▪ 'dews Adult Education Classes Page One Vounim es, tremors is - wts,: AMMO= PA.,.11.11195DAY, Ann 111, 1951 Gerald Freund Elected Coun'Cil President; Varied Activities Robinson Appointed Customs Head To Greet Visitors Cathy Chosen Scribe, Gerald Freund ... Crithlow Treasurer, In Recent S. C. Elections Alter Selection Method; Classes Pick 9 Members Council Names 6 Others Gerald Fero., 12, was elected president of the Studentouneti held for next Year In the et en March 21. Other Council of. hers elected on that day art David Caskey '53. as secretary. rod Robert Crichlow, '53, ae treasurer. Goiania Norton Named Each claw met last Tuesday to pled its individual represents, twee. The Class at 1952 elected Robert Collins and Nicholas Non tom the Cluss of 1953 elected John Hartic and the Class of 1954 elected Montgomery Furth and Stephen Sada. The new Council met for the tint time tel Wednesday evening. The election of officers etimw. Si over a week of epaemodic crimpagang. Richard Mess. end Robert Chase, tre.urer of the retiring Council. were the other presidential nominees whe were successful In the March 13 Ptienen. Monona Chi. Irma Criehlow, Edward Reed. and Philip Vance were the nominee. for tre.urer who escaped etirob ration In the primary. No Printery cont.. was needed for a.retary, as Carney and Arthur Leib*. wee the only candalates when nominations closed at midnight. Wren 11. Cuatoms. and in panic.•r the method of eelection of Customs Committee memben, was the [Slat Wee let the presidential ram Freund and Mee.. each advocated some measure of class artielpation In the choosing of the Committee and differed only In their stud plane for this participation Open Iltartuaion Neel In speeches and open dtecurho at a Students' Councespomored meeting on the Monday befow the primary. each of the presideetial candtdates presented their views such topics aa the Honor stem, the Big Brothers Committee, and the liquor rule. No Hearne I.ue arose on which any of the cendidatis took die wetly opposite side. Little ea. earning was done In the other contest. Chet. N. Robinson, '53. was the unanimous choice of the new Students. Council for Chilternan of the Customs Committee for next year. Robinson was appointed to his new poet at the second meeting of the new Council on April 5. Sy Philosophy Club On Natural Law study elected president. Christopher Fry Play Scheduled By Drama Club Others Named accordance with the new rules for the appointment of members of the committee adopted at a en.ting of the Students' Association last T u e•d• ie. the Council named six committee members on April 51n addition to the chairman. The members sp. pointed by the Council are Pau Sterner, '52. John Burge. 53, Robert Mating& 53. Robert Feeser. :54. Montgomery P'urth. '54. and Kenneth Miler, '54. The rernanting members of the new Customs Committee were elected by the outgoing Junior. Sophomore. and Freshman class. Immediately after the Stn. dents' Aaaeciallon meeting last week. The Class of 1952 elected Philip Baur. Andre Bern end Robert Collins. the Clans of 1953 elected Leo Dvorken. Kenneth McCardy and Charles Robinson; and the Class of 1954 elected WM liam Watson, Ftichard Bourne. and Edward Hollingsworth. The final production tide year Of the Bryn Mawr and Haverford Drava 'CMts will be Thee. with Angel. by Citratopher Fry. This one of the first productions anywhere of this quite new play from the pen of England's most ...rated young playwright It wee commissioned and perform. Election Prooedaee Altered am the Canterbury Festival Ploy In essla S. Floes The procedure for the election tee mensbe. et Ilse Onelegas Mather td ft Commite, tehteh conetituted an Set Foe May 46 important issue ih the recent StuIn production at RoWels Hall de.' Council election, was alteron May 4 and S. Th., with ed et the Students' As.ciation Awns, wiil WAIremed by Lee Meeting last Tuesday, April 3. Hark., president of the Hanes Under the old system. the out. feed Deana Cub. Haring. were gong and Iwo:ming Councile told has behind bin a long career of a 4101 meeting to appoint the acting and production at Haver. members of the Committee. The font and Bryn Mawr, directed the chief detect of this arrangement recent production of Fielding.. was felt to be the tendency of Council members to nominate The Tragedy of Trweelen one another as Committeemen. Spring Day Week-and Under the new plan, the return. The spring production coincides log elartaea each elect three at with the annual Cap and Bells their own memhers to the Cone Clab dinner on Friday. May 4. mitt. and the newly elected and with Spring may on Saturday. Council appoints up to six adMay 5. Bemuse of the unusual ire ditional members. The Connell penance of tors production for ale names the chairman. The theer reasons. and bemuse It It appointment of Robineon as local premiere. Harare oren chairman 4 the tint time that art all Men to try aAt for a part. outgoing Sophomore his been so "Christopher Fry 'deserves the named. best Haverford can muster," nye Ile. Chrlatian Marl. forum discussion sponsored by Philosophy Club Thuniday The play takes plan on • Jut melting, March M. First meeting ish farmstead In sixth century of its type to be ach.toled by the England. The husbandman and Nub, the forum loss presided ever kis brothers return front a war by Professor Douglas Steen, brIneing with than • Christian Chairman of the Philosophy De- soldier. Unknown to the farmer. Pertinent Profeasom Frank Park. his wise two brothera kill the er. Martin Foss, and Marcel Gut. Christian who subsequently mirth also participated In the becomes a martyr. group discussion. Fry hall been represented in April Fon. Set Philadelphia end New York by The success of the closed Comm The lady,. NM Per 1.111111F Meeting was such as to cause the Stoup to sebalute another median of the same type for an ion. needled date In April. It has been proposed that Professor babel Stern of the Bryn Mawr Unknown to most Haverford inhttemePhY department be United to at as chalernan for this meet. lams three adult education ha “ormore being Riven here this The club has nether made year by Peofessors Oakley, Pane for a meeting in May. et Reche, and Asthma.. In cooper. Uhl. it 1 a hop. pream all. with the Main Line "School Mee,. of the department of phi- Night.. A...elation. a total adult losophy of Wesleyan College, will education organisation w hich el.. The tonics of discwelon works with the Lower Merlon and ter the two final Mean. of the Radnor kiWel boards. Nub for the current semester Cilliene-Onni OP.°. beet not as yet been annwnced. bY 'faun:ens of the Discussion of the Named Law tome at the March 22 meeting of HatIrrer faculty In ender to fta91t.e .lvellable course. mere tie Philosophy. Club was opened re alN a short MtroductIon. 1.11 neatly Inge-level then mast of tiered by "School Night.' which the chairman indicated the t Palm and general Watery of the the three courses given tare are Wee at hand. After this. Ike "Comparative Political and Ern. nom. Systeme.. taught by Pro. dinsualon was opened to the tensor Roche, "Gent Issues in Members and Anton prevent. ,_ The general trend of question. Contemporary Literature... given s1e knlinght out two fundamental by Dr. Ashmead; and "Math. on the issue of Natural mailed Workshop." taught by teaser Oakley.. . On the one hand. It wa Maintalwd that mil law and . Riches course deals not her:native mandards an the only with the various political 'teation,of men in society. and and economic systems prevalent thtd by consequence no undoing. In the world, but also with their 'be titan.. for hUmen action philosophic bee, felt week for .1.1 be discoveren. The other view example. he lectured an the boded to assert the existence of ideological- as why the corn. a, asenative natural law hexed mutt., conaider "social dernoc. "'item. natio. racy" Is 31111.24 Labor Contributions ae Contribution. for 31m. Ethel Bestty's hnok. Mauer^ am still being arm.ed by the NEWS staff. Cod Hashed to date Banes. heeded 421.04 .13 2727 ADULT EDUCATION COURSES GIVEN ON CAMPUS THIS YEAR V government) to be utterly In. compatible with their own booth of socialism. In the literature mime Dr. Ashmead his been attempting to throw important contemporary works Into perapectIve side by side with analogous works of the past. The mathenan roar. a ti survey course Intended more to provide mental stimulation far the anneals than to carry them very deeply Into any one field of mainematies, Atha Slade.. Different The adult students-rangng In hP'''d''U lose l a high school l'm to doctors seeress-tact toela. discussion in • very different way from Indere-nun.. according to Dr. Asher... They argue: he eVs ereletly from real penonal conviction. and with Mlle or none of the underwaduale feeling that a claw cascuadon Is an intell, Mal game. • Adult students, according to Professor Ashmead. also allow more grasp of social problems han do undergraduates. became f their greater experience with these issues t To HC Campus Spring Day Activities Will Include Speeches, Play, Several Athletic Contests On Saturday. May 5, Heverford students and faculty will meatPate M the fourth annual H.. fern Spring Day. tots Men Yew Haverfard invites the parents.. friends of the college to come and sn the college In action With the advice of a group of pare. and student. • divereified Pogrom has been arranged which will Illustrate all major academic and non-curecuLar activities. Speech. lichedult. The program will begin at 1045 am. In Roberts Hall when Gil. beet White and Gerald Freund, Student Council heed. win speak on, -Haverford Looks Ahead-. There will be four lectures dttrMg the meeting. two at 10:50 a.m. and two at 11 ,40 aim. At 10:50 am. Martin Fon will speak In the Units on, 'She Task of Philosophy in a Quaker College' At thie same time In Roberts Hall the staff of English 11-12 and a aelected group of etude. will discus, the new Freshman English Program. A demon.. Mtn Ut tar.' meeting will be Presented. a.m. In the Unlon At A &Intent Frantes deGraatt will discuss. "Why Study Reselane- In the physic lecture room In Sharpie. Ptichwd Sutton una present. -Physics: Eta and Fundameritala." Sp.. Play Mewed A oultV1-E,W9-taorwesetiegeo to visitors at 12:311. In the after won there will be a tr.ek meet with St Joseph'4 and a tennis contest with the University of Pertneylvanin The ticket team will meet Johns Hopkins on the cricket field From 4,30 to gra In sail be served to visitors in several faculty homes. The drama dub will present 'Christopher Frye Thee, With Was. I. Roberts Hall at 11,46 p.m. For those who wish to remain to are the play there will hr a Ust of recommended neelearaots 1,1 the Student Union. The ch.,an of the 1950 Spring Day Committee Ls Holland Hunte, Managers Elect D. Smiley, '30 Daniel Smiley. Jr., a member of the Clan of 1930 was elected ▪ member of the am. of Manwere et Haverford College at the last meeting of the Board test March le. 1951. according to Dr. S. Emden Stokes. Chairman of the Board of Manager.. Dent Smiley succeeds the late William B. Bell. Claw of IWO. Mr. Bell died sane hvo months ago while on a trip abroad. Daniel Smiley ie an Executive of the Lake Mohonk Mountain Home, Mohonk Farms end Mohonk School op, ted b3, the Smiley Brother. Of Havellned Family His grandfather. Daniel Smiley. Sr. graduated from Haverford In 1S7& His