
Professor Dinesh Singh Photograph

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Professor Dinesh Singh Photograph
Professor Dinesh Singh
Title Professor
First Name Dinesh
Last Name
Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor Office
Vice Regal Lodge
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007
011-27667011, 27667190
Phone No Office
[email protected]
Educational Qualifications
D.I.C. (Diploma of
Membership of the
Imperial College)
Career Profile
Ph.D. (Maths), Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine, London, England
Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Medicine, London, England
M.Phil. (Maths), University of Delhi
M.A. (Maths), St. Stephen’s College,
University of Delhi
B.A. (Hons. – Maths), St. Stephen’s College,
University of Delhi
29th October, 2010 –
till date:
Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi
13th August, 2010 –
29th October, 2010:
Officiated as Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi
2005 – 2010:
Director, University of Delhi South Campus, University of Delhi
1999 ---Onwards:
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi
1995 – 1997:
Reader, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi
1994 – 1996:
Visiting Scientist, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India
April, 1994 –
December, 1994:
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
1987 – 1995:
Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Delhi
1985 – 1987:
Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi
1984 – 1985:
Research Associate, (Major UGC Project), Department of Mathematics,
University of Delhi
1981 -1983:
Lecturer, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi
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Administrative Assignments
29th October, 2010 - till date: Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi
13th August, 2010 - 29th October, 2010: Officiated as Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi
2005 – 2010: Director, University of Delhi South Campus, University of Delhi
July, 2003 - till date: Chairman, Institute of Informatics & Communication
15th December, 2004 - 22nd September, 2005: Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Operators and Function Theory
Subjects Taught
Various subjects at the undergraduate and post graduate levels
Research Guidance
Supervision of awarded Doctoral Thesis
Thukral, Virender. 1998. Some Results on De Brages Spaces. University of Delhi.
Aggarwal, Sanjeev. 1995. De Branges Spaces and related Invariant Subspaces, University of Delhi.
Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, under progress
Sahani, Niteesh. Functional Analysis & Applications. University of Delhi. (Date of Registration:
Supervision of M.Phil dissertations, under progress
Gupta, Nisha. 2009. Invariant Subspaces.
Neelima. 2008. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
Bhola, Jyoti. 2007. Study of Essentially Hankei Operator.
Jain, Naveen Kumar. 2007. Backward Shift Invariant Subspaces on the BIDISC.
Walia, Shalini. 2002. Some Aspects of Von Neumann’s Inequality.
Arora, Bharti. 2001. Some Applications of the World Decompositions.
Nigam, Preety. 1992. Decomposition of Isometrics.
Satija, Poonam. 1991. Uniqueness of the Adjoint Operation.
Rawat, Savitri. 1990. Compact Endomorphisms & Related Operator.
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Publications Profile
Books/Monographs (Authored/Edited)
Co-Edited: Wavelets, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
Co-author (with K. B. Sinha et al) : Understanding Mathematics. Universities Press,
Editor: - Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1511.
Springer Verlag.
Research papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals
1. Sub-Hardy Hilbert Spaces on the Circle and Torus (with Ajay Kumar and N. Sahni) Posted on
Math Arxiv October 2013.
2. Lax-Halmos Theorems on the Hardy Spaces (with N. Sahni). Houston Jour. of Math. (accepted
for publication)
3. Multiplication by Monomials on BMOA (with N. Sahni). Houston Jour. of Math. (accepted for
4. Function Theory in Real Hardy Spaces, (with M. Raghupathi). Math. Nach. 284 (2011), 920-930
5. Invariant Subspaces of Certain Sub Hilbert Spaces of H2, (with N. Sahni). Proc. Japan Acad. Ser.
A 87(2011), 56-59.
6. A Finite Multiplicity Helson-Lowdenslager-de Branges Theorem. (with M. Mittal and S. Lata)
Studia Math. 200(2010), 247-266
7. A Constrained Nevanlina-Pick Interpolation Problem (with K. Davidson, V. I. Paulsen, M.
Raghupathi) Indiana University Mathematics Journal 58(2) (2009), 709-732.
8. Harmonic Analysis on the Unit Circle: A Personal Perspective. (Ramaswamy Aiyar Award
Lecture 2007) Mathematics Student 76 (2007) (2008), 137-155.
9. Modules over Subalgebras of the Disk Algebra, (with V. I. Paulsen) Indiana University
Mathematics Journal 55(5) (2006), 1751-1766.
10. Extensions of Bohr’s Inequality, (with V. I. Paulsen) Bull. London Math. Soc. 38(6) (2006), 991999.
11. The Spectrum in a Banach Algebra, Amer. Math. Monthly 113(8) (2006), 756-758.
12. Bohr’s Inequality for Uniform Algebras, (with V. I. Paulsen) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132(12)
(2004), 3577-3579.
