
LEAWeb California Department of Justice

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Category: Documents





LEAWeb California Department of Justice
California Department of Justice
Old LEAWeb
Legacy Technology
Application Limitations
Security Limitations
Unable to handle more than 100K long messages
Unable to process more than 15 transaction messages per
second (desktop)
Mnemonic based
Browser compatibility issues
Authorization exist at the mnemonic (device) level not the user
California Department of Justice
Old Desktop Login
California Department of Justice
Old Desktop Main Page
California Department of Justice
Nlets DQ Screen
California Department of Justice
Nlets DQ Response
California Department of Justice
New LEAWeb
Modern Technology
Complete Virtualized Stack not tied to any specific technology platform
Enhanced Security
Authentication/Authorization based on users
FBI and DOJ password compliance
Application Improvements
Horizontally scalable, unlimited message size, 100 transaction per
Greater browser compatibility (IE, Safari, Mozilla, Chrome)
User friendly preferences configuration
Mobile Aware/Optimized user interface designed for mobile devices
Nlets photo retrieval
High Availability - Clustering/Failover either Active/Active or
Active/Passive to ensure very minimal downtime
California Department of Justice
New Desktop Login
California Department of Justice
New Desktop Main Page
California Department of Justice
NLETS DQ with Image Request
California Department of Justice
DQ Result
California Department of Justice
New Mobile Login Page
California Department of Justice
Home Page and Nlets Menu Page
California Department of Justice
Nlets DQ Query & Response
California Department of Justice
Menu Panel & User Settings
California Department of Justice
Message Recall & Logout
California Department of Justice
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