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Kelly Profiled
Page 1
Pajama 42, ?hang.,
New Year Sees
Renovation Made
In Chase Rooms
eas ww.
Richard Norris Elected Rhodes Scholar,
Raising Haverford's Total To Fourteen
Richard A. Norris, Jr., '52. has
Scholar... r"
'"' for stud at Oxford
Alumni Council
Members Chosen,
Reisner Reveals
"In a football Match between Swarthmore and Haver
ford Collett..
extra points were awarded
for spot-Immensely. Including
'respect for ollIelth authority,
.nch condiet. player conduct.
fan conduct. mental poi
der measure and physical M.
new at the end of the game:
ma the hew York Heakil.
Tribute. The losing stair had •
wonderful chance of ...Ong
the game by really Sporting acceptance of the declaim,From Perk, Dec. 5, 1951/.
Election Poll
Page 4
stie anla
Students' Council Proposes Elimination
Of Athletic Game Admission Charges
University, misIng tee total nune
her of Revertant students so bon
need to fourteen. The hut Rhodes
Scholar from Haverford
IR Haserlord Affairs*
Ilmothy H Atknon WO
0600 Of This Conned
To rode irrode
• program at extensive ..The award care. with It a
A proposal to recommend the elimination of admission
Alumni Asarietion President
stipend of five-hundred pounde a
.no. for chase HMI, begun
charges at home athletic events was passed unanimously by
W. Reimer. '31. has anyear. normally extended over a
during the Christmas holidays Is
nounced that ail or the members
the Students' Council on January 6. This proposal suggested
twoyear period of study. Norris.
presently being complete!. The
who hopes to do theological work of Haverfords newly formed
Tee Haverford College Year that & nominal charge be levied on n.student spectators
Improvements wore made pod
at St. MN. College, will begin Alumni Coon. have been Mot.
book. the Record. is. according to at the Swarthmore football game to cover special expense•
that. Vine of
site through the generosity of
his Mud. at the University text en. Reinter mated
ra ,
Editor Sydney M. Cone. 111..11 for that game. Gerald Freund, president of the Council,
Morris Leeds due of
formation of the Council•
say to Impetigo. replete streamed the fact that these rethennendations, if waned by
Ls to
Norris la a graduate of St. A anaaida
Tablas Made To Oar,
with innovations and interest the Student's Association on February 12, ere not binding on
bans School in Washington. D.0
Two Chase Hall clumooms.
ill outside of Philadelphia to
which should make the book • the AdOlinietration and semi not be accepted or rejected in
Dumber% one and six, were conmore Man usually successful pub.
- I a package.
News and was Conervetive Lend. WPM Hartford thmtta tbe
verted into mminar rooms and
He leek
er of the Government Clue At Alumni Association
The Counell based the proposal
supplied with new tables and
The chief respect in which the
Haverford he is currently editor that the enthusiasm displayed by
on the idea that Haverford Colt
chain made to order IR New
theig Rasa wilt differ term
of Ole NEWS, Outman
Age athletics are run for the
York. Acounion cell.gs were in.
There will be a
of durdb benefit of the atudents rather
of the Student Committee on Ed- gives high hope for the fothre
Theo worn., nt speaker. a meat predecessors la the fact
stalled In an three of the seminar
aaa a,aa. an, a re,e,e.,,,„ on the of the Council.
meeting of the Students. Associa- that It will include suMtantially rates and other volumes not t Han for profit that the funds
. . Richard A. Merit
room. and asphalt We flooring
A mayor in the The mutton of the council and tion. and a dimumion of genera/ more written master than ruts needed by the Leon, on
horn present ate receipts are not
area laid In dew rooms and In Jr., who goes to Oxford yewbook Mar,
Setheday, rarer irk Mr
e interest comer. the first been customary in the past. This
substantial. and net admisslow
the hails of the first and second next October HaVerford'll DePariment of Philosophy. he has Fr. miennen the memthr. oth"" °'
'"P'" four Collections of the new sere additional wrtiang has beets de- from 8:30 a.m. to 1,00 pm. at chante are one of the re
fellttwnth winner of the conshrtently remained at the up
Duplicate Collect for poor attendance at gr.
voted chilly to du senior section
of ms cis. In wham-Min km. "1
Two claws were added In award.
college '"1"`"
Alumni the
big on there Corporetion
—and a. to ma faculty section, ton. adjoining the Reference
White Musk. Feb. a
Ihromere With Swartkmora
mom number one, one to house
arr.. and election to Phi Beta thm ond the tunnhtettnn oe the
The ornate Collect'. of the where brief volte-ups of the van Room. A large collection Os
The Council, resolution recent.
the maps kept in that room. and
work of an alumni committee ap- series,
Kappa In his /tinier year.
to be held February n1th. bus departments and their maw fiction. history. and political Resided the elimination of
the other. containing a sink, •
Outnamling Row.
P.m. • year ago Is Mori. will Include • discussion
by Pros
rbarges for an basketball and
Raved°. has longhair' an out. plans for this expansion of slum.
percolator, and coffee cups for
ident White of general College
The bonnet of the book alas
lothhati genes on thin atop.,
standing record of Rhodes .et rd partiripatioo In Rameford at
the use of evening moms
affairs and policies. While ar- win differ from Mow of former
and that an attempt be made to
nee. Shoo Me inception of the fain.
Leeds Pro.. Had
rangements for this program are want In one sere signifirant re- as Twi. Ewen, Die.sary
Tall, a reciprocal agreement with
Scholemhilos in MOO Hue... As a result of the study made 001 yet complete. it is
di rare+)
The renovations were them.
planned spect. The book has been planSwarthmore
for contests on that
had, as of 1450. 2,381 graduates by this committee. an wee.. that reports
Oxford Ithenth Witletbanney
from a fond provicled by Mr.
will be read on van ned to Include alternate pages
Oriappearing Periodicals Of and 13 Rhodes San:Jiro—giving moot to the Conetitution Of
the loos pluses of academie artirity of picture. and
III volumes/
Leeds for physics] Improvements
printed nutter,
The proposed plan would apple
round the college. The fond It - Concern To The Library the veer irtife I...PH..1 Of sP Alum. Association was pused and athletlex
In the hope that this polky will
h' h
proximately one to every
at the annual meeting last June.
esigned especially to be used ear
The Students' Awaetatam wen serve to lend overall a neater aad
Some pillermg and mutilation
to charge adraission to Haverford
providing for the '.d. of 02 consider gears; recommenda- more plating appearance
Purpmes witch would cohere,. of HaVerford Library books and graduates.
students. faculty. ad gum.. The
to the
Haverford led all collegea and regional members and 3 meta tions
not be coveted by existine funds periodicals has taken place Mb
at Its Semiannual meeting yeatimth—as well as is make le
Proposed was a
universities la the rate of Penn- bees or term. who, together .nth to
er gifts to the college.
be held on February twelfth. more readable.
year as always, but on the whole, sylvenia
nominal one for the Haverforth
to the number of Its the oMcers of the Alumni A.. At this time the Association
Mr. Leeds M Chairman of the cording to Professor John A.
Swamhmore football gene to
Printed nutter appearing in
Rhode. echniate—rmosure to elation the membere of the Ex vote on • resolution
Boa. of Leeds and Northrup Lester. Jr, Librarian...condition,
passed by the HMI Seated will be am up In
mver the expenses for extra
991 figurer—Swarthmore and motive Committee of the Alumni the Students
Counell eliminating CaMon Type for the mon
Company, a prominent electrical art better Con usual.this -ear
seeth e. accommodations. and ed.
the University Of Frtnalceoin Anitsciallon. the Alonln1 Mermen- the receipt of
athrdaskins at Col. with some sections eel in Clo.ter
engineering concern. He is known as /yards to welt annoyance.
February First Deadline
tying for arable place .01 ten to
on the Rani of Mom are athlete event.
Budget Fiaas Made
Bold Italic. The printer for the
yeee7a7iii tge students each. The Agora for other welt guars an, the
hilearearbfg f Mtn
illsport Ott' Moor - Parr
workt through the consistently have In June. the college fed.
Tett resolution emonurended
1959 yewbook is the Camino
Inman amen none.. were: Wit mit.. shall connitute the Alum
Sane. 0111 be delivered by Publishing Company
progressive position Of his min Inv to seoeirty-nve books
The Plareertoda. College Sere. that any savings to the General
In Philadel.
that Ions, 14, Bawd. la. Wesleyan 6, ni Council.
the Honor Synern Committee, the phla.
any in the field of Labor rel. aver were signed out. left In ate Hamilton 4.
which has published aeveral Fond ie fast approaching Its mina. &Mget due to the abolition of adAmherst I. and
therefore President GOMM Committee on Education. and the Yearbooks
dons. He. the korner Chairman dents' rooms. This Christmes
for the College pea Ing date vOth oath halt of Au mission charges I ticket collectors,
ya Kenyon 2.
F. White .pressed hie view. al Hooluttonew Committee. Robert vlot.o
et the City of Pelladelpida cation all rooms as campus were The
Huh time.
three thousand dollar goal real- fence.mob be applied 50 the ex.
Rhodes Scholarships were the Alumni
Council as follows: Crlehbw, treasurer of the Aram
000001 Board
searched. and twentyright nee mope.. In 1939
Who with rising printing ised. The deadline has been post. , pewee of that athletic event. It
and Rettnntd 'It is an important new bridge Mallon, will present an account
was 'suggested. however. that the
Masker or Boa. of Managers books found and retuned to the renoned after the
war M 19115. between the alumni and the Col- of the organise.. florae! mate. the 1161 Meowed will be the pond until February Mot .by
losses to the General Budget
sver. ,,Dr
,-Mr. Leeds has been a member ihrLeY
.d: Morel.% isto th
o ?vetoed lege. 1 ion lookine forward to status. Including • 14t of Income most costly annual yet publithed which time It Is hoped that the
of the Haverford Board of Man.
at the College. At the tame time. large deficit 11111 be appreciably should not hc cot from the
Rhadse luring the re. of this new and expenditure.
, Athletics Department budget,
tigers Mom IMO and was for Inge would lead nor m expect. Scholarship store the ending of
Robert Penn Warren. wellrime time Chairman of the
reports that the tar greeter
Contented Pep Fawn 0.1.
One new detowinuni, though. Na pat w.f.
According to coehalrman Aiell- ' more than in proportion to the
known author and netate
present distrIbithan of funds.
