
Scott Lectures Kip S Thorne

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Scott Lectures Kip S Thorne
Scott Lectures
Drawing by Glen Edwards, Utah State
University, Logan, UT
Kip S Thorne
The Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics
California Institute of Technology
Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
Monday 17th May 2010
Probing the Warped Side of the Universe with Numerical
Simulations and Gravitational Waves
Our U
hhas a ""warped
d side":
id " objects
bj t andd phenomena
thatt are made
d nott from
matter, but rather from warped space and warped time. Examples include black
holes, cosmic strings and the big-bang singularity in which the Universe was
born. Thorne will describe this mysterious warped side, the quest to simulate it using
supercomputers, and the quest to observe it using gravitational waves.
All Lectures commence at 4.00 pm in the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish
L b t
J J Thomson
Avenue, C
b id CB3 0HE.
th ddetails
t il are available
il bl
from:- http://talks.cam.ac.uk/directory/
All are welcome to attend.
Scott Lectures
Drawing by Glen Edwards, Utah
State University, Logan, UT
Kip S Thorne
The Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics
California Institute of Technology
Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
Wednesday 19th May 2010
II. Gravitational-Wave Detectors above 10Hz: Weber Bars, LIGO, GEO,
VIRGO, TAMA, LCGT, and Einstein Telescope
Thorne will describe sources of gravitational waves above about 10Hz (neutron stars, black
holes, cosmic strings, ...) and the two types of detectors that are being used to search for
those waves: Weber bars, and optical interferometers. The first generation interferometers
(initial LIGO, initial Virgo, GEO600, TAMA300) are nearing completion of their data
collection and are producing astrophysically interesting results, but no detections as yet.
The second generation (advanced LIGO, advanced VIRGO, GEO-HF and LCGT) have
begun construction or will do so soon, and have a high probability of detecting a wide
variety of sources. R&D for the third generation (LIGO-III, Einstein Telescope) is now
underway By changing the experimental protocol but not the apparatus,
apparatus the second and
third generation interferometers may also be used to study quantum behavior of humansized objects --- e.g. quantum entanglement of 40 kg masses several kilometers apart, and
"Schrodinger-cat" quantum states.
All Lectures commence at 4.00 pm in the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory,
J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0HE. Further details are available from:http://talks.cam.ac.uk/directory/
All are welcome to attend.
Scott Lectures
Drawing by Glen Edwards, Utah
State University, Logan, UT
Kip S Thorne
The Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics
California Institute of Technology
Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
Friday 21st May 2010
III Gravitational­Wave Detectors Below 10Hz: LISA, Pulsar Timing Arrays, III.
it ti
D t t
B l
10H LISA P l
Ti i A
CMB Polarization, Atom Interferometers, and the Big Bang Observer
Thorne will describe gravitational wave sources below about 10 Hz (massive black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, and phenomena in the very early universe), and the various techniques that are being developed to search for them: space‐based optical interferometry (LISA and the Big Bang Observer), pulsar timing arrays, CMB (LISA and the Big Bang Observer) pulsar timing arrays CMB
polarization, and atom interferometry. It is likely that pulsar timing arrays (at 10‐7 to 10‐9 Hz) will detect waves from supermassive black holes within this decade. LISA (the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) will likely fly in ~2020 and see tens of thousands of sources at frequencies ~ 0.1 to 10^‐5 Hz. Atom interferometry may open up the frequency band around 0.1 to 10 Hz. CMB Polarization (at ~ 10‐17 Hz) may bring us our first glimpse of the inflationary era when the universe was 10 ‐34 seconds old. our first glimpse of the inflationary era when the universe was ~ 10
seconds old
The Big Bang Observer in the 2030s (at ~0.001 to 1 Hz) may bring us an in depth study of the big bang and also the kind of high‐resolution observations of the contemporary universe that are now routinely achieved by optical, radio, and x‐ray telescopes. All Lectures commence at 4.15
4 1 pm in
i the
h Pippard
d Lecture Theatre,
di h Laboratory,
J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0HE. Further details are available from:http://talks.cam.ac.uk/directory/
All are welcome to attend.
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