
Board Agenda Item October 9, 2013

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Board Agenda Item October 9, 2013
Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Adoption of Minutes – September 25, 2013, Park Authority Board Meeting
Approval of the minutes of the September 25, 2013, Park Authority Board meeting.
The Park Authority Acting Director recommends approval of the minutes of the
September 25, 2013, Park Authority Board meeting.
Board action is requested on October 9, 2013.
Attachment 1: Minutes of the September 25, 2013, Park Authority Board meeting
Cindy Messinger, Acting Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Barbara J. Gorski, Administrative Assistant
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Attachment 1
Fairfax County Park Authority
Board Meeting
September 25, 2013
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. at 12055 Government Center Parkway,
Room 941, Fairfax, Virginia.
Board Members:
William G. Bouie, Chairman
Kala Leggett Quintana, Secretary
Ken Quincy, Treasurer
Edward R. Batten, Sr.
Mary Cortina
Linwood Gorham
Faisal Khan
Harold L. Strickland*
Richard (Rip) C. Sullivan, Jr.
Michael Thompson, Jr.
Frank J. Vajda
Anthony J. Vellucci*
Staff Present:
Cindy Messinger, Acting Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Barbara Gorski, Administrative Assistant
Judy Pedersen, PIO
Todd Johnson
Cindy Walsh
David Bowden
Steve Lewis
Julie Cline
Brian Williams
Guests: Cynthia Tianti, County Attorney
John Frey, Clerk to the Court, administered the oath of office to Dranesville District
representation, Richard (Rip) C. Sullivan, Jr.
Chairman Bouie welcomed Andrew Klein of Boy Scout Troop 1346 from Burke Presbyterian,
and his mother Nancy Klein.
Mr. Bouie announced that the Closed Session would be held following the Public Comment
PUBLIC COMMENT: Two speakers provided comments: Mary Tracy and Steve Nixon.
At 7:45 p.m. Ms. Quintana made a motion to enter into Closed Session for
(a) consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants
pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation in open meeting
would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body
pursuant to VA Code 2.2-3712.
September 25, 2013
(b) discussion of the acquisition or disposition of real property for a public purpose,
where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position
or negotiating strategy of this public body.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Quincy and approved by all members present, Messrs.
Strickland and Vellucci being absent.
Legal Matters
Land Acquisition
Ms. Quintana made a motion that the Park Authority Board certify, to the best of each member’s
knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements
under Virginia Code 2.2-3712 and only such public business matters as were identified in the
motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the
meeting by the Board; seconded by Mr. Quincy. The motion carried by all members present,
Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci being absent.
Vienna Waterline Easement
Mr. Quincy made a motion to waive the easement fees for Fairfax Water for the Vienna
waterline connection for parcels at Nottoway Park (Earls Court) and Ashgrove Park;
seconded by Ms. Quintana. The motion carried by all members present, Messrs.
Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
Adoption of Minutes, September 11, 2013, Park Authority Board Meeting
Mr. Batten made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2013,
Park Authority Board meeting; seconded by Mr. Sullivan. The motion carried by
all members present, Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
A-1 Approval – Park Revenue Funds Financial Management Plan - FY 2014 – FY 2015
Mr. Quincy made a motion to approve the Park Revenue Funds Financial Management
Plan FY 2014 – FY 2015; seconded by Mr. Vajda. The motion carried by all members
present, Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
FY 2015 Annual Budget Submission, Fund 80000 (Fund170), Park Revenue Fund
Messrs. Batten and Vajda made a motion to approve the FY 2015 Park Revenue Fund
(Fund 80000) Annual Budget Submission to the Department of Management and Budget;
seconded by Ms. Quintana. The motion carried by all members present, Messrs.
Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
September 25, 2013
FY 2015 Budget Submission, Fund 10001 (Fund 001), General Fund
Mr. Quincy made a motion to approve the FY 2015 General Fund (Fund 10001) Budget
Submission; seconded by Ms. Quintana. The motion carried by all members present,
Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
FY 2015 Annual Budget Submission, Fund 30010 (Fund 303), General County
Construction Fund
Mr. Vajda made a motion to approve the FY 2015 General County Construction Fund
(Fund 30010) Budget Submission; seconded by Ms. Quintana. The motion carried by all
members present. Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
Scope Approval – Colvin Run Mill Restoration (Dranesville District)
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to approve the project scope to complete the restoration of
the milling equipment at Colvin Run Mill as amended changing the funding amount from
$402,000 back to $397,000 as previously presented to the Planning and Development
Committee; seconded by Mr. Thompson. The motion carried by all members present.
Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci were absent.
Scope Approval – Audrey Moore RECenter Natatorium West Wall Repairs (Braddock
Ms. Cortina made a motion to approve the project scope to design and repair the west
wall of the natatorium and related work at Audrey Moore RECenter; seconded by Mr.
Quincy. The motion carried by all members present. Messrs. Strickland and Vellucci
were absent.
Approval - Westgrove Park Master Plan (Mount Vernon District)
Mr. Gorham made a motion to approve the Westgrove Park Master Plan; seconded by
Mr. Quincy. The motion carried by all members present. Messrs. Strickland and
Vellucci were absent.
FY 2015 Budget Submission, Fund 30400, Park Authority Bond Construction
No action was necessary.
FY 2015 Budget Submission, Fund 80300 (371), Park Capital Improvement Fund
No action was necessary.
Quarterly Project Status Report
No action was necessary.
• At the request of Mr. Batten, Mr. Bouie explained to Andrew Klein why the Board went
through the Board items so quickly, explaining the committee process.
September 25, 2013
Mr. Bouie stated that now that Mr. Sullivan is officially onboard, he will take responsibility
and begin serving on various committees. Mr. Bouie announced that the Board will receive
an updated committee assignment list via email on Thursday morning.
Mr. Bouie informed the Board that the director’s recruitment process will continue this
evening as the Executive Committee hopes to get the number of candidates down to a
manageable number. He is hoping to bring six or seven candidates in for a full day of
discussion, exercises, and interviews on the 29th and/or 30th of October. He asked that the
Board members keep those dates available. The session will last all day beginning at 8:30
a.m. and will continue until the process is concluded. (The Executive Committee determined
later in the evening that interviews would be conducted on October 29.)
Mr. Bouie spent some time with staff at the Trailblazer event held at Frying Pan Farm Park.
He commented that Parks has the greatest staff in the world and congratulated all the
Trailblazer winners. While he was unable to stay for the barbeque he understood that Frank
Vajda filled in admirably for him.
Staff has a tremendous attitude and it makes Mr. Bouie proud to say that they are the best in
the country. Needless to say, that will be confirmed in a couple of weeks when Parks
receives it CAPRA Reaccreditation.
Mr. Bouie reported that he attended a meeting along with Mr. Gorham, Ms. Messinger, and
Mr. Bowden in Supervisor Hyland’s office with regard synthetic turf fields at the high
schools in the Mount Vernon District. Schools and Supervisor Hyland came to an agreement
to use all of the available funds this year for two schools in the Mount Vernon District since
they were ready with all of the funding. Those schools will get the first two of the remaining
eight that are waiting to be turfed. These fields will be done now and will be available next
Mr. Gorham added that they were chosen because of pledged proffer money that will go back
into that fund to build more turf fields within the next two years.
There will be two, two-field models and will be built at West Potomac and Mount Vernon
High Schools.
Mr. Bouie commented that Mr. Sullivan could take credit for his first groundbreaking
ceremony at Spring Hill RECenter on the 21st. Ms. Quintana was there as well.
Supervisor Foust shared a table with Mr. Bouie at the Wolftrap Ball on Saturday, September
21. Supervisor Foust was still excited about the morning activities. In the two hours they
spent together at the ball all they discussed were parks. Supervisor Foust is a huge supporter
of parks and is looking for ways to be more creative in getting Parks additional funding to do
some of the things that were discussed earlier.
September 25, 2013
Mr. Sullivan said that he has hit the ground running and thanked everyone for being so kind
and welcoming.
Staff walked him through a morning-long orientation session on September 5.
On Saturday, September 21, Mr. Sullivan attended the groundbreaking at Spring Hill
RECenter. He thanked Ms. Quintana for attending. It wasn’t a huge crowd, but the folks
that needed to be there were and were very excited about it.
Mr. Sullivan reiterated Mr. Bouie’s comments about Supervisor Foust who had made it clear
to him when then were discussing this position that he is a big fan of the parks and wants to
be as helpful as he can be and wants Mr. Sullivan to be helpful to him in that regard.
On Monday, September 23, Mr. Sullivan attended his first public meeting for the McLean
Central Park Master Plan. About 60-70 Dranesvillians showed up for the meeting, with as
many opinions.
Mr. Bouie noted that Mr. Kohlenberger had some ideas for the veterans’ memorial that they
would like installed at McLean Central Park.
