News v Haer D
e D 4 OR Haer v Four Letters Argue Customs Committee Page Two Ejip c, . tip News Novel Theater Plan Initiated Here Page One S1 ..a 122/21:2224 12'rot -dams mat= a ths l.raort. se W mama Me e . 83.00 PER YEAR ARDMORE, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1951 I• Macintosh Cites April 26th Set I Hinshaw Undertakes. Jones Memorial Work Admissions Rush As Closing Date Caused By Draft For Fund Drive Anniversary Fete To Mark Conclusion To Active Phase Of Campaign Up. recommendation of the Campaign Committee. the Board of Managers h. decided to bring the—Havertoni Cannatign no an official alto! on Thuseday, April 25th, the second ...may of the Start= of the campaign. On oat occasion there will be a Drat report Milner. The campaign or g.ization as =Cli will ter/Nate lit work, though contributions win be received until Commence. men. June 9th. "An AM of Faith" Robert it. Locke comment= on the decision to . announce a date lot the closing of the campaign, said, 'This la an act of faith We are edll short of our goal by 4137.080. We belie. Nat by strenuoa and comatent forts this gap will be bridged and that We have a fighting chance to reeeir our goal by that tittle.Mr. Locke further said, -The Campaign Committee Is reoelv gifts alma dWily etern the. alumni who had not previously made contributors, Additional elite are also coming in from many previous donors." The committee la now scheduling special contemn. with Clue Chair men to glee them the latert In. far ti on Committees front many classes will become Inerea Maly active during Ne next few wee. in helping to round up the largest ftwalble percentage of donors. Adadnistation officials din closed advanced 0.s last week will be transferred in order to for the addition to the Library of reproduce the atmosphere in Jon. Memorial which Haverford's greatest teae. Study. and at the same time recent years did ad much of Cr .wonted that a prontin.t alUrn. his thinking and writMg. When nue, David Hinshaw. 11. had un. completed. It was explained. the dertakert a !scheme whereby he room MO be used for holding hopes wieldy to provide a sub. seminars end as t place for med Mantel portion of the 915.000 which will be needed to bold this On o3nnection with these plena Study. Kr. Hinshaw, longtime Mend and To implies. Jones. Study intimate of Rahn Jones, has er The projected memorial. which ranged with the publiehent of his will be constructed between the new illustrated blogra0h1.1 pen north gallery of the Library and trait Indus Ames, Master guano , ire,epsen the Treasure Room. Ls to be al e,on bens exact duplicate of Dr. Jona' trona direct pre publication sales book-lined study at 2 College Cir of the oath &ant, to a fund tae de. The fontnitiog. sinan foe M.= the Memorial Study. 0001002, and evert the fireplace Publication date of the 32Cfpage volume has been set at March 9 of this year. and the publisher. ,:,,z7.r,,:P= Education Group Lr.„7,-„d:-:„b,:r=on Renews Sessions; wiiii„Members Added Uncertainty Students Review Honor System, Consider Report And It Ain't No Aardvark ... Honor System Committee Makes Four Suggestions; Women Ruling Provokes Considerable Discussion Complicaas Whole Admission Procedure: Full New Class Now Possible 1 Feasible revision and eon• siderabie discussion of the entire Honor System were the principal item of business at the regular beginning-of-thesemeder Students' Association meeting held in Collection last Tliesday. February 13. There were distinct overtones questioning the Customs Commit. me as well in session which. though It took no denote erilon en any point. promised to be a prelude to further Argument at meetings later this term. Special ComMita Reports Touching off most of the dtc bate was a report read by Peter Sch... chairman of a Commit. tee to Revaluate the Honor SYs tem, on the findings ad reamnsendatio. of that Committee. By GERALD FREUND '"The number a application for ads.ssionv Haverfontt freshmen class next fall In run. sing forty to Mb' Parent of Me nom. volume far this Me of year," womb. to Vice President Archibald Maatirosti. He motioned, however. that "this is not yet a signiticant trend"— that between the present time and the deadline. Me number of Inquiries and applleations may =natal and trend to equal the total volume of went yeas. Class Hinges on Law Phan by natant dune. That's what this quintet of Bryn Ma tor freshmen were about to shout to their Mr. Macintosh beget= that sophomore oppOnents as they swung into the finale Of As Tea Swipe It, last SatUftlay "the early rush for applications night. Left to right are E. Kemp, Eve; Pd, Plunkett, Robin Hood; M. Kennedy, Don may be attributed. in each to the Juan; H. Kneeland, Ali Baba: and P. Price, Peter. ol candidates and their Mr. trinehaw, who was eo-found et of the NEWS In his undergrati- parents In getting starred on col. lege admission despite the posed The complete text of the Ros The student Education Coin. Publishes themselves in making bun, mmee, nedkenen to eh inneonge t =stem Revelation Report • contribution to the fund. 'The service legIstation being enacted," IIS • will be (mad on page 4 of IBIS doe and evaluation of the goals college appreciate." President He went on to explain that some Issueml- White wrote HInahaw loot month, prospective freshmen want to and lean education, met at Yarn. the "significant service which undertake as much sane work The recently appointed group. House on February 15th. The you are rendering in this coma= rse roam, they are In. At hero, detecting "a general .tipping' in meeting wan the boromittee's ohooh. BY ANTHONY MORLEY student adherence to and eonducted, white others went to asstore spring al about wound its tuneful way am for Inc Honor gyn.,aeoje clad female RIM.. By the end Swipe it .copies .00 .Rnthe sure Owns.. a place In col. As Is perfectly use thaetorder the .oa nest four major recommendation. Jon. 3Iaater Quakes- may be oh legs upon completion of .ltmry this time of year, the Bryn Mawr of song number seven the bevy through two PlonY nets Net tabled at $4 each be writing to service. A third grotto of eintii Freshman class, despairing at had grown to 42. end when the volved twhat else, the sorrow. tit That responsibility log and rightful re freshman indoctrination should V.. IV Irene.tarot IMAM O ver tut 'nat.'s. 2 W. 45th St., New cants seems to believe that cot lull of ear ....Mg attention evening. The Educational Committee Is cone well aver union of a Princeton men and be Mien from the eneoinno CoroYark, 19, N. Y. finished there tege admission would =home In less brazen ways. summoned Intended to provide objective eve]their chances of obtaining den up all Its misspent energies last half a hundred !tippers In eight. his Bryn Mawr girl. Young P.V. mittee and assumed directly by Ration of the fundamental goals ferments. Mr. Macintosh noted Saturday night to rover the stage plus two pigeons of a different IP. Price,. It seems. yeas sent the Students' Council, with more and primary hoe eno , , being placed no that "so mach depends upon the of Cocdhart Hall with a siniele spades—a most effective way of to Thieves' Paradise for stealing „neon ""1 College by an organized modem the Princeton bell the got clap dent. of an Big Brother Coo' emulsions of the new draft law Mg shebang of atrentiows end giving sophomores the bled. group. While the faculty and Ed too- =red in the attempt while the am,. and the polidea. af. lonsiotlimit strident songAnd daMilinoniners Supported at .ery 121 That the Students; Council chiesi, mu rave. went by time meta by die eliaral donning of alim Rowe ,cmneettlon i fef ff. 11.44°. evalating the ATZeM it In expected that many cleaca ' It next years new dans is will in collective name of As Yon Swine this east of thousand., A. Yen was refused admission One tack sholid, moreover, administer the .10 be able to report a one tons the student body, telt to once again play Reverie= • Hanor System In a respectful and It 11,e tale, of course. made of felonle. credentials, center of the entire be the vial hunclred pen.nt participation la The artistic seism, in short ealionsible manner: it wen sok' process, has hereho beet to her alumni lo the medical bed The elimination of the choice only the humblest pretension. to the campaign by the closing educational waa quite el.r. Problem 1: to &meted that the Council create a no organized expression and dental professions, who are rule on college applications and cleverness but the show itself date. Already Bin classes have a fore dinner on invited to attend get Eve lkirsten Eta gated Penn... watchdog committal onchundred percent report, eight of its point of view upon Mese Starch 8 to meet with undergrad- achievement exams has further managed to break Per PrettY Know, the madam cat Thieves' to keep an eye on the working. complicated the admissions so pro- handily, on a fairly rough mum classes have reached seventsfive ma [eta. 50-611.—se Paradise. M tel June in with Pet. of the Honor System. Last weeks meeting was the antes taking the pre-medical em. The only lead to which percent And thirty-Nan chase. Pentane°. Mao Beeponlible course Good old Gcodhart may have esjemlurion 1: to establish Julie's college a student considers his have passed the any percent first of a series dealing with the A. the Prat speaker In a pre. ill That the need for teaching Rhoads Maestioneter for Valid identity as thieL Problem problem of "general education vs,. Best choke coma from the inter- te. packed to Its gothic gills mark. Ma of Collection talks whirls procedures which encourage Dr, Herbert W. Taylor, '14. specializatMn," with partial. view Mr. Masao. said Mat the occasion, but even at that It promise to'bring a wide variety 2, Mt think of something she flon is might have stolen; solution 2: to emphasis on the major concert. Charm. et the Pre-Mediall many of the students he has ho was scarcely more crowded Om the the eta.,lent. at Clartaill time of subject matter before the have everyone ream. In a 011.. not at.eme. ...lotion. tratIon. limited elective, and pre. Committee. with the help of an Wagner. ing flash of histrionic reveled.. Honor System. should be explainwith no fewer than 34 .otically student body, MY. 4*"..40 Fnge 4, Col. 1 remit.