Document 1860903
• Kews Washington Trip Page Two sT:mg Vahan. 43, Niatether 20 Back Issues Of NEWS Repeal Personalized Ads " 43.00 PLR YEAS Unbeaten Eleven FORDS KEEP HOOD TROPHY; Defeats Harvard COMPETITION SCORE IS 7-1 A Family Spal... In Cricket Win 111 DAVE BEATTY BY JOHN KELLY Fathers And Sons.... The academia social, and athleer Inner workings of Haver• Bell Telephone Co. And Gen- ford were exposed last SailMdtat to nearly two hundred Parents eral Electric Used Haman and friends of the college who Touch In Appeals travelled to the cantina to One sombre afternoon not long helpete in the fifth annual Swing ago, when casting around for ma Clay program. Athletic mecca. retied to All this column.. came and goad weather contributed to across some heck 0001011 of the give parents an ideal new of Haverfond Newe, and fell to leaf- their progeny at work and play. Mg through them. One thing that Divas Activities. swag us forcibly was that the Included in the activities were advertieements In thou euly be lecture. by members of the lee me& seemed to have a much demostratIons of classroom more human. personal appeal techniques, three athletic con than the commercial blurb. of to tents, a luncheon served on the lawn to front of Founders and litosang Twentia Remlled the Introductions and hand MakIn thls impersonal, mechanised ings of parents and faculty at ago. we might do well to Stop four teas held In the homes of for amoment and consider the faculty members. Professor Manad-men of yesteryear. and reflux uel Asensio was the chairman of on what has been lost in our time. the Spring Day.Committee which are very much in evidence ale SKIM. Day Forthwith follows excerpt. from organised the May 10 program. get underway in front of Roberta Hall. As in Venal At advertlaernente of the early twee. VicePresklent Later Haworth Mach -Insidious, there area good Many mOthers and officially opened Spring Day with daughters UMBEL WO. Tea a tough world,' remarked some informal remarks about the one disappolnted Freshman to a future of the renege. Students' end Education for Prospective a neck meet with Swarthmore sympathetic Senior. coon. president David Casket' Physiciane. Dr. John some and a baseball game with Ls. 'You're not the only one who outlined undergraduate lite at demonstrated the discussion tech. Salle. Threatening Spring showthinks et, was the cheerful re- Haverford stresalog to visitors nique of teaching used In the ers held on until all cont.s had ply. how academic. social. athletic, general social acterre course by been completed at which time 'Let's both telephone the folks and extracurricular activities directing a group of Mekong In Professors Asensio, Lester, Pick. at home and ',MOO our sarls contribute to the formation of a a dISCuation o.f ”Methods of Ott and Snyder held teas Mt fao on them' — Proving that even Havant. edumtion. Stx lectures Achieving World Organimtion" Malty members and visitors. wader the most adverse condi- and demonstrations were offs.. AtIoletio Success During the afternoon all lioildtions • College Man knows what to parents who followed their to A buffet luncheon was served Mg• on remote were open Ion in tweets or those of their sons in by Mrs. Beatty. and students Bowdon. and WHIIC and the Berrying Seniors serving several pmlessors In guests, and faculty. circulated New were In operation The an. Take another example: "Here about the comes. MWetileg Drama Club presented Kaufmann la a hurrying Senior. It is corn. dishes and Making hands until and Ferber's Th. Royal Family Tutorial Bemonstratad mon opthlon among the tint nitlet. The tutorial method elnplOYed the afternoohl athletic events hp for thine who wished to watch ed that Seniors never hurry. In the freshman English course gam Visiton circulated between Haverford's dramatic talentat That, however, ia a fallacy. And toga demonstrated by Professors a ann. match with Swarthmore, work. we ate here to .contradiet it .. Booth Ott W010210W07 and by Ort'"MasHirnarriages twist Ed freshmen Anthony Berton. Rob. and Co -ed 'result from that allur- ert Leads, and Paulding Phelps ing institution, the sorority 'At who Mamas. Lewis" paper on Home' lunch The Aretheres lionowame. Proles. Modern Student ter Lawrence Wylie drew on the Or: "Bird's Eye View of a experiences of Ps last year's trip Thoroughly Modern Student. The animal student musk Col. mulles. was becoming fatigued. to France to Manna "Life In • He studies hard. He plays hard. French Village." President White beton wan held last Tuesday With the playing of Habil Totah's He het • keen sense of respond. Spoke oh Conservation and our enemies in Roberts Hall. The coMpaition, the strings seem., • both to Mrnself and others. Mod a Pron.ed trip to South usual mop of profeHdypel solo- la give up hope comniletelY, He telephones his Mother and Jersey to be taken by his con. lare was supplement...for the Mg into the background and giv. Dad once every week." .ThatIon class. first time this year by members leg that piece an .r at dultnem Or the one entitled "Crows" of the Haverforddlryn Mawr which was by no means the real Dr. Edward Snyder "La a field to ranny Spain 'The Art of Readingdiscussed Poetry Orchestra. From the point of story. The work might have lane stands • Mane mortar, Crows loud" and dentonstra led with view of performance, this au. Med however If the clarinet had hover about it, parking up bits dings of selected poems Dean dent . concert was considerably been given a low teats nod anewof grain and chaff. William Cadbury spoke on .1.1b. better than any In recent yeass, ad to contrast with the strings to "Here Marc ea, In the fresh .ore extent The orchestral numbers beauty of her sit0th, MU come to chided an excerpt from Ted In spite of the poor piano, Ell pound maize. For year's she will Handy's opera, which turned not Townsend's work was, In the pound Maize . .. The Americus to be a very pleasing and well opinion of this reviewer, far and worn. does not pound maim Integrated piece .of musk. Al. Ceat, Pyre A Cet 4 How about. thigh " JIM, MEMO the writing was dean and Ito good to hear your voice: -ordered, one got the Impression g•i The girl you, left behind you that the piece WPM have been f thinks of you. (Girls are that emrnd dot brasses as well as way., Do you think of her!" A recent acquisition purchased i rit n the William Philips Rare-Boo boa tea tMn Fund which win put on display Gardners with a reed feeling and last week in the Treasure Boom be G"dn on hip polished f the College Library, Is the .elo74:1= net lame of the authorized ver. and extremely compelling work. Professor Laurence W. Wylie atom of King James known as HP handling of a string orchee- unlocked the door of his *thee tret reminded one of the ease and "come in Gordon" he said to the the "Great He" Bias Wilke the College casette flUidity of M Mgar coMposiltion young man behind him. Cordon Far Clam Use awaits the touch Ramified 1952 The m t from Peter tenured. and Wylie slued ' the The Bible, containing both old me Yearbook, the 1953 Yearbook n's new quartet. although door behind teem. "Ha. a seat.' and new tertaments, was pub staff has beam Its prepare.. 01111, with an InelierePrinielY —Gordon, who waa standing SHIhe 1611, A note written . OrIginaitY A Gal M ending. displayed the corn. Ay Inside the door, sat down sad, bbliewIng their talk with the by Francis Fry on the inside goatee proficiency with form. dente. WYIIe walked over b ille Students' Council two week. ago, cover reads In part. Trills Bible Throughout the movement the steak and eat down behind it "So Jolm Hitchcock and William Is the first edition of the author comma.r mathialned an excellent the NEWS wants to profile me!" Kaye. the Editor and Business lsetl version with the rare En.. 2122MMeM sold 'That's right," rented Gordon Mr.. MI. Manager,. respectively have morn. graved Title; every leaf of to ts diatonk harmony. of guess you know the sort of lead to publish a yearbook of top the true first fame" 700 00101e0 Prelude A77 piano stuff we want. Where yoU wen Thli volume la generally can- watt quality at rearlonable my.. to .,pati. hasrae .ri wcolo thre. to Cowan and the .00400th eldered to be the best copy ever a 01100 They hope that they will be able sold In America. John A. Leder. middle, this pleas was detiottele tens profiled nut s no publish an original book that Jr., Librarian, emphasized that not ed pianist. and might have been long iw ton add, "I believe t a for use in the clasanoom captures the full picture of the I ter woodwind with pi.o and not only for display purpoms. accompaniment In the Hate In Colima ber when It had been. "Maybe. Second Iteeent AddIllon The Yearbook is currently In which it wasperformed it sound. ,, warn'[ too rtrently attar W. The book was called the "Great ed in feet like a piece of the process of gathering bids an the printing and photography. He" because of a misprint In the ebmodunualk'the.nreibranch. The Yes. Pees UMW filliChlY.'' Meanwhlle, several people have Book of Ruth. in which Ruth Was hane due, perhaps, W a nudge Gordon nodded. "It doesn't mete„ , he said, 'We get sound already indicated their desire to referred to as "he". This error from a maestro. eselst ht the publication. Jerry was corrected in a later edition. Perhanas the perform. Mmddr Van Sickle and Lutz Prager will Linguistically, t h e translation ance Hay seemed as than', the "Well, I 1,01.0 In Lydian. aunt the Editor along with John captures the tone of the ierwwwe rhythm, n Prank Hewers piece Malla. Indiana In 1909," Wylie Benton, Harris Arnold, Philip Jut prior to the Renassame. were a blt Jumbled. Aside from ilegoit "d wsa Idle eon M Malaran, and Labron Shuman. The "Great He" Bible, which this, the meal, was qu ite wen Methodist mirdsten" Hie thoughts John 'Frowner will act as ad. was purchased at the Moncure written and element enough to amyed hack to Isle chlidhood. a vertising Manager, and he will 131ddie Sate 071 April 9th, to thr Paten to although somewhat dry. ronaldemble Part of which had heed many assistants to help second rebefit major arenrisi. Although the Mee was set, nPell almnt moving from one him gather the great arumnt of for under the Philips Fund. A haps tat loud, Peter Cummins' Place to another. In fact, he re. advertlaing that la needed to g- first ediPion of Holing. errs plea turned out to be a raa,,,,qo fleeted, he had been brought up ain. dext eyear's publication. Monk. of England which sere and machnoly derived Jaqm all over southern Indiana. 