Raver Roche. Addresses Social Scientists' At
- " Raver Winter Gym Page One At Mawr ea seemsdaes at the mares e Oats thew as et om Nai b Me Td®e 1E, Number 13 Cell Groups Page Two Roche. Addresses Kolostcmyi3OtherSoloistsStar Novelist Warren Social Scientists' In GleeClub-OrchestraRecital Explains Creation Lauds ery `L'ttrivt=trzz?:14:In Poetic Works t Purcell Golden Swab for shines night provided three of the best ao., cap.. feat span the paaa student playing ever heard at the hearing teemed !doming enough e'en' rotor many of Havered Glee Club Joined with b.: the or. under pre the the direction le 'be' "s"'' Dr. John Pearson Roche. As or Dr. „Ham orataor For the closing work, Shubert's mistant Protease a Political aortra . or patriot, Roaaror. per. The Omnipotence, heavy artillery erteme et Itheeethre'0,1thile. ro,,theor In lite form no the wheats the Schubert oorr Bach. dressed a group of young social ' glee club—fortieslino—and the Bach Outatandlog eraenWS hest Saturday. February ' Tho oorponorna work of the booming voice of Bob Reynolds 23. The facture, entitled "Moak aa.otoa parr toaohoa were unleashedOnwpoithee a g Caught in the Social Revolution'. coo.... „ oil K.,. is • perfect example of a rather the given et the V.11.1.1 sob pretty, dramatic song Mr voice played Modem Duane Ridge), Bolgtano ry. a hoar, hoar, and piano my Schubert h masted Dr. and distorted by Frau Llut to a of Mozart mores which he play. Pe.. 01 Watt/ so that the orig8 Teethe,eththethe ethe Dr- Roche dithossed symbolism ea very well. Riot his playing last eel were te beyond ell tvonsk and the Ladies Garment Workers, Friday the surpassed his earlier hen. A happier Citece could bath beteg his lecture on the twenty performance. His complete- techrd- been made the Reynolds. Moat os centuries old insight that 'Wan eel meetery plus a beautiful tone. the time he was drowned tut by does not live by three •Mee... He espec.ny in the lower notes, the opposing forces Also Friday also plugged far bigger thfithre made for an outstanding rood,. Ma voice was not in the beet conweekends claiming that the lion. Them cu be nothing but dition. However this bombastic work brought the concert to • French Pawnees tor Apaches) perm for his plering• mood Hoirooto.or. and joso glorious, even if somewhat noisy, damN for thin tour days without 'wooing. j Knudsen, as the solo Duda. rime. nr.." ,nninnyi Roche. expanded ninninon Dr. Roche noted that all thee, Provided :writhe and technically, modern reforming liberals in this emoted Pefommences, sed the I country except Semtor Taft •rt2email orchestra directed by Dr. supported by the orb.. rut, }le i Reese wee excellent In every way. failed to tendon where In New Wed.-re Ingrathateg York City minks are grown, how. Although compared to the Each I ever. 'We must remember'', aid the rest of the concert was some Roche, "that the twin be. Is mere what of a letdown, the other flea. on the stream of Speak To Students About were all dime well. In ex Ile later admitted that Mussolini cern. from Bei.' • Norm. Propaganda, Public Affairs George fannenere showed a well &tenured said tills first Howland C Sergeant, 505050. trained. Ingratiating voice. A. far Mug.. ategrPee eat Secretary of Slate in charge as this liste.ner is concerned Maiming modern thralldoms In, lira,. otaataaptoodar. f public affairs. and Fredrick England on bourgeois Mediae, but mink S. Donn, ex-pert on International feeling Roche claimed that -Roasereit al d power in his ether.. me notifies and Director ot the CenBas M Mat ee thee' the orchestra and glee Nub provided ter of thawnational Affair. at queen In Englentr". He ended Ms adequate accompaniment al. Princeton, spoke to Haverford lecture with an exhortation tothough some of the solo Warm Students last Wedneeday, Feb thrd 'Ilinitartardsm, that ls, the Mental prams fell down at rvery seeable or Lenin. Stalin And . Premed. genet Whets The Belhrd work, as was solltiarlitY.foreve. As thaYanel the Route overture also, as • Sergeant, a nosed node scientists stood for the louden of . ..ternationale, they pled ged Me too revering at time. of &Pert, spoke the Inadequacies In the orchestra. the new Socle and Technical Asthemselves forever to Roosavell Vincent Perechettra The Hol- sistance graduate program et cadtellem, the Ladles Gamest arrel House. on Wednesday low Mee for trumpet solo and Worker, sad J. H. Blair, S. ening. In his talk. Sergeant thing orchestra. aside from the While the lecture expressed Bach. proved the most Interesting outlined the intricacies involved great thought the mad manner work of the evening. The mood In government work, such as ed style of delivery employed by of the music closely follows that many of the students might be • Roche le diffieult to um of the T. S. Eliot poem on which planning to enter. demand over the comments of It in based. Its rather W.W.I... Also under discualon was the hecklers sod spies, but interestingly enough this Mutual Security Program, and (Neeet--For the that three contributes to and builds up the the problems involved In explain. hum and as far into the future effect rather than making the log It to other peoples. The reso you cas lake it this column work monotonous Nord. Hansel, lational-de between the Point Ma had sad will have In It in the terribly difficult trumpet Four Program and the Mutual medullae whheb most foe the solo. did an admirable job. Security Agency was stressed by Was of the melee. sanity. be Illaudyelesas Is Laud Sargent_ Woes with a rate or salt) overture to Os Soda NSA. DIPORTANT Sargeant, Dunn Address Groups hutory., i works Bel. o before J. , C made The Junior Prom will be held eirtiollowing night. Saturday. In he Gym from 9,30 LW nth will he formal- It to Important, Seamed feela that the purpose of the MSA be fogy understood, both in this country and abroad, if the United Stoles is going to be able to aid In the growth and prosperity of will lend her voice co the voesa, the demlunacles of the world. backed up by the hand which la Sergeant. who is Incidentaldefinitely going to play dance ly the husband of Myrna lay, tempo musk. and not jam was retently promoted Loam Octet. WW Perform Deputy Assistant Secretary to his The Haverford College Octets Preen, Poe. and Ma been work ts scheduled te perform during ing In the Department of State the intermtrelon. and Whew. ewe January, IMP. He received mete will be served at that lime. his bachelor's degree nom Dart. During the duce there will be mouth College in 1932, and that a photographer austairs In the at tended Oxford University, Gym, for the ten /RIM those who he received a B.A. in 1934. would like to retain a permanet an MA. In 1935 and • B. Litt In memory of the occasion 1940. nectarine. A Secret Policies noodled Information about the decora Dr. Dunn spoke to the political lion for the dance is still highly and, In the afterSeCret, and the only definite ion noon, addressed the Public Af. formation which could be pried fairs Association. lie spoke on out of Jack Herds, Dame Cone some of the projects hs school mitre chairman is that they are is undertaking. Among these is a to be very elaborate, and a sop study of how pollees are made prisewellworth walling for. and who Influnces them. and an Thekets loAd attempt on an hylrethms on the Tickets to the Prone are now role of power and the, balancing on sale in the Dining tthen, at proem S9.40, sad moans ate'dedinthrly "If you find." said he. "some ruled out A composed& canvass will also be made be pnappote thlie Ray of protecting people's rights sale of Oakes to thll. Ale of the without war, you stand a goad biggest soda] °Cautions the chance of avoiding woe." He addyear. Those student. desiring ac- ed. In response to a question, that comodations foe " their guests the problem of overpopuladon Is one of the moat 14.1thening of should contact Read, Helping to make this year's all problems, but that he Is sure Junior Prom a memorable one it will be worked out in time. Forego Affair. &pert ate lark Herne, Prom Committee Butterfield To Play Silly Butterfield, -heath ills eldeopkwe band and two angers will be down from New het to supply music for the oc'eon, and mod music It lc too. %meted, although weRthowe mt00secially for hi. hot Dm alao Ws the reputation b „._ete aollege dale. of leaving m lading college dance band in ▪ ...ley. His talented and eMeif BMW Med* deae cheinnet. Joe Hetweg. in therm Of dee/anon, Denny Leer and Phil Vance mewing the peddle. ty, end John Tong. handling the technical arrengffteenta. Outlet* Pionslaing Judging from the enthusiutic response of other years and the optornistle outlook of this year'. arrangements Clam Night and the Junior Prom bidialr to provide • weekend of entertainment ardor ellthdled as aanagua. Junior Weekend Program Features Billy Butterfield, Class Night Shows For those who haven't yet heard It bruited about Campus, the weekend of March seventh 6 drawing near, bringing with It Promith of • rebirth of axial ottivity on the Haverford scene. Class Night and the JUnlor Prora are to have top billing pro tide double feature entertainment 'hitch Is expected to eclipse the thechealian ef f ert s of past Ferri. Feature Gan. Oasis Following the annual cloned each class will stage a halthour miriety show on the Roberts Hall uthe, the evening of 01enui. New and old gags, songs. and reworked variations on the Bad theme of boggle relation&PS betaken Haverford and eryn Mawr caul te expected as the claire vie a thinpetitIon for Os coveted Best Show award. Work on the Class Night petuctions 11 already wan meth' Y., and enthualasm is at fever Etch. Individual class hopes are hth, and all the sign point to fits being the biggest year for oina Night talent in along time. march p Duce Purred to CALENDAR Tends,, February DI Pianoforte Regal resturing Rome Moyne, Goodhart Hell Bryn Mawr, sue p. m. BY JONATHAN GUIMMACHER dl fiela u, nothing more than • Gives Musical Moment To Apathetic Onlookers; Fails To Excite Any Reaction Mr. where science classes Ed ot Dr. Fredrick Dunn, In addition le hla dullee as director of the Center of International Affairs et Perron. has been the N. rector of a similar enter at Yale. In. addISon to this, he Is the author of several books on inter. nadonal affairs. Dr. Dunn also enjoys distinction of being of the to have eve read the complete Congresslonal Committee testimony on the Past Harbor teastak, one the SLOO PER Usti ARDMORE, PA, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1952 Abolition Defeated Wednesday. Erbreery It Speak. At Yale Professor Collection On Class Si Lectureship Grant S. A. Amends Elect-In-Regulations, Rejects Gate Receipts Resolution The Min -This Way Out," darting Darr Ritchie and Walt Robertson will be given he Himerford premiere; Maim A 11:30 Rothe Pram Witten noted nos'. Chemistry Club: lecture by ellst poet. critic. and teacher Or. Js T. Rivers w -synthetic gave last Tuesday's Collection an rimer; chrodetry Intimate insight Into the details g of the creative proems. Open meeting of the Honor Civet. Cwsnw Domminater npo.