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PHILIPS BEQUEST, LARGEST. IN - COLLEGE . HISTORY, ADDS ' TWO .... MILLION DOLLARS T 0 ENDOWMENT The berM.t of a single alumus has recently added approximately 52.000,000 to the endowment fund of Haverford College President Gilbert F. White announced during Corn, Mernernent SereM011iet hriMildttel Hall this morning. The stun, equal by itself to almost Otte third of the entire endowment as of earlier this spring. represents the residuary relate of the late Mr. William Pyle Philip], '02, Haverford's Largest Gift It is in addition the large. Single bequest ever received by Haverford during its entire 118 year Mastery. Mr. Philips' will which has been involved in legal settlement proceedings since his dentin last. December, provided that his entire residuary estate, after the dispel of certain payments and other obligati., should be invested as part of the Greatest Benefactor ureatest Benefactor ... endowment. The principal is to remain untouched, and only the income from it lee spent by the College. Books, Lederer, Periodicals ...roxlmately halt this to ,,, tu:hs,.. er ,s. pas , el a ted. must lo p.„,... one , or cm oyoreit. a e. am .T ZAt a ea Q Aa VOLUME pp, NUMBER 23 ANDBIOITZ, PA., SATIIILDAY, RINE& 1931 Marquis Childs Addresses 138 Graduates; And Russell Honorary. Degrees :Go To 125 Receive Bachelors Degrees; Davison Awarded Highest Honors ALUMNI DAY 2:110 pm. Cheyney's President' Receives LLD; Russell Gets LH. D. aea Hill V`adH" " ten a'a‘a'a Mehl ffi.001.12 YEAR Te.aute Room of the Library rare books which the coilege mold not otherwlse aequ Ire. Ill To bring to. the College distinguish. scientists and statesmen ler lectures or lecture series, for courses If IM struction. for m.o.,, for reseoreh, or for other aradernie Rare Collection Of Valuable Volumes Willed To College Additional Gift By Philips Pu7 Includes Orig inal Binding D. Tosubsrase Important .."5.5.5 55.5.5.. learned periodicals. both do Of Cervantes' Quixote Bs. MB play John H. GNI. Gilbert F, White [hie morning conferred meads and Moo.. of the Receiving honors, degree. .31. Bachelor's degree ole the 125 members of the Claris of 1951, Coming to tho College in core various hontanttles and scifrom Havertord College as pan with the unpreeedeotrd end Kanter*. degrees on thirteen graduate students. The ences. to pumhase back nume the ee...-"emeet l'eneaed- J Cricket mulch. Corte FM.; awarding of degrees constituted the principel part of Haverbequest ben of men periodicals, and to e fr. uuth whose announcement the best or the shun. vs. the W. In Roberts Han dna mom forsTa Commencement ceremonies held in Roberts Hall. sheen m th bind them for permanent pre. ing were an Othmeotenga__,_ remote. feetim de parent, lacult Y. end Childs Stresses Western Values emotion in the College Library, were.. softball gem.: educator end le"The I alumni gathered In Roberts Hall Newspaper columnist and author Marquis W. Childs Endowment up an Per Cent as historian. They were Ladle me mama., Jag ,a0 'MI ,, ire EP delivered the Commencement address f or the occasion, stream The remainime half of income well se a game for all other rinrl,nee Hifi, president It UM Mom WMism —le Philips. ing "the inalienable aoceity of the individual" as a concept at to be realised on the Philips ho. cretherloots CT." 'raining '" which to many people will seem the base of all Western values. quest may be used by the ColTe cher., Cheyney, Pa., and El4:30 P.m. even more rounitieent than a2,Of the 1,5 graduating seniors. lege without rentrictions. Be. of 000.000 reception tea; tea me Rime]. dean ease worthmaaa. of interenthearing 13 took Bachelor of "lone deMOW of a provision that certain Min faculty members Si the the Scbool or Religion at Duke .tham gree., while the remaining 102 Personal obligati°ns of the donor Unlveraity, Durham, N. C. tent near the mannasiona Valued At WOWS Mem. Bachelors of Ads. Only be assumed by the College, hoe. 5the HID A Harvard Bred.. • The second gift announced to ...William Pyle Philips ever. Havertord will not item.two 01 the rnrteen grade.te beat's]] meeting: is a collect, on air ama Alumni President Graben F. White con. fay cadent. took blaster of Science I intely benefit Morn the total Ins of motor.. and voting fereed the bonny deft.. lit sixty- ye arm editions One are 'come of the bequest. diplomas. on amendments le Ike me. Doctor of Imes on President literary ttems, Darrently arraignThis addition of V2.001).020 te odliotk. yam, m amma_ Dm.. Wins Meted Howes Hill, while Dean Rumen was m a „one, Haver/erste endowment corn. John Herbert Davison, P h wee OWE Made an Note, of Let mainly $65,000. E ape eitillY lust in,e;n„rthenn‘M n,nann. y 'beingr e,: smooth.. •rouml Found ie., Beta K•ppa and winner title prominent in the reflection. era es"; John M. Foes Jr. Born In spring of a Woodrow Wilson Fel. Lynchburg v.. is which MR he put on display Mr. William Pyle Philip a, yaised 51,25o,coo in RI Ira to the Iowa.. led the class in t h e .3.1, will conduct, mod. sup IMO Dr. Hill received his A.B.' e ms le dmtha je, „r, whoa 01 11.3r03drnatCly the college. In two years. meat Its honors division, toeing the only degree M me else ieeee erne.. In the Treasure Room hen nwrie him Haeer. ie the liaverford endowment has student to take Hight. Honors. cen P.m. when he was also chosen claw next tali, are flint edition. of Mies largest diode benefactor rem' 'mem. m this lam- been Increased front appro.Alumni dinner on the lawn mator. In the following Year he Elizabethan drama tile subject was mudc, anti he and printed en date, could took wore eel .. . 'lemea"Mne . ,, mortwtenni. iJg5 3 n to,s. tal It also won the Mode Prize. often ...Mee and Bob obtained a Master's degree from wort] the hie death last December on a' of cx by an momymo. donor to erte: of diem, John W Mareard• one later weet M Prize among the items of long -mweessful rawer. whichj.em Ito taiere,000. an Increase of days et Mat student who sob.ts the Mu. 'Ye. Osseo B. Rate.. head of the DePetewent Elizabethan drama which Mr. where Included many dos. ...eon" • percent Willa E. Mewl, best tallith. written Inuai.1 dot of Education at Tieskegee Matt m boa left the College a" with the College. A lamer by l pr Mr PM1IIIPS athe _ _ The bulk of Inc additional inbe Stephen G. Cary, '0-7 Ala. aomposition. I Shakespeare quart. Mr. profession. he was also a lead- 1 m ° °m"M, led by Premidear Willie Ina Other.. they were seven t took an active part in the some th. procured will be used Betted NI Vents edltionsl, two of them "oar,- ng cottrelor of rare books, for the three pop.. 'wtheb winnen of high tenors in t h e aruma. , re.curricinar activities ot Mem' dhmemieet 01 the topic to Ma he was prily. ' Mai of the T.. Folio. These dheelor m From 1913 „math.. White tine apwanred ,„„0 I Could Go to Mayerford 0,00, Senior Clam. and vine recipient. Ile edited the naverfordian. quartos are • valuable addition Yell • • • Marquis Childs rS eLthe otraleht Honors citation. sow^ ..• Sob.. MOW. until lele totalp als sum-ark ri-Seakeopeate Pages sto-oro r"."'" ant; S' ehletcl o eTeyVtier DEMON 'Untrammeled elgol tei Institute fat Colored Tooth. Dr. which Philips presented to the In addltianTu ?' P"aaat "laa 'American education. they are i.thilya am do_ • the minders Club. Addressing himself to the 133 presidency • reo lilt increased salaries for faculty ir:on candidates for ci egree n. Mar. 7.'17 T Ert=hr.PrRo7:JainF,Z7,:``;.,V end r.3.ei rnmheore III increased scholar. nuts W. Childs, Whose °Washing• On the academic side Mr. ea. a.ts.for tiring Mem that position M of on Gthanmere In 94z needy sinearija, and ton Calling" colonth Is natiOnall, PNllps ma jored in Go... In Original Iladiat tar Inc Culler* tontlicated, dwelled largely on ra o,knnr1„71 .Ho onnonn yeans of moo. Service. orsmtren,,n dej tnnt,hr,eg Then are also Inclue ow. Library, books two opposing daggers to the COO. The College Administration an, Training School we. first editions of Dante. Professor of Biology, end Pim The chess eept at the nancrity of the In. nouneed promotione for three fee." chairman of the English for Teachers was founded as the Won. 04121, Milton's Para. departPhysical Education. dleicluat On the one heed, he Tenon Of early Quaker dies last. Newton. P.m.. said there it the particularly present toeuLY menthe,.role I. addition to becoming furl far the education of Negro Moth- alathemalica, Chapman'. Hent. American danger that Indlvklu. week and Sc. appointment of proteams. Roy R.dall will a1 er, and both Spanish and Eng• that William F h G Aided Chic Rourepemes th keep his title as Director court e eight new menthe. effeetive &Ism will become confused Dr. Hill has served as chairMot editions of Cervantes' of the Clementine Cope Fellow. for nnDr. developed mmeTed eftemee U rig t rant "with the cult, of personality September 1, 1951. Three of the of intercollegiate Athletics. th drama antl Man of the Arivleere Commie.. Be''1'e-ea.'the '...etj James To Teach Math aMea a.' the Caehe'aeael Faa' rthre' wordily, the ego that deflates aem aymimmania ere min, rt I pha El setd' of E ' ne n on Work In Colleges for Negroes, oeil , n i ai da eolicznoFnellons„, wahnnip,,,n71—„Le uu... and noTaa. ythprezehm sue: Itself supreme.