Document 1860875
Xeus Summer Session At Haverford? Page One VOLUME et Dr- J. Fairbank Lecticres On China At -Bryn Mawr Draft Violations Bring 18 Month From France Page Four ARDMORE, PA., TUESDAY, MAUCH I, 1251' "ieea° easar NUMBER 16 Prof. Wylie Writes Wagner Stresses WM PER YEA; Obviously Scintillated ... Faculty Consider Press Freedoms By PETER TAPED Introduction Of Al the third speaker Ii the raised, but only that the people cone. Bryn Mawr lecture series may be more efficiently 'Woe In Collection Talk retitled ...Conflict and Choose in trtnated with Iles. Editor Baltimore SUN We cannot and enter not count. Seaver Brothers Refuge To Asia." Dr. John King Filet/ann. Notes Emergency Nature Of Prolemor of History at Harvard thought Dr. Fairbank, on a Tito. Register On Ground University, addressed an audience fat itecesalon occurring to Ginn. Of Newspaper Business • Coractentious Objection In Goodhart Hall on Monday men. What we roust do Is to try to we SYDNKY M. CONE, III David and Paul Seaver. two Inn Fthruary 26 on the subject help Chino-together with the Terms For Twins Summer Session Student alleStiOnnaire Diet;e l hell:: CRAYIFOBD The possibility of summer sew fernier members of the Clam of of China. Dr, Fah-bank fire out- rest of Asia-achieve a .third of 'regeneration, as the with Dr. White making a face 1954 at kinterford, were seen lined the historical backgMene of mused last Wedemdamserr serve the present Chinese society and Commun... In Chino, have liens announcement about the end eighteen months In prison for re- then considered how the liberal achieved a regeneration en the fortheonaing Class Night lever' feat to register under the tradition of western polities might second level. Selective Service Act. The twins. be applied to China. Mod Support Pianos ela resigned from the college at As for epecifie matter. of Traces Breakdown else ere of the fire semester, are both member of the Society of eenele. Are Conaolentiew ObJectem The two brothers fallen to register for the draft lost klatch. while still In high mien, end informed their Mott nosed at that time of their refusal to do so on ob the ground of eonacientio. secdoo. Brought to trial on February 59th, the bens entered a plea of guilty to the choree of refusal th register. Attorney Harry E. Semen] made • plea for lents enry. suggesting that there wu meat about the possibility of Hmerford having a summer lee gIght the had.: onee no better than a ffem Deo/China Assistant District Attorney Ed. soldier. peasant become respected. Centheatal lege 4, Cat g Revolutions Fail • et With th e dine political , twine j'eg' In Chin, Said Professor Fairbank attempts were made to set up Glee Club Plans necessary on the ground that any con. W"'"'"'" ether action on the pert of the All the phony parliaments.. thee Spring Wit WwFver. Wed because the virdations Of the Solemn. Serves Western mend linaliteekineneetm Hahne st presented a very Act. of sacred wry to support them were absent suctemtul concert rd seeing Judge Thema. J. Clary. seeing College the '.tett° The Communist Perry inn:bleu to ground err suspension. e. Glee Club is beginning to look , appeal se tledvs murk the twins to • term of case and atteetIng to his con. th e that the Merman doctilne of the In thee' eighteen months In prince. Col8071• There entente downfall of capitalistic part lem authorinet took. N trial itself. Inn Madded to an sea. three conrerts of to be given during e ditorial* a doy, since, in W. he has written eleven thousand five and of „.„ the slavery flay BG woe toe 'tn..”' The the a no entirety. Fred Exton. the President of the 'French ChM, oill play Orestes, and Fred Moe ter the Tutor. Paul Moses will be Sera Peter Moran the - High Priest, and Frank Flannery, eminent. The two month will be Sean Wolf and Walter Loucks: Charles Marchand will be the INTER -COLLEGE CO—OPERATOR A SHMEA D NOWN BY MANY NAMES AND INTERESTS BY ANTHONY MOBLEY Nat everyone realizes, perhaps, that undoubtedly the most magnitioant octant manifestation of inter-college cooperation and facultystudent relations combined is currenUy to to found in the wrond.floor apartment at Illot Boy. The two Greekstyle 173 College Awn.. 'there, amid Monona have not te yet been a svelter of cats. eta/salmi records shown_ and trierhankal aids to domMUe The production will aloe have fry, resides Assistant Professor remeal - Bryn Maw. girt. In It of English John (Tarn/Hen AshMichele Caen. will play Oen... mead. Jr.. the man who mended n estra while the parts ofsElthtra, a Bryn Maya girl. the OM Women, and the Three Fertes are still tuannouneed. innitta. Daring Direst The play is under the direction J. N. Smith and LAI, w hile Mr. GutwIrth. who will probably aepear In the chorus, In charge of diction. unl at"' amo Unniq 1'1170'' va' clect rn'dan thmpilatirnents of Haverhill pro. word however, is a long list reletively unorthodox amid Um which have at one Imo or mother drawn the attention of Gene by chance. both Contem- John Ashmeod. Brought up In Pontry Drama and Hum.ittes Windsor, Connecticut, he moored a =knee reading Lis Monehos Ids academic preparations tor a in Rogues and consequently a teaching career by working ID tobacco pincer in the ConMod part of the College ahoult ▪ • necticut Vail,: 121 at a dropper be familiar ulth the pay. Tit rench Club will try to put an af salt tablets in a tomato cannery Mintelligence always pays Nile, translation on mserve in ine library so that aneone htted Ned raw wed R. • oft tri the end"); hi as a general reporter tor the Ilarthird (Conan often Dr. ICG Discusses w" .. 'eh e Notnil ma' 4:71:,ern 'd .wi ::::: on :be rith isebttied l:f e'eb e' n : ,Peld . ,.. r i af.ey::: ' 1:: .e' ,. '1 1.1e gee ll Aid To Schools h.. bough) h e,„... a: vr4! o : d: ioe::::bP;L:1: ::: :: : ' : :::: ::1 :1 1;: : 1 ;:: ". :;:' 'th. ,l,' frn ornide. tmhego iss' ioTh 'n''': to: '' "th ned'ur5 P6P; ,,,,,im. , i m.,...n 0. U.nLdbi":eni Th...,.,.., nego_ tiate .._.. untfl: D0u,, see the nee. shouid._o_t ..,.. t w here ... sovr e, u ." 1 `-' of the 0,G. and ne.the ne„.,,,, show. with two exceptions: the gen ,,,,,, ,,,,.,.. ship covers tuition for one porn and being ainne the tocelt Y ohow In 0,0.1. while questioned th," enth' blr e Committee and the Taxation oint, IS606.00, and will be ren Th... ne.,,,,,,,,„ „h. e, ‘.,i e being held on Friday night only: Inc the to years. that i t p of slew, the tae ed and debated. ig rs h:the e geeee nif ne. : g.e ,.:.. oneeliiy ee'erei t7 „.?hpe ee,,,erf e , ' thee "' : Ponm or:sn ::,,e rm e sn al th ue rnn alluco mm nithr rrommo sY did of eith Bin Tabled mold only see the thew on the seeie, ,00.,.. Department, suggested that the Pear Londe, Witham Wilson lance and Frederic Jameson presented Fildee night Intficalties Described a:p owreen xi. federal n Hamilton and Nincic described .r een:17 ..,. th : i t g...i td.....: . B""I 'gh'rtth.w' some of the Mein/Mies thin merely ten to fourteen per cent nev-e ''n" Tieke No.S'"'" .t. Cleee a on aiodnb' fmni 'd"' cntiUme W MG members. The major bone . be eve. fur the benefit of The of contention was a elan. Pm. War l'U'eel°' Sehei"ehiP. 'WI adding financial aid not to exceed 5100 per student In each state. BMC Snide.* In Cast The play, which Mil be pro A en olicy scuss - prom Prof In Profile: not, which has not been maimed enereee the Whom department, Each course uould meet for an hour for the title tented In French, has a la .thor Weekend. second of the fortYthese few of the mythical leg- To Hear Sargent College Girds For I - Class Night This Week two Main social events of the be Mot, cents apiece. Prom and a half on tine days a week. Havens. year. al INS marked bends are 35.40 per couple. Questionaires have been sent in NextMeeting Me t' by two performances of Claw put comet to between seven and Ales trUke the procedure of to the fr,hmen applicants in The Student Education Cate. eight Million words. let and perhaps the most lavish previouti weekends. there will be order to make the selection of 'The thread of emergency has itiftthe discussed the P.M.. of Prom. in noth and senors no Menial events for &venue, coulees salt student wishes Ca run through the whole batch." Eenerelteed e rn u s sterthlbed tons, that has ever been held at seternoun and no Sunday break. much. possible and to determite „0,0 0,„0„ whhe.„ Fee, education last Monday night M Haverford College. fast: Inc past experkme the the demand summer sessions under Preside. F. D. Roosevelt the lam. oe Prothosor John Men Shawn Thal neither event is ever athong the incoming students. Four BOOM Of Moth there were 0.555 emergencies a mead. Jr, Gerald Freund, .preld. Pour ' hours of continuo. well 0100 led. The decision must be made by month. or aethi a year. or onto dent of the group, presided at the ' Ape! 1. the lane date on which musks from nine until one this second meeting of the year. 4. Cod 5 a day. Sante/lay. will be provided by the s t'eenue‘ 'We summer leases on the college 'The current U.S.-USSR. Emit.. AmMinie Pronto.. singer rem be" cancelled. Eberle and his smooth emargeney Is not the rebel( Of In order to look further into bend, with the intermission tousle • Penal" Than Mand • any -one country or Permte or this matter. the Cementlee, which PMYen ,tae Tedd y Wilson , tt ds The majority of the faculty has Idea." Wagner presented, door has as its primary Purpose the The prem. entitien -thine au P taken a stand noniron any unD. • possible means of dening wen evandiest of the wades& and Linnehe,,,,,es. „Li, he tenessary mock/ration. feeling ion musee1w-1 1ocinfl Di that the program should be Pf 114.mffw, W1a Emmen, In -01.4 - some, i I tOurth-mentioned. They wet* FI President Gilbert F. White de- ad only in answer to student deFre.* eity square. wet of .‘T.1" High/lent of the decorations /fended Onnensal Coormornent at mendl. Their opinion it that the l2t meet the d".4... nte" Rette. "convert the Russians to good. the acatiernic committees en Ha, WU be a lavish centerpiece, whose a panel diacussion of the World owedge taken in concentrated clean. Christian UMW: III "rake erford. They will Memos with mhos. according to the dance Affairs Council Conference- at the doses will not be retained as well lying dower whatever the them the pMblems of major committee. must not be divulged Unluereity of Pennsylvania Mu- as in normal achedule. The rna. USSR. offers: 141 otter "patitht Melte, requirements. as well is on Fettrusny 23rd. t•ring experience of summer before time. At the ran meatus," to the US.S.R. that of prerequisite courses and ends of the gym will be "side. White, Stmasefirme Opposed Cites Nestapsper Growth component/rive examinations In Ce.Binted Page Cob walk cafes". with tables and "Can we Negotiate with the • s the earthua departments. The remainder of Wagner' Main. from Which refreshments Soviet Unlade" was the toisk in. barmen to Speak taken up by remarks talk cos will be served. vestiges/A by the panel Mania InSince them will be no meeting about the present condition and eluded etas Thomas J. HomIllon. Haverford Gets No Conages functions of newspaper denies in Mgt week, the next discussion hei,, ee seeth.