= cease systems. Among alumni committee and the Admani editor of the Baltimore Saul, that she had stolen the show ea to 'certain prot.sors;" the cm Office. halt completed Plan. for the emblems planned for Maus. will addre4a the College on Feb exam. Claughterl. Sub-pLott the won. p.ting or the same final skin tater In the semester are the limner. and invitations have nary 27. Mr. Wagner. aside drone Inclusion of a bobby. IP. inations year after year in come grading and examination. etts been mailed to ail doctors and from hts Journalist= position. I. Albertl who would make some images was apecifleally Widen. dentists In the alumni =MM. Lester C Haworth. Vice Prat dent • sentry relations, curricuthe 50 other thieves feel that they ed. recognised authority no • Prior to the meeting there will li fe. and teaching dent of the College in Charge of lum, social subject of wine-making, on which were being ch... 141 That the Council emphasise be an opportunity for the situ. Pobtle Relations and Develop methods. he has written several hooka. Most chased land least chattel that it "feels Ir." to investigate dents to meet with the guests ln meals. Open meet, has lust returned to the In all Miaow... however, was instances wherein women have Mnililiti PM.. Plumed According to Gerald Freund, the Mien at 5 p.m. for informal. with the stage in the oilddle and summer-stock prof eesional campus otter an absence of sew discussion. The subject of the the audience seated immediately groups. In orcus operas under the While the speakers for March a sivivelhipped Tart A. WM on weekend nigh= been kept lit mai days In the Interests a the etudrman of the group, "the meeting will be "PreMedical emend liacerlords in higtop, and by univendlim each 8 and March 13 have not as yet Mani. who delighted the pit by dormitory moms "tothsteeteBY Haverford Campaign. He Oral weekly meetings are open to par Edecation Haverferd." .d novation to the Geld of collegiate as Fortnum and Penn State, been decid. upon. March 20 is trolloping her way through —The alter 3 a.m." visited Florida and contacted key illipation by members of the toodamatics. This "theater-Maheto the first to ah Haverlord will the date tel for Inc spring ath. Spice of Life," the best of six This report aroused a good atudent body and administra. Dr. Jonathan E. Rhoads. '211. Men. who wet* m that ante at act as toastmaster et the dinner. round" ill the braineend of fresh. traduce theaterintheround on tete C,ollection. The speaker for good songs written wholly by G. Coati.. Page 4. CA the note, Including George W, tion, although the committee h. Main =either of the eve. man Roger Foster, who has been the college level 0athat oetasion has not been an Davis. Special mermen should be Johnson '25, Attorney. In Orlando ....reMP students and one =catty slog .11 be Dr. George IC worklint an it In conjunction with Over forty students have all thane., however. The Coneeltho made also of E. Glayser. as Jesse and and Philip a Deane York, Strode. 'ye, Dr. Strode la a mem. Mr. Richard Warren, instrurtor reedy espassed Intermit in the of April 3 has been selected by Jam. of G_ Struthers. as Moll Pennsylvania The faculty menthe. Professor bar al the international Health in English and contemporary project. and an organisation the Students. Council for the Flanders, of P. Hitchcock and Contacts Leeds. meeting is scheduled Inc 530 thla second mating of Me Roden.' E. Woodruff, as two Brinks robJohn Ashmead. Jr., acceded to the Division of the Rockefeller Faun- Drama. Returning north, he attended Combine Ancient Swett afternoon in the Common ROM. Association this' semester. and and request for his para. detion and director for activities students' an all meeting Combining the Elisabeth. onsact plays such ea wen car. Harry et; ''' .1 the a"."1 ration in the meetings In order In Europe and the Near East. He Pep of Earlham of G. Von 'kW' of Trustees College he might ennoenonoe hoe noon, has traveled extensively In can. and ancient Greek types el stage, Mfalting For Lefty," O'NeilL'a .111 oso. APot' oo al ListfreLniff7urset'hltetfTthat Unless there Is it sudden show of width he is a member. From hoe. ;ne expression on nome neaten with work In preventive with a touch of the Cleena.bitodi The Bale." and Harritya "HoP. Wabash College. will be the could not have been complete at .rodent enneohoon and the re. them he mntacted key eantlialint tendon.... views upon the peck. medals, In 1942 Haverford Col- ma. Its shape has coined such Is A Thing With Fcathers. are speaker. Dr. Cotton has been a 04.00" the to in Collection hat .' which port submitted leaden In Chicago. Milwaukee, ie.. r.orroo,.. the "arena" stage, the under consideration far proune- ',tor am a oaeureron „deninne must Ill always Is, have been hy one the lege awarded him the honorary neck Detroit and Ann Arbor. Michigan. "circus" theater, and the voce. den by the conege Circle The In the best ever. and which was ter made to In- degree of Se D. Following Ms "circus" He is and Japan. Md. china Revaluation of the Haverford On Sunday afternoon. Februtral" stage. Although the Idea him Mee sometime in mid-April Re. • past president of the McCor. mad, the Lint he ten , inter 1 college Honor System. it appear. ary 11, he met with a group or Continued Page 4, CoL Contemned Page 4, Cob been adopted =mesa/ally by hears/11s will Mart the Ann'. tads Met h.. . . likely that It win be accepted by Inattk Thalog I ea I Seminary in loci. il Hared°. Alumni and the par. Meeker. Chicago. having left in 1917 after ringer.. eats of present Haverford sett Proponents of Incircle The ay. years there, Dr. Cotton a And so. alter fourteen song.-- 'OrtTS:eudicurreport ern.= cm dents at the CriversIty Club ater state that the Intimacy be- author of The Chriatian Expert c•C en..— page four., Milwaukee. He discussed with tween the actors and the audi- ens ifta. The aononi, and even a harem dente to the am. The setting up of a Medal them the titans of the College In en. is the greateet asset of tae wawa aatherb, oce, cornpanknent Ai of J. Arthur Rank nonnnohoo,e, onehannheie hoc.. genend and what the College Is eren. Stage. nhea identincancit over to the annual student mu- songs. "A. pass for the instilling of a sees. doing to meet the 'meant na. brooms a much stronger element Inevitable, of respect and obit onion for the The Gagne., than h., tonal emergency .c1 then reBy JON GWITMACHNB Honor SyStem in erneling freshported upon Me proem. of the .liege choral groups. as Is Baida giving Haver.. a Moe anecdote Is tel .hour the novicemen Is ye to nice its Stat. eampaIgn. He found the parents fa., years recording in college music C.-1.1es. Dr. Mmdf°44... 'ch....1..1c. In talking to Willem Rem, shown clarified. The pre. it tarn of present students, the parents one disco.. that a mu. pro. for RCA Victor and the perform- Ree e feels that the Glee Club the sneered, unconsciously Students' Council expires tn I-of former students and the ressor's range of interests and en' ace with the Philadelphia Or. offer. students a participation In criedout out. "God bleas you." alumni deeply concerned abellt periences Is by no means neces ca.. under Roane Ormently. music which they can value the 'cab.. when '-a" ..... Although the absence of at. anti officers wit be elected. and the College In this prtiod of airily limited. While music has Natoli.. a arnoll village loc. rest of their lives ..... in. 21.11°.' l°"°. the ad is, ewe rated wend 1 of the area. According to the the "lame dud," I. PciniengY emergency, always been Dr. Ree..a foreOf plays, Itgathe Mitch Dr. Reese. the son of an organ. Pe " e' ee whether or not It should go ahead OMR Miller Fanny most interest, he has delete Into . rili... rolls morn st and choirmaster, beeerne In- hits for backdrops and during c sslaSta fiw netrtea'A chll. waft MN externivc elation, the P Are n be ehlgYsTf a ke'asanad While In Ann Arbor, Mr. of M inerf°° • I.' -F.°.."' the aria of mad building. driving terested In music at an early age scene ch.... Existing Mite= L2 'fly. worm was in touch with three a bulldozer:shaking limed for a destination of two members of era in the local school house. in. which might require a relation, He stated the piano as smell range from four 1.1-watt floodkey Haver/ord men. Lewis Bow• wimplel of men, and climbing the the Freshen. class. David Foulke structing In English, arts and or at least a reepprovat by the child and began moductIng enole lights to prpduce a general camel. creak and recreational work. next Council. en, '34, Francis Evans '36 ant Roti‘s with VIce-President Mae to 8,000.watt arrangement. for and Philip Silver, both conscienIn his 'teen. After graduating top Robert t E. miller, '12.He reeelved intoe, Besides, this diversified Ho. objector. am currently on They will also assist at the new The Council Is also considering and atomic .ploalons. from Amheat ht. 1931. where he a suitable date when the student Rober their way to participate In the health 'renter. first hand report on the five hacyround one soon teams that had majored In Idatory and miWari er Directs The workeamp was ambush. body an meet for a discussion of AFSC workeantp located there. Miller aorta who came to Havers Dr. Reese him a very definite rrored In German and must. he The Common Room has beet three yeas ago to serve the etch- the Proposed overhauling end pria Seams Await 'rehd lord, the youngest of whom Is philosophy of music and Ms corn:Med his morel at Gann. selected for presentation of Cis Two other Freahmen. David teen nee.,vide,. caning in vision of the Clint0.1 Committee. David. who attended the College terpretation For Dr. Reese music Ma. Them he became Interested de Theater productions. Ettemr and Paul Seaver, are awaiting no- size from RIO to 5.00e population. The posaibllity of amending the the first semester of Una school should be more Man entertainin orchestral conducting. In 1934 originally sought use of the cob tice to appear in court for /all- An effort has been made to fur Honor System In res.. to slirear. ••so far ee I 0110.," add ment; It should en... the r.enced a rellowship for away age horn, but thin she was =an re to register. Conscientiously ther social and economic gains vote property has Its opponents be Mr. Haworth. "the Miller family heart, body and soul Otherwise In Sean where he obtained his doned because of fire regebniona opposed to conscription, they through educational. health and at the moment The arguments lukts the record. I cannot recall the hearer only skims the wealth PhD, While studying on the con. Mr. Warren will direct Aprils were Indicted last tail and ate saltation. and recreation pro- went into Iwo attegoriese any 'other family in which the embodied In the art of sound. tirtent. he gave vent to his great production of two anise. playa now working on their Prospect. fee. Much work has been direct. 1.1 members of the student body father end five sow all attended Introduces Top Sander= love for the outdoors end took with Alfred McKenzie serving as vine arm until the date for their ed toward the health center. In are not responsible for most of Hevertord". While on the nit In his four years at Haverford. many hilt.. and cycling teal is set. construction as nal the recent thefts, and 2.1 mstage manager. The MuW medine re Mr. Haworth also interviewed Dr. Reese hex made great strides all over Europe. pertment plans to compose. se The NatIvitas work.. is en. over hookworm. reforestetIon nal vision In the Honor System will minther of Foundations who have to carrying out Ms philosophy. home. 11.t, arid scrooge music that will gaged in various community the construetion of a Meal reser- not keep an Individual front Afte' express. Sr Marta In the Has Linder Ms tutelage the Glee Club stealing. Coatlamd page. fa Col. 1 ornate suitable moods. projects among the utilizes vale. hassitainad a Pop weal= among Woad, Campalinm • purchased on or after March 9 wipe It" Proves Cynosure Bfric Weekend Frolics Pre Med Dinner Set for March 8 Speakers Chosen For Collections Haworth Finishes Fund Drive Trip Drama Group Introduces `Circus' Theatre Here Council Considers Committee Text rof. In Profile: MUSICL4N, PHILOSOPHER, ROADBUILDER, DR. REESE BRINGS GLEE CLUB- FAME dhLac.'"ruL Foulke, Silver On Wag To Mexico To Participate In AFSC Workcamp — cow. • d th. EDITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS Pine Two Haverford, Pa., Tueeday, Feb. 20, 1951 Haverford News Editor Anthony Money. Managing Editor— Frederic Hoe& Senior New Editor — niched Norris. Neva Editor:— John Wirt, Peter Take. Radom illsoogor —Sydney M. Cone, III, Sewer Editor — Bwrill Game. CURTAIN CALL Alumni 'News Today 1 ft. myself In an unusually reckHn the Montt D ruiner