° Such contend= made In connection with the"e ' e.n.e sin H"eeCrosby he compared with "the romantic ma. , „ u a e ethammath fond to replace departing De Continued Pete 4, * memo.. of the list which U. Deat. wart dell... as the mme e'h e al sal he hes melte i al Robert anduntramm•ledegoe .social and technical assistance. Can A' as Marlon John A. Leone, Jr. Me First Cope Fellow with Gilbert M. able "yai m rare amme to ,th ships for the academic year C. Malmo and FRAC/M. possesses. but College officiate P. Leib as the Second Cope Fel- College Library tree article elm. elaM'A2 have been 'weeded M 'Tann as ,,”'s.,`Isin Prefer'. Asensio, Henry, Randall sassed five On the other hand, according Assiatant Professor of Spanish Darwin S. Previte, '51, and heel ". Y`ara' the benamteere and Into. Nevi. M. Cur. was named where this page). to Mr. Childs, Chive 1 a the equal• Manuel J. Asensio. Assistant l' FotinWtne his graduation from 'Ae..., P. Ther.r.' A°. priceless nature of the gift will cattier.. FoundatIon Fellow ".ea hold'. a WA' 're. the ir.",versIty of California at Los ly great danger of Communism Professor el Biology Howard K. be more adequately demonatratHayed°. hi 1902, Mr. Philips 'rem., will study' Psychology De.. At Mt Airy and the “tuoctiontil" eta., I n Henry. and A.ociate Professor Angeles, and a Ph.D. frorn.the and either Phydoiogy or phfloa]tailed ed it the formed celebration of 1).t.... lion, Baltimore, "L. Mr e Year at d, Callfornta Meath. o f Tech. whleh the Indic I cl u a I is per eereltO . Hanover, Germany. Why as Bra.... Coikeee, OxFive members of the Haverterd t he boo', acmosion he pontoon. of Phyalcal Eclueation Ray E. tad In path, Limmum serves petually belittled and eventually Randall oh will receive promo- rafter. He has taught In the Peat Faculty will he on leave during ed Mail the opening Of 'shoot then end thashed In seven and ""t'hum On th. Harvard at Harvard Univers!ty and at *W." " h"j reduced to the statue of a drone na Um"r'hY* tinonry E"'..". n, in,olyc.j. ;onliti" lo r. nnlegr,,n aunvo t ,. . te ia,,,,7, tions, according to the announce- the C.o.d. of California, ther nest Coll eg e yea r. next tall. Since February. he bee been oTh In an ant hill, 'lake ment by President Gilbert F. Dr. MIMI F. Strelder, current. Meson, Richard Bernheinter, Virtually all the item. in the studying at Mount Al y Theologi. Lendegree 'ehani• h'°7- e And,Rioh. 1, br teaching at the University of Emmett Dunn Howard Henry. Preeent bequest were purchased ca SeMinary, Mottnt Ally, Pa.. served As Banker ' To deer a coulee between white. Beginning September th and Gilbert Hoag hare been by Philips within the past year. peeper. for the 1 is ese men will become, respec- Chitego, will At fin. a member of Byrne at e U' g mcood 77" , " of r"r""'ke them two abysms, the Jame.. th tively, Associate Profesaor o f granted earned< Invest Prof. at auctions held under the sea- Lem. bgri., isrea, Haven, Conn. and Cutchcon, Ben' York At. ern.- Austria. ,na ,t.,,,, j0„,j,ithia Tr.-b Continued Page ed. g an: 1 Romance Languages, Asnoela. ,1 7.. . laa,L,„ ..,;:i . thomaeY,.^. . har TOIOEWN E. Drake haa been pins of the Parke-Bernet Gal. ,, Oualimitad Page 4, ear I .,:reinPhon ii. thebae,,,,,;,,, Ilan Palmerton. accorded a yeses extension on led... New York. ma. th .,,,; ,,,, ,.. „ s.„„,.,,,, ,,,, 1„, . admitted to Havertord in Septhie leave of absence from the He first the dace College. -" semester after rthishing first in setheh ' eetleed M 1122. He was won rSchM oo71 A nn.vPo'ior rl rn erh ': Pilchard Beinheimer, Associate dim, his ein..s at Choate School In Wal" """U" "d mare". cam. majored In philosophy. and Oct Protestor of the History of Art He ajaj spend th e the united Artists Thetaar DY FRED HETZEL appointed Phi Beta Kappa et the xama. Ham travel In Europe salting his cult. the., as well a, will , Maas.. Popular Trainer .. . The College cOronorally YAM year's sabbatical, and has left alat at the Marine Biological Lahore. r,°;' :0. 0.,n,n'bbeirnot'th ''e'trytterrieH adm 0.'0 15 eaddened last month by the ready for Ws domination. Howard on, men„ 1„.. or Cry. talcin ,..thg a athweek course In Film `..Peea.'" the death of Leak, Region& no, K. Henry. Assistant Professor of 011 Corporation. Helena Rubin- the Junior Varsity - basketball death athlelle trainer for elected permanent Biology will work on Drive dor. class ef- The Catherwoad Fellow. Curds, ate"' Inc., the Park S°""t dreon' t jorPrhe'kCI:rv orl -1957dpu' rindg thirtytwo years. "Doc Lemke, leg the first semester of the den th as he WOE many roc by 'ddko enp',..I' PrIrmert On was tog year; and Emmett IL Dunn Pin J. PP" ene: mo b' lofted n'm InHEco "I'fYeml' l es"' . w7.11 hegeeiglelli e'e"j"a he'svja'su're wax '-cen wimp. and alumni friends, had "tdlyTekClj.''.'rm"10nds aaai mea alumni member or the Scutt Professor of EriolOCY win Pa. vice-preaident, John G. ZeP rine" the I3oard of 'o already become- a pan of the be on sabbatical during the sec- re, of Wyncole. Pe.; MtreWrY, school for two-year route lead. Manages . Other 0 ee11%anclivtihtl' es t inisvh ”leh tradition of Havertord.s altilett ond mm.ter. Thome. 0- Mc-N.. . Of to Master Bud.. Ad. '"ere he =erred Potokno has ...pawn include history. W mitten-rt" aegrae. Professor Dunn hag not a. yet- town, Pa., tr..... bee ally active and velum., Ind NEWS, completed Na plans for the SE, Bolder. at W.hingthn. D. C. Perm! as president of the Glee '51) Tams Carded Pall °f 3th ' ed'u' tehC atTat'lL, ihento and serneeten but he hopes to be Colman Named ewe. Mae Club. Ms thud.. manager, a. Aaret P.M', shown Death came to Doc lade Upon .orepletion o his year ere The honor et Spoon Man W. president of WURC during his of his.esurte. Mr. Philips had a able to follow work 'Wetly on the evening of May „thmtheth caneke. Jrw awarded almost imanirnously to tour years here. in the Arnett.. tmples, where 18,following a long illness. TIO1hoe dove studies In earl.r Dinghe Each of the three men who w •ral services were held May 21. rniedl. and f.anclal r' i ne e b ll ' olv ' e r ' el[T. oUtPPmenert d: ' ka7 th P T. It was also anho rn et, N. year. on those has won the honor of ell s a 01 the Reeves Memorial Presby. "N"' at that . • quest unusual oreslo I. hrtan Church, with the interthe "un"d Thomas Thornton 1 'Pen II, Me Seeming Hersh., m L Cronin, Dr. Garen. : TT .H * o17.'De 'an, hit Harold ChTpbjer'hortl:en mapped. A I . int ment at the New Olney Nation. ileHts■".Ka 'rfl71.1 N. J., had been named Sesiety. With Denton heading the As a trustee of the College he ,,,,,, m...- and he ...1" been grant. a year. sabbatical: 1 Demetery. The ale senior letterLower Merlon High School the me. a Him list of Seniors named thle yeer. William E. Cadbury, Associate to ger e men of hi. 1.960 foothal1 Continued Page a, cot ft prior to entering Haver.. in act representative on the Executive All three al. won horrors In Professor of .chemistry, William Boteler. Some. Boyd, September. 194). At Haverford Committee of the a.m., during the mooing as Dean their major subjects. Harold Crag., Harry Garrison, he completed the normal 10.11O. ege year, Mr. Hoag plans to tom- sedation for the coming year. John Hume, and Peter, NOT AGAIN Year program In three years, pere for publIctitton a work on Prockop continues to his role SC:IMAM:IS PLATS AGAIN krved ae his pallhearers. Lard year, President Gilbert majoring in history and Gereducation. an well an to Ooblish of Slaw president wMch he held Now en deform, former Haver. The malignant groyne that his doctoral thesis. The latter In his junior ert e eenl. Yee.. ford tennis captain and star F. Whtte nibs. the Howe- mao. He was Ohl Beta Kappa, was to claim Doc first become font Contort, Commencement and received final boson IP Be w. elm. elected to the Pot he attend. work deals with eenale topics }feverfew. St, lespreosed by his unlimited deFebruary. 1960, at eenerent player James R, Schnaara, '45. beam. of • may Or clump.- German. Thornton wan 'memwhich time hit right kidney waa Josephs track meet. That even- oath. to Hay.", and In her tempt end Hindu niythology, aV Beta Kappa society in his junir has c.d.. I. winning onvs This year, he not only woo removed He returned to H.- Ing he felt tired and Went to 0.1 maim... „enema hie gme en tempting to show the Identity of year. Recently. Darwin , was on the court lance be.ming pretest lodoy but he will mho ber ad the fencing and cricket teams. anti Ma other extha.cur• a etoryeyde in the one with a granted a Fulbright Br AWIIW1 for enord la. September, but was Li.tenant Schneer. in the Spe• twelve a degree nn dune Ir rice.* ltetivilies included mems teller was a kind and generous droller cycle In the other. . • • year's study at Colforced to give up his training Born In North Carolina, In dal Services Division at Fart when tranilltan College, Clio. heroine, In the Glee Club, the amaa ',an_ spirit. His rubdown room se. mr. Hoag will mend his year lege. University of Oxford. Eng. dot'n ogoin in February for a „„2. Meade, Md. Imo N. V.. will present an Debating Soda}, and the Oct. Minor operatithhaelefore he had Mord In .18 following mt., a favorite College hangouL and In New Hampshire, Florida. aced lend, Scimitars la coach at the Fort booths, Lista, to the Haver- tem.:tonal Relations Club, Zerrer Former Treasurer the toot toward which *LI re- Mexico, He plans this summer elmovered the malignancy overt.. with the Array. Dining the do. an alumni lettermen valor. N build a home In Tatoworth. Zerrer was elected vice-pr., Meade tennis team and plays Inc ford pnolde.. Preside. The Fulthight Awards warn. spread to his Meer. mebjL yeah them himmll hi the number-one White will deriver the rm. established by the Fulbright Ant Doe had an iniirmerned. N. H, and to spend two Or ththe dent after serving in the role Dec rulet<the locker-rOom with ally AIM.. St Joe Meet store at tales- about monthe of the -winter period In of clans treasurer In his mph- singles berth. Recently hls Imocentent .clesam at Namll. which was passed during the an Iron hood, and leek the teaDoe Leake frequently vllatml ert team won their seventh straight ton. He will elm whirs. Ole. Griner Haverford greats and Florida, traveling later from emote year. He has al. been '19th Conferees. Among the acta them carnyun, nevehtheless. j and ditional bane of all °rhinles. e hygene victories. to Meelco. active In station WHHC. sere- Meet. by defeating Wilson are College, of Pritsdelphia, Provisions Is the stipulation that Devoted To College Was confident to Inc end that • - Doe Lemke loved lite, and bay- Thom. F. Drake, Associate . Its treasurer In Ms Om- Teachers. College. of Washing. at its commencement In Mine the amounts realized by the he Walla be M. to return. HD But them who came to know .. D.C. Seaman took his It. elentteted moo am. 4— dot willki; • .6.111., sod !aye Wm wort WWI le be, ileit ned seie aid Condemn Pert Se MA, 'T Condoned P.m 4, deg alneight Ma, President no Philips, Lawyer by Trade, Had Diversified Interests Ste Eight New Men Appointed tT'c'tz,v1, To Faculty For Next Year th. — Denton, Leib Cope mmeeeeFellowships _th, or e wanes. Five Profs. Take Sabbitit Leave "DOC" LEAKE DIES AFTER 32 YEARS AS TRAINER; FORD COMMUNITY MOURNS Coleman Named As Spoon Man „ .„,,, a. Win the Awarded EDITO IAL FEATURES, COLUMNS Page Two Haverford, Pa., Saturday, dune 9, HMI Haverford News News Of Special Interest To Alumni 1 Whittelesy Elected To Board At Dinner Closing Campaign . A. M. Collins '97 Explorer, Rancher Dies On May 17 As the result of nominations Ing-committee candidates for ofEditor , Richard A. Nun, Jr. made earlier In the spring, ficers and members of the •ExIlionseine Editor - John With Donald E. Wilber. '24. and Theo- email.. Committee of the Alumni edema Editors - Juno D. Crawford, D. Frederick approved by dote Whittelsey.