05. The PhotogmlietY department ed es Simkespeare's chief source stertntyPa wipe, court w Wondered whether this would inshady includes Stewart Sunhat, of EngliM History, was brought MAP pervade a concert of Hilo Prest tds interviewer end leaned Stu Gold finger, and Peter Moon. On the library earlier in the year. sort forward to MY something about Haeejaea ind anyone withal camera and eadaueea It, but at that moment Gordon merlons Donator as ye One good Mots is amour. These two velum. loin a col. were both fresh and interesting looked uP from ide Pad. Wien 'Wed as help out I.don et Rentiltnenee editiont but could haMbeen prayed coon which he had been writing busily. The Yearbook need. ma, including works of Dente, Milton, quickly and with less vibrate. "School?" GOrdest .1 nquir ed coon worker., MO anyone Inter. Bacon and Spencer, which was During the course of this piece tersely. Med in working should contact even the College last summer It became apparent that In mike Wilk leased hock aged. .1 he bows ar BURMAN Maaltrapea. hod. the Mlle. Mama. of a good performable as We, tba guesalt waa enly sauna that g o Student Conipos tions Performs At 'Successful' Music Collection A College Acquires "Great He" Bible '53 Record Staff Plans Publication Page One ARDMORE, Eit.a.TUFSDAT, MAY 13, 1952 Good Weather Prevails On Spring Day As Students Show Campus To Parents At Biddle Sale Hood Trophy ra nierked .s. a Inp....r. an art:h ole wh In kt7 lla NEWS of June IBIS, there hi Score Decisive gictory oft Strong Crimson XI To ended Hsverford s first roccor. Sul quest for the Hood Trophy. All that remains a to fh. a place to keep It and a means of winsing it again and again'. Mle trophy resides in Roberts Hall and It has hem won again. Haverford has retained posses Clinch Third Straight KY JOHN PENTON While Haverfortilans at home leer., clinching the Hood Trophy, the undef.ted cricket eleven Journeyed to Harvard to beat the Crimson by 46 rum and. two wickets. 02 to 36. on May le Horned Mostly Powelgn three 'VIM CIO71:9:v Yrrby the "." pas i weekend is Golf. Term(., and The competition now etands as 0-1 with the Swarthmore baseball game seal to be Played. This has been accorn• Track. The learned Club, composed almost entirely of areign grades ate and undergraduate atudents Wished v.oth victoria in crow country. soccer. basketball. wreaking. ea teal as the three mew had preolomly routed Tale C C and Staten Island C. C. Haver ford opened Its season with a vie '''''a AJ bert. . L. Hoot Jr., in whose try over Fldrmont C. C. and de. tested Pe. Slate two weeks ago, The big Sward the Haverford attack were Howard Taylor and Jim Barwick who scared 25 and 18 rum irrespectively and retired after the victory was assured to give their teammates a crack at the sharp Ilarvard bowling. Amar Singh Pad the bowling for Haw erford, refiring seven batsmen for In nine. Show Poor OP.Ung The Harvard innings opened unauspicionsly for }Divert°rd The visitors showed the erects of a night of pleasture, and opining batsmen Ongley end Mugasetts Wagged Singh and Barwick for 20 runs in three mem Howard Taylor came on In the fourth over to mule the attack. how even mitring Mugasetb with a split wicket on hla first ball. t.twe,en Bertie Dean (Bob Glatzer) and his wife Kitty (Mary K. Cooped ie quieted down by the presence of Perry' (Gordon Shedd) and Gwen Wane Miller/ ill last weekend's prodlintiOn of ley Harris looks on. The Royal Family. Berke- Weak Play, Good Acting Mark Year's Last Drama Club Show or failure of char performance of By JIM CRAWFORD 'Tire Royal Family." we are told, 'opened on December M. 1927. at the Selwyn Theatre in New Tort, where It ran for three hundred forty-five p.formances." 111ila pest weekend it opened at Roberta Hall where it ran two. The latter produetion wax done by the Bryn Main . Haverford The Roy. Muntly Iles with the alumni of o;h171arerl phoyrdwand .' g' Sorarrbity. in mor' the . c="l of Ith' 931.6The "- ro 'he7y1 Wes foal presented In 1342 and remained at Swarthmore until last year. Retired donna the war year. from 1.3 to tb46. the cup has been awarded seven times Nast fall, President Ninon will again s at,ak;th., .. thoere l,„, on„ g jo. u,rnez ofro ,ne s President White In Collection. Haverford scored two points for the trophy In the fall with vkloties w crosamuntryby • score of 2634 and In soccer.SIThe football teem woo downed 09.7 in a tough battle. It was this cast and directors. Tom Wood and Maggie Glenn. in them rotes as co-directors, gave the Now et oafish that was particularly op tee mans teens: they pa remaIt clear and purposeful and showed good blocking. The game that also gave the "clue no g as a whole was effectiVe acter award lo Swarthillere.. The winter season aaw the and never monotonous. The room striking Georg afar-PM the eiona 11)i of Tem Wood and Massie Gleact Haverlerd. The next nine bate • the evening *ane George Se. LMpg Anneretem men were retired for 16 runs, and • to Tony. Segal was btg and The play was a sure fire Ow- brash and batstrous to perfection, could do nothing with the mema. In the 'twenties. It presented And hie sense of humor never dium pace rising ball. delivered conflki between the real worid by Singh end Taylor. The who. laded to come across, to alone f the stock broker and world was *b. b coridey the feeling allowed eight nins tor two wick- of Untaion that In the theatre. To et Cavensibil awe in the reunite the audience's amazement, the ea, and tour of those rum were theatre woe tut Unfortunately, of Fanny that the accept required. But withal, begave the boatsacored en a bye. Mk Ix no longer either amazing sloe of a Barrymore who had oat Per Harvard Bosky Or particularly gratitYirtn. rehearsals for the past Iwo In the over before Taylor The Royal Feeley was 0. very weeks. bowled blugaseth, Singh sent mews.ul show last weekend. Ongley to the sidelines. out leg This was true in spite of its no Union,. and 01.111. before wicket. Ongley was Har- iotaer living core. The Wan we Less sinking but deeper and vard/a high scorer with 13 nine. In part became of good lines mote satisfying was Danny Luc Fred Davies, who scored 711 Mania to coauthors Ferber and canoe perform.. as Julie Cay. runs against Yak last year, was Kaufman, and in part became. of endlah. Lf Segal suppled much caught out for a duck in Singh's the sure fire romance of the the of the play's humor, the provided o Penis take • clue 1645 wrestling resatelo IsomMe Garnet. It was not decided until the last bout when lhahman Jack Strotheek Atuange, Swart more's giant Nigerian heavy. weight The high ;Oka 01 the winter season. however, woe the 7563 basketball win over Swarth/ more, the first In seventeen years. Haverford had a 0.1 Ind at the time of the golf match lest Fri. day. The determined golfers mme through with an 84 trophy. clinching win. Saturday was a fitting finale to the weekend When. on Spring Day. the track team seeped a 7649 victory and shortly after this the tennis team came out on hop In a dose Rd next over. Wicketkeeper Mat • exuded by practically every even more of ita emotion. Al. match. Wad playing deep on the high lthe and action. though her performance was 00d by occasional paging and The real reedit for the busies+ Mar, Coat. Padt, A 001. overlain emotional changes. It Pror. In rronie: zz..r:z:1 LAURENCE WYLIE TAKES A MOMENT IN INTERVIEWahtadd WITH NEWS REPORTER go to Indiana,- he con. Brad. "it's sort of a baldly tree anion." Gordon began writing again. and Wylie thought about whet he had just said. Indiana really bad been a family tramdom eta first president had been a Wylle—only a collateral retie lion, to be sure, but still the as sQrlsIofi wax them .11e remembered that 1932, the year atter he graduated. had been the first year In quite a long time that Indiana had not been attended by et least one member of the Wylie !entity. Gordon broke hi nudely upon Ma train of thought .1 understand you V.T! the 131g MI WPM Ulm champ there," he odd, with *billows Interest "Nov no," Wylie corrected Wylie... was perhaps the most convincing of the evening. Way Mills had. In the part of Fanny Cavendish, the most de. mending role In the play. Her teaching French at Doll.. and postpone taking the foreign sere Ice mama for a while." Gordon was wHting desperate. ly. Strange, Wylie reflected, Vat cLreumstanees should have con. Pined to make him accept that particular job In that particular ar. It had changed his plans t(rely. Perhaps, he thought, Gordon would like to know that "I had the moat brthlant atm dent I ever emu/oared Is my find dam,. he mid. "We got to be very good friends In time He Woo probably the reason I came ye Oart, Page 4, Gel, • At a Joint meeting M MB Hee. performance am marked by pm Hard Chapter of the Interest., late Conference en Government dal mime. Despite • certain monotony. her volts showed both The team won the champion our and spark. She lacked, how ship one year. but 1 wet the ever, the firmness to convey the Big Teri cliamoMn. .1 went to feeling that she was still the head France my junior year, and that of the family. art of tidily always breaks up Diversified teat your extraemelcular et-denies.. Jane Miller tSwent wm tem. Gordon was clearly disappoint pieta), natural In a part which ed, and Wylie added, almost mak demanded complete naturalness. ogelically, certainly don't re ,If.,ah nge.d,re. idn't..ste gent going to France. though. It meant a great deal more. to me Men MY 'Walling mreer. I'd recommend that all ministers' sons go to France their Junior year. It broadened my horizons consideraily." He mold not been from smiling slightly at this. See what they Mink of Mat, he thought. Look. tag Pp he OM that Gordon WM regarding Min with o startled ex. pression on his face. and he wised the smile inunedlately. "I had plumed to go into the foreign service.. he went on quickly, "but I graduated In 1931, the heart of the depression. and It !teemed wise to accept • Job I.C.G., and P.A.A. Plan Merger wth z „mH tarty wet In her revolt against the stage. Bob. -Glazer and Mary K. Cooper IHei-bect and Kitty Demi had marked seams in their par. 000 the Public Affair tuteaciatton It was decided that the clubs Mould consolidate ea • single orgentretlon. James Hudson President of the P.A.A. and Tress unor of the I.C.G.eubmItted palm for the reorg.lzallon which Were accepted by members Of both groups. 