Fairfax County Public Schools Owned and Vacant School Sites
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Fairfax County Public Schools Owned and Vacant School Sites
Additional Maps (Continued) Fairfax County Public Schools Owned andVacant Vacant School Sites FCPS School Sites HUTCHISON MS SITE G PI KE FA IR FA X CO UN TY PK WY LE ES B UR SU L LY RD LE EJ AC KS ON WESTFIELD ES SITE ME MO R IA L HW STONEHURST ES SITE Y X RFA FAI L EE H WY ARLINGTON BLVD VD BL CE NT RE VI LL E RD LEE HW Y Fa ir fa xC o y P ay kw ar FAIRFIELD ES SITE RICHMO ND HW Y un t School Site No. Site Name How Acquired Tax Map No. Magisterial District Acreage 137 Stonehurst ES Dedicated 48-4 Providence 5.39 225 Fairfield ES Dedicated 101-1 Lee 11.33 4/22/75: Agreement with civic association (Boy Scout Troop #831) for clean-up. Partially developed. Scheduled by Recreation Department. 240 Westfield Site Purchased 43-2 Sully 12.00 Acreage shown is available after High School and FCPA use, transportation facility and road dedication. 287 Hutchison MS Dedicated 16-1 Dranesville 24.20 Interim use agreement with Park Authority. Present Status 4/14/77: Interim use agreement with the Stonehurst Homeowners Association. FY 2014-18 • Capital Improvement Program • Office of Facilities Planning services • Fairfax County Public Schools 72