music! In The Editor's Mail Let's Keep The Game! tape Odeha s4 111111 RRRRR FORD WITS Ford Eleven Swamps Hamilton In 32-0 Homecoming Rout A startling display of power enabled HaVerf anti. (ridden to roll over a hapless Hama. to eleven, 32.0, before a Homecoming crowd of 2,600 last Saturday on Walton 01.14. Two !nuclides.= apical by John Mine and Jim Boyd, and another by Burt &MA led the TD parade that prodund Haverforda biggest mote of the Meson and brought She Fords their third viabory in four Mart.. SPORTS CALENDAR Tue.., October Cl Varetty Sower ea.. Talaigh, Bona 1140 pat Wad.... November I IV Boner en Pone 401 Away, 315 pan. Nonthber 4 Varsity FOraboa va. Hobart; Home, 3 pm. Vanity Som. vs. Urdu., Away. Hornet Harriers Take Triangular Meet; First Win P.S. Twee Soccermen Trim F &M, 4-1., Held To 1-1 Tie By Dragons Fords Score Early Ford Defensive Attempt ... End Deadlocked In 2 Overtimes Smooth Attack Drops Diplomats To End Streak 1°"bi* Haverford Beek Spilled . 010004 1 the Bamford wear 71st alert Itaniehargina Ford Bouncing Dui( freak a 1.1 1111 team rune. to an early leed, • with Dm0. the Haverfonl cep defame PLY. a M. 1,m3 to Um Quakers' victory, re they re car team downed an undefeated hardnghtlog Drexel eleven rallicovered two Hamilton tumbles Franklin anal Marshal/ ann. 4.1. ed In the mond quarter ala beld Wfore • large Homecoming Day het led Media M MM. Md the visiting Fords to e 1.1 over. were otherwise In the Continents crowd at "5 field Mat SM... the U. on Wednesday imt. els bacidield moat of the Men The gone who nave mend "Addavins mom. on their third Though Drexel Le In the MASC. noon fir, in every match and have Sophomore whack W.. try. Haverforda teem country tt In the mulhwestam dada. never been behind at the hail. Hurtuhtte and oacaptaln Bud Man defeated Gettysburg and and the game repeated the performers,* In OM not count In Cardson wen .Its big lectors In 16.E.M.T tit the triengular the league mandings. Ramt. too. The halftime more at the Main Litters' win Hurtubtee me. bold at Hameln. no Irrtday. 2.1 held, until Dave Mehl. 114 won Maw Old everydang but Mom. m de P.M by Captain John Bell and eared the who with two goals Mn The Scarlet and Weak mead motnually harmed the left Ma tall Gage. who Beaked 1.00.4 M the fourth period. of dm Continental.' line. Gard and fourth relmenthely, the Ford AM, as right outside John WOO Jones Slake Free Boot drilled the MU low Into the right son, pasaing was again • vital harriers (erne in with 32 mints, The ant Haverford tally came part of the Font Mem. to Gettysburg, 97 and Muhl.. hand eldit 01 UM goal to put the on • free kick after eight Far. ahead. 1.0 The goal same Garde. To Hum TO berg, 43. Minutes of play in the that Dam. threw minute after the game had The first quarter appeared to auhlealeag author Rent A Blue and White delatleman he • linkman ma both elevens Captain Flo. Shupe of Mule Marne, when Dave Mehl. center. deepsretely Mina to prevent • eel the. Mal and Will wiled It had trouble40Mo moving. A - Some, co-cepteln Paul Shipley strives to block lenterg led the field to the tape mars made a Mammal. play In Franklin and Marshall player'. boot, se Haverford's thmilton peat that went out of by more than forty seconds in before mashing It away. Met of the nature' goal. On the bound. on the viettore 34 wee the LAwie Thomas lochs on. Throughout th e ant quart. Indirect hoe Mk which foflowed the good time of 117:23. The other break the Feria needed. however. Co-captain Paul SIMMY faked Maria placed second and third, the Ford armee pr••••4 and Hartiebtea than neap, wide • .. Wayne Hurtibin downed after MS eight-yard gain and Upped the ball straight bark it Ilabartral 5010,•55 goat. isuo Colman had to make John Bell mound right ene to the 35. Hante in Homecoming Day game against Hamilton on Walton to Arnie Jones who blasted It laat 01:01. followed by Mary Hate- only me saw. It looked at method Met left guard for • Kra Field. Other Identihable Ford players ars Pete Steen, la the nets [, of Gettysburg at 20,.. Bill thou. the Melton would get down on the Continentals' H. left, and Welt Young. right. F & M retatated on • to cage. a Ford Freshman. Pam. aaathaa °al....14 to mom. After Ma Gall1•011 aerial balled Making play nine minutes later. fourth. one second tonInd Harmer. whin Droml Mein Mort Matra to connect. the Ford quarterback MIer wintung sum etralght. the Right outside Herald Phan slip Janes mis. Only hall a amend later, nets meta lee may MM. to Hume la the aid tore Sophomore A imtball team was pad past left fullback Karl over the Ithinfe A tam 410 on Acker of Mulhenberr crossed the eal the penalty Mk. however, for the 713. Andy Bd.'