estratto collezioni / collections abstract 2014 RECUT design Christian Benini / Life! collection IMPRINTING SILVER BLOSSOM Giovanni Pesce designer Christian Benini designer Life! collection Life! collection FLOOR AGORÀ RAW designer Francesca Zoboli designer Life! collection Life! collection PRINTEMPS MADAME VENT BENGALI KEITH BAU TRACES GOLDEN WIND Lorenzo De Grandis designer Antonio Marras designer Lorenzo De Grandis designer Lorenzo De Grandis designer Christian Benini designer Ines Porrino designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection CAMP NOIRE UPSIDEDOWN LETRA-SET EAU NOUVEAU BRUSH B&W Eva Germani designer Eva Germani designer Wladimiro Bendandi designer Christian Benini designer Giovanni Pesce designer Francesca Zoboli designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject Wall&decò® srl via Santerno 9 Cervia (Ravenna) - Italy tel +39.0544.918012 fax +39.0544.239964 [email protected] showroom Milano, via pontaccio 19 Miami, 2750 NW 3rd Ave. Singapore, 30 Tuas Bay Drive soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject COL LEC TIONS 2014 STONE BUTTERFLIES DRESS SOSHO TILES V Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection CROW MEDALLION SUPER HEROES BAIRRO ALTO X-PLODED GRAFFITISME Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Shout designer Shout designer Talva design designer Talva design designer Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Think Tank collection Think Tank collection Big Brand collection Big Brand collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject INK SIGNORIA Lorenzo De Grandis designer THE MUST HAVESs KISS ME STUCCO TYPOLOGY Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection SARAH MY MUSEUM soggetto / subject SVALBARD CENTURY 19 BALLOON COLIBREEZE Lorenzo De Grandis designer Paolo Badesco designer Christian Benini designer Paolo Badesco designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection AZUL DESUS BORGIA KNOCK KNOCK soggetto / subject CASCADE NEWS PLANET Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection SANS GASOLINE AIRES TANGERINE TELL ME TILES MY BODY Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Christian Benini designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Life! collection Life! collection Life! collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection PORTRAITS LOST IN THE FLOOD Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject JOHNNY 99 soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject RUE CAMBON soggetto / subject soggetto / subject Life! collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject BACKSTREETS soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject NEWYORK UNDER ATTACK 1 soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Giovanni Pagani designer Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection Gio Pagani collection EMPIRE UNDER THE BRIDGE AMAZON UNDRESSED AVENUE ENVOL FLAMINGO DADA Shout designer Shout designer Talva design designer Talva design designer Talva design designer Talva design designer Think Tank collection Think Tank collection Big Brand collection Big Brand collection Big Brand collection Big Brand collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject Giovanni Pagani designer Gio Pagani collection soggetto / subject soggetto / subject soggetto / subject