„, l'enutattee; Inioe Speaking under the Class of Lounge. r p. 1898Lecturethip. Mr. Wean who snow tech.. literature "a.,'Wee' and criticism et Yale. nabbed S Applications for 141Inwships the stops In the credos of for MUM must be filed by literary wed,. He staled that this date. there are some shrelleitlew in 1.11. M. Beak President methods of 1.1 e rsI ty of w. .74o eee the that, been to the a ..common denominator'. of the creative process. To Illustrate OM process Wu asppro, then thee one er his then teethe' MIA an urdirgehed pOem, and set an Alert, Attentive... In 82-70 Balloting; Change Primaries In a meeting of the Students' Association. Thursday, February wial! Laboratory, dons. One calling for the abolb lion of all charms at all Haven for athletic contests. put forth by the Students' Cuncil, Set was defeated by • vote of to TO. The second resolution, calling toe a toe mirror changes in the pent Mare of election of Student Council offIcent. was 'nal unanimously at this tIme. parsed al 1‘ 4,121 Pro And Can Illecureed • 115 E. Leeds h thl'ee=t7 1, oft' don. First he described the Estate Probated; kids Haverford of Mort. Evans of w ice{ . Student.Counci conail dproposal er argument Students' to abolforisandh athl.400001 etic gatethe The discussions ace voting as hese rethlutions took up almost he entire hour provided for the meeting, necessitating the achedWuof soother meeting to ba held In the future. The gumbo of whether or not the Customs Committee. as II now steeds, Mould be abolished v.111 be taken up al the meeting. As yet the date of that meeting has not been reckoned. Student Council President Ger. di Freund opened the discussion by. reading the proposed resoles was beee Ili:" neem r".7 Mild' 50 lewd on True Story The will Leeds In historical document, and In certain tradition, Mr. Warren was P.M.. on WeithetheY. Feb Charges, before voting down the proposal. 82-70. found a story about Iwo relatives ruuy 20. Leeds for years the of Thorne de:lemon Which an benefactor Haverfoni. left his pealed to him because of the residual estate In three Friends" , gt ., lefi oe g putTrit:%:," issues that tt rinsed the institutions of which Haverford The ensin positive and negative characters that It presented received the greaten portion. stands which had already been The story deals with two of coo., m.o..., taken on the ...W. He pointed Thomas Jefferson's nephew's who Idled wostert,ge„roorry Leeds continued hie pialarline 01101 the USW taken as ens about intimate, Ehee BY BILL eet"e'e ]vibes e° In the out femme free, the basketball and The pioneer life adversely eth lee'''. It 'e re. these 'Religious activity on the Haver- ethe 'thee'''. football games was put Into the affects the brothers who take to 5111,001 t,` Sehtht s; rotaa, ro„, illo the In took general college budge and was has drink and sad.t. treatment 'he. then' erY `se Carmdnoeeo Pre with rho Some. for example. emphadre an not given to the Athletic Depart. o of the loved Imported Yin ...he"' the comber oration tuna• One of them tortures a Peeehee for he erhthi. r. UMW. eel groupe. • PProlech through worthip while mem alone the Friends' Free Library, and alave to death and le brought feltherelve Bothered o.,.. others favor diecuthion or versa.. —Seth Be trial al testimony. Members hive The discussion which followed font from which be gradontel The eel ides s are daring bark found gaup thrudeggg of five centered erenna the total net InProgreso Outibmd BHA Three-quarters rien of this pan to Apostolic Chriehmity. In which or es participants to the most et come from athletic games and Freed for the lack of evidence, of rho B wv the way it should be applied to he cont... his profligate es- n000doao coor„. the approach we through ireti- ]active treProuh. 00010 istente 00111 conclusive proof of mate personal contact rather than Themmae of development' of various departures in the rob 1, 0040 bad taken a h. cease is seedestrally &coverhtherle these fellowships in itself and]thee'them.' the hid great Literate In tavern. hie through stalearhanallIp and in oar., rhoo. Importance. Toward that It was rte.. od. The brothers oho mutua entirety on to the ath dub yeeta, perlthlarly alnce. hs which man commItted as much a• tho , yes, ministration to say where thee cide, but only the guilty one end of the last oror„ 000r.o.o. funds to It la later discovered the other has retirement horn the presidency he knew of himself to as much , go. The majority students of of lane and Northrop, the Nee as he knew of God through shout lark of ao,,roato sell- of those who spoke in the dis Irked Instrument firm which he lfi'in' coYunf try ledini° lItethBottle Ba ° New holy. This need expressed near talon were opposed to the ith Christ pounded in 1899. lee served as a Orleans. of some solution m it stood. In melte of considerable and ed. tat fall In a retreat „ aa„,,,r,, Before a vote we taken on the Mr. Warren showed how tide member of the Want and of the cosy et tlertts ith vantageous variance. idelogIcel poor, sod soaro. .„ „too question. Walt Young read to the maenad was shaped from docu- corporation of the college from 1909 ends, until the his cell death. member. heading have set men. est treelitifrt into the final dlscumlon seemed to turn to the Fn.,' an ehethethee glen' The purpose the reallation of both groups their from 1928 until 1945. as work of poetry. Became of its cell type of organtation as be- theen ten.t of thth suggndon Gad In the realm of Itenal enreelthisedic nature, the novel fonm Speelle Gifts b e radar the moat vatld asp was that Codeine would ha alenuand outside the realm of Wed to take one guest to the was discarded and the dramatic Leeds' benevolence centered thee* tweets free of charitefond was Bit to be inappropriate around Haverford College. where mere smeolation. It le their elm Meth th Mirth. Theologies! Muds.. Hem A. a tenure of the defeat of for the moralizing desired by Mr. he was active in determining what to eta. a personal reladonsielp with God. and to bring others to Shortly afterwards. In the midresolution. no recommendation Warren. He then showed that specific things on campus needed know Him. dle of November a team of with regard to the athletic gate the poetic form was most suit attention and then we.. to it Princeton Theological Seminary 0111 be made to the Adrninistra. able for effective handling of the that funds were made available Method* and undergraduate students Ilea non at this time. The alternative material. for these protects. Although he Meeting on en average of three chiding Haverford graduates plan may be presented to the Give Reading gave such dfinita es the new meth thus weekly, the fellowships George Coleman. '50. Donald Students' Association for eons.. Mr. Warren concluded hla bear rooms and the Lloyd entries cognize as an essential ingredient Sean and Samuel Coleman, SI I eratton at a later date. rare by Interpreting the material openly, his mine was lees known hi their techniqm rvmplete hones visited the campus Broadly Cane... Clanged and analyzing the structure of on campus that might have been Sr and opennes' beween me ape..., their dilutive ass to the poem. He then read several expected due to his anonymous bers. th We way better than any Bob Collins then read • realedisc-Less religious problems with selection. from the work. don to the group calling for a other, the relationships become gift. . Haverford students and to de. change fmm Thursday to Toes scribe their own religious expert day. the date or the primary eke and Cell Groups Begun On Campus; .* More Religious Activity Seen groups can- their mama from lbw. Gael l Na Were the Vary lee. Prof In Profile They emphasised the device of the cell a. e working approach to finding God. After they left, a number of students v.ith whom they had talked formed cell t" he concluded. Remember.. After two years of teaching he groups and prayer sessions. tany 14, we rather doubted it went to Penn where he majored ides Spreadlnr Rapidly BOTANY EXPERT, HOWARD K. HENRY COLLECTOR OF BEETLES, STAMPS WYE By MUM "I was Interested In teaching even before I knew what I want. el to teach." Howard K. Henry, Haverford's athociate professor biology told as when we Inter viewed him in hie dance on the Wood ewe of Sharpless. He continued by unfolding a ludo song account of hie educetIonel career. Sle. And Side Amu Professor Henry taught In an elementary &strict school In New York at the age of sixteen. some. thing then possible in that state. seeking funds necessary to One deer his education. He studied engineering for a year at Union University, leaving to enlist In the army. A member of the anew of on In Germany after World War I. Professor Henry taught Ina military school for Illiteratre. Instructing a clam of fifty mem bers—many with less than • Rawer* eavektion—in the intrica. Sea of reading, writing. and simple arithmetic. "Many of them were guard house members." he recalled. "ao we all carried aids arms- The role was althea Checked with extreme cere. .1 don't know whether I got any ea ray alsaipllaaaw. Mac; of Bo Reseed Degree At Penn Aber the war Professor Henry, still compelled paradoxically to teach 10 order to go to school, spent a summer at Wet Chester Normal School In order to secure an appointment as principal of a Mtle school in New Jersey. H. K. Henry..: In botany. He to:solemn his un. dergraduste work in 1927. after which he undertook graduate work which fie somehow never completed. He come to Haven ford In 1930. has been when Cm the non for the Students. Council In the spavined week. Also. II ailed for a change of the manlier of candidates in the pd..y elect lion from three to two. Both of these resolutions passed with mom the tee thirds molorlty The meeting then broke up, week-ehd of February hor Priono7rono.,°,,or ebb:;1 Freund announced th a soothe 8tonr00 0 Srro ' Tb oore ndoor — - .Students AgewlatIon neetIng stove """ on the to group would be held shoot' to revel b movement here. Primarily, how the remaining issue of Freshmaa ever. they stirred up VIla Gliste ns. thought concerning tooled on Continuing with his work In which most had been giving little forest pathology, Profesthr Hen. conederstion. ry worked on • variety of tree Cell groups have been formed diseases. He has two hobble: at Harvard, Talc thinceton The first, an *ingrowth of le. (where there are over one hers !Merest in entomology. he re. deed members. and sever other The promotion of Dr. Allem F. sidled in a collection of about large colleges. On the weekend Strehler to anassisant prates 1900 beetles of the local area of February 510. Haver.. was th ship in the The second. • topical stamp represented In • group of cell Mathematics which become efMelon on the subject of flora on members visit.. Westminster fective the first of Septett:eh stamps. reveaLs an unusual can College to discuss religious top. this year.was recently announcWWI. of Interests. Ica increased religious activity ed by college administration on campus has been expressed Was In Jernieth Dr. Strehler, who served as all Professor Henry Ls warted by other groups like the Inter Instructor of mathematics thin Varsity Christian Fenowship, his arrival at Haverford last and has one married daughter: he live in nearby Penn Wynne. which last Sunday enamored a fall. received his Bachelor's Ds He concluded the MO melon picture "Hidden Trews Beer at Oberlin College and Ms, a brief mention of hls recant ethe. In the Common Hew,. ma rawer. Desna at onto state sabbatical leave, spent neatly en mule dealt with the phenomena Unite city. From 1946 to he taught at the University et Jamaica. 