father, Albert K. Smile", graduated In 1906. Daniel Smiley. Jr. majored in Engineering at Haverford. He Is a member of the Elder Havens. Meeting and the Campus Club of Reverter& He is also a member of several natural history and foreetry laselethee. He frequently visits the College.and hen Mime • great interest In the camp. over • number of years. Has Tease Chlkia. Mr. Smiley, and his edge, Alice Plot.. Smiley, have three children: Dan Craven 10. Prattle. & and Anne P., 6. The Board of Manages of Hay. erfoed College meets regularly five times a year and on special occasions. The Boa.. composed of men, of whom four a. elected by she Alumni As. ...teflon. The other members are elected from among the members of the Havertord Corporation The Corporation as provided In the Charter of the College Is elected for life from among the Society of Frlende at large and is composed of approximately 900 member. The Corporation meets annualry to receive a report on the state of the College end to elect members. to the Bead of Manager. Council Requests Lost Silverware I.. newt letter to the Stuentra Council, Mee. el Beatty has reported the lose or 279 knives more M. see moon, and a large number or onto, from the Milne mom. The Student'. Cantwell reel,. that the malodly of mote are In the morns of campus elude. and re manta their Wined.e return, store the dining mom canned orerate without all. Student Council Minutes Page Four axe PER TZAR Deferment Arrangements Seniors Meet Alumni Group Still Not Finally Settled But Rothe Advises At Annual Dinner Registering For The Donald Wilbur. '24, Presides: White, Macintosh, Haworth Speak CALENDAR Friday, /tont 13 The Film ('lob preemie ea. Man Who Cos. Work altneles", was Roland Tau. and Joan Gardner: Bober. Hall. a:5s p.m. Bryn Mawr t bona and Invert°. Glee club lotni nnmeet: Goodhue, M. pos Friday. April M. and tiatunlay. April 14 Tfe Harerford Coiner Freak Club pre.. Mee alleachree wilt Me Bryn Maur Maeda.: noterte Halt. ass PunSaturday, April 14 Glee t Mb tanceet Wileon College Chamber...a, Ps. Sled pan. Qualification Exams The long.ananal decisions ne garrlIng al dent determent hew aWl not been hand. down In The Haveslord Alumni Amato final form. although the edminre on - its r... end Owe' relation's pl. for deferment tile Ilona and the Hoped-for dung of students was made public over a lta members -- were the panel. week ago. That pl.. which offers pal topics of discussion at a din • generous deferment program ner given by the Associalaw last for students end which appeared Wedstay evening in the Cone fairly certain of implementation mon om for all member of at the time of its release. has the Senior Chase. Close to a hum Orel of the prospective June since run Into widespread type anion In Congress and. as the graduates sat down to turkey dinner and an evening of informal NEWS goes to press, seems um certain of receiving a Cense* speechmaking presided over by Monet goehead. Mr. Dona. E. Wilbur. '24. White, Moen.. Present Two Rauh For Deferment. However. Dr. John Roche. fan The Senior. Junior. and Sopho- Also pre.nt at the weaken tatty adviser on the draft... more classes of next year held table were President Gilbert F. White. VIrePrandents Archibald President Celan %%wit. ad.. elections for toe office. on students to go ahead and apply April 3. 1951. This years gradu- Macintosh and Lamer C. Ha. worth. Theodore Whitteisey, Jr., to mar local draft hoards make ating thew will not hold election.. the capabilny tan provided for for permanent el., office. until In John F. Gunman, '22. Her bets W. Reimer. '31, and Bennett in the administration plan. Such late in May. S. Cooper, '11 application will not require thew Fenner Council Secretory Mr. Wilbur, In the initial ad. to take the teat.and upon apple. Next years Senior. elected regs of the evening. expressed cation students ill be sent remaRichard Eller as class president ppreciation that on large a num. Fate. British University and atm two primaries limiting the bee of seniors had found tirtie Industry ethicaton visit. Haven nent information as to the nature number of candidates first to to accept invitations to the dim toed last Thursday. The gretoP le and administering of the teat. three men. then to two. A single nor and reaesured those present making • study of cooperation Tate presidential di reel I ye primary tanked candidates to two that the proceedings Would be In between Industry and university which provided for the deferment in elections for other claw omen. formal throughout. His pence, In the United SMtes. 11 la spoec plan apecilied that the activity • fun. Burrill Getman was voted in as he saki, wa to outtlee the et. weed by the ECA through the of a registrant accepted vicepresident. Philip Baur as JectIves of the Alumni Assodo Anglo-Area-Ie. Council on Pro time student In a mile. or %adversity woeld be held -neceesare secretary, and Walter Young as Mn. to which all graduates of dnotivitY. to the ma intenanre of the na. treaeurer. The number of antra- the College automatically belong, Greeted By White nets for each office averaged fin. and to hope that members of 51 The men were greeted at 5:30 tional health. safety. or interest° President Flier has been • would be at least an stavessful as u rn by President While. VI, and thus entitling ram to defer. member of the students' Council Mar many in helP- President Hawonh, Dr. Teal. and men. if he "either has maintain. er a required scholastic standing. since his freshman year and tide MgW attain Meat objeetives D. Pepinzky. Presidrnl While or has attained en a qoalificatien ifenewerved .a• meow? of tile W Hisss adM Met Haverford'e program be 1tat a score, or both such stand. Council. He has also been a mem- The Heverford Alumni As largely a liberal arts one with a ng and score. to prmeribed by bee of the Custom. Committee. Mat according to Mr. Wilbur, Is minimum of specialization but the Mg Brothen Committee and organised with three specific point. out that I. graduates he Director of Selective Service with the appro. of The Penal. the Nautical Club. Eller has goals in mind, ae III to have been able to compete sue dens' participated on the Varsity 'hack revive manor. of the dare ressfully In graduate schools with President White stated that he Team for two years and deo on spent at college; 121 -"liken Men from the large anoint was -very mien encouraged .' by the wrestling squad. unto the fleet' -to continue the arhETe and twee been able to go Me announremem of the deter. Beed Hewn 'to friendships formed In college; into Industry direetiy from Ha, nt. plan. If represented. he said, The Clime of 1953 reelected Ed- and Qs to help alumni work to- erford with no trouble, a welcome statement of policy, ward Reed as presideet for hie gether for promoting the Inter. Vbdted Serer. Colleges and It wisely pined deferent.t sewed term of office. Single este of Haverford College. In a The group had previously visit. eligibility on the of apt[ penmen limited the number of humorous vein throughout, he . Columbia. Princeton. and Bryn tude rather than onboats Me etudenta candidates for nth office to two. warned canton not to forget that Mawr, and had talked with repro The new vice-president is Philip &smite their feelings of relief at sentatIves of Cooper Union. Gem Modena. Page 4. Cal, Vance. The secretary and treasur- the prospect of June S. they will era! Elate, General Foods, and er for the coming year are Robert all under go a Mundamental the National Association of Menu. Matteson and Lewis Thom. re change of attitude" In regal to ardor, spedively. The number of non. the College, and often web for They said that they hod found H nations for each office averaged ways in which they can Ret to. the gether with class mates to talk engineers floe. should have''"""'" more week U. S. be humanities during their Ca A veteran office holder, Reed over old times. Continuing Its investigation a Oummere Speaks for Emu. was president of his high school ws'''''"" .'"'"'"' White Mki i. rncul. of the major departdams for three years and view Mr. Gurnmere. headmaster el that Haverteld felt that It had mew of the College. the Student pneeidant of Me rase here In his Penn Charter when spoke brief. achieved what seems at present Committee Education heard nehmen year. not tall he was ly Inc the Board of Manegers, of to be the ben balance between Dr. Douglason Swere. Chairman of member of the Jayvee Football which he Is a member. The man. technical work and the human the Philosophy Department, lest Squad. He is also member of the agers, he pointed out. "depend Mat in the college curriculum. Thursday evening. Dr. Street nub to an astonishing degree'. on the RC.a aTrochine Con., Glee Club. lined the general purpose and petition Preen.. Clionne Matthew. voluntary work and (Unctions of the Philosophy De. N.1 years Sophomores nom. of alumni, many et whom give Taro' parte-tient discussed Inc courses natal a consIdentble number of large amounts of time and money search an. which it offers, and. finally, concandidates for each office. and in order to usure the auceessind government sidered the question of comp, few candiciatm had the vote of a continuance at the Haverford unlvereltim are denimental to College Corporation. The present education beesuae they lake too large part of the clans in the a kieDF Fee No...3. election No primates were held. Sailor Class, he hoped. wool. sup. much time and attention away least a few men to carry on from aeon. teaching. Proferanr Professor Saeore The new president is Norman ply ,,,:•°.c6wa'd . ad. Test bad previously told thel .`_;.°T.T'l, Matthew. the Weeprellident In Oda tradition. , m the nerds al Mark Lissfelt the secretary John Speaking next for the atimints. British.. that Haverned ludnty°°' tration. Preatdent White sieges, unique beentise It is a "teaching o C Wren. and the treasurer Wistar " penmen. tie noted the nee Comfort. eintlhewn. the new pres. ed to his hewera that Me ob. college", portance of philosophical training dent Is out for track. and is a lathing of a degree Was neither The group rent the for pretest• and pre.ministertai member of the Glee Cluk cossikesed Page S. Cal Cocallamed . Page 4, Coll etudents anti its broadening vane f or a11sumer.. uhatever their • Are Seasons Unstoppable? future name. Dr Strere said he was delighted alto tqe large amount ot philosophy. material presented in tours. at lade his department, partieuari • in the new freshman English' Dr. Vernon Nash, a former n. Steere mid that the two elt la time that we trained that of pealing all available retinue. vieepree dent of the United chief gaps In the rurd. ulum of World Federalists, lectuned to poverty is no longer necessary." and redistributIng them squall the Philosophy Depraver nt were Social Science U-12 students last said Dr. Nash. He stressed, how. to the mote than two Milks the a.enee of courses in Per Thursday on the validity add the ewe that under no tram... peoples of the world. F.astern philosophy and con. practicality of world government. would the world government sub. Concerning the practicality of temporary philosophy. Professor Dr. Nash Woo conducted a discus- scribe to the Communistic pulley world union. Dr. Nash exempl Pest's emir. in Far Eastern fled the panaibility of unificationa cultures however. sion on thin subject In the Comsomewhat mitibe means of the original thirteen gates mon Room an Friaay at I:30. Vernon the firm del iciency; and Dr. slates. Before they were united. Humanity raferdependest Parker they survived In what amounted course laqualifiedto gee a Dr. Nash began his plea for in tontemporere Philnsn to Weimer chaos. world unity by emphasising the phy. whenever the College will Increasing interdependence of She Idea of surrendering seven be in a po.sition to expand its humanity. 