1CG Visit Harrisburg In the pant the S.C.G. has been primarily concerned with prepare log the annua. Harrlaburg conveon I mo where nearly fifty Pennsylvania college s &end mare Penatives to partlell ate in model congrerses, political convent... std CORStiltiliOfild conventions. Th traeyal y the,rtam ,. . ily problems seem Important to themselves, 51150 am prepared during the but their characterisations had year by members of the club and some of the monotony of "types," are diocussed in weekly meetings Robin Nevin showed a good Because the membership in the sense of comedy, and held Ms Is Whited to thy 25 anent. characmr throughout a aeries at ben who may visit Harrisburg, emotional changes, picking up the and because there Is no oppon pace of a rather slow show. Con tunny for those Intemeted don Sheddlacked polish as .subjects not considered by the actor and wax burdened with a LC.G., the P.A.A. wia established generally uninspiring part. to arrange for meeting and speak Tons Wood tGll Marshall, was erti fee a tuldergreitia of etude., • last minute step to who falkd TM year the P.A.A. has spots to attch the tome behind Ma part cored amend dinners and spear • millionaire mine mecullve. am and Smog. for student pan. Beligaley Harris and Tony Bon UtipatIon In the Philarlaphle ton adrled materially to the hu- municipal elections. mor of the show, and Barbara To Encoorage ham. Floyd was always In chanteter It was felt that more ihttriat . Della. In p000001 affairs mold be tee The cast also included one Irish couraged by mesa/Mating an cwoor,llhosunri dd,it,ton. eexeatle bIrd. of (1%e. pouts.' groups Into one body. The name of this new body has Vs/. all of whom two partials. naibeen decried upon_ Om mealdent will be responsible for all larly ammIng and effective. In all, the play larked any WPM.. and will be assiwal by great deice of message, but It two vicepresIdena. A secrete,/ added up to • good evening'. en. and treaeurer 0011 work with the tertallInnent M. Imola WASHINGT ON TRIP (Recent* • group a hen path= Mem At lunch ewe beard front Senate Flanders of EDITORIAL FEATURES, COLUMNS ALUMNI NEWS Vermont aspounded • spibelrleitmsualIsistithec. iOnl dealy..e11111 c. morel whiTheconh hequestion 'ofiOstivatipoll.. on Meals* mankind. In the mien ALUMNI CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS is whether KB make' the The Locutive Committeele the the government Aim. Menet... hesIle =peeve! amendment Constitution to mime eneeded lectionbyofLathe Regional Coma Ownben The redeem ma Men. lsinger, ie Welfarechairman ComrniofttotheInvesti g ati n g Nathan Fen. Nominating °naming*. The amenchnent WSILforNoWayne Republican published here, w nefulbenul Inmos. advance a the owed mead matora wereTherefore, present ocept June. whoa ofpletely Oregon. theIsn'tcommitto waxMoro Father Eugene Botelho Bftnly, those, en themMember. of the blued, and this how democracy • I. Tenn of ante for Regional should work. As foruniform why, he le a at present at the Cnek Ogle wi the a election than September crst-Leer. In Republican Montezuma 1.54 andrather Motel Mama1. and when weon metdull. PaulI must modestly the' Utah. atFather young 1954 th 1253 each February conversati Eidson. confetti ' Church =mica be*thrwee Mi. ToNotninatio roWngThewhiprofessors le the restwoulofdthebe group ratherwinCommittee the June mating. don* CV= Juan and Mission of toInSt.tealChristopher'. sOlofI kept aPlatheLater Ying dumb. proud don kW the Mtannual Is • part. s barren l i s o rod. met the youngest man In fol l o w CosaAmnon WM then he operates a heed *tool ROM.= innings Coorressman of COI preen* It/ chilthencartandavailable provides .6.beThe elecnon a ahem* nonden el *a Ilemell wt fordo, and to said for young blwin ood forthe Navajomedical In election, poiido. pop], couldpeople Inlad but I have my doubts Once suggest, end N. Regional"..emenves Pres.= a ek. AnselattleaCoesesitee appolet=oist. olRoche der, capabl e, experienced pear A work whiArebeeregy anernates ereyr =Ann c h pieWetintto vote Professor excluded. hick. in the alter not Joe WON of Mosachusetta who 16schoolhours ARTICLE IT osdons andseemaddle anneal work tool sympathetic with theRayburn currentwhoadministie. Alma would Namely lion. to Then be conwe met than be an Ahmed commed a the ducive M «tenter more. ofUttlehistoOndophilosophising anent life. which had Path. Botelho. however, Os sun live Committee the NominatingCouncil and he AM= eentenven on e Board of ManagersCosualtto. acquiring much arch. Mr. Phillip. tad us about the life and hard entives: represta knowledge times ofofa seniority Confront:on and he agree eleked the eologicalMany Representative. alumni regions, redone who nail be of theancient . .oend kraartinotho A. theory Inimpoolol Cove= elected by the fromembank= only to because It the date aforden facts but to odor* their ends leads to doddering old non as heads of commit. men= teo while theIt young Is 3myoneandspokede intelitgelily. Representatives at logeof .three B. of In theFather vicinityBotelhe of has thatbloodpolwhenever the ree years year for Motion a term Creek In Washi nthon,Ofteems another y ad.nevertheory went out ante of their a cortdderabl e number theliberal window. course, I IV are thole nom fooled above by the in Th. Pont. similar dart palm thhikingJohnin theL. Lew*, bushydepartment which unchanged. bold of Article rough taw. The remainderNosolnathea ARTICLEmeIsVIMenem ea.hieThen Herecentfeltsteel that action. the President had hem lane foundthein There shall be a Norninating He seemed to be haviLaw,ng the Calliornla antalong Coon.. ofsixthemolding exprendents atafu withof us damning the four mosttwowent the Teti-Miley beaches ought ofAssecia. of orient *kegtheumands n , and alumni. e least with one oflewhom la • Alumni on Ms fad to love been dry the last two be iliMen Morleyto Flaverford, told roe wasbutthatthoseLemsPrinceton nearly indeed.his of years Malmo Commits.ofwho senior of oftheservice) Norninatthf shall be e bg.tio gethaste of (in length Past Preddent Lewi L Thes isgroup the Association. very made Republic= thought _ er to be edema toof any as sod= A, herea 2 a vlsithetintotime the In the company artifacts generally el i m i n except ati o n tem. " . unchanged reference felt thatoldthey are morebeenthanfound 30® to theParagopli Aluront Council ofherAnthasodor Franks' young Ought. . nothing years . They hereafter to be relented to secOst It wit on the Ming wring.what Finally. found myself n venous aces now In thehasSoutheas readInamthefolwar lows:3,1964. Irma dometheir In thechild garspinch. ibut neverpluntil such Committee annuallycarat* thereafter,fortheeachNorntoUns ofMgthemyself Blind, Embassy pushing shall also nominate vacancy playing nursemaid to her. But I found on the herWecaptivati have found before February l e t In sel e cti n g It. nomthess went dem to t. University Club • few similar forms In rock from alumniof alumni regioo'clubs the Committee will consult with the where wePhillips. joined aThisfewtufted alumni and Con. Counti shelterses,InColMontrose and presidents where posaible. greoman oRoth rado.Points communicate thebyCommittee's nomirodons toThethe Smeary members ofor down and enjoy two The Pinto found publication In the by Father Botelhe and Ids Navajo forotherwi se. duriRepresen. ng tives may of February. Other Reglool beother madenominations by anynominations groupto the It wee ••thatyenour nation hi to then competent I rest com. anthelpers condi.. a moat Importanon mernters by presenting such fortably pre Secretary, writing, withinthe20 days of theee'.Olenorniollons upon which safe hands. hi s tory of Col o rado and Utah. the Secretary communicated Commi Low, the members. signed by the togetherto FORM GOLFERS! with the mitten consent of their candidate. Thereupon. the Captain Monts la Senn° the namesein of theall nominees and In together form as MUwithhave• return been THE POOR MAN'S ports that he-Crider h. an Nannolly Emotive Committee. strong "Ohl Grad" golf team =veto., tobyeach mOther nomination of the Modena in the reglo of (classes prior to '351 forrang regions when or nominations will haw to meet"Young Cap t• I n "Sugar' been rode Ballots returned le the Roca OnSecretary within of said malting. and BMW opened but no variety. the denrsduates included, Fore. and tabulated byISthedaysSecretary es one'sne. S.very of thebeAuditing Our Neglected Advertisers.. . aubetotial 60 lowTheprices. enoughForanddinner. usually mooI When tototheeatUmpointdining whereOilItItfanleis worthwhile Molotely cot—knowledge and thin to Conendttes, thee Committee. In thosein theregiproence as good. • Comet Is at to emery Oomph the Executi v o ns where coffeeand-hamburger stop onAtthelastwayonelockor Iron Ides ofof nofood offered In the diMooh other=mimed an those mintedprodded. by theOno* NoMoting Committee Meet Bryn Mawrfellow Haverfordians two Yearafternoon iotave ry,ld cheaper andsomeexpense entry aofneeded—make ners congenial to above Mlle., but they doll notCommittee be mailedwiltshall andbe can end O found reelearolaweofsubmit this areaIn Mb lone good fun and betheconsidered candidate.doted selected by the there slightly after 2 ant night gnat compethon fo this nod. therefore, all. lipob the eaplotion of 20 day. front the data crowda or 'Thisercl our humble attempt at • upon which tothetheSecretary communicated Committee. the Pl.Theinfood Mawr.theIs teammates The an with" shooter. opponents and nominations members. ThelisNonnotin gtheCommi ttee Nall always choice. ofBenequal edit do furnish the Prealdent with t of auggeeted Perhaps the l e ast known and peen medium. and of choke very Mite now to Cooper, In each region. and In the event Out the eating plates near the campus good. Theo Is Mum. service. and comparative. Mum/ Ott. reseesentatIve Is the Presiden Home Resthurant. onThistheredanont mats sde laofmalt the Pike ly Ilttl.S1.noise The +Wore aloe will yourat Pet 5.4240—En or Ms Mad.doll. going Isinto Ardmore. end about 1 5. Edgar there in very the Mlle House.fromon campus, the Pike about one tedoStarling elate May 4 on theroastotherbeefhand. sablestmasfor the pion=theof IMO onetherecanforget fairly good blockThefood intoTodd& Ardmore stantial dinner Chri at the opt diremust walk,hasbutpretty Friday.Como Joetimes 6th at2 Marion kind enough patronis the NEWS. quick, the l a good salad and Is thattheinfirsttenyear yean thoe planted course. convenient if you Postcode Wee he good,diandnner.ONelll's Is right acmes the street for other has to variety to speak of. and names inresisted cotuseandst withofyour dart*.followdooeo,Wetuthope that We brought castoMers to their after by Individual. open around the clock. as Is the Comet. °Mmes. Ardmore's Horn and Harden Restaurant has ing receipt Hearth, of In your Bryn entry, Mawr acme the street excel lent are small and lathythe food Is rattler thex, Don the movie hone. has • pleasant emotion Greens Fee-43.23. trophy will 31.mpleted portals Anariarded appropriate Domaclubp Campus hasthe it,.campus co1 whicha 'ALUMNI DAY PROGRAM pensi v e be restaurants to of the this Muth* ciao The restau6. 3 5 are offered. and very new little else. of an PARADING rant PHELPS earn. disadvantafe Also prime. of The Mart-Nay, the PiInke thealmam. ost in Rosemont June 6, 7 and 8 e most Horn and Athisatisfying sother one Isnoisy. neith. offers The map wWtrees and Maybe of test dineronWhen food crowd Medalkicker. An nests troth Friday etahl to noon Mt he semi erUnlaikcafeteria For and mareshone than sixty ever* handicap and trees Is mollytheVillanova. the local foodThehoappalls, on theyears Haventhe the clanto marking neeThethereBlue cost youan orlon®. abouton51.the75. ofdin. place to head red Mce ford ompull number. • some fiftywithgem= the endhthee Oa Pd ahOUI .111141Cann; lends Ms 7111e:11,..-,2,7;„—,,z,n,i1.; Ryan and thrithe warehooe on the pike pr or the comm. mope garden William thislo Met Goma birds ob..