• '28, have been Association will Arnior Nave Editor - Peter F. Tepee Oaten as alumni representa- voice vole at the alumni meetAlfred he Collins, '97, km, BUSlintle Mamie. - Sydney M. Cone, Ill. tives on.Als Bnrel of Managers ing ln the Union Ws afternoon. big-game hunter, uplorer, sot Reimer, W. Herbert p.m.OR Stansbury. kluth, Philip R. of Haverford College for t h • SI. has been named for mut. eencher,.died tat Thursday, Ye.. Editor - J. Frederic Benton it three years. The mune of dent, end Thomas McConnell, 17, in Fort Control, 0010. We try FeetIIII, Editor - Janahan Gutrageher mail ballots. clipped from the III. 'IR Joseph L. Miller. '30. le years old. Haverfor NEWS of May 1. and Etched W. Janney. .23 for donut Surer Editors - W. Winut Comfort, Earl (3. Harrison, it, Urine F. Koch ormanted their certain elettlen, fine attend, md third ekeTeak ova CAMP Rusk and It In expected that the nem. prealdenta respectively. ;Guam/ Edits - Philip Benjamin ' Mr. Collins left a ?Madeleine are tonfirrnatton by the Man. Other officers nominated for ;parts Astoria. - J, Burton, F. Ford, B. Getman, mmufacturing bathes. b 1930 wIlefollow themselves ,gem tots R. Jones, L. Morgan. the Esc Mee Committee a r e at the age of 54, to [eke m s • Benjamll S. Loewenstein. 14, Bolin., Astoria,. - M. Bibbins, W. Kaye. the 100,0M-ems Seca land gem, Selmer. ge Named President teree ore se and Bennett S. Carrefinion - GordoneWerner In southern coiorado, Moils m secretary. executive .18, Cooper, doubt little le there Meanwhile Bminr. illonapsr - A. Lewis Com. one fine had been owned one Executive the of Members amine. of elate entire the that aidetrtisitie Ca.3fanayre - F. Milispaurit. L. mitten to WU for three nine operated by a crony et P.a. Shaman. will be William delphian Including hi. father. iirtal Astoria,. - P. _Benjamin, M. Fllaver. G. .22, and Wie Kenneth Wei Freund, J. KrIla, I.. Prager, T. Ruddick, J. Fie added about 20,002 acres to M Wright, Someradike, S. Sachs, W. Wilson. the ranch Wore veiling k Ian Preeklesd A. Retire, Wilber Pholaeraphy - Richard Greenwood, RobYear to go into unlleetirement To fill the uneepired term of ert Hutton, John Walton. Shown shove at the May 15 dinner In the gymnasium, clewing Haverfortre Mr. Coffins ores born at Thom. Methnell. HE '19. the adelphia May 3. 111711. the son RelitOrThie Issue- Anthony J. Jlortayeew nominating eo rn mince has `succefful drive for 01.250.000 are H. to r.) Stanley R. Yarnell, '92, Board raftenerl Frederic H. Strawbridge, 'AT, Senior Board Emerson Fosdick; President Gilbert F. of, paper manufacturer. Ore. chosen Herbert W. Taylor. Jr., White; S. Emlen Stoken, '14, Board Chairman and W. Nelson West. '92, Claes Chairre KM Conine. A. • young a‘mt '87, end to serve from the graduMelt after graduating from Haver. To the 500 Workers and 7,300 contributor. to the Walter F. Pries, MI. retired ating ctn. for one rear, Herold ford. he hunted big some In architect and designer of the I. Crapn, 51. Haverford Campaign, sumeenfully concluded May 15, Africa and South America. MA Renting at the expiration of Haverford on building !Union thanks. sincere their the undersigned express explored the Arctic. He wee campue. died Tuesday. May 22, Ida term ea president of the This historic effort in the Interest. of the Haverat the Mien& Yo.pital, Phila- Alumni Jusociation, and teeing o fprtl •rtrPhl7alde in •:rl h b0r"; n '"S'' ford of the future is a demonetration of loyalty and delphia, He was year. old, oflin on the Board of Managers, re...aseaturee 1933. ac-dve m g Wilbur E. Donald of an period a receive for will =MS he France, inn I el•Algi Nanette. • devotion which ranks high ening the college. of the Duetted D.C. Friend. Macau &lemma who la well known for The first of hi. four Areteu honorary LLD. degree from the two yearn. Since September, Ins gauntry. Mr. Price, who lived pl May- the part he played during the Pe. Pin 0. Marla, le college Ise, Mr. Stark has been head hunting expedition was with p. len, Pa., was known nan ma- recently concluded Havertord the author of a recent 190 of the aortal Studies Deportment Marshall Scull, '01. in 1911 au Thin United effort on the part of the (donde of the tte designed the Friend.. Muth Campaign for lender He ie ad. 1912. They obtained eighty... College hail helped to lay the foundetion for future The Fanap Pollee Staphen• T. Gulbrandun at Hoidens,. School. bag House In Washington, D, C., verthang manager of Welke r ol Apectmens In Nairobi. Beare tae published we ordained to a diaconate In Ve11e1 Knuth and Unice. at the request of Mrs. Herbert Brothers. Conshohocken, P a., andtoe Bert Aftlea for the Phigde. American the by dithributed the Episcopal Church by the Frau Therein Siminger. at a meethis admired who Hoover. Wil• Elliott a of lather the and Pin Academe of Menne' Sri Enterprise Misociation. The Right Revere. Reber F. Gib All friend., of Haverford should take eatiefacties the 4,111.0lelefe Austria. Vienna. the house et Westtown School. hoe, Jr., in Me greduating class. work Is number forty-four in a benne of this The Washington Friends' Meet. While at College, Mr. Wilber sends on "National Economic son. Jr • D.D.. Bishop Si/Braden marriage of her daughter, Theo- In 1913 Mr. Coll. set out of lltehla. at Virinnie Theoloei• 311, N. Emlen Stokes* Chairman of the Board of Manager. mg has • reputation for was captain of the football team. P.M...." the Pareou of the cal Seminary, Alexmcirg, Va., dore to Mr. George • party aboard • school Matinee. The teremony look with unuthally aftrutive., nineHouse Robert A. Luigi - Campaign Chairman and was chosen Spoon Man by Foundation being to Menem into the Arctic. He anti on June 8. plan on Sunday. May 30 in the to explore Bornat Swarthmore. Mr. tl elassmatec tin cureppraiseMead E. Wilbur - President of and el oat Catholic Church at bear and caribou, Roman Bering Sea, and motored Slier Price was a descendant of WhIttehey A Former Prubleed rent e conomic and social goesthe Alumni Asaucietion Mann.Mn, I e a.Z Mari former a Whitteluy, Mb Archibald Meek and Ma Quaker family that settled on Theodore an wastelands. Two years later bons as they bear on public Gilbert F. White - President co • a. Austria in In Methuen Eleanor have been appointed as the Welsh tract near Neverford president of the Alumni hunk- policy. Mr. Collins remelted along NI in the time of William Penn. Be- lion, 0. completing a three-year Dr. Morley will aim give the directors of the American ordinator for the A -1 eric•n Ammon River m South . .. ertte Arn. fore coming to Haverford Col- term on In Executive Carellbit- sommencemmt addresa at Betb. Pri•nds Service Committee niende Service Committee. Marla 1r. Trophy • • • St. m center neighborhood cepeciedly been has also He a et. P.., any College. Bethany. lege he wee educated at West. Mau 14. Mn,,.Ott and Mr. to no one Mud Collins Mr. towrr and at Friends Select active In alumni and College art. annonce the birth of a nine. finest private gem. Mitred.. (The NEWS here presents significant excerpts from the School He receiver, • Mester.. fain. and tiered • ghee part pound Don, John Inman, ... In the country end had want threes, elieverfOrd looks Ahead," given by Preeldent Gilbert degree here. as well an hie as • worker for the Campaign. on May 9. The Wins' Address apecImens m i trophy room a F. White at the closing Campaign saner kat May 15.--ed.) ...deed'. Lt.. M. Whittelsey is connected veto •tednee Is Re N. Nunn Ave.. N • r• Autunite, his Bryn Mawr home en Hervard Unlvereavertisme firm of N. W. R'itrll trio '"ill''Uti g‘'‘ voted .let' Mermen It au Eno,. and It was in this room, under tot has been a notable achieve ohteo to. Son. Pali...thin. try toe ;op... dty, wirer. he mend • ft...1Ayer Ken. Bete Phi Haverford'. lw ..e.n h ecotheeadola.neirpluent 1e degreeMaster'. wa y W. Relsner, virtuall Herbert pr memo in Haverbrd history. the .of William Ernest Hocking as Con In th s aciely yesterday elected to L. Moue, et alumni who were Dr. and Mee William C. Stadia hod the new may be maned Insane our.letsiting profesaor of philosophy. Played Agana Swarthmore membership In its ranks twelve considered to have achieved announce the •marriage oh their go, that hemarried Mr. Hein played he elem., the Haverford at While Let. as Pickett Clarence of and ■ wolves to a (Miner and to each Wlime Glenn, In 1900. lie earl e Mr. te the Ann. since F' thstInction t r. daugh scholarly Clan Senior the of members for thane eP den which mine buena and bottled] varelly on other's company In order to ea. I nner in Chrlstian Entice. This teams In the Conere, first the *anon of an alum. con. end In unusually large 000110' time et their graduation. Mot BeMosow Itoona, Jr. The oe bean 4 Alum tinagblieortotherocomtati.i.etion hat:: k;In nudgaere „re... ....ore be games egsined Swarthmore La- ell. Al conaluillonal amend- gent of nine from the Junior Two membera of the graduat- ceremony took plate In the St. after a trip the same year, Martin Church, Radnor, P., cane, he said, 'It had "tlegen has celled foe 'llr awmeount being realized ter he mulleted In founding the menu, the Mers en expected to Claw the fu L it in clam, Darwin C. Prbelcop with the Reverend Richard H. @rated into a ruthless eimght teamwork than our neve.s in payments toltoto 12 to 23 . Haim-fore Senora, where he ago gain Menu' of the named Alan. Umbers and John H. Davison, entered Gurley offIciatins. muting this afternoon. wh. 0 Haverford effort, It has set see. month s. We. therefore, feel taught. Relator Mil menthe their Also Mogen for the honor went Flo Beta Kappa ranks a year The groom Is the non of Mr. When Mr. Collins moved ens records for Have r turd warranted in budgeting for next Mr. Price Prettied ...tat., Mr. "on 3. Sthode 'M. end Gun. age, stile Mil members of the John It. Hoopee '21, and It l• Colorado in IMO, he came In, shoeing, It already, has neon year Increases in !malty sale, ture with his brother, the late ...end to mowprevent. brother. C Dollen Hoene .51, possesMon of land original! Heller Class to yield concrete dividend, We les and student ereolarethy, to Witham L Price. who designed ?le Relsner le with the law w ed as teat man Among the granted to AK. NtMeY Cabal , eannot, however, gauge its full absorb the remaining one-third the Traymore Hotel. Atlantic ton 0f ten..Mere.. a "awe' Moose An Wistarias ushers were Waned IN. lechleirei de Baca. located m the Son Ls City. Moving to New Yon. he •ehee. In "hiladedelia effects by theme calibrations of of the goat. valley. with Mount Creston, In Maurits A. &linger. and .Mn.11. " i With partnership a formed memlater alumni of election The or teamwork, dollar receipts, Proinees eleenwhike Nominetlnneforall The bride, an alumna of Bald. 090 feet high, In the the. budget entries. The full sign While building up its be. William McKee Walton of that position* are made by aof bers is a .stow of the teethe/ win School, was graduated from comer of the property. At th nomMat• licence of this campaign will be work, the college has launched city. Mee Mount Holyoke College in 1948. time, the ranch included who e. et •oci honorary the of composed committee leg found, In its lonthrun fortune. several new educational expen- Among other buildings he de. four most recent living uprose head of tank. but wee hew& year circuiariae the graduating . se.. the education of young runts with the aid of funds ob- Biped were the alumna build dents of the Alumni Association, Dr. Frank T Gouger, en, in debt. Dr. and Mrs. John Rock. of rained especially for the pus. ing at Mount Holyoke College .Ion. wlm two other alumni, t coauthor with Professor Witham elan of ten years before in order Sete Nets 0300.000 should at any, d who, Memorial detentine Phillip. announce to the Mass., and Roxbury, West we undertook pone. During the period of the gmpatga Theunlch .e.... • ...bee • Meldrum of two widely used be acconled the honor of mem. the engagement of their etlauh. He reorganised and developer campaign we have r • e • teed Wert Chester State Teacher, legal ene elf."