. Pion eth on the !MY yard blue. end the ann moaned Hawn beet. iel-7 last Wednesday by an 'Need.. Ghpftalitlra In pass he Bath the in fifth pier* meet was to the let. ead theaci of him down neat The lower Haverfeed finisher. fOrd 1, Dreael 0, at the close of inspired Junior A aggrelintion tereeptione, thenuniors ran with. Morken lemmas Fumble The Sop. got off to • good Mart Oaler cepted two for and shot perfectly Into the ow were the one. who won the meet the fleet mend. The Fords picked op a /MEM The Haverford College JO mo Harry Hair skirted end to touchdowns, ran for two TlYe, polite corner fora alma goal. on the Melton' 30 Net tut the oar tam returned to in winning shear!..hot was good for a 00 for the Fords. They provided the man TOM wore They made the extra point. me.ai t two Sterner manes for alkipley Heed. In Tally pmiod ended, and. sparked by ways last Thursday. as it 11100' mom Torn Wilson ended Fold wbudng margin after earn eel The Dm. elevm threatened but from then on the ahow was The mune victors ileind The Seed. A Black, who eom carrion forward and It MOM Outelmsed a tam of soaring in the anal peeled as he Isle PM. two mama In the during the mrly stages of the the Seniors on Thursday. 204. antently outehat their opponent. 'mealiest by Boyd. the Quakers Drexel Dragons by 4 lopsided 70 tallied on a corner kick from top clef. Joe Stele and Bob Seeley second period, but met. AM W Junior. Amami Bann Make Feld Oster moral once un a run. pounded the elation' goal In the drove to the 3 atter the team. D on the home Bell. The Silver. and th e game ended with flalshed wealth and eighth and mee by Colman held them in Nand period. An excellent tooth Den Young mcomted for two and Paul Sterner pm. twin traded ends of the field. Boyd Fonda amp. to a early lead and Haverford on the long end of the Bob Leeds supplied eleventh to the. Fords hopes attain enema ine kick by John Well was gave the home • MO lead ae he coasted a an easy victory. their glue 'Toe Haddletorle men tea as Ittehte put • testentui barna touchdowns on passes from he Galley for rte Polatem 741 count headed neatly into the opposite Barbee and Broadben while Dick hit right tackle tar the tally. third of the amnia against one Wake A's Bow Ont victory to Is sure Mao. kick arras the mouth of the defeat. A smooth offense and an in. Brtod's kick was again wide. Hawses ran one 'ID. The other The Freshman A's were drop. right corner at MOO by Inner left goal. but the Hornet eleven was two penetrable defense were inane 17is the neon Zn. Pm. Off To (Moe Mart No owner had Don Chmdles Shipley the the only score of the Junkie points cam when peel freire die league after thelr i Holmes. BIB Unable to wore. kith. off for Havertord than Haverford took command at MM. in the victory, and tth 500.0 brought up ;be ea. Young remit, So. Ham Balr mond forfeit: they were only halm!. Atter fourteen minutes of the behind the goal. The Juniors able to turn up four player. to the overanxious Condnentakt the opening whistle and beton Yards were quick to capitalize on In the third peHod the Fonda Teem grew.trammemet hcbbled once more. Quaker tackle two minutes of ptaying Me had Drexel miankea We Ford hartiere Mowed a Ileitiad period had clamed a badly dropped • Single pm and well the Seatif. El's on Wednew PI..d hard. but were Unable to Dvoraen fell on the ball on elapsed, center forwent Arm Singh Leeds ItherIng thwel improvement In Nth meet. Dread sub, Bob Jones, Not front did not suffer any interception.. day. On Friday the Front We more The Diplomats had the ball the Hamilton Al Singh took a Pm M. Gm. Lad by Freshman Maar Sthgb, A/meat an the roan.. Improved the outsIde Into the Lobar left They baffled the mph defense forfeited • mane to me Senn; In scoring ternary metal WOOL Boyd Some Meth Caul...Man in front of the goal the Jayvees leave rotted up la then Mee John Bell.. 20:07 was side of the nets. where Colman with an option pass or run play one more. and they too will In out and forced goalie comm. wee played • doe gam throughout, to the mom palms la only four mones. Singh the beet posted by a Hawrford W. unable to stop it The Fords of the league. TWe P3Ye talc Geri." "a" and drilled through forthe.. deep and tamed to Hume over make semnl nice say, Gam found the dimensions of the goal coon runner Ms season. Oa Thursday. the Junior A In the only other football ten center, who tented " the 12. Mies In the not period. Wing M. bee scored do abet. fame inches too malt, as several pe. team that the other Sophomore tea of the week the Soph A's he had to dive at an opponent's Oath.. Ter Cedwaleteer mi .1 Tom Wilson tack mfr Howie ter.. male bounced off the team, 128. as Don Young scored beet the hers:Duck Mush B team, feat and another time he was Wolf soiled a right emu here each tallled three times. 2moving '°Y2 end Hth-12"" the ball to the Z When mm It.:Z".%" pos. and the more rennin. 1-1 anodier TD. and BIII Meer an 3112. Harry Bale ran one acme, badly roughed up cumin* wt Ito from , . soya carded a Over. Brioets the ball Hewn. high pea counted for the second_ Ihe ane passed one to Linthltnurn: then E47 EL aa the half laded, Itkine &NNW bowman verel" Velum "" Nam PhIl Silver W tapped 22" • Fenn Half the in re. ::d real of the Juniors can be at. Linthicurn pm.d nee to Bala T to 104 rz Mr"' k,74°17 BF Tame BMW F & M court:shed the Deal MOM. to their improved • ne he peas M.N. le took • rearm for . TD and pane Hamilton banned the boa orgy bound M. the tathe.ne Valia After the Fords had kicked off en ymno. I. Um Ant hall of the !Mallet& 1. by Vrts. .tart to mond hall. the catching. of to Clark for a sone. The and ear no Ztr..iethem it=Wege briefly, lo the Hornet fortiard Fit. Were me p it Core s,1 team started to preen arms ii Are 4;0 Junior W. Win score cone when Roy Anderson fourth quart. but wall eontinued stop the visitors" Chris white and Bob Sutton. re Mt. Ibiar Lrf Not to he outdone by their Intercepted and dashed othe able to break through the defers.. 