= Bryn Mater, has the advantage of food and and at the turn ofplantings the century PRA. the chei beauty of the. CM had an the of Alma The Union le the meet= Mo. ref • dim. night in 1902 there occurred Earthen Milsfrom Is a reprtht ▪..e Beal,*Os Meet Ulla day b. Oared Ohl here dotrue IN THEIs forMAIL story the Philadelphia teePermaylwela Ice-storm • rarefy InquInr). Sire Its readers Is be Ode group formed It appears a. though becomi I=Alma Ewen of Iforerfonrs vs. the flower of Emden. correspondent n g • regular I Hereford Cam is In such a the Ncontinuo, but myif the trod of date of mind to set up a mune• prof Happened ons has dolthed ch letter hints Since that bByle forDonati thetheClub room.janitors Or at least they won't averages down, he would fix any or allthatofthe, the have le.* MeIuma We neon, Mrs. The whi one a American dot milireseortel pl anting to do it for them. ldone. ow to ovens News tn classes so tary poste. In this lett., I would like to point Georg and upkeep of Uwe and throbs e A. Bralteley, dee presinot ever wetwotheof thetopservices side sixty neeve dent and treasurer of the unbar around mut the uselemess and danger In orbiting in the wen az llo On April 30. a was Mao Ong= Moo. face Therefore. In t h e famow, effecti plmant teat review of course. News to be offered at Hay. the owe* Such •REIS bleb atm of Alumni otherinth dim. .tramno sky. afford. thingsannounced today spotsnotenance the evocskd Inthea statementof mai o the ofpond to certain duclents. while • third Is already at the "OldVirginia Club Teahouse" secti n First If rays the board for e toto the "nature walk" have an been PolAlexandria It Is not. uaeful to most du. The free. effect the mune Nolo, on have save S25.000on janitorial MOI, 7'0 = In the i t i c al Sci e nce for by the Clinno upon Haverford is the extinction of the gut eervi c e. Addressthebytress betwon Folders and Roberta. The to take, for at least two Thirty spoMOM.: or _forty011of the union. funds, Arbontuna Fund es. theitheyrordothreewetormums, gradto became achoola MUM. When Under • that something or even called Ilior electives TO adnorto Streighl 130 janitor. which talk from a art meld ham mon provenmind. Ornedlately snaps In JItino= Those flgare—the o Andatooder thola—who bas lived dose to theJoseph dinner.Martin, John' It by Edward hooking. Meltedworked the majority —generel of prank. the eeend the The praetor usually our times. thetas The A and e Fronds StokesWool... Fund. In Frank..leat71.Campbell. have for thely *dished newarkshoforsotto expettence the following =earnerstudent. wearingena starts =la addition are donsUons of friend. . 2 0, Hugh S. Dane. and the poor hopeful al u mni et If thecourses. News would keepdean.the 1101Informati him exactly what me mom Inredesigned the fall Maya at the door or the nd Comm a new Hoorn and thi and r ty, ba 10. Richard A. Poole. '40. Plea the o n pri n but ted ru reed. for sone Mt ow i n g! 1'001 Halpern's Tem Toth pletely posproof ourse. • The tortes'service =demmess. supty the dam Gentlemen will more POr' ects, Havermoveintominden*. Moms ford'Among newspeper haveso dildastrow effects DO IfOdd continuesof Haverforda s fourrecent year olproj d Campua uponacourses the future ofwould courses expose courso NIORPOSIE SHOSVERO No noti its policy of 'be- with janitorretrenchment o—there' l be more William lord10,ener. '46,12,Robert of Is the pert of a program the Day stIn C:O gut would dangerous. as I will point other Lithe, you'll ing cheer of service". the hero Thls could be dlaastrous N. Pr=Sdent body. The Arboretum out Wen ORM of an anci e nt el m nekdrams. Charl i e Map. who, wish to go to medical ohool. MS. do Clocks E. Fox, Jr. . • specimeo la. Se bleaumenais, The News Is better able to tell safely the conenflaming gradote work, drew or F go into any MI, Meredi proitensioso will be on lond Aleo soda planInwould work have walk has traded wialtohng the nature tent ofwhether a coursetheso that would a readeror would mightnotOtterIn. fession exceptcormthebymilitary. '35, Alan R Fs.vth. 13 Those who are *kingin- been made Mathree of the dormi"":" t. ...11T7 know gt?.Welr''6 a per4 ' neOssity John L. will Weltroan, be thrown tories for the last and years. It ellawfmas km"P.theAlearStirtst somplers happy, busy at. tral tenet him. , tthe college otalog doe.News thls with to thetheir II loveraverage, quarter. If they have nobemons that athasWeetown. la expected the plan the Henry those theon. pickedto easesL InatIVITIES *15 be merely informal. Brooklet at Altk cirale7ouscrotunge been cinalcharge a S.mTrenton', '' o up Information True,theMthead, boost up Haverford eyecoulofd they would other goats wen Yale already much of has the botani rtrul.:1,irer,, not Include , tre. Se be stripped of Getting Bancrof just &Ohm' plant- Commenmtor, Hon.CBSPatNod not be separated. reediting of 'The Dune'. Easy courses should be to stay, end like room Here at Princeton, ing Nat areahasalong A fall. to 1111' the• Milled. lo mar noweireeping me.= UseCotttheit permoodantto but thefeature News Itself o o the plan goesroomIntorota* Elects. effectwinnextre. Ph* CoinpOy. fotAveno In the lecture mom adds or de. . eitazini:Sunday =um. Mil be same double photographi c too mudh l i g ht wi l make from these Haverford September, tendi n g tracts Vertebrate Morphol o gy. other : classes "spoil" The rolnistrative News Mould Anatol to bear County this Li n e Road troth and the mama }..v. 34 In Pel,"-Pfeans mks lorn4Tsti""re added Info-melon is InOMPle Wiliam o =dale to mInd: thebe dbisummary full janitor la one service that meant ordoe would have his catalog. W. 1911 contrauedof courses three Adminis endative Amite. 630 A thirdIs able thingto dnd a armory of mum loud DONALD F. CONS, 116 Onkel= aid. =rem in rota* Wen the has been rem= majors were Haven of Me WeenIngton Haverford News ford mni Clmode node theirof annual visitAltouonly theubRepresentative innereyworkings Phillip 114/ Amami Alumni. ma the and., inner rude Philip R. Stareburr their agate ofshowi government Book. onlyendtake muMeso lerand n g-govertmsem Ita us this trip Introdordof Morton groupgovero. of Oth dents S. nom.ThetoNEWShum= a Palleaof• what =OAOudot havehasan thetotrip.noperre imprenions potential This letter Is written inwhofdendly we hope everyone rent itjestwillbutmike the oson. hal need for who understand interrand Allwhowhoarewent onthetheInwohlnnon trip extend their grated. to Represent:Ow Philins.. FA) DearendMother endpot Dad, weekenddollars we went to Wohing tengovernment where I spent andI tuderetand saw Ms our works.twelve I think that democracy better now se the system the.allowa •man the right to be ming. Themmajors, were tenandOrden*. all onior political science Our notwestop wasoneourthe PressJohn ClubPh lips, • Need For Strong Customs... Ninon. Here who le quite HeHaverfordlan, is ranking minority member of the House Appropriations Committee. and many narks nukieveryone the tripCongress the deserves success Iteveryone seemsforthat Lslikeitit even though they might not other.AfterButdinner pont= are politics. lx Morltendey. eopresident who le leadingHaverfordl conservativeIin theMelcountry ofdoming and domestic policy. gavegotten to a lotfrom of Information and poetic. we hidHe not our rather liberal petrol. He feelsproblems, our menand he support. Taft Other sureompaign he canlikewin.'41tbut they'll stand for no apathetic Next we met members the Bureau theBureau Budget.theIt was toof note thatthattheof BudgetIntending ho noother paver except It canNotcutweofthevisited budget of department, theandSupreme Court.Atwhich magnificent impressive. thery court convenes •• the ye. the Court la now Ineachsoon:day, wouldn't mindoStarting worktheatOltwelve I had previ usly heard.undi e ns Reed gninedfimanner. andodFrankfurter wereaboutposing od. Minton. *ughcarrying on then. Otos. and Reed were ening Ns attorneys a tough are jinn God, Black Oohede the most like what I expected_ who program .s th of Amer& l'age Two Haverford, Pa., Timidity, May 13, 1952 &NM iiinuMag Edgar Haim Meager Saar New Edger New Editan .........Philip James Crawford Jr Muth of werk_ .11 Andrew L Leen, D. Frederick E. Botelho, 1941, - can government. of °wroth* a the hearing by thelaber We twat to I. spirit, is a the John H. KellYi At Utah Mission idime Meese, tried been this John C. Burton. Hugh Gallagher, Heine F. Koch - Jolla S. C. Harvey, Ill Maumee William G. Kaye limper Nether. J. Barker indolent &Mem Mower Gordon Werner Near imam. ........ .....J. Hitchcock, 13, "Hogeneurr, chin and H. Killedner, D. Kelsey. M. thanks too, G. Shedd, J. Sornerndike Ii. demister I young attractive ReIn Wash. heal. il medal and tnendly. lease poet About this time every yhar, a fairly Wrong current of protest rumbles again,* freshman hazing in Sam ng and hwo has written foreign policy of freahmeh Constructive Citizens for a Co-operative College Community. The feeling is that the poor little riled poly act. rams eyebrows and by gre men, Or concave thee. twee British Erntemay. where I pegged morn of le twelve ve sort of so far north. although Denver !Antrum archeologists ng. flan crew elect "hear ye. hear Haverfordien, A well-administered Cuetotne program can be a con- structive influence towardsfreshman integration in as three •pecifice fields that essential as ever; Al Were !Ike little children in mod , Pang ft far the 5 and a Alumni Council by riving the Secretary a lac of maid nomination, on or Men delicious rum eoliths and thm eat a mammoth weak dim seat will the Association liaverford NEWS, the month of discovery which may worthwhile trip, and help to mita • new chapter In the felt like little ants before members of promptly develop a &Retain amount of class Clint. and come to realise the hard fact that they have a good deal to learn. ta possible, mall ember tude toward the tradition Customs can be quite a a art DUNCAN pleasant lark for freshmen and upperclassmen alike. HINES mall be Athletee• gets speelal valleI. amain keep a newspaperDining. These things fill up apace in don't pay the printer.. As Greek's on excellent Klee. . . . r lean appreciated e variety a only 170. The r especially service Ira - NEWS The to yen. wide varier'. but parthers Of Campus Club far side , eggs end the penned by Princeton to Cut Tee. li itooeption Tea we ew, h. this next epistle stag of Vhitienut Dinner fond Saturday, 6:30 p.m. Admiral Alas G. Kirk t: new order of requieements for melon Saturday, 9:00 ten up as • Motor, Aoauag corn and corridors happen to all the New, he for all muse Ow Adnenisuatmas bulletin does therms. dventures o1 101011 from ANL gar AUL lell Jget_Jakt ar. cording to gene. '33, ant Charles Professor notelet Jr, 1.3. the draft With no gut welly eliminated Metter service le undergraduates' when Mc. • emit_ The dub Inc from so. here ford What In tae Lets one Heal P. DUNK In. '4k, Joseph I. DID John Phillip., lee, H. Wan, ft '44, are grouped ac Inglis, Colic. Jr.. and brought tree from the Arnow Arboretum many engineers and premeds. state whether this for gme pre. grade!, Cheirentes Tree pro). ter Each year for the past dab C4O!" Donald Is cork Continuation of Sinning Ito mould 30. Banton, 74, Caves Wolfinger. new fanellar M mobil gal by the vigilant nor cerienewie harder uff just Mann y notes Is enamel mid. "Dry runs" to we whether theh a But ATTwu as wall Hoop , and