by user
POSSESSORY INTERESTS ANNUAL USAGE REPORT ( FORM BOE-502-P) Proposal to remove confidentiality language from the form COMMENTS FROM INTERESTED PARTIES ITEM 1 SOURCE Ron Thompson, President California Assessors' Association COMMENT The CAA's position, taken at its August 11 meeting, is that the language of confidentiality should remain. 2 Jeffrey Sinsheimer, Time Warner Cable See Attachment A 3 Russ Hall, Alameda County Assessor's Office The confidentiality statement on BOE-502-P is reassuring to agencies supplying the assessor with indispensible data and should be retained. 4 Leslie Davis, Acting Calaveras County Assessor I understand that the information provided on the form contains information that is already public. However, I cannot guarantee that the information is accurate and I do not want my staff time taken up to respond to a Public Records Request. I do not want the liability for inaccurate information. And, I certainly don't have the time to answer questions that may arise from data that is reported. 5 Sheryl Thur, Glenn County Assessor The only issue that I have is that this is not my information to release. I would direct them to the agency that has provided the information to our office and let them disclose the information. 6 Chuck Brough, Madera County Assessor's Office The confidentiality statement should remain on the form. 7 Brent L. Joseph, Mariposa County Assessor's Office Mariposa has always held information received on Possessory Interest Usage Reports confidential. Interested Parties Meeting 1 December 1, 2010 ITEM 8 SOURCE John Tuteur, Napa County Assessor COMMENT There are two issues I see in the interested parties process: 1. Can the public agency which grants the possessory interest keep the terms of the arrangements confidential? If the answer to that question is no, then there is no reason that the Report of Annual Usage should be kept confidential. If the answer to the first question is yes or maybe, then the second issue becomes important. 2. If public agencies are able to keep the terms of possessory interest leases confidential, then the assessor should be able to keep that same data confidential. 9 James Lambeth, Placer County Assessor's Office We hold the information confidential to the reporting agency and the individual possessory interest holder. 10 Elsie Thomas, Sacramento County Assessor's Office Some agencies have been reluctant to provide information regarding their tenants. The confidentiality clause has been beneficial in graining their cooperation. 11 Diana Lackey, San Diego County Assessor's Office We don't disclose any of this information. The lease terms should remain confidential. 12 Walter De Lorrell, San Diego County Counsel's Office While the "real property usage report" is not the "property statement" referenced in section 451, the exemption from disclosure in section 481 should apply. It appears from the legislative history that the failure to make specific reference to the form in section 481 is an oversight. The original language of section 480.6 (SB 657 – 1995) required the public entity to file a PCOR or COS for a renewal of a possessory interest. It was amended the following year (SB 713 – 1996) to allow an annual filing in lieu of filing a separate PCOR or COS for each PI at the opinion of the public entity. It would be incongruent to hold the information if provided separately for each PI in a PCOR or COS as confidential, but the same information provided in the form of a comprehensive annual usage report is not confidential. 13 Eileen Lin, Santa Clara County Assessor's Office We do occasionally have taxpayers asking lease information regarding the other possessors. It is nice to have the confidentiality clause on the form to show the inquirers. 14 Eric Fitz, Shasta County Assessor's Office We have not had confidentiality come up as an issue in our County. 