Document 1860874
• . • News Niemoeller Tabu Page Four LUMIE 42, NUMBER 14 Dr. Chakravarty Scores Reliance On Mechanization p„,—...e....e..z.sniesta Pa. Page One as.00 PER YEAll ASHMORE, PA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1961 CALENDAR Confident Front, Jitters Sale Of Tickets Mark Class Doings For Class. Night Friday, maven Film Club pinents "The Fare with Jeanne Crain. Madeline Cerra George Sanders: Roberts Hall. Si. 30 pm. • Square Dance at Bryn Mawr. Bryn Mawr. Saturday. Karen It Basketball Game m Swarth. mom Monday, Mareh 5 , Talk by Anna Vandenbosch on "Southeast Asia": coodh•rt Halt Bryn Mawr. Thursday, March g Class Night: Roberts Hall. ISM phi Friday. Ma It P Clam Night; Roberts Hall, 00 pm. Saturday, Mmeh II' Junior Prom "Fete ma Prin. temps", Bay Eberiea On chesty., The Teddy Wilson Trio; Haverford Gymnerum. fal p.m. 01.40 per etniple. BY JOEY& WIRT `=• r Parker In Profile On New System Haverford and Bryn Mawr Glee Clubs Give Concert of : Rare Sacred Music Pla works RayEberk Band: trtsceti For 'Fete Au Printemps' And Keenan Sung Itletlar::"h1: ook and a trunk Miro( con. Couplet Corning To Prom Indian Professor Attacks thrtrw „,:Yei l: br d"" Verwitional tidbits, caret ully gauged to stun the rival Mayers To Attend Friday Evening: kation-State Impersonality, Uses frame in Cast Most Buy TiChMt EMPhaSIZel individuals Use foot performance on March litio an of mind. But in the throes of reShwa the sale of tickets for Mere me more than just • RP SON GLITMACHER hearsal or under sympathetic March 8 beanie' the festivities eV 41444t Casa Night int year v. far C44°' gfew of the amateur grease paint Collectively kn.wn m the Junior music at the Prom comes attic. An unusual concert of sacred Arnlya Chaltravarty, advisor to mete, why pave by,,yy to feet Prodding, one ran me the affable, from &mister., the Students' Weekend. The elms night pen from °name" bands. Stay Eberle. meek was presented Saturday tte Indian delegation to the the first symptomatic grumblings confident grins withering end Council has derided to make e forniancea on Thursday and Fri. who mentalism Pt the sweet and night in Roberts Hall by the Hew radical change in the mie tis Wed Nations, a member of the of a fine nee of littera in the Olio fading away. "It'd be • good show if we only day nights and me dance on Sat. glow, plays mostly for college onion and Bryn Mawr G. nallote for Adimerid Study at of their etornache had a few more weeks of urday are the feature attraction. dances. He Ma an eleven piece Clubs. limier the direction of WtlCouples Attend Friday ptinceten, and wforroer professor Roberts Shares and gosh. 54 Eberle Pastured orvitem and a female vocalist. Ibutt Rmse and Robert., Good.. The main purpose et the M Wt wears Roberta Hall la taking the it.fillah. The dance features the murk He has appeared on such well the choruses performed 'Berke of Mlection on the evils of Ameri. brunt of thees thespian preps. "What we Mould have done change Is to separate those with of both Ray Eberle and the Teddy known radio prograrne MS the Palest." Heinrich Schum Joan ma.rialisin. His theme was tons, shaking and quaking under was scrap the whole thing and dates from those who me going Wilson trio. When one band takes Chesterfield Supper Club. Teddy ham Snsatian Back, rnonnitt bat the important problems of the nom nigh. stage tramping started fun . but it's oo M. stag. One of the major problems • breek. the other one takes WM. played at law year, .105. Gabriella and Gerald Keenan. a encountered was that everyone de cannot it solved by maniere: of players who are arduonely ter And as of putt three days ago. oven In short. there wilt be five or Pram. He M hest known for contemporary AMerican ea. hippie. in • home le not de- ing to get their cues down tat Warta to see the Friday night bouts of continue music. the mode of his trio. ''Snappy Pater. eon. upon • refrigerator." and non.. etrairdng It get someone was overheard remark- show. Because of this, radical. The theme of the decorations stuff' Is hie forte. Between the their lyrics by heart and their ing, "Well, at least I've got a full steps have been taken to insure Mrs Man.. Won /0pp. will be a aidewalk cafe with all two bands. Chairman Boger Pallostrina end Selena Works. v.. in MU a good crowd on Thursday night. l'endetontrig wombip of the the appropriate French fin.. promises music that "everyone The Bryn mom College Ch.M.. Thkk Secrecy ..t,htyy thy Precisely what all this hubbub being merely "to led by Mr. Condole opened em most characteristic eVeet The Student Council daotded The net-d'muvre will be an cat ...W." going so ProdUre M the end, ofThe dventage of the adveritsers." connert—ss they seem to begin this time working on toward that tickets for Friday night well mode centerpiece, the exact no oci denouncing the advertiser as 00 en. ha yet ventured M Pu- Class Night le the foggy enteeY he sold only to those Model. mmt concerts—with a work of lure Of which publicity Chairman with any degree of certainty. Who had purciased dance R&M ce who "la controlling for his Paleidrina Any such work whose surrounding the doings in Bill anger is -unwilling to disIt'. In The lag and that students will alse charm tea in Its subleties has • Ian or the thinge umn beclose. Directors of Me erase ski. of Roberts. Nearly everyone on limited to two tickets apiece for handicap when sung by a worn. the public domain." bin mg campus has a partial Idea at The dame committee has dema group alone. Female voices lakravarty •dvecated that least of what his own class le each perforrnance. cided to eliminate the various • A • inaricon culture devote more at. in chorus give a certain hard, up to. but by and Large when The tkimbselling Meg.m bee afternoon activities that have brittle rneetumical effect winch the curtain goe• op 00 the 4mn been outlined as follow.; I-Tick. been Illelhdet1 In most other big 'Im-•r••1•• the me and kind..." There em. makes it thfficult to achieve real performance a week from Thurs. eta for the Thursday night per dance weekends. He mid that expression and feeling. For this day night. the skits will prove a ferinance win go on sale on Mon. Pan experience Indicated the Ile' Which are Mined by • surprise for the hulk of Mom In day the Ilith at one-thirty pm. most people preferred to provide As yet no action has been taken reason the performance of the mple trained to 'Thinking to the audience. in the Union. 2. Tickets for Frb Alumni acceptances of butts. their own entertainment during on the proposed annulments to Palestrina Magnified, although mine of ma chine s'. If this column appears /trent'a day night will go on Mk ternor. lions to the premedical dinner the afternoon" "Attractive Om- the Honor System by Me Sus technically very good. Idled to iy devoid of anything resembling row night during supper, priority to be held on March S are pour- penny" is Me word for this week- dente Council, on account of Ihe he Much more than competent. • °rd.° no rota difficulty et this time of deter- After the Palestrina work the tiontho° of U. mid," he 44.4e Richard Norria was chosen a hint am to the progress, natl., being given by date o/ porch.e ing into the Alumni Office, Dr. end, chilms chairman Roger, net '•its immmarY to ...M.. Editor of the Haverfont Two Clem Nigher mining a meeting Moe coo- Haverford Clee Club performed Herbert Taylor an Dr. NEWS and/or relative merit of any of dance tickets. An innovation for this year's venlent for everyone. The Coun- two Symphottle Somme of Heinmocks To Be Held hew IlununT for.° on 4'n° I. for the rooting year In a eeriest particular class show. it La beTaylor Is -chairmen of the Premuse all such facts have Other weekend is the addition of an3. Blocks of seats wilt be heki cil intended to are on the rich Shuts, a German blaster of 'oman mdety." Medical Content., and is also "'aeern 4- of elections held on February 22 been withheld from the reporter other class night performmin both nights for faculty end all. College Physician. proposals In their Mat meeting the pre. each period. This M ...TIM' of 'thin on en Mnue••• to select a new editorial board. on Thursday, March S. The pun ut could not obtain a quorum probably the first time these two 0 meclunisettor," an hinumM Other top officers eketetl were or have been es circumscribed ni t orders for these soh can be An mak. Invited nude by phoning Ardmore 621511 Ail alumni engaged in the med. pose of this second show In to bf voting members. Ito expected. works have been performed in Itthm•ilt•i t to the in- John Wirt. as Managing Editor; Centl®d Page I. C.ol. eerily rn 8 rner or by writing Elliott Wilbur, Met and dental professions are allow enough room fee all dates however. that revisions will be this coon try. If they are indica.C.°0'. Peter Tooke. as Senior News hoed.. themselves, he stated. Editor; on„, lemur a, ae Flist Entry GlOyd. These tickets Invited. as are all students en- to see the show on Friday night. made with respect to Customs tive of Schutz'. musical output, this syn.,. Editor. • appemntly unaware of this will be paid for at the door. rolled in the pre-Medical curried. Bill Hager ensures that the and general freshmen integra- a great deal of beeodhil male rroral corrosion, but it is tion. No drastic changes are is being kit on the shelves on 4 The price for Thursday night um. The dinner 010 be held at or fact that strikes Eastern at the present but performed. Lad Satlirdandti per Will be forty cents. for Friday .00 p.m. to tot . Founder. Cent',more in this mulittY.e it la puiM probable that the formance by the Haverford group lord. Fred IOWA and PIBUP IOW, sixty cents. Remy Me in Peoples Mai Apart Council MD obtain more control under Dr. Reese's direction, with Stansbury. as News Editors; Earl the cast must bun • ticket deem As a preliminary Sr the dinner. an Instromental group mode um Ilp yl Chakravarty then turned Harrison over his function. Al Its February 21st meeting, class night is a charity show le en Informal discontent period edll of members of the Reveller* u attention to OM laribMm of Aslant Sports Editors. and Joei the ICG heard a short lecture by which the sulk of the school per be condOried in the Union at SOO Meeting Nedem Revived Bryn Mawr Orchestra, was rich tr. 'War Prelim no ear bat Om GOldrieln as Alumni Editor. Professor JohnRoche whit dem- helm. Only one ticket well be p.m. number of alumni, meld, Nothing definite has teen deexpreartion and feeling. irditeers . . War ha ben. Members of the business matt °minted the uses of Director of Admissions Anni- rided at This writing as Dr. the evening's guest speaker, Roberta necessary for bath shows. M the M. Macintosh Me just returned here end more' Matoolieltude were mined in an earlier election. Rules of Order as they snob/ to It Is intexestIng to note bow It to believed that this system Dr. Crone /C. Strode, '08. have from • alp to the Middle West prommi summer session at blev. the music of Schutz coming just Nom. W a graduate of St conferences sponsored by the erfOrtl. Tentative plans Include Mdicansi their intention to attend Will remedy the situation eh where C•".." PM* en C.4 be has been interviewilig a Albans adv.]