9 found the warm-tem. of the natural seethes. Several Haverford students Wisconsln. while dueling for hie matures pheasant as well as Profiteble." he said. tovewing have been regululy attending the doctorate which he received he that he had returned with a van -Fern That wort.' meetings In the latter Mat ley of pictures We left with the New York. These monthly Maths. Before coming b liaertlerds Jeep,. that Professor Henry dons are conducted by Samuel Dr. Stmider taught mathenatith could probably tut anything to Shoemaker, pastor of the Calvary In the Graduate Divides af the illitharelt" at anent. Wailer et MUMMA. New Sods Chetah here eves Strehler Appointed Assistant Professor Deportment nt the interview .. biology prof at ceiford alma 2930. Hal- nag In E i11 ITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS Haverford News Page Two Haverford, Pa., Tuesday, FebrearY 26, I952 Editor Jfereloing Editor Haltom Manager dearer News Editor Newt Editor, James D. Crawford Philip R. Stansbury Andrew L. Lewis. Jr. D Frederick Muth Philip S. Benjamin; John H. Kelly; William C. Wilson Sport, Editors 1 fin C. Burton; W. Winer Contort: Heim F. Koch dderrthiso Manager William G. Kaye Ch.-es/wipe Almaden Norman J. Barker asteroid. Bin-inc. M0000rr Gordon Werner Nem dosamm H. Gallagher: J. Hitchcock; D. Hoorn, ' tar, H. Ktiodper; D. Kelsey: M. glover; T. Penick: P. Phelps': L. Prager: S. Sachs: 'I. Soden, G. Shedd J. Somerndike Spelt ineciairs D. Cone D. Demur ; J. Hopkins; R. Rivers Betimes Samisen K Hamilton: (:. McDoodd Phetograpkon R Hutton; V. Peckham: J. Walton /Urn Piereeraphor went A Goldfinger Better Late Than... The overconfident and apathetic supporters of the Studente' Council resolution to abolish adniittaion charges got a rude shock last Thursday when the well organized opsnents of the resolution voted it down. The NEWS ia responsible in part for the general apathy of the resolution's supporters; the Students' Council, after approving k unanimously three times, failed to speak In support ACROSS THE DESK A recent trip to visit school daumates at Han card. Radcliffe, and OUT has left renevrith a sus. den unhappy awarenees that an important something Is acutely missing at Haverford, a college .,. ..hose worth Is actively attested by Ile Mud.* past and present and which is accepted in thee. demi, world on a par with the beet. However this may be, the bulk of the members-. the Ines.. day Havertord uedergredute body,- It seems to roe hardly mature up to their Harvard under graduate counterparts. The average shirtalemed Haverfordian stud. when he has tes absorbs,' at least at the eprty levels, only so much knowledge as he cannot avoid; swears; willsgpt participate In dInIngdoorn potato fights but w ll not try to prevent them; probably needs a allue, if You hale pen to catch him between Monday and Friday: w sloppily dressed, be la, In Mort, no gentian.. I personally have been an offender on each of the above smres. to It Is before the effect of my short stay at Lowell Home, Harvard University, wean off, that I wish to sound off a bit The etwoupbere—I ma find no better ward —at Harvard is one of intelketual qua. The undergrses seem own modally alive. Per mtuatly. There were no 2 am. water fights In towel) Home; no are m.o...., weeded no bed set to soak in the Mower until lice own. nets.. from • We date. I an not mean for a ow... holy that the Harvard man imes his Drew to west Use Committee on Am. deli, Mud.g would call best advantage. On the contrary. friends of mine of the Mg, ant echolutic calibre muill show only C or high It averages, for they spent only an approx... two to three hours moldy outside of etas. on each sour. Rutthe *eel time wee not spent throwing anwhes DM the win. of the resolution in the open meeting; the students who tavOred the reaolution failed to turn out to vote for it. Those who voted against the resolution labored under Ike misconception that it would out the Athletic Depart- this fear was unfounded. Rather, there was hope that next year's general budget will be welled by new endowment foods ao that a considerable increase in the funds available to Haverford athletics can be made whether Or ant gate receipts are iffinlintited. The Athlete Depart; anent sorely steeds this increase. At the same time, we urge the Administration, in view Of the circumstances at the Students' Amociation meeting, to put into effect the reaolution to abolish athletic admission thargeO. THE MAIL A Second Guess... Der lire less than one third of the student hotly attended the Student? Anoclation meeting on Fehrouery Slat where the resolution to *Isaiah admission charges to athletic events and an amendment w the Association's Constitution were discussed and voted on. Apparently the not majority of the students were disinterested in the issues under discussion. while a sizeable number mo fortunately presumed the outcome of the vote. and mere nffidt shocked to hear afterwards that they had liscalculated. Apathy was aka to blame for the onesidednue of the debate within the meeting: voclierous support for the resolution on admission charges before the meeting melted; only two people spoke for the resoiudon during the meeting. Some of us are seal In doubt as to how accurately student opinion was represented by the vote on the athletic resolution. It is certain, howmer, that a minority on the campus win eon ante to make Sections for the majority until more students interest themselves in the business More the Students' ARSOCI• ation and the *sues facing the students' Commit SincerelY, GERALD FREUND. TS Who's Crazy? Otte follawbor hi an excerpt from s letter received by the NEWS during the put week.) On the other side of the door we could hear weird noises and we noticed an unusual odor. Then Mr. Schultz. In charge of the male attendants at the Norristown State Maple., unlocked, the door, entered. and motioned for ea to follow. We did m cautiously, the four of us. When we were ide. Mr. Schultz put his key moo the keyhole and turned the lock We were locked in! Irvine. Lately throe of hoar patients crowded around us. One oath mgt cheek bones and only a couple of teeth which prethltdrtl sl erelY mid. "the Yoe-, and thrust out a dirty had which each of us shook. not bemuse we wanted to be friendly but because we were afraid to offend him. Another patient ex. citedly muttered something unintelligible to us. As we looked up the long corridor we noticed that some patients were moving about some raving into the air, one shouting at the top of his voles, and several sitting in chairs lying an the door, ars prealonless. This was the first experience which lour of riess3ummege mental hospital unit members had inside the haspat, t; t *mark. ad the beginuing of a summer which was to p ye worrMle bra number of mums. Fimt. It was worthwhile as an educational mitt:. part.. larly for p.-mods. because It gave us an untie mg of Mee close correlation between mental and physic illness which every doctor should have to some degivie. enlist social scientists and prychologitts found the work well suited for them. It was also excellent chlienship training. Second. besides being an inusual educational experience. It was also an enjoyable way to spend the summer, in a mote.. group, livinogethee having fun together. The mone7hrned was a third advantage to the wmic Perhaps mme students are interestedeen applying Mr man bership In this summers mental hospltertt. Thom who are should realize that sincere interest in rho, work is the firm requirement, aire dealing with ill people Is a serious matter. I believe that a number of Revertant students would find a Summer as a member hompltal unit a mailable experience. It au be worthwhile to you and to the people with who. ' Pee Work. I MU be happy to M 01 rervire to aeyatre th.tuted In this work Founders' bulletin board contains Junkier Info.. lin Sincere!, ED STEELE, 'at Every Motley. Wedoenlay and Friday Use moons during the winter, an umalling herd of students crowd Into the gyre. collecting Metelr by apathetic straggler until emote to thirty More an rived. After groaning through • short period of half-bake eal..nles—juat enongh to mums phy. deal diecomfort. well Mort of enough to do any good—the group splits up into the volley-.II play. era and the beaketeers. The fame that follows would be rather enntelng to the detached observer. If It were not that such • pure end palioly obvious waste of time has 133 11AInkation for Its continued existence. There simply WM room in the gym for us-thing Mu to thirty leaden. to net a decent hour ot fun and mere.. The eankethailers we continually In each other's hale and In the way of the volleyball courts thou playng volleyball sumo their runtime. against the situation either by stilt to • far-off daze, or by Main and simple homing around. Am own ea the end of the required period Is announthect the gym dears at once. The ohms physical education prox.ure. hefade. being a distasteful procedure to the men Involved. cannot possibly do them any physical gm.Haverfoni College at present simply does not have doe facilities to offer a decent physical education program during the winter months when only the gym can be us.. True, winter it the time Wan an opportunity fon merel..e is needed more than ever; but for the college to uphold compul. gory winter physical education with the present facilities Is little short of absurd. leitistisamminennel•WDMIIMIN 1951-52 ALUMNI FUND REPORT • • 351 CONTRIBUTIONS FOR A TOTAL Or • 54/17/LOO ••• • PLEASE HELP YOUR CLASS REPRESENTATIVES BY SENDING IN YOUR COMITUBUTIONS PROMPTLY load camel! D. Champ. was an ofeclat delegate to the Third Co. Serene... UNESCO held at Hub er College, Jan ritk to the 31st jut previousa to wit. he had 111. turned from noonth apeat in Cuba and Central ARN37321. The summer. of 1950 sad 1951. Dr. Champlin taught at the UnIver sky of Utah, and next summer he will teach eight week. . the University of Pittsburgh. lett At the recent meeting of the Amerlim Assaciation'of Physics Teachers in New York, Dr. Rick. aid le Snits sou nomlumi to the Board of the Amertcen Institute of Physics, the governing body of physicists in the United States. In 1940, he was President of the Association. tale Henry K. Senteg has been ap. pointed vice president and secm tory of the John R Ste.n Company in Philadelphia. ISM Prude F. Campbell has been nominated to the Board If Direr tors of the American Unaartan emaciation for a time year term. He has served the Unitarian R11111,3441 of Houton and Tu. In various lay offices for the peel fourteen years. 1918 Cher. A. Robber.. • vice president of the Deluder. Trust Company le Wilmington was re molly elected pendent of the Brandywine Valley Aasociation, • Private orgardmfion which is at. linpting to promote conservalin of water resources in the Brandy. wine Valley. Dna Mabee S. lane Is reaching English at Penn Charter School to Germantown ad is now living in Wynnewood at 1238 Knox Rd. reel Samson & Sheer have recently announced that W. Clerk Day ASSIBUIRII City Solicitor of Phtia• delphia has become some.led with them in general taw pow ••• AS OF FEBRUARY 15 finds the work plum. and be einalig. ota J. Schnaars, '45 Returns Home 'from Army Duty Darla ?Mang Mot ia 'retinas as a Honorer, Yellow In Podia site the Childrens. 