15 L. Foster, Siskiyou County Assessor's Office Being it is the use of publicly-owned property, I would think who uses it and how should not be confidential information. Interested Parties Meeting 2 December 1, 2010 ITEM 16 17 SOURCE Frank Newell, Ventura County Assessor's Office COMMENT It is difficult to provide comments without knowing what the "issue" is and in what context and under what circumstances it has been raised (i.e., appeals, litigation, subpoenas, public information request from media, tenant inquiries, etc.). Ventura County has had no experience with a confidentiality issue and this information. Joel Butler, Yolo County Assessor I think it should remain confidential as there may be information relating to business affairs of the various taxpayers being reported. The Assessor should not have to review and confirm with other agencies whether any information contained on the form is confidential. The person requesting the information can request it from the originating source. Besides agencies can feel free to share information with the Assessor; they may not if it is not held confidential. Interested Parties Meeting 3 December 1, 2010 ATTACHMENT A _-_..... .. ... COBLENTZ. PATCH. DU FFY ...... ...".,OJ .. --.. . -- & BA SS LLP~ - "'''',... _ ~ ...... "' m .... Octobe, 22. 2010 yIA EMAIL; .MrrfdlnkLtfllbot CI goy MsSherr.~ StItI BoanI 01 [ _onl'" Property and $peciol r.' H .50 N SIteeI PO Bo.~28 7D S~IO . Cllifomio ~ ~2~ RI' C_. we ptov\de _ 001 1,,11,,1110 Induae ... IPIe lIIIitbr )'0<1 I .. ",_nns. ... lilt Inle,..1ed Potties Pm<:eq lnilialood by \he Siloole Boorr<l 01 Equll,.. I... , (' SBOE' Of "'Board") .mon It its Septembel 15. 2010 MInns. Ibou! lilt public: nalu.. 01 I'e$>OfIO lhal OUOIe .nd local " , _ t . ... ~ willi and T• • • 1ioro c- Section .80.e ' Ind ~r.-I by "'" lette< 10 ............ from M, 0 .... Gau ...1001 Septembel 29. 2010 iL TA") 0.. IleIraIt 01 T.... W _ _Ide. Roo""",,, EXeC!lTlye SUMMARY _led ",,1I!o Tho! wrItrqo ... q_1iDn ;" Ihlo In_led POtties PfootSI moot otMou. public "" CaOI"""" C<>ntirlutitHo Ind PuIIIio R""""". Act ("PRA; - dala 1,....mtIed from one public 198""'110 .""'PIe, public " _ _ IN.... 01 public ",operI~ The .. put>Iic ,..."dI ... .. ~ from I C:OU"1y _ ,.1...,1 10 "'" people'. 110_ .. D~ ...,"orl SICIeCy oDIiIIaliDn SecUon 080,8 req ..... IhII atale and local _""""'"" eroIIIin ~ ... fo,m.llion _ ~ ;"10, ...1110 c:ounly .......". to Ihalille posseuoty ;"I"",.br can be opIQised .nd tI"" Ihrous!i'oo<IIrne;, \erm. TPIe Boord iosurod Form BOE·50.2·P r Amuli u...;e Rep<><f') 10 ......, • • ~ to ObI", 1hio pos . ..-y lnlOfelt ... 1orma1iDn from 'AI "So<:Iion" _ Interested Parties Meeting ", _ _ IO "," C_ ~ _ ""T_c- .""", 4 _ . .. . -, _ ATTACHMENT A _menL.oI _ Re;>orfo .... WfI>. toSj>ed to On ••......,.... MCr..". ~ £x+>lonoli<>n rOl'licioI €~...,.,') oOIig~n. IhI M ...... UU9fI re~' Thio io ,written ~ _ po,nuam to Sec:. 480.601lh11 R........,," oJIII To. ,tioo Code TIliI f8!>O'1 io ~ 0 poblic <Iottomen!. "",-10,11>,,001.,., conL.o ...... _ will toe MiII...:re1 by ..... As.....,. (Sec. ~51 . Re.. & To, C",,",).. ... n only be diodosecll0 lhII dill"" .1tOme)'. jury. and O(he< ogencit. ~ in See. 408 0I1hIO R... &T.. Code g""" _naM ..... Iran.,.,. In """" to comply .,;u, IhI reporting requlrementl unde' Section ~80.6. tMfll .'" 0"",, _ _ by which .w. a n<llDCal ~ inlo,"! doL.o to ,",unty •• oeuon. FOf e>ompIt. 1n ill 2002 H.""_ pertaining k l _ I c I T•• _ In_IS ("Handbook1. IhI _ ""WO" .... 0 _-Sl"" .lIomItiw .pptOK/I by ""och counl'1 .""'~ could _ I pos... oory "te_ dm from otote .nd local ~ .., ihol • could be uOfld to _1M poo......"., In_IS oJIII kOlll lhrougl>Oullhl term aI the pos .....".,. I _ • .;ghl )ON'" ago in the Ho-n<Ibook. the Soard ~ INri """'" _ and .lalO oJIII ......1 .~ In tIIeIt counloes engaged In eledronC e. clla_ of inlomlotion kl t,od< _"sory Tho e.<;fto,oge of .,fann.uon in pubie recorda a bout ....... of public property ber....en ."" among pubic _ _ "". p<_bIy .. _ ...... 2002 P_sorr "lO<eOI, 1nIerftIS: As H1 forth below •• ny pos.a..ary inIe_1 ;"format"", _ted by . tote and Io<af ~mmentol entities Ind Mnt to county .. _sora In tM _ . Annuol U _ R~ Of by .ny _ ""'.... (oocfI . . _ "",,,be<! in IhIO HandtIooi<) Ire pubic "',","'"l1111 COUnl)' .....sora !lilY ~ _ seaet, Tho Call1...- Conlillutioo feoqU",," • no"""" readng of IhI """'*'Y obJ9olionJ ond • bto>.d reading oIlny el<OopbOn 1II11 "1UrtIIetIlhe »IKIIlle'. """I cI "",,"",. Tho <Iemons\nlte lhIr1 I.8Cf8CY ~ 011_ TI'Ht 0fI<:f'e<:y provio""" ...... ~ apply to cIocumenlS 1IIa1 or" ot!Ie!wtse """bIic roeortIo" As I man .. allow • • r::ounly . ._ _ mus! """e Pl'l'HUary ........... doan>enls I>C'~ by. _tole Of ...... l gOvam..