. where he wilts FCC.. Mr. Roche said that -with few years after that of Pale. o be carried by counured but year. However. It this seselon. Dr Strode is Di- prospective students SAd Matting three the St MU. Nov, and be has the help of Robert's Rules and 'etude. VL 1 Bh the session trine. differs no greatly from that is realized that °erten complies rector of the International Health several alumni of the college. Ills spilt Into three lourweek periods. of the Italian master. While majority support, a good chain lions will arise, and anyone who Division of the Rockefeller Foun. activities were concentrated' at Palestrino's music Is very dry, tta years, heving been preThe ofd custom of moiling out dation. n do everything except does not believe that he Is being In Therm of Eutelsem the Western Reserve Academy VIOMly elected News Editor and tarn a man into a woman." bench" notices for Fifth. Continued Page 2. Col. treated fairly MR he given the and Neer Eastern activities. and at the University School in day Meeting has been revived Senior News Editor. He a also Sans, Hudson Present Bill consideration of the Connell. Cleveland. At the Univ.. I Gelaihmag Ma 4. CM t present a member of the end AS Stern ha been put In Following Mr. Roche's et/torrid School he Interview, - • number charge of this duty. fencing squad and a member of .•tthoacy of prospects and Wetted Tucker • tlyrggy •TyyTm • ..udent Committee on Ed. and inetructive soliloquy. Stephen Theatre on the . Club 160 Stars Sinot Sachs and James Hudson pr.. Fox. '119, who Is with the school. The C011ittil deemed financially erl their bill providing for "ems "d•Y .44" °' elen4 were "Wl TWoreed.te At. both schools Mr. Macintosh Benton of lame the New puloory arbitration in all labor red for The first performance of found that Mere were many plop Impassible the re-opening of Club hree oneact plays to be held on Wirt, '50 ter the present because Mr. disputes edging in businesses en. penis for admission in the fail, Jersey Public School System. ha 11.0126, ST me as. Roger Tune; ityytto htyw.,„r EV CORDON WERNER and he receivnl some inquiries Caselll insists upon having either Polltlal Meortunitim for Flaw t two yeah gaging In interstate commerce.. Maident of the group, presided Bin or Bob in the ''Coop" while erford elude/its with the Young The bill is to be presented in the Dr. Feder Minetted. He claimed about mundane@ later on. and was formerly on the fencing Under The auspices of the I the meeting. Club 'SO Is open. The "Coop" raw Republimns of Philadelphia were Melia Oberlin squad. Tapke, also from St. Al' Labor Committee at the regional na Howard Shaw Memorial Leo that in the granting of postwar Three Plays Chown Atter Interviewing candidates not afford to Mime the bones Been by Gordon Werner at bans. was raised from the posl. ICG conference in mid.March. Smite, chief sponsor of the MIL tureship, Nathaniel Peirer, Pro economic and military aid fm in Cleveland. Vice.President Mao Incurred In the operation of the meeting of the organisation he Here are to be three perform don of Acting News Edit or end Moor of International Relation quantities too small to do any rsa at each set of three Mb is Secretary of the Philoimphy periled several attempts at Inked traveled to Oberlin Col- gift of the Class of 1050 to the attended on February II. '11edam. The first MM. Hope le Club end • member of the Com amending the proposal in the dlie in Columbia University, delivered good/ to our wartime any Ch., lege In Ohlo. TIM was Mae College. It was suggested that Need New Potty the second of six weekly talks at Max Step. 510 independent Thion's first viol to Ober., and Club ' be stay open on Friday TOW With Fmeme. by Rloh. mime on Education. Benton was Conlon and voting procedure while she was Mil under the ad IMmitY, is a eernet Y in" editor of the Brown and White which followed its httnduction. Uttedhat Noll, arra Mawr col. leadership of the recognised No he was Interested in seeing the nights and be open m Pert of the Republtcan leader of We. PhiloMod nine derelicts in march at Westtown School and on the Robert Collins disagreed with the lege. under the general ritie of dandier government, we had college which he Sound similar to "Coop" on week nights, Another delphia and a former candidate mine domesticated ducks. Noel maverford rims jots mro.d as principle of non-governmental in- Vonillet and Ch.M. In MU" made implacable enentim of the Haverford in several ways. While possibility diamond was that the for councilman. spoke on the need ward's IMM comedy, Imet• Alumni Editor and Assistant terference IS the compulsory an Professor. Parer confined Ma re- tree [Heil Chinese leader" and at Oberlin, PM. Macintosh Matted "Coop" could dose at the regular for a new Republican party in Mention peocesa He slated that marks to America and the cur- had generally offended the morel several Haverford alumni. He tome and that those already In Philadelphia. His denunciation of Tbe gm. la to be Mcond Sports Editor. MI nog.. end concern an With the Installation of the "the arbitrators, once. agreed rent situation in the Far Esst. sensibilities of the Addln la saw Robert Jackson, '39, who i• ChM '50 could remain, having the corruption which has long U. S. Worldly Wm.* characterised the eity's ponds /ming'IRS ...don mime house new hoard, which takes over the upon by labor and management, Goalioned Page 1, Col. 4 wen. Condoned Page 4, eds. thini produrden, reins with aka issue, the NEWS should have their decialona s. America 'la not only politically was greeted with wild cheers. bankrupt in the Far East but Professor Tenor the strenant. 'eking For Letly, by Clifford The group, which has just been ed to draw in current political Continue. Page 4, Dab A . &tattooed Page a OIL I she 1st morally wrong as tdeo is en experiment. drama ganized. Is headed by several conditions. by Meeting the lath which the Menem m will lake ung lawyers. who are endeaw of world mamma ter stir present ed ve part. Prof In Profile: oring to build up a Republic.. Asian posidon, with the previous Tryouts. which are open to the organisation roe ter e d about moral turpitude which we tom Dr. Fillmore Sanford. Aasociate Ore college, will take place young businessmen. professional when he received S.B. and Ph.M. mined when America extended a rte ring the week of Mern 1-Mbe Professor of PoYenologY, twe men. and college students. men helping hand towards its dens ginned from the faculty and Dr. Mamas. and at Harvard, where who will provide the futom leadter, which will be situated In he earned his A.M. and PhD. tales wartime ally. He admitted Hamden Somers. Chairman of The %Common Room. Is estimated rs of the party. both the fact that the present Political Science Department has degrees. He now lives with his have a seating capacity-of 120 Seek Geed 'Government RV PETER TAPER Seuli Chinese govemmen represents a been named a full professor. am wife and daughters isple. Th Is twice the seating The opportunities Mr growth House. to parry a Thrust from an in completely totalitarian Milos. Harvard M 1949, soiling his :Putty of the original theatreemding announcements a recent In external appearance& Asada are thus limitless. and It is en. censed Dr. Foss, Professor Parkly, Thesis on moreafism and and that she a an active eritiCal Herman Somers ... .thoreund In New York. of the administration. tart Professor of Philosophy meted to fill the min. purpose er can he counted upon to Invoke realism. He ruefully admits that pgmersor, against the world eons. In addition to Enter, other of. Frethk Packer Is a pleasenclook. an apt observation Ind.. New Course as similar organisadors in New Morn any one ent who have been appointed leg young h.-odor wearing a of the reliable realists, from he had never heard of Haverford molt, York and other iiitge Dr. Sanford. who came to Havuntil Informed one day by his Professor Peeler nevertheless erford in 1940 ever a varied lade: Rlehani Silver. treasurer; friendly smlie and usually also adelphia has not been able to to St. Thom. Aquinas. wife that a certain Douglas Van Weeded tor the Immediate ad. MacKenzie, technical advisor; a neat palm beach suit. To !hose Sretmape have such a group in the post eareer--in. which he had once Dr. Parker nods that he was Steere of Haverford College iwto iyan Williams, Stage Crew who have ventured to engage in of Red China 10 the UN. been an All-American football bemuse of the control exerted horn of bibthodist missionary was professorhunting. at Han. end- Bill -Wilson, Publicity philosophic disputation with him, parents in Kuala Lumpur, and the granting to Chine of a Player—left probably his most by 'The City Hall Gmg." vms1] had mlied. That fail. Dr. however, he la somewhat more rector. Among Its chief ettractions for MI of the Federated Malay Parker took up his first and-time hoe hand in Asia. For those Mt Lasting effect on the Department terestsd. Professor Peter defined of Payabotogy by his Institution I inembers who have ex. formidable than he looks_ For no Sta., bult Mat he maintains no teaching duties here. college students Is the absence One can wrap you up in your men a free hand In Asia to mean ktO p W Interest the of the unorthodox Homan RM. of older leaders and mod canMe ProJect lorticular slim/Lance to hls birth. Professor Parker finds the an logical fallacies and irrelevancies right of China to liberate by donscourse. 