Haver Xeus Volume 43, Number ARDMORE. PA..TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1951
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Haver Xeus Volume 43, Number ARDMORE. PA..TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1951
• Haver Like Whale Steak? Page One Volume 43, Number Proposal Heard For Dissolution Of Cap & Bells Sps ledwona Pa. N. Saifpour Fatemi... Executive Committee Says Group Will Relinquish Statut; Seeks Drama Coach to According to this letter. which e result. of a electing the ef the Cap • Bells Executive Committee on October 2A. Club . willing to Cap over to the undergraduate hody tats dtamail organization i Ihnrsseg7PirtIt. e."0s7es7A1 ministration will provide a fame 'd""t' Mak Cited As reason. for this proposal. the letter cot. the fact the! 'The present Unit fee system deprives Cap se Bells et any means of eel/. that .1. mien. role of the member orgetnissdem ▪ Cep & Bella. . .yes fesponsiblIty for the atutus tembetehip." support.. end Campua program neighborhood Ca or leas, were devoted to the beautification and improvement of the campus by about 654 of the Student body aided and directed by between 05 and 90% of the organized Id Cletus Oakley chairman of the fn. reviewing his country's on nomic and political oppression by Russia and Great Britain. Recallraking ,be pied to Junkthe je• In, the mulcting of millions of mest. MM. powerholtae. dollar. through atenomic Mod.. and lacuna co/merged imperialiern and the various in or Me peon ,hen early In the melons Run Persia by slam, Professor Feteml warned his mll., that the peoples at oration. and dentell lion Mmes. the Mel. East have awakemd Meeting with the Stirdeni Vont ea, rot. v.-rime of prides.to the lam that they are not or• ien n l en, mere Workers ("lemming toward their We J081011 DeltaLle of Its thematic content It could dained to live in poverty and man day Arneid Poet Preleets met the mem eaodus of only be moderately interesting. venom pror,anor Greek rare from the Llowl lot wheel The Revert.. c.i.f. Gt.. ' Then followed He empnasized that Innis a medicene Club prenenlnl ms n the nib °P.M Its lion of "Po' Negro are willing to eooperate with the Dot Saturday night Meet in the fight tesinet StalinSpiritual. of the snoops which 1150 long in Ina Ilbeeal arts nee, appearance Flodessum Pay., ist Russ. , •learion without the '; c' e r7 mr*; p1: 17 en t'eir dur; fti iir: g: School. This perfornthnoe was an' omel In'f . eral One value which Mr. Pmt ut et'', the best performed Ten Commaadments" i if the, redoubtedly the most dtt.r. Ronny Removed In tee study el Greek its Mt. e rt.. ' and most .enowleireng number on mise • "plat and equable re0. Innooaer phlinsophy. and Mena. are ought Windnws were opened in LIonl the program w. Hapdel • sonata of the Glee Club. but Me.. of ton Cute tune nno the feet that through to prevem meek. community their homeland. ee front one the variety of added attractions rnioio work in thew held. the ...dent emelon and Mte pass. en Peahen Amer.. Ahl te the program. elthroach. •u to exhibiting whether the paint tinedwould rev Protease, retool mentioned ,philip Haworth. and Dr. Reese, Stand With amass inn pia. h.., ▪ elear view et the moot fund.. mein otandine. Professor Oakley was The Glee Clutrepened "the pro menml Si human line. detonated the them which raised men In hewing Amertean gram with OW anal rounds, and enc:, Greek Merriam, raid Proffeaor • ....ere miemn of del,. on hand with the ..knovehow.' to then mated. es a delightful Peet, since It marled stump In Teo I> Run of Ho mow Owen how to develop MB *me he Ortithde th L.emor "M.- Remembering last years lemma se rmen. te.e y blase more Islas. bed similar ciently their ressrees. but said Lovely Mahn" Canticle townsmen enthusiast. crew men Weston- his P.P. deterronted ot. ' se.-th By „, per, r ime te ,otta eet the etentidirtI7M7tre '"rievb. einiprerl ' " "t".° Ct.0.7, we. lass greeted the Octet with . Th edent'er"tri un'il later """"' tnt,ni % well done by the Club, but be „ion. t000moe d rolteemb hmsemo. may everlook or fall to recognise. has lser then Al Merlon • group under Pm. mum of Ow rather Matto nature I Cenlbeed Pm. Pa, OW. 4 Merest In the world, • cording to Professor H. Field In the course of hit remarks. them, In DeA. Reid pushed a in C.Moging is among actording to Dr. ca its who' Havilend, le. for the College LI- The Haverford Library. said Profile.,Pod clued mnsider aoed mew. the east end of Mm. et nth. avallahle the s.er. Professor timbal". n on lenettage as a ion Field while another rmw S. suited that the per capita yearly se @null. to able eminent, moon., oe the eeetenner receive.. • I, Government sores km. to the ta lit mated rIp of I n working with Profesmr-Williern , w to nin e.h,. m .„ ,e ,i tre h e.mth e . teel. , dex „la r nt:: ,th ne b ihdeo arc. • , nen,:tho 0, e, tu,,, ,,,,i,t, L "n d te Iranian stateernan, author,week newspaperman and scholar his country's side ofwhothespoke currentin Collection oil dispute last with GreatonBritain, Varied Haverford Glee Club Concert At Westtown Opens Musical Season lewlet be ewe tbeld Belie and produce plays Betwoos let' JOHN KEY LL than three hundred Haverfordione, studente end faculty. left elaaass lent Tueaday to Aide To Momatilegh The Prnf.sor of Pets. at Princeton I Mayer., who M now acting as aide to ailing Meitner • • tY ARDMORE. PA..TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1951 93.00 PER YEAR Saifpour Fatemi Campus Day Utilizes Ford Brawn Presents Iranian In_ Construction, Demolition Work Side Of Oil Fight 'Strength Through Joy Day'... Stubborn Stump Resists Five Assaults By Cletus Oakley's Dynamiting Squad More the fourth annual Haverford Day. A take part ofinSocial. and Technical Asoistance at the level. opus Day provided an unlimited labor force to devote to those protects requiring moreBoantilleadoe brawn than bmim in their execution. 1500 man hours. more And Improvement faculty. Nearly thirty crews were by Profeeeor Mossadegb. had little say aside Professor Post :;:=7,7.7.7:r`:::17:Zt 0001.sh Discusses Value the Of The Classics evening. Mr. L ea keeping with Haverlorde policy of airing all sides of eontrovenial Issues. the administration invited N. Saifpour FaternI. , bronlan stat.man, author, newspaperman and scholar to speak aI Collection Tuemay on his country's side of the crent ur Iranian oil dispute with Great Britain. John Leggett. student vice president df the arganixation. mad to the Committee a letter which he had addressed Colege Preeldent Gilbert F. White, At which the outlines of the proposal were Mated for the AA Minietration. felt In necessary If the dramatic organization Is to have stability at Page Two People 01 His Nation Seek Only A Just And Equitable Return On Their Resources , At a meeting of the Student AMMO.. Committee S u nd•y Meth. a proposal for the resealedbn of the Cap • Bells Club as pmeseetty ennetituted wet heard. ' Lessee Dentssess Premised me hand Xeus Forrestal Diaries Of Lmanie.• rime . and theinspirit of of Professor rlietinJohn .guishn' "..P.edj*'" ltruim!Hidrn....en.t.r no present this shot Roche ing hie hit to the enterprise of Campus His group felled s large tree across Haverford Road.Day. Tet,.2 Library Assistants Are Sought At the meeting of the Student Activities Caren.. Cap & Bells Istesii.1 John F. Ride 14. reinterated what he !ell wee Ow nece.ity of • coach or taeulty !delver for the Drama Club. Members rat the Committee themes. the threaten, of • faceitY adviser, and were 'generally agreed that It was a sound pm. poser Ceentninee Chairman Metus Cottle,. Professor of Math.. Inc made., smege.thet thin the Cap Holy m search endertakings. he mid, Is • ere & Bell. Club take an the matter endermend and Appro.,. the meow, and nut faced. the Worker. Improvement seven Year Remen.totdobloos MW ef In dioNroten proposal Woe. Mezerik Stresses By SIII.ET M. cone, Ill of anelere Greece, hut al. In sunk time nth for dedicetion I its lona. Madan portends ter shoed at the areas of education ly with the College Inc the feet thet the p.n. of view rem., et which Or Reid oo' ° i,owt i ittt the nation sa a whole seems, et-ft dila re. a. eanitation. Task Z.. Hon, saying that In this matter lamgacknowledged Ie am. and em has. found in Greek tit- a shoo address eut the ribbon. of somewhat dimcuh the Student Activities Committee the world in the field et Quaker .chat erne. have wen n large ea- and formed, mutated the new taxes sea mutt will anonrbe , only In an advisory colOwe Havolord Coil.. l'.. Political Somme, rkceoricce. and featuring entreeme a la ewe ce , tent deter/mean. of Weetern thoroughfam_ dots It amain. Oda time with the peen ......„ et ylaver. etheteitY. For one thing, t t end of At eam• "41".""' ' ex'1"" r".6"1 CM & HMO' as P,.....5' vet, ....r' .i.... ....r.'" No'.- the stockyards in Chicago ford. Teeth., Protom°, are al The linennant thine to am.. pus. Professere Harry Ph.. " Sa"'"Y """'""' put le that 'the Library n eta Is the parent organization of'' wet...whale tele...tern Mom), a IP"." Hand o regent singulgely IllequIpped to Iallawing his said Me Met the tendeney to .IMO Rnme. and Albert Wilson. Inc Drama Chtb. Glee Club, Re.... in It. march Inc Just 'ger...a...in....in.., 'rttitt's.. P't. the lahoratary of the melte eelconfident that But t null iho, mom, Larenseele mpissi ineettrneni teach lenguage simply as tech• directed the cutting of a 6m lane °echoer.. and Band. Its men- the right culinary Udbits to grace „„i.h.,... iii; ii;,„ is ..„, tar nti. the British would not use ermed wrwn of the for industrIalientton. rather then Mrs Include both alumni and Its table. the College has Month. .7....;. 0,.....; will w._ Mete arosin their all holdings won, tool, wash s°g tenement handout. cal members of ten undergraduate the deep of Are. vea. tamong to ...h.., ,..desinM ____„. , Plat? x as purveyor meat This would he Impossible. he said, et envie., ee,„.., .... it no,....i., reed. the ode onion of 11011711, a tree ,...m felled arm. Dever r bole ennneeted with the four in other placest for viands pleasing it .r. l'.......to this Republic: when the has without the help of the United -. for Rd.. narrnwly miodde of our ...m mt. to underdevel- lion in • t".....