! of apbeen has The effort chemistry, on books ...t ee.. 'law College He was a member of Of net de.. Ann Jane. Oa Mr. Hoary W. Len. the Imelneu. putting it ne • pal year's this of one Only berthie. ...line two the by together two years ago breadth met. than 5fde'end fee aPluieln pointed Dean of Pais and Vol. Wm OVA. Private Levinson at- In hafts, end breeding a etre and research projects. The new the Friends' Hielorical Soclety, untor ...president In length el ences at Indiana University, It older choices Is a aen.year tended gradate school at head herd of purebred Husks et and a greater Praia.'" Freshman Ensign p.n.. d- the American Institute of Arrhl• gen/tee. o( Haverfordians together in a maw' however, Ourge Moen, Columbia Univentity, and Is now cattle recognieed as one N wu announced recently. and the Welah Society. r to Cocos rn d by thetheCaegie by Ids committee on peeteet toe the common name• and • who has published boon nod a ftAtioned at Camp Polk, La. best in the United States. II,' BunlvinR or, hi. widow‘ p.„ Nomination noun For Known interest than ever before. Alto °ea,t which electIon. Guar. ally re Pm. daughter, • and neia. 011 articles" or from dieburul sale, at the time a number Inge graduated wu Rock Miss e human technl ily doe. not come until Dr. Sucker has been chair- pelt. of English history. gether. at least SOO men and teachingo half wethen,In some fashion supposed by a keenly intereeted Robert Mather, of Rose Valley, the annual meeting on Alumni man of Indiana's Department of His meet Important work te Milton Academy and Bryn Mawr his retirernut,..realieed million dollars for the rattle. In College. umnus, a eaa.11iee• None of Pe. theAlumni Pay. In the mu of the hi the responsibillW of the Cant. al elinthng .73‘.0110 for on liereine lea his donation Income hag been and is date hack been The Straggle foe 1047 sincefor acne Chemistry hi. rewash widely known Manager.. who may ,palgn. They did so under the more than two Neeeeeelef three. work In the field of aerosol. Sovereignty In England. dealing Mr. and Mrs. John Hail wise guidance of the Campaign ....I tee.. h. ..Peien year tern., the elecnon t. by the suspension of line solid or with the perlod between Eh. Wheelock, of New York. N. Y.. In 1949 Mr. Collins wa• chose Executive Committee, Ten reth We .0Y expert that Here., mall ballot. and must be con. Ilquid particles in air or gas as beth and the 17th-cehtny Peti- announce the marn-n of their "Man of the Year in Livutock' tonal committees reached alum. ford will go be...I who orlie niece. Mies Sally Bolton Wheef by The Record Stoekmm. ni who had been out of touch Intl contributions to higher edit. finned by th- Board nelf. There make, fog, or milt 51. tion of Right. Oct. to Me. Welter A. Lefty. was ensident of the San law are four alumni repreeentativea year.old dean has rentributed with the College for decade. and cation diet are dn...ed be The ceremony took plate on Sat. Valley CeltleTerre. AMOCI•000 on the Board. two - them eket many articles to chemical journLeas Talk Follows Mame ettengthened the nes among epceial gift.. To merit thou we kendethe unlay. May 19, In the Chapel president of the Colorado Cattle keep othe,„ A cotheatt„ of .rents shall need to al.. Macmillan Hums, 'm, seem ed every toted published Mendez John J. of Riverside Church, New York, menk kuociation and a dint brought a new and enthusiastic time of the College .and. Thts tary since his graduation to In 1911 he did chemical UrAt one Ilmr tie Was preaa, work has treated Pennylvania• with the Reverend Nob is TIh the 0.e. moue of parents Into the circle. wilt rentille a cond....11Y erew- hornet duPont of the duPont been officiating. Mr. David R. of the A. M. Collins Menufactuf A number of nonAlumn1 who kW endowment to theMft neic Company. In Wilmington, Del., ment. a. chief teChnical side to Dumb art and Gernert myetl- low.. of New York, Wee beet Fthd etho.. our „0,0„,,,,, teaching coats and to maintain the National Techniced Research eleen. He if now • ...bee of man. and nMonally known for his It body, student diversified a by Ida grandfather. delphla generously the Department of Philosophy Comnlisainon. Arlen, aloe Will require maintenance of growing of dahlias. died May 29 Mr. Laity is now attending the He Wilmington. In home his at Delman*. of Univerftly the at gp. and etats of coll.., The tf.t the theHavertord -Lawn" and its well 'utilised nlehool of Mnic. Hie •no served oa an ordnene. three out of the four Quaker I. Indiana.. oldest and mum, the election, which bride attended Oldaftelda School (leer In World War I In Front , in good repair, mth- was 73 years old. Twenty.. Haverferd alumni • mitietio Before attending Hawn-fan of Connecticut gathered at the lanut school. oontributors who In 1830 invext• etetheotthe then, He Is survived by his widen um held yesterday evening In and Milton Aeedeely Mr. Hoopes was graduated from ed most heavily in Ileneferd and dormitory facIMIla Funeral Unice. were held Mal Wallingford, In Inn, Genesee St. the Haverford Union, and the hoe Cheltenham Military Academy. were women. and that some of ieroptetu in the 0,e,, 13 In the chapel at St. Joieth governor of the Delaware Conn., for a special dinner on the member., new of InIntion Lawson Wilfred Mrs. and Mr. Oda paign announcement, we hope to He was elle yen' Clin Cchedral, Denver, Colo. Tuesday evening. May 32 this anon: lea have .1.e feem find fund. for those new build- Society of Colonlat Wage and was ton Prescott Knight. '1g Haverford Phi Beta Kappa chap Richardson, of Ossining, If. T. a lay reader at Christ EPleeeleft ter gathered for dinner in the announce the marriage of their `an' neeennted fe. the. Ines as speedily as practicable, Church. Greenville. He is eue toutmuter for the megaton at er• eellere afee.e. wwe Meese requirements should not aged by his wife; two sons, which Ptesident Gilbert F. White Former Vice-Pres. ft" faculty dining room. Founders daughter. Patricia Ann. to Mt. the wisdom of underwriting it. be begotten. Edger M. Jamison dr., USA. Ds hell. ligtory Profel000r William ceremony took, plate oh May 28. Clement It. and George V. M4 and Alumni Secretary Bennett Parenthetically., It should Ise S. Cooper were gnats. Developing. People E. Lunt addressed them after. In St. Mark • Protestant Epleco. added that these early worthies zei.tentieny, the nee,. .1 the and a eister, Mn, Edgar Allen Following talka by Mr. Wink lee- pal Church, Toledo, 0., with the Poe. of Philadelphia. and Informal an with ward., ,02, Morrie, C, iCollege and the future of the Funeral menthes were held at and Mr. Cooper and a gond.. Galloway sing Wk anticipated. wilh that onions tiCeileoe Reverend Janus F. McElroy of in as put - must 2:30 p.m. on Friday, June 1, at period. the Connettleut .alumni r vicethruident of the Lure rti bat Wad Deleting. liteW one, thee. hut persistent Haverford von. I be eiaireee.o were shown motion Mete.. of North Christ Church. while working In natioti• arch. Best man for the groom was C°`"4*",. tole years Haverloni-Rwarth- tee • growth. The edueation In which lad f1 "•d' fled In "ta.a. nu'"" 00" John S. Williams, '20, Prese.a mturht Mr. John tenon. ore foolbell game. nef ..weed Pee- we believe centem upon the He wax 70 years old. of WIllWen. and Marcus Con Frank W. Peirson. .89, Calb 04. Wide taperienee eaten Group Sluts 'Officer. Private Jamison la the son of pang, Philadelphia, hoe been 'I ll". fnee'f.e. in growth at the Individual n e'en' Mr. Morris a native of Cheatpioneer and land de- Al • regular farina tellectual power and le mo muting on the Mr. end Me.. Bonbon, of Toledo, pointed an overseer of the Wr veloper. died an May 2 at his following evenin g. May 9, et County. Pa., was born in Mi. Among the archives menthe 1865 Pre.idern Samuel Gum mere where he red the days' leave lbw Penn charter School. It es reported that one of them was with the same qualitiesejam fact Some In Mildew., Calif. He was Haverfordalumni In the Boston He entered the insnane ed In Dr. Lune, talk were no from the Army. The taide in • announced recently. He is brokerage buitinns soon atter British MUSCAT, the Patten years old, In the habit of Squirt,. "bloc that a major part of IMF cam. arm dined together at the Har- graduation tran Menefee. In Archives, and several kw an member of the Junior elms at Bret person not a member of le ..enativef New York. Mr. vard Faculty Club, with RichI ask thee what the prospect Is palgn goal was to 'estal,sh the ht„ Mawr College. Bryn Society of Friends to hold mat n studiedat the University ard W. Janney, president of the 909 the late nenjamin Rush em- enalble dloccaan archly el for a dividend?" ,Rufus Jones Funthelot c Ad' Pei post at Penn Charter. Germany. after Haverford Society of New Em- ployed him as head of the Merv' throughout England. Clang the Applyleg the Breen.. beam of Heidelberg. vancoment of Teaehl A graduate of Penn Charm, Ire into department of the In. tentacles he has met and the Mr. and Mrs. John Three', To what extent are oe non testimony 10 thin concern, Iturus graduating from Haverford. end, nerving • s