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Gary Ambrose, Chair
Merrifield Center
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Level 3 - Room 409A
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
5:00 p.m.
Meeting Called to Order
Gary Ambrose
Matters of the Public
Gary Ambrose
Gary Ambrose
Amendments to the Meeting Agenda
Gary Ambrose
Approval of CSB June 24, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Gary Ambrose
Matters of the Board
Directors Report
Committee Reports
A. Behavioral Health Oversight Committee
 June 2015 Meeting Notes
B. Fiscal Oversight Committee
 June 2015 Meeting Notes
C. Government and Community Relations Committee
 2016 Legislative Issues
D. Intellectual and Developmental Disability Committee
 July 2015 Draft Meeting Notes
E. Other Reports
Action Items
A. CSB Associate Committee Members
B. Criminal Justice Diversion Program Funding Request
5:00 p.m.
Tisha Deeghan
Diane Tuininga
Ken Garnes
Rob Sweezy
Lori Stillman
Diane Tuininga
Laura Yager
10. Adjournment
Fairfax County is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in all county programs, services and activities and will provide reasonable
accommodations upon request. Call 703-324-7000 or TTY 711 to request special accommodations. Please allow seven working days in
advance of the event in order to make the necessary arrangements. These services are available at no charge to the individual.
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board
June 24, 2015
The Board met in regular session at the Merrifield Center, 8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive,
Fairfax, VA.
The following CSB members were present: Ken Garnes, Chair; Gary Ambrose, Susan Beeman,
Kat Kehoe, Suzette Kern, Paul Luisada, Lori Stillman, Diane Tuininga, Jeff Wisoff, Jane Woods
and Spencer Woods
The following CSB members were absent: Pamela Barrett, Kate Hanley, Molly Long and Dallas
“Rob” Sweezy
The following CSB staff was present: Tisha Deeghan, Daryl Washington, Jean Hartman, Dave
Mangano, Lisa Potter and Lyn Tomlinson
1. Meeting Called to Order
Ken Garnes called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
2. Matters of the Public
Jack Bruggeman with Parents and Associates of the Northern Virginia Training Center
highlighted the Department of Justice (DOJ) letter requesting the status conference on
compliance with the court-ordered settlement to be held in open court. It was indicated the
letter cites several deficiencies of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental
Services (DBHDS) including lack of implementing a redesign of the Medicaid Waivers to
assist individuals served. The CSB Board was urged to continue to advocate on this issue.
3. Recognitions
Kat Kehoe, recently appointed CSB Board representative of the Dranesville District, was
After serving on the CSB Board since 2006, Susan Beeman was honored for her many
contributions to the Board and the community. It was noted Ms. Beeman’s leadership has
been vital throughout a major transition of the agency as well as the Board, and her
commitment to the individuals served by the CSB was applauded.
The CSB Wellness, Health Promotion and Prevention Services program recently received
a distinguished partner award from the Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County
noting its valuable support and collaboration.
4. Approval of the Minutes
Jane Woods offered a motion for approval of the May 27, 2015 Board meeting minutes of the
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board which was seconded and passed.
June 24, 2015
Page 1 of 4
5. Matters of the Board
Gary Ambrose reported at the recent meeting of the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review
Commission, a report was provided entitled, “Use-of-Force Policy and Practice Review
of the Fairfax County Police Department”, which is available through the Commission’s
website. In addition, the final report of the Mental Health and Crisis Intervention Team
(CIT) Subcommittee is expected to be issued by mid-August.
Susan Beeman noted that Diane Tuininga will be chair of the Behavioral Health
Oversight Committee as of July 1.
Noting her son’s 26th birthday, Lori Stillman indicated he was the force behind her
involvement with the CSB.
6. Directors Report
Tisha Deeghan reported on the following:
• In July, a visit to San Antonio, Texas is being scheduled with Bexar County
representatives to observe their jail diversion community system. In addition to Ms.
Deeghan, Gary Ambrose, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid and other members of the Sheriff’s
office will be participating and meeting with their counterparts in San Antonio.
• At the July 21st Board of Supervisors (BOS) Human Services Committee, a presentation
will be provided on Intellectual and Development Disability (IDD) employment that will
include outcomes of the recent survey and focus groups.