„.,, rues q dance committee has re- chat of N- Bateau. New this country. Wagner noted that Ralph Pi. Sac quested thot It ne mane quite York Times: deputy Yumeavien there were eight daily neon- Inn March 15. the Security Council clear that there shall be no con delegate Law Scholarship /Apen in the tinned States In heiet e„....„, 00 0he Eeheee George Mimic: and Profesaor The University or ass.. Law " this "nee 1790: there are one 'thousand sev- partment will meet the Commit. °ere. mon. is., Strauss-Hupe. of the Pointed School has an a saner en hundred met fifty daily news. tee an that evening. perlorma tea of ma. Science department' of the US. two ip to be awarded upon thin papera in the United Stoles today. , recommendation of Haverford The that omendramt to the All Collegemloo,,a student r‘.,i t ‘.,....... Cononnition which was framed hundred W' ism which nos dOMInated and es- 'he the character of the two broth 51111,1.1 Emmert Roasted soar plotted China for a century. Dr. probation Fairbank saki that Chinese Com. On Fthlry evening. March 'e'en en previous to the trial. , monism was not something that- cads Glee Club director William bought Mr. Meteee-Lee el on the country solely Dom the Reese will share honors with The Wei of the Issuer of conscientious outside- The theytheefl, Jeth, th they jointly certain objection In general. and in parthe condos-, the college glee club and Communistic, and • ticular no disco/talon of the moral Chorus of the Russian variety: but It is also the Student Norms' legitimacy of reveal to regale! l. Chinese-entente MthelPeted In Ithilodelpha Prethinerlan Hoep on grounds of tionocienco. and menthe by the Ceinne tat The concert WM be held in the auditorium of the Shipley Penns School in Bryn Mawr. CO.. Paradox The second ainettmnen should Although the Chinese have French Club Will tern 0. to be an interesting one. largely gat rid 00 Western exby men "concerned with the The Toth glee club well travel ploitation. they seem merny opinion aspect- of those eight to Cliamberabuns Pa., where newspapers. today protects the Give Sartre Pla appear one "freedom to criticise of the one The dramatic hightight of Cue' fey the evemonies have unburdened the eeet In the ette....• thousand seven hundred and yea may well he the ' French ten they will sing with the Wilth e landlords. huh aa well as . hundredis fifty Clung production oh JeunPaul so College Cite Club on their nave mddied them with govern.' and hundreds.of 'Vestal interSartre's tragedy Les Moocher thee, camp.. Again Dr. Rees . will who may soest perndicals.. /the Mimi to be given in Rob. iithire hie ie h shore the nano, with the director pee cent Wagner mentioned that a royal erth Hall • Weeks after of the gab dub who in this commanon In England. appoint. the given crop. Protean. eprIng vacation. The story case will be Mae Edyth Tnomp. ed by the Labor government. Pi...drake] exchange the. Slay le bawd on team treaty-port Mooned the theclusion that "gov. 01 dem re, end of Electra m presented by vernment control of the press Is hjny, nests., foreigners for subservience to the ..s„, Ls/swath is .und out he not compatible with a flee peon" '`'e t.ut to is adapted from Aristop- doctrines of Marx and Lenin. the Haw Ore, th „th . therth *ring activities hereon iithe„ weeee, the menthe, of and that "free enterprise is a the Party, .• pretermialts of • Dee preset." the M a y Mane greatly from En. police. The literacy rate D being , optermme ph, 4, ass rind& and a mainly' Sartre's effstentialist Manifesto. the faculty. Last Tuesday slit.. 1 queen/roles were ditstrib led, s en, determine the deemed IL min! Dr. Allendoerfer ended with making • deadserious announce accepmnee turbo the peculiar enure of the inn matter of deep concern ameng se trier thurses. The final dension will be made Considering first the old policy, Prof essor Fakbank et a meeting of the eon. The forty minutes between thought than In regard to the faculty. based on the considerthese two announcements wen adrnattion of Communist China tiftha composed Mon of student demand. finaneen that it was four. taken up by Philip M. Wagner. to She united nations. China and the best use of the faculty. of an Illiterate farming010.5. The editorial writer for the Baltimore ruling moms widely set apart, should be admitted when she Dean Adds no t mplicatims of Sun, who mumbled about the was an elite of scholars and an demonoftates her Dr. Carl B. Aliendoerfer, who, press in emergencies and .-1tidal, the chief unit of social United Nations pet n cipi e swith Dr. Howard M. Teal. heads • orted related and affiliated rpnixation cm the family. though this a something of a o rs Amuse., Hudson, Bellinger, and Griffith, Mulling over Glass Night scores at the faculty committee on amen, topics. which exercised a esthetete doyen mntradiction In teens, as. being anon. .ttays plane for summer Billion Worths the foot of Roberts Hall eters. attending patiently aa a masterpiece takes shape under their Communist the cannot accept ration over the individual. courses am being cornets-Med by Wagnens talk-that le those very eyes, typify the aspect of many a Haverfordian this week. nineteenth century this then. Formosa Mould be kept parts of it which were erodibleerect a,n rrnas ,,,p.c heth. re In ld society underwent a severe Mutrallsed we should give no presented the 10110Wing o service breakdown, both as an emplaa aid to Chiang Kal-Shek foe spregulation. The plan now under tine facts: Philip M. Wagner hen consideration calls for two alto foe u d In regard to Internal socte gremive purposes been writing editorial, M Reen we must mentain car twenty-one years and one month: Education Group week sem... Pals Summer, structure. Under the Impact of Western expansion. the old farm Waldo.. for the sahc of Win this comes to one and a half ward A. Rollick, Mille recta fiancee '" sans at Haverford hen been a Chinese society, the speaker noted ennediffiry end erthenne. though no question of the tined guilt economy wat 'upset 87 foreign Ult n g to negotiate. under law, but that the mein manutanures were brought in. we should beta Inds/China, the regard :night consider a sospenelon of The tee and elk trodse were last sentence. allowing the two to re- Athenthe landlordism arose. With Menthe thought thet the people the there would not benefit front the main on probation and to pen these nenseed, diaossnons, oyalty to family hake down. and overthrow' of the Eno De regime. form sortie type of useful axial l service with the Society of Yonne People cued women moaned We must therefore support the but thee. the domination of male elders. From. for the Mem., Friends. The elan rift was weakened; the that they eventually withdraw Would Foonarage nlohnions Imatd To-Determine yr Last week,Collection Span Land. the minority member of the committee. proposed an C"""" Page a. Oat- 5 BMC HIT HARD BY. INFLUENZA WHILE FORDS BREATHE EAS Y f turpro iba hc* blyi. tran'Yto o Ise theump their practices In the east. and would not only pick ' their law school en I. merits, but also would consider its (station in Xkitten to their practices. BY JOHN WDIT. Prafemor Somers also noted A11.7 Tula winters Innuenza epi- Naverford, due partly, according et e d under demic has trod the Haverford to Miss Farr, because it was not that it a very Pottering that the which was o undo Robert's Rules, Tom Wood moved comp. with a gentle loot thus known precisely what tithe of flu University of Ch lc et g o should These And shallot pursuits al. Times: fel as a plane playee and to table the bill until the mares far. and II reports from the Bryn was going the rounds. Some of have made a scholars sip available guide on a dude ranch in Golden. lowed Mr. As/nomad to graduate 7th meeting. Hie motion was Mauve infirmary are token into the employes, were Inoculated. to Haverford graduates He called Colorado, the home of Golden from Harvard in 19313 and to go . account it would appear as but with indeterminate results. the university% law school a adopted. Export beer MN never been on ahead there with graduate work Frank Keeta presented a MM. though it was just passing Of the three nuroes who were -good law semen f Intone very a horse Wore"), anti 15) 44 a In th e gent of Arneriem theta Mien to wows several bane. through on its way to more "Mot", one out/am/teeny caught MO 0.002 leitKete tam. before Imsing in January noticeably excise Wren on liquor congenial quanta. music critic. across the middle west.. He of 1992 for over four years.ut and cigarettes In order to reduce, When the first warnings of the ' mentioned that th e nature of the Bryn Mawr Epidemic naval Menke. While in uniform possibly abolish. the national According to Miss Muriel Farr, niu epidemic began circulating scholanehip seems to indicate that he was able to follow another of reeolution was debt Keenns head. nurse of the Bryn Mawr several weeks ago, Haverford of. the university wanes to his Interests, that in the language adopted without debate. grits intirmary, some fifty-We flu fickle prothred a supple Of national school. and Me nd-ere of Japan. and Ilan Introduced the major bill for patlenth were admitted them dun vaccine and offered It free of N.Y.U. School of Law scholar. while in that country after the the Taxation and Finance Com. big a three week period ending charge to students and campus snips bale also been announced. amendment providing for a slid t'",„"ed w.. ..7.