Rend. He is • major benefactor is a came of considerable con
le slated to speak at the Febni. amount of advertising to be In o. Wilson about 55 per cent of
Students and faculty hopressed
of Haverford College and holds a
over last year's book prom- the student hay has contrithited
cry nineteenth Coliection. Mr, •
mixed opinions of the resolution.
record of long service to the reTronee'llileDZIrlYel
ises to keep the prewnt enter an average of three
dollars Pm
Wanes It at present professor of
bane or four bound copies of
prise from dipping Into the red. Permn In the servo* Fund. Out noting Mal I he decision was all
drama at Vale Unlveralty.
to the administration. Alumni
The fund set up by Mr. Leeds
sixty.five day
Warren A Rhodes Scholar
secretary Bennett Cooper stressed
has already been used to furnish 10 bound form. Among these ate
Professor Warren. • Mr., cured will alto allow the price tudents, however. only eleven the value of the change
to stuof the yearbook to remain at have contributes: so far.
the seminar room on the "tied two In considerable demand: The
A far mom stable Soviet Unto., pother. of comparative stability. Rhodes scholar. geaduated from three
There are thirty medlars on dents with dales. especially on
floor of Seamless Hall. sound Jruary to June. 1948 volume of
Salon thin thheim seemed
Swarthmore weekend;
d the
proof the dn., hall, owl equip the Annal, or tar American As than moat Americans would like The
'me deadline for copy for 120 the campus and the committee
his matters degree at Me tinever
fact that Revert°d athletieo are
the langusee laboratory in den, of Pthitlesi and Social Sal. to imagine, and a Soviet Unkal
Is tothose of ',octal mobility.within slip of Cothran.. In 1936 he was
French thane. The popularity of
that may rMain many of its din'
to contribute will do so through run for the lonefit of the student
a generally accepted system of presented the Houghton Mifflin day. The remainder of the copy
the first of these prolects owed
Most Libraries. Dr. nester Mali. features in the yearn to towel
Literary Fellowship award. ad will be prepared by early Feb. their local reckons.
classes and. If In
Football mach Roy Rawlan
the college. with Mr. Lee. ars Pointed out. never allow coyote cornea. the USSR that Dr. Alex
The Service Fund now repre- agreed
sample wax rept...alive of pop. Pt 1947 he ...warded the Polio tory. These early deadlines will
that the propooal sounded
prowl, to provide similar rooms to take colt bound copies of pen 1nketes of the Rural. Raw&
enable the publishers to do a sents the onto College drive of
War opinion In the Soviet Union ter Prize for fiction.
fine Ideally. bm noted that a few
hi Chew Hall.
lanais, up to now the Haven Center at Marva. University, ahet of which
was iwo thousandAnllarscol
best-known work. All The
he is not at all
ford library has seen It to If drew for the Haverford-Swarth. certath.
usu. that the Record will easily roomed wand years ago
• sate
on the part Mier. Mee. Is • novel Hem
budget would tie ap a
in deal
them be borrowed for two weeks- more-Bryn Mawr Russian study of
Its distribution date of May WU Me p.m of the Ara nuns
the popula to accept the fact
of much wetted endowment
Conlin.. Pere Veer. Col.
It le now under conneleation Rote at Haverford last We.es If not the form.
her of entailer drives.
whether the convenience this day afterron.
Walt YOUng. PXprIPS9111g his per.
gives In students Is worth the
Mks thither
In thrusting his eonehisiono as
Ronal opinion, agreed with One
Dr. Interim drew from an W- Al the role that the mobility of
proposal no long aa It would
One perennial needed. to the endt! series Be Interviews with dans structure plays in Metering
hue no sills In the proem
/Jerry. It menu Is the dise.P
loyalty and faith in the Soviet
athletic promote
Wendell Kolostanyl. WolaldL penance of books In the contem. RDA. emigreeta--Inally &tartan from the Red Army in Ger eyetem, Inkeles enumerated four
end William Reese. thrtnin, Pen Prey neffelptack: some.
pard. many and Rmslans who were alathmt segment. of the popta
formed overexert violin ma., cularly works
of Hemingway and. Deed from Nan slave labor ama don that were affected M various
sonde,' nigh, is the wand of a Fitzgerald, lead the list et ..aan untrained but Met.
but retied to return to the So- way.
series of corerts sponsor. by Ing booty.
BY RICKARD 50115150
the first man to hold this post at rad i and mu. 'favore romp.vlet Union—nn forming b. hp ligent group in minor administraMe Haverford Friends of Music.
German Language at Reveres.. err Mozart of course,
tive positions, a group "made'. by
Quiet and soft.sween Profess.
Mr. Kolosthnyi's violin tone la not
the present t; 01 etet Pmlured
As • matter of feet ling,.
Outside Me academic schedule
excessively full. but It fined the
to support It; St a. young group or John A. Kelly. Chairman of the —from elan. Is Elementary Literature has kept Its fool well
temperament of this music quite
who were edueated at the en- German Deptrunent at Haven German irnis 9 0 101 awe. within the door It Mr. Kelly, the ,11•111,1- Stott,. Cornnowee
well. Ills Intonation was ere+
tente of the government have font. h. been teaching hem since ning seminars conducted whoily proteminnal activities. His fa, of Ow Students' Council oil ann.
lent. and he had a wide range of
seen the "advancement" of the the year 192h-a fact which in Kedfdeabcit—Mr. Kelly Pon grit. field of.rormrch. he reports. Haw iw current Woe. to predynamics with an espee.11Y
USSR as • nation. and would m- marks him as having one of the sues weld inter.. in English h. always been that of the to ' sent issues anti proposals roobeautiful pianissimo. The balance
BY 001170 KELLY
outon dioxide rocket and Ste nst attempts thorn without to tam- longest
prevent records f wry. Wantrc thworle author: Cost- flumes et English on German m-nine the Honor =B.em tethen
of Matto and violin was adequate.
of the effeet at pee
it but who might KO We at the College as • ortyher.
Christmas vacation wand e he
the student body ton.orrow me.
although Dr. Reese could not
helium on vocel resonance.
Five Tennis A. Phan*
along with a subdonthil inner
ning by sponsoring speeches and
achieve the nage of the violin faculty as well ea attthenta with
remainAs tar as music is concern.. di. s lop comer.. the womthe
opportunity rer-sethetu•Ote
Eluding. Thos at times the piano
Me. Kelly was born inVirgiraa
Mr. Kelly 10 not only an apprecia. ens rule at 7 pm. in the Union
with old ammaintancee the events
wavered up the Morin Une.
--somewhere In the foothills of
live listener, but a Wen* en wen Auditorium.
okthe past year,' Numerous sci- Cletus Oakley of tee Mathematics .1 group of ...dans from
Deportment attended • meeting the Meths.
Of the floe sonatas, the one In entific organIzallops
days who actually the Shenendosh range. Since
Is his instrument.. He on
The speeches, by Richard
and Yearned
F major, Koechel 317. W. Per meet. hold' Senn. Where of combined mathematical axe mid
sp. or the current that tin.. he has lived. Inc the
ports nostalgically that In the Barnes and Andre Briml, are on
has the most effect.. The scholars hear of.,
des at Brown University In Pre government and 41 the lergest most pert, out of Virginia and pas.
ream Mat preceding 1941. he and one of two proposals for shange
the newest de.
rideroa and in Boston. Dr. Carl /mop a moon of ...Steers" of the South It we except the
moats, composed when Morsel velopments
two students formed a trio which in ehe women's rule of the Honor
In their Welds and
R. Alletedoerfer.
, one Woe Haven whose am.I mobility . con. south of Germanyt: but years
Was only twentythee, utilizes the trade inforitnateh.
• specialized In works of Wotan System that the committee has
ford professor and now heed of gent on later skills and who feel, innty from Stonewall Dickson :s,
resources at violin and piano to
and Beethoven, and wench. In It received. This will be followed by
Wel. Particles.
Valley have no: lett him without
melt • degree that It approaches
heyday, was even can
President Gilbert While and the Department of Mathernall0 with some justilleatIon, that
ed upon to open discussion on that and the
color—chlegy In
of Washington merit will be rewarded eventual.
the Beethoven sonatu In depth. Professor Richard Sutton
give a public recital at Wilson second propo.l. Barnes will
the form of • rebel drawl which
The variations of this south are cleated in the 110th annual meet. was Mao present at the meeting
I College.
sepak for the propeSilion that du
Mee. men Ids pronunciation of
hard to put acro. effectively. Ing of the AmerLean etwociatlon of more than 5C0methematicia.
Loath Authority
Where spar. are concerned. present regulation forbidding
The annual meeting of the
but the two wile gave a pen for the Advancomem
The feet of stratification— wenoUldthell
• Tennis le prokasor Kelly's game. wornen Rues. in the dormitoriee
of Science.
But before aelvally leaving his
lormance of true understanding President White took part In • American Economic Alsociation usually alone pessantworker.
fie declined comment on the qualb Utween
hr 2 a.m.-9 a.m. on week.
home state Ito which he returns
and feeling.
Ity of ids game-won. only that days
,on Water resources. In Buten was attended by Proles workerIntelligenosia and Commu.
lifted. Bd. will open.
then h, Mr.
The concert as a whole w. hie Pro s Sutton addressed sore' Holland Hunter, James also Party—nonParly lines— now and they for a
he' has never won a champion- he suggestion andadvocate leaSuite succe.ful, although there the National Science Teachers As. Strew and Howard Teal of the wee looked upon as -Inevitable'. Kelly wee educated there—up
rule as II now smnds.
Economic. Deportment and Pro- and "natural" by many of In. through EmorY and Henry Mt'
were some rouge spota. However toclation.
A steeng believer In the virtues
discussion period
fessor Somers who is currently kele, Rued. mthacta Hewes legs where he took • bachelors
hinerfections show up easily In
Prote.or Sutton', address,
of the entail college, he under. the arond proposal—one that
working under • Ford Founds. Mole to conch., however. that • degree: Thence to Col.ibla Mob
dumber tousle of thie type which which keynoted the
' takes to Instruct with • casual would thanee the women's rule
on for
don Fellowship on a lent for the great deal of resentment sterns Veralty, where he look a Doctor
requires perfect
dealt with the
to disarm the to allow women M the &End.
from whet the populace feel. we ate 119201, and thence, as In.
hien. ef inetruments and pen tee of dentonetrnion experiments teething of &dal Security.
most hardened victim of the limit. Mr!. . early w woven oelnek.