membership. easy students ma orb. eased th Melon and Field , Club. Much of the duiret activity te Havilland. John Hoopes, 71. acted apmeneed by the lathes of two se committee chairman. The following alumni were the th university ere yews or longer— stairways will simply fi honored em ram te Me the Circle and Dement ck got 1 bag theft Noe who please ne.nete beyond College truaws gees his theme writ. easy, psychology dinar , new year by cutting down a profaner gut. ■'°r"LIrseru c.:Y.,!". p.m. to Midnight at hopes to dente, for they lthow beforehand what they have be easy Illitonnitl Wei fend by the thllege melee_ with H Mmd*. seeking the prod pouts. women. of Cheek the mtortretion Is offered Irmo-sae Poli. Sci. Majors the amp. as all therm summery might perform see muse review. ties been hie Meraben night agaln. a Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Yu cad Wnen is] .o.n erg. Topake .lark Fulls will early yeara. and Meetly thereImplicitly which. after • concerned Gives Dinner For St•rting neat fall Princeton thaw. are to be avoided. and why. it is obvious the pus Cub. Undergrednatem will make Mair why this cermet be done. for If own beds and clean their oWn to Ong Washington Unit may well come from Saturday, 4:30 pan. The 7be There loss also been a careful listing made of ell rem.. over the jut atty p.m. spear Game Saturday, 3:00 pa. 15th. or • am. to are aver seen ,Dim aid Herne a the had developed as me er Janitorial Staff will Immar-Aleawsi Softball May be • eemiteehrecal m ere Saturday, 2:30 pa. youth Imago* will in distributed for • littler of Saturday, 2:00 p.m. Saturday, 2:30 hops ran be for Modest Founders foe low gray, the Is the par good itletie /latches, for a his guide to the Comet Diner, aims w Ire' with '02 Storm Incited not will Friday, 2:00 p.m. In appoint an &termite to serve In , being Holt n' Sand, alternate. unable to servo e Inc " Maallug P.M. '. will time malted foe coffee dates. Huge, excellent hamburgers al bee the rrement Me am prices end to of diners. food and for West have as they have enabled se to bring the play Bob sub food offered but a the repreaentativet will phone that you Inn you Without their generow support. the NEWS would be to paired the variety Is Fishers of Nominating "Rifle" you'll be Bryn is goad. we feel a special debt of gratitude to our advertisers. Marked and wear' eau earthy Me rertnts to no Candelab this any We wish to express our appreciation to the Stu- th an weekend.. Poor Man, Doman to those people who have made this publication pnarible. been over brawn and super ninon. late et metro we Dar the clew of what has been a financially rummer- ful NEWS year, we feel that we owe a debt of gratitude patronise our advertisers just as our advertisers have menthols of its best. however. elsewhere. It takes for more than just news and features to forced to cancel many tames. We urge that each reader a ballot containing such approved Also, we dare to Submit. for those with • healthy atti. dents, Alumni. and Parents who have subscribed. but tt such group, Son Customs mn help the freshmen get to know one another, the weekly ts out to be a pleas- ant chime. to tit Ire time, and the lawyers most hav th a and concentration of Mein been found en Haverford itself if the average eallowly eeltoonfident prep school rotter in the Incoming claw waa really ready to take his place right away as a full-fledged Manager, t ens any sleek Sewed, it would be a rather disturbing comnlentary Oil Dowd have of incoming freshmen. The state of our aoeiety would be indeed grim if a group of otherwise healthy eight- member ed Age Vey Entmate la to the all el mene wry but It Is eon'le teen-year-olds would really become demoralized by a of living th Inc mat Republicans aren't . IV Are Characterised by Baking, nano shoulder. and face. Another emblems are econo- We submit that the above feeling simply does not fit changes in Article Doren n soot a be eleated th each Found of Pinto Benin mic domestic the facts, and is at beet an insult to the mental inability et mole owned:bre 00th whom Montana. W. many books fellow will be hurt psychologically for life if they are brief encounter with caps, buttons, and the Haverford wen of Lew year. power. idea not at onoe completely accepted by upperclasemen as pond. shun. for 1050.106 and with the porpoise of fashioning from the raw materiel the MileveineaddIekeet taught any and each that the alleged inhumanity of Customs in inconsistent Rama rape. th needed early Fall resemblm a Hitler Youth camp to the opinion gill-fledged college men. coma mere In tradition range from the feeling that Haverford in the Se.. ,:pent met that t when may wither re/clarity is tereMle et WanonUneed. beheld, the Nortresetreg Intereelted le general, and the institution of the Cuatoms Committee in partieller. The ground. for these attacks on a onee-saered nil Ione taming day glaadaneer therewee. am Norwood 1S WS i• spot only for hundred• of people. - Inc K Hamilton; G. hieDeneld , the need the young 11. Huetw ; V,Paktum: k 1.15 be mW Son comm., Pet Mewed Well, this D. Cons D. Denney; J. Hopkins; L Riven Balsas if swears Phosiaropart spore Parepogier priest of the He Mara at dab for an June rather print womb Alumni th 1 Council members Botelhe got ball that s young lima roves invent Cirearierers . voted 0111 tel le San Juan MIA In lea Demo Douglas Poen dattrreirree Klaver, T. Penick, P. Phelps, L. Prager, S. Sachs. NI. Sex. L .Me William C. Wilma lora Mee Finds Dart Points to Mn. Phillips tr Job' Pt..' Pal ▪ ▪ FORDS RETAIN HOODHATidEPHY 2nd STRAIGHT YEAR; DOWN GARNET IN GOLF, TRACK ,CLOSE TENNIS MEET Scarlet LinkmenClinchTrophy; TrounceSwarthmoreln8-1Wm A Record Tied... Track Wins 76-49; Kumm Ties Record With 9.9 100 Dash Hy overwhelming Sourthmore 1;: mt. us the Hood TroPhY Fords Down Garnet 5-4; Doubles ou es Victories Decide BY DAVE BEATTY e Saturday afternoon on Walton Field the Fordo continued their atring of athletic victories over Swarthmore this L7e'le'r e7;;e5Illtr :Irb. D bl yme by defeating the Garnet in track 78-49 before a spring their indieldual mathhes Matted day crowd of slam to a thousand spectators. Coach Pop teeret. he,rh The HatentOrd • little too much and round their Haddletonn runners were supreme, taking all of their events beet ball tied after the regulation nude it a clean weekend sweep and making two clean owes in the hurdles. Swarthmore lB holm Mike Rernorenko thed over the Garnet by downing entered only one man In the high • birdie on the seventeen and an Nero in • clone 54 matrit,Spill• es htirdle4 and no one at all in the care 3 on the par 5 eighteenth Sigart h m was the to even the wore despite Logithe tang the [tingles vliVes and stronger in the field eents, win. dropping the not doublet match. birdie on the last hole. Fortunnine them all with the exception ately Haverford won the extra the Fords rallied to win the anal On May 7, the Reverted tenof Arnie brtes' wth in the broad hole when Nick Meyer three doubles pale and thus emerge vie nit Want continued Its winning Jump. Bill Jones of the Garnet potted. Morrow wee 10w for the tort. streak by handing Lehigh • 6-3 5-4 set • Haveriord field record with day with a R. •I Javelin throw of 192 feet VS defeat on the loser's courts at Most. Dropped by Cosa The second match was much He broke the record of In the nest singles the Main Bethlehem. Haverford's mason closer than elther of the other 187 lent set by Roger Sorg. Hay. with two. Bob Feeser who has two Ildrs received their expected de rowed hoe, Benda at th Coat. From Page 1 erford, a week before. down with two to go ...led down few of the afternoon m undo .d 1 loss. Karl Kamm of limerford, won rising bowing, nude a fine arch to Ms nommi game and played hated Ilro Corn of Swarthmord, Winston, Piotrow. Cartkey and both the 100 and the 220 yard of • smirk off Davies- bat one under par golf on the last clowned -amine" Winston 60. dash events. By running the 100 Swarthmore James on Ilmodoni won in and five points besides, as Karl Komm breaks the tape ahead of the field in the three holes. Oh the seventeenth. 41. Cane, the flashy. 9.9 seconds he eq.led the ' Ed 1 4' Cap S' " r ain. The *. Hme penman r " proved to be Winstone singles contherdlon vdthoid 0- 100 yard dash. Kumm ran the 100 in 9.9 seconds, tieing a Haverford record as the Bob mimed • pun for an eagle 41. set by' Joe Wingert Ha* Seaga. • catlike and Pos.H.1 1. parent trouble. Harrison and Fords swamped Swarthmore, 7649. 3 but won the hole with • birdie '''peeler all the way. dolman, was the fourth out. He erford '33. in 1937 and also . Paul Sterner succeeded in fel .. ....' two M.' Bob' Burge were leas fortunate: liar drove • two and two singles and equaled by Eli Halpern. Haver. to was able winning the last hole best ball to a. of Swarthmore Ford captain Jack risen losing to Toners. 66 appeared to be determined to ford 32. in 13. Other double half the match and fore. it Into to out punish the Scarlet bowling. but ',inners for the Fords were Joe extra holes. Bill Pratt had a Platmw. winning in -three sets ..... " and S.M. 1.ins ...a. ein in the mile and the half was caught out on a Inomb to bled. 3 on the nineteenth to take 34. 6-3, 6-9. It was • hard fought tee 3, 63. Harrison had been Ile runs. and Fred Tabbult In Taylor at midair The ball forced Sward-degree only Point of the match .th the hope. of rods moved from fifth to fourth posi. Its way through Tylor's net cupped the high and low hurdles. Evans dm while Moser parried it to de therrulathmseing heck eod forth. don aa a result of booing defeatThe Haverford baseball varsity The Haverford two' msd. ..,,,d empped f N. the SIMI of Swarthmore was the only , ,.,„„ eat his man one up In nine. Taylor proved' to be • bit steadier .,t r dropped • cloee 3-2 &clean to double winner for the Garnet by wrist. In the end, and it looked m - "'me - e --Ier match. f feat boles. an Important match In the doubles competition was- Leg." ... • teed SP.'S day, May 7, mid wectundd to the The remaining Crimson bats victories in the Midi. mel The last fornome took their though Day It mew were retired Solely easily. wee . hos ,.ta:....d y a SySi. wo . erford took two out of three. re. trodby. crew° et Hemeg'irg' Der h. quota of points John Eagleton might lung on Ws victory. • close pitching dual between Wood caught Cooke out for a Stein's wins were both claw .... ,, (Mem, Harried Wle Wk.. teed "on" seee". 74 Fords Charlie Wunder and Es. had a red hot two over par M ...ed iz e.d did., .e oiss ado score. and Hanhikanivals In the mile he was closely pressma.