Len Wales provided budget updates which included:
• As the carryover package is due July 3rd, discussions have been taking place with the
Department of Management and Budget (DMB). Proposals are being developed to
address items such as increased psychiatrists’ salaries, and once completed, the Board
will receive the final CSB carryover submission. Currently, it is not anticipated that
DMB will request funding to be transferred back as occurred last year.
• In reviewing the Quarterly CSB Status Report, it was indicated there are no significant
developments requiring attention. However, within the primary care category, it was
pointed out that while on average 40% had a provider in 2014, that number has increased
to 60%. Additionally, any impact of the walk-in service recently implemented at
Merrifield is not included in this report, but should be revealed next quarter.
• Issuance of instructions for the Lines of Business exercise has been delayed which will
impact crafting the response as the projected timeline to provide feedback is September.
While this high level exercise has occurred several times in the past, it was noted there
are new aspects in this round that include: 1) a LOBs committee with representatives
from various agencies will review the submissions, 2) submissions must illustrate how
the program/services meet the County Vision, and 3) concrete performance factors are to
be provided such as efficiency, effectiveness and numbers of individuals receiving
services, all of which will be compared to other agencies. The goal is to finalize the
LOBs in time for consideration by the County Executive in developing the FY 2017
Daryl Washington reported on a recent tour of the Alternative Incarceration Branch provided
by Captain Spencer Woods. This program serves individuals at lower risk leaving the Adult
June 24, 2015
Page 2 of 4
Detention Center, under house arrest, in work release programs, as well as able to participate
in the community work force.
7. Committee Reports
A. Behavioral Health Oversight Committee (BHOC)
Ms. Beeman reported at the June committee meeting, some of the activities were a
presentation on Supportive Community Residential services, Diane Tuininga was
elected Chair, and the FY 2016 Associate Committee membership was approved for
presenting to the CSB Board.
B. Fiscal Oversight Committee
Mr. Garnes shared the following from the June committee meeting:
• Carryover and LOBs were discussed along with the vacancy rate that currently
stands at 127.
• The CSB Workplan is being eliminated as the issues requiring monitoring have
been addressed.
• It is expected that the end of year report to the BOS and Mayors of the Cities of
Fairfax and Falls Church will be drafted for Board review in late July or early
C. Government and Community Relations Committee
As the committee did not meet in June, a report was not available.
D. Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Committee
Lori Stillman provided an overview of developments which included:
• Thursday, July 2nd, is the next scheduled committee meeting which will be held at
the Merrifield Center at 5:30 p.m.
• There continues to be a lack of local capacity for relocating residents of the Training
Centers, and while any funds from the sale of the Northern Virginia Training Center
(NVTC) property must be used for services, there is some ambiguity whether the
monies will be applied to our region, and/or for transitioning remaining NVTC
residents into the community. There is also concern that the funds will be offset
through reductions in the overall DBHDS budget.
• The redesign process of Medicaid Waivers is still underway. Questions were raised
on the measures in the new assessment tool for determining the high end level of
E. Other Matters
Appreciation and gratitude was extended to Ken Garnes for his tenure as CSB
Board Chair over the past two years.
June 24, 2015
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8. Action Items
A. Election of CSB Officers
On behalf of the CSB Nominating Committee, Ms. Kern reviewed the process which
began in April, and the notice provided at the May meeting of the proposed slate of
officer nominations for FY 2016. The nominees include: Gary Ambrose for Chair,
Suzette Kern for Vice Chair and Jeffrey Wisoff as Secretary. After presenting the
nominees, a call was made for any nominations from the floor. There being none, Jane
Woods offered a motion to elect the slate of FY 2016 CSB officer nominations by
acclamation which was seconded and passed without opposition or abstentions.
B. FY 2016 State Performance Contract Renewal
Following background provided by Lisa Potter on the renewal of the FY 2016 portion of
the FY 2015-2016 State Performance Contract, Suzette Kern offered a motion to approve
the FY 2016 Renewal as revised, which was seconded and carried.
9. Information Item
A. CSB Associate Committee Members
As outlined in the CSB Bylaws, Ms. Beeman presented the proposed BHOC Associate
Committee members for FY 2016 and indicated at the July meeting, the members will be
presented for Board approval.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn was offered,
seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Actions Taken- The May 2015 meeting minutes were approved.
 FY 2016 CSB Officers were elected.
 Approval of the FY 2016 Performance Contract Renewal.