• to the fickle palates of local eseporsted activities. The three euemstinns relate to non, onii„.. .... n peon will teplace the lasso, the !Mates. He reels that the United In addition, rumen. to the ens vehicle and Merited. teethe G. gourmet.. It ean now be reportn „,,,..,,,,ii n„,,,,, Eekhoo the cowboy: when a ;States would never support numb need, for the ine ue nn o , even, ater coil ..ii, values of Greek and lee. studies et. II wee ed h I •t t hl seareh has tart Men move c.c.,. II would be mot Scribe Publieetione In the Li' lick, en hem wand whale washed up on the Jersey enee t a t tne for • hand litern1 arts eritiventen. The honest group of workers without success. for the deepc nm. i.. ornn r v. id nle.,, Gos, emblems. IC a, ir, ,, w .o ,o rrp. IM ee nsiilte ‘ ,,,a,,, be viewed no longer ally itnoderflh More proieveor Pont suggemen a Clint. eenthest anti painted the Asher., an freeze In Founder. is currently Cl, as • Malorlorou• public nuissnee with bet of areas in with knowledge grandstand on Walton field_ crammed to bursting with park. Mt mothe meat vreleeme of an i, diste who would use It as wt Mumma pithileatinns. and the „.G .;:d . ' „:",:,,,M7 e, ',tit:„,..d rn.7‘,..-i- i -i.,.. o f Hasson! lanerigeev has A 1.11. , Seth's Whale ..at3 were minted. and rual W. Kee rat Idence of American imperiellem. preserve of personnel lull time ino.n.i.ii....s....„ ape...die anti precocal value Steak, wrapnit nom the tnetaiwntes Rthearin, and rm. permed., Thu:. he met a knowledge of whir, wee peen a mat of Mack rent eras, ly nee highly. industrialised rem La. . ...Mae I tl r ma'ene maim. Plans of epic pommel.. me C.'" ' .9..t. tier,. system Mr. Meer. who would ,study hien. end a pert of the home.w. make Swarth. town. grand• frofor. eleims. the lareely more Weekend. whleh .411 begin may by responsihie knowledge Greek 1. those me. the seeeer non of a middleman in Pride, afternoon, November 16. Philadelphia. according to Mrs. the aortal event of the Ethel E. Beatty, College Dien. mar on camp.. elan. ]tweedy what section of the the tt = "tiZ ;L. Friday mode the in..., trilthiee anatomy yield. export- froorenuei, but left the BB, The Soc. Sci..Deportments Whale Steak To Grace College Dinner Menus Mary to de government. could act Food Problem I T lk TT G ads .'''"'""'"'"'"‘"'r" • as .14 Ye way the ',mar a pa.. Varsity Dance To Feature Sommer comas boom-. thl..trian being hatched to panifsterford anigne me-frozen .on of weekend metivitim, nein • soccer game between Hie. and Swarthmore, m be tot, bred that evening by a monster bonfire. plus • surprise, the do tells ef Md. are seer. An tler rally and varsity Meeker will be held le• the men at hick alumni will meek end free be climax the evening ee io formal Me dance Is planned, at which • hires turns. is expected • High spot of the weekend will he Sathohty isitemoon, when the minual Hareerfon3 Swarthmore football classic Is staged no the ford sele meat to the Intheltriom Se.dinavlans. Mrs. Beatty wan enable to divulge. She did reveal. however. thee bemuse of its mi..e dtheimors. whale meek boa nennItely end omelette replaced eldtasbioned, prised ssefsmak in her ladder. A pound of whale steak mats the Coliege ahrty.flee cents, er about a pep To refresnamts will *erred ,7:** Swarthmore ling need, A Fall theme will be the set. of the formal dance spew... by the Varsity, Club which will he held that night In Abe Formers Hall dining mom heel' M. to One pm. George Sent' meta band, which has played for humentha renege formal dents, 504 supply the mode. Corteges a. Pethetted. and favors will be distributed at the door. A tale btatklest will be served Y the Common Room at In okenek Sunday morning. TIMM. to both the football Verne and dance am on sale. Stu. dent Mauna to the game are el *there PLO!, • _ .44 ■ 1139 high. mdo.x,, . nt wil Prof In Profile: BY JIM CRAWFORD R.bert C. new °...htt. fender of Methernatics, turned lowly away from his math ad. sle.. ''Oci I like teaching been at lieverford? Very much. But I Hite CM.. ten. Of course, I refer the smell classes harm the etas. can ask yon question., and you nA ask the. lneatie." Replaces Alhearenme. Proteseor for beefs... Mr. Beatty elolt James Mined the ed. Nowadays nab student served rouehly Ave minces Pt Homeland !entity to fill the place formerly held by Carl Allendoer Mr,, who lett last spring to head blessed with a steak dinner. Campus reaction to the whale the Department of Mathettnatios steak has been. to um the Me- at the University of Washineton V. of pollster.. mixed. A num He has been teething math... ber of Auden. commented mite do sine 1946. coming here from favorably un ten new dish to her, the University of California and a.elled Mem 'Beatty. no whale Harvard, meat Is apparently selently While still tender In the opinion of 11116. she work, Mr. James collaborated dents who hem eaten it. °emcee with his rather In verities and n et repartee.... compiling • Mathematies Di.on. dons indicate that no matter how ery, Sin. IN publication In 1942, tender the whale may be, the the work has been extensively refact that to taste is imilstinguls, vised and fleetly reissued In 1949. Oboe trim chat of 0.110!0 oil de- The work ta the fine of Its kind tract `ppancuilty loom IN .1• pubilshed 171 Stater In almost bilItY. and the only Portent Amara one in print at present. Precisely what the intreduedon MOMFrom CalifornY of whale stnk into the diet of Beni • .• • . . r.eStstr. doing graduate ever, reaching cal and erandsmnd DR. ROBERT JAMES, A C.O. 'GUINEA PIG', :,,,, , , ,,,,,,,........d::7;;,rd_ ;, .,:rer,,,,:, ,; ,;. ::: nr.,,,........ ,,,,,,, vh,,,,,, tz,..:,.77:::, ::::, ASSUMES MATH DEPARTMENT DUTIES ri "" fled. whale whenever Haverford.. ,,,,,orrnmviva,. .,„, Technntoey. After a four year break during the War. he returned to finish work which he won in 1946. efficient farm highly inechmery, stentheante of eleemeel language in this mem.. he afterneen adequate transportation :matinee mud, e discussion. e n s it • rl. In the bhmliv when ,d ried rider .r perishable foods, and Male. which matter, relating to the and floats, in the p ofeasom •nd larly tureen, storage feeder.- ninIor teachine rneehMs. mem.. who took time tie to nn there In 19W, tie worked During the war yews. Prof.- I .tens. Throttle, Joy for the next two years on hie sore...did meet. work in this ! Th. moat mew, hir. metuetteo with the assumed Paw Dar ae it were enneletally Ph.D. at Cato.. Instil.* a country as a Consdentious 0, :stud. why nue assimanm to un- posse of liberal ane edureerin. otowl sty Profeesor Rothe. Merdeveloned countnoi mum not .---rm.( eery.. M souther. tell be Met."'" labia uninteresting. he volute st'. 11. 1 smt Oo ma take part as a gen. Much limy: widespread hunger .. has e p politleal Implant eayerimnt pis „ frw lions. and hi, lee elan. the main The prospects for s Soviet coileg .- Hunter steed and red On to elude, e, he tremor underlying factor pu•hing the Union that la ...Wahl* to the world to • catastrophic Mini he hopes the. who West" ,o.o will he the topic that a ex wo ld era .o New York. no results of the pies seleet of Ha vrrlo rtl, an invited to participate Thu must per/meet Were a case of malaria on of I. sessiene• to Swarthmere and Bryn Mawr atUfor Mr. Jam. and pro. that the t".. the w°°°. barony will discuss In A number. vigil., norm ne drugs totted did not prevent the "t” the USSR hays been invited tr, overpopulnlInn. but one of fond. a series of eight or len Ineetinge recurrence of the disease. AA, In example of this truth, . t Havens.from November amend the individual seminars. n esi out that Holland has a hrett. May. Prolesem Holland Among the euOy itheePtances eat Pepulation of 750 peep. per Hunter of Haverforde Economics those of George F. Keenan. now He first aqua. mile. while India has only department announned last week. on leave from the Department may in el Mau. !tic Mate when he spent 250 per square mile—but nobody AreordIng tat Hairier, hinthelf State whom he nerved an head of hie honeymoon In West Chester. calls en Authority on the Soviet woo Its mgr., planning staff. an d File wife (they now have three omy the participante will be Ital Profeeser Merle Fainsod_palltioal Abend.. Imperative children I. whom he met The fond problem. though, ited to letudente who have al. mien.. of the department of hie stay In New Haven, was orig- mast be solved if there in in be ready had ceurees in NOVIet GOverninellt Mi Harm.rd and inally from Colorado. World petee-On thin connection history or ...rhona and facultY author of several Medias on the Professor James mneluded the Mr. Meserik quoted John Boyd membere from Inc three colleges Soviet Union. The vieilOre will be Interview with . appreelation Orr f recent Winner of the Nobel Interested In the field to be dis- .keri to 'evaluate trends mid Peace Pellet: 'Mungry people cussed.' ...peel. In their special fields etch manwn tau Oaths. rioting that the University who believe that an abunoant "In order to make possible as portion. of the question of the of California'. action with respect supply of food Ls possible will round table Mecum.. . . . the nuns. future of the USSR and the ., to oaths hascost that valeta oveMbrow any government limit her of pa.lelpanis will be held to lent to which the United 'Mates, , does not make It available.° • • total of thirty from the cone Might James moved to Loa Angeles father Joined the Mettlewhen malice Department at UCLA. Mr. James cook his B.A. In Math. Robert James... on hie degree. or system. were and ending rated in dram. - Soviet Union Seminar Three Colleg e Participation Announced By Dr. Hooter added met attending all dente and the teered to A Permylvania. Outing the United Haverford's freedom from loyaltyof City yeses Haverford's new A. In Indiana, Professor matics Pro9ateor of Math- nnumerante professor.Institution Holland overpopulated. Influence h. EDITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS Haverford News Page ''Piro Haverford, Pa., Theedny, Nov. 6, 1951 Edinr — Richard A. `oar:, Jr. df wepie, Eike. — John Wirt — Sydney M. Co, Ill - &Avers .11 Platt News Edna. — Peter F.Tepke Neff Editors — Jones D. Crawford: D. Frederick Muth; Philip R. Stansbury Franores Elder — Jonathan Guttol•ther efloossai Edna. — Philip Benjamin Inkiest Spores Eiders — W. Wheat Condor, Jobs F. Burton, Heins F. Koch .frevernirry Manner, — Wilgee Ede t.r.tu Winn Meeepep— Gordon Werner oiaane &wino. Alden?, — Andrew Lew-5 Ann.