
Board Agenda Item September 21, 2015

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Board Agenda Item September 21, 2015
Board Agenda Item
September 21, 2015
Resolution Honoring Kala Leggett Quintana upon Her Departure from the Park Authority
Seeking approval of the resolution to honor Ms. Kala Quintana upon her departure from
the Fairfax County Park Authority Board. Ms. Quintana tendered her resignation in
order to accept the position of head of marketing for Fairfax Connector at the Fairfax
County Department of Transportation.
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the resolution honoring Ms.
Board action is requested on September 21, 2015.
Ms. Kala Leggett Quintana has stepped down from her position on the Fairfax County
Park Authority Board after being appointed to a position as head of marketing for Fairfax
Connector at the Fairfax County Department of Transportation. Prior to joining the Park
Authority Board, Ms. Quintana served in an at-large representative position on Fairfax
County’s Trails and Sidewalks Committee.
Ms. Quintana was first appointed to the Park Authority Board in 2010 by Board of
Supervisors’ Chairman Sharon Bulova to fill the term of George Lovelace. She was
reappointed in 2013 to a term that was set to expire at the end of 2017. Ms. Quintana
was elected Board Secretary in 2013 and reelected to that post in both 2014 and 2015.
She has served as chair of the Park Services Committee and the Strategic Planning
and Initiatives Committee, and has been a member of the Funding Policy and Bond
Committee and the Diversity and Succession Committee. She also was liaison to the
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT).
During her tenure with the Park Authority Ms. Quintana worked closely with Park
Authority staff as well as her fellow board members to bring on board a new agency
director. Filling this position with current Director Kirk Kincannon is cited as one of her
biggest accomplishments. She believes that Mr. Kincannon has a “head for business
Board Agenda Item
September 21, 2015
and a heart for parks.” She is also proud of her part in the completion of the Strategic
Plan for the Park Authority that was integral to the successful CAPRA accreditation
initiative and in preparing the Park Authority for the future.
Ms. Quintana notes other accomplishments including:
The Healthy Vending initiative to provide healthy snacks at our facilities and to
support healthy living.
Initiating erection of shade covers for Chessie’s Big Backyard so children with
special needs and their families could wait in line more comfortably.
Advocating for working families with young children to ensure that facilities and
programs were there to support them.
Advocating for and supporting programs and initiatives to support families with
special needs children.
Previous to her work with Fairfax County Ms. Quintana worked as the Director of
Communications for the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) from
2002 – 2014 and as the Public Information Officer for the Northern Virginia
Transportation Authority (NVTA) from 2007-2015. She has held part-time faculty
positions at George Mason University and served as the Manager, Public Relations and
Outreach, for the Department of Defense’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Ms. Quintana has a track record of civic-engagement and community leadership and
her service as a member of the Park Authority Board builds upon that legacy. She has
been a resident of Fairfax County for over three decades and resides in Burke Centre
with her husband Andy, her son Alex and their dog, Gromit.
Attachment 1: Resolution
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Aimee L. Vosper, Deputy Director/CBD
Judy Pedersen, Public Information Officer
Attachment 1
WHEREAS, Ms. Kala Leggett Quintana has recently stepped down from her post on the Park Authority Board after her appointment as head of marketing for
the Fairfax Connector in the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, a move that ended a tenure of great accomplishment for the agency and advocacy
for families and children with special needs; and;
WHEREAS, Ms. Quintana was first appointed to the Park Board in 2010 by Chairman Sharon Bulova and was reappointed in 2013 and served as Board
secretary for three terms, also serving as chair of the Park Services Committee and the Strategic Planning and Initiatives Committee as well as serving as a
member of the Funding Policy and Bond Committee and the Diversity and Succession Committee; and,
WHEREAS, her accomplishments are numerous and include playing a key role in the appointment of the new agency director, leading the Healthy Vending
initiative to provide healthy snacks at our facilities and to support healthy living, initiating the erection of shade covers Chessies’ Big Backyard to protect
families from the summer heat, advocating for working families with young children, and also working to ensure that programs exist and are affordable for
families with special needs children; and,
WHEREAS, Ms. Quintana was an active, involve, and caring member of the Park Authority family and provided unique insights into our park system, writing
blog posts about her visits with her son to various sites, speaking with park users and keeping an eye on our social media postings as well as working
collegially with her fellow Board members to do whatever was within her power to make the Fairfax County Park Authority better now and in the future; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board that it expresses appreciation and thanks to
Ms. Kala Leggett Quintana
For dedicated and outstanding contributions to the Park Authority and the residents of Fairfax County.