%th"ogf todnet: .. Prof.J.Ashmead have a close of hostilities he wrote some miller. He proposed a price com on Marsh 1. and several mole reportorial lettere which were trol ,111 for industrial and awl- were treated at home by their published here by the Atlantic cultural goods on the prodoetloo. own physicians. the stenrined Monthly magazine. Recently. al. wholegale and retail level. The capacity of the sick house won employees. First reaction to the Them are awarded on a regional immunization shots wao a near basis. Two wholers will he picked of the universal 'touch. , which might from Federal each hold out some sort of explanation so, he has written the ankles bin included a clause that the operating at Its maximum for so to why two hundred oras on Japanese and Korean litera- price administrator would deter. several days. but the number of others pinned needlesby. tor the Chambers Encyclar mine and enforce a reasonable occupied beda has been gradually Home Dorm pecia, which appeared last BMW margin of profit in each case. ' easing itself hack to normal, at men oment them Ansendothat Proposed three. But. accontIng to a while. ten Judicial Districts. Scholarshipo are 'aline at 52,00 Per yeah ie. eluding 5601 ntitlon and 0150tio living and traveling expenses. Peeling that many people se. frothed Indy in the infirmary Doting a profession rnay choose twho ref.ea to be identified and blindly, Professor Somers mid Fascination by the Orient, as amendment -to create an appeoi reached two weeks ago when a quoted verbatim bemuse NEWS that If a reasonable number de. • matter of fact, st4mo to be board to which producer. whole , total of 370 persons reported to mneriers are always mbdng facts sire it someone would willinele me/eclat of a tradithm in the Balers and retailers might appeal the infirmary In a sevenday with will, the shots seem to have come from N. Y. U. to tell more limping the flu under about the law school Col. Aohniend family. The current dthinions made- by the aim ad. period, most of whom were In helped Grandfather Doctored Meth Paul Craig at tempted an The peak of the epidemic was there. The seu one degree or another sporting Eng.. Professor has discovered • an lethmentury manuscript about lost inkMoot vote. Paul Sterne, Mmeome of lef l eens. Did Not Immunise travels in the The East by his amendment to have the price ad. Bryn Mawr did not go In for Continued Peg. 1, Col. 4 COatialliad raga 4, eoL 1 large wale immunisation ea did control here on campus. Than far umbla University has also made. only three persons have been thn- an offer to send someone to speak fined to a ,bed In the Infirmary to Interested students. Professor became of flu. and they had not Somers himself offered to advlaa been inethulated. Wen !Mutated in the Law, EDITORIAL Across The FEATURES, COLUMNS Page Two Haverford, Pa., Tuesday, Writhe% 1951 Haverford News Editor. — Richard A. Norris, Jr. Manning Editor — John Wirt. Senior Nr. Editor —.Peter Teeth. Newt Editor" — Janes Crawford, Frederic Muth, Philip Stansbury. Milieus Manager — Sydney M. Cone, III. glom Editor — John Benton. inirtear Sport, Editor, — Earl Herres, Heim Koch. ilumni Editor — Joel Goldstein. Cirodation Manage. — Gordon Werner. /,rinsed Bateau. Mower — A. Lorin Co-ndvertisinn Manapra — F. Milleaugh, L. Shuman. From Arterial.* — 9. Cone, G. Freund, J. Guth macher, J. Hitchcock, J. Kelly, L Prager, T. Ruddick, J. Soto dike, S. Seethe J. Somendith J. Tomec, W. Wiles. Beare drone.. — J. Burma, F. Ford, H. Getman, V. Jose., L Morgan. &Mom Arsoeiotes — M. Bibbins, W. Kaye. PAotaraphy dneri. — Rkhard Greenwood, Rob. en Hutton, John Walton. Acceleration Plans... The coilegethas, in the course at the Isat year or no, been calledimon to plan or to undertake a good many emergency adjustments as a result of the Korean unpleasanteens and its consequence. Reactivation of the draft law, be it regarded as a symptom of national hysteria or ea a rational step toWarde national preparedness, has pretty well set the colleen dancing in their efforts to keep in time with General Hershey and his half of the world. • The latest manifestation at Haverford of this pressure to adjust morel In the proposal to adopt an ameler• sited program of studies. This is a measure which a great nutober of colleges and universitiee have urged on themselves already—out of conaideration, doubtless, for etudents who wish to finish as much on ptheible of their academic course before the threat of induction become. a reality. And looked at from that point of view, acceleration seems an all but obvious step to take. If the courses offered ina summer sersion are numensue enough and well enough distributed to make it Feasible for the average student to attend without violently distorting hie Individual curriculum, then there seems very little guardian a to the dsairability of a summer session where the proepective recruit is concerned. On the other hand, there are certain obvious draw back to any program of acceleration. In the first place, despite any arrengements in the way of staggered vatattoos or like expedients, the extra-curricular work and scholarly activitise of the individuel faculty member are hound to suffer under the premium of an academic epeed-up—which meant, to the long run. that the standards of the college itself will suffer. And in the second place, from the student's point of view, in accelerated program means the substitution of more learning for the rather more subtle and time-conmuning process called education. Doubtlms all thew consideratione have had their due attention in the deliberations of the faculty and adminietration on the matter of acceleration. It may well be that the students' need for acceleration of some sort will outweigh the disadvantages of throwing the normal academic rhythm out of joint; and in that awe. we can only nod and say, 'Tine." But it should be clear ht the beginning that any plans for an accelerated program must be rondo, not only in the fight of the situation to which the college is hastily milled to adjust, but also in the light of the constructive educational program of Haverford a an Matt. tution. And, that being the case, the college must recognise that acceleration cannot remain as a longterm part of Rs program. At best, the projected speed-up is • temporary expedient; its duration in any elreumetancee need not extend beyond two or three years. What we must guard against with great care is the !Hate of mind which wouuld allow Haverford to lose sight of its own peculiar goals as a college in the confusion of making accommodations to the exigencies of this or that altos lion. If acceleration most come, let it be seen for what k is: something to be got rid of III S0011 as Prealble. Editorial Asides... The NEWS wo011eere to give a brief editorial boost 10 the views expreseed no Burton Pike's letter, which appears elsewhere on this page. Then is no excuse for the predicament of a student's being required to attend the Collects n every Tuesday to hear—nothing. We foal that the Roberta Hall acousticians might take a cue from the present arrangementa at Gee:there where a microphone system bnand.sts the speaker's voice clearly and without diatortion. As Professor Fairbank recently noted, Goodhart was certainly one place where "architecture triumphed over aco.tice"; yet hie talk there haat week was heard easily and pleasantly by all present. If it can be done in lofty Goodhut, why not also in our tore modest Robertst, • • an even greater than usual Professors who not tendency among etudents sleep in class last Thursday may attribute this phenomenon to the greatest spectacle of the current Haverford year—the fire at the Ryan and Christie storage warehouse on Lancaster Pike. Perhaps mote h.vily attended than any of the Yeer'S athletie contests, and certainly more earneetly dimmed than any lectures within the memory of the editor, the fire Provided exciting and interesting entertainment to the Haverfordiens nod Ethers who watched the blase Wednesday night—many with Bryn Mawr dates. Although we, of course, thoroughly deplore ouch disasters, it is pleasant to have some such excitement now and then— awl animism/ins is the 'mall sheet abesolatheloth Alumni News De81i ruts which govern thy Armlet. este. That Throughout hrmory there therm to have been In, no one La allowed to kill myone ere. but nothing that has so Intrigued man as the idea of saving himself all sort. Of tenth* through the the seven foot tall ...tine playee Is Leo gimp* expeditet of hoeing pesos else do his not forced to play oa les knees thiply be. thinking for him. The idea has gone along ender oats he bee ee Sestets, ever the fire foot various names such s feudallon. feeem, social. player. The math sheath prevent menace, Sedan Qt.. Ithrmatevuth 1921 New Jens. ern, and commenter. It any of these name do but should not suppress the natural develop JS. Curt. Hervey, Jr., leather thee resident ASSAM rase not sound acceptable, the word democracy MAY be meet of individual armies. There Is one more aspect of the planned state manufaclurer who lived on King mesh's tame recently appeared attached to any one of them. This la the nets tats Radnor, died in a column In the "Philadelphia modem idea of putting arsenic In the cake =hey that must be mermen., and that Is the Idea that of Prussia Road, 22, while attending Irmulree' with the following de. Mr. and M. IL Mather rep dem expecting that a melon will take it straight. In order to develop a plan =sone must have on Februarygame William the at plena—rase basketball a "Pilots 5005001. Went. of a we the art pines* democracy reel a In Hose. anthers. tight the as 'the math Instrument for the la what a known there can be no aSolutely right answer teems Penn chener sleet He .was iota —eluna mountalon—row Hugh Walker leppthetat, bore elate planning. ehownte sea beautiful oiler pie November 1 1956 Their address • free dernoasey Is bated on the right of people forty... rearm old. Item are away who in advocalthe Mete up three of his esrepeles corning is 340 Yuen Ave. Seartemos, Wes. Quaker plesthig recd AM the pthistling to only re to tither. Planning at its best was exemplified by and down rho Cansdlan Re kW F. leg he Oath Is certain fields, such on the Neel Germany. Etheything went according to the Me Harvey, weer partner of loft egmemeg Weis stew Tha to • very sappy pin because nolthly dared to defer with the plan. the Leather-COMMHanky John 0044 In ie Everything was taken care of for the people, and tai emareolft IMMO' M. one' to under. um•ernes all that they had to glve up to get dee Seel ,Philadelphia, was • Maduate A. nudes Weems le now The engagement Of theme MO 11 — and Haverford. publicity dimetor and entertain- Downier Jr. Mend bow reithwe be rising to reconcile pro state was their ereedom. Russia today la another of Penn Charter Christine Meth active in the thelety of ment teenager St Chalfonteeled. wet remedy methane. dueler and perehdelac exattly that which he example of this 'attempt to troll.. Utopia at the Long Friend. he was • member of the don Hall. th Ad.