and the Mendelasohn G mince. mood and Mall, therefore, wider the baronet of Mad applause after each thienthesion. Serldn Truth and in the name of Art, rat my Men thee reappeared the there was a third ',merlereporterial pleasance again. the combined staffs Beethovetts Fourth. Fret.. myth.. Saida of the Theca of New York and the toed by now had. according to the themee, set a *quire, I Math to come quickly to the point, record: 'nth Is the Ann artist ever to play three endeavor to *et forth what actually went on at aracertha in one emirate WM the Phila.:el. JIM* Ridden, 47, ebyeareld the Philadelphia Orchestra Concert in the muselms." The Thaes met in a Mt more Men. and pragnong player le ohm, but has played the piano Academy of Music on Saturday evening. February cautiously, of course, saying neatly that la was elated for a meow st New in elmost every concert hail. and 10, The accounts of that evening's proceedings 9a performance that probably never before has Yorke Town Hall en February with almost every major orehes that were printed in the daily newsragers for been attempted at the Acadhey •" la my event 2& He is an ex-crold prodigy who too in Western Europe and the Mee following tome, htto sone reason shamelessly bowdlertaed whet in ,it stem. to me that Seri. was just getting made his debut with the Phil. near East. Last year he net Seine Weed In Its entirety, has bees fact took WacerI hereby shoulder the thanalem warmed to and we sell good for at least deign. Orchestra at eleven, play thing of a record by playing 100 se. by John Wagner, • Herm task of detateng in Meek and white the whole haladtreen more COneerteei but it the he new teeth.s sow memileg W enter ith most edw 01 the mei. Aim" concerts in Id= menthe FM Ehe monde°. kffair. Hit3e and the orchestra most., good union ken orchemets before he was rupee. debut in rain tens/Med year at Mena et Pule —1141 men all, were boslly pecking away their Inetru. fourteen, a. played `Ind."of. MTh°. was, in the more of re, The peewee. or the concert that partleuter meets. KoussevItakya threaten In the daye 'n studim, Mid by the City of Par. menthe were earmarked for the FIrandelphe Berkahlre Festival at nineteee. At Recently, he performi al • is be the form of the Itieretary Ontheetra fund. Redolf terkin had been asked The net. were We. ea, Omer., and moue the same rone, he won the Memet concert on February S. of the Accuee de Parts, a ma, to perform free of Marge with the ennestm *eke left the maga, and metheeld rasp whom I had met and Medai that eve.. thereby ending the fund. Seek. peed He maae • Imif meson fen of path New Jersey Sete Ping-Pone et the Sere Comeau, BM another Chernpl.ship. on February 13, at the Theatre wham we arrived last Sep... lade gar Betithis rehesaalty. Re expletwed bad Weld to the artoogetneot.. and sure des ChnteratElyme lie left for ler, quite certain that I Moue Qtdts Ping Peet enough Moms we tee program peeked the M. the web.. Rea tended to glee die mver sea him again, I was flab Since then he ha pretty much New 'fork on Fetwary 14, and genera= RM. Othen he carat ratreeri a given up ping-pang for lack of wed PleY • meow on February thr pretest fee Me err., He WI that Onmenly tly ."Wd forni .h' edo Fren hj' The orchestra was seated on the stage a0 317 be New Yorke Town Hall The (Mae be sand 'neon') hen la *Meg usual, emept that a good many word sloe.. da,v after that he Ono hack to heeled from the telephone the with the Menke Memel Wet Serklers fare were obmwed by a rectanglar :elld of black. Pada to dart • tom of Gentian other 0100100. lie aged me and Weemsnt mks in need of a tractor. After a few velvety cloth, about filtha feet long, ten high ad Austria Then be will to to the girl whom I was word* 113.111 refereseee m 'Gene end "Rena' Me durog and six wide, Meth was sumended tent-like by South America fora tereemonte Don./ eltat down: the black tent was need, eto' dine """'gh at the d' reath }"u e two cords from a flat in the lower lett-hand tow-. me there, es the stage of Um &Adams of rant Quasimodo. corner of the stage. The only concert hall he hae Alm* stood to breed sew, red, 111. Leek and Meths skipped in Pere Is the Salle At 0,30, Hut McDonald, general manager of Barred. Ir.., °Linable to decide what was . • . ho which I refl. the orchestra. name out on the stage to explain coming off. we arrived at 7,30 What happened next was extremely straws)) to Way, Met bemuse lee BO It the . to the audience that the cloth covered-nee wort rosteurmt on the little 01 art" which, a/ter the concert, would be unveiled and tidier.. The Thoth under a headkine of Jame. G. Downward, newly are calm isle, Saint Louts, too PIANIST SERICIN RIDES GIFT TRACTOR OFF in honor of "a great arm, Exit McDoualit Enter point. head manager of the Ruse. tom Fees found the whole restavirmet t CONCERT STAGE IN PHILADELPHIA on the Eugene On.hdy to conduct the or ch este& New York advertising office of Fore time in 1947 be had high ourselvea. Our hoonnthe tops la through the overture to THE MAGIC FLUTE. firm page of Its second seal. on February P. Tints elegattne, has Sat moved hopes of making a concert tour Vol. profession at the art of con• devoted one sentence to what followed, am that Edo Orm.dy. Enter two stag.ands pushing a te Greenwich and has rented a et Rutha. A tentative Invitation versemn and petheness, greeted sentence wag a complete col.staineet of feat Nano. Exit atagehenda new 500,0 on Calhoun Drive. Mr. was extended to him by Rued. us rnmt spontaneously, and as "The Menet, Rudolf Serldn, who daub.% WI a Downward and his tunny Embeem officials In Paris after the mmagtr in wrote tie .d The renowned Rudolf Seri. then came on and Yankee Brener, rode oft the stage of the maid move In at the end of the month. he played at the Mead Nationa tails thought op the most pertwo rarely performed piano concert. followed: old Academy of Muth an a tractor last night to Down.d It eying at the pee Bell in Heron. There he wound fect combinedon of entree, bore the ringing cheers of nuousande of theatregoer.. uA hie program with Momsorak- d'oeuvre end cheese — three The INQUIRER. likewise covering the phase kee "Gates of Brae at the end wale-omen placed before us the of the presentation in one sentence was, though Df which an Russian officers pre. Weer and tryst. meth more subdued, equally misleading: 9Serkin nt stood up and mewl. "We toned on filet of soie and In full dress of who tie end tails thee left. The American Embassy. .ter lobster, then steak, rheas, Ihinalicre speech, climbed to the seat of hia wed In reestatollehlng cultural ime caramel, and ,tee. A 're ERNA., ore of the most interesting =wig bright red tractor and ternained there briefly rapport with Ruse* was eager moat energetic personality, he all the recent works on Adolf Helm his before le was pushed offstage" to me gem for the tour wept* had the convereaon, in French, methods, his peedea and hie personal die is a thdortwettely, what really occured after Mc ed and did everything It could through We French Consetudon enrol volume, now published to a second edition Donald's apeech was pretty emblem...Mg. Them KWheo himself offered te too- England, Robert A. Taft, the by the .ratford University Presa entltled Hen. was some laughter, a little applause. Sorkin canoe eel all other engegethenta Em- philosophy of the Quakers, and Directs Iffis War. The work Is a selection from back umeage es red . the tractor. More applause. d en Enemy officials in Pale the hest move in town. We left the records of Slider's daily military conferences. He end MeDonedd shook hands In the middle of apparently also slid everything we Quaeltorodo Si 10,30. and Wad and annotated by Felix Gilbert, Professor the stage. Sorkin shook heeds with Hileberg ithe they could, and., Mei. den, so, went to a amen 2rnsts• cue, ▪ History at Bryn Mawr College. mneerbeasteri. McDonald motioned Sen. tows. Informed Retcher that confirma- when more converamion wound the tractor. Serb. refused to budge. He shook tion of the Invitation should be throUgh pesaimism. optimism, Rho oriainals of these treesertpts were forthcoming within the next two and other generale.* that are McDonald's hand again, furiously, and Just as found, a group of diamed renoMm, eutted week. There wan no wood In threatening or building op vigorously shook ha own heed beck and tort, sir ground near the 00.500 . Hintereee, three wee., see non, at the ed Treace. For two or throe long, horrible minutes Seekin Bavaria Their discovery wee thought about "From the cue we not to the of two menthe stood there with his back to the audio e, desperthrough the work of Hr. George Allen, Hw,E10y.cee n,,e a tuo. the .„. Cace Finally word error that Mosvetoed '40, she was, in 164, . charge of ately shaking hands with McDonald and refutes cow hotere were full for the ma to fro to the tractor. Oat loud II home him way the ItIvisioesi Counterintelligence there flew to . end with A coup to me* followed by legroom.* to up in Family Circlet McDonald 101100 "Gene" In with the IOW Airborne Peen. at &edit. sit tight 'Me Dert word was that to argue with "Rudy" ent tlom Wit his elder, inn. gat.. Now In the poseeindon of .e library to On We Pth re lM sid' en ‘bteI N. Brockway, On Beemboet Rood Nee me na train s ce to be box, of the Unlveraity of kentuyivarda, the wee box for a new play, and leaves Meomaralle, d mortis of WM-loos flanking had. ell of it at me. beins M. ManthWrIpts Include the records—in WM. fuming mead the Iron.. roe all I in Greenwich, Connecticut. me with ententles to get me to • the way to Downward was formerly the mthiPted by Male mime mae• emplace—or tifty-orte of Herees teemed.. The all took plea know they went trying So hitch an a due Chicago adverteing manager of market. military °waren.). with be chef lieu node, the good Moll of Paris,n harrow. Troweeradde othes nne the.