*, Adveriisin, Ilannoees—F. kii llaugh, I.. Shuman" Mous Amino, —G. Freund. J. Hitchcock, 1. Ka?, M. Elmer, I.. Prager, T. Ruddick. J. So,rsrndike, S. Seek, W, Wilson An■vinter — E. Harriman, R.-jimpFL. Meer. NI. Sexton, J. Spero . -n Pieforropten — R. Horton, J. 15,411 asthma eisserienes—D. Cane. K. Hamilton. G. McDonald. M. Neill McCarthy on Campus ... What with a book by an irritable Yale alumnus, Loyalty Oath legislation in Musachthaetts, and the rumblings of censorship on the alone at Ohio State, the hese of what ie called academic freedom has mothd thee again into limelight of discumion. The real for orthodoxy and distrust for unfettered thclught that have spewed up in the ever-widening wake of Senator McCarthy are bidding fair to convert much of a nation to belief in the propmition that new ideas and treason are equivalent if not identical terms, The echool of thought that would make red.., a property of professors in the thme arse that gree.e. Is a property of grans. the school that would subeltute In thelthited States a unity of fear for a unity of positive purpose—this school has been unremitting in its attempts to implorees "subversive- ideas on every campus where its notions have been able to gain a toehold. There have been many trials made to meas the remats of this campaign in univereities and colleges, and the universal conclusion seem, to be that it has succeeded at least to the extent that outef-the-ordinary opinion. go more and more frequently unexpressed. both among students and among faculty members. The unhampered interchange of ideas which is ftmdamental to an educational institution is often interrupted, if not arrested, as the mutt of this sort of campaign. Yet in the long run, the real danger inherent in any euel attempt to appose ideas lies not in the possibility of its ultimate mince., which at present seem fortunately unlikely, but rather in the fact that In the prOce. et attacking ideas with epithete and thoughts with labels. communication between opposing points of view, an emential of democratic government, will be rendered Ime and lam practicable. The mood of ranting persecution which has settled owe *Owe quarters of government has s great many drawbacks—hut one in particular namely. that those who indulge in it 'lever take time out to listen. They obit-Net the interchange of idea. not only in attempting to supreme those with which they do not agree, but also In successfully reducing human oommunication to the level of a series of emotional grunts. For criticism and thought le substituted invective and name-calling; .d the r.ult is the progresaive deterioration of that un...tad flow of idea which freedom of expreesion existe to guarantee. To serve the purpoties of education and of deraoacetic government it is not enough that ideals should be expressed they mutt be entertained. And it u precisely in this matter that the retains of the r.ent fear-campaign can be most dangerous, McCarthyism Moeda its own kind—caking out not only in is adherents but in Ice opponents the tendency, not to consider, but to react, and obscuring the most vital issues of the day in a cloud of emotional claptrap. And while campuses over the nation concern themselves with the fight against official cennorghip of ides,, they would do well to guard 51.0 against this more subtle correlative threat to the educational process—the threat of expression without coneideratiort 111, Campus Day ... Well, this year's Campus Day has painted into • with much satisfaction to every one. and—one might add—probably much to the relief of the college ground. crew. The afternoon was certainly a great lark for all concerned—and, besides its more tangible benefit. to the college plant, fthtered an informal cameraderie which was undoubtediareffective in the promotion of better Student-Faculty relations. Seriously, though, moat of the Campus Day projepte —particularly the Marion Turnpike surveyed, cohstru ed, and dedicated under the leadership of Dr. Reid, and the varies projects for increasing and improving parking apace—will be of Hating benefit to the cotlegi. ' The NEWS extends sincere condolence to Mr. Oakley and the members of his project for the athilinacy of twe stumps in the Lloyd parking lot--atumpe which held fast as firmly as the rode of Gibraltar despite the herculean labor. of a few, the adeice of many, and the expendithre of a -.VIM sixteen sticks of dynamite. The one eoui`bote among the Campus Day prolecte s—lbet, of course, due to the fault of aayo participating —was the painting of the Coop. As soollaia the paint dried, it proceeded to flake off onto the clothes of all Who approached anywhere near the walls. An last week passed by, the rumbling of protest grew ever larger until some students were openly threatening- to submit itemized cleaning bills to the damptrollerk office—we are pleased to report that the education has now been remedied; 'and that students may Once again bounce off the °OCT'S waits to their hearts' content, with no fear of IIWOPHI. (.4 ultimately, Anenchil) loss.- Books in Review rat room. ma; whim by arm. men with as *mum ef a. • mema.von. wee ✓em, km dm The wining Mee end papers of ]awes ForniMat SecRntry of the Bevy 11941947) and Ant Secretary of Defense (1947.10401. have been ml. leered in a mot Important book documenting this natiane deepening crisis elme 1945. The Forreelid Diaries are lint of all the record of one man's service In government during the e•Mterwards. when the hopes for • genwar an uine peace were dashert by the Soviet'. relentless drive Is greater power in Ethane sod It tr• Mem mfr. dated •• early as the autumn or H. i.liste Met var.. me ether soy. oriental. leititn. suspected Rumba motive. In planning puma, power relations and at. tempted eo gem r.reute Polley to meet Sala Mellen, They knew. for example. that the power vacuums left by the def.. of Gem., mict demo would ha filled by the Soviet Colon, tithes we sere active episodees be her policies. Alumni News ForroMare medW, ewes rear hae4 Ye bed M a MOW.er rata which is the MO my know, en be sere ef Ile aeon( of World War Three." Soon after the war, plant tor • single department of defense were prepared. and with them came the melee thole.. over the strategic Mr form. the marine corm. aircraft carrierr, and the like. The projected consolidation of the military took much of Forrestare line WWI effort sinee AT SWARTHMORE represented the Navy In non negotiation. Theo The Calvary Presbyterian yon later he was to become the fine Secretary Church of Canton. Ohio. under Saturday, November 17, 1951 - PM. of Defense; • job of bruneme Bryant the leadership of John In his relations with other Cannel members Barker, 12 Is In the midst of a Tkkete ase, including tax ICTIldren under 14, sod the Preeldent. and with all subordinates. For or expansion Nat mar.. • metal was rimer premier:umot or narrow.minded. period be held for thom who A reserved motion In the Mande Hie diary contains no impikadons that any mete. long term increase In Church perpurchase tickets In advance. A. thls space Is Ihritted, tickets her of the State Department or any other Deice Minato. Since Bather became will be assigned on a lint mme, firm served" MM. wan a "traitor." There wan many senae differ Pestor In line. the Church has ewes of opinion. but the diary Meets to die aim- grown from two hundred to alreeky and devetbn et all our leaders during this most sixteen hundred members. Those desiring Ude. should send eaten to the AM*. period. civilian and military In influence, sem.. Genre, Gyronaeluth Mverford College, Illeverfonl, Pa Make Form. mom, critical abet 1. Sada Its growth and spiritml atrength can not be of a sound policy hams. Calm, hut his site all cheek, payaNe to savorous College. Swim* a named Forreatars suspieioni of Soviet ohjectivm were figure*. In however. notheured, nine men Indication mist this wee a predict. out unique: he records the views of l Avert. liar mlf.mtdremd emelowe and the tickets old be mailed tit you Bolds Divinity Degree* meet to which ne mm Is the governmeot Mean tour Ambassador to Msg. and other The ...me . November le.., Bons In 1899 In Pittsburgh. Ban frond my taimp. solution. Comers. Moot who aught to insure the military victory by use public local from might graduated Jews her the M sup.. one Mat M.. the timing • policy of armed . .tit hoots, attended Shady.. And. have span ...le co..ietimie—anietit By April 191,5 • seriom deterioration In our oli-Se Me Middle Aut. ForreebS wanted in rota, and. after Haverford. and relations with Russia—"knit together by the have the eatn hem taken oat of poi.m rind uated from Weetern "Theological nem... of war —threatened to cripple the San achieve Inpartimn atone. co, • kolmnd Ito Seminary where he now semen Franc... conference. Shortly before his death as the vice president ot the board bowarde Mehl and It..ta He 51401 into My President Romevelt -sent • strong., message to of twee,. sl.ee reran line agree wog Stalin deploring OM condition" which ens meant. Events since 194 Indicate that perhaps more of Doctor of Divinity has been Along with the annual Haver and pretzels will be served at the Sated by violations of the Tel. Agrternmt on the mnskieration should hale bens given to ha ad. conferred ,rpm him by Wilber ford - Swarthmore foods bed game. rally. future of the Pol. government. deeeme the Death fere e Univereity m -WV and which Is Ming held te. year on lieverford Alumni are also This was the first coals, On April 20. 