'S".rteat hacks the Fort took over on [madly roiled Dragon sowing at- wear hard The Sear. and heck de gassamt of Baur and Sharpies. The tempts, and play for the room Clearregar downs at aiktheld 14; lease looked sharp. homy., Manna., the Junior Be ran pal line. III atm Haverford insurance goal nurse Haar Sated Mask Any took plane In the part Boma 4. .ter44:r engrzr, O. Oa* holdthg the home tem in dn. F461017 Win Again et 15,30 when • comer kick by Warm Li Res After Burt Saidel went for tandtore. played In the Soccer Imam. sand. Fret Hotel skidded from Ship LA Laden. O. Ow around right end. Hume Fords Cast to WM ""M mra the same as last Ny's head to tight outside Dave Igeseresi son: name. Weer. ram, I renisei R mi~,a rem took • handed from Garrison. Gear arm Simplest .bat The remainder of the game ear na lets■Aaak Cilia Win Mow limaroni and week but Mtge are getting Pre- Mehl., who drove It Mc the 11-9m , 16 through callous for the Daum.. They goal. tnul41) St. tal. dareburs a 0thbalk Phil Mar "et' and went 45 Haverford continue to dominate Mande. teniam t h"hh' h" Loam PM. wouldbe 10 lama wee realonbas 1-4-0-14.41 play, although goad miring defensive Ion Mier. to the sam Saviors e. as an Tue.., by A. minute and • ban lame the score Just before the yards • diegracieful more of 5-0. Ken Richte scored the extra pond. second .‘"r"r Singh lull ended. Briod's placement Ma .3. th thth2 Vera.' "th ....le.. An Dolbeare scored two. Tony...elm when he took • short pm from good, but an °Mamie. holding Emie tt Nee far the MY.. he in the past Haverford fencing got one. and Dick Huffman mt. Earl Handmn and drilled bend meted. " Ht. .A.c.0..a hook. • Mot into the lower right nie ' wee an Wolfswhen en" enthusiasts on. found the dull. Mother. The fifth Senior goal hem m press la front of the go. corner kick home. . f.00m. try was Jost short to leave the comer m make the Ov came when a Dation Dick Mead. ed off the erns bar. the half. halftime count 250. Fords Look Smooth the epee competition. The action Paw.ed the laughs for the Week The Homecoming fans had An Itleotalre OwrInne In the third frame Silver count- The Ford DJ tooter. spotted • the whole Haver.. Mans was slow and frequently Inter- by booting one Into Me own go. Varreely setted down for the ed his second goal on a long awed A further Revert°ed near nibs rupted by pidgin. delays. TTM In the other Tuesday saner the looked generally moods end to Mating West Cheater eleven two improved over any previous ...ad half, when Ford tailback from the left side. Drexel, aret mine near the end of the fourth year the spectator. will have • nommen were unable to Were ordthated, end fought well for the. period goal. la. Saturday game. Burt Seidel burst over bla own goat., who repeatedly went far period. 0 thateptati Pad 0111010.1 pleasant surprlae n Haverford's Ulan one another he a Moldy ball. Outstanding ror the Scarlet left tackle end whet. the out of ...don to retrieve the beans striking back. only to km Fords Me Store homed a dime free kick if the It teal acquieltion-a a elem. Waned game. On Monday they & Black were Hauer and SharpHamilton defend., for a 52 ye. ball, woe might flatfooted. and In heartbreaking fashione33. Mless at defense. Arnie Jam at The fourth quarter opened 04th mom ter. The game rambled a gr Whin dad the count by dein both lost: the 13's to the Juniors TD Jaunt tenter forward, and left halt Bob Lthilla And Megan hag both Haverford mom. Wad Cadwallader Mt missing a shot 1-1 de as regulation tare ran Out 14 sad the A's to the Seaton; Font coach Roy Randall sub.. Young, who timed the Get The introduction of this mod Chester, center forward, Tam as the game became Increasingly and two Ow minute overtime, le toted freely for the remainder of DT. of his Intermtlegleta all, tallied Ill• thled 10.1, • Om fan. Cadwellader agaln centred- wheel neither non was M. to ern equipmmt will traneform Holes the game. The thba marked by career. aft, aro the Mat interWthlg winning shot with only two min- led the ball and NM thee paned Mom were necemary. Please nat• that all meter Paul Moses' rm.. Including a Goalie Walt Lenz was the met malt of the meet. The weapons game are to be played oath a uses of play renullning, Mimeo. Cinch JimmY Mine 40-yart Man drove Into the coAn.,,a by meal. of wlm spectacular player for the Dipla. to Winn. who tied the mere by minimum of six men and a maxe mats. Him baseball throw* some. Teacher. Take LIM I wry Hamilton territory mend times a V.' game In m a machine the site of • bread Mang • well pieced shot into Mt 'h. mum of eight. If both opposing times <leered sixty Anis. but filled to score. Scoring twice, the State Teach the nee. The Fords continued to bat The New yorkem, led by &mho whkhDregal Th'ert"'" Dad seThe 0gbt.Vi.. 