Mr. Sullivan added that staff, including Ms. Stallman and Ms. Hooper did a great job dealing
with the crowd. There are still people that would like to be heard, and they will be allowed
them to do so, one way or another. On Friday, Mr. Sullivan is going to walk the park with
some people.
A Turner Farm Park meeting will be held on Monday, September 30, and a Langley Forks
meeting in October.
Mr. Sullivan thanked Ms. Cortina for coming to the Art Fest soirée. The McLean Arts Fest
will be held on Sunday, October 6. This is a terrific event and Mr. Sullivan encouraged the
Board to come out to what he considers the best community event in McLean.
Mr. Thompson reported an incident that occurred at South Run Park on September 15. A
nine-year-old girl was playing in the construction area and got stuck in a 15” pipe. Fire and
Rescue was able to get the girl out of the pipe without injury. Mr. Thompson was called to
the scene and Ms. Messinger who happened to be in the area at the time arrived at the scene.
Ms. Messinger kept Mr. Bouie informed as the incident progressed. Staff worked with the
construction company to secure the area. The girl walked away from the incident with her
Staff’s response was incredible. Mr. Thompson thanked Messrs. Richardson, Bhinge, and
Ms. Cortina attended a Community Transformation Grant Task Force meeting on September
20 on behalf of Bill Bouie. Representatives from the Board of Supervisors, School Board,
September 25, 2013
and agencies across the county participated in the meeting, which was formed to improve the
health of the residents of Fairfax County, to look at disease and chronic disease such as
diabetes and to make improvements with this grant. An expert spoke about the majority of
health outcomes that are positive but are related more to things that have nothing to do with
health care. It has more to do with policies throughout the government and elsewhere in
society. They are challenging government and others to look at other policies in
transportation and parks, for example, to assess impacts on healthcare. It was a good
meeting. The idea is that everything Parks contributes positively to health and that we need
to consider the effect on health when we raise fees, for example.
Ms. Cortina also spent some time with Supervisor Foust at the MPA soirée, and she received
the same message that he is supportive of Parks and is looking forward to working with her
and other Board members to further Parks.
Ms. Quintana attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Spring Hill RECenter. This was the
first time she visited the center and staff was extremely enthusiastic about what they do there
to try to fill the needs of their customers.
She noted that every field was filled. It was very obvious that the facilities at Spring Hill are
well-loved and well-used.
Ms. Quintana met Mr. Marcellous Cooper who told her that staff found a sheet of paper from
1988 in a room that had been closed off for the renovation. It was in a sort of time capsule.
Ms. Quintana commented that she had graduated from high school in 1989. Mr. Cooper
asked if she had gone to West Potomac High School and Kala confirmed that she had. Mr.
Cooper told Ms. Quintana that West Potomac had the first all-night graduation party at Lee
District RECenter and that he was the manager at the site at that time. It was one of the first,
if not the first of the all-night graduation parties that continue today. It was a big event for
students at that time.
Mr. Cooper spoke of how different things were not long ago; at one time there was a separate
center for blacks to use and how fortunate it is that things have changed. Ms. Quintana
commented that Mr. Cooper is a neat individual. Supervisor Bulova was pleased with the
Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Quintana commended Ms. Pedersen for the comments she provided for
the event.
Ms. Quintana visited Frying Pan Farm Park over the weekend. Michael’s pad was cleaned
out and flowers had been placed there. It is a lovely tribute. Staff takes such amazing care of
the animals; they always are well-groomed and look happy. It’s always great to see so many
young families at the farm teaching the kids about what we do there.
Mr. Bouie added that staff does a wonderful job at Frying Pan Farm Park, but not to be
dismissed are the Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park and the volunteers who are just amazing.
September 25, 2013
Mr. Quincy met with Ms. Stallman to find out the status of Tysons Park Planning Advisory
Group. Things have been moving along even though much hasn’t been spoken about
recently. A draft master plan has been circulated to a number of principle stakeholders as
well as county folks. The plan will presented to the Athletic Council in October and the Park
Authority Board in November and then to the Board of Supervisors. Each of the concerned
Supervisors affected by Tysons will be receiving a visit and a copy of the draft plan. Ms.
Stallman will be in touch with the Park Board members. The plan is a result of a dedicated
effort on the part of a lot of folks. Mr. Quincy extended praise to Ms. Stallman and Ms.
Dorlester for keeping the wheels moving.