5050055 Who Wye vrorked to In phydes In high School elassee Loran Green of the Adronorny unjust rewords to those who erector in Gemara and CU.... Chair.. of the Ger- e.t.due tothem—and to delight rather than nine k saw wan
Demi-Intent Mended a meeting have rendered no "service .to the man of the Department. to Hae- Men DeFertment, hats one those
who are Interest. to note , --will be discussed following el.
Meier Mr a long tens
Professor Sutton period.. my.
eHoed (also leCeb. In 1937 Dr. of the longest records as a that °AM.. alwaysnse
the do- elusIon and nommen( ea the sr
sr eaperansetta reardiag Ide
A ta.
atte.M. Peffefrer,
Caro m& Ire Four- Cat f
lady wed swami AA program.— barbee Pon at larteeideet, Jeer"
ksdhe tors
Two More Seminar Rooms—we
Installed; Repairs Financed
Foss Morris Leeds Fund
Mixed Views On Free Home Games
Cone Reveals
Expressed By Cooper, Randall, Young
'52 Yearbook
Varied Collection
Program Offered
By '52 Speakers
library Losses
Down This Year
HC Service Drive
Half Completed
Dr. Alex lnkeles Tells Seminar Group
Of Relative Stability Within Russia
Kolostanyi Plays
Moiart Sonatas
Prof In Profile:
Learned Societies Draw Professors
For Vacation Study And Discussion
Herr Kelly...
Women's Rule
To Be Discussed
Pegs Two
Haverford, Pa., Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1952
..... Richard A. Norris. Jr.
Afaseging Edda.
John Wirt
Bersiarss Monism.
Sydney M. Cone, III
Senior Nato Editor
Peter F. Tapke
Newt Edgier, . .. Junes D. Crawford: a Frederick 54th;
Philip R. Stansbury
'tearer Editor
Jonathan Gatmacher
ribrInsi Editor
Philip Bereaniin
ittirtant Sporn Editor:
W. Winter Comfort,
John C. Burnm, Heim F, Koch
Adverli,isig rilanagrr
Witham Kaye
Cirralation Manager
Gordon Werner
R. Hutton J. Walton
Sports Pholovrashrr
Alex Golden.,
In the ntidat of the Cries..0 holidays came
the disturbing news that the Friends. General
Conference In Philadelphia had ranked to *pate
President Truman's decision than* an ...ad. to Vatican City.
ant the. to rnalnmn the principle that no church
cont., the state, and that the state controls no
church In America_ Hut there Ls no American
tradition that would bar us them an exch.ge of
diplomats with the Vinkso: mid if there were
Thus many Quake., Mined those who potence, such a tratiniml that thad rearkt our freedom re
or Inadvertently foster, VIM., intolerance to recision, we should have done away with 'it tong
The relmetion of Church and State
not at
Inore the efforts of the goveroment in gelidity.,
Issue here at
It Is a practical question of gain.
a diplomatic advantage in the
Ing advantages for this country: et sending Gen.
Pine the resignallon of Myron Taylor
era Clark to the TaHran we are not agrethig to
the paeans! representatlee ee the
the Importation of prevailing political conditions
to the Vatic. Mr. United
Me been one
is Spain and Fortneel.
of only three major powers in the world with
out diploma* representation at the Vatican.
Al premsS .d for the put two ma.
Ma ether two oatht, are thoint Mosta and
reliant Protest. and other pramure um.
Common.. Chire.
and torte ...manta or meat Protest:net
Athletic Gate...
The abolishing of ill charges at Haverford athletic
contests, save for a charge at the Swarthmore football
Mare to all except students, ho. been recommended by
the Students' Council and will in the near future be
brought to a vote of the entire &ideate' Aseociation.
The reason behind this recommendation of the Student.'
Council n its conviction that the email revenue that the
eollege receives from these charges Mader-enough to
justify the expenae to students. If passed by the Students' AsociatIon, this will of course remain only a
recommendation. subject to the final decision of the college adroiniatration
In considering the proposed change, dadaist. should
remember that Haverford already charges admisaion
for only two eporta—football and basketball. From admissions in these two sports Hacerford collected only
$2602 last year—money which regularly gone not to the
athletic departincet apecifically, but into the general
Telling into account the fact that Haverforda yearly
budget runs well over a million dollars. the NEWS sees
no reason why each a small out is revenues from this
amerce should force the administration to involve the
athletic department in financial hardship. Insofar en
that is the case, then, the NEWS feels that students
should decide this question on the heath of the importance to them of the elimination of charges. rather
than upon the basis of an unlikely poseibility of eaceing
the athletic department hardship.
Alumni News
Across The Desk
The apportment of General Mark Clark, are
Egrecupallan, to the male. of Ambassador to
the Vatican was intended as recognition of Van
can importance In the angel* to hlthker furaggression and mimeo°.
The Vatican City Is en Independent city.stme.
le square Mu In sea with Inc own pollee force
.d even a merchant marine. It le Mitred by.
among omen, a secretary of state, and because of
AS key position am the renter of the Catholic
Church. it Is a valuable 'listening pone for
thought and developments all mew the world. In
recognition of these farts an Episcopal clergyman
wrote recently: ...The question of diplomatic repro
sattalion ci the Vatican Is not a religious questhin
in any direct sense. It is an Issue of expediency,
a pragmatic question, • problem of America.. ice
rem and welfare,
clergies have done the spade work of fame..
Item oppotation an over the country to Pena
dent Truman'. declare. Bat the real battle
will been now mat the the Coagesa.• woe
Uegesm hae Marys been reluctant to derete
religion. it Is eat exploeive Ware. Federal aid to
Mention was shelved largely here.m aid to
mow., schools would have had to he discussed
aloe to the passage of any Mit It Is probable
Nat the Mamie will be Math to Outman of
the merits of Genexa Clark,
Dr. William T . Ra Fox, '32
Heads War & Peace Studies
An Institute of War and Pea.
Studler to examine the impact
of international minions and
um on American society, has
been mablished at Columbia UM.
verifier. It will conduct a mem
of research projecbs on the
muses of war a. on less costly
ways of protecting ouselves end
our value.
Arena. Ithly. of Mama
The appointment of Dr. William T. R. Fox. '32. Professor of
natenationsi widens there, as
director 01 the Indian was re
coney mmuneed. A native of
Chicago, Dr. Fox received a
Bachelor, deg. from Haw,
fold in 1932 An the thavertdtY
of Ch.M.:. la Mao. he carom his
doctorate In Internal...I eels
tiona He isBAi years old .d lives
in Riverside. Conn.
lie la a former saaistant dime
tor of the Inaltute of Intent...id Studles at Yak Univereity and
editor of World Pork. a quarterly reseal. journal. Before
man. to Columbia last yaw,
Dr. Fox had taught at Temple and
Prieceton and um a cresult.t to
various government agencies.
Ontnnee Proven%
Dr. Fox Mil the institute would
seek to study the funk-don of war
ea '4 method of febtectiag the
value considered even room pre
clout than the values It places
Calkin Heads
Industrial Group
ere dime.. the Demme.
Induetnel Coopmstion at the
University 51 hence_fothi B.
'26.—Ls a dowd...m.erm
wIlonM who lea had eretkand
contact with Inchistry's emote&
The annual luncheon of the
Flestourge Alumni Asseetalleat
Profess. Caltha Ow I an an
of Haverford College woe held at
mitre poomor me chendad enKit Ph-Mural Athletic Club on
gineering betide. heading to
Friday, December M. 1951.
1312o program/ teas ace-lusted
Do Witham E. Cadbury and LK Haverford in 1926 and re
Alumni therelary Bennett Z. reload his mestere degree the fe4
Cooper were present at the meet- lowteg Men In 1928 he deo to
retold an MS. degree In chemical
lag. Following lunctooe. De.
mgineerthg from Mane. ik feu
Cadbury delivered an interesting studied and done rue.. at Con
Wk on Ma year of Wetly of pre- rell es a Tex tie Found.n felmedical Woman In the nation, low, and at MIT. where he was
college. It was easy to see that Me ...weight Mow.
he felt Haverfores premed.1 Before taking his prewnt peaMOM. was an mellent ore, t.. Mr. Catkin aemd as coon
after making his survey. A brief dimor of remotion with the
question period followed the talcs Union Bag and Paper Cemenand the group remained until t., having been previorely with
the Brown Company. and the
well into the afternoon.
be addiMn to the two foieaa Dennison Manufacturing Comfrom the college, the following pany. He mamma to maintain
Hawn-ford*ua attended the lunett- he own consulting imam. to
e., Kota Brown '42, Henry M. tree pulp and paper and chemical
Hallett '00: Heber Harper, '42, Tem. Muer. in New Tort.
Long ea authority on the ChemJame M. Hoe.. '31: WHAM
M. Houston. '44; Jonathan P. Ma- istry of caul., he has been
sop. 11, Winthrop M Leath. 036: prominently Identified with ties
Fred J. Lind. Jr., '50, Willard E. MP MI paper irolustry In such
MM. '26: A. Boyd Ralph. '29; plumes as pulping, paper.rnaking,
Matthew W. Stanley, .34, Dr. converting, and the manufacture
James N. Stanton. '33: Rieke. and use of chemical by-producte
W. Wald., 141 De Janes FL Recently Mr. Call. was chosen
Wa.11, "Z; George L Winslow. to present the UnNersity of
'13; William Redeem.. '50: Rich- Maine's Bieck Beer Award for
e. Parton, '50. H. Robert LAS- remanding semte b prorooreg
day. '50; Rtes Rthet '05, MUM university spirit.
buy. '53, J. Manton C.011,
His work has involved the moleW. Howard Colbert. 'Ile Grant log of problems in thenthoy and
Moms, 'SS: and E. E. Anders°, eheminl engineering, rn.ketine
Jr., 43. Mr. Samuel K. Harper. research, and forestry. His Ito
tattler of Heber liarper. Mr. Jo- vutigatIone have also dealt with
seph °noon mad his son, Joseph. fatty acids, rosin, oit
Jr., and Richard Gay, brother of soaps and detergents, hydrogenaMilton Day were alas present.
tion, end dehydrogenation.
Pittsburgh Alumni
Hear Dr. Cadbury
Few Senakee will let their linagthatka rolm
Se for as Tom Connally. Democrat from Tams,
who has already found • bath for aiming
'Clark, because • the General misused Texan
troops at the battle of the Rapid, River during
World War IL The vote Is likely to show wore
Opponents of the appointment have purposely strange alliances among Senators tool Pernthede
confute. the issue by ming the weep°ne of anti. ally Senate. McCarthy and McGarr. ere (some
prat.) net likely to oppose the Adm...