'Medical Caner In Boston on liver disease a ahllithen He and his wife have Mlle bog umed David. Jr. 1944 A Schaub. or Dram m no ehltegement or bliss Freda arnes tly returned to the Provident of Multiage, D. C., and Mr. Metaled IL Hurley aces Motu. Life Ineurent-e Company of Phil.elphi• as • sped. agent unounced to December of 1951. They will be menled to June of following duty with the U. 3. Army. Mr. Schnears /served One this year. Mr. and Mrs. H. Monoth Wood 38 months in the Army during ere receiving congratuIations on World Wm 1/ and ...I the the birth of • daughter, Pamela rank of M. Lieutenant. He was Duntieth Wood. on December 21st. recalled in October 1950 ae Aa shunt Special Service Office*. 1948 Becolved NadoeM Awa. Inmetity Adm.. now anbling his lart year at Yale Law School. A graduate of the Hot.klo will take the Penrorylvania Bar Sehmi end Mnyariord Canoga Enn.hydonn in .1,d, and jss, Mr. Schneer* also ended insus Me Philadelphia Ann of 89111eR um at the University of Pen Decherh Price. Myers and Rhoads sylvaida. In 1950 he quailed as • member of the top sale. dob In September. Lett of Provident Mutual In Os A. Thoupeon Montgomery win seine our he was a recipient of married on December a 1951 In the National Quality Award. me Palm Beach nod.. to the for. en by the National Smart/aloe as Tore. only one thing to no Abotioh com mer Ness Nancy MorrLson of that IJfe Ithderventera in recognition pub.ry taint, phydcal education. at but city. They are now living in • of certain high etandards LLI sueh me as Haver.rd bas mush more suburb of Milwaukee, and be Is volume and Onellly of new kb adthuate ern frualltke than It does now. If waHDng 45 an Industrial Engin. inturence sales. thou who won. tend to album. RV for the Blackhawk Maned. m• with suds Me Scituate who Is a oaten. • policy would welsh. jut oner, the ridleidous Wring Company of that city. of the Merlon Cricket Club aid epee.e of the physic. .twation periods to Mr. and Mm. Donald W. Dle. the Philadelphia AseociatIon of brow are now tiving at 112 War Life Underwriters, lives with hu Vote mewl canintion, they could hardy fail erly Road, Wynoote, Penna. He wife and two sem Robert Duo to orange their minds. writes: "We mooed down from more and James Albert Jr. at a It might he objeeted that incline the form of Rochester late In December. std Highland Ave. compulsion in veinier athletics would ruin, or at I am doing my research for my lean seriously hurt. the winter Intramural proPhD. in Philadelphia. serious consideration. for the gram. This is On December V. 1951. Gauge quality of Reverts., intramural able. is E. Mal woo married to Hiss Jean something of which we may be justly proud; on Heron, of Philadelphia. Miss Her. the other hand, It Is almost certain that the numon. • grad*. of Minnie Col. ber who would continue to participate In Intralege. is now teaching school In mural would decrease only slightly. Computable New Castle. Delaware. The mu. can only cheapen Intramural athletic. whereas pie will live at Ifft McMullin Ave., Me gab In spirit Induced in Intramural teams by Cherie. to Frasier, 14. waa ay Brener Park, New Canto until pointed Procurement commis. melig Daub utkely voluntary would probably Mr. Ruff is graduated from the stoner In the rum ad...rads. annul more students than the ending of obilgst Medial School of the University or the city of Philadelphia under they physical ed... would Wm away. of Peonaylvenie ha AMC Another Mange that should dennitely be made the rue charter. Mayoreleet to Mr. Peter Smith recently an mph S. Clark. Jr., announced In physical eclumtion parry is that a student's noonced the ge of lila yesterday. physical education requirement, Mould be com daughter, Matti Ann. to Mr. WM pleted In two, Instead of la three, mere. Meet Pan 1934 Frazier It assistant to the peen Item S. M. LIM on Wednesde.Y. lora are quite busy enough. or should be, In their dent of the Philadelphia Gas Mr. and lare. Willa. M. Wright major fields and their extracurricular acetates Jr, are receiving belated congra- December Z. 1951. In Great Neck. Works Company., where he has Out they really should be snowed to make their tulations on the birth of • daugh- New Workserved for thirteen years in man 19M own choices as to how much athletics they want ter. All Steffan. on June 13.1950. merle/ capacities. Its has bent A. Mead Sallie received his to carry. More Mt new ir any other major astern granted • leave of absence flan ION M.A. from New York Velvets., colleges and univerdties have three yams of comE. Wayne Marabalt MD., was School of Education. In Jane 1951. that concern to accept the $10,115 pulsory ashledcs: and Hamden] men are about elected • fellow In the American He passed the preliminary corn • year procurement commlesloner es busy as students anywhere. Pill College of Physician In Novem- invitee:rive examinations at NYU Fallowing his graduation Dom ber. 1951. and was accepted as a candidate Allen R. Membeed Jr., was re for the PhD. degree In Educes Waterford College In 192A. Fre molly elected a vim president of lion. Psychology. He was M. she attended the Engineering N. W. Ayer & Son. Inc.. an ad- abed Into the Phi Delta Kappa Schaal of Harvard UnivereitS Prior to hie employment with vertising firm located at West fraternity on January H. 1052. the Philatielph* Gas Worl*Cetels Weehington Square In PhiladelMa G. Walker. Is at present in peny, he worked with the United phia. aviation cadet at the James Coned." The group could also help the Individual iron Gu Improvement Company en, 1936 nally Air Force Base, Waco, Tex. out some of his personal difficult. The effect of the Southwestern Public Service Mr. and M. John I.. Prier, aa He will be commissioned a the Seminary Modems' visits was the formation suounce the arrival ofMargaret second lieutenant on March 11, Coenyany In Texas and New Mee/ of several tells. m. Hill Parker. bom November 15th. 1955 One may wonder what the cell hes to offer. Frazier is a former president he They tool ham four children: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Som. Fellow.hip and a closeness to fundamentals ale two boys and two MM. Nevem. nom anhounce the marriage of the Philadelellia Chapter of the thenmeives quire rewarding. Mom important an ter R.1113 an Important time for their daughter. Joan Carver. to Society for the Advancement d shared neigh* and experlenees that help to make the Porkers for in that month. Mr. ...Re Dorn Metter Jr, at Management. He is at present a faith real. and religion more tangible. II love John wu moo.a Manetthe- Saturday. February 2. 1951. The vice president of the World Ai the key to happiness. the cell group offers an op Month by the State Mutual Life ceremony took pia. in Philadel- fairs Coup& of Philadelphia sod portunity to experium the power of love In felthe Penorylvaola Cithens MM... Co., for his paid In. phia. lowship. The extent to which a cell provokes and thelation for Health and Welfare mance production of 5211.486 Mal M.... thought On the nalure of God and the Ma neer position at head of the dorlog the thirty .day period. The BUM. IL Gotta. Jr, writes: meaning of love. will in part determine its success. Porkers live at 606 Manvood Rd.. 'Since graduation I have worked department replacing the Deis., The cell gees beyond the Mere thought Meet for Towson 4, Maryland, John Is In severl projects summed he Ment of Purchases and SWAP, one ends he nun start trusting It he is to progress secretary of the Haverford Soconcerns all contract. purchase, the American Friends Service with G. This touting marks the beginning of ciety of Maryland. Committee During the summer of Property and euPPlire std • faith. It is the fact that the cell can be a begin1937 I was one of seventeen who help. maintenance of storehouses Mng. H nothing else, that has made it a worth the city of Philadelphia, as me Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. RM.. . develop a recreation Progrmn while experience. as disposal of property for whll Jr- are receiving congratulaVons in Rapid City, South Dakota. I the city has no use. It is the willingness to make an hone. attempt on the birth of a son, David worked mostly with children to bind a working belief for one's life that can from the SM. Indian tribes oho Clerk, on Jan.ry let make the cell meaningful. The unity of a group bad come to that city from the INS of fellows who desire a clearer understanding of Mr. and Mra. Leslie IL reserved. the meaning and spirit of Me and who rout to 'Se September I joined AFSCSI Schramm. announce the birth of weir this end. can be powerful. In a group that son. Batten H. Schramm, on May ISU in the Mental Health Menis willingly attempting lo, associate itself with tal. at Independence. Iowa. As 17, Hot goodness. truth and love, the power of prayer may an alters:tut I worked mconly on 1939 lake on greater signIntance for the individuaL Mr. and Mn D. Norton W11. a mexhbuto securi ty unit We For some the fellowship and worMip of the cell tiaras. announce the birth of a have had a teal experience in 'Inc appolnlient of Clyde at will not be a rewarding experience. However, re- daughter. Mori Norton, working with patients who have Steam, '38. as atheitastrative D. garotte. -of luting success or failure. the cell cember ST, l951. been elven up for lost. Develop. socialist to the president of the marks, for others, the beginning of a real inquiry Gilbert P. Talbot 18 a Credlt Ing an understanding with other Preve Coperedon om amount' Into the nature of a personal and living religion. Supervisor at the Philadelphia employes has been the molar d11. eel on December IR 1951. ir The cell la only one of many ways to help the National Molly. For the past month I Steam will also coptinue Bonk Individual approach religion. but It is at least an haw been working In the Sodas gal counsel for the corps.*. ISIS approach. Sitepties uk me. "How do you know Malcolm S. Kirkpatrick was re Service Department This change • position he has held altice 19I0 that there is a personal Cad?" It is • tough ques called as a captain in the U. S. WAS IN Awn' b een made somewhat pernon to answer. Y. one answer might be. "How Ale Force In June 1951. He was ent by the faro that the hosMr. Meese was grealoifi.' do I know that there is not a personal God if I first assigned as an LOS instrue pital ts short of sod. the from Haverford College In 1511 haven't Uncle an honest effort to find Him?" for at San Mertes AMR Testae and ie .able to obtain any more. and received his law degree et These views represent only my optrlon of the cells, He was then a 0.25 pilot at Cots This work is equally bumming the University or Phonate and for this reason an objective evolution Is del. lolly APB, in Waco, Teas. -He as I take soda/ histories of In- SOO. of Law in 1041. s cult. Many will say that these cell group members was recently assIgnea ma stu- coming patient. attend muff serving one year as chief of moe are pla.vine with a lot of nonsense. Maybe this is dent at the Graduate College of meetings, answer letter. take Legal Section. Artillery Div'e'° ' true, but it may be that the cell IN touchiest upon Georgetown University. Washing. care of patients' compliable, and Pittsburgh Ordinance District a fundamental reality—a reality that makes one ton, D.C, for Psychological War- do pcement la work in thirteen entered the 1.1, S, Army In 1911 glad tht he *becoming increasingly aware of his fare Training. Ills wife, Lieuten- counties In Iowa." own fault. a realty Oat inv. one the power to ant Marcie R. Kitireanick also Mr. and Mr. Danl. Martin he engsg. In private Imo reverse the process of approving too better and was recalled and Is a commend. Schlosser announce the marriage tics until Joining the non rhoaLng the worse and a reality that will be log °Meer of the WAF Squadron of their daughter. Ann Lou.. Corporation tested by co-operation and a willingness to act at Mitelmil Mr Force Base, to mile alitebeli Hanle on Feb Mr. Skase. who liras unselfishly. In view of Individual Insecurity and Hempstead, N. Y. Mary 9,1958 in Upper Darby, Pa. Martin Road. 7delthislit Vats Internal:Ion. clubs, I believe hot It Is only honest Peal Theme Feuer and Hart In Pittsburgh, la a member cd 1943 to toenail.te the message and the approach to a Summer W. Paula ha dung. .m7 Spaeth have been selected Allegheny County Dar Az"'' working faith that has been offered by the 03IRS- lobs and is now noticing for for the U. S. Navy Offker Can don. the University Ono IbM ceLL Plempl.. Noyee, Graham. Par Mate School, at Newport, Rhode Beta Rho Sigma. and Phi EARL HARAW10,9614 Dina and Catnpanta where be ON WINTER GYM ment budget. This fear was shared by the whole student body, but it became evident during the discussion that Sow or trying le Inveighs a ',Coke" inaokine moo weep., a slug an a quarter. Though exaggerating, I can antte validly that the hours went rather auditing ranor^ of proem aortal gram, or...Ing one of • ervies of now.playng surreal*tm alms, or Mealy sit. Hog down with • good friend for an evening • 113600.