-taI otrtiIy In eompIio",," With ill oOIigotion uncle< SeeiOon '80.e ••• ilabIeln _ .. Ie. req_t under !tHo PRA. co_ .n ..........._ pnMII"'" • The<ekn, r .... Wor"", C_ _ _ mallhlO _ . _ _ !tHo Official Ex;>lanalicn from lI>e "" ...... ~ Repott. r .... w_ CI"" olio b e _ tho! ..... 560E _ _ _ <:ounl'1'~ thot; .u_ and _ d~ ~'od by .tote Ind ...... 1gove"v"ental ."Iit... in .. of \I1ei- obIigUcn . . - s.cticn 48(1,6 or _ ' 10 """"1'11 .......".. cIotoiling Information Iobcut posselsory Inle<esll are 1111_ Iio'_ "~ nKX>I<Io"; 2. The , _ kept by counl'1 .....sora !rem ltote not ~ I>y .ny MCre.cy obJ9olion . • nd. .. '~S-_oIfqo"'·"""_· '. P "'I _ _ IDeo Interested Parties Meeting '_= ~ .~ locol _ _ tolen1itin are _ _ 5'Q,"""'i.'oIT_ 0!3.eoo _ _ '1 'J.'• .wlS ..... , 5 ATTACHMENT A 3. As>. .......... musl diado>ofllMl . . - do<:umentf ge<IOrat8d in ~r.ce '"" ib obligation undo, Se\:bon "80,~ of>d ~"'" by tho KCeS.... """" pre_led _ I J''VI ....... DISCUSSION •• The J''VI Q,...,11 puI>Ic _ 1 0 _m>enllllrIformotion. ib ~ 10 10 maintain ~ovenvnentol ooe<»unl~ ood 10 ~_..t ....,..." in govemmenI. The P RA .toleO lui 1p)ut>Iic ~ .... open 10 inaj>ed.... .f>d .-.elY penon nlS I ",hi 10 insped .ny 'O<:Of'd." The PRA .... 001Ite. m.doou'e !rom """""f ~ ogenq'." whict> ~ county "l'_ ...........! record.' include any writing thai """to... informooon ..... Iing 10 !hoo publira Dousine •• lIIIt 10 pr~ . _ . _ . 01 reIIiNd t>y"'y .lIte OI_~ • 01 phy$lcollorm 01 cfIa , O<:teOoIQ .' 0... Coliiomla _Iole ..,..., " " broadly defined 0 .-.g.a"'_ "public reoonf" u, OI>fltoinino;J inl<>rmatic>n ,.... t.lg 10 the <:ondu<::I of , ... P<lbi<:'1 bu.",", PfePI,Id • ........ed,....ed, OI ... to_ t>y .ny.taIe _nq Tn. defiMion 10 [A}fry wriIing i n _ 10 ............ IY ............ bIB 0Jnd QI _ _ , " 01procell I~ ;0 i'rY<>Ived in lIII 0rI1y purely peraonll inloo:TlWt"'" "" ..... ted 10 "'" cooduc1 of "'" put>Iic .• bull ..... ooulol biO """U:Ionld ~om IIo!o definition. I.• .. "'" oIIopping lisl ~ !rom home. "'" "III' 10 • public _ _ lrom I _ which ;" Lolaly"" 0/ rllerer.ce 10 goyerrornemll letMtiM,' """"" _ ."""pI will> "'" ...ado 01 "'" PAA 10 _ _ _ ., ... t>y I public - " , Y. "'" oourts ha ... llelollllat "'" """"""'nil ~ II JIaI8 _ local go"""",,*,111 ... _ "",.1 tr.nsm~ 10 count)' _ _ _ - .. a .... If>d ice"... of public ....... Itoll "'Nie pO. .. . .OIY inIe<flll_ I .. pobl;: _ that must be _ ." • .... ~_o.p.., ~C<Ul('~7IMc..o.App.lOM' ( _ 0 1 PRA). 'Goo C -. t S2SlCal ' c;o., c -. f=lo) 'ao. c-, fG<~~ •s..a_ r_, ~C<Ul('HJ) ,<3 c..oAjlp3<l7&2, 77'I~I . • , Interested Parties Meeting 6 ATTACHMENT A .,,,11 'n.."actinv Section 480.6. IhIIIl...,iaIolunI hlendedlo reporting _ _ lot public 'ecord'll .... ,ing 10 _oory in_IS from _ .... 1I.cpo)'en 10 11111 Ind gowmmenll'",,_ Ie preseMllhe prof)e<Iy II. DaM In IrMt _ . lhe Boar<! cdo SeeIion 480.6 ..... mool "nolable .nd """'1" _ _ " "'MOI}' """'.."'" 10 d - . II>e . ........,. of pouessory inll'HII " SeeIion <&0 6 ""!II .... ifill 1IIIIInd local _.iM . . . . . . . Ioca' .,-*<><* 1I<""ffl""" Millin reflO<I ~ inle<Ml infurmalion 10 so ifill II>e 1 1 _ con 01 public ~nd occupitd by I """lie ~yer IIIrougIIouI ita 10m\. SIIIe and IocII g"""",mental enbtieo m",1 <:amp/)' wiIIIlfIio obJ9rion. Tho LogisllW", "" lhe _ 10 bell Ie preservelhe pt<>perty II. baM by ~ ItI.I " ... '" .nd k>cIl _,"''''',,.''' entitiH ~ _ .... oory in_I <10 ... in I limeIV m .. 10 courtly lllIeISOI'I so 11> .. 11>_ P"IIeIIO<Y _ I S con be IW-Oled Ind prOp<trty u.be Iovled lhei-1irI<m <;onIisl"n' with !he ClliIomia ConItiIu\Ion." $per;iJjco1y. SeeIion 0130.6 11'_' Oe'_ ..... con ,r.ro"ot""" [E)wIry "lite Of """,, _ _ II, enlrly ""'I illI>e r- <>'I'o'Mf 01 '.1' pr-'Y in W/tlel> one '" more .... biro poIHIoorr in_II hove beert "",.1Id ""'" ertho, file Inv p,..... in.,,')O in OWI"oIInh., report Dr in .......... r;p _ _ ""Iuin!d 10 be filed with <Mpeet 10 .ny _ . , of. _"'......,. inlereal . Of Innully fill WIth lhe COIrnly II .... Of, "" lite< I"",, II>e 1 ~ doy of ,he fitoI rrlOfJIh foIowing II>e """'1fI in which lhe '-' <Iole oco.n. I ""', p«IIlO'Ity _ reflO<I. The 18!>Of11..... 1nc1uOo I . oIlhe -..g informal"". [I) Tho n...... ond odd", .. of ..... ,.. o/Ihe ""11''''*'1 (2) The n ....... nd odd .... of eo"" - . 