ells White Reports To Corporation At Annual Meet
Caselli Interview ells Page Four An Open Letter Page Two 4/ Vol.. 13 NUMB. 4 White Reports To Corporation At Annual Meet fIngt `41:7; anew. Pa. e3.00 PER YEAR ARDMORE, PA.,TERSEIAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 Flannels, White Bucks.. CALENDAR Tuesday, October 3S Professor Herta Km.. 'Citizen Consumers Prevent for Higher Productrelty.. Union ELM p.m. Johnson Attacks Moral Collapse College Reopens Record Library For Borrowers Dr. Mordecai Johnson... Howard's President Sees Need For Positive Program Othello Trim., MOW. hail 7100 p.m, Nediuollay. October 3.1 Hans Kohn, "A 1.7.N. gieat ono: Sheet le10.51,. BM*0 folk.. iry,M. formal discussion. Common Room. Othello Tryouts ironed,. Ceoodhart Hall, Bryn Me. Deed.. Ode,. M Carnes Day. Morning elan sea diem... more. Mr Collection. Seine Dance, Centered. 7 to S p.m. Be num MUMS Students May Take Disks With an address by Dr. Moe To Rooms On Week Loan; dad Johnson, president of HowEnds Year's Record Famine ard University, in Collection on The mumal meeting of the 13eginning October 15th, Hay. Tuesday, October 16, the elaa Corporellon of the College took erfortra record collection will erford College Service Fund artee was begun. ere Johnson, place last Tuesday at 4•10 again he available to both ,tte holder of degrees from the Unl. In the Union. The opening am dents and faculty. Mr. Reese has verse), of Chl.go and Harvard in was followed by a dinner announced that a new system 10111 University, spoke on the moral in Commons for the Corporation en Into effeta. by which' records reaporuAbillty of the United States members may be taken from the room In today. Stokes Opoes Meelleg which the cone.n is kept, tor Illusory Fears S. Emits Stoke., '14, Chairman, a period of one week. He began by stating that the opened the meeting by welcoming Dollereion Available crisis in America Is greater than those attending, and Introduced The library of phonograph no suppose; furthermore. that Wilmot R. Jones, .23, (Merman rte.. Is located In Founders our general theory conterneg of the Nominating Committee. s Halt M the room adjacent to Me Mat crisis Is Largely an illusion This committee's report was voted We have, he saki. a conviction Prealoent of Howard University, who ardre'l.n.'CA1•711?;1' sod leciltdee toe upon and approved. the P.O.-int of Mob10 will maitthat a dbrbolical conspiracy eonsu, last went on the moral reaponaibility of the United States in the William Morris Maier, '31, re today. able in the recant room on Monwith its bash Russia, designed Treasurer, then delivered he redays Mtween the hours of g and deotroy the free Institutions port which, he said. reflected from 4 which am our heritage. This moclearly the Inflationary trend, /la ""and o S p.m.. on Fridays from 4 Enhablten. of Merlon lemon netary will stop at nothing arid oted, however, that along 04th p.m. unleas we ac were roused from Meir deep at will overcome costa, the endowment .11141WaThose wishing to burrow me Sae ant On Monday. October 15. Immolate-a preponderant natitUry had grown sti.tantfaily. Jonas eke. Mr cm e.t.a' by loud and urgent .hew of power we Magee. ords are alMWed to sign Out two By J. N. Oster. than M. Steve, 00. reported that ... not "de rigettr" at Haverford, darnel-clad Student!? spite!.Fortunately for those This operated is illusory. John. reppert albums at a time. at the above funds such me Haverford's have Coanell President Herald Freund aaeltree Corporation .nmelent gentlemen, the ever. son declared. We mold in fact ',Orton. hours, and may retain been increasIngiy Invested hr huh the Haverford Drama Club The one motor „rmenon nognt overrome Route and scarcely aa them for one week. In order to members at trowel dinner. watchful tee of Dick Kirk had common Mocks. and that Sag of detected the of of a con. ter the Menden, Dy defeating the ' presented -its latest altering m be the ha:clang of the sundry se assure the maximum availability the College fund had been Investflagratton on some note under the enemy militarily we might at the good faith. no matter how mmg rents that 'NMI demands in his of thesererords, It Is requested ed In this way. The Tre.utere same time render the world more r. It is in this spirit that they dialogue. One em the tePreeitte • that they be return. by the eve. of the tend floor back, report was then approved . 00ale soar aad lark sounded the amenable to his fine vicmry, that tog actors were fight.. the horroWers before the slimed time that egveg. !Mould be considered. alarm. when A.tin Hood appear. rather titan participating of tine week it possible, thus perConeeptams Of COrentunlant White Speaks e climax In emenaMment mn, emation eboard an English mitting greater ch.-c.f.i., ed on the same, grim, determined, We cannot snap the problem President Gilbert F. White then BV MARK SFSTON and eager to do tattle with the without grasping first two ton. woo attalned In Two Gentleman or manowae. aura 1115. This Borrowers Held Reoperate. Mdreatted the Corporation He said tee." blaze. W. the help of Ball Wary cepts of Communism foreign to Sake, a arrigelly Parody of the andstir inability on the part of The annual meeting of approx. ethtere Ptrteeari noted that while Haverford has An persons bortowing records be Siestir enhanced by the rota MII, the sleeping Annex-it. were or wet- of thinking. The first We Elizabethan atege convention decreased aomewhat In Ita num- imately one hundred members of the 0Meet was especially loon from the collection are held pee the Haverford Corporation lam stmetIon Of a field house. wakened, i in Blanchard as P..441 mere... nto have the humility to aurne ber of students, it has grown by A. P. Herbert. The action n,u reality responsible tor whatever Wei. Preside. Wein on the areent as the May progressed and records they take out. In case various responaes to the &lama the presence of some good in Inwardly in three Important Tuesday was clInusad by a dinales at were exhorted Chandra Magee Communism. A movement of Its n. held In the Common Room careent "furrowing of no . became a highly convirieng char of hreakage or the scratching of udenS nfFoundehe Hatt .1.1.1 rfreile sa exhibited msrontemt~ e , lar propestiers.-eramee he-elkohnsed, tether art. laatiocii by 5. dams- wags by tit,„advetit of the do- a More, the berrower Will be. mama to fled them have become y was".proutt . r""'W going hack to sleep, itin ere alter dinner were Archibald said the student body aa being totally and Itrevocale e... Gwen Davis gave a con- nouement. Diva C. MOODye—ToOnl charged the full replacement clearer; 21 the quality of intel. that the administretion and faculvineing performative 1, the cornincing in the role tlerieed. lectual and aptrituat attitude has Macintosh, Director of Aches. ty of Revert°. have rent aver or, with temh preens. of mind evil. value of the damaged record. alone Gerald Freund, '52 Presi Teo second in to have the Duchess rosacssed by then he demon. Direotton vas by Thorn. Wood summoned several dozen nearby improved better College pro. r Or record dent of the Students' Council; and baeleveds to mold Ohio-" Com. fire companies. By ' the .c of humility to oak nurses. before ll Tae ouppoved finale to the eve. mtbtIluo was not available to gram P "" e 'exerreee'rmer MentIng on the effects of the Haverford has been strengthened Douglas Van Steere Chairman of draft meet to the future of the crude pletures and hand Motionn, God whether we In the west have tactive Plum. Frank Flannery sladents for private use. because Continued Page -I, ml. I the Philo..Y Department, the whale situation was conveyed anything to Justify the Com- lent the mast polished perform. to an unprecedented degree. t' we. feared Mal ton much rarecollege student, Freund said that to J. C. WI en, who seemed to have munist view which Inspires ita aree to the entire trilogy. One Selsalarold. Needed Preldent white tom the Cele:, —handling and resultant emhe Naught Haverforti leaden. some difficulty getting hilt mind violent actions. The Communnt might ohlem to the Gea[aI[ Speaking on admissions and radon of several ware in which it., or breakage would occur.. had met this depressing force tactiet—and they are only tactics. the Herbert piece n 7TUrstley funesma the uncertainly of atud.ts with scholarahlp policies of the cob with Losight and determination to it oaa in the past. thus retooling, regard to the Immediate tutor. lege. Mr. atarentmh outlined dial utilize their college years to the - Community reale.e was ree• not basic—are em- night on the grounds that too from circulation entirely certain • • statistics on the present class to ly impressive. Fire engine, began ployed in the teller Mat they are much slapetick intruded Itself on maid be relieved somewhat. A emphasize mends which were either het Ms main point that the fullest. Instead of adopting a with a people with Co the otherwise Impeccable interprevo atrtoorthening of the plareahle or very difficult to Omaha.. Oa P045 S. CoL d gen. of honor and no tree tation at W. C. Booth. the dB.. basic arn liberal arta program, .d college should have a greatly ea. r'trtt attitude. • Mare. hum. spirit tor. On Friday night hnwever, the . Ita of opporturilliee for landed acholerehre Mown If it Agitation Predates Change We Have No Right To Wu Mimed-tail. studies were both err" re' haee eleeretr waa ermirtred ' rete 're ter reeIt Is the eery t•free'' people. point of honor not indulged In hy ' , Student agitation on the Bub. essential, he said. Dr. White also natatory and high school grade. of the earth, Johnaon continued, the other oirectore rho tears college dramatic 1.1.1 was so great howl-ter. that stressed the Importance of the aim each year. who have constituted the mow Temala men accepted for ap end., a 1 this year the policy of honrowing In the Arms • Etteene College being open to any new rethless and most efficient group was. perhaps, the heal testing new set nt regulations concerning romMa uax minomted as pert Of Robert Sherwood, speaking last developments which would help proximately 110 places open to The author of Rooms. and in history-ethe Dutch, French. !coon for serious retina. How.' the nummr of performances on the record library system. Freshmen decided to go to other Tuesday at Goodheatt Hall. Bryn the Inman 0,105 and aphrt. colleges, said Mr. Macintosh. In Mawr, epee.. his -bewilder Hopei., commenting on his war. English. Peleens, and others. Our Mee small details almost roe camp. and of rehearsals for The Hat erford ramnl collection Grad Program La. Beatena were that virtually all of men the counie of Inter.. time association with the leaders great moral challenge in this: We numerous to anion. destroyed'., them. This was the result of me , was originally este. h II s teed He told of the current of the these men were u mislay tional policies since the Second of the Aillei cause, said that 'In know th to he true. for we rather than create', a reeling of overcutting of dansn and nuttier . through the benefit of a Cameo* new oneyear graduate program lucrative scholarship offers. • World Wen' The fourolme Pulls tvemohed ourselyea not .verthe realism, zedch realism is ohso ous failures in pilyetral etlure.n t granr, wet, ',egg mcen The °heeler of Admissions ex. zer Pelee winner who served on our time we have seen gen.. 1.1, led the fight against this lately' essential to Mb particular due to the strain of lam year's] In Ma, Caller colleges and unb The Continued Page 4. oak 1 greatness In our country and in syn., we have been meters grams in coratootton with Ma expanded dramatic program. pressed regret at the loss of these President Roosevelt's staff as verseea throughout the country. merely t ineth whom he decreed as sup- writer told his audience. erector. the world.. It may he Ion mach o declare ourselves guilt game Arcot SMIHy. "How do we „E., The collection rude postoble by erior in amdenne and leadership [nattily students, that the predic- to ask the older general.. to lees. and this rt open to mriout know that ne's English? Cause he roe muss „m„,,,,,mo, rule states . this grant has Mine° been sub potential. aments and paradox. of foreign duplicate Its courage°. efforts emotion. „ss talks It^ 000 talks a too damn not promo staattalLy enlarged over a period In the sight of Cod. Johnson good" Anyone in the edam, Applied.. Increased policy-Must be solved by a genera. uring the war lit the Mete of years through various private zoom, on campus mergency. 