* City, New Matt told eo to do all se. only to have preached price of freedom. Of eves, Sweden can always Valley Down./ doing graduate work Jersey. to. the of And Meeting retains that Mate Is him on Sunday that he Is the possor be pointed out ae a planned at Cornell and hr fiance Is a name Committee el the Arsre IM Janis at Swarthmore Collars. of en Individual free with Obviously, ma no' freedom In eertain fields—euch as religion. when an Feends Servke Conetertee. Dr. Howard P. Wood la now in let end Meth have found. in order to keep they have a state church that everyone he to help He also was a member of the Davy C {Nth Ph D. em re- too United States Medical Corp. support no matter what his belief. the system In line the religion will hme of overseers of Withers signed from his position in the board Americas, the of speak we When UM of way toccoct. has Span. as Mart conforming also: or. of Psychology et department e direct a School, Charter Penn which thing, a mean not does It that say mop. tale In order to keep the religion In Its the econthe Phlladelphia Bourse, • bitahlen.rg College and le now omy lath have to conform. And It is not only is the beauty of it. We have no definitions laid of whale. member of the board of the with the Ern of Peychologicel Mr. and Idne Hasid J. Braes merlon and sethottem the see going to me down by an Mite or a dictator. It teem* Famlly Society of Philadelphia Consultant. to Management, Into dielculties. For the Chums ln the middle want It to mean. It wW stop being the American end of the Nelghborhood League Rohrer. Meer. and Reployle. lee, Jr. are receiving swathl• eons on the birth of a see. Bros Aeolis term. and ages to pith things peewee. •eiese, art, way when we can define it In of Wayne, and a member of the 130 See= LaSalle Street, Chicago CeMen. m neumber 30th. perms. and the economy ell had to eonform. tell exarmy what it mends for. Note: to colleethist reactirmaries. Do not be Union League Club and the Gulph e Reno. The ears held for Nee Germany Mr. and Mrs. ph eed Bea Gee too quick to condemn thIs article The no of ape Kills Golf Chub. leaf and bolds for C,ortemanist Beath. see announce the birth el a piety into Such it throw. you may make you He Ls serviced by Me wife the eF and help you no sweet at least one ewe et former Aloe Bland and three thaele L. gene In the author daughter, Charles Rebecca. at All thr sane down to one thing, nod that eon. John S. C.. Witham B. and of. 'The Struggle for Stemeenee Denahelm, Hess, Germany on that plannine and individual irsdom just do Oct meu eteeeene. In England", 1.1d has eat been December E Cornell la • State go together. To lestrate ems point lefties' let D. L T. Robert B. Harvey. published by the Michigan Sate Derimenent oflttl,L Oils =hew us take the economic prinelpil of supply and de. Collette Press. Its book rovers Reeettleneet Survey Demme frond, or, to be more exact production and eonthe period from the reign of mote APO 175, eeo Poems., =melon. If the state decides that for the good sheen Elisabeth to the Petition New loo, N. Y. He plane to Si. of all its members the production of all goods of Net. tend *ciente on German there mum come under Mat control. and thereby starts ture at the Unl.raity of 11014.1. Is arbitrarily decide west and how much of everylett berg In the one Mune. thing can be produced. It Is automatically also Dear Ski I would Mee to rugged the odelloon to the Prealderd Graben F. White will The Reverend and Mn. Jetta The adders. of Pd.* Robert deciding what and how much of everything can T. Mott announce the nirtio th to now be consumed. Industry wilt not nave to Prod.ce Haverford curriculum of • mune In Lip Reading. meet with the Chicago and Cleve- their daughter, Martha Jane, al thersetes, U. S, 52071136, what the people went but the people .11 have to 11.12. This thus would be Open only to the. .,. Alumni group. later this the Underveood Meet{ Wood- BaSry c—enth FA., 0115N ON, Port Bragg, N. C. take what the Math expert. [bunk that Sheet,' unfortunates whom Collection setae es keeled month. Mr. 1861. 17. February bury. Ought to produce lor them. And, of course. there at the back of Roberts Hall under the balcony. On Wednesday evening. March The Alta.' Office Is sorry re I ant sure that Mr. Wagner mad Dr. Chaltravars tat. Premident Width the be Ellett is pastor of the Viral announce the death of Joho T. also can be no freedom for worker. to chose their occupatione—what they Want M do mtg. ty had some fasteina=g things to say. What 1 guest of the Haverford Club of thelmett, which seethed la De interesting. quite was talks their about hest like not do people the II plan. the had well hit fit in CS logo at • dems to be menthe the work that they are given or the products that What I hard of their *Ike was almost nothing. at the Univereity Club. Preceding The engagement of Mir Char. they are allowed to buy, they can not do .yetIng It was seldom that the voices of these gentlemen the dims there wW be • social lotto Kent Meng= is announced about it; the plan would be • failure and no plan reached the point of audibillty from the last six hour. by her pelmet, C01. Roland C In all If it were not carried out because the people or worn rows. Problem. Blravr., To White Coll. each requst U. S. A.. and Mr. We mold Winne Dr. Perhaps tastes objected. in other words, 11 the individual Dr. Louis R. Were. 'Se, who Robert G. Ithakiles. The of the people could control thing. the thsnomy bee Meeker to ark the audience if he me be due Officera of the Hevertord Club was librarian at the ithiveretY YIN tetnee to now eeeenerne Harvard uncut' heard, once at the thermals of the talk of Chicago AM: Thomas L. Fana would he frree and not planned at all for " Medimi School and his addles e and at letht once hums the come* of It. Or per lee 11. president; Alexander IL " North Actually, from the people's point or hare a flashing neon sign at the back of the hall Carmen. 16, viceensident; erne 'Led 'he he. '"'" Professorof tee Vanderbte Hall. anion la Library Seance and Administer view, it would wen to nee Met the role of the would attract the speaker's Attention. An even Gifford P. Foley, 12. secretary. state ta aerythe the beet inters. of all ran more radical measure would be to equip the poi{ My Havertordian in the CIS= time &ince returning there in 1942 Slone P. Teens has reponed beet be carried all when the ...mune. tea um with • hell -way decent microphone. and us who has rue revived notes from the University of (1110000, for ectIve duty se Captain in the In • way that smith fair play among hell- point the loudspeakers towed the audience Ire of the dinner le urged to •ttend where he woe Dean of theleClad. Me lebrery School for yon, Unit. Sluts Marine COMo Wheals within It. Meth of the greatest Ed Mead of tows= each other. and should notify Mr. Foley. WhO has recently received • high vs...cement. throe. /Story have come about If nothing is done, may I elegem that the aseithated with the Fiore/eke Idle bests Ithhedualn retested to allow awn people In these last raw. he excuse from eolith Shoe Company. Adam. Clinton, hose Ose Of II Bleated when to be dominated by a theory of yell. dm in order to Meep in cornrow Jeffereen. and Cheese SSW., Dr. Wilson war one of the William M. items r now thiern mob aa that of ihe Chereto preventh to Same measure of relief le stherved by the Chicago 6, illisis. with the ProvIdmt Mutual LS to elected members new three the reforasseon, when the whole western Tueslay Morning Mertem. President White will themes honorary membership in the Insurance Conmeny In Wormers, world was well =bled beaus net se was sincerely your. the problem. factag the college American Library Association. elthmehsetta when he Is no allowed le de as thething foe Ewe{ The BURTON PUCE. 1.7 and describe the rem Haverione which hes conferred this the. slat. with Gene= Agent than ea dues be lows of the Mate eased le taking to nee theft problems. Wats upon only VA ethers since these J. Gammas, TR. Bar. Deer Sir: The HAVIeRFORD NEWS. I have theme I Following hr !elk and the suttee it vim founded 75 yes.. ago, The loves Is living at at WIIWd Sr. thought we what the name imp.. news of do quint question period, moves election wer held at the Amore Eat Braintree M. Memachses will be shown of thle Emen feee Anse mid:winter meeting in Charts E. Giese writes then I with Mocked on reading In your thererme ball victory over Sethetheime Chloso and followed • recom. London to say that he hods he 13th copy an meth deseeibing • meeting In muting Mares U mendatIon of the Asaxation's seed, very mteredoo the Len, Philadelphia of Paul Robeson and his followers Blevesuel • tinsed doe School Economise nee, tee After a long and euccesafal run on Broadway' on the ant pan. Even the pheadelphia pep.. On the following therm. thectelve Committee and eounce. 04404 he he enleethe ele ...tee. MN and Ismer thsaleal rows. Hervey has been If they mentioned It. hid it somewhere on the in. Mmeh End President =site will mous vote of Its De. Wethee none Ms Slow thedents and other finally forced to succumb to the Inviable side of their pap. If Raved.= of today belle.. be In Cleveland where he will to the Use -in recognition""e". and Sly of 00 many other good plays; It has been in spreading the gamel of truth men it greatly meet with Haverforthans In that appreciation of the diethyl... Britiserre. His address le Jt An made into • movie. Fortunately the retention of changed from the we Americanism taught by area at a dinner to be held at the emits he has rendered to the can Road. London CO. W. S Ear many of the original Broadway cast member. President Sharpless. WUll.o Comfort, end Ruh* Cleveland Skating Leith Eel Association and the Library pro land. has saved the project from toppling Iota the ye Jones. Kemper Read, Cleveland. There therion for over had a centeree The marringe of Hoyt Edens of mediocrity where eo many movies am found will be a aisle hour before the Sincerely. Active Is Library Week and Martha Whitmore took Ms these day. CARROLL A. RAMIE, '10 diner, end following else, Dr. The two others elected with at Holyoke. Masa on Detrain= P. Elwood Briefly. Harvey is the eery of White will meek on the 00500 of Dr. Wilson were Dr. William 16. The bride greduated front Mt Dorm Wanes Stewart/ who boot =emit went the college after which the 1951 Warner Bishop. librarian lensed. Holyoke in 1E7 ad for thre local the of mends the reeking be to Soon to be like other people. To the Illosical Svgs theaters * the TwentletleCentury you The movie of the HaVerfoniSwarno tee ltherrsiG of 141.1112an eed yen did editorial work for the of Ms Meter elowehthe Bull) that he semis. former president of the Inter. American Baptist Publication Soadvertised mere game win he shown. the reeponethillthe of normai adult lee, he Medlar. While this elm has beenDunne'* J. Howard Morris. Jr. 10 is . national Federation of Libruy ciety100 They rev onnaderp suit Irene over controversy the by chiefly reel*se that he Made It much more enjoyable ability to play the part of Queen Victoria and by therm of arrant:emua sod all Asexistlos. and Dr. Robert IL 11. atast EPearl St, New Amply sneering around miming hien. In Haverronlims in the Cleveland Leiter. Secretary Of the armee. Havre, co., more Hoyt is show. premiere Its attended which glider royal the the course of one of W Sinus he etwountore nth at hen contact should arta. University Vale the at studying ethee 25 past the for Corperation Ins In London, there le a good deal of both merit another with emelt, his point of view—e end Lincoln Eisele Company In Other menthe'. illeede Ex-Pent- thinly see, entertainment to be meted from seine It peaks named Harvey. Dowd end the glans dent Herbert Clark Hoover srd The pint—lateen from an sewage ethel, Cleveland. rabbit are delighted with each other and bw Mr. and Mt. Psul Pr deter the late Andrew Carnegie. It as delightful ea Esiory"—le English to note come inseparable friend. This leader 1e cone Dr. Wilson wag president of Bubendee have amemered the en le %Imp.. In the dorm when the