'dg' tooth. th throng. tuners hdl Mena should have more than are College JV's completely do.11■1■111,11.111 !fir more halfback Dick Gumerlock noted the play daring the mel.• press. a. Sam mete a good lowert Ford ems:Ma. Nthen- ems It through tuners and eight men. they ran .11 have q only 01111 on the oast at a BOIL 001P51ll Lon showed signs of caning to tilt cross which was cleared attar • ad to onion alter nth.. several Two regattas brought the goal quarter. Troy.a11 scored his Rr Omar but the Quaker lemon played Mae became of a lel! late.. The apparatus will 1101 oily firm go. on • spiraling shot hard scrimmage before goal &vs Pane cr eon. Teed, Nautical Football Club • modicum of them on even terms undl time EA Maw Aar. which Ford goalie Hansen was Sherpless, Baur. and freshman apeed up the time of each bout Weal CS_n game rumen this weekend with Hewn W L T ran out CH Mesa eltarelen 1.011.. 0100117 MN. With only two minima remain Bob Booldtarnmer wee. Mined but will eliminate any pmelble Sophomore A S 1 0 Otnem • This week. a Mang Hobart ford leaving Penn. Prim:non, and unable to them scored agthl bY 7 2 rum 1 wee Tromll dribbled into the opn for their play throughout the errors on the part of the oak. Junior B eleven fresh from • 33.0 drub, Drexel to lee for a Mo. pima word poundlew a p.eOlty kick Into the and shot above the outstretched MOM dela The acquieition of the elec Sophomore ta arra tang of Union, rimes m Walt. In the Meat. Philadelphia Area Mr gaga tric epee, a Oft rightly.rd of • Mend corner of the of the liCeL Charopionshb. Miler A MM. of goalie Hansen. This Field to do battle. 3 Max411111 LI 717 ea college, puts Haverford on a Wb.a Spark. Bally Lehigh's two skipper, displayed Sad.es score waa an 71 03 1° 1174:17"'" g,or,, roaw ea the West name tO ft aseerose ',tore Plate with the few universIdes Freshman B outstanding LOWRY In MGhy it 2 Hama. substlariona la Hayed°od began taking Mot. Metter defense held of/ the In Bee INOCO, name. er" 11.6.17 and colleges that have riantler :h Sourer larnson. Wood. Tama Sla. .411m M'M- sailing to win by a len point man as their attack gained momentum Ford.. demeratIon Attack as the .1. Tr. Mrk RH Pa tridee equipment, each as Princeton. L T noway,. moo. Moos. I Shire, W team mama memo. mamma gin, but Dick Eller and crew Bob eany N the second period. Sil- game ended. CTI 11■181. Penn Navy. and Yale. assulsos anew. Hammond kept there on their Junior. 0 n'th'" 3 7 2 , Pe LP Ombra, Tma Wn. chma re • II .veer: me. werammerea Ma- toes. taking two firsts • second. ver dribbled down the left Ma Beal. Epee Plato leaf Oaa 1M veto 6 0 Seniors and beautificallY centered the er, ma arese area lemma anamear re The order of competition has Frthr.n A Bahl Moe .1.414, WM, and fourth for the sea., ball emu the goal to an up the Trarel, Motes: om. Lashror. I I • I n• 510.11 Liser 1 re 2 Mao ; bees MEM as • result of dila owns mum lone, Bard., log Fonda John Dodge and Ford's fleet aeon. The opposing an. 5 3 • A IS tr omar aa nasal Wan gilt The epee I. now Freshmen R LI a.e. Sada Irmal. harm Dusty Fife alternated in the B goalie ars to MIA. WA..., dove but muldn't reach Ia. Marra Llama, raced last following the foil and MUM division to keep Haverford well the all as Hands. ft Mote directly to arm Janne Ira.. Thoa Mgt In order that the Ural AM aratesa ahead of the trailing colleges. a Harle. Rena. hs weit a0 Ursa.. trasetere bouts of a close match may be Thee men represented the Winn whit Mar* Mo., It mem wan has: BMW. .11.0[161. catossame 01 aboaa to the riets rnaklog the Mete alto eelded wl theta benefit of human Mar : Maas Tema. lame cream of the Nautical Club, a Haverford Moth Neal owner M. OV 1, West Chester 2, at .Lwn. Wilda ter. Hedges are human. you nucleus of better galore whom Maas Bataan! 1, 0 e I Le Manor *eyeer en. LO crohnt Brae realist BRYN MAWR era to every regatta would surely half thee. (139% LANCASTER AVE. 0 I 0 • 0 • enufer• lanuse, arranger In the third quarter bath teams rte Ord aohe Mos. Ronal, afar Brame, arder. flueara. keep the dub high on the ladder am. of taternilegiate Milne. The fought to a stn Mali without wcoa. Tartan MYTIV, Ramie. farad War. THgodare Sill row, masa 11•11.1d7a Mbrecht's Flowers scores tar the smutty regatta further scoring. Although the inut Casa larlor; the 1, L Hake BUG Mamas were as follows: Lehigh-52; Ford line wee enable to score, ARDMORE Sane a PM?h 118 Cricket Ave. Princeton--$l; then paeans was sharper. moth nation h. 0 0 0 0 Haver/ ord-4 Corn°. Ardmore, Paforemealth Trim i=ora mortar noushernialhaq Pennsylvania-37: Drexel-33. rham: AMMO., ear On Saturday Mother team. CONTEST WINNERS 1 aide convemion.PHONE AMMO= Ma GIFTS made Up Of 31m 1.0100 and Dusty Winner of Use past week's Fife. Walled a regatta whIch be Haverford REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE On he Mtn Inn We a football scoregamelna con gin two week. ago up at New VASSALLO llenkels & McCoy Dills & Wadsworth, Int. London, Conn Thle was the Men met u mamma. by math. Barber