Adopted by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board on September 21, 2015
Harold L. Strickland
William G. Bouie
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Board Agenda Item
September 21, 2015
Adoption of Minutes – September 9, 2015, Park Authority Board Meeting
Approval of the minutes of the September 9, 2015, Park Authority Board meeting.
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the minutes of the September 9,
2015, Park Authority Board meeting.
Board action is requested on September 21, 2015.
Attachment 1: Minutes of the September 9, 2015, Park Authority Board meeting
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Aimee L. Vosper, Deputy Director/CBD
Barbara J. Gorski, Administrative Assistant
Attachment 1
Fairfax County Park Authority
Board Meeting
September 9, 2015
The Chairman convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Park Authority Headquarters, 12055
Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia 22035.
Board Members:
William G. Bouie, Chairman
Ken Quincy, Vice Chair
Harold L. Strickland, Treasurer
Walter Alcorn*
Edward R. Batten, Sr.*
Mary Cortina*
Linwood Gorham
Faisal Khan
Michael Thompson, Jr.
Frank S. Vajda
Anthony J. Vellucci
Grace Han Wolf
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Aimee Vosper, Deputy Director/CBD
Barbara Gorski
Judy Pedersen, PIO
Roberta Longworth
David Bowden
Todd Johnson
Barbara Nugent
Janet Burns
John Berlin
Sandy Stallman
Anna Bentley
Brian Williams
Nick Duray
Mr. Bouie announced that a closed session has been added to the agenda.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Three speakers provided comments: Andrew Roesell, Marmota Farms;
And Brokaw, Marmota Farms, Jack O. Nutter, Marmota Farms.
Mr. Vellucci welcomed Meghan Walker, who was the president of the Friends of Lake Accotink
Needs Assessment Update
Mike Svetz (PROS Consulting) and Ron Vine (ETC Institute) shared highlights from the
Needs Survey administered this spring. After reminding listeners of the purpose of the
survey within the context of the broader Needs Assessment, discussion points included
the record high usage of parks and importance of parks to the county’s quality of life.
These points were balanced by declining ratings for physical condition of and satisfaction
with the system. Preserving open space and the environment was rated as the most
September 9, 2015
important function provided by FCPA. Most used facilities included paved
walking/biking/hiking trails, large regional parks, small parks, swimming pools, and
exercise and fitness facilities. Several more highlights were shared and are available in
the presentation, which will be posted to the website.
ADMIN-1 Adoption of Minutes, July 22, 2015, Park Authority Board Meeting
Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2015, Park
Authority Board meeting; seconded by Mr. Quincy. The motion carried. Ms.
Cortina and Messrs. Batten and Alcorn were absent.
A-1 Appointment of Gary Kirkbride to the Fairfax County Park Foundation Board
Mr. Quincy made a motion to approve the appointment of Gary Kirkbride to the Park
Foundation Board; seconded by Mr. Thompson. The motion carried. Ms. Cortina and
Messrs. Batten and Alcorn were absent.
Approval of a Resolution Honoring the 2015 Outstanding Volunteers
Mr. Strickland made a motion to approve the resolution honoring the 2015 outstanding
volunteers; seconded by Mr. Thompson. The motion carried. Ms. Cortina and Messrs.
Batten and Alcorn were absent.
Infrastructure Overview – Picnic Shelters and Outdoor Restrooms
No action was necessary.