'Thus;' continued declarea we have no business to will disagree. Contrasting the annual echoer non other than Ina own. embed to protium play's. The donation, Inge A Peelelst ehlp experelitom of Princeton of A,fa de h• itrstr= c - One cheerful note was that axle rz0xiafi0rs was Contiapad Pegs 4. eel. • ennOneed Page 4, teL about 3500.000 to Haverford s 522.Ma Sherwood. once a paella, "Genius and the Aesthetic Re 011a Mr. Macintosh Urged an In. said that Mar only hope for peace It felt leeon of the Arta" was the topic dense of Binds for this purpose. In the immediate letre le a pear small for two official drama or. S of • paper presented by On MO He added that upperclass apple gram of remmament and Menationa. This role hlrek an A ton C.f./ohm at the That meeting ostions for schoialLIVIlle,dhadLl-, strength on the pert of the Wee[ end for the Theatresnthc.Round of the Philoaophy Club last so increased .dpu an a Ma ve ern Cies' He ware., hower, an organlmtion. but It doe not Thursday evening- October la Dr. load on the a.liable fun., that rearament m is not ewough forbid Drama Club productions in Nahm, chairman of the DepartFreund Sp.. to aehleve a firm pea.. "Hitler Featuring George Sommer and the circle theatre technique ment of Philosophy at Bryn Student's Council President was manifestation of the time ' BY PHIL STANSBURY' hie orchestra the annual Varsity A two. motion or the pro Maax, spoke to . audience Of Gerald-Freund spoke vs the gear not a cause of them. Mewl. Sta. Solid, pelmet.. vice pred. Haverford fugtime In the triple. the job of 0000 of freshmen. , ,h..,7 ,,,,,,, :. C r, uri lc u: lty,„D ne. ,,,, ,,,c ,,,,.eis:,, . .. ,c‘Lh .fdro Sti orm t. . t,,,, ,,, ,o:d crn i:nel ,,, , ,,ft, :r rrn ,t,7n, s. troroc atpf„Jiep. p g . ra m „ t r,..m , ,...„1sio—a intL Haverford and Bryn Mawr eta eml topic, ''What Haverford Stu. tin represents mom than a dueet i cl .,L tI te, tim e . , h hi , t: odf . 7is ager. .,. nt . n,y d.1 f im ge .ni ltY .,.. di ne. en, t. Archibal with di..Ma y.In . . eatPe hiocu dents and /acuity member.. dents Are Doing and Tanking." to our personal freedoms: he Is lo .penes special Rae.. Croce He observed that there Ls no each a reprefentedve of the dies.* ...mug, in me ihigi, penes special assistant to the President. • b! id Vice Prestdent 01 the col- has been kept by anithorning i t h l till, ,... Se r am.,i, -any thiretic,,,,he, takh.,i,.. ght the .,,,„ , e of tickets tp aro to,,,,,, sele dr.aorrer. hehaersa . legs. During the interim between ,,,,I Dr. Nahm contended that thing as a Haverford B. factions of millions of people with .n. he was here In the ga the. tenor. of Prealdents Morley aesthetic conalated In a conjunct laalealing this with the point that no Impoverished existence' Mn, class of 1921, has aerved the .1. niac... and White. in 199596, he served als, however, has loon limited dunce will he We' re' ho per eon of Fact and Value. Feat pee "while bucks" and the coded Sherwood continued. lege during this period In posito the two weeks precedingthe rally and OM doom on Friday as Acting President. tains to artistic media. technique, gray mit are nOt "de rIgeura as Calling the. Point Four Pre tions ranging from that of vane. ,. and the limit u I Maht and with be followed by a end the like: Veitua, on the other a uniform. he described the Han Perhaps the one work of Mr. perfurmandea. ty backfield coach to the Office s skits Is l0 be more I Sunday morning breakfast. gram an esmndal part of a teas. tadiciagai hand. derives from the freedom !Hord undergraduate as . Macintosh that has carped him of Acting President., The exact price of tickets to ' at settle, el the artist—a freedom limited ...Chu, an individual with a tic foreten 50110 elms, the widest recognition to his rigidly enforced. 'Mg peace. Sherwood sald we moat Flayed Track mouse Lleeintlnmo• the dance has as yet net been dein terms of mechanism .d ends. strong sense of cooperation *Mob hook Behind the Academic Cue leekao maintain the friendship of termined but will either be 59.50 Barn lh Malone, New York, e Dr, Nahm took Issue with is utilized When the need for Una which achieved considerable Longue. el. plays also came allies and gala the Mr. Macintosh grew up and went or Sa00 per couple. Incite' In Benedetto Crete'. view that strong action arises. Fremesen. suttees after Its publication in under the reguladon. which pee the price of ...Ion to the all iance of other people through to high achml in Ithaca. After azatetic appreeiatIon is prior to tiered that concerted slatnon ail 1946, The subject of this reok ml. the language groups to Predance will be admission to the knowled., calling the eiplac makea effective the ”reos:25eral easel:UM tete directed tomrd entering Haverford, he was called as Inc problem and loadarbes sent plays apart from the Drama providing a more equitable stand. Into the artily In 1910, In which pep tally end the tic dance and tautological primitivism.. and at the same time Umet eele- and of living throughout the of a college director of admits Club. At the .me time, these Mlle Sunday morning breaklast he earned the commission of nee-' During the question period fel- Bee" 1, .no system nation. Sloes, Including the various gateplays aro to be Ilmited to a rem umeld. Formai dress is expected and ond lieutenant In the heavy z lowIng. Dr. Nalco held that ireThe Council President noted heations which saris erectors sortable length and preparation eorsag. will be permitted. said Me. Sherwood, "Ls artillery. elate appreciation mu not Thoth an ,Improvement In the quality took for In the sifting of lnnuro- time is to be held to a modes! ,Lne end The theme of the dance Is Mill *I to a small number Of Wm., and methods of serving food In a creadve force" Since,,,,th In his undergraduate dam amount This rule views such pre °table applications. . but Is and has been emceed by the dining hall, but expressed of the Second World Mae played varsity on both the Cutlet; . last year's French top secret, but "some fall theme" Addicted To Flying, Oohing wilt probably be used. Refnashell Classes in society. e,g„... Re- hope that further improvements have been walking along a pla• football and track teams and at ChM play as exceeding the limit. Mos has token part very activl. men. will be served at the Varhaissarice Florence. Would be effected, perhaps teas of strapeasee which must one time or another was captain The program Is not a radical ty in a !ivies of athletic hobbies develop Into a "general optimism" of both". sity Club dance at the Friday Future Streakers through the pure.. of me. Including flying, sailing, and Innovation, the Drama Club night vie dance. Favors will be betelte dates for the out modern facilities foreeterage and and the determination to use our Lousily ...Olo1 in the Be climbing. He Is a long eau.e holds productions at me even out at the d.ce. strength for the avowed purpose; adernIc field, he was elected a at, Meetings of the club have not Proceseg. me addict of ocean bailing, level to which they wee expand. the achievement of peace-mid member of Phi Beta Kappa. lalane be. mt. but it la tepee. that The Varsity Club has engaged Meeting Gripes Hon. he sailed In two races from New ed in 1997, maims our last year's{ George Sommer and hla orehesWare Chris.. there win be Freund mentioned that there eventuallY total disarmament Admissions Dire.. Sin. lelgt ee aua 50teti.York to nennnan, In on and addition.: the language club rule tra to ploy for the dance. Som. two More misalona tare a panel seemed to be less "ermine this "We must;' continued Mr. Sher For the nett eight years. Mr. It was only a scant three years tem mapreovety. The HMI time holds Ike line at the pre-French. Mee.sion and the other a talk year about compulsory attendance wood; eacmpt the paradox dult Mee who has perlormed at more play level: the Class Night reguMacint1st taught English'at the later, in IOU. that Mac took on the boat he was on came in third. be an outline speaker. The out. at Fifth Day Mreting. He also kt IS necessary to arm now to Montgomery lation keeps teat year's addition d.ces in the Philidelphla area coached the 'the backbreMing Job which takes ptesent se Lease Lane "vacs. Ude speaker WM probably be mentioned, on the credit net have total disarmament In the backfield of Haverford's football up so touch of his time to the the second time In Second, both of a emend night but elimlnalee future.e Sherwood added mat years in a field of thIrtyodd ocean and Al Raymond, barb other Professor Dunham of Tem. pride of the student body in Its team, and studied for his master. °a that of director of sailboats. He also has doom a the long practice schedule. I,ft tone. A quartet. eThe Four SeaProfessor John Wild of athletic teams which do not place "eventually we MR have to adopt In English at Columbia !MixerAs to future Nam Dr. Oakley, a form of government based on considerable amount of selling ^Uvula ,. Joint ...Iona with the emphasis an winning above ail sons" and Harmy Wilson. 'rare ally where he received dill deup and down the Atlantic coast chairman of Me CommIttm on nog cot Lip'', will add variety Se Acting Pvesleent. n.e.e• terse Mawr Philosophy Club pre el. but Instead derive pleasure law to secure a tasting pease... gree Is 1926 , C0111111017d On P.m a Ce. 1 the performance, consIdafalice. ROM the Matey.. Itself. The The loUovellig•• you, he came to rte was given at the same -time 1 Cesare. Page 1, toe 5, Continued rage 4. eel. President Cites Success Of New Grad Program, Reports Ott College 'Growth' Fire Discomfits Annex Resklents 'Circle Theater Production Is 'Meager Entertainment t to Mar, Steere, Freund Speak At Annual Corporation Dinner e Philosophy Club Hears Dr. Nahm Sherwood Favors Arming, Point Four In Goodhart Talk d Prof In Profile: MAC SAILS, CLIMBS MOUNTAINS BETWEEN ADMINISTRATIVE ROUNDS ca b.* New Regulations e earsals urama Program '"' th Jommer To Play t varsity Dance • • • 1111111terentinalaellithleinel EDITORIAL: Haverford News Richard A, North, Jr. illanngiog Editor — John Wirt Thump.. — Sydney M. Cone, Ill Stoic, \V ets, Editor — Prier F. Tapke — James 11. crtward; D. Frederick Muth; Phi* R. Stansbury traturrs Editor — fintathan Guttmacher Editor— Alumni News Books in Review FEATURES, COLUMNS Of ell ot the pamphlets on American foreign policy published with the cover and price of • book . einos the war, George F. HMI.