19,5. vice. Forrestal certainly didn't beaded upon him by Wamington sod Jrleermn I° 1911. Saturday, NovemMr 1.th. at cordially Invited to join the when Harry Truman had already maimed the mg attacks and ...re particularly commentators, tedio sod column.. r service a f began hillnisterlal entry following the Swarthmore; there are severanin. Swarthmore Alumni at • Tee Forrestal made toe PrmIdeney, Wine/wit and Pear•on. as a consequence of hLs ad. Barker in Canada where he rode kronen events which have been Dance. which will be held in Bond diary: •in a three point circuit, each Sunday p.n. for the college alumni. memorial on the Swarthmore saw Averell Harriman the American Am. vice on the Pa.tine issue. eon Forrestar• diary, with exceptionally fine traveling twenty.live mil be event will be held bvents should go tomrd Campus Meador to Russia last night. He Mated Ms • Inserted by Walter ■ noes points for mrvices. After ,These. melded It a very enjoyable week. Immediately following the feet. strong •pprehensions es to the future of our re. nectilie background materiel of service In the gm • summer In Kansas his fulitinte ball game on the 17th of Novem for all those Involved latIons with Russia anima our entire attitude to MMis the editor. le • record path mhtlstry begmththe fall of 1925 end of turmoil the when thee • during sit m en her. greeter much by Presented. 11.01 Thoth, ward then', became characterized with the necemity of aI le Bloomfield • Smithfield Menet. Feature At 1230 p.m. on Tuesday. Mann. He said that. using the leer of Ger, war adjustments mellicted atrength spinet an agmany eu •• !Milting hone, they would mistime on malnwining vigilance and 'marmot to • devoted churches In the Steubenville Pres- November MR, a joint lunchmn Wherece in the past. only bytery. From there he went to beliveen the alumni of both Hay. records were used for the dance, their program of setting up sta. around their gressive foe. It Is • lasting who mend with elm In Canton. ,ellord and Swarthmore will be an orchestra will be present this borders which would follow the same Ideology se public etreant end those held at the Univenity Club. lath year to ormide the musk The Active In OrTanlasthem the Ruszianz. He saki the outward threat of Com. offices of profound reallionnblihr. Before his unfertunak. death Formal may minim was not deed and that we might welt to 1925 Barker married Blair and Locust 51112.3, In Phila.+ invitation WPM extended to Hever. Amtrithe that knave to mdsfaction the had have have to face an Ideological warfare lust to vigor leseop of Pittsburgh. Their son. ,phia. Presideets Gilbert F. White ford's Alum. Resident Herbert he warning 'the needed Melly had people n land John Moon will be prevent. R Reimer. by Swarthmore Alum out -and dangerous at F.... or Nazism" Chalky to the Pierson Barker. la I. pastor of The coaches of all the fall spot. Pres.ent William Lee. There were many confirmations of these mime ease as early an 1946: There Is no •nd white decleions. the Bower H111 Community football, soccer, and mom mum- All alumni am Invited a Mend Monona George gentian. the. Chief. of Staff In- stream of history—no black PittsIs ...ye flowing et. MM. Cliureh In ML L try, of Haverford and Swarth• as many of these events as they deed President Truman, shared the view that The •tremn of history InterBark burghcommunity end, The American can. These affairs have pomibly the at had on he Mao will more ...la met be opposed with firearms and vigor- not between nation. never and quick dec. Ms are brad. Among other been planned for the enjoyment of the principle. of the U.N. tendemy Is to try to gel nnainy ous things he was or the Boards of meeting. Nona of am-long problem," We may not like to Al this lunchmn, Swarthmore of Haverfordlane and they are de. Chance. the Denton Welfare Federation upfallen have which remonsibilitl the ammo The Coin War with dom. hems) before Urban President Mom will present the serving of as mt. support AM on ua. he continued. but we must understand now the Y. M. C. A.. and the Hood Trophy to Gilbert White. the alumni can offer then, the hot our with Ihe Palm maned. WM. that "power u needed until we are sure of a retro league, of which he was prHe This is the beet time that the the Chiefs of Staff wanted to Inaugurate UM 10001 for a number of years. of Is,' roma MIllmey TIMM. Mammon end Tow alto preeldent 'of the tenon Haverford president has had the meat.. of accepting this trophy on the honor sesesolloq te had agreed ▪ lad Chapter of the Red Cron. ',John MM. Barker, to the member. behalf of the college. Willis J. of Calvary Church and to Stetson. the Direetor of MLitt. Mousersd, of others of his corn- at Swarthmore. and John S. WU. unity, a the personification of Mans, 'm. will speak at the affeir. Havertord Alumni will te sorry Rally To Re BM practical Chnstlanity... • In order that arrangements an to hear of the death of George be made In tune. alumni are no Raymond Allen retired general Slater dug get one Gresham'. Whenever thing. tweeted to notify the AIUMM Of- attorney for the Penamivards At the moment. only one Philedelphia .rage Ottobee. se later than Siliirdity, the Railroad. He died Thunder. Ming used. that at the Forrest. where F. Hugh wander. In Or elite his daughter Cynthia phones they en ber M. at his home. =Essex Ave. tenth of Noventher, Herbert, The Moon Is Blue. has temporarily (Cynthia never arse., the always Sods Miming punning ro attend thia Joint nue Lmsdowne, at the age of 75. ....led during its perambuletione about the Amer, entirety adequate to her needs and thus saves the Wa Efelleend goiloiMe can countryside. That this comedy la miloYlet crodumrs • lot a money I. The other minor from As hoe ben the c.f.i. In the Mr. Allen was graduated character Is Michael O'Neill flasher Mack, . Pats 111P6 and 111,11 from liavaeford on ask past an OM r. 1:1:71''hfs father and a quicateripered Irish cop whose Ialned"eM" ,,, a 9. 'Iena`naZ 7.''" 44'1" Moth. Haverford the to Prior echool of New York Unl. law Use Haven the th held will he ”*.the me'bask ' formula of Polio contribution to the evening's proceedings is to hit too foothill game m Ortoter RallyGroom.. followed y' rpl' lins the joined he 19113 versity. et g gyn. on eord young Gresham In the eye. lar comedy with suMcient skill to keep the eve Mt, Dr. and Mn. Edgar B. Fir,,iday, November 1601, the eve., Mined . metwol Room] The plot, if you roust hear more. shove what Meg'. dull momenta well spared , solicitor and retired on March 31, • dreg Onto.. 'IR, entertained a group ‘n4.,Lobc ualagr=n Pat up . te .. picks fore , Gresham after happens Formula number one Is write about en a s buffet I 1918. store, where vm me told, he we Wylie/ a peek of of Haverfortilans In • way that the great Amt.. pub. nil In their home at Clinton.' rubber hands. Pat claims, el Minya color watch lunchean Dr. Graves le • pro BPoonseed 801111re Rally which He In mrvived by his wife. easel.r daring but not volmA. Se here We le be in dru torte For NM York. will be he,d outside of the gyre. demi. B. Allen, • son. Dona. en what other Kerber., (Mw. *min MOM], of Hamilton at bettor Prafessinnid R. Allen. and three daughters, a ▪ Fenner Sims Ts Speak one the two get down to busines. Pat NOelosioel who is thew of Ph., and The rally. which Is being spore Mot Wendell Halt Monewee Aldoesn't Mod Mang, but the is determined to re- Celle. Sash. end a prolesalou mat immif len and Mn. Earle Webeter. EalMee 011.14. AtMd Club hysterics Varsity Into the by audience the jointly aced mends end virgin main of bat-helot, of mune) who Isas made • heap were held in the First with lines like 'T don't went to Mee mine. but 1 President Gilbert F. White Vice and the Alumni Aliftei.011. win Services other around till money. dough. chasing Mob It's vulgar to eght for IL^ and 'There are President Archibald Macintosh, feature thlka thy former football Presbyterian Church of Lou .411.110 and ma emerge triumphant tagetmr. downs: Interne. wag In Borden. why Haveron seduced; played being hove Alum mind nate Who Dr. Herbert W. Taylor, and lots of OM who don't She lit Patty 07.4111 Woken Crawl of Meek. Jersey. New town. pick on those who do?" and "You're not passion, nI Secretary and Mrs. Bennett S. ford minds In Mr past. oder IV, on seghing Were. actress marking at. you're Pant hungry." Slater acids a vertex Comer were all on hand along time as • bee and girdle model, them what I to the Ineviteble triangle and funnies like "You with some of the'lunt. who live could me. anch garment& the plemently sip have a p.m Inr saying the wrong thing 41 the to the upstate New York region Mimes on Mho Gray, Re is one Dom. wrong time, you Mould be In the State Depart. Thom present included, Me, and Gresham (dame. Young/ of mid.Manhattan, • meet.- And ea it Bon. Mrs. Herbert W. Taylor, Jr., De wealthy. elan el, KS ...aired, decent,— perhieramme pottaled So perfection. and Mrs. Loom G. Petry, le, Dr. Report of the Treasurer for Fiscal Year well, you get the Wm, I gum. The actors Mocha- thonmelveo with KAM and and me. John W. Blytb, '31, Mr. medal gal/61 Fannina number two 11.11.11reS that the leaser ...Molting every Me and every sod Mn. E. E. Child. '45 Sr. ad with characters he hilariously funny in themselves. possible_ Mow. Is as numb es Mention end from College 10. Porter. Beeetpla R. Robert Mee Mr. Herten has confined hirmelf to only two director, the with. wed. to little am, Given the their son Robin. Folioed. 10.695.53 other characters but net mrtathly made Inc moot for Assorts.. Purpose. Otte Prem.*, sod the cum base made the game. A number of the guests of them, believe roe. One Is a decadent southerner most of It They are also quite fortunate in returned to the Graves residence EsPenene with • decadent sense of humor ll'hookworm. yes; Alumni Ofece Moine Stewart Chaney, weildmigned aek for coffee and a further WM chivalry, no"), *km of mind and fool, continually 1441.50 Salad. Ong. Bob, sit In all, how they sm.p m get with their hoets. hung over. and spouting the homiest damn south. 