'chide Protestors. Woodrooffe. not. The purpose of the organise. nd, in effect, wipe up the floor place. When he was Sour, his mosphere and teaching methods force if necessary. Formosa, TV ▪ br rye a n t, Wishrneye Sion is to establish good govern. th your arguments mare swift. family moved to Indiana. From of Ram-ford very much to his bet. In. China and Korea, at Dr. Somers. who also rame to aider. Aahrnead. Gu t wir t h. mat in the pity as opposed to Haverford in 1910, has been Evansville College. where his fa. 01.4 and Minks this the best he and Pfund. Mr. Richard Jt, surely—or -politely, than Dr. ther taught, Dr. Parker obtained small arts college he has mot above the Thirty-Eighth working this year, aside from the 'political aggrandizement of Parker. In /act, ell happens so Parallel. from the forces of re. meen will direct the motif. any Inc Individual." fest and so amicably that you his bachelor's degree in phllo. Mown. Aside from Ms teaching action. Those deeds alone. said trashing, as • consultant for the foreign research organ NooPerrimn Experienee never realise the full extent of sophy. He subsequently moved work, he le cooperating with the Professer Pilfer. will serve a. a Private This opportunity Is to some exon to Indiana University but, .4960.212thIll for Malls. Philo. ration he Brookings Institute. the damage until later. tent nonpartisan In that it offers The NEWS wishes to an with the war approaching, en. sophy on the future publication sort of absolution for ow previ. The Institute, upon the Mons. Resenrodhal- Walla hated In the Aviation Cadets and of a beck on realism for whin ous sins committed In reigned to mennation of the Hoover Corn. e aperlence to independents and ...go Magenta to eulamli In the Haverford PhikeoPhY spent four yearn In the Army be writing the section rte pls. China and the remainder of the mission, was contracted by. the Democrats as well. It is growing udetrid Mika they believe to temology. Dr. Parker believe. For Eastern mention!, Prormsor federal government to make a along with PresPeei• Mr a mew Il mlbsble for printing ha the Department Dr. Porker finds Air Force m on instructor. himself In the role of sole tin Thesis on ieplatentology city charter and the B. unmade that wesMrn philosophy has be Pere& It this reviewer. careful study of the adminlatro reman columns of the wend holder of realistic philosophy—It In 1015, -after carrying on come too Millibar. and that the called for Whine thee but re Lion of foreign pollen It Is ea. Ina of The old guard in eeventy un. Subject matter la befit to task which. with wellehumbed weekend courtehlp by mems of chief mneern of philmophers treat•appeaternent and more re. petted to make • report of Its years. the intmed and silserettelr of volume of John Wild or C. S. airplane kips. Professor Parker now should be to try to refine treat, as part of a policy that findings to Congress and the The second meeting will be held Lewin handy, he carries out with was married. WIM the wars end, President soon for must beckon toward a npproche modern won the insight. of around the middle of March. All an oontributer. vigor and patience. Whether to he completed his work at Indiana the tradition of western realistic meet lanth that new moral Dr. Somers was educated at full proThetior of the PO- those Interested should see Gee Mews a esseractem positivist er and obtained his doctorate from philosophy. paragon, Red China. tin Clammily et Wisconsin. Surat Science Department don Werner, a7 Llard. Alumni Response Heavy To Premed Dinner Invitation Norris Appointed Editor As News Holds Elections ICG Hears Roche On Order Rules College Theatre Schedules Plays SC Faces Snags Over Club '50, Honor Revision Macintosh Visits- M Mid-West Region NEWS City Republicans Seek Students American Policies in Far East Scored by Lecturer Peffer `sr" Professor Sanford Resigns Post; Somers Given Full Professorship REALIST PHILOSOPHY PROF. FRANK PARKER INVOKES SCREWTAPE, ST. THOMAS AQUINAS :P t W V yo I EDITORIAL FEATURF.S, COLUMNS Page Two Reverting, Pek, Tuesday, Neb. 15, lSht Haverford News Editor — Richard A. Norris Jr. NE sledging. Edrter — John Senior Neter Editor — Peter Tapke. Never Editors — James Crawford, Feederie blush, Philip Stansbury. Eeriness Manager — Sydney M. Corr, Ilk. Sports Editor — John Benton. shrillest Sports Editors — Earl Hardens, Heinz Koch. 'Alumni Editor — Joel Goldstein. Cirestetion Slessorr — Gordon Werner. dIssistent Baleen Maxey.. — A. Lewin Cosedvertning Marmon — F. MilWaugh, L. Shuman. Nam Asada., — 5. Cone G. Freund, J. Gmmarker, J. Hitchcock, J. Kelly, L Prager, T. Ruddick, J. Somemdike, S. Sacks, J. Somerndike, J. Toner,. W. Wilson. SPorfEetssoitate — J. Burton, F. Ford, B. Getman, V. Jowera L. Morgan. Ire Astoria. — M. Bibb?. W. Kea. Photoprepky Associate. — Richard Greenweed, Robert Hutton, John Walton. For Voting On Issues . . The problem of whom to elect to head the Student Council mialierpear is one which In the past ha been pretty well lift to the individual voter'. inclinations .d prejudices to decide. It is true that before oath election the .various candidates are asked to stride emillligly Medd the stage of Roberts Hall in order that the MUdents may have some notion of the identity of the people they are asked to vote for. Whether thin gesture any indication as to the relative worth of the Candidata, or whether it gives the Vet. any bale On which to mark his ballot thoeghtfuny, is questionable. An. • matter of fact, Student Council elections at Havarford seem to be conducted almost involuntarily or tanconaciouely. Some candidates are nominated; the Coop sad the dormitories hear a few subdued murmurs about bow A is a better guy than B; the time foe election arrive.: the candidatee parade; about half the member. of the student body mark a ballot—and lo I we haw a new Student Council. This rather casual way of proceeding about elections to the Council probably reflect, a certain indifference on the part of a great number of students—indifferenoe halted perhaps on ignorance of the Council'. function. or of the potential significance which its decialons can have for the whole community. At any rate, the fact is that the Student Council is not only a instrument of student self-government, but is also a mane—the most important means—whereby undergraduates ran take a had in determining the policy of the college as a whole. But if, in fact, undergraduates are to make their voices heard on some of the lasso which confront the college today, than it seems obvious that there must be some change in the mariner in which eltetions to the Student Commit are conducted. Under the present system, it in all but impossible for moat voter. to know Anything at all about the men among wham they must choose: and hence their choirs cannot in any emtie represent an expression of student opinion on Mitten of importance to the college. At beat, election., under the present system are a personal-popularity content ; at worst, they are a wholesale guessing-game. That such a situation should exist seem peculiarly anomalo. in view of the fact that at prevent Haverford face. one of the arises of ita history. The events and decisions of the next few years will to a large extent determine what Haverford will be in the future. If this be true, it seems more Deanery than ever that some proMelon be made for students to themselves on quetions that concern the line of development which the college will follow in future. For theme remoras, The NEWS feels that soma steps should be taken to ensure that Student Council election. henceforth should be conducted on a basis of issue. rather than on no basis at an, which seems to have been the practice in peat Let candidates identify themselves--yea; and identify as well their positione on nueh matters as the future of the Customs Committee, the administration of the Honor System, or the desirability, say, of an accelerated pregnant of Medi.. Int this way, the students may feel that they are indeed participating ki some sort of eelf-government, and not simply acting out a traditional annul drama. To implement this type of program for the coming elections, the NEWS will open its pages to any =Mete for administrative aka on the Student Council who wishes to present a summary of the type of policy and action he wishes the Council to pursue in the coming year. 'Mike Adieu ... If one were to be at the right spot at the proper lime, he would wItne. that minuet ad., when birds fly south to warmer quarters, when the salmon return to the streams of their piscatorial infancy to spawn, when ground-hoes give thernsehrea over to the humoring of home mane. by nosing about for a shadow, and many other sundry and wonderful natural events much too welblreteen to require eataloguing here. But there is one other once-a-year incident, right here on campus that cannot, for all its natural regularity, mane unnoticed We refer, of courepenthe retirement of a number of members from the NEtift. gaff. Among those having thin year are Antbto4trley,.some time editor of this newspaper, former ging Editor Frederic Hensel, Sports Editor Burrill Getman, and Howard O'Neill, one time make-up editor. It is never • pleasant teak to so adieu to one'e co-workers, but such le our task. Morley ix a veteran of four years standing on the ▪ NEWS, and as such, has seen It bandied about, mocked, knocked and scold* and occasionally Gan praised, Many of the changed, antresses and accompliehmente of the NEWS during the pat four year. are directly and indirectly attributable to hint. To Morley, and the other membere of his staff who leave with him, the NEWS mg.d• us eonamitulations ea a jab ea dopey "TN BOOKS IN REVIEW Alumni News Carl Sangree, '11 M. Glessner, '36, Missing In Action; Tie LI:WM.. 4:",j,"•.'{ !Ts? ite" tritc.F., ef ltiEE yea. ago this June ne died Rufus h. Mat. thew Jonea perhaps the greatest of Haver. fool's teachers and certainly the leading Chian figure of this century. The that full length late raptly al nails remarkable man. however, Ma only lout been printed, and In not acheduled for othciat publication untll early In March. ApprePdatelY, it is the work ol a Haverford gram., a lifelag Quaker, and • friend of some forty year's am modnunce with Profemor Jones. Maw dome MANer thither le not the hrpe or biography which is written Inamedlately eller • mat men dlea in order to build him up in the eye* of the forgemd. P0,04 ma. sham began work on the book eonct yam bei fore BMus -Jones died, oftee.datala the peeled with Dr. donee sad receiving he MID teg pennalon to eatery It out—a permeate., hadenially:tlehich had never been 'Taint in Mane Wes In a sense, then. UM book I. aa dame ea we shall ever have to the authorised story of Rohs M. Jones Bayond• Minus the moll, of one nue. rite. however, Mr. Hinahaw ha Buccal/My attempted to set forth the menthe which Rut. Jones' teaching loud for the development or the Society of Friande. To this end he begins hie blograPhY with them chetah* thetchIng Quaker engine In England and the way In which the new sect of 1 In toe 'Plain WOW Pte.,' too imPortent • F., MN!' litheopment of our own moony. Special attention la pen to the century of quietism which followed 1756, when the Philadelphia Omen, Sleeting advised Its members to withdraw completely from all participation in public oftlea. Title century. 