° •• • Katchen called the Ruedn Thos. He left the banking field Moan* ronductoes pod.m were placed by the dieter to Join the stet of Vain In 1934. throw* relillerie far four to ensure Sorkin to mount it Ormody matte Of this Wet group of Aftyone conference, Most of roe sateen year. With months. °I wanted to to .tare the ally armed.. getting Sen. to ge war be Mean are reproduced, In whole or In pert, ha the company have been spent hitch wasn't my fault. They never the tzeater. Someone, .00108 the dew Weren't Elder Dirac. His War. These fifteen center working in Philadelphia where said a definite Wen" blab enough put • cher by the tractor *help emend tit eases of the North Africa Campaign Olympia. Interns..te be was made ale manager in the planar get aboard Others kept ham Out of 1942, the fell of Muesollni, the Russian Meter Last summer leatchen was ISM on Ma return from several 010 of the chose Of elleog with the e.t.a vaneus knee. sod Campaign o/ 1944. the attempt on Inners ilte years war service with the Of- erected to the Olymplade Interna- IBM met for dinner Olt ThursMama in ISM. and the Opening Mga of the AM., tionale de Morgue of which day evening. February 6, In the fice of War informadon. invasion of Germany. .714111 patted the Metter. then backed away, .13 pirttlid Chime. limner le Bruno Welter is president. He Malley dining room in Founders The nature of Hinees direction of nolliterY heading for We exit Ma Hight was arrested by 1949. Ile will be exceeded there represents Arnerlea along with Hall. Gilbert F. White was their mat famous names as Muth meat FQllooning dinner, the policy and Mategy is brought out both In the Boo burly photographer. who ft.u.,,,,telY uwed by Jose. J. In Bern lermenY palms, Stokowski. Copland, Lab group remained to visit with the text of the conferencm and In Professor Gliberes him. By now there was a general uproar of the of Time's Chicago Sales Stair te Lehman, and others. President. Introdection. From both men= it emerge. that tyee generated at a Red Skelton movie, and I The dinner was arranged by the principle behind Hitlere [Nothing on matters couldn't hear what the photographers said to 11.Mmin F. Hoffman clam ma of strategy and Maim was fendemenully one of Senna I imagine It was something like, "Where rotary. and to addition to Mrs political consideration. That is to say, he mob- the hell's our praiser, Macro and President White. the follow, ile:Meted rrolltary to political expel**. theen. ire members were present: At my We, Sen. weal back to the Mg the movements of his armies from the point Thom. M. Chalfeet, Wager tractor and ttmldly climbed as Makmaid of view of the exigencies 01 national and MterE. Theme). Racturen, who, Flee., Vincent Gilpin, Merl. held elm in the seal of the treed. Or me., nadonat parolee. for the past few years has been H. Howson . and William GI. mom smith* hand, Mabee* P.P.. A In Gernwy as deputy chief of Rhoads. Au to the nom emend question of the ruffle of melanin.. Two nen pushes the relationship between Hider and his gen. tractor f orward aliout three yard... Seri. M. Albert Linton of Moor. the religious affairs branch. era. Or. Gilbert dada Jostilicatlon In the ethos. to touch the Amebas wheel. and, town. Pa,. preeldent Of the tent under the U. 0. Mintary Marge that the wearer lett mimosa no freeMae the traitor was heading for the wood Provident LIM Inrorance Com. Government, then under the dom of motion to he conwendere In the winds, the men stopped pushing. It moved pony Association of America. has ILelt Commitnen, rote lust re• Bela end that, more and more, he trod., to no forth.. been named "Man of the Year tenet te the United Stat. with keep none. of se mlroary movements In hi Life Ineurance" by the editor. his family. He describes It as Whatever preen agent had arranged the an e1 the theorem PIM, national • -eery .mulattne and entich. he awn heads. At the mune tint, however, Contented FrOM Page One front to .t was by new I am sure, kicked up creerfence. if one ean use the conference moor& would seem to piece entrance publication. In rare • his heels with glee. Beene Rides Tractor on tweets held at the home office, mess terms to demi. an al. sic Collection, which features a questIon mark behind any mere. that Academy Steer'—heedlines across the comfy'!" in Philadelphia, before the com- mat euperown. original rumen competitions ef Hitters direction of military nears was He no doubt wad thinking, I half expected the ps*, ertip,oyee. 110. Untint wan Begienine Ws February, he Ha emceed students. either wetly or chiefly a minter of IMMOm ier. Condon M Speak embed= to mike UP 'The Mere mod Sthile. aw.ded a plaque symbolic of will be at the Lutheran Meet. or emotion. Fairfield Osborn, President of the preeideet of International•Herveth the honor, by John Willenbreek ideal Seminary In St. Paul. Min. At any rote, the value of Win cellection of er erode onstage waving the Amelia. Bag. of hemmee Meld magneto.. new.. WM* Citurce Ms. the None Pork Zoological Society. Serlde evidently Mated my fears, for he Ind will be the speaker at the collet HitieYe military conferences ea precisely in doe [Dry. "As the school has about ilee. Semi* Expert light they can throw on such hbitorIcal problems quickly from the tractor and, with another ea The award was made a recog. MO students. Its size. at least, don of April 24. Mr. ()thorn No re thee Mentioned abet,, and also In their rele- change of handahakes ail around. fled the age rotten of Mr. Linton's outstand. will renrad we of Haverford." long been active In the field at Bacernm's new address Is Lth conservation of natural reeourca vance to the perennial question of the curious of eye Academy of Melt. I Seriously doubt if he leg coneibution to social security will ever return. mind, What was Hitler like as a nun? leadatlen in the muntry. He le therm Thralogleal Semine.7, arid wildlife, and la the author et SYDNEY eg. CONE, BL a member of the Advisory Come Curno Avenue and Luther Pees the well..own Our Fender. hl A. N. St Pate t, Minnesota. ell on Social Sectuity, eppoInted Dr, Edward U. Condon. the student. to take part In extraeurrimar artivities7 In 1947 by the Senate nnance cal wort, he advanced rapidly. In Pear Sir Gerald Freurges amide in the February 13th Thu Customs Committee also, deep. what Committee and of the pm... lath a Ws given the rte of Director of the United States ieWt week's article soya can same eo play an Impel Lime of the Hararkeel NEWS content, -Mt Social Security Advisory -Coen. mathematician In 1915 he wat. Bureau of Standard. will speak on May 1. Dr. Condon. a profilcellent points; however. It goes much too far in rote in integrating the Freshman clan. or the el/, appointed by the Semite Tt. Meet. model. eatery foladromting the abolishment of the Custer. pressure which the Cue-tame Cowmen. exerts on name Committee and the Social lowed by the eppointtnent as vice- ed Amer.. physiclat end In warn through told hexing MO to unity them Security Beane In choasing Mr. prefddent In 1915. In 1930 he was 11146 Preeklent of the American Committee. The first and greatest point for keeping Be. meekly anti to develop elms melt It Is a well Linton as the "Ma of the Year' placed in charge of tee agency Phyaleal Society, has taught at Customs Committee is ably et forth in reeled'a known fact that pone Unity Manua • common for 1050, the editors of the Mere department awl in 1831. Ming Columbia "(Mimed*: Pretence oath article, and I quote, "There Is went* same enemy. To deny tros fact is. to adroit one la • fool, thee Maid also took into amount the early years Of the depreedoe .d the Uniermity of Mbutesom. The Customs Committee must be maintained, a dertingtheeed career in We in• he we elected prradent noel di- He was Astaeciate Director of the vathe te the mps and buttons worn by new teen. wasnngrtouse Research labors. Both are helpful toward making new acquaint- bat at Ohs name ithe II ahmild to after. 10 se. auonce tyro* ha mourned four rector. Authorol sever life rheum= tory from 1937 anti] 114 et twee especlaly IP the clean Whon three would .. 1 we.. The One and meet Important change Meade. . time he maimed Ins pm make the freshmen wear the equipment which Mond be In the promo of selectee the Custom Following graduation Bono hooks and numerous articles, Mr. t post. Dr. Condon has elm is deemed useful by crilic Freund If the Customs Comet**. It Mould be al*ted by the Whole col Haverford, where he received hes Linton be much In demmd as a Cornertittee were abolished? Certainly =eh but. lege at ...mud by the Stud.ts. Council. BS, and M.A. *rem end wee public meeker. As a spokeernan collaboretml on two scientific tons and caps would be of little value it only Secondly, the Student.' Co.. should take the elected to Phi Beta kappa Mr. for his Industry, his interests em. books, Federalist Win Talk unequarter of the class wore them no would be MthoMibility for explaining the Honer Sys.. SO Linton continued he studies at Mee einiost every important At the Anal Collection of the the Clant Li It were left to the discretion of the the Frost.nn cam and shoe. IlatIt the CUstorld the Federal Polytechnic Institute phew of the bushed. He bent freshmen. No number of explanatory talks on the Committee to the tollowing mecums for Wore In Switzer.. and at the Une Life Ineurmee Speak. for Itself. allege year, Cord Meyer, Jr-, former President and now Cede usefulness of this equipment will succeed unless bog regulations: ill the pond. 121 Rhine WMae vastly of Micregan. He orig... written when the We Insurance the Custom. Committee is them to Nice thee lop. with severe restrictions, 131 a few harmless y planned a teaching career but ..,try was under attack in the Man of the Board of the, United Who teaches the Haverlord songs and cheer. nteamom mmithally defined by the Students' after an interview with the mob temporary National Ecortomle World Feder..., wilt add,. to 'Menton.? Who encourage, the freshmen la Council. Finally the Fecal's,an dame et Sera who was then head of the Prod. Comm.. hearing, won enthus- the Collection. Mr. Meyer was a beams inert*. in Harare/in Meted. and to Mawr should remain under the direction of the dent Mutual. he recognized that iastic amino, and ras timely and veteran's adviror to Harold St. sea at the San Irameleee Cot, Support our rams? Who acquaint. the freshmen Customs Committee; however. freshmen Mudd 1114 Meer.. offered many op helpful he premmting the story of ferenee In April. INS, where the with the todra.curricular actividee of the College net be required to wear their hats and buttera pereoleth end challenges. Ao the Mathes. Nelda Ida. Diredorehl. United teatime Charter tea end Urge them to take pert In these organ.. to Ms dame. With these rearms the Cue.= conleraly, he beean hie career as Mr. Linton e now director of formuiated. He le the author et eons? Yes, It Is that same Customs Committ. Committer will carry out a maned and wet. a rattimerotical cleric In the ace the Provident Trust Comp.y I Pewee or &earthy and hem went* tunnel department in 19N. Haverford. role at which Freund rala 'a purpoteleall tradiden. Is It and • 'ember of the board of eurnemu ardel. for AI.. Toth.. Aram. Owe. Reform It—don't &eolith tot purpose., to knew milege ergo and cheers? la Prornyey derttonetretins net et. managers of We Weetern UM. Monthly, now Riven* the He Sitherale, It purposeteas to encourage students to import non and other Needles* CLARE JOHNSON, TO standing aptitude Zoe uratiesnatie Fund Soda* Haverford teams? le It perpetrate+s te amour.s Pianist Julius Katchen John Wagner, 15Z Slates Town Hall Concert Explores Paris As Feted Guest In The Editor's-Mail Dear Sir: Gerald Freund's article In last week'. NEWS (Feb. 13) has aroused mender.ble thsemodon around the campus. I would eke to report a Mlle of the comment an I have het. le For many people the Customs Contra(teen aa It moo *ands lo an Inefficient and Ineffective or According to the Regulate. of the Student.. Association. it Ls the Itunalon of the Customs Committhe °to acquaint t he freshman with the College community: its attitude. traditions, and standards of personal behavior." egegenion sense s of ep1Mon see. to be the Custom. Committee and associated autune Oct frolics are a lot of fun. Vol that the eonurultee data not do • very good Job of elMelitillg its Stated function_ There a anotner aspect of opinion as I have heard It It is felt that some sort of organiza ten to serve the f matey that the Customs Committee A sup peeed to serve le absolutely n.essery. The section of Cone. Customs in the Students Alma aeon Regulation. to fine, tRead then some time. They say nothing about poop sheets, Rronle ceps, or the Pond.) But In actual practle• there le something It seems to be agreed that the attitude that the customs Cgre meet assumes in ode ea lob a where It goes wrong. The attitude has become so tradition. allied that the only then. to do now Is either to modify the or gatheation of the Committee or to replace It entirely—perhaps with a more =brat. ing Brother Committee, or tionlething of the sort There M another very portant lector