Shop for the Easter: Collegiate Star Cnmamda ror repromomthre Contrucron MIMEO HAVEMOBD CMINBOLLTs Championships. Brown and Fife Math Lthe an4 tharomtown, Cheatnut Hill, DS. Oberman wee Mil Fels. REBVICR tlinalg Len IALLS at not found diffleult sailing In and Whilemarsh Chaster Comb leocastar A.a Philadelphia till W. Lamas. Me. COUNTERPOINT ha. laws MO the 2040 knot gusts but qUiddY Bair was the met °ethane. MEM BALMS& recovered to grab a place near of um Raverron mom* * The Heyerferd• th ladle of the Ust. attain( the mom of the MAIN LINE OFFICE 11 W. Evergreen Adam SAYERS SPORT SHOP Typewrittre FAT took the trophy home, lamslithe game. Ms choke. Bryn Mawr CHESTNUT HILL OFFICE 275 W. Lancaster Mem. WM. P. SHOGUN ow W. rennerter Mom with the Cant Guard Academy. ALL HAMM Wissahickon '7.3750 Ardmore 4350 Ilmorford over Handlion by Ilaymfat, Litarery Magazine Harvard, Brown, Haverford, CorOptkian Emerge W. Alm to Ern= Henan 'M 410.-MMIED-11.11PATIMID • M. count wee good for • nell, and Princeton enloying the -31.50 3 thrta Mawr Nan Bads Bar. Lorton of Chmterdeld elan gonna,. aype.Hlr gettogether Ina tt order at =.1= B. Lamas. Ams MIA Ma Mien Junior A's Upset Unbeaten Soph A 13; Rhinie A's Fail Haverford JV Busters Crush Drexel 7-0; Singh Nets Three S f West Chester Defeats .TV; ercomes Booters' Rally ern- go- -ring rininirin"i" Fencers To Feature New Electric Epee, Foolproof Decisions Haverford Sailors Cop Second. Fifth In Latest Regattas HAMBURG HEARTH- ' ALICE COOK E MIEN & CO. • 7.71rsTIK -- Comfort Attache In Rome; 'French Amateur Work Concerns Exchanges Philosaphy' Topic Howard Comfort, emaciate labor leaden and other foreign professor of Latin mid Green and American personnel under At Phil. Meeting Belled for Rapine today o• the the Fulbright end Smith-Mundt College Preference Clause Dropped From College Board Examinations Oakley Presents New Projects the duplication of acceptance. hY logs Ina purely unofficial cepac. admission officers. and the Oom For Campus Day 1W. sequent last-minute withdrawal of • Old Polity Mimed . aletkattod aoattneed flan Page 1 from Page WHRC Notes Gutwirth Discusses MonActs and under private ample:as. minim dons. La the past high school ten Ile will also be woridng closely taigne, Pascal, Camas At lots and Faculty shout leveetalking the College Entrance Because of the policy, how. percent with the information officers who ty.five percent Mr. Oakley exOpening Session Board erarninationa have had to ever, of many admission officers pects that about twelve hundred promote such masa media as the to refuse any applications tearpress, Voice of Americo, and Dr. Marcel ...mirth'. talk. en. list in numerical sequence their M g a *mold or thtel place rat- enanhours of labor win beautify documentary movies. tined "French Amateur Philo firet three preferences. This re. ing, many student. have fount Ma memos on November 1. The Imp to Rome will be a re- gophers.. last Thursday evening quIrement was designed to limit themselep on a limb open ne, Facet:der Foremen term to old haunts for the Cone marked the beginning of the fusel , Sr the college of their first President White will have forts, since they first met there Mace, or have hesitated to waste charge of planting trees around when Mr. Come-024mm a student year's =MM.e for the. Have, their trump eard on their fate the pond, while Dean Hoag cam Mr. Comfort was naked in Italy flied PhilemPIW Club. Dr. Gab mite conege because si its known help to( ear down the coal bin for her father was the Amer.. earth dealt with three Frenchhigh standards. near the powerhouse to relieve doctor at Rome. Now they have men — Montaigne. Pascal. and litaelennah Favors Ruling parking congestion behbut Lloyd two children: Laura, who will known Under the new College Board Mr. ahiantwo, win help wont the continue her secondary athooling Cann. — who, though atudneed from Pane I not Lloyd entries, end the rest of policy. admission erecters at Neufchatel. Switzerland, and chiefly In the literary field, muld, of the 'mow their rating in the opinion the Faculty will be pitching in an Win who is a mailman here at he said, be considered froth a ell an executive reeethate organization in Harrisburg IMO of the entering student nor the their there of the work. Haver... philosophic viewpoint fie Welt. week, along with Pngessor John other colleges to which seethe, The Campo. Day Committee Cultural ofheers, such as Mr. fliontaigneadqxemplear Me PUblic Dr. Clowleth described as as P. Roche the faculty adviser. n Ins hem made. A number considered holding the event In Comfort operate Faculty Retains Poorer of admiselona onions objected to the spring, but the college period Affairs Area under Undersea. lary of State Barrett Lo addition amateur philosopher one who fol. Aecording to Norton. "the Han the proposal on the grounds of then Is generally too busy. Early "Science and the Modern to thee dull. concerning au lows the Socratic dictum that the etsburg meeting wee turbulent. the extra (work that it will ms November was chosen became It World". wan dincussed by Dr. Al. matters as exchange students, I