'We must come alive eignry teemed absurd al lin, cunteu lot m. to fhb rind of world In which we but through the medium of edm "Salutation" Denlrable We, and then do earned-dna are cation the goasIbilltiee Were ea• In regard in comprehensive ex. propriate about 1t." saki Co. plored. Furthermore. said Dr. amlnatione, Dr. Stem, sold he Nash. Nash,the sovereignty which felt they were largely a some. VWF propoaes to take from each whet superfictal adjunct ranted He described the revolution of nation Is Indeed • 'very exterior an to the course syntem.' He world unity as being -as Snoop one. Able as the seasons or the Wee.° would prefer a student, Riving We have, he continued, the choice Dr. Nash,after pointing out the lila time during his last semester of tether working against It or Importance of a sense of re- solely no his major field-so that. participating In It and leaprodeg sponalbility In the present young undistract. by other maven, he la possibilities. It la Mereatingly generation, smarted that we have could Aswan himself In it lie natural for families to band Into two alternatives: global Oa. or also considered five courses too lane and clans intavillagea, end global union. "Nothing less than many 000 a atudent to pursue so on Into ever larger forma of a world government has any deeply and felt the need of • government. Thue, wid, we chanre whatever of handling the margin for insure. In which stumust 5000 all warring units ... a World Federalist who perplexittn of our world,. con- dents could read on their Wm on mad. one organic world republic. spoke beg last Week. cluded Dr. Nash. any sub eels Laren:sting to them. 11ti Pe Class Elections Held; '52 Names Eller President United Kingdom Visitors Praise Curriculum Here d Education Group ears Dr. Steere VERNON NASH, UNITED WORLD FEDERALIST, SEES UNITY `UNSTOPPABLE -AS SEASONS' Nash... EDITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS CROW'S NEST Alumni News Maryland Society Holds Meeting CLASS ITEMS There was a time wren the normal among Tar character requisition* a Male 0f calm le us were In a position to Ulu width tolerate the back of the room eornewhere and spreads hie barely. or dampeoe totally the foibles and wan- form abut( on them in ap asortment of ego. trait. of the genius. His little deviations were pews like a Caner on the royal wedding muck. 16146 sources of amusement or worn to us. but by and A unique variation of (Idyll worked out by a few Mr. Albert Linton recentl y Edina. - Richard A. Norris, Jr. large - he was left to perpetrate those inanities of those who are lucky Ambit to Peat. a test served u moderator at • town Slimming Eider - John Wirt Lc In the front row of Mlles P Hem the unrepressed The annual Spring dinner meetmuch without species his of charuteristie meeting on United States FmNgn Senior New, Edidar - Peter Tapke. tares. Imo that of on here below. This genius cu plunk his 12 double A's on top of the Policy, sponsored by the World News Editors - Junes Crawford, Frederic Muth. duck's ego was highly IndivIdualhed sad exceed- deroonsteation table and settle down Inc another 1104"thes-Bne ore Affairs Council of Phindelphla in '" iset in sane.. Philip Stansbury. stone Hotel'r":rd ingly sensitive. and it Walt 01.1 an easy ratter dose of aMdentic dry rot In solid comfort This LA cooperation with eitemeetear whit., Mrs. and President Hornless Mosso. - Sydney NI. Cons Ill. week. table the to identify biro. even at a considerable distant, also serves to box In whoever is Willa t o Cl the Cone Renton. Joke Cede oreanizationa Editor Stork g rather striking frame. Look for .title charac by the length. slaps and color of his persecution Howe Moore..., malty "M" Mrs nd "m Iuiror Secretary Vr A complex. Any form of legal restriction or moral ter, too, he's • card. New Jersey, a of Sled Injunction was viewed by his as so wall media. 1914 • ath Another essay is the the society. an m week tan ve mouth wish, as an insideuos plot being hatch. k atac heart Mr. and Mn Female C. /Make. much to give to the world. Ma clue nu., ed by the rouses in order to straitjacket his Pelkath• the i•••••• • ••1•1 eleutor at the Times make' are home from • ovo weeks may and the profuse, that ha hut teat sewn to business meeting woe held at Building, Ardmore. where creative talent and to reduce ble•Ventus to that As the recent spring recess was drawing to a close, keep thr lid OM 11 deal nutter where he which time the following officers realty tam as Its offhe. He was irk tom.. of mediocrity and conformity. Well. to reiterate, to forthbe mune to the all II'S appeared bushes renaedicg on break tIliattltantail. overd. long and or a welcome In, lecture were elected: President. Conrad erne was wheO we were pretty lenient with this toes which art being raised le him. If Met loner urge to burp la guts R. Acton, M.D. '25. Vice Presifatting in the cloud of confusion and suspense which. locanut element In our a.. but that was beMr' Wern•elt in the which Clara Province. lay now get,a edp on ma burp them he wilt dent. James Carey. 3., 76. See- Berwyn. since Korea, has hung over the careers of student, here fore the critter had multiplied PA, had teen der a whether or not prof. ..mat or fellow haw teary. John L Parker. 76, Ae obrekiess twit for some lima are reported to be in good beats and in colleges throughout the country , a defiinte defertats A quick fount of the number and variety muter Is Mona me way to malting • Mal. aslant Secretary, Joseph W. ment plan sinned decided upon, and students could of the Phila. of theme guile amain-es In • utopia rimer Keep ea eye out for this bird-he's dynamo Serer Jr.. 10. Treamirer, F. He was a rander Board and Monis & Sad, is expanding delphia Real Fatale with some extent of certainty take up their plans for /austral Sup ford clamant for eumple, might well prove and dangerous. Thomas Hopkins 79. and Male the Maln L. Board of Realtor.. his business. the In Company In not uyone Equipment the future once again. Hardly had the new plan been for and plies impederxe Y he • ranting A suietype of the above hi the pereneird hand tent Secretary. Christopher Van He had been . member of the Granath. Connecticut Az a posseuirm of • health, ma on hie suite. announced. however, than it was subjected to will introduce • metaphydcal Holten. '45. gen This waver. of Board Township Lower Merlon repreeetative, If ihe proper dale were available, Manua aional attacks which have thrown the question of stuon pont m and Retiring president Alfred J. Commissionera from 1924 to 1991. manufactures discussion red-hot a tom query are we ehould find that the quantity of cos themumany wile specialised to of miserable confusion. before an answer is • mentenoe and • Ulf old. Townsend 'HI Introduced Mews. He is survived by his wife. Mn equipment to the metal wotieing dent deferment again into lime mental.. at any given time sou In p goes the hand again. 110'11 squirm and wiggle Macintosh and Cooper who spoke Phyllis Sylvester Warooek, and Industry in New Englatid •nd the In vine of the urgent necessity of coming to • settle. Mae proportion to the cubic yardmen of bull in his seat. flapping that 'War Ill the profewora briefly, then introduced Dr. White. two sons William and A. De* New York Menopoliten area. meet on this matter, the NEWS feels impelled to make plied high m the cane, ark in Inverse retie 11 1 the pmt ate who spoke on the Haverford rataw Warnock Jr. face like a dams signal to the pawner of what we ebb took are its own stand known. 11101 ao distracted he forgets whet he wee about le coy. Picture today and the plans for fond µ ealpng "Pea rammer....a bee Robert R. Mabee or 121 the prof lus • coo/ head and nerves of aet eat In the course of recent weeks and month. a god nnounce the engagement of had will In addition to the gueets from agitated the nonsteel, deal of unintelligent, unwarranted, and unbecoming There Is one type or genius that shows up oe the finest Swedbh Misa Jean Hendaughter, heir vaginally for • claw but haa aver indulged his drop after sueral minutes limp and exhumed. the caw. those prevent a e.. his been put forth concerning the education that derson Matzke to Mr. George A. thin. for learning with the reading of an assign. Watch out for Mb rookie. too-his aim Is usually eluded Mr. and lira. L C. Lyeett raw on in colleges and universitiee and its hearing on Perkins. The marriage will take John L. Parker. Mra and Mr. 70, ad. the gives Mt. his take. brain-brute This math after deferment, of Critics deferment for students. Place APril 71. This rnay all seem dastardly Sofia to sate of Dr. and Mao. Conrad Acton. 75. prof • teed thirty seconds to warm up to the 161.5 painting a dismal picture of the umefulnese of the man topic of the day, and then wiggle. the discusalan our noncontorming intellects, and perhaps they Mr. and btra. Thomas Hopkins C, MMus MMus, of Mason. of higher education to eociety, have proceeded to demand on into blind alleys that might possibly have will take these marks as posing three( to what '49, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Me, New Jersey. nere of three "bright in why college boys-the customary appellation been cleated up to hie satisfaction with a mini. they feel to be the dela of tree and uniumileted Curtis 'M. Dr. and him Mara nomination ae the In aspirants town of preparation the evening before. or pen exprualon. The answer to Otis of mum. la Mat R. DURUM, To Mr. and Mr. At. boys." or "sacred college cult"-should be snowed to hide an independent candidate for the In their ivory towers while everyone else fights a war. hap jut • wee bit of patience In clue, look for it Is a small hurdle that we are asked to cher feed Morton. 'en, Dr. and Mn The Itaverfort Clue in Pella New Jersey State Mandy. and of Dr. kind '12„ Thomas as a individual. Henry civilized and sane a se recognition for lulu. • he's one. MS as tendemus • for still delphia Is The typical college product is represented Mr. end those who desire • eubstantial Ha.s us elected to the Lower Then there is the genius who feels Met allelui- The intellect that cannot master the rudimmta of Mrs. Peter Roderan,..31, e.rsiud brain. detached from both moral guidance and and and not too expensive meat It Hots e two years ago and when asn in class is the epitome of profesaortal opera plebs ortheary, everyday good manners haa • Mn Nei Medan 74. Mr. his term expires this year is seek. practical utility, and doing little save contemplating b he II he long way to go yet before raking Patens... Mn Edw.. isiibwi. 