Catholic bigotry and the familiar slur of etre
Arnerimne In Mk battle te detest die Admin..- MO rile Moe. They are even expected to refrain
He Med the following ma ea
from labelling the move eunotonerean' with their maples of the arm researchers
mammary eloquence,
would cover:
Protestant pride and embalmporketion,
1. A study of . Mternatk.e
The outcome is difficult to predict: It la to be
*Moon ilibentling
lout sente comerelations that
hoped that the President used the congressional
Man me Christianity, ore men now fanning the
total war and total peace
recess to lireup sothient votes to mature the aparra of roar of Reme. and threaten to pres"Between the seater peace
sure rime Sels. In deka the appan.ent.
which seems now m remote
The moat noticeable change in the College plant over
It la a matter of record—no matter what the
and the absolute war which
lant It /orange that the United Kingdom.
the Christmas holidays has been the inatallation of two
seem to threaten Me very
whoae history shoe the middle of the alethehtle outtome—that fear of Some can still be used to
values which alone would
more seminar rearm in CUM Hall and the general facecentury does not show a particular affecdon for advantage by those who seeks political end, and
lustily o. ernbarldng' upon
the Cathode Church, has had diplomatic repre- that a mrprising number of reputable Christian
lifting of the interior of the old building, which is still
It." he declared. "Ilea meek
sentation et the Vatican for many decades? And leaders MI even *opt obviously uncharitable
it progrese. Reactions to the alterations were varied.
unfamllbar terrain..
Mt. we, who have equal guaranteth of religious mare to gar, at lean. their material goals.
Some students rejoiced at the proepect of Ming able to
S. A study of the way In which
freedom und. the Conaltution, -m supposed to
Arts now some Quakers have otheally adopted
smoke cat Wass; some latecomers found they had to
the we of tome In wars
reface to send an ambeseador to the Vatican for this attitude, too, thus completely herniae thee of
shams and is shaped by the
snake out as comfortably as they could on the floor:
fear that we will he Merano. In the every:
as who thought the Society of rein. was no
formulation of a...me.
probably the most common feeling registered wail sample
Would Mkt step, ac Paul Blanahare and were longer allieted with the meow...Madness of
3. A study of the measures
others toy, really endanger our Coml.:Ion red former greerallons.
surmise at having net one's bearings for the moment
Nat would lesson the imp.et
our lire..? I think not. It le agree, import.
In any ease it seens generally agreed that some
of preparedness program
sort of refurbishing in Chase was long overdue. The
upon our way of lee,
4. A study of ,die methods
replacement of carved-up chairs, torn shadea, and splinINA
is taking a mu It UCLA. Ile
evolved * recall years to
tery ficerboarda with new furniture, Venetian blinda,
pus * take his qualifying MIcond..mellary. diploma.
Ices, Reith ie.. Associate
and clean asphalt tile—the echoic enhanced by a fresh
tic policy, which here led In Professor of Japanese at Cann. araioallons for had doctolate nth
paint job throughout—caused us to lift our drooping
the lest decade to 'thewne 010 Velvet:0y 14 the antoo-and eummer. He Is pre..nt of she
modineerell" of government- author oe one Meister of "Jape" Phi Delta Kamm the education
port-vacation eyelids as wide as most anything could
honorary society at UCLA and ...al procedures.
It was written tor the 1951 edition
have. For all -theft welcome repair. the gratitude of
S. A study ter the vow n which f the "Encyclopedia American." tended die bmintial convention
the College goes out to Morrie Leeds, SS, who-halved
the society in Clikago. Drthe
ea in science and whose owes have pemiltted this of
this gift ea behind so many othera—ie the generous Ind
...any, Including the on publication In book form. Hugh her 261 num. 31. He MM.
amren benefactor.
d el scienere are leakiest-tog Breton says be hie Introduction: that lea six months old dough..
What with a nate en repreeentation to the Us.., whose upper by turns Ms portrayal of
our policy making and of 'The reenty-three chapters which Sally Kristen. 'Is gent. mere
At the same time, while lauding the new changes,
ways to nuke than still cover all aspects of Japanese de- Intenseng every day."
Vetken In the mho. above. It seems an apps Neat Mta onncontinuoua comedy. Al attempt at
we would like merely to insert a note of caution as to
velopment win are the reader
plate time to take account of M-G.M's new glean a sereus representation of the real Nem has leen
the possible introduction of still more seminar room.
ThMtLIMIetax been planned • reedy reference to Important
tossed overbe.d In favor of making him a childthe
at Haverford in the future. Now that the discussion
Amin S. Mennen has renewed
ish buffoon. which Ilairew playa to perfection. bff two yes., end Me lora. events and data peer to the In.
will arrive in Phredelphia rest month.
method is in vogue, it is no doubt a senaible thing to fry
came noon vadon of Homo In 1950 . . It fn. Fria.d end leis addtm is
Leo Germ, in the part of Pam.. Is the most for its of
11/3A: 100 Manorial Dr., Ca.
to make the lameness of disowning as pleasant and
This p1Mure Is worth viewing LI only to satisfy naturgl of the chief players, with the Mt lines General of the Army. Dwight 0. Is the belief of the eater and the
bridge 4Z Ithareenette.
emnfortable as possible by having the right type of furones curiosity as to what the result in of twelve In the script, he does an adequate job as the Ebtenhower, now on leave as ptthe contributors that this took note
of Columbia to head the aerve as • coreise introduction
years of preparation and seven million dream Arbiter Elegenthertme even though all the facets
niture brought in. But we would do well to bear in mind
of Petronius, character am net Wowed to be allied armlet of the North Ad.- for anyone intererted in reek.
that before you can engage in diaeuesion, you must have
Mr. and Mr. Maned C Whitemend material on mnternmer7
the been spared to make this a spectacle of spec brought out so amply as in the boek- In sub., & Treaty Organisation.
something to disease; this, in turn, demo to require the
the arreral
tales, It is rot with any amount of surprise that
of • daughter. Deirdre been re
disamnination of—if we may be allowed to use the word
we report the moat expensive dim ever made to Finlay Currie, Felix Ay.er, and Norman Wool- reneral expressed hope of found.
lag the inaltute eta study war
December 24 at Temple Univ.
—feet. and for this purpose no environment has been
be Just that—an orgy of maw, mot, and magni- and tam in acceptable performances.
as • trugic
Mai. Monte Handkon, for ate, Hospital,
fica/me. From beginning to Its end over three
found quite no effective on the good old lecture hall. It
As for re mum, bachereund, Mlkioa Rom
On December as. Ian ace
been later the producers have gone on a cinema. seems to have made a very scholarly attempt at Ito ode. es conduct Its impact etelly of Balked. Spahr, Andrew..
is lectures, then, which give us the necessary food we
and pardadarle Oa dime.. std maenad, has annOMIced nls seem, was married to Ming Utit rampago working the arta of Method ma- re-creating eounde each as fee on the me of the
are presumably to digest in the seminars: and it follows
association in general law prac- be Allen, of Philadelphia. Mier
erection and destruction almcot to death on
ancient Romans. but at no times does his mimic
Univeraity oMelale said money tice with the Bret of Reilly. Hap Allen is a graduate of the Unim
se a consequence that this creeping eeminarnation of
wale which it Is doubt/VI will be equaled ago.. evoke ore's attention or even notice.
for the propject was obtained burn. Earle. and Wetherlit with ally of Pennsylvania, dm of
, the College classrooms is bound, if carried too far, to
MGM employed Ave hundred carpenters two
What we have. then, Iss gigantic and overlong from Individuals whose support Graces in the Wan. Street Build. June. 1951, and will receive her
years to rmonstruet a falr share of Nero's Rome
starve out in the long run the very kind of activity it is
xa eneated by the MIMI. Log in Philadelphia.
Muter, degree in Fine Arts Edravegenea
designed to promote. Indeed, if the NEWS'a academic
ucation this corning Sure. ler.
reotyped roles, Its technical superiority Is an. Scholars to conduct the resserch
mire liquids to burn it up.
seismograph is not mietaken, we already detect unmiaand Mee Sleeker will the Rene
challengeable: ouch xrtiette merit; se It mold have are experts who could areae the
In New Haven. Con, rota his
The result of all this is me scene after an. had have been smothered or forgotten. quo Palls work. will be appointed soon_
taltable tremors n certain departments to the effect that
Robert X. Bard. Or., with his
trout the Yale Lan
other of eyeelling sumetuouenem. The camera tea film you .11 want to see cm, but It is not
students are beginning to realize that they have been
wife and three children, Is now School in
dune. 1953.
n.er moves *Mout impulse on • oce ee0008 any Henry V which will draw you back to see
thing In Wilmington, Delaware.
but poorly prepared for the kind of diacession !mooted
a. Jame. Mies ar
which calms the last one le splendiferountess- it One and again
of them in the advanced seminars. Whether thitaIllIrdefoltros
th7del have. to date, Mt
though to remains but a few minutes on the
Department of the DuPont Corm in Korn one month,
velop into a reaction against the disccesion method ne
11.11. kt
screen; photography wetms virtuany breatherd
pare. Ha family Is ram at 202 the Sta. Miring late October
br the Mt of scenery which It has to compass
makes to be seen. As regards the new actinium moms,
Brecks Jane. In WIlmtheton.
the troop ship USNS Gra.
Lee°. march, chariots rase ilons at Cinialare,
therefor e, we say, very well and good: but we also nay,
spectators yet; Nero, mart c.a.,: Rome terns
Richordson Blair, '30, • promPlease lit's not have any more.
them Haverford College Or June
—.11 on a scale unsurpaased. This was the pro
inent Philadelphia attorney, has
The weddthg of Robert Loa..
ricers' arabeloo and they have achieved it
Oren rented a member of the an thauton and Mire Marjorie OS, / was employed by WICU
TV in Me. las,, my horse tows,
The question of dramatic excellence is another
Lois Snapp, daughter of Mr. and when I was 'Frathe Manager and
Legal Advisory conirritsee by
Metter. Extravagant. have a way of maimMrs C. Ross Snapp, took place on Chief Announced until enlisting
The Senior editors other than the Editor-in-Chief
Nicholas B. Kelley, the president
geod acting *borninate and even Irrelevant
Saturday. Daxerthee 122, at the In the Army I February, 1951.'