• Mr. Bouie welcomed everyone back after the August break adding that he and Kirk
Kincannon have been busy.
He thanked staff for all that they did during the summer, the opening of the Water Mine, the
courts at Stratton Woods, and completion of synthetic turf fields at the schools and at some of
FCPA parks. He again thanked staff on behalf of the board and the community for a
tremendous job.
Mr. Bouie welcomed Mr. Alcorn, Ms. Quintana’s replacement on the board. Mr. Alcorn was
unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to a business commitment.
September 9, 2015
The currently scheduled September 23 board meeting falls on Yom Kippur, so Mr. Bouie
proposed that the meeting be moved to Monday, September 21. Without objection the
meeting was moved to Monday, September 21.
There is a vacancy for the secretary’s position that will be filled. Any board member that
may have an interest in the position should contact Mr. Batten, chair of the Nominating
Committee, who will bring a slate to the board on September 21.
Mr. Bouie announced that Mr. Kincannon was appointed to VRPS Board. He added the
board is very proud of what Mr. Kincannon has done in the year and a half that he has been
Mr. Bouie was uncertain how many board members took the challenge to enter the Senior
Olympics, but he and Mr. Quincy will be participating on September 19. Mr. Bouie
reminded the board that if they have joined, he will pay the entrance fee; they should contact
him offline.
(Additional Chairman’s Matters follow Director’s Matters.)
• Mr. Kincannon agreed that it has been a very busy summer. In addition to all the work above
ground, there was a tremendous amount of work surrounding the budget. Ms. Burns touched
on it during the Budget Committee meeting. Everyone has done a fantastic job dealing with
the way things have been put together and with the rapidity which had to take place. With
the uncertainty of the economy and the timing of budget direction, everyone just hopped to it
to get the job done.
Parks has also been dealing with Lines of Business discussion in the county. Staff is working
extremely hard to provide the information that will go to the County Executive at the end of
September. Mr. Kincannon noted that the information will be brought to the Park board. He
is working with Mr. Mondoro, Acting CFO, to see if the County Executive would come
before the board to provide a presentation indicating what he is looking for from the county
departments and the Park Authority related to the long term picture. This is a multi-year
effort and a tremendous amount of work for staff.
Poetry Contest
As part of our 65th anniversary celebration we are holding a poetry contest for youngsters.
There will be six winners who receive $50 gift cards from the Park Authority. These young
people will also be invited to read their poems at Frying Pan Farm Park as we have a fall
celebration and enjoy fresh cider. The press release and the link for entry forms are found at
September 9, 2015
Great Projects Require Great Teams
The Oak Marr RECenter Renovation & Addition Project has been selected for a 2015 Honor
Award for Design Excellence as part of the Fairfax County Exceptional Design Awards
Program. The design awards program is sponsored by the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors and administered by the County's Department of Planning and Zoning in
cooperation with the County Architectural Review Board and the Northern Virginia Chapter
of the American Institute of Architects. The awards program recognizes outstanding
achievement in the total design of a building and the site and to create an awareness of
superior planning and design projects. Projects were judged on four criteria:
o Exemplifies a superior work of architecture;
o Incorporates total site design and landscaping;
o Takes into account the context of the work in relationship to its surroundings
o Applies energy and water conservation, and other green building practices.
Judges commented that:
Fairfax County can be very proud of this beautifully done renovation of one of its mid1980's recreational buildings. Located in Oakton, the architectural addition of the front
facade and reception area creates a neighborhood statement by the use of unique shapes.
The curved facade and triangular canopy placement allow natural light to flood the
entrance and exercise areas. High marks have been given for a thorough LEED Silver
sustainable design approach. An excellent renovation.
The Board of Supervisors will present the award to the Project Team at the 2015 Awards
Ceremony as part of their October 6, 2015, meeting.
The Oak Marr RECenter project was also recently featured in Athletic Business
Magazine’s 28th Annual Architectural Showcase Issue published in June 2015 and was
acknowledge by U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner.