01. _101)' inllrat' in IhIII .11_", """nge ""ango owno, -'- (J) ne ~ of Ira_I",," In W/toc/llhlll - . . or II>e poo&ascry in"'","11 _unci _ inle<eOIl. _ e1'UliD<llt. ",newill, 1UbIo..... Of ""iII"""'nll (4) The cIeIcription oIlh111lubjeet _'prope<fy (5) The dill 01_ tranuct .... in....nlclt 1 _ 0/ I P"I'H' '")I ........ ' in IhIII ",.'proper1)' _ _ ""'I inl ..... l. (6) The _ 0/...", .... nsact"" ~ in l>I'og'"l>h (5). in<:Uding " ' ~-. (AI The con_lion g ..... " lot Ihe p<>$MUO<y InIereat. _!!Ie< p",,! in """"'I or o.honw5e. (B) The Ie",," of lhe interelL Including Iny _ , Of posse......,. - " ' " 6p!icn . (C) ~Dr .ny _ .... , IhIII origin'" term Ind """"NIl! IeIm of lhfI 1UbIe..., .nd IhIII conolGe<alion l>Iid lot II>e """lei 10...., .,.._..-..y" __ (Id. _82' _ . . . , _ _ r_._, '''CoI . App3dl15~~ "'_'""'_IIIO~·""""~_~"""·-' _ ·_ _ " _ _ _ • . 53 ""''*~''*' _ _ ot''''_''''11 '..,J ___ ~ _ _.Y SJM.alC ... ,.. ,_1) .,~ C"App'~ 'G34 '~I06' In ,. Sonftry_oI & o t F _ Sonftry_(I~'DI .!SICoI ,,.. '~1 Col Conol ... .. t H "'" Conal "" Col c..... ~ ""t' ,, )OJ., • Interested Parties Meeting 7 ATTACHMENT A (D) Fe>< ..., ... ig"""",lO, tho origln.1 ""'" and ",'nolning term '" tho,,"igtwnenl, ,I'd tho ".,.,1Odera1io<o pokI lor tho ~ Ie.... """"II' The 8000 ... """ _ wilt> IIMSSOIJ 10 ~ lI>e _ _ tol_1 fMelll>e 1tg~1"" mardole .ocI lI>e looglo.Iol"",'.lnkInL The Boord propounded Ihoo """",,llINgoe RopotII<> <>b .... IIUJ Inlormolio<o from I~ on<! 10<:01--",1_ lor _10<1 10 enco.,_ unllormily 01'1<1 ._""Y In !tie Haodbook lI>e _ "uweols , """"-.,"" ~- lor CO<Iniy "o.M$OI1l<> <:<>Ilo<:l tho ..... 1nI""",,1ion !hal iI ""luired by Sectio<> "80.6 Iforn _ , ltole loci Iocol _ _ so !hallhe COIIniy I .....'" oa" _iw thI _ ' I ' ......1 ond be kepi to ....."'" lhaI "" In_I illai<O<l IIvwghoul ito """." The H• . - HCIion condudeI by lilting ·Some .....10<1 III .. In\pIMlentecllnil '" I _ , IpproacfI illn><>lJh Ihoo IIIOdn>rIio behOove of with """"ty 1nIorm._ I"JbIic: ogencieo:" The Board """ • duty 10 ... MISoB ond lo Ihoo prnoou I<> be """",,>Ie aooullhlllltw II ~ "lIleSlo ,he pubk ""u" of "" dlto 111" iltrro ..... ined by .101e II'd "",",1110".,,_1" 10 .....-.ty useuors no moHo< In _ 101m thI dote is~. 0 ... I>Ig riot< In IIUJ I_led Parlin P roce .. ilthl' "" 800rd omply correttl the Ann ...1 Repo<1 by .biking lito 0IIiaI1 E.plan.lion, This """'" In.d.iOfIII<1ny lei. . IXlUnly • • .....,.. 10 CO!Idude l1li1 ."'"""""'" ........ I"", !hey PII .. _ed 00' with ltale ,lid 10<:01 lI.".."."".,nlll .... ,~in 10 the Mnual Uoage Reports Go rIO! ""k.!hoM d_,es by Ihoo IIIIe olld Io<:olllo'," '''on!ll .... 111 .... public ~ U._ ...oou The L.eg;sllllfll'. ""lunmentln Section .80.~ ~ wIIlcII deIIlIo I11III1 be trronomll\eCl b11"'" '" Iocol ~tol ontJtieo "'I1\fIOrt)r 10 "",,"Iy .....110<1, "is .-nc ... to the Uugo Report.l'd!he thI H . _ . I I omong . . .riel)' '","" The 01 mn.. !or, """e Of loco' _ntolentity 10 l1<;li ..... Thuo, II ..... thol thI undertyIng documotnll 01 dellJIIIn the IN ... CJeai&'lg the pol""""" 1n1e_1I .,. ";Iu* rocordI- ,lid C.liIomio cour!l ha ... held ....., p<lbiic f8C<ltds ~ _..,11Of}' IntorellO are IUbjeeilO d _ " unde, the PRA," ..., Inlormo""" • IInO Of 10<:01 ~1aI *"1iIy ",epa_ alld prtlYicIooo .bout • _ _1Of)' e<>nsisl ..... ' wiII1 tho~ obIigoliOl> undo, Section 'IIO.G - .. wtillen Of eIec:lf'onic: - iI • p<lbIC roeortI """m_1n """"*""",,. Annua' 1nI_, he""" Mo<e<we<. Iotalg !hOt "",,"Iy .unSOB to kfttlp _ <l<>cum<!nls _ _ uti _ 10 !hOt I>fu,rro ....... !Nol puI>Iic wriIingI c""'i&'Ig _..,11Of)' would bec<>me _ _ n a ltale Of IocII QO'I&mmental entity - • puDIic: II/&""Y _ reportllhei" COI\\eI'l!J.1O In _110( - ."""", public ogenc1 Tl'IO low does "'" pfCMde l1li, • public oger.cy ""Y 0_ • I"JbIic: dlodeou" 00'III>I\' try t .nd Iobr!ting ~ "MrnIIr" Givef1 "_11 rKOr<I'' ' ' '''''''''tiny . ,_io_ . . . __ . . ___ _.10_.. .."'-. .. __ """" . . . . . __ " _ _ , " 0. 80 " .. ~_..-.,.. _ _ _ ..... i ..... · . . . , _ .. IIWk ..... " p"._~_ (c.I . - . " " " " ' .... _ " " . _ .... 1IWk_,"-'; ~ sr...UoW.,_.lIOc........".4","OI ~ _ Coo." _ .... """" ClfIi<.- _ on<! r~ <. _ c.....r [20011 <2 Col .th 271, 2Il1,m(-.,.y'ogd,... .. _ " " _ _ ... ""'" _ _ ... _ _ _ - . . . .. -:.~, .""' _ _ ...,."' .... _ { - - , J _ _ ......,. (--I , Interested Parties Meeting 8 ATTACHMENT A """"lei tMt the courts .......t 011."'1'110 _ puIlIio rt><:ards 10 become _ COIJnly ..... __ obf.urtl ...... b ," , .... SSOE .100 noI pomUt .,. _ tro"_1 ...............ttucted form to the ~ The &,ortl . _ mak. ~ oIoor thol •• docu:nenlO. mg.rtI .... of the Iotm ... ""''''' they Or. Ir.nomitled 10 Of Kept by COIJnly ."