• philosophical specula., or bullMooting If you wilt The high school triad no longer grids at Harmed. He 0rr' mom than we so hem. Rut the point Is that mon of his off-tours am chnedoo.y denoted to some form of seirimprovement This can • be add of 55, Navarro... With the exception of my sister, I have only once brought • young lady to • meal at Haver. feed. The food. fortunately, was goad. But when I asked what she thought of the college group of which I am proud to can myself a part, she called its "the most uncouth group at men that ..." I do not UM to elidete and hold up as God In all respects Harm. Unto-Maly. where meek Inferior to ours are eaten with a dignity and de. Weald put on If invited to dine at President eonWhites, and where a Mutilator student is the rule. not the exception. Nor do I exit that Have* ford.. Wear coals and lies to all functions that clean shirt costs only 20es We have avoided m many at Harvard's shortcomings by choosing to attend a goad small renege. however. that It seems a shame not to do more with the opportunities offered. Too many of us smear to have drifted on somebody into college. Too many of Us, If gloppy clothes and s generally worldweary attitude are Indicative. seemmore intent upon leering down than fortifying that lutitution which we are soon mil our aline molly. WM COMFORT. le ALUMNI NEWS lett Irwin C, Paley had se article, 'More Claw for Growth: The Val. of • Malvern Felon.. in' the . English Journal tar the' month of October, 1951. MIS Edwards F. Winnow retired In May of 1951 alter having been in the drug Mosinee. He is now tic. mg In the country at Acton Muaachusetts. His post office ad. dress 111: concord. AD, Maas- C Frazier Named To City Position CELL e GROUPS The follow., letter was Pillb1111fird 30 the NEWS at the editors' requeet. It does not, is fact mold not, represent the feeling of ears and every veil group member bee. mils. But it is ore man's view on this sew aspect at spiritual life on campus,. "Wanted. A lore for good a, potent as the atom bomb is for evil. a force ... that produces a vast result ... not of disintegration and dutrue dam but of integration and creation." Certainly a great and pronto, force is needed today, a power able to redefine direction and mo. tivatIon. Possibly It is the 13. N. that Is the ma. chinery. cooperation and action. the Ignition that can make our world a better place for all peoples. In fact the U. N. la the best we have. However. I do not believe the humility that produces cooperation or the unselfishness that produces action on an internationel level prev.1 sufficiently. Rea. aon and logic alone will not produce this working frame of mind. They never have. I believe that faith In something greater than one's own capabilities is, today, a matter of practicality. In other words. It will be perfectly all right for the average guy to open Ms eyes and look amend for a faith that works: for a ficith that will give one the un. derstandlng and determination to make cooperation and action possible. The Individual lo the teatime mound for • faith that will be interutionally conetruceve. It a faith doesn't brine hope and Joy to the Individual, do not see how It can bring hope and Pie to the world. It Is the old argument, thee to save the world a man most begin In his awn backyard or even with the "team in his own eyes." Hour ever. It Is one thing to realize that one 13 himself, In need. and another to find the faith that will meet this need. Hearing of faith that works and art.!. fy experiencing Its validity are two different things. While reading we continually run across she tact that love in the keynote to individual and intemafional security EV311 n Ruslatn, Do/noel/sky claims that 'loving humility Is marvelously among, the strongest of all things and there is nothing des Ilke it." Maybe love It the missing force, but one feels It extremely Mine. really to apply such a principle. In marching for love, a filth. or God, we find that rational thanking alone Isn't very satisfying over a period of time. Ingle dusn't bridge the eap between what we have and what we seek. In fact In the search for a faith It is exteremely difficult to rattly "get started." The Seminary students /ram Prinuton Milted Haverford to deli and wins.e that they had a faith that works. Furthermore. the suggullon of the cell offered a workable approach to religion for the struggler who was finding himself ',I.o.M.. WISIli the 4411 old mule really "get start- C. Slease, '38 Gets New Position ha • TIOsiday, Fob. 36, 1952 Ford Courtmen Trounce Crusaders FORI5vEar I liA'El3sPLERS DROP SWARTHMOrki; In 86-52 Free Scoring Victory; FINAL BOUT DECIDES CLOSE 16-15 - TILT Doe Ursinus Wins in 71-57 League Game Class Week Schedule "Doc" Harter... Harter'. grapplere eralffled through with a thrilling 11415 victory over the Garnet of Swarthmore Met Friday before an enthusigettie and cheering armed. MU win gives Haverford a 3-1 lead co Hood Trophy •001petitiOn. The 122 sound odor totted Havetford.s captain Marry Balm renewing an old rivalry with Mike Lass. Eget had beaten the other ones so intercollegiate ooMpetition. Neither Meatier could get a take-down or points in the fink Period, t n the second lam torte two !points when he maned Manys !points SPORIS CALENDAR advantage. The advantage was Wedseserep rearody Lane at the start of the third Basketball my Delaware, sway; Venter and .101 6:43 Wool. bee Harry clasped In • th and 8:30. ""747 sim artedr, gi gHnita ktint "." 01 °.7 Itentnew, Shinn i Basketball vs Swarthmore. 00505. and the bout on Marion Mo Johnson. who had gone nd home; Vanity and -Pit 7i01 onset literally without food and and 11:30. Hood Trophy enteror two days is bring hie Game. Wrestling vv. }eiffnenbatit. weight down to the laPpound divkien. deserves credit as the Mme: Versity only: 3,45. Fencing vs Johrw floPidno only Ford to take lye points. The UniverrHy, home, Veda rophomore. who usually wrestles at 131. tons into Phlipplors for • • y: 3:00. two-point drat period advantage. Patrol y. Mod. 1 Fencing on Princeton mew Wearing his opponent out In the second frame, Johnson with diaVarsity and IV: 7:30. bolicel precision went Into • eras body ride. and pinned his garnet opponent at 1:25 of the third pen rod with a guilliotine, probably the most difficult but most cf. Herd pinning combination college wrestimg. It was Stumpy Matteson all the way in the 137-pound &deka last Wednesday night, the The tent period takedown retanner ooneo too b o strong oohed • scant 67 seconds_ and u„,ntnit, t„non..t.. o,teso,, from that time on Shepard of which had won seven theism Swerthotthe crowded etherteellY By EDGE GRANT The Haverford cams Ian MAU Teesday, Mansary 9. 4:15 Basketball: FRodunan vs. Junior. second game to [helms at 5115 Basketball: Sophomores ca. Senior. HaVerfOrda ballkettell teem put on its most =tidying the Beam' home court last5771. Satun eatibitiOn of the MUNI to date in trouncing Susquehanna, day night. The game hod its Wednowlm. February II 4:15 Volleyball: Winners of fine round play each other. Lore. of 89-51. bright moments as the Fords first round play men other, showed signs of • comeback at 3.11 Volleyball: Playoff. for ucond and third place Broadbelt Driers Well Wrestling: A11 scooters must weigh In at exact weights The Fords went into the pine eXpecting a clone conteat :107, 11:05 Wrestling: Perelman vs Juniors r the with a club that had lost to Untilihe by Only Peo. sophomores vs. Seniors points. They the loeMs efforts and went on lo genoulay. Falonsry ird went OR determined to win and outplayed the ViditOrs from win. 4:15 15esketball: LOser• of round play each other Mliasgrove from kart to finish. • The opening moments looked _5:15 Haakettern: Winne. of of ant round play each other Comp.. Don Broadbeit playespecially Might for the few 'ROO Basketall:• Playoff Inc second and hind puce ing Ford hopefuls In the crowd, as Maw. Foltmerg es tama tu'r drove inv°fo'Arl Don James and Grant Morrow 4115 Wentlleg: Winner. of first round play each other r ' i Losers of Oral round play each other drne attar time during the first dropped • bucket apiece to put Playoff for second and third place marten usually succeedten the Main liners ahead 4-0. A hooting • two-pointer or &math Beer tally, followed by • Feuer foul thole. Ted Curran. raking ahot made it 6-4. his Bret start for the varsity, Mt A free throw by Broadbeit on a number of outside Mote ether Undo= bucket, and mothwhile the Ford defense kept Thanks to • hardworking and whe whose training Moos Susquehanna well bottled up as 11 g hthitlfed mat aggregation, or pore "'" to bY 9-6,r"" befor theghBeate tthe vations led the Ford matRevertant took a 12-12 lead at the Hever.... hr taken a dr'''te went ahead 12-9. Are''' charity tom The Intarnuml Lague came to oared the Seniors with 23 points. lead in Hood Trophy competition. a &emetic clew last week with The Junior A, tripped the Soph quarter. men to a 16-15 thriller by James and a Not by BroadThough two puns no one bled Would be first wish Map for • B, by a 2740 bet wow. with Ledebo. , son, trotted the onto, and tlentee Orthrlanding over Swarthmore Friday. moment to detract from the ',tory oes.g.. Pmts. The two clubs the steady er and Unary= scoring 12 and lien the led Cot, Teo % ninnd o,,,,qu.agton '"gget ther we they We. foul snot The victors retaliated Senior B five and the talented 10 MM. Junior B'., will have played • Th. Junior BM Insured • first westerra had not that If agertators with oodtet son • rte. throw continued to drive with the some no too, not, the notoonte done p„, earns Yauday th' el...tunas while playing day's Swexhmore match might In lad the S°°"" 1513. loulion tod.66. .forthe A'. en Thueadey a usual rok as sprkplug. Grunt Bows Ramp have been • different story. Ford basketball league. Emeriti points kel end Caakey each tamed 17 Morrow controlled the backboards