'the darkest one to Quaker hietory,. cording to Hinshaw, was • period in which the goeletY of Friends low touch with the spirit of a vital spirituel ministry and became both Mane and clan... Factional dashes brought about the Orthodox-Magda, split In 1820, and about me only Ncgnsc.Ie Quaker aonvity in the socially concerto. tradition of George Pox. William Peon and John Woodman was the fight agatnat elmthy. carried on through the underground rallwey. flochitaR a Mash. aka oat evl. tally leaded a courageous end noble team alp at the time Ban Jonas beam td. ml. Mon and hie minialry at the end of the obuteenth century.. The story of Ude biog.phy in the obey of the loony ways In which Profeeser donee provided mob leademble. Drawing frees his elose r. stop alb the donee family ail hin Wy knowledge of Qtutiterlep the anther eras with a maple loom santen to do a, and as the .me lime with a nallnedon time no dory of BMus dorm amid ha compete eland incleMer ane of the inamerable rowans anoodoles elan aloe Ohio he negehtleh TM tale is traced from Its beginnings on • Cad M. Sangree, pastor of the farm In South China, Maine, whence Dr. loam Village Creuregailonal Church, derived Itia undying love of the outdoors, hls West Curarrenmen, Manachee ability to illustrate env. arm Pilot with en em ads continua Me active Inns. ample drawn from nature. end Ith unforgettable eat In the Collage Caned. le downeast accent From Malle and ta 'thence- Charaton ea Limon. Frame table Inatome of uncle Ell Jones the blograPhe He and Mn. Semite are Amos moves on to Haverford, where the young RM. loan repreeentative• for ehe ml couig follow hlo natural bent tor the sway of lege which, with ranted@ from mysticien and where he came Into • contact with Fans and her Wonted refusalt 'important teachers, as Professor Pony Earle gees from the term torten,a Chase. Here he exceLled In rya MOW, edited the countries 00 Europe. and Muds. monthly Haveefordlan and wan elected Spoon from Amami, cornett. a stut Man of the clan of 1885. It nee a vital period. dent body International it tone. Mahe. Whale, In Rune Jens' pmpention Poorded In IS for a Me of teaching. writing. and service The college was founded In David Hadar does a entannelike he lea by two Protestant pastors M snarler la retatlath few pea* the evere who ear the town of Le Chem bon as • de beret. It Wee • broadening mania of that ineredibly me. Ida Buena Jonas' Madan Mooed, MN edam Hugenot Canter, bees.s It wel. corned the college an art of the stile of the Made Reella, an foleadia community, and bemuse It otter. the Mark. Friend, be wet in armada the American Mind. Maim Comattera his ed healthy country living. Despite wartime condi/Iona the arithialtip of Illfteetir Make Yd uhoometed enrollment Increased steadily a ear. ankles W eneelege Os Mahal el today them ereover 390 ua Beth., Cadbury. hie Mendell** with ta anew, greet Miaow Madera h. for eagreduates. Most Fr•ack sebwis are etrte.superemd and Me .laden. and aide love for has Ms Is situated In Mien All etudent, Witt mama tat Quakerlere provide a mart am the It...cense.. In theta enamel. of (Melaka ditnethellf. TOMS older to go on 10 coon,advanced ty and power all am me many other sr studies. In a mum which comLoeb of am aft.year the are areennely and bines the funcdon af neeondary sympathetically reeled. w hoa Ind jailor mile., Chum' But. Ammo Master Quaker, in short la good is competing directly web the biography, attractively Illustrated with photo- school. and its student, are melt. graphs of the Jones timely and at places aparrat leg an namable record a the to their Iles Happy coincidence has Moue. Pete MI./revertant llaccaleureate. Mallon of this book at a time when preemie In Beeleneee Mona., from some of he sale can go toward ...ay the During the war the tam of La praise. Rufus SE lona limner.' Study in the Chambon become a Peen-Med lateary. When that morn 4 omelets. center. TM college continued Its David Illnettaas norm, friendly. perepieseleue comas and also helped the Nograhl will doubtless receive a promirmit town with the dispeateeed and pies on Re Maly. persecuted who flocked tee's. ANTHONY MORLEY Brought together under demo college and town Ma condnued to more forward toted.. A high perengage of edam. Alps maintaln, the demoeratle splint of the wheal. May colt. rfi on leo repro.. on the malt energetic faculty. The col men to learn their Mmes. and as refreshes lege, like the town. Is Pennant, course. but all marla an welcome, just Sincerely. aa are all camellia. and a ERIC WEB '52 mem Since '946 American ml. lege boys and girls have coat TM recent odd/fern of the Cultome Committee re. meaner to help amemble and what 11 nand. tor menu to me to be in the prefelnicated claseroorne and excellent tax.. a • member of itet yeer's Cane dormitories, and to build eh. entree 1 am In as good a patina as the next mesa and cher rite., emmitier Ira gunnies good or bad. Its only positive MtrIltute Is that k ream a few Marla. obscure individual. into a panda of ationted prominence. are envied heron become the guardians and inbuers of our acted traditions with respect to the mad lona Of children. To some Mama the ensuing battle In lee,- good. clean fun and en excellent oppodunIti to exhibit oneself as a martyr beton, it Iffeatel Richard 51. Sutton, To who is class To other.. It le • genuine insult to Ow now teaching at Naverford, bin lundamental personal tights of each individuaL gained an Gaon legendary rep. TM Committee hams the nonconformist In elation In sinealliatil the ma most ea., the unconformity be One to • ream. term of phialn with sedges able Impression Mot one le being pushed away he aseemblet from visite to len hem rather then Into our tag happy lam.. Such ant Mores. He Imes Mouth. to procedure on the part of the Commit. Is • Mow the working. of Menne° definite hindrance to a proper college spirit reincthiee discovered by Newton The regalia approach of the Committee em. Gaither, Einstein and others. It not tall but leave behind It snuck anhnoelty. Is all done with mch noncelmtiManosIty a not the harbinger of friendly rola Ile material as rylsher Wan AM. M any group. Th. chief support of the Com corks. WAN hearings, and mouse attee comas from cert.. mans IdinduW Wrs dope. Sotton's man mum. and develop Mae cock-an:1MM eery about why the Committee should M retained no tiler we ran de. interesting gadget I. Jokingly re. /Aced to by Hevetlad *rodents play our animal traits In the Yana to rome. -sulfate Amnia Bomb Mouse The Custom!, Commie. Male go Mint ate drain. There never ham been a submarine] argu• trap" It la simple elev. that M went for Its retention ea It la The Corned. can- plata the Intricacies el nuclear not be reformed from within, an port Magee, As chain reaction—the discovery a dispenser of good will It would alter the weir thee led to the development of the purposes mapporting Its very elietertm The Minnie Bomb. Custom. Committee Mould be deetroyek sow is es good a time as any to do Its Sirtherely, BEN BIRDSALL Customs Committee '50 To Be Active In Plane Crash-Landed Over Korea College Cevanol Howard Taylor, '11 reported mi.; In The Editor's Mail... Deer Sir: Folio. no Anewer to a Alittereted On the shores of Onomateepoeut By the lake ef Image Welting Wrote • boy • lovely Sloth That has hurt the Frosh no lonely Thou.. so clever. Tony Morley. Spoke ye ago ''shrlektng shebang Of strenuous and strident aorta" "Good old Coedited". "Gothic Elle Thy eve of words has dame you wrong We, the bream. 131713 Mater bevy Cannot comprehend the comm. Tetione of the word 'Ia.., You are not too eympathelie we ea only epaulette Your dledainful. dilatory Attitude tower. poor old Princeton Only shows a weaknesa, your own Feeling of a jelly ac... Nee your Haverfoyd been outdone! You who loudly are to alt. Ida the playing de the 'Vit. DM we treat your hid. too rough? Were your mate at MEd enough To be in the "tire—Theta tough! We arta that you art clear Gaud we to an eryptice—Never[ But we could have good Intention And at lend glee proper mention To than worthy of attention We could on on 'ad infiralture But,. noted, sin not witty no we meant ten you ilbe We won't say "your Royal Nine We'd PM tali you—Wolcott Sta. AMUSED FRESHMAN One Mr. Having read the letters, In the lest lama of the News, Which Carla the growing dispute over the Cocoon Committee, I would Mee to mkt a few othervationa of my own. Clerk 30001000 stapes Ott Is a well known UM slut people unay event a common enemy. To deny nth fact h to admit one le a fool!' I am not going to deny as Met, but I would eke to add that people, ea united, often spot apart again and go beck to their orlanel theme. with double the original intealtyi Weems the present world altuetion. • People form permanent ties by cooperating le common comtructive efforts, and It Is my belief that such events as, the skit put on by the froth. men in the dieing morn, elms. night, Blau athletic del, and camp. day, are much atter and mom Important written of class. and the Mule ampule than any activities of the Contemn Com. mlittea (yes. I ream net the freshmen skit Is • n activity of the C. C., but It could be carded on under ether swathe just aa wale/ Quite aside from the madam of the efficacy of any art of hang as • unifying Arras, I would ha to have explained to roe, in won, of one syllable j.t why dam unity is ao much mini Important than unity of the entthe school . to Beilerellatng the latter for the sake al the femur by setting three of the maids clean against the tour. It seems to be dreamily agreed tail there le -some 'value to the caps end buttons". Personally. I sal me how the cape nupplemant the button.. But nut Is a minor detail. The butane are vine able, but they Ore Inadequate in that they nob" enable the frames to learn the ha. of other freshmen The freshmen should he maestri in learning the names of upperolemmen too. And. fof that matter, how many people do yen upper chlattnen pus on campus each day whom names You don't know? I suggest that upperclassmen be alma wan Mame ens lea On Wan the Mae Lieutenant Colonet Mee Gilman', Jr.. '36., World War righter pilot wan ing after his plane eraldehede, February Z In Korea. 141. parents. Mr. and Mrs ma Ion F. efiesenem Crean, Fume, •rorresdaM receive! Defense Dantean intm 11, Howard awl May Taylor, of leg this amount of Ws 144 Rigby Riverton, New Jersey, expect to The 38-yearldd ^ 51 pilot soli all for Japan M. yon Men leading a nada et the lee deco on January 31. Me and Wag Plan MKS Mrs Taylor have been appointed enemy lins when hiat Mutant by the America Friends Service developed engine tumble. Who Orearathe to Join its teem what make pouring from Ma Nam-. hut been working In Japan en. engine, he milted Ms wing nut that he was going to Isait out. Na The Taylors cued dm to ale parachute than seen, keeled, alet be the work of the Mao. and the Mum ebbed. Neighborhood Canter, opened in Wit Lem MIMS IMP by AFSC workers in Teri Cleaner was born end ream lisighte, a suburb of Tay*. la Modena near Ceatreella May ol tM inhebitant, of To. Chester County. The molly me, Ma akaa nele bombed out thee present horse In Mt of their Tokyo boom. severs/ In 1.0 be eras graduated free mom then area Other, are re lieronsberg Academy and bon pendants from Korea Manahurla Haverford In ISM, What 41 nee and Sib.. In dm Center era ored in Economics and mange room. for Ellath end art the baketball two Ws enlist eke. meths group. end • IF year. Ha tverkecl fere Ikeet hay ' triter also ha. a In • brokerage firm Won Joe brary. The Le Commulty Committee, made up Mg the Philadelphia brash el at several neighbors and Quaker Lever Broths. Coehomny. Rs win staff rumbas width has aelitta asetstant ta the sane masa • haderehip for Ow Center. When be Into e0 go on Botha dire with the Army on Fehr-any 12 neyet, Becreation Dna. The work which Friends have MIL Sit months /Ater be ac conuniseoned and served a re been doing Includes both relied and rehabilitation. Part of Its advanced Mule engine iretrueto lob In 00 neat with the alloca- until going to Engem hi Augur tion of emetica relief supplies 1941. In Japan. This adulation is While eying with the 8th Ad Force out of Minn in Moslem leaded lemurs Licented and the continent, he Mot dorm Agencies for Rai. in Ana, • him agency organization of German FWD'S and "'emu other planee" hi. parents be which the AFSC is • ...Men lieve. He v. not OM 00 all Altogether, since tie end of Shoot h. team they explains' World War II, over $6.500,002 In all, he flew about TO soma worth as rellth contributions missions. woe award. the Dlt have been distributed in Zap. Ilmulahed Flying Cross and the through LAIte. All Medd with four clusters. It November, 1945, he come home demean Cal a. more Colonel Messner wan air Instruct Duri. e.g. 1. 