2.07716 Ofilse m mueh laughter out of so likle moat monde ern accent you ever dal near. mils southerner. ring Promotion minethlog of a .5015557 to ma named David Slater splayed by se actor with the '41 Atteberry, Robert T. C, et S. unfortunate mune of Sherman,. Ms ea apartment 5.565.55 In Phosphat Research 1,709.20. Alumni EVNIt• Robert W. Atteberry. wh o Mires 2.612.00 received his M. °ree in chemMaverfonl.NEWS 125.40 .. from Haverford In 1941, km Haverford Teens 94.03 MM, recency been elMcdeed m • member of the research deport Poet Alumni DRY rer my Part. I would have ewe out of mike. went of the Monsanto Chemical Expense. Sees Drama 'Guillotined' ... there to Company's Phosphate Division. by all means km '' . • hobo.. 194940 such • thingl had It not hem for acme plays that AMberry ta a native of Big Dear Sir: leetrat Total Em men With great dismay I read In the NEWS of I got drawn into - most of ell, gentlemen. The Horn, Wyoming arid was graduaOct. 23rd that a revitalised guillotine methed will French Play of last semester. and that Nil ted from Bellot College In 1040. I M employed to "regulate", dramatic activities on became was an undertaking big enough to be lie has been employed by AP Nei Income en Delon come absorbed, and perhaps even lose one's as goner National Laboratory and Dramatic productions. I think, Mending m ammenthaunted studenteelf In. Which I only Infilos, Inc., both of Ching.. in lehme Is Hand 6.47 good. the to all be to 3.741 found Beginning of Period they do outside the ..accordingdo-miedule reel chemical research work. For the 1.103.47 Ode the Prima THORAN, 111 past two yiara he ha been doing of the academic prothini End of Period participants the rare opportunity of expressing chemical remereh work for the themselves on their own. Also they preside • On Alumni Fund ... Oak Ridge National Laboratory counterbalance to the heavily streated st Oak Md., Taut seine. Alt aleog,the line. anyone l'nonelocdor, Mar Sir .Homecoming lay Viert, Swarthmore Luncheon BM Swarthmore edition recent a in see to pleased very was I to hem them should only be too 'tad sed he re- James Schnaars, '45 Game Tee 184A3, Victory Dinner 7205, Alumni Smoker BIOS Haven to Is Fund Alumni the that NEWS the of around. I find ''overcutting of activated. Ifaverfotd can be Nally Pm. of the Wins Tennis Tourney ford Club Special Luncheon Meg Alum. Day 1.11980. Now under lastly dessert." for one. As regard. the general rule. no results of • very iticeembil In considering theme reports, II should be noted that hinds to cove one should do such a thing, of mune, but could complimented by the Phil.: thou. but 'It Pint Lieutenant James A. would have been the market mien. to tees on Schneer. '45, recently won the the met of the Assoclition's Activities under the present eynem are not definite arrangements be made to Imve It to the personal diecretion of the professorial con. these laurel. and lose the Interest and Impetus Fort Meade teen. championship. received from the College and any mused balance is returned regular of habit The Lt campapn. the Philadelphia, by of created resident A to exceptiom extent termed to decide to what giving, ethich the annual Alumni Fund amour Schns•rs be the flIthrenldng the Alumni Sustabalng Fund to he used fee the benefit of the College. The Overall Rule Mfg Brother's very wool to the member of the Middle Stales he permitted In individual cases! • And as to ages can. I think, be even more beneficiel Benjamin S Lreweenein, Tswana'. efallures in phyalcal education.: would It set he College than an occasional motor CemP•igh The Lawn Tennis Amocietion He won a step In the positive direction hoped for at the nwoey ob.inable through the Alumni Fund rep. the Pc Made championship by Miguel 31, 1951 10/111,51 a to put entrants% resent the return on • very Arable amount of iHmeting Ft. Lieutenant Larry end of your cheerless memsage Cala., alt of Philadelphia, wins. Audited and Found Cent& rimier humanities more on par with mrporeal endowment funds and 'should be of tremendous of more. of 61, 34, 41. Selmmrs merclees7 Altogether. the spirit of "we better value to the College, particularly In • period ISignedi BR. Moue lamed with Major Walter Tarreciat lon• halm" dontinuously Adolf costs, Invent • pr. fermium ISignedi, A. A ILIAM.M. soceretr,' • ter to defeat Canon and Private would do the intellectual climate on campus • AUDIT COILIOTTLIE 911/ Butler In doubles, 38 62,7-S soup epithet service by somelefaat sage.g theth Dr. Barker un Is Civic Leader In Canton, Ohio FOOTBALL Haverford Vs. Swarthmore Luncheon, Rally, Tea-Dance Planned For Garnet Weekend George R. Allen, '96 Dies In Lansdowne • PHILADELPHIA STAGE E. Graves, '19 Gives Luncheo TreasUrer's Report In the Editor's Mail -.• Aoshifritim Ex.eeeeED wawa obart Smashes Fords 41-6; now, Morton Prove Fatal ISPOILTE CALENDAR Wthetedth, November 7 Varsity Soccer vs. Pennsyl.nia at 2:00 pm., away. J.V. Soccer m. Pennsylvania at 3:00 p.m, home. Pebbly, November II Cron Country Middle Allende* at thublenberg. Saturday. November IS J:V. Sather vs. Pena Fr... at 1:50 p.m., home. Varsity 'Football wt. Suasive hum. tat 3100 phi., home. Page Three FORD BOOTERS DOWN BEARS 6-0; TIE DRAGONS IN 1-1 OVERTIME TILT v flee inches of mow and sub. Haverford S. temperature. Haves:ford A few elays later the gun •ogir • A lighting Havertort) soccer' fell to their fifth camerae sounded ending the gam, Three Men Score Intent Sophomore . team came from behind to stall&feat had. to Hobart ColLtheuth • mate a visiting Drexel eleven. 1-1, Boswell Field 41 to 6. Two Goals Each nn the cleat of SS field last Wedeau: caslii?our eite, thee. Doe to the extreme cold the nounethortis. thus. nesday, October 31. Substitute laden 15 minute quarters Amar Singh tallied early In the gram In Chilly Rout cut to 12 minutes The asseor. Lam, fourth periodto knot the count thawed the field to be In =nsolirdratra nsuera. andthrow n.. the into two -as The only thing th at. was ever rub., themes, name Toth, Ovr playing condition and ex. Cackles Ave la doubt about all Setunthyb elY MtheY play on the Mtn um westratTser. wear game with Unisou the • Scoreless Overtime. norm.. WIth but one week left in the both sides ensued. -*and whether the match would be i Altohugh lreinkrnia= the Fords a'airelos. out-fought cram fall Intramural meson. the Jun naverthral wen the lthe but beand oat-shot the Dragon's In the Squawks LtYt,„,thr„,p,t„".z.,.1„„ , of the poor playing con. attiara*=,... VreiiiiIr admin. the Ws are leading the touch k* final ten minutes, they were um done elected to kickoff. Hobert league and the Sennra the soccer Cold w ad acme to ea. Fords Ned no bauble skinnind able to break the scoring column ght the ball back to their own Uialsr'Llittreo=laaalain. etDam the tad roe this week, thaw the Beans 60. again and the game eedral 10 the and seven plays later Morton, = Ce ..:j=.0,7".- league. Oft.:X.11.1. mule.. The Iambi! teem Ther ape,,,,,,ery who bry,tha, L. week opened with • Junior bile ranee evening semidarkness with both was to more four tinne to wa .......... with loom aenr tof the teams showing a lone marker, pushed over from the tour. th dawning oroor at Gee era, New gods. elements to hem, nor deer old Havel-tore raw a good The Scarlet and Bieck took the cooverted and Hobart the A's, 194. Alpo on Monday whore Hobart Is lam. width the node Jones led oft with match. 'a brow rum opening kickoff and Immediately 0. enough hi at goals followed by a pair by the Seniors overcame the Froth mem. . tvoi Mc.y sent In the second period He' began to ore. hard. trying for A's 27d. veith Meratick, Barn. barn the nesting scow ...beide be Phil Silver. Army Singh livened that early score. Playing mostly obuthed pots...Ion of the and Wurathr scoring for the up- bow sew the game. The wee.er, op the final quarter with theater en offensive game. the locals were mid-geld and drove 30 Mere however, waa frightfully delft. two tallies. both scored off oprepelled by a six man Demo. deperclassmen and Crusdale for and the heel • bet &Revery. Ns on the ground to ale Ford awn pos., fullbacks Don Baker's Imbues:: fense. The entire Ilre and Length then tossed a pass to wathows: ened the Rhin.. Meanwhile. the Fresh Our roving sports reporter boys from Collegeville fought wing halves took numerous shots: an for the score and Ho nothrt: ethos a awn. a.thaa Ca were sneaking by the Soph we' I to Swarthmore last Friday hard. however, and only fine Ford however. they found the Dragon moved &braid 13 to 0. B's, 84, on a T.D. by Kepner afternoon. and raw the Garnet defend., pier kept them from goal hand to penetrate. The Folds received the kickoff down Lehigh by a 53 count on en breaking nue the Dewing column. when he ran back the smile, could not move the ball and D.P. Soar, First equity cold dth. Several S.D. Jones Seer. on Theatly kickoff bar Mx pones. Wrath.. forced to punt. Hobart took After n scoreless that quarter, oat. Pathr had come to wattle The Hornet* Mole the Undo. on the. second play from thy saw the Soph Ws knock W Haverthrd the ViSit01, finally taUbed eight lie pre., 11 no Wed' kickoff and kept the hall envte and fumbled. liner minutes later In the second grta the nosh Ns, 12-6, and the neaday, so the Fords decided M athtenth, a their thd, e,con. the recomving But Hobart brae riod. The Main lJners had let Junior B's down the Soph Era reruns Use gesture and me the get, for the first seven many... and Haverforti wth again up a little prior co the tally and The Haverford fencers maned SWerthitm. earn M wale., at which tune the Beers regained to kick. Mb time Hobart off the 195152 season with a 254, Barr scoring twice. Novem- It was the Dragons took this oPemenn • very hard and Mt. posseulon alter • Haverford the hall downneld and with bang that Friday evening. The ber Wel ushered in by the Fresh game tre boy and made the most of h. several Platen were thita more. rollneck Dick Wood lofted oa Netting over scored their Philadelphia Division of the ass when they defeated the Froth en nom the Mkt Inside left ChYrowYeh look clue with baldele. • Much Line kick into the penal. touchdown of the game. A.F.LA. held its Initial two meeta Cc 146. with Bonen hitting PM In the ball. turned past enter half Bob third period the geme ks area when an Urainus detest.a hey Meted the extra point and of th mmissign. and the Gordondirt twice and Bennet making the gan to get out of Mud. and ffer man deflecmd the ball with hth Young and blasted one from in khan look a 20 to 0 lead, rtlease MA to cull the two b.. arm. Arnie then took three second place lone tally for the losers. On cinae past goalie Curran into the Jones preserved his the together and Den for seven minutes the medals, bough closely preened ask them to keep It 1.000 average on penalty kicks let[ corner of the goal. Th. the turned Into a pundng duel. by the University of Pennthi. gam afternoon the Sedan and • little cleaner Drexel look the lead 1.0. to notch the first marker. Mara team thing able to move Vraai•'s swordsmen. law Junior A'• bottled to • 1I-13 The contest nee knotted 2.4 al A quirk trey. the ,thithn Both teams had venom arming bail appreciably until. late In . Earl Harrison. who ha. scored tour goals this year. is draw. The week ended with the the elate of the dent nor. The wyy atheyrthe Mathand, MM. Fthew rwthatht gthy,. shown running downfield in Wednesday'. Drexel game. • Ant half, Hoban, sparked by Dave Beatty, Tom Engl. and ..titheara• w.