To the Editor, Nev.-ford News,
feet it necessary to insert a word about the make-up of
of Me league.
Lakewood Methodist Church
though there lave been receptions to this huh
The last Issue If HAVERFORD TRENDS stat this issue. We wire confronted this week with ill an
The Preeery purpose oi the Lakewood. Ohio The couple will Ills address la as Meows:
Quo Valle bowever,—. are *I-ry but again.
Pfc. Richard S. Johnson,
ed that the College last several, promiaing fresh Committee. Which is beaded by be at home alter the 00th of Jae
important story about to Haverford student winning
hardly mimes. to report—is not an exception.
a Rhodes Scholarship and 12) an editor Who happened— On almost every inst.ce the leading characters men to other institutione becallse of Manly to Bruce' Bromley, • leafing New miry: 190 Well College St. Oben
thith Ram Co. APO 301
York attorney. le to auperthe the
to he that wooer, and whose modesty would have forecel
* over.portrayed that they not scarcely be provide adeq.m scholarship aid. With Income Leagues new monthly legal per- Iln, Ohio.
000 Paitinetde, Ian Feted.,
sad to quelify e. natural human bethm. even of taws taking an increasing share of a parent', In iodical the Civil Seethe Law Rehim to relegate title story to an obscure comer of the
type. laniclus Is all awash; Lygia
come. It appears likely that the privately owned porter. The Reporter le designed
paper. In this strait we have taken it into our osis
Meelmeu; Nero Is all childishness, Paronius
Beery W. Jobe.... Jr.. is an
college will have to bear more and more of the to familiarise Paine Pe...el
hands to give the story the attention it deservea aulV
is till\ raised eyebrows, though alleviated by a
thstructor n Philosophy et TA, Kr. sad Mn Jame P. Le
to that end, effected what amounts to a tom
little Leo Gem; St. Paul is all sanest endeavor
public at large with signIllemt llama College. lie ;cure. Ms ammo of YotOon, announce tbe
Annual giving by Alumni. to be resumed at
room revolution. We can any confidently that Pa .,Die
of a rather superficial variety.
dot WMee legislative and Jude Ph.D. kern Marva. University engagement of Meir ambles.
Haverford now. is an Important part . many dal trends.
in 1950. His address is. re South Miss vw,a Lemur. to Mt.
will he as unfapailiar to Editor Nordis when he sees it
' To consider the lathing roles In more del.,
as to the remotest reader.
In *three to Mr. Blair and Mr. se_ theithenstown, Mouschusetta Nth*. G. Ghana.
Robert Tay/or, Mat of, all, yaw play. Teticith, college budgets today. You may be farrdl0 with
Joseph A. threma, h, S with
In this we are guilty, of course, of rank insubordinabrings to moth of a eat Amen.% accent and the progress made by one of our make New thank, the committee includes
the Allen& Refining Gone.",
Hollywoodish mannerism to
part that he England colleges. which received this year a rune :Yeoman 13lerrnm. St Louis;
lion But we have the audacity to seek forgiveness in
thavid D. Somers is now work. On September 29. 1951. he maClarke E. Dunbar, Sr., New
seems completely out of place th Ma Roman trap
In excess of 310,0/0 from its alumni. Rhie was
m oft-repeated injun
—Stion of our Chief, namely that
Jacqueline Ruth Arnim of
pinta siendeveices hero. furthermore. cheered not an endowment campaign, but the total of Olt
"Editing is what editors are for." We humbly, submit
Mina. Jame A. Simeon. Bine. and his travels take him into the Havertown. and they ere Wk.
hero a selewilled warrior to a sincere Christian;
that in this issue we have perhaps fulfilled marts/Aortal
ingrem, and Lloyd Wright. Las New England area Ife and Mrs. at 2204 Steele Pd., emael
an Taylor's acting suggests nothing of this pro- Yeroee oneual giving at that institueon.
Somers have a baby daughter. Pa.
Haverfords alumni are not thpected ado Ix Angeles.
function as fully as even be would des re.
cess of change—until the very end he plays the
Mr. Blair, a member of the Hilary Olney, who wee both on
intent selerighthous swashbuckler with stiff and
well In dollar total because there are fewer of us
And as he has taught to to edit, so has he taught
the 29.. June ket year.
.deviating mechanic...a. Deborah Ken's but Me real challenge in this other college, as Philadelphia law drrn of Ballad_
ea to Latinthe We therefore, a propos of the Rhodes
Pet ?harm eiL ther. fed
English accent and mermen render her completely noel alma giving Iles In the mrcentage of oh.
Scholarship and also the completion of a succeseful
unfit to play convincingly alongside Taylor. As Me
Date B. Ride is teaching In lure has recently cordpkted moon
theta Sc editor, do heartily my.
Christian glee Lygia, the at no time makes an rd participation. Over fifty percent of III gradu- Bar Association. the Pennsylvania
Noe sod Is fetheitionna, Ricardo.
appealing person, presenting • nature compound. ates minimfad the wale Gen liaverfordO gad. Bar Association. and the Amen lor High School in Meta Monica, Jag at 20550 theeptian
can Bar Awociation. A graduste Callomite red al Moe ma has bate eentheheat b ee„, MIte
ed of rebuking ',mashie. and insipid hetet..
tutee match Mks?
I. W.
of Haverford .College be recele. counter.. He is alit teaching Airborne Divlaion. Camp Ms.
Sincerely yours.
P. F. T.
edhltiLL-B front Marvatd Union-. Moore, md Class two night. a uttidre, Renew*, ter ✓
Jammu a., seidavid
la Me
Bthalognothisid 1.1 of der sir- is 11111.t
amok be ace' admit parr aey
Chase Renovations...
Quo Vadis, MGM?
Richardson Blair
Gets Legalfost
De Norris Nil Nisi Latine...
In The Editor's Mail
Las- Tr
Bears' Court Press
Befuddles Scarlet;
Fords Lose 76-59
Completely outplayed through the lent three Catheters of
the game, Coach Rill Prom's Ford besketball team went
doom to a .evincing 7600 defeat at the hand, of the 11rein.
os Been. It was the first league game for the Fords. who last
mg tied with Drain. for lent Sue in the Middle Atlantic
Basketball Conference.
A sodden thift in coaching etrategy one the and of the
gnat quarter by the ethane* coach played a vital part in
the Perth,' defeat. Through most of the Brat quarter, the
Bien ethic to • man tri men deMat and the Forth
the thoreing of Bob Fearer And
Dom James, pulled dot to a 14-7
Mt this mint. however, the
Beare switched to • preming zone
MINIM which herathei the Fords Starting Me new year off with
elle. the floor. The Fords had a hang. Intramural Beakettedi
Maar in bringing the ball aver League picked up its close race
to teesecote mw, hoeing It again. paced by three teams with
aloha frequently In tockethrt.
63 records. They are the Seth B's
eel In forecourt. Their a.
Maw we noticeably thawed, also. and the two Senior Marna A tithq
Before the qoarter ended, 1ln place Or ls held by the Soph Alt
due he dropped four ,might and the Junior Ba. each prating
bath. to pull within one point 4-3 Lop. The other Junior quintet
of the Fords. Ao the atoond pereau le the .500 dam with to
iod started. the Ford. were un
able 10 Wye the Rears' thfenae. even 44 record. The two Freetwhile Ursinth, led by big Bob own teams occupy the cellar with
swett and cap.. Reice. pulled Menthe 2.8 marks.
cut to a 32-28 lead at balf.dme. On the Netting day of the new
Coach Prize attempted to year the two Senior quintets postmarshal Ms disorganized team be' ed victories suer the Froth
been halves, but atter the Fords ant the sm. Ba. The Senior B
notelwd two quick baskea at the nee, pared by Sterner's 15 pole.
start of the second Nat Coin.. took • 3523 contest from the
agelo milled away. From 3430, Froth A'a Tice other Senior club
to deter. real out 12 Weight allowed even scoring to edge the
point, to lake a commanding IC Soph. pmed by hither. 20 and
point lead. and front there on Hartisonrs 12 pal.ta, by a 511,1
were never threatened.
4644 margin. Fria Killian wee
By the end of the third quasar, leader for the Serthra with 11.
the score was 5347. and thrtegh The next by eate the Senior
ell the noel Md., the visitors' A's make It two straight lo • lowsecond .trine matched taillire scoring 2514 victory over the
with the met and second string- Froth A dub. ladebme. 17 and
▪ on the floor for the Fordo O'Nealre 12 point. km the luntor
to the preliminary Pm. the A quinte to e victory over the
iltherfoth JV's racked up their Froth In while the other Junior
en dem of the yen, COnng five also posted a close win over
Iron behind to do It At the the Soph fea by • 34-31 tan.
Martel the Bear JV's had a nine Cathay paced the victors sent 12
point bulge. and at the hall they markers
let by ex, but be the were. ma On Jemmy 7, the Son), B
the Forth sparked by Ted Pennies sod Hem Hue., PM. not
e 7644 victory.
Monday, Mammy 14
Varsity and JV Elaoketball
with Drexel at home, 7:00,
Wednesday. February •
Varsity a. JV 60.004.1
with Drexel. away at 7:00
Friday, February 8
Vanity Fencing with vie
gime et home. sm.
gemeaei, Feb., •
Varsity end IV Basketbie
with Delaware at home, Ton
Varsity Wt... with.OF
sinus at home. 2:00.
Varsity Taming with WAYene, away,
Weetnenay, Pobroars
Vetere and
with PMC at home. 7:01.
Three Teams Share Lead
As IM League Resumes
Men. Ile
AUdason and Morrie 00011 on
lost on a halt nelson with arm ter
and a cradle renteleetY tin their
Owl competitere Bob's pin came
after he had his opponent 0.3 on
Rickert va Lorenz proved one
of the beet matches of the day.
lUckert tied Lorenz In the 147
pound shoo after nine minutes of
gruelling battle. In the that
period Temple was pealed.
giviebt&mrford one Point and
neutral osition. from which
Inters got a takedowa In the
same period Tenn* .gala fooled
tosking the secue Haverlord 4.
posted a 3630 victory over the
ithlor Aa, wt. In another game
that day the Senior Ha pared by
Sorg'. 17 points, downed the
Froth Bs 411.011 The only game
or hinuary 8 raw Dove Galley
get hot and push In 33 point. as
the Junior B quintet trounced the
Freshman A learn 53.311
The Soph A regera sneaked in
a close 4049 victory over the
Senior B chin The other Senior
club downed the Fresh In ae4S.
with Fritz Killian wowing 12
markers A Inw.scoring battle between the Sophomores found the
Soph Be superior by a Moth
Than contests between the
classes found the Senior In wire
aim 3094 mei the Senior Ka
the Froth AO downing the He
3533..04 the Junior Ws, paced
by Stein's 24 points, dumping the
A'. 48.30.