„,,ghth, ,,,,, L,,,,,.. Dave Caskey elm played a 13-11. As and Caakey woe 0,,,,we on the front nine even [Mush he was run out after one nut. Fier ed at the felon by teammate Bill had one double bogie. Allen shot nod. hard, steady pine and 13-IL 6-2 As dotes.. HP.,,1•00 The run domed five plate came with • home run and e cher. the seventh man clown, was Gage end wee challenged in the steady golf to conquer his op.. went to three wta to down his end Bdrge ger., no better thee In the seventh alter LaSalle •Ingle. Big John Hitchcock_ who declared out leg Wthre wicket off tut I.P of the half mite by fresh. enr, and to turn to • 39-41 for opponent. Bob Wentworth. Cm They did et ei.gith bang defeated Pthohnitter Curcio angied with a The Jayvee batenall team shit. hurled the fir. seven Innings for Taylor's bawling. Singh retired man Bill Bruce of Swarthmore keythere. took the tint setthee. with a goad the by Dengler and Miller of Lehigh ...or, .m. • hg hotheer met, the Fords, struck out three and Conboy Lbw. and bowled Cheek who was running his fleas race Swarthmore litolithe Green Country Club It The Maln LInees tagged the ' 84. 8-3, „.._. -e-, walkd two, while Cheek, war. in one over. and took Albrecht's Are Rel. ran a close 031.4 k". ,.. Ow wax probably one of the best Imo. set and finally - 1dt It 64 •4•110e, starting hurler. Mc- de... Frid.Y evening. mhr .• eter came on to the two In the off stump on the first ball of its quarter mile and Bob Snley's mdsea that the Scarlet and He monk both strong In the thltd Laughlin, tor • thighs tally in the and returned wIth • stisfying eighth. Beth pitched wet ht. no over to finish the Mnings. time of 10:152 In the Two mile is to win 6-2. Blank has played all season. The and fl. gr.. Leadoff man Richte walked 74 ran under their belts. Morris were hampered by six Font robFords tnotident one of h. best for that event Me course, the excellent weather, .phonsore Earl Harriaon. who and went to third on Jake John. Lowtheed„ heehtwe 'emend., cues. Their true effectiveness can As the sides changed Haver. The track victory plus the ten. 10. the artery gave the mites has recently moved to the num. nu win put a satisfying finish to hurled Ins Haverford. and blab ' "...rm. • very respectable finish to their ber tour skit dusted lila oPPonmit • victorious Haverrord Waaata4. meson. J. Iamb In two easy sea. win. teed Mnd anthlee. while tanning dee dg'r".. utings ei swlId t. s 'h,..."I": previ 'd ous nonnd ,'!,,ne ".0 'L 7" nn' y rt. "d r. '''' 0; TT* a.mmariao advanced as Ledeboer sent a all seven and walking tour. The e.t.a Beene Litehmem: with Oath Chase and Chandra Malatd. reri:14: ri7''.'47sn ort: 4 SOMIGIAT OP natl./Man. GOLF. Meg Si. 62 Harrison was super or to the Genet opponent en the BRIOMIth 5.- HAVERFORD deep to centerfield. The all Fords supported him in fine hash two for three, lee the fleverfeel the eves temper leditin. e000 . Graas Mrrow, ncersurd. taut lima way. et, playing sti lton; ion thethey wiiis up defensively. a good in s omi the et steady s:lsi the r beca and rrois game. hithet, u produced ru sss ot t er a , • New., Remo... • 1. an Leman Nato, Imp neao'd vers*" .d thetrible ./37int ww. sewthe„„. oht., "i'fgi na'md t two rum Aaron • a Rorld Wff. "Mi. course. the Scarlet and Black lave csi,isghss isiod,gs time is barrage of nine hits. all dude st. rth.„ elegted the etc.,. rum sans won heal ball. t up. IOW. Co. My Albright aACULCingStrell ,,, th. 5,.., ,,,,,,,, }.,,,,,,..., ,...,,,.. Shen, Metcher .d Mugmeth both Don James playing In the num. lor their nand ant crushed g Drexel 9.0 Inc goo, the sthrwg her hre Paul Messer. .... beat alp for "%V=Arre,rn414 sI 'tr= shutout of the season. Carden rue back for the catch. Broad. each garnered • pair of him .d eget on an gee, the eth,...,, bowled melded. end Chase wan hee___ seats t u. Freer. Haversord. wguo: Sal Ash Asst... an Mk sews. EgeeLbed en off "Y on the man Paul Sterner returning to action Mg Mg. the gtiting '.. .6 we. GIPGdsamthllt cal two for pteediege, wipe. They tided out lbw. on the last ball of the weed bele Altair 1.,, itz, other long all to the lettfielder. Swarthmore. The cantata was eth ads mu we WI. I up. IWO I am.. rilit. ■ 33 G.. Mite..., Ronnie fond after tam week.. redeem.% end men t. the „thaw. fourth over. :eh. atm. time-foot YU ose took him In two secs. 62 62. Haverbrd's ! a 111441 131.1Selck. Jim 1.aSalle monured In the third called on scoot. of darkness at mr..... ,.. m, , . ,,,,,,,, ... he net round of the year and We.. • 1 tots saslon. Havargot ..‘ on .„,..r, ere egth tree flashy and dependable Engl., I vrtni.d, p, grIe 're,,,,,,.... ...icier.... John Burge, playing number the of the day. In touring the with two unearned tallies on two the end of sta. ti.. beat Musk AY.. The Fonts started the are wow. ee nett,. wet redyedeg .... hm, we. In gg. me. I'lltley-Ma ma ben tan. a a Me. pored . be the Mnnag eur emrse lit complied 14 pan and hid McLaughlin led on with • „ and he and Mated mllected ten en criIIII-I tr soUra. 11=tr Angle past Lededer along the worke In the second when FraM 15. prise of the afternoon. Judging 4 bogie. „=„weeliW.I, • gwe's tn.., Bo.Maloof reached Inc „. ''''''''"' OM '''''''''' ---. Keetx base Line. ms ''''''th'd hit Two by straight a idtch, outs Bill fret', Part raaaras against Pe., Bob Logan was mond In wor the runs before ' ""*I . 'bg ,1•a near wide and snicked a catch s ee,. th . 4,,,,,,,st ....ism. "h.' S'I II"I'' rbrt, beaten log with to 77. For the tint time follow./ and then came the only Wod • ewe FOLLOW THE Ford error of the day, Lathing Seem. re." IfIr•Rickeb' Ststh th .' en "ag'n ot m . r.,..; o.. _. .,,: nath.o .tho wletete,,th ee. thirthSee . Male. Ili end Gage. bosh Hasertyrd. Reverted SwIee..... Deve this year the Ford. were able to two men on. Gallagher followed aboard via another error. LAIR. yawed • base on a wild pitch, Haskell had an edge on gtiege lower their team average to less FIGHTIN' MILS with I single to Ted HIbber6 snored singled, and Rickert! and scored on another error. John, however, was deenitely up than 80. Paul's 74 helped to pull Two ingien'in and Anutr ah.ifin hg?n7xt Scam rden crowed the plate. but scored I this tch and Play. had 'the avenge down to 768, Haver. th .swi,ssisii Ingish. et T 's az outisfoitsurisru h. Ycowi. '" 6I'''''d thnghwemogrgre.r.eede llteoteue. ssniasglalrisSis rthe .. . eme. ad steady to clown t. man In ford finished Its '52 home sea. the inning ended as Ted Hibberl Losgeb:1 D' threw out one batter at second. MEV. e5VIrrOnr7!TA LTrria riteg A tingling and two long sets of Identical 7.5 one with a final record of three hhhi even ft they are on the wicket, Coan. Martluisre. mZ0.0et the rally by S7=7,re ernuene17d The locals tied the wott la the tise score. This proved to be the on. _„,, one loos. is .. e"eg. wee "reed et mmeld gad at., he had snored three fourth with an unearned tally, and an error. 1 L° ° e'`Itee".-"ra: :petted victory which won for glob . 1.1..Mr. 10.• ILST FRIEND Grant mamma ma rford sea, ten as LaSalle'. catcher dropped the the loess. The Fords salted the game Bole Don. Saw., I •".$ Bah third art. and Broadbelt .d away In the lam two frames. In W *mond, and scored on 7,, nos beer pet. Berwick gri,73: roman mooed byayne eltutblsear"d Forth Tithe Two Double. Th''Hdub' 's wee iimerfont. th".bo Rae. howl' edI"bay"FI W*d etche'r'l for Lb's. I Init'vertirgs trall to third on the mondors, Swarthmoree undefeated don. the fifth they scored twee on rubise dole second and thdrd and, seek, and meverford had Mir keldnian's error, and sows driven Lafeet walk and Weal of second. wee Lee Ides teem of Coss and Taylor. zit interim:Ts, at. sante-4 Bet Hassrti. In by Linthlesuns ground out to and sharp singles by Albright alter Jack Ledeboer was hlt by a seem. down for only 23 rtens. P01.6 LT; 1 Den continued m their ways by down. Raisiferd win pitch, Hartubise crossed the plate The tide turned, however when the Shortatop. The game remake and Kees. In the sixth they tel. Homyak dropped Td Hite Howard Taylor came in to Jain 8110....1SinIP-1. Amat, ed red midi three successive tied two more on Rickette aim when Tirte “'s ictt''Iry aa s bell bloc drier. This wort muss 3101 Berwick, moms. em d singles, dimmed by pinchhitter ra strt i7. sew.. Ign:' '1V41" Curcio's single which drove In the [le, Longsrethe farceout. and all for Haverford for the after utt, Her. AO ca. litatlascrasandal. Four Doe.. elle. by Later, noon, as Dentrole blanked then, Taylor scored a single to end Tee victors retaliated and I whining run. and put the Ex. [meddle. Dunn, end Albright, over the last four frames. the 13th over, and hit the third platers ahead In the emends Swarthmore came back In their The home team added • mark all of the next over for another : 117:XitrZY 1'1+11.:tin: LaSalle replaced McLaughlin 15 the match 54, In second doublet with Tont Lucia in the seventh. half of the sixth to more Mr. .r In the seventh on Denkolee single. Barwick, who then had rims on a Single, two walks, and round tripper to amp center, end four singles and a double. Pbtrow and Caskey took Went. Lirsk had prevloualy downed the blasted crease while Cooke was 00001100 worth and Jones 6-4 64. Harrison Fords at Lathdle. He retired the two grounder.. but their rally another in the eighth on a single the next ball to the boundary for his near at trick, plsyed down and Burge also found their op 10.13 In order In the seventh. was euicidy not down and Haven to left a walk, another single, the first four of the inning. and three balls from Davies. and then ponents. Lamle and Haskell easy on Friday, the J.V. tennis struck out the first man In the lord won, 74 ant an error,.. to nuke the final broke the Harmed bowling, Impatiently lashed out for two s crate , victories, downing them 61, &I. team traveled to Swarthmore to eighth and then was tagged for At this point Havrrford had 29 fours and • single in the over. feat the Garnet nem.. 61. a long single by Chandler. The steals. Frank Keels lined in well Dow the Ford. again dow rune. Bar.* and Taylor then Curran scored one run and masestod weather was lab and the hall rolled past the centerteldee et short for Hurtubise. who was a raised the total on singles and Wood flee rnom to tiring his per their arch rival. and made It 29 g„ one double to 34 of/ Fletcher and word total to la. lie was not out cowed/re conference victories, Mds in good condition. rea and over the bank. Everyone taking the premedleal exams 1[1Abii noes IM mdnn Mugamth. who had done all the When Conran was slumped reach. with oMy Mohleriberg ahead of Howie Wolfe dothe the hon.. thought PO was the tying 11111. bowling. Harvard Captain Seaga Ing for one of Cook's tricky de. then far an .defeated confer for Haverford In the number one 7Ste new ground rule, however. LaSalle 002 000 1 0 0-3 Inkwell, If end record. It Wan only Swarth potition defeated Lennie. 64. 6-3. Matta t h • t anything over the Haverford ..1 0 0 1 00 00 0 -2 L=1' Kent In slow bowler Davies and liveries. 10 Mame rides Mal, el moree second lea of the seas Dave Perry handled Klee with a bank on the roll Is an automatic quick throes after two alngles. Taylor. who The howling of Ha verde open, LaSalle: BeLAUGHLIN, Luck is had already been given one life Inn howlers. Fleldhe • and thluga a. they er . had prmiously sue. 64. 