toastmaster. surance Company of North help he hae received, the well Miami, Fla. announce the en. Mr, Williams fill. the Viteel, able to umiak theee retina most In a peculiar wise be. In 1903 he Went to Alladena. Prealdent While and Altimni He was decree twist- known historian illusreated such gatemen of there deughte r. created by 'he death last th° America. land early In active was he where Into action at the College? At Sneed to Haverforth ye loved 'entry Cooper were again in at- ant secretary In 1910, and the topics is the orgahlution of Mary, to Mr. Stellerd Warren wry of John 5. Curtis Ilene, the beginning 'of this academe- every part of it. from the cricket mbriniding, He wee known ea tendance and spoke to the troop. following year was preonMed m srehlves, the 'availability of le"v. Mr, Lally, having obtain- Jr., '25. He g campaign chains, Sear weenticIpated that two- crease to the Muting Hone. In an expert on the Sierra Nevada A brief business intestine unethird vice•presIdent ln charge of manuscript In them, methods of ed his Master's degree at Haver- of the present Penn Charter u thirds of the °amain., goal a larger sense he belonged to and Sierra Madre mountain nding the talks saw the Mutton marching manuscripts, and ford Mg year, will work tor • dowiloenl MU. marine underwriting. might be paid In by midyear. Quakers and illumlnded peo- Mega, and also as an authority of the following men ea new ofPh.D. and teach now year et Mr. Williams will be heard ernliltdele, and we increased faculty sol- ple everywhere, unthe mole to on California botany. Our. F. Barton Gumment. '11. In 1929, Mr. Morris became tern ol Iowa State College, Arne. le. this evening. "thee aria.. the scholarships to worthy be a symbol of gentled teething 'Mr. Pelson leaves two sisters, prealdant Garrett S. Hoag. vice-president of the company. An ordered list of students olane Miu VIcchl Ie currently a unto, campus nerticipates after the alumni de: student., and the amount. avail- springing from echolarly conu MU Mabel B. Penn. Mader. '9, and Richard R. Pleasant., He retired !torn active .twin in ea to pa, Beta Kappa the year at the University of Miami. ner Inn panel diecussion ef is included In the recording of able for boon for the library. petence, deep spiritual aware- Oren. Coey Dunn/huger, Los .34, vieeTresidents; and Rune] Go te Here aceordingly. Although most of ness, and a persletent. tonal. Angela., and • niece, Mrs. Mary G. Allen, .23, Plentary-trethrn- His wife and dun daughters Commencement Award., ale. The erg aged pale plan a [Delo 7I1 1 Could Benton, Burbank, OWL Deelubter ateddiMi. teas aMllba , wawa te tow tuft Megan Me people. I so paha knee Peon wee de• Walter Price '81, Union Architect . Dies On May 22 CLASS ITEMS Looking A head . . . Twelve Srs., Nine Jrs. Elected Phi Beta Kappa Dr. Gucker '20 Dean At Indiana of Peirson '89 And Hoopes '00 Die White, Cooper Go To Conn. Meeting G. C. Morris '02 Dies On May 18 B John Williams '20 Appointed Overseer At Penn Charter HAVERFOSE NEWS 617 Margin For Hood Trophy Was Big Sports Story Of Year Fords Cop Trophy, Blank Swarthmore In Spring Sports iss "'LOYD FORD The was the year! For the prat time dire the Hood trophy aas placed In etenpelition ten years age, Haverford won posses. dos with alt wino and a de In ame trophy contests The Scarlet sad Black Md lost the trophy eve Cm... netting a tie In 19423 and the coveted sward brink out of aorrapetition due to, the war In 19445, and 1945-4. Spring Sparta Decide Deepite the final overwhelming marg. there was • good deal of mpenae for most of the year. In e fall. the Ford. nine from be. mod to win the mater and footmi games but dropped the m neco. meet for • 21 lead. gwerthmore same hack with a erwhing won In baketball and smet the wrestlers enough for a or Th. Mee tied the Hood cum. petition and many a faithful Ford molar murmured, "Not again"' Not again it was, for the Hornets routed the Garnet In all four owing contests for • /Mal mar. gin of 62. The Year began web. Swarth. mom onapectedly thrashing the nowrtatrtY men 35416 a Ford Joe Stein finished third, le. Ghee a second behind whiner Avery Harringten end renneneP John Spalding. Ceidaln John Bell the Pan and wound or a poor sloth with fresh BIB Gage in eighth place. the only other Ford in the fleet ten. Shed. Sparta Ithearrties Soccer came next and Swarth:note gm favored_ Indeed. Coach Sob Dunn confidently scheauled a playoff match with Franklin sod M.Th. for the Middle Allende Championship. As In previous years, dm play was fairly even until AU Their, an annual Moen tn Haverford's wide, converted a penalty kick just before the half. Ford fan. grand, re. t membertng the .23, 0.1, 1.2, and 0-1 heart...ken of the past /our seamts. But this time It was dila ferret As the tented half storied. Captain Paul Shipley headed one Nat knotted the score and then coneerted a penalty for the lead. Dave Riente added an insurance marker in the final period that offset a lestininnie tally by Swarthmore and made the score 3-2 It was a tremendous then triumph that made up for early Hermon disapoIntments and provided the impelus fora 1-0 Monett. of F & 1.1 for the champion. ship. • . Gehl en Upset Genet The 1001ball game had atmller pattern. Despite a poor record, Swarthmore was favored an the basin of a heavier schedule Lieut,Docherty Aboard 'Bairokoi, Educates Officers and injuries to key Haverford men. Lading scorer John Horne load a bum leg and Co-Captain Pete Steen a bed bade. Al la tom, the Garnet tallied early, after a Toth fumble in Inc Ora[ mild.. Another fumble gave hem a field goal chance that wee missed. MeaowhIle. the Ford attack could not get going and Hume was sent ln, Moue, he Couldn't run. A few minutes atom halftime, Swarthmore fourd out why, as he drifted hack and towed a Long' pew to Phil Vona for 75 yards and a TD. A 38 tie tented and neither team could seam in the third quarter, Finally. in the fount pert., a Swarthmore fumble was recovered- on their ten and four line pion gee and a mnverakin Nought the winning score to 166 Tied Sala • The winter show wee /Werth. '".5 5hr ""rr''' °Pnet' de" In wrestling with the match In doubt until Inc Met BOO =ARE the Lae Fund Costs memo wishes to wpm. Ha Moms appreciation to all of you who by your letters and oradributions help. IrtMe" Lake dieing hle Mae.. The none that you sent "Doc" were a .uron of much pride and gloom to Mm. On one of him haat Oaks to the College he arrhod with a large act of melt from MI part of the counita., and had a beans on his face like dist of a child with • new lay. The knee. edge that Ma many friends wanted to there Oh finaoetal Oliveiri meant mu,ri him boo. He wee truly ...fa, Your ems, totaled wart, Me . ,ich ear aorticient cover all of his medial nod mole. espenne and the to. of hle funeral Is aid non • nuhelane4J balance Yee maim es be given a widow, and arrangemata ate now being made foe the nas. ter. ROT RANDALL Morsch Replaces eare Ragland, Ford Devotee • • • $20 550 Gained For Grad Program Admissions List Now Virtually Set 25 Grad Students Admitted To New Technical Program The large number of applicants whirl.. .hawed serlaw Intermit In Haverford'e new graduate run ideation In social. and technical assletaitce has made possible the tole of very high admiergan standards In the final eelectIont of atudente German Professor Harry W. Pfund reported ads week. Ada.... Now Completed Dr. Nunn, chairman of the ad. thtntentla eommitta for the gradate program, said that the enrollment list was now virtually complete. A Mae of thew, twentieth, .951.5'ru, about squally divided between men and women, has been chosen, with sehotarxhip grants to indivi. duel student. naming room We to 11.300. The average amount of euch aid. according to Dr. Meth la between 1500 and POO. New Technical Director Projects, Sponsored By Rocrefeller Foundation, To Stress Living Standards Study Allendoerfer's Last Supper •rnirty sailer Mensherl of the faculty gathered In the brolly dining room on June I for a gain/Away dinner for Professor Cart B. Allendoerfen Dr. Allen. doerfer leave. this gunner to bead the Department of Math emetics at the University of Wa.shington, beginning next academic year. The group. which included stating mathematiciens from Bryn Mawr. Swarthmore and the University of Pennsylvania. heard a talk en Dr. Attendee, fart. student days from PresiWistar dent-emeritus Comfort. Dr. J. R. Klein. Chain man of she Departnat of Mathematice at the University of Permsylvania and former secretary of the American Mathematical society, spoke on hle contribunate to the seta of mathe. Metiers ?maiden, (filbert F. White pre. anted an embossed leather Mier case to Dr. Allendoerfer after commenting on his recent contributlans to the college. Dr. Cletus 0. Oakley, Chairman al the Department of Mathernetim. wan tosettrioeter. With the .oniimmtion by the Rockefeller Foundation of a Basic Economy Corporation. The SASSO tram for the preparation body of typical case. complied of selected ease In the in Ms way will be made into echnical asstatance fled. a casebook. intended for publiedged College received the gm cation by the tall of 1012. ahead signal. last Monday, °Mar Inaillotloon Interested June 4, for another phase of ea Many other educational Medprogram to increase the educa- iatione already interested In the tional attend. given to tecluir atudy of technical "A.M. cal assistance pro./ tut 5. The oingranta „ad aanoaanah , money will be used mineilmile miasion boards with Moine.. to eupport the actIrtnee ,heir own are expected to hem research noon, whose lit indirectly from the case-hock impointment will probably be an. that will be prepared at Havernounced within the next week. ford under the Rockefeller Mailable Material NM Coiled. Grant. It should be of vital ImGrowing out of a need to have portance In this area of increasmaterial for one of the most ing artivIty, Dr, Tee/ end the mportant cours. in Have, Administration feet, for solving ford's new graduate curriculum, the eve,prment joint miner. the Case Study of Assistance of Ill developing mold policies Program. Eammtin Pridesaoe to be 0.0 or the tans Inc tan. Howard Tears requests for this meal essielance programs, and grant Fireeeed the lam that them III training 1.01. for Pa.