Staff to Board
June 24, 2015
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Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: June 10, 2015
Location: Merrifield Center
Attendees: Susan Beeman, Chair, Gary Ambrose, Terry Atkinson, Gartlan Center Advisory Board, Peter Clark, No. Va. Mental Health Foundation, Tisha Deeghan, Jean
Hartman, Evan Jones, Suzette Kern, Dave Mangano, Bill Taylor, Concerned Fairfax, Tom Schuplin, PRS, Inc., Lyn Tomlinson, Diane Tuininga, Daryl Washington, Jeffery
Wisoff and Captain Spencer Woods. Also present were other private sector staffs as well as members of the public.
Responsible Party
Meeting Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
Susan Beeman, Chair
Approval of May 13,
2015 Minutes
Suzette Kern moved that the May 13, 2015 Behavioral Health Oversight Committee minutes be approved as
presented. The motion was seconded by Diana Tuininga and unanimously carried.
Behavioral Health
Oversight Committee
Election of Committee
Susan Beeman, Chair made a motion to nominate Diana Tuininga as the new Chair of the Behavioral Health.
The motion was seconded by Suzette Kerns and unanimously carried.
Susan Beeman, Chair
Associate Member
Presentations and
Associate Members at large would like to express how much they appreciate all the hard work and
accomplishments of Susan Beeman as the Chair of the Behavioral Health Oversight Committee. Susan has
been an amazing leader, advocate and her calm demeanor in leading the group is going to be missed. Thank
you so much for all your services.
Associate Member
Approval of Associate
Committee Member
Susan Beeman, Chair made a motion which was unanimously carried to nominate the following at the July
2015 CSB Board Meeting as Associate Members of the Behavioral Health Oversight Committee.
Susan Beeman, Chair
Advisory Board for the Joe and Fredona Gartlan Center
The Alternative House, Inc.
The Brain Foundation
Community Residences, Inc.
Concerned Fairfax
Inova Health System
The Northern Virginia Mental Health Foundation, Inc.
Northwest Center Advisory Board: Northwest Center for Community Mental Health
 Pathway Homes, Inc.
 PRS, Inc.
Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance (SAARA)
Draft Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Minutes
June 10, 2015
Due Date
Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 2
Responsible Party
Northern Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association
Wendi M. Waits, MD, Director of Behavioral Health, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital
Consumer Run Programs Representative (Representatives will alternate meeting
 Consumer Wellness Center of Falls Church
 Laurie Mitchell Employment Center
 Reston Drop-In Center, Inc.
 South County Recovery and Drop-In Center
Presentation: Supportive
Community Residential
David Simmons, Director of Supportive Community Residential Services gave an overview and shared
information on what services are provided. The presentation highlighted the following:
David Simmons
New Horizons is a 16 bed facility in the south county area. It is co-ed, serving 9 males and 7 females. It is
staffed twenty four hours a day and provides a highly structured milieu and supportive services so that clients
can stabilize and reintegrate into a community setting.
Services provided: Onsite psychiatric services, medication management, onsite nursing, case management,
group and individual therapy, linking to community supports, all meals are prepared and monitored by
program staff.
Residential Intensive Care (RIC) offers three levels of supervision
 RIC Comprehensive is a 13 bed program that is staffed twenty four hours a day with four sites in the
Springfield area.
 RIC PLUS operates two programs Patrick Street which is a 14 bed female program Vienna and Beacon
Hill a 16 bed male program located in the south county area. Staff coverage varies depending on
clinical need and can be as much as 16 to 18 hours per day.
 Regular RIC programming is offered in three areas of the county, North, Central, and South. They
offer staff support and supervision during morning, day and evening coverage and are the most
client independent level of care in the RIC programs.
Draft Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Minutes
June 10, 2015
Due Date
Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 3
Responsible Party
Services provided: Psychiatric services, some on site and some coordinated with the local Mental Health
Centers, medication management, onsite nursing, case management, group and individual therapy, linking to
community supports, staff routinely accompany clients to medical and psychiatric appointments to ensure
good communication and support clients in developing the skills needed to navigate their medical and
psychiatric care. Meals are not provided by program staff and clients are supported in a variety of ways in
skill development related to budget, meal planning and preparation.