* Amerle. DiUmtata Inentigal la Undoubtedly one of the most searching end keenly analytic. As a career diplomat the famous "Mr. X.. of the'Xate Department Kenna, had an excellent opp5rtimity to gain an Insight into She workings of our (Orel. Politi, and with the aid of hindsight and the mind of scholar he has done a yera good job of Indicating here we made some of our most tragic IIRSLISIW during the last half century. The mean body of the book of • aerie. of all teatime whlo Kenn delivered at the Univerally 51 CM.. tehlie on leave from the foreign natter. The second and Mr. *lately smaller part of the book. condets of reprints of two article% on Russia orrigiullY pubithhed in Pereign Agates while Keenan ou writing under the guise of Mr. -X'. The 5mt lecture deals with the motives of the US. in pursuing the war with Spain and the terra. lariat exunsion of the U.S. which followed a. a coraequnce of this war. Actually weed the on Ow does a good Job of demonstratieg is the nom. plete lack of .y real motives which the US. war had in forcing Itself Into an absolutelya n d and in acquiring • number of uselese and onwant. ed Islands which she did not know how to dui with after obtng them. With this bldndertng beginning the US. plunged into the international Menge. of the twentieth century. The author. next two lecturer deal with the policy Which the U.S. played around with in the Orient during the next few years. First some obscure British customs ofBrial talked no Into embracing the worn out British policy of the -Open Door In China. Than were we able to dem. onshate that we knew how to make ourselves Popular with lust stout ever)' important nation in the world without accomplishing anything M all. We followed this up by interfering In Eastern affairs Jut' enought to show that we could never understand their people, but were certainly willing to Inman them. especially the Japanese. in some vaguely moral attempt to try to show ourselves Alumni Urged To Join Local Haverford Clubs FOOTBALL In the next two lectures the author studies our policies betork and during the two world wars without evert mentioning the name of Senator Lodge. Before both wars we demonstrated our he ability to concern ourselves with the vial problema of the world, and when we entered them jt was AT SWARTHMORE on legallstic•morallatic grounds Instead of as nee All alumni who ham moved, long. One tool and all recent gradutes, are um. usarymoves Sr MplontheY. victory rather than a better balance of Interne ed to roman the Mental dub in Saturday. November 17, 1951 • 2 PM. Alumni Leo, — 'Philip dotal politica and we would never admit that the area Alumni Secretary Ben. Tkketli Flak ineluthog tax tChiktren unser It 612101. we fought because our economIc and political in- nett S. Cooper, hopes that In this Irma. Stott, LA.,., — W, Winer Comfort, John terests were so lid up with nations such 1■3 HM- •way all alumni will to cm the F. Burton, Hhno F. Koch A reserved section In the stands will be held for those who Iln that we bad no choke In the Matter from it mailing hat of the dub nearest dowel's g Menage,— Willis= Kaye policy viewpoint. We fought for moral dogma them, and will be able to receive purclue tike. in advance. As this spleeth *OWL @theta Eirtutstiort .lignager — Gordon Werner and uncondltio.1 surrender. The author trite to notices of load alumni actidtlee ed" bath win be assigned on wont came, first elsoitant Biome. Monty, — Andrew Lewis those that the °the victory worth having Is over and other information which the • I ault 31,11saugh, • A omen; men's minds; the military type mnyinces no one dub may be able to make Those desiring ticket. should send orders to the Athletic la his anal lecture Kenna, Ulu to show able to them. prs Me and clubs the of Ilst A Ulu our diplomas history hu been me long dirseitda — G. Freund. J. H actual, J, KelIy, Offko, Gums.., Reverters] College klaverfora Ps. Make succession of bludem and misapprehended% dents and I or mere** or M. Klein, L. Prager, T. all checks payable to Reverter. Caine. 101c • stamped WI that where we had pinny of Moe Mlle& chairmen follows: Sachs. M. Setton. J. J. hound Patheadpitin Glebe( Reverter" We lams. pr out run now hue we mreitem and the tickets will be mailed to you leak, in er ulfedthomd IV. Wilson thanceilor and Canthe Steele failed to hientify our interests brie WM= Sporn. .4notioits — E. Harris, R Jones, L. Morgan deadline a November in The ma Britain and Smut and underestimated the Philadelphia': Pa. Phoineraphori — R. Horton. J. Walton President, Herbert J. Penner Influence of Ruda.' What Ihr author says in Humor, dungy:lei—ft Cone. K, Hamilton. G. effect Is nut we failed to se the Muth. of McDonald, hi, Neill ance of power 1tlpQry, Ole I e Ia. These six lectures show in excellent understanding of out diplomatic Ills. but the two uncles folt S.: 1:'tI'''Y'tt low therm show little except an adequate under- Philadelphie Pa. David Baird, Courtin M. D., standing of the present government of Russia. New York Rayerford Seat" Luther class of taln, as pediatrician at They offer nothing in the way of dealing with It Richard X Sinetea.. the Lancaster Cleft Palate Chine, except the often propourtded ideu of contahunent Jr.. 157 East 30th St. New Roth is helping to merest one of Ow and moral rearmament of Inc US. However. in 6. New York. emphasizing tom any democratic vie*, must be Sr 50 cleft palate. The clinic and the ".e.ff .'eff*. Y. over the minds of men and not on battlefields. Ken- 98 Wall Street, New York 5.N. Y. commonest natai defects - the non shows an understanding of what many have Resulted Radek, Maryhad 0 FX • work It don eras alerted amend Dr. Mordecai Johnson. President pious pores it parchment, and yet to learn. His worry over the possibility of a ' Howard University, Washing.. nut white papers compare favor years ago to Dr. Herbert X to*gn Mood • attaining ever nationa dernoeratir M. D.. N3, 106 St. Paul St, Bal. the Alumni onla nes rectum. Cooper. Since thee the pros*. ably with those of the Com. policy, mixed up as such a government must be timers alhanndil urger, u. a CIITUIAT letter ninth Incur at has been imitated tor the DM 3 '"r 4,., with domestic lades and the vole. is a real one umb, don't your Well then I Dear Sir: that we most solve at once. 806 Karoo* Rd.. Towson. Md. mint, M. h.. Ile, la310ra0D,pnnes time on a larger stale by the Your forceful and dramatic talk ask again, upon what grounds do DONALD YOUNG Amod•the which has been sent to . or rani slam of Pennsylvania. In the Haverford Collection last you reed good intentions Into Wk.. Trawl. It tells of Ids trip East 1 Non Profit Clink Tuesday left me with no mom to Soviet theory and peonies wwlle President Willard E Maul 26, ...die. main... In flea hitlY Per not of the doubt your eloquence and ma at theume time eastlittung and 5.0 Web* St, Pitmutirgh 6. Pa. •••.' 'fn. and _ tanto.t J. sbannan ctn.ann, 'Wally his visit to Haverford on ea... ana lade to suspect your sincerity. condemning our policies and ao and dykes? If we *nom show a 4.'or none feu. or weather the "r 525 Frick Bldg-. Pittsburg. oArdo The general theme of your ler cleaner ledger than our present The , para: aaa heels and bone fail to unite In the lure. as I understood it was au• day rivals. is it really Immune r001 of the mouth leaving an SO, • , • u doubled: red Hared ed primarily at pointing up the their nothu are holier and More u Me W"bh"*.' Md." Ihn*I'd President. H. Gifford Dion 22. • •• Al' opening mco the need qua" moral shortcomings of the so humane triamouref . . Is Mr. The number of reenni releases by both the form. Ls *Boon to Interpret to everyone's sad. Federal C'n"'"n".'""' Com- tow shared I. halved'. On a called "free" nations of the West: Visinnskya regard for human NIP Rut MD' Y•ee. In many cues It a .ximplighed Beaton. Cuadetes is completely monad in We *anon, Washington. D.C. • into grown has companies minor the and motor to thaw their traditi0.1 attitude dignity so very different from . . Z00 1:',..%hdeodt , dro. at°7.abeY %Fktr a .pp. il: „ by ar, 7 th .ei. hyeel apret proportions that It a Impossible to approach and as far as we are concerned gives en jrSecre andtbehavlor toward colonial pos. that the Huey Lone, and do you such amazingthe xcellent If not brtIliant performance. But his outpht. All one ran do la to try ama. It sessions and retarded areas which mean to imply that the nature of keep up with laying may be unaattafactory to others. to keep Wok of the most innalandthe relabel. the no alight In convert. usually is tIon Mas received us of 6 IOW -In ! poetess mmethina they ...der Premier Stalin's concern for the FATS.. Another Ileethomee Pout. area IN, has been Ion. D. C. ata.titv, raata have relived the artlaWar CURthat 'ere Degrees and 25 raised Bart, son tat to be worth stealing. You mann. Iranians and EgYillthatt mlfee' resorted for London by Wil.* Rauh... Hach vividly for us the inconsistencies, greatly from that of Mr. 10111 Or releasing a whole series of ore composer'. Preside, F. Barton Gunmen. ears' Degrees at Haverford Co. see Involved. An Important part works. Notable in this line are the recordings of halm one of the tut of the old school of great anaa sans contradictions. and gaps between Churchill? 'en, Philadelphia Of these 3. of the :store therefore. a the an used coot clean, crap style of ptheIng Ill, .32, wiiii, has Pianists of Interpretation L.dowska'a society. Haydn the a,,,,,,nea a are thing. and 7 no , . Jus o1 th t ...., tnsenb, m ea as co. y e. our declarations of ideals and Giesler for Valor. and Kurt to good advantage here, although he could have their translation into the world The nature of the struggle be. Bach's Well tempered Appel.uma newly begun recording of MI 32 • Mile more feeling In the slower eelealona On 7s ,07,0 0A . Ot t:: The cline, which was ortginalle of flesh and blood. Filar point on tween East and Weal cannot be Beethoven Boston, pisno sonatas fur Wutminster.. Lan. the reverse side is Melba souks in flat This a,..ttaty, . i ..te n. 1:nomme 6 eeRRZ.. t ,..d ctee , very well made and I da not ques. sliced es neatly into the two : aled.„to °tr. now py,..titt.e.Ro sdtithry.,, Cl.unni.k of recorded the whole of the lint old workhorse of the concert stau la aim loan Revarfad lion Ita validity. no would I at- forces of light.. and darkness! tiowak• has howTempered We two or tottoo unto, oc.n. e Charter. Her renditions a dun cut performance, one that Is much UMW ?Madan. Thome. L. Fernier. wo Halt tempt to min.. the respond. aS you Ithve attempted to do. The , book of the Well cleft palate well as a highly developed (Mi- than the Meat recording of this work Horowitz an 71, fr case tor it niemortm bad fond no-run. a In left been billy of our failure to fulfill our challenge of Communism Is not carry authorityatazthla nbsia Victor. period. Although it Is here- made for v••e'‘ee Lek: and what a grand moral obligations abroad. It does "end your ways or perish." but lne foe mule Landowskea va land between the dentist and the Sea...7, GIMP, P. Foley. interpretations of nerideleaohn'a lectern* Munk to A MidFriday night a urge.. In forming the stints boys had on „id., appear questionable. however. rather .perish and me will mend lcal to dispute „inn. X IjVoidbatatdjni non., of her playing at times mem affected: summer Mehra theme h. nwelved a new Florsheirn Shoe Company. 