~, ge .... ".ted by . ... 00<1 IDeal _ , .. I ""Wn ... compliance wiIh S<tcliDn 480.8 a,., puIlIio reeortIl thol mUlt be d _ UMe< ~~ . ,. 1 .... b<oad right of the people 10 ... "" acce .. 10 public Colilomirr Comlilutioo !*>PII"''''' ,,,,,,,Ids in the PRA .. lou,""", in the accet. Tho the right 01 to Ird""""lion r:oncerrino;J !he r:ondud or the _10 .. 1:>ul1nou, ona. !herfrtor.. t .... rrMelrngl 01 public bodies Ina the IOriUngI of puIlIio oIIicIaIo I,"", ovencin .MII be """" \0 pubOc ocruliny " T_ W _ c.. *\1 _ _ the 0I0'otory ..... rprmtiDn IlIt>dold Ml _ IlOhIlH "","I be "'terp-.ted to ,.., ...... the peopIo"o right of .,;cesS, in the l TA_ lW'*' """""'" 451 • """"""'Y construe<! as ........ ed .,. P\"oposIIion 511 • • _0". lllat to .>pr... pro;;oiono do noI .ppIy 10 the poousoo<y inlelnl ___ repotll""" "",ion 451 spearocaly olOln thai OfItI"'!oImIlion IuIl"4l>ed on. properly ...1 _ 1 . to be .... 1eI oe<:re1 by the ..... oar,.nd the """"""OIY ..... ,..1 . . . ~ ill nolo property 11.0 ...... <11," ThiI ..... rpreta'' ' ~ _ the Cons\ltutional _ _1 0<I<>pt6d ... Prapooilion 59 "utttonly in.tree! -' the trme of the ..... ,_.1 pr<Wi<Iing tlurlllahllH, COIJtI I'Irleo. 01 _ --" -""'--""-....----_.. ___ ...." .____ ... ""' ____ .... tvfIO"''''''_oIiot"'''',, " ",_ t.....",.. ._Il'>00 ___ -..,.-,_ ........ _ . . . CU01"'"'100n_ ... CO _ _ ........ _ ." _,"CU01 _ _ .. ... _ ., _ _ • (1'1'..",. . "",*",i,gojll!3 c.t )<11'5, 32l) _ . ~(2OO<t)2~c.t.ltI=) ..,.1;)...... . . ~"" _ _ _ iooo_ ...... ' ' .. -_"'*1' 110;.......,. .... "_ oonh<)'., _ _ _ . _ ........ _ _I ...... ....-01 .... - - - .... - (",-_00I'i00f0""" • Cltyol_(200311" CotA09<ltII2ioI1 "Cot. CGnoL, ... I. i 3,""'" r.~ .. ( I I "lTA. ....... .. "" ,,2 • Interested Parties Meeting 9 ATTACHMENT A "s!IaJ be blo>adIy CO!1strued W~ furtlters !he pOOpie'. 1'1\11>1 of acat ....rId ~ ~ _ . Iho J9'1' 0/ ..:ce ••.'" The LTA req ...ts !!oat. [lJI"oI intetn\ed pa<tin P<oonI '-gisllliw hislOly of 45\. uct"'" CO<lo.~I)'MetionI48\ ."PI_ discua. _1M<!he pnMsiDna of tI>o _ CIt _ "'''''''''''r """',,,,..,... lerma and .... ond r..-Iion 0I>d_.•• _."~_, ~ GI' • I.,.. _ (\\i6oI) 231 C.I.Apjl.2d '82, 0t>PIY 10 Informat"'" pr-cMcIood on It.. ."...... """Y illereo, UI~ fe\lOI1. TIIIHw .. no ~ iIcIOt"", that !he LegIllaM. Inlflndl<110 k_ poueuoty Intt<e$l nJormoljon Pf<>YilSe<l to an ..... _ by • ,tolfl or _ _ """",!OI ~ ",,,,u"n, '0 Section 4808 _ U.oe, on, ueumsto!lCel, _ , . t ... C.liIorniI Constitution r1I<I"'" that. 0. nlMpftlbng 1M nt 1M 800'" """, no<TOWIy conoInIe SecIiono 'SI and '81 10 1M e>:to-nltnal !My tWnit Iho riII/Il 0/ IC¢ftI """ec_, Section 408 ,...nidI .. !tIe • .oeptian to tI>o """""l' ~iDna 0. Se<;tionl'SI.nd O!tt and h . . been upheld by • Gobfornio .ppeble .,...., to _ _ ItIaI puI>IIc . - _ be d _ by on ....e ...or lor public ;"opection" _ "",.1 be In 11>0 leg"'''''''' ;"'.. _ •• 'broad" """.truod' n.~ '" SectIon .51 . Iho provision ale<! •• luIIIoriIy lor the •• ......".. keeping puI>IIc recordo _ 0. tI>e ClII'i<»I E>epionallon. PfOVIdn, AI Information '*l"".ted by t!wt •• _ <)< ~ ;" !he ~ 110_' be _ _ by t!wt .._ The SUO_ iI not a pJbIic doc""",.t and 10 not open to inIpection. ettejll .. prnviIIed in Section 00& I~I Section .08(0), l!Ie 11110<1 e.cepI"'" to 'M oecrecy provIoion of SectlonI '51 . . . .SI. prt>YiIIes' Exee!>lu oltle!_ PfOY'ded ;"IUbdMiionl (b). (e), (u). and (e). an, InJormaIion and reoonIs .. 'hII .....""" ofIica ",at .,., not ""Iu"" by law to be kop1 or ~rect by 11>0 "IeSI01. d _ _ _ ""e.~ eIIme.,."~' e.01JIp1ion ""'mI. Ole not ""bM: <Iocumon'. BOO .~I not be """n to puI>IIc ~. P,"I"'11)' fOCeiWIg !he e....-o1ptiorllll" be <10101)0 ldenblied on tile .. _ , rei Till ........... lIIal mantan r1OCOfd. _ lIIal be _ " to public Inopoction to iDentif)o _ eIImontl who "". . been p10Med the 1\01,_... ,"'" _ ..... " ••• emption "coo ConoI ... I. t~. _ I~I,_ (21, ""_"_l,"Ccour\aI~_"'" _,_obIigatIon ... ""'_ .. _ _ 010 _ _ _ . . _ a l P > __ ". (011 s...GI' ;'>w. _(1Il001 211 C"....,2. q2 ....... ioCUCl., . . LT ... Interested Parties Meeting , 10 ATTACHMENT A "'"pec\ 10 Sectio<"!I 4~' WId 4e" SeclIOfl 40e .. I n _ '0 ",....., docu'nenll open 10 public ~ . . In ••<epl .... ," .n oueuo(. ~ cllliijoli<>n So Sedion 4011 O-In .. rpre1od br<>-"'l" Tho _Ioen"""" "'_: WlI/I muI' (A1nY In""",","", Ind ro<:ordl In "'" AI ........ 