Henkels & McCoy
iletwerly Hare .. O.. aimed)
Montgomery Am. at Gray. Lima
Haverford, P.
"A Knott Hotel.
foes Gnosis and Date Deserve The Beat
I. Our Lovely Main Rifling Room
e.,*. letto woes as d tool
Lomb.. fr. fee
'DAM/ a to • P.M.
Dinners from UM
I So a 0.111
thadeth nod Holidays
Eimallent Banquet Facilities For
Mavaists, Earths, Dane.. or Supper Dane.
Tramimat and Parmanast Amousatation•
TcL ArdeNter• 0041
''Doc" Harper ...
• .. whose training inn.
rations and fire are Co
ed to radically change SGu
let wrestling in the near future,
Temple 3. During the third frame
Temple got one point for time
...age white left the match
in a tie.
In the 157 monad sloes Foulke
of Haverforti met Engle. 71.
waa Foulkes fit. match md he
woo pinned by the Temple captain with a body prthe.
At 167 pounds Tom Engler met
Yee bet Ifs geed
Leading Store.
Good Food at
Reasonable Prima
Neat itrogguAtari
s ti
BRyn Mawr 5020E
By • w to 3 wore. Haverforcrs
wrmtting team suffered Ile*.
and loss In as many Warts against
• wenbalanced unimentif of
Delaware equad at Newark. Delaware. flea tuber 13. Captain Harry Bair NW toe only whiner for
the sod grapplers I. be earthy
declaimed Delaware's slaferiahn
minded Leonard CUPP.
Haver/red did show improvemeet nom the Brat meet with
Lafayette. particularly in the
notate weight clathes. as Mike
Bennett, Iiirarn Richert, and
Franklinle all lost close inmates
n there eitherlenred opponent..
ie7o.' 17;;;,..Z!"°'
110 voosda—has tome. thieve,.
powt..1.114 ..hzeM 101,• doWn
Mrpmed.—P•xlPelee-rs demp.ths—J., mouth theme
ram ome.
wimd•—nlme•••1•Enni •Mmmin.
nfteed. NM Manx Mtn • <MM.
".". 'nflatram.
'.1:11-" •
mums mamesa.
Reany of Temple. TM, was also
Theie first meet ate he Ad a
flee Job of wrestling a now
seasoned man. Temple wen by
pin Chad,' Pres. otter
minutes and thirty...* seconds.
In the 197 Mu. dam Haven.
ford's Chandler sureumbed fo
March on points. while Jack
Stmt.ck forced his opponent
Onto a turd period default. winning thereby the only Spolnt
Searle dechsion of the 307 eon-
Haverferd's court quintet showed conaideMble tmpowtaeet in the second half over their previous deninustratime,
tell they still Met 82-45 to a P.M.C. team that metros destined
for mooed place in the league.
The first quarter got off to a slow start and remained
even for several minute. The P.M.C. offeme soon began to
move, and. as the action speeded up, the home dub maned
able to score almost at will, Climbing out to a 22-11 lead at
the quarter.
P.M.0 eentinue• W
ma the
second quarter started, increasing
a rt before Don
their lead
Male. hit the Fords' that fren
of the quarter. At this point
Me Fords found therm., and
titd not 1h41
1.d. do
Clark's Last-Minute Layep
able Or held then even for the
Provides 60-58 Decision
real of the game. Since P.M.C.'a
Haverforda bukeMllteam !sight sod peeler court enabled
came to Me in the sere. hell them to atop the thoide awl of
to win their lint Bum of the WM Wayne North,. the Forth be.
soo oYer
Improved Fithadel g.e to work the ball in to their
Phia Textile Institute club. 14053. bigger tom Both teams scored
freely for the mat of the half,
ELM Waster Clow
geol. won the opening tap end F.M.C. led. 40-nod jumped out to a 40 lead be
Clark thaws lath
.ore Wayne iturtublee hit with Anion in the second half toneel shot to make It 4-2. A per tine. NM and men as the Fords
loci of excited but unproductive moth.' to use their WU men to
activity- followed with much offensive advantage. clank play.
rambling around the back. log las that game to date, demon
ards end floor before Craig emoted hie ability to make tao
tter to made good with a lay. Ins off the often,. backboard.
up In Ile the afore. The wore while James was able to hit tooth
remained close until Textile from the outside and ow Lamp.
new. ahead oath five some.ut PM.C. however. loot fed the bali
foul shots, MR but the Fords to Earl Wentzel who hit with unnetted tree more bathes and a canny accuracy on hie Meng
foul ohot to lead at the quarter, shots. and the margin failed te
dwindle as P.11,C. led 5940 we the
The 1922 fencing season began Textile. however. once more got quarter ended
dismally for the Fonds as they the Jump on thill Fords and pull. An in the fourth quarter
dropped last Satutday's meet ed away to a 2110 lead before continued in much the are manwith Lehigh 169. The toil team. Haverford scored and after two net. Bob Feeler became Haver
missing injured co-captain Skip foul shots they took over again. ford's main scoring threat. Clark
Mattson. hewn the Ill-fated battle increasing their margin to 2417. and James colitInued their conlay losing 34. The saber boys which turned out to he their high tool Of the offensive boards. and
edged out a 54 victory. but the water moat. Ted Penick scored Ted Curran and Craig Heberion
epee team. the equacia heralded the Forth only field goal of the kept the ball moving. The Porde
best, was slashed &I.
quarter. One foul shot offensive accuracy was mob Met
Tom Woodward wend. a su apiece ended the seem, for the P.M.C. refuted to play as if the
perior foil by winning two out of half at 2420
game was won until the /that
three of his matches_ Ronnie
minute. Haverfoth. however, fa&
Keels Am..
Reno moved out one victory from The second hail opened with •
his three oponents. but Kearney rash of basked for both side.
FORD FACTO: league
Carpenter went doom all three Haverfontoraking the initiative, peen don't look too bright MN
times atm., winning two If Ids but Textile matching almo. year. Delaware saw* met ee
point Mr point Textile led 3731 everybody'n clam and 114C,
Saber Swingers Rally
when nth. Feet caused the Drexel, and Putarthrnore
Larry Morro sabered one vie Mat break in the pace by stealing sleek up AA N.M. IN. Me
tory from the Englneera. while the ball at mideourt and going In Pods, while toeua otheod
hy Mmaelf for a term.. pm to be sheaf on a per nottl bat
Homy Rioter won Ma Freshman
BBI blasiand alto scored two wins, othly the turning point of the week'. frame.
clinching the saner event Roger game. Textue became nervous
doors then slashed right out of and began ta yes th. ball and ed to find the defer.. formula
the meet. losing all three of his foul. The Fords, sparked by to top the Ceclets and the Beal
epee matches. Charlie hforchand Keetts aggremalve play. captillted outcome was 0e45 in the home
Joined hie captain In the total loss on Textile's mistake. Three sue teann favor
column, too At Lelbold was Able cessful foul shots closed the gap
J. V.'. Alm flaw
to save one of his With before to 3730, and Wry. Hunoblm The Junior Varsity molest was
broke away and laid one up to close and hard fought tight or te
the meet ended_
take a 38-37 lead.
the final quarter. before Fagg.
The advantage baled to last as pulled may from the Fonts to
Textile slowed the e
to • cols 68.55.
pare better suited to their style. The first quer. mooed ...ION
Haverford lad Craig Heberion and it was honily noticed that
on peraonals, and several Ford P.M.C. bad mooed out to a Mg
fouls and mtholays enabled Tex. lead before Hrtb Noes, put in
Wk to ones mom pin a 9893 a jump shot for Haoerforda lint
advantage n the quarter.
field Mat
Only four Haverford students The Muth quarter got of to hit with much greater accuracy
me representing the college in a slow start but Recto and Hun Iron the floor. and only Haven
the world of squash this winter, mere turned Into twin dynamos ford's effectivathe from the foul
The four, Hum Deaton. Tucker and Haverford again crept to line kept the score stable for the
Hall. Robert Logan and Chandru within one point of Textile, 53. rest of the quarter which ended
Meant, play aqumli as a PhYeiml 52. Hem the game corned Into a with P.M.C. our In front. 2245.
Scadet Cuts Lead
education •reivIty. and do not fouling contest. and the Forth
plan to compete 10 any interest. by making six foul shots while In the second quarter P.M.C.
Teolie scored three and a held made fewer tot., but the Fords
leglate matches
The Ford mum..en play on goal finally tied tho more, 5838 sparked by Carets John Borth.
the coons of Merton Cricket In the closing minutes of the Grant Morrow, and Herin Hoene
worked their offense better, and
club. and since dull methere game.
have priority an mina the cootie Frank Kree committed his a surge at the end of the half
they are not bound to a strict filth personal. but Textile mithed cut P.M.C.'s lead to 3631.
the shot, and Haverford no the Lack of height hampered the
three houre a wreic.
in the second to ilf. as Moe.
Squish has been in the phial- bolt The Forth finally worked
eal education program at Haver- the hall Into Dave Clark for a root- Nan forced to gave with •
ford for yeara, and the collegmhad layup, to take the Mad. 60.58 with bad ankle. Ted Peri ic had been
sidelined to the prod
e varsity squash teem before the
last war. Morerecently. C. Diehl Don Broadbelt put on a great ter. "Sonny.' Litthiculn, however,
Mather, '50, won the national col- demonstration of his ball hors played steady ball and Jake Johnlege aquath dompiooship of 1947, dlIng ability as the Fords stir son made several of ha long set
1948 and 1949. Since Maimt reasfully froze the ball, so that shots to leery the Fonda le loo
thee. square has then played at Textile resorted to a barrage of tendon in the third period. al•
Haverford only by thaw interet- tous. but Hayerford waived each though P.M.C. Increased their
ed enouoh In the game to play shot and the game ended with lead to 5790
holding the ball.