136 me It au Doctor Cooper's idea 10 whether your boundless faith In your ways for you... To think Bach, some under more puts Mat. Berta probably he she I by whole the Dome on for but recording teeth the in L t odl r af r C otherwise is 1 o it ; t that tfi atot eh i1;thte.tta mounds and_azur saint** lea combine the many !menthes of ;1 faith as a meansto world peace vitality into Bach than any ether mon, Ferents Primes modern.. 11th le the ran medicine aancerned with the prob. and reconeillation is matched to of repeated avowals of purpose, sanding and President. Horace 1, Davide. artist today. nest du we have hued onythMg metier See lent any appreciable degree with an and the action emplo3ed to keyboardAppel... •••• nen' cm."' Ine Road. Nottingham 1101 '33, Jr.. recording. hare received The baton of tir. Penney. Ill. conducting le an set Hollingsworth Wood and Palates Are Fitted understanding of the political them. one must pos.. 56. Delaware. mixed notices. Soler have hem very favors. and trey ursualve. The MendelsonMn wort, Wilmington gaei.eatary,Wllllsm 6 M.Hmm. sem talked until 11 o'clock. en Same speech Is not a natural facts of life. urticalarly with ref- Ire .tin of a saint the patience rather lukewarm. BecortIng all extremely Indeed, omega others while although however, a of credulity the and Job. of foot traditional the about penally Wits Co.. powder i„ .d2, weecn erence to Communism. function, but one that is learned. the Beethoven South. Is • tremendous un. rather 001,140. Oro ha. the !reline that SIT six.yearcold. It Is possible to bring new thus Arthur Snail-an bee crept in somehow and that mIngion 99. Delaware dertaidng for any artist But it la certalnly The chellenge of tannution, Th'veek. des into use and supply an art!. If whet you see worthwhile to have these work. available to al any minute we call bur a [hay chorus Ilaverford Seelety of Los Angatearlere e•nelle w.• se you demented it, demands agreed " "•• tidal palate- me pamte Prem., Dale B. Ride, 17, 2•41. The b•F• game ever monk lovers. Countieu recordings of the out of the Pirates or Pinafore. For opera fme That Eli awn be given the ma. lir, a.m., in lam our present plastic material and of made ° '" " ' f n't° "••" Moonlight and Path...Igoe ue mode while the ler* and spriltual aid required cotsne of arming to 1hr hill is there is a new Tomanint perform.* a ]00120N St. Santa Mantes, Celia "'" fitted at ere ea. ea% . round. " f.."frf•fel' er4 Secretary. Dr. E. Robe lesser known monatas remain Melted, um Ventrotis Travis.. The maestro and isolobsts, for the attainment as the 01001 unchristian and that we are of This value ''''•“"lr"-' plastic speeeh valve-owoot the player °PP"' Sthi Dorothea Road. lost ha Richie, too. heard. Aline Ochnabel 11■111 recorded the rave level of human dignity which foredoom* to material and ltePee Attune, Merril, Pierre. etc, glee teeth and that tha two cont rolled by Habra, California, Beethoven piano works In the fatale,. Ile, of Cad has been phased to grant moral collapse if we petaist eahle performance ea um* This la • Victor worth •66°•".g Captain or making normal dett, Harerfere Society of tot once 3.o tispeech this may pursuing it further: liut we coarse. was the king of Beethoven interpreters releue on t LPs. M. Howevertrue this worth guttered a Woken wrtst n. aairan. , 2unaahan of nine- we hadlien-fore best play our until Ma recut death. and his standard wall he hare teen In the Ralph Kirkpatrick. Landowsks's math rivet to piamant, wiarar. .22C mu omy minor thicdents. Dr. teenth mom, Martins. 1 think rhip, on the one remaining al. a bud one Inc Apeelirum th Use fth id Rut moats Of the very the harpsichord crown. has recorded for Concert fella College. Oakland IS. Calif. An • late, mente, long shot that it la an If dors not attain ouch • the burden of prod rests on *iceman star, luau al raa' being taken Hall Society nine of the Seariattl lthyboul Son- Ilavertad the hich In arrest would mean re !belay H irtendard.. and Prestmlnsteee project Is • you when you attempt to 'thine Pr°gn".° nea .. Ms harpsichord playing is much more human President Henry Fetternan Co. — and t palate de and ways old our mounting tremendouly worthwhile one. marted the throe motives to the ""0" than LandoWskaa, and he be able to get subtler M. D., '45, 1619 Colony Lane, Hee: Sinn', Sethth•T 01 a to resource. our an voting Among recent releases of single LP disks the tonal shadings than she. Although he donut% Communist Party of 1051. A 121 ce,, 1 gave . losgayt,t n:nvi tant. and n .7. thtWaatith ilerL'Un the end, rightful and Jut a. -free. ..Pni wnri rtove e.. complex g the atna following are of note: The four Chopin Railed., command the overall authority that Landowskt gut many Communist. today may still fret ibis to hr the Ina- of man: that we do pro Col, 10'. Robert Camden.. plenist Casadesus does. this is a good disk for those who think the na tenuous. Johnny Lester 111 emblem a tellthion the Want Chelan an, Rabat., ,Starr, .3.!wor ..74), even Ite imtibr mL c.; ohotiooto...u:wit oo pee, hut there IA little evidence ante for our put traugreasiona We. a thoroughly scholarly. yet live performance harpsichord is a completely cold instrument. Pah o beartwert.. .flIenge....tynao.thoom 1syco 11. ,50, and oil,„!, 1 ..i. ,,,30, op and. with • dear conscience and of four of Chopin best works On a 12" Col. C.a. panicle Imbues this tousle with warm feeling and 'lLAS.,$.6„ti. suggest that these or nether a light heart take our chancre deans gives a performance of Beethoven,sonata the BRIM Of • new PM' yaws carry much weight in life. egayeegnad aina",01 Lantandar ; mond Align. lieneral Counael in wit h.'" by 1.1 hoping Commode, much with eche..of the Fatty. Mhos op. Ile and the Seamus Fade, Sympboniquea "°•° '°°'" ChM !men. Ba rt on X . Vet oe, 'La e f'ettr"F'''°'• II will pick u Its cur before The sonata, one of Beethoven's last tvorks thin .f. G. ei ldence do you mallet lo peer. •°. f".° "'"‘"""'"'d's "M.*" she ", sir 924 Janet Ave. Grandview II P. justify the nude In en. we am asked to turn the other Hardee Minded out the P.tient,...ten This branto U. A. old seam H .. ,.. ,,..... , .pi,, aan ittninn, mm the 0ol herd t t.e •_ „,7th 1 Peed. grat.p. end the sante breath I that cheek; It ea la what you were .d goal...arching repentance and Miring at, then I say all well Guy. tae, ■ ever. IrraCIthli wives ‘VIIINT1 my ni. ih wevo te.ietesr.r 11ILLr,Wha ib.::„..„ t:d :rg, Pude, yam. ,. honest deeds, not the um and good. By Mating It in some ....,baavemnbee iyes arh p. .,..n.datoble..r. inp. I ,,. i tr Wash . m.. et.2. e l t tt a , ..7., . r . . e D AL 7117 .9 542 yallillapuld this se fashion such talking of "freedom." will Ma, Cie atom the Kremlin that It need have recognised the problem of story the Is Glare Against People The for what 11 really nu, clearly h,: e:r PMMe ie".. l. 'lit:. with thew'.„ ese no longer look own US as the .b towde. goes p unt. Drh.dH ni. to follow. Lawyer's (Spencer Tracy) ejtenttpls to fine an Washtub* citadel of reach.. 121 that outlined the mune lobe th 0.l 1M1e jectMe to be uln- Moment client Who has been 'convicted. within the fommenehle future eluding • visit to the thellatapolla The Saturday Evening Post re Dear Sir: an and honest 10.1I the of trial the of num the During Speedway races and stays WIN the work of the isnesater °Ina ills months in year was yam. In a recent Issue of the News, there was ,ter whom Tracy las agreed to daend. he hopeful maim. pe•mier straight forurd runner, land his numermlinemegand nephews aunty varied . article describing an announcement that the Annual Gtving finds himself atylnied more and more often in Stalin would nuFolte one the angers inhemnt In such He expressed • thuilduiness thet ht which Coursin was picture CMN6thea Own per. Cat. about to be resumed. This Is • moat imwas about the courtroom scenes which are dustily ek change of heart foe 0iulit • proposal. But In your ronmrn I • hemerhau condition in the buting a chlld,While at Haverhontediamiy, atmod appearing of revenue for the College Mid portant . .• the challenge of cam. abashing the apparent gent of h. client ready smc call off his r•salti• Af the amend had numhot the lung, which had shown signs of ford Count. was tour years en Alumni. the by understood be must Western of light the In standing, long of monism drinker habitual an Tracy, eff team Omura hounds, sod onne Into target rather bully. Sim 'Wisdom hint from making the trip. In a e musty you callous., moral eye wstatful the by onlY cheek in held le The independent Liberal Arts Educational ,slimed eePtaatt the fans, of onions in harm Ids an* Weer. He of waving them 'ream...ant. had not premnbta Mt daughter, who stamps Is keep him on Institution has only three Maras of Immure: a, pubic permed P. S. to the Alumni Of- on the Record Board. wu 10 the his hands at he flee of hnithor• oversimplItied the Case and ermy moon of the path of moderation. 1. Tuition from students. 2. Grants from political Mttente—cops. Brennen. and even flee he Oncludes Ms letter with varsity Club and wail for tour ly lave, t that the Communist completely 'snood the nature deep don, undernuth truly of Me power opposing us. ambulance crew—was gathered at *Mks to all who helped to make rear. a member of the Chetnistre Alter one particularly trying day In court sources. 3. Alumni Giving. Cedu stay ao enjoyable despise', ihe methods be feels gives way to his old thrial, encountering I speak wish no authority If the flat 'mime were Made to bear the the scene. compelled to employ to gain the Ilaverfoni student body, h t''1 ai,e' course of his binge a gentleman willing entire freight. Haverford would price itself out n The police experienced a bit of ,, cy egt.reu .r, , Tra e... c, Ids objective. and III that you know that m.1 of us who= . .ahldrzeillk tr.da,..pbrt. to p.e4tire of the type of student for Where we van do the dillieulty on the third floor, Ne heel Job. are not naive. where several people resisted you speak were deeply up thing is discovered by the district attorney's quite *Naively. An eyewhole' by the cogency of your rem we depend on the second source, we its Matta The oenent of doubt which y* witness submits the following ao to office, Tacys client IS convictni. and 'Dui him- our Ifindependence and must be napat to the count.' so readily and graciously extend as a whole We were lame look at an unglossed pitta sd self threatened with an otGeth3enk • seltmekers. polltIol of whims In the motives of Communion is ounelves Policemen fulling at Tom el a situallom which 'Nothing damned, he sets out relentlessly to do at the same lime peremptorilY to a largeand As a result It seems patently evident that Roth's let/ —.Get up! Get up! menace la of our own Just one last decent thing — prove his client's denied to the West II is true.. ao Ha efforts in that direction make lie Annual Giving to supplement the tuition pay. The Macon ,Muse' ltutocence. the forget to nary Ls It making. ATTENTION you have pointed out. ourcon- unpleasant even when it Is udder wresting watching to say the km: the final titter- meets of the students Is a vital neceully to the Ruth immewhal annoyed/— ern for the safety and well tieing our nose. much less when it exists ter of the picturt Is carried along on an *dam Welfare of Haverford College. Vat sway. will ytth." Southern California Havertordians of oolonles and dependenglis In Policeman anslatentl -a section of the world known carnet of suepense better than any I have sees Other colleges take file az a natter oe room!" Robert and Margaret Simian will entettain Haverfordima course. Ptinceton and Dartmouth both received .There's • fire In the next pillow) rather than the role during the to us only by name. 001respond. for mmettme. Ruth Iburying head in and their wives at a turkey dinner at 5 p.m. on Sunday, for mall' of thVganditiota over 34510.906 last year and this was NOT an Tracy surprelogly enough makes a good put two.hundreri years. But Nifty October nth at their home, Wollm.touse, 1033 W. 36th Relay can- laattlitch Money, notwithstanding bls meant endowment drive but the Annul Glvme of .