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13. The Infinitude of the Primes, Amer. Math. Monthly 111 (2004), 863
14. On Bohr’s Inequality, (with V. I. Paulsen and G. Popescu) Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)85 (2002),
15. A Helson-Lowdenslager-De Branges Theorem in L2, (with V.I. Paulsen) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
129 (2000), 1097-1103.
16. Differentiation of Operator Functions and Perturbation Bounds, (with R. Bhatia and K. B.
Sinha) Communications in Mathematical Physics 191(1998), 603-611.
17. Invariant Subspaces of Shifts on the Hardy Spaces of the Circle and the Torus, (with V. Thukral)
Fourier Series, Approximation Theory and Applic., New Age International; (1998),301-311.
18. De Branges Modules in H2(Ck), (with S. Agrawal) Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups, Trends In
Mathematics, Birkhauser Boston (1997), 1-11.
19. Multiplication by Finite Blaschke Factors on de Branges Spaces, (with V. Thukral) Journal of
Operator Theory 37(1997), 223-245.
20. De Branges Spaces Contained in Some Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions, (with S. Agrawal)
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 39(1995) 351-357.
21. Invariant Subspaces in VMOA and BMOA, (with U.N. Singh) Michigan Math. Journal 41(1994)
22. De Branges Modules in l2-valued Hardy Spaces of the Circle and Torus, (with S. Agrawal)
Journal of Math. Sciences (U.N. Singh Memorial Volume) 28 (1994), 235-266.
23. De Branges Modules in H2(Ck) of the Torus, (with S. Agrawal and B.S. Yadav) Lect. Notes in
Math 1511 Springer Verlag (1992), 55-74.
24. On a Theorem of De Branges, (with U. N. Singh) Indian Journal of Mathematics (U.N. Singh
Memorial Volume), 33(1991), 1-5.
25. Brangesian Spaces in the Polydisk, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110(1990), 971-977.
26. A Trace Inequality for Operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 150
(1990), 159-160.
27. Invariant Subspaces of Analytic Functions, (with U.N. Singh) (survey article) Invariant
Subspaces and Allied Topics. Editors; H. Helson and B. S. Yadav Narosa (1989) 40-50.
28. Invariant Subspaces in H1 with Real Taylor Coefficients, (with A.A.W. Mehanna) The Aligarh
Bulletin of Mathematics 12(1987-89), 45-50.
29. BMOA and the Backwards Shift on H1, Journal of Math. Sciences 19-27 (1984-1992) 56-66
30. Spectral Shifts, Journal of Math. Sciences 19-27 (1984-1992) 67-71
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31. Zeros of Polynomials and the Shift Operator, Journal of Math. Sciences 19-27 (1984-1992) 7274
32. A Simple Proof of Bertrand’s Postulate, The Mathematics Student, 45 (1977) 84. (written as an
undergraduate). Referred on page 116 Development of Prime Number Theory: W. Narkiewicz;
Springer Monographs in Mathematics (2000)
Other publications (Edited works, Book reviews, Festschrift volumes, etc.)
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)
Organization of a Conference
Principal organizer, International conference Mathematics in the Twentieth Century, 2006.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Name of Project: Linear Mapping Associated with Banach Spaces of Functions.
Position in Project: Principal Co-Investigator
Period: 1998-2003
Grant: DST Project
Awards and Distinctions
Invited speaker to deliver the lecture on “Empowering Nations Through Science & Technology
Based Education: The Example of India” at the International Space Medicine Summit (ISMS) at
Rice University in Houston, Texas
Global Challenges lecture on “India in the 21st Century” at the National University of Ireland,
University College Cork, Ireland
Honorary Doctorates by the following Universities:–
• University of Edinburgh for “his inspirational leadership of the University of Delhi”,
(01 July 2014)
National University of Ireland, Cork for “his academic prowess in the discipline of
mathematics and leadership in transforming higher education as a potent force for human
development through broad range of innovative and creative initiatives”, (06 June 2014)
University of Houston, Houston for “exceptional record as an educator, mathematician
and higher education administrator”, (09 May 2014)
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana (India) for “his outstanding
contributions to field of mathematics, legendary academic record and research
attainments”, (07 March 2014)
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Padma Shri – One of India’s highest civilian awards to be conferred by the President of India in
April 2014
Keynote address on “Gandhi’s ideas on social entrepreneurship” at the Conference: CoCreating Social Entrepreneurship for Growth at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Skoch Challenger Award in the field of Education for the reforms brought under his tenure
Chief Guest at the 11th Convocation of National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana
Invited to deliver the lecture on “India in the 21st Century: The Role of Higher Education” and
“From the Indus Valley to Srinivasa Ramanujan: A History of Indian Mathematics” at Panjab
University, Chandigarh
Invited specially to deliver the following Lectures at the:
University of London: “MOOCs: What have we learned, emerging themes and what next”
University of Birmingham: “Education in A Global Setting: The Needs of the 21st Century”
University of Warwick: “The Role of a University: Driving Change.”