950,A ..i. FSC ofsencit .... than or per the 108th eight." Squad and nearly twice as many poendn rots Ath Nadonal Guard. Reed or food to Japan_ In addition, lag for three years. A year ad Arec erraneei for the transport he went to ',motley Meld. vie of over • million pounds of dad Mils. From there, In July, he eggs and mi. from eovernmeet flew to San grandma to bell emplane at the Celled Stet. the Bah hexer. an anent& cm der, which took Mtn to Tern expenserr'" ateric", ere- on its record run of elght day. pall all j.P."." pile, and ahloping them to de seven hours. mason points within the coon. His wife Se the threw Men try. All miler omega are dm Grubb of Dothan. Ale. They hen tribe. acoroleg te need wilts. two children Cary gilmbeth. I and Clay Millen 1. out regard to cad or poll.. Another project of Co American yummy Service Committee Ina mummy for the children of Werillg mothers Wring In an old army barrack, In Sets.. go In Tokyo. AFBC hopes that title nursery can he tegerged to Neighborhood Footer like the Paul C. 1414. '49, Ins lama the mad of the Nevi Orthale one at Toyama Helga. Laboralorlea. WM. Oak Man land, 55 a physicist In the to plosives Effect& Division of to Explosive. Research Department Kelly received nn. B. A. al Harm ford In 1949. and hie M. A. lean Yale in 1950. He Is a member the American Physical Society. marts Shane. .31, director of 75141 m.p.h. Speeds person.; of the Department of The Navel Otitinenee lemon Labor, will leave the department tory le the Navy's reeding ne March I. to become associate di. nacre remmh and develop." Meter ot industrial .allow /or center. messed mar M. the Peuman.Sterelard Car Metes Starlit.. Maryland, NOL ha Inating Company. Secretary of within Its grbecre trata raw I the most unusual scientific fedi State Tobin .nounced. Served with Employment Mae the in the world. Among this A native of Philadelptga, Shane are the famed White flak win I. the eon of the late George V. tunnel. in which Navy Seem. shone, Meepreddent of Shane ceneuca were on rode. . Raven A Wilson Company. guided mWllea Speeds corr. flour mil., Snare gradueled Deeding te 7503 miles per na from Haverford In 1131 ad en. have already been rerorded s tared the United Stat. Employ- three Puma. meet saliva in Philadelphia In The NOL Betation. a giant e 1933 after sers150 with the Penn. 10.000.000-volt mobile :ray get sylvanla Mete Employment See erator cart genent. toys powsl Accompiishinenu and potential. vice. In IMO he Joined the staff fill enough to penetzete Mem Ills, or the film were discussed of the remains,. oldke or the Lab- Inches of mild steel. Among thi or Dram..., Ws."' `"°- most recently eompletea WIM last January 21 at the Univereilly Is the "amebae' • of South Dante by Richard date director In loll and director Oak scale= room. 1.947. r. Griffeth, 76, natant to the director of Memo= of Modern Art Film Library. HN lecture mu entitled "The Art, le (me Irolustrel To Work In Japan; Will Aid FSC 1 Year R. M. Sutton, 022 Uses Mousetraps In Physics Lab. - Paul C. Kelly, '49 Joins t401 Staff Harris Shane, '31 To Be Director R. E. Griffeth, '35 Speaks On Films Dear Slet Is It possible that even the HAVF-FtFORD NEWS should not be amtne to the venom of journalistic distortion? How can haverfohlans be truly dedicated to unearthing Veritas if Mgr pub nation has such total dieregeed for It .d. Indeed, seems to dap. It? I refer to the mailed prorue of Prof. Marcel Githvirth in the HAVERFORD NEWS of gram ery l& In that article It was blithely Mated that Piot Clothier, wee born In antessia Now, I an Analeted with Mins Ogle hIn aware Shot Bronchi in the Queer...City of Belgian graduation Irma Haverfoni in and mutt might seem mare werty to be the birth- IBM. [Mitten evaidered to be place of Dr. Gutwirth. out nee line of remonIng an authority on movies From clear cut and unemotional lam hournabatie rather than true. Dr. GutivIrth le 1042 to 1948, he as In the U. S. our point of view, Sebum's mune actually an Antwerpanasr, • native ot AntwetP, Army me editor and aim teemed, shows the feeling and emotional new.a. • lesser city in that it IS =oda than sr for Calomel Frank Capra'. appeal that one usually thiniu the ropltal (but here we must try, toavoki "Wiry We Mar ea. of anny of es crigtostin wish wmone ottatetton Dan Ortfieth was MmeMeridthmlie Prevl Marken atiltailes) executive director of the National of Bach and his contemporaries. Formerly. however. Antwerp was the crown el Hard et Resrlew of Ilona Mei Ream Me. ',dreamed the Mani. Middle Area a great port of the Re turn during 1946 and 190 and The beseknovm work of the rudeseue. and the home of Peter Paul Roberts returned to the Mumma of evening was Bact's Motet No. 3, and In that sew, no entail thy. Not only we. Dr. Modern Art Film Library in No. men take Mande The glee Outwit-tit born In that doe, but m an thethigmce mother, 1940. clubs combined fore. under Mr. Geochith direction to glue • wellTranslator In the anierieen Army It ran that elle Macy Of World Cinema to Which he atoned. Bran& being, tor ha. Grifteth le a contributor on Warmed tradition. Although in merely • trolnetop on his way—for Antweete Mtn. to such publicedona an spots varioun .ctions of the ensure are neaten ereaeopol, Oteely .educed by Might and Sound." `The Na chorus were weak. the overall Brumes" charm, It ems Antwerp. not Brussels, don:. `TM Now York Times," performance was eacellent. which was mutilated by %Nem. riming the war, "New Movies" and 'inane He The Ma. for Rale Voices A and the le • terrible aroma= W/ileh One eminot le co-mutter with Paul Rothe of Ompelte by Gomm Kaman pia and Mould not take horn the people of Antwerp. 'The Film Till Now.. and he co. aided the oantereporary portion New York too la a great and exalting <MY to dueled • Wray of world omens, of the roma. Mr. Ithertuds Mem Dr. GM-Mak at it rally can't romp*a foe his which wan published lest ran.ry Is a leadnanng Mae comblehm by Punk and Weasulla He Is the um ad Greg.. leuegteel style affectiore w1th Antwerp and. er Haverdord Journalistic revision a nev never so fascinating . New York Ingo merespeectent for with the bold harmonic devices the truth. the Ion Angeles Times and Min of modern ninth. TM ellrrati at Sincerely, is instruct. in =Moe picture* the mark is the Annus Dal which do mommel to lb . fit[ 011191101:5 gris M.. Wiese Joint Glee Clubs Perform Concert Of Sacred Music writing, A small group of II Havarrord Glee Club lad by re Rase maintained the ...TO standard of performer. oil their reading of Mr. Kenna.' choral work. riebrileth Too Stmalve The lest work of the event," wan en anticlimax to what ha preceded It. The Jubilate Del 5 Giovanni Gabriel! lot eight Par mixed chorus, brass choir 50 erg. seemed to be too resew heavy and mak., "00° much going on at owe, it le 49 Vetilt to differentiate the vob lines—se that the genet"' ..tie In • lanal of sound. One bar benne that thie work it SO on a smaller scale Meld be moo etteceeduL But aside from U. one Wes* the concert of meted musk lip one of the best Haverford e51 Bryn Mawr have given Mere SO the Andean a pragmen•M Pahmamme stl ▪▪ B EINDAT, rt, 1961 R•VERFORD NEWS PAGE 1MOM Swarthmore Ties Matmen, Nabs Overtime Court Thriller Grapplers Knotted 16-16; Ford Swordsmen Scarlet Co-Captains Pin Upset By Tigers The Garnet of 5Warthrdore and the Scarlet and Black In 20.1 Contest SPORTS CALENDAR Wednadsr, liabsow7 Yarstty rowing we. Soifer. Raverrod Gynnthears. 7 pm. Vanity theeketban vs Penne/1VMM MIthaey .;0000e1 Away. Of Sesketball R Penosyl van* MUM. celweef Delaware Knocks Courtmen, 11-48 Fords Lose 76.73; Carroll Scores 33 Against Tollin's 30 Camera Catches Pseudo Foul . . . Colman High For Losers Swarthmore College nothiemed As All Fords Sea Lotion Its eixteen year mastery- over ete quintets lest WeerseedeY Stoptiro, eonsternation. and A slow and tired Heverford erting a they recovered bowl in • etalathate to Maintain linverford's one-point lead toward deem, yews written on the Ford ,askelhall Wan. was fastbreaked Sear. 00,11 Wilt halftime dale, and the trophy. fencers. laws lut Thunder to death and thoroughly trounced went on to edge the Scarlet. 76721. night, at Princeton handed them ,748 by • strong Delaware five Bair, Dodge Win Haverford. Vialtine forward at on the victer's floor last Saturethy RaverfOrd'a 126 pounder, Harry Bair, opened the eve- • 237 licking. 71w unprodietable Joe Carroll and Ford Cape. Set Tigers wen the Fords In eery Saaliwthall vs. Swung evening. Peeing the Blue Hen as Teeth scored 33 and 30 points ning with the Ford'. Initial win, a 4.2 dominion over Middle matt that sweetly avenged an weapon, winning the foil 14, and respeefively In the menthe. eth., AMY. 7 Pro AtILIUC &Milton Mika Law& Bair Lathed a takedown and the defeat by the Fords was saber and epee by twin 7-2 battle. Vesely node. vs. Nemec+ nutlet Frank Albers, who netted Si a fame.' WW1 two moose for Lie OPDOlient, Mem yenta: AMY. Into Overtkne points, while Sam Colman was Tinelletnets Masted G.CaOtala John Dada. recited up live point. for the SV Fencing es. Feenimisothe Haverfortre liaverfurd held a 3544 halftime bright mot with 14. Scarlet, aa he pinned Avery Harrin ton lathe 130 pound bout wingers. but Skip Mattson. Kart Vecelomm Amy. g lead, watched it dlainlegnili IS Fos. Never tool Spaeth. and Roger Jones won two Dodge took he nun-down and Vanity woodier 47.50 at the end of the 1311rd Accurate shaming and passing apiece io supped etc of the Seals phased At quart, before regainiolt it with coopied with a smooth fa, break IN and /Nadir seven p.n.. This 5 minun of regulation time resoon Chedthioneh'W enabled Delaware to ramp from was di* swordsmen's second mt1=h1:°hoekl""th04stumpy Metenon, Haverfortee nueknell fend daYO Waning. However. with only 30 the outset A Hurtubtse foul was .. lei. FIN 'set!, but was the second. to go Gan., Pivot.. Imbedet the Seeders lone tally while their Murth straight Ions to the boys period Dick Hall 411190•• a rebounding 6a opponent. took an early 134 Lead. from old Nareau. his bout to tom by a plu Carrell eat-shot and dumped It Colman and Hurts,. countered Fal Ln to de the game at es ail. with long set shots but Delaware Foil was Frinceton's weak., Toth* converted • one hand, rontlitued to pull away leading by =CtMnM:::: :'41 weapon. and the beetle so, much as the extra period go" under scores of MS end 2011. " "L. 