13. Mr. is open for lunch each Mona,' Inc reaction. that to attitude the Meer He she. the unrskedf goes muck its own superiority. Very little Lyon Jr.. '40, Mr. forced to suffer through Afty.flve Mill.. of Me something beyond the plain. the ordinars.. and the end Mtn. L C. Townsend 'I& to Fkiday benmen 12'00 noon and Owen R Moeda is president el Mfr. J. Mrs. and basketball fixes receive imitable comment; and the cone In located is and whole • everyday. pen. for 9:03 week and a times three drivel childish bens Verna M. Rout '95, Feederick • eperal roam in the Meridian the Pennaylvuu Citizens of Dr. Fuchs is rattly left unutilized to ill.trate the and Welfue. semester, he's by damned going to be comfort... P. &left '13. Joseph M. Meaty Club. Chancellor and Camac elation for Health kind of pernicious activities that many educated people IW Jr.. '13, and Joseph w. Suer. 'Mt Streets. A congenial group may been may he about. The .nelusion usually follow. that eduJura L. Milkrswho he found there almost any say working with the Off. of Price lib. cator. are selfishly concerned only with the welfare of although It usually does not be- Stabiliution in developing/ a pub. their own institutions, while blinding themselves to the gin to Nether until 11.30 pm. program ham re Ile threat to the freedom of this couetry or, if they are fully Any Haverfordtans who find turned to his private tither rel•aware of it, determined that others besides college stuthemselves Ia Philadelphia at tiona work. dents shall be shot at in freedom'. defense. uncialme may be sure of a oel. that they lave Ipnorpor... Then. Is no quo and Sullivan am two names that pace Gilbert and In considerable lama.* this unfortunate kind of come. Undersea...nes who may Francis W. Stark is exhibiting Roo that elm-yd.', eel be harmed by the become known all our the world at being re The University Club of Chicago be unfamiliar with the city may his acuiptunti work at 'The Sign talk seems due to an underlying suspicion, however xplendor the peen. sheer magnifica. andto astable for edemas poss.., neither Phutof SaMttalitis". County Line P.S. was the maw of * donee et the as they march on reser IOLANTIte. er the Haverlord Club of Chicago on be glad to know of this place vague, of the aetiVitiee carried on within academic walla sible lines nor "mature" mush. Nevertheless, over nmr the center of teem tad at Mouthful Ave. in Rosemont. gleaming glory of the soldiers aft they swot the UM'. It his been demonstrated conclusively as the part of the majority of the population. which reMarch 21, with President White east of 13th and just south of Pa put la tale hurries rid tunic. trimmed with that never before or since has such a pair promains outside those walls. Ignorance of anything is speaker. 1518 guest fre Man may they Where PATteNCE: In W•Inittl etc. gold bee, braes helmets, duced such works of lasting wartainment value. prone to breed suspicion of it; and it in quite understandFollowing the dinner, petn0 at leisure. Such undergraduates. Read U, Taylor and Dorothy Vet 1what is even more impressive I. the slab Scarcely • night pure vrithout • predation Sc Melded were married at Sanable. and even to he expected, that a policy of apparent ful way It shown that these nutentlIcent men were discuased tor promoting es well as grata. who do not F. The Mama alighting some eaten.. somewhere December knd on Mains soaks mote thatetit 10 Ithwerthr• come in frequently sheuld ce ford. favoritism to the college population, especially in re• mesa In human form are. all In all woefully tore . on this globe living at 221 South Satamong High Schools adda. member that all those who are and are mud to such s vital matter as draft liability, should human. quite capable of being able eo human. lain St.. Philadelphia 7. Pa. because only not Schools thus curio. moat is every there act n Indeed. not do the in ambers The aeT of even sad , ime in sadly falling of not will evoke a widespread and vigorus objection. which 1140 of the nature of the operettas themselves but albeing vornewilat Mead. Of couree, thin type of group .In diamond pl.. for • ay and the possode lack of at. F. Ails. Lewis, who for several the nicht canons W.A. be argued in conformity with so because of Gilbert and Sullivan as persone. PAU dinner with noon Mawr and tution to a stranger Is cerardy tonredy le not the type to modem great re of logic. But although we thus attempt partially to has been a member of the Neither Gilbert nor Sullivan particuludy eared Swelh••••• MO.°, fif the 49,- not do to a lack of cordiallty yearn belly laugh, hut it Is gun/sowed loud or from against expressions psychologize the more ill-considered result of •• ht - but to fur+iest the unknown spode department of the PIM. for each other, each thinking that the other was to result In a more or Ins Infinite number of sago axes as• hardly worth wasting time on. Millie. thought the Bryn Maw turn out to he a long-time elem. delOki. Inquirer wee recently re student deferment-and for all that they still remain chuckle. and utiles. Here and there hello. 'ration from ,tht t,. nominated as vice-president of the was OF her committer A Alumnae. of himself aa a computer of each a stature as to BI-considereth-we shall try. on our own part, not to usually they but forth. balls can be brought reduce composing mak for such trillmg works pointed to meet with the nepre. have been there on the days when l'h•"•19hth Sport. Wdleth Aa blind ourselves to the honest and, perhaps in some default from the ware' Interpretatin,and no4 six-tenon. a pennon he held last to being snood an Insult. and Gilbert, while inanat.. from the other two more others could attend. the operettas themeelvea gree, justified concern on the party of many as to the rear. that felt often Sullivan. than patient more finitely colleges. wisdom of such a policy-a concern which assuredly 1543 his time place oar In the world of drama. It is tale tenet of humor that mnakeu Gilbert Alexander R Carman Jr., 16. Let outbursts. impassion. the of hack pertly lies also Mr. and Mrs Arnold C. Sab suitean so popular. The way In which fun Is together brought were men the Annals tesikwalle are receiving congrat. institutions is gems us consider, then, the charges made. Emilia the of all almost at poke pokel' tle "etT o„ i ffr•.‘" TRIAL e •?•7•• "° mate by eeebset taw Ant Mations on the birth of Cecil, tire college has faced. and someMIng that no one has ever been .Me tom First, as to the charge that colleges, though sr JURY. was mu.. the eed waar Ann on March 12th. Sat tertitwaite quite so euccesedully. Their "Racks'. are Ila future needs. M to mart endue In the tole of • coma clown After aware of the national danger, are willing to keep the is with the Arabian American Oil realty bitter, but somehow one can't help feeling non of his talk the movies of • few weeks, however. It became obvious tat student population out of the armed forces and let the Company. hit Present sante he' that them Is some reams for such jibes. namely. the liaverford-swarthmore Roo. Thum. In Intervened only were mamma the has NEWS the others, by Mg, 1607 Arabian American Oil burden of fighting be borne that without stretching Me Imagination beyond wem agaln'shown. Claude A. Nanny. who taught RV JURY. Shortly threader, Gear. ennui. Company, Dhahran. Saudi. eonducted no nationwide poll to determine a conclusive oetuations ludiemus such after years two for proportions, dinner Andreae the at sensible at all present Their That tuns a am konwn well lieu femme Arabia answer to this queetion. But we can say that we know could conceivably come Into existence. In short. were: Robert at Buven. '34. gradation has recently wrInee elmuleee were alt welt weaved. End Me re 1MS the English "weakneues" are recognized. and a James Brown. '39. Alexander R. from Paris to tell ,t his one at no ntudent publication which has attempted to make medal givert Ter MTKADO was pertun one Chaim M. BoIeler, Jr. Sect. any exceptions to the principle of universal liability for good time la had by all as these weakeesses are Carman. 'M. Paul esekey. 71. emu since returning to his home tary • Treuurer of the Havarti. of the hid.t points in the history of the poked fun at William Chapman, 79 Frederick lel Morocco In 1940 English Theatre. military service. and that we know of several which of Manama D. C., has Society Foerster, 79, Charles A. Duck- His letter rays in putt. have Masted upon the rigorous maintenance and applihum ePPolnted as Haverford'e In these limn when nations keep telling their ett, '47, John W. Dorsey. '41. The operettas are Metal peculiar creations. cation of that principle. And we are .xions to let it be The pion are invariably something fantastically subject. that only that what Is done wain tise Gifford P. Foley. 72, David S. "Last year, I was in the army. representative in Me All Pennsyl• 'mown-and here we think we speak for the great mei. Intrimte and a oak ending is almost the rule. nation is proper. everything Mat other oaken. Fox. '42, Edward L. Gordy. 'M. accomplishing III, military sere earth Alumni Association In tin Capitol Cite. that of out dune I Male.. In Ice find to pluunt to extremely the is of It any In unwilling wrong, are part we being taken do ever Anyone who has ley of students at Haverford-that Albert W. Hall, '17, William IL lie a.m.. knows well that no one In Ms or her soroching which repruents a much more mature Herding. 'I& William T. Kirk Jr. O1 right, ad mei now a *Kea countenance any violation of the universal liability right mind would breathe such flowery lines, and position. namely th at not only is everything not 45. David P. Lowe. '45. Jahn C. lieutenant in the French Reserve George M. Yemen. will /ash principle even though it would well Inuit our own private there are many singers who are Just barely con. what It might be, but sane of it Is good material Marsh, '43. Charles T. Moots '22, tSignal Corps.,. 1 cant say I his internesta at Grusluds convenience to do eO. cpuld compose tinyteing mote lot jibes and Jokes. I don't mean to Imply that Samuel M. Murphy, '41, Wtnlaln liked any part of It. 