61 score. double. Wit Lucia Comfort then In bore down SPRITZLER'S p when two long fielders collided seth. deserve menu( 0. Ea. de. combed to Penn 54. It is Inter third pontoon smashed his *poen and strod out the next five men them Plumes Braises Mr Mn. Haverford WeIRSTKIL under a ray, word the 37th run livered two maiden teem and alt sting to note that the Gard cot 61, 60. Drew 1.ewle took are to face him. 3S IS W. Lone-ant. Ave. • on another dropped catch, and together only 34 run: wed wo r. racketmen .11 lose three players of Colllette. 63, 61. Rounding The genre me well played and resatala Ardmore 7750 b. p.a. the victory was assured. Barwick ed off them in 15 rens. In a agithet the For00% lone mob out the singles compeUtIon, San. the Fords committed but one A. then finished the over with a tour Don 3.m. dy Frey defeated Shoes 44, 61. error, which was • tough ground uceh shorter time Singh had his YMCA aaaltes and retired. er to Linthicum di the third beat day with nine wickets for le'reigtre ..... Barber Shop Taylor 1111 Two Shwa neVentfen In thadeubles competition, the Charile Wurster ran hie stem WAVING HAM:ILFORD SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RELATIVES AND Now that as the pressure was off, Fol./ t.94. two not of three. Of innings pitched 'without walk Today Haverford meets Ur 16R SINCE llet ' tlif% Cooke. a leg.hreak bowler sinus FRIENDS OF STUDENTS OF Fermi. and floInfort. in the num. to 23 and pitched a good enoug aettete p tie w..steame at Haverford, Wminewley was sent in. and Taylor smashed BAVERFORO COLLEGE her one double., took Illtrap end game to win. Don Broadbell I par TI a four to the ...Ty Mid then and Thursday evenings the dun a-acted for Salt 191.m1W.G. 64,63. Burton and Id an exmllent lob behind the will play General Electric at dro e s or th bo ' attempted plate, and nipped three and Fed ont Patti and Saturday the heed. Hit new partner. Dick TOMS son. ed. VI The only low of the take on PHocelon on Cope Renkela & McCoy Kleist then scored a four and • Field. day,/ was when Swarthmore' (harms. limed., Court Bd. tingle off Davies to bring Taylor n..M r".Bthimgarten dotest For a Reid May Contractors up again. The rangy Riverton J. Montgomery Ave, at Grays Lane rep. wmxn ...... ed Lee. and Wolfe 8-3, 46, 62. RECORDS REPAIRS from College batsman, playing his third year Haverford, Pa. Philadelphia PHONOGRAPHS of varsity cricket, swept a ale to Cid/ leg, the tangent ball of the day, "A Knott Hotel" w W. Las.* Ma Mt reel ARDMORE and ended the over with a four to o: Your Guests and Date Deeterve The Beat retire with 25. On The Kale we Ir. Klein was out an the fist ball Lane ..ter Are. ib:: In Our Lovely Main Dining Room of the next omen slumped by limN Hear Bryn Mawr far Luncheons from was Screed bow Roan Is 5 FM. Seags off Cooke', boating. and CHEVROLETS 111.11417 from PAO Mily 4 I to a P.M. Open All Night Maffsi SERVICE bath skies went In for tea. Atter T ay 3 tor la S. var.. 0 for 9. limgam and Milldam tancsarat AVG '1 to e.e. the break Cooke bowled Peter mow then MI! Schmitz on the first hall dilverExcellent Hempel Facilities For ele le ed and St ley F ter came in. Meetings, Parties, Denten, or Supper Dances He blocked one leg break, and FOR COLLEGE ONLY Parr OLLINING then was bawled on the next. Trottel-ant and Permanent Accommodatiene JOHN TRONCELLETI P. -th Vo. rear Wood Scores II IMPAIR Meta -ASA. Ted Curran came In last man Yd. Skop `Foamed. Ho. - 76P ... of Leading Storrs Tel. Ardmore 0047 and parried the nett four balls. Everywhere For YOUR Wood, Convenlenes who had been wattIng paaRWLO "11=A1111 the lanissuese I tiently at the appetite end of the Racketmen Beat Engineers By 6-3 W Cricketers Spoil Boat Race Day For Harvard XI Fords Downed By St. Joe 8-4; Drop Close 3-2 Tilt To LaSalle Iowa are m If ulamondmen ". - Jo-ph," Wed'' . Drop Garnet 1-4 ..... four In Twi-nite Tilt Set Haverford Blanks be W. Drexel Golfers 9-0 .,7-r..leEniig.d :"-1,07Adj*h"":11 b" by the teed Min" we" 3°"""I for U.' „,17,:„ ,..r.2 . „,„: w:-.'„'da !,4Yrir.....1,7171,tr."4:47ti,":4'. PROM'S fr''°.°,•tr miati4:47.r.d1:a -:!at JV Tennis Downs Swarthmore 8-1 VASSALLO I HOTEL HAVERFORD ADAMS ARmy ATO), =Ire, e. ! For a late Snack The Blue Comet Dine! You bet Ws good -Ws a BRENTWOOD Brentwood Sportswear Dias & Wadsworth, 1st. .01Ilor:r> rat-E.,171 berI.4 HAVERFORD NEWS "PA& Four Prank and Teaf Plan Book on S.T.A. Dr. Krieble, '37 Coon Seeks Source Material in Arabia Gets New Post 1119 DICK SH.VER Teaching is only half the story fOt Haverford's Social and Teal been , which Ira the past y ' her trainIce twenty graduates for careers as administrators in public and private assistance projects In addition to a Inching ached. ale, the head of the program— Peter G—Franek--end Professor Howard Teat have been doing rta search for articles Inn case teas book being assembled under a S20,000 grant from the Roakefel. lee Foundation. The book a aimed at assistance coulees here and at other .ileges. and al the gent era' educated public. Before and after in Arabia. The upper picture The fifteen eases used in the shot. the shopping district in the village of Oasis book have been selected on the Hoptif. Conditions here have changed little since the Limb of stx criteria which include oillage teas founded. The tower picture, in contrast, emphasis on diverse are and illustrates the ehangaj g ^iile since the coming of problems whore solutions would ARAMCO. The shot shouts cinder black iferinalneturing be of value In other arena. for new homes neer Ijalown. The pictures were taken In checking the value ea by Carleton S. Coon, Professor of Anthropology at the liability of sources of InformaUniversity of Penner/49,min, who carried on an inuesfl. tion Dictaphone records were potion of the area for the Bever ford ST A group. made on the spot by the awe.s gators and then tabulated. The Multi helped to determine the problems studied in the teat. Original source material was compiled In the case of ARAMCO, an Arabian on company. This American owned organization had done considerable week In helping local merclunt. Dorumen• triton was not available ta sufficient. quantity, but ARAMCO flew Haver, o rd Investigator Carle. S. Coon to Arab.. Out of the onemonth omit came first hand reports and many photographs, two of which ere repro ducted on this page. Authors. Franck and Teal and the half-doe. more born other reneges and organizations have all had wide experience in assist. and work. Franck was economic adviser to the Government of Afghanistan Iron. 194750, Teal headed a group in the American Friend. Service Committees Eco nom. Minion to Finland La 1947. Bryn Mawr profemor Henna On Tuesday. May 13th, Pre. Kraus served on the faculty of dent Gilbert White, elms, Geo. the UNRRA Training Institute. amPhY all will be honored by a Research work will end In The first °Metal meeting of the January 1953 and the text will be vWt from William S. Vogt the Freshman Introduction Commitpublished shortly afterwani. tee for the acadeink year 1952 author of that well known book, Material assembled but not 53 was held Thursday evening. The Bond to Soolvel. Mr. Vogt coed in the casebook has teen May gth In Roberta Hall. Cornwill he here to enter Into demo used this year by grad students. eae. chairman, Ed Reed. laid Appralaing and analysing techni. before the group the plans for discussion with that group, tor repents is poet of the work the coming summer at which that on day only. they will do as administrators. In time this committee will carry Mr. Vogt is a well known erel. order to prepare for the Work on the main part of its work In *gist who in the author of two the study of contemporary en- trying to Introduce the incoming other books: Audubon Bled. 51 cores and of foreign languages freshmen to Life at Haver/ ord. America HAM/ and 92 Dance Is reqUired by the program. ' Reed opened the meeting by la Terra 110441. He has Menne saying that the main purpon of the committee via to make the Live in inreannerican Malin since he was given a posillon so of the Ow of 1e56 ...NW at home before and alley a consulting ornithologist in Peru they get here."' He went on to In 1939. Since 1951, he hes been say that eaeh member at the the National Director of the group would be asked to write at Planned Parenthood Federation. This book is one of the main least two freshmen letters of in Reduction. Each man will be es- texts which Dr. White uses In tinned a freshman who liven near teaching nos geography manse. Bernard Baruch, who wrote the last Wednesday evening in the the former's home. Thls will Common Poem, the string and make It posellok for many of the book's preface, said. Road to choral divisions of the, Commun. iinconsIng men to be called upon Stuvival is, I believe, the first atity Music Groups presented a before they arrive here nest Sep tempt to allow man as a part of hie environment on a world scale, joint reneert, The norm was Umber. The members of the committee and what his environment Is dodirected by William Reese of Hay. erford, while Orlando Cole and gave their summer address to the ing to him." Max Aronoff conducted the or. chairman so that they could be contact. in July when Vire chntra. Albrecht's Flowers Haverford Student. Participate President Macintosh will rale.e the names of these to be in the ARDMORE The principal works of the Freshen Clam. Reed proceeded Corsages evening were four compoartions typical letter which to Mad As Itasnaebta Paw of Bach and Beethoven; the or. should be sent to the incoming MOBS itatatar0a0 miss remora and non]a under the mon, In order to give an M. of direction of Dr. Reese, performed the things the Healen ID fine sections of Sortie Cents. want to knowalt was also sugNumber Fear, and Beethoven's gested that as many member. of Mork. The orchestra lamented the committee as could, should HAND LAUNDRY Been, Cosine. a D Minor for return to the college on the first 10 CRICKET AVE. lam violins aTtle Bach Double"), eight when the hew men arrive with Helen Sevag and Helen and help them get settled In their -.6*ARDMORE Spencer an soloists. and Reath. new environment. men'. Variations on a Theme of abeam, Other numbers by the chorea were Billing's Modern altr. ate, a Frew', Madrigal, La... sod Moe Coeur. The strings also Harerford presented Two Areuerelles by the New Plans Made W. Vogt To Visit To Receive Next Geography Class Year's Freshmen With G. [lab Appointment of Dr. Robert H. Krieble, Sevinor Reed, Marblehead. Mass, to the post of engineer of the Thomson labors tory was &mount:eel meanly-be General Eleatic, River Works Manager. Dr. Kriel. wands Jelin A. Hut, who recently retired. , shades at Johns Napkin, Dr. Krieble attended schools to this conntry and England be. fore Ns graduation from Haverford College ln 19E]. The vine year, he war offered and arcepa ed the Garvin lelloaralap at the graduate school of chemistry at Johns Hopkins 'University. It was at Johns Hopkins that he earned his doctors degree In chemistry. leaving Johns Hopkins In 1939, he went oath the Socony Vacuum Oil Cornproty as a chemical en. enter and four neon later joined General Electric's re. march laboratory to carry on some of the Men experiments In the silicone fields. Later, he be. reme the Ilason representative In chemlatry between the research laboratory and the operating department, of the company. Worked In Kure. In 1946 a high honor was con, /steed upon Dr. Krieble. .when he was selected to conduct Invest, mahout and research in chemical Moo.. to the pl.dos geld at the famed I. G. Far.n industry works In Germany. On comet, don of .14 malgrimeet, he re tuned to this country but later returned to Etanope to Investigate laboratory develomnents in chem. tally In General Electric's afel4 sled manufacturing remniti. in Italy, France. Eng.nd and other foreign countries Dr. /Weide was-aePoInt. bead of the chemical and Insulation section of the Thomson laboratory In 1949. the position he held at the time ol ha most recent promotion. Music... F. W. WOOLWORTH E.O. ALUM OR E WAYNE it. 