cheering reached • pitch hereto The second quarter started with am swatted Mr the Bert Plitra points for the Neter.. The Settler and hit on leColas est time few tom maimincd an exchange of Point. M James team, while the runnertlre re A, dropped a 52-II geme to the omodora when Me Fords failed to pate. The win may truly be mg. taltial ',Ma* na °Mt. tinee hY rolve seven. underdog Froth B team to place last Saturday. Inc Temple score on More or °Weide shots ed a college aMrY. the home team The Bert* lead Another tie wog made for third thorn In a third pia. tie. The rtardattlen nearly pulled an uplt was the ad shooting of Don however, and saw place with the Soph B minden Senior BM under , And so we 1.1*e el MAO. Meressed pregame. also art here. u the Ford. Mumma Mmes. however, that really enMmes them lead by 2749 after Mormees each with the other Senior team, won their tilt by downing the Wt their fourth victory, 1412. the Fords to build up a big ball Pow,. for Mdaniers llowed Hurtubba• each dam receiving three end • Soph A. 4035. Teldng advantage of a general lead as he hit from almeet every m.o. with the Carnet we charity toes fo set shot At this paint the He. has points for Mee effort. The slowing-up on the pert of lievtr. angle on the outside to score ten brighter than the recent 7464 to Inflamed Moldings poured In II points Mime other Junior team took Me mr,: with t.:rnt kiss might India, for the font, the Owls forced the Smiled pa 117 oh:l'rti :11' plies lrt the period and to athlete Fords he t H ■enmitrd o, :rd. t,a8d'' ,:vti :":„. nte p7m ge:S tla th: Peted rn lure • member of Broathelt countered with two fourth Aim one point award. Beakethell to go all the way. winning Me ff. Bret twenty Pond game of his point. In their favor robwing free throws. Two quick buckets Rounding the league out we find meet on the next to the last bout decided by one touch. the Fords ''ersecl. hut W L Pta. before. GO-Ceplahl W • y n • by Fewer and Morrow brighten. the Seal. AM In sloth place the thin., •Trafiefg with ,, 10 4 • ht epee. The Hornets were able wi^ning Deans. Impenetrable Iturtubne, whose Boor work ed the outlook somewhat but • 59 log, while the two FreArnas 10 4 • to take foil and saber by 54 M Bean tallied six quick points dohs are bed for the cellar OM sop, The Fold defense, Mo. aim 15101- !Yell superb all year but "'I'':e4he the7 e .ah‘ The . 71'three 1:71aL'po ".intsF 'r 'anj d'd' ed pinh' y'r"." W t 'duecith 'il° 8 6 Its margins. but lost in epee. 4.5. Tons 7-2 and in saber SI. but the musing n thla peeled as theY whose sooting . punch ha. es the half ended to lead 44-21 Identical 410 records e 6 3% Woodward and Harry Moine Scarleta epee team handed Penn nine. Me meet thara reed Kw.. need the Pp.. visitor. to me Men amperage, to many The mom! half saw the Fords In the Volleyball Lear.. carried the load with three wins In first delcn In Nat 1, O 3rr. A A Fii 77 field goal and four foul 'Mots Sarin rooters. nipped M s putting on • tremendous rally se Fticke '.rrand won by • gone te get !Sop. s '"'" Bul Jones of W. Havertods IoM triple virtue 5 9 - ma nn while the offense racked Of Be mhos mat week • g •1 n • t they mood ten OHM. before the Juniata the eleven points for Ran placelpnosh A Swarthmore at 147 both needled wal Partain Rorer Jones 4 10 • FOIL points to lead at the half by the Undnua If the flea tricky flrabuts club wu able to hit the with • 10-2 record. Following Fr an smencially defensive match, 4 10 From previous performanont wide margin of 4618. guard Mogan reel. Ms won cots. Feoser started things rolling dose behind were the Seniors FrothB FOIL each trying to notwalt a the other. mts not awarded till playoffs. The second half was much elm lag pokolthlitla oaf spin with a foul idiot no followed by this was Temples strongest The foilsmen were downed by Rick escaped for a point arty Susquetuome caught fire, cre Satorday. that feet might three straight Morrow Reid goals weapon. but Toni Woodward the aggressive Quakers In • In the er Vodeybell second period but Jones strengthening both their offearte open Sr difference In the a Hurtubisa at shot end • Clark seem Minn. The Frahman triumphed 52 53. 51. and mclosely contested pries of bouts. did the same. period later. Takecame in third to get four poem, WL enet:sin Skip Mattson downed two Complain Skip Mattson salvaged down end derma, and the Fords deter contest free throw. A Bear goal was off- twinning 5 *salmi omen loos, attempts falling on both 10 2 11 opponents after rosins to Oa one bout me did Ronnie Reno. Junlon lobed to play their unateustone The "home court- gimmick Is by field gook from Feuer while the Sophomores. Winnilla Seniors but aides. the match ended In a dead6 8 7 Brit Ronnie Rtno had an off day, Torn Woodwend couldn't get ed role of victors magnaninnets- In this owe Important A deciding mnd lock, each tram gaining thereby thfehthlse b bring the Main but • mingle game, received three Frtehmen 5 7 4 losing three for the first time started and Ices three time. ly. rumaahanna set their defense factor leading to the ember de. Lthera the points two points for last Mace "thin rev.. ;Onto rd 1 11 3 this semen to mpg stiltBraldbelt and mo- fat by Swerthmore was ... I...owl. ..a won inne Inc the Red A very tame Dave Foulke of Haven their Mn.ramra Xtthhthiee wed The totals for the winter,Scd**n."." ceeded in bottling him pretty wen. rot, babble to non,. on „on. allowed some scoring power Goan SABER Haverfond almost avoided MUM lames, however, continued to hit, Thh oototthoo Moults be r=ailed after • slump and lay-or, offset leagues now amnd with the pinned by Swarthmone, Phil The Ovds refused Juniors to leading conform with SABER 12 tbe and the defeneave changes treed untt sotot.o.,,,, however, rot. the another of the victors. field gods Swale. a ternilkr nemesis to all to their past showings and rocked SeMors second wits 10%, fllo Dave Clark for Holm, when he Folds have consistently rooted The Tale was Penn's.thndest local wrestlers who has lost only Act... nomvdr, aeolo tsl- ad by the Sophomores with I% the Ford saberman beck on their weapon, Penn ragthth Bob Inc hitherto played • primarily f •ha cubicle the foul circle at Ikd .1. straight PM. baton the and the Ferahmen setth 4 points heels. Larry Morris and Bill Mae Parmacek and All.Amencan Mee In his intercollegiate rap. defensive germ. The Ranter gone home. „too, h.. en.. third period ended. and boosted The totals, however. are land won one each while losing not final made for more Mule on the part bans maege vin- their lead beak up to 54-41. two. Harry Richter was neverthe. as the outcome of the bukethad of b , pad la an tory din Saturday: a won would Melton increased their lead by lees undaunted and lowered the ff would moan a difference 77 Mo row wemsse "*k'Gri '8777.* 'ngear:I ndoLi llC e all but assure Haverford's retina one point In the 1001111 sod Anal playo t:°7•: 'fagi tal:hrod.;;;.d thr, boom, 51. SO. 55. The Scarlrt 1.11 orghiTthe r'e f 11 and 7 points for Use victors nraritelh!. Richter opecred- oat o 54 but finally succumbed from the Miele u Haverford Mg of the Hood Trophy. period of play, as they substitut- or loran Therefore If the Sailors Last Thursday, the IV's absorb now held a slim MB eon. after 7194 Ric subleased its lead. 0535. In the hot LertY Morns ami to a crotch and half nelson_ ed freely nem the end of the coo Mould Mke he the game they would ed then second straight Ices 189, 8111e P idosa rdt. and nadwnez ltori EPEE splioen third quarter. to.a oton to b, r. to rig test. Several af the FPI. Ionia take the 21% to 19; on the at Valley Forge Military *cedeTh Selo Hold Lead out In thls period widen hawed other hand. V/ the Juniors should my. The undefeated Cadets won BM Mimi garnered half the 315. to the fourth quarter. the Fordo class meets of last year.wrestled into • seemaw fair. Coaptain win, they would keep the lead at In every weapon: In foot the nee tam's wins, and An telbold Won lust one-but It happened to put most of the burden on their EPEE the Garners 167-pound vetento. Broadbelt put hi fi three 23 to le roars. visa • • narrow 54. in epee. be the meetclinching lath point. Re, Jon., enjoy, subs, but they were elll able to b.", lithe Frelllrh. Deeplh a . points of the grtne. good v. Fords Retrapping the km week of 43. and saber, 7.2 Amer Singh 1 1n-again cut.agaln fo-capain Rog main mar martin stoner boo thtin again nwet with det-57 only play In the basketball loop, we provided three wins for the Scan ones missed • chance to tie "re"I'gle'e ore were petty well split with Haverforffs JV basketball tarn a allowing one lass'sssds°°S. the Ford. Mike touch to be pored"h' •ii he rauldfor Monogr Press Ford. let see the two Brat place dubs wits college reared for eonsecutive on Met as he ran Ids winning ell but two of the ten Fords who deed In the second half and lost plotted .rs.d midway through two without • loss Bear while guard, the Schumacher, ruin FOR. wins 112. set by Dave Rowe M Nook up to saw action hitting for at Mast two an exciting contest to the tin straight. Blit the drat period with a crotch sod ed the Main Liners In the first Soph lasing several key teen Gentle Peckham took one bout, 19601 by losing a pair of 3.2 bouts, tthte, provedeleven to Sc „„ only porn half nelson. With the five POWs. Ted Penick led for the sinus IV's, 5855. points quarter. hitting on two smooth The ref shooting of Iohn Burge half as he threw, In 20 of his 21 through inlorY and oidtheaa but Kearney Carpenter continued but finally came up with a SO vie to wirt two bate against Penn. won. Swarthmore rt had ha brought sets, while James gained the three featured • first half In which the notate In the initial half. Blg Bob dropped both of Mar roma The m Ms stump. dropping three. The had "'ugh going, I Art Lene'd points he needed to bring his toml Forde outplayed the Bears, but Swett Unarms. tall center, tal. Senior A's split In two Peas Amer Singh ran his winning The Ford. will have to do Der. end nlsvith totheUrh'ett losing twice by one touch. butl tehset'e . orrit; over twenty heMre he sat down were unable to gain • OM lead. lied 18 points for second high hon- On Monday the loch Ers drop streak up to six. dropping his ter than this next week, when coming _from behind • 20 deficit dlvtiliona for a well-earned met. Sueque- Burge popped In 15 points from rs. Grant Morrow. steersman pod their tint for the week to opponents, SI, St. 5-1 they meet Johns Hopkins. who to win, 32 Al Ruben won two l hannis offense continued to elk* outside, OffIlle Bob Schwartz piec- star, again paced the locale with Tog Junior BM by • close 3638 also detested Temple, 141.3. ford's pots Chandler Joel o EPEE of Penn* three bouts as It had In the third Mart., but ed an outstanding floor gone and 111 paints, while Bob Feeler. soph. thenn is the 0"1,' gone M the ran cannon continued 00 pro. Hank Bode. Chandler had the their defenee yielded another 21 shot effectively from rimer In. omore Jurnpshot artist tallied 12 daY. Initial second period advantage vide the Hornets' sting in this eons to make the final outcome. Although the wore was frement. ounter. The nest day, the Senior B ...pen, Mooing two bouts, while ad he eh' BstII ly tied, Haverford was. never bethe frame. when'nth club downed the cellar dwelling WI. Comfort gene through with Nave•gonn ono Bade reverted unaaoao hind in Ike half which ended with Froth As 3625. In a lowscoNnt one Trey Leger wee unable to contest. the Sophomore A team „„i., hi. opponents' style and the Fords on the Ong end of a downed the Junior AM by • 31-15 mg, three. Ietty segimon fm. Ott March 13th Haverford will 31-29 count Urge. A preamble crowd coo meeting of the Middle Atlantic „toted shout noe, otter., fma, even MUM, In the second half Creme tared • 3-1 triumph over be host Inc the first Gmamplon- States Collegiate Athletic Assoti• before the unlimited division speeded up their game and grad. Wednesday • f ternoon the V.F.M.A.M previously undefeated =sait tally built up a lead. Their de Senior B quintet ran wild a• they captain, Wilson. The Ford. how help of thr Middle Atlantic Col. anon. Roy Randall was elected match commenced. coma Imbue Fencing Association. Le- president for two years. and Then ea.. the tense pressed the torrid Burge no Trounced the ?nosh 13't by a 28 trailed, 741ea I'M one. C.a6 11119Mtnetearak " that he could not get off his shots high. Lafayette. Temple, Johns Henri Gordon executive aecretary 117d point margin. 