0IIice ..,.,". 001 r8q ...... by .... II> 0- kepi '" p<epO,od by !he ..... _ .'" 001 public _ I I Ind _ .." be open pubic lnlpedion '0 n.e..._, 1og.,.1y. <e«><do Il10' .'" r8qund by low II> be ~ by !he ....."" .'" p!It>Ijc eo<o_ ,otd ...." diocIosed ouIljeeI II> I PM leqUHL In !he CHe 01 ....11 .. being In Ihio In .......ted p.rm P..",.... conttrur:lion 01 Section 4011 c:ons .. !he ConoIlWtion req.~fl ,hal a 'MS&O<I keep doaImenll procI..:ecI by ...,., Ind 1oea11l"""flYl"H1&1 IKlIilin. Ind. u-efoM, "'" ...ntkm ff!\IOf!l .har.lwih "'" uses..... Ire public: documenll open 10 public irlopeclion, _ I I Ind mlm be "''''''''Y Of. __ _enu NoIwithIIlnd.-.g !he 0 _ UpIon."""·1 10 SeeIiotII~I. one """lei arvuo !hll $IIctloon 181 _ 001 Section 151 _ on 11......,,10 Ii'n~ ..eao11O irl _ _ _ under Sedion 4&1),e, Seet",,"480 61"" Ie, """"ar irl !he~concerning "Chino- In 0wne/'IIIip Reponing.· SIoc1 .... Ie 1 proodeo. ,eq""" Of"'"111.1 -..beI'U'''''''' II> "'_ .rticIe or """"'''hip .,._'" _ _ by !he _ _ _ All informal"" requellO<l by !he ....."" furnioIIod In !he <:Ioango In tu,_ ..... 1M boord, AI;"I""",,_ In oiIho, Ihe ","",",.,.,. chongoo In ~ip .11_., or ,he 0:li0Il\10' In """"",hip IlIternenlll'>III be _ _ 01 _ llIIIoorizod by law \0 ........ '" I\a"" """'.. III ", .. inform.,.",. These III""""nll I", ooIl'Ublic _ I I """ '''' 001 _ '" 1nspedioo1, •• c:opIlI ~ in $oeboro .~ One m;ghl 'f1I"" "", Ihe<e _ , " 10 be no ""'horty "", SodIOfl 4~1 rathe< Ihon $oeboro ow'n to Seet;."., 480.6. Section 04111 . ..,,,<:10 reI&II ~ 10 prelim ...,.,. 0:li0Il\10' In """"'''''OP 111_,. WId '''''Il\10' In ownerIIIip 111_,....... IW'.. II In 1he ...... 1 _ II Section .ao.6, ""'Y rnor& ~lMy'PI>I)o SecbonISl . _ I n on ~ concerning 'nlomoltio<1 from rox_"": .ppIieo to "prDpetty .1a_1I·, which Section 180.6 _ _ not ",'er 10, Ind _ con1IIned irl I dill..... n' onicIo IIIoon SecIioM 480,6 Ind 04111 431 Howeve!. the aUIlUlO'Y 'rIiI~ under the Con~Ul\lllOll <k>e1r IIOC 0;/>11"9" !he ouIoorne: lOS ~Iod by In 1Iloo LTAo "'QIldle.. 01 _ , Section lSI or 04111 applieo. 1Iloo CaNlomIl Conolinrbon ""Iu ..... tha' bo<h mus1 be no.,.,....,. 00n01rU<!<l beco"", they li-n~ "'" ""ht DI ..,.,.... And. because l>o1h Seclion 151 ..... lSI we lulojeello 1M ••otpIion u..... , Sedion 1011, _ m ...' boo b,<*IIy cooslruod '0 lllal publio """"'" If. """" 10 PlJbIio lna!>eelloo, ""~ ...., I!-OM.. eon p<eVenl 0I1he I'osHsoory In\efesl1Jugoe Repcr1I Of '1Iy _ cIa!-O on poos*""'Y in""~'11 ptOYide<I by .11,. or _ emu,. ",._•""""1)'''''''''' _ III on1i1ieo in """" _ "_. - "0 _U"" Of _ " 10rm 10 lhe r><>blic, : .. ...-.._ ...... _'oI..:M1·.,.,ont _ _ "Y..,IO .. _ " ' ..... "Y.... ..0l1000, ........ ' ",,_. ,... "'O_ ... <IQOfllOpubiio • Interested Parties Meeting 11 Interested Parties Meeting • • ~ • ~ . n~<I ,1JI··,i. ~ z!!~'lI ... ;'f"I" ,i,.o;. 11:" !~ ~~ !'H ~~g.1> U ;1;r1§"· ~ -i 9"1'10; ~;; ii:-t:_ ~,.• l.j .. .,iL .,.r_ .. ,l ., ~~. oj 12 5- <rs It I.!~! !'I';'! fl~'it'~I' ~ ,~ !fl~1 ' . !. "Ii. 'I I 1 ~ "f ¥U I: • '-,,:- "1 1.,. "'ii'i-_i "'=." g;r~~.i~ l "~lo1"j d~ .! •. J''''~ !;~ll'! ~~ill!1 ll~·I!;II. ,·K .'off !"I<,f ••• ofzl!il! !!! '~!!!I i!iJ~! !it!I~~!.[ '~I l"ii'! HI·hi j.J,'hln f ill f!~ ~~!~l! l~iit!1 ~;~;il!lll • fa.;" '&:'.;, uhlhrh il: I'!~l Ilil'il li ll·4 l ,fi !iH~. . • "f 0.1, hH'Hli .! pd a~ II !~l- FI . Ijhl~1 [~ sa~i dhU!"h n mmrU Ii! .• ~:Ii H-9'ii.&sf& .i~~IHJ! I~iHH1; !:~&H~iS.af " ,,!I,.!.,) IP[IW iin !(! _•• • i~'l< rtf(!I 11;111 lUlU mUm B1imm " ~~rill[! Ilf'[I!I'i , 'h II • ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ""hi of ~ Ia puIIk rooootdt," G~",- If\IIIIIwI public; '-<XlrlIt .."""lion Ia IIwI HCI'KY *1"""""" predlln Propoo.iIoon W . Suc!o In Inletpl<llalion by IIwI BoIIrd _ llIirm. "'!hotr Nn Cllana- or "uli1y . . ...Iing law .. Th"". SftcIion 40e requires In 1 _ _ 10 dioelooe pUblic m:tlrt!s filed In oompIio_ wbh SftcIion "80.11 by "' 0'. Ind IocII_nmental.,,_, Suc!o I _11m _ G.,.er. whic:!o. before Propos~"" 59 _. pa..ed. I>old IIIa1ln .......... muSi dlOC_ "''''ft .. -~ TI>o l TA """ _ I. It"., .. _ted partin ""..,... tI>o public "I....., In diKlolure 0.