- —"All right all et 1St. Now lemmas should the motives of thwn. and situations existIng Los Angeles. Please bring • sal., or a needled) or • we much Street however dodged be not Alumni. Wetted *mist Russia be chosen in.pref. play the ostrich. For your vigor. role as father of the bride. The futility of his Thus reputed. the Police force desert: your own table SerV100 and SIM. efforts Ratan the tr.,, the dunalr whith * to those of the Western It was wonderful that the recent Campaign *eked off, and the firemen made leads *n to make lite ruinous weenie, mean not ers simply because her lint ous and dramatic presentation dou that but mere, huge a alumni turned out over 10316 for thin kind qf an affair. such Seattle was crowd A fire. the of work short r and Ida Beal martydrom m the nun• a hm• o. . we can sit down on our — theirs and rel.. of nearby residents which had of crimes has had only...sixth ofn the case against us, and f Leta see what we can do. Ice Are all put .coos very well, with moan of That was Jolt the loeginning. Now cones the gathered m the meantime Go Of the time to grow? What of Ride Preddent Dale un. of the cuidomary overdoing caarseteristle mai Joh, if we ere going to keep Havered Miens do you Peon.. to sub. bt ec Urged soon after. rather *tan :re I know wag here role. ndd ,..a. E. R. Made, Secretary rail by Which we may property y t. the forefront of American college". pointed it seemed. a thane jidge of her motives? Certainly Road Dorothea 900 It la an entertaining picture, well worth subwe whole the on Watt The Sincerely, 1 . not her behavloh Protestations off quite euccesefully. and a goad Very truly Yount ura. prices at least Lange. indent., CalIF JOHN. S. WILLIAMS, end dedivallons then? I rather time WU the by 011. D.P.. AL '55 WIRT, JOHN and aingiant pie generators An Open Letter To Mordecai Johnson Haverford Vs. Swarthmore w lailajaT.V.91—ir'"an. Pediatrician D. Coursin, '40 Aids In Cleft Palate -Work wirier M. Hunt Writes Letter Aodb n Reunion Trip P"def" New Recordings ..s: p llan .1. „, w Cinema Choice I In The Editor's Mail ..":71,:d....'nre.u ' r:toankrt.. A.7. ,..„1 5 •1` "`"7„,̀:,... 7.,'„,..1,..„„, I Annual Giving Necessary ... Marion Fire and In t - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THEY PATRONIZE THE NEWS D eb ulrek`plr"7.::=1";`—of Toesiday. Oct. 23, 1931 , HAVERFORD NEWS Indians Scalp Scarlet 34- 6; Briod Races 71 Yards For TD LOSClii3VO Leads Juniata As Crippled Fords Bow in Third Defensive Straight Defeat A tribe of Indians from Hat. ygdon, Pa. nwaded the Ford ream. on and, thanks se 'Sig Cider Lundy Loschiavo. Omni McNeal and a band ofte.a. eot strong warders. left a few hours : later With some scalps lunging yam their belts. • McNeal Sparkes LoachlavM and McNeal were the < 4 -Awe gune . Jurdata downed the ° pas by 1on...sided 344 count former Is a mown.. ,iica of the oldf.hioned hreat thilback-an excellent run, r. passed, and kicker Although ye For.. pass defense had him arly well vmedlocred" in the Ain department, he Yet On ver. booming Ideas, and hie ening it little to he desired. wan highly touted and well • for, but he could not be SPORTS CALENDAR Werloceday, October 14 Cneela Country va. Lehigh. away. Friday, Ootober ft Varsity Soccer vs. Lehigh, away. Saturday, Oath. SI VeraY Football vg. Hamilten, way. S. V. Pathan va. George School, away: J. V. Soccer v.. Drexel. today Caw Country ye Multanbalg Page Three FORDS DISPLAY SCORING POWER; EDGE F&M 4-3, CRUSH MULES 9-2 Soccermen Get Early Lead Jones, Hetiel. Each Net 3 By Jones; Three Spheres, On Three In Muhlenberg Walkaway; Wolf Fogies Final Marker Burton, Harrison Score It took another Mot mart. hat Making it three In a row, the O'ER by Arnie Jone and a fourth Fowl hooters defeated Muhlem period. InsWtanee goal by 'Hanle berg, by the season's most lopsidWolf to tuns back a atrong F. ( ed wore.. two men pulled the & M. soccer team. 43, at hat nick, scoring there goals In , last Wednesday. A • gem, as Comptain Arnie Jones 40) lace Three Rally did it for the third consecutive Jones scored all hie tallies In game, and Fred Real made at the ant ten Minna, The Diplofor the Bost time. mat. pulled up with goals in the The gars started out in a slow second and third quart.. to Wit lethion, however, the Fonds lookthe score at 3-2 as the Anal period ed like the masters all the way. began. Wolf's score at 18 minutes The line functioned welt taking kept F.! IN from knotting the numerous shorts and peasant to count when they drove In a goal canal ' to the last minute of POE Left insane Earl Harrison net avd iMs "t" ioalie, Hitchcock, Wag adkAldaye of a blocked up Jones first after a minute and ed well. making '' aplotte until he inju'red r*linOn' a Wall add a fine twenty.. yard a t'r. Of play, Harrison paced collision with left Inside Harrison. th tph by half "d' MA' after Jolter first tally. Iola inard ;ohM esibdalrbe=en the Germantown Friends edged rnva 'rt broke the worlese Heat the ten Into Inc Meer. Mina Admit the liaverford L V. football squad tits yard,'and when the goalie minute mark with a right footed cNeal. on the other hand, wan 13.12 at Germantown. kick under titteheock's reach. ' mine out tapped the ball Into the "deeper" He proved to be an . -sh The Mules came back wain Late in the fourth quarter, with right side of the new. cadent inside runner, averaging four minutes, as Eiehner put an Sad abaft Haver-ford leading 12.7, Pete, Me yards per carry. and cons unstoppable shot Into the scarlet Haverford stole the F M bleed well wino Loachievo to 'at. Wad we. back and hack nets to knot the count. kickoff and rushed upIteld again. the Ford defen.. .0 The Mintier ended without any the Ford ales. Bul Feb. GecsorsE Right inoide Phil Sliver wowed Mlndel Damaging town Center, broke through the over to artieon. who hit In on Idea of Sort 11Mut, 4.3 the score The Fords plagued by • aews As remained tied at 1.1. Ford line and blocked the kick the tangie to Jones. Jana! suet tardy endlen injury jia, were to the right aide of the goal and It was the becond period that "'Ming G".".‘" greatly 'handicapped /tom the .1°. Diplomat goalie Lenz took a step started t he ball rolling for the over og the For. 19. dart. Ted HR.., starting full. broke away in that direction. The ball bane victor.. as they stored floe times. later M.Y. bark suffered • foot MM. ev.F ed off • fullback and trickled Into ithartson tanked the first after . . halt Ward-driving Soph bath Dick Bogne after Tr for hi. St fern Den for what the left side of the goal where Sta. Riedelph Macon and a ... two in search of the third, fail to conne:t7ir1:1=or four mates, It came on a cross rode. The Indiana on for the season. Dick Kilt, //nrd EMI MMUS Juniata es Um later proved to be the winning Lena who was taught of hal. from Burton to Harrison, who berg rent. The Ford. went on to win 9-2. went on to undo the Fords 844. half saber one tailbaCk, suffered • anon could not handle It tStiehdown. pushed it into the mouth of the neorrene• of a knee Injury to The Hornet pass althek struck Awl oath his chest. of M. Briod went to Junieta's 38. The fat time the sante ante and had to all Oak Bounce reeled off get again at ten minutem. Left wing t on the Main th ball they eared In our Ms one out. Back Jack Calm is 5 and IS reds• yeni line, and three runs and Liners had the gameas Metre. Mil limping on a had ankle. John Daman= Seth a S... LetenBriod pus reached the 2L playa: a five ma penalty *gaunt Jo...N. Hare. They poured shots at the Mules' Allen. defensive end, taw no Another pass interreptan hurt Lae, noweaes, tra,ted Hiverfortl, 12 yenta by Gowen, 81 , Ottobal nets by the doze.. Face 111.1.106 I ta pylon beam. of • shoulder In the Ford. eerly in the second another all. Harriann's Stanley Jo pus. and Juniata by Monteith folloWed by a BR Ur. Jon'. ad Joe Sockol's action was halt. With Hawed°rd In poss. A iirt anute goal by HaverI allied his second , Two mi nut. yard plunge by Monteith for the Ric ginned beam of • bad knee. lon an tn. Juniata 45 Gould took over. fowl soccer ,lVe downed • hard he defense In high germ stopped Inter Burton scored from the out. OR, Unlade., Cason plunged ton armee rat To compensate for these losses, picked off another stray pass and lath* Talon f lgh I_ In ',Swarthmore learn lb. short all Fuel httertWO, The Galt, side. In the latter half of the Coach Randall shifted Andy Brad „ returned to, the 35. On the Juniata advanced to the 47, but yards for Me extra point and the &them Friday, October 19. on Swartht too Ford oort ,o,, no. o, am, nel learn eventually 100 its gnawer Rebel who has been • to eagles., Wayne Huettiblee te mores plug In the Ford offense In and score wee Germantown Fria& T.4.!..,r4 tailback. and moved the able back McNeal roihowt reside 'h. rimb "'"°"".3 a ° Jra.,r1 I After Swerthmores initial kirk- initial hUrst of speed and the spark 7. Reverie. J.V. 0. the last Iwo games, netted two • 'VIITIORD 00ALe George Todd, who doubled Rs a oral sowed standing up. Motorman .58 over on the JusiaLL R2. The 767: oft Baylis llionsis. Ford goalie. ball. in Ford Centro], wart Mead of his three. s7rta',!,irefenalVe line backer, info the converted to give the Indians 'a Indians, le turn. held for downs Jar Hilweg awned • Ger- rir,,tit' as. saved a Garnet god atternpt. into the opponelEs territory. Burton added another after Pocking hack blot, Denny Later 214 lee& BS F baba. n''"‘" Aid' to t" H"."Ard mare the art Fowls moo. Re ball to the other Rushing by Swarthmore In the iron A "" f"°' 0'`Ag th performed capably at fullback 'Mod made a long return of reached the Haserthrtl Ro. 29. Two mays later Rog. goatee tbooldent end o the e w ere noes an , last few minutes of the third hadn Ofuele"cn these four, along with Bourne the Caning kickoff, reached the winnd a. conk b'ig n faded back and tossed a pa. to lieverford right bait capithlized' the losers' other goal lour cols inti Bock., did all of E. Ford. Ford 38. The Fords could not get by Losehlas O. Grove. and Seg.. lielag who caught the ball a Fred Hael took the hell at nil& period kept the Haverford JV'a d so to stood.... on • asIdelt by Swarthmorec field and pee.. buyteen,Ltte,r...Fro Jottersgt_o usurntedr.agoal hell carrying. ours 'Started, however, and Lifer punt vIch reached the four, and the the Ford 37 and outran the Gas Agin wing end booted in the lone' from pounding in another mark&genial.. Intercept. ed again, Gould returning to the later played over fhon that matown team 83 yard. to • cutting beti ° e ..e.