Transitional Therapeutic Apartment Program (TTAP) provides clients with an opportunity to develop
independent living skills in the community while still being consistently connected to a supervised level of
care. CSB holds the lease for units that are scattered sites in the local community and client’s transition into
independent housing as appropriate. Staff is available Monday through Friday and provides face-to-face
support 1 to 2 times per week with Case Management, Mental Health Skill Building and Individual Therapy.
Shared Supported Housing Program (SSHP) serves clients in permanent housing. In these programs, the
client is the lease holder. The units are provided for our clients through several different partnerships with
the Department of Housing. Most clients participate in a variety of meaningful daytime activities, although
that is not a program requirement.
Services Provided: Staff typically has face-to-face contact with clients anywhere from once per week to once
per month depending on their level of need. Staff is available to provide Case Management, Mental Health
Skill Building and Individual Therapy as needed. Psychiatric services are coordinated with the closest Mental
Health Center. The goal of these services is to allow the clients to be permanently re-integrated into the
Supported Housing Options Program (SHOP) is similar to SSHP. The difference is that most of the units have
a requirement that clients moving in have a history of homelessness.
Services Provided: The services are similar to those provided above in SSHP. However, services to clients in
this program are provided in partnership between CSB employees and a private contract partner with staff
deployed to the CSB.
HUD Permanent Supportive Housing Grant “Welcome Home” is a partnership with the Office to Prevent and
End Homelessness and their 10 year plan to end homelessness. This program operates 14 beds, in 12 units
located in South County. This is a “Housing First” model for chronically homeless individuals with serious
mental illness who are identified as most vulnerable.
Services Provided: Housing utilizing the “Housing First” model, Case management for lease and unit
compliance, engagement, harm reduction and supported services as directed by the individual.
Draft Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Minutes
June 10, 2015
Due Date
Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 4
Responsible Party
Consumer Portal Update
On June 1, 2015 Springfield Center began to pilot the CSB Client Portal which gives consumers the ability to
view their appointment schedules, medications, diagnoses, and other information related to their treatment.
This will help increase individuals’ involvement in their own care and recovery. Having a client portal is also
part of the federal meaningful use requirement for electronic health records .
Daryl Washington
Staff Report
Lyn Tomlinson, provided the following announcement:
Revive! Is Virginia’s Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education program helping people learn how to recognize
and respond to opioid overdose emergencies by administering naloxone, a medication that can reverse opioid
There will be a free Training of Trainer session will be held Saturday, June 27, from 10 a.m. to noon at the
CSB’s Chantilly office located at 14150 Parkeast Circle, Chantilly, VA. If you are interested in attending please
register at https://www.surveymonley.com/s/REVIVETOTFairfaxJun27
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Date Approved
Draft Behavioral Health Oversight Committee Minutes
Susan Beeman, Chair
Minutes Prepared by
Loretta Davidson
June 10, 2015
Due Date
CSB Fiscal Committee Meeting Notes Date:
June 19, 2015
Ken Garnes, Suzette Kern, Gary Ambrose, Kate Hanley, Lori Stillman, Jeff Wisoff
Tisha Deeghan, Len Wales, Lisa Potter, Lisa Witt, Tana Suter
Summary of Information Shared/Decisions:
Financial Status.
Position Status:
o As of June 15, CSB had 127 vacant General Merit Positions. As of the first pay period in
July (pay period 14), there will be a reduction of 25 positions and the CSB will have less
flexibility in hiring. The breakeven point will be closer to 90-92 positions. Staff also reported
there are currently 45 positions in process.
Pay Period Metrics:
o From PP10 to PP11, 10 positions became vacant, while 7 positions were filled, a net of -3.
Fiscal Update
Modified Fund Statement for period ending May, 2015 was reviewed. Staff indicates no material
changes from the previous month. However, staff did report that two factors offset each other; the
Meaningful Use payment previously anticipated by June 30 is offset by compensation costs that
were calculated based on the few remaining pay periods.
FY 2015 Carryover
Len Wales provided an update on FY 2015 Carryover:
Preliminary discussions have been held with DMB and it was indicated that the CSB will likely be
able to keep carryover funds. It was noted that the amount requested will be needed to fund the
increase in pay for psychiatrists and emergency services staff, increase in costs for Employment
First, Merrifield Peer Resource Center Crisis Recovery Team and Crisis Recovery Team, and
possibly an increase in Infant and Toddler Connection (ITC). In looking towards FY 2017, CSB
will be looking for an increase in the base for psychiatrists. We are not sure when funds will be
appropriated; it could be at third quarter.