Oak Marr RECenter Renovation & Addition Team Members:
Park Team:
John Lehman, Deb Garris, Monica Szczepaniec, Eric Inman, Cecil Hardee, Davood
Majidian, Dale Willingham, Ray Miller, Ron Pearson, Brian Laws, Monica Phillips, Kirt
Chase, Jennifer Elgas, Gary Logue, Jim Lear, and Mike Baird.
Hughes Group Architects:
Wayne L. Hughes, AIA Principal
Amado Fernandez, AIA Principal
Eliel Alfon, AIA Principal
September 9, 2015
PARK(ing) Day
On Friday, September 18, 2015, at the Fairfax County Park Authority Headquarters, there
will be one more park and one less parking space in Fairfax County as park staff participate
in PARK(ing) Day, an annual daylong global event in which on-street parking spaces are
transformed into temporary mini-parks or “parklets” for the day. These events help the
public visualize just how much of our public space is devoted to cars and – just for one day –
allows people to take precedence over cars in at least one small patch of green. This FCPA
event emphasizes the point that parks are essential as lifestyles become more active, people
become more health conscious and the county becomes more urban.
The Fairfax County Park Authority is participating in PARK(ing) Day this year to provide
workers and visitors to the Government Center complex a glimpse of the many benefits of
spending time outdoors in a park. Park staff will convert a single parking space along the
entrance drive of the Herrity Building, into “The Park in Spot.” In keeping with the Park
Authority’s mission, which emphasizes stewardship and recreation, visitors to the “park” will
have an opportunity to relax in the shade, do some exercise, experience park natural and
cultural resources and more.
Estate Gifts
The Park Foundation recently received two notable estate gifts within two days.
1. $10,000 for the Open Space Preservation Fund, and
2. $20,000 for Huntley Meadows, specifically for birding and other naturalist programs
The Foundation has been notified of other potential planned gifts that will likely be received
upon settlement of the estates.
Should the executors/families approve to release contact information and connection with
parks for publicity, the Foundation will work with the Public Information Office to publicize
such giving.
Save America’s Treasures Program Grant Approved/Funds Received
In June 2009, the United States Congress passed the Potomac Preservation Act. As part of
this act sponsored by Representative James Moran, the National Park Service was directed to
provide a Save America’s Treasures Grant in the amount of $100,000 for the restoration and
rehabilitation of the Historic Huntley villa and outbuildings.
The National Park Service (NPS) accepted the formal application for grant funds in January
2010 after Park Authority staff submitted required materials that demonstrated that the
agency would comply with all grant conditions. These conditions included meeting the
requirements of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation (Section 106),
the NPS Technical Briefs for Historic Preservation and an agreement to place a 50 year
September 9, 2015
preservation easement on the property. The project was begun in the July 2010 and
completed in August 2011.
VDHR, who formally manages the Save America’s Treasures Program for the NPS, accepted
the easement application in spring 2012. Before final approval of the easement, extensive
consultation was needed between the Fairfax County Attorney and the VDHR easement
attorney. The final approval by all parties was given in July 2015 and the $100,000 in grant
funds were received by the agency in early August.
The SAT grant funds will be used in the next phase of restoration and rehabilitation of the
Huntley tenant house and the office/cold cellar outbuilding.
Sincere thanks are due to Liz Crowell, CRMPB Manager; Karen Lindquist, Historic
Preservation Program Coordinator; Jim Duncan, Historic Huntley Project Manager: Monika
Szczepaniec, PMB Manager, PDD; Shashi Dua, Financial Management; and Kevin Munroe,
former Huntley Meadows Park Manager; and for their long term commitment and assistance.
Inclement Weather Guidelines
Effective November 1, 2015, the Park Authority will no longer follow the closing schedule of
schools during inclement weather. Instead, in response to customer concerns about too many
closures and weather-related cancellations, the Park Authority will follow Fairfax County
Government closures. This change recognizes that the school system faces unique challenges
on inclement weather days which are very different than those facing the Park Authority in
the provision of service to the community.