• go. of the ea., before the Pont the storing for the day. Loschavo returned non Chend. Juniata 13. Front this marker the point. The try tor point W. . touchdown. The enure play cover. Harrison passed right back. end ■. mirna of play had ended. The The Fords were slow picking up kg's klckooff to the 28. Juniata Indian9 really went on the woo goad and the scow stood 344. wi 76 yards. Pete Wood's try for Hetsel raced down the line add • st„ goot,„ „moss wish seeThe Fords neat play on Friday speed in the final quarter and the when they !Rale with Lehigh. Th. ' . ..... ., W" aaw play with the Fords occalon.1Tint few minutes were marked .e, .,_. The game ended a minute lister the extra NM WU blocked by raced perfectly P'''A "2„,'...1 "d 41V L treesi Erszetilasta ado. rMu.. v. Jaw. Mona It.l°, , ,,ttesse th „sae., , Sam 9.1.35 •• Ganatma.VEPPE "v.° ," '''' with "' '''' ally pounding the go. hard. Dave , by' del...lye play at our goal The gar. will be pieyed on the I Western's dere.. Pi oY se.. Haverford vegan 00 become alive Engineers home field. and prow am. GO M... .. etre!' remateest yew. rum- drive o" ...PA"' During '"19 I Gennentown kicked to 41., l ,,,, Ira to be rough. las e McNeal made rune of fha their ow° The losers opened the second' table . was the passing of 310. and the Neal minutes 1000 Co.: Wood, E.o.m. EAU gt,agp snd two yaeda, won. ford m start the second helL Del. Marker with a quick go. by Barwick. Dirk Newbold, and rase wag took the ball on PORK ha ter leeward Elliot from a pre. ,t,t„tat. the heed ..., ended Ford offensive the Garnet goal. lissoord Loschlavo told off advances of Ford Facts 3031110.7.." With thirty seconds to go arsecar fifteen yarn One all WhInd the nawawe seven, nee, one. ohm elev.!, and a atm, sane by non., In front or the Hornet goal. Nrlth' „tsh ecru. 11 eon. Hanel swan... injury delayed the Although the Fords point pro- blocking streaked 85 yarde for Ida five yards, and floe more for his er team eon bore o oho. after .aching the ball, game and 10, play in the (al Wma duction dropped. Boy Randall'. lthverford'a second scow and ame, manui?" ats. third touchdown. Mummah ldeked Ikicked a 'tone' Garnet min R' NP. nte brought en Poem. moats' Desks. Leers, Inebss. .the point, and binath led WC new offensive abate looked Bailey agatn blacked Pete Wood', hrs. Stasenensh Robins; penally. Man 0. AttemPrr ',Via"m in ' . f' o' rd a'" change In the scoring. 1:d '17 good. particularly considering the try for the extra point, but Hav- 1 Ussitand MUMS .tise, EH ": LJUtss. alas Dae ' mew. Saw.. fact that they bed been together erford led 127. Res0Sses Hartle 5sHrs co sec: ten Althougn go. twang by the Tawas. After Briod returned the ideki for only • week rare. Nest amid. C costar WrInstruser continued after the half. Years corner kirk yoss, comes Ewe. Hmrse. linOol. Hewn. CH to the OR. the Fords started a se, „y ea, oroth, The game then resolved itself Woters. haw LF ee th ewe.°".° a.. Corns. IL a motley duel between Wood Counted nigh In front of the nal. through the woad quarter, all Hotly ton or march of their own. A Later. she g„, ygejos, athes, to turned goal ossethnto Otto thamed by Mnortsta NO LEI Coal Ent !rust Nolte tut. Felix blocked one and right bade Ilartinon Vance pass reached the 39. and th.gboya from Clinton have also t_ ai g ary, nick co SOO Leder made II a Brat down on the sag, to wed to their rhos three of Wood's punts to eel op Soo on It well and picked out of 1103.3 Period !I 1 0-3 Roland. Rill . PH urnsvern : uh,nhare game whining score for Oellhan. the air knee high into the right 11,ternoln9 SCORIWO loo I, 40. Mother Lamer pass, thls time game, ann.„. wail „en, Fssiso. Pas . Lo Strah. ntramural Standings comer from about at yards out, I so is 5 0,100 - ?es. as Barwick. J..... LI to Wed, reached the Junta. ra sr., their brat victory, anyway! am. '44444 9.60. Tooth Football Wen scores aura. oMten'e'ichtri .'s‘ ire: "tit a and Later blocked to the 98 as saao hose lie ht an.. f. But • Haverford never stopped L . ..... Crate MOS " the quarter ...EL Baal'. P.O. the team in the neat Iwo weeks. trying. Trailing by one point 13 Hoene Wolf, who has had .rn. IOVERSORD SIM.TITITIONY a 1. • - Er.. li:ras 3, 6 6 to Chandler pushed to the 33. R.Mitoo and Hobart are both 12. they started on their 42 and Paratively little varsity time, non Junior A eneun"n. win Crise at Leroy. hatted thls drive rarup In New goat SOO. -The Helweg, Kern and Mike Dunn ed the Ford Insurance marker at Junior B Wal Wm11 SI! Ve-r 11110 a m. '"Ormeingrr a7a. Yr SUITZVT,T,‘LE. "Raab - ogioeloVos I with a pa. Interception. Soph A sixteen minutes of the fourth Hobart game promisee to he a carried the ball for • Met down m',■,24%1,43X4 4 %slue. fietateare - t r. M 0 Juniata as held and forced to rough one, a. they trounced as on the Germantown 4.2. Dunn. quarter. ten mine. after he en Seniors 3 2 punt, and Ine Fords started all Wt year and ram to hate a then, hit Itelweg on the 23 for tend the game. Haverford half. Fresh C teal 'here and Loschlavo punt. 0„ again. peon Laser Las, toota„ peott,00 0 I usithehanne, our another first down. But a 15 ywd back Haylland passed to Heart Soph B Hortiloise returning to the 42. from his an 27 w. roughed THE VARSITY CLUB DANCE Nov to roe also ls• • cooee , penalty for unnecemmy rough. eon. who !het for the far comer Frosh A The action item this point was tot, the t5, toott oettotty gay.tiae errs 0 i; , thi a „et .ail new stifled the drive and a from the Canteen yard line. Frosh B eventful.until Soccer Goalie Lens blocked the shot, but 0000 Fords a first doWn on their own touches are Inn on the echtdole. de....on Emier was °Mar. a Ford fumble on the b po atitbiltedow itznd . Wolf rushed In to intercePted, OVerfeed 35. bravertord held for 6h Seniors I Germantown Inn off M.< F St M ended the moring and Soph A 5 lowao end ever the 17' pellet] plays to use up time and the game with a head on a can Fresh B a on the next play Mumma Fords Down Layfayette 21 - 34; 2 Saturday Nov ember klekOd. Haverford Mak ner kick Carl Yoder's boot cross- Soph ntercepted a pa to give the 24 Night 17th India. a first down on the 21. Delaware Harriers Win 21 - 34 Fresh A 14 t the' goal and Sam Yoder, on e cook to the air and after the opposite wing. rushed In to Juniors 15 Loehlavo carrying for Haverford tinnily Met Lafay. Law Tuesday the Ford herders :„,,I eight. two, three. and two yard. etle Friday after much scheduling took on Deiaware at Newark and '''''In se'eothoiosh yea, hit Boll head the ball Into the far corner. tttos'; on the Germantown eg for ho indbow reached the one, and toot, „oneottuott otos In spite of Jones' three early an alert Swarthmore defense. after dodging golf Dells and .4i..1.010. nwhievo smashed thatch the markers, the game was close. Moat of the pl. doling Ms , climbing out of sand traps for .ohoos Middle far Muchdoser early.ln whole thing Was over 'the „a„ty sethasea at the But' the game ended before period seas concentrat. in the 0 ell .he won. period, Mummah con. harriers boa come or with thelrINewark Landry Club site of the another play could be run off. ‘ g defensive Star lybe Ted tC7tn k Cat. of the field. seted, and the .ore read 7-0. ace. ran, who played 88 minutes, to Swarthmore made • fail bleak fat Actory of the season The end Ben course, found them. And the cried Tana ward off a number of strong Dip. In the beginning of the third final score was 2149 and the win selves on the short end of a 2144 Rumba returned the ens-uing nine dthe Larayesse, 3 aAcount ford J.V. 12. 101005 attacks. quarter, out a Ford team with lothafF to the 29. On the nest mile „tette oo w2atn Delaware finished onetwo-three Y Andy ahead of Pond captain Joe Stein Ammaming Day el. vd by Fat man around Lafayette'. who came In Mirth two and a naWng 0 yards to reach Pay cross country coutse which ducks half minutes behind amt Ina PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Ob. The toy for point balled, and around buildings, under clothes Ralph Fouracre. Winning Hai Featuring GEORGE SOMMER lu Wore stood 74. One. acrow soccer and feethall .00 Following the Ford kickoff SAY YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE NEWS Gag, Klota Follow and His ORCHESTRA Stich Wagoner returned to the fields and which finally resolvea itself otter a mad dash through BMGage was lath. fon ed bonne 12, the visitors began Ka.teFeoah Flash. Dela. tit:Plainer drive from that Point the city streets was Fresh John CAMERAS - FILM k .venth and eighth tad .over' maimed unto they Scharer of the host learn. He was by Ford Bob Seel ey and To The Students of Hnverford College: DARKROOM SUPPLIES imam the goal stripe Stead followed a half mane later by PHOTOFINISHING ' Give Pound gains by Loschlavo and Ford Joe Stein. Gage, Mots. Ming 3 5/8 test was e., coupled with a Loschi Seeley were next ad Bob sHin. (24-48 HOUR SERVICE) WELCOME cladhing Toe file Ford Pass, carried' to do haw took seventh to completh ,, !ITpecht le t have - XX Nice. pt two tries Loschiavo Me Ford scoring. and 4that day. USE OUR CREDIT PLAN °Vein scored. and Mumma con Garnet Heat forayed. Earner On ,Satutday Delaware eked HOTEL HAVERFORD lv.el to make the atom reed Earlier this year Swarthmore ut a 27-28 win over Swarthmore, thaell Dd. • Monaco!, His eruct For beat Lafayette by an ruined sst Garnet captain Avery Hay SWARTZ & DEIBLER The action during the rest o dental score 2331 Right now "A Knott Hotel" toren beat Fouracre. However Everylhing PhotograpNe 'Ripened wu et the upend-dm. t Is anVoltelt guess who will he ina W. tairaTER AYE„ meet was over the hilly American Friends Service Committee Your Guests and Dale Deserve The Best '.otY, . and the hall ended On the Swarthmore meet as the Swarthmore course. ARDMORE 1151 temp a look tar' equal Haverford Student Reserve Fund FOR COLLEGE ONLY F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. ,„,,..1.t,51CLL.= 'Typuiriters In Our Lovely Main Dining Room Haverford Community Center SHOE REPAIRS ARDMORE Served from Neon to 3 ear. Lunches. Own 01.16 801.0.-BSOMED-Bsebta0B Philadelphia Fellowahip Commission nines.,. emm tam Dady 6 ta a P.. hrrtge!AI,V=V° BRYN MAWS gSunda. and Holidani 1 to FAL Samba Tymarther Co. AROHUL United Fund of Philadelphia & Vicinity WAYNE 32 E. lama, Ave. Ard. lIeS Lasater Am Backs... poals N G.F.S. Downs JV's; Helweg's 2 ID's Pace 13.12 Loss M JV's Down Garnet 1-0; Masland Tallies Early game elf2- tam,. a ";;;;:Lf.;42j.g4W:".7 W ONCE ALL THE dere SIIIHAIEll muss EVS casual. 