Keynote address at the National Seminar on Indian Heritage: Perspective and Prospects under
the National Education Summit at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Keynote address at the Inaugural Session of International Meet on Transnational Education at
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Chief Guest at the XXI Convocation of Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan)
Plenary Address titled “Operators on Function Spaces and Applications of the H1 – BMOA
Duality” at XXIVth International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore
Invited Special Lecture at Bangalore University to Principals of affiliated colleges, Deans of
Faculties and Chairpersons of Boards of Studies about restructured undergraduate courses in
the University of Delhi
Invited address to all Vice Chancellors, Registrars, Officials from Higher Education Department
of State Universities of Chhattisgarh
Honorary rank of Colonel Commandant of National Cadet Corps (NCC) in University of Delhi
Platinum Jubilee Life-Time Achievement Award – Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
Plenary Address titled: “Dealing with Change” at Centenary Conference of the Association of
Commonwealth Universities (ACU), London
Chief Guest at the 2nd Convocation of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, IIITDelhi
Vice President, Ramanujan Mathematical Society
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Elected President, Mathematical Sciences Section in the centenary year of the Indian Science
Congress, Kolkata
Keynote address at the Annual South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference, Kochi, Kerala
Plenary Lecture Annual Conference Ramanujan Math. Society
Lalith Athulathmudali Memorial Oration at Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies
(BCIS),Sri Lanka
Kanta Marwah Inaugural Lecture on “Education in the 21st Century” at India International
Centre (IIC) organized by the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Platinum Jubilee Lecture (Mathematical Sciences) at the Indian Science Congress
Ramaswamy Aiyar Award Lecture of the Indian Mathematical Society in its centenary year.
1999-till date Adjunct Professor, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
Career Award of the University Grants Commission
AMU Prize of the Indian Mathematical Society
The Inlaks Scholarship to pursue the Ph.D. degree at the Imperial College
Mukherji-Ram Behari Mathematics Prize of St. Stephen’s College for the Best Pass in M.A.
Best Undergraduate in Mathematics prize of St. Stephen’s College
Association With Professional Bodies
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Union Cabinet
Member, Jnanpith Award Jury Selection Board
Member, Board of Trustees, The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Council,
U.K. for Constituency II
Member, GB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, (AIIMS)
Member of the Steering Committees on Scientific & Technology and Higher & Technical
Education, 12th Plan, Planning Commission
Chairman of the Executive Committee of National Science Centre, Delhi
Member of the Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai
Member, National Board for Higher Mathematics, (NBHM)
Member of the Senate of the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research
Member, Executive Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians,
Member of GB of National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), Kolkata
Member, Governing Council of Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics
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Member, Governing Council of Software Technology Parks of India, Department of
Electronic & Information Technology, Government of India
Member, National Training Council, Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT),
Government of India
Member of the National Advisory Committee of the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
Member of the General Assembly of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Honorary Member, Advisory Committee, National Corporate Crime Database of India
Member, Advisory Committee of the World Summit on Accreditation (WOSA-2014)
Member of the First Council of Deemed to be Universities, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India
Member, Sector Innovation Council for the education sector, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India
Member of the National Road Safety Council
Other Activities
Held a successful solo painting exhibition
Student of Gandhian philosophy
Fond of traveling and literature (English, Hindi)
Have helped organise numerous important international conferences
Have reviewed/refereed papers for several publications in India and abroad including the
Mathematical Reviews.
Served/serve on several Committees of institutions such as UGC, Govt. of India, various
Research Interests
Functional Analysis and Harmonic Analysis especially where Operator Theory, Function
Theory and real variable methods on the disk interact closely. This research centres around
the study of properties of such spaces as De Branges Spaces, BMOA, Hardy Spaces and the
operators and functions defined on them.
Published numerous research papers in major international journals many of which have
been cited in books and papers.
Successfully guided two doctoral students whose work has been well received. Currently
guiding one doctoral student. Their work has been connected with some aspects of De
Branges Spaces and Invariant Subspaces. Successfully guided nine students for their M.Phil.
Also published papers on topics in elementary mathematics where new ingenious proofs of
well known classical results are presented.
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Popular Article
The article (in Hindi) on the life of Evarsite Galois has appeared in the magazine Naya Path
entitled ‘Ganitagya Evariste Galios: Hairatnak Zindagi Aur Maut Ki Kahani Naya Path’,
April-June 2009, 35-40.
Forthcoming Research
1. The Inequalities of Hardy and Hilbert (with V. I. Paulsen) under preparation.
2. A General Lax-Halmos Theorem on the Hardy Spaces (With N. Sahni) under preparation.
3. Invariant Subspaces in Uniform Algebras (with V. I. Paulsen) under preparation.
4. Non-Commutative Factorisation in Vector Valued Hardy Spaces (with V. Thukral) under
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