0140. Ftog Sorg L. n.d SABER Schwerin, continued hie nla Slue 11.411 Hopkins. and Haverford are ex- Mr three years. The bout corm ent Meth e roads 3, Tres, ey,e arm ,,,, ,„* Fien. I wi g nc n 11 Fen ,ve i,Co . „pr= „ Bee 3,,,,, enue the etotod Brand play, and Tony Berton a Ananya non panted to participate. Delawarel mina theirrnan Is Roger Jove, thrilling exhibition thet will long Juntom Ted Penick. comparatively !tab, Butt Larry Finkelstein lost three. but although • charier s ..... &Nom will who holds office for one year, be remembered. The wrestlers mounted for a late surge that tree. probably not enter. since fencing Since ono omeet. , tem the Cadets had won the meet and Sophomores it ell short an Urshms froze Cleo opened cautlousiy. Atuanya taking -1.1=r B proceeded to run up the sone to has been dropped Mere ea an in ti Freshmen u •11 M lively to oda. 511P3. but Las• too "se teralleglate ertIvity this year. tt l'21' secc ‘i°n7 Each college It to enter a ale"e me" , rk, and rev_ the host college. Next year the the crowd went Albrecht's Flowers man team. two in earn weapon. nn,„ „ no.. era spectators left souse will ..... TAXI SERVICE The present setup calla for one ncn„Lafayette, ARDMORE electrifying tension lark operltd n round•robin pool in each weapon t7 5.00.1110., Prase. ,„. too, Corsages Haw erf ord nn. t.r! the second period up but trag teach man fencing every op- ."" ""•"'" Bann* ammo At etensmana Prima tidal sanction. and approval l one point. As An anye ether ponent In his weapon/. Individual fePma GIFTS , PHONZ ARDMORE MA while rejoin., his revergee utani Ardmore 0859 are champions t° organisa ' lion which H Ids"re'st be decidedsod on'fled's." their number of con. oo at the end of the second frame. A fencing victories. Each Poen/to team In r-t:; nod. "en- very tired Amanya low his third otone,k, wr iepothne vi loillIt. t, o.,,, ta I .t. h.d eir. vtr es IAL ATTENTION TO RELATIVES AND Although not all the members toA"r o.o nl., 7, onnneo rfr FRIENDS OF STUDENTS OF e 'or team chanap)ons. The total vie- he" met each other tn.' ear woes of near take-downs by both HAVERFORD COLLEGE LAST CHANCE TO SEE tortes of the six.ntan teams will during the thason. Lehigh MOe men, the bout ended. A, the bell determine the Middle atlantic to hold the adraneaffe• The sounded a hysterical mass of team champlonahip. The trophy recththi thus lay the them.... teammates and *fetal°. mob for this title was donated by Ro. Frillrn have that on ...her ns bed the freshman. FOR 'Doe Harter Holm. Mamened Got Bud) tentawl Albert Crimson, varsity as follows:. 1. Lehigh • two wins wi Montgomery Ave. et Grays Lane o losses; 2 Haverlord - two wins had led a well-conditioned and end I.V. macho at Yale Union-at ne • (lean Garments loss: 3. Johns Hopidna • on well.coached learn to a victory my. It Is now on display at Roberta „ht. ttct Haverford, Pa. that may ultimately decide the trans: 4. Temple Hall. - one of the world's greatest C011ectione • Quick Service win. three losses; 5, Lafayette resting place of the Hood Trophy 0A Knott Hotel. The ICA.C.Fff . was organized next yean et the Philadelphie Mizieuen of Ad Your Comte and Date Deserve The Beet • Expertly Pitied in late November at the annual o wins. three lessee. to be exhibited thin the end of March Bauer, Se • Reasonable Rates In Our Lovely Male Dining Room Thee Aeoriworie Lamm Dam (LP head he= Nom to g PM. ARENA'S SERVICE Dbuten two Slab Dane e ta • est STATION Admission: 50c all week except Mondays free tiruMant ad HMG,. 1 to P.M. Ardmore 9643 Lem* • Rama Av., GOOD FOOD AT Excellent Banquet Feeilitiee For Ronerreol Famous Brands for Men -RAWSON ABLE PRICES Meetings, Parties. Dann or Supper Danes NEM TO Slide nhibitionsi Tuesdays, Wednesdays and RYANYer a CHOISTflt 16 W. Lancaster Ave. Transient and Permanent Accommodation 1114 Dawn JOHN TRONCELLETI Chortling at 2 P.M. Ardmore TRY OUR ..COLLECI1 SPECIAL" parr Shop ta lass TN. Ardmore 0147 ... at Leading Stores Ardmore 7760 AT 30. Everywhere For YOUR Convenience OPEN ALL NIGHT Cackles and • Sqestssalss Sr. B, Jr. B Tie In Intramural Court Loop; Jr.WinVolleyball Swordsmen Drop Owls; U. of P. Downs Fords Ford JV Fencers Bow To V.F.M.A, Singh Snags Trio Ford JV Callers Bow To Ursinus Fencers To Be Hosts In 1952 Middle Atlantic Fencing Tests 7;‘:' 1 ALICE COOK PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THEY PATRONIZE THE NEWS THE VIENNA ART TREASURES HOTEL HAVERFORD TUXEDOS SALE 011 RENT SPRITZLER'S BLUE BONET DINER You bet it's good it's a BRENTWOOD Brentwood Sportswear t Pane Fear B AVERFORD NEWS Transfer Students Weigh Marxist Ideology Haierford, Other Schools Still Guides Reds Tuesday, Feb. 26, 19511 ICG Politics Convene Weekly, Plan Planks for State Conclave political maneuveling of Haver. BY BILL KATE Soda delegates to make their Students Council Records Surplus - by SOHN HITCHCOCK qualified observers. Hugh went Berlin Denies "Opportun- En0 Theaste9 <,..kng 6), I proposals pert of the final pia, This year will be marked by a oh to say that he thought Haver reoord surplus In the Students. Four men are seeing Havrrferd ism" Is Core Of Soviet Pol- Haverford's young aspiring poll. from, As past experience has ford was a little easier than In action for the Bret time lids tides meet In Commons to shown, the delegates enti,up vot. Council budget, accenting to the ley M. L 're but that It wee a Muth report of Council Treasurer Resnaring but semester. They areireading from draw up their preseals which friendlier place. th • the beet Crichlow. In addition. Crick "Ahirredoeible Marxist deposit they will submit at the regional bottle ,ft to rights John Kretsher, Hugh then' Hththebare aleathe low no. that several donee. Robert Schwartz, a freshman. which the yens haven't rubbed meeting of ICG at Bryn Mawr lallatther. Marc Forman. and Ro. on exciting and vital. finds Haverford a very pleasant still the basis for Soviet March 15 and later at the state The Bryn Mawr convention lit ettve been made in hudgelary Pro :en Schwa., change from Penn State where action in the world today. Pro. rd,cTennn el, Umnaberg, April March Is designed to provide the cedar. so as to make this WPMa Qeleker Teat lobos Hopkins more important. one semester seems to have been lessor Isaiah Perna Fellow of local students of the southeast 026. John Krefsher, a freshman, • enough. Bob found the education All Souks College. Oxford. told Assolatis Kos estatte comes to - Haverfoni from Bath. The nature of title panes gee, region with preliminary experi"much too Penn the Haverford•Bryn Mawrawate. There new procedures Include ence before the main convention more after Slipping a semester State. So far he seemsto feel mont Russian Oodles group at ering• at Haninburg 011 he a and to enable the local schools the .lact that the Students. A. /32tirnore City College. John that he is really getting more Idaverlord last Wednesday even. political nomination and platform to achieve some unity on plat- sociation will be permitted In explained that mss college in convention. for at Pennsylvania's out of college Mom he sine hem. leg, keep the residue from this year form and candid... eluded a number at years of high capital the "poilMens" win ...thBob has not found that being a Rahn Ditlese This past Thursday the ICG dec- land succeeding years/ as an sellout. em their candidate for Preskient day student Is too much of a Iti distinct contradiction to the of the United States and drew up eived the proposals of the Tax opening blase for nod ye.E. Seek, u be prefers to he called, burden, antsit allows him more opinions of Me other experts on • party platform in anticipation and Finance Committee, and a- budget The errand change k •ame to Htiverford PrthriPallY time for the work, which he finds he Boole Union who met see of the coming presidential elec. mid the usual confusion and that the Council. with the Stu'or It premed education. He glide harder than at Penn Slate. he Russian seminar group—moat none Both major parties are Politicking of ICG delegates and dent Affairs Committee, boa ileverford a considerably quieter greater control over Mare Forman likes It here of whom have tended to regard esgerly awaiting the declaim of after some two hours of debate beet mare than Johns Hopkins. which a somewhat liberal group of pro. ePeedieg. to had erosion to visit a number 'very much.although he doesn't Soviet conduce as essentially op- the young politIciana tottoth, emeo dealing motel, Instead of the raid pl. by Winch .f dins He also sald that it feel that he has really been long pnrtuntslk. Dr. Berlin stressed a all Students' Association funds leading refundedn for with ,„ wa MOM a difference being In enough to make a complete undamental, sincere belie, in The „ left at the end of the year were school with only SO bola in. lodgement. Marc graduated Marxist i eology as the domhe "th" . " are dad."' TdU sonomY, which Meet delegate. o.o. I rom Central High School in act faeao.d la Soviet par, certet. Ekeithew" deolike upheld. and with the Federal turned over to the Common Room In ,,,,,,.., , with the . Kef2u.„_ "" 'end' 'ad didn't"et Phitadelphia-sereeut scholarship Fund to maintain the public ver .....Go ._ vernor Warren, St _ n. ReseneSystemb role In it le had really been hem long „the the teottee el theeth . thithe . the evitable Marxist dialectic—the de- ..!..- —..e.., Sala77141,7; mooch to make any real judgeMat of the "madded° lent ten. He doesn't much like brie. permits the Association to been struction of the bourgeois capital. ..." . r".• .) MU to report. including those 0, up to 3% of Its annum budget He brio, with him an ea a day student, and hopes to find hualasm Inc lacrosse. end he o berth el, e eons,. nisei othe. et clam by a revolutknary pm. Truman. There may even te a th "dal' lor we the next year AM sus tetanal — the ussi, thoet.. the few 'Mark horse candidates like "add" lopes to organize a team this civil rights, Among the Important eater. plus funds over 3,4 go Into the Governor Stevenson of Illinois tensions As for Bern Ma. problem. .till to he faced la the '''. E..."