118 thicket Ave. Ardmore, Pa. ma. ARDMORE UM Do Veer Math The Workless Way LAUNDROMAT M slue... Mims. Animas. Phone: Ardmore 8074 A. VASSALLO Barber Shop sERVINCI SAVERFORD MEN SINCE MS Ds W. teamster Ara .10166kalilay United Negro College Fund World Student Service Fund ..... ono cougar. SERVICE FUND Excellent Banquet Faciliti. For Meetings, Parties, Dericc, or Supper Dances Ardmore 0947 RATER/PRIM HEWS Page nag Comptroller Caselli Discusses Finances In NEWS Interview BY RICHARD NORRIS et the Neel year just part. Aldo CaseIli . • • Hiverforri College emerged with a total operating gain of appro.. mately 529.e03. This fact, bruteht out In the report of the Treaserer of the Corporation last Tuesday, made the prospect of an interNew with Mr. Aldo Camel,. College Comptroller. all the more intereating. The question put to hen was feet How does It haPPene Big Dedinees Mr. Casette in a genial though ever bustnesslike way..? himself in explaining just how Haver/roes financial eta.. are handled "What most people don't know." he commented. " is that auslIlaveriord College ia ass, For instance. he pointed our. in the space of one year, the Comptrollers Office handles itaveriorells well known about a quarter of a million dot. Ian just In the pro.. of cash. -Illtitioder. who maintains log personal checks for students that the College In big bush news. and faculty. But actually. he went on. the Comptroller's Office le only half founders lub Elects Jones, '52, Ruff Fills Term Towbar, Peal. 1f, TM] White, Nason and McBride.... MINUTES OF THE STUDENTS' COUNCIL The meeting was attended by the permanent members of the Council and the newlyelected dormitory representatives, Dave Western and John Kelly were appointed to the Campus Day Committee. Group Holds Reception For Freshmen, Roy Vogt Resigns Treasur'er's Post ...nine from the Actlatrlce Fund 19501951. Howard Bess' letter concert, ing the leek of hmpitally actor, ea the guests from Randolph. Macon was referred to the Vent ty Club for action. The Council discussed the Met ion. Amex the of Octet,. 15th. The Corocil recommended that the College install several nue eon. fire extinguishers in Mee ion and Merlon Annex and that it install at least one in 5th entry, A suggestion was made that daors be added to the Circe Lounge Action on lies eu gees-don was de famed ante next week. E. Arnold Jones's, '52, was elm Slave Sachs repotted that at ed toYounders Cluell the organ least one Mgatatte vending ma tradione October IT meeting. At chine mmcany was 10 the same time, George Ruff, ee, halt a machete at the Co-op on the Colleges ten.. Actin. on wag elected treesurer to till out this meter was deferred for MO the term of Roy Vogt '41, who other week was forced to resign when he Torn Anderson oil Om was fined $5 for moved sway free the Philedel• on the deg phia tore. The tub also voted to mums an Saturday, October ronenue its monthly dinners as .3th. a means of tfiscureng inforrealle Comae, at TM esteem Tubes, The Council decided to hold its the problems lacing the organize. ... pose together for photographer at the meeting of Ptheerforel, Bryn Mawr, and annual meeting WO the Swarth Swarthmore graduates in Chicago ten days ago. Some twenty-two theme of Havermore Students' Council on 0.0 After the meeting. the club ford were to attendee.* at the event Minting a new ems to gthethewegen collegeher Mei at Kaverford. Seethe held an informal reception for all Ship. Schroeder was invited to attend tee members of the Feeelthlee the meeeting on October 24th cIota who were able to attend. The president of the club, Dr. John km with the CouoNL Zapp. .32, began the meeting by James H. Street, AmIstant Pe. we:coming the neweenets. Lie teaser of Renee... led the dis then Introduced two alumni, Karl mi. higher wages n Me near elusion at Me Debating Seeley, Spaeth. '51, and George Ruff, '45 College Presidents Gilbert nt meting. held Last MOM, strength 'through afterrae , eata (future due In Council efforta White, Katbarthe McBride and and rock ereellY edam.ed the iteigng In the Union lounge. ' "reromea in to the Work projects for campus Day John Nason ranted the cellabone not through eta. The opening of Notep pert, et. appointed the money whkh pup / I . ...rch for new furniture for the Gordan Werner. teat years Kam College from other sources than Spaeth, now studying law at the Tteeficy. Octeher 30, or the fire lion existing between their three the cerceelem of each wilege fame.. of the ether two 'acre. Coop to be bought with money manager, chairmaned the mos. theendowment n•'" .-sad University of Pennsylvania. stres. clear day thereafter. will be poet- Institutions one eoP teethe, Mg. About twenty students, both es the resources of each tollelie all expenses. Last year, in addi. .. the Import..ce et ed an the special Campus Day Friday evening. October le when beyond ILL own. Ile a Prlter new prospect, and holdovers ftee 'atatWaleof a°°°"°°',He .,_°°!'; hullettn board on the south porch they spoke at a lent dinner meCorporation Dinner... ate years team, turned out Ire of pledges made In connection cluba pi' Feuedern Hell toddy, eo that lee of the Haverrord. Bryn Mawr example the men Peres. al the ea. the moue. c„„t„.„„d „„:„ rope o„.„ 8w...teem's president JOrtit With the Fund Drive. to rceourage students to particiand Swarthmore sauna in the W. Simon. Make an vienfirdahed eeee Mr. 110001 elated that the tope students wet be tele 00.410 up Proiesaer Herman sem ere pate in college activities. area. The tllnmr, heel ante fice std Taameaea floats "Resolved: that the federal gmBeethema. We ea, he sold, emit Is Serial Chairman of Haverfoors Pelletal for a project. o oar.. Ruff, continuing tale study of the clubrooms of the Chicago e non„meet abet, th In But In matters relating to 0he Science Department, attacked the ...tune at the University of ,. our way in the dark In Otero, and mentioned Among the prolix. Will be the Bar Association. rout attended by many of these eraperative Pthe tweaerrale °mt.°. in ...U. ' tamest system of wage-price College Eneoteeoet- there Is a present. Defense Prochletion Aet tenee the painting of the grand stands and prow.,on It tette:, ore then 200 people, including separate office, incated In Philp ea a vetiarantee of Inflation.and ye., mein. 'that It Is up the Coop, the building of addition- umni. from the three inalltutiore rote, but at the eame time are Wake and motor transport ger, speaking t h delphia and operated under the the a/firmatle from the moms. enew _ mt. with their wives or husbands. making definite Progress Joint wee, apace back predicted "etc indleaentoe Peeled to the student to capitalize on the officers of the college Corpora. for departm®view. Ile went as faculty eppoineneem. man "'"`` k point of °e'ata°°' the next two ware at a rneet. wide range of opportunity at Haw the ...tee of teae am.. ti e parents of students now Ln resi, to eq.,. „e t,. leas Linn Here the Income from the Inn of the Public Affairs A.ocie erten'. administrative moned it "one d the ...melee hoe... He said Mai the...,throe Lloyd parking seam, the the. dence. and headmasters sad deans to specialization endowment to re.., me tee bon last Tuesday for an affirmative case. . etrer, evening in the kable method le to enter emend of the europie parking lot, wide. et /rodents of prepereory and cooperation, joint library ithemite eared.... of r°°° aceninetration of the College's student atoPere. Josh A. Before Protercor Street spoke, meet, and Moldy „,...._. ""n"''"• ,„_ with one Union I.o.M. ereeofiet atter.. and stick • rag of the walk from Roberts to high echoes in the Chicago arm. permanent tunes is supervised, to nom s. is nothing more gran dell ohm sal .hibli — ft war announced that philmophy than through college. Coop, the general improclig of Thomas Fa.ler'21, *reed an Which. Mr. Ca.. tanninated remaining for future go Rewartheth wpm, The Pelt year professor Fronde H. Parker will "Me ',thee Mee. all.thif I'm Founders Club was laureled In the eerie, the wed thastmaster and Was assisted by room the __tee hem been one of continued growth In a melancholy way. does not few gores.bill he yearned fl Iw ee 1914 . m honorary and MCiai by Ming in with stone. the re. Peas Halsted. Swarthmore 'I& vehement. eeelr° mean that the Corratelleee Of. Changes In content of eubject le the library. Dr. Lester said. tee „tee,. hen a WM. enough iellillotOrY meley for leaders. in /weakest., a.facteg of path., and the re who Introduced Preside. Num. fireis not busy. With a Neat! of matter, arid consequent changes He reported that more books bad lodged a ;tee number of sabots "warfieWeflY , and college Each year pairing of Wooiman.Walk bridge. and Mr. William Bern/ tEletmer in methodic and standards of per herc borrowed 4tIMIE the c'ellege over the past few years and will ChM worker, rote short of the ahu°6°. whatM reiraus to completely colLapae the ethe club awards 575 to the Fresh- eta there wet Newell, Bryn Maw' '5% who Me- former. cote cutely arwmearsy year he strietly necessary complement— defense efforte 195001 ahrth beany 0010 In addition. be able to adv. tie , se... President McBride. the en.„ heeta. man whom it weed.. outeand- eteatt to the growth I n intellectual outlook- nrceletle ye. Th. shows clearly, „tor.oo eteteere 00 Loge art, the Off ice hanctles all expense. Criticises Cong.. e. Heeetteett et. Ing In scholarship and leadership. . The them major ercaraliern , etet„ eteeeet teetheee. have „,„wwied, he said. the the library is filling .. income on tuition, and accomSomers, who h. recently re- The members of the dub now et, „ten cut erne. „tee Chicago considered theemeeting trees out modative ma tters such as shop turned from Washingeon and and will continue to do so. The Mote adequately the meds of the It was announced that the tall • attending Iftiveriera neenree non teepoe. Mid.. He mentioned two =- by Mr, Street was the first of Ra- trees for' lumber to rebuild of such Importance the? they all ping for the College Oaf' and pestilim program planning ad. part rem 52 sat Cope.'52' Founders' porch in the Curate. sent repellent end Plietoemithem college has cashing cheeks for students and visor to Office of Price Stabile Berrie. Able for the student generally; mediate nude of the library, that series of three talks Prceenherl Gem., .52; secretary; pull et, tee, and bee,' a Mw to a press conference preceding faculty. Recently. the load of the mason; Professors R trend also will surely coo- ef Mthe eel*,wee. tot Ot ePPlIcemelon Administrator Erie Johns. Gerald Freund. '52, and John Leg. adds se. Put rlr le for "Pop" the dinner at which the ohm eons for study carrots, only 43 Field Haviland and Holland Hurt work has been Increased the ton, thew howely from iota tinuea eert, '53. To qualify for memberpresidents dercrthed the experiHaverfore erorani attericeng the could be .sigheclt .d that of ter will diem. Peleicei em CemPrceler, office Is now wad' summer's expefteeme to speak ship. candidate must co a Jun- t the ie.. ,same ment et du. renege othforethei dinner were. Robert W. Bead. more shelving space. ' economic aspects of Me topic. TO died with the lob of handling to the group on "Government and ter or Senior with an avenge of ceetef heeet oet. ... and dimmed the place of the fie; James Blown IV, '30; Richard The Lest report of the afternoon group decided to schedule, in el or „one. ..meat het. „w eed security deductiens en all eetetteee en eneeee loth meeting was delivered by Anne Onion, a series of practice debate W.I. paid oa' the College. The outdoor supper wili tot small liberal arta college in pre* D. Browne, .321 Alexander tete ... tete melee role In combating throe rat day American education, E. Hewitt, Amerce Curator of among Its members, beginner Not Paid To Talk held as was planned. Supper William Chapbe Carman. Jr.. '241 don, with pnrt]eu.r emphae. on by &tiding one office rated by the President White delivered an Mr. caw", remarked, the history of recent legislation. Ili the croaker Coilectien lobo Itee this week. Committee on Membership az • wit be served In the Dining Hall address an erne Role of the Lib. .., '4e; A. N. Cana-ford, been with the College for twenty. Hailing back "We have no time H extremely f melee arceity and Iwo offices et the regular tette with /acuity ere Art* College". There le a Lester nregnedt. TO; Thomas for fooling." lie smiled rfelteea. the nearsightedness of those rated as minor activiete Punier. '21: Dr. Frederick E. five yearn She reported that ed. and guest. current conception. es. Dr. ly and went on: "Chia applies member.of Congress who voted Foerster, 35; Gifford P. Foley. Miami etaff members had bete Mask. Oft Oat It White, that the small liberal els enlisted, and that at the eight to atudents leo Other offices en e.t.a., .n...enetheetne the „the Lawrence Leonard will be the colleges are in a danger°. and '32; Edward L. barely, '25: Wil- thousand nenuemepla which were (nothand Isom Pege One liam 1'. Kirk, Jr., '451 John M. campus are Pete for bluingw ith po wer granted the Admintetra • yhethrePher of the due. mete.. condition. Actually &walling cataloguing last erodente—we are rant" eon In the original De/e.e Pro. Pictures from toot year's Camp. such a generalization Is unfair; Krom, •44: John C. blush. 