& is nowhere available any crin. Parte" In them. cal study of past experience with This study, along with the Pogroms aimed to term living enaMatc curriculum tree, In II atone,of noatoodo,,, „1„1. be the neat to concentrate on the general problems of assts. lag et Very low level,. The task of the man appointed lance, rather than on speetalized nem week will be to prepare obstacles to he met in par* OmbetlY each a study from Individual eater eneae. project recorda now buried In Rise emphasis to the adiammem the filesnot men neganIntivna of assistance to native nuttier., as the International Bank for but hero.. then are e.t.a. Reconstruction and Develop. problem. enauntered ever, 'nett. the United Nations Relief where. the term -technical as. be and Rebabilltaiion AdmInixtra.. sletance p tog tam" bun. the European Recovers- broadly construed. Prole. InProgram, and the International voloing grants of eapttai only, advise only, and of both will •he included... well as exempla both successful and anst16 .sauful endeavor. 1 National Prot.. Ineltithel b5" C'CM' John Dodge and Douv Cwel. adW" Oder took than of the Hrrt four bets, for a 165 Iced but the Gan Vary WW1, net anOted eight pares at 107 and included In the group who will Continued From Page 1 177 pound. to Make It 1613. begin graduate atedy here nest Everything depended on new. Mil an two Canadian girls, an comer D. Chandler in the un- elle. Wee ht life. Ha motet OR. Arab girl Hem dadan, and one limited both as he faced Rwarth. told hours beyong dui all of Premise... student Equally morWs mammoth Nigerian. U. 0. dim- athathdatering massages, varied oecupational Interest have Atuanya. If Chandler was pined., taping ankles, and washing out been hpreeented, with one men Invert°. lad: if he won. Haven muddy uniform.. Row matey citing experience as a nousielan ford won, if he lost by • dectelon, dm. he entirk-Pingited • foam t was a He Chandler skill/ally to victory mom the haoah wW with the Chicago eymphony or chest:at and one girl a graduate evaded hie hemder opponent for never be known. -As time gos of the University of Miami, cue` ten gruelthg irdnUtel end ON on, we mallae more and Mare ready st work . a chemist In match was nod. how muck Doc meant to us in colorphotographic processes. thiwaaa, set The poo athletics." wa. the tribute that Most of Haverfohi's future The beehehteh wan a Head,Coach Roy Randall gave technical assistance student. "rot lots deaf, however,, are prerantly. in their study in truetradon. toeing the L.'. Dec up a etherthi rten kept senior year at college. Wellesley warmep title in overtime after tt seemed won, the Fordo never led until the le. PM. ef his IR has provided three emeeseful well kept, west PM. rehditlatee. Earl.. Swarth In the trophy contest. Swarth. rteea. roagg. o ago more boot. ten cor.eutive delphia home was filled with more, and Veneer two apiece ta to One e e points to mart and led all the way Polly 'Baylor, daughter of 'measure.' :of glo Libra. C''''''''''" "" P." ' w IT'e °T.'71.1o're"0 " l 01r1etv" in Ino"t to win, 4661. The Fonts trolled number student, faculty, end College PhYhitlatt Herbert W. He Imo made gifts to the Met- ththea St.. In 1 c t a . e r t ion' o'' n tahe proper orgaolea7lon. 1C1-21 at the end of the flat period members of the College ...elm The.. le, Is irtbong t he Who ropolitan Menem of Art and the through the ale 01 ample, pro- riministration. and financing of bog outplayed their foe m the Manton attended the funeral. have be. .etelined to the Pro New York Zoological Society. RrtY abroad be used In une Ine ,aihaiiia oniethece program. yg.r ram..,Shw e in her seeder He was a member of pta Bah, for a year of foreign audy tar For moil • porno.- Dr. Tref next ewe periods to come within He Is survived by his edge, „at aot a point or two several thwee. retired school teacher. When Wellesley, the students ant. here K'''''' a fellow In perpetulte graduate students of the United pointed Swarthmore always came up Shwa. R. Hessen ore emu th ve..„..._, xf fall, they will be w....,, houseri , with a go.' When needed, hoar- we eeeeeeeee te the I.e.... n ° a es been mid ee M foeund 0.1 which aIngre.ehn7entscouhntr:c ftTrilirperpetuity ' ' 7.7protects. Jee' els"ilP mroolenelyta i d nelm' igns and the New York Zoological So- matte. ear, and after Don Anniewn end r.r. H Ht... ea Monett, o •"4".” n°555 . 0 to aid the American Indite% Dave Clark fouled out, the Gar. gee.... e,,,e,etheeepie, weet. Scull House liar mem. Through aja,„ The act •im P.M.c for a mention improi ernent In rural net pulled away. Captain Mal Tot. trained In the arts of Magna, out the 5.515.15 year they 5.'ll Mr. Philip. wee born In We. gertala lumbar ...R.I. both polled out. It will not be neeHavertords semen taping. and eteraid. Dal. the pursue ,6. im,.. .m tlethto„ppett 5-55 , irr eu tv,17,,,,,,. -.. Chester, P a , when Ms star, .1154 rt....5 to bothe . the no even the wr• efforts at the jaie Geer.. Morro Ptah, Dieted Stolen to study. To dale ma. m h. be imam now had ta who lest c he rer,:dwa thirilN e,712k51 .,,,e; tigo .mgmes. and then undertake eh. heed et the stem ,,,,,,,,,,h, agreements have been made ptorah,o, meat had of sm He three of four spring contests to 117 mfrs y m.110.1 personnel on ,,, ,.... ."5,545Z.r°Z.L br.fc"-. 5555454'S Schaal. nb ee il p Ike the trophy and many feared his shiptern rtZpo''' from nwe inle'' thtro chille'h' 71 It could not he done. However, Projects To atm. Sere. the Middle Float to the Far the graduate curriculum. will the golfers begets by Menthe OR. CARROLL (111AMPLIN. William I. Bair, who bed 114. Approximately 750 United amt. work with the new man through Molt of the summer projects SIGMUND SPAETH. TO Wet year's upset as Al Adam, Bob MINN STATE HONOR he May Only spoiled by • aria. etudent. and 1100 tortsgo sly- ut the summer and In his re. Logan, End Paul Sterner won To LEAD EUROPEAN nova are expeaded 10 be along the linen ram carols leg fracture, reported this eek of American Friends Service re...C.arrr Champlin, handily. Dick Huffman lost on De Sigmund Stated, be I•med Committee work In social tension n:i4 that he is on the read to recovnuallYi'" ri.t r: e daneorn:eamSecr:o rni 1:9 IO Of EducoOOO Penhthe ninet.nth hole but fresh Bob 'aline detective and musical an arena of the tinned States and ery from complicallow which viva. State College , weir re, a email living Fere. of feet Johmlp Eagt.t.. alyet. wth conduct a group of Mexico, though not necessarilY followed the emit... hair was ague, who will be au ego. loss and the Fonda won all bell tourlIta through the Ella.. with the AMIC. retching for the PIMs softball Lott yar Edith d S. Brown: '50, inlet and have naht agned„,,,, "Servne Await rrr' 15' hail match. for a 7-2 team In • contest with the Sen. music Bethesda this summer. it Few of the graduate shire. Mrs when he stepped into the Won annommed recently. The will have more than ono one. Clan Sweep hi Ii P tlen th DeL; ran ian ana:t dA e baseline to keep one of the Serehip .11 be under sponsorship of semester meetive sn oatiluk:1711.7:v gte ':aft,i'eth rote no :g:Th:cen r:,:e7 a:si0roo :rti rl.. np. IY courae OP. to Depth swung the Mack Meet RILL DOCRESTIF Ion from scoring. The resulting r Irtund. but Upon Mum.. m the for Hoverford. 72,54. to clinch a the neaten of Intercontinental them, said collision lett him with both bon. announced that the compoti cermatly Si low ebb, tie for the trophy. Captain John Studies, a nonprofit orgarstation will spend their dr. here on the who have received merltorio. !has hee lar the ho Ma leg broken. with ...quarter. In New York required subj.. such as Cane but the popular heavywieght Fiume set a new college record Os Me Wee 5F""rh• academie year 19Sa.S.3 le from Study of Assbitance Program. "r""id" far "‘5'5"5' the pole vane ea the teems CHY• Three does Oiler the leg tv. writes with some conseeneatory given ""e 15. 1951. set. gas gangrene developed. satisfaction Mat he has welded divided Bret places evenly. other Among the plata sleeted by Hunan Relations, and modern The person ;17 "or Stade. interested should eon. be London. Vin- foreign !agues.. The cast was removed and the away to approximately OW FOrd Winners were Jahn Bell In the group suit with Assistant Professor of t. mile. Bill Gage le the Sitla burgh, Pans, elettaele, Vienna. Flecerneut Work Considered Bryn Mawr Hospital lead ft- pounds. Obtethed M. A. Al Moreno. Political Science H. Field Halt Kest Kamm in the mo, Burl M un b, Salzburg, Bayredth. ported that Bair was In danger Enemata. Davy WW1.. Since the placement of these Professor Champlin was grad. land. Jr. of losing his leg. A NMI. Of After a brief spell aboard • Seidel la the 100, Arnie Jones In Heidelberg. Zurich. and Lucerne. Ancients th imitable lobs Mtn. noted from Bloomaburg iPs.1 operations, however, succeeded transport loaded princlpellv with the MO high handles, and Flirt D. Spaeth, Who has recently completion 01 the arse le an High School In 1101, Blooinsburg published a new book on 01011 rem' checking the disease. For the nurses and service lanes, 13111 Rilnali In the high jump. ImPortem Pot of the overall last week his dressing, have 0,1.0 reported for duly. March 3, On Saturday, May 12, then w. the thee In Med. will be amend. program. Haverford College hoe Stan Teacher. College in 1906. to be changed only once a day. the Bolerilor. Since that time his &Mete day and . the Fonds Led by • tnIniroum of 23 and • arranged to have liaison Men in After taislos a Bartielorra gm here in 1914, he went on to Bair expect to rehire to lea ship ha. hod to Mined with wasted no time. Ailing pitcher maximum of 50 total.. the Wedthigton and New York re- Main a Haverford Master's the o „ate „hi Pittsburgh home by Suit 1. cormietently unfavorable wrath. Craig Heverton saw his tea. mh port on •vallable openings WW1 fallowing year. and a PhD. from After a summer in a wheel er. tartly missing a hurricane on mate. dam again. Swarthmore Seorttmel, July 13, and return governmental and United Sodom, the ‘Unnerany University of Pittsburgh in chair, Bair expecte to return to one occasion, and having several for the first time in three yearn on the Queen Mary, kaput RI agencies, Already the College Travel detail. am being handled bee had pennantsl Inquiries from college next fail, aportine a plate times to return to port when and won a 10-5 decision and Ms wood screws. . 