Widow of plkatione. especially slam Harvey S invielthe the Seethe... Library Semi- sasement rd the lathes Serb Wthcbtor eat glumly bemired In her sal.. to all but Dosed. Miss Clara Berea), Gilbert ter, the 19E; to 1924 from .eon wall tman the =dean. of the The activities of this unusual Sir es Sweet young named American Library Association to G. Diehl Mather, Jr.. of Ville Whaler. attract. by the the sothl activities of Dowdy eater and her Thane, tare or Vestnea on a medallion, den during 1E5 and 1936: the Anon nova. The Wedding w1R take motherly daughter that they dee,. to have Dowd committed =on Of American Library place on May 5. Meteor Is moo, to vidt ea Queen in person Truer to an ineltution. In the ensuing moisten it lat termites to Schools during 1937 and MS; al doubles squash champion with WWI*, failing Inn, the sthe leg out the slater who to confined; but dole is only tempo and • member of the Executive Harmer Lott ans Mao a darts through the myth realehute, he makes Me Last February 21-23. eel. Commie. of the Americon eon. tbne winner, with ha fob. of eery, and In sintst no time the Meter, a judge commentator. fer only newe '15, room, eking Morley, Mate the. aa far a way Mend of the Welly, and • few other. ge dashing preeldent of ei1 of Education trout 100 to the national Whereon tenni. former and snoring Ha curtain • Wend males fell writer, of again In pursuit of the elusive Dowd. champlonahlp. He Is • minis f 1938. Haverford gave three thee" He is Mond and persuaded by les slater. to presooe Is end naked by Victoria herself Of die Merlon erkket Cub ithethery throws the deans with various theects ul allow himself to be "ease, but before the mi- end IN subrequeet White at Haverford he starred -Our Forel. Police" et and mem re a rose raculous drug theela is to shock him back into hothebold, laden on the tennis team for foor An attempted se anon. of course Is enamel- anUniversite Ceenectleue normality MA be adminletered. a convenient ref" captaining the Uinta in no Dr. Morley has worked with the teemed Tower; the to dispatched is Wheeler ed. =deriver arrives on the scene, dethers an he senior year. begun; Diareell hen to make a state Philadelphia P.M Ledger. the elering diseourse on the dleadVantages of sanity, sees are Through, however, the wiles United Press Assoclatios, the gleberti B. MVOS MI e me and Is instrumental in saving Dowd from losing meat In Commons. Brown, Victoria's favorite Sootiest. Baltimore Sun and the WadesJohn of teaching at the McNees'. Hamer, friend, his JUNE, 9th Wheeler =ally *this ha ambition of Slag ton Poet, In 1936 he was awarded School, MeDonogh, Pa. To those who han seen the mists' brought Into the Queen's pretence. She, [nves the Pallieer prime for editorial Broadway production, Frank Fa. a Sis- ed by the devotion of the lowliest of eubeeets, de- writing. Dr. Morley, red rearm Ilthetion Classes It Bea Beerier was a rectr, terly absent James Mese see= to have a cides to ems out of her writhe. le complete ly served as radio comreentator teeter at the Alumni cake. te UM. le working for his lathers De on the *mute Star EMS' Pro. =le trouble menaging hie big been, happy =ding, 01.00011 sets rds reform bill gram and is now the Waesington the Wan, end be dose far lee with Dowd's whine passed. 1941 Ms In itothrement et Cornet reprethntathe for Berme, Wee. 1111h Woof mere than Faye Old. Without this and te living at 931 East thaw Se The parte of wheeler end Diersell an the beet tr. 1118 Mace. N. T. standard of ownparison, however, he per. pissed. The boy no Wheeler le perfect; Ids ladle Third rends therms' romance I. quite adequate. Joashete Hun expression an sessions is unmatchable Alec 1.11 A letter born David 0, great Nth achieved elm has He and a few other siginel est menthes are as Dieraeli does a masterful piece of ace fame in the field of education. IMO tells that he Is Sit way UM.' Zeth emponehola for meet of N. really funny Guineas in the House of Commons epee.. Done 1940 he reegned from the [Reality hie M. S. In moment. 10 the movie, ad menage to make leg Dunne, wearing about ten double chine. 'walleyes of thooklege Institute to Word! He Is Just winding up • tab It • thoroughly enjoyable one. her welds worse than ever, but does a satisfactory the President of Hathrford. where Unit Control Manager with 1916 Notable incidents eke the tirade dellythed by Job atich as Queen Meter.. Lord and Taylor Chaim wh he remained until 1043. Dowde sister on the prevalence of white emery 1111 ea is operated by the Mood. meet hie of printing third The inalltutiona, the introclucuon of Harvey to the Door he Gogh Cs., and he hop" Pose The boo. Important members of her wonvues dub, and the wooing of ems Centres on ler Ms PhD.115 the People hoe het ten mleu her delight. by Mr. Webb • MUM. who /enjE 10th go abrced the Tuns to .ode ed awl lets with a foreword she, works at the tuoltun. ail help to keep the Hewn Ur by Herbert HON.. tailing method. moving aloes. 1005 To The After hut Federman fret Haw tee, The meet seems a lIttle overweemate at of erford In 1915. Dr. Morley served seta ilmew parolcularLy when he begins cob...oiling 1501 dabs A. Thoth Is in charge in the edvertiseri deport copy ern. ha Army Mesh the With should Haney whole the On electric doota but Mw. Tunes chem.". to of mere a awarded butane. work. He was provide Mew. anyone with an evening of sets PLAN TO BE FREON? ter. Pa., an] is thing at 944 AS Rhode. Scholarship et tee 01000 erg tar bemusing). elotertahmient ON WO 0.41.• ISPOilagel Mew POO Egan Waft 10. the ma /INWOOD{ J. S. Curtis Harvey Dies Watching Game At Penn Charter CLASS ITEMS In The Editor's Mail White To Meet 2 Alumni Groups Dr. L. Wilson, '99, Recently Honored Cinema Choice Dr. Felix Morley, '15 Speaks At Wesleyan On Foreign Policy REMEMBER ALUMNI DAY CAMPAIGN FUND MARCH R, 11161 NAVERFORD NEWS Matmen Take A Second, Two Thirds To 'Finish Sixth In Middle Atlantics Goon Cadwallader Wet a second, and Harry Flair and Stumpy Matteson en third planes to gain Haverford aiXth place In the eight college Middle Atlantic Wrestling Tourney WOW held at Bucket Get Weekend, Gout Injures Shoulder Although Hel6erich of Crania woo voted outstanding wrestler of the tournament, defending chaMpion CadWIlliader took unofficial honors for grit Sod guts. GMT dialog:Med kW Attlee shoUlder in the Met period of Ms 147 pound match an Friday evening. but Greed It Grapplers Knot For Near Fall . . . bark Into place and went on to pin his opponent. Carr of Dela- ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT MRS FOR PICTURES ^pop. Ratielleton and Roy Rantril are etternohni movie.e the fanned mitre don or McCune of Haven ford ten. A gent name Nacres me thleatng. and they mould ervatlY anima. ate the loan of team pth tuna no Mot they may he towed. The followingPlethlwe me miming testa the Baw neon Mom Tram . SS. Ma. 'G. '48, Met Cram country: '41, Football: Mal Gnaw,: '431 Fendnet 13, 'Mt asmballt 'ea '41. 441 Tnutla: '41, limaltethaU; 4.s. . '41; Wrestling: '43, 'as: '43. It'WU Palling: 'SM. Doll: '44, .44. Pieter. should be sent to the Athletic Department and will be rebelled after ronYee PAGE TIMER Fords In Tailspin As Cadets Thump Fading Five 85-65 Fords Drop Court Final 61-46 As Garnets Rally For Victory Haverfordl court teen con. timed to meth Drexel loan for loss in the hectic battle for Int Basket Ballet Fouls Harm Fords In Action . . . place In the !diddle Atlantic As Carroll Sparks Bukethall Conference, keeping abreast of the Dragon with an Early, Late Rallies 0565 low to Pennsylvania tar,/ College at Cheater last Haverleni, 19001951 beallin. Wednethey. After the flrat three ball team ended 110 season an mho. the game ems never sad note at Swarthmore 14.1 Batdon the Ford. emoding today night as ale Garnet Ind Saturday afternoon he met Gellmom of the night ten or more loom start to finish to hand the man of Untoua whom he had points behind the victorious Fortis a 6146 setter-IL The pm...toasty made short work 001, Coln. Swarthmore Vielory deadlokk but was unable to pin him. set. -el ding for • &deb. In the final., Vora Lad Short Lived the battle for the HAW Trophy completely hampered by hts InHaverforel scored tint, D000 at 2', posing apiece. jury, Cadwallader Ivan phoned by Clark driving down the moue Fatal Periods Downing of Lafayette In the dyfor two quick point.. and two rammer in the drat and anal ing woonde of the match. mthutes later the Folds mill lad perivde Meant the- gone for Haw by two. 53. That was the end of 11•11, Matteson Win Third. eriord. Sat unth the contest was the Homes success elory, how the atilt a half minutes old and LIght•Mght loony Ball, who ever, as the Cadet,, paced by Swarthmore ten pointe ahead did will naive the high point point trophy their big center. Mark*, rolled up Oh. year, "tally Don Smutted sink a My-up Mr n Ms DM ten weight point. and wen sound tattle with a pin. but Ind the Fonts' lust two-pointer. never agaln headed. • dole moirtnal decision to Dm In Me worth quarter. with LI. Four minutes helots the end of Ursidillf Bair west Garnet Wt. whAlled to less than en to pin both ills consolation el the no the hors had Wretchflve points. Don Artommo and mittens to take ddrd plans. ed thelr Mod to einem points Dave cork, two of lInver,jord'a The tie for brat place between and mond on the verge of three big men went out. un thinsIn the LW pound divntral. nen. Isr Owl. Willa. Swarthmore and D.1.011,0 111 chasms Havnford right off the Swarthmore promedol to control Stumpy Matteson was decisioned Ford Co-Captain Count CadWallader takes • near-fall off the Southern Ph 11100 of the Mid. floor. Then Moose Amomell the hoards and rears out their el tough, a h'd b'U... condortaWe 15 peon margin. elle'. Manual who won the Delaware, 147 pounder, Carr. Carr slipped out of the double the wagon Conference lamed found an opening In the PMC through another week's ploy an defense told four times drove ehanthionahip. 1st the consolation arn1 lark, but was eventually pinned Cords Clem tin the deadlocked quintet. each down the middle for successful matches, Mammon pinned once Otherwise the Fords dominated raptured two victor.