P.M.C. surged cm in insm ax
purely for the Ion and ph... Broadbell rialTarOan
Me fourth quarter otarted, and
education credit of it
moth, r
Haverford again had offensive Olt
P.M.C. Incremed their
Friirip; I
Mad to 6653 and began to freeze
the hall. Burge. paying tharemous game, managed to steal the
ball several times.
. was
Ineffeet.1, as only Hoene and
▪ ••••:,1
Johnsob mod Snore field goals.
0.74.C.'s final margin was SEM.
ir7 Tr
On Mns Mole Una Ina
ereedhure. t
Lew*, f
IMet• 1
st. lanewt re Am
Blade Schedule Opens; u
Lehigh Downs Hornets
Henri Gordon.. smnitareen
celebrate their fifteenth am
/Overstay season with the Ithay.
lest schedule in their history.
Renew. rivalries from last year
Include Johns Hopkins, Lafayette,
Lehigh. Penn. Princeton std Rut.
sera: although MM..* dropped
from the list new series Mth Vit.
Mr. are Stevens are being open.
ed. The learn will also compete
in the newlyfortned Middle At.
Ian. Collegiate Fencing Assoc'r
ehampionshipe to be held
here March 15. and the NCAA
tourney at Yale. March 2629.
Matleoe, them Pace
Leading the Smtlet are memo
as Norman Mattson and Roger
Jones. Skip. a junior. Ls embark.
Ing W MA third year to the wort
sod has proved himself a steady
and reliable Merman. Last year
he wee fourth on the team in vie
lodes with a 12-10 log and also
motored second plane in an
AFLA Novice Foil meet.
Roger M a senior and a veteran
of Bye years experience its all
weapons. Ongithily a foilsman.
he now use, on epee to Ise AOvantage as his 3045 mark of the
at two years would show. At
the National Amateur Epee
Championships test lime he tied
for eleventh: recently he won the
Philadelphia Open Epee Tourna
qualifying rant for the
Olympic tryouts Not limited to
epee, he also. won the Novice
Saber meet the preceding week.
The foil team should chow ex.
tensive improvement since last
year, as losses came only through
gredustion. Besides Mattson
letterman Tom Woodwerd la back
with Roo Reno, Keeney
Carpenter. Gerthe Peckham,
and Bui Pattel Of last year's JO
battling for the remaining open.
log. Saber wm fairly hard hit
by the ion of Karl Spaeth and
Coon Young. Letthrwinner tarry
Morris 0011 head the team with
Harty Richter. 041 Mthland,
Tarry lankeisten, Dave Ratty.
and Tom Engler vying for the
other two berths. Epee will be
quite the etrongest part of the
tam with Jones and letterman
Art Lelbold who placed amond
and third respectively in the
AF1.A's Philadelphia Epee ChamPlonehips loot spring. Charlie
Coen, with the best IV record
ea three yeas, In any weapon., is
the prospective third man.
Big Squash Revival:
Quartet Journeys
To Cricket Club
710 n
Be Year Week
Tee Worth.: Ivey
sa More.. Moe Orem.
Phone: Ardmore 8078
BMW. Boer. awe..
ar. wep.lote
„La. We
Textile Furnishes
Fords First Win
In the third quarter Lehithe
modng continued unchecked, but
Haverford wag also able to 40 a
little scoring. Moon 10 emir
fous on the part of Lehigh. The
Ford. did mom of their 1.0M Wcurate foul shooting of the year.
making ten out of fifteen In nth
quarter and twenty foe ...weight in the game. Bob genet
an lomat Waym thartithise, and
Dave Clark contributed the bulk
at the one-pointera The Fords.
bowever. were .111 unable to hit
consiatenUy horn the door, sad
Lehigh again outscored them and
led. 6.34.
In the fourth quarter Lehigh,
orester depth and the Theft.
weerhess made themselves
felt Lehigh picked from • well.
reeled eighteen man squad. Hon
tub. Haverforda high scorer.
Who had played migrenhody the
whole game. wm forted to S
careful most of the quarter with
four personat foul. Lettish had
little difficulty rolling up sixteen
more pelts to win the game. eh
James and Feeser
Hoop 18 Each As
Cadets Top Fords
aqrk Racks ...
Toe Forst basketball team. cold
and wean ater
long Mont
throogh the ,now lost ha fourth
ame of the season. 70-44 to a
gupertor Lehigh aggregation.
Sorb Score Early
The Fords started well. as
Freak Kee. playing his usual
aggressive Mind of ball Intermitted see rat Lehigh Passes and
went on to score but Lehigh mon
wetted down and took con.rol of
the game. wading 128 at the
The absence of play.making
taitf non Roth .
me In the second quarter se the
Porde could not seem to get any
kind of off senor working, and
John Burge scored the only two
Bad gosls. Lehigh pulled (ay
to a deelaive 34-16 lead at the
Grapplers Drop Decisions To
Owls 30-7, Delaware 29-3
The Haverford College map
piers met the Temple
last Saturday and were defeated
7-30 by a nthre nasoned team.
The individual matches went as
In the Bak vs. McCreary mat.
perry Wet Ms first decision thio
year and was mooed for the ft.
time In two yon The match
■ was Imt end netlY equal until
at three minutes and fortiae..
seconds Bale went down with
Intrammal naaketball thandiage
5 3 825
5 3 .625
5 3 ACM
1 2 eil
Jr. B
4 3 sn
Ir. A
4 4 ZOO
Moab A
1 6 0150
!Teets 11
2 6 250
Soph B
Sr. A
Engineers Trounce
Scarlet Easily in
70-44 Walkaway
Ardmore 9649
motaatmiz naLrrt A re,
Dias & Wadsworth, Ins.
Barbee Ohm M nod.
For YOUR Convenience
DRY meagre/0
=PAIR —"*
Ranee Noah —
Caah sod
111 W. Larvaider Ara
I a
hat Tow
Freund,Kazmaier,Roche,White, & Vercingetorix Trail
Ike, Douglas, Warren (With Honeybeart In NEWS Poll
retained enougn of his popularity number or unexpected *Moen
Two Quakers-former Presh
Mai of the Y. S., Herbert Hoover
aatl swerent President of Haver
ford College, Gilbert F. Wit/meted with Innumerable others for
last place with one vote apiece
In • monk NEWS poll calculated
te mend gram root sentiment for
Mendentiol sendidates among
stWens here on the campus.
General Elsenhower led the field
of would-he hopefuls, garnering
101 ballot crosses as a Renebil
tan candidate. phis three additional ones under the Democratic
label. Senator Paul Douai.. second only to Eisenhower in another of votes. virtually blanketed
hie Democratic Ovals with 126
Second choice of the GOP.vot
Mg students turned mu to be
Governor of California. Earl War
yen. Not all of the 60 ballots awl
$a way were entlrelY politically
motivated. however. One student
Imposed the condi:Me thee Min
elloneybeae Warren. one of the
governor's daughters. sharethe
nomination, while another at.
tempted It distribute the honor
airbag all "4 cute daughter." in
re amdent's awn worth.
Clow behind came Senator
TAIL with 56 votes. From them,
statistic. revealed an abrupt drop
in mink. wntunent-the fourth
Republic. choice, Harold Maereceived only 12 votes, fol.
lowed by Torn Dewey with 7 and
Same. Duff with 5. Abe Uncoils
James Ashbrook, 1, Letters Plaque;
Mrs. G. F. White Chooses Quotation
Roche (Roche also drew ont
Democratic vote Is • true nonMrdenn earns/Mg.. Twining behind, with only one vote each,
came McCarthy, Woven Meehan
and ChunthIlL
S.endinP01161arity among at
Democrats proved to be Senator
Estee Xefauver. who collected 48
votes, two more time Harry Truman was able to get. .W. 0.
Doindas ran a close -fourth with
39 tallM. followed somewhat
halfheartedly by Fred PhSon
with 18.
From that point on, the Dema
crane Have. ordlans exhibited a
remarkable heterogeneity of
thoice. Close behind Byrd.
Byrnes, and Acheson, who tied
for ti
e c2 votes tech,
Roosevelt. Hiss. Freund. Sevin,
McCarthy MareantonIo. and Ver.
cingetoris is dark horse). Russell. Joe Obese. /Haworth. Bake.
ty, D. Lawrence and McGoon
!Wisconsin I completed the meter.
In the personal choice corns, a
Hr. John W. Might head of
Haverford's Blblltd Literature
deportment, on leave of Ms
sense during the first semetter,
will resume Ms Biblical Liter
alum 12 M. and 82 chums
during the second semester.
enthusiastic students. Fallowing
the Methers-Eiserthower, Taft,
and Pool Douglas-who got 67,
37. and 32 votes respectively.
Warren, Thomas, Kefauver,
W. 0. Douglas, and Trans be
thet order.
Imilledlately following Slam.
and buff mme Ned Hollingsworth, the Fightleg
who led with MacArthur.
A eheson. Hoffman, °Dwyer, f
my, Ashman. and Dm/bey-got only m many rater as Revertants
mat John Pioche (Ph.D.). Dick
Kimmel, picked or 11.6 points to
beat out Owen Roberts, Gilbert
White Oatlington Hoopes,
George Washington, Arthur Godfrey. John Ashen.. McMahon.
Driscoll, Wallace. Vinson, 'Ledge
and Morse. Least but hardly last
was John L Lee., who gat one
halt of a vote
Who Can Say?
A Spirit of reform was evident
throughout the campaign, O'Dwyer ems Homily nominated on a
Clean Government platform. and
the Racket Borten-MeCerthy
and Dewey-made a at...bowing. Generally speaking. Oho Haverford men polled showed miendid discrimination In their choice
of candidates. Should the country
follow their lead, our next weed.
dent will be General Eisenhower,
elected on a Republican deket.
unless, el course. Vercingetortx
can eon. from behind.
& 4, 5 Eng. IS
Eng. 33
C 6.
C 3 Phil. 2126 two 14
C. 5
C. 1
Physics 21
5, ifs
Tisureray. Jan. M. PM am.
C L.
C. 4
Monday, Jaa. 14, PH •Ja.
C. L.
C 2 Chem. 1314
Econ, IL
C. 5 Econ. 21-D fall mee.)
f.4 Chem. 23
C. Eng. 35
Math. 31
E. Math. Econ. 4142/Pol. Sc. 41-42 C. 1
H. 2
Phil. 21.22 isee, PI
C. 1.
Malt, 11.12 fait met
C. 9, 1,6
E. Mint
Phys. SM. 11-12
S. 105, 105 Math 63
E. Math.
0. 103
Pol. Oct. 31
C. 6
Tneeday, JW. is, 9.12 ans.