to be mender. at Bela Me Nobody Is mre what the composition of the College will be next year, pardadany what sort fo Frealumn class there will be. About the only thing that we cm be cove of to that the College will not be as It is In normal times. With the in Wed, It seem tome that this to the time to take tome sort of action. According to the Regulatione, nest year's Customs Committee is to be selected at the lo.t meeting of the old end new Stu. den. Co.e1.1. That takes Mare view of the pannier newton we shortly after spring vacation_ In will have next year, and in view of the deficiencies en the previous Customs Committees. a change in order. Sincerely, THOMAS WILSON 'S2 Dear Sim As a treshman of the Class of '04 I .M with particular interest the article submitted by Gerald Freund to the NEWS Wt week (Feb.13). I eey the bemuse I feel that the members of this preterit Freshmen Mass are closer to the problem thee Moat others In the school. Of roue* their outlook to of only one re tolled masons raperlen. Mt on the other hand the memory of those days, early In the fall has not yet bete mitered dawn by the fee/ age of the treurnothell mphornore or the aloof senior. To them the problem is In ready ways still one of bitterness. The consequences of the preen Me m. are Still vivid In their med. I do not mean to Imply that the attitude of the freshman M only irrational bitterness, for I have heard much talk. sensible and conetructive, over the problern. For this reason ' should like to supplement the comments of Freund with those of my own, le Mncere hope that for the most part they speak for the Fresh, man class as a whole. The moat striking Mature of the penmen oaten. IN its outright paradox. The Impetrate. of the fresthroan from ens syNtern are On. of bitterness and untriendlinees. He is made to feet pet wanted and is told to in so many words. The reaction to this Idd of treatment It *Moue, as evidenced by the poor showing of thle year's Freshman clam. I think the reaction Is beet expressed by the comment I heard one day in the fall: "I wouldn't mind going to these games if I weren't told I had to." So in this *nee, by forcing Irshmte to do what a expected of them, the Customs Committee immediately destroys Ite own MI MS* by setting up the nater reaction to being ordered around. Secondly, the euetow glee WI *deaden whatever of the true nature of the school. Haverford is out unfriendly, ear from it Then why try to make It that way for those who will mine day be the momto determine the standards roaracter of the .hoole To me It la not consistent Nothing is gained by the treat mem now doled out and the school only darts Itself out op the wrong foot. In • limited mere the customs ate good. For the of orientation In the tddinon of the College, In getting to Mow those whom you .11 he living with, and In venerate, getting to Mow your way around, the customs are woeful and belittle. I should hate to see the phase of them abolith ed merely bemuse they were not handled In the prole, WM. by previous Commit-Mee Here, I think na the quirk of the whole Madero. and I offer the gentral eiggeftion to Change the aphlt and attitude of it Since unfrendithese seems to be falling to ...emptier, what R set out to do, why not try the opposite? Put out the .1114 W... of effort that wee spent in trying to make the freshman unhappy to make him feel wee roma and proud of the college which he. alter M. has chosen bone many other.. Make him feel that he la wanted and that he is a pen of the College. and he will marbly want to Week foe It. I there heard the Idea that the freshman le at gat kept away from the College he will Mereelate it all the more when he Is at last accepted. and 1 aneveer that if you make him wel• roma at float he win not have my doubt. about Ins choke of college. For the onset path tee freshman to pretty much on his own when he fleet conies here, and I emote you thet he would apprecede being accepted. Sheeran WILLIAM B. WATSON, '54 Dear Set tro411 of weildng on the grime or In the February 13 isnirf the partaking in a RhIrde revolt to News G. Pretd signed an art- get rid of Ile.. bUttOnli. or caps fele attacking the Customs Con, before the appointed Me? If he mitts, adercanng la annlrola. believes there are boyah .nti. Tee me tilde for eliminating men.. let him remember thit it were, amoag Mere its "use. wont freshmen an boye, and It lemmas", and failure to. *co rakes time In become a man-arc Itheb Its purpose. namely "into minty the byo months expend. grating freshmen... I wish to under die Rhine system do not protest this attempt to destroy retard their maturing. Hoer could a revered Haverford meteor, at one get to know . any elegem risk of being eel. ap We mat* more quiethy and Intimates ly than through a mete.) band. anewe ratted) boy." It is true that the Customs-rag together to resist the "petty Committee ma fan* to do a goptt regulations?" Mr. Freund lob this .ear. and I Mao agthe dennands the purpose of them that the resperatiblety of expi • "decrees." Does he deplore the regulations requiring thasham Mg the Honor System to men belongs in the hands of or attendance at athletic cont.* Students' Council. However r. knowing Co Ile g e songs and Freud becomes carriethira In rogern. Mn these the signs of • a burst of nberanErn. ml ewe "metal stet Jacket!.Is college to liquidate the C. C. which he *kit Ora Asses? anoustrogly enough. COMP.. to FurthertnOra, would 11r. Freud prefer to Wee the qu.tion of 'Mimosa] fdllitary Training. The problem of make. the ad. hazing to the C C or the Mder justment front the pee.on of a mercies of upperalassmen who prep ellen senior to at of a would haze (rules to the con college freshman time • Miry) whorls, when. MM tra they planed? The lorecal choice boot nettled only dittoed °integration,. L trust Mrs is the C C., to admin..* all Freund Is not such a goOdYlleggie fcgo,atilmaJONES, '52 ROGER experienced the has sever the be r. J. Downward, '29, Named Manager For 'Time Ads BOOKS IN REVIEW Jr- Class Of '97 Meets For Reunion Dinner Linton, '08, Given 'Man Of Year Insurance Honor Bachman, '33 Grad Back From Germany College Lists Collection Talks w WATERFORD NEWS ruINDST, Tra. 20, 1961 five Trims Ursinus Inn 2nd Tilt 74 63 Loses To Dragons After Holding Lead S PIGS TIMM ISPOSITS CALENDAR Weamdar, February 21 Teeny Sakethell es. Swarth. more, mew Sis• p. JV Innen. es. Swarth. more: Horne 7 p.m. Thursday, February Vann, Fenno. v. Pilaw Om; Haverfore GynmabF net, 7 pm Friday, refinery to Vanity Wrestling vs. Swarth teem Away, MOO ti 411 Wrenn, ea. swarth• mom; Away, 7 pm. Saturn', gebeitary 54 Vanity liselanall Oen ware: Away. 31' Indianan ve. indmemo: Away. Ford Swordsmen Drexel Downs Wrestlers Defeat Temple; In Slow Contest, 22-8, Four Win Triplets Cadwallader Pins Again Haverford's mord/nen con. tined to roll, as they dumped A powerful Drexel Inatittlte t,6 topped. the Temple by • resounding an Haverford matmen Oat Friday night, 22.4, Inal eMarl a elow wore last Saoaoday. Tit! Gala which produced a total of only three falls. been of five straight, ounattled Haverford's Co-Captain Gouv Cadwallader waa Onde the Wising Scarlet and Black again the bright spot on the Forge' evening agenda Mt Be nverforda quintet tanned The Gwk pinned off it late in felt winning by • close 04 scored the only fah against the Dragons. Ned Etollingswerth, Pore rally .e the Drexel Widen(open 7443, last Wednearlay edge. The Quakers roared back wrestling at 167 pounds for the Scarlet and Black, decialoreed ball Warn defeated Wane. Biro in epee and ober, onehing his opponent for the only other Handled win. o ra t t" of • imford by the allm margin of "then'''''' Cherry and White by SO scores Other matches, notably that of Haverford's Bill Wight7673 lain Saturday evening. By ▪ sand MAC Inn pine posh in ean event. Co-Captains Sin man at 177, were extremely clot* and decisions were awarded employing • Confirm nine till ore, TON foul.ocked contest was Hudson sad Kart Spaeth each enon a slim margin. playing the iughscorlop WI 7th owe ninontor the Fonda. who bored clean sweeps, Larry Morris Damned claimed man or man during the see. oopplid anal beartllnlwr at and Art Lelbold also were acmeand hall, the Manas iindtai oniseville earlier ado wason. fated by the Owls. ale storm males rely muddled the Plawerterd Se For Tonto Fog tense. which could net only 116 /the season against Meters Solve. Ford Captain Sol Tollin, who of it, 73 rants in the fine tWO The foil leant won OM Biel two lei e'elNevitt. the Fere et out the Brat Una. etwouro o Seek Revenge Robin ion to13' Crouthaniel, period. bouts, but Temple took the next or with. an injured leg, hada his ih a dentition and a pin. resew five before the fella. could Forth Lead seen. lint thin time to the croon...ea fall wae nenn the last Ma. Tbm WoodAfter Amument foul tied the 213 point total, 21 of von of scorn on a body press. ward won ha lint beta 52. but won at 4 all, Drexel, paced by min mos 10 the first bait The A victory.hungry Inverford John Dixige. t37 pound savan lea came roan kw the next Iwo by al worts BreWlon, took lean of LS4 and light lone an Shots made up the awaiting squad nil be gunning lain of the Fords, lost a dechion 1011 before the Haverfont at. Mg from behind with 72 nate andpidalloon nowerIng from Mlle of Tome's twelve Said l a nem, managed to win two Wulf. aao to Clan m Drexel In ow of the In Me Min quarter to pin a 6742 back Carted rolling. Antenna. „. a win r lw, rthmore 1,618. Tenn, and Hurichise nnbeellid defeat on the anima JV quintet Art lost to Temples Bob Ranieri, S point for the Hood Trophy at 'evening's closer Win the 1.9y Sans Conan. Ford forward. for field gale and Colman afoul last Weineeday night in the Han the home team's ordy triple win- 8.0 pan., Febniary 23, at s'Odlrig et 34, D.01in eid gle Scarlet pivot to even the wore at Brewton erford gym. John Burge, Dave ner. Joe Grew* dropped two Swarthmore. Haverfonle Phil Ben down lo Monsen added 17 anel 14 Ponta emanated tor the than and (Mid Clark and Tad Conan led the bouts in • row. but auddenly 147 for the Drexel meet, lost e loos espectively to the Quaker mum For "M."'Swarth- :decision to Crtexel• M0111•011 In A \ but Captain Tonle Mt • else way, as the Fortle enamel • UM came to Ilfe. defeating Homing powerful Ian Peer a pa-Swett. 61" Bear giant nailnow kr tam streams header, two nun. and a swish- hall Ham deficit In ten !Mow or, SI, In a sparkling bout. more squad downed the Foods 1 welleW which betted the fbal mped by a Mayne taped right Mg met to give the Scarlet • 3426 mlnum Si play. Foal center Don Amuneen drive@ Mgt 0'7" Bear saner Its .peed •66 1013, and the Scarlet graPelen !..eete- 8'4 boob. Min mewl/edi ts, tally Hi pie toss Sob Swett for a lay-up in Haverford's T4-63 that peeled lead. The fret half was sloppily Karl Spaeth had no trouble wane for the vinare. Guard 'Urania victory. Unsinua Don Young 140) look/ CM. played by both wan, the hone Drexel wept to within one with htt ll/PoWnn Winning by Can Young got 14 for the Beare 4" imd theG r outo vC h;""i tiver. '". 