- Inform.,,,,, ,"o'OIed .,., II>e repon Ind IIIe puI>IIc InIereSi In _ _ of such InlormlliDn .. *luin!d by Gowrnm.nl c- Sectk>n 6255 " G<we","-, c- SftcIion G2M .. IIIe b<a.d "c."c:t> ... e . empt"" in 11>0 PRA lor ~ ... of public recordl under. policy ballndrlg I..,. (I) The agency ." • • juOlily wiItIhoIding Iny record by demonIlrllWlg tNt IIIe record "",,"""'"I 01111 .. CllapkK or thl' on thelacto of the P " _ ' """ tI>o pubIC inlern, _ by "'" dOldooong , .. _ cIN.t,o OIJIweighlthe poJb4C Inle""l ......., by _ <>! IIwI """"". (to) A 10. ~ r"'l"'"' for IftoQe<:tion or """'" of pUoIic _ Nl .......,.. • _""",,,!ion 1hI' Ih<o _ , "' dOniood. In _ or io P"rt. ...... t.- io .. _,jon it e,empt """"' e , _ "'''1'0"''' ~. II .. dlllic:ul to . 'lI .... tIIa, In •• oeuor can justify MthIIokIing S6ctiotI 4M.G unde, !lie PRA'I -<:I' ch or e. empIion. Hof1I u-. io no puI:lk; 'ntete.' in ....:;req beca_ IIwI _ contaned in <lo,,,,",,,nlO fOod _ Sectoon ' 80 8 .. aIfe~ con_ In pu ..... .-eoordo_ \he ",,&.yo IIIa1 er .... "'" the p"..... oo<), Thooe ~ _ muSi be by llwlltale Ind 1ocI111O"'I""'-tal en_ ~ IIwI data to ." lueuor ..ncr... • PRA ---_ ... _..- -.. _..0<_. ",...-...to d_ Arguably. but noI absolul&!y. when informotioro it PfO"kIed by prtvote ' U p"yetI, Section 481 II inIeoded to tH!l lttallnformltion seaellO eotolJ(lQII private 1alpil"'1S 10 <Iisdose lnlormollon ,elev""t to IPI>"~ Ind ..se..men\." TiIII limited ucep!jon II conl.lenl • SM, CoI.Conol ..... 1131. _ CoLAoI>'" 1370, 1'*2. 10. ,... I~J _ c.r""" -._ ... v s.-C<u1(200SJ •• , • SM~._'" ...."... '.' ''''''382 SM ... .. " ' - 01_(200II1.35 Col""""", .o.S(_,"" _oIpwO<y_"_'o",,_ .... _ -., ,",.-0"'" -, ........ """" " SM. _ i n _ _ _ ..... _ .. """"..... _ ~- ........ .'(cI\OngO" _ _ ""F .. oIOpol_~ .. ofa_nomol. _ _ - . ,, _ of....., ""' _ _ , _ <_oonr.....ool Interested Parties Meeting ~ """*" or _loP """YI, .... 13 ~ ATTACHMENT A ""'* _ II\e PRA Ir><! cues in !No I .... In recognition thOl ~nt "'_bI ,."..11;1 be Wi ... Otii,"" by 1111 <Iio.cIc>ou.. 01 ce ..... ioeor<lo. Ihfo PRA COI'UOno I .......,., 01 e"""p6ono ogeno:IH !<> 1<ooep _ recotds Willdo>oitioll," Tho PRA ... " 100li0 I n _ 0I.iijl<ti1' . xception. loom dOodooIQ • • uc!o '" priv ... ",,,,hc.1 """ law eolO<cell'Hlnt recorda," Tho PRA e. ~ ei<emplS fn:om doodoo ..... """"""', ItMt _ . . , . 01 io exempted or pJOlWited /eol"",,1 or ....1. low'" lIn<Ie< II\e Coilorn.. G",,"I~uI;,n. _ .IaMor,. •• empIiono ....... , be oono~lIIid rII'rcwIV " ""Icto ._ 1l'Q""''' "' ""Icti _""I' •• n..... \0 1<ooep _ Iny _ . IIHo puI>Iic ~ II\e burden """"" Govenvneii1 CO<Ie See\IorI GlliS "' J... tty 0<ICI'eq' of. p<obIC _ by ptOVicIin; thOl me.. io I p<oDIic """",I In """fidenlilo .... 1101' """'arty <>utweog~." IIHo pubto; rig~11o _ n b i l information," II io _ . , not be_ Il001 101 .,..n JUlti!y noncIiocIosure of public would otherwise be ... bjeclle d;.a,.on In lI'oilo in.tonal. IIoe opp<>&iIe 01 Govornmen' G<KIoo Section 62~ """" , .... public rig~t "' Ihfo _ "clelrty ou~h." tItoi public in ......., In """fiden~ . 1iI)o Deal" ... , .... ie<orda ..... Uady public Ir><! ,."..11;1 _ ....... Ie btl d~ l>\tr1. ... nllO • PRA '1q""0I • .n ..... impoo._ "' _ . ""icIo •• WhIIt In . ...,.101 m .... mok, filing_ 01 Ito .. Ir><! Ic>cIoI ~<*l "'~in In compIionco willi s..:tion .80,G ""liIobio 10 ..... p<oblic. """iobot<. 01 ..... public must """'PlY _ !hoi prooeu..rode< ..... PRA Ie _ ........ ifK:Orda lrom In 1 . _ " However. r .... w .. _ C _ ito o::onIuoe<l by tho 0I1h1 AOMIIOI of leo Angelel Count)' lIoat ~I of , .... 0I!IciIII Eoplorlltoon ,."..11;1 irrIpedI> Iloo coIIooction 01 POOseu<>r'/ .. ..,...., ... Ioomal .... Of incre .... CO,,. ..... PRA COflIpIioonal """lied "_loon Ie ItMt Board d.1ed SoptIH'l'ibet g, 2010, In _ _tom _ _ ..... lot Angelel In • _ County lUOte<l - ..110 21- . .. - - , <anfIO"1. _i... . , _ Ot _ "t:.. .., 1. t I (i .............. _ by "'-'10 in ........... of..., "",... _, ........... togat """'1'1 _"tIN 10 _ of_i.'.... _ ) 1. Go.- CcW. M 1!2$< .. ""l II ... _ .. Go<. C -. f 1!2!14 • CloY ~Cot c-. f 1!2!14(l<) eon.. .... l,t,.oWj _. , Ib)._ 1')(..,' ..... _ _ I0oocns .. _ _ _ _ t>t ~ - , • ....-. ... _ ', >ig/'O '" - ,- ~ """"""" •• -"'"tIN" .. C<inono.b'. _E"",,",••• Dopt d_'~(\ge51 11' c..App:101{W .,., -"'Y_"-' _ ... _ .. .......,... _ _ ....., ... -"'Y ( v.tIojo;so Col '""""'" _(liTi)!