mexarnined life is not worth lie. A particular object of diapute tall. but VtroPrealdent Macintoth Ls usually good. brink fall woad. litteht Untold, van..? -.entree in they are also responsible far the Mg. but who does not erect a was the Faculty Scene leg mm- theerates that ha Is to favor of er end because It fells during the MormatIon centers, and great system of metaphysics or mittee which etunfnates eludent the new policy. IOU between marten/es and astrophysics from the Deliver-My of Kiel. in a talk on the evening other instIMIlons which our epistemology. Montaigne, his cendldates for ICC executive of. The Wednesday Wakes of the lattenkagiving. fires according to Its own Miter. College Board were devoted to mere will he three place, m of October 35. Dr. Unsold rer first example, was dedicated to vetoed some of the phliveePhieed Howard Comfort . . . the teak of depicting Mem., ea- Jon. Haver.. and Swarthmore speech., be eminent educator. campus where the students and college delegates were ardent pe o. and social inelegant ef science in reentry can get refresh/nen. be an exemplar at mankind His ponents of the two resolutions the past and commented on the teem 3:30 and 4:30t at the Skatgreat problem, hove to face death, to diminish faculty power Malin ing Home near the pond, on the Implications of science today. be nest answered in a Stoic fash- the etudent organisationbatebell Held, and on the practice Selma Milsoaed on, but later arrived at a more But shim both student chair •football field. In addition. there Dr. Unsold opened his talk with relaxed conclusion. men and faculty advtaers have a will be a roving "chuck wagon. • Moans/on of science in society. Pascal, Dr. GutivIrth said, was voice and a vote In the executive to visit the different house. and He woke el how man has gained particularly sensitive to the meetings the Came of the Hayother Peen fie the campus. cootinaed from Fame I many technical staves from the wretchedness of man. but ,he erford-Swartionore reset utions Inns Lager progreaa of science and how was und the singular auperlority of wan almost. pre-destined One oh, bachelor's. master, and doctor's has often misused edema by put. In Me being a thinking ere.. aerver pointed out however. that degree. After a eurnmeres study Dinner will be served at 5:30, tag these slaves to evil purposes. ture in an unthinking universe. contrary to most family men at at Copenhagen, he taught at Al. and that evening entertainment The prime example of this Is Came. In modem postwar time. the meeting, "Professor Roche legheny College for four yeah edit be provided for Faculty. Ito atomic energy. folds the only 'important question was one of themost vociferous before coming m Haverfoni Dur dente. and guests In the rem of Beginning with Om foundations of We to be that of suicide. The proponent. of the antbscreetOng Mg the war he fought at Swarth. square dancing in the gym. social dancing in the Common Boom, laid by such men as Galileo, von combination of helpless man and committee resolottons." mom and Bryn Mawr College.. and s bonfire and sing west of Guerin., And Descartes. Dr. Um a meaninglest uelverse Is an abAt present, in addition to Ms the footbsil practice field. sold traced briefly the mien 01 surd aeration. but neverthelesa dudes as professor and as di. present science, n connection presents God. Carom fees life Cadbury . . . pallor of the Strawbridge Obsee. with this he spoke an the change nth Ming to accepting the chat. maimed Tenn rate I eatery, Dr. Green is playing host Press Service . . . from the old scholastic way of matiamed ham Pam 1 tree Of the absurd. ta the Matngashert Dr. Unsold by the Council on Medical Educathought to the scientific way, Mocking to Address Club Brom Mei whom he describes an and as further assurance of ef. tion and Iimpitele of the Ameriand oil the rise of inductive maAfter Dr. Gutairth's talk • can Medical Association and the • ',Cry cOnekinnable addition- to Sleet operation, the College Is noting and the eclenthic method. . . to Dispense Culture short benne. meeting of the Ansoclatim of American Medics/ the normally one-man Astronomy to finance • renovation of the Memnon TheerY EeTertremet Mon.. in Club was held. at which tome mat- Colleges. It includes each men as Department Mrs wonder.] to NEWS offloe, which will besot. Proceeding from met), mime State most other countries They try ters of a budget future wake., George Pecker Berry, M.D. dean have some one to talk to who forward serve as Press Sendice this investigehem to how . set.. not only to give a true picture and cooperation with the Bryn of Ann knows my field!. says Dr. Green. bradeuMters Mm. tittle discovery Is achieved, Dr. or the United States through the Mawr Philosophy Club were dis- Harvard Medical School, Edward Severinghaus, Ph. D.. am who feels that In n mail dep.!