1St over two thousand have now been SinceM e'm arint.k g his peel'. tircee Dot It was clear thet the re. death', Act, and the hypocrisy of Day are an exhibit on the Bul- the real trouble et the changing Mertes T. Moon. '12; Samuel tdmark did net indleate a lark rat these who oe.„ Murphy, Jr., '93; William Pinch, rumple.. She mentioned' many In 1936, Mar hes done a consider .e rate letin Beard atuect of the American leer. Jr, '45. Willeue W. Raub, 'Ill impressive accemplishments of Ole amount flying; but for na interest n stadenr attaira. The need for controls but proceeded teal scene, la characterised by lianis Shane. '31; SM.." .1 the department In the put wee n In bytetres tr. dec:dpa e i ts: "Comptroller mntanued, "prong to write ••unadministenablee leen , the important trends. into a disewsion of student Re haton. Stuart, '44; Horatio C Wood. III. aed retorted etheY elm to the Partly "Seldom since the death of Circle Theatre ... Narrowier Zaleramie Collection ea.... tellies funds. and the hew system '24 and Dr. F. loomed Wright Of mountaincilinhing. He has I Thorsten Welen has there been The end of these la the Mawsewe need from Page One the past few yeses followed the of banking these funds in the Now, more than ever. Saki a writer nonbvlowly capable of name of the Shidente Council. Somers, with the costs of equip aneyeng ery significant as- .ng was buoyed Inn the muee lag elm and complexity of human et= er.t rZat organization; the wore, the peoeuragen Respensibility ping a thrmand-a-hatemillien. pert of the social order from of the burlesque operette D ease secularization of thought In the ty from the Western world. U, psrti cul eot y m Auk s th , tee from Page One The reason for this change. he man army, creating present Good.. Pee the historical, melelegice. econo- tone Its performance this year Odd. Is not be feund in any re- Auction capacity, and investing mic, and political points of view," was far inferior to the original public educateon ayeterna of the win in this conflict memo we however, We answer teIMMer. election of worn for the Comptrol- n future productIon tercel. all wroteSterling North, New York nactment foe Artie Night lee country; the third, the narrateng cleanse ourselves of this violation amerce, and offer to God a gift e/erteee mina 0= 10 my ,, of the breadth of tolerante for ler's 0111re. All the new systern of hum. dignity. We must oak Ffechwilve power—the P.P..' Taylor blaoletoah IBorn, Han causing a Mona. In erceumer World Telegram reviewer, of Dr. ear at Bryn Mawr. Die abandonmeans in that quarter is that In- grads eerneet detracting from Hans Kohn. Dr. Kohn will vialt ment of the parcdropastoral ballet new thought on the frotitlere Of ourselves, flee, whereer we shall Of A world wide cienomaiee at 'ID, Mr. Machu°sh nu two chit aethiheafilisti to oneimmense dren—a daughter now mania stead of keeping books for the conaumer buying power. Is there the campus as gums of the Public In favor of the emogy.woogya learning. The mull private liberal arts comb. or buttress this sweetie esek upon the ettoeffie doe exicsb who went for a time to Ithe Council, the Comptroller must he ine.ttee te danger at. a Alien ASSOCIAIlon nn United Na- emu, wan meter disastrous be and amend, Whether we see le now audit the records of the need for etteeette..... eontret.. tion Day, tomorrow, October M. the subtlety of the burlesque college -ploys a epeeist role la our vast productive power merely once, aupparted by the U.S. to the mewr end then men.... at Br countering there trends by ellant. full eaten; of Ma *NORM.— Gill illetweeity. Old a son who u Court. Treamrer. Somers made it clear. however, In the evening at eel& Dr. Kohn Alec, the lifter "Yet, we will sing plowleg freedom of Inquiry. At then we would offer the world a now a freshman at Oberlin. But, he thinks, the new system that he personally felt that direct will deliver a lecture on " • few more arias before tee start. for won Seri. use erne.or a Besides he position here e ean mean a gust deal to student. rice controls were 'unpleasant" United Nations Bal.. Sheet tended to destroy the inesiegfiete the fume thee in many instance. grant necuencily involving a true soludon in the name of deco. they aim champion nitholity curacy. a freedom without hypo- Haverforel, Mae In a tree. ci by way of encouraging them to and enumerated four other deter 1946-1951" at a public meeing of MOodenualercrenenge upon Ways of life On ells thee great raise of reapentilbilltY . the Eplecopal Academy and en adopt an Mille. of 'Weal re. rents that he would pre.: 111 which will be held in the Union which the burlesque motif had ere often eurtieenee to ridclmv Left lineornere,d geestions With 0 Were of netional 000001 oveimer of Penh Choler. apensibilley" towards their own Increased taxation ill credit Auditorium. in additlen students been, heretofore. establbilied. and peewee from outside We haw not enswered these reeensibilly than established by efathe The continuation of bog restraints Ili control over the are bolted to an irdoneal romp The emery of Gwen Davis and Sources. quercons as yet, bet we shall Dr. Johneen Riceard Welton et system, he thought, depends upon distribution of atrocities :41 in- eon from 4 to 5 that afternoon Fibbed Reynolds was admirer* Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore. and lave to, not at the compulsion tidally opened the Reverters! CM the Willingness of students in creased Individual savings.- None In the Cowmen Scorn but the orchestra certainly left Pleverford are typical ...lee of Stalin of God. If the sewers lege Service Fund delve, and recogetze this remonsibillty and Hans Kohn holds the degree of something to be desired: if not I such literal .ucallon Melee are negative onea, concluded RECORDS REPAIRS of these are being donee he adds ihroef ode president, Gilbert rothibit It in the future eiectIon of and the Let that contra+ worked Doctor of Lew from the German musician.. Perhaps the lIgheng lens, Dr. Waite concluded. What Johnson, then tee leader/Ode Whim. concluded the program PHONOGRAPHS "reasonably efficient Councils... in the last war proves their de- Celverety in Prague where he was inadequate perk.. the is unique in each, end what they which rests at present with our With a few remarks regardieg was born In 1891. Taken prisoner chorus (meted I was tined and see ahead In the way of cooper& country bold be removed complete se w. Ism ere.. Am. ins sirability at present. our personal fesponsibililles. Preceding Somers. ' talk the by the Rurctule teeing World embarrassed because of their on, he left to the remaining Regulations ... Public-Affairs Aseralatioe elected W. I. he withessed the Russian indecency (bathrobes and pa. peahen to eeplath Renee, Borne isIMAIsm Continued from Pa. One James Hudso, Its president revolution and civil war. He later Jam.). In .y Wm, Thm So.. fieme HAMBURG HEARTH ea. Bryn Hewes Preedent Esthertor 1951-52 rci.n Katy as Its pent several years In Paris and detainee was lacking to the ProARENA'S SERVICE McBride, ern*. the real Now Mamas er e.. re ens laminar lectern Affairs. said that the „tatere. t....„t„. London, afterwards settling in duction. STATION motive bellied the three college FULL LINE or aclaceWICHES ercunittee saw no reason at pr.. entealem where he wrote The evening as a whole was Ian In her terse, entitled 'New Ardmore 9043 ISEASSTIMSVAGESSI Al 0130.11, nt rne.. such regulation to several important boo. on the favorable as light enterikentent Lacombe I Imam. Awe. thength Through Cooperation. — there .. although he noted Sherwood Speaks... BRYN MAYOR SIM% LANCASTER AVE. history of pollees of the Middle tercerfeal that a sin. ir program had co...., (rote Page One East. RADIOS—RDCORDS roven necerciry for the Glee In September. 1949., he accepted et. 0„ e„.. DADT.reetwoOKApien • Sherwood addressing the student ago, . petition as Professor of History Ben Frond n he ,e,„ pmeette aces not , audience, "You mull assume the t the College of the City of New tete rtme.e. ete. neen ehe „ responsible... of attaining greatTELEVISON York. Profeasor teethe le the [ at e time when er understmding among natiOng ardor of 15 books at which the „„ ,„„„r„0„ will „,„ t„„ that thee genet-att.* Mae treat can take rest aoaaela Shipped be Ned eetee et:0 e„eetett te,,, In live secure against the threat of Ian three 'The Idea of Nation.. Haverford Pennsylvania one ...Force or Reason'„ and etheuenat tae Wade this tine. Dr. Oakley looked foe we'" The Twentieth Century.' Prescriptions 11 greater than Croke.* Chu 11 ward to the day when a faculty sweeten.... et...ettna tee. When questioned ercufehe H. ROYER SMITH CO. Drugs and Sundries • kelp „re., oet a eette. pending lir.. electione MT. "tee Worers Bowel abate Ire that Can is. a Wean. te mina. Phone Ardmore 0122 eurdinseed and mare far.reach gbe'baa° expressed the B. Roakik JOHN TRONCELLETI eon that what Mg dramatic program. Pa, jantm, as, 1;17 'Me " : .7tTle ec te • Baron nun to Pounder. me that we policies f the Labo?\ fisece's • time to pmt in every activity. Government Mule in the male For YOUR Convenience Mien yeS maim iliai pause refreahingerith be continued ; the Comer. konoid Cm-Colayoa crea take vele seems lives, if they assumed pewee Mt. Cant, debars " took "" 'ho Street Addresses Prob- Debating Society Campus Day Set Haverford, Swarthmore, BMC Grads c.„," „ sawed For Next Tuesday Hear Their Presidents In Chicago ,v17.11,17.— Somers Attacks Inriationary Law In PAA Speech ti l a katIntosh Historian Kohn To Speak Here Johnson Speaks At Collection ... y p ADAMS HAVERFORD PHARMACY take cities. Henkele & McCoy Philadelphia Sherwood criticized Winston Churchill as a "backward force" in British politics • Subscribe BLUE COMET DINER To The Limier New Management Always Happy to Serve Toni Haverford Rent To Ryan.&. Christie Revue BRYN MAWR ARDMORE ARMY NAVY STORE 24 W. Lanawstow Ave. EMLEN & CO. wide sae, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Gonna:down Chestnut RH end WIthemarsh 14 W. Evergreen Avenue CHESTNUT HILL OFFICE Wiseahickon 7-3760 George W. Fallen. AS Main Line End Cheater Ceener MAIN LINE OFFICE sin W. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore M. Also L Endes Mem sem IlartiOriTy Or 110t snr...-rma 0.11lom, PHILADELPHIA COCA.COLA sOTTLINO CO. 01001, ton COCACCM. tau