Psych. 21.22
K 1.2
Psych. Ell
S. 206 Chem. Ma
Wassiny. Jae 22. PM as
O. L.
Ger. 3146
9, 105
Friday, On 25, PM am.
Owns 1113
Pol. Set. 35
0, 205
Econ, 37
French 11.12
(all eee.; S. 205 Psych...3122/6m. 11-32
II 1. 2
Crack 29/Eng. 29 E. & W. Math.
French 13.14
S. 103 Soo. Sal. 11.12
C. 4, 5, 6,
Hist. 21.22
French 21
5.111 Sac. 21-22
E. & W. Math.
LAM 11-12
L. 3
Ger. 11-13
C. 4.5
Latin 15.15
Ger. 13-14
C. 6.
Physics 1114
0. 103
36 pm
Rio 21-23
SC 103
Pal Sol. 55
C. 5. 6
Heenan 11.12
Biology 3132
S. 205
IMideh 11-12
Thursday, Jan. If. 9-14
Greek 11-11
Ore. Rev.
Wednesday. Jim f1, Pit im
GM. 35
Saturday. dm. 36, 9 It am.
Bib. Lit 13
Math. 21.22 Isec. 131 E&W. Math.
Chem. 2526
C. L. Bra. Scl. 11
S. 103. 105 Phil. 11 loll see.)
H. 1.2
Econ.. 29/Pol. Sel. 30
11 2 Chem. 3132
C. 4
C. L Phil. 23
Engirt 11
K 1 Econ. 6354/Pal. MI, 03-54
C. 4 Sae. 37
C 5, 6
Monde, Ann. St SD Ate.
e.1. 0
Alumni Council
Members Chosen
Condoned From Page One
`T suggest that you preach '",r%
et the main Council mattwo maim problems
body'of '
the pique consists of
these words, taken from nerd- reodernired half amid* which next spring..
The newly appointed regional.
Melt Isaac Stateless', Commence- are rounded lowercase letter. members and member...large
meet address of 13M, are the The model for these was the are M fellows: New Engieed
Lindiefarne Gospel. or 'Durham
opening words of an illuminated
States: ClInton P. Knight. Jr. '16,
Boole.' made h. England under
plaque recendy set to over the Irish influence about 100 A.D.
fireplace Raverford Commons.
The !Melee. Illuminated be.
The plaque was executed by &nate "1" ee
other hood,
James Ashbrook. 11, who has lima adePted
r4traili used M
lite Second Bible of Clwries
one4SonsIderable amount of th.
e eeree,
ealligraphie work In the peat few oat ex ',teepeea
Frankish emperor of the ninth
century. The miter gold capitals.
Mrs. White Chose Peunge
Tile passage chosen from Preal. Called seesMa, are derived front
den[Sharplessa valentine. writ. Roman tettering.pardeeladY ded
Ingo 10 be Immortalized In this of the Column of Trajao.
Besides this plaque. Mr. Ashway was picked by Mrs_ Gilbert
White, lid executed by Mr. AA, brook has executed Bever. of We
bravk in an early Medieval style Hem in the library, At present
of lettering, only slightly modern- most of his calligraphic work is
led far the sake of greater legi- fione for churches In the Philadel.
betty. The complete passage to Ohl met.
Herbert Reisner...
Text Of Plaque
"I suggest that you preach
Truth and do Righteousness as
lnu have been taught, wherein.
waver That Teaching may recommend itself to your Consciences
end your Jedgments. For yewf
Cordciences and your Judgments
we have not sought to bled; and
We to It that a? other Institution,
no polities]. party. no social Clr.
le, no Relight. Orgettnathm no
t Ambitions put such chains,
you as would tempt you to
sec.. one Iota of the Moral
Freedom of your Consciences or
Fride.Y. Fab. 1. PM man
Carboni From Page toe
rent of the Huey Long ad...
Md. 111 !Anthems. His Moat
recent book. World Enough and
Thm, which elm met vdth mem
suceess, Is a reconstruction ef a
famous nineteenth-century murder case.
Bras& Of Johns Helddre
The bat Collection of the February series will Manure a talk
by Detlev W. Brook, President
et Johns Hopkins University
since 1949.
Dr. trunk. a graduate of
Swarthmore College anda prombent biophysicist, has been
largely instrumental la institub
pig a new and progresslue program of education et Johns Hop-
Thla system permta the sluOka.
t to proceed trallviduMly with
his Carrictiltara at a. Mind • pace
L Math.
ea he It abb. Or order Is teeth.
S. 205
bete Mb, dam MOM re hie been
E. 305
down se that Individual
Mummy, seek, e. PM as reseaneh is maximized and Masa
work minimised.
Eng. 17
French 23
Greek 21.22
Pol. S. 2/ tali ace/
The following courses have examinant,. but times and places
are to be arranged by the prole
sore: Engin. 21, 31. 32 33 &
Mush 11.0 & 21.32
Chase Hall
Chemistry Lab.
Greek Room
el. FL
KM 2224
Math. 23
Physics 33-34
Psych. 33
the shelves: The Council urger
all students to adhere to Mel.,
The Council passed a recoil, al library rule. now in Odder.
mendation to he Administration Library privileges will have to
to abolish admission charms to he curtailed ti thefts and watme
Haverford athletic contests. The
tesolution will be brought before
Tile Adminlslcatlon, whidt law
the Students' Association In Orb' been considering purchasing
nutty for a vote of approval_
lodge for student and faeulty uw
Dr. Lester, the Lihntrlan, re tromewhere in this area. aakedthr
ported to
oen. that romy Council's opinion about a parties,.
hooks andthanound periodicals Far lodge offered for sale in New
have been taken from the library Jersey The Council DI] that Da
without being signed tlet I
n mid,' oneand.threequarter . hour Mlle
don. periodicals and reference to the lodge would be an Ine,,
books have been wilfully torn and verdence and thought h .vasoic
mutilated. Some new books and be too Final to De used frequently
perleetkab have been stolen Morn by Havbriord students, it roasts
mended that the Administratioa
Russian Seminar...
Centime& From rage One
people." The Communist Pgin-ly The Coen. entrowered booty
In pardeular was mid.. came ElgLr.
.„.r .Ar
on this smee.
dent White an3 Mr.
m Carnal
A peg many of the e.g..
. The Council sent a letter It
according to ['Mei& observe. John gee., eeem..,eetliee him too
none did not mind the fact of the are fob „e
doing orvinf
the authoritarian controls pecan- the college in the Coop,
INr to the Soviet Union te the ex. Students who break window,
Clamof '31, and tent the, they objectel to what or damage other college mope.
President of the Haver. they consider the misuse of these should report themselves Se a
ford College Alumtd Aseo- condole The opIrdons of the Council member.
eiatfea '
group would Indicate that a great
F. Barton GantertM;111 II: New many SoiMs stn very wech oP
co....,ire... p...0.
York and Connectlebt 'Alfred B. posed to the tactics a the Secret
Crawford:M. Yinliirit 'Sullivan Polka for trample, but would
79, Robert 'Meet/Mb; "O. Rob- ambient the necessity of such a of Use Altaeriulit Aatranottlea
In Cleveland wken
ert C. Atmore, 134;, Netv Jamey:
Ben Z. tiurlites,
Ingram again during his Interviews, red he delivered a paper en rtu
ikeitardsoicttiDelineire. Mary- Inkeles the objections raised to "Ground Slate of the N.M.
land. and Washington. D. Cr the Soviet &gime were that it Helium Atom.- The main even
Jo. Phillips, '10, Franklin Cur did not trust the Amnion people al the meeting of the society,
tls, '26. Charles Warner. Jr.. M. ratter Man on ideological Intl- which row at Haverford last year
was the demonstration of the es
Southeastern States, 3, Howard authoritarian grounds.
As for the poesibilihes of the Intone of spiral anus In our owe
Great rakes States:
Gifford P. Poky. .32, J. }toward peaceful comdstence of the United Mime be Morgan of the Velvet,
Mortis. Jr.. '30, Western Stab. Stake end the USSR In the /u- DO, of Chicago.
111 meeting of M
William H. Hamilton, 73, "mine lure, Dr. Inhales recommended The 00.
Elites: E. Robert Mettle, MD.. In oatieir OpelvaM to tee p.p. Eastern Division of the Arnerien
997. Pennsylvania (other than hen as our eart, Such ea Et, Philosophical Amcciatiow was
Philadelphia" Willard E. Mead, proaeh, he suggested, may not be held at Bryn. Moue and sum to
'26, Erne* H. Mahal, '38. Wiry different from owing that tended be Professors Merril
Pfdladelphlai tee get alone peat.eamy with Foss and Frank Parker of Naves
Mead Caudle.
John F. Rich. 79, William O- neighbots who, if they leave nor lord.
Rhoads. '97, Frank Cary. '16; At children and dogs alone, mainLarge: Philip B. Deane, '11. C.
tain personal habits that we do
Morrie '01, John E. Williams, 10. not like,
DA W. Lemeester Ave.
Seca ebbed by MaO
Throughout Me worm
Haverford Pennsylvania
raw.: ARDMORE Mb
3.114 Cricket Ana
Ardmore, Pe.
lodge orUY If mete
ere no better prospect ilor
closer to We college.
lieburlasu Typewriter Ca.
le S. lammtar Ave. AM- MIS
Barber Shop
beisvuen SAVERPOSS
111 W. Cementer Am
the Intellectual Freedom of your
TUESDAY, JAN, 15, 1952
candidates had their hats
2f11:t.'rtierttrIn1131 dent
thrown into the ring Mr them by truth and
man, Driscoll. Morse, and Jolut
.. Examination Schedule..
Dit. Lit it
Chem 06
Eng. 31.
Gee, 1S-16
Hist. 11-12
Hist. 31-32
Hist of Art 21-32
Matt 35
Phil. 27
Psych. el
lath a
Drugs and Sundries
Mane Ardmore OLTE
Hs ~ad ao wish but-
1. glad
Nix waWrhitt.1. thirsted
1/a Jody Lismse
Bask keen, hoe& of Coke is the
ammo io Shims ... mak ktosty
"Win, ton Robert
Bum mialdkkc rhea(
and only Chesterfield has ill
*From the R.pprf la. n Well.Known Research Organization
wainwenlaar or no co...a comm. e
wbbewwweeweelowde-wee. 0 HD aou-cott catboat
Fly UP