- How this money will he divided tine ditrussed, as an example. primed matter dienntemd by cussed. Preadent Karl Spaeth re- sociate dean of the College of meet one can easily lose touch emcee the atiedmts hes not yet Max Planck's development of the them organisation. but also to vealed that Visiting Professor Phystelane and Surgeons. Alan W. with the outride World. been finally determined, but it Is quantum theory of light name schedule frequent concerts lee. William Ernest Hocking will ad. Brown. Ph. D., president of He. No Nov Men Ia Dr. Gomm.* Hen definite that the editor, reemerging misnon. He explained h o se tares, and movies in the aedi, deems the Club In the near future. hart College. and Merle Coulter, Has Professor Green ever disal/Orn editor, and bondman Plank, starting With Clank-al tortures connected to the libraries. Ph. D, aMociate dean of the UM- covered o new star! we asked. manager of the NEWS will be estheories of mechanic. and elector Another phase of cultural .cork. verelty of OrIcago. hoping perhaps dud an Alpha officio otficers of the Mass Serdynamics, wan able to develop the Mr. Comfort report. is the for The Survey expects that their Gteenia might have been added vice end Mil share In any dietnew seemmn of quantum me. noel and informal instruction in research wen be completed some to the destInguIshed company of deeds at the end of each year. thanks and quantum electro. American subject. especially the time next summer. On Thanks- Aldebaran. Betelgeuse. and Rigel. This errangement is calculated to Engliat Language. In general. I I uyi dynamic. 11E-M/GM - Opens — no. Eve published some prevent unfair competition be. giving weekend the committee He also pointed out the Impor- they are responsibtr for the twill held a conference be Mamma pa per. and thingn — bond sort twee n the two groups, and to tant concept that by an ant of In. cultural memo between the Lot wrekend The Friends So. the problems encountered In their of duff. I Mirk but I don't think avoid unmeant, duplication of coundel Order Committee commenced tuition. scientiste are able to United States end foreign effort you teener my that" lump atom an old circle of fixed tries. a fact which sometimes their eleventh year of sponmring Meat to • new circle of thought. leeds them co diplomatic work the Philadelphia weekend work Lastly. Dr. Unsold warned that such as the negotiation of cul- camps. The camp. which are InIt Is UAW. to believe that Jon. tural conventions Ilke that re. terdenominational. are designed ' for the arose of Improving the cep. delved horn one method candy signed with Bruit carry rry their influence be. slum conditions In and mound of thought can be universally aP plied. He Moo pointed out O. yond the small but Importan t Philadelphia. phlloaophical analysis of what intelligehtsi. they ghee seem.. Therapy I...VIM Added memm is shows Its houndanies. on the venom aspects of the The work conslass mainly of its linthettonts and the directions United States or on their own painting. scrubbing, carpentry he which proerees Is passible. achohnly elatrieltim and Mattering. Those who volunteer for this project are elven free morn and board over the weekend by the college. This year a new feature is to be stream]: camper, will assist In e program of mental health therapy deeigned analineed from Page 1 to Kim odehdrmen individuals metinnkibtflent develop We. Welter Michels. Professor , meld. The widespread hostility confidence In themselves.' el phy., who who this year is ren ar Dr. ftethel, &Meeker, stmssed the fact lhat ° many of the findings or payieteeieg volunteers for the camp. sunk science can only describe pheno- Remy report. shows that certain says that in the past many Haver. to toe °°]Dt ee they have nod ahead. ferritens have undertaken to work The greet., part trances a lent the physical scientist's time is spent Professor Schrecker attacked on this project. Say. Dr. Hetael, students who have In a makehelleve land of nem the Adam thesis by pointing out Haverford trona protons, and the like. li forth n ern times papered In the past he been to)catty themselves unantrnously enthuslantle about which conothut. a useful system re ° of admbolism, but which may or Y e'e"'""Y erlenafic ataxia. their experience. at the camen" may tel resemble the real world. Dr. Michels illustrated his Tel Bryn Mawr OM Mint by dropping two ball. externally Menthol, but as it turn. CORSAGES FOR HAVERFORD DANCES ed out, one of lead and the other • pingmong ball. S Professors While AM Adam. representing the branchea of biolBryn Mawr Flower Shop ogy and psychology. respectively, rounded out the discuselon. Dr. Mae, N, a. T. Sinelmetas White stated that sclencer him WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE was a religion me mien religion holds that there is • plan, Bryn Mawr, P. $25 Lencaster Ave. an underlying causailty. back of he universe. which It Is the duty of science co disease. Dr. Adams held that the present age la prescientific, He de YOUR WEEKEND GUESTS DESERVE THE BEST ecribed the bi.ory of science ae • conditioning of social Ideas to the findings of senesce, rather Coate Memo Mann PM and his family will spend the next two Yee. in Rome, where Mr. Con, fort will occupy the position of As: natant Cultural Attache to the American Embassy in Rome. Beterekin To Old Haunt. Mr. Comfort's work at the