The new procedure means that unless the county closes, delays opening or closes early, all
county facilities, RECenters and other park facilities will remain open for general use,
including class programs.
The greatest challenge will be communicating these new operational procedures. To that
end, a communications plan has been drafted and will be implemented beginning in the
middle of September. The plan utilizes all elements of the Communications Toolkit
including web content, social media, Parktakes, email notification, inclement weather phone
lines as well as other media opportunities. Some examples include emails to all instructors,
posters at all facility entrances and hand-outs for customers, use of REACH screens, email
blasts to the Parknet database, staff communications as well as use of traditional tools
mentioned above.
Governance Manual Update
On or about October 14 the board will receive an email notifying them that the manual is
posted online for their comments, much like the process used for the bylaws. The
information will provide details on how to access the manual and how to provide comments
September 9, 2015
by mid-November. We are hoping to finalize the manual and bring it to the board for
approval at the December 16 Board meeting.
NRPA Congress
Next week (September 14-18) Sara and Kirk will be attending the National Recreation and
Park Association’s annual Congress in Las Vegas. Aimee Vosper, Deputy Director/Chief of
Business Development, will be acting on Kirk’s behalf during their absence.
(Additional Chairman’s Matters)
• Mr. Bouie announced that Mr. Thompson volunteered to serve on the Resident Curator task
force. He thanked Mr. Thompson for taking on that role for Parks.
Mr. Bouie received a letter from 4-H Club thanking Parks for its participation at its recent
show at Frying Pan Farm Park.
He also received letter from handwritten not from the Friends of Sully for the Children’s
Citizenship ceremony and how much it meant to them for Parks to participate. Mr.Bouie
stated that it is one of the best events of the year. He thanked the folks at Sully.
• Mr. Khan commented that the Needs Assessment presentation was excellent. He learned that
Parks needs more money so Todd Johnson and Park Operations staff can do a better job of
maintaining our parks and facilities. He added that hopes that the Board of Supervisors will
understand the need.
The cricket teams’ back to school drive has been a very successful event. They received a
tremendous amount of items that were given to the community. This month they are holding
a canned goods drive. They will continue with a new initiative each month.
Mr. Gorham had only one comment to let people know how important it was to him that the
two synthetic turf field projects executed by Mr. Bowden and his team in the Mount Vernon
District were completed. They did an excellent job and met their target date.
Mr. Vajda noted that a fabulous season of entertainment in parks has concluded, Spotlight by
Starlight at Mason District Park and Ossian Hall Park. He will provide statistics at the next
meeting. He is indebted to Sousan Frankeberger for the entire program.
Ms. Wolf called attention to the upcoming Virginia Indian Festival to be held at Riverbend
Park on Saturday, September 12.
September 9, 2015
Mr. Vellucci expressed appreciation and thanks to the following:
o All who made the July 25 ceremony at Surrey Square Playground a success. The park is
truly appreciated by the community.
o Troy Miller and other Area 5 Maintenance personnel for the Carney Park mulch
replacement. The community is appreciative of Parks efforts.
o Ed Richardson and other Area 4 Maintenance personnel for supporting the Friends of
Long Branch Stream Valley in two major trail repair efforts during the summer.
o John Berlin, Sousan Frankeberger, and the Showmobile crew for another year of the
Braddock Nights Summer Concert Series. The performers were incredible and several
patrons are asking for the same performers to appear next year.
o Hidden Pond Nature Center manager Mike McCaffrey and volunteers from the center.
This is the third year following the show of the last two performances that there have
been campfires for roasting marshmallows/building community.