1nr. point before the vistrorn ante Poking particularly Inept. The 5.3„ St 50 sores: Larry 1601TO ini° Form St en way., Loofa-nag string of victories by tend the non. While Toth. Bears held a 11015 lead at the Wen three tons, each by 5-3. Don the earns, fiamrforn was never headed pinning the Drexel 157 pounder, sunk then MUG. Jan. and quarter mark and extended to to Young Won on bouts het Ion Willa. and broughoist the rough fray The Douglas with double arm tin Clete spht C points to woM Han as much as fourteen points at a roe one, 4.5. to Temple Cep tied Uranus. ta. scored 9 points before Ur, „fl,„ inin top late in the third yenta after wrongs advantage M 4445. As one time fa the itecond period. hnn Jerry Wren The Fords held in. sank a tool Mot. and It was „thi nein In control throughout most the free woring hill ended.Ware The Ford. looked like a differ a etimenanding 124 lead. toe Kneas from Wt years • until almost five minutes of Tomorrow night the Swoon too, who paced the victory with rut team after the niterreihnon. Elem Wog tent though he has ,lay were over that the Bears more bultetball team journeys to '''PreT3 nrIcr tlingsworth followed with the Scarlet and Black- 23 points. cut the Ford Bed to They worked the bon smoothly, Um Rudman won three bouts (rally managed a field goal. the Haverford gynonnhom to HiePeee' ie8 with.' the 'emit's of Cadwallader OM the Terde' ante Swarthmore's high-scoring ace. 4540 by oinking two one benders. and their shots began to nett by 3.2 worn and An Leland rote niter way however, they pp the Ford five in the lint other win. taking 70 deohion graduated Wt June, Breen Switchea Derma from all angles- The Bears lead also had a perfect day, inning NA 'we're.' ate 157 eeeed"' Jim Fonda ou even tonna mkt the ' from Drexel's Agee, Ina Mow of two annual encountenr. The and the recent lose of 13.5" eon Drawn opened the third Oar- qolckly faded, and the borne o bouts by 31 margin and rollnie 13 points were the big second game between the each ward Roger Pon to Me Air ter using • four-man sone that forces were In front to any Si one 12 victory. Rog Jones won In thea"*d". 1.57 ho Wit..t t Capt.. boot moron; by the singular In. actor in the Quakers' 25-18 edge Oval will take p.m no Swarth Force will also be keenly felt by enabled Then to wore only 4 of the end of the third period. nod- hia Brat two bouts 34, 32, but Hen Rohl will probably (tutu meet activity 01 Agee. Ford Co-Captain Cads., I the morn, Wrestling at 177. Hannordie more onWaren 3. IOW a 23 heartbreaker. breaking the Curet hwpinre their at- dle 21 pans In the second half. tog NM. The victors put on their bigWightmun, who performed tempts to repeat their twin 1950 Atter Hurtubise and Clark its Mewing of Unfitus led bath bin winning streak at SWAM Weer- Ruh, he a -strong tann MIL Ourall, Place Snow est spurt In the second Pertaiweed Wren.,end. Incideohdre. - ably as a heavyweight against creased Haverford margin te lean In scoring with 18 point. Walsh. victories over the Ford. Only three of bat yeerie alertthe holder of the Swarthmore Burknell and West Cheerer. lot n by Town. Amuseen, and 53-43. the Bitle and Gold climbed while John Burge and Dave are Clark. Haverrord complete. ing Garnet are remain to tangle Familiar to Ford looters to the slowly up, trailing by none of Clark led the Heverford worm Myelin record. He Moo never met in very close decision to Colson of nem' g Swarthmore array an Cadwallader before. boo di/Dated Drexel, 171 a match that was t dominated ply. Clerk and IV/ renter Dick Hall. forward 53.47, 54,51 and WA The floe with 17 and 15 points respectively. no James. both of whom goner, Hennonl Lee Han*,last nee evntually decided by a ptee.rl011oMne „„ play of Dave Clark tear the lead. George man, and nerd Joe ,Lly see little action for the MIA Ome advantage In Colon's at 113 pound.. rig factor that permitted Haven rue,I Carroll. FMMere Vernon, up awls, looked exceptional. Clark from the 1956 Garnet JV, and ford to emenne from Use Mini ranee. t 1 i ev0sn 7I 'mr*th pert t:' to throe field goals and Jame. gym t diminutive Spark, who saw opener In a 806e tie ae superb of both Wards to Ford JV fencers opened their match between him and Harry Ind. 95 varsity service last year, round Miner. catty gave that sip the gaunt move to a 4731 swoon on February 7 at Valley Blair should be a Moat and rent Haverfordis heavyweight. Chan 7964 Lead before James. Held Seoul. of Wet week.* MAC out the starting quintet. 1 1 slniene lead. Forge moony Academy and Mg one, Avery Haeeingtaoo, tie 004"."_". one playa ti"."",Wee" In goal started a denierme Scarlet ,,41:.;. :171 contexts leave Penn Military Careen Top none 134 Feats Ifni Ford Cause Heti,POwee ii. "Y counter rally. Three fours bY itr17•4t 1' 1 5 •• were drubbed. 523 The Quakers. swarth/note, crowcountry War the The goatee muck fell of Academy 14-21 In Oat rue and Hall a vastly improved ball lifurtublse, a beautiful jump not Inexperience showed up particu- hes been aMearlrie at 130 pounda by Kird 91 00 o. vkue se OW wurehat after intermission. and Haverford 1241 In a roe for the player over last year; his hook by Bona and finally • forOping Met year he was good enougn Middle Atlantic Charnel. larly rn fo1L Wilds the Cadets neriannean Mier Swarthmore, whom the Gon Cadwallader leatte the Han. •V t wept, an Pete Oilver. Hill BMW to pin Me. at 5:49. be Mani aprinklIng of Uranus an. hens the advd maiden two honer from the cotter by Fords entertaln tomorrow eight , erford warn in total points mown found mon to cheer were [ran in the recent Tonto tied the score at 73-73 nth .wetae I SI • Kearney Carpenter. Ronnie Reno. Wewoomers on Squeal x,...... t scored. bevies • tally of 26 to tots mart Si the Ford weave stopped at home, comes Into the [MAW Garnet upset vOn over PVC. and Genie Peckham all fell only 35 seconds remaining. How. aaaaa,, The Garnet provides two newi vicars to the talented VFMA. /manning and Swett Wren to with a 3-2 record and • second Place, for mime reason a regu- ever. Toner immediately mond eiVel.e) tad, place deadlock. =sac • ......... ... corners at 147 end 167. Charles • 111 rebound. for scores- Only oilmen lar target of Haverford -bench for Drexel with • ow howler and Jones and Clem Basle. Hastie. aapp,••,„ c he failure of Urstous to convert Comparative scores for the sea. lonkeya." Is the Swarthmore play in the attempt to score two pants Jtoles. In epee, Charlie Greene was the e Benton. Ise very gni arms 0.711 &ma 101 seinen. ash, Hverh c was work we closer than the 1 one winner as the Cadets wan, a 6 out of 10 foul Tres enabled standing.. might Intimate. Haver maker. Memo, Place's mate at rather than ow. Haver: o rd Mr ant man be counted on to Do lea moutions he Mall Liners to Waite with ford, In fact. by heating Delaware forwent man rebound well off waived three foul Mots in the soma e SS. Me Fords showed their provide tough competition, .'gnVig■%!.."Itwareasa wIW 6650 third quarter lead. sr I. al strength In saber. however. and eberorr atone before losing the rows. 63-67. downed the mon that both boards, Ga. Mann.n an derinahni Ford fouling caned Haverford lee It by • sum maths CM Twehown. ?ante neaten and Carrollhaa conirtantly been the hall and allowing Drexel to tore edged the Carom. WM ins several anidous momenta Haverford's loss to PMC was Carmel lop Inver, deems the their final marker on 0 foul shot. H.11W.X. °eerie"' Palmer. "'or been rise raw Wrenn In the 177 pound slot nolliai".1 swe.i • au s Clark. Amussen. and Kerte In a scant 75-71 nuerght while fact that he has teem playing re- captain of Tont led the two stssississ. „hn. me "Vontp.: thourtp,rm em er De departed via the foul route. end Leery Finkleatein each took cosh" 88e AMC Manion the Gain by cent gams with • broken Jaw Fords In scoring, hr willed IT tot to he denied, however, the 9679 before Swarthmore mean. preteens! by a mask. Swarth• of N. 21 point total in the Bat Wain.. 17g1„cobloo , 1. bout. To. om Englar and Scotty r,r„, e' ',71.7,0 T,‘„„ii 'llass year ;1 .59 bakers Insured victory with a sled with a 03-47 victory. In more's other starting guard w half. Sophomore forward Wayne As AA and was pinned alter the Ford amena ",;t etest w w:T.r.z... -eb ate fourth quarter Mow of anning two games Mal Went. Spock, who is small but wry Hurturbise dropped five end we „in. UMW to hold on to an early r Captain had n p 10,2 re. own Colman led the rally with 6162 and 7463. the Fonda' second fast. the goals and six charity tomes for a vna Sheerly fa Menne' to points, Including four man . losing 16 point total. An 11opravad Dave end batoraM17.10 smannoling Attack game victory OPProxinitat ent thee e11tso eve field wan to lurk away the SnrOUnOrtee 63-4P wit we ' def.' eating peon charter. The VW. Heavyweight U. 0. Atuanya Swarthmore employs a switch. Clark contributed 13 points to at ARDMORE 3,63 tors &ma the toll, 71, as tiny BE [complete. we manor Garnet Only the result. of Drexel en. Ina man for men defene. often the Ford One. Comma namareso am • we With Bourne and Keats alma Bleed and Kearney Carpenter roster. Atuanya le a brawny NI. counters point to Swarthmore quite Mesta. against the mac Lew, Ins the attack, Haverford amassed An Ilemonable Prla wined Ford victories. Peon Char wham. and a newcomer Is the log type offense used by the teat to The ••••le 33 points ha the aril quarter to 1 howibe PIIONSWIDISOBB mei frp:rn the Oregon. OM and 7616, Fords. The Garnet Mee wee • arra. e the home 23. However the ter managed dose 5.4 wins le Swerthmore wined. i lasso. e ;1 epee and mho. as Greene And while the Camel edged than tanbreaking attack whenever Dragons outscored the Ford. I powlble. 3141, r•I:.13 ° 134 in the eecond period. to knot the Scarlet Ma three victories' Learn Slanding• Thle year the Swarthmore has an the score at 3636 as the half in epee. Finklestein and Engler i garb minded two saber Mae W L Pot ketball team is coached by How. Taw M Is 74 Wed. yos•sws The Main Liners never got • it et PMC CONTEST WINNER 4 2 .667 sod Siplee. motto 1.0 year worked restet I. 0•111.1111 Jobn REGrOden Was the . Delaware 3 2 1300 with the Garnet hoopetere in the wartnn 1 back Into the game as Drexel new wanner of a carton of A Saverthmon of eminent coach under tirter- ° I MO ettir7 a2 matched the Forts lint quarter Cheonetleht olgarron In the 3 3 100 Bill Steen. Stetson now devotes nem.. e at total of 32 In the third frame. 1 .1 t banketbsil worencealne con full time to hts Ion as director air i" 4 .333 Hannon I d le w F er tost held teat work, acconnoit 4 .353 ot Swarthmore athletics. Done Kat. to n announcement made by roar. Ir DI& °hereon. canna Chewu le II rat. erntd repreemmove. cuma , es to the tank number of be won. by me White Ford eve thls week shourd be Deane • low half .aro hyl sent to Din °Wreath. DI I 3Yee also net with defeat at the nr.tri°4 Lloyd, before game tine Wed. lads of the vete by a 3632 wore. a 4'4 4 Mans or A quIneet continued to pace IThe ollY Fresh tearn In the Brat The Fresh A's lost another Pronto..t Dda yeer's winter Class Atte the Intramural league with an- dlyD - ion. Fresh A. dropped a 2426 1. the 3osawia, A Senior eo flue, leth. Day will be held on Fri. 113431word. Getting off to • par idectein to the Vets. Walton and 2... ., sApipss s ere won WHY PAY MORE! say- Mann le. atter a week 01 Mart, the senior live &Meowed !mom cored out 34 ants _ Its othr contest by five points Maar. a mooea neona on the parts the Feuer teem P00 In the third ifor Freeh quintet. While me as Sorg scared 21 pilots for • LONG PLAYING RECORDS of Ile easels class teens 10- !quarter to overcome a 1545 half, oe tis ,wring was eve, This Soph Jollier B victory. 3630. Two Into HEW par, BheR volved. preliminary rounds alums -games were forfeited this week, 30% off We thew WWwWw Wert. le IS II Wee kept the .0,100. We W. Wee" INTRAMURAL STANDINGS a. the Son A's ...I Penh C. Pass basketball. volleybal I, and M the firm halt by scorn. 