embassy will concern for the most pert the femme:Monet the of louden., scholars. editor. ICG Members At Harrisburg Unsold Discusses Place Of Science In Modern World o Pertinacity Marks Green's Teaching f re Annual Work Camp Re Professors Argue Values Of Science, Discuss Its Aspects And Limitations JENEITS t HAVERFORD COURT NIL ADAMS RECORDS REPAIRS PHONOGRAPHS . N w. Eamaider Am. Ard. IVO Montgomery Ave. "Now A anon Nome Maverford, Pa. • ilia Main Line's &met hotel offers metre/polite/1 hotel luxury in both /King and dining excellent*. JOHN TRONCELLITIJ Treat your visitor to a delicious dinner served in the distinctive Main Line manner. RRRRRR SHOP 16 ;Menton Ave. faun Ye renen. RearoadI DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Abe b Pr000dere Han Irm, Wed, Prise For EMervetionei Ardmore 0947 John A. Potter Manager OMPAN CH WITH ANY OTHER BEFORE YOU SMOKE THEM ...you can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder, because tobaccos that smell milder smoke AFTER YOU SMOKE THEM ...you have no unpleasant aftertaste. WHILE YOU SMOKE THEM you get more pleasure than any other cigarette can give you — that's why millions of smokers say: THEY SATISFY. Surd. °Metall of WHRC with to thank Haverford students and particularly the NEWS for the many complimentary remarks made about the broadcast of the HaverfornJunista football game. Ta He Mlle teener Conant work h bong carried on to perfect WIIRCa method of benacasthe football games. In the event of the broacka. of the Haverford-Suaquelianna football germ WHRC expecte to post by its previous errors. and thus give Haverford listeners • much eet ter presentation. At a recent emir meeting, John Lampert! rats elected to the pest of technic. director and John Hitchcock was sleeted secretary Hugh Scott Rips Taxation Policies manned Wan Page wig, 'toward Wociwierre Taxes to Atmore Democratic "porkharrel programs" such sa "mcbalieed agrkuaure—the Brennan Man- and "Mennen) melte., lenhId. he asserted, add more billions to • tax burden which already Dames es IS billion worth of Monentese • services. Passing on to the Mini Mon enleeP•Mdeath Scott produced plethora of data to prove that the Admineerstion frivoled away Conlemoodonal pos•wat. military appropriationa on frentoilitery projects. He claimed that Peal. dent Truroth had impounded moneyearmarked for the air force and 'later used it on his domestic program.- Ifs tom into the ...Secretary of Detente( "Johnson and if Joe Mahn march. esat lour atchtek in the morning, we will be ready at five. Well, the North Korean. marched at four and We . didn't even know It MI eight." BM. Communists With regard to Communism. Stott tested, "I do not think that Senator McCarthy conducted hint. self properly.- Bob the Congenerman also attacked 'Senator Tidings whitewathtt of the McCarthy charges, declaring that "it was the Republicans who detected the extetence of eubversives In the rnment- and who effected prosecution. Scoff volunteer d the name of a Communist In government he himself had dereeled: American Mmbessador to Korea Moeda. who Is tolerant of the Communist aide of the argument' g N Also Robert Butler traa appointed by the board to the poet of publicity director replacing Clark Johnson, who is inkling over the job of sales manager. Nave Peasintna Pander WHIIC's pr 01510, 'M. Haver, Said Sports Parade," Is lending a drive to improve campus spirit Many athletes have stated en thla program how mach Meer, Mg helps them. and announce. Tom Muth and Fred Dale of UM Program have made many plea. for an Increase M college spilt WEIRCs new program "Meet the Faculty.- (Tuesday at 7,151 proved quite a hit last week when Professors Roche and Have lard reviewed the record of the level Congressman, from so sue biased" stand point of mum. However, Republican supportem Mond this topic so intere.Ing that they have asked WIERC of. !trials to have another Hawerlord Pmlessor review the mole MM. in,the same "unbiased- feshlon. Perhaps a deMee between ow twit factions can be nrranged over WHRC In the near future Fob. Pima WHEC has two long mega Mem for future programs Improvement: t II To Obtain a tel. type machine Inc their Oodles, which would enable the nation to give mu. better newsmoven age; and (21 to gresent • earnpm news broadcast one or Mice a week. Customs Revival UpsoneWeed College Pep tram Page Slime ....de), when laid. regulations began to he enforced. the freshmen hove signed the Honor System pl.,. and are &gam sporting their cape and name buttons. Their en manse atreedance et Me Friday night doings. end the large. spirited block which they occupied in Inc stands Saturday con be taken, perhaps. by those concerned with the state of Haverforde school spilt as • sign of renaming Clam tteolidatity". If them really Is • retellory ship between the "integration" of freshmen. student body enthusiasm and good news from the athletic geld. there me be little doubt as to the eneolvenear of these late. moves by the Co. new Committee. School spilt Mt • season high an Homecoming Day and there was no euesdon about who left the football and tamer field the olcloc