'ry°00".44 k.'"d sta°:" Raverford•• IV moven .raged ethos 0150 the 14 wore Indisat way and Hall countered with a During the. second quarter cate. rrre Tom Woodwind won his • successful preamble to the .core Jump allot from in front. With Coach Niter substelluted freely In Hrrerror.. Ent bout Itendily, hut euccumbed grrryrr Hood Trophy mewling match at two Minutes remaining Togues the attempt 00 find a clicking Bob Marthirsore the Friday Meld by In the second nvo After holding 047 1101311. Ford searing awl put hts combination: however, It wasn't smarner 10 add three moon p.m de-temthil the Do". grebeire 42 leads. Skip Mattson lost his team ahead 73.71. A minute later fire match, but cern. leek to Al • meeting of the Intramural Me Ford's night end the Blue a tout Not by Hall and a M by to the Ford's tally sheet taut 1545. The mateh got off to • ratios. down his next two opponent. Committee held Mat Thursday. Hens rolled on. Althea Ermine Carroll out Swanton°. in front tined up seven Polo. Log mart as the fire three weight Joe Green dropped three to the plans went completed for Class ki. and 1.1tt continually hit Mom edam Moon 1111. Ganat guar& is apparently gougln to stey as the Germ pair ClinchDay competition in basketball. the floor and foul Um Os Sire *P"'"M°. °°°" point ellMitnell Were forfeited, two by Orange and Bleck battlers, im y011ey.11. Cadwallader Stan and wrestling. The Delaware a comfortene 45.14 Sol Tolltha eyes as the Fard captain goes up for a two-hander I ed matters with a IIVO 01000" apiece while the Fords fought for loo Wednsolayis guns. Co-Captain NM MEMO Atentle Haverford and one by Swarth. eluding Pete Nomile., who did- preliminary round of phomfth 1.1 hot inse margin. which Mee. the more at n't lose • hem ter the Tigers. possesslon in the final seconds, than:pion Golly Crolvelleder o. Met these three epees 01(1 be held on Dail Second Rau SOS baton the „Leen., he, Saber tended Ina years unbroken rec. Neve,. Rob Taft, Irstrettelse nor Plea Wednesday •nd Thursday. March Nee,. Princeton'. only other triple 4 and 15, with the thuds taking The Illeimanese of the mood ord vinorke One fed., er Raverford didn't heath to plek halt was characteristic 130-poundw. ehallenged arInner was of the Caputo Chem John- place on Friday. March 16. Injury la not counted In thot sw4,440 up halftime margin until mid. ,, 1,-.,„0,4444., 440 entlre mote m both coaches clean by Path./ Clerk... PO- was unable to smile the bout amt, who lowered the boom on way In the second quarter. Di. team Teams Bleed ed the benches to ieue web playthe Fords In mbar by 51 54. mIntalve Swarthmore gutted SW n'er in the 157 Pound mate le due to objections of the Garnet 5.1 scone Karl Spurt rallied Committees have hem •Pleoln, er a chance in the kneaded game. Completely outclassing their to Cadealltder made Aluirt work of cee,..h. Odeon'. driving lay tips Gam, Mae Haverford s JV Swarthmore Vearlings thrtaten Speck patrolled Tollin well In the rack up victor. In hi. nen two ad to organize the various class Sam Palmer with a double arnobar le Scott frtse stanza• and the Ford ace went g ood for 8 thems. of HaverfortTs Peal Sterner heeds ifirrimich. Scarlet and eel cam. to dose the gap. Sort), of put the Ford ran.= in bouts but Lorry' Mortis and Don the first period. group of lour student. handling thlrel period total of 13 ponna the sight mood with a crwiting Semi, baskets sent the Main could manage only a tom foul. Black's PrOpounder, steeled the Both teams played deliberately Wm...ling CPUS, the Swarth- ball rolling with • mrprim de. Young couldn't BM the range at beaketbsil; working with hirn are Beakles to fast-break the Blue 7656 victory in the prellrolnary LJnem well out in front again. all. lotting three epees to the and neither had mend ita suede .91.10. 167 inmed Rea Melon reined by time advnntage Dee. Km Dolbeere, Ted Curran and Hett's oftener zumeadully built Woe last WedneadaY menhe on Few Mgt Armen Rohl. Hmarforda Ned as the period ended with the ainilthge over Charles loons of Swarth Steve Sachs. This week Ws coth. plays around their 65" center the home court Every lime the Tee Curran and Bob Feeser Searles on top 1613. Mee worth fought one of the beet mom mina, will conduct a polling and pivolman, Jim Krualniskl. to netted eight and els minus to Tollth and Wayne Hurtublert team lost for the Mit among MM. of th e menthe tO 40nth In the 157.pound chvislon, Haw the intramural basketball take a 8937 commend at the end pace the locals opening Mack in who netted 17 for the evening, as only Roger players to elect lo-man beaketball of the quarter. out on the Mort end of • 102 'rimers Bob Sealy added mother time thiss i J ones could get Into the win colthe oat 0000000 and hold an led • second period mu* that decision. Hollingsworth hod Ie three points to the Ford moue to moment wen class in A etet foul by Wayne Hurtubise telly. 1611 lead. In the second period completely took the• play any use all his strength to mold • sheet. es he dectsioned Swarth. Utah Jones won two bouts and the playeffr. Any man go Mown was sandwiched between 3 held le, a third 24 to Princetona Tom mat how played In at least half golds and it win Cermet, and Burg. wen , from the venom. 101110 nalutl Mn Mb In the match. re's 105, a foul by Defoe.* at In the Trf pound envision the liav•rf or is Zd weaned. Vincent Sam Hudson had his of his earns scheduled Intra- the opening of the Bret stanza. 0 five 'eams "I'd p.lred.401.0"e'VeP' 1117111's' wean1 Ford's Bill wIghtman metered I weeding at 167 pounds, decision. worst night of the semen as he mural games. .110 0 As u 074 01 it was Dan D'Ort°'"Att. Moose Amussen drove hard for The Haverford IV regent tom Raverford ahead It the half by ,e,e who boulder in Pin by Clem Hattie of Swarth. eel Jay Othrech of flwerthrnors ie. MOM Weight se din an Bob whilr,r 00 two eyrie. and DAM *q ueened a 9541 whitewash to . 33.16 count • shunc ri.. Lelbold. Dry ro. rybr.. ,,,40,.4414 more Mt, nearly two rounds of 64. to Mine the Ford total up to 4,, through for an underhanded iwo shooting Delaware Fresh quintet The Scarlet quintet widened the 000 Ford p004. pew neutral action. Haan. led 40 It It against ihvartIonoria 10. volleyball sv11 only he between , Pointer to make the score 48 to in the prtImi0et7 game pe ga:c iod bythree ...ri poLonten, In. the af Dele" thit,hz the time. 75. The game's final score came wart lest Nth Mier, H.v.rto rd tin thine Satyr:ay evening. greeter Ks.. pounder. round the only pin of Fmnk Near cut hack on 1110 that the Freshmen forfeited The home five jumped to an Ferree tallied ilis..and Pester A nevrtmer to fiemeonee the JV menet m he felled the thr Grmr, from the volleyball league auto. ' man. received a pars under the mrly the 60 1.4 before H111115011 ranks sleeted one of the most Garnet's Frelfich with a strong menteelly melon. *hem from basket end dropped it In MI the for fin"' .P. ..„.0k Scarlet lead, The Swarthrtme tallied the visitors lone find Mug in the fine, Le-- erni-ie sharpshooter blood up one colorful Mute Si the match, m crotch arid hall nelson. early In In • week of Southern DIViakel Clam Day competition In that Moor wended. Biddle Atlandc Conference tar period goal Never relinqutshing elght Pak.. aie Don Chandler took on Swarth- the meond 1100100. linden. driving 10 090 end .stn El...WM Of play-off voleY. To!. Wen. 'Of/" lead, the home team scored ed the ma rgin only poets mote's mammoth Nigerian. C.O. In the heavyweight ...ion. ketball activity. Delaware and ball teams will be conducted az In Although Sol Tullio played a the for Id or lg. tee 's 26 pinta lo consecutive points In the lint Car rya theme The final oemome el Haverforda Charles Robinson Swarthmore have moved into • boaketthdl, with the came nee and wrenPY Mier Pm& he quarter to lead US. They or coo Cer rrag." 13:07 tsn'd-H...rritio . m forfeited to Garver of Smyth- firs place ale. displacing PMC ity rub. holding. ll' e "" reud ' r ufrIn rdg g the 'l7d suffered his only 'Mfr. 'dant of united to shut out the Main rame sn' ti2ferl"' be from the top rung of the Nave ell tinishod the game with 17 Chandler: if he won. Haverford mom Mt., Diluting a knee in 0104 sr.% Melon Dew OW. he year offenalvely by connect. Liners in the beginning of the Point& wlUle Footer hod 03. ladder Delaware, Swarthmore, he me pinned. Bocci-- the world period. woe: Once again fouls were the and Ilreinus have morel double Harry Bart will handle the ng on only 4 of 22 shots. Agape second period. as they netted ford lost; If he was deentioned and again fd. wrestling shots ""r railed aethildes. rslj by Fortis. In Claes undoing. Day Anwesen. Sam eleven points before Burge hit victories In the past week. with 0 the match would end in a tie smelling there are seven weight tithes a. they rolled around and for a field goal and a free throw. 7 A 11 Colman, and Don James ail made M•4 . 1°:i"7. t ; the Sean taking over third For nthe grueling MM. the 23 Les mooch f ci; l se z... 130. 1,L,. 1. I fourth period exits via the foul. 47,, 157. witr hf„. out of the hoop. The haltUme scow reed 45-11. place. a mere half earns behled score was In doubt. but ultimathly Forward Sam Colman led the The Scarlet man routs Tollin and II urtubise bore emesses roe- the leaders. i•air looked a little bet. L'enT's° ............ Chandler held Atm.. to • do has not participated In a sanIty Ford nve In scoring wieh the Mont el the Ford fight nod ter in the third Perieel. eedetem4 With 1111 Utt scoring 25 Point. or junior Her delo& and the match was tied. °4,ft: meth. versity sport the winter points. Athena pared the Acton 1400 and Seem tallied eleven Delaware WM. MSC, nap. WO is Webb. 46 0000010 for Ws clam thus slue liens with 22 maritem ....... . e ''''" 33,51 1:"M and o ca v0 e00togw•L' a 13:hr 1sed. .' rrow Minth five only mit and the host Tuesday night: the Blue Hew Roe In the compeUtion. 101 ore• Carroll paced the olotors in their ,:1177 morel them Delaware ▪ easy WM win over Haverford on la • bull of • draw by the 1 serto f final bid which Hall ended with nn.,. e their again pace teemed in th Saturday night ensured them 01 Seniors de Seniors .: I his story Seek laity. will tang le a , Ine period and emerged vlethrl. Saidel, Stein Appear their Sear place Or with the Ger with rho Juniors In the prelim!• I L. Trophy Coated by • 9541 count In Garden For IC-4A nat.Swarthmore welted Into the nary round. of baek.ball. volley 1.7 o 0 0 Three Fonds made their last ! Earl toadHarrison wee theonl onl ,, y Fool So ball, and wrestlins. while the • • Havanna College's certain to hit double figures. The Mme appearance on wedneeder. league !earl by defeadng the Sophomores will be matched glut M cross eelotttl. Joe Stent Wats 101110. et 02 se men forward tallied 10 twin.. Arno's.. and Colman it Leanne end ace Melt man, Burt Saielfd, Verge 7673. In an overtime thril1 .00(0.0 the Freshmen. Er= r the Dela.. squad WM Owe. ContinuagIge & CS. 11 bred the 1000 yawl run and 60 er on Wednaray and Illipeing Jordan Deteneng Champs Crawford, who scored 23 points. d dash in the 13th annual Drexel, 8144, on Saturdsv. The elms of 11161 emerged vlo Other high scorer for the Blue Intercollegiate A.A.A.A. thdoor Ursine.' twin victories ear. at torloW from the Class Day war* Rem wow Lama. tint and track and field meet at Madison the expense of Drexel, by a 7470 last year. nipping this were SenWhite rig'. . Spare Garden lut Saturday more and P14C. by • 8571 count iors by one point The winner of ■ Deleeuw rnee WIee MAC Lealroe nasediege evening. this wither. Clap Vey 0111 once •ee W L Pet ageln he decided on the Weis of Oman • Sten. who prtvlowly won the f° I 2 .714 the point total •• Computed on 1000 Wird ran In the Psucesnosis Swarthmore 2 .714 he lollowing Mss: 7 points for Although the Stood trophy sea meoiree. InvItattonal Indoor fJWwars =Via' thm. - -6 236 entering.