-W"t new Capital Improvements Fund, " I and General MacArthur. It Its de that 'Bryn Mawr is...we0 as they n Illof whether seek date thudleath"" 'Mid' not expected tale abut whit* is Jointly achniniatered by :ay'. g m. th'w dually "9". bee Wae the Students' Council and the Stuwill be nominated. but Repub." dent Than St i. T. To the Soviet. operating an lican candidate John Roche win Whether the Haverford delegation Affairs Committee. Hugh Gallagher, the only y other F their hypothesis of inevitability. be tbe grotty advisor. The dale will he bound by a block vole. Have Res. flutplux ransfer Mum armed methct bet.en gates will vote for the several This year mrplus should be ors M. 7. T. Hugh transfered hemsel. and the Western candidates by 'Olean vote. The J well over 3% of Association budit, The Shoemaker's Prodigloss world world is unavoidable. Indeed, the coon., wi th a p.,40,,,,,, dth..,, • V get. The first semester saw a sun nidenly decided that he didn't WU• hr rreeklid° Gdddth .o L' o,.,ea ". refusal of the Soviet Union to directly or through the "Juggling' Sangree pinned his Garnet pet t approxhnately 000 in presented "0' Lee edthee"` ant to be an engineer. He took wilt . take advantage of the "good wine of votes and delegationa will be adversary to begin the Junior petty cash and inc 57.-2.23 in genes/ couple of vocational interest drama dads of Bryn aad"d. and which the West extended towards the presidential nominee. Then varsity meet with Swarthmore petty cash) funds tnot up Haeerfor, Waa""ad a. thed. second " ' or her alter the last war, se/riling the delegates will draw up their 'no and last Saturday victorious toe the i n rl To this was added $1230 a prospective political wiener 9thddedes al the roolege year as to Berlin Is midence of her doend Satu rday, termination to prepare far an Io- platform. Ford madmen. Robin NeVItt and n second semester receipts. from loco Meth.- Fridae''..ead'he tal., planning to . at 51 isn't theoncelvabk that a Donald Cone did not set foot on which amt4 was allocated cc nian as a career. snob. conflict To have dtherm P." the venous campus activities. Comparing it to colleges, hart Hall ed ts 1975 would have been to liberal candidate will be sathlled the met but won ten more potho- The second semester surplus. tee m or Ugh'. first remark about Haver. The mot Includes Linda Ben- oat tate,thuon of moth, the sett • reactionary vice versa. The general tenor of ler Haverford through forfeits. from these figures. Mould total red was ill's small... not by any mann as the Shoemaker's wife. the Soviets, Then Ken McCurdy was pinned 056,36. making the meld. fee andard he thought that MIT HUM. Leblanc as the shoe- The Soviet eat, ogeothiag In the Haverford the the year more than 11150. Tee as a "lectory." Amid the Were of •maker. and Big Morrison as the , .104 May be cOmpated to a ICG has peened au lar. Is LiberaL In the third period ot the 147 lb. expectation of this surphes yer. probabiy contest for the first Ford loss of hat Seined to be rather un. reel.,Other Peek wt. 0 • boy lisychlatristi quite aware of and Helmand . played by Sandra Davis. cep othatit,eth this cooe the moon.. pick Ids Imperil. its Proleseek the afternoon. This set up a win- minted the Council to grant twelve of the eighteen campus activitire pren Woe acted by Dick Linea,en bulky of history. who Is handling from the other. colleges In the • ning streak for the Garnet gray their full budget requests for the Peter Parkberat. and neigh- a patient. the non-commun. southeastern. region.ot .PS=0 i piers who then defeated Paw emend semester. In arkiltion, the rs Ann Blaisdell, Danny Lus world, completely unware of this vend.. Saver, Dirk Rivera, Dan Rite. Glee Club was granted MOD more No matter wheel/seethed pro- and Hack Arnold, ad by fella. then requested in order to nseat poses or intends to de, Harris. The Gamete were ahead by the oanse of the spenaes of its art On Midi Wednesdey afternoon author will be pie. by George gab. espitallst acirreaskue are burg may wee Pelee anther score of 2515 when the match neat mother. temp. .nd funds te Midge Club held its final Segal and Don Blackbhd by Tim at least sincerely motivated and story, DE that's the purpose of laded. were provided to WHRC to buy mpelltion for eligibility In the Bell. are aunts.. to • PsWilieteirro ICG—to provide Permaylvanias The encounter with gwarth• a new taperecordm. • re nt. ournement In Chicago in April, The ...rem will be warner premodern. against a "homicide' students with • practiced more will be the only Junior width has been termed for the to four Haverford teams play. Berthed, a member of the maniac.. according to Berlin. demonstration in modern Amer, Varsity wrestling meet this sea- past riser.] yearn The Council I set hands submitted by the Bryn Mawr English Department. Bops Foe Peace threolleclate Eridge AasociatIon Be wished to direct Lores'e oily, Acts of the Wert can only cony can goveemmetn W PIMY 1100- son. although three matches Funds are provided for by a 39 The real tensest at Hurts were ought with Drexel J.V Want per student fram the unit 4 the Haverford score. will be because he felt that it was the firm the hale abmlute Soviet burg win Ile et the fIghtIng and k hen., grapples the moored and analyzed with the kind of work that would lend hypothesie. if the Western Ines eastern colleges toning itself well to the type at prod. nation. advocate disannernent Da The Male Line lea . trt in the competition. The two lion planned by the Drama Clubs. they are attempting to "delude" ADAMS Henkela & McCoy dm of partners in the eastern Jo Case will be the-stage man. the Soviet Union; If they take oiled States who play the best eget me the play. RECORDS REPAIRS g. Korea, they cantina action. Contractor. cnr EV% LEY. life in the opthion of the cert• Federico Garcia Lorca was a the "homicidal" interpretation. PHONOGRAPHS SEIPP= al committee will represent famous Spanish Playwright and The hopes of the Western s- VALESSal Laneaster Ara Philadelphia m eastern colleges In the CM. prat who was killed by the Nazis dons for avoiding war with the se W. Lc Ise Ark ...IL Ma Le o Bryn New, a. tournament in the Civil War. He described Soviet Union Ile only th the posThe four pairs of Ilaverford his own work as "a violent farce sibility of continued manual re. slims were Don and Dick kirk, In two acts.- It Is regarded as futatIon of the false Soviet bye. .presidems of the Bridge Club, one of the most typical fiscal Otheala Berlin concluded. The Ise Grant and Bob Scherer. garde plays of the twentieth Soviets' Insistence on operating she Trump and liedo Hickman, century. Many people resit it on set hypotheses rather than nd Bill Kaye and Stan Forster, as one of the better plays of re. the factual picture will eventually Ti hale set up by the National cent times. bring shout the weakening of conttercolleglate emaciation were The plot renters amend the Untied authoritarian control In peclany designed to test each squabbling of the shoemaker and that state and conceivably a more 'oyeee bidding and playing hit Wire. A reconeilation between open, sincere relationship with 'ditty. The enoalta will not be the two and a immense twist at the other nations of the world, nown for some time. the end round out the story. he added. I 'Bryn •t Cast CCompleted ompleted __ _ For Lorca Play Wrestlers... Wrestlers ... ourney Competii tion ,end leld By Bridge Club :::..1.7,1,,„°-„:kt-hrLre.. ...Rm IC Dias &Wadsworth, lu MINUTES OF THE STUDENTS' COUNCIL MEETING OF FERRUARY 17, Drama Club .,.. 373.00 123.00 French Club .... 51.00 3100 lard German Club 30.00 1523 At the suggestion of Dick Glee Club 36730 07,50. Wood. the Council eptiointed fr.G MOM 320,00 Chris Hansen to be HayerfOrd's wow. irrus 127129 representative on the Seegel (tremor,. 110.00 feregfi Thomas Fund Committee. Philosophy Club , 10.00 7,00 The Coursed alleepted Students' Photography Club 6.00 aro Association foods In the follow. Renard 960.00 900.00 lag amounts to campus organ.. Bane 160.00 160.93 dons for the second stouter, Spanish Club .... 3500 1200 1951-1952 35000 2030 MING aegosted Granted Bridge Club —.315.00 31500 Total 3673.14 Chemistry Club 17.00 17.0 •Nete—The 1100.00 increase in Chen Club 210 2.B11 the Glee Club's request is to be W. W, Comfort used sperincally for transports, Debating Societe WOO 0.00 Ron seenau on the spring nip Eight Non-Academic Courses Given Currently, From Music To Workcamps The nonacademic program at of students signed up to partici. Idaverford Is one answer to the i paw problem of variety to "phy. elel All tolerating course of a cht. for the student who doesol take Lost nature is the Weekend part In varsity sports or Intra. Workcamp program. This offer. murals or who wants to timid students a c.nee to work on vas, the headaches of winter gym. ous renovation plans In the leis But the program stands on to I reroute area. of Philadelphia own two feet as well 1Working from Fellowship Hour, mIrMeteth beginthe week Since thstItution In 13,17.1te em . rdygdbe %.," :. ; the non.academic program has The provided a chance for etudents to Saturday. and the weekend ends do work in fields not coveted by with a church service on Sunday. the usual cone. program- A As cow student said about ma Peet verley of such coine. program. 'Why didn't kn.. have been offerel so far. and the hit me over the head to get me to Wt I. opento Include snit to go to Weekend Workeanth before areas not now covered but of ddar The leader of the program Is special Interest to the students Professor Theodore Hebei, who The whole program centers not has done touch of the organize. only on "how to do it", but on done' work behind what is now actually "doing It", as well. Thla n active part of the Haeerford applies to a variety of courses curriculum. Marty other members from community service activities t the faculty have Mined in tha to such varied couraes Carpentry rogrion Is help work out a plan and Musk Appreciation. of varied and thteresting course. Tn. winter there are rigid courses In noreamdemic subjects being glom These include Car. ARDMORE penny. Community Service. M. Aid and Hosted Training. Met. alworkkg. Made Appreciation Painting and Drawing, and Radio Communication. Several other mums were offered in which fewer than tine required number FOR COLLEGE ONLY DRY CI.E.1.10 Pads — eta ODE — ODOR AEPAIS arattsobe Reels — p.m Bab. — . ARMY NAVY Madbilain=ads & W. Lanerlar As. se W. Lam:meter Am. STORE CHESTERFIELD —LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S A. VASSALLO YMCA &dans Barber Shop RERrafio HAVERFORD MEN &NM LS rte w. suceMer Alm HAMBURG HEARTH NOW eaRVINO Omdasre m moss BASEST mg. LINE OF SANDWICH= REART'HBDRGF.RS AS ITHIAL 113111/2 LANCASTER AYE. RADIOS—RECORDS stanio-PRONOOMAPRS THEAll iplADEN SAM KW a etranth6 BRYN MAWR TELEVISON HAVERFORD PHARMACY Los. S000S he Man Througbas the World Haverford Pennsylvania pate Coat) .field Chester Ceie ",;( oejefed,ofeAr corene • blowsy Phone: ARDMORE 3144 H. ROYER SMITH CO. Wade. Boo. aloe FMgp Or W eld Lem. m laa Waist &aza,16 ait MILDNESS NO UNPLEASANT AFTERTASTE DEPT. MANAGED Preaeriptiona 116 Cricket Ave. Ardmore, Pa. COLLEGES wan ce wen-mews menace otomouncet Drugs and Sundries ...AND Phone Ardmore 0112 CHESTERF ONLY CHESTERFIELD HAS III 1e riot e The farther you go the more 4.1th:77.z0 you need refreshment. That'. why • -.poll hear folks sa, "Let's have a in and get going." It's one cog to get somewhere. tome %Man 4fflwolny Of M. 4ov-coo. gOAMI7 or Mire • • / OW*0 taa PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 0 n51 no sowoote sear.. ('heete.oficIfl