11 Basketbell CATALOGUE AND forfeited to the Son Ca lord polo. and was high scorer for. PRICE LIST. W L. PCT. r„,„3, Waineedn. Math 18, ee8 the rennet with 10. Ken Miller WOW to: LOX In the Volley Ball Circuit Ulna Thursday, March 10. RECORD HAVEN, ENC. contributed IA points In • hieing juniors A 8 3 TJI were no forfeit. tins week and no Contrarian Intammamen".. Meeli none. The Senior A team Wm Soph B 7 3 .700 ens,. took place In the sand. The innaniral Athletic Corn- Mole the Fran Ca 4212. n Al goo, C am* 7 4 656 Mg. The Junior A lean oath New Yor York k it it R. Y. blittee, under the direction of Clayton and Hen Dolbeen tallied gosh D 5 5 TS tied to page the league with a Nonni Chairman Bud Gelman 17 and 16 points A 5 6 .433 tent In Iwo Be They one. and Coach Hoy Rand.% mean Taklng advantage of two soh Fruit ,spisr 5 6 888 came me soon Be 13-4, 9.15, 108, con "Thursday to discuss the se- backs to the Junior A team, the psis, Is Lubbock, Tema, the Tema Tea 4 .400 but ion to the &ph A's 13.15, lectIon Of rims teems and to de- Soph las trounced the Son Al pais 3 7 .300 4.15. The Junior S's took hoc cide on • more definite shed. College Book Stoa is a hewn* 8733 Mlipulled within perm. Soph A 3 7 .3t0 mama by defeating the Sopt Whe of events or Clam D.C. age F°1r.Teofae°°0d !Ww.Joe Fron C 2 5 .2013 A'. 1.13, 15.13 and the Soph The winner of Can Day eon- Stein etude. gathering not. is dm Book pled the victors with 16, ,,,. 2 g 330 15.7, 11.15. is.s. ninon will he determined on who. untie and Sinter each gm volleyboll We basis at the Coromittat's REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Sate - CoosCole con L PCT. Point synem, which award. I contributed 14 and Listener hit Mete for the participation of • for lg. Two Mph Maros cowl %Aim. A 7 a .778 drink, With tho college Crowd a tall team In an ethnic even Goa' mew for their second and sots, is 7 3 .7a Main Line and Cemworown, Chestnut Rl11, ▪ Pains for each victory, and third league loss.. The Seth n'. Mellor 3 2 .80C Testa Technological College, as pand by Wood anti Lintleicum, Hon A Chahar County and Whiteman Mats for a low. 6 5 .535 l'eninemOat Of Volleybeil defeated the Al by tap point. sor 3 8 AM b Sake Wags. ninth man wordHavarforn TenniSTIVardel EMI claw 1.111 field -a Mem assa. The Soph Cs Mao tuned -4. tables to win bY Rae* k basketball, tdleybaB. ma 11,1a MAIN LINE OFFICE 14 W. Evergreen Avenue Pressonplione .14.1 sr it Mbar way ...Sara !wallas competition, HOWWW, WNW. 4243. geiteMn Mad W. 115 W. Lancsater Avenue CHESTNUT HILL OPTIC! aair.snaskr se., the taw dung. me Freshmen win be Unable to Sopbs with 16, while Getman tat. !Imp and Sundries Wissahickon 7.3750 Ardmore 4350 Barber MAOP "Minn in the volleyball UM 11 and Sterner was had to Man Is laden George W. Ittran, 136 Kano ono mermen OP ea COCA4WA COMIOXI &IMMO HAVFX.FGED WEN BINGE PM ae • rentlt of 9, agdnet 13 In the preview Ion Phan. Ardmore 0122 UM W. Unman,. Ma wving Mabee from the Intros The Sr. Yen were the sawn* TWA PrODMIon OlthkuleriVisme Rani Welerbm gaga el do meek as taw woad Iwo Fords Knock Bears Out Of Lead Slot; follin Scores 28 Ford Center Starts Lap-Up . • Drexel Decisions Hoopsters 76.73, In Final Seconds a ford Grapplers T At Swarthmore JV Five Rallies To Nip Ursinus; Burge Burge Tallies 17 Hoopsters To Face Garnet At Home Tomorrow Night JV Blades Lose First Two Meets PMC Holds Top Of MAC Ladder earl' • 3I Drexel JV Drop 81 tine q"dee lad, the se-let " .here with I1) Class Day To Be held On Mar.16 Undefeated Senior A Quintet Downs Frosh B's and C's; Junior A's Drop Two; Soph B's Sink Soph A's, 67-33 ,ito Henkels & McCoy Philadelphia EMLEN & CO. HAVERFORD PHARMACY A. VASSALLO Albrechfs Flowers PA4E FOUR HAYERleORD Hiroshima University Head Spends Day At Haverford CALENDAR White To Discuss US And Russia At World Institute NEWS . TUESDAY. MA Mall Text Of Honor Sytem Committee Report. Tuesday, Februaty 51 Chemistry Club Meeting. talk by Gilbert 1.elb and (FMlowfng is the weep.. tee, . . , ---.. Richard Laity; Chemistry or the report prepared by the batty directly rother than Indt 2) The chairman of this mm-1 work at Its best maser toys gy• PETER TAXIES . Lacuna Rouen, 8,30 pat. Committee for the Romeleation of tautly. mime. should not be an of. allow the Honor System N. city area, wan ventrally teeter 8,30 p.m. Oat Havereom Gooses Boeor Tetsuo Mori. President of the The qqmrhimq tell qsqg sq., Beer of Me Students. Council. hone to apply.. their Me, Wednesday. Fete., II System. It Is printed exactly as the Big Brother Committee • Onthenalty of Setroalma, paid a surd by -the atomic bomb. The in :only in a vas. manner, Comm to Ike. Duties Basketball Came vs. Swbrth. reed by Quinn. Peter Schmitt the College last Thum teary of 300000 books was should play a more &tithe role It Is to be'ensphasteed that this 'means 01 tern. or Prehte Both Haverford and, Swarthmore. Haverford Gynmeuti. In Collection last ...My. —Ed.) hs Indoctrination day. spending the day looking destroyed totally, and of the more College. will be representof the Honor enmorilleo is not to take over any : vetwdona • the emneettee . ever the buildings and grounds commle bulldogs, nOnIng well The meetings of the Committee System, and that the council of the direct administration of :that the. members of the taoy ed when the World Affairs CounFriday, February 23 o nel hitching with a group of left but bare framework. The for the Revaluation of the Haver snouts encourage• the revitalise- the Honor Systole as a whole„ should be Worm. of whet p cil of Philadelphia holds its In- • Flies Club :Mutants and faculty members. university of &SOO etudents of the Mg Brother Commit- and Mat It le, after all merely an items le rmimet . the Remo 1 R0s0.00,. Rs00ss esss„. ford College Honor System openstitute of United St...Soviet -Mr. Motto's Melt was part of a now housed in temporary build: Relations tide Friday, It was anUrn of Um Sharlene,' Council. The item administration are are flocs .. Co with a general ...sat. of tee for We and other purposes ... Burke, and -nationwide lour he is making for Inge and former army barracks. nounced • last week. Presidents the effectiveness of the present Babe Students' Council must committee will have nothing !through procedure. M vary ter, Roberts Hall, 8,30 Mr. le , .m's building prole.. the purpose at viewing ettnerican Gilbert F. White end John W. Honor System as a whole. It was administer the Honor System in WhatbeVer to do at th Infractiona, i co ursea. put. env/atoned Fee chief goats The Amt.-eons of higher education. Sorrel Suggested Eason. leaders of Haverford and concluded from these dirs.-dons Meurer generating respect from °Met.. or blob theeerthefj Saturday., February et the stedents, Le., the Student The mtlat- Ile duties shall be only Several further suggesno Tiftteerany Deems. by A-gontb Best was the erection of a new Swarthmore, respectively, will Haverford - Bryn Mawr Glee that there Were Many areas in Condon Ando, he abeary, to be celled the 'Peace participate-1n a panel dlenteeion reaparaible far n Mme. foe better Reaping the Mat the committee wt.. Al the luncheon meeting Mr. Club Concerti Roberts which the Honor System might administration and not lack Library." The second must. of the meeting session on the Honor System alive of be made to function better. both ...ugh made, though not in the ea, Morito presented some remarks Hal. 810 paL development of a question "Can We Negotiate slant and competent edinintetree body of the report are as ram ,the academic field .dme administration. en the condition of Japanese colatanday. reams', dl shrubs and greenery. such ea With Ressielb 'Mending C.nntletee Proposed don. i lb That it Mese:Ned by A let education In general and me Talk by John Meg Fere women's rule. Haverford has. A recent law has . 10 order to facilitate the better Yugoslav To Attend Suggested specific fonCt101. • Student,' Council as to ad ttl the particular problem. of HirsSystem (mmo banecesarY bank on "China". Good. decreed that all new aemireetration. indoctrination and or this committee mold he betty el including a comp.. Other members of this panel, h.. University. At Hiroshima It was not rammer, how- . 1 other randecatIons of the. ben Hall. Bryn Mee. moat be made of concrete, to re. which ellf-illket at 9,41 a.m. in rive 11 That the commie. take reoener. Pertain atudat :the Moat pressing concern of the ever, el the °pinion of Me mm- Hoar SyMens and In order to Tuesday, February Os Het fires and earthquakes. While the Urtivemity of Pentnybetnia the i t., of the Honor System System Sy for moment i• reconstruction, as the Celina.,Philip M. Wagner. med. that any part of the Hon maintain student Interest and re- frcss•scs Me Morita does not questiml the museum. Include Thom. J. AndArAtAAA the ,sollege catalog, and perhaps ae univereliVestanding In the mid. Editor, The Baltimore San; er System an Feted In the ',be the Honor vatue of this provision, It tueve. Haneltoe, chief of the U.N. BustudatoYe Wen' of S'.."th HOnor System and that the ePecI fan Hobe. Hall 11:10 any shtutlon OT the Student's Mao- maw, the .carnmittse suggests piss., r,0 00s, s Hey aggravates the problem of reau, New, York Tines;Gertge 00 scsarr • 21 That It be diseuseed elation be changed, but only that that there be set up a standing 00scm0c0. fund-raising. I Studeete Council as hothead. agate to 'the Security Couittlit the present role Inc better taught. cortenthee of the &edema' Court. bill of students being remake Student. conUmbenbided egmlnletered, and kept alive. 2/ That the committee spinet. and Frederick Osborn, former 0i0.c sccss.00. 0, 00, 00 co rot the „cos., keeping The university Preeldent notes deputy U. S. representative on the pubee eye. a Inseung for freshman fq -ate.- Ifore coming to college. and The point was raised that it honor mos. that Japanese students are more the U.N. Atomic Energy Com. should be emphasized to the and for ming these method. ginning of each year in Motor 'sh, et as s eager in their studies and abet ission. entire student body that the Hon- which they we fit to hereem 'eleeb.e ebbbeebebe of the M, System and Re Minna more concerned with political Highlight of the open student on the student System will be made clear and 40, or System is. after all. • privth esss, 0 „ors,. here. matters than American student. forum will be • debate In the perhaps mac /M.O. .f viola-: To aid the Students' Coat.' age of self government which has body. 