• full tram In an athletic given Jointly Mb Yeen ago he meet earlier the winter. did not Urea. Phitten. CONTrAT WINER, Me alumni of Haverford and fa. too .01 Saldal, however, PMC 4 SO) contests, 6 pain. for winning a Craig Hebert°. emessM Swarthmore college., there has lasted through ow hest before Drexel 6 250 game or match. end 4 point. for rotest 500 points on the nose Is L.,•T been nothing Wilt about the pm hams Pc &endue and O'ConnisIL Haverford 6 150 win • anion of Chester session of It It has been awarded geld marlin th the .e cs tan., end the do., the katball wore-mmaing rum Forte mulct cone to It sae a de het held last week, In the 111243 college year. fr fr -i to an announcePoestbUire Of A Tie ment nude by Dick Ober ' The trophy I. awarded to the maims Chesterfield college that ssme • mathrItY el The undefeated Senior A 12 I To the Melte eththtie contests be. to the Vent win streak Bellinger tallied 14 for the lwere e nd 13 point& while Gontrum teem the two echoed. When ma total number of points to be while Sterner netted 12. The netted 18 for the keen. RADIOS-RECORDS 0 04k1.7.. they • Soph Cs also: won their only use plays two gamin In a Me 1 monad by the Ford for Vets Spilt RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS T Da 2848 O e'I mnteet over the Elopt ma. the second one le the ore WM week rthoold be tient Sporting new uniforms. the 01100 thi• week over GontrUnla In the final seconds of the gene. Froth cut eounta for the em. Cs 3842. Schlegel and Senior Vets mint two decisions to SIM Obenunbt, se Lloyd. 28.17 NM lest Fridays 1616 tit In The Da held . Caekey paced the victors with 10 Otto. before three game way tie with the time Weans wremfing creates the poelibilltY mine Into the Gat 30 wood. Junior Ba and Froth As for day night eats... es KJ at a deadlock for the trophy.If when Darwin Prockop threw In sixth place. The Vets dropped a INTRA-WAAL Taveagi...1 ppen', the cop will re. • pivot Not from the foul 1100 • happens, 4843 contest to the Senior We 'STANDINGS meth with the ;Onion. holder, to wen the game. &eh D .caring plead by Bellinger's 23 wimp. Henkels & McCoy H. ROYER SMITH CO. Swarthmore. In 194143 the Pore to. weed, while Modem' paced W L PCT They Chtlekly reboUnded to flactSX Won the soccer 1E4 football cots the victors *Rh 16 points. Contradoro Tb4S.1.. 12 0 1.003 trounced the Junior 00'. 59-30. Senior A peaneu MU, • Walnut Ws. M41. Sorb ill In Second Place meth but tied wreelling. 14-14. 10 3 .789 BoteLer tallied 18. while teamSoph Open Wed- leves. Philadelphia Sweet:more wiel/usl Sway with RIchles reshot Soph B five Junior A 55,,aumest 9 3 .750 mate Kemmerer netted 12 for the Wale. &WM belted:ell, and wed the 001.1111 Up won tW0 gunge 10 UM Over oar Soph C 9 3 750 Vets. The fifth .place Soph D's le gee wing to keep pommel. ond place with • 104 record. Soph D 7 138 downed the low scoring Troth 00 iho award. Their lint ...Weal cent. we, Sr. Vets 5 7 .917 A& 2349 In the remaining league hai raW'l 1. Lubbock, Tenn 16, %SODA IMeds Nosed Out Grove'. Fresh 90. In a 4049 con. Junior IN 5 7 A17 game. The ninth plc. Soph A. Lae year, although many of test ir 11 Point. Froth A 5 7 .417 ware idle tills week as the Friday College Book Store is a favorite g num. They next the meths. wore extremely for • Soph 3 7 301/ night games were postponed due lose, Haverthrt could bring routed Junior ITs 50.29. Sack Froth 11 2 9 .21rE to the Swarthmore wreetlIng student gathering spot in It Book borne but two triumphs, victor. Ledehowf paced the Soph in nosh C 1 9 272 match at Swarthmore. la tennis and track. TM Modell bath weer with 18 and 31 Minn Volleyball REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Sono -Coca-Cola is the Laved. wt.p loot by one point. and the beepeCtivelY. W L rta. baseball mord win weed out by Tn. Junior A mutes dropped unfor A 8 3 .727 has run. The golf team also lost Into • third place tie. as they &Olt. With the college crowd d unior 8 3 .727 Germantown. Chestnut tall, heerthreeker, bowing 64 the pleyed only one game this week. enlont Math Line rid 4 2 .667 Melding metthh going to Swarth. Sterner paced Colon's crew to Soph A 400 Whiten:ma Texas Technological College. a• Chester County. 7 6 SC Hear ford grappled to a 16-16 De lent Friday night, ati the Hood Trophy wrestling MAO between the two college■ ended '""' Ford JV Downs me t Wrestlers In 19-15 Match F Plans Completed For Class Day Sports Jamboree Garnet Cagers Lose To JV As 4 Fords Score In Teens rh..Pee JV Five, 95.41 Blue Hens, Garnet Take League Lead . 1: S raw., y Garnet Supreme In Cup History Sr. A's Sink Soph D's 29-28 To Hold First; Soph B's In 2nd Place; Jr. A's Drop Sr. B's FEL.. ht ..``` TELEVISION I 1.••••• ., Sp•ot nt.111..4 EMLEN & CO. RAVERFORD PHARMACY ore Qom twentieth hole. Albert L. Hood Jr. th. whose Memory the IllePhe7 0I. 41000 hr Moe. of Plaverford and SoartIonore, Mandel Swarth. Mom with the caw of 1931. The presented In IMMO' ware 134141, and km rem•thed •1 Bemeessere seer rose 416.34 victory over the Senior Wa Penh lEANNETTS Tirsa Wooer Plower Shop K. a T. riam100211 we ;,.e.te= . ra. Wye 5 5 ER A VASSALLO Swim, Shop agesINO HAVEZ.F0a0 NSW cans teas Ile laurerwr Ma. YMCA nnoIrsa 11averford Pelanaylelnia Ptheeriptiore Dtvp and Sundries Phan. Ardmore 0122 with wary weed-Coke 14 W. EVergreen dvtente CHIE517910' HMIs OFFICE Wthettickon 74750 George W. balm '06 SUM LINK OFFICE 376 W. lanemter Avenue Ardmort 4350 Alen P. Kaden Wimp. Ask for k either any ...106 drad*-nurkr war At mews hint IMMO 1•0 etnel0.w O• rt• WW2.% 011•NYEI 01•71,11•4K...11 Z4 • ronsoar, AAAAAA 01ID 1tXW• PARE F011111 Niemoeller Doubtful Chakravarty Hits Re-Opening Of Club '50 On Arming Germany Materialism, War, Topic In Student Council Coelho. From Psgo One obtained their food before the day nigh. AdmItelon to the • By TONY MORLEY bvkt Russia may well be pm World War L paid hie brief Malt closing dins of the regular former will be forty cents. and to the latter sixty cents The Junior . plied "es rethiquish her control to Dr. Steer, as part of • the esintil.ed Teem PM. Oa of Eastern Germany and allow In last night's mewing the Class ix considering minting pm. tour in this country. where And here again he found the Council reviewed the report of grams for Class Night at a con tlitionnitry to be reunited under he has addressed church groom •• leadlonary government, in. in Florida. Chicago. and several ablution in higher morality. In. the committee that evalusted the f thirty dollars. Connell Appeals as he pat It. "light which 11. Honor System at Reverter& The dicited Pastor Martin allemoeller eastern seaboard Ades. Finally, the Students' Council In en informal interview at philAs an explanation of his un- loink." Is tranaml.d by "men activities of Um Preto Club also Peace will come, were Investigated to determine parishes to extend an urgent Sr. ,!..Phs Prof es sot Doug.usual analysis of Re/elan incle of good Mare's home Sat Tuesday morn- nations In conquered Germ.. he announced. through the spread. but how effective It has been m peal to all etude.- lo sign up Nlentoeller pointed outt_the mark- Lug of "spiritual truths and divine far In publicizing the &liege and for donating blood which la to bow great its coat of rule- be shipped to Korea There has nner Niemoeller. noted Gen ed lack of success with inch all light" been a large turnout from all the The speaker next reinveeti- • WIM. main Lutheran church leader and etforta to communize the Helm es in this arm. The liointer ...rim commander in have met since 1995. "Not a single Mted Western materialism by Recently raned to the a. other colleg communist gained Important of- pointingout that although science Night Committee were Robert Red Cross will send a mobile connected the mrners of the Cll.., '53, chninun. Garrett non here when One hundred men fice In our recent Laender sec up to give a pint of lions." he said. "and the apathy globe 'with swift means of cont. Roberts. George Lamphere. here signed toward Soviet methods in the municatIon. the various peoples 52, Elliott Wilbur. '51. William blood. All Interested should alga hulled. 'East German Democratic Re. of the world am still quite apart. Boger, 55, and Christopher Han- the not. on Founders the Council poaaibla If hoard. . etLas public' has been most discotr Allplande which he droc4be sen, '54. Their duties consist in would like to have one hundred almost magic came. aging to the Kremlin." setting the publicity, sales. ticket Conamuently. It is far from you acres& the blue Pad." do up of rehearsal places and the name. by the end at the week. inconceivable that the Russians not, he asserted gum... the general Mccation of equipment. would prefer-to pull out entirely. -inward nearness'' of one people The judges for tins year's con The Students' Con.] acted In the hope that their propaganda with`another. test will be John Ash... Frank CU.. re. Paraaea Have 511splaeed MOM upon Its 1001 budget in a recent would be more effective when Pal.. and Carl Allendorler. -The mind has Or own rhythm. meeting conaddering the request. they were not thennelves present. Performance. will be given this Ines three long-lime members— such withdrawal. the pastor 1k own background and feelings" year on both Thursday and Frl. Anthony Mot., tomer Editor: of various ormnisatiorm and mak. which are distinctly apart from rants accordingly. The was careful to point out, would Freddie Unreel, former Man. communication and mounts granted have been de- neceasatily be dependent on a mechanistic aging Dn.: and Howard tranaportatbn. he maintained. It O'Neill. former Makeup EMter. termined in all cases except that simultaneous withdrawal or allied is not gwgrephie distance but the nursiPl Colman, form. Sports at Cep and Bells. wIsMMINdy re. forms from the Wmtern Zones. mind of man which is the hamlet Lutheran leader.s stateEditor. will remain on the staff eently submitted Its *nen_ between peoples, noted Mr. Cut. next year in a marts essociate. The some asked for by the men. were made In conned. 