Staff reported that in regard to Employment First, CSB can absorb the increase in costs in FY
2015 but it is not budgeted for FY 2016. All current contracts are extended to December 31st,
with new contract rates anticipated in January.
It was noted that in the last two months, there has been an increase in ITC contract costs.
Comment was made about the true life cycle cost for those served by ITC, as well as the increase
in numbers served.
Staff reported that the CSB will also have workforce planning adjustments. The CSB will take a
conservative approach next year for workforce planning.
Lines of Business (LOBs)
Len Wales provided an update on the LOBs: the instructions for the LOBs have not yet been
received. The County Executive met with agency senior management at the end of May to roll
out the LOBs. A copy of the presentation will be provided at the June CSB Board meeting.
The LOBs process will include the following components:
o inventory of programs/services, positions, funding, and description.
o how each LOB relates to County vision, goals, mission
o performance measurements for LOBs
CSB Fiscal Committee Meeting Notes 
The LOBs Committee includes members of various County agencies. It is anticipated that the
Committee will prioritize the LOBs.
An update will be provided at the June 24th CSB Board meeting, along with copies of the Power
Point presentation provided by the County Executive and the list of CSB LOBs.
CSB Work Plans
The CSB Work Plans are on target.
There was brief discussion about the next steps for the Work Plans and recommendation to have
a discussion with Pat Harrison about bringing the current work plans to conclusion, since much of
the work has been completed or has transitioned to day-to-day operations.
Human Resources Issues
Tana Suter provided an update and status of Human Resources issues, to include:
o May 2015 and Year to Date Employee Actions.
o Currently five open requisitions for merit positions. Since January 2015, 45 positions have
been advertised and closed; awaiting completion and results of interviews or requisitions
have been cancelled. It was noted that progress has been made in the hiring process and it
appears to be improving.
o Recruitment and retention activities: various class specifications are being updated or
developed, which is an ongoing between CSB HR/DHR; drafts are being reviewed and
discussed, with an emphasis on Senior Clinicians and MH Supervisor Specialists.
End of Year Report for the BOS
Timeline for report submission: it was indicated that there is no specific deadline
Recommendation was made to align the fiscal data with the Carryover submission, which is due
July 3.
Recommendation was made to provide a draft report CSB Board members in July for review prior
to the next Board meeting, possibly in August.
Committee Chair will work with staff to prepare the report.
Action Items/Responsible Party Required Prior to Next Meeting:
Committee Chair will work with staff to prepare draft End of Year Report to the BOS for full Board
to review in July
Issues to Communicate to CSB Board:
LOBs Update: June CSB Board meeting
Agenda Items for Next Meeting on July 17:
End of Year Report to the BoS
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Committee
Thursday, July 2, 2015
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Committee of the Board met in regular
session at the Merrifield Center, 8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Merrifield VA.
The following Committee members were present: Lori Stillman and Suzette Kern
The following Committee members were absent: Rob Sweezy, Hon. Jane Woods, Molly
Long and Kat Kehoe
The following CSB staff were present: Jean Hartman, Evan Jones, Shelia Peters-Lee,
Lyn Tomlinson, David Mangano, and Barbara Wadley-Young.
1. Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.
2. Welcome and Introduction
The chair welcomed those in attendance and proceeded with introductions of
Committee members, staff, and the public. Copies of Department of Justice
Attorney Kyle Smiddie’s Letter to Judge Gibney and the Executive Summary of the
Independent Reviewer’s June 6 report were provided with the meeting agenda.
3. Approval of the Minutes
A quorum was not present, thus the minutes from the last meeting were not
4. Matter of the Public
Dennis Brown, representing ServiceSource made the following comments, which
were followed by discussion from members, staff, and public:
Kyle Smiddie, Department of Justice Attorney assigned to the Settlement
Agreement (DOJSA), presented the following points in his June 15 letter to Judge
John Gibney. ServiceSource staff has carefully reviewed his letter and wish to
reinforce the following points to the ID Committee.
1. Exclusive reliance on Waiver reform results in continued non-compliance by
Commonwealth yet the Independent Reviewer (IR) acknowledges that without
Waiver reform, “substantive improvements in current community services will
not be possible”.
