Transforming Tysons PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN Why a Park System Plan? TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN BOS FOLLOW‐ON MOTION #16 Further define needs and locations of “…existing and planned public facilities, including parks and athletic fields…” Project Goal To create a robust Tysons Park System Plan that guides future park system development by the public, private and non‐profit sectors to serve Tysons’ future residents, employees and visitors. TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN OBJECTIVES Refine Comprehensive Plan Guide Development Review Promote Collaborative Implementation Efforts JAN-JUNE 2012 OCT 2012-FEB 2013 MARCH-DEC 2013 JAN-JUNE 2014 FALL 2014 What’s in the Plan? TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN DOCUMENT STRUCTURE BACKGROUND Purpose & Process Location, Context, & Need Existing Conditions Guiding Documents PARK SYSTEM ELEMENTS Park Placement & Typology Connectivity Athletic Fields Other Recreational Facilities Civic Spaces Cultural Resources Natural Resources CONCEPTUAL PARK SYSTEM MAP APPENDICES TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN DOCUMENT STRUCTURE PARK ELEMENTS CHAPTERS Purpose/Need for the Element Comprehensive Plan Guidance Other Guidance (if applicable) Meeting the Need for the Element Signature Feature(s) Planned for Tysons Good Examples in Other Cities Key Challenges & Opportunities Implementation Strategy Map TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN PARK PLACEMENT & TYPOLOGY BALANCING THE PARK NETWORK Diverse park types located throughout; Put the right parks in the right places; New parks through redevelopment; Public and non‐profit sectors may contribute; Interim & “Pop‐up” parks for now. PARK PLACEMENT & TYPOLOGY F!M Ti!.US (;f{JTFF' LEGEND TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN ATHLETIC FIELDS CREATING PLACES TO PLAY Provide new fields through redevelopment; Consolidate land to provide new fields onsite; Acquire land in Tysons for new fields; Landowners collaborate to build new fields; Smaller rooftop fields may be considered; Smaller redevelopments contribute funds; Large diamond needs to be met in and out of Tysons. ATHLETIC FIELDS ~l=Srlli/,'-'U El.E~JTAR!>' ...-cJ.oo.t. IM:BT'o\1000 COIIIHIN Cl.Uil PROFFERiED ATHLEHC FIEI!.IDS LEGEND COMPREHEN:S IV1EPLAIN REC~MIMEINDEDI tOCAl iON fi'ElD SIZE" ATH LETIC FIELD LOCATION POSSIBLE ATHLETIC FIElDLOCATION I "G!o J;F~C:F 3- - P/iRI( PROFfERED A HLETIC FIElD LOCATlO olJ BRIARCLIFf NOTE: .ADDflJONAL PARK ARD AJHI.EJJC HH!l LOCATIONS ARE ltiHfJED THROIJG.mlfJT TYSONS AND SHO!Jl..D B'.E FURTHeR .IDENJlRIIDAS TYSONS REDEJnllOPt\IENf OCctJRS. 140' x1OOt' 390'); 220' RZ 20 Mlfl-021 RZ 20 -PR·Ob 225•x1M' RZ W~ H'R~~ ·1 -- 2 IDENTIFIEDATHlETIIC FIELD l OCAnO p,o.Rt( 5 REI.AfED APPLICATIO:N -+ (lemparn:ry) 2 2 50'x '10' (expandable} S90'): 225' RZ 2011 ·PR·010.01 TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN RECREATIONAL FACILITIES PROVIDING DIVERSE RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Traditional facilities playgrounds, sport courts, skate parks, dog parks Urban facilities game tables, fitness stations, playable art, splash pads Facilities in new urban parks built by developers; New facilities in existing parks with proffered funds. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ,, YHW ""'"" SMALt RECREATIONAL IFACIUTIES. OOUR SPORT SKATE PARK PlAYGROU D TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN CIVIC SPACES BUILDING COMMUNITY Civic spaces with cultural facilities and amenities (public art, performance stages, pavilions, fountains, community gardens) promote social interaction and help to build community; Civic park spaces can be created in all park types throughout; The planned Signature Civic Commons may require collaboration between the private, public and non‐profit sectors. CIVIC SPACES \IMTI\1,.. ~" UkE rAP. PERFORMANCE/EVENT SPACE EX ISTING PARKI...AND I"LAN1NED PARK NETWORK CRFFJTI< " TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN CULTURAL RESOURCES PRESERVING & INTERPRETING TYSONS HERITAGE Can occur through public and private efforts; Interpretive opportunities abound in existing parks; New urban parks can include interpretive displays; Determine appropriate public uses of Ash Grove. CULTURAL RESOURCES TYSONS HISTORY INliERPRETIVE fEAJU~'"" ·'------= CIVIL WAR EARTHWORKS CULTURAL RiESOURCE/ INTERPRET1IVE FEATURE D PLANNED PARK NETWORK PARKl /1/ND OUTSIDE OF TYSO :S DISTRICT TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN NATURAL RESOURCES RESTORING & ENHANCING STREAM VALLEYS Minimize disturbance to natural areas; Promote stream restoration efforts; Integrate LID features into development; Volunteer groups can get involved; Expand existing natural areas; Restore native plant habitats to disturbed land. STREAM VALLEYS I!..EGEND TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN CONNECTIVITY CONNECTING PEOPLE TO PARKS Connect isolated park spaces, stream valleys, and key points of interest with trails and streetscape; Promote the “Tysons Community Circuit” recreational trail loop to enhance connectivity. CONNECTIVITY EXISTING PAR KLANn PLA NED PARK NETWORK TYSONS COMMUNITY CI:RCIUil I INliE.RIM CO MU ITY CIIRC Ull CON ECTION PARIKLAND OUTSIDE OF TYSONS D,ISTRICT What’s Next? TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN NEXT STEPS Public Comment Period open until June 16 Revise Plan as needed Present revised Plan to Park Authority Board Work with DPZ on Comprehensive Plan Update TYSONS PARK SYSTEM CONCEPT PLAN WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Talk to us today or call 703‐324‐8741 Complete a Comment Card Send email to [email protected] Visit the project web page: Send U.S. postal mail to the Park Authority: Park Planning Division 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 406 Fairfax, VA 22035