° had ereekdidlf and the Forth. took over math. manner mmmn, nut The Fords and Dragons played an indecisive I-I match. • pawing of Latish, marched 4011 Maitland Journeyed to Tyler Junior Ds tuterving down the downed the Fordo ah";,,,b"; sr took the per the net of the ye.rseet they their !mirth more of the game. Art School to compete In the front position by othhall game had In the third pedal, 34. lime ethanded the uthinath yea eyd stood 01 10 as the halt ended. snon again smashing over reran Prep Saber Meet and found that by defeating the Froths Fre Fri • seri. of Lehigh Inhofe. Male id ea ted of . Moto umber by. Monde. nil d Period elate Olney converted and the all other entries were from Penn_ day also sew the Saph A's down eyed their defense, sea Sava. pain thd ewer the „not.. The third quarter started In re half raided with Hobert lead- The Fonda showed the effects of the Seniors, and the Junior A's ran. meth on to the 5-3. Ma Jame Agile s71 to 0. fashion as neither tram Garnet center forward. Jim extern]a pfevlous practice es overcome the Froth A's. 214. • • look a definite advantage. The Neither team was able to snore they grabbed first and third After • Revertant offside. In White. looked impressive, and - Dragons covered Jones well and We third period as both plama Freshman Bib Masland The soccer league •thedthg• will be the mon to otoD oe the tha read guar.' the Beata thus slowed dram the Ford offad and Hobart moved up and turned In. an excellent perform- show little change as a result of la of November He tallied three sleeved up lield le with • faat attack. omit eve by Although our football wain proceth by downing Swarthmore. fense somewhat. Coach Mills an the field In futile attempts .w by capturing second Pia. Wt week's play. On Thursday of the not goals and handled him Ooly again had Jones switch to the overcome the weather and the Individual honors. Tom Engler the Soph Bs downed the Flesh self well on the. Arad. Dave Wilk. Cams a tally. Burton here at Haverford is Independ. 140 1349At 20 on two goals by Carte. wing and alternated Hrtthl and tar playing condition of the look fourth. boon, another all Fre•Nnan. also autched the corner kick out of • en, of ter, Thlirethir'• of game, re Singh in the center forward slot rt But In the berth quarter Epee Team Seeded • ■ suited In • 10 win by the Froth netted a counter and started at th Ted Curran. Ford Goalie. play. rthrt again moved the the Jones •t center inside. The Team Epee chant's...DP Atistolie over the Selo' end a 22 tit Pl"P 'r tram pa" of etc e I'M' well, marting several nit ring column and Revert*d en. was held at Haverford, and the forward. " Pushed The Garnet backfield didn't the Soccer Contemn. Bob Donne of saves In the remainder of the ed It foe the And Wm during home fortes edged out the drib between the Juniors and the seem overly imptesalve. nod has foilhack 1°°°. ptnk an yes shot „kir m. h called on account f meat. The defense alto looked Ina Peonsylvthisne for meorgi W dennate weakneuee. The Into the apposite mrtthr peal theta,. glad 0lowiinngg. the Dragon. y through the Period Ho' Mara Coral...Roger Jon.. 1de darkness. On Friday the Senlora game with Swarthmore should helpless goalie Eddy. TheDns ivhdo down and hacking up the forward put Iwo first down, together father, Dr. Franklin D. Janes, and played the Mph As and the Jun The For de kept pressing aadiamaad throughout the pined. fa ate lut Thth l.gue le ...the', of Mn' Reverford's Freshman com wall i a yards and brought the tell Art Lelbold comprithd the Hay. lora downed the Froth A's SO. *galagood ploy. minute Imes blasted at the lean tram. They am &aided gm country t am gave • good m` ante the Ford 15 yard lina erford Composite. Two- The The week ended with the Soph Singh hRea to tamer the other melt. Ye .etwel• Uralnue eoatte. who emdd not greeld.115,1.0 man then swept wide around Philadelphia Fencers' Club enur- Ns emerging victorious ova the the. ob, cmint of themselves last Friday are .tnwnt keeping . Wrat After five • minutes of the led - two • hold the ball M his chilled hand,' comprised et eight Warns Inf pond for the touchdown. Ms ed OS umal power and romped Froth B's 20. each. when they finished regulation period had elapsed, the pare "ea' They Substitute Att wing PI& Sliver, balled the Northeast and South- three to-ort George Schaal home of the efternoon Olney off with first. Art Lelkold was the STANDINGS "°` game so unroll finally broke the Drexel Ibis who had come close on • number weet dimilon The divisions art: on the short end of a 20 42.7 score. kicked the extra point end only Ford 14 more a win agathet wawa.w°° The Saturday,they were Is for s goal. It was a well ex. Touch Pereball of other .coring lien pushed out ahead 34 to 0. the P.F.C. rm., as they downed stheoveat Southwest kind In two years since there .13 Pouted seem as Singh pasted to W L T -upset. by Johns Hapakins ma walked the loomOPPrainnithra. ball heat minutes later Hobart the Hornets 5-1. Lelbeld end Into the athy.„0th By 'lino Mem on November 1.7, Bucknell not enough material in lust years - Jones on the wing. Arnie drib. 9 2 sin worth, Monahan cracking Roger Jones each took two. and Junior B we might eth up with equal ree itheibled down the left side and ere.. Lafayette Delaware freshmen clam. 8 2 Silver, Slap Sure er from the two. Dr. Jones one as the locale Soph A ores ed hard to Singh, who mood alone Drexel Wanted Sr Jock Lester's hot Lehigh 7 2 Blots First KM only UM mirtha lee in Mounted the Penn 'Tr' team 5.2 Junior A mythenth„ l on in cross the opposite 0140 of the goal. count, Ow same.. F&•' Seniors 7 3 taw the varsity started off the R,,a,,era r game end' the ball on the The oilman of the evening Eph Riots led all the way Singh hit paydirt with • well more Hurlers were downed by Get tyrants around 56 Netter.] 40, the Fonts finally when the Sarlet and Black Froeh C the 7', mile coarse and Lehl.h. placed MIA. The Engineers had aa' hot to knot the count at aadwho bail had withreplaced a n'th- C'da ',Stevens Tech. Johns Hopkins White. 3 7' full.; say... ten to MOM. Seethed by the wordsmen defeated the favored Fresh A the,. broke the w.gebthytob tape at 13:33. ca,,, one sec. previously defeated the local runSoph R 2 running of Andy Brand and nd ever confident Penn ners by • 9137 count The crone Melt DIY Weed, lotted a touch urythea W. Maryiand ono ahead of Bob Hinshaw. Bob • Soorel.. in the remaining kick Into the goal area. where It 0 10 Lewis then finished lust before cost thrthInallon of Johnson 54. LAMM an one, Rog Jones Fresh B country meet which will be held time. the contest was forted into bounced Reeser off a Naivete. head,In the that, interdwumnal Richard WaLsh who led Hortetthe they roiled up 3 Iwo- end Dr. Jones came through on Thursday. November IS Phil Sliver caught this second gam. were quite frequent and visitors. Richard Blarkhurn the vertime. The extra ;en minutes 9 2 mutve first downs and moved with two crucial bout, taking the Seniors. was were packed should be do.- Al careen It W bounce on his forehead. and counted In the Mut standings. with thrills and exSoph A 6 3 ball to the Hobart four yard tying and winning matches. filth and Norm Barker of '55 • Wu ere a to who 0.111 rtes posited the .11 Into the top left ' viler.... as the Fonts came close I. Bled then attuned overfor 4 6 This practise. however. hes sixth. Fiftv.Fivers Grant Morrow The fencers' next outings will Froth IS the finish line first. It will be on corner of the nets. on several pls. 4 ' score. Chandler'. kick was be at the Prep Epee and Team Soph B been discontinued and nob' the and Erie Illanehrod were eighth the Haverford mum which coach Mills Barnyn. suthdlutth Fresh inside A lett, missed a freely ........ 4 7 le and the more me Hobart Foil on November 5th and 11th. gam. with divisional members and ninth respectively, with rive might give us a slight advantage. In ye 9051 Jenkins period to an effort to mum in the end. Each team plays George School ruthdre bringing 'ha re when he was alone and 3 6 Neat week, toothell prospects Nuke. 10x014 the Imeuadrd up the rear. do t look say too bright en en. keep veryone on the bench warm.'. Eve othera In their section. Amar Step went In at center These resulta not only show gnat only to her the Menet galThis year Haverford defeated St...elveba will inle forward and Arnie Jones pulled may- met divisional has 1.0. abnormal tr wrest butunusual le. who took a chance and slid Why Pay More? ow geld apinst the vitherpese out to wing where he would ides in into him. not downing Mehlenbers. Ford moth. Am. Alamo Starers be an cramped. From 94, and ability In the Freshmen clam The peak of anticipation came a scramble which LONG PLAYING team couldn't be slopped by ratio Is front rat the goal mouth Singh losing a tough mines; in Lehigh. Mng is encouraging. The rum her a Jones rornerkick crossed end of the track team ap8I. Ursinos and Swarthmore or thy meow or their tradidond butted the ban lett half pears to by very strong for the he goal, and Hovel blasted only RECORDS rival, Ku... who hod Memth Arbelae, who dellected the ball round out the league achedule. n hit the right post and have coming spring. proved Fords have The also nth two the Ford's ne needy Into the goat k P. M.) perk.. by • 344 worn Althourh the varsity did not he hail rebound out. teams from the Southwest M. [Rehm gothe Eddy. who had The game ended alter another skin Drdatel. 