Nature center personnel have brought reptiles (snakes and turtles for wildlife
education/handling, providing a great opportunity to teach children.
o Resource Management Division, especially Kristen Sinclair, for working with Dr. Katie
Edwards, Police Department, in addressing citizen concerns for hunting in Braddock
District parks, especially the new ones. While clearly stated that the hunting would be in
Crooked Creek and Kings Park West Park, residents incorrectly assumed hunting would
be in Lakeside and Royal Lake Parks. The former are stream valley parks and rarely uses
by county residents, the latter are well-defined recreation parks. Parks walks were held
twice for interested residents. The areas of concern are now cross-hatched as no hunting
areas. A civic association presentation is now scheduled for October 6.In the Long
Branch Stream Valley Guinea Road to Woodland Road is now off limits for the hunt,
which reduced resident concerns.
o A Braddock District-wide Accotink/Pohick Watershed Clean Up is scheduled for
September 19. Over five friends groups plan to participate.
o The Department of Public Works and Environmental Services have done an incredible
job with the dredging of Woodglen Lake. There have been very few complaints from
residents to the Supervisor’s office. The project is scheduled to finish in the late October
early November timeframe.
September 9, 2015
Mr. Thompson thanked everyone that participated in the Burke Lake Park meetings with
Supervisor Herrity and staff about sewer and golf course renovations. Fairfax County Park
Authority will hold a public information meeting on the Burke Lake Golf Course Clubhouse
replacement and driving range expansion for neighbors and interested citizens. The meeting
will be held on Tuesday, September 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Sanger Elementary School. An open
house will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m. followed by a presentation and informal Q&A.
The Friends of Burke Lake Park will hold a community meeting on Tuesday, September 29 at
7 p.m. at Kings Park Library.
Mr. Thompson thanked Ms. Walsh and her team for all the work regarding the Resident
Curator Program. It was interesting to see how many people across the county were involved
in the first meeting. There is a desire to learn which projects could be done sooner than later
and to try to pursue those.
Mr. Thompson encouraged the board members to contribute to the Park Foundation. No
matter how large or small, a contribution will show that the Park board values what the
Foundation is doing. It would be valuable to be able to say that 100% of the Park board has
contributed to its projects. Again, he asked the board members to consider contributing.
Mr. Strickland stated that he too has been busy this summer. His wife had knee surgery in
June and is doing fine; however, he did learn that care-giving and housework is hard work.
He reported that he and Supervisor Frey were speakers at the celebration of the 40th
anniversary of the restoration of Sully on Sunday, September 6. It went very well. Parks has
an outstanding support staff of historians and visitor service, the best anywhere accurately
interpreting and presenting the times and era of Sully, and it showed on Sunday. Carol
McDonnell, Noreen McCann, Tammy Higgs, Barbara Ziman, and Paige Backus are the heart
and soul of Sully.
But, our many programs and activities couldn’t happen without our wonderful and
knowledgeable volunteers. We now have 60 active volunteers. They were there in federal
period dress, now part of the Sully family!
The Sully Foundation was well represented. Sully would not be the gem it is today without
them to cheer and guide, and donate over $1 million.
Supervisor Frey has a high interest in history and enjoys being able to visit with all these
folks before and after the formal activity, he enjoyed and much appreciated.
It also gave everyone an opportunity to thank Supervisor Frey for all his support.
- 10 -
September 9, 2015
Mr. Quincy following up on comments by Messrs. Vajda and Vellucci regarding the concert
series. Nottoway Nights was also very successful. A lot of credit goes to staff and Sousan
Mr. Quincy seconded Mr. Kincannon’s comments to Mr. Bowden and his staff on the award
for Oak Marr RECenter. The award was well deserved and was a high level effort. Equally
important was the high number of comments Mr. Quincy receives from Oak Marr users;
kudos to Mr. Bowden and staff.
In April John Berlin provided a presentation to the board on the Park Authority’s
collaborative programs and partnerships with Fairfax County Public Schools. Mr. Quincy
shared that with School Board chair, Sandy Evans, who in turn has invited Parks to make that
presentation to the School Board on September 21. Mr. Quincy believes it presentation will
be very information and educational for the School Board to learn of the number of projects
that Parks cooperates on with Schools.
At 9:07 p.m. Mr. Quincy made a motion that the Park Authority Board convene in closed session
(a) Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or
of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting
would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public
body, pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3711(A)(3).
seconded by Mr. Thompson. The motion carried; Ms. Cortina and Messrs. Batten and Alcorn
were absent.