- The At half time. as • strult and deelkoned once to mine In Play. Alter their uncertain mart champlonthlp will be deckled of WM splurge. the rm.m 01011110 third. the 01010 Utters refused to Meld when Swarthmore Wee Del- I by only five ;mime 40-35, end mote mothd. and Captain Sol Dodge Plee Rs nge= wen m Penman guns te- there Mill seemed hope that the Wm. Hormone Tollm Sohn Dodge was the only other morrow evening at the Blue game might be salvaged. elltithed m Pon ts apiece to keep Ford to survive the preliminaries. Hen's held house. Ravened Palls Behind the Fords at 1021 at Me Mu RUTGERS Dodge. weakann by flu eerier in PENNSYLVANIA The Garnet, high scoring Malt am, hope was quickly Monsen. quarter's end. the week. had ne trouble pinning The Forth lost their second The Ford Swerriemea• ela.0 Jan Carroll, peal Swarthmore ed es the second half warted. The The second period 050 all HayA very Harrington Swarthmore. .4.of0.1 straight match last Wednuday the ..d of the to 7346 NW! 61-46 victories over Coate succenfuny Moen up the mime. Dun James, Minor pivotplace wyr. night. towing to Rutgers 1511, season aa Penn trounced the vie Undo. and Haverford by nce owner end dropped In seven fart nunt led the Ford 13 point output. .Ingle man In the thet • kw,. the vntots filth consecutive vic. Ring Scarlet to the trine Of 5-3., tans[ m 901000 in both POW.. nth by Mop. defenstre while Tome, Amman. end Sant Delaware dropped Drexel as ploy on the pert of the Main Mae ay 0.0 Cohn. pac,d fouxht mat. In the semirinala 0.7' Th. Hon.. Hevap Keninakl scored 21 last Wednes Moen, The Mellon emitted one . . . Carnet highacorer Joe Carrot (6) takes a one-httoded ' 0.0021 the Tor" to Champion Jim Weeds of Get. 00...1.n.el the Garnetdefr' 1• " "1." 1,r11•0 • record fell to day and then crushed Uranus eat gasp before canning, rall>9.6 Posh shot in last Saturday's game at Swarthmore. For'w'ard I dos. and Met minute Mlle. to win the ford's anal mason tystiorg, end newt ray four wins sod four loans. A we 115.431zith Utt, 28 marker Ind to cut the donee to am points, Dave Clark attempted to block the shot, which wee good. P'0.1" vem pinned by Cappenini of Yuan en,. end epee by Mot wait halt droOl. in • foul Blue Hen moult proved too little and too but after that hurry the victors te. moped Hneup failed to click an lag well. • minute left to put the vlalliam Drexel moved out of the cellar a...hosed play, and the Wm Red swept every Co-Captains Sun Hudson and . 01011121 elle polItl. but swarth. Haverfont showed up poorly le the heavier weighty Phil Barr Karl Spaeth hoe the brunt of weeps The foil Mans was hely by inching past PMC 717L Vince Two of the rows topped Mt more, Joe Carroll threw in a ,157 I1.1, Frank Littlalled In.), the load Wong with Roger Jones ban WM. the Quakers who roll- F...e paced the MM... Whin twenty point mark. Wentrel lad Ed Weettseed OTT lb./. and Jot and Lamy Morels all winning ed up an 51 score, and the Fowls Al Illaelbres 12 points eel • new eh Somme with 24 points, • ma. fared little better in the sabre Drexel mason total of 2135 in hie joy, thinthe on snort nage Tram lunlingted/ all lord In the two bouts. _ tune margin. A potent one. two punch on ter and epee events. Karl Spaeth 000001 fhsl tom.. W...." 21 pun Mots. while !darks &moue. preliminaries, and did not have FOR Trail 311-33 pans led PMC to an easy 85-65 ed Inn 31. Two elver °thew awe. form of John Sorge and Bob Fords by one point The Scarlet motor... the too. itoothw • chance at conollatIon matches. Skip Mattson salvaged the an the losers Ions double win- victory over Haverford last Reser cottpled with some heath alWays maintained a slight Ind in num.. 1110000...•••*•••• 0' Ford's brae win. but auccumbed 1 tileslutch play by Earl Harrison 1 up . the very Imo minute when ththotth Wednesday. Bodo with 16 and 11 eons. Tot. to the sunder fencing of Rudy ,„ ebled Haverford's J11 quintet the home Mom knotted the count W L Pet oth bio th „oho, Sabato and Dave Fedeschl, who Torn 'Woodward prnered the Swarthmore ft.,. ohm's yearlings 9497 on at 47 an. Tempers haired brteflY ion got dm 7 2 .773 We=1. ion, o Amoy. wow, 5. were among Rutgers' triple our Harerford victory, but bow• Delaware the losers hear Wedmetter 7 2 .W3 the Cadet ranks but notitlng lid to 0.1004.1 ,. the Pen Cam nines winner.. Joe Greene and Tom one lee perkd am 13 mete 01 g g,g 5 5 .5C0 Mane. It g ii The first two tail. Woodward each dropped their 1010. and to Gordon Ship liatb PMC respectively. while 145101- ,irivIng try-up ended the 5 5 300 lame. a .a.within son had Ins worst meet of the Drexel hid poem • three bouts_ Gamer O 7 AO no toe. • Me nothe deadloek saklaverford emerged victorious of the th.,thth NMI% Pa Pawing wing 15. 45, 53 Don fleas Haverford To the unidated freshman and with his third fled goal foe • 2 8 .200 bvenake We .were Sane Fifth Vine, For dalbee• Young, from sabre M log, tattering hosts ancl were the lff..teet nenerclastiman the Karl Spaeth was routed, 1.5, by total of & The l'Ictc rT tt.'"'ttg*. Manger°. y-tctnry proy ed . ,sale a Cass Day ethletk playoffs may Dave Davis, Roams' other triple foil for this meet, Mito tom three an earlier defeat suffered at the Tina In., th. ,90,ed us mule for a 36...Vdefigie seem to he clouded by 1V Fencers Win IT=!" . the by • screen unmet-. but back to crush loud hands of PMCs JV in January. Same of Mystery. mle the his next two opponents by 51 tenon Gete la Fwd. blurb' Tew 14wd ler defeat at the hant6 of Me 5thothoo onto, nit with essimm announcements puted scorn. Don Young had his troth Ce•Captadn Spaeth Met ha that Over Pennsylvania Both teams played on I...1Y PMC lumina ceNte. on the bulletin hoards.• and the btu as he dropped two bout. 0-5 beat, but wade a comeback to Tree Ford JO Fencers Won their Tope; l `744 the seven Minutes of playing aim lino mon terms thmugh 107. 4ifth vkowl. Iva of the his ewe' In, the remaining and the more next two. Inelliding 3-4 firm meet In two years last Sateverthereasing stream of rumor and 14, but rallied to who a 54 m 11 0 ,, go, moth., W...9 at 40AM, • Tame JV, matching the record at the s„...thmth, and meaty should eery. to clear affair. Larry Morrie fenced an thriller over Penes Benne urday by defeating the Penh IV „ ,„th 1.10, divided among the five up several noes regarding the presalvely. winning two 53 Larry Morris dropped two, but Clark went out with the score at As the Mem. quarter Sot node,. Inn... at/ 1951 Ctrs. Day to be held oa bouts, but toeing to Davis 52. avoided being shut out by taking led the wty with a 7.2 win. whilel 1.50 and the Ford threat petered way. Hsverford boasted a slim • close 54 decision. Dick Norris an improved foil Friday, March la 10 the synthael- Rutgers team held the! sober 1amwr._____ . . out completely. samthmor* ran sow led L56. two bouts 01 advanthes bth tino. came op from the JO to fill QU ok had asadl:rth .ers .:45, Ford shots began to hit. Fecseeslire=t9 o up LI 1.1300 n he final Ennio short of sletory. Young, place, but lad three team Pranke Steelton 6 and Burge, 5 led the Scarlet while the frantic Fortis could RP. e ed,:y As Garnets Rally alma one an extremely dose 4-5 The entire week of Mareh 12 fect W -9; a 5417 Manage only 2. Carroll tallied 7 lead al the half. Sam Hudson and Roger loon verdict. ay era. lime. Penn had will he devoted to practice sew In the toll event while Gentle Overtaking Haverford in the Pew owwww One umensbeem ,• ear sy of the 11010 s' markers to give doing seconds, the Swarthmore Mum prietnnarlea and Reale dropped their bekt two opponent,. the nese some up. ell YJT.e Peddle. imPed the other lush an even 30 for the evening, to the three none of basketball, An Leihold won his first bout College /V b•sk•tb•Il team The Cadets mine back stronger .1,411.1i RP. Makillner victory. oak for the emend half, and enamored to give the epee teem their wits volleyball, and wrestling, Volley earlier defeat triMFord blade wielder won In the titer. Conrad HeHwege avenged s • out of Fond Imo-yang ball and basketball mune for rang 100101. but tailed to get the O umphing 6745 on their own near the Fords 30 to 23 in the float nallte7e 00t agahmt Penn, relay" . two frames. Burge. Feeser. James, merlins-Captain Sol Toilet, Don men ekes have 00w been elected range of the next tsvo Queen. mated epee teem. Comtptain last Saturday evening. Whisker's 5005 d' by "it'men ook ttoS.Mlosla inrg- 14 and Harriaon hit for 11 points in tt by the intramunt athletes of the men. After winning the necessary Hudson. Roger Jones and Art re=kteTele points paced the victors. Continued Page 4, 005. 0 Tame g wry dim margin. retheatve clue, and lists of no bona to clinch the meet. Leihold all downed their lost • third Male Burge and Curran led the the third quarter. but PMC netted thme spuds are posted on the Rutgers subetituted Money but opponent but Inc the remainder Tom Engler, who replaced Dave Ford. Mal 17 and 13 points re- 15 and the Scarlet lead dwindled. Beaty after the don bout, calmly bullets boards. sail ran the mom up. In the last perk& the two to the remnant hon. Pun'. heat both his adversaries to give speetemly. The whining case of Clan Day The Rutgers and Pennsylvania Ruben took three. defeating Hand. Burge and Keen paced Use teams played on ably even terns the Fords an 11-7 lead, competition will be deckled by the Matches were final appearancee e Fords to • tint period lead of although PMC ouMeored the on 3Q Jones 34 Intramural Committee's much. Our Seniors Karl Spaeth and While land of and Lebald 34. 2514. Thereafter the Garnet the Quaker. was woo l' nine "" strahthCti' hyruilm e wI G".'e thout quintet slowly closed the gap, discussed point natant. Under sem Hodson, as well es lunthr CONTEST WINNER bumbled by Hudson 34 and by hang • touch seared against tins system, each team scores 7 Don Young. Vincent (Belo Poo., ,.• tinting 38312 at half time and Jones 51. Max points far playing in a meet or a on or in mum 10 wm • tar5148 at the three quarter rnarktone. The winner of a game or ton or cheaterilekli cigarettes Ilse score was finally tied at meet scores 8 points while the In the baeketbell wormg long team In each contest tallies MG Met welt, meording ninth Roughly. this systms to an announcement nude by too 0110001.. means that the winning team of Oberembh naeraw F.eelook etch athletic contest mores 13 erne. anent. The announceThe /aw of averages caught up Points the losing teem. II. Gill le S for • Wring knead. W. with the Senior A quintet this the Frogh quintet in • Mon Lennone If 11 Pram. Wedneseay was high scorer with umst WW Chesterneld cigarMonday, March 12, and Toes. week as Schlegel', &oh C, won 3027 battle. e IL alWa will be mule at a later dm. March 13, win he devoted to a two point game 33301 Having Rkthea Soph B five won its The fourth plaits Sopti 131 won Themples t dote. Menke stsslon. in volleyball n many close contests Ms only game of the week, to re their Angleton Ada week by 'gag Y tort basketball. On Wednesday Oonotun's Prost, Co' Mellmlnary round of Claw Day year, the Senior Al Were finally main in second once, as they downleig 38.30. Lampewl and ONeil led WHY PAY MORE! athletic an under way. In the dropped from the undefeated downed the Senior Be 39.30. Jack the victors with 12 and 10 points. ccenks the Sophomores engage ranks after thirteen straight vic LONG PLAYING RECORDS I The Froth Cs rebounded to take the F10ehmm end the Santos. tons thls season. Clayton tallied P'"". ° 4341 contest from the Froth Ywaa INTRAMURAL STANDINGS In% RPM. 11 1 tangle the Junior. Ina basketball 15 point. for a long cause, while g u Hanson paced the Mena. 30% off runs doubleheeder. Volleyball prelleth Lineman paced the well spread o ur Mskelball with 30 FREE COMPLETE aeries are at 5 pm. on Wednes- C'et velth III Later in the out, W L OCT There were three forfeits this E AND CATALOGUurn. and wreertilng flint round the Senior A eagers trounced the Senior PRICE week, A as the Soph 13 A's 1 forfeited .833 Matches are on Thuraday seen Junior BS 402& tte Demme and Henkel's& McCoy Wen am Soph 13 E 3 AO two end the Frosh B's forfeited Came. Muss noOrd March 15 Prockop each netted 19 points. Junior RECORD HAVEN, INC, A Contractors 11 3 .7113 one. Senior B's won two of the The winners of the prelhol. TIM split didn't elect the eland' Soph C 10 3 -TM forfeits, while the Froth A, rene Vet. Yea... Oaths In MI three north will Inge, 1. the Seniors still hold a Soph D ceived credit tor the other. Philadelphia 7 7 .500 new Tara 00, N. T. les& en Frklay for the chem. game lead over the second Junier B In the Volleyball league, the 4 0 .439 Montan of Clew Day Manna place elate, neat A 5 5 ..429 Senior. kat to the Junior B's bon and the cmwna in basketbell, TIM -Junior A* gained a etcBr. Vim 5 5 9/15 1115, 154, 5.101 The Junior 11's In Chicago, Mina'', there is theme ameethng. and volleyball. The ond,Place tte with a double rib Soph A 3 9 910 Wu downed the Soon Ws 158. elute with the highest total - toMiover the Senior Vela an a friendly gathering of DePsul 4 10 .288 154. The Junior A's defeated the computed horn the point mann FFqM A's. Collins paced his crew senior B Froth C Soph Al 1015 1513. 