>Ii Col....., lot! Til . TIT ) "Go<. c-,~~ .. _ " Interested Parties Meeting 14 ATTACHMENT A We do OO1I!ippO!t "'" ,.....,.11011/0. "ng_ n.e c:onricje.,tialil)o cIIIu .. c:ontalM<! ;" Ws _ ...... ul 10 0lil ... ~ ..1oIm.1ion 1M! my laiel _ ....... be difficulilO _"'" n.e _~ ell/oio a.r.g .... 11O will ~oIy feW • .. acId"""",1 COlI ,,.., ,...,. ... _ _ nto ,. M io !r""~ thot L", Angeles County cIIIimlthot "'" . . .1..".' - r requlraonenl .....,....,.,. 10 induce ,ta .. ,,.., ~ ~tal.nl~" 10 comply witIo .lIog!ooIot .... • mo""ate. Bypasw.g Se<:tioIl480 0, "'" L~_ placed In I~ ~ ~.Iion OIIll1te and ~ g~1 ",,1_ wIII1 wh"" !My I,. obIigaLldIO COI'I'I!>IY" And. ~~ 1M HI""_ dioeu _ _ ~I",,", why P<>NIIIOt"f .. _ I~ dill'lc:ul 10 '*""-. the Boa... ,.., pnoiled Section 480 8 . . . ""'OM 10 ",""MI !he PfOP8rt'y II, "".... n.e county ".~. - r obligation • ....,. in "'" "*'_ 110""_. _Is Norw;I/o.tardng _ conc.trns. Tme W _ C_ lrusls ttu.1 loll ~ Coun!)' _Iondllhlt, I. I motter 01 .... , .. ogencOol, ineIo.ding county , ......"., .Ireocty "'ve to comply ,.;en the PM .,.., the _ . ~....uw.... wiIh ,.Ipoet to lor _ ..... 01 .,.- _ ." No.,.- 1 _ In IS/Incy 10 ignore I PRA _ l In 10<:1. eXIdIy IN OWOS ...... we the o.gency """" .. on ...., .... II only """Nod 10 ""\'110 te,~. even l the _ .. io ""iy ~ory, .nd mor_. any <lenlol 01 I _ t lor ......... "'" mUit be in Wloting .. Aft .... ..... _t II """"'mood 10 • locol ogoncy, on ............ ten <10)'110 <Ie!emll". _"",,!he ""I ..... t ' _ ..,.,... 01 diocl:>o.oblfl public """' ...... the 01"'" In '\Inu"",,1 cr<:Um,,"nen." In ......... moy ~opond wilhin 10 <Io)'llhlt ~ - . . n odditionol 14 dlYOIO tleterrnlne Wh/:Iher t .. _ I wit be ~,onl"" or _ .. ~ the ..... ue .. ;0 granted , COllI by I\IfIIiI/W1g PI'~ ..."..'" "",.led by .late Ind locol governmenlll ""ti\ieI ... """"t>bnoe willi Sec!1otI 480 6. !lie Colilomlo ~fIl ~ provideIthol In ..... _ may...."..... "lhe d~ect CO$IS 01 duplico{ion.'" II "'" requnt io _ , • """"ty .......... b.... !he tN,,*, 01 jIolli/ying "'" seorIC)' 01 the doc ....... II,., AI lhe _1ysiI1_ -.\nI!eI, In .......,. ""MOl meet IhiI t>oJ!<Ien Oecouse ~ io _loti "11"nc"f"" incu''"'" .. _Georgo _ _ _ _ bL ............. ~. _toOiono 0lo0o, _. p, _ ..... _ ~ F'P"" f onoIyOlI ..... pubk -... 0/"" ...... I." """"'"" 1>f'" _ . .- . . . . ,. .--.. "SMf_12, _ _ "1'*' I _.IIP U _ _ to"""",,· ..-.:t _ _ _ ...- _ =. _ .. ""'--.. . --key~ "SHeM ' .. ..-.:tF_2<"""". "Go. ~,I~b) "_~ ,i ~cl "-_. .. _ ~,' e;lU[OI "Go. ~,i&.2~.) " Interested Parties Meeting CIOoI-" - . . "Eqo ," ': , S. ,,*,,,,," ,. 2\llQ. _ , ,,,,, . , .... '*""'Ioh ,1rnm ... UY\PI Ropon "*'I UUM _ ....."...,. ;. "'" _ to ... 15 ",,""""'"Y ATTACHMENT A ... ~.I or paIic:y julbficlllian !OI kMPing _"""", In\eleol inIotmaIion .od ~ I _ n l . l ."tibeo 10 • county ,osenor _ . ~ by 1r.1fI CONCLUSION Tho C,liIomio C<>nolilution IIOd the PRO. gu.,," .... the ""ht 0Iu.. peopIo 10 -.go '" public tQOr.oieI. Tho CIIUlII .... uphelel the ""ht 01 the peopIo 10 ooceIl- IIOd the ~Iion 01 .., ~ 10 d _ - _ _ Ind _ fO'COI'M thol eithe, ",.. le Of"e .. _'10 POOlelloty .. le_lI. Tho Sec:I"" 40a e>eeptior\ 10 ." . .Hloo(l oec:r.cy ~.Iion m",t bot _~ 10 1I~ Ihe peopIo o/:IIlity 10 "" ... _ 10 the in "...,...hip repor1l or 110_11 or .n1 p<o._ b111a1e1lOd ~I ~""" ~r.oIeI ln ~ witI1 Sec:IJon 430_lIond kOpI by ""unty a._~ . Tho oec:recy ~""" .. Sec:IIonI ~~1 Ind ~81 m",1 bot ..... .-owIy "",,"WIId 10 e. dude 1""" oec:recy da'" pro'¥ided b'f stolfi I nd ~I ~ I ag.oncitK 10 ........... so """ ........... ""n UM Ind keep _ _ 1110 the poanoory .. _ thrOu\Ihout the \etm. Asoet,..". ,re required to _ the PRO.. These ..... pubic sUJ>ll'O'linlj nond"cIQIu" by .., • • _ _ '" ,-.to k"l't .. ony form """ "'" lranomitted by .r.lfllIOd .,..... governmen1ll entities purwl(l11O ""'" otIIIg.uon unde, Se<:tIon . 80_8. "",,,Irurtd ""'' 111 "''''''...tJng _t _.loe The Board sIIoulel Idvise .......". tIIIl ... oec:r.cy obII;Ilion ~ 10 public _ prQYirIed by .tote I nd ~I ~nIaf ~ . . roqWed by s.ttion 430.8 The .IH • ..". mull """'. !Moe public recorejo ..... _ in _ 10 • ,.,. .... 11 the ""'* 'AA , c:c, .... '"' BeltyV. . --_.. ~ "'1CIteIe SleeI Morq,JoM_1 lou. Barnett. S.... 6100 ...... LoI,so Ko<o Lape,,·MadcIo . , T",n Mol llrroidGou " Interested Parties Meeting 16