'though. Hoapital Valhalla, Now York, folvillas Mat lowing hl. graduation from the tuneful than • wale. All in all, however, there Gilbert and S.M. should be thought of as great Pinch. '45, William W. Raub, 72, Array lite Is not for me. Second, as to the charge that educators are .lhehly is somehow a therm and freahness Main all of moralist., but Ida mean to Imply Oat they have Harris Shane, '31. H. Meads I was discharged last October thilvenilly of Minnesota concerning themselves solely with the welfare of their 1147 Gilbert and Sullivan that is refreshing to the ex- found a truly genius type of humor, • tene that and came up to Paris in order Mr. and Mn Robed P. Roche own intititutions: it is an educator's job to he concerned treme In these cloudy times. more of us in these due might well be arrested to find a job. For a while It am now residing at their recently with the welfare of hie own institution, and that concern of. work would I though as seemed and lire most impressive feature of Gilbert is anything but selfish. It is just unfortunate that only mita... home on Milt Creek EARL H. CMS= reultivan le the remarkable menu of humor Their malting an the educator himself is in a position to realize fully the et th not work Rd. In Ardmore. :B hird A the yE osirt ‘d E■nbass veland Alumni 1 . and civilization. dress is Box 146, MW Creek Rd. enormous responisibility he has toety out, and I took a job In a areal; Ardmore. Pe. the reexamine To preaerst, keep alive, and cority advertising agency. I am definite Lea discoveries and insight& which the mind of man has ly Interemed In advertising and Emden Road W. Allen is now hope to make rny career In it back in the Navy. Ills new an attained in the course of his history, and to keep intact But right now. rot beginning at_ and func- Mning that effective system of intellectual, phydress is Bachelor Officer HeedEMIS. the very beginning. and ritiaconstrile to than sical, and moral training which the Western World over better nothby New York Naval Ohl, like who quarters Deer Sir a good many centuries has evolved for the education In his lever to the NEWS of March 11 WIl. magnify any serape of information they hear President Mhite met with • Ire extremely herd to muse • yard. New York. topic of this nature-a trait which offers group of alumni in the Cleveland Bring in France and I intend to W. Ednion WItitsli• has -been of its leaders-these are the duties of the responsible helm Anders Mal... Oset "a • .ands row about a the women's rule is shameful and impairs ... the considerable Insight Into the pyschology of one area It a dinner held In the go bath to Morocco as soon as worldly with the American educator in a free society, and alongside of them the And of mime the universal ten. Cleveland Skating Club on March I know my Manua well enough. Friend. Servile Committw m le moral and ethicel standards of the college and the who displays draft quotas for April, 1951. seem to blanche away into. for there Is plenty to do then rael for several months His .1. swami" and Mated that "them is no valid rea- deecy of the college nun to exaggerate his ams. Insignificance. It often seems. at first glance, to require J. Howard Monis. '30. presided for anyone ambitious. dress is c/o A.F.S.C.. P.O.B. 564 son-at least no moral one-.for allowing women gory exploits doesn't help the situation. But the some stretching of the imagination to conceive how a far front being considered • and following the dinner In Once in a while I see Bernard Halls Israel. until May Lt when Mat remains fact to stay in the dorms longer than 10 Pm. spoke dethe who into White fall Dr. properly may activity and Michel Barret They Ire as leaves for work In the ran. college student's hotbed of "outright iminoraRty,e liaverseers reps al; After and Mew. both doing all right working In Office of the AF-S.C. where he Now this is • curious point of ferred category of being "necessary to the Maintenance baton Is good. The reception given Its alumni by at length on the allege will be located until next felt a nee which allow, the individual to act In ac- graduate schools and Weiner. concerns- can be brought the croup up to date on woe Boorcovering liesinees." Of the national health. safety, or inter<55;" one second the present college program and mnsclence ran hardly COM, taken az one point in evidence of this. awn his with cordance of .}tort far tot seems y consideration, that categoil plans for the haute. After his promise Quaker pralp.. And certainly one for the importance of that acti plea Anders" deribing Mr. period ac is reconcile It to question Milken 'the and undergrad. talk Revert°. the that s umpire. which uare his sufficient Integrity to exercise dam.n one restrictive rule-regartling wornen-with his which followed, the time-honored By now it Oil be wen that we are ikupporting two in his reletions with women "Impairs the repute. displeasureover the (allure a another-regerding and muchtraveled pictures of the There will be a numbsg of all rather opposed programai,we r.eognioS.the need for prelion a the student" less than the feeling expressed debiting. The simple fact le that few Americans Haverford • Swarthmore game Haverford men and their famines the largest gold. eating. mama' should population college the that paredness and hold by Mr. Anders that a Haverard man who takes a worry excessively about laws which fall to mn. were shown. Ming In the New York. New ed in Getheemane. There will, of play its proper part in that undertaking; and we urge woman to his room la doing ars'only for Immoral lain an element of moral obligation. Even our aturnnt present at the dinner Jersey. and Westchester are.. col., that the academic life of the country he permitted td rearm. I sot sum no woman gout I ever most distinguithed chianti feel no qualms over were: Arthur }IL Bell, 73, Rey 'Mabry evening. ApriI.19. 6:30 course, be aging of song., and Just oodles of tiffre continue without major disruption over the present brought back to my roam alter a date because acasionally parking overtime or throwing a A. Dore. '42, S. Thacker Fox. '49 pen. et the Town Hall ChM. 123 foe informal mixing. student sees Henry H. Gray, '44. Joseph M. she preferred hearing a Braluns symphony to cigar wrapper in the street If world cage. the end of which it unforeseeable. To imCity. York New St., 99rd West Mc FL Chillies 12, Dinner, tipe inetuded, will be standby the rest of the evening at Mother nothing wrong In drbtiting. he will probably drink. Hayman Jr.. plement hDth these polities At once, and to content all President Gilbert F. White 1010 R. Mont 33 for members of Ake class. O'NeMe or • Philadelphia night club over felt that Similarly, If he should fed that there la no Moral Guire. 79. Tiaras the different types of colleges-Serge and mall, highM. C. Morris, '23, Wit be the guest of honor and as en- 19461950 and 75 for all othea her reputation was harmed more by the pdvilege mason for a certain sociallyeecepted rutraints gontery, '22, -Me society has pro- standard and low-standard-is atit elk task. Some arIs Interlard led all wives. • rule barring them lam A. Prater. '37, J. Cecil Rowe, tertainment Dress imwomen. with by which than rule a relations dorm his in Me In being of T. Daniel Wright 79. J. How- vided none other than Paul I. families and friend. well be a, rangement whereby a student could 'serve his two years plied that Mb was sornethhig ea mulct not be from Ms dormitory of ter 10 pen. will have little ard Mora Jr., MA Muting Ition. Director of research for come., either before or after his undergraduate work, as he trusted to do. effect on his conduct. The Invention of such a Newell It Or Not world. • • Stall■ Itiptey's Jr...43. • regulation mold serve no purpose outer than to Choite-eeeme, however. feasible to us. Whateverlhe defamous archaelogist traveller, DeMet nabs this great occult. Regardieu of coat some who, like Mr. Anders. emphadee a lack of .ntidenee In the moral dand- Mr. Morns deserve. a great and uplorer who win exhibit Reservations should es made ef tails of the long-run program turn out to he, let chow deal of credit for Ma tireless el panel do not live on the campue may have heard, the ards and integrity 01 Haverford students • possible .rieue students now in college be allowed to bring their forts to make the dinner • sue many of his faadrilitine Maar, $0011 Havertord systern worics pretty wen-unleas met. present etudie. to Nome sort of orderly conclusion. And lei tle.tise.Near Bedineledhla litweeafw 48, was *LIZ ssoweer oest and for bbingeterini tars have taken a turn for the worse lo tite put ef moat immediate importance-let eomethIng be de- Page Two linverford, Pa.. Tuesday, April 10,1061 Haverford News AA.D. Warnock, '09 Dies In Ardm Dui ing of Medical A a ,vArAc,,,. Sour Grapes And Fair Play . . . Haverford Club Still Functions In Philadelphia ACROSS THE DESK Chicago Alumni Meet At U. Club Claude Namy, 47 Stays In France In The Editor's Mail ... Cle Hold Banquet At Skating Club Alumni To Meet In N.Y.C. • HAVIERFORD NEWS ormIng. April 10, Hal Sophomores Win Temple Shuts Out Golfers; FOrCIS Tie West Chester Interclass Track; SPORTS CALENDAR Tottedaj, April IS Really Gott ea Lehigh; Hems MN pas April WEST CHESTER LE ' PAGE THREE Baseball Nine Opens Season, Trounces Ursinus 10-4; 4 Big Innings Yield Easy 17-2 Victory Over Kings The Temple University golfers In their ercond match of Um Venn/ Ilasekall vs. MOP; completely spoiled Haverforda stoma the Bayern,ed gotten Rome, lila pm. 1951 opening gat Match. blanking deadlocked went Chester State Frillity, AprIl II Wurster's Hurling "LittleSlue Ledeboer Ledeboer Homers Taking sin lint plasm and 71 the Scarlet linkamen BO. The 1.41.11' College. 41bita an the 'Redly Golf ea New Ranh short but exacting Merlon West In Ursinus Rout; Behind 15 Clouts reinta. Haverford's Sophomore's OWL a ep t all Ala {Ingle. course It. pm. ther Vanity last Friday. The talked off with the annual Inter. matches and the three best ball l'eanta va. Boolutelii Squelches Kings Chandler Knocks 4 r me track meet held here last encounters on the wind...PI end wt. wenn, but the Riede:Punt. Home. at. OWL , as mitred short Pune Middy Old York Road Country hese not rad. and Saturdey. Sat..., April 14 Four big innings accounted for The Have:lord baseball rune In the clutch cost the &Inlet their re bY the Club course. hair with 63 points we Vanity Band. vs. Dees* all of Hayerfordis rune last Satfirst victory of the seaman. aunts Inc lent mason with III' Dynan.. Firm 73 antlers who copped but dose Eon, hal pal. urday as the Fords swamped Finn While the motion garnetnd John Dyntewski. Who has bete The Fords won three singles Ng colors, clubbing three Cramr Vanity Raab le GeMpetraegt Kings Collage. 17.3 at Njwcna r. firsts but Lacked depth and beaten only once Ina the past two matches, halved another, and sat pitcher. for ten tone and 15 hit.. away sound ill with 61. Bringing up years and recently scored hL vamd ere best ball encounter lee Vanity Tn. v. John EDP wrappedRoy to win the opener on the home up the der d. early, i-paint total. Freshmen their 41 fourth note to one. had little IM tear with 27 points were the kW, await rearing four runs Its the woad field, 10-4. Chandler and I.edehoer Freshmen. trouble In detecting,Bob Feeser and John Lag.. Rands - lareater Ma/41064 inning and adding five more in for linvonbard. Bon three poi paced the home team with fost 1,plaist Remo Sian for Mont number aim player. Al Ad., 7 Reser. playing number five, fired champloaahip va. Pee. the fourth to coast home heel and two hits respecuvely. Princeton. Lehigh. Hemel Charlie Wormers fine pitching. High individual scorer with end 3.Dyniewski fired • one over an outgainntwo-menner 57 to Put r 35 on the front nine .d lake hardy seed OS points was Johnke Hurtle. him semn up over Woo Chester's S.... April is He Indivklual innarloat finished with a 73 on the per 89 He took fiesta in the 130 yard Co-captain Solemn set the Balling - tareater Philwietphis There was no individual star In Roy Path. and the Fond freahmen Bears down in order In the open. Penn, the Ford's second straight victory. hampion.hip high hurdies in 18.3 amends, the . 5 and finished with an 63 and a 6Ina stanza. In the hottoin halt of Lain d pimp with 20- Vs'. pole Other low men for Temple were vietary. In the iamber six post. Princeton. Wash. Drexel every man ht the lineup Ewan. Ute frame the Folds want ahead null with 1014 feet. and the John Holmes 1751 and T. Tad don. EaMeton area the 15th and bated M the rout. Jack lade.. as Humanises long fly to right high Bump With a The bap- A del 1791. Adam and Dick Huff 17th hale In defeat Jerk Kutner. Don Chandler, Don Beo..1,and man, who played number loaf for cord Garr.