151. The teireasity 310 131 modems in R eaglet Mtralned ahem will be declared Wij 19 points the A's routed Fresh a 211 .154 Soph R. tortelled to the Mph he white of Class Day. lien on the campus And• as in the Vete 48.20. They Own Wok AM. '41 vow:0a ultimo-Alin everywhere, icecolit REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE W L PCT Cota.Cola hrlps make dims get.noTeL Bryn Mawr 0870 Junior 9 10 3 .780 gethers something to remember. As Junior A 0 3 .730 CORSAGES FOR HAVERFORD DANCES Seniors ... Germantown. Chestnut Hill. Math Line and a pease from the study grind, or 4 3 .571 Soph A and WhlieMallth 3 7 333 atettar County on a Saturday eight date--Coke Soph B 5 10 .333 JEANETT'S Bamford Pennsylvania belongs. ,Bryn Maw}. Flower Shop 14 W. Evargnen Avenue Prescriptions MAIN LINZ 017ICE chiller la• either may- AA A. VASSAIALO CillegraZDT HILL OFFER Rae. R. Cr. assess Cannot, STS W. Avenue Inair.rnerks aims the WWW thin Barbar Shop Drop and gauntries WImahleken 74750 Astatore 4310 WS TRLSGRAPH EVERYWHERE aRbeINO_RiaVRAPC11/3 _ George W. 0000. roe COWINW rr Of Mt Alan L. Emlm UN OMB Nee Phone Ardrnsis 0112 829 Lancliaten Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. ell W. 14.••••■•• MOB Befaba Garnet, Blue Hens Play Off League Tie Wed. Evening as Pennsylvania and Rutgers Defeat Fencers 20-7; 16-11 PMC JV Downed 49-47 By Fords Last Minute Goal 17,;:.',7.7,,re,71.-2":. Final Class Day Plans Uncovered I 41 JVIose 6765 . Soph C's End Senior A Win Streak 38-36• Soph B's, JuniorA's Tied For Second Place t-E-1.- mom f EMLEN & CO. HAVERFORI) PHARMACY TOESDAT, HARM 11, HAYRIEFORD NEWS PAGE FOUR War Fears Of French Told In Wylie Letter White Attends Policy Discussion Ashmend Pens Book And Rolls His Own S Faculty Consider Summer Sessions For Haverford CALENDAR ' Thursday, Illarh a dinner, speech hy Dr. George K. snot., followed by discondon Common Roan 1551 Social Science Course Is Enlivened By Showing Of Shaw's Pygmalion' BY JOHN KELLY Continued Freon Page I Ity to combine what ham hum, fRaresvillt the NEWS eolith.. named John Ashmead ("there Continued From rem Monday evening, February 26. Thursday and Pride,. March 1, of the American ;evolutionary and what has moaning with who, ailerob from a letter received straction, although mete was hasn't been any originality' in - students of Social Sei100 over 11,M. HMI Roberts. night, Clam in non.. 10 you consider basic". In forums from Dr. Laureate Wylie, Antral sorne talk et first about for by country and Yugmlavia have en• ancestor Captain John Ashmead oar family for twelve amens noet 112 1 re 10 Starch he Saturday, navy. And his grandfather, Mao in _ bas- of this kind "things that we take Me Protector of Romance i.e. American spies. So far as anniteredln preVioUll anerophs at tions"i. served as surgeon to the Junior Prom, by an panlelpMe Shaw's for granted" can be Ovalle, ranee at Haves-font Profemor their attitude toward us to con n.godations with the Soviet Emperor Meiji, grandfather of Eberle'" orchestra and Teddy ed on Georg Bernard fin rst omly explored and discumed Dr, Wylie is anrently on =Moiled cerned the Communion, seem AS Union. Hamilton pointed to the the present Japanese amereign. Wilson trio; Hamsters! College "Pygmalion'. Tht. wee the the of abandonment Russian pun Is he lane lo Prance, where cordial as the Conservatives and have 'Mid.. 'Nor did Professor AshmeadIs time that the Genera! Course m Reid we'd' Ilk" Gesomatunt al pm. Pictures in the future with more tieing metal and cultural etudes as the hulifferents. Otter Cm sur- Berlin Blockade as the major Interest In Japan end with hit Social Science has made use of time for ales s ha the rural Allege of ROOSOIOtS prised to held out that a person diplomatic victory for the United the fern toruto, and the .ccess war service. for he wrote his Minks that It woutd be helpful Primence. The paragraphing of who has been particularly cordial tates In the "cold war." He of UM meeting Indicates that it PhD. Owes Loot year on the subto re-run parts of the picture. rated that In his opinion most comment. ac Communiam in is a Communist may become a permanent part ject of "American Travel Literathat are of special Interest. Al. arenalve" negotiators American Roustllou la introduced by Abe Coon gohn-many a are There lles, sup n of of the program ture About Japan." en attempt, though he want" to wall and ant more competent Editor.) tourdsts in the commune. as it and that we need elemendng the reading and class he says "to discover how ,one the student and faculty reception letters we receive from home matter of fart Right after the men In their positions. work of Me course. naLions culture me affect othof the elm form and the rem,. COodneed Front Page t In the question period follow. are depressing In the extreme be. war there was • Commonnt may. Reid Conducts bosh literary and nonCoed:reed Prom peg. er, in both of the papers assigned, Dr. Reid cause of (heir unanimity of mood. or. Since then they have lost • nr Me panel discussion, Dr. jobs, according to Dr. Allendoer uterus", Dr. Ira De A Reid. heed of that there erford campus Saturday night. the sociology department con feels almost certain Everyone says. Make the most good many sympathizers, though White was asked to express Ma ter. also plays an Important part Mr. Ashmead-or Ahmed the held Is tie twenty-rant of April in Roh. ducted the forum which ',teen will be other forums rhos of this year because you are go. they remain the et-refloat indi- opinion on rearmament es a pre. Ina college education • Egyptian, m he is known to future. . eels Hall The group will be joln with some background material return to • country to vidual party. Who are the Com. requisite to further Russian. Mg some -carne to Haver-hod at the hopes particularly faculty The Pennsyl. of University his the ed by changed that you oun't recognixe mutilate? Moat of the score or ad American negotiations. In on the play and • general state levitation of Professor Edward yeanround compulsOry a amid to vane Womeses Chorus. Robert mein of Its sociological Import. It" And then they ask for news of workers In the ochre mines answer White pod out that program. sines many studenta Snyder In the fall of 1947. IWO Godson, director. Pautlased from Pegs I The flint which concerns the Ilse from the grass-rpots here. Welt 1whicit incidentally were hit hard armament hair never been sue must work over the summer in years later he married Miss Arm Tbe eyeing repertory. m re. the grass-routs are calm. but it's during the war by the synthetic cessfully used as an Instrument . omen. and Sam Colman-. Am order to conunue their college Harnwell, wham. he Malan, he ported by Dr. Reese. contoins h". d rWleanserntire owrso I lary7ndSpe "ftL"' v.,.. o • , weary. depressed. fatalistic development of ochre in the tire, of peace. In particular he mid last education_ However. they want be not only did not meet in a chew several recent compositions. As for StraussRupe Professor died ed calm. People feel doomed to de ed States). some of the shoped end Polished by • some ehn larger work, the singers will overemplifyMg the problems of answer the needs of the student at Bryn Mawr, but who firmly strove:in no matter what • keeprs t hit hard by inflation and retuned to take a course which perform "Tarantella." with words body as much as possible. International diplomacy. he audience end, -Wm reared burdened with debts), some of Ashrnead Mrs there. taught he output P.1.1 too by Hildalre Bettor and music by demonstrations are an indication, The advantages and dined. Military Analmls Incomplete If there b war they are con, the tenant farmers ... and some vantages of each a program vary took time out last year for the Randall Thompson. John Devi. the the smug aignificance wee holly wr vinced that Frame will he oce. of the landowning farmers . . lie Mated that "any analyst. of Affeassen pleket op 10 markers to department hinh of John AMrnead, Sal an will be the piano accornpan. Pied at once by the Communists the present world conflict Mild, from department People Independent' tactually TM, but is now back In Md. Two choruses 'Modern Mon while turning in • solid perform amedal hen seaside, Summer garbagenan 's girl the of plaint and that Mere will he a fratriciThe head of the Communist merely considered relative and pre dunes as an archaeology major. la" by the early American tom. father that he was -being dreg- axe under the Fort' defensive dal blood.lettleg. Ilmenakes the Party In the commune is a jovial tary strength is inadequate The significance to premed students whose stay Her husband will be eornewhat peen William mimes, and gel hats middle elan morality- Wuhan. Colmada four fouls were Communnts hope* and the con independent peasant named Bon. "oriel and economic causes at the chemistry relieved this June, he sass, when 'Turn Rack, Oh Man," by Gustav was greeted by knowing nods. far below his average. but Ms de aervatives wince. Everyone is homme. The only newspaper and Vold war must also ha ran. In college might depend on workhe can bid farewell to the laid Helot wilt also be sung at these and sagacious to urmers of "tiered faslve pa rk was Mane par. Mined and resolved." President ing on a year-round course. Mom. equally convinced that there trill of those students who at one cocerts. math. as suchcourses ity over enrinament" and "Me over, first • ad that suggested White a • e landing American eventual be an lime or another dared his wife, A modern comedy number that alterability