'are are. He mentioned that the dis- evenieg session. at this. bee.. been delegated to the students Sussman.. to the compost b.s be eelete' as eemeelee !presenting this report In ease turbances caused by a Commu- Senators Paul 11. boughs, Dem deal of diseusslon. The opinion by the administration The Hav- One of such a cortunit. are as 31 That the committee should Its adoPtkin. the COhnoRtee nist etudent group had neeesse erford Honor System le student follows: Inform the professore of their op 'Revaluation feels mat the the tertleured have Indicated that fated a curtailing of political morat of Illinois, and Homer E. that "the Customs Committee Imposed and student ...later11 The committee should be 'lotions inwards upholding the man of said ceretnittee ohm Hetterford is their fine ch/zice, meetings on the univeretty Capehart. Republic. of In& has fallen down en its lob of be el, and it is extremely important snail IIt was suggest.' that Honor System Mrough.ciaseroons i present the neon to dit ft dectrinetion of, freshmen" appar• undoubtedly some of them grounds, although students are between three and five pen and laboratory methods which !dente Association Meeting. The afternoon session is to in. ently prevailed. and. on a amps to the whole principle of student are merely pulling their hest loot free to study what theories they 00, .0„. Respeeflully entwine pie would be adequate.) panel se,0000,0,c don from the floor, Council self government that the Honor promote the standards of Indidd ; choose and ° ¢arty on thetaon -The Problem to Asia.. and President Kenneth Doireare an- System be kept alive and effect choose i J. PETER SCIIMITZ. Cholnn 2,Members of me committee um work. &termer Sala. Not Favored activities elsewhere. eve. be appointed by the Connell. the other on 'The Problem in nounced that there would be an HOMER'S Buie Although the sample is by to 3. Volunteers for preteens on . Cl The Students' Councill The Korean war has been or Europe." Harold Isaacs, far- other meeting of the Students' An Adstration. Indrettination It was the opinion of theeem. means /.ge enough to justily particular concern to /students in e...ern expert, and Or. Everett mead. tater MI; semester ta this committee from,mong ahou1d erop.size esch year that the entlre student body Mere Is a gentlemen', agreement any rid conclusions. Mr. Mac Japan. Most students. said Monte, N. Case. president of Colgate damas the problem of Ineshmse mittee that In the four years that Mould be considered In all among the student body that the Intoth reported Mat he has asked favor the United Ratans action; University, will lead the Aaie cestorna• and te rormider am di- the present Honor System has eect, there has been a been. ff Student themelt feels free to in. pointing said committees. panel, while Louis Lochnee eome candidates he interviewed • few adhere to the Russian rect election of Customs Cone.general slipping In the attitude at These vol.ttere should be vmdgate cases where women Berlin correspondent, whether they would like to at. viewpoint, others would favor, at long-lime and Kenneth Harria, W.hington tee members-.These member. are of some students towarde It .4 called for In collection of the have been In rooms substantially tend a Rummer session at Hay. tea. for Japan. as inter nediate currently appointed by the Connthat them was need for reinter. atter 9:00 A.M. on weekentle. The the London correspondent Students' Association. font In the event one were offer. Pollee ea reuunpionnt by Nehru. Oben., willfor superviee the . pretation of the system, and of be Those who wished to vol.. ma o'clock rule for weeknighm ed. The answers so far indicate Mr. Mon to add that tie Pere.. Dime.. of anther point em- new methods for Mel.. lion leer should give their moors apples as la stated hi the conthat by far themerger percentage Idly felt the great importance of ether. A summary of discussion phasized the difficult...Meet and administration of the miss stitution. to the secretary of the Coonof these men uld not like to the nonviolence Pltheetrn bt will follow the separate debates. upon singling out "certain proThe discussion of the co.nie D, in respect Ib academic Students interested in attend. .anse who — preeumablY attend a summer semion. Those Gandhi—principles whore Ire. tee about three Mete 4) The ethane. of the com- work in laboratories. on papers, that answered in the .11rmatIve plementation he lemma Is help- ing this World Arkin Iradete thrOUgh negligenCe, or buiness, aspects of the problem, mittee should. as far as 'pot. In repeal°. yen aver year of gam as their reason the fact that ing to further as president of the should eon.. Prof. H. Field or both — have encouraged vio- 11 Free.. thdorerination of Et., have been a roue. the same examinations and In Haviland. and also sign or at lations of the Honor System. they would like to complete as Gandhi Peace League. the Honor System. member In a preview' ye.. certain ccuraes In genera the meth college etudy as poesIble Fanner Menister M the Dean's Dace in order If or. It was intreneetation of the me 2, Student Council adminIstra I. crier to have had extper- Committee for Revalusnon found before they are drafted. Mr. Mao men's rue, however, which mousMarto was barn in Hiroahlrtia enrage excueed ruts. tion of the Honor System. tenor in the administration of that the Honor System might be Intesh emphasised that the num- canton and took up his Bust .a. ed most student comment- The 3, The general student attitude the Honor System• and at easily violated, in this respect ber of candidate. tune asked dernic post at Tokyo Univereity, uestion was raised. among ...nine the Honor Sys least one member of the the Students. Council or perhapa them•owto lost mint is meant about the summer session It too where toe muses ...mire. fie thee and the understanding committee should be a mem the committee outlined above by 'ilcalorobie" condOW with re. small to generalize for all of wee subsequently dismissed, how. among the atudentt concen. bet ...correctly with the should explain m certain Metes. them &poet to Wolnen. Hut despite much ever. on account of hie a.iabsl the the rules and their andiStudents Council in oreer awe that certain specified anddbruesion. no action was taken The uncerteinry generated by views, and indeed vent three t1 that the committee be kept In ante of individml work should se on this potnt constant touch with the Free- maintained as far as possible M the vast poutbileles of the new months In jail. For thiny years Suggestion& Mode Corseted From Page One Poerher Mettlbelon of the 11 . Suggestions made by the com- eel administration. order that the Honor System draft law and the elimination of he did en education for ether these three the choice rule het :rattly con1- the Inatitute for Social Research site specific faculty, student, and r System-brought out a Magee mie. conceming administration members to meet- don Mat ft be extended to mere points and aspects were as pllceted the College's admiulon in Osaka. RIG 01.1111111111 personal property and theft In ing& canoe.ed with antes witch follows: Procedure. "It is my contention After the war Moelto joined o committeethinks these repro this xonneetion. Dan Gilbert Al The Customs Committee as Out even if eighteenyeat-olds ate the Socialist party and was elect. MB Cricket Ave. tativel are particularly salted Hoag... present .hslefly on the etsch should not be held responbo: be. draft.. the program will ed to the house of deputies from Ardmore, PA meeting,-pointed ere that most sible for freehreen Intipetrination, 11.01he implemented feet enough Hiroelerna prefecrere From June, to discuss. MOM LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR • teavg on came= la not done by but that the Students' Coen. rhea. mann.. ems Coeurdttee Not Committed ...event Ca from admitting the 1997 to October, le48 he semen anould Undertake ties teepee. uMfal number of freshmen this as minister of edumtlen le the While the committee Mae not studeettfee.Mr. Macintosh concluded. cabinet. He remained In his legit mmmItted itself to prepare a halve post, however G. Ia. comprehensive report of Its fininese cabinet system being like ngs. there Is a poesibility dust AS 11 MIGHT the Britith/. until last spring, ouch a repon suggeang changes BE SEEN when he took up ha present po in formal academie procedure IN LIFE eltion as Preside. of Hiroshima and modal activities will tre pre pared at the end of the sem. University. er. Cemuseed From Page One Members of the committee are Reese goon found himself in a Professor Aahmead, R. Curran. Caen Palm One conselentlaos objectors' camp due K. Dolbeare. R Freeman. G to the war. Most at his time he talk there will be a dlecusalon Freund, IL Gundry, A. Morley served In the Forestry Service period. P. Moses R. Norris, in Prockop In New Hampshire doing sundry Dr. Taylor expressed the hope P. Schmitz, P. Oharplese, P ere ele, • chorea such as building roads and that any alumnus In the medical Tapkt, T. Wilson, and two fresh driVIng dump trucks and bull.. profession who did not receive men still to be chosen. gducation ere For a time he was camp a letter will consider himself Iry Committee meetings are held a baker and nameus for homemade oiled and will advise the Alumni Yarnell House des ThreadaY a bread- Al. he organized many Office as to his attendance. Oven 5:30 pm. excellent singing geoupa. night accommodations will be Following the war he joined provided for More requesting the faculties of Haverford and them. 9f Franklin and Marshall Here Members of the Alumni Cone Bryn Mater PlOtoer Shop it Haverford both De Reese and odd. working with Dr. Taylor M. N. S. T. 0,141KWEIS the eReesemobile" have made it are Conrad B. Acton, MD, .28: We Tames. Everywhere Fame for themselves. As those Thomas R Dawber. M.D., '33; laneaster Awn Havre. Pa Who have taken the settee Glee Arthur H. Hopkins, MD., tiOrs be honor .. Admission Policy Subject Of Talk With Macintosh Women's Rule. Collection Tonic c.u.sea Flo it ONLY ONE REQUEST- GIVE TO THE HCSF Student Education q Group. Renewed tun t HAMBURG HEARTH "EASIEST TEST IN THE BOOK” Music, Outdoors interest Reese TULARE STUDENT IIM OWENS '52 MAKES TOBACCO GROWERS MILDNESS TEST, THE TEST YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF Pre-Med Dinner - 0.11...a OPEN 'EM SMELL 'EM JEANNETPS Soya Club trips of the last two years George Montgomery Jr. MD Will attest. the Reesemobile Is tip, Ham D. Reese, OLD., .20, Jotoad* which knows no speed lim seph Stokes, Jr.. M.D., 16; Silas It std whose top Is eerer up, rte J. Ginsburg, '47, Donald'E. W11. Matiroldett weather. Mere' Hen bur. '29, President of the Moroni 'chord fledglings hare been in emaciation; and Bennett A. reduced to the rigors of outrNe Cooper, Secretary. Ife through varlet. Glee Chi rips eaten In the Reeeennibile to th See despite auch har, Glee Club is one of the raBHPoi, fre Mar camp. organizations, du rneavuneeli nwe vine part to Dr. Reese him I MIRY= suaretter self. MT Hawn IMO the hilts & lValsw7111,1ae. Cpl • RADIOS—RECORDS RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS TELEVISION Nan I ewer. Undid thwerbest av W.. H. ROYER SMITH CO. of Chesterfields. Compare OPEN A PACK been smokig. them with the brand you've SMELL CHESTERFIELD'S milder Prove - eno waren mare nue leth s Walnut Sts. a ream ogre Wed. Mem Walnut P.1550 SAYERS SPORT SHOP ma w Laneader Awe. eaversted. P. YOUR WEEKEND GUESTS DESERVE THE BEST .,:1.1:717 M.:4 '7Z= HAVERTORD COURT HOTEL ADAMS RECORDS REPAIRS PHONGOEAPHS • • w. Lanoreter Ma. Art Stemmer Coursas Ifiiversity of Madild Study and Travel a rare opeoromith to ene. Montgomery Ave. Havel-ford, Pa. setae A Knots Hot.. The Maim Line's finest hole' offers metropolitan hotel luxury in both living and dialog excellence. Treat your visitor to a deliciom dineer aerved in the distinctive Main Line manner. DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY &ea, art and nare. .4 nteret. o P docket For Reservation. cad Ardmore 0947 -11PA14911" TAZ,574 TW O., Me am run me. sow rods a P. Y. SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS-they do smoke AO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE. milder, and they leave LEADING 'qt="1712. ":11-. mr:d le Warne.. ethers ere to Hemmer al fet inethafilterral .... p al n. SELLER IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES John A. Potter Manager ..enen eel brts Um. Teem aroma. tobaccos that smell milder, smoke milder.