° who had tripled mad In the low hurdles, fourths The Haornted pear a lac Charlie Wurster each contributed to km. Chandler followed with • the discus and hundred. and • the Porde, both uWed We to lead won beat ball. S and 4, with a net er more hits to the total of deinle to right. but wu stranded 0th In the Javelin plus half a the losers. fifteen racked up by the victors. of 73. the day.; beat bail low. Huffman C.411 as liollin.head rolld out to the unt for running on a Oilloglene 1111. , I J n ot alS , naln th: fleet afauterz After a quiet first Inning. tho Huffman was matched pitcher. age.. lay team completed hleAconnt R roof fell in on starter Lloyd The Maln Leers MM. Iwo The only other double winner Holmes, mid, after Mottling Me Adam of Hayerfold, up. The Smith In the scrod. Two eel. Owl's 38 on Me last Font number one player mimed more In the second inning. lark H the meet was senior John Bell. and • bunt mingle by Broad!)ell Haver. .era putts on the 17th and um Loden.. powered the big blow, a pd. erne. country captain nine. succumbed. 5 and 4. loaded the bases with no. out long homer to righteenter, in that A three man Ford fencing One run weir. on Broelees By it the hall In a Beet two ford, Art Lei... Playing ..tu- holm that anal hien a halt Fled Inning. Brownell scored the other minuted flat and at.wan the ber three, was walloped by Ted captain Paul Sterner. plodne mond went to Om University at o right, and alter the bases were Ma. Se aaa. Wanes run on • wnik, tingle and wild Mle 4:43 .5. He linishyd with Tarldet 9 and & Huffman and number two, lost to Bob Stroh, 2 Illinois to place 161h out of 54 fele.. whin Smash threw to last beat ban. 5 and 4. . scores from third on his second inning ground rule pitch. and 1; Sterner's 81, howeter, was entering mains to the NC..e..■ Nisi too late thirteen ;elms with a third In Wurstees Ford Caputo Pout Sterner. low for the Ford. Skull and Slidt Fencing Championship bald on the two mile. 4 Ran Ile. homer fo last Wednesday's opener against Crams Ave Richle unloaded grounder. swinging in the number two slots linger won best ball for West March 3031. The trio consisted P.M • Stead.. hem with a long double to right The visitors came hack. In the Letinboor is now batting .755 lost a close mat. to Frank Gran. Chatter. 3 and 3. at Co.captain Karl Spaeth. saber, yoph Joe Stein won the two center. top of the third to wore tin bar. 2 and 1. Dyniewskl and Gnu. A Roger missed Jonea, short epee, pull and on Harman the ells run In 11.03. teak seconds fie on tass wis, two hits and Theron's renewed their attack e the mile and halts third In the bet won best ball aver Adam and 18th by the Fords' Bob loam. ?"'"nn. loam two innings later on Me hat'. playing number three. ye. Hen- n'We'ed tarter and Murth In the Inge Sterner, 5 and 4 second thrower, Joe Jinn. Ten M. had. a 'h. Mad Him Fem.. of wtu during the MOW ry MAIM.. of West Chester • lump to finish second to Hume „,,,a to the awe in this Wes ts mason lat each amp.. In Individual honors with 17 At the number five position Ed hall. Dick Huff*. of Haven lar Inning and five M them seared Taddel nipped freshman Bob turd beet Al R•yrtiond In the 11allunbla Chew. points. Ira as the Kings College defense fell Jack Garrity turned In • stand. Fener. 2 and L Rhinle John number four potationth• lgth Columbia finished as NCAA apart Charles Minter opened Starter Lampeter was removed ES LEE MOSGAS tut peffOrnitente in the quarter. Eaglet., who. along with Feemr with a hooey S and the Fowl pair Chan... searing 69 points. the attack by Waling out a drib the Tigers Are rwilaidered to have for • pinch halter in the Hewn' The University of Penneylmnia bier toward when ben and tek- Thls spring the Philadelphia t. be twinin the country two eon upsurge in the math. It me fleet sophomore sprinted to ad LeMold, was playMg his first loes best halt 1 up. This week the Fords tan.. tites. Wend 04th al. Navy third mg second Lamer Club has been holding t lead he neverrelinquished and golf match for the Forts, lost at - when Street, throw Saturday they dumped Mount was donne this rally that Ford son In 53.1 mounds, Burt number six. 5 and 4. to Temple's with Lenten and Fred. the Le- with II. New York thesonity was wild, Shortstop Smith then raltdar practice sessions an the Washinnton of Baltimore. Cramel master Ilenenon was relieved by :alders 101 hundred wan very Roger White. Eaglemn and Reeler high match being herd this alter 'Mirth .1.11 PI and lint/serene of bobbled Mettles simple Merlon Soccer Field We..." Swim Open Charon... by a WS Warmer who relitd the side on noon on the Merton weal coon. Illinois finished filth with 56 fer navy In the year a• loan beat ball 3 and L er and two men wen on. Wu, Samrdaya and Manage. The two eonwettli‘e slidaMULS. ended Bamford and Be vas Karl Kumm's 23.1 performstet scored on Ganlson, Infield stele. Megglas The game usell. one of the ended 111 • sixteenth place tie. out, but Hurtublo flied to left ram was formed this winter by me In the 231 Humes came group of men in the ergs in oldest In existence and the nation. Isel.t. Pears' .w pucker, retire • 'coring 39 paints apiece. Imes behind toovertake Solder for the anon out •nd tones Spaeth won 14 and ket 14 to seemed to he out at trouble. His erested in the game. and practice al Apo. 01 Vaned,. 15 an ancient ed the side in osier in the stank old Halpern In the lest fifty finish fountenth while Jenne Infield continued to plague tam. alerted in &Smarr. Early mr.77 Indian snort rernrining the sped but the home aluggera renewed Md. The Sephornorea strength placed twelfth with n the dashes melded them to 1514 however. Chandler got a life mugs mile held In the Swarth. or hockey. the science of basket the attack In the ....nth with a record. Hathion didn't fair as when Myers erred no his boom- raore held hour prior to the ball, and the roughness of fool. walk. and three omeln to more 'like the 880 yard relay. A teem Harry Bair has been eleeted regular schedule which began in bell. three rune, Chandlers amend welt winning only an out ot imam. of Seidel, White, Gar the new chairman and Ted Cur captains er, and aver Honing... walk. will enome the players White net part of the timer. double drove two mans tank. by. and Kamm ran the distance ran the new secretary of the In who wall the Fond M... bad ed. Ledehoer smashed • tong March. participate in the weekly Teem Boast* Mori Koper... ford Athletic program. there are across In the eighth to give them n a very capable minute and 35 A t hie t I e Committee. matches and will •Jao be reapanah their bright moment. as Jones triple mom, non more tattles. The club Is teach. by Joe WWII Many their ten to lour Margin stodehts and 11110,111ed monde. Bair and Curran replace and Get. hie Ter t. presence of the downed Eastern Intertailftline Jack then sawed on Broodbelt's who played college lactose In the former Mayen who wand late to The Pard'• outlook ments Champion Ulm-heck of Navy. infield hit, Result. in the held everts were MD and Bob Whitaker as the chosen team at the matches. and Thomas Of NW. who UP be In the filth inning. the ...- kinks. Moot er.nbsto are redo me the Noon organism! hen. II bright for the season Il their fieliP mi up to those to the running. einlet organizers of Intramural Rena. o I a ahorhare of ten.s ate etudents al venous local col ie felt that Haverlead could mom lag Impeovaa Hrberten started The res../ activities. The program or Ulna courts, ladder matches. and gen- Thal Woe had won eighlms rd. ended Wurstees hopm for tenet who played the game at Nan hold Its own with various weIt. but hla back started to matches, by klentleal • shut our so Bern..Windosilier GPM alma meters. sports during the spring eral metro.. clam= through. straight 'Sricist Mural area colleges. mom. trouble him in the third. Wunter singled in a run, but a four nut Ronnie win he molded around en mean& out the week. the Minimum! tenReno of liavertord Spaeth had en exciting match did an excellent relief Joh Mang eel softball schedule and tennis. nm will be able to play with Kriden of Oahe.a who Ford uptiseUt In the sixth ended doss of 104 Is • regular manlier only 13 men In 12'9 Inning, any doubt as to the game's re. of the team. He play. high Later . , Seven twelve man teams have only one match • week. A match CONTEST WINNER been chosen for the :softball will require Mar Players and win finished amend. but lost 45. Milt Four 50114 singles added to .hool ball at Towsnn theh. near Iliek Huffman gumard HAMMY, II Manson also had a be match within one point of the IS g:p1,..t7Y;ft!' '- Bogue. Of Me set-en teams two consist of two singles and one with the loll champion. Nielsen, two walks gave the victors there RIIMMOre. the lacrosse capital of tame. In the hoer half of the will moment each of the upper doubles match. The intnumiral hit told the hoed nine mil. who bas won the title for two Snni. an Infieid angle eel Iwo the nation. rt,7411"70,44111A. ed eosin each of Iwo week, minuet. is 1 141 the.met end one the freshman tennis enenntittee Is composed Of Straight years, Losing 5.4. Early Tiles Drape. Chem. Intiekt num molted in the lanes gam. be win • iorton of The team dropped us first Sawa 1 Nada eWtt I Ma- dam. A playing teem mill fie coin. gain Colman. Bud Getman. John t=.11t final score. 1•M1e.lertirld rigaweltm to Dmd of nine idel'en mid l Burge, Steve Saha and Km game to Swarthmore by a 126 . Itati 1. VAN: S.A..% Al Just ear anew. the visitors scot, ten as stands. softball rules call the kambell gum, . tud • count and lost the Mat amount. Mow are: 1. landlwat rant & Mr. • er four more tellies in the ninth. to Prinrtoon, posse... MS vat held 1.1 um4, smordand Gelman. tne retiring elute The expended schedule pro tun of In this frame, Clundler and Hur- Better tuck is startected later Ing to an ansouncentent the Intramural Commlb tIRAINTS mbise worked a double steel, Hun attest ouch trams as the Mary. vides three mund for can team de, Inns by venoms Theater 1=1411 trx..Ytrl. was awarded a vanity let. lubise pilfering home after during every week. The schedule. ter at the winter athletic coilen field agoat Obewnipt thin Club. University Chandler had drawn a throw land Lacrosse Whirl isalready fixed for the lion in recoil-Mien of hia work of The serails reale, of Pennsylvania. Annapolis LeJimmy mills. mentor of the while stealing an-ond. wa is entire year. also provides an es. will cotwist of • meal the Commiltm. mma* Club. Penn State. and Le. Inc Haverford soccer squad and the Wigan. M This game did not glee much tra week in which all pmtponed Mie. or 1. total manner Philaelelphd Nationals, has been of an hidingne at he Ford's high University. Coach Paul comof hlto to he made One , by Me rib am mint rent CaaPoNlafr games will . played and finally Weld d aelected to coach the HSI Foil ability. for Kings College could ments that • wealth of individual lime for the Important playoffs. Havarti.. ball men le he material needs only ‘'• t'Swar /Mat 1 RU. cricket XL Athlelit Director Rey offer 1...nowa The Intramural softball comnlitlittle competition. Despite week. Guesem for Na Pk*. r th fight' machine. • smooth. Raliall feels that Miihowill add the fifteen hits on the scoreneek. Mew Stemeiie .' ral real mat L DWI calat 1 WM tee tonal/as of Ken Dolbeare. Bob The Inc to swardtmore 4 ao the proper backbone of dIaciptIne Haverford did not show inneres t.ta t • Wiwi CU, 1. haw 140, • Whitaker, Berry Bak, and Hark Nina. Into nick nierenint. bibuted to Mem:erten,. The eh. to the teem. .. . sloe betting power. Only two hits MA Llsafelt, IS Lloyd. by noon Wednim erne.. together but seise Illegals. Ranter Gam were for extra bones. and many The terms program cells for Practice Inc the opening tennis i rote the game and delen. woo After • Week of practice Me were of the infield variety. This one team Isom each class and mat.. agolmt lihzeknell weak. The Princeton score watt mood I. ahaping up well. The week s games with Temple and eight members on men squad. and Gettyaburg SaturdayFri mud roster of live bowlers wilt Drexel shnuld give • much better vomewhnt 06 • surprise In spite Wrs .Sralta .L03.0. Captain. of the tennis squads slowed hr wet weather during of the lopsided dechtion since probably be filled by speed bowl. line on the Ford, ponalinlitlea. Ma: 17Heew 11;1: . e late n t an: for the smear., Larry Auten- the early days of the past wmk HAMIntiono refill: Juniors, Dick Stead; sopho but is now In full owing. 