Mr. Quincy made a motion to certify that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, only public
business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under Virginia Code 2.23712 and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed
meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board;
seconded by Mr. Strickland. The motion carried; Ms. Cortina and Messrs. Batten and Alcorn
were absent.
Addition of Property to the Workplan (Dranesville District)
Ms. Wolf made a motion to add property located in the Dranesville District to the work
plan as discussed in closed session; seconded by Mr. Strickland. The motion carried; Ms.
Cortina and Messrs. Batten and Alcorn were absent.
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September 9, 2015
There being no further business and without objection, Mr. Bouie adjourned the meeting at
9:23 p.m.
Harold L. Strickland, Treasurer
Minutes Approved at Meeting
on September 21, 2015
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Park Authority Board Minutes prepared by
Barbara J. Gorski, Administrative Assistant
Board Agenda Item
September 23, 2015
FY 2017 Budget Submission, Fund 30010, General County Construction Fund
Approval of the FY 2017 General County Construction Fund (Fund 30010) Budget
Submission to the Department of Management and Budget.
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the FY 2017 General County
Construction Fund (Fund 30010) Budget Submission.
Board action is requested on September 21, 2015; the submission is due to the
Department of Management and Budget on September 28, 2015.
The FY 2017 Budget submission for Fund 30010 is $12,905,027 as compared to the FY
2016 Adopted Budget Plan of $10,132,149, an increase of $2,772,878. The FY 2017
request includes the following:
Non-Recurring Projects:
• $844,000 for the Parks – General Maintenance Project to support major repairs and
maintenance of aging properties. Increase is based on FY 2016-FY 2020 Adopted
Capital Improvement Program summary of $644,000 and additional $200,000 for
emergency repairs.
• $2,370,000 for the ADA Retrofit Project to primarily address the Department of
Justice (DOJ) “red” violations.
Recurring Projects:
• $1,151,076 for the Park Grounds Maintenance Project, an increase of $364,000 over
the FY 2016 Adopted Budget Plan based on Adopted FY 2016-FY 2020 Capital
Improvement Program. The requested increase is targeted towards arboreal
services in addressing remediation of trees that fall on park land citizen
complaints of and repairs to streets, parking lots, and storm water facilities.
Board Agenda Item
September 23, 2015
$484,000 for Park Facility Equipment/Maintenance, an increase of $14,000 over the
FY 2016 Adopted Budget Plan, to support both the repair and maintenance of
buildings/support systems as well as equipment repairs.
$1,695,613 for the Laurel Hill Project with an increase of $1,375,878 from the FY
2016 Adopted Budget Plan to provide funding for all Priority 1 projects. This
increase will support essential funding for contract mowing, disc golf course, bike
trails, and the recently completed equestrian center.
$860,338 for Park Maintenance at FCPS Athletic Fields, with no increase from the
FY 2016 Adopted Budget Plan, to provide safe athletic fields at all FCPS elementary
and middle schools and community centers. These services are currently provided
at 173 sites and over 361 fields.
$2,900,000 for Athletic Field Maintenance, an increase of $200,000 from the FY
2016 Adopted Budget Plan, is needed to maintain minimum maintenance standards
at 268 Park Authority-owned athletic fields, and address rising utility and equipment
$1,000,000 for Athletic Services Fee-Field Maintenance, with no increase from the
FY 2016 Adopted Budget Plan, for required maintenance on athletic fields at all
elementary and middle schools, and high school.
$200,000 for Synthetic Turf Field Development with no increase from FY 2016
Adopted Budget Plan.
$1,250,000 for Synthetic Turf Field Replacement with no increase from the FY 2016
Adopted Budget Plan. This level of funding will begin to address this growing need
and implement the recommendations of the Synthetic Turf Field Task Force.
$150,000 for Invasive Management Area program. This program restores hundreds
of acres of important natural areas.