'ea..- rhea too, they had directed • work camp in the Kentucky more recently. Hot ail that wee before they settled down and began to have children—avid their two sons were sheeny la school. As be vaster:on'. Gordon to the door, It .curred eed to Wylie Mat year. tr pm pretty quickly. le.F3L - Mar are now being some Meted ter ?many tomer to be held oe Townley evening. May 311. in honor RAM. M. Pon did Prune.. W Wam K Lat. HI= rash.. Inn omen. M elletleme years ma Arise oat Llismel., pleas to mere this gene. Dr, Lent, the Wahl D. me Fteth M. le Seel Professor of Emelt. Genentetion al Hbmry, hae nee nenenneed kis retirement Professor Thom. P. Drake Is heedhag the arrangements for the an bars lards Leleketne Tboo goer.. ARENA'S SERVICE STATION Ardmore 9643 Gran. a Haman ay.. Hated ESREY TAXI SERVICE Haven., Pea. Baum. Fan. Ardmore 0351 Home Run BY TRAIN! ALL NEW YORK CITY SMOKES CHESTERFIELDS, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE IN NEW YORK CITY ARE VERY NICE PEOPLE, INDEED. Everybody in Nairobe smokes Fatima. They're nice, too. Subscribe To The J im Crawford .ant "Buy 'ern by' Ike carton I" Haverford Revue SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS Largest selling cigarette on camp.' They aatiafy l IKE :WESIIIIIADEI onion For the best a Ring-hired cigaret tee, demand FATIMA I uallono 110 Cricket Ave. Ardmore, Thank yen. ran • NMI Ds af • tni air lame with faMods.. enjoying roomy amennd rod anti dining-ear meal., Mimes AMMO= NM SUMMER . CAMP WORK FOR YMCA rmation, call: Ardmore noodles Paean pow& LLFE IS NOT un AT ALL WITHOUT DELIGHT CAMP DOWNEGTOWN For to ium teaching so mu. Oat I year In he COs. gen uP me Idea or the timed. "1 17.tecl'71on,r graduate work In the mclal ace hayed d.. without looking up from his ...I longer wan a--in customary.. pad, Beside., the canonry was Mal In aRpas Lockridge.1 Wylie re. the throes of the depreaslon, and Josiah P. Edwards. the oldest Piled "He wrote Rainer. Coon- college students were Mat as well living graduate - of tenant.. tes' off In graduate shoot u any College having graduated In "What made hart cornitatt wagee else at that time, Wylie the close of IF8d celebnied his eider Gordan asked, Interested recall.. He had left when the onoe again. whole department at Brown 190th birthday anniversary on Wylie paused, then shrugged. reined to Columbia, leaving hle, March 22, 1952. "Oh, I don't know,. he said. He with no connect-lona. Resident of apiceland. sat. worked too hard for one thing." "I went to Simmons' College Mr. .Edwards, who Inn In -There seemed to he no Point Ln after Mal and taught French Spiceland, 100., is the oldest resi- going into the whole story of them:. he said aloud. 'I met my Rom a-. Ross, who had gone dent of Henry County. His won. wile there—she visa a freshman derful philosophy of Me has car through coliege with a general En one of my classes." Wylie ried him through more than the average of very nearly Aplua could not help smiling again as and who had found time to be a mt... Main of years. Ile has he thought about Simmons. Simhad a glut des/ of emplane c.tocomutry also while doing so. Liked to think of heel, as and his share of sadness. Hie Ron had P.a. the game hard the M.I.T. of women's colleges --end had almost always won too. wife. Ella Bailey Edwards, who He was partkularly amused by He had also been a perfectionist the bet that his wife had eaten was his constant companion for and an idealist. He an, Wylie 0$. degree In English th to years. died ApHI 9, 1951 at the remembered, torn up hit first lit- a age of 00. Bat Mr. Edwnrds says The HS. degree was Inc only one erary effort. However, he had Shun.0 conferred upon its Mohe never gets too lonely, bebeen thoroughly convinced of the dena. no matter what aubject caure he has many goad (hinge worth of Rebhan County. they majored M. to think about. One of his It was true though—he had sal sayings is 'Happy is the worked too hard_ Wylie recalled When did you come to Hay. man whom his own thoughts are when both of them were on the record?" Gordon asked. anxious good company.. faculty at Simmons College.. In now Ito termbaate the interview. "lay MN and 1 gat here a Oc At 100. Mr. Edwards enjoys on- addaion to teaching, Ross war nanelb, good health. An eye opeo doing a great deal of writing and Aber of 1943a Wylie answered. allot a' few yearn ago metered attempting to rider a fatally in We were going to work with the Retied and Remanstruation mita' fairly good eight Ills hearing a three-room apartment. Roes a only slightly Impaired and he would have survived all Mb, He recollected their arrival at hears quite well the things width Wyile tat sure. if everything had Raverford---on bicycles all the rattly interest him, the news gone eO tight with the book. But way ftorn Baston. That had minor commotion on broaden., radio church of Sun- naany of the people who were caused day morning and learned 'discus- mPeoaed to like it didn't—it war campus. How about your trip to France sion+ of his favorite subject the died Immoral and same even sub last Yenta" Gordon auggemed. Science Economy. with lit, we renstrued it no an attack on re "Everyone knows about and with Professor Greenlee of neon. Coupled whit the letdown tut follows any great effort, it that" Wiley answered. "It wasn't Hail State Teacher. Cotten,. the Brat time I had been to Farman were Quaker Monona had been too much for him. Wy- France. however... He had. he To.. Edwards was horn on a lie shook his head sadly, He looked up to find Gordon remembered, made several tripe fans near Ogden. Indiana on regarding him Impetientiy, He during the summers of the years Mee. 22 1052. the son of David had almost forgotten his inter- he had spent at Simmons. He re and Suzanne Edward, goner called one in particular; lie had viewer, and It took him some pioneers of Spiceland. He ab dine done his master's thesis upon to remember what he bad tended the Spiceland Academy Saint-Mare Girard., a Fnench been saying to him and graduated in Dan m an politician and man of letters of diel, tome graduate work In honor minden, from Revert°. the nfnetenth century, and had College. He then entered the subsequently learned that the two grandchildren and three teaching profession for several rnan's study still existed 41 grrebgrendchildren Years. France. He had gone to see and We Many Changer In 1990, this versatile gentle. had discovered that it hid not man had moved to Independence. During his lift time, this re- been touched sine its owner, Mo.. end was operating a pub markable man has wiMessed the death some seventy yeses before, list.g hoe. it lam here that Clot War, the Spanish American for a mild Misting admin. Mr. Edwards met Ills wife, who War. World War I an4 World bstered weekly by a maid. No one had • job typesetting for the War II. He hes seen many remembered Saintailarch Groan tuddlahing house. The Edwards changes in thia great country din any more, Wyile reflected, noon moved to Seattle, Washine and has adjusted himmil to each He had allowed Ws political an ton. and it was here that their each new change. He Is a happy, [Rides to Interfere to much with wo children. Louise and Carlton. chegrh11. petictalfnenif roan With hb Writing—Wylie had attemp tome horn. There are now .loos keen Interest In todey's affair. ed to relate Me tam In his paper. . Nonetheless he had been a fy chafing agate: The trip hul pna, ad at very fruitful one geese that's mom said Gordon leaning forwent hopefully. "Yee 1 poem it is," Wylie re plied. There rem those two sum. mere he and wife had sa.i In Mexico at work comp.—he might mention those, he thought, but he new that Gordon had Omad its pad and was. peparinita BRYN MAWR WANTED! • COUNSELLORS! ALICE COOK Englieh impressionist, Delius. LIFTS Haverford students singing In the chorus Included Bob Seeley, '54. Joseph Dibble, '53, Harrison Raper. '56, and Tod Handy, Al. assistingere w Mrs. Gilbert White and Mre. Marcel Gut. FLY ELM TO E112014 Wirth. Maw treel Ae rap I. RAIN information Available nionin Inn to eam. Charles Savage. chairman MOMS MT 1017 Yors 70 of the Community Mule Groups SHANNON oar $433.60 Committee. slated that the pun LONDON* cue, 406.00 pose of the organization, which PARIS 0.1,322.00 la unique, in the Pelted States FRANKFORT 0.563.00 la to eater Main Liners the of *Via at Md.. inann n inganiaL of continuing musical ewe an. an *I activities after !eau., school or coniege:More than one hundred resole participate In lis five diva More which include choral, strinF duo-piano; recorder, and string quartet -menu Pe. The program is open to any eithen of the Main Lbw, and le RAN D. M formation concerning next year's 1 Mn An a n a ta, N. r. th tw o f w L program, which will again be ander. the :direction of Masan NAME ...... Rem, 'Cole and Aronoff, may be attained from Clare Ray Ford. theatre of the Community Musk ;NNW pc. Wylie In Profile... away the best compaddon of the day. The thematic matter.] was uneresting and the development wax excellent This work was a kr oilman M a very suceesaltd concert F. T. # Main Line Group the Presents String, Choral Concert DAVID LEE J. Edwards, '80 Reaches 100, Oldest Graduate 0907-J Yd.:. Weal • Ask for Mr. Enterline Funetriale your life with pleasure,. A short pause for a Coke means a full stop HAMBURG HEARTH NOW SERVING CHICSFOIN Ill THE Begotler wor.g. Lora or sarrovrottoso HISARTIMITROKRS as cons., SSE% LANCASTER AVE. ARM MAWR ma A tergALI Gabbet • poop of M or moss hrs.. horn in the 00.00 die* in now am. T. go Grom tan rutty cot fag if yea Vinh. To. tack sere up to 28% eatented Mehorsangtiellete, Is tiring work and • fresh start ref...had. A 2 RADIOS—RECORDS RADICaPHONOORAPIn LEVISION be Thong.. m World I 'RINI, HAVERFORD PHARMACY 6(716 ea Ow train...with eras daareathea aorta.* as .ewe bawl via matob. Alt rout mums nrscr nu. Revert ord Penneylvanin MOM WNW PIA6 1411 Preorriptions H. ROYER SMITH CO. "rime watt. scald stew lath 6 Walnut Sta. rhila onmed gra WI AT HOM01 'Yeah eat home iname0Y at einred Drugs and Sudeten Phone Ardmore moos EASTERN RAILROADS MIRE IMMLITIM 0132 prow (taw ampere OF UN DininX. ROM. irmiadelpela Coco-Cola Settling Co. 0 Is. se m0em. coon.