'Ills en An. Jones and Amer Singh medium-pace control bowler n„,, . notasm t. . mores, Jerry V. Ski.; and mire though .11 soft have been Howard Thytorond last years .ront 4. ` freshmen John Kelly.. These mannered and will be In excel, Mitten Vic Sowers Heiress glop and Ban .1.17,4741.7.. sa. MMHG HAVEMPOLD lent condition within one or two Chase. A Jew other men show ..en.: NEN SINCL MN wee.. good pro tae of development Team Plate Average Hits .379 Mark M. I*. Awn PM TIM. am i Lake Beale. mtri. aaamw rasettd MY. Dicing the present week Coach Although molar practice in As Six Players Bat Well Over .300 Bramall 1 I has arranged Inc chal- the nets has not yet alerted, the &Ira,. groanst.ra , Haverford boseballteam shows lenge matches in order that the team seems to be well equIpled on impressive batting average at the thed men, with an even 300 singles positions may be deter. with batsmen. Veterans Jura Bryn Mores Flower Shop et their first two games. °able batting mark. mined. An arbitrary ranking has and 4owera and Freshman Sloth. rAVIL. et ing their oponents by .139 point., The pitching has looked med. placed vanity contenders In the who had a prep mbool average Hag.. B. T. WWI.= by support three men. over the especially Wunder who has tan following order: Theme, Bellingof 67 Tina per game. are expected 300 Mark and three more In the nedigkven and only allowed one er. Deacon. Eberly, Weston. to do tome heavy slugging. Bob Bass Mawr. I. VA:Ltta Me Haan Jerk ladelmer. sopho free Tame. Although giving up Rotes., .1.1.,-Csakey, and Han Collins has oho,wn some of la. bore fleet bowman• leads thy twelve hits. Charlie has kept rho. • Seer. power in the nets, and alatst• cam with a high .750 average, e- them well scattered and allowed A captain for the Wone team "Stonewall." Al McKenzie Is te11P0 1-3 Ltwei4el d' eal • SO luding a home run and triple. only two run, ii.erton also will be chosen after the sod Meted td be able to keep his Inn Chandler, Juntor rIghtfield pitched well until he weakened in match. Thom., Bellinger, and wicket up. CLIT4M tattala4n.Aar. ' B. is second with a S45 percent. the- drib against Ilreln. How. Deacon will act as captain alterOther rnen working for pest. m: wndm. ire which !need. three double. ever, the Fords main worry natively during the first three tens on the learn arm Dick Gun• Ned baseman Don Broaribelt seems to he poor fielding. matches. After the third match dry. kart MUMS. Pete Schmitt weans. Thies ems no-Leistims. BATTINS VZSAJS1115 be permanent raptedn shall be John Benton, Mickey Winn, and chosen by the varsity members Freshmen Bob Clark and Chris 71" a s 5.11. I US custom of the team. Early season pros- Hansom and Don Kirk. nit pects Indicate well.rounded Although the Athletic Depart. 116 Cricket Ave. l sn a. new wined displaying depth in the went will net supply funds for Mr Piranha in 3 Ardmore, Pa. seri. and among double mine wen (me., there Is • possibility w t Thom: ABD610nk IBM 17473424P bin/alone. hat It the team shows ability en P i LSW . et invitation to play Harman C. C. aillsrardawi ATL Hume Scores 291/2 Blade Trio Places Midway In NCAA Championship List Phila. Lacrosse Club Plays ::„ez;.„N.:„vv,de,-„, ,,: At College; Open To Fords I Intramural Softball Loop To Support Seven Teams Mills To Coach 1951 Cricket XI A ="gi! Tennis Challenges Start Season . W oss. au 141::'-.1.-1" 117. A. VASSALLO JEANNETrs• "'117:e.rfer' LlraV "lt'I t r ..alr THEo#1111110(11 rlltr4 Loalr° ai\ ''•"" lettr I"; Lokeit Ldirot. Emden, sm. eibuter Henkels & McCoy 1. Contractors is . ek Philadelphia t Cambridge may he accepted. On 4ins Dills & Wadsworth, Inc. tar CHEV•01.,133 maim km. Inn Lam.. Am. MTN Maws S•30 Colorful Hand-Painted View of Haverford,Library On Italian Imptiked Majolica • ASHTRAYS IlAVERFORD PHARMACY Hayford Penasyllinhis Prescription. /315 Postpaid Drugs and Sundt/as M.B.C. IMP/Fie. Rea 41, Haverford, P.. nen. Ardmore 0122 In Florham. North Carolin. the EMLEN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE • .1" oa the campus it a favorite modem gathering spot. At the * the COUNTERPOINT The Germantenvn. Chestnut 141/1. and Whitemanh Main Line and Chester Conan/ 14 W. Eviirgreen Avmua CHESTNUT HILL. OFFICE Wissahickon 7.3750 Game W. Moles OH MAIN LINE OFFICE 175 W. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore 4350 Alan I. Esnlen tar. impede drink. With the university mood ar 10011.. mwith everyarowd---Coke belong. Haviar1 ord. - Maier Literary Magazin* S lemma -5140 Be/4 Ask for k Mks wey Trade-.sort wean the lame letne. •or.n uen Lamour( , eat co., coot CO, A43 13 tot war.. cat-La...a, - se.atrealleniesada Somers Introduces New Deferment Issue Plan For Comprehensives Not Yet Clear BY FRED MUTH Mallon: and that It will be fairer A new method of dealing with comprehensive examinations has heeti•se It rovers a gnome, been introduced in the Political mom.nt of lime and week. Science department this year by The comprehensive examine Prolleuor Herman M. Somers, lion is not • retest of material head of the department. Former. already covered In ear lie r ly comprehensive examinations In courses, It Is employed l0 reel this department and most others Whether a man sees the inter. on the Haverfoni College campus relationship between the various have consisted entirely of a writ roursu which he has taken in ten examination designed to Ms department. The new system. determine the student's knowl. by Offering mpplementary nos edge of the course material as an tercel dealing with the whole Intertelated whole. The new pro broad arta of hellticel grant Is an expetimental attempt wick the accent on the content. to improve this by elaborating pinny Issues in the field, Is de stened to help clarify this cone upon the present procedure. baton of previmody acquired he Contlame Men Page Maids, Porters Spark BMCJunior Weekend BY JIM GISAWFORI) The annual Wields and Porters Show, presented last Saturday night at Goodhart Hall, climaxed the pre-Prom even. of Bryn Mawr College's Junior Weekend. This year's production. the Cole Certainly kept up the Bryn Mawr Porter musket Anything Go.. tradition by turning in • Mad. followed Friday evening's square tinting cerformance dance and the Sophomore CarniThe show featured a myriad val on Saturday, afternoon. of greet Jokes and goce mega. Cut Shows Spirit Among the later were -Bon ...dAnything' Gore despite Voyage". "AN Throsgh the elisted ring at 3934'. hest humor. Night", "Lady Fair-. which proved a colorful and tuneful featured a miler's hornpipe. and Vehicle for some excellent Renee show-stopping "Anything amateur talent. The show has an Goes". -You're the Top" showed • hundance of top-notch songs the. group at its choral best aa which called up MI the byplay did the Gilbert and Sullivan and muscat talent that the highstyled 'Public Enemy Number cast had to offer, and the ▪ direction of Margaret Glenn and Jones Stops Show pinch-hit musical direction of beery Lee Culver made the best of both the spirit and the music. Laulne Jon.. as Reno Sweeney, a resting torch Flinger. stole the show with her acting and ringing In such numbers as "Anything Goes.and "Blow, Gabriel Stove'. Carl Smith, playing the Part of the prim and proper Sir Evelyn Oakleigh. gave a truly profession. Si Mterptetatlon at "I Get a Kick Out of You", and AloYalue Mackey. an Billy Crocker, acted g with marked, ability d • strong and pleasing bass voice. Ras Comedy, Kiek Chores Hope Harcourt, as played by Barbara Draper, showed a quiet premntation of emotions In • basically dladgue pert. In paint nt spirit. Pearl Rotunda led the field in enjoying her ',Maine and action; het portrayal of Mrs. Her court shoved a real understand. In, of the part. George Bryan. M Res. Dr. Moon. show. himself a find-rate comic In the pe 11 fa tit pert of th the Cote Porter thug. Bernice Jones and Farlyne Savage, as leans and Charlie. Made a goad totele team. The CapUtin. Louis White. played kW pan with the necessary impress gag SAYERS SPORT SHOP Lenneete• Amuse me Narterant. Pa. Tops for the show was Retires Gahriel Blow., Louie@ Jones should have given ue another encore. Moon's acting saved an otherwise poor fang In "Be Like the BluebinV. Sir Evelyn was at his best In the re. prise of "I Get a Kick Out of You", and the finale including the kick chorus, proved that the melds and porter were always reedy to give the audience what It wanted. JOHN TRONCELLITI BARBER SHOP 16 Anderson Ave. teen So renew andesedi Also in Founders Hall Mon, WIC FA TELELVISION Some. Selmor Se n. Ye Wenn H. ROYER SMITH CO. el.. Wane, Ruud eller IMO A Walnut SM., Phila. Open Wed. Even WAlnut 2-2625 N UR April 5 The GIVE The TO THE IICSF! R. N. Lowry Early Awriesa Furniture Bought — Sold Restored Albrecht's Flowers ARDMORE Corsages At ReseerAle P.m SNOBS ARDMORE NM ADAMS RECORDS REPAIRS PHONOGRAPHS M. Immeaarow Ann AS. Ifee Sill HcCALLITHSTREL'T HAMBURG HEARTH NM LANCASTER AVII. proadalpai to. Pa Moen diermanteme SAM BRYN MAWR LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS— MAKE THIS M LONES5 TEST YOURSELF AND OET WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS arotou Ahura U at eat. ei Staittlal '53 Hummer Courses Study and Travel rre nenortunny to IL/e7 -7 raMNI,VJurt. *pub., ellen net is ellerever M'ent'fiaeln?"rritel:e"11:. a- kr ag.;'i.2'",>7.;.""t dud.. 74'74 Pal* TRUR19. ler. eee one Are. Nur Vert U. Rare Pheasants. Peafowl, Deer; Many Other Birds and Animate Picnic Grounds Provided Refreshments and Souvenirs for Sale YOUR WEEKEND GUESTS DESERVE THE REST HA RFORD COURT HOTEL Haverford, Pa. A40. . 