Requested is an allocation for Fund 30010 of $12,905,027 for FY 2017 as compared to
the FY 2016 Adopted Budget Plan of $10,132,149, an increase of $2,772,878.
Attachment 1: Fund 30010, FY 2017 Budget Request Summary
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Aimee Vosper, Deputy Director/CBD
Janet Burns, Senior Fiscal Administrator
Michael P. Baird, Manager, Capital and Fiscal Services
Susan Tavallai, Senior Budget Analyst
Board Agenda Item
September 21, 2015
FY 2017 Budget Submission, Fund 10001, General Fund
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the FY 2017 General Fund
(Fund 10001) Budget Submission, as presented to and reviewed by the Budget
Committee on September 9, 2015.
FY 2017 Budget Submission, Fund 80000, Park Revenue & Operating Fund
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the FY 2017 Park Revenue &
Operating Fund (Fund 80000) Budget Submission, as presented to and reviewed by the
Budget Committee on September 9, 2015.
Approval – Proposed Changes to Easement Fee Schedule
The Park Authority Director recommends approval of the proposed changes to the
easement fee schedule, as presented to and reviewed by the Planning and
Development Committee on September 9, 2015.
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Board Agenda Item
September 23, 2015
FY 2017 Budget Submission, Fund 80300, Park Improvement Fund
Fund 80300, Park Improvement Fund, is the fund for money received from grants, rightof-way fees, easements, proffers, donations, lease payments, and interest on pooled
investments. These funds can be used for capital improvements and development or
expanding of revenue facilities and park sites where grants, proffers and donations
have been received for specific park improvements.
The Park Authority Fund 80300 had a balance of $20,103,027 at the conclusion of FY
2015. With the required reserve set aside for the Golf Revenue Bond in the amount of
$700,000, the Lawrence Trust Reserve in the amount of $1,507,926, and a transfer-in
from Fund 80000, Park Revenue and Operating Fund in the amount of $1,170,349, the
available balance for expenditure from the Park Improvement Fund is $19,065,450.
This amount is based on the FY 2015 Carryover approval by the Board of Supervisors
on September 22, 2015.
FY 2015 Remaining Balance
Capital Reserve for Golf Courses
Lawrence Trust Reserve
Transfer-In from Fund 80000
FY 2016 Total Available:
Less Restricted Balance:
FY 2016 Total Available:
$19,065,450 *
* It should be noted that the available balance includes Restricted funds from
sources such as Proffers, Trust, and Donations in the amount of $9,062,026.
**Includes the $3,266,293 in the Revenue Facilities Capital Sinking Fund to
provide for planned, long-term, life-cycle maintenance of revenue facilities in
conjunction with the objectives of the Infrastructure Finance Committee.
The Park Authority submission of the FY 2017 Capital Budget to the Department of
Management and Budget will reflect the current FY 2016 appropriation and not request
additional funds for FY 2017. Fund 80300 receives its appropriation at the end of the
fiscal year as part of the Carryover Review. Any funds received during the current fiscal
year will be appropriated during the next Carryover Review in September 2016.
Board Agenda Item
September 23, 2015
The FY 2015 Carryover appropriation request for Fund 80300, Park Improvement Fund
is $19,065,450. Funds received during FY 2016 will be appropriated as part of the FY
2016 Carryover Review. Therefore, no additional funds will be requested to be
appropriated in FY 2017.
Attachment 1: FY 2017 Fund Statement - Fund 80300, Park Improvement Fund
Kirk W. Kincannon, Director
Sara Baldwin, Deputy Director/COO
Aimee L. Vosper, Deputy Director/CBD
Janet Burns, Senior Fiscal Administrator
Michael Baird, Capital and Fiscal Services
Board Agenda Item
September 21, 2015
FY17 Budget Submission, Fund 30400, Park Authority Bond Construction Fund
As presented to and reviewed by the Budget Committee on September 9, 2015.
Planning and Development Division Quarterly Project Status Report
As presented to and reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee on
September 9, 2015.
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