'travesty. of his Meetitea Moved CP LC.G, and WILFIC received the with a general repetition The speeker pointed out two oppo The date of the annual NEWS moat severe meta Dan Hardy. recent widely publicized Continued lento Page One have Americans which In things to Chancellor Konrad board elections was moved ahead president of the radio station. eition 'The Adenauer over the Popo. re. Misplaced forced by government support" this year In order to allow senior Me filed an additional request armament of Weetern Germany. ed headline" that mislead the After vociferous argument's in members of the staff thne to pre with the Council, and the radka He made many comments indi- reader: Ill "aggregation." Man, which Sachs upheld not only his pare for their compreheninve station will probably be granted he said, "more than an cating his friendship with Soda]. kind bill but aloe • particular interpre- emminations in June. Next year additional fund.. Heaviest cen of groups. power of aggregation but at leader Kurt Schumacher. tation of the hbtory of the Tabor It is planned to move the election. sure here Jell upon the technical expressed en opinion that it stereotyped nation.states." "The movement. the boll passed with up to midyear. when most ml budget. which was Increased to might xture of social life is politically wiser for the whole nearly unanimous vote from lege newspapers change beanie. provide for much - needed Im- Socielista to leave Ade.. in a dependant upon individuals." not twenty-elght attending ICG the Fear News L.. of provement in view of the situation of holding position with- upon expedient aligrueents members. It waa deckled alas at the natIonstates. he argued. tel scarcity of radio parts and out power. Meanwhile, Lloyd rue cal. meeting of the Neve staff to der a with closed Chakravarty Mr. equipment The I.C.G. budget was such circumstances. he editors rather than James Hudson. Gerald Freund four rotaid.ered too high because of saki the German governrrant final bleat at materialism. The and Nicholas Norton mnsposad the customary three, 10 order the large amount asked for could be prevented from mut- machine, he claimed. cannot "dethe Revert°. 1CG contingent that their duties Unlit ma be as transportation. miffing Itself too strongly la bn the goods of peace.. Peace that attended a regional me. heavy as In the past The recentThe Art Committee, German either the West or the Emt. and can come only from 'The human tine meeting of the argrnim.. ly elected News Mines, James Club, Chess Club. and Field Club mulct thereby avoid the Unger heart" Motivated by kintUinesa at Bryn Mawr on February 17. Cranford Fred Muth. and Philip have not yet Sobrnined their bud of action which would provoke We must. he concluded. Freund announced that the Stansbury. will undertake Meltwhe positions into r ounelves . eel, and unless these are handed editorial duties heal.g machine is not expected to do screening toriuriiuea at the rev a promptly the organizations 'Neither myself nor the Ger- the 8. that which only we ourselves can Mon. conference. competed of hate of March man mock" he mncluded may receive no grants The poet of Makeup 911Mr, faculty and students, At the present time the Coun fully, "are ready to be convinced address by would include Professor Roche held during the past year by formal the After arming that will main tom for di Its. approximately IITT.00 re. Howard O'Neil remained unfillMr. Chakravarty. there followed and Norton from , the Saver/ad remit in pear" renaming for the garment. ed at the elecliora held last There • question period. In the coulee chapter. Hudson received the APP.., day, The addl.n of an extra of which the speaker was to Id the staff teemed quested to give hie vie. on the mere of chairman er the Labor Igews Editor to make It possible for the work nature of the East-Went wait Committee and another Hanle formed, done by the Malmo and to assert whether or not he ford man la Mb to hr named Coto Editor to be performed by anoth felt it is unavoidable sod Inher . chairman of the Judiciary er member of Use editorial board. interrnlleginte rivalry with eat In the differences of ethnic mitten Swarthmore this year win take is .01ustastic end good. W./round. SAYERS SPORT SHOP en anew aspect on March 1. at but refused to commit tided' in W. Lessee ee Avms• 4,30. when a combined Haverford. on the outcome of the contest remsets. Pa. ARDMORE Bryn Mawr volleyball learn meet. She did say that In the past. the a es mum Continued from page One rem Lam Swarthmore in the Bryn Mawr Swarthmore girlateam hen dour. At Mated the cute. with Bryn code a WYmnesiurn. Dr. Taylor reiterates the hope Mawr, but that in their meeting that any alumnus In the medical MONS elf.DMOSSI 0.0 Willhana Men Le. Fay The Haverford team composed this year Bryn Mawr Is determin- or dental professions who lean not Yet reMived a letter of invitation of the Williams House Varsity ed to hem the tables. The first combined pratedre will nevertheless corker himself combine with the and RO. Molted. Such alumni should ad. Bryn Mawr volleyball varsity for ems held TtleodaY. In the B. Mawr gymnasium Ise the Alumni Once if they exthis event. Ceptain Hunter Cutting of the under the direction of Miss Kilby pect to attend. Williams boys when interviewed of the _HMO MA. Athletic DeOs the Mate Lim M. can ditcnm. partment. The team showed sr. mid: ."So far so It and. eigernent and all seemed Oda le the Brat year that will be a game of this confident of ' VietbrY in the big mt.. In the past they have cononOtarrn SERVIMI lima arranged. but pen of the The public is invited to the GALL; game and refreshments ma be entm did not show up... Biga the player. "Me. In Shapes aptain Cutting remarked furSummer Coarsen ther: "Our boys ha-, been wo king haul for this game and have made extreme sacrifices to keep Study end Travel ' thgruelves in shape. Soda drinkA ram opportunity la eada, log and smoking have been tot memorable exponents» la Mars me and hp Mel II, Demha injuries to two um. Commas lora. Spanish MaLoechel and John Steely, fed. Via c tile Haverfeed representatives WM present a formidable array. awed. Combining with Bryn Mawr In earsrE.14 the Varsity tray em kad Spaeth. TOURS. Ins Me Mne Alm. New sort to N. I. Dick Bantu Hunter Cutting. and Dm Young. They will he support. Labe Shun. Martin Heiea ler. George Nash, Bob al... sad Joe Dibble M. Mawr Hopeful Cynthia Mason. manager of the Bryn Mawr volleyball team. re 14 W. Lamm-ter Ave. marked that the Spanish House Ardmore - Ray Eberle . And'Aggregation' I has Student Council Grants Requests For 1951 Budget News Elections . Any Mg g Sachs-Hudson Bill Adopted By ICG The Ikter, he News with the Williams House Boys To Do Battle; Swear Off Smoking, Soda Drinking BRIEFS CHEMISTRY CLUB CHANGES SET-UP . who is featured, tor with the Teddy Wilgether es Trio, at this year's withe Junior Prom on March 10 —the "Fete au Printempw. The fourth annual meeting of the Havertord College Chemistry Club wm 1.10.01 the even171. of Tueaday. February 20th The pct wary businem attended to ems the ratification at the dub's con. Minion The main Wily of the rules of the club remained tile tame. with only a .1.1. change M. Instituted. This concerned the election of the org....e. prealdent PreMeek lillgiblr The old rule of the constitution excluded students who were Pre, Medical Chemistry majors born the presidency. According to the chmge, the office is now open o all students Chem. Class Night .: Oreattmed two Pore the with what could and could not printed as to make the assign t of a fact to a operate skit the next thing to breaking an nenm. Ten you all about It. but don't print It!" In all likelihood it would be out of date anyway. Revision and ehangele are the keynote. of the present rehearsal b Albrechra Flowers Corsages Tbs Campus and Earl IL Spaeth Vied for me oral place; Donald W. Jaen,. app, Herbert 'A. Hume were in %Ire place, Approximately 150 cadges.. ticipate In the tournmnent le these from the Middle Alla.. cone. Four parrs from each co, lege compete to determine the two pain each zone sends to Cht for the Fetal playoff. Qual Urine Peke are given MI Miner. free trip to Chicago Four ye., age Revert°r sent a pt. to Cbl. cam. Last year the Club abetvad honorable mmtlea Conmentora pay ptevlou. specified. set hands. which an soared in New York by Mr. G.. MoteSmillt to determine lath nem. harp. The speakers of the evening were two dub members. Gilbert Led;51 and Eklund Laity, a made. student. Both spoke on Micheal Faraday, the famous Engl. scientist w.ho is hest known for his discovery ..magneile induction. Leib told dub members about Faraday's ch. to fame, OvereOrnIng men.w difficulties, such as his Lack of higher education. The latter ol the taro speakers inform. di them of the scientist's esperimen.lon an Tolethildrailtre.. Club President Barton Milligan been chown to represent the college on a student co...e which mains Studenta As. dation of the American geniis lay SWUM, bt the city of Phila. of elec. has ,1„.. tlnaUrg ti. has. n irtteresed0 oa ,...trzh What has on for the several weeks prior to Clam Night will simply have to be there on March I or ft Na one seems to boom for sure and they wouldn't be aayIng II they did BRIDGE CLUB PREPARES FOR NAFL, MESH ear trey Fords Lose . . . Coat.. hem Page Them each coded four year calon. ea OW Hayed°. hardwood. On Saturday we 'ffattiet Nails the Garnet In. an attempt te fluke off the Swarthmore jinx The wooed mutest is well Ivo. salvaging. en II is the eneennter which counts toward the Hood Trophy smatimme Mi r re SW, 1 lot Tenn monsma the Mac intoshTrip...' trona Page Owe the Director of Arludeslorts at E. P. Vance 16, who Oberlin. hesas the mathematic. depars meat there. Mr. Macintosh wit] continue to visit high whools and prep wheels this spring to interview respective Haverfordlans. His next trip will be southward visit Washington and Baltimore. later In the spring. he plans to ravel to New England to Inter view candidates. that region. and On February 21. the Haverford College Midge Club held Its play. off. Floyd Ford directing the tour eminent for the • Middle Atlantic sone eoropetillan prior to the heal pleyolf of the National hurt. Icel. Bridge Tournament to be held In Chicago April 21 and 9. Four Pale. Lead The tap four pairs playing had bent determined the week helote Gouvernmr Cadwallader and Herbert W. Hickman had 10 score Donald G. Kirk and Rich sr A. Kirk, Hon. 0. Guilin team Pre-Med Dinner . . ast Sitetetiam01Artii areamen. t=so! O=r Starrlson. iiR ADAMS 1172•Allt8 RECORDS PHONOGRAPHS. . ata. IMO se w tars* l.w PNIAIO TRel saes all* Mount HAMBURG HEARTH 116 Cricket Ave. Ardmore, Pa. RRYN MAWR 0391/4 LANCASTER AVE. J.V. wW we seeing!, there Digs & Wadsworth. Inc. Lerscedar Z.. fen served to. ONLY ONE REQUEST• // University of Madrid GIVE TO THE HCSF! 1;;1:17 7!. SMELL 'EM by SPRITZLER'S Men's Clothing Accessories JOHN TRONCELLM TUXEDO RENTALS RRRRRR SHOP 16 Anderson Ave Mort in Mona Itallromil Alm In Founders Hall Nen., Wog., led YOUR WEEKEND GUESTS DESERVE THE REST HAVERFORD COURT HOTEL Montgomery Ave. 11. M. Lowry, gerly interiran Furniture Bought — Sold Restored 4 ‘ ain IJoe's finest hotel offers metropolitan : The /11 ,ytei luxury in both Sting Rad dining excellence. your arbiter 10 a delicious dinner served in Treat the distinctive Main Line manna. DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY McCALLUM STREET Ingledelphla 7a,. }foss (115mmatams POOLS Haverford, Pa. idon A noon Hob, For Reservations call Ardmore 0947 John A. Potter Munger Peer, ca r:+. ilf/ YES...Compare Chesterfield with rhe'btsnd you've been smoking...Open a pack... enjoy that milder Chesterfield aroma. And—tobaccos that smell milder, smoke milder. So smoke Chesterfields... they do smoke milder, amIthey're the only cigarette that combines MILDNESS with NO UNPLEASANTAFTER-TASTE ,EM SMOK E