1. met her plane. were prevented from ball. Jack Ledeboers homer with by Therescohtinenial M • rill Inch orgattlrations as the World one on and Wayne Herta... Tour. of New York. Rank he may still be on crutches, he operating. ego.. to be able le gel a.... . I Bill has had nleth. ly Mlle triple with the melte loaded were Henkels & McCoy It is expected also that a nom. all right by September. Balr re. free time In Japan. meld for the decisive blows 1.0 a learn her of the graduate studenm AI Contracture one met leave in the ports that,hla mentally take positions as Legs Re. It been brightened by • Wady eollthern part of the Lalonde. [reined workers for the AFSC. Philadelphia 'While Impressed by the mows The tenon team completed the stream of Melton Munn hitNew Ont. To Aid Program pus, end chatks the accident tip, thine, the flowers, and the amen. rout With flee nut of six elegies BARBER 3110P Considerable further aid lo the at feast In part, to good expert. ne. of the Japanese country. vIctories and • Mai 1.2 win. John smooth working of the graduate side, Mrs. Dogilarty said he Thom., Ches. Winston, and 10 !Lederman Ave. nee Iota premed Mullet. program, according to members spent malt of lifr lime ashore Jack Motew wen in itentfought Matt 10 Penile flathead) of dm itdminlateetive committee, shopping — In ntablishments height seta before Mew Dear. Also In Founders RNA will result from the recently an. flinging from Japer.. antique Was edged. Etl Bellinger and Dick nouneed Rockefeller grant of goo.. West. Pet shops to Macy'. Tokyo branch. Eberly then clinched the match more than WOO for research in. `rain-. en 'Record' With threaset triumphs and the to technical aseletance ease hisOn the political side. finally, reel was anticlimactic. tories are Mon elsewhere this althouria no Idoliser ot Gen. In ended Haverford's tint sue. Issuer In addition to MM, the oral MacArthur hlmeell, 1311I Item ...fie quest for the Hood thiarehalll Field Foundation, of Two IlaVerford economic. pro written that he is convinced the trophy. All that remain Is to Chicago, has just unpinned • place to keep It and a lessors have been invited to lead Japaneee people felt a rod Iona grant of P5,000, for financing the . diamealons at University of Penn. at the rel r the former means of winning It againEnd 'Rake hay it hilt the sun Arsenate program In technical donteteneee to be held Supreme Commander. UMun •Before leaving for renewed anneal" Rood Humor lee anistance as a whole. late Mill month. cervla with the Nayy. Bin one will always be the Ideal of Cream Company- has highJames Street will sem at the the was 0.1110 Lbte -Irt, Witting established roan coach and leader to .." Conference of lovretment Bana- Doeherry Durk] World War Il Biu eery- epee for the eummer. Can t which will discuss monetary moat In Nashville, Tennessee, there Is cruiser winch did patrol Oarb bOrk drivers and noned one' ,, ,"" „" ho F5"`" and fiscal policy. Howard M. . always a friendly gathering of peeeenlmd he drivers. work In the Allende and later 5" r Tee Jr, will serve at a con- tray w" as a gift from a them 01 Vanderbilt linivenity student. at ference which will discuss the Contact the branch nearest here, and along eddi hie wife. your home. "impact of Lidatrywide the Vanderbilt Center on dm est. he received the dedication Met.. Frame. Pat, Dating on Plaint Location." Both of REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE the 1951 Reeord from this pus. And as in wineskin everyW111 give Milks an the lasties un- year',, graduating class. where, ice-cold CocaCola help. der consideration and then lead riendship Aad Ur Ierstandthe tiee eonferenee members in dieItee Ave., make these get-togethers something "TO 111111," read the dedication Germantown, Chesnut HUI, Ham Line and cpassIoW. pert, "who hen made hie and Whitemarsh Meet. County to remember-As • refmakin,gpaufe The cenlerences are PErt of • friendship and understanding from the studygrInd, or on • Setuptheeloving MP. available to every student, and Haverford PentsplesId• Ma from all parts of the coon. day night date—Coke Woman. ARsSaft, J, Osow=kl a=e 14 W. Evergnsen Avant., .AIR URI OITICE We They Si. highy selective and ta PneterIptiona CHFATHUT MIL orrIcs eITI W. LonsooMat Avowal. 5ele Melted numbers are allowed JEANNETTS Ashler riOur y.. leth to attend. Most of thew allergen Wisou'ockon 14710 Ardmore effto Drug. and Bumble. Bryn Mawr Plower Shop sraiernarks ream the taste Mu,. rlowee W. mimes, 05 Alan L nom Me Not by their fins, ln order Erna n's Ofte301311a Nat they may keep up with son. axon ouniOare Or int PyreaOss Comma yr Atec. trzeem Phone Ardmore 0122 nrPla gia Ave, developments la then re Ps. ise /a %WOW leerlek John Lieutenant William Docherty, Jr., USN. who left Haverford last February at the call of Uncle Sam, has proceeded since to service aboard the USS. B•110k0 an escort terrier Operating out of the naval ha. at Yokosuka, pet meth of Yokohama. Japan. He sailed far the 0 el e n t from, San Francieco, within tWo weeke of repotting for duty. Now An Education Officer A eonathunIcationa officer In the lam war, the former Haverford athletic coach Is now engaged In education and training wr k. Chiefly, according to Mrs. Dotherty, he teaches officer* training procedure. and handles enlisted meree,applicstiona for higher ratings, Just reantlY, however, he her 0120 been sip. pointed athletie dinner Olt board the Bairoko. The quality of Navy food, he Philanthropist, Philips Offered Cultural Support Prockop, Thornton Win Fulbrights ‘1.1... wool W. -.A. A w r ?.t.. Bill Bair Better After Fracture k. NI., or,ob, Rills & Wattwortk, ar. JOHN TRONCELLITI Drs. Teaf, Street To Talk At Penn /tae • SUMMER JOBS? EMLEN & CO. RAVIERFORD PHARMACY GOOD HUMOR CORP. kaa Coke rage row EAVERFORD NEWS • Graduation Speaker Childs Noted Journalist, Author Elbert ... Russel... L. P. Hill. Eight Named As New Faculty Appointees Marquis W. Childs, whose ad dress to the graduating Senior became a columnist with the Syndicate, a P. Class marked a major part of United Features anion which he has held ever this thisithae, aeinthnntha Awards Winners Th e 011ementhe Cope Fellow. -far that student organization - English IT Frederic Oarnr Ethers, thins - to assist worthy and which has done the most to ad. promising modulo. of Haver- vance the interests of Haverford fas of June, 19501 ford College in .ntinulng their College taming the current ..- 15-16 , . • • year. .tont. at Haverford or at some der. Theatenin.the-Round other institute. Continued From Page 1 PEI BETA KAPPA Lille Crosby Dea ton, '51, From the Chao 51 len SONORA lion to the mathematics Depart- First 'Darwin 2. ment next fall, as Instructor in Gilbert M. P. Leib, '51, Second Highest Sonora H. Davison mathematics for the year. He The Catherwised Foundadon Feb John Herbert Davison, '51 L. essay DeRact is a graduate of Oberlin, and lowaldp - to given for quail. Mune Frenetic a Musser holds the Doctor's degree from des of distinction in character MA froth. Gilbert M. P. Leib the University of Wisconsin. and Intellect which promise outWilhelm K. Ander., 'St lame. C. Peden, JP: has been the coverage of signI. fairs, first-hand reporting and Mending achievement. Watts Coves Fro, BMC Philosophy Paul B. Moses leant aortal, economic and edu- eithonae „oninth., To aside In the graduate curNeel. Minot Curds, '51 Louis Crosby Denton, 51 Thorn. J, Garth. asthma developments. Henha Dr. coming am riculum Traveled Mmt To nwedeL The Clam a MS Prise In Mal. Biblical Lateral°. Nevi. M. Curd. Schwab, Kraus. Mr. William Career Thomas Jay Garbaly, '51 Soils Tolun Childs made the first of his Meg" and Mr. Elmore Jackson, the EngItah John William Lament '53) Davis B. McCaro Mr. Childs. who. syndicated ferries trips in 1933, when he lasbnamth for part-time work Ilse Lyman Beecher Hell Prise - RoPaul Bell Moses, Robert B. Edmiston plum, -Washington Calling.- went to Sweden to attend a hem. only. ctiendeow mance Lengeage. Floyd F. Ford Me a series appears in more titan 150 news. Inc exposition and to Dr. Km.. on sabbatie leave Frederic Omar Musmr, 'II Hunter C. Cutting Richard Warren LOW. '50 theithee an over the „nth,. the of dispatches on social and en. prohe Is aim the author of half a from her post as associate Conthu. From Peg. 1• Elected Junior year The Clam a/ tele Poetry Pelee French nonde Improvements there. Two . career dozen' books on Biblical topics, Manor sof social economy • n d his Jame. Clark Peden. 'It to '52 Foreythe, Roberts Thome. later years • " WO in""`tn""' g" From the Clam • num- including The Parables of Sem* social research at Bryn Mawr, reporter Ice the United Press in Europe, Spanieb thin time until and has been active on The taleule Pelee her of educational ronsnalimieps, rum. and The Me sage tam will serve he. as • lecturer in Sydney M. Cone, III Stanley C. Searle. - Ertg• John Herbert Davison, '51 923. After severe, Yea rs m mi.' 1939. when he returned home to 1 p, social monomy. William Schwab nadonal Jr and state Norris, A. the both at Richard uah Washing Dispatch Post Me pan masta western cities he added The Pounders Club Misr levels. He has also contributed ni„vite. The termer IJrueLh 1ms been appointed as Metro.. Paul C. Milner • e degree at lows to hie NM. ion ether. Ears Grant Harrison. Jr., '51 lemon Ma time to many civic enter- Cox, attended the ceremony with in Anthropology for one Yet., John W Woll. Jr. joined Roger Raton. IT (as of Feb., The NeWIGO Prim In Engilek The columnist travels sinee and, B A....4 in 'B.' science, general irti:the greater Philadel• him c Burton E. Pike , 1 17, p have to teach tine sslaR ..°1 the St 19511 - Men. Literature Pool .that time ha. inctithed cove, N the second semester, soci- Thomas Jay Garbaly. '51 G. Man Solent P. Bawler, 51 Dkpatek m • femora thiter site of the Spanish Civil War. ology only. Robert T. Ives written The William E. Scall Prier. Enidlah Nut year he a social and economic appraisal In FeherrmY yeLesT "metes M. Greene 'd lU elthe hl P s Cold Ratco e thmiM '' Worked hi Nigeria ne nsaiden tnenn' re se oo net Hill W Is apn 'h semen Brown, DePth '51 '52 Hershel Shanks, of Mexico. battlefront reporting He holds a B.A. from the UN. rOurerture trireme, and What legs of the Univeroity of North The Genres Peirce Prins • la Eng.+ MASTERS DEGREES 1 in the winter of 1.5. Wants li versity of Michigan, end im Chemistry or Mathetrtelle. Nevi. Moot Canto, 14.4. of Art. h17;e'rren degreeu:o d C' t n'e n' Th citations on the di I M.A. from the University of d • Per. : Econorniee Barton Milligan. 