Mr. Vajda was pleased to attend the Trailblazers’ Awards event. He was there at the
invitation of the Park Authority and the Fire Department since one of his neighbors and
several staff from the Providence RECenter were receiving a life-saver’s award. They
attended to elderly gentlemen that had fallen backward off the bleachers. They had done
such a good job that the EMTs had nothing else to do except transport the gentleman to the
Mr. Vajda stayed for the entire event and was absolutely impressed. It emphasizes where the
gold is in the organization; it is the staff. It is nice to see that these are awards that their peers
are presenting to them, which makes it all the more meaningful.
On Saturday, September 21, he attended a celebration given by the Friends of Green Spring
(FROGS) in honor of the donors that have helped them over 20 years. FROGS has done a
fabulous job raising funds. Its latest project which they were touting was the room they had
renovated into a classroom.
Mr. Batten reported that the Groveton celebration was held on Saturday, September 21, at
Historic Huntley. A hundred or more people came to the event in spite of the rain. He and
Supervisor McKay were there for most of the afternoon, as well as the author of the book,
Groveton. Supervisor McKay grew up in Groveton and his grandmother’s house was right
next to where so much of the activity took place. Two car loads of people came up from
North Carolina, proving that people are really involved in historic stuff.
On Thursday, September 26, he and Mr. Bowden will meet with Supervisor McKay to
review some information regarding Lenclair Dog Park and the Banks property.
Mr. Batten participated in a Lee District Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting on
Monday, September 23. Ms. Hedetniemi, who is now a member of the Planning
Commission, attended the meeting and asked Mr. Batten to tell everyone that she really
misses working with them.
Ms. Hedetniemi is going to be very active in the Park Foundation Board and she and Mr.
Fay will be at the next Park Foundation Board meeting on November 19.
September 25, 2013
Mr. Batten reported that the Park Foundation Board met on September 17 and received its
audit report which was full and positive.
The Foundation is looking for primary projects to commit to.
Parks is entering the second phase of the Lee District Family Recreation Area, Chessie’s Big
Back Yard project. The project should be completed by mid-November. He extended kudos
go to Mr. Bowden and his staff.
The Park Foundation is eager to put its efforts behind doing whatever can be done to help
Parks in whatever major projects it wants to put as its focus and priorities.
Mr. Gorham commented that he had a good week. Two of the things he had worked on long
and hard had come together. He thanked everybody that worked on the turf fields for the
Mount Vernon District with him and Mr. Bouie. He thanked Mr. Bowden for working
behind the scenes to come up with the plan to make this happen.
Secondly, Mr. Gorham thanked the Board and staff for supporting him through the
Westgrove Park master planning process. This was Mr. Rauschenbach’s first master plan
and it was not even amended, it was so good. Linwood worked with Sandy Stallman
throughout the process. Mr. Johnson will have to execute the plan with PACK. Ms.
Pedersen answered all the letters. He again thanked everyone for the things they did to help
get the plan passed.
Mr. Khan commented on a documentary he had seen on PBS on National Parks. The
program covered five National Parks and he highly recommends viewing the program if
given the opportunity. It helped him appreciate more where the Park Authority is and how
far it has come and value that it has.
His cricket team is in a series and if it makes it to the final he will invite the Board.
Mr. Bouie added that in speaking of the National Parks the former CEO of Wolftrap, Terry
Jones, made a pledge to himself that he would visit each National Park during his tenure at
Wolftrap. Not only did he visit each National Park over a 20-year period, but he published a
book of pictures, America’s National Parks.
Mr. Bouie thanked the Board members for reaching out, for their enthusiasm for being on the
Board, and for the things that they do. All of their comments help tremendously such as the
conversations with Supervisor Foust, the joy that they get when they speak to Chairman
Bulova about attending events and new things coming up, and the outreach they make to
various organizations.
September 25, 2013
Mr. Bouie announced that Parks has been invited to attend the Northern Virginia
Conservation Trust (NVCT) meeting on Friday morning and have been invited to make a
presentation on its strategic plan.
One of the speakers at the Sharon Sealock dedication at Braddock Park was Mr. Ernie
Turner, who was one of Sharon’s coaches. Mr. Bouie was sorry to report that Mr. Turner
passed away of a heart attack on September 12. Condolences go out to Coach Turner’s
Reston is holding its Annual Multicultural Festival this weekend at Lake Anna Plaza where
the Farmers’ Market is usually held. The festival begins at noon and runs until 9 p.m.