of human naiad," step, the United Slates should mattes and the sciences. In which and that France will be a battle- Professor Wylie or. !att t ' 1 When cool engaged in teaching sounds interesting is "Sam Was passed through the audience at ,41. courting of order esr. 1 t I taro press. through the United Na. a fairly laid ground again •Lf the Americans Com E. E, by words with Man," unusual. an devoting in or Interim's during the presenta- tune Mew, proponent for atomic and must be maintained. offer few duties 1 3 In there will be another fratriof time to his ming" and musk by Vincent Per tion conventional weapons disarms. problems to thesummer atudent l y !arm amount cidal bloodletting. That makes Sloe On the 21st of April the Prnlessor Ashtneed &kiwi. A discussion period directed by The freshman English murse trent the Communists sad. It doesn't dub will do two more maj- Dr. Reid followed the of orks m a number of mammas problem, The make the conservatives happy beProfessor Field Hartland. .1r. presents a special feels that the noular activities. These range or work. with full orchestra an the Min He assured the dissentmuse they know they will alof Haverford was the chairmen English department mpaniment These am "Songs fled. mciollgIsts that the film In IthEcentury P se u of the panel session on Monne only posalble summer schedule from research ready have been killed off. Fate" of. by Johannes Brehm. did have the -Hollywood.' ending and the one of several held In the after- would be one compreIng a single American manoscriPM People between the Conserve. • a way novel to and two a...V. from Benjamin which they had recognised itn• noon to discuss the problems of itemester of the course in the completion of lives and Communists know mediate), The moo i was Europe and Asia. Louis, Lochne, twelve week period. The eenettai playing the herPsichord. building lIthe they'll get the squeeze between raileme ' rolre o wo rim7C.: lively if somewhrter than r' ' porta irinG' "P'r for twentyllve years had of the outlook of the faculty Is that the a model train Ins his mo, rolling wd inciMe • chorus by Handel the two extremes; if they sue desirable. Questions were posed Associated Mess Office In Berlin. humanities would miner from ass Me own eigerettee and baking and two additional Brehm. numhe they know Me will not be about the relation between per. and Kenneth Flame waehington celeretion, since little time would home.made bread worth living Ina France even bers sappy and class inustrated in corresPOndent of the London be available for reading and re more destroyed and bled than in um film which was comet,. • M Mellon Observer, also participatedIn preceding wars-No one has laid . . work Sender to Kitty Foyle, one Particular problem. ere pre. this panel, lust that: I'm putting together tontleued prom Page 1 of Let year's projects. In ita Duo continued Fine Pete 1 The conference concluded with netted In the language field153$ BLACK • fragments of conversations. sonic lumen After of gentation which menu:hues PrinCipal a debate between Senator Paul Courses of the type of the hens No War tinned., STUDEKKKKR COUPS In concluding, Dr. Fantasia the' discussion • paper wss Douglas of Illinois and Homer E. ductory reading course in Fetich have planned me weekend, in, Asa matter of fart, there Isn't Original Owner • Innen, oiced a warning against foreign signed on the IDm. and an Won Capels•M Senator of Indians could Oct Im condensed to fit a deities. and their heads, are as much talk about The Situation. FULL PRICE. SIMI yolk, being made Into a political mat vote Mowed almost mud writes from France. Douglas. a Democrat, defended twelve week schedule. Convex. follows: the Ponce Committee, They feel an helpless about it all with Bud Gennep as Moirman oottell. The administration, he moody that the students appro.. PHONE: B. M. 21404 other the on courses. foreign lotion.] sdminnoration's the is use that there's not much head- said, cannot M blamed for rever eel of the forum. Committee, Decorations the and two the on which to magazine quite.successful Repub. be a could Capehrat, hand. which policy Mg it. They feel that they are faroff countries. As Results Awaited , ed by Howard Bliss; and the Re- lotions le caught between two destroying owners subscribe and therefore ken, attacked became he be. an artelerated basis The fresh Dr. Reid was very pleased with rag as such men at Senator Mcand maga. newel that the Democratic Party than Spanish course. Professor freshments Committee. headed by tortes over which they can have the only newspaper Carthy. carrying on his "traitor the remption of the film, al. available to people had ninny. led the United Stable Manuel J. Asenalo noted, had • Dan James. The Class Night Ito -possible control. They feel sine freely large" though he admit. that he is "biasactivities." ate mill "at By Its appleuse, mom successful summer session Committee, a StUdent Council us that France is still too weak and who do not buy newspapers are to economic ruin. implern'ent•tion of any ed" in favor of this type of sup comments, and questMos the during the hot war, since en is. either that a Junior data Cont. the divided to rearm effectively - the Communist "Marseillalse" °reign policy we choose cannot elementary work He ken that It CrichBob by headed le mitten sympaIn Itself meth Mowed might One audience "Regains-. and dethe offset crested Interest en If It would do any good, The Is Important to develop the •Derg at be gnarly hinderedlate thy with Senator Douglas. creased time for reflection one thing Americans cannot ex. er from this that Rousillon Is a Is en, hotted of Communism. but such Peet of Romilionnals SAGS RIDS glialegal thosiastic self-help in military an impression would be complete EhnVeri preparations, Their attitude is y false. These people are not hotCoathmea Pam Page 1 118 Cricket Ave a ARO-MORA. that hell Is going to pop, no they headed theoreticians Therm ex. Ardmore, Pe the by pointed p • rninistrator CHRTMOIGETS might aa well enjoy Life while densely independent, individualis. comp. MEMO tic, hardworking people who are president with the consent of BRYN MAWR Mmes. SIMKO= MM As neenmehl• Prima 8.19 1 9 LANCASTER AVE. they an Congreas, and to make his tenure most of the cafe talk con. Communist because tisey're Waxecais mama the del/extent upon the discretion of ceroils hunting, eating. drinking, against whatever makes their the president, was adopted. gossip. and reminiscences of the m hard. The ICG group deckled that It They're against the vague .131g last wee and of the war before would sponsor a dance in the last There's no war hysteria; Guy' above them, whom they Common Room after the Friday there's just war lassitude. And I blame for then- tough lot. Under Performance of Class Night It don't think any amount of "prop a Comment!mt dictatorship, theyd was announced that cannot/rem agenda" or "Information" or "pen make ihe worst Communists in They're egainal au musk would be provided by Amnon" will change Ming.. Pee the world. WHRC and that the profits from then And tom. Vie any they've been 'informed" thority In any the 40e per couple Marge would by too many regimes since 1139 they're Commummi because they go Into the ICC treasury. to help to get excited by any 'Inform. am against war, and they think - the Americans" tin an Mamma defray he mete of the four day don". Harrisburg Conferenoe In mil want war. Piepagends Fosters !shaded MI other remons more Aare. 'Thereane I see evidence of this as I go through the municipal archives: • rsonal mire subtle. and On SAYERS SPORT SHOP posters which were never posted eoubtedly more important which to feel out so. In* M saying. -Love the British." "Hine I am just beginning • flawolsol. Peter on family Mimthe British." "Love the Centime.- which am based nave . e that •-rg.:^gTzt feuds land .and ..Hate the Germans" "Love the Internattonel with do to nothing Arnericans." -Hate the Amer. cans". There are now posted on Sitoations. I don't want to stress I don't know the town walls posters Mowing OM factor because "When I apply the standard It, but I feel sure French children killed by Amen. enough about Perhaps to tor can Momk bombs and posters ft is important. tobacco growers' test to are people these why deratand saying that French Cot/monies RECORDS REPAIRS It Is less essential aren't French. No one pays much Communists PHONOGRAPHS.. cigarettes I find Chesterfield ettention to them; I've never seen to understand Mar.= theory M W. teamster Ave AM MY understand why cm any one even looking at them- than it Is to \ is the one that smells milder except our children who fain people are Democrats and pressed with the bloody, killed- Repasts Is Orange County. Indiana ... Summer Courses and smokes milder." baby poeters. The posters mime from head. Statement by hundreds of quarters and are pined by MAY T Study and Wheelhorsm at the coder of that Glee ClubPlans Spring Activities a. Garnet Rallies .. • -5-S1 Junior Weekend ... Itirs :Nail* loc. Dr. Fairbank HAMBURG HEARTH THE STRAIGHT FACTS ON CIGARETTES AR you PROOF of MILDNESS k ADAMS e Ileiversity of Madrid rather indifferent local chiefs. No I. really impressed. They rep ent no intense village feeling. ,-'sybe the whole question can be tanned up by the headllnen i• an editorial in a moderate leo' melte paper today: "The Amer, cans think in terms of veto o of Europeans hint in terms: war." There is a feeling on all aids here ir. Romanian that if Americans had suffered as much as Europeans in the last two wars they wouldn't approach war so lightly and •wouldn't expect so much of Europeans. 'Goad Reny Communism' "TM Americans" that people Mick of here are mmething of n abstraction. Specific American ndividuels, such as the Wylie Mills, that peogle actually knew, are not included In the a RADIOS-RECORDS RADIO.PHONOGRAPHS C. TELEVISION Ta amens to, aw 1 Se* men% In World H. ROYER SMITH GO. arena Phut •as. Walnut SU, P.M OPee Wed. Eye. Open WALL 04,45 COUNTERPOINT The Harcrford- Bryn Mew Literary Magazine —S1.50 31 Prominent Tobacco Growers ••fr, ■ Ms an ir:Ircer'For student.. imams Marro yet to dlwarae foramen,. tommeal Spain. Courses rode. sombre PROOF of w, v:r4Z,lnerd,,W'"g: elude. NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE kgaltilt tairINT me mob el?..78' its 11. 0. W. "Chesterfield is the only YOUR WEEKEND GUM'S DESERVE THE BEST cigarette in which members VERFORD COURT HOTEL migomery Ave. of our taste panel found no unpleasant after-taste." Haverford, Pa. FrOm the report Now A Kann noted. of a well-known Industrial Research Organization The Main Line's fiord hotel offers metropolitan hold tummy in both living and ding excellence. LEADING SELLER IN AMERICA'S Treat your visitor to a <IMMO,. dinner mived in the distinctive Main Line manner. DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Foe Reservation', call Ardmore 0947 John A. Potter Manager COLLEGES