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
2. Therefore, the earliest that the Commonwealth can implement the reform
will be FY17 which is AFTER NVTC CLOSES!
3. The Commonwealth has NOT accommodated the providers’ request for
sustainable financial support necessary to support individuals with complex
medical, physical, personal care and behavioral needs.
4. The impact on NVTC individuals and families is dramatic in that 67% of the
individuals who transitioned in FY15 moved out of the Region since regional
providers, while willing and capable of supporting them, were unable to
support them for economic reasons. In fact, many of the individuals had to
move more than 100 miles from NVTC, a horrific barrier for older family
members who wish to continue with regular visits to their family members.
5. While this impact is significant on families, it also violates the basic tenets of
the Settlement Agreement to offer choice to individuals and to sustain and
foster relationships.
6. While these data focus on individuals transitioning from NVTC, there is a
larger indictment of the Commonwealth not meeting the overall needs of all
qualified individuals, such as the 10,000 currently on the ID Waiver Wait List.
7. The Commonwealth is out of compliance with achieving integrated day
services for individuals until there is sufficient system reform, especially in
Waiver services.
8. The “transparency” of the Trust Fund is cited as a continuing problem as
DBHDS is accused of “sweeping” funds out of the Fund. Specifically, the FY15
budget appropriation for DBHDS is actually reduced by over $5 million, based
on the ANTICIPATED proceeds of the sales of TC properties.
A ServiceSource representative distributed a flyer announcing a partnership with
the National Disability Institute to present a three-part series honoring the 25th
anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), for families,
providers and individuals. The sessions (7/15, 7/28, 9/24, 11/18) will address
Olmstead and integration, the ABLE Act, and Social Security benefits. They will be
held at the ServiceSource Resource Center in Oakton and streamed live.
Registration is open now at www.servicesource.org/ada25 . For more information:
5. Matters of the Committee
Ms. Stillman shared a link to Priced Out in 2014, a study of the severe housing
affordability problems experienced by people with disabilities. “Priced Out”
calculates the difference between what an individual receiving Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) can reasonably afford to pay for housing costs and the average
cost of modest housing units. The monthly cost of a one-bedroom rental unit in our
area is 171% of an SSI monthly payment; an efficiency apartment is 161% of SSI. The
report by the Technical Assistance Collaborative can be found at www.tacinc.org
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
6. Agency and Service Area Updates:
Agency Updates – Jean Hartman
• Ms. Hartman stated that the CSB is anticipating instruction on the initial phase of
a Countywide Lines of Business (LOB) review. The LOB work will be used to
analyze our areas of work as compared to the community’s and Board of
Supervisors’ priorities, efficiencies, and the County’s strategic direction.
• The CSB is managing a tight budget year for FY 16. Ms. Hartman said the
management and service directors are tasked with the importance and challenge
of carefully managing position vacancies this year.
• The ID service directors and Ms. Hartman have been reviewing and drafting
relevant parts of this year’s Human Services Issue Paper which is used to educate
legislators about pertinent human services issues and needs. The draft
emphasizes the need for adequate state funding to support community service
capacity for individuals with ID whether they are leaving the training centers or
on the waiting lists.
• Staff has also been reviewing our business practices to ensure that they are in
line with the principles of Conflict Free Case Management (CFCM). CFCM ensures
that individuals’ person centered plans are free from agency bias. For example, a
case manager (support coordinator) or the case manager supervisor cannot also
provide a waiver service. Therefore, we are implementing a prohibition on
secondary employment with waiver providers.
• Related to CFCM, Ms. Hartman announced changes in the process of assigning
waivers. A new Waiver Slot Allocation Committee will be appointed by
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). It will
consist of at least 3 community members who cannot be employees of a CSB or a
Waiver provider. The CSBs will assist in finding members from the community and
facilitate the meetings in a non-voting role until DBHDS staff is in a position to
facilitate the committees.
Assisted & Community Residential Updates - Barbara Wadley-Young
• The committee reviewed Dr. Wadley-Young’s dashboard handout of the
residential ID services continuum. The dashboard will have more data elements
added as more data is gathered and verified from the provider community. Dr.
Wadley-Young explained her work with Licensure and support coordinators to
identify new providers and the importance of the providers understanding the
CSB role for technical assistance and coordinated or collaborative efforts. Ms.