• Ms. Messinger reminded the Board that the next Board tour will take place on Saturday,
October 5. There are two Foundation staff members and at least six Foundation Board
members that really want to go on this tour. Ms. Gorski will poll both Boards regarding
participation. The tour will begin at Huntley Meadows Park at 8:30 a.m. and will end there
around 12:15 p.m. Staff will arrange a drive-by of Lee District Park to see the progress being
made on the playground.
Ms. Messinger noted that Ms. Gorski has been updating the Board Calendar attempting to
capture all notable dates and events through the end of the calendar year. Ms. Messinger
reminded the Board that in November and December the Board/Committee schedule is
slightly different with the first Wednesday of the month being just a committee day and the
second Wednesday having committee meetings as needed and a Board meeting.
Ms. Baldwin and Ms. Messinger will be in Houston the first week of October for the
National Recreation Park Association (NRPA) National Congress. On Monday, October 7,
the hearing for CAPRA Reaccreditation will be held. Cindy stated that she would be on the
phone as quickly as possible to get the word out.
While she and Ms. Baldwin are in Houston Mr. Bowden will be the point-of-contact.
Ms. Messinger announced that former Park Board member, Jean Packard, has suffered a
stroke and has been in the hospital hoping to return home by the end of the week. Ms.
Packard is currently on the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority Board and holds a
seat on the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Board.
There being no further business and without objection, Mr. Bouie called the meeting to a close at
8:52 p.m.
- 10 -
September 25, 2013
Kala Leggett Quintana
Minutes Approved at Meeting
on October 9, 2013
Cindy Messinger, Acting Director
Park Authority Board Minutes prepared by
Barbara J. Gorski, Administrative Assistant
Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Approval – Lewinsville Park Synthetic Turf Fields #2 and #3 Revised Use Agreement
Between Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Fairfax County Park Authority,
Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, McLean Youth Soccer and
McLean Youth Football (Dranesville District)
The Park Authority Acting Director recommends approval of the revised Use Agreement
between Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Fairfax County Park Authority,
Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (DNCS), McLean Youth Soccer
Association (MYS) and McLean Youth Football, Inc. (MYF) for rectangular fields #2 and
#3 at Lewinsville Park, as presented to and reviewed by the Planning and Development
Committee on October 9, 2013.
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Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Park Authority Board Meeting Schedule - January to December 2014
The following schedule is proposed for Park Authority Board meetings during calendar
year 2014. Upon consensus of the Board, the dates will be published as the regular
meeting schedule for calendar year 2014.
January 22
August Recess
February 12 and 26
September 10 and 23 (Tuesday-Rosh
Hashanah begins September 24)
March 12 and 26
October 8 and 22
April 9 and 23
November 5 (committee meetings only)
May 14 and 28
November 12
June 11 and 25
December 3 (committee meetings only)
July 9 and 23
December 10
Staff recommends one meeting date in January and the alternate meeting dates in
September. If necessary, a committee meeting only date could be scheduled in
January. The second Board meetings in November and December 2014 could be
reinstated if necessary.
Cindy Messinger, Acting Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Barbara J. Gorski, Administrative Assistant
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Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Annual Fee Review Calendar – FY 2014
The schedule for the FY 2014 fee review process is shown below. Unless otherwise
directed by the Board, the public comment meeting on the fee proposal will be
held on the first floor of the Herrity Building on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, at
7 p.m.
FY 2014 Fee Review Calendar
Discussion – Administration, Management and Budget
Committee Review of Potential Fee Adjustments for FY
Fee proposal back to Administration, Management and
Budget Committee for Action
Board action to authorize advertisement of fee proposal and
set date of public comment meeting
30-day public comment period
1/13/14 – 2/11/14
Public comment meeting at Herrity Building
Administration, Management & Budget Committee approval
of proposed fee adjustments
Board action to approve proposed fee adjustments
Fee adjustments take effect
Cindy Messinger, Acting Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Barbara Nugent, Director, Park Services Division
Cindy Walsh, Director, Resource Management Division
Nick Duray, Marketing Services Manager, Park Services
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Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Cultural Resource Management Plan – FY 2013 Accomplishments and FY 2014 Plans
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
Natural Resource Management Plan – FY 2013 Accomplishments and FY 2014 Plans
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
Natural Resource Management Plan Revision 95% Draft
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
Park Authority Stewardship Update
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
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Board Agenda Item
October 9, 2013
Prescribed Burn Plan for Winter 2013-2014
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
Tournaments Update
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
FY 2012-FY 2014 Energy Management Plan Update
As presented to and reviewed by the Resource Management Committee on
September 25, 2013.
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