1.1. and F & M. run this week. on Friday. Nevelt, one. Bleb Young will be the rasa S. toed up he to that 30% off th Ford attack. cornerkireed was cleared. watch next Saturday. The loos• could not face the deolationad tec 4-3. Tel these games do not count her ninth. the Ford harmers will take part In the Middle Atlantic, pie transfer paused toe the Meth des of his teammates. and had to In the final standings. Factory New! .1: cr Wa''retMo at Muhlenherg. Yowl, and added Wee eat= Mad by helplessly when Singh Finds YIO Champs In Every Record Summary Maio in tier 'net victory. Each divisional winner is de. spin crossed the goal and Ur I. Cornell. Kiev. Haaerthrd, Guaranteed! The IV soccer cam came out Moue rigot halfback Tait sunk 'erminedthe on convention t 13:33, 2. Robert Hinshaw, Haven on the short end of a cold deal the final marker. Singh the inv Mint system: two point. for a vie. For FREE Complete ford, 13:34: 3. Bohm few.. HavCatalogue and Price List, thawturday as their game was en credit for both goals shins tory, and one for a tie. In spite error& 4. Richard Walsh. George caned. Already dressed for se hint three telga in the Iwo two of the dthtinction between dial. write In: School: 5. Method Blackburn. Iron, they braved the cold only to games Mons, there It no final playoff Irsvon Stoma School; 6 Norman Hark. IS that the West Chester man unless the two lenders hove the er. Haverford, 7. James Own. (Dept CO agar had forgotten about the Pam Mien 11. comber 520 W. 4SW St., week, aame number of points. Other- fleorge School, 8. Grant Morrow, scheduled game. Therefore the Era the et tomorrow New York If, N. Y. and then wise the school with the most Revertant: h Erie Rionohoot. game was exiled because of lack W throng Peaa Fresiurne points receives the trophy. Reverters': 10. Forrest Job. If In N. Y. C. risit our or oppothion Many of the play- tte theninday. Both Lam year. however, a playoff George School: 11. Ronald Rade renew are Midtown Stores: ers braved the told further as be played el home. A theide ado was necessary as the Fords cle. man. Giros .te School: 12. Datici 1120 61h Are. they remained In uniform and tory would be quite a feather In feared F A M 20. to get the tem Holland. George School; 13. Fred 1145 6th Ave. watched the varsity Mt with the JV's can The Tree Thoth phy !torn Hoedown, who had also snick Rmenmiller, George School; UnInUa 1211 6th Ave. remedy dawned the Thine.= gotten it through the playoff 14. William Page. George School. They meth the Unison!q eirroth A1 • SS soma F W WOOLWORTH CO. To The Students Of Haverford College: tl pIAVgmPenoD ARDMORE THE VARSITY s Seniors Lead Intramural Football, Soccer f, ,ra illtetti•e• gen*, e .. ..... I re Ford Fencers In Early Meet 11.6.11••• Fords Part Of Large Je.S11,V Mrd-Atlantic League • flprevented the frosh Harriers Win 20-31 kra Eh MI* team a HAVE RFORD REVUE WANTED: WRITERS CONTRIBUTIONS SUBSCRIPTIONS (33t/ thenetellea Into George TURN A NEW LEAF AND HELP THE REVUE WELCOME HOTEL HAVERFORP,' Osman, !Leonard Coon HMO "A Knott Hotel^ Your Guests and Date Deserve The Best In Our Lovely Main Dining Room runthsom from PM erased from Noes tf blooms worn nth may • se 3 P Sonde. um Donau I ts t PAL Excellent tlanquet Facilides For Meetings, Parties, Dances, or Supper Dances TUXEDOS • WAYNE Saterdwy • Quick Service • Expertly Fitted • Reaeonable ROW Med Nevem!. . 17th SPRITZLER'S Famous Brand. for Men 16 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore 7750 Do Vow Waal The workless Way LAUNDROMAT attlethou. Foam, Ardent. - Phone: .Ardmore 8076 Give To H. C Si. 0 COLAIVE ONLY FOR. re ner'pg." I "rdTtnit.2.77,:" ARiggitjattle"1 ,ERE1 31 W. aucuter Ara • P.M. A.M. Ardmore Ardmore 0947 BRYN MAWR \NR SALE OR RENT • Clean Garments I0110-il 2 I0 2-6 CLUB DANCE R0.40 per emu. Including the Formal-The Vie Dance Sunday Hreaktut LOUISE LANE, Featured Vocalist wit* 0401160112 SOMMER and NIB ORC111151116A, CAMERAS - FILM DARKROOM SUPPLIES PHOTOFINISHING (24-48 HOUR SERVICE) -XX USE OUR CREDIT PLAN Typewriters ALL HAKES noon-RENTED-REPArnem Both.. Typewriter Co. Ara AM rats Z. SWARTZ i REIMAN Barber Shop Everything Photographk ale W. LANCASTER AVE ARDMORE MU lane/Ater A. VASSALLO &ERVING SAM:WORD Mach SINCE UM DJ W. Lthearter Ath. TWA Bullabeg THE molt SALES RUG ettegfelth 116 Cricket Ave. Ardmore, Pa. Phone: Attnannus DaN ▪ PORI PM HAVERFORD SEWS S.C. Scribes Flavor Minutes With Personality, Misspelling RV hilly WIRT their representatives. They can It happens that you have had make ours a nasty job. We know is is a difficult question, and the any delusions about Haverforera shades of reaction are bound to occupying one of the more proml- be widely varied. Mae has no de. Wet slots on the academic pin. aire or Intuition of usurping our board you might consider ne Werogativos. Ws our show. 'Them are many fine shades ...tang that WISPY and Indulgent of the thing: (someone suggestthought et some mull way after Mgt bringing liquor on the entn.ng a ream or two of those campus Inside the stomach.' august judicial documents label. Reorrteriel &midrib, tad -Minutes of the Studeritie Council secretaries. as a rule. Council-. en point of fact they are a hard working group of nn Lummedlonably satisfactory. P.P. and moat &Menet to their but in merturnIcs the bulk at duty. And they are a sensitive lot diem an in sues a state as to too, with ronsclences just like real people. Take the case of one settle even the thIckesoakInnad artretary not ea very long ago. English pmt. who. Several Wan after gradsI alb. wrote to the Council em Why Quibbler decipeerable earth...m.o.. et M. period Mort of t em are ithorte.et, W in office. For some reason', he quibble' nott.t, thot ete ...eat, that the wrote.. I never completed the whole ieie I. wracked bymea. voeftg UP .1 the minutes of the spellings corr.. Ito. s, ttpeo:ringnell meet... so that they athethata. mad eared. piety were never Included In the „ that, rod out lop py I terates of the Association . . and oho,. es a tithe.th, a That this Is a trifle behind time whine pearance. Chances are they ensile rather obvious and I shall not no worse shape than nine-1., tn.d e any excuses for it." no tenth. of Me papers turned in Na The minutes often reflect than Frosh Petition ' ,g1 d For Auto Rights more, t trod a even. that they are recording, and as such perhaps our mditeder In the face of questions regarded the electorate who put theme mg the continuation of the policy persow In office need. revision of allowing Sophotnotwe to have style, naturally enough, own. ears on meta, neat yeah, a ped every rm. Paget m don was recently circulated personnel af the student govern- among meinisers of the Freshman OHM changes. Class. The petition stated last A few years ago the Council , Me Freshmen understand the naives Messed with a secretary who lure of the parking emblem. but as peculiarly aware of the thin they seek to discuss with the gIgnIficance of his calling and student's Council or the Admire endeavored to supplement the istration various plans whetted transcribing of mere. barren fact., sophomores may continue to have By the Inclusion of aide Issues cars on campus. with a arraanal atal The petition. which was Mated knowing inertia.,he managed m' by 5511 of the entering melt and impart a certain flavor to his I 100"t of the entering resident IsInt„. teas oratthoth to the cooch moan:Ong, like thee glad we do not allow smoking or, ell last wee, The Council enthe ..P. or Chase. It would mak e firmed the plea for further stUdy Mode.. ale to rt... and elmse of the matter and forwarded the • pile of butt, petition to Dean Cadbury. Flee Shutters The Dean. acknowledged the This some secretary had a amnion and WM a letter to the Week of taking a problem to the Council stating that no decislona . annul parking arrangements for source front whet it came. pealing to the students for sup. next year had been made, and port. "A meeting with Dan Mac. that no decinons will be made.n yenta we, held conmrning the til the student. have had time to liquor rule. One of the Milieu/ties'' express their thoughts an the lest year -Yes Oral the Student' matter. Dean Cadbury mentioned Body had not hod 11 made cimr I that aside from available park. ea 'hero exactly what the sit, too spate. there were other eon anon was, Mar euggests that we sldsratices wh lc h have to be put before them at the lot meet. taken Into account. There in for lee of th Student& ASsociation example, the question of whether the fart Mat • rule exists and students with I ow grades— no What that rule ta. Throw them matter what Mass they are in.should he tempted by free acme. •PonsIbillty on them. "Wane the Council are merely m a cf. All students who have an fp tweet In this problem should express their Ideas and opinions to members of the Students' Como cu within the next few weeks so that the Council can represent the students' views to the administration before final plans are made. Continued From Page One Profs Propose Library Changes More Pledges Required For Service Fund Pledg et Received From X,,17,1,7dPpt 77"' 7.Dr. , ■ —• whm, John Masland, '33 Will Speak Here War College Glee e Club, Octet c nq At Westtown ,07,„ Lard Roam etellettemstic The last group of song. ming by the Glee Club was a definite WThellmax to the preceding me, RECORDS REPAIRS teriel. 'Heady When He Comer PHONOGRAPHS A movie Illustrating the course was a poor number to put on the of a weekend Work camp will be othaath w. Lane* Aw ..get lam , tore the Haverford presented this evening at 6:03 in"--7"„-" ,„: ,.