Kern asked that the data on the residential dashboard be aligned with the CSB
dashboard provided to the full CSB Board and explained that this was the type of
information helpful for board members to share with their Supervisors for
advocacy purposes.
• Dr. Wadley-Young is preparing work on the new residential RFP for next year. She
is also exploring the use of EDCD and Personal Care waivers for some of our aging
individuals who do not have ID waiver.
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
Support Coordination – Shelia Peters-Lee
• Shelia Peters-Lee, Manager, provided the updates from Support Coordination. Ms.
Peters-Lee announced that almost all of the staff vacancies had been filled with
only 1.5 positions unfilled.
• There are currently 37 Fairfax-Falls Church individuals living at NVTC and 15 at
CVTC. Eighteen individuals are expected to discharge by the end of September.
• As Dr. Wadley-Young mentioned, there are two new providers opening homes in
the area. Scarlet Haven hopes to open one home in the County and one in
Triangle. AdvoServ is opening 16 beds licensed as four 4-bedroom homes in the
remodeled properties on Braddock. They specialize in services for individuals
with behavioral support needs and plan to open in the Sept/Oct time frame.
AdvoServe will also open a new day program.
• Ms. Peters-Lee also reported that support coordinators have rapidly implemented
a change to the Case Management Note mandated by the Virginia Department of
Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) with very little notice.
We became aware of the new requirement on 6/23 and by 6/26 support
coordination clinical staff had worked with Informatics staff to revise the case
management note in the EHR, devise a new business process, and begun to train
staff for the 7/1 implementation date.
Employment Services – Evan Jones
• Mr. Jones reported that the ongoing Employment and Day focus groups which
occurred this spring resulted in 61 persons participating directly and 47 persons
submitting a related survey online. There was diverse representation with
summaries available at www.FairfaxCounty.gov/CSB. There is a news item on this
site which links to the referenced process and summaries.
Tisha Deeghan, the CSB Executive Director, will be presenting to the Board of
Supervisors’ Human Services Committee regarding IDD Employment and Day
Services on July 21st at 10:00am. The location is conference rooms 9 & 10, 12000
Government Center Parkway. This is a public meeting.
The CSB has extended ID Employment and Day Services contracts from 7/1/2015
to 12/31/2015. It is planned that a new contract will be in place by
1/1/2016. As such, a related Request for Proposals (RFP) is pending and
hopefully will be solicited soon.
7. Other Announcements:
• Results of the Employment and Day Focus Groups and Survey are available on the
CSB public website: www.FairfaxCounty.gov/CSB
• Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, William A. Hazel is planning
to attend the Infant and Toddler Connection (ITC) annual graduation program on
August 19th.
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
8. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was
adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
a. The next Meeting will be September 3, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at Merrifield.
Date Approved
Minutes Prepared by
Carol Taylor
• ACRS: ID Residential Services Continuum
• Letter to Judge Gibney 6.15.2015
• Executive Summary of DOJSA Independent Reviewer 6.6.2015 Report
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
IDD Committee Minutes
July 2, 2015
Item: 9A
Type: Action
Date: 7/22/15
Associate Committee Members
Recommended Motion
I move that the Board accept the following as FY 2016 Associate Committee
Members of the Behavioral Health Oversight Committee:
a. Advisory Board for the Joe and Fredona Gartlan Center
b. The Alternative House, Inc.
c. The Brain Foundation
d. Community Residences, Inc.
e. Concerned Fairfax County
f. Inova Health System
g. The Northern Virginia Mental Health Foundation, Inc.
h. Northwest Center Advisory Board: Northwest Center for Community
Mental Health
Pathway Homes, Inc.
PRS, Inc.
k. Northern Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association
l. Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance (SAARA)
m. Consumer Run Programs Representative (Representatives will alternate
meeting attendance)
i. Consumer Wellness Center of Falls Church
ii. Laurie Mitchell Employment Center
iii. Reston Drop-In Center, Inc.
iv. South County Recovery and Drop-In Center
As part of the annual appointment of Associate Members as outlined in the CSB
Bylaws, the nominations of FY 2016 Associate Members of the Behavioral Health
Oversight Committee were provided at the June 2015 CSB Board meeting for
consideration along with notice that a motion for approval would be presented at
the July meeting.
CSB Board Member
Diane Tuininga, Chair, Behavioral Health Oversight Committee
Fly UP