51 cal Interview In 1 9 ith Man japan him this mooing, he holds men al the two men were re Robert Stanley Arthur - 114 d Pennsylvania. °bring the theft Pa' ter G. Cuttith, '51 Spoon Man - presented by the to year he has been etheamt In tan honorary Lilt. D. from Li. by Dr. White as foio:rs, Senior as. to the member of Chemistry Albert Anatole Berman •Il.ealle Pinckney Hill- Edu. anthropological stunt e• n :coin University., and an honor. Floyd Fillmore Feed. '51 It who le selected as the most Biblical Literature I.L.D. MOM Morita. State valor, poet, musician, reopens!. Nigeria. Under the ample. of beloved man and the one who Sorlology Aside from his newspaper ary Council Charles Frantz - Sociology of Research president British the Ole citizen, retiring F. F-tt Einnich. '51 la fell to represent beat the work. Mr. Childs IN chiefly noted Arthur Jackson Green - PM he married Mine Jane a neighboring institution whose Lid Colonial Office. In ideals of Haveriord character. Ilsh the author of several hooks. Elmore Jeckson will serve as .Ethel Clark, who witnessed the beginning. represented the con. A. R Kunket. '51 -- Sociology i000phy Samuel Colman, Jr.. 51 including Sweden-TIM Middle Frll■ rose Use Ullii JJJJ Richard M. Gummere, Jr.-. presentation this morning. They earns of earlier friends for the panda. lecturer In Interned°. The rill. P. Smith Prim - for Gilbert M. P. Leib, '51 11, twill English Ina. year. Turin have Mx datighters, Mm. Ctiff. eduretIon of Negro youth. in rec- al relation., while continuing Se the heel essay on International Chemistry ,,e;th,..,7,ths -` and neva. director of Quaker HOLM. in New Morris L. 'Itch - Illetory known m the .tudeni body a ChemBarton Milligan, '51 Is hose Her ,19/11,ord Valentine, Mrs. Thomas S. tholtion ot your long lame Daniel EMT. Othenheint mrolce to American odors- York. Mr. Jackson holds de-large for nil moinng Logan. Mrs. Frank Cr, hdry Wilhelm K. sneers, .51 "`....` 7,2 Clam 'Si and leatthrel amen in the Clam of grave from Pacific College Mrs. Rosamond Nelson, Mro. 'don. a service that has oMee Walter Sellgeolus '50 tae of German The gemme reamer. Fn. A Reno labeential Might shows and thr his work Heenan Tucker, anti Miss Ethly to broad objectives in human re. Yale University. 1 -, Economies Feb., 19, best.selling book on Swed- j . PMlesephy Two Will. Tome Parnah lath am and social Policy, HaVerwith the Glee Club. Hildegarde Russell. Mennen Emmett Dunn and Howard K. Rename. Sociolety Courtney 5Icelott Gerhard Friedrich will be hem lord College ronfeirs upon you Remelt A thither Menem. Bottler. an 01111%11111di, ath. en Reginald Edgar Allen, 53 Henry during successive semeshere pmlesem Herbert Clair Standing asMstant as laws.'" yet. next of Doctor of degree en" the was baseball. and football who In 12 English Russell, Elbert Dr. feu ters of sabballe leave, wilt come oWn and -Elbert Remelt-Quaker Ms- of English. He holds an A.B. Reginald Edgar Allen. 'nn honored along with President Herndon G. Dowling. its Instrucvrastie 4:7tri 1.° 'lwtehdeer' "tlelVS tit thl:enie " n captained the int." IAA. and Wilmer* College, Edward g, Guilford entren .1aPh Ir''' 11-12 /1111. Is well known as a Quaker tonal% college pastor, educator, from tor In biology for one year. He Greek feels on production, distribution, of a from Haverford. and Is current. historian. college pastor. and ed. pioneer In the Reginald Edgar Alien. holds a BS from the University and consumption. part.time at the Uniavatar. He pioneered in the social gaped, In recognition of ly teaching Murder oh Schram of Alabama. end le comMedth where he Leath. Al 4 oluMM• French preaching of the social gospel. your service over more Nth hell versity of Minnesota, work on hie doctorate at t he Richard Warren Lalt y jr°r"" been a century as an interpreter of has completed his course work hil***Ph P112 Mn child.. also a lecturer at and has for a half century Museum of Zoology, Ual.erbieY 1 and religion In terms of perm., ex. toward the Ph.D. In English iD. L.the thsthththth nti7th joss Christi. M Hamm, Jr., '51 Che die Columbia Univernity School In ' demand by colleyea of Michigan. before taught of has He seeker literature. Interpreter perierice, as a prolietlo of Journalism. In February. ! ehurch groups as • tri E Cadbury, Jr., - Chemlatry 19/4 11 W troth In history, Haverford at Guilford and is Pennsylvania - a.tnigfi'Y Roderic RUH Jameson. lare. he was En' W. Allen of religion in terms 01 personal the professor, win serve chemistry College confers upon you the de State College. 1141 Memonal Lecturer at the Oregon experience. as dean next year Is the absence English Also in the English Depthb Boni In Friendeville. Tenn., in 'gree of Doctor of Letters," Frederic Ruff Dammam 51 RATERS SPORT SKOP Prism, f:onterence of the Untver, ! of Gillen Hoag. according to meat will be Robert A. German. --NW W. tamewdas ammo French 1114 stir of Oregon, and was appoint. dal. he was yraduated from SpealdalL pUblie M Marimba as awarawl. Heinz Frank Koch '54 .- Gee' ed at the same time to the se- Earlham College thenty-them I Edwin Brynner will contln. to Bache, the holds He part.time. Pegs 1 11.15 comm.. lection committee of the'lalleman yearn later. and was a member mien In the History Department man ha's and Pomba, degrees from Frits Peter Kohler. '52 Foundation of Journalism at of the faculty there for several Professor of American e 17 T. 11=7. while Professor Thomas Doke th PenthYlvthin• sabbaticel with a ChrmiRry 1 Harvard University. by Pres, yearn. In 1933 he below. heed allows e and I. teaching them. nn o• een•i neeet an athe 0 "d e7 g 101 Merriam 53 i th, hrthr: Henry of Earlham.s Biblical Depart. o den James B. Conant. year's leave of absence. Finally, to replace Protemon capacity this in serving meat. year. Mr. Edwin H. Brenner, In I Mr. (Nide in married and haS a result id• As to speak ale"' work. Roberts Halt was able01 Mr. Childs was hon. paper fr,.. the nearly coed In 1944 with the Sigma Delthirty years as a Journalist , au. ta. Chi award for outstanding correspondence, the thse, and world traveler. His Wathington which menliene. file spechd held throughout this time d.tinn at sustained Insight M national at. ,John be Prockop crude. ... Receive Honorary Degrees el 1.. re,..,a slaying ttith.,7,„roliabnCeoy a McNutt Elected As Secretary By Seniors u'. preaching Sabbaticals.., f l his e univerwty .tho children. He makes his 'home in Chevy Chase, Md. Childs Speaks. DARWIN J. PROCHOP Conthaed From Page Ow served as secretery.treameer of advised members of the in libton will maim. nerved 15 Years As Dean to supply Professor Drake's In the following years he ad educed°. aught at • number a al the rge r' " 't will continueMiin al Institutions. until liking the Library Treasure Room and the post of Professor of Biblical Quaker collection of which Proat thterpretallon In the School fessor Drake is Curator. Religion. Duke Univeraity, in of Clam of 1926. He continued in the post the Varsity Club. Cragin. an. 1.1. we must first of all recog. ether athlete. Is well.known Mr until 1915. serving as dean of the doe that individual s• nclit Schad from 1919-1941, when he meths self.disciptine. "the ae. football, and Intramural basket' became dean emeriti.. reinsure of responsibilities as onicial retirement Since well as rights. Such acceptance front Doke, Dean Russell has Column was chosen by the must, if it is to have any perelms aa its -most belated man manence. be made within the continued to teach in other college.. Including Guilford. who le felt to repand the and framework of thong faith Ilea Reinert Widely remnt best the ideals of Hate; , llrm morel conviction. Dr Russell is perhaps best fOrd College." He served as The spark of snob faith, • Albrecht0t Flowers ADAMS RECORDS REPASS PHONOGRAPHS se W. [sae 5-e An. Art NW HAMBURG HEARTH Corsages PMs Peons Sarthang way, LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR the LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS— MAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET 100104 tsslw en WAN WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS one faith ARDMORE At sw000nal• he known for his monumental ma class president in hit sophomore in and under concluded. tory of Quakerism IOUs but year and as vice-president when standing of the. cultural d a a Junior. Outstanding tth the religious heritage. will be t h e basketball court. he elm planed triter ten by which Western soccer. and we. a member of civilization stands or falls • t both Student. Council and Varashould be viewed not m folly. 10 ChM but a. • -moment of extra- 1938 CHRYSLER COUPE Good Condition Mom: mem ficattereeed Germano.. Anne rm P. Ns ordinary belief." which Is "In 11.11* thrinthr portent of hope." A. VASSALLO Barber ShOl MeRVING 11AVEZPORMI was egleCH MS US W. law* am TWA RADIOS-RECORDS RADIOPHONOGRAPHS TELEVISION ament• mdse. ay .th 71nAmelte. Um Warta H. ROYER SMITH CO. be was. 11.m. saor Walnut Sta. Phil. Open Wed. levee. WAInut 1.3■23 lathsa 14.166. VACATION STARTS at the RAILROAD STATION visit SHADOWHURST FARM ZOO Moore, Pa. Glen Rare AM TM Cm SAVE le II DS N CROUP MCI TIDES leen Ilia ...we as lea 4..11 Gather a group of 2 5 or mom heading home In the name direr. bon at the same time. Buy other PLAg tiatetz Each group mem. n tempered to reg. as Mar round, w lam, or up to 45% to buying ma. way ockets in each directioel Pheasants, Peafowl. Deem Many Other Birds and Animals Pirnie Grounds Provided .Light Refreshments and Souvenirs for Sale her le re retbar-glen as hot PI aaaaa Tomeil hove on one wain. But you tun return wpm mely, in time for reopening of school. Grano Plan Ravings imply as far ...Yeu all go together. Then buy mdiwidthl round-trip deka e the ems YOUR WEREEND GUESTS DESERVE THE BEST HAVERFORD COURT HOTEL Montgomery Ave. Haverford, Pa. Or, if Line's finest hotel offers metropolitan both hotel Treed your griller/active loving and dining excellence. vinifor. to a delicious dinner served In Maio phis NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE OVER 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS', SAY: "When I apply the Standard Tobacco Growers Test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield Is the one that a, Milder." smells Milder andris_ls New • Feet. wrier' Plmlees amen. cadets gall You nears. rat hood P•menine agent .11 help nai omen. • Meth to get these big nivingie. good on most each anti. rest of Chicago or St. Louis, north ulna Ohio and Potomac ittsera, and wmt of New York City. MILDNESS Line manner. A WELL-KNOWN of our taste panel found peg%n EASTERN RAILROADS 29 o_hx-testa." opleasontf LEADING SELLER IN AMERICA ' S COLLEGES DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY for Comfort end Take The Train! RESEARCH Chesterfield is the only cigarette in which members m et Rri pilaw Round-Tries, Web IN ANY WEATHER INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Of all brands tested, For Reservation. mg Ardmore WO Rein LANA. Ahmegor ALWAYS Su Y CHESTERFIELD