„„ Millet. The Alm. entitled 'This too. re= a,. --thate 4.th.e eteja T oo --smeary II* gemmed= Way Out". stars Walt Rohermon I Wntlown concerts. acesmies Mem and Ann Mount It presents at The Glco true as a ARENA'S SERVICE general picture of the sort of pro e rot oatekoiatta thAte.,.... STATION err gram the ramPert Part.... in I sent this moms: hot the one at Ardmore 1143 during an average weekend. Baldwin next week should ha lancooter nat Ronny Am. David Richle, '30. Executive mom eallstying to the listener. Secretary of the Friends Social order Committee and Haverford staff member In charge of the work camp program. will he presNOW SERVING CHICKEN IN THE ISASKET ent Mr. Richle has always proMILL LINE OF SANDWICHES vided Hmerford donee. partici. HEARTHEURCERS AS LEV. paring In the camps with an op 1139 Ye LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR PortunIty far diacussion In work camp problems. All student. interested in working at one of the weekend camps are urged to attend. Film On Work Camps To Be Presented Tonight Rae. 6, 79(*: MINUTES OF THE STUDENTS' COUNCiti Haworlh's Office Announc. The Council received a letter damage like this occurs.** Cite es Local Recruiting Cam- from Dean Cadbury in reply to ell will assess the India:MO paign for Volunteer Leaders the Freshman petition an parti- responsible for the damage, gin Opening. for miles* men m ble. The dean mid that next h e gees nt wilt levy a fine Sat years parking regulatim h•v not yet been drawn up, and that ha welcomed any megestiom Moe the Freshman pennon. He said that the number of can allowed an cameo. was determined not orgy by available parking space. Out also by mnaideration at the Meet a car might have on an individual's grades. The Council received a request for delegates to a conference at Temple Univemity November 11 all the subject ''Human Righte wad World OM.," The Council referred the matter at choosing delegates to Jim Hudson, Rule • of tae Political Affairs Maocladon. Recently the outer.. thehoostal between Center mkt South Rao clay was ripped of evidently in an attempt by some unknown Bar. clay resident to get more heat In his mom. The fixture had to be rewired al great expense to the college. The Council feels that the money it has available Is more useful when allocated a student artist.. than when it is used ha pay damage bills. When M.o. 11 the person or pelf, responsible- an not be hienggie the moms or Me gunerniZitt where the damage atnnewitee have to be charged Steve Sachs reported Iii cigarette -veoding rnachloje Woy he has been deal.. he made a vernal agreement sepp, a machine In the mop be available from Same, noon le Monday moruine. .-Vse Auden. whe scathe Wog miens at 1./rsinuCtu have not reported thernsedep e the CounciL If those reapowthb some of whom have not be Identified. do apt most el. selves by next Wed n e•diu November 7th, they b I their shme of thg.ti Iliac a fine. itrainus games. yard.martters have been retener The Conned dismissed theirts of admission to the Smartt mom football game and mewl*, the charge exorbitant. Since** /Moen are set by • agreement the Commil r.VI moId take no acdran en theiSne ter. will One sip of ,Ai, — will Lae e droop ing spir it& in JolOt, Lorna due Lliss of dreams oo.r. time Mahan sect hew werei isle a <ewe./ 611 lm wen. doem des How dee w ale{ he have &Meld dee slcliciow, “ beeiag imam. of Coes.Cole? PHILADELPHAl000ABTILNG e... AL .,....L , CO. CHESTERFIELD —LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES BRILL' FLOWERS 6, vt istnrseber Ave. Ardmore phour, Ardmore asan Hal Corks.. tae Dee...lona ale "311oosst" chesterada TELEVISON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 14 W. Evergreen Avenue CHESTNUT HILL OFFICE Whealdchon 7.97be George W. Mal, 'an ADAMS HAMBURG HEARTH EMLEN & CO. Geregantown. Chestnut and WhiMmarsh On October PS, the college cue! Mon, and that the teacher's role rIculum committees of Haverford. at a teacher has diminished. Swarthmore. and Bryn Miuvt met! The dimparton centered around ax S'aonhroore Haverford was requirements for medical schools, represented by President While,7tand particularly around what preYlceprealdenm Moamar& Deane teomeory sciences bes., at. ant, Cadbury, arid faculty membemidents for medical reheat Beam* Ira Reid, H. Field Haviland.I bath administration and faculty We/me Booth, Gm...I often disagree on Als outspeak Th purpose of the meeting was students and faculty are left in to discuss edUcation as offetedia quandary. by collegas from which- medIMF Th. was the fine meeting of mho.. remise their etenerda the Curriculum Committee. Jobs Available Under YMCA Over Halt The Student Body the Math Line YMCA are now In Start Of Drive loanable, it was announced reIn a report of the progress of cently through Um office of Vice President Baler C. Havaarth. the Haverford College Service Mawr Refaces Plmosed Fund drive thla week, it was Artortling to Mr. Haworth. the revealed that the drive had gotten Executive Secretary of the YMCA of to a good..n with pledges, and his stall art In the premiss from over half the students In of rect-ultleg volunteer leaders naUmwiee she amount of one thousand dol. tc work with you. groups of hot year while on sabhalical various agencies ene evening a Raw Two thirds of thb amount moo.. week, has been remitted soh and Mr. canter, was particularly RI addition to these emosinita represents about • fifth of the Interested In colleges wee of the the organisation has some captor Misslaslpp, and in Me goal of three thousand dolmrs Saud. [unities far experiencood Men. for In these rnen often On Thin Import, however. partimiarty In the field of mfr. Dr, John Maitland. a member of Intim to operate a program In from bang remote,. Ran> aaa having completed mileSe _ the class of 'so M HaVerford. per several ..enool gymnasiums in dents have not no yet M.ee the. ed • bachelor's dertee. Ileear. fame at Government at Dart. the area. Stet jobs would be pledges. Chairmen Dave alao impressed hY the Mr.. a.m.mouth. and visiting professor at and Dick Wilson exprensed the Pahl the National War College, win hope that this situation would cation. Mr. Cadbury sald that .reee, Tie Executive Secretary of the the taatetee &that. Deiari- Main Lane YMCA, Mr. Donald clarify Itself through mom coop- rerentiy more ... heal. went of Eia,erfoni College lert the Archer, plans to spend an ere. eration among the students with im. beenmore andon class diem.p late afternoon and evening of Ming on tempos In the neat their Iona son/tors. and through Thursday. November 15. Dr. future talking to interested air et greater willingness, to give. Masiand will meet with Listen:at den. about Mt projects under ed modem., In the evening after the YMCA program In this aren day Students tit! their eagle{supper w th the farttitY. The viral la tentatively achedbudms are ...di' nee6# S. Dr. kiasisral will probably elle. Med for the evening of the 7th order to reach the goal. I cuss the National War College of November. from 7 untU 10 The MaIrmen once agedn ernWashington. Thu College o'clock. Is Urged Mat interested nominal the major Importance Cootlewd From Page Oar wan founded to give the top levels, students teeseeenber MM date And need to give to talc one drive et the armed service's and the or charity. The term organize. ented applause an they mounted ;oath ment's personnel dons which the drive helps to the stage—and brought them thaath advanced study In ...Port count on the Individual. back for two encores. Keehn Reynold,. Soloed of Haverfortl's student enrollment ' of the United States. He also has Rphart Reynolds 'oar rem ' a permanent position at Darb to corm some of the financiel burden which Is Involved In the ...It- min' -Serenade., frt.',mouth an Professor of GovernImportgnt kind of eld and oasts- The modest Mince. by Romberg, meet specialising In internationtance which they undertake. The and an aria by Puccini. Ells sing, ni moo... and comparative goyneeds are real and pressing. The Mg wert chanrterlxed by a certain ernment. In coUaMration with response of the students to these cloudiness and lack ad control in Philip Stanford, he ha needs is a measure of their MU. th. lower I.Ri.tert, but ...T.De written a book. The Governmest • pleasing tone, with well pleas& oe rloeelga pewee. memos to help. poaitory library, all capons ing from the executive and legit. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ladve branches of the government —.enmities of committee hear Inge in Congress and mein .1 THEY PATRONIZE THE NEWS Legislative acts being included. Of all Ads material, however valuable as It is to persons work. On D. BalaLis Mg in the field of social science. BLUE COMET DINER Nis & Wadsworth, Int. only about one quarter Is ever UNDER new MANAGEMENT tot systematically cataloged in the criEt ROLETS TASTE FOR Library. The remainder, bemuse A L. F.S RERVICE YOURSELVES • Laocaeter Ave M time pressure an Library per Man maser we eonnel, is loft unclassifled and on Good Food at Indexed—a situation which Reasonable Prices Snakes use of them materials MI. flash If not hmpoielbla, JOHN TRONCELLETI Next to Ryan & Christie BRYN MAWR UN Material Not Available Hociangebep In Founders Furthermore, the publications Phonon of the United Nations. contain. BRyn Mawr 5-9206 For YOUR Convenience Mg matter indispensable In one working It the geld of interne Donal read lions, is not Iced RADIOS—RECORDS by Me Libman,. RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS Ithas been suggested. there, to that steps be taken to do a. more ihomugh Job of clamlfyIng government publications in the Lloirery. and that the %.1brary sub Seco. II/Upped by Mae arnhe. at a cost ot kholit 53,50 Haverford Pennsylvania Throughout the World a year. to Coned Nations publics Prescriptions dons. H. ROYER SMITH CO. In addition. finally, the faculty Drugs mulSondries e B World.. Record Sleeps memMrs concerned suggested l • Walnut Sta. etalA • Phone Ardmore 0122 the employment of a research li Or=diteert. brarian. recognising at the DIED time that Me job of catalog'. government nmterMi more full would probably Itself requite additional personnel. HAVERFORD PHAHMACT Tri- College Curriculum Committees Discuss Medical School Requirements Tomdey, Mein Lbw and Cheater Count, SLUR LINE OFFICE 175 W. Lac...tor Avenue Arebnore Mae Alma L. Emits because of MILDNESS „ NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE" .. and only Chesterfield has it! pielu