'Mar A 15.0 Knee RADIOS—RECORDS RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS Debaters Plan Unusual Contest University of Madrid Visit SHADOWHURST FARM ZOO Glen Moore, Pa. me. fight April 4 At Its Annual Dinner rnMatiens would be held and set the dates of May 26. June A and June 30 for their adminiaMrdtg, which will be done by the Eidui rational Traling Service of Princeton. N. J. Mom-ford Cot ege was mecifkd an test renter number 909; the tests will be eh,. en here an all three days listed. College students were advised to obtain Selective Setelee spoil. cetion forms 106 end 107 from any local boa. Ati far as pant Me. the service will adhere to students' preferences In assigning Perry Dunsheath, cheerier of • hem the time sod place at their telegraph company In London, ests. Applicants will be finger. and leader of the group, said that printed to make certain that the he and his colleagues had found oMy persona taking the test are Havertord's program and attitude those authorised to In so. Anystrikingly diffennit from that of body found cheating win he die. the ether colleges they had visit missed summarily. Them will he second chance given on the ed. and saki that he felt they ts for any moon. wound find It a iieorrective,of The administration's deferment many of the ideas that they had formed of the best mean, of co plan hat eno;untered comiderable operation between Mdustry and criticism from the press as wet) an in Comment. The principal obuniversity. jections laid against It are that stains, those un, t able to attend college for finan. Mt reasons and that It will Omit too save sly the manpower avall. able m the armed force,. Other criticism are that ender am an elm of nubs-relent superiority. &Aetna& criterion on which to A general level of good acting bane draft deferments and that it and spirit. participation marked le difficult to mesaure Intent the entire cast, all at whom Hence through multiplechoice would be worthy of mention in • emotions of the type to he sled longer review. The kick chorus In the quallfteetion test. tes Leis.: Richard G r re nwoo d. Senior Prom Consent.: Edward other niembem Kenneth Dolt., president of Reed. Chatrinan; Series of Musical the old council, opened the mem to be appointed soon. 10 o'clock Club: James Coate. general ed. Ing by giving mine Yim Contain. Cone Smelters vim to the new munch and wishing It luck during the aiming tad James liwienn. Chairman; BY JON tiarrISRACHISS Year. Robert Chase green Oriel Sydney Cone, Jerry Van Sickle. Nltlmlac Slonlmiky netumed to treas.., report. Ddthesre and Jonat h•n Guttmacher, Peter John Haverford teat Sunday for the the other members of the old Seemits, Amer Singh, fourth In • serin of make, paw council left, turning the meeting Kelly, John Burma Peter Londe., John Wont. grams Last year Mr. Sionimaky aver to Gerald ?mind, the new Peter Tapke, and Facing Bends Nciticeln Al Stern entertained us with comked ' president, Ned, President Frettnd oserks about modem musk Tide Tile new council le composed year his remarks concerned Use of to following: Gerald Freund. brought up the question rf ate and music of Verdi on the Peel Id e t; Robert Crkillow, whether or not Haverford should the National Students' As. Min commemoration of the fiftieth as Treasurer: David Caaliefl. Seem IthlerbXy of the composer'. death. tary; Robert Cabo, '52; Nick relation. . . Speaks at Alumni Dinner. Other apealceM Wert Robert Collins suggested the ahOwe as by Sloolinsky. Mr. '03; Harrel, John '52; Norton Whittel1'. Cooper, S. B. Macintosh, A. President White, la. year's performance and reds Montgomery Furth, '54: SOM.. council look Into obtaining metre my, and J. F. Glimmers. station cards for Haver.ed me one, has the true entertain.. Seep. dents nest year. ear of toting his audience. But Rodger Euster requested • bav an both oecastotut Mr. Sloolmsky at S75 for hi. Theatrebsthe The council again dim... the went overboard. While his re- Round horn dm mooed. The Honor System, and the meeting marks kept the auMenee's amen. Council deed. at postpone lotted with a &mouton of the don. little information was 00- definite action on the Man unlit method that Mould be used in as !tined. We learned Verdl died at Continued Perms Ihtge 1 easing students for property • later meeting. • damage. 2:50 on the morning of January Ned. -the council began eon the end nor the beginning of one 27. 1901, that he had smell pas. For the rest of this semester, education. The responsibilities of that Ms mother gave birth in a bet sidering impoIntments. Numerous Students' Council meeting. Mg a Haverford graduate according fry while hiding from Napolonge suggestions of members for the be held In the thUnCil Mem in the to Dr. White. include a firm on troops. that as a youngster Verdi various committees were made, Union et 6146 on Wednesday ittemnoe to "rest.n the inquiring broke the piano .th • hammer and in some maw definite age ights. Students are welcome at mind or m harden the sensitive while trying to find • C chord. pointments were made. Y meeting they windm On Thursday evening. April 12 heart" Rut as to Verdes musical up. The meeting cloned with a die Items to be elenualled In at 13:00 p.m., the Debating SoThe success with which these bringing. his life. personality. mutton of the Students' associ- meeting of April 11th include Ill ciety of Haverfoni College, in altimportant responsibilities ate temperament, and the influences &Mat Conatitution and the Honor method of assessment for cooperation with the Haverford met. he said, win be shown "In on his music. there wert few ne. System property damage. 121 ate dances chapter of TX.A., will held a the qualities of. integrity and marks. Mr. Slonimsky. however. Intendonn dames. end parliamentary VW' debate. morel courage which you show In did discuss Use composer's remtopic will be: Resolved, that the your own communitien" For the nitrated opera plot constructions The meeting was opened by United States should adopt the roan who demonstrates these, and Verthe present favor In the President Gerald Innen. The Hoover foreign policy Plan. services to the coilege will follow eyes of modern compose.. ale council held a discusalon with speakers will be chosen from more or kw naturally, as la the though the speaker did not make Charles Robinson. whom It had Bryn Mawr and Haverford col- netting of examples for prosper. too clear Mat what this meant. coneldered for chairman of the It seems that Wagner In the culleges. live students In future year. Customs Committee. After this The point of holding this t31e Alumni Secretary Bennett mination or the German school discussion. the mune. voted of debate is that it hu been de. Cooper clued the evening with a became so complicated and thick unanimously to appoint Robinson MS. recently Mat • form of de. short talk M which he mid that textured that It is hard My any as chairman. at at bating involving audience partict he had greatly enjoyed knowing further development in that The Customs Committee men pallor should be tried. In this the Class of '51, end that he was rection. while the plain Th elected by the eimicm eve style of debating, it Is permits l acking forward to hearing fee: ed Verdi gave an example of sins folkoww Philip Baur. Andre ObR for a member of the mall- quently from them In the futon. pitchy easy to work with so as Brio& Robert Cote. from the cam to interrupt and question the Among those he mentioned as to be able to distort She totmlity dam of "52: her Dv k speaker. and also to speals standing out partkularly in his Into 'that of the modem school. netts McCurdy. Chance Robituon, theory this with trouble only The with. he something has sell If he recollections of the last four from the class at '53; and Richard es to say. The exact procedure years were "Sant Moose. and Sol Is that • very small and instgolli. Edward lioLlIngaworth, Bourne, will be explained lust before the — that into of the basketball cent part of modem music Is the William Watson from the el.. debate. court. Pete, Bud, and the rest tonal distortion of 19thcentery of '54. It Mould be noted that this of then!. Beta Kappa boys from melodies. The council also made Me However Mr. Slonlmsky's sm. type of debate is generally more the Tower; eGII Leib, the St. Peteodotes wens amusing if net too lowing appointments. War Interesting, and the larger the er of the dining hall." .Ifying. He was very ably&Bei.- Memorial scholarship Commitaudience, the better the debate. All in as, Mr. Cooper mnelud, ef Verdi tee: Reber) Seeley. Chairman; If anyone is Interested in tens ed. 'being an alumnus of Haven . In the preeentathe and Mr. William Watson and Tom Wilson topic of importance end wishes ford le just about the next beet arias by Mi.WhIternore of Vocel Student Affairs Co-ordinator: to attend the debate, he will Ming M being an undlegmd- Xing from the Academy Met Norton. Faculty Women'. At be moat =Retied fish the realm. 11.0 Seniors Meet With Alumni British Visitors View College The department twitches that this proem= will also have see onder/ values. It Is hoped that It will create a stimulus for the etu e dent to begin to deal with his mnsprehensive examinations earlier than a few weeks before they me, n that It will fire him a better idea of how to organise his preparation; that n .11 re. Move the element of terror created by the great Orem laid upon the results or a single final emu. MINUTES Of The Students' Council Fourth in Programs Feature Sample Arias particular program of study. Dr. White's one criticism was that the program made no provhdon for ose unable to attend college on account of financial difficulty. The new system consists of a Iwo hour seminar meeting every other week. comprialng all of the seniors majoring in Me depart. men, This addition to the comprehensive examination involves reading which cuts erre. the field of political science, as well as related suhjecut. it has a double purpose: it helps the s dent to organise his blinking Idt the written examination. and it antial portion rut a subst of his grade. thereby assuring I him that this grade will reflect benefhi I we, the fiat time any sees baseball played. his work and pardelpetion In the on n'helh had Inspired Sy Benham seminars. Several of the men found a Tills year's seminar is small, sourse of Inspiration in the great comprising mile thirteen atie Professor dents. Each meeting is attended work or Physics regularly by at least two pro- Thomas Benham. who although fessors of the Political Science blind has lucerne a noted specialof electronics. department 13r. Somers feels ist In the field that 'this two-part system is far David A Anderson, director of College In mom satisfactory than basing a the Royal Technical the achievethat' said Glasgow, mania grade for four years of work on a single two cloy written ments of a man who had over. come such a handicap made him examinat ion. feel -humble and insignificant". Will Clarify Meld Slonimsky Treats Life And Music Of Verdi In Talk Donald E. Wilber, '24 ... For College Men Penang Oracle unorncial Considerable gerdbility is allowed in the plan. The Selective Service Directini could, require either a given class standing or a given were or both, for a deep ment. While no standing or amen was officially announced as big lag fixed so the required one, Informed sources expected that 6666,6 6. t he upper half. two-thirds, and three-fourths '1ff present fresh, man, sophomore. and junior class, respectively. would be at lowed to continue In college, and that a scone of 70 would be require ed on the qualification test to tender a man eligible for deferment monaural from Page t A score of 70 would correopond visiting laboratories and Muses. ea ma. of 120 on the arrned and one group watched an inning form quallficetion test. of a pick-up baseball game that General Hem., made known Coach Randall put on for their acme L000 centers where the ex The. Tuesday, ApeII A, lin HAVERFORD NEWS PAGE F